28, 2024
Well Why Didn't You Say Something
going on! Figured I'd write an entry today. It's an entertaining
use of my time. Can't go wrong there. Starting about half an
hour earlier than usual. Either way, super market delivery is
coming later. First half of entry that's not hanging over my head,
though! But later on it'll become a distraction. IT COULD
COME AT ANY MOMENT I will think. Is that something that concerns
people who have sex with dicks. THEY MIGHT COME ANY SECOND.
works 100% though! Anyway. Watched the debate last night.
What a piece of shit! Biden started off at a Negative 10% and winded
up at a positive 50% (Out Of 100)! Split the difference and he clocked
in scoring a solid 20%. THAT'S FAILING. The negative 10% was
less time than the positive 50% but it counts for more because that's what
he led off with. Trump just lied a lot which I'm not sure is okay
or not! Doesn't work on me! Maybe it works for other people,
maybe it doesn't! Who the hell knows. All in all IT'S OVER
Biden isn't a bad person. Just an incompetent
debater! As long as he's competent at being president. IS
HE competent at being president? How the fuck am I supposed to know.
Policywise he's doing a solid C! I don't know what his Presidential
Performance looks like on a 24/7 basis though! When you get up close
and personal. PROBABLY would be happier with another person in there
instead! Wouldn't it be nice! It'd give me good vibrations.
Ah well. God only knows. Everybody's gone surfing! Surfing
USA! What else is going on. If there are things that God Only
Knows does he feel bad that there's no one he can talk to about these
things. Maybe Holy Ghost. Hmm. I think in the
phrase God Only Knows the implication is It's Usually God AND YOU that knows
it. God only knows how much I love you. Kinda implies
God and YOURSELF that know That You Love That Person Lots.
That's not the lyrics to the song. That's a SEPARATE God Only
God only knows what I'd be without you. Hmm. I'm
already Not Much WITH you. Guess I probably wouldn't be much WITHOUT
you either. Not happy with my life either way! AH well.
Gotta write a joke for Stand Up class on Monday. Seven part
questionnaire we did in class last week. Write a joke based on ONE of
the questions. One of the questions was what's the most annoying
part of your work day. My answer was Waking Up. As I
don't have a work day persay. No job. But Waking Up is most
annoying part of Day Day. I think I'm gonna turn that into my
joke. Figure my process for writing the joke is try to come up with
5-10 punchlines and work backwards from there to construct 60-120 seconds of
Talking With The Goal Of Eliciting Laughter From Other People. Hmm.
BLOG is workday. What if I make a joke about Most Annoying Part of
Writing Blog. That's probably not the way to go about things, no.
UNLESS maybe it's EXACTLY the way to go about things. Hmm.
Tricked myself into coming up with a better idea! YES.
Fourth paragraph. Can I accomplish anything this
weekend? Probably! Will I accomplish anything this weekend?
Sure! SHALL I accomplish anything this weekend? Now the balls in
your court! Dynamite Cookies Marijuana Strain turned out to be a
disappointment. Pretty weak. It produces a normal, fine effect
but I have to smoke 2x the amount to reach it! Oh well, now I know for next
time. Avoid this brand completely! Avoid Russell Brand
completely, too! You would have thought seeing Forgetting Sarah
Marshall that he'd be an okay guy because his character is funny but you
don't realize he's probably actually A Lot Like His Character and Not In A
Fun Way! PEOPLE am I right. Everyone Is One! And
Not In A Fun Way! I'm not here to judge anyone. Not
deeply. Deep down Who Cares! Mike Judge. Apparently
there's a King Of The Hill revival coming and this might be the most
important cultural piece of art that we've got coming to us IN RECENT FUTURE
MEMORY. Could be a game changer! Not sure what the game
is! But it may change!
Never realized how Judgey Mike Judge's films are! I
mean, I did! But I never put together the connection between That
A lot of us including me agree! But Still! Good for him for
getting to put his vision out there. Anyway. Probably can go
back to crazysheet 2017 and it turns out I said, "MIKE JUDGE'S FILMS ARE
REALLY JUDGY." I probably did put it together before. WELL I
PUT IT TOGETHER ALL OVER AGAIN. So what. These things occur to
us all several times over the course of our lives! But it's the kind
of thing that doesn't stick! So what! What's the word for
whem Your Name is Appropriate for who you are and/or Means Something.
APTRONYM. Maybe Joe is just Biding his time. Until what.
Until he's dead! At some point he will cease to be president and/or
alive one way or another. Could stop NOW at a possible Low Low Point.
Or he could continue on! Either way I'm sure he has all of our best
interests at heart. OR possibly his own vanity or some other private
reasons. Who knows what goes on in his head. Hard to say!
If YOU were president wouldn't YOU wanna keep going? I
dunno. I don't wanna be president in the first place! So I can't
answer that question. Shouldn't drop him from the ticket just
because of one poor debate performance. Unless it seems indicative of
who him be in general. Great. Do what you want! It's
the Democratic PARTY. It's not up to One Person. Well inevitably
at this point it's up to Biden. But you get the idea! What else
is up. Someone shuold have called out Trump's lies. Coulda been
Biden. Coulda been CNN. I dunno! OR if they didn't want
to, CNN could have just said at the beginning BTW we're not gonna bother
with Fact Checking. Just a FYI. Don't feel like it's a priority
for What We're Doing Tonight! Be up front about Not Bothering With
It at least. A lot of people can tell truth from untruth but a lot of
people can't! Can't take it all out on Biden. But presumably
another candidate would have been more specific and insightful in calling
out and rebutting Trumps bullshit! That's what we're picturing.
Imagine That. Maybe no one would have. Maybe it's just a
dream! Maybe this is just the structure we live in Biden Or No Biden!
Seventh paragraph. Okay! I don't know! Four
paragraphs to go. WINDOW for Super Market Delivery arriving
opens in 13 minutes. Oh No! Now it's 12 minutes.
What the HELL. I was wrong about what side of the screen Biden and
Trump wuold be on. Ah well. It was determined by a Coin Toss.
I'm usually pretty good at those! When I'M tossing the coin, at least.
Pretty good at Calling It when I want a Heads or Tails or whatever. I
WANT A HEADS I can throw a heads 60, 70% of the time! Just a talent I
have! Doesn't extend to when other people toss the coin, though.
I'm not some sort of SUPERHUMAN. Anyway. Took like an hour for
them to get to their first commercial break in the debate. What the
Hell. People need bathroom breaks! I survived but BARELY.
What if I had a bathroom in my bedroom. How convenient would that be.
Huh. Not sure that means anything. Maybe just if I had a
Toilet in my bedroom. Sounds reasonable. What if I just peed
into snapple bottles. FINALLY we've reached a simple solution
everyone can agree on.
Okay. Snapple's slogan is "Made From The Best Stuff On
Earth." WHY did they ruin the best stuff on Earth and Just To Turn It
Into Snapple? Snapple is okay-- Pretty Good!-- but it's certainly not
on par with THE BEST STUFF ON EARTH. I think I'd rather have some of
what It Originally Was than This Snapple I Got Here! Do they have an
idea of WHAT, "The best stuff on Earth," IS? Kinda seems like
they must have something in mind. If I'm drinking Lemon Iced Tea I
imagine they mean The Best Lemons On Earth. Most logical response at
least. BUT I think maybe Snapple is maybe made from something like
from Where The Wild Things Are. It Makes Sense! Some faraway
mystical island where things are different and Some Crazy Best Stuff Things
Exist. I don't know. Was APPLE Snapple's First Flavor.
Either way Very Confusing! I don't think THERE IS an Apple
Snapple! So it couldn't have been their first flavor! Nope there
is an Apple Snapple. OK GOOD.
Penultimate paragraph. Snapple is
portmanteau of SNAP and... hmm... The SNAP sound it makes when you
twist the top and... ULL. I'm disregarding the Apple premise.
Don't think it's relevant in reality! Anyway. Two
paragraphs to go! Wonderufl. Next week is a brand new month of
entries! JULY! Should be pretty interesting. Unless I
decide to take time off and work on Something Else More Productive.
Either Way. Election is in 4+ months. That's an amount of
time! HMM. Really makes ya think. I'd like to finish the
Bikini Kill Lady Book this weekend. Get into that narrative.
Instead of the narrative I'm in right now. Which is either Disastrous
Debate WHAT TO DO! narrative or The Sopranos Narrative or I'm Waiting For My
Super Market Delivery narrative. MAIN THREE NARRATIVES I GOT
Last paragraph. Good deal. Gnocchi was
pretty good last night. I like getting delivery from Italian
Restuarant because you often get delivery in Pizza Box! Even if you
don't get pizza! How delightful. It's a fun way to get your food
transported to you. NOT SO FUN to have to rip up and throw out in the
garbage. That could be a hassle. But it's fun to ACCEPT and
POSSESS BRIEFLY. Anyway. Next presidential debate is
scheduled for September 10th. Interesting. I guess we can
reflect on Why And How Biden did poorly in yesterday's debate in the
meantime! But then you look at him give speeches in other contexts
Anyway. Could be worse! Could be Abnormal! Looks like I
was able to finish the entry without it being interrupted by Delivery.
Good deal. Next Entry will be better. Things Get Better!
That's been my experience. Anyway. See ya later.
-4:26 P.M.
27, 2024
As Long As We're All On The Same Page
up, friends! Let's write some paragraphs. THE ROYAL LET'S.
Might get some Gnocchi for dinner. Very exciting stuff. Didn't
make much progress with music last night. I think if I just sat down
and got high and worked on playing Guitar over myself playing Guitar for
several hours a day I'd Have Some Great Songs In No Time. Also
gotta sing and write lyrics at some point. I just don't have it in
me to do it, though! I don't get it! It's FUN. It's a
PUZZLE. The energy just isn't there! What do I got to feel
exhausted about. I do no HEAVY LIFTING in life. I'm still a
young man! Part of me was like maybe it's because I'm not 18
anymore. Not a kid! I'm freaking 35. SO WHAT.
Still should be able to Do Things without counting down the seconds to
getting to stop. What's wrong with me. Maybe music is just
Not What I'm Meant To Be Doing. Universe wants me lying in bed
watching TV. GOD has determined that's a better use of my time!
Oh well.
Anyway. There's a season II of The That's That 90's
Show? I'll probably watch that! CANNED LAUGHTER? Where can
I purchase such a thing.
If you want me to be in the audience
for your sitcom and laugh you better be paying me royalties. I'm
contributing to the show! And if you refuse I'm gonna start laughing
loudly and weirdly to disrupt the production. NOW you've got problems.
Hey there's a Debate On tonight! Kinda past my bedtime but I guess I'm
gonna watch it. My prediction? Joe Biden gonna be on the left
side of the stage and Trump on the right. From the audience's
perspective. So Biden would be Stage Right then. Guess we'll
have to wait to see how it all plays out. I think I make
similar predictions for EVERY DEBATE. Possible I bring out that
classic every two to four years. WELL that's what I consider every
election cycle. This is what is on the voter's mind! I'm
usually right, too! Got a good nose for these sorts of things.
What is an Undecided Voter. Have they even decided To Be A
Voter? The implication I TINK is The Premise Is They Will Vote but
They Don't Know Who To Vote For. But in reality I bet they haven't
even decided to vote! That's the second layer! Is there a phrase
for someone who knows who they would vote for but they haven't
decided whether they will vote? Is that incorporated within,
"Undecided Voter?" Maybe Undecided Voter is blanket term for All
the permutations. I don't know. It's possible I'm vaguely
undecided. I probably will vote but I don't know what's gonna happen!
PHYSICALLY I might face some sort of disability between now and November
that might stop me. Broken kneecaps, fall into a coma, lost at sea,
etc. For the most part I see myself going out of my way to vote for
Biden though! This is the most important election of our lifetimes!
They say that each election! And it's usually true! The stakes
DO keep getting incrementally higher! Because the other side keeps
getting crazier and more dangerous! Particularly Trump In And Of
Himself! Have you SEEN this guy?
Fourth paragraph. What else. Seven paragraphs to
go! Thinking about trying to work on Pilot from way back good ol Pilot
Class some more. Write a Second Draft, YES, but before I do that, I
think I wanna work out an overall outline of PLOT for an entire Season One.
That'd be my Step One! Then if I can do that, NEXT STEP is Write A
Wonderful Second Draft Of Pilot for The New Monkees. Hmm. This
time around it's different. We're talkin' hour long show instead of
Half Hour. That's all I got so far. That's plenty!
Hmm. You can't spell PILOT without PLOT. I PLOT THE PILOT.
Or Plot I The Pilot. I as in Roman Numeral. Anyway that's another
possibility for constructive summer is the point. Hmm. This time
TNM is from TEH DOG'S POINT OF VIEW. What dog. Well I
guess I have to add a Dog to the cast of characters now that I think about
it. Named Spot off the top of my head. Unless there's already a
TV Dog named Spot. Better LTURQ. There was a TV show from
1987-1993 called The Adventures of Spot. At first I was like SEVEN
SEASONS Of a show about A Dog Named Spot?! Actually only two
seasons. Just spread out really thin. STILL THOUGH.
Gotta come up with a new Dog for The New Monkees. How about Pots.
Sure. Dog named Pots. WHY is this ruff happening! Meant
to say riff. Probably.
Okay. Into the last season of The Sopranos.
Occurred to me that the last Season of The Sopranos is UP THERE with The
Best Pieces of TV and/or Film ever EVER! RANKS WELL. Maybe I'm
partially biased because I was in the right headspace and place in my place
when it came out. I was an NYU STUDENT. We appreciate This Sort
Of Thing even if we don't go to The Film School Specifically. I was
close enough to that kind of Person! Also I was getting HIGH. We
SUPER appreciated that sort of thing. The kind of high I was getting
at the time was I'm Going To Really Get Into Watching This
TV/Movie/Listening To This Music High. That's how it manifested a
lot of the time. Really enjoy consuming the entertainment I would have
been consuming anyway kinda high. Good times! But anyway that
last two part season of The Sopranos is Just Real Top Cinema/TV. I
hope I don't die like Tony Soprano dies. He MAY not die.
I dunno. Between him Probably Dying at the end of the series and The
Actor Who Plays Him Dying several years later LET'S SPLIT THE DIFFERENCE and
Call Him Dead! Sad.
Halfway through the entry. Something
tells me I'm Gonna Die At Some Point. FUCK. Do I gotta
jinx myself about it? I'm practically bringing it upon myself with
that kinda nonsense! WHY. Anyway. Worse things can happen.
Everybody dies. What if I get a really bad kidney stone or something.
That'd be Bad and also UNNECESSARY. Death is a necessity AT SOME
POINT. Hmm. HMM can Death be a character in Inside Out III?
Not sure about the Ins and Outs of how that would work. It doesn't
line up EXACTLY as an, "Emotions." But I could see DEATH being a voice
inside my head! Gonna have to consider that one more carefully when
I get a chance. First instinct is it's kind of like The Fear Of
Death but that's not exactly right. The Inevitability Of Death is a
little closer. Sounds more like Fate. Just picture The Grim
Reaper. And He's In Your Head and sometimes takes the wheel.
That's all I'm trying to say!
Okay! Seventh paragraph. I guess. Four more
paragraphs! Who wuold play Death. They had Norm Macdonald play
Grim Reaper on Family Guy. He's dead now in reality though.
ALRIGHT I'LL DO IT. Anyway. No one else volunteered. Why
is Death's speech pattern. Could be practically anything. Maybe we
want a Fresh Take On Death. That'd be my approach. What else
is going on. That's dumb. People want Classic Death. You
don't mess with the original! Hmm. To be honest in my mind I'm
conflating Death with Ghostface From The Scream Movies just a tiny bit when
I'm trying to picture what I would do. Not completely. But there is
some overlap where there shouldn't be. Keeping it 100.
Deep Bellowy voice. That's Death. IT'S a start at least.
Maybe not. I can take direction! It's not necessarily on me to
figure everything out myself! Hmm. What else is good.
Three more paragraphs to go!
What is the Gnocchi dish called. I WISH I could just
say Give me the gnocchi and let that be that. But it's a lot
more complicated than that. Gnocchi Pomodorro alla Caprese.
WOW. I think I'll eat around the Pomodorro alla Caprese and just
eat the Gnocchi. But I have to order the entire thing.
Agnoccihistic is how I feel about religion. Probably. I believe
Check mate! How could things exist if there Was No... Higher...
Spirit... Otherworldly... Dimensional... EAT YOUR GNOCCHI. Hmm.
I think it's bizarre how we all have our entirely separate lives but somehow
our lives fit into each other lives. WHAT TE HELL. That's
what freaks me out. Each of us live in our own universe but somehow
do we manage that! Seems vaguely transcendent or something. I
dunno! I DON'T LIKE IT.
Penultimate paragraph. That's good. Gotta accept
super market delivery tomorrow afternoon. I might have considered
writing a bonus entry tomorrow to make up for Skipping Monday. But I don't
wanna write having Delivery Acceptance hanging over my head! Writing
knowing I could be interrupted at any moment? No Thank You! Ah well.
Instead I can watch more Television That I've Already Watched! Good
deal. That improves my life SOMEHOW. I don't have all the
numbers in front of me but it increases my familiarity with Whatever I'm
Watching At The Very Least. No Time Is Ever Wasted! That's one
rule of life that I think I've picked up. Let's go with that.
Gotta get started of Dave Grohl Book soon before he's completely cancelled.
People on Threads are angry at him because he said Taylor Swift uses backing
tracks on her Tour. These are The Threads People I Chose. When I
first signed up for Threads I was very serious about blocking lots and lots
of random people to whittle down my feed into something I could relate to.
SOMEHOW that became Taylor Swift fans. DIDN'T START OUT TAHT WAY.
But in the end that's what it turnt into. NOT SURE HOW OR WHY.
Taylor Swift Commentary in my feed didn't start popping up until months
later! But somehow this is what I'm stuck with either by chance or as
an unintended consequence of my initial rounds of muting/blocking!
Guess I could start the process of blocking or muting Taylor Swift Posts
now. Mix up Feed Algorithms again. Hmm. I have
nothing against Taylor Swift! I have some things against her fans,
though! SOME OF THEM seem kind of... naive!
Last paragraph! We should be naive. Ain't
nothing wrong with that. It's fun! But don't weaponize it!
Ah well. No one's perfect. Except for MOHAMMED blessed be his
name. Hmm. GIMME SOME MO HAM... MED. Didn't really
register until today that AJ Soprano really gets to shine in this Season Of
The Sopranos. Not a starring role, but he gets a lot of MEAT on This
Bone! If he wanted to Robert Iler COULD HAVE turned this role into an
opportunity for more and bigger roles I think. He had the exposure and
he did a really great job I think! AH WELL. HIS AND OUR LOSS I
GUESS. There's no ham in a hamburger and there's no ham in Mohammed.
