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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Getting Down To It

    Hey!  About 45-60 minutes behind schedule!  All things being normal, that would mean significant CrunchTime for the rest of the day.  However I had GENIUS IDEA of writing Act I half the size, so I can take next walk sooner, which makes everything else fall into place normally.  And then write Make Up Half Act later on PERHAPS AFTER SHOWER.  So that's good.  What else is up and crap.  Supreme Court ruled Terribly Today!  Not sure yet where it ranks on Bad, Worse, or Worst scale.  Figure twitter'll tell me later on in the day.  When it's Twitter Time.  What else.  Did some MightNight snacking.  Checked weight this morning.  About what I expected!  A pound or so higher than last time.  I didn't WANN expect that but in the back of my mind I did.  Had half a slice of chocolate babka for breakfast.  ALL IN ALL wonderful who cares at all.  Interesting counterpoint!  Huh.  No Met game today.  Huh.
Figures!  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... DAGIT it's a bunch of stuff because First Day Of Month.  FINE LET'S GO THROUGH EM.  I'm not happy about it but Here We Go... Corn Month, National Baked Beans Month, National Blueberry Month, National Culinary Arts Month, National Grilling Month, National Horseradish Month, National Ice Cream Month, National Watermelon Month, INTERNational Chicken Wing DAY, NATIONAL Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day, National Gingersnap Day.  WELL ONCE WE GOT INTO THE, "DAY'S," it wasn't so bad.  Chicken Wing INTERESTING I LIKE IT.  Ice cream flavors?  CREATIVE?  Sounds good.  I feel like if you're getting low fat or somewhat healthy ice cream you're gonna have to settle for the main flavors.  Creative flavors are just what they are.  Can't make SPECIAL creative flavors which are healthier.  But if they DID I would EAT IT.  What's the other thing.  Gingersnap.  SOUNDS GOOD.  Lemme LTURQ what it is.  OH BISCUIT WITH GINGER.  I feel like it's 50% when this specific wikipedia article says biscuit they mean it in British Sense that it's a cookie.  WHY NOT WHO KNOWS.
Yeah.  I briefly panicked and thought SHIT I GOTTA TURN THE PAGE ON WORLD TRAVEL CALENDAR NOW TOO AND I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT YET.  Then I realized OH we're a day AHEAD With National Food Days.  I still got one more day in June World Travel Calendar jj.  Wiat se cond.  I'm starting to have trouble with the letter kj .  Wait no Jo.  Jojo.  Juju.  Juje.  NEVERMIND J IS WORKING.   OH RIGHT forgot to tell you using regular laptop keyboard right now.  Just felt easier for RIGHT NOW.  So that's good.  I reserve the right to switch it up whenever I want!  AMAZING.  Reserving rights.  Hmm.  Started coffee but presumably won't have first cup until Act II after walk II.  So that's good.  Anyway I don't know how to feel about Specific MicroStory of Trump lunging at Secret Service agent and going after WHEEL in BEAST (Presidential Automobile).  Sure it's a great story.  But they're casting doubt on it and then you extrapolate that to cast doubt on the rest!  HOWEVER when casting doubt on this part they actually ARE confirming the rest of it.  I'LL TAKE THAT COMPROMISE.  Cast doubt on this part but confirm the rest?  THAT'S A POSITIVE IN MY OPINION.
So I do know how to feel about it it turns out!  Good deal.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Can probably go above 5 paragraphs for Act I here.  Not 10 no way.  We'll see how many it turns out to be overall!  What was the last thing I was watching on TV.  Was it just Tales Crypt.  Hmm.  YEAH I think it was.  Good deal!  Amazing.  Lunch gonna be Hot Pockets presumably and dinner gonna be Hot Chicken Pot Pie presumably.  ONLY HALF THE TIME IN OVEN I LIKE.  Been putting it in for 1.75-2 hours for years.  Last time only AN HOUR because my Dad special requested it because he feels the oven being on makes rest of house hotter and he doesn't like it.  WASN'T BAD FOR AN HOUR.  IDEALLY I'd go with trying an hour 15 minutes UPcoming time but Dad specially requested an hour at most again!  HEY THAT'S GREAT IT WASN'T BAD LAST TIME I'LL SURVIVE.  I'd probably survive no matter what.  Unless instead of having it for 2 hours in oven I somehow kill myself.  WOULDN'T SURVIVE THAT.  So EASY just don't do that EASY.
Hmm.  Easily gonna make it past 5 paragraphs.  So that's good.  AGAIN when getting up or NOT GETTING UP AS THE CASE MAY BE this morning I considered skipping entry today.  But I'm not!  I'm glad!  Kind of.  I guess.  Presumably start wearing new sneakers at some point.  Get one of my parents to help me lace it up because I'm a baby.  Hey baby's don't wear laced shoes at all.  Maybe they do.  Depends on the baby.  Maybe your baby is a Velcro Fan.  Who wouldn't be.  Kinda weird we still overwhelmingly have Laced Shoes after the development of velcro.  Feels like Big Lace is running the show.  Anyway.  Getting normal brand of beer for next week.  Been getting this brand for at least a month or two.  AT MOST two months or THREE.  Cool.  Gonna try not explicitly keeping track of calories again today.  Feel like yesterday I didn't keep written track and I ate about the same amount.  And without MightNight snacking the RIGHT amount.  Amazing let's write another 2 or so paragraphs.
YEAH.  HMM if I fit in 7 paragraphs for act I and somehow 8 paragraphs for act II then NO SPECIAL BONUS ACT AT ALL is necessary.  COOL DEAL.  What else is going on.  Or just write SIX paragraphs here and take walk in no more than ten minutes and be Easily Ahead Of Schedule Even More.  That sounds fun as well.  We'll see!  Any kind of weird dreams last night.  NO SPOILERS.  Just wondering PRIVATELY for MYSELF.  Can't think of anything.  Maybe something will remind me.  PROBABLY NOT.  Anyway this is gonna be the first entry ya see if checking out June 2022.  You probably won't be.  Enough of a hassle to read CURRENT entries.  Why would you go back in time to read more.  Sounds kind of dumb.  What else is up.  Presumably I gotta choose between putting Hot Pockets in oven or in microwave.  I think the STANDARD for them is they Lean Into Microwave.  But I'm guessing they give instructions for Oven too.  LEMME LTURQ ON THE INTRANET.  YEP THEY GIVE OFFICIAL OVEN INSTRUCTIONS.  That's fun.  Also 2 hot pockets is relatively indulgent I feel without being too high in calories.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH FOR NOW.
YEAH.  Only Chicken Pot Pie I like going a full Hour more than normal.  Don't wanna put in the hot pockets for 90 minutes.  Give me SOME credit for Not Always Doing The Stupid Thing I Sometimes Do!  Hmm.  Crap and crap.  Maybe I do something like 7/5/13 paragraphs for acts during the day.  Don't have to write a bonus act at all!  That sounds pretty good.  ALSO I feel like I'd get a kick out of writing 13 paragraphs tonight!  NOT SO MUCH MORE but MORE WHERE IT COUNTS.  That sort of thing.  AMAZING!  Everything is working out for EVEN BETTER than The Best.  So that's good.  Whattado with 2nd cup of coffee.  I could skip it BUT WHY.  Maybe have it after shower before walk 4 before lunch.  SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT YOU FOOLS.  Anyway that was uncalled for I guess.  Hmm.  OH NO next term Supreme Court is hearing case which would allow state legislatures to unilaterally pick presidential electors regardless of, ya know, how people vote in that state!  THAT DOESN'T SOUND GREAT.  I'll keep me updated on this situation as it progresses.  Anyway BE BACK SOON.