Dude kept Halal! Probably. NEVER READ THE QURAN!
Probably shuold if I wanna Get Right before I die. SOMETHING TELLS
ME Islam is the way to go! HMM. Why not! I have Hebrew
Bible in my room somewhere. That's why not! Easy Access to that
and nothing else. Seems like a slam dunk that That'd Be What I Settle
For if I were to read any sort of Bible. Sounds reasonable.
Anyway. See ya later!
-5:33 P.M.
26, 2024
Something Just Occurred To Me
Entry Time! Got up early today to see Therapist. Did we talk
about anything worthwhile? No. I found out my Therapist's office
is bugged! There was a bug crawling across the floor halfway
through the appointment. I offered to kill it and get rid of it
but Therapist did it herself. Anyway. I'm sure anyone who wants
to listen in electronically can as well. Now they know All My
Sensitive Info. Why can't they just Bug My Regular Life? Cut
out the middle man! More convenient this way. This way
they get the Cliff's Notes! Therapist Appointment is NOT the Cliff's
Notes of my life. Therapist's Appointment is Three Run On Sentences Of
Gibberish of My Life. Just dumb garbage relating to nothing.
Thinks it's being Clever Summation Of My Life but it's WRONG. NOPE, I
THINK you're gonna wanna go straight to the source and wiretap my house and
personal devices directly! Couldn't HURT at least.
Okay! Made some good progress working on music last
night. I think I got started on A SONG. I don't know how else to
put it! Dunno what else to call it! It's the first 5% of A Song.
Great. I think if you are any sort of public figure or have a high
enough level of wealth or status gotta assume the government and/or other
kinda agencies are spying on you, right? That'd be your baseline
assumption. AND/OR if you suffer from paranoia! I assume my
computer and phone Movements are being tracked PERSONALLY because of
Paranoia and not because I'm A Very Special Person. BUT my goal is to
reach a level of success in life where I'd be justified in assuming People
Be Keeping Tabs On Me For Reasons. Maybe Government and/or Spy
Companies are keeping tabs on All Of Us These Days. ALL OF US are
a lot of people, though! I dunno if the government and/or spy agencies
are that big! Not impossible!
I guess there's levels of having your shit being
monitored. COOKIES and whatknot, we know that stuff is at risk for
everybody. But most people aren't worried that There's A Real Person
Tracking What You're Doing At This Very Moment. Hmm. Oh
well. Just think of People Spying On You as Your Guardian Angel!
Or your Imaginary Best Friend! Good times. Lots of people spy on
you at the same time! Why get hung up on any one of them.
Anyway. PRIVACY am I right. It's a thing! Got Chinese food
for lunch today. Had half of my General Tso's Chicken. Also got
Spared Ribs! Probably have that for dinner. Was googling
calories for Chinese Foods and I'm not a fan of the new AI Google Results.
FUCK AI. I want to abstain from AI as much as possible in my life!
Now I know how people in previous generations felt when they Idiotically
would refrain from New Technology for Seemingly No Reason. You read
about stuff like that as a kid and are like who were those morons.
CAPSULE OR SOMETHING. "Sorry Dave I'm Afraid I Can't do that."
Anyway. At least we're still naming our kids Dave in 2001.
Hmm. If the guy's name is Dave in 2001, he was probably born and
named Dave BEFORE the FILM 2001 EVEN CAME OUT. ...Trippy. Let's
be honest his name is probably David. Better name than HAL. What
is HAL an acronym for. HMM. "Heuristically programmed
ALgorithmic computer." I'm sure Arthur C Clarke was a fine writer in
many respects, but I'm not sure he quite grasps the concept of Acronyms.
Really taking a lot of liberties with that one! Anyway. "Arthur
C Clarke?" There's already a, "C," to begin, "Clarke!"
REDUNDANCY. [editor's note: it's a 'Redundant C'] Just go
with Arthur Clarke! What the fuck. Who am I to tell
people about names. I don't even know my own damn name. If I
were to start going into comedy should I be Mike Kornblum or Michael
Kornblum. I think Michael Kornblum has better rhythm overall
professionally but Mike may sound better colloquially. Or the complete
opposite. Or the first way. I'm not gonna be a jerk
and split the difference. Pick one and stick with it.
Why should I be so blessed to have multiple names. What have I done to
deserve a double dose of name.
In my head I've got like two dozen names. I've got the
obvious names. I've got band names and website name and character
names I Would Play in SPEC SCRIPT. For the most part Having Lots Of
Names is Lots Of Fun but in the end you're gonna want to have One Name To
Rule Them All. IDENTITY, right? Probably. Let's
see. Creepy Crawler bug in my Therapy Appointment! Nice long
slinky type bug. Don't see that every day! Great. What are
bugs FOR. At least Animals can be CUTE and SUBSTANTIAL and stuff.
BUGS are just NEH. Do BUGS at least Feel Like Their Lives Are Worth
Sumthin'. I feel like they probably get something out of life for the
most part. Bugs for the most part are going about their day as if it
means something. We just don't see it! Bugs can be cute.
Lemme LTURQ. Cutest Bugs. Ladybug comes to mind. I don't hate
'em! Caterpillar can be very charming. I like the sound of
some bugs. Cicadas. The sound they make is Top Knotch!
Of course when I make jokes ALL I HEAR IS CRICKETS.
Okay. Wow! That's on me for doing All
Cricket Shows though. I can't help it, crickets are my
demographic! They should probably SHUT UP when I'm telling jokes
though, right? Don't they know anything! What else is up.
Gonna write an entry tomorrow, and that's probably it for the week!
Three entry week! OK. Got a DEBATE coming up tomorrow night.
Not me personally. But I'll be observing it! My guess is one of
them does MEDIOCRE. The other one does SHITTY. No spoilers
though I've already said too much! Also get this SHITTY MEANS GOOD.
That's how kids talk these days! WHY NOT. Hmm.
Where can I make some Prop Bets for what happens during the debate. I
don't know what will Really Happen Contentwise BUT I am interested in laying
down some gambling for Long Shots of Strange Things That Probably Won't
Happen. WILL Biden climb on top of his Debate Podium and shake his
arms like King Kong? WE'LL SEE. Will Trump HALFWAY THROUGH
start eating a sandwich. I don't know!
Okay! How did it become ubiquitous that when a
comedian is bombing you hear Crickets. WHEN did it become commonplace
for comedy clubs to start admitting Crickets! I've seen some stand up
in person and lots of stand-up on TV and in movies and I've NEVER SEEN
CRICKET ONE. Anyway. When Crickets cricket as a response to a
comedian Eating It, is that just them being themselves unconcerned with you,
OR IS IT their way of heckling? OH, I SUPPOSE YOU CAN DO BETTER THEN.
Why don't YOU get up here and tell some jokes. Oh, you can't?
Cause your jokes sound JUST THE SAME as your heckling? Everything You
Say, it's all Cricketting to us! That's what I thought. SIT BACK
DOWN. NOW WHOSE DUMB. Possibly all of us for having to go
through this riff. I guess I'll have to take most the blame
though. Awesome! I think crickets know what they're doing when
they Cricket at bad jokes. They got to! They know The Social
Contract! They're part of our world! Anyway. What's going
on again. I don't like it. So that's good.
Three paragraphs to go! Heckler is just a couple letters off
from Helper. Wow. Really makes ya think. Heckers THINK
they're helping! MAYBE for some comedians ultimately maybe
they are but let's not Give Them That Probably right? And they aren't.
The baseline is NO, Hecklers ARE BAD! Except for movie director Amy
Heckerling. DELIGHTFUL. But Hecklers it adds an element.
Off the top of my head THAT SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TING for me. Give me
something to work with! What's so wrong about that! I guess
sometimes it could be good and sometimes it could be bad! That
makes sense. ON OCCASION I'd welcome it and on occasion FUCK OFF YOU
PRICK. This is probably just because I Have No Material As Of Now.
Once I have material No Need For Hecklers! Wait, when people Heckle,
ARE THEY RUDE? Are they going to be MOCKING ME or something? Do
I need to prepare for people CHALLENIGNG MY AUTOHRITY? Hmm.
What if I establish a baseline of How Much I Suck. I'M ALREADY
TEH LOW. How do you heckle that? Looks like I win again!
Penultimate paragraph. Great! Is there any
profession other than Comedian that has to deal with Hecklers
semi-regularly. I can't think of any! That could be the
start of a Joke Premise. Probably been done Two Thousand Times
Before. Now it can be done 2001 times. AHH ARTHUR C
CLARKE GET OUT OF TEH WAY. Is this a good come back to a Heckler--
"I don't come down to where you work and WAIT A SECOND I BET YOU DO NOT HAVE
A JOB." that's the greatest insult of all! If you're
employed you're doing alright for yourself already! The answer is NOPE
that's not good and also NOT the voice I will be cultivating but now I know
One Joke I Will Not Be Using! Cross that off the list. Okay so
what's a good 'un in that Standard Formula. HMM. I don't come
down to where you work and FUCK YOU YOU SUCK GET OUT OF HERE I'D BE HAPPIER
WITHOUT YOU HERE COMPLETELY everyone thinks so. KINDA funny!
Whatever. I don't know where this person works. Why would I
bother guessing. I make no assumptions about this guy or gal's life!
I wouldn't want someone to assume things about ME. By heckling
me during my act they're assuming I'm A Jerk. FUCK EM.
Last paragraph. They might be right but THEY DON'T
KNOW. Anyway. I DON'T HAVE TO BE A JERK. That's the point!
HMM. Interesting. Incorporate tricking people into respecting me
into my act. What The Hell. It could work! Anyway.
I'd prefer Respect to Disrespect! Seems like the logical way to go.
What else is up. I watched The King Of Comedy for the first time
around 2 or 3 months ago. That was a pretty good movie. Per my
recollection Robert De Niro actually had some pretty good material in that
film! That character is going places! Amazing. If I
were to work on music for twenty minutes tonight how could I make progress
with Yesterday's Song. Hmm. I figured out the baselien of the
versemusic yesterday. Maybe figure out the chorus today! OFF
TEH TOP OF MY HEAD that seems like the logical way to progress! Or
Concrete Out the verse music more. That'd be something, too! OR
I could accomplish nothing. Anyway that's it! See ya tomorrow.
-5:18 P.M.
25, 2024
I'll Get Around To It
friends! Got an entry in store for us. I was gonna take a week
off, but after doing Comedy Class last night it seemed kind of stupid to
go out of my way to not sit down and write humorously. So I only
took Monday off! Might I write a bonus entry on Friday to make up for
it? Who the Hell knows. Probably 1/3-2/3rds of people!
Anyway, Introduction To Stand Up Comedy Class went pretty great! I'd
say it was an 8 out of 10 experience. It's like 8 or 10 people.
Everybody is nice people including teacher. I froze for I'm gonna say
Fifty Seconds when prompted to Riff A Joke based on a prompt early on in the
class. Good! Just sat there silently for close to a full minute
while everyone stared at me. Fun! It was a learning experience.
We learnt I can't come up with jokes on Day One of Stand Up Class.
Maybe Next Week Brain Will Work Better! Then there was an in class
assignment where we had 10 minutes to privately write a few jokes based on
Prompts and I was able to come up with several Crappy Jokes then, at least.
All in all I'm no worse than the rest of the class, it seems like its gonna
be a fun and productive, well structured class, everyone's nice people, and
I'm greatly looking forward to next week. FUN.
It already HAS BEEN productive. I mean, no, I
haven't learnt anything GROUNDBREAKING. I'm not like I'm like
was all presented in a very cohesive and cogent way and whatknot that gets
me thinking about things Freshly! Good stuff. Anyway. I
think maybe what separates this website from stand up comedy is that this
website is All Set Up. Luckily there's lots of comedy in the set up!
I pepper in Laughs ALL THE TIME. But the punch lines are FEW AND FAR
BETWEEN. Maybe the Caps Locks phrases are punchlines.
Maybe not 100% of the time, but there definitely is a lot of overlap between
phrases All In Caps and Things What Which Pass For Punchlines. Anyway.
Why bother making the analogy. This Isn't Standup. It's FLAT OUT
NOT Set-up/Punch Line. So THERE GOES THAT Last Few Sentence
Analysis. But this is what I have experience writing. I
shouldn't approach Writing Stand Up as A NEW THING. Maybe I should try
to transition to writing stand up from how I already write This. Think
about things that way. That way I feel like I'm already Halfway There.
Feel like I already got a lot of practice under my belt. WOW.
Practice. That's good. ...Wait a second. Means nothing.
Who cares.
Got up slightly earlier today. Happy about it!
Sleep is for the weak! I dunno about that. That sounds like
some sort of Fascism Shit. I disapprove of that message in
reality! Anyway. Got to write Joke for next week. I got
about seven topics to choose from. Ideally about one to two
minutesworth I think. Anyway. PUNCH UP. Re-working what I
already wrote! That's something that's missing from this website!
I might have done punch up for a couple of months a year or so ago and it
was great when I did it! But then I stopped. I THINK I might
have it in me to start again. Hmm. Continue same routine of
Writing, but then start a 2nd Draft process Up Again in the evenings!
That would make things either Exponentially Better or Better by an Order Of
Magnitude! Maybe smoke some weed, do some editing. Not
just grammar. But CONTENT. Find out the 2nd go around that I'm
not quite content with the content! Things at the website could be so
much better if I play my cards right. Hmm. What's a good card.
Six of Clubs! Just picked a card at random. Not the worst card
in the world!
It's a PROCESS. What is. I FORGET.
I saw Inside Out II on Saturday. It was pretty good. Using the
bathroom seven times ruined the film for me a little bit, though! Made
things disjointed. It was pretty good, but I dunno! If I never
had to use the bathroom, my life would have been a lot better! That's
the note I'll have when giving my Customer Review upon my death. If
we don't have to use the bathroom all the time think of how much better our
lives could be in myriad of ways. Life at some point Becomes The
Interruption and I don't like it! Ah well. I'M NEVER gonna live
this life again, I'll tell you that! Next life I think is gonna be in
some completely alternate universe with totally different rules. See
how that goes. Could Only Be Different! How bad can different
be. We've Seen How Bad THIS could be. Different Can't Be Much
Worse! Hmm. Anyway. I didn't fully realize going into the
film that it'd be about a 13 year old girl. I was thinking Ah,
Inside Out II, it's About People. It's about THE INSIDE OF A PERSON'S
MIND. I'M A PERSON. Took me about 2 seconds into the film
to realize Oh Right I'm Pretty Specifically NOT A 13 Year Old Girl Though
Now Upon Further Consideration. NO SPOILERS!
Fifth paragraph. Hmm. Several people in the class
are from Queens! Teacher is from New York I think. Good deal.
I like it when I come into contact with people from Near Where I Live.
I think it has something to do with If There Was Ever A War On geography is
one way to Ally Up. Not even necessarily the BEST way. But it's
one way to do it if we had to Ally Up immediately. On the fly.
Hmm. That can't be it. I'll figure it out during the 2nd
draft! Hmm. That's no good. That's not what 2nd Drafts are
for! Couple of elderly people in my class. One lady and one man.
Probably both in their 70's. GOOD. If it ever came to
cannibalism I think the consensus is to eat Elderly People first?
WRONG. They seem like they're in the right place, though.
I'd like to see them Figure It Out first. Comedy, I mean. I have
years and years to Crack Being A Comedian. When They See A Light it's
not because their time is up it's because THEIR TIME IS UP. I'm
trying new joke structures LEAVE ME BE.
Sxith paragraph! Hmm. What
Joke Structure. You know-- a joke. The structure to a joke
is The Joke Structure I'm trying. Anyway. My teacher
apparently has experience teaching Comedy To Kids. That's what she
usually does. If I heard her correctly. Interesting! I'm A
Child more or less unfortunately but maybe in this case it works in my
favor! She has experience teaching Kids Like Me! Not sure I
wanna encourage the Childish part of me. Pretty sure I wanna be As
Adult As Possible. Hmm. When I went to Inside Out II, I bought a
beer at the concessions, and they called out my order number, but someone
else responded thinking they were my number, so the concessionperson said
do you have an ID? and the other customer said okay, for a soda?
The other person ordered a soda! And they thought they were asking ID
HOW COMICAL. Gotta work that into my set. I just did.
Seventh paragraph. Anyway. What good
is a second draft gonna do 95% of this entry. Either I Leave In The
One complaint I have about Class is that we went straight from the
definition of Punching Up (re-working on jokes) to Punching Down (making
jokes about people with a lower status). You'd think Punching Up and
Down are related if you talk about them one after another! THEY'RE
NOT. Not in this context! How about that. What if I just
started writing Punchlines to Everything. Or Most Things. Or
even Some Things! Just write SOME Punchlines at SOME point.
The only punchlines I have any experience writing are Stand Alone
Punchlines. I do write jokes on the odd occasion every now and then
but they're usually Stand Aloners. I am basing this on nothing.
Just take my word for it! THAT'S WHAT I DO with my word! Pretty
convenient way to approach things! The point is, most stand-up is
Set-Up AND THEN Punch Line. I simply have very little experience doing
that! I have a lot of experience doing Set Up and also a separate
little bit of experience doing Punch Line. NO EXPERIENCE DOING BOTH AT
What the Hell. Stand Up Comedy Is Hard.
Alright. I never said it wasn't! Practice makes perfect though.
It takes 10,000 hours to master something. But if we're including This
Website as Partial Credit That's GREAT NEWS For Me. I'm halfway
there already! Hmm. Sounds like I have to do 5,000 hours of
stand up comedy Before I Reach Something Or Something. I'm not
even TRYING To Reach Anything. What Are You Even Talking About.
I just wanna DO The Thing. Gotta find my VOICE. No one talked
about that in Comedy Class yesterday. Finding Yer Voice.
Interesting. Maybe that's not a real thing. WE ALL HAVE THE SAME
VOICES IN OUR HEAD. Amy Poehler. Lewis Black, Maya Hawke, etc.
So none of us have unique voices in the end. OR maybe I have to
develop My Standing Up Voice! Hmm. My voice is Telling Good
Jokes. Well, maybe one day it will be. Right now it isn't!
I can't come up with good jokes Today. We'll see where I'm at
Penultimate paragraph! I'm not my BEST self when I'm in
front of Stand Up Class. Not my Worst Self, either! Solidly 5 out of
10 Self! But it's not like I'm gonna show up in class next week and BE
A STAND UP COMEDIAN and knock it out of the park. Wait. Maybe
I Will Be. Lemme think about that. Maybe I prepare myself and
Assume The Correct Character Of Myself and Start Knocking It Out Of The Park
at an 8 out of 10 or higher. It's Probably Possible!