This Is Different

    HDANGIT I forgot to put Coffee Machine on earlier.  Now I don't have coffee ready at all for normal coffee drinking parts of the day!  HMM maybe I'll enjoy a cup after shower before lunch.  I GUESS I GOTTA ENJOY SOMETHING SOMETIME.  Anyway felt like switching it up and going to External Stilted Keyboard.  So far So fun!  Figure I'll aim for 6 paragraphs this act.  Then FINAL ACT is even 12 paragraphs PRESUMABLY.  So that's good.  Hey when is next supreme court term.  I wanna know how long we have to Put The Terrible Democracy Killing Case out of our mind for a while.  OCTOBER 3rd.  WOW NOT BAD.  Got a solid few months.  Then they're back to making opinions in the time preceding upcoming election.  Gotta imagine they'll wanna influence the election because that's the kind of people they are.
Anyway.  Got SNAPPLE going on right now.  Been neglecting the snapple for MONTHS now.  I guess I just like soda more, so sue me!  DON'T SUE ME that would be a hassle and half.  Unless I COUNTER SUE and WIN.  Now I'M coming out on top this is great.  Amazing.  What else is up and crap.  Gotta be some sort of FILM I can watch today.  That sounds great!  ANYWAY what kinda special dessert do I wanna get from Super Market for breakfasts this week.  RAINBOW COOKIE AGAIN?  I feel like half a rainbow cookie is GREAT breakfast but probably TOO HEARTY.  Maybe some mini black and whites.  MAYBE SOMETIN ELSE I DUNNO I'M NOT A FUTURE TELLER.  But if I was THIS IS HOW I WOULD HAVE DONE IT.  Hmm.  I AM re-upping with some Health Frozen Breakfast Sandwiches though.  Finished the last one a week or so ago.  STILL GOT LOOSE FROZEN BURRITOS.  But the time has come for NOT LOOSE, HEALTHIER THINGS.  Amazing.  I think I saw Joe Biden came out in favor of carving out filibuster to pass Abortion and Similar Rights.  That was the impression I got he was for when he first spoke about it Friday Morning.  Then I was made aware that he DIDN'T think that.  Now he does again! GREAT he's BACK ON TE BARE MINIMUM SPECTRUM!
So that's good.  Let's get Collins and Murkowski on board with Codifying abortion rights.  You'd think they'd be okay with that considering they love abortion rights so much, right?  You'd think so wouldn't you.  NO I WOULDN'T.  Oh that's true too.  Anyway.  What's a good upcoming snack.  KETO BAR doesn't feel like the top #1 choice right now!  HMM THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Maybe a dumb granola bar or something I DON'T HAVE ALL THE ANSWERS.  But if I did THIS IS HOW I WOULD HAVE DONE IT.  Hmm.  WOW Super Market is offering a SPECIAL BAKERY PRODUCT Patriotic Cookie Variety Pack.  FOUR COOKIES.  Two look like just Rainbow Sprinkle cookies (WITH MORE SOLID BASE?) and the other two are cookies with USA written on them in icing.  Rainbow sprinkles are presumably RED WHITE AND BLUE.  AMERICA colors.  Anyway the bad news is INCONVENIENT COOKIE SIZE.  Way too much for one breakfast.  Way too little to have half of one for one breakfast. WHAT YOU EXPECT ME TO HAVE 75% OF A COOKIE AT A TIME?  GET OUT OF HERE WIT THAT PATRIOTIC BULLSHIT.
Hmm.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Looks like I'll have No Crunch Time going on in terms of walks today.  If anything LESS crunchtime on account of not having to wait around in evening while Diner Delivery is on its way, so I could answer the door for it.  NO DINER DELIVERY TONIGHT.  My Dad is TEACHING tonight he got something for tonight YESTERDAY.  Anyway.  EAVESDROP ON THAT CRAP.  Is Eavesdrop a Bible reference.  Eve was overhearing Snake Talk Crap about apples.  I feel like snack was talking to her on purpose.  Maybe that's up for interpretation!  Snack was just talking to himself or a frog or something and Eve overheard it!  I WOULDN'T PUT ANYTHING PAST EVE/THIS SNAKE/ THIS FROG.  What else is going on and crap.  Easily fit in six paragraphs before next walk!  This is going great!  I think.  TWO MORE PARAGRAPHS IS THE POINT.  Hmm.  Could the SNAKE have eaten the apple ITSELF and then the SNAKE gains consciousness of it's nudity and whatever else Human became conscious of after apple.  I don't have all the details but I feel if snake ate apple SNAKE WOULD BE TOP OF THE GOOD CHAIN these days 5000 years later!
    Dumb ol' snake.  Not sure snakes like apples.  Well sure Not NOW.  Hmm.  What else is crap and shit.  Easy answer for upcoming snack is Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  BUT IT'S TOO OBVIOUS.  Gotta be a better option I'm not thinking of.  What about DUMB GRANOLA BAR like I said before.  YEAH THAT'S A GOOD IDEA TOO SURE.  Crap and shit.  The good news is FOR MONTHS we don't have to ONE HUNDRED PERCENT KNOW that popular votes in states will not determine who wins the electoral college votes from their states If Republicans Just Feel Like Ignoring It For Some Reason.  OCTOBER?  THAT'S A TON OF MONTHS AWAY.  Let's see.  July, August, September...  WE'RE TALKING OVER THREE MONTHS.  Gonna be a REAL Three Months To Remember.  What else is going on and crap.  Feels like we could accomplish some sort of supreme court reform in three months.  Ya know on account of how they've gone mad with power?  Gotta imagine that should be addressed.
    Last paragraph of DayTime!  Amazing.  Maybe I wanna put Whatever Bar I'm Having in fridge before walk and then eat it roughly 35-45 minutes AFTER it first arriving in the fridge.  Sounds plausibly good!  What else is going on and crap.  Figure out a film to watch today.  Tales Crypt ain't gonna cut it!  It probably WILL cut it.  But I feel like everyone's life will be better if I figure out a good Film to watch and then TELL YOU ABOUT IT.  So that's good.  Feel like I probably need to get some GUM from Super Market order. Gonna have to look into that one.  AND QUICK.  Today is the last afternoon before the order gets set in stone.  Wonderful.  Got a solid SIX+ HOURS as of right now to address that.  I'LL DO IT TOMORROW.  I can't do that it's too late.  BY TOMORROW I MEAN 5 PM.  Oh Okay That Makes Sense.  WELL that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




good for us

    Hello you fools I'm trying a new kind of WAIT A SECOND.  Hmm.   Lemme start over.  YOU'LL SEE WHY I WAS FLUMMOXED IN A MOMENT.  I'm trying a new kind of fiber bar and it's called a KIND Bar.  NEW BRAND TO ME COMPLETELY.  I'm BETTING the amount of calories it is don't justify it re: SIZE AND TASTE and/or FULFILLMENT.  BUT I WANNA TRY NEW THINGS IN GENERAL.  Most Old Things aren't working out that great for me!  New Thing can't be bad.  Could be Worse.  I dunno about that.  New means Good.  Otherwise why would the universe bother?  Doesn't add up!  The arc of justice bends towards New Things Are Good, something like that, I dunno.  Also the arc of justice bends toward GRANTING AMY CONEY BARRETT ABSOLUTE POWER.  To be fair she has to share Absolute Power with 4 other people Sometimes Five.  SO IT'S NOT ALL THAT BAD.  Teamwork!  EVIL TEAMwork.  Anyway I'm sucking on a lollipop sure.  Had chicken pot pie for dinner why not.  Ate hot pockets for lunch that was fun.  ALL CAUGHT UP ARE WE?
Probably.  I don't think I'm taking out any garbage or anything tonight.  I'm JUSTLY not wearing pants or socks.  I SPECULATED I might have cup of coffee with EveningEntry.  I'm not!  I had one cup AFTER SHOWER THAT'S IT FOR THE DAY I GUESS.  Unless I decide I wanna cup with Part II Act III.  I've heard crazier things.  Like the voices in my head.  When it comes down to it Those Are CONSISTENTLY Much Crazier than having An Evening Coffee.  What else.  Had chicken pot pie in oven for about AN HOUR Oh I Don't Know EIGHT Minutes.  Worked out great.  No problem there.  Watched POLTERGEIST II over the afternoon.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE HEY THIS MOVIE IS ADEQUATE WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM.  Hmm.  Started beer early but based on where I'm at right now Two Beers seems like the EXCEPTION not the rule.  Wait no, the RULE, not the exception.  That's right.  Today is Rule.  Maybe tomorrow is exception WE CAN'T KNOW that's why it's the exception.
What else is up.  NO KEEPIN TRACK OF CALORIES AT ALL TODAY.  On PAPER.  In my head sure.  Same amount as every other day more or less up to this point.  BUT I AIN'T WRITE SHIT DOWN YOU FOOLS.  Watched Season II Episode I of Only Murders In Some Building.  It's okay!  I've been exposed to worse things.  Solidly better than Poltergeist II at least Not Having Seen It Before compared to Being Used To Poltergeist II At This Point.  Maybe these two franchises crossover at some point I DUNNO.  Also it's possible that Poltergeist was subtitled THE CROSSOVER.  Because they cross over between spiritual realms.  Something along those lines.  Didn't they make Jesus drag his cross over a period of space HIMSELF.  Not only was he gonna be Crossified but HE HAD TO CARRY THE CROSS as THE ULTIMATE INSULT.  Sounds like something Mel Gibson would have told me at some point.  Hmm.  NATE . SILVER RELEASED HIS ELECTION FORECAST MODEL.  As of TWEETING today he's got Democrats at 13% to Win House and 47% to win Senate.  IT COULD BE WORSE I GUESS BUT I'D HOPED FOR BETTER.  YOU IDIOTS FIX THIS SITUATION IMMEDIATELY.  Don't just SIT there.  GET SOME DEMOCRATS ELECTED TO THE HOUSE IF NOT THE SENATE.  WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR.
Anyway.  12 paragraphs is the plan for Act III!  Presumably six paragraphs per Half.  RECESS BEING THE DIVIDOR.  Hmm.  Had a great idea of having SMORE POP TART as a snack instead of Quest Bar.  More or less same amount of calories!  I CAME UP WITH THE IDEA because I came across a thrown out bag of folded up Pop Tart Box in the garbage and I saw a picture of a pop tart on the box and it was an appealing SMORE Pop Tart Frosting Pop Tart and I was like HOLY CRAP I'D LIKE TO HAVE THAT SOON FOR BREAKFAST but then I realized I have CHOCOLATE BABKA for breakfast and then I realized WAIT A SECOND I COULD HAVE THAT INSTEAD OF A QUEST BAR AS HEARTY DESSERT SNACK.  I don't think I'm going to because it sounds TOO good.  You don't wanna incorporate Too Good things in your life.  It'd just make every other part of your life seem pointless.  Why bother living if 95% of the time it's a let down and only 5% is great.  I'd rather Ninety EIGHT percent of the time it be a let down and 2% of the time is KINDA good.  I CAN GET USED TO THAT.  KINDA GOOD?  I HOPE KIND BARS ARE KINDA GOOD.  KINDA BEST CASE SCENARIO I'M IMAGINING.
Yeah!  Finishing up Beer #1 soon.  Figure I'll start #2 while starting Part II of Act III and whatknot.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to fit in a walk before Super Market and presumably Also an ACT ONE.  I feel like that could be a candy or protein or fiber bar.  An ACT Bar.  I might just be thinking about the process and consumption of The Verb Acting.  Nope I'm thinking of a Granola Bar called an Act Bar.  Oh right okay.  Also it's got POPCORN in it.  WAIT NO THAT SOUNDS TERRIBLE>  Fine it's SPECIFICALLY NOT Got popcorn in it.  OK NOW I'M SPECIFICALLY BACK ON BOARD.  What else is up.  ACT is a high school standardized test.  BAR is a law school standardized test.  WONDER WHAT THAT'S ALL ABOUT there.  Gotta be SOMETIN'.  Anyway what else is crap and shit.  Got another episode of Only Murders In Some Building left!  But I'll save that for tomorrow.  Watch some Tales Crypt next would be my instinct! YEAH.
What else is up.  LOOK I know you wanna know what snacks I had today.  I'll get around to it eventually.  Hey how about now.  Granola bar before lunch.  Keto Bar between lunch and dinner.  Tootsie Pop just now.  I'LL KEEP YOU UPDARTED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGREASES.  Hmm.  Lunch tomorrow could be anything.  GOT SOME INTERESTING SANDWICH MEATS this upcoming week.  Turkey-- kinda turkey I ain't had before.  It's a STANDARD turkey but just slightly different.  BEEF PASTRAMI.  We're talkin indulgent sandwich meat but COULDA BEEN MORE. KALE VEGGIE BURGERS.  DELICIOUS I HOPE IT ALL WORKS OUT FOREVER IN MY FAVOR.  Figure I could have one of those or a Chicken Caesar Salad for lunch tomorrow.  Or Turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti or Herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and herbed broccoli or something.  LOOK WE JUST COVERED ALL THE LUNCHES I HAVE OVER THE NEXT WEEK.  SURE there will be a seventh lunch at some point-- SEVEN LUNCHES IN A WEEK!-- but I don't KNOW what that'll be yet.  So the good news is I'll be back in a quick Jippy.