Gotta find MY VOICE. I don't care if it's not talked about
explicitly in class. It's important that I Find My Voice!
Huh. That implies THERE IS a voice out there For Me That WORKS.
There might not be! But if There Is I gotta figure it out I guess!
Probably Halfway There already. So that's good. Anyway.
Voices change gradually over time! That's what keeps things
interesting! That's good.
Last paragraph. Anyway. What if The
Set Up IS The Punch Line. What does that mean. Well I'm
not sure. One more paragraph to go! Want to work on some
music. I can see myself motivating myself to work on some music during
the weekend. Perhaps even to the extent of Writing Song. And
then the entire world will be a better world! It will be The World
PLUS ANOTHER SONG OR TWO. Couldn't hurt. What exactly does Me
Doing Mediocre Stand Up Comedy add to the world. Hmm.
Absolutely Nothing. Maybe I should focus on Doing Stuff That I'm
Adequate At. I dnuno. Stand Up Comedy is A THING though.
What I'm Adequate At Is NOTHING. Seems logical I'd do Teh Thing
That's A Thing. Okay! Maybe I get good at stand up comedy
Real Quick. That'd be cool. Let's go with that. I live in
the right place! New York! There's open mics and whatknot
around, right? Bringer shows it might have to be. I dunno the
specifics. Hmm. Lemme think about that for a second. I'll
be back tomorrow.
-4:32 P.M.
20, 2024
That's All For Today
up! Website time. Ten whole paragraphs. Right now I'm
starting out at ZERO. Of all the amounts of paragraphs I could be at,
I'm at ZERO? Doesn't seem fair. Oh well. I think Coke Zero
is admitting failure. That's the Coca Cola company saying There's
Something Wrong With Diet Coke and that they're must be a NEW version of
Zero Calorie Cocoa Cola. There's nothing wrong with Diet Coke. I
like diet coke! Coke Zero is pretty good, though, too!
There's nothing wrong with having options. Coke Zero is like if
Einstein just suddenly came up with a NEW theory of relativity. I may
not like that reference in retrospect in this situation. If I'm gonna
be a comedian I'm gonna have to fine tune my referencing each and every
time. Gotta make the Absolute Ideal Reference. No HALF ASSING
IT. I'll start doing that LATER. I've always approached
E=Mc2 with a degree of healthy skepticism. Jut kind of
seems like bullshit. Too many undefined variables and constants that I
don't quite understand to MEAN ANYTHING. I say in the end it really
MEANS NOTHING! People give Einstein too much credit!
Sure. Human History would be forever changed if we
pronounced his name EEEnstein and not Eyenstein. Oh well. No
going back now. We made our choice and we're stuck with it. I
wasn't involved in this decision. I dunno if, "WE," made this choice!
Ah well. What if his name happened to be Frankenstein and not
Einstein. But everything else was the same. People wouldn't
think of Math and Science the same way exactly, though! What did he
have to do with Math. IT WAS AN EQUATION I just said.
Math! Whatever! Had Chipotle for lunch. Leaning towards
getting Pizza for dinner. BOOM. Great meals. Bang!
What else. I've been urinating a lot lately. Relatively
unpleasantly. The bladder gets full in an almost bordering on kind of
painful way! I'm overselling this by a degree of magnitude, sure!
But it's vaguely a point of contention I have! There's the piece of
trivia about Einstein that he was actually bad at math in school and/or into
Third paragraph! Sure seems that way. If they
don't think about it too hard, I would wager most people DO NOT notice the
difference between Colas. YES if you were consciously thinking about
what soda you're drinking YOU CAN tell a Diet Pepsi from a Coke Zero. BUT IF
I'M JUST LIVING YOUR LIFE and I happen to be drinking a Cola At The Moment
I'M REALLY NOT GONNA PICK UP whether I'm drinking Diet Coke or Tab. It
will not register! JUST GO FROM POINT A TO POINT B. Drink Colas
As They Come! Not a big deal! How come at Baseball Games they
serve The Worst Cola In The World, though? Royal Crown Cola I think at
one of the stadiums. Something Else Terrible somewhere else.
These are multi billion dollar organizations. PLUS I'm paying 7+
dollars for my drink. What's stopping us from me having a regular
normal soft drink? I just looked it up and Mets seem to serve Pepsi
and Yankees seem to serve Also Pepsi. But when I was a kid I
vaguely remember them serving The Lowest Of The Low. Why! So
they could afford to pay Bobby Bonilla. I dunno I think I'd rather
have the Pepsi!
I just went through Me Not Caring About Which Kind Of Cola.
Well, it's true, Except for The Worst Cola. The absolute shittiest are
definitely different. So that's good! Yeah! Shitty cola
gonna be too much syrup. That's my guess. OH NO Bladder starting
to fill up in again in a kind of painful way. This might be something
I have to deal with indefinitely now. What. Having to urinate?
Yeah! But for some reason Now It's Kind Of A Painful Thing? I
dunno! Too often and when the urge hits its kinda a bit too sharp.
Ah well. Good chance this goes away within the next half hour
to an hour. That's what I'm putting my money on! Anyway.
My Mom was watching Good Will Hunting this morning. I like it!
Someone's gotta watch it. Might as well keep it in the family.
Huh. My brother is visiting his friend in Massachusetts this week so I
jokingly said are you watching it because Brother is visiting his friend
in Massachusetts and she said YES. And I thought Hmm.
I don't really know my Mother that well. I don't think anybody really
Fifth paragraph. That story is filled with half
truths. I mostly expected her to say Yes. I don't know Why Or
How but I kinda suspected it to be the case! I still don't really
KNOW Mother though. I don't GET HER. But it doesn't shock me
That She Acts The Way She Does though! I can predict her behavior
sometimes but I can't necessarily explain it. Hmm. What else
is up. In another dimension I'd like to have gone to college in
Boston. Not really qualified to go to one of Them Top Schools.
Even in Another Dimension! Not sure exactly which college is a good
fit In This Other Dimension. I'll look that up later.
Either in this dimension or if I could get word to myself in another
dimension I'll get That Alternate Me to LTURQ maybe. Someone's gotta!
How many dimensions are there. Too many! That's my opinion.
One Dimension is a band. Hmm. That's almost accurate. Hey
the day is half over.
need more than that! Not up to me though. Wonder what
Frankenstein would have to say on this subject. The scientist not the
monster. You could probably talk me into being okay with 11 or 12
dimensions. But at some point ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. So that's good.
The original Book Frankenstein WAS a Scientist as well as a monster!
Wait now I'm mixing up Original Frankensteins. Doctor and Creation.
SO WHAT. Also Albert Einstein The Scientist you could argue Was A
Monster as well as a scientist. He propagated genocide and whatknot!
To every Scientist there is also a Monster! Two sides of the same
coin! Not sure if Einstein genocided anyone. He enabled
genocide! What. A. DICK. Either way he was just
trying to do his best just like the rest of us! Wanted to make it with
Marilyn Monroe! So what! I think Marilyn Monroe was a
little after his time. So what.
Seventh paragraph. I guess I have four more
paragraphs in me. Not good ones. But ones on par with the
previous ones, sure! I don't like it. Hmm. What do
I got going on for me this weekend. Lots of good stuff! Don't
need to get into specifics as I don't wanna count my eggs before they hatch.
Unless I'm just gonna cook myself eggs. Then I've already won Just
Having The Eggs. Don't need to wait. In fact, once the egg
hatches Now I'm Screwed! I was gonna enjoy a delicious scrambled or
fried egg and now I'm stuck with some dumb chickling? I don't like it!
Do people eat Baby Chicken. Gotta be different than eating regular
chicken. Every Other Baby Animal is marketed separately as Different
Food when it's Baby Animal. Hmm. Those are land mammals
though. Birds are Flyers. AND also come from Hatchlings.
Couldn't be more different! What's going on again. Is
it a thing where people eat Elderly Animals As A Thing. Probably!
Everything Is A Thing At Some Point!
Three paragraphs left! Jeez. Started getting Pepperoni
Pizza again the last few months. After going 1.5 DECADES abstaining
from meat toppings for health/calorie reasons. Right back at it!
Delicious. Not a big deal. There's not that much pepperoni on
your average pepperoni slice. No one's gonna be the wiser in the end!
I'm not gonna start getting Meat Lovers. But a single topping of
Pepperoni? One out of Three times I get pizza? Sure! I See
No Harm! Who cares what I see. IT'S WHAT GOD SEES THAT
MATTERS. Well who knows what God sees. He might be watching
women in the shower while I'm eating my pizza. We have no clue.
Can't live our life based on What God May Or May Not be looking at!
GOTTA DO OUR OWN DAMN THING. The point is if God sees me eating
Pepperoni Pizza enough times he'll give me Heart Disease or something.
That's why I need YOU to DISTRACT HIM while I'm eating it! I'll return
the favor somehow some day. Probably. It's not out of the
question! I got lots of free time, why not, I'll return some favors!
Penultimate paragraph. Okay! I don't think I want
pepperoni today! The burrito bowl I had today was spicy enough!
Now that's a spicy meatball! Who coined that phrase. "Now That's
A Spicy Meatball!" Someone said that. Hmm. From a
commercial for Alka Seltzer in 1969. Fascinating. I HATE
Seltzer. I love soda more than 99.95% of people but flavorless
carbonated water is terrible. Now THAT'S A Spicy Meatball Of A Take!
Well I guess 80% of people probably agree it's Terrible. BUT I find it
OFFENSIVE. I guess it's BECAUSE I Like Soda So Much otherwise.
That flavorless Pop is so bad. I Hate It So Much. Riles Me Up!
Hmm. Oh well. Anyway. Gotta drink SOMETHING. And not
water. If you could drink anything other than water Why Wouldn't You.
Have some joy in your life! I dunno. One more paragraph to go.
Worst part about Shitty Entry Today is that it means I gotta write next
week! To replace This Entry! Can't have This Entry be The Latest
Entry Indefinitely. GOD FUCK IT.
Last paragraph! I don't gotta do knothing! We'lls ee!
Anyway. What else is up. I should buy my ticket for Inside Out
II tonight. Make sure I get an Aisle seat! OR if its one of the
theaters with no Aisles then I Dunno Some Aislelike Middle Seat.
Whatever. Wonder what will happen in that movie. I know someone
turns inside out but I'm not sure if they survive or what. If
it's Inside Out II does that mean They're Turning RightBackInward this time?
Hmm. IS THE SCIENCE correct in Inside Out II. IS THIS really how
people work. WHAT? NO? I've wasted my time with
this franchise, then! YES I'm just desperately Saying Things to fill
up space until I'm done with the entry. Based on what I remember
from Inside Out I, Inside Out Brain Setup is nothing like How I Work.
I'm not sure I have emotions, for one. That's FOR ONE. Anyway
the entry is over now! I'll probably see you next week but I
wish I wouldn't. Later!
-5:07 P.M.
19, 2024
I Don't Write Em Like I Used To
good. Hey, friends! Time to write penultimate entry of the
week! Maybe I reward myself with a Week Off from the Website next
week! I think we're due for some time off. In the meantime
though, let's get into it! OH MY there's a new Coldplay album coming
out in October. I'm not a huge Coldplay fanatic but Damnit if I don't
appreciate seven of their songs! What's their bandname all about.
COLDPLAY? IS THAT A SEX THING? It's possible every bandname is a
Sex Thing. Whatever you thought your favorite Band's band name meant--
wrong! -- actually A Sex Thing! Maybe that's partially why Coldplay
says their biggest influences were Vanilla Ice and The Freezer Men.
Didn't make sense until just now! Are we going to pretend that The
Freezer Men exist? I dunno! I could have just said The Ice
Cream Boys. That's at least a band that SOME people recognize as real
in reality. Can we use Coldplay to fight Climate Change. I
guess. If they chose to write socially conscious lyrics. Seems
like they would. Seems like they might already do. I don't
like it.
Got a delicious chicken pot pie for dinner tonight.
But I'm being PotPieShamed by my Dad to leave it in the oven for shorter
than I want to! It's a scorcher out there today and the longer the
oven is on, the warmer it is inside the house! Also, there's risk of
Power Going Out today apparently. WHAT IF the electricity goes out
while the oven is on. One possible scenario is The Gas might continue
going and I can't use the electricity to turn the gas off. So we all
eventually die of asphyxiation and it's all because of Me & My Pot Pie.
GREAT. Looking forward to the CPP all the more. DELICIOUSLY
worth the risk! Gonna use a fork and everything. Huh.
Anyway. Always bothered me that Ralphie AKA Joey Pants AKA Joe
Pantoliano is too WHITE for being in the Soprano Crime Family. I don't
get it! Everyone else is Italiano Flavored. He's more White
Tinted. Just never sat well with me. Does that make me a racist?
That ALONE? No. But it could be used as a data point to
support me being a racist along with other data points if you've got them!
I'd like to see this other evidence you've got! I'm interested to see
where I am on the racism spectrum! Could be we're all more racist than
we'd like. Except for Racists. They see how racist they are and
Why do I think I'm on the racism scale at all.
Because All People make me uncomfortable including people of other races.
ALSO It's the third paragraph and I haven't even wished anyone Happy
Juneteenth yet. Ah. I don't think We're All More Racist than
we'd like. GEN Z. Am I right? They probably aren't
racist at all. If I were them I'd be Post Racism at least.
That'd be my instinct. GEN ALPHA back to being racist, though!
Thems the breaks! If you came up with Obama being President HEY GREAT
NEWS RACISM ON THE RUN! But then if you were growing when Trump was
president it might be more like HEY WHAT'S ALL THIS ABOUT RACISM SOUNDS
INTERESTING. I dunno. I have no idea! Who the Hell knows
what kids of other generations go through. I know what Mid Millenials
go through. I'm right in the middle of Millenialism and I understand
about my own specific age AND THAT'S IT. GOOD. But OH BOY if you
were born in 1988 DO I GET IT. Batman Forever. Right?
Nah. All 1988'rs get it. Batman Forever! THESE GUYS
When you're a comedian, do you talk to the audience
like you're talking to yourself but they're you but it's really only
yourself but you trick them into thinking they relate to you? Hmm.
That sounds like What Comedians Do. More or less. But it
has to be true to some extent. If they don't know Batman Forever,
they don't know Batman Forever! Either they do or they don't!
I dunno. There's a SPECTRUM of relating to Batman Forever.
It's not ANALOG. I guess. Anyway. Comedians make
jokes. Either one liners or stories or wordplay. Try to be
clever or something! Make the audience laugh! THAT'S what
Comedians do! I dunno. It might be Make References And Make
Audience Feel Included. That sounds right, too. If I told
you out of nowhere I'M ON THE SPECTRUM which spectrum would you
assume I was on. Autism? Sexuality? Spectrum High Speed
Internet? Google Most Popular Spectrums. Maybe I should
be participating in some of these! Google is only telling me the best
deals Spectrum High Speed Internet has to offer. THAT'S RIGHT I
googled "Most popular spectrums." I don't just play an idiot on
the website. I play one in real life!
Fifth paragraph. If I wrote an episode of the Sopranos
there'd be a scene where they walk down a city street and as a pedestrian
walked by in the other direction, a character, maybe Christopher, would say
HEY, I'M A SOPRANO OVER HERE! Not sure why that was necessary.
Oh, I know. To give evidence of my TV Writing ability! Now you
see that I can knock dialogue out of the park! Good. Whatever.
Just figured out a day or two ago that my AcoustoElectric guitar has knobs
for Treble and Bass. Didn't fully register that before! I was
recording them into the 8 track with the Treble and Bass turned all the way
up! Now I know I can adjust that-- to produce a different sound!
Wow! Maybe keep the Treble up and turn down the Bass. I've
always been a Treble kind of guy. Bass has it's place but you're gonna
have a hard time talking me out of being Pro-Treble in general.
Shouldn't they compliment one another. It's not about choosing
bass or treble. It's having them work with each other. WRONG.
Halfway through the entry! I feel like every year
Juneteenth Fulfills the Prophesy further. I bet in 2024 there are
thousands of people-- and not just young children-- who are first Learning
The Tale of Juneteenth Themselves. THE HOLIDAY OF JUNETEENTH becomes
more and more true! I dunno. I don't think The News Of
Slavery Being Over is News To Anyone. People aren't like WAIT WHAT.
BUT It's News that THE NEWS OF THE NEWS IS NEW. People weren't
aware of THAT. That might be logical sequence of words. I
can't go through it any further. I don't have it in me! And I
know you don't care either. Thanks for that! I don't hold it
against you. I take it as a blessing. You shouldn't sweat the
small stuff! AMERICA'S independence day is in 15 days. That's
when USA ITSELF celebrates freedom from bondage. YES. In your
FACE British Royal Family. SUCK IT. Rub it in their face big
time this year, I say! For fun! What's fun about that.
Either the Rubbing It In Their Face or the Sucking It I suppose.
Seventh paragraph. Four more paragraphs to go! Looks
like Juneteenth is a FUN holiday. I wasn't sure where it was on the
Solemn Holiday/Fun Holiday scale so I LOOKED IT UP and guess what IT COULD
BE A FUN HOLIDAY for people who celebrate it. Nice! CAN white
people celebrate it. I mean, not on our own, right? All White
Juneteenth BBQs seem like they'd be rare. But if you're a black people
hosting BBQs you can surely invite some white friends too, right? We
Enjoy Fun! I Want To Have A Good Time! WOW. It's my
goal in the next 5 years to be at a Juneteenth Party. Fine TEN
years. I'll give Society some time to work it out! But at some
point I want this to happen. Anyway. That'd be like inviting a
black person to a Passover Seder. FINE. You wanna come over
to Passover? Let's make it happen. Not exactly. I am
part of America. Juneteenth is now a FEDERAL holiday. Joe Biden
made it so! THIS IS AMERICA HOLIDAY NOW black people. BELONGS TO
ALL OF US! That's what the President says. Okay.
Three paragraphs to go. Not sure what that means.
Let's hope Nothing! If what I said Means Something I've gone wrong
somewhere. Hmm. Is it possible James Gandolfini as Tony Soprano
was overrated? Usually when I cycle through The Sopranos I agree that
he's Masterclass! BUT this specific time I'm watching it SEEMS KINDA
MID. It's pretty good but, I dunno, MEH! I dunno. It's
pretty good. Not sure what the deal is with having Barbeques on
Juneteenth so close to July Fourth. Seems like there might be some
conflict of interest there. Just worried about that. WHAT
THE HELL is Nvidia. I see it's the most valuable company in the world
suddenly these days and I don't know WHAT IT IS or HOW IT'S PRONOUNCED.
I'm gonna guess CELL PHONES. DAMNIT. I looked it up and I
STILL don't get it. It's not cell phones. Software and hardware.
"Fabless." GPUs and APIs. Who the Hell are these people.
Either way I GUESS CONGRATULATIONS? Are they American Company? I
Penultimate paragraph. Hmm. Normally I put in Chicken
Pot Pie (CPP) for 1.5 hours. Gonne put it in for 1.25 hours to meet my
Dad halfway in terms of putting it in for less time! STILL looking
forward to that sucker! Good deal! Looks like I'll be seeing the
Inside Out II this weekend but I am also interested in seeing the latest
Russell Crowe Exorcism movie. Isn't getting great reviews but I like
that genre of movie! Horror! It makes sense to me! LIFE is
one big horror! Rings true! Life is a comedy-horror,
though. There's JOKES, too! Is it Satire? No. Life
isn't clever enough to be satire! What kinda comedy is it, then.
HMM. I don't know how to explain the jokes in life. Just
kinda quirky I guess. Atmospheric Comedy! Whatever. What
do I know about life. All I am qualified to talk about is My life.
Not Lives in general. I'm sure many of your lives include satire level
comedy! Well done!
Last paragraph! I don't get it! The comedy of
life. Hmm. It's funny but I can't quite put my finger on it!
Anyway. Looking forward to Stand Up Class. Could do pretty well
with that, I think! Or I could bomb and it could be a disappointment.
Either way I'll figure something out to move my life forward! Stuff
Gonna Happen one way or another. That's my attitude on stage I think.
I could do pretty well with my time left up here! Or I could bomb!
I'll figure Something out though! Somethin' Gotta Happen While I'm Up
Here! Makes sense. Ideally I'd have MATERIAL to say. So
that while I'm either Bombing Or Not Bombing I'd have stuff to talk about in
the meantime. That sounds like a real Optimum Situation! Anyway.
I guess that's it for today. I'll see ya tomorrow!
-5:36 P.M.
18, 2024
Well It's Been Fun
Gotta write an entry! My dad is walking again today! Before, he
was talking like he may never take walks again because he fell down this one
time. I didn't like that attitude! I'm glad to see him get right
back on the horse! That's how we do things in my family. We fall
down while taking walks? So what! We keep taking walks in the
future anyway! Unless we keep falling down. At some
point, if we fall down enough times, we'd probably stop taking walks.
If we fall down two or three dozen times From Walking I imagine we'd decide
to stop. Luckily, so far it hasn't come to that! Anyway!
Got Deli Delivery coming within the next two hours. I got a bunch of
things. Three! I don't know which to have for tonight.
Whatever my impulses dictate! Seems like that might be two hot dogs
with fries. What Great Impulsion. Tried recording some music
last night for 15 minutes before I realized Nope this is shit.
Absolute garbage. Not working out at all. That'll happen!
I was hoping I was gonna be Genius From Now On! That's
not in the cards, though. Doing things off the top of my head is still
likely to be shit! Waht, "From Now On." What exactly in my life
changed that makes me supposedly suddenly some sort of savant. Hmm.
Not ONE thing. Everything together. I SAY all the pieces of
my life have come together in the last few weeks or months and make me
extremely creative and talented at multiple things! Not sure WHAT IT
WAS. But IT HAPPENED. Hmm. Evidence is still out on
that it seems. Classes I've Taken for one. That'll make me
better at Artistic Endeavors. The ACT of working on things themselves.
READING BOOKS and watching and listening to Things. I've kicked it
into overdrive the last year or so! If I'm not getting
exponentially more qualified at doing at Whatever I Try My Hand At then I
DUNNO WHAT. Haven't done laundry in at least a month. I shaved a
few days ago, though! Shaving is The Laundry Of The Face!
Tell me about it. Alright. Into season
III of the Sopranos. The Cop Ranos. That's the other side of the
coin! The Cops don't like the Sopranos. If only Ranos meant
something. What am I gonna be watching when I'm through with The
Sopranos! Whom knows. Some sort of Prestige Drama Series I've
already seen before. But WHAT. The film The Prestige. NOT
SERIES ENOUGH. I'm not being Serious enough with that answer.
Now that I think about it, I'm looking forward to Inside Out II because IT
LOOKS REFRESHING. Fluidwise. I want to DRINK the characters
LIQUIDLIKE. They remind me of water and other beverages I want to
HYDRATE WITH. I may be picturing another film. That film
where there was a character Who Was Water. Elemental. I think
I'm just planting The Water Character into The Inside Out II universe and it
seems like something I would enjoy on a hot dog day afternoon. I
dunno! I just looked it up and several of these Inside Out II
Characters are reminiscent of The Water Elemental Character. SO that's
where that comes from. BLUE. That's how they remind me.
One of them has blue hair. One of them is blue. THAT'S WATER IF
Okay. That's good! I can't be that thirsty.
I have two drinks in front of me! Beer and iced coffee! Both are
dark beverages though. So I dunno. Also alcohol dehydrates you
per my understanding of science. Coffee might, too! Science is
still out on that per my understanding! Whatever. Summer begins
in a few days. Summer! Imagine it! A Season! I've
heard of those things before. I've got absolutely nothing against That
Upcoming Period Of Time! If it were up to me It'd Be Great! It's
partly up to me. When it comes down to it I have A HUGE SAY in The
Quality Of My Specific Life. Let's Go Ahead And Make My Upcoming
Season Great Then. YEAH. Okay! Gonna have to pace
myself for the peaks and valleys of The 3 Month Time Period. Alright,
sure, why not! Are there any plateaus in Summer? Seems like
there would be. I'm thinking Early To Mid August is a plateau.
That'll surely come into play. Gotta be prepared for that!
What if I'm wrong on that. I can't be wrong. If I'm wrong
God Help Us All.
Fifth paragraph. Wonderful. What else is up.
Plateau better be at HIGH ground and not low ground! Low ground
Plateau sounds more like a Valley. Not sure I'm comfortable with that!
What's going on again. I was listening to The Hold Steady
"Constructive Summer" 8 or 10 times so far this year is the point and I'm
gonna build something this summer! Creative Shit! Something more
than just the website! Makes sense. I take songs to heart!
PIANOMAN? GET OUT OF THE WAY! Out of the tens of thousands of
halfway appropriate songs I coulda joked there... I DON'T HATE IT.
I've never possessed a Billy Joel Mp3 and I guess at this point I never
will. As I suppose we're decades past the point of people Having Mp3s.
Maybe Mp3s come back. Survivalist Type People start downloading
Mp3s again because they don't trust The Internet. Hmm. People
who make music use mp3s. To listen to their own music. Not
me. I'm the WAV of the future. And I use file formats that
reflect me thusly! Ok.
Halfway through the entry! Amazing! Shit!
I have to write an entire five more paragraphs! Why does this always
happen to me. Cause I'm the only one who does this. Ah.
Can't very well happen To Another. I'm a lightning rod for The Curse
Of Having To Write Nonsense Blog Paragraphs. If I were David Chase I
would have called the show Tony Soprano and not The Sopranos
because it's really just about him. Carmela is a big supporting
character and AJ and Meadow come up often but C'MON it's really heavily
focused Just Around Tony. The features should all have said Coming
up, on the next episode of Tony Soprano... Anyway my Deli Delivery
just came! Put everything in the fridge. We're 3 hours or so
away from me eating dinner! That's not soon enough for me to justify
leaving it out! It would spoil. To the victor goes the spoils.
Why would the victor want Spoils. Victor gonna want Some Freshness!
That's what I'd want if I were ever victorious!
Seventh paragraph. Okay! Only four more
paragraphs to go. I can count to that on ONE HAND. Believe me--
I just tested it out to make sure! Let's see. Sandwich didn't
seem very thorough. Not a very deep sandwich! This sandwich
coulda been more contented. Ah well. That's tomorrow's problem!
I think they freakin' buttered this bread. I separated the meat from
the bread because I'ma wanna microwave the meat when I heat it up tomorrow.
Yeah. And I think the bread is MOIST. MOIST FROM BUTTER.
Who butters bread in a corn beef sandwich. These fuckin' idiots that's
who. Wouldn't that be UNKOSHER. I must be wrong.
Let's Say I'm Wrong. Okay I'm Wrong WHAT OF IT. Let's
move on with our lives! I was wrong and now I'll be right with the
next thing SO WHAT. Hmm. Anyway. What else makes bread
moist. I dunno. The corn beef was kinda juicy I guess. But
I don't think it was that juicy! Anyway. I like buttered bread.
It's delicious! I don't want it now but am I sure I don't want it now
if I enjoy it in general? Blessing in disguise.
Three paragraphs to go. Tony's mother is also a
Soprano. She's incorporated as a Main Character in the first 2
seasons. HIS SISTER perhaps is part of the Group, as well. WAIT
A SECOND are they just The Soprano Crime Family. Hmm. Never thought
about it that way. MAYBE! If two thirds of the characters are
accurately described as part of The Soprano Crime Family then suddenly we're
working with an appropriate television show title! Well, that's good!
Took me 25 years, but to be fair at Year Zero I was 9 or 10 years old.
So I was naive when it came to these matters. What matters Weren't I
naive when it came to? Hmm. Who CARES! WOW The Stand Up
Class just filled up. As of 15 minutes ago there was one spot left.
No Longer! Now it's full! This is gonna be a blast and a half.
Could Stand Up Comedy be my Constructive Summer? YES. That COULD
qualify! Anyway. Two more paragraphs to go with this bullshit!
I don't like this entry, either! But it's what we're
stuck with! I mean, complaining about buttered bread in a sandwich?
THAT'S NOT NEWS. Also when you refrigerate buttered bread and eat it
later, you're suffering all the consequences of eating the butter but you're
not really gonna taste the butter as much as if you were eating it fresh.
What even is the point! Probably isn't one! What else is up.
Seems like there's a Debate For President next week. Guess I'm
watching that. It's between That Guy Who We're Forced To Settle For
and That Terrible Awful No Good Very Bad Person. Why watch it if I
already know who I'm supporting? It's ENTERTAINMENT to watch it!
Settlement Person comes off as AVERAGE! That'd be a good time!
Anyway. At least we got lots of good leaders waiting in the wings.
You know like The Younger Jerks And Idiots and Whatknot. One more
paragraph to go!
Hmm. Moderator might be someone we can all aspire to!
Wouldn't count on that, either! Ah well. Let's see.
Political Humor is a big arena open to me for my Stand Up Comedy.
People want to laugh at what's going on in the world today because the other
option is cry. Or applaud I guess. Salute. March.
Laugh. I SAID LAUGH. Oh. I'd rather Not Have
SadFunny Things Happen To Laugh At than Have To Laugh At Something SadFunny.
But that's not up to me to decide! Okay. I guess. I can
decrease awareness of Sad Things. That'd be productive! The
Less You Know! That's a good ad campaign I feel. Anyway.
I depressed myself just by generically thinking about Political Stand Up
Comedy for 90 seconds. Imagine having to do it for 40 years.
I don't like POLITICS. I'M AGAINST IT. That's good.
The point is I don't think I wanna do that Myself now that I think about it!
Maybe observational humor. Have you ever noticed that it's the end of
the entry already and there's no time for new jokes? Cause it's true!
I'll see ya later!
-5:19 P.M.
17, 2024
That Sounds Like Me
friends! Time to start a new week. Now! Now is the time.
No time like the present. The past and future are pretty similar but
not quite! Ended up skipping the movie this weekend. My dad fell
down while walking outside on the concrete and I accompanied him to Urgent
Care Visit a couple of hours before The Movie was gonna be. So I
canceled the ticket I had bought! Didn't wanna rush it. My
father is fine. He ended up having to go to Emergency Room after
Urgent Care Visit but all in all he's okay! Broke his nose and needed
stitches in his lip but he'll survive! What doesn't kill you makes you
stronger. Now his lower lip and nose will be Built Back Better per my
understanding! Anyway. It's not his fault, he got distracted by
SPRINKLERS. He was at risk of getting wet so he got discombobulated
and fell down. It happens to the best of us! Then it happens to
the Rest Of Us! Then it happens to My Dad! SLAM.
Anyway. I did not accompany my Dad to Emergency
Room because he decided he didn't need me! I'm not gonna argue with
that! Good news for me I Say! Anyway. My brother came over
for a couple of hours on Father's Day The Next Day. Great!
Nothing happened there. He did not bring his camera. This
documentary he promised me may never happen! But what's important is
that it got Creative Juices flowing in my brain nonetheless. Wow.
Creative Juices? That'll pay off Big Time. Got an e-mail
this morning from UCB Teacher saying that I PASSED my last class. Also
got a short paragraph of notes. It was PRAISE notes. I liked the
notes. Made me feel good about myself. If I could give notes on
this teacher's notes it would be really positive notes. This may be
the best Teachers' Notes Post-A-Class that I ever got! Basically
my interpretation was (1) that he was saying that it's okay that I never get
too deep into character and Don't Play Things Big. It works for me!
Also (2) in my own way I am a good Listener and do a good job Yes Anding.
I guess it's true to some degree! I can see how that might make sense
in some strange from of the truth! It's possible I put too much of my
own spin on those notes in that interpretation now that I think about it.
Spin City am I right! NO.
Ah well. Worked on some music this weekend. Not
sure what I accomplished exactly. I didn't write any songs or
anything. But maybe some snippets of ideas. I made more progress
with Music than I have in a long time! Made more progress with
Kathleen Hanna book. I got into Ad Rock territory! She is into
Ad Rock and I'm okay with it! I find it relatable and charming and
understandable and I don't feel threatened or anything. This is how
life goes! Now that I think about it I'm into Ad Rock, too!
Mostly As A Beastie Boy, but what's the difference. One is SEX
thing and one is MUSIC thing. Music is Sex. Hmm.
Close enough. I think I may have figured out a Sound I might want to
continue working within the milieu of re: making music! It's simple,
intuitive, and sounds like a sound I wanna hear myself more or less these
days. Plug in acousticelectric into 8 Track with Zero Effects and
do "PhoneVox" mastering on the complete song after singing as well.
It kinda sounds like light electric guitar afterwards. I think.
It did this one time. I liked it!
Cracked that code. Could be! Good chance I tool around
with that! We'll see! Whatever. Anyway. Celebrated
Fathers Day by watching 10 minutes of Jaws. That's what my Mom decided
to put into action so that's what we did! I guess there's plenty of
more inappropriate things that could have been done. Jews.
Is that some sort of PunParody you could make with Jaws? Yes.
I just did it. Blam. Too bad James Gandolfini died. I
BET he if he were alive he'd do some Acting that's like Hey did you see
James Gandolfini's latest acting? It's totally unlike PREVIOUS acting.
Not only is it Amazing Acting and he's blowing his previous acting out of
the water but also it's just great in a completely new way! We're
deprived of ever seeing A New James Gandolfini. Ah well.
I'LL DO IT. Michael Kornblum. I'll act in something and we'll
just all take for granted It's As Good As Whatever The New James Gandolfini
Would Have Been Should He Have Survived To Act Some More. Huh?
It makes sense!
Fifth paragraph. I can do this! I dunno!
I'm watching The Sopranos this time around and I THINK I can do whatever
James Gandolfini is doing now that I think about it! Lemme re-check
Improve Class Notes to see if there's any hint of teacher suggesting
anything about my great General Acting Skills Specifically. Hmm.
No. Not exactly. But it's open to interpretation I suppose.
What else is up. I don't look anything like James Gandolfini. I
wouldn't be playing the same characters as him! For actors like me
and The Great Gandolfini as he'd be called if he were a Magician IT'S
ALL ABOUT THE ROLE. Our physicality is SECONDARY. I guess.
The main good part about being an actor is for once in my life I'd Know What
To Say. Off the top of my head that's what is most appealing.
That's what draws in a lot of people probably! Also, not only do I
know what to say, but some other jerk has to entertain what I say like it's
worth something! Amazing.
Halfway through the entry. Hmm. Got Stand Up Class in a
week and three hours. Amazing. I'm looking forward to that!
Could be good. Maybe I make a friend. Odds are that 1/3-1/2 if
the class is in NYC. What's stopping them from becoming my friend
Besides Myself. Themselves, I guess. Or OTHERS. Anyway I
think I'm due for A Friend. What exactly do I think Friendship is.
I dunno. Been a while since I had a friend. I dunno what adult
friendship looks like exactly. A SHARING OF THOUGHTS AND IDEAS.
Okay. Maybe that's part of it I guess. CARING ABOUT ONE ANOTHER.
I dunno about that. Sounds right in spirit but in practice I'm not
sure how I feel about Caring About Someone Else! Vice Versa as well.
Just kinda feels off! Well maybe that's cause this is still
theoretical. Once a reality, when you make a friend, The Caring
About Them comes naturally!
I don't know. Hard to say. What's a third attribute of
I like! I was gonna be doing stuff anyway to fill up all my empty
time. Now maybe someone else is gonna help me entertain myself!
IN FACT it's no longer entertaining myself. Now it's PLURAL.
Four more paragraphs to go. I guess I can do that
relatively easily and/or quickly. It'll happen without too much
effort. Anyway, I guess I'm not gonna see Inside Out II until next
weekend. That's okay. What movie am I missing that I'd be seeing
otherwise. I dunno. They don't have the showtimes yet for
this upcoming weekend! ANYWAY. Probably some sort of World War
II movie. It was D-Day recently. You're gonna wanna capitalize
on the popularity of that celebration while you still can. Ugh.
I wanna work on music during the Evenings of The Week instead of waiting for
the weekends and/or weeks where I'm taking time off from Entrying but I
don't think I'd be able to accomplish anything worthwhile. Just don't
have the creative juices flowing EVEN IF I sit down and pick up my guitar
and press record and Even Inhale Marijuanas Previous! I'm exhausted.
I got nothin in me PRESUMABLY. Maybe I try to sit down with guitar
tonight And I Got Somethin' In Me I Dunno. We'll see! Three more
paragraphs to go here. Let's focus on THAT. Cause it's a
Okay! Wonderful. What to do for dinner tonight.
I could do practically anything I want. What the Hell. Is this
Heaven or is this Hell. Off the top of my head I Suppose I Haven't Had
Taco Bell In A While. Sure. Don't need to accommodate my
parents, also. Dinner is all for me! Negative thing about Taco
Bell is they take a long time to get here. Always cold by the time
it's here! And Taco Bell don't microwave right! Cause Hard Shell
taco becomes less hard in the microwave! Ah well. It's still
pretty good I guess. Probably won't be my Ultimate Option though!
Anyway. Get somethin' frivolous like Pizza Hut. I haven't had
pizza hut in 5-10 years. DELICIOUS. Very High in calories.