    Sure.  Writing six more paragraphs here.  Then maybe plan to have a Beer III to give myself Motivation.  Or write act III part II without second beer and use SECOND beer as motivation.  That sounds like a very interesting mix-em-up!  Good.  I'll do that.  Got Birthday Bar going on right now.  That's intoxication enough for 30 or 40 minutes or whatever it is.  Anyway.  Birthday Cake Flavor is SUGAR flavor.  Not sure what else it is besides just Lots Of Sugar.  Gotta be SOMETIN.  Lemme LTURQ online.  HMM FROSTING.  That's ONE THIRD of what this mimics.  Another third is I guess you might say YELLOW CAKE.  Non Chemical Weapon Yellow Cake.  And the third third is Oh I don't know Just Tons Of Bonus Sugar Like I Said.  Anyway I ate that now.  I started it before!  I finished it now.  I REGRET NOTHING.  Except for the whole thing.  KINDA REGRET IT.  If I had NEVER ATE IT THEN then guess what brainiac I COULD BE EATING IT NOW.  WHAT A FOOL I'VE BEEN.
    Sure.  What else is going on and crap.  Five paragraphs to go!  Then I got a solid Oh I Don't Know FOURTY MINUTES before I go to bed!  And then gotta do stuff all over again tomorrow.  Doesn't seem right.  Oh well such is life.  HEY Super Market indulgence breakfast ended up being MINI black and whites.  YA GET SEVEN OF THEM BRIANIAC.  2.5 is a breakfast.  TWO BREAKFASTS PLUS who knows what with the other 2.  I WOULD HAVE PUT THE SECOND HALF OF THAT SENTENCE IN CAPS BUT I HAD ALREADY STARTED THE REST OF TE SENTENCE IN CAPS SO IN A REAL SWITCH EM UP I PUT THE CAPS PART IN LOWERCASE.  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap.  Running out of soda just as I will be re-upping with it in Oh I Don't Know 14 hours.  I'll have JUST ENOUGH I think to get me there.  By the skin of my teeth!  Which is a strange expression!  Teeth don't have skin.  Skin don't have teeth.  I guess teeth have ENAMEL or something, right?  That's like skin for your teeth?  Right?  Either way I can imagine you using some sort of torture device to shave off someone's teeth little by little so SURE if you can SKIN someone's teeth that means the teeth has skin.
    Makes sense.  Tomorrow is a Friday.  No foolin'!  What else do I got going for me or whatever.  I determined I DID need new Gum.  Just went with Peppermind, WinterGreed, and SPearmoot.  LOOK I also get Bubbergum or Citruse Flavor often but THIS TIME just the standard 3.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  I feel like it'll pay off however long it lasts.  Two weeks.  Three?  Maybe.  HEY here's some good news I ONLY CHEW ONE PIECE OF GUM AT A TIME FOR MONTHS.  I feel like most of my life and certainly during the last few years before last few months I DID 2 AT A TIME.  NOW I TRANSITIONED TO HALF TEH GUM AND I'M TWICE AS HAPPY.  Well let's not go crazy.  I'M ABOUT THE SAME AMOUNT OF HAPPY.  Well let's not go crazy.  I'M STILL RELATIVELY HAPPY SOMEHOW.  Oh okay that checks out.
Yeah!  Three paragraphs to go.  Then I drink Solid Beer #2 after this.  Good deal.  I feel like the Crux of Poltergeist II is the actors and presumably everyone else involved on the production being like is this as real a movie as the original one or is this just a cheesy cheap Cash In.  I think HISTORY has decided it's just a cheesy cheap cash in BUT THAT MIGHT BE ERRONEOUS.  And EITHER WAY when making the film the actors CLEARLY DIDN'T KNOW how serious to take this.  I think they did their best At Acting EVEN IF IT TURNED OUT IT WASN'T WORTH THE EFFORT and ya know what IT PAYS OFF.  Makes the film halfway worthwhile if YA JUST GAVE IT A CHANCE.  You know that sort of thing.  THEN AGAIN IT COULD ALSO MAKE TEM LOOK FOOLISH.  Guy who plays the dad putting on an Acting Clinic CLEARLY HE DOESN'T KNOW THIS PRODUCTION AIN'T AS FINE A PRODUCTION as original film.  LOOKS THE FOOL is how I feel.  Then again I also think this movie is relatively good enough so shows how much I know.
Penultimate paragraph of the Night!  Liked the pepperoni pizza hot pockets.  Re-upped with them again immediately!  So that's good I guess.  NO GUESSing that's Good FOR SURE.  Oh okay.  Hmm.  Anyway it's not Poltergeist II: The Crossover it's Poltergeist II: The Other Side.  But I feel in spirit I was more ore less there.  Sure, I guess, whatever.  Only Less Than Two more paragraphs to go.  Then spell check for about 2 hours and then Post That Sucker to the Intranet.  Tomorrow is July.  DO I DARE sneak peek what the World Travel Month Destination Of The Month World Travel Calendar will be?  SURE LET'S LOOK THAT SUCKER UP RIGHT NOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!  HOLY MOLEY IT'S TORONTO CANADA!  THAT'S ONE OF THE BEST PLACES I CAN IMAGINE IT BEING.  I'd go to some Toronto, Canada, EASY.  The point is I won't read the Blurb about Toronto Canada until tomorrow.  NOR will I look at Calendar Part Of Calendar to see if there's any World Travel OR Patriotism Days.  NO SPOILERS SEE YA TOMORROW.
One more paragraph to go.  Then I can say SEE YA TOMORROW in a slightly different context!  Hmm.  I can stay up LATE today to enjoy Beer #2.  We're talkin watch some Tales Crypt for SIXTY FIVE minutes instead of for FOURTY Minutes.  I've heard crazier ideas.  Presumably.  I've been around for a solid 33.5+ years gotta imagine some crazier ideas passed through my ear canals or something I dunno.  If you don't speak English yet because you're a baby but you hear someone say a crazy idea EMPIRICALLY does it count as hearing it.  I HEARD THE NOISES and THEY WERE CRAZY IDEAS.  But I couldn't put two and two together!  I DON'T SPEAK THE LANGUAGE.  But I STILL HEARD IT is the point.  I dunno gonna have to look into that one I guess.  Gonna have delicious Health Ice Cream Bar later at BedfordBye Time.  POSSIBLY even some small thing between now and then.  THAT'S ABOUT IT FOR TONIGHT.  I'll see ya tomorrow.  Like I said before.  It came to fruition.  How about that.

-9:21 P.M.