But WHAT A MEAL! A real blast from the past is Pizza Hut. Maybe
I get Regular Pizza. That's a good idea! Alright. Wait.
No. I had pizza last night. Nevermind on that one!
Huh. Is Chinese Food a thing. Lemme think about that one.
Chinese Food. Hmm. I dunno. Gonna have to carefully
Penultimate paragraph. I was thinking about Chipotle
originally but was like Nah I don't want rice tonight. BUT when
I think about Chinese Food, now I'm like sure I'd like some rice with
that! Funny how Life Works sometimes! ALL I WANT IS
CONTINUITY. I don't think that's too much to ask! But apparently
it is! Hmm. I just spent over a paragraph talking about what I
was gonna get for dinner? Jeez! Sorry! I didn't do it on
WELL. Such is life I guess. Tomorrow's entry SHOULD be better
than today's. Now I know to CONSCIOUSLY avoid talking about What To
Sup Upon. Progress! I should be able to finish Kathleen Hanna
book this weekend. And then it's onto Dave Grohl book! Amazing.
He plays the drums. All of them. Or perhaps most. I dunno
how many drums he plays. Gotta read the book to find out! I
don't know! What an Idiot. Me. Not him.
Last paragraph! Let's see. I'm really blessed
my guitar started working out of nowhere. At first it just didn't
work. None of the strings produced notes. Just twangs. For
months. And then it just started working normally! Wow!
Thanks! That makes a big difference in my life! Dunno who to
address my gratitude to exactly but I'm putting it out there for whoever
feels like taking credit! Great. Feels like I'm gonna work on a
music project soon. Maybe not this second. But at some point.
I'm building up to it! Amazing. I think people will like it!
They'd listen to it, and think, Ya know what? This is better than
nothing. I listen to this and I feel like ... I dunno yet... but it's
definitely better than nothing. That's all I got so far.
Gotta start somewhere! Wonderful. I'm interested to see where
this week takes me Crazysheetwise! I predict it gets better.
Tomorrow could be funnier and/or more entertaining than today! Sweet!
I'll see ya then!
-5:05 P.M.
13, 2024
If You Wanna Know What I Think
friends! Last entry of the week! I'm 2 hours away from being
FREE! Had delicious Subway Sandwich for lunch. There's two kinds
of people who eat Subway Sandwiches. Pedophiles and Happy Gilmore.
Those are two examples of people that I know of who have Endorsed Subway!
I say I'm more like Happy Gilmore. I think I can safely say I'm not
a pedophile. There's no proof one way or another that I'm good at golf
As I've never tried Straight Up Golf. Well by that logic I've also
never tried Straight Up Pedophilia. But I think I may or may not
enjoy playing golf but I definitely wouldn't enjoy doing pedophilia. I
might be Good Or Bad At Either One, though, We Don't Know! Hmm.
I ate a chicken sandwich, though. Let's get to the point! Sweet
Onion Teriyaki Sauce! Vegetables! Potato chips off to the side!
In a couple of years the season of The Sopranos I'm watching will have been
from THIRTY years ago! Time flies! And in several years more
than that, guess what-- FIFTY years ago. And wait a bit longer?
How come Margarie Taylor Greene was never like, during the US
House Turmoil when there was a new speaker every week and the far right were
probably blaming it on moderate republicans, THIS IS LIKE WATCHING THE,
"SOAP RINOS." Soap Opera. Of Rinos. Republicans In
name Only. How come that didn't happen? Why didn't that
happen? I'm gonna have to look into that one during my time off next
week if I do indeed take a week off. Because there's some DIRT there.
Someone should have said that! Rhinos are pretty creepy animals to
come across on Safari but they're probably not your first worry.
Rhinos look like dinosaurs though! How come there's not more Rhino
love! Kids love dinosaurs. Rhinos are a lot like dinosaurs, just
LOOK at em. Even got SAUR in their name. It's spelled CER but
it's pronounced the same! What the Hell is keeping Rhinos down from
dominating our Popular Imagination. THE MAN. I hate him
so much!
Well, okay. Probably because Rhinos are from Africa.
They're African American! If they were WHITE they'd be popular.
Pretty sure there's literally a species of Rhino called White Rhino.
Yeah! It's the main species it turns out! Hmm.
Is Rhino one of the animals where I drink their semen and I become super
virile myself? Couldn't hurt to try I guess! Could be kinda
disgusting, though. That's a form of Hurt! But in the end no
harm no foul. Anyway. Have I ever worn deodorant. That's
kind of a tangent. The answer is YES. Probably for about a year
of high school. Maybe part of college? I wore deodorant for 6-24
months! What brand of deodorant? I dunno! But Animal Semen
is what made me think of deodorant so maybe that's a clue for what I was
covering myself with. Maybe AXE body spray. I say I like AXE
body spray deodorant! I know it's dumb and marketed to idiot 14 year
old boys who know not what they're doing with themselves. But maybe 14
year old boys is EXACTLY my target audience! Wait. No. Nope.
That's not accurate. Well. Actually. I WAS the 14 Year
Old Boy Myself Target Audience. Me Myself. Not Any Other One.
So it's vaguely accurate.
Fourth paragraph. I never bought Axe. I dunno
what I used. RAID. Sounds right. It's called a De-Odor-Ant
but it very clearly Produces Odor. To an extreme extent! That's
what it does! I get it. It COVERS UP odor. The premise
is it gets rid of Unwanted odor. But it doesn't bring Odor Back to
Neutral or Zero. It creates Brand New Odor! I don't like it!
New World Odor. Is that a thing. Endor. I'm upset they
closed down the Star Wars Immersive Experience Hotel in Disney World.
I don't even like Star Wars and I think I would have enjoyed that! Ah
well. Guess I'll have to pretend to be Star Wars elsewhere where
people will not be prone to playing along. Good. Adds another
element to it! Something has gone haywire in Star Wars Universe
that makes everyone believe they're in An Alternate Non-Star Wars Universe!
I've got to get to the bottom of this! No I don't. I can
just live my life. LIVE AND LET LIVE.
Fifth paragraph! I never saw the original trilogy more
than half a dozen times and I never paid too close attention to it that much
but I never was much impressed with Darth Vader. This dude is just
Middle Management. The Emperor exists above him and he's the one
calling the shots. Who gives a shit about Darth Vader. Also,
dude is just a wrinkled withered shell of an elderly person once you take
off his mask. Not very intimidating physique, either! ALSO, main
protagonist is his son, so he's not exactly gonna kill him if he's gets the
chance anyway. I am NOT intimated by Darth Vader! Also, not sure
if I interpreted his Voice Box as a weakness or not. I may have!
It could have been seen as Oh Cool Voice I Dig That. OR it
could have been Dude Can't Even Talk Right, Has To Have Voice Box help
him speak, Psshh. At this point I Don't Remember.
Halfway through the entry! Let's see.
Whattado next week! Probably should take the week off. But if I
keep writing the website then that's good in other ways! Dangit.
They don't have Ruffles in stock for Super Market delivery order so I
may get Joe Biden Kettle Chips To Remember for the first time in years.
I used to call Kettle Chips, "Joe Biden Kettle Chips To Remember" or
something here, right? This was a long time ago. Man.
What the Hell was I used to be talking about. And how the Hell could
it have been readable. Hmm. I've come a long way! We
all have! For example we've Built Back Better since then, back before
the last Presidential Election. More or less! Most people seem
to be unaware or not care. I don't care because most people are
unaware so Caring Is Futile. Most people are unaware because the
Informative Class is Uncaring so Awareness Is Futile. I SEE.
Seventh paragraph! There's an Informative Class?
That doesn't sound like a thing! There's People Who Inform
people, sure. Not sure if they qualify as A CLASS. They're
SOMETHIN I guess. Did Biden coin Build Back Better because of his
Stutter. BBB. Buh-buh-buh. And that's how he talks By
Default? Sure. Not sure if that's Stutter Talk.
"B." Stutter might involve different consonants or vowels other than,
"B!" ALSO I may have made that joke before. Ah well!
Worth making it again. It's a legitimate Joke! Don't come across
those too often! Anyway. Toilet overflowed a bit since
last entry! This morning bathroom floor was WET. But flushing it
today wasn't so bad. It fills up to the brim when I flush it today
which is bad but it wouldn't overflow anymore. So there's positives
and negatives to this story as there is to much of life! Whatever.
It's possible my Brother is coming over this Sunday. With camera?
To shoot me for documentary project? Not sure I'm prepared for that!
But then can anyone ever really prepare for documentary project ever really?
Three paragraphs to go! I'm not prepared for
anything! What else is up. If I don't write more entries next
week, that means this entry stays at the top indefinitely! That's not
good for anyone! Especially me! But you also suffer.
Somehow. I guess. Maybe your life isn't that affected! Not
sure on a scale from 1-10 how much your life is impacted by my website!
Could be FOUR, could be EIGHT. Hey there's a new The Decemberists
album coming out tomorrow. They're solidly One Of The Bands I
Subscribe To. I consider myself a member of their Informal Fanclub!
Not every band in the world that's Great and also Chill. More often
then not The Dec's as they're called are Acoustic Guitar Mostly! Nice
Good Old Fashioned Easy Listening Music! Not Easy Listening: The
Genre. I mean Easy Listening: It's Just Not Too Intense Ya Know.
Penultimate paragraph! Do you know what's even easier to
listen to? NOTHING. That's hard to listen to. Then the
voices in my head start to make some noise. I don't like it!
Good. Sometimes you gotta go through adversity if you wanna come out
the other end a better person. Huh. If I take the week
off next week I better at least write a couple songs. If I write No
Entries AND No Songs that's Me Failing. Gotta produce! Stand Up
Class begins soon Then Though! Whose a good Role Model Comedian
exactly. Off the top of my head I'm mostly picturing Canadians.
I've read some Comedian Bios and invariably the best people are the ones
from Candada. THEY'RE the ones I'm looking up to! Not just In
Cartography but In Life. Well what good does Looking Up To Them do.
I'm still NOT FROM THERE. Idle Aspiration can only take you so far!
I'm still stuck here in my real actual life situations! GOD DANGIT.
Last paragraph. Hmm. Let's see. I
dunno! Is cartography the Study of Maps or just the Creation of Maps.
Hard to say exactly! No real way of knowing. How's the comedy
scene in Toronto these days. Or a Secondary Canadian city. Maybe
I'd be happy in Toronto! I dunno! I'd probably be halfway happy
anywhere as long as I can take my website and my guitar with me! So
not North Korea then. Maybe they'd let me take my Guitar if I
promised to write Pro Kim Jong Un Ballads. I don't think North
Koreans Know What Music Is. They keep things like that away from
your average North Korean. They don't know what a song is! It's
possible. Ya know what? Gonna cancel the Kettle Chips.
Gonna substitute Doritos. That's my feelings. Neither are my top
choice! Top choice is not in stock! Anyway. I guess that's
it for today. NO I'm not happy with it overall either. I'll see
you later.
-5:26 P.M.
12, 2024
Look At The Entry
up, friends! Time to write a decent ten paragraphs! Possible I
might make you laugh roughly twice! I dunno about a Laugh Out Loud.
Maybe a Laughing On The Inside. That's something that I think I can
aim for! Anyway, I bought a ticket for Inside Out II on Saturday
Night. It's a Three Dimensional movie! They're gonna be In My
Face with things! I've been using a lot of exclamation marks so far in
this young entry. I guess I wanna get people's attention and that's
one way to go about it! If you lack Quality Relevant Content, you
could always Just Yell At People! That'll make 'em think what's being
said is important!
Not sure whether I'll take next week off from the website. It'd be
nice to have a Nice Weeklong Refresh before Stand Up Class starts. But
it'd also be nice to keep writing! I'll keep yuo updated on this
situation as it progresses. Unless I'm not writing. Then the
absence of me is me updating that I'm not writing.
THE SOPRANOS is going on on my television set. Not This
Second but These Days in general! Already ready to begin episode six!
The Return Of The Sopranos! Is Tony Soprano Upper Upper Upper Middle
Class? By most measures he's straight up Rich People Tax Bracket but
he exhibits SOME Middle Class characteristics. Like what.
He lives in a HOUSE. Not a MANSION. You've played MASH.
House is in the MIDDLE. MASH is a misleading game because I WISH I
could just live in a Shack and Have That Be That. That'd be A DREAM.
What? Worst case scenario is I Just Live In A Shack? SIGN ME UP.
The Real worst case scenario is I'm dependant on others my entire life and
live with THEM or even worse live in a hospital or something. I'd LOVE
to live in a SHACK married to my seventh grade Joke Booby Prize Of A Wife.
What if Shaquille O Neal played MASH. What? Live in
myself? Well, I guess I already do do that! Why not!
I'll be here through Thursday folks.
Good, now I know I can leave and when it's safe to come back.
Anyway. The headlines for news articles about Kevin Spacey lately have
been overly sympathetic to him in my opinion! Poor Kevin Spacey coming
back to the public, Hat In Hand! This framing is at odds with the
penultimate thing I saw about Kevin Spacey, the documentary on TheMax!
Hmm. My instinct is As Always to trust What The Penultimate Thing Told
Me To Feel. Shouldn't I trust the thing BEFORE the Penultimate
Thing even more? I dunno. Can't think that far back.
I'm gonna be skeptical of The Latest Thing I See and Trust Completely The
Penultimate Thing. That's how I operate! Anyway. Has any
pointed out that Kevin Spacey should have given his victims some SPACE.
Y? Probably his victims tried to but he wasn't hearing it! Is
his middle name Vading. Kevin Vading Spacey. That's what he
does! Not sure I'm happy with that. That's not a real name.
Maybe if it was Vader. Like Darth Vader. Kevin Vader Spacey?
I dunno. I think I need that week off maybe. Maybe
we ALL need that week off.
Fourth paragraph. I remember seeing American Beauty in
the theaters and for some reason the premise was like This Is The
Best Movie Ever. I dunno if I saw some movie critic just before and/or
after, but I was operating under the cultural premise that This Movie Is
Supposed To Be The Best Movie Of The Year and Just The Epitome Of Greatness.
It's FINE. It's an okay movie. It's Oscarbait, sure.
I was so impressionable! Great. I liked the movie.
You got cheerlady covered in roses. Yo got the plastic bag in the
breeze. You got Thora Birch's boobs. What more do you want from
an Academy Award bound film? And Then did I buy in fully Half As
DID. I thought those were going to be Actually Good Films, too!
Maybe they were. I'm still Paying It Forward to this day! I try
to be a good guy and I credit That Film. Plus I always do good deeds
in THREES and whatknot. K-Pax, too! I don't think I'M from
another planet but I BELIEVE THAT K-PAX BELIEVES. Whatever.
Fifth paragraph! Let's see. That was long ago,
though. Before we knew who Kevin Spacey really was. Keyser
Soze. No that's was just a character he played.
Unrepentant Sexual Predator Asshole. Oh ok yep that's him.
Anyway. He could Repent a bit! I SAY HE REPENTS A LITTLE BIT
SLIGHTLY. Look at him go! Anyway. OH NO bathroom toilet
might be overflowing. Just flushed it and then fifteen seconds later
heard some fuckin' SPLASHING coming out of my bathroom. Seems like the
water is right at Surface Level in the toilet! And it might have
overflowed a bit! Ugh. All I need! More problems!
Why me! Couldn't they have given this to one of those people with No
Problems! Well then they'd have their No Problem Streak ruined.
I guess I don't wanna mess with people's streaking. Hmm. Anyway
maybe if I pretend this problem doesn't exist This One Time it will go away.
I LIKE THOSE ODDS. One time problems OFT don't repeat! Let's
cross them fingers!
Okay. Halfway through the entry!
Great. The ONE TIME I flush the toilet and this is what I get.
Hmm. Wonder if there'll be any sexy ladies in my Stand Up
Comedy Class. Any ladies at all! The teacher is a lady.
But that's something else. Teacher is a different class of person than
student! Maybe one day I will be a teacher and it could work! Or
maybe one day she will be a student in something. Either way though
gotta be some ladies in the class! Let's go out of our way to
sexualize them and make them uncomfortable. OR the other thing.
Ya know. NOT do that. Ah. Sounds good. AT
some point I assumed Plurality. I assume to take less
responsibility for my Presumptive Actions. Either way I'm gonna do
whatever I can to make sure everyone feels safe and free to be open in
comedy class! I don't know HOW. Maybe I project that sort of
image of myself, I guess! That sounds difficult. Couldn't hurt
to give it a shot, though! Sure it can. Still might give it a
shot anyway, though!
Seventh paragraph! Amazing. Let's see. HOW
do actors know who they're supposed to be! People in Sopranos Season I
act like they're on track with Who They Are in Season VI. The
characters weren't fully written yet in season one! Were their later
character arcs written to accommodate the way the actors played them OR did
the actors play them intuitively the way they were going to be? I
don't get the way entertainment works! Nor do I get how to articulate
my thoughts! Cause I'm being confusing Right Now! Hmm. The
point is I Don't Know How TV Works! Acting. Writing. NONE
OF IT. Explain it to me like I'm dumb. But make it CONCISE I've
got places to be. TV doesn't Just Work One Way. There's a
thousand ways to skin a cat! Hmm. I bet I could come up with
dozens of new ways to skin a cat. People would take note of me then!
Only a thousand on the books As Of Now! Finally I can start to
make a name for myself! Well okay what's one New Way To Skin A Cat.
Get it to skin itself somehow. Use psychology! To Make It Skin
Itself. Ohkay. That sounds like it'd be in the top 1,000.
Eighth paragraph. Cats can't skin themselves.
You need opposable thumbs for that sort of thing! SORRY. Fair
enough. I'm not sure I wanna propagate Skinning Cats. Sure I CAN come
up with ways to do it but is that something I want to involve myself in?
Hmm. Interesting ethical dilemma I got myself into. The answer
is Yes I'll deal with Skinning Cats if it means I get a job. Sorry
Cat! THE ECONOMY! Huh. I wanna live in a Shack one day!
I need SOME sort of job! Hmm. Tell me more about this
Shack. Just how separated from society am I. Do I got a bathroom
or is there maybe an outhouse situation. IS there a paved road leading
up to the domicile or no. Is it like a Studio Shack? It doesn't
matter what your answers are to any of the questions because There Are No
Wrong Answers. I've finally got a place to call my own and I couldn't
be happier for myself! This isn't real life. This is just a
paragraph on my website. Oh. That's too bad. Kinda
sucks. I was happy for thirty seconds imagining My Shack.
Ninth paragraph. Whatever! If I take a week
off from Website I can presumably work on some Music. Go out of my way
to actually make a couple Songs. I could do that if I felt like it!
Picture myself doing some power chords and melodies on top of it! And
singing lyrics on top of that! Maybe doing Bass Notes below it!