Wednesday, June 29, 2022

That's One Way To Think About It

    Hello friends!  About 30-45 minutes behind schedule this morning.  SOME CrunchTime for first two acts but if those work out decently well No More CrunchTime for rest of day.  Anyway workin' on keyboard.  On stilts.  Nice typewriter clanking.  I can either see LOVING IT or HATING IT over time.  Or tuning it out.  Probably tuning it out.  As of now FUN.  Anyway did some MightNight snacking last time putting me slightly over Calorie Allotment again.  DANGIT.  The good news is I imagine a future where I can smoke weed at night as Fun NightTime instead of Drink Beer.  Which makes it easier to lose weight!  MAYBE weed doesn't agree with me and this doesn't pan out.  MAYBE I lose control and eat more stuff ON WEED because it's MORE FUN.  I'm leaning towards probably 60-75% chance Weed Wouldn't Agree with me.  Can't hurt to dream, though!  That's my impression.  Jeez.  SUCCESSFULLY GOT UP TODAY to be more or less on time PROBABLY.  Good deal.
Any Election Stuff that happened which I could have changed had I voted?  Let's see JUDGE races.  I DON'T JUDGE RACES EVERYONE IS EQUITY IN MY BOOK.  Let's LTURQ anyway. HEY looks like there were four judge candidates and two of them won.  Amazing!  What else is up.  Chicken parm for lunch today.  Dinner could be ANYTING.  Probably Pizza or Open Faced Veal Cutlet hero-- with other one as lunch tomorrow, OR DELI DINNER.  Possibly BBQ Chicken Dinner over 2 nights.  OR Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow and something else for tonight.  MAYBE HOT DOGS OR SOMETHING IF YOU COULD BELIEVE IT.  Probably could believe it.  No reason to doubt it.  I'm not THE MOST reliable narrator but in general what I say is reasonably safe to assume I mean it!  Hmm.  Pop tart and ice cream sandwich as breakfast.  Pop tart first, then ice cream sandwich.  That's how I usually do it!  Maybe I should try it the other way to mix things up.  Maybe I should try lots of things to mix lots of things up!  OR NOT.
  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Bomb Pop Day and Watermelon Seed Spitting Week.  WELL THOSE ARE WEIRD.  Let's see what a Bomb Pop Day is AND SHOULD I BE CONCERNED FOR MY SAFETY.  Oh it's those popsicles that are red white and blue.  I've seen those before.  Decent popsicles all in all!  I dunno if I've ever HAD one but I'd say it's in the top 50% of fruit flavor popsicles based on what I can tell.  Seed spitting week.  AN ENTIRE WEEK for seed spitting.  Great.  Kinda feels like you can do that in the privacy of your own home but don't get ALL OF US involved with your gross habits.  YOU WANNA EAT WATERMELONS YOU GOTTA SWALLOW THE SEEDS.  DO IT RIGHT.  NO HALFASSING IT.  Are you worried Watermelon will grow inside you?  Because I doubt that'd happen.  Better LTURQ just to be sure.  CAN FRUIT GROW INSIDE YOU.  NOPE IT CAN'T.  You IDIOTS.  Anyway I dunno.  Pizza'd be great tonight if I had another lunch lined up.  Lunch has cheese in it and pasta.  REDUNDANT WIT PIZZA.  Then again REDUNDANCIES can be great if it's REALLY what you want on any given day.
Fun!  Open faced Veal Cutlet Hero would be fun too!  Have pizza tomorrow lunch.  FUN.  Anyway how's Trump going.  Kinda feels like I would have arrested him while hearing was going on yesterday before he can try to manifest another Violent Riot.  So far as far as I can tell he HASN'T gone there yet these days but gotta imagine he's strongly considering it!  Either way what do I know.  Not a lot.  Anyway.  I know we all know Trump says something insane three times a day when he was in the news all day every day but after yesterday I really felt wait a second... all those things... together... THIS GUY IS FUCKING NUTS.  I knew it before but now I think of it all together.  And me and my mom combined to make the impression of how presidency was bookended by Crowd Sizes.  First was his insane insistence that his inauguration crowd was bigger than Obamas.  And it ended with up upset that his Violence Crowd isn't as big because they turned away the most violent.  How about that.
Hmm.  Gotta imagine 2-4 crazy things during 4 years as president too.  2-4 every minute.  THAT'S LIKE ONE EVERY 15-30 seconds IF YOU DO THE MATH.  Which I encourage you to!  DAD IS A MATH TEACHER.  I'm no math teacher but I'd get a kick out of encouraging people to do math so I'm like my role model: My Dad!  Great.  What do I got in store for rest of day.  Met game at 1:10 PM.  That'll be entertaining for a while presumably.  Still got that Shutter Film I was, "Watching," lat night.  Didn't absorb much.  Every now and then I heard Leslie Nielson speak from the 1970's and that was fun.  That's about all I was getting out of it though.  First election I missed in a couple of years I think.  Oh well.  I'll vote in the next one I'm eligible for PRESUMABLY.  I was too busy being a good citizen by watching January Hearing.  So there's that.  HEY halfway through Act I.  Coffee time.  Be back in a jippy.
    Feel like abdominal fat isn't going great.  Some of that mass is muscle cause of all Sit Ups.  But some of it as fat!  Cause of all the Slightly overeating most days.    HEY what can ya do.  Lose weight by doing what I'm doing but without beer at some point.  So that's fun.  How long does it take to write the next 5 paragraphs.  My guess is 30-40 minutes but it's not DEFINITE.  If it were 30 minutes I'm definitely okay with CrunchTiming Lack Thereof.  40 Minutes?  I'd be okay but I'd be putting pressure on my Dad having to wait to take his walk after my 3rd walk Getting Back.  WHICH I DON'T LIKE.  I like to be a TEAM PLAYER.  Let my Dad take walks more or less at his pleasure.  So that's how I feel and crap.  Hmm.  KEYBOARD CAME WITH BATTERIES.  I don't need to load them in at all!  GREAT THAT SAVES ME TONS OF TIME AND EFFORT.  Good. 
    Seventh paragraph.  Right?  Feels like it should be!  Let's fantasize about Theme Amusement Parks some more.  Hmm fantasize about having Future Family and doing it.  I could fantasize about having Past Pals doing it.  But the time for that has passed!  What about Present Pals.  NOPE too late to go with Pals.  FAMILY FANTASY at this point is the way to go.  So that's fun.  Gotta find a wife.  Make some kids.  Raise them the bare minimum to get to the point they're old enough to fully enjoy a Theme Park.  LOOK a 4 year old is gonna get SOMETHING out of SOME theme parks aimed toward the youngins.  But I want A FULL GROWN KID to like a FULL GROWN THEME PARK that we can RELATE to each other about.  YEAH.  What else is up.  I'd like to buy Hutchingson a drink.  She'd probably turn me down!  But it's only 30% Real Feeling and 70% turn of phrase.  BUT 30% REAL FEELING.  I'd be too shy to buy girls drinks IN GENERAL but I feel like this is a good opportunity to do it IN PEACE AND WHATKNOT.  Then again she's probably a shitty person in other respects too what do I know.  Even still.
Eighth paragraph.  When they read segments of Witness Tampering at the end of January Hearing, I know they did it anonymously so WE Don't know who shared that but gotta imagine THE WITNESS TAMPERER recognized what they said and to whom.  So THEY know who to target for retribution!  Unless they sent out exact same boilerplate witness tampering to multiple people.  I guess that might be the case!  So that's fun.  In a place where I should be able to get everything done without crunch time.  Wonderful.  Right now maybe leaning towards Deli.  Not sure what I'd get.  Not sure what I WOULDN'T get.  Probably lots of stuff.  Anyway HEY I can get slice of cake or babka from them to divide into 2 breakfasts.  HEARTY breakfasts even divided.  But POSSIBLY not CRAZY Hearty.  WOW NOW I'M REALLY EXCITED ABOUT THIS CRAP.  Amazing.  Could get assorted cookies as 2 breakfasts.  That sounds CRAZY ENOUGH IT JUST MIGHT WORK TOO.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act!  GREAT NEWS it just occurred to me I have no lunch for tomorrow!  So getting DELI means I can get THREE meals not 2 over the next 1.5 days!  Which is GOOD because I was thinking how am I gonna narrow some of this down.  AMAZING.  2 Hot dogs for one meal. Chicken pot pie for other meal.  Maybe INDLGENT GRANDMAS SOUP as Healthy Third meal.  LOTTA CHICKEN LOTTA CARROTS LOTTA NOODLES.  MAYBE EVEN ADD A MATZOH BALL OH MAN.  Gotta have that and chicken pot pie on separate days.  Making it likely Grandma Soup would be for TONIGHT.  Or I can think of a more fun more indulgent Tonight Meal.  Like HAVE HOT DOGS TONIGHT and figure SOMETIN ELSE for tomorrow lunch.  THE POINT IS ALL THE PIECES ARE STARTING TO COME TOGETHER.  Assorted cookies sound GREAT.  Five of them indulgent assorted cookies for breakfast isn't breaking the bank.  Good deal.  If I'm comfortable having them tonight, third meal could be Chicken Fingers.  THAT SOUNDS LIKE WONDERFUL.
    Last paragraph of the act!  Everything coming into place that CrunchTime is but a distant worry at this point MORE OR LESS.  So that's good.  Anyway been typing at New Keyboard entire entry.  ON STILTS.  Been pretty normal.  Nothin' weird or new or anything.  Kind of a let down.  I thought New Keyboard would be New Inspuration and whatknot and I'd start writing better!  OH WELL That's Life.  Nothing ever gets better.  Could be worse!  Things can ALWAYS get worse!  Instead of Often Staying the same and sometimes getting worse.  Hmm.  What else is crap.  The point is Deli does Chicken Fingers right per my memory.  So that's good.  WAIT A SECOND HOLD THE PHONE.  I'm having chicken parm for lunch today.  I can't double up on chicken in one day!  OH NO.  Chicken pot pie for tomorrow dinner.  2 Hot dogs (+ CHIPS?) for one of the other meals.  AND TEN A MYSTERY MEAL not chicken based.  HMM that's a tough one.  Can I eat an entire piece of chocolate babka as a meal?  IF IT TWERE JUST ME HERE DEFINITELY.  I don't need my parents judging me on that crap though!  Hmm.  THIS SUCKS NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  Lemme think REAL QUICK.  Pint of hungarian goulash with side of noodles.  Put that in the MAYBE Pile.  I'll be back in a little bit.




Really Is That True

    HEY.  Thinking the way to go is get Italian Food tonight and then deli Tomorrow.  OPEN FACE HERO TONIGHT PIZZA LUNCH TOMORROW THEN DINNER TOMORROW SOME CHICKEN FINGERS AND DINNER NEXT NIGHT WOULD BE CHICKEN POT PIE.  YOU IDIOTS I FIGURED IT OUT FOR TE MOST PART.  Not committed entirely BUT THE PIECES ARE STARTING TO COME TOGETHER.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Gonna have Mets game lined up to start after next walk and/or shower.  Good deal!  I like the part where they play baseball to the best of their ability.  Probably.  Maybe the majority of them are only giving 60 or 80%, what do I know.  The good news is there was some good news somewhere but I forget.  Absence of bad news.  Rest of day coming into picture and it's not gonna be that bad a day per my understanding.  That might be The Good I was thinking of!  Hmm.  I got BBQ sauce from Super Market at home.  Maybe I try LIGHTLY GLAZING Breaded Veal Cutlet hero.  PROBABLY WOULD JUST COMPLICATE TINGS THOUGH.
   Hmm.  I know I'M only giving 60 or 80%!  So that might be projection on my part.  Kinda feel comfortable touting my record of generally giving above 50%.  I feel like that's something that reflects well-ly on me.  So that's good!  Anyway how many more days in June.  I'm guessing TWO after today.  I WAS WRONG DEAD WRONG.  Only One!  Oh well at least we've all learnt something.  Or I learnt something and 30% of you learnt something and 70% of you had something you already known confirmed yet again.  Hmm.  Didn't register much about The Shutter film I watched 40 minutes of last night.  PART OF IT was a card game and some guy said he had a pair of queens.  Not sure if this card game is important to the plot.  Pretty certain it isn't!  But you don't forget a thing like that!  Hmm.  Pair of queens not bad.  Only bested by pairs of kings or aces.  Or things better than a pair.  WELL THAT GOES WITHOUT SAYING OF COURSE.
Sure.  Only 2 USB plugs in computer.  When I have keyboard plugged in, means I can't have Earphone Loading Power Dock plugged in.  Hopefully it lasts enough for walks 2 and 3 all the same!  Hmm.  Just noticed there's an On/Off switch on keyboard.  And for a second I was REALLY SCARED it was in Off configuration and it's like the scene in Child's Play where Mother realized the doll has no batteries in it.  LUCKILY IT WAS IN ON POSITION.  So my keyboard isn't animated and with a mind of its own.  Well it still MIGHT BE but I have no evidence to suggest that as of now.  Hmm.  I WASN'T 40 minutes into Shutter Film ONLY 34 Minutes!  Hey that's life, ya get stuff wrong sometimes.  Presumably.  That's been my experience at least!  What else is up.  KETO BROWNIE ahead of the pack for what upcoming snack will be.  VERY ahead of the pack.  Hmm.  What else is crap and up.  Didn't take a shower yesterday either!  Kinda slipped my mind to take it later in the day.
    Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  IMAGINE A WORLD where I'm not drinking 2 beers a night AND I'm not doing any MightNight snacking.  I get down to Ideal Weight in no time at all!  By which I mean 2 or 3 months!  Depending on Just How Ideal I wanna settle at.  So that's fun.  What else is crap.  Maybe a nice Good Ice Cream Sandwich as a snack today.  Either PRE LUNCH or PRE DINNER.  THE BALLS ARE IN MY SCROTUM I can do whatever I want in regards to this.  Amazing!  Anyway I dunno Met game might JUST MIGHT entertain me solidly ENTIRE GAME.  Could be a Competitive interesting game THE ENTIRE TIME.  WOW THAT'S LIKE THREE HOURS right in the sweet spot of the day I need Somethin'.  So that's good.  It didn't happen yet.  So that has the potential to be good.  YEAH.  What else is up.  I've already eaten Good Ice Cream Sandwich twice over the last 15 hours.  MAKES SENSE TO DO IT AGAIN.  Really LEAN INTO IT and whatknot.
    Last paragraph of The DayTime Day.  Sure.  Hmm probably should be turning keyboard OFF when I'm not using it.  Gotta imagine that preserves SOME relatively substantial battery power over time.  What else is crap.  As far as I can tell no NY Election Races from yesterday have the potential to be decided by one vote.  So just knowing that alone I WON THE ELECTION BY NOT VOTING AND NOT MAKING A DIFFERENCE.  That's how you win elections!  Sounds about right.  I feel like we should be rewarded each time we vote not just with sticker but with PRIZES.  Just once FINE the sticker IS the one-off prize.  But if you vote 10 times you get a stuffed animal or something.  You vote 50 times you get, I dunno, what's a good prize for 50 Votes (general election, primary election, whatever!).  Maybe some sort of GUN.  Not a REAL gun.  A PLAY gun.  That sounds right up our alley I guess.  Whatever that's it for now!  See ya soon later!