There ya go! 2-3 Songs in a week! Nothing exactly preventing me
from doing that. Inspiration. Motivation. Time.
Dedication. Energy. More things. There's lots of things
stopping me from doing that! But there's half a dozen things
encouraging me to do it too so whatever. Dousn't sound like the most
ground breaking music I ever heard. So what. I'm not trying to
Break The Mold. What's wrong with the mold. I like the mold!
It's a good mold! Maybe I'll break the mold by doing the mold SO GOOD.
By virtue of knocking the mold out of the park it will be unique.
Makes sense.
What am I talking about I am a mediocre musician. I ain't
gonna knock shit out of nothin. HEY even mediocre people hit homeruns!
You don't know! So that's good. Only one more entry for this
week! Then I got AT LEAST a Three Day Weekend if not a Full Week Off.
Shit's gonna be Off The Hook! I've never seen the film Hook. Not
a fan of Robin Williams or Stephen Spielberg! Just don't enjoy their
work! Maybe it's for the best that I'll never get the opportunity to
meet Robin Williams. Because for a chunk of my life I probably didn't
respect him as much as I shuold have. FOR A WHLIE I was Too Cool For
School For Robin Williams. He was LAME. It was HIP to not like
him. NOW I don't have to own up to that until I meet him in the
afterlife. Whatever Dreams May Come And Whatknot. That's another
movie that at first they were like This Is Going To Be One Of The Best
Movies Of All Time! And then they were like NOPE we were WAY OFF.
Sorry! Anyway. That'll do it for today! I'll see ya
-5:17 P.M.
11, 2024
I See Things Differently
What's going on! Time for some Mid! It's slang that means
adequate or mediocre! That's what my prediction is for what this entry
will be. HMM. Started watching The Sopranos. I ain't
sayin' nothin' further about that! We don't TALK about it.
That's how you deal with the subject of the mafia. What planet are YOU
from. Pretty sure this is just a Television Program. TV
PROGRAM OR NOT, IT'S STILL REAL LIFE. Close enough at least.
It's flickers on a screen! It means a lot to me! I'm trying to
come up with some sort of fresh comment on the show. Everyone is 15%
More Normal in the pilot episode than in the series. Just less
Pronounced or something. Less Stylized. Maybe more stylized.
The point is everyone is 15% Different Somehow But All In The Sameway in
Episode One. That's The Point I'm Trying To Say! Hey I
said the point. Now I'm done. Guess it's time to move on with my
Altos and Tenors must feel like they're missing out. No
Gangster Shows named after them. Baritones are disconnected from
society altogether! I was classified as a Baritone in 8th Grade Chorus
as my voice was changing. I don't sing that way anymore, though.
You can sing from pretty much any part of your body you want to.
Chest. Foot. Spleen. Dealer's choice! And that
changes the way your voice sounds! I don't think I'm the same kinda
Baritone I was in 8th Grade when I sing songs in my Adulthood. Maybe I
am. Mrs. O Donnell my middle school Chorus teacher never came to any
open mics to tell me! But if I ever had to sing any songs from Les
Miserables I'd probably default to baritone again. So I got that going
for me. Baritone-y Soprano. Makes sense.
Baritone is a DEEP voice. I normally affect a Trebly voice! Can
you do a Baritone Voice that sounds trebly Affectationwise? I dunno!
Hmm. In fact maybe I was Affecting the BARITONE
from the start! My voice was changing yes and I wanted to lean into As
Deep As Possible because I was short and I thought if I had a deep voice
people would respect me more. Each deepness of dB adds an inch of
height! I don't think dB measures Deepness but you get the idea!
The Kid was being stupid. Thought singing deep would make people
Believe In Him More. Dummy! I dunno I think that was my real
voice. I had to sing complete songs! And I was singing the
proper way I was taught to sing! PLUS I got me some SOLOS, so I musta
been doing it right! Basically the point is SURE I believe I heard
some people laugh when I did one of my solos during the musical presentation
in my deep voice. They were laughing because they respected me so
much! Hmm. That should have been a traumatic moment for me.
Instead I kind of remember Doing Well. Sounds like it went POORLY if
people laughed at me. In my mind it was a success! The moral
of the story is I process things weirdly.
As far as I know the rest of the crowd appreciated my solos!
I probably did do fine! If I remember doing well that's probably
because I did okay overall! Anyway. Fourth paragraph!
I feel like people probably laughed at me a lot in those type of scenarios
but that was the extent of any sort of bullying. If I was on stage in
interact with them at all up close and in person. They'd just laugh at
me when the spotlight was on me! Good. That's exactly when I
want their laughter! In a weird way this is working out kinda perfect
for me! Hmm. I'm not getting the right kind of laughter
at the right kind of time. I dunno. I don't mind the wrong
kind of laughter on stage! I'M WINNING. I entertain the crowd.
You Lose! You were amused by me! Sounds like idiocy but at the
same time kinda feels true. So that's good I guess!
Fifth paragraph! Just takes the edge off! Maybe that's
it! In K-8 I don't remember doing any Funny Comedy Act where I want
laughs specifically. SO it's not like I'm Getting Laughs So I've
Already Gotten What I Want EXACTLY. BUT if I get laughs at my expense
it's like Alright well they're relaxed so now I'm relaxed let's just get
I guess. Sounds about right! What's a third thing I could be
doing. How about the time I ran for Class President. Hmm.
That was seventh or eighth grade! I did not win but I DID make it onto
the ballot. Eleven people ran but only a select four made it to the
ballot! The rest did not fill out all the paperwork. Anyway, I
did not win or come in runner up! I'm not sure why I ran!
Probably because I was on Prozac! I was a Fucked Up Depressioncase for
a while, and then I went into therapy and on Prozac and went TOO FAR in the
other direction. Felt like running for Class President or something!
Not sure why. Dumb kid. I didn't even know 90% of the people in my
Halfway through the entry! Anyway. Had Chipotle for
lunch today! Pretty good stuff. Chipotle is one example of The
World Getting Better over the course of the last two decades. Let's
recognize achievements where we can! Used to not have Chipotle!
Now there is Chipotle! Yeah but IS Chipotle worse than it used to be?
Is it trending downward? I dunno! Probably. Gotta be
balance to the universe. If there's a Good Thing It Also Has To Be
Worse Somewhat Too. That's KARMA for ya. What if there's a
Shitty Thing. Can it be Good Somehow? I dunno. You're
gonna have to be more specific. What's a good example of a Shitty
Thing. Off the top of my head The Supreme Court. What's a
way that's Good Somehow. Biden installed a good lady to the Supreme
Court. Sure. Good enough I guess! IT'LL HAVE TO BE.
There's CORRUPT religious and far right fanatics who are also in the tank
politically for Donald Trump on the court though too. And also Those
People Who Don't Belong On The Court MIGHT FORM AN ENTIRE MAJORITY.
Oh that sounds bad.
Seventh paragraph. Four paragraphs to go.
Sometimes it feels like we're helpless! Maybe it's because we are.
Not 100% sure on that one. I have Chipotle again for tomorrow, though.
I have to get two meals to justify my order! Anyway what else is up.
Tried watching Breaking Bad last night. I've only gone through that
show Once. I liked it then! But I wasn't able to make it through
five minutes yesterday. Not sure why! Probably says something
about Either Me or The Show. Maybe about The World At Large. Or
perhaps about JUNE 2024. Hmm. I guess I gotta write 3.5 more
paragraphs. I'd like to go to a Supreme FOOD Court. In a MALL.
Some sort of Regional Chinese Fast Food Operation. I don't see any
problem with THAT. Just googled Food Court to make sure it's a thing.
Four dead in Atlanta Food Court Shooting just now Mayor Says. THIS
IS THE AMERICA WE LIVE IN? Not if I have anything to say about it!
The sad thing is I don't have anything to say about it!
I can repeat the facts to you but beyond that I'm drawing a blank! NO
MAYORS. What else. I like food court because it's a Melting Pot
of cultures and ideas. You could have food from one place and your
friend can have food from another place! It's TRUE diversity and
inclusion and equality! Am I gonna be upset that you're enjoying Your
Source For Your Meal more than I'm enjoying mine? Maybe a little bit!
Now I know for next time, though! I didn't Know Not To Get From Where
I Got From, but now I do! If We Outlaw Guns, only outlaws will have
guns. A lot of talk about OUTlawing guns, but what about IN-LAWS,
cause I CAN'T STAND MINE, AM I RIGHT??? Gonna put that in the Maybe
pile for Stand Up Jokes. Too bad it's Not WithIN The LAW to Murder
Penultimate paragraph. I don't like it!
Billy The Kid was an outlaw. Kid means baby goat. Billy means
Male Goat. This guy was really doubling down on the Goat Names.
Also one might argue he was The GOAT outlaw. I dunno what he did
exactly. Probably got into Duels. Per my understanding based on
The Cinema there was a period of time in history called The Wild West and
the epitome of what people did was Duel. Seems kind of
counterintuitive looking back on it. A lot of the time you die!
But people seemed to enjoy themselves. Dueling was probably was
like a tenth as common as movies make it seem. That'd be my guess
as a Former History Teacher Student. I'm not utilizing my Studies for
that. Just my Off The Top Of My Headness! Could be A HUNDREDTH
as common as movies make it seem. How often would YOU be like out of
The Old West your setting is! People then were just the same as people
now! No they weren't People Be Different. Cause people did do
that. I guess.
Last paragraph. I just googled it, and dueling in the Old
West NEVER happened. I was right ONCE AGAIN. Thirty for Michael,
Twenty Seven for Everyone Else! For people keeping score at home.
What the Hell. How is everyone else keeping pace with me.
Not sure how Everyone Else is even submitting Answers at all. I don't
like it! Ah well, that's life for ya. If I dueled in The New
West TODAY that'd be equal to 50% the amount of Dueling there was in The Old
West of Yesteryear. I could make history by dueling! Anyone
wanna duel with me? It takes two! Hmm. Not sure I believe
in fire arms. I don't wanna do that now that I think about it!
Whatever. Is it Not A Duel Unless Someone Dies?
Probably doesn't count
if we're doing Super Soakers or whatever. I remember when battling
with water guns with friends, ya always feel DEJECTED when you have the
worse water gun. THERE'S NO WAY I WIN THIS FIGHT. NO
You're still just going to get each other wet. But having the cheaper,
less powerful water gun is pretty demoralizing right from the start and all
throughout the whole activity! Anyway. I'll see ya tomorrow.
-5:12 P.M.
10, 2024
Why Would Anyone Read This?
friends! Weekend happened! Do most people have a conscious
week/weekend separation? DOES the weekend hit different than the
weekdays? I dunno! I'm trying to Make It So for myself!
It's fun! Went to see Bad Boys on Saturday Night. The low point
was while I was getting up from my seat on the bus on the way to the theater
I tripped and lost my balance and fell right on a lady who was sitting down
in her seat. I went OVERBOARD with the apologies. Instead of
just being like Oh My Bad, I was like OH MY GOD I am so
sorry I didn't mean to do that really I'm so sorry I didn't mean it really
unintentional I didn't mean to please forgive me. If anything
apologizing so profusely might make her think I tripped into her ON PURPOSE.
Maybe THAT'S HOW I GET OFF and whatknot. Falling onto people on the
bus! Either way that IS one way to go about things because I suffered
no consequences so if you wanna touch on people that's one avenue available
to you!
THERE ARE NO MISTAKES. I didn't just Lose My Balance.
Part of me WANTED to do that. My Inner Equilibrium MUST HAVE known
what it was doing. Right? I've ridden the bus before. I
know how to manage the ins and outs of what to do as the bus makes its
movements and I make mine inside which. I dunno. Also
this was just some Middle Aged lady. Not some sort of Sexy Sex Object
that I wanted to take advantage of. EITEHR WAY it happened but at
least I was able to get off the bus IMMEDIATELY. Cause it was My Stop!
Hmm. The movie was pretty good! I think it hit all its marks and
I was able to enjoy it as it went along! There weren't too many Black
Culture things that the rest of the audience laughed at that I didn't get!
For the most part I was able to be like Oh, I Get It Too! Even though
maybe I only half got it. Still, half getting it is good news for me!
Hmm. Looks like this weekend I'll be seeing Inside Out II! I
think I enjoyed the first one. If by the first one we're talking about
the song Inside Out by Eve 6. That's what this movie is a sequel to,
right? THAT SONG?
Sure, why not. By the time you get to Eve 6, Adam is
starting to really run low on Ribs. His Rib Cage is running ragged!
Whatever. Halfway through the last episode of The Wire. The time
is coming soon to make a decision! What to watch next. HMM.
I'll figure that out at some point. Would people be okay with me
watching The Sopranos. I dunno if society would accept me watching The
Sopranos at this point! I think America and/or The Rest Of The World
might want me to wait a couple more months until I watch The Sopranos!
Hey I got some new marijuana this past weekend! There were 15 or 20
strains to choose from and it was a tough choice! I had the name of
the strain to decide with. There were a few different brand names I
could choose from. I could choose from What The Packaging Looked Like.
I could also see what the flower itself looked like. After lots of
contemplation I went with the strain called Dynamite Cookies. I think
we can safely wager it was not the Optimal Choice. But it may turn out
to be a good choice! May turn out to be a shitty choice! Let's
see what happen!
Well I've smoked it a few times. What's my feeling based on
that? Been good. Kinda average! Hasn't blown me
away but ya know what? Been decent! I don't like the packaging.
It's in a bag. I like weed in a canister. Hmm. Such is
life I guess. I'm not ABOUT Cookies. Dynamite Cookies.
That's not WHO I AM.
Good. Should mix it up anyway!
Didn't do practically any Bikini Kill Person reading this weekend. I
can't remember in terms of pages how much I read. What about in
terms of Content. Hmm. They were on European Tour or
something. Is that possible. So what so was National Lampoon
European Vacation and you don't see Them Bragging About It.
Whatever. I don't think I ever seen that movie! Never heard it.
Never Nothing! What's my favorite Cheverald Chase movie. That he
STARRED in. Hmm. Either I Don't Have One or Vegas Vacation.
What Happens in Vegas Vacation Stays in Vegas Vacation. I like how the
official campaign slogan of Las Vegas is Come Do Things You Will
Ultimately Regret. Hmm. Some city gotta corner the market on
that sorta behavior! Why not them. I don't know what that means.
Fifth paragraph! I like the structure to the Dynamic
Cookies marijuana. Holds together nicely while I break it apart to put
smaller pieces into the pipe! Huh. My half birthday is coming
up. Not sure why surprise party hasn't been put into motion yet.
Wouldn't I Not know it if it has. I'd know! I think.
The Mets played a few games in London recently and I'm not happy about it.
If they're thinking of leaving they could have just SAID something.
They didn't need to go ahead and PLAY THERE out of nowhere! Let's have
a DISCUSSION about this first. They're not going anywhere they're
staying in Queens It Was Just For Fun. Ah okay that's good.
Cause London is dumb. They don't even like Baseball in London.
They like RAINING and GOING TO THE LOO. Hmm. I think I'd like
London. I think I'll move to London when this is over! What's
the worst that could happen. I'd be separated from all my friends
and family.
Halfway through the entry! Anyway. Bad
Boys IV was a good movie because I took a bunch of bathroom breaks but I
never felt like I missed anything. For some reason it's just that sort
of film where I could miss 75 seconds and be like YEP RIGHT BACK IN TE
ACTION DIDN'T MISS A TING. Maybe because it's so predictable that my
subconscious filled in the blanks while I was gone. Maybe because I
Just Didn't Care about the plot! Maybe because I happened to pick
opportune times to go to the loo. I dunno! Either way I think
I'd like to start a petition for all Movie Theater Seats to have TWO cup
holders. Personally I'd use it because I get Cup Of Soda and Beer.
But other people get POPCORNS right. Put your popcorn in your second
seat cupholder, right? WHY NOT. Shouldn't have to hold onto your
popcorn in your lap like some sort of asshole. That ain't you!
Anyway if this petition takes off I could really see my life turn around for
the better. See some SUCCESS. Finally things looking GOOD IN MY
Seventh paragraph. Wonderful! Got 15 minute
psychiatrist appointment tomorrow morning. That's great. Makin'
sure I get up on time! Maybe I'll figure something out about my life,
too! Might be a minute or two of productive therapy in the
appointment, I dunno! Anyway, I was watching some Beetlejuice last
night. As a kid I didn't realize Beetlejuice is Not A Good Person.
But I think that's normal. They even made a kids Cartoon where
Beetlejuice is the hero. So I wasn't alone in thinking Beetlejuice was
Protagonist. How can you not realize Beetljuice is bad. I
dnuno. Just NOT REGISTER what the dialogue and plot is! Just
sorta GLOSS OVER what's actually happening completely. He looks and
talks Kinda Silly so he must be an Okay Person! Hmm. Don't
worry though. I've figured out what actually happens in this movie
In My Adulthood and I'm onto Beetlejuice! NOT TO BE TRUSTED. For
now. Then again maybe he shows us something different in upcoming
film. Let's give Beetlejuice a second chance before we cancel
Eighth paragraph! Whatever! My one line review of
Beetlejuice is "Alec Baldwin Has Never Looked More Different!" That
sums up my most deeply held feelings about the film! What.
Because he wears glasses? Yep! That sums that up.
Anyway. Not happy with today's entry. I could have written a
good entry instead of this crap! We could have all gone back to The
Good Entry Whenever We Wanted And Enjoyed Reading It! INSTEAD we have
THIS. Ah well. Life works in mysterious ways. Starting to
get into the groove of washing my hands after I use the bathroom. #1 I
mean! At least in public. YES I am bragging this. I still
say it's unnecessary but if this is what society asks of me then I'm willing
to meet society halfway! What else is up. Usually just gonna dry
my hands on my pants, though! I'm just wetting them lightly! I
don't need to airblow them or wipe them intensively with paper towel!
I can just rub my hands together to get rid of the moisture! Worst
case scenario I can just rub em off on my pants! That'll do the trick!
Penultimate paragraph! Ugh. I like Tim Burton! I
consider Big Fish to be one of my favorite movies for reasons that Now That
I Think About It I'm Not 100% Sure Of. The statement still stands!
It's in the Top 10! But I don't know WHY as of this moment.
Could be several things! Or Maybe All Of The Several Things Combined
Into One How About That. That makes sense. I LIKE IT because I
got it for a penny as part of the Columbia House Record Deal. Except
it was DVDs and not Records. Sure. That's one aspect of
sentimentality I guess! I got TWELVE DVDs for a penny or whatever.