Anyway Whatever

    Hi friends!  GET NEWS.  I mean GREAT NEWS.  I tried typing on the keyboard without switching it back from Off to On and NOTHING HAPPENED.  KEYBOARD DOESN'T HAVE A LIFE OF ITS OWN.  Amazing!  MealTalk.  Had 2 hot dogs WITH ONION with leftover calamari pieces for dinner.  We're talkin little breaded pieces of Little Pieces.  I dunno if there was even any calamari in these small bits of bit.  SOMETHIN to em.  Just breading maybe!  Either way ALL I NEEDED.  WASN'T A FAN OF THESE ONIONS.  Little did I know that getting Onion on hot dog is 20% getting onion and 80% getting Kinda Gross sauce Onions are marinated in.  NO THANKS I MESSED UP SORRY ABOUT THAT ME.  Now I know for next time.  There won't BE a next time.  Not with that attitude there won't!  Hmm.  Trying new Diet Strategy of not taking explicit track of calories AT ALL.  Maybe that helps me somehow in my life.  Gotta imagine Doing Things Differently MAY effect Things SOMEHOW.
Hmm.  No way I'm not wearing pants right now despite having to leave the house in 40 minutes to take out the trash.  I feel like Trash is a Disparaging way to say garbage.  Garbage is a technical term and Trash is a SLANDER TERM.  Oh well if it didn't wanna be slandered it wouldn't be so unappealing.  I dunno.  I don't find most of my garbage so unappealing.  It's MY garbage.  Remnants from stuff I Presumably Liked Originally!  MY garbage is actually pretty good!  YOURS IS DISGUSTING TRASH THOUGH let's talk about it.  Anyway either way kinda rude.  Just because Garbage isn't Sentient YET doesn't mean we should be jerks about it.  It's not doing us harm ON PURPOSE.  LEAVE GARBAGE ALONE.  Anyway finished beer #1 already.  Today may be shaping up to be a Three Beer Knight.  That's good.  Anyway.  Went with Deli Hot Dogs because I came up with great lunch for tomorrow WHY IT'S ONLY TWO HOT POCKETS.  Pepperoni Pizza Hot pockets I think!  THINGS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT MORE DELICIOUS.  Hmm.  Got chocolate babka!  Perfect size piece I think.  For splitting it into TWINE to have for 2 breakfasts.  THINGS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT MORE INDULGENT.  At some point you'd think I'd learn how to spell Indulgant.  See look I did it RIGHT TE FIRST TIME this time and wrong the second time.  Oh well I have no desire to learn anything.  So FORGET IT.  Gonna continue not knowing how to spell it THAT'S MY PEROGATIVE.
What else is up.  Figure I'll go re-up with some beer Oh I Don't Know AFTER this paragraph.  Beats doing it now!  I'd have to GET OUT OF THIS CHAIR.  And I'm pretty Pot Committed to continuing sitting down for the near-immediate-future.  Been working out for me the last 10 minutes pretty well!  No complaints there.  What's going on in the wide world of sports today.  Probably things in the wide world of Current Events.  Feels like stuff NOT TO MY LIKING.  NOT A FAN.  Oh well what can ya do.  Put on shirts backwards.  I feel like a solid 75-80% of the time I have a shirt that's more or less the same in the front and in the back, but you can tell which is the back because it has a tag or a logo on the back INSIDE, I feel like 75-80% of the time I GUESS THE WRONG WAY when first trying to put the shirt on.  RELATABLE.  NON OFFENSIVE.  EVERYONE GETS SOMETHING OUT OF THAT STORY.  I'm WELL ON MY WAY to winning some sort of award if I keep that kind of thing up.
Hey beer time!  Remember when Brett Kavanaugh's thesis statement on why he'd be a good supreme court justice was the he liked beer especially as a kid but also presumably this carried over into his adult life?  It's funny because We Forget It Was Real Life because it immediately just became a satire.  But that guy who did that is now Supremely Divined to dole out whatever he feels justice is.  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run.  The good news is I got a tootsie pop in my VERY near future.  I dunno HOW near.  Could be 15 minutes, could be half an hour!  Could be anything.  Maybe I'm dead by then because Kavanaugh is insulted and puts out a hit on me which IS OKAY HE IS A SUPREME COURT JUSTICE AFTER ALL.  THEY CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT.  Oh well at least I'm dying for a just cause.  Just Cause.  That sounds like a fun phrase.  Let's make that a Romantic Comedy or something.  Presumably about lawyers maybe?  Just Cause.  Must already exist, right?  If not I DIB ROYALTIES.  When it DOES become a thing YOU OWE ME ALL THE MONEY IT EARNS AND THEN SOME.
    Kinda feels like a bad deal for you.  Oh well I CALLED IT and that's the law.  Could be at least.  The law could be ANYTHING these days.  WHATEVER THESE GUYS WANT IS The Law!  Gotta wonder if that'll pay off in the long run, like I said earlier.  Hmm.  Fifth paragraph of the Act III.  Let's aim for six paragraphs or something for Part I.  I GET WHY KAVANAUGH LIKING BEER IS GOOD FUN.  Because it makes us forget he's A RAPIST.  Lot more fun to think of a Beer Lover on Supreme Court than just Your Average Run Of The Mill Rapist.  That's not fun at all.  HEY WAIT A SECOND I'm a person.  People can be raped.  I COULD HAVE BEEN RAPED BY THIS GUY.  I mean not LITERALLY.  I'd remember PROBABLY if I was raped by Brett Kavanaugh.  But people LIKE ME could have been raped by Brett Kavanaugh AND I could have been raped by PEOPLE LIKE Brett Kavanaugh.  THE SYSTEM WORKS.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.
    Anyway.  Gonna watch some Tales Crypt during short recess comin' up.  Yes I have a chicken pot pie waiting in the wings for dinner tomorrow night.  Good deal.  What else is going on and crap.  New Supreme court justice is clocking in for the first time tomorrow I believe.  Good for her.  I hope she gives ALL the great rulings.  I assume they'll let her decide several cases all by herself at the start to encourage her and make her feel like part of the team.  Because they're all friends and are working together to create a just and fair and ideal America.  Either that or the court is packed with right wing extremists who have no interest employing any judicial philosophy other than executing the raw brute power to do whatever they feel like.  Either THAT or the first thing I said.  I FORGET what it was.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Hey time for a recess.  I EARNT IT.  On account of not sure why I earnt anything but I didn't specifically NOT Earn something.  Hmm.  Be back soon!