And then dozens more for only a couple of dollars each as part of the same
deal. I benefited greatly from That Deal! IT WAS GREAT. NO
WONDER I LIKE BIG FISH. Whatever. I can watch the HBO Show
CARNIVALE next. I never seen that. Doesn't get the same praise
that other HBO shows have gotten! Not sure I wanna invest myself in
something that I don't know what it is! Alright one more paragraph
to write and then we're good.
Great. Let's see. I think they made the right
moves with how they spell Beetlejuice. Spelled it aptly in the title
of the film (Beetlejuice) and they spelled it rightly within the film
(Betelegeuse). One is best for Within The Plot but the other is best
for Selling It To The American People. I'm happy they figured it out
the right permutation! What about for selling it Globally. Maybe
people in Myanmar wanna see if spelled BeatleJews. I dunno.
Where even is Myanmar! I don't know what that is! Oh. Burma.
That's what that is. Gotcha! Anyway, I don't see tomorrow's
entry being worse than today's! So, by that logic, we got something to
look forward to! Not sure that checks out completely. Could
still be nominally better but still shitty. Hmm. Maybe I get
some sort of Filet Of Fish Sandwich for dinner. Not straight up
MacDonalds Filet Of Fish. Some sort of Diner Filet of Sole sandwich.
You know how that goes. Anyway. I'll see ya tomorrow!
-5:19 P.M.
6, 2024
One Day We'll Look Back At This And Laugh
hey! Time to write ten more paragraphs. Had a meatball sandwich
for lunch. My dinner will be either fried calamari or omelet with
turkey bacon and onion rings. You can extrapolate anything you want
from that! MEANING. HUMOR. What does it mean. What's
funny about it. I dunno. Life gotta mean things!
Life gotta be funny! Ain't on me to figure out Why or How! On
the audience which in this case is You. I bought the ticket for Bad
Boys Ride Or Die for Saturday night. I hope there's scenes with
them riding in cars early on in the movie. Otherwise I'm gonna
start getting concerned they'll die at some point. I've been told they
either Ride Or Die. The sooner they ride, the less likely in my mind
they're gonna die! Anyway, there's ALWAYS scenes in these movies where
the main characters are in cars. Action Movies and Being In Cars go
hand in hand! But in the off chance they forget to have scenes where
Will Smith and/or Martin Lawrence are in a car... and assuming
neither of them have Surprise Deaths... that's Neither Ride Nor Die!
Sounds like we might have a Class Action Suit on our hands in that case!
Huh. Might be some thunderstorms later. I can't
walk in thunderstorms. I'd get thunder all over me! Will Smith
is 55 and Martin Lawrence is 59. I wonder how spry they are in this
movie. They're getting older! And they've used up lots of energy
already in their films and TV shows and comedy acts. Only so much
spark a person can use over the course of their life! I don't think
Will Smith has ever done stand up comedy. I know he's attacked people
who had been doing stand up comedy. I guess that's a form of stand up
comedy. How so. Good question! Hey, the raining has
begun outside! The jokes on them-- I'M INSIDE. Do I need to
binge watch the TV Show COPS to understand what's going on in Bad Boys Ride
Or Die. Yes. Oh. I was hoping the answer was No.
On account of No I'm Not Going To Do That! Anyway. Bad Boys got
its name from the theme song for the show Cops. These days people
might not know that! So I have to explain it explicitly. Like a
jerk! Ugh!
Third paragraph. Why is it called Cops when it's
equally about Criminals. The show just is home video footage of cops
arresting people on highways and crap, right? It's called COPS. Ya
know The Other People Are People Too right. To you they're nothing?
For shame. Well ya can't call it Criminals. They haven't been
convicted yet. What else could you call them. PEOPLE. So
it's a show about cops going around arresting folks and whatknot for a
myriad of reasons. And the show is called People. Makes
sense. Hmm. How many people have been arrested in US History
have been animals. I say 100-200 times have police arrested Dogs and
Horses for various reasons. Lemme LTURQ. Not seeing
anything right away. Just gonna have to go with what my imagination
says. My imagination says 100-200? Then that's what it is!
Imagination is in the drivers seat for now! That's not a good
Fourth paragraph. How about that! You can't
handcuff a horse. They won't fit! They design special cuffs
for horses YOU IDIOT. I'm not high on the prospect that horses
have hands at all! Hmm. What kind of illegal activities can you
do without hands. Hands are what enable us to commit crimes in the
first place! Kicking. VERY INAPPROPRIATE kicking. I dunno,
I can see a MULE do Criminal Kicking but that's not really a horse's style.
Voting more than once. Horse? Horse doesn't participate
in the political process! Also we're all allowed to vote more than
once. Just not at the same time. I'd say we're ENCOURAGED to
vote as much as possible ideally. LIVE as much as possible, right, so
VOTE as much as possible along the same lines! When you see articles
about someone whose 110 years old and they ask HOW DID YUO DO THAT it is
possible the person always goes I Never Voted. Don't participate in
the Democratic Process. Not me! Not getting involved adds
years to your life! Or takes it away. Could be the exact
opposite. What do I know. Nothing.
Fifth paragraph. I don't think I've ever rode an animal.
Horse. Donkey. Nothin'! Wait, no! Probably done a
Piggy Back with my parents when I was a wee one. Musta done that. But
non-human animals, none of that! I've barely SEEN non-human
animals. I probably seen some horses but they've been few and far
between! Is it possible I ever got on top of a Big Dog. Hmm.
Yeah. I'd say there's a remote possibility for something like that.
Still probably not. Whatever. What are donkeys all about.
Sound kinda dirty. Not sure why. But I don't like it off the top
of my head! What the Hell am I supposed to make myself sane with Binge
Watching when I'm done with The Wire. First thought is re-watch The
Sopranos or Oz. BUT I think it's too soon for them! Hasn't been
long enough since last time I watched them! I GUESS I can re-watch
some sort of Comedy Show but I don't think that will drive me Sane Enough!
Halfway through the entry. Boy oh boy am I almost close
to being done. Hey, it stopped raining a while ago! Don't worry,
it'll start up again! That's the rain for you. On and off and on
again! I guarantee it! Really shouldn't guarantee things I
have no control over. Hmm. Sixth paragraph!
Let's see. Wonder if they'll make any 4th Wall Disregardfull Reference
to Will Smith Slapping Malfunction Incident in Bad Boys Ride Or Die.
Probably not! At this point the move is probably just to let it be
forgotten. No reason to be like HEY REMEMBER WHEN THIS LOW MOMENT IN
MY CAREERLIFE HAPPENED? But it would make people LAUGH. Because
WE DO REMEMBER. I like it when references happen because it activates
the Remembering Part of my brain which I'm gonna guess is the Hippocampus.
Got about a 50% chance of being right. Either it IS The Hippocampus or
it isn't! Pretty good shot of it being the Hippocampus. IF
HIPPOS WENT TO COLLEGE? WHAT? That's a low point in this
Which says a lot! Seventh paragraph! Hippo needs
to go to college to get a good job. They got Hungry Hungry Hippos at
home to feed! Anyway. Whoever came up with the title to that
board game knocked it out of the park. A rose by any other name
wouldn't be as sweet. Anyway. I wonder what the moral to Hungry
Hungry Hippos is, because they ARE NOT being satisfied. No matter who
wins and by how much, every hippo is just as hungry at the end of the game
as they were at the beginning. These Hippos appetites are NOT being
satiated one bit! Anyway. 3.5 paragarphs to go! Good deal!
Anyway. Got two super market deliveries tomorrow. Got some Fresh
Direct in the morning. Got some Amazon Fresh in the evening!
Should be good. Why do we need both of them? Because that's
LIFE. My parents do things their way and I'm along for the ride!
I'm Ride Or Die with my parents. I guess. That phrase is A BIT
too slang for me to understand what it means 100% but I think I'm Ride or
Die with them!
It means you're ALL IN with 'em. You're ON BOARD
with em. POT COMMITTED to em. You're either going to RIDE ALONG
with them in cars or you will DIE WITH THEM in some sort of tragic
catastrophe. No middle ground! Why can't there be middle
ground. Why can't you be in a committed relationship and just Not Die
OR Be In A Car. I Don't KNOW. I don't get how this phrase works
exactly! Ride doesn't literally mean be in a car. It means
Participate in Life's Activities With? WORK and/or SOCIAL activities?
I dunno! Hmm. Probably get a clearer picture of what it means
when I see the movie! Joe Pantoliano is in it so that should shed some
light on the situation as well! Whatever. Huh. Is
there anyone in MY LIFE that I'm Ride or Die with? Sure.
Immediate Family! Mom Pop and Bro. Anyone else? Sure.
No. No one else! Not at the moment! Anyway that's pretty
good. That's more people than some people got! I've got Ride Or
Die Riches one might say!
Penultimate paragraph! Almost done with the entry.
Then it'll be time to hopefully start to enjoy the weekend and crap. I
did my JOB for the week. I WROTE CRAP. Time to enjoy my just
desserts. Just Desserts has a negative connotation.
That's usually something that happens as a consequence for doing something
bad. Oh. Well, either way, that's what I'm gonna get I guess!
Also a good name for a bakery. That doesn't do bread or anything.
Just desserts. Great. Am I gonna be able to take a walk when
this is over? Looks like it! Awesome. IS Martin Lawrence
the comic relief in Bad Boys and how does that make Will Smith feel.
He's a Comic Persona as well. But Martin Lawrence is even MORE
comical! Probably makes Will Smith feel fine. He's a Serious
Persona too. Yin and Yang to all of us! Unless your last name is
Yin or Yang. Then you're really heavily weighted one way or the other.
Last paragraph. Whatever. They are BAD MEN.
These people are 55 and 59 years old! Hmm. Was this week any
good. Today was shit. The rest of the week was okay though!
Speaking only to my experience. I can't speak to your experience.
I wouldn't know where to start to speak to your experience. Apparently
You Read This. That's part of your experience! That's all I got
though! Hmm. Two and a half weeks until Stand Up Class starts up
for me. My life presumably may be Slightly Different then! THEN
we'll see what's what. You'll see! What a world. I don't
pay for Web Statistics but there's a website I came across on the internet
that says page hits for this website and IF IT'S ACCURATE a fair amount of
people read this. Pretty sure it's bullshit. But if it's
accurate more people read this than you'd think! I've been assuming
it's bullshit! Who knows though. Now that I mention it though It
Doesn't Matter. What matters is not the Popularity but THE QUALITY.
Which is POOR. Anyway I'll see ya later.
-5:30 P.M.
5, 2024
Thanks For Stopping By
friends! Gotta write Part II of the week. First half was Monday
Tuesday. Now we're into Wednesday Thursday! Good. Gonna
actually start my three day weekend tomorrow night. Smoke trees early
in the evening Thursday instead of waiting until right before bed. Do
WHATEVER I CAN to give myself something to look forward to As Soon As
Possible. The fun begins tomorrow night. That's just 24 Hours
And Change! Why, I got a good time coming towards me in NO Time At
All! Anyway. Occurred to me that at some point Kathleen Hanna
will marry Beastie Boy Ad Rock in this book I'm reading. Not sure how
I feel about that. Right now I have special connection to her as an
individual! Once she forms a Power Coupling with Ad Rock that throws
everything out of whack. It will be a Special New Dynamic sure but
it'll be not the same! Maybe it'll be better. That
doesn't sound right. Things don't just GET BETTER. Things GET WORSE.
What universe have you been living in. The Getting Better Universe.
Oh you mean like Sgt Pepper. That's the universe where that song
What exactly am I imagining. Ad Rock starts piggybacking on
the narrative of the book? YES. Well if that happens I'm
sure they had a very good reason for continuing the book that way.
Anyway. Listening to Bikini Kill, kinda sounds like they're being
tongue in cheek and sarcastic with their aggression and authoritiveness and
whatknot. But they're not! They're being sincere. And the
sincerity does shine through the most. But the voice and PERHAPS EVEN
THE INSTRUMENTS kinda sounds like they're 10-15% JOKING ABOUT THE MUSIC?
Sometimes with her singing SHE'S PUTTING ON VOICES for example. And
that's just a Fore Xample! Anyway. Beastie Boys do the same
thing but even moreso. Good thing that they found each other then.
I TAKE THE MUSIC SERIOUSLY though. And the message! I'm just
saying it's balanced with a dose of IRREVERENCE. WHAT? MUSIC
not taking itself seriously? Not on my watch!
What does all along the watchtower mean. Not sure
what a Watchtower is 100% But I assume it's just Some Sort Of Tower.
So what would All Along A Singular Building Be. Not so much perimeter
to A SINGLE STRUCTURE. What was Bob Dylan THINKING. I'm gonna
guess Bob Dylan writing lyrics is like me doing Improv Comedy. He just
said things and hoped they made sense. He was pretty successful most
of the time! Plus the things he said made sense many times over!
They can make sense in one sense, and then you can hear the song again later
and they make sense in a completely different context. Good for Bob
Dylan. He's really got it all figured out, don't he! Except for
how he's now close to death sixty years later. In that regard Kinda
Seems Like He's An Idiot As Much As The Rest Of Us. Hmm.
Bob Dylan even just wrote HIS NAME trying to make sense. HMM.
Bob Dylan. Does that check out? Probably. People'll buy
that. And we did!
Huh. Might try to work with guitar more this weekend.
Real Irreverent like. Balance it with Sincerity though if that's what
it comes to. What the Hell am I talking about. Honest best
case scenario is I play 2 guitar tracks over each other for 3 and a half
minutes. YES but one track is Irreverence guitar and the other
track is Sincerity guitar! I dunno. Maybe I play A Whole Lot
More than that. Whatever. Another spot has disappeared in Stand
Up Comedy Class. Good. Looks like there's a demand for it out
there in the wide world of sports. People wanna take this class!
There's ME. There's THREE OTHER PEOPLE over the course of the last
week. Hmm. Maybe I figure out what brand of comedy I can do and
what my persona is based out of doing crowd work out of the other classmates
in zoom. Obviously I gotta try to make people laugh by talking at them
IN WINDOWS. So, whatever that is... then I figure out who I am based
on that. That makes as much sense as any other theory that never
occurred to me.
Sure! ALT theory-- try to make Teacher Laugh.
Other students are all well and good but Teacher Entertainmenting is even
better! Hmm. The good news is I Am Super Capable Of
Accomplishing Anything I Want per my understanding! Well I'm
capable of GIVING IT A SHOT at least. Couldn't HURT. HURT is
TRUTH BACKWARDS minus a letter. The, "Truth Hurts" is practically a
palindrome yet NOBODY TALKS ABOUT THIS. It hasn't come up yet I guess.
Also when you add the S we get even further removed from the truth.
Whatever. HEY I got a lot of entry left to go. GOOD.
Rock. I can't think of a single dish! Hmm. There's Pop
Rocks. That's a food. Maybe some sort of thing you wanna add
pop rocks. I'm not a good enough chef to think of anything, though!
What's the most complicated thing I ever cooked and why is it Just
Spaghetti. Is the answer because I'm an idiot or is that only partial
credit? I don't know! Halfway through the entry!
like the website Rotten Tomatoes because it really leans into the idea that
as a general rule of thumb the baseline is that Movies Suck. We're
THE SCREEN. That's what the premiere website for aggregate critic
reviews is called. They did NOT have to go in that direction but they
did. Seems kind of ANTAGONISTIC with the Film And TV Industrial
Complex! Other than the name though its a perfectly good website
though. I like the way they run things! They could have chosen a
more neutral domain title though! Hmm. I'm pretty sure we
pronounce Zine like Zeeeen but is there a chance it could be
pronounced Zyne? This world is a fucked up place.
Anything is possible. I don't know what to believe anymore to be
Seventh paragraph. The world is a fucked up place! It
might not conform to my dumb expectations of how it works! THAT'S
FUCKED UP. Hmm. Four more paragraphs to go. Great!
I'm watching The Wire this time around and I think pretty much all the
characters are good people. I haven't been CONSCIOUSLY passing
judgment on all of them because What Am I Lord And Savior Jesse Christ BUT
now that I think about it all of them seem to be pretty decent people being
guided by halfway decent moral compasses. They're not saints but who
is. SURE SOUNDS like I've been passing judgment on all of them.
YES BUT TEHY ALL PASSED. Everyone's a winner. They should be
happy I'm passing judgment because EVERYONE PASSED. Pizza Party after
class for everyone! It's on me. What about HERC. What
about VALCHEK. What's good about them. THEY'VE EARNED PIZZA
Three paragraphs to go. They're fictional characters!
That's why they deserve pizza. In REALITY NONE of us deserve a pizza
party. Ah well. Chuck E. Cheese deserves a pizza party because
he's in charge of it and he won't get to enjoy it he'll have to suffer the
consequences of it. That's the only pizza party desertion there is.
Anyway I had anchovy pizza last night. IT was good! My dad saw a
DEER on the highway yesterday. He did NOT go out of his way to run it
over. WELL at least that wasn't part of the story. I wasn't
there! I don't know what happened! Hmm. Not sure why Chuck
E Cheese is a great Destination Birthday Party for kids. Yeah.
I've HAD pizza before. This really is nothing new to me. I'm not
out of my mind impressed over this premise. What about the
animatronic band. I dunno! Just don't give a fuck about it!
Never really captured my interest! Not exactly sure why I'm supposed
to be into it in the first place! WASN'T MY THING.
Seems like they came up with Hey what if robots played a song at
you and THEN they were like Would Kids even like that and they
were like Hmm PROBABLY. They reverse engineered it. There
was no ORIGINAL DEMAND from kids that THEY WANTED robots to play a song for
Chuck E Cheese has an enclave for Arcade Games. There's nothing wrong
with that. I wasn't huge into arcade games as a kid but they passed
the time. One of my favorites was any Car Game where you get INTO an
Enclosed Car Area for the game because I'm like FINALLY SOME TIME TO MYSELF.
Get to be ALONE for a little bit. SOME PRIVACY for a few minutes!
Anyway. Whatever. Got my lab results back from yesterday's
doctor's appointment. Everything is normal. Except for Glucose!
My glucose is too high! Which doctor doesn't seem to give a shit
about. Just one of those random things I guess. Great! One
more paragraph!
Ugh. 3.5 Day Weekend begins in 24 hours and change!
If we're speaking in terms of hours I can just say 26 or 28 hours or
whatever. I don't need to say 24 hours and change. I'll
do things MY WAY thank you very much. That's inaccurate.
I'll do things Some Way That Nobody Wants. Not quite your way.
Not quite their way. Not quite my way. NOBODY WANTS the way I'm
party. That's who I'm gonna vote for for the next mayoral election.
There was a primary recently and/or imminently. I have not voted yet!
It's all about judges and whatknot. What am I Jessup Christ? I'm
not here to judge people! That's why I should elect people to judge
people for me. Oh ok gotcha. Does my specific vote even
matter though? I haven't seen the future yet to see if My Vote Will
Exactly Matter. Hmm. That's a tough one then! On the
one hand voting will make me feel one sort of way. On the other hand
if I don't vote there's that other thing. Huh. Anyway that's it
for now! I'll see ya tomrorow.
-4:49 P.M.
4, 2024
You Make a Good Point
What's up. What's going ON in other words. Was pretty pleased
with my weight today! Lost me a few pounds the last couple of months.
Where did they go? I guess I pooed and peed them out! Or I
sweated and sneezed them out. Either way Doctor would not prescribe me
The Covid Medication. She just doesn't prescribe Covid Crap in
general! Good! That's what I secretly wanted. What
Michael Secretly Wants is coming true! What's another Secret
Desire that's Come About. Time Passing By With Nothing Happening.
Shh it's a secret. If anyone asks I want Things To Happen while
time proceeds. But the truth is Let's Hold Our Breath from one
moment to the next and Have Nothing Occur Indefinitely. BAD things
might happen Over The Course Of Time! You don't wanna take that risk!
What am I talking about. My Secret Desire for Nothing To Ever
Happen. I'M NOT SURE that's accurate. But I wrote it anyway!
Go figure!
Got Wendy's last night for dinner. It was pretty
good. I enjoyed the hamburger. I enjoyed the chicken nugget.
I enjoyed the French Fry. Then I did it all over again for lunch
today. It was pretty good! I enjoyed the hamburger. I
enjoyed the chicken nugget. I enjoyed the French Fry. THAT'S
IT THOUGH. Two Times is good for me! No spoilers but the
next Endocrinologist Appointment I set up is for the anniversary of me
losing my virginity! Sounds like a pretty big spoiler.
YES. Am I the only one who remembers their First Sex Anniversary?
Was a pretty big day in my life! Was one of the best things that ever
happened for me! I dunno if you've ever had sex but it's SO MUCH FUN.
Well by that logic when was the first time I went to Six Flags Great
Adventure Fright Fest. I don't know. Fall 99? I don't
have an exact date! Don't remember being tall enough for the best
roller coasters. I think I am now, though. I THINK. Am I
tall enough now for The Best Women to have sex with? Neh!
Blessing in disguise. Means I won't waste half the
day waiting in line for the most popular women. Spend that time
ACTUALLY ON the medium sized attractions. I like the Six Flags ride
where it spins you around in a circle a bunch of times so fast that you
don't need a seat belt Because You'd Think You'd Fall Out But You're Going
So Fast That The Momentum Is Holding You In Place To Your Seat.
Because it's not just a ride it's an EDUCATION IN PHYSICS. It's fun
and learning! Anyway. About a quarter into the entry.
That's not nothing! Probably gonna buy some marijuana this weekend
even though I still have some leftover. Just think it's time to re-up
with a new STRAIN to throw in the mix. They have something called
Green Crack. They assure me it has no Actual Crack Cocaine in it.
But the SUGGESTION of Crack Cocaine has my interest piqued! That's
really got my attention. WHAT? CRACK? THAT RINGS OUT.
A lot of people seem to REALLY like that. Well, I dunno about a
lot of people. But the people who do like it really can't seem to get
enough of it! How do I feel about the word, "Green?" It's
LOOK. If it was real crack I wouldn't
do it. Don't get it twisted! Probably not. Maybe if they
were selling real crack I would do it. I dunno! I do dumb things
sometimes! Nobody is perfect. Except for.. drum roll please....
I dunno... F SCOTT FITZGERALD. How did I settle on him?
Idunno. Wanted to say an American Author. Why did I wanna say an
American Author? Who knows why these things happen! F Scott
Anyway. Used to have a kid in my K-8 class who's last name was
Fitzgerald. Not gonna say his first name. I don't need to dox
this poor soul. Have you guys sending bomb threats to him every night.
to the movie theater last weekend where I was around a lot of people and I
realized Hey Theseadays I Have No Issues Being Around People Being My
Regular Height As Opposed To Artificially 2-3 Inches Taller. SO
that's good. I don't mind being Regular! I don't mind being
Taller! EITHER WAY WORKS FOR MICHAEL! Neither way works for
ladies. Even taller ain't tall enuogh! Hey that's great
good for all of us.
Fifth paragraph. Was The Great Gatsby written with the
foresight that GAT would one day be slang for Firearm. Gotta be
written with some kind of foresight. Let's give FSF SOME kind
of credit. He wasn't just shooting WILDLY into the air. Is
that a common metaphor for writing. Shooting into the air?
That's what writing is like for me! SHOOTING GATS INTO THE AIR. Like
Yosemite Sam more or less! Ah. The Creative Process.
Anti-Yosemite Sam. Is that a thing. Maybe I pick up some
pizza for dinner tonight. Anchovie Pizza! Sure. Great
Gatsby is just a B RATE knockoff of The Amityville Horror. They're
both Long Island Stories about Haunted Houses! I MAY have not paid
attention when we had The Great Gatsby in English Class. Tobey Maguire
gets invited to the party at the big house next door and then a voice goes
GET. OUT. Something like that. Why did they invite him
just to tell him to leave. Some other part of the house invited
him. The ghost girl invited him. Then the horde of flies
told him to get out. You have to see the movie to understand.
Halfway through the entry! Great! DID Jordan Peele
get inspiration for Get Out from the famous phrase Get Out from Amityville
Horror? Also if you add a K to the Jordan Peele movie Nope
suddenly you got a Parks & Recreation Bio-pic on your hands. I haven't
seen Nope yet. My guess is it exists! As much as any
movie can exist at least. Maybe everything we think exists doesn't
really. Who can say for certain. I have concrete memory of
actually doing the reading for The Great Gatsby on the train. So don't
come at me with you didn't actually read the book for English Class
nonsense. I read at least some of it! It rings a bell! WHY
would you come at me with that. IN WHAT UNIVERSE would that be
something you would approach me with. I dunno. JUST IN
CASE that's your POV... I'm telling you, it'd be an inaccurate stance to
take! I'm gonna say I read 80% of that book and Skimmed the rest!
YES. Ugh.
Seventh paragraph! I'm not sure what we were supposed to get
out of The Great Gatsby. Did English teacher even TRY to impress upon
us ANYTHING that we were supposed to relate to. Nothing rings a bell!
AMERICAN EXCEPTIONALISM. More like American Acceptionalism am I
right. Maybe. That sounds right! Not sure either of
those phrases are relevant here though. What concept or theme DOES
relate to this book. IDUNNO. ONLY READ 80%. DIDN'T
one guy meets the other guy. And the other guy is all like Whassup
NO. The End. Whatever. It's not my favorite book.
It's only my THIRD favorite book. OUT OF FOUR. I know of
four books. There's THIS. The Amityville Horror. ...
I dunno. What was the last novel I read? That's a good question.
What would be a good answer. Probably the accurate one.
That'd be my favorite answer. Out of all possible answers.
Three paragraphs to go! Let's see. After today, I'm
halfway through the working week! Then we're onto a funfilled three
day weekend! If I'm able to duplicate the success of last weekend,
which I MAY be able to do, I MAY have cracked the code of Enjoying My Life
At Least During Weekends. Each weekend day, take half a gummy early on
in the day. Take the other half an hour or two later. Be Reading
for a lot of the day. And the rest will work itself out! See a
movie Saturday Night! Try to work on guitarring as much as possible,
as well! This formula for the weekend worked ONCE. No reason
it shouldn't work FOR the REST OF MY LIFE. Guess it's dependent on
what I'm reading. I was reading Kathleen Hanna book. That's been
very good but there's no reason to think there won't be More Other Good
Books that will be good, too! Creative Artist Memoirs in general as
a genre might be the sweet spot. But there's plenty of them! I'll
be okay for now I guess!
Penultimate paragraph. I DON'T LIKE IT. What
don't I like. Not sure but whatever it is I Don't Like It.
Anyway. What's a Creative Artist. You know. As opposed
to an UNCREATIVE Artist. Ah I see. What else do I got going
for me. I said recently I felt like Maturitywise I was stuck around
graduating from high school into college or something. I DUNNO.
Feels more like I'm graduating Junior High these days. That's where my
Maturity is at to be honest. That could change EASILY QUICKLY.
Next week I could be Thirty Five Again. But right now I feel more like
I'm heading from middle to high school than anything else! HEY the
premise of Eminem Song/Video was it takes us back to 2002. Which is
Exactly What I Did That Year. Graduate Middle School! So that
lines up I guess! Cause I've been listening to that lately. It
nested inside my earholes! So that's good. I guess. I was
at my best In Life at the end of Middle School the first time around in
2002. Everything was clicking! This time around? I dunno!
Last paragraph. Let's see. Is there anything in store
for me tonight besides a couple more walks and The Wire? Probably not!
That's okay. That's more than enough. People in third world
countries WISH they could watch The Wire tonight. Whatever.
Aren't we all Third World Countries. We are the third rock a.k.a.
world from the sun. If the sitcom with John Lithgow and Joseph Gordon
Levitt didn't convince you of this I don't know what will. I had to
look up whether it was Joseph Gordon Levitt or Justin Long. They
look alike to me! Still not 100% that it's not Justin Long and the
internet is doing a Psy-Op on me by saying it's JGL. Anyway.
Google ARE YUO DOING A PSY OP ON ME with this Joseph Gordon Levitt thing.
Why would the internet admit it. They'd never own up to it! Not
immediately, at least! Anyway. That's it for today! I'll
see you tomorrow.
-5:04 P.M.
3, 2024
I Don't Know Where To Begin
friends! Time to start a brand new great month! Had a real great
weekend. Just really knocked it out of the park for myself.
Paced myself with a good amount of marijuana. Did reading. Went
to see IF. Played some guitar. Enjoyed the new Enemam
song and video. Real Sentimental Like enjoyment. How can it
be Sentimental. It's Brand New. But what I Mean Is, I'll be
sentimental about it one day. Hmm. IF was okay!
It wasn't great. Wasn't really good. I'm not even sure if it was
even Okay now that I think about it! But the experience was pretty
fun! Gave balance to my weekend just fine! I did not have an
imaginary friend when I was a kid but now that I think about it I definitely
did Think At Some Sort Of Completely Undetermined Outside Entity so I
guess I sort of did! Did I get response back from Outside Entity as a
kid? I don't remember! Does that count as an Imaginary Friend.
THE REST OF TEH OUTSIDE UNIVERSE. Especially if you take into
account I didn't expect any answers back? I dunno! It kind of
Anyawy. I guess I still have a pretty
similar set up NOW as an adult. But it's LESS FUN. I still deal
with Silent Outside Universe. NOW I'D EXPECT RESPONSE BACK THOUGH.
Got Endocrinologist appointment tomorrow morning. Gonna have an
official weigh in! I'm pretty well prepared to be happy with whatever
scale says Unless It Says Something Really Unexpectedly Bad. In which
case I'm still in a headspace to Still Not Really Care. For
some phases of my life I Care A Lot About My Weight 24/7/4/12! Not
these days! Still concerns me but I just amn't emotionally invested
that much! Which is probably a good thing. I dunno! It's
good to not care about something that doesn't matter. BUT on the other
hand it's good to SET PRECEDENT and Care About This One Thing because then
care about things! Probably. Right?
Did my first recording with this New Guitar.
Directly into the 8 track. Cause it's AcoustoElectric. Feels
good! Should be interesting going forward! I think I'm gonna get
into grooves with this guitar. I guess! Watching The Wire I
wonder if Hmm wonder if I ever MANIFEST CHARACTERS when I'm Improving
in class in the UCB. Cause I'm just saying dumb lines off the top of
my head which BEST CASE SCENARIO MAKE SENSE. Meanwhile when I
So I wonder how far removed that is from what I'm doing. Maybe it's
close! I have no way of knowing! I haven't seen video of me
doing improving! Which is a good thing. That sounds like the
worst thing in the world! Maybe probably 10% of my Improving I'd be
able to handle seeing being played back. I'd say I could tolerate 1 in
10 of it! Gotta start somewhere! The important thing is I have
different priorities in life now so THE JOKES ON... uh... SOME OTHER GUY!
Anyway. Fourth paragraph. Alright! This
lady started the premise of RIOT GRRRL? AND came up with the phrase
Smells Like Teen Spirit? What is she PUNK FORREST GUMP? She just
shows up everywhere! The words Smells Like Teen Spirit never come
up in the lyrics. I can't complain to Kurt Cobain about it but I
can still complain to this lady about it! Someone's gotta be
accountable for something! Her DOING THINGS isn't on par with
Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump just SHOWED UP places and did dumb
pointless crap. Kathleen Hanna ACCOMPLISHED coming up with Titles.
THAT'S NOT A FAIR ANALOGY. Whatever. I dunno!
Another person signed up for my Stand Up class. Down to FOUR spots
left. If you wanna match wits with the likes of a Michael Like Me you
can sign up! Wait a second. Do I STAND UP for when I
practice stand up over zoom? I GUESS so. It's not Sit Down
Comedy! I even have a MIC I can hold that I normally use for music.
It would just be a PROP but HEY PROPS ARE FUN WE LIKE PROPS.
Fifth paragraph! What kinda crap do I got coming my way
in terms of Crap I'll Stuff Down My Gullet tonight. Probably get a
delivery. HMM. Maybe some sort of Fasting Food. Why not.
I got delivery from Local Bagel Store yesterday for 2nd time ever and got
their hamburger for 1st time ever and it was OFF THE CHARTS. It was
like Hot Lunch from Elementary or Middle School Hamburger. Which is
something I used to DIG. Really loved that hamburger! Maybe get
Fasting Food Tonight from say a McDonalds for example and get another kinda
dumb hamburger! BEEN A MINUTE since I got that sort of bullshit.
WHAETVER. Let's see. Been at the entry for a while. Almost
halfway done with it wordwise! Started making my way back to A Tribe
Called Quest this weekend. Just occurred to me to re-check out their
greatest hits! Nice chill music. Would recommend! If
that's what it came to! ONE DAY I'll recommend them, sure! I
like the part where they come from 15 minutes from my house, too!
Anyway. Wouldn't be a very long quest to get there.
Where. To their Homebase. An hour of walking! Not a
lot! ANYWAY. I started watching Godzilla Minus One. It's
pretty good. Feels like a REAL movie. Feels more like a real
movie than possibly ANY OTHER MOVIE SINCE 2009. COULD BE the first
real movie since 2012. Anyway I'm half an hour into that sucker
and so far Godzilla has wreaked SOME Havoc! I've been high for my
viewing of it to be fair! So I can't say for sure What Exactly Has
Happened! I believe Godzilla is a metaphor for GOD. But how he's
call em like I see em. Kind Of High. That's how I see em!
Hmm. I assume they eventually try to placate Godzilla by building a
Giant Lady Godzilla for him to preoccupy himself with. That'd
obviously be my first thought. So I guess I PROBABLY know what's going
to happen. You can't just BUILD a Lady Godzilla. Not with
that attitude you can't! Godzilla is LONELY. That's what I'm
getting. That's the point I'm trying to make! Well no it
isn't. Not really.
Seventh paragraph! Something is driving Godzilla and
I wanna know what it is! The tiny Godzilla that lives in Overall
Godzilla's stomach that controls Overall Godzilla with buttons and levers.
Oh okay. MAYBE it's with pulleys and ropes. Not sure
the exact system they got set up! What else is going on. My Dad
wants me to ask Endocrinologist for a prescription for the drug that they
give you when you get Covid. I don't like it! I DON'T HAVE
COVID. I don't wanna hoard this drug. There's a limited amount
of it! Let people who need it get it. On the other hand I'M NOT
ONE TO ARGUE WITH FATER. Not sure why not. Maybe at some point I
should flip a switch and BE ONE to Argue With Fater. Go out of my way
to do things my way. But WHAT'S THE BENEFIT for doing it that way.
The CONSEQUENCE is my Dad feels bad and guilt trips me for going against him
constantly nonstop. What's the positive. Hmm. I DID IT
Right now I AM doing it my way. My Way Is His
Way! It's easier that way! That's how I operate! Three
more paragraphs to go! What movie can I go see this weekend. Bad
Boys Ride Or Die is a very strong contender! I have very strong
neutral feelings about that franchise. I believe I'd be entertained
pretty well by that movie. Should get me in a groove pretty well.
ANYWAY. Thinking about DIGITIZING a lot of my notes. I got a lot
of handwritten PHRASES. 90% of my, "Notes," are just 1-2 line phrases.
But anyway wanna get them typed up and committed to WORD DOCUMENTS as
opposed to remaining fragile, hard to read spiral notebook fodder.
Even though a lot of it is just ONE LINE I feel like if I were smoking or
drinking, if I was in JUST THE RIGHT HEAD SPACE, if I were Digitizing a
phrase I MIGHT be able Couplet or even STANZA That Phrase IN TEH MOMENT
while typing it up. I Should Be So Lucky! So anyway that's
something I might do next weekend. YEAH.
Penultimate paragraph. PHRASES? You
know, like a TITLE, or a random line of dialogue, or a lien in a song.
SOMETHIN. Could be practically anything! Ya never know what it
might be! Could Be Anything! But once I type it all up and
see it all next to each other one after another maybe It'll Look Like
Something Altogether. I dunno! We'll see! Story of my
life maybe. Story of someone else's life maybe. Gotta be
the story of SOMEONE'S life! This is what The Mostly Silent Universe
Has Been Saying Back To Me Here And There! I guess.
Anyway. If it's just writing up the notes It'll Be Bad. If it's
me being able to Add To Them In The Moment it'll be good! We'll see!
WHAT ELSE is up. What should I watch tonight if not just The Wire.
Still gotta finish the Robin Williams movie about Defection. So far he
has not changed his mind and gone back to the Soviet Union. Still
about an hour left, though!
PRODUCE for this paragraph. I guess we'll find out EXACTLY what
it'll produce together. Find out just what it's capable of Right Down
To The Letter! So Far This. While watching The Wire
recently, I realized, I THINK I LIKE TREME. I'm imagining being A Guy
In Social Situations Whose Like Actually When It Comes Down To It
Treme Was Better Than The Wire. I can't wait to Both Believe That
and Be In That Situation. Should be fun! What else is up.
Can't wait to write tomorrow's entry in the sense that I get the stink of
today's entry off me! Not sure WHAT stunk about today but I feel kinda
stinky for some reason. I don't anticipate liking Having Nothing To
Say Yet Again. BUT I DO like the idea of the bad parts of today fading
further into the background! Sure, All New Bad Things will be
coming into the foreground I guess. Maybe not, though! We don't
know! Anyway, that's it. See ya tomorrow!
-5:04 P.M.