    Hey!  Time to write 4-6 paragraphs presumably.  Got lollipop going.  I totally suck on that shit HANDS FREE.  That's one of the appeals of lollipops.  THESE lollipops at least.  Anyway the good news is I'm starting beer #3 now.  Wonder how much that'll pay off in the long run.  I know TO SOME DEGREE I'll like it.  But will I be enjoying Entire Rest Of Night being Slightly More On Beer than otherwise.  I DUNNO.  Only one way to find out.  ASK TEH AUDIENCE.  What else is up.  Gonna start all over again tomorrow morning doing The Same Garbage I Always Do.  SOMETIMES IT FEELS KINDA NEW THOUGH.  Wonder what that's all about.  And if its something I can HARNESS.  Or if it's all just left to chance.  Anyway been having some weird dreams lately.  I forget some of them and the ones I remember YOU WOULDN'T APPRECIATE.  Stuff about my life that wouldn't register with you!  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
  HOT POCKETS are delicious and also Pepperoni Pizza.  EACH ONE about the same amount of calories as A SLZIZLE of pizza.  So it CORRESPONDS neatly.  Wonderful.  Do I have any good alternatives of what to watch tonight than The Standard Tales Crypt.  Probably.  Either way we can only speculate as of now.  So that's good.  Ended up having that left over calamari it turns out!  Some of it!  Some of it I ate little Pieces Of Breadedness with hot dogs and some of it I THREW OUT.  I stand by my decisions.  Some of them.  This one definitely at least.  I figure I'm gonna stand by around 40-60% of my decisions overall.  Not a terrible success rate of Standing By.  STAND DOWN AND STAND BY.  I think that's Upcoming January Hearings, right?  Trump and/or Trump Team coordinating with Proud Boys?  That sounds like a blast and a half.  I bet at that point he'll be arrested.  Which he hasn't been yet.  Even though he used the power of presidency to direct a violent insurrection attack on America.  SO FAR let's see WHERE TV WATCHING TAKES US SOME MORE THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  If we arrested Trump now THAT'D SPOIL THE REST OF TEH FRANCHISE.
    What else is up and crap.  I mean aren't they at all concerned Trump is gonna try to do it again?  What's stopping him from AGAIN riling up supporters as another last ditch attempt at violence.  This dude belongs in police custardy!  OH WELL I'M NOT THE BOSS.  CLARENCE THOMAS IS.  Not sure HOW or WHY but it turns out that's the case somehow.  Finished Tootsie Pop.  IT WAS A CHOCOLATE ONE.  Chocolate through and through.  No problem there.  Only problem is IT'S OVER.  I can have one or two more to replace Solid Dessert Snack.  There'd ICE CREAM SNACKS, there's LOLLIPOP snacks, then there's SOLID SNACKS.  Solid Snacks obviously being the largest KILOCALORIE-wise.  But I can replace them with LOLLIPOP snacks SURE WHY NOT NO ONE IS GONNA STOP ME I'D LIKE TO SEE THEM TRY.  Hmm.  I wouldn't like to see them try!  WHAT IF THEY SUCCEED?!  Then my life is WORSE OFF than it was before.  I don't wanna take that risk!
Starting beer #3 once and for all.... now.  Good deal.  What else is up.  OH I can watch The Only Murders In That Building.  I watched the first season of that and it was okay.  HEY HOW ABOUT THAT CAST TRIO TO REMEMBER.  I forget what I liked about the show.  I mean BESIDES the cast trio to remember.  I remember liking it though.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  Figure I'm about 3 paragraphs from the end of the night.  Including this one.  So it's really only 2.5 paragraphs to go when we get down to the, "Knitty- Gritty."  So that's good.  TWERE I WAS to have a solid snack which would it be. Something on the LOWER END OF INDULGENCE that's for sure.  But WHAT.  I had NO Keto Bar Brownie snack today.  That's my FAVORITE.  That could make a strong case for itself!  Well someone else would have to make the case FOR IT.  It's a piece of food.  Can't very well talk or reason with People!  Hmm. 
    Yeah!  What else is up.  Then again IF I WAS GONNA HAVE SOMETHING ELSE INSTEAD OF A SOLID SNACK this is how I would have done it... maybe just have another tootsie pop when I'm done writing/spelling/posting this entry.  YEAH.  I FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT THIS.  Wonderful!  Maybe watch EPISODE I SEASON II of Tales From The Building The Murder One I Mean.  I could imagine it going WELL or POORLY.  I might be like HEY I REMEMBER ENJOYING THIS AND NOW I'M ENJOYING IT ALL OVER AGAIN.  Or it could be THE MOST BORING THING IN THE HISTORY OF THINGS I WAS DOING TONIGHT ALREADY.  The good news is I DON'T HAVE TO DECIDE I believe the ball is in the Supreme Court's court.  They just get to decide Everything from now on.  I DON'T MAKE THE RULES but I DON'T BREAK THE RULES.  So that's what life is now!  GOOD DEAL.  Gotta imagine they'll rule Rightly around 12% of the time.  That'd be my first instinct.  WOW MORE THAN 1 out of 10 Times I ACTUALLY AGREE WITH WHAT'S BEEN DECIDED FOR ME!
Last paragraph of the NightTimeDay.  So what else is going on and crap.  Wonder how late I'm gonna stay up tonight.  I feel FRISKY maybe I'll stay up as late at 10:30 PM +.  We'll see and crap I guess.  What's going on tomorrow. THURSDAY or something I believe.  Lemme LTURQ.  Yep!  Thursday Day Of The Week!  Nail'd It!  What if I did a Flip-Em-Up and had Chicken Pot Pie for lunch and Hot Pockets for dinner.  WHAT THE HELL WAIT A SECOND I JUST REALIZED THIS IS QUITE A REDUNDANCY.  Pot Pie is PASTRY.  Hot pocket is PASTRY.  Still though if you're gonna have Redundancies a Savory Pastry Redundancy IS TE WAY TO GO.  I can't GET ENOUGH of savory pastries who cares if I don't take a MealBreak between them or not.  IT'S ALL GOOD!!!  Hmm.  Well that's about it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:28 P.M.




Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My Website Welcomes You

    Hey!  About half an hour behind schedule today.  Which normally means On Schedule Enough.  TODAY though It's a little bit of CrunchTime to get in the two acts before January Hearing at 1 PM.  PROBABLY will align pretty evenly that it starts while I'm starting walk three.  So I can listen to it LIVE and then watch it LIVE on TV and then presumably listen to it LIVE again on the next walk and then maybe watch it again LIVE after that!  Anyway Keyboard DID arrive yesterday!  No reason not to have it set up by Evening Act III.  Only question is whether I'm like actually I got used to regular keyboard without, "E," key and this is better than Keyboard.  LOOK keyboard can't be all that bad but maybe I find it distracting that it makes computer screen further away!  Oh well either way I'll survive.  Not gonna tell my parents HEY DECIDED TO JUST SCRAP the keyboard.  That's between you and me!  And other people who read this!  Gotta imagine if there's at least a, "You," there's probably MULTIPLE, "Youse."  It's a legit question whether there's Zero or A Positive Amount of readers.  But once we get to There's One GOTTA IMAGINE THERE'S TWO OR MORE.
Yeah!  Smallest amount of MightNight snacking last night possible!  40 Calories.  ALSO yesterday was only the 2nd time in 2 weeks I was slightly UNDER calorie allotment instead of slightly OVER.  I GUESS THAT'S GOOD.  What else is up.  Checked my weight a couple times over the last few days.  ONE PIXEL IS OFF.  I dunno if I'm clocking in at 123.5 or 125.5.  GOTTA IMAGINE IT's 123.5 because I WANT TO imagine that but then again also gotta imagine it's NOT that because I AM PESSIMISM in this case.  So that's good.  Had Chocolate Chip Pancake Unhated Up for breakfast.  Good deal!  Definitely still looking forward to Chocolate Chip PanCAKES as meal today.  Maybe even have it for lunch it's so exciting!  WOW.  Anyway if this act takes real long it's possible I delay Act II for lunchtime instead of having it bleed into January Hearing start time.  Anyway.  Surprise Hearing PERSON wasn't that thrilling but gotta imagine testimony will BLOW THE HOUSE OFF THE ROOF.
    Maybe.  I'd settle for a Seven Out Of Ten Blowing The House.  So that's good.  Mets game at 7:10 PM.  That should be a blast and a ha-- wait no JUST A SINGLE BLAST.  Still good though.  A single blast is really QUITE GOOD when it comes down to it.  Anyway.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Almond Buttercrunch Day and National Waffle Iron Day.  Dunno what buttercrunch is.  I guess I'll never know!  No way to find out.  WAIT A SECOND THE INTERNET.  Let's see.  TOFFEE but instead of Brown Sugar it's Regular Sugar.  Dunno what  toffee is but I know it SLIGHTLY more than Buttercrunch.  Anyway sounds like A Sweet so sure I'd like that.  Waffle Iron day.  Pretty sure we're not supposed to eat The Waffle Iron!  Better LTURQ just to be sure.  Not seeing any info specifically on whether or not to eat the waffle iron.  Safe to say it's discouraged though IN REAL LIFE.  Maybe internet is okay with it but I'd guess regular people are against it.
Yeah!  Thought about sleeping late today and skipping entry.  Then I ended up getting up earlier than I was Pining For and was like oh great now I don't need to skip the entry.  So that's fun.  IS IT THOUGH.  Sort of!  GOOD DEAL.  Anyway had breakfast earlier than I like but still not MightNight eating.  It was LIGHT OUTSIDE.  Late enough to have breakfast.  GREAT.  Saved some odds and ends pieces of calamari.  Mostly the pieces that aren't circles but STRANGE shapes.  Probably won't have em but like I said yesterday or day before POSSIBLE SNACK at some point.  Maybe I feel like a Calamari snack!  Kinda seems like at some point it might sound appealing.  What else is up.  Hey small ice cream sandwich snack today.  Cookies or Bars are kind of redundant with Pancakes SORT OF.  Ice cream sandwich SLIGHTLY LESS REDUNDANT.  You FOOLS.  Hmm.  Look like the Cleveland Guardians have a decent chance of making playoffs close to halfway through the season.  COOL.  They're the new kids on the block.  EXCEPT BETTER AT MUSIC let's talk about it.
Dang.  I might not be losing weight overall, but I feel like when locking my belt into place there's less body mass in that area.  So weight is getting redistributed possibly!  That's great I guess.  Maybe it's not great.  Could be re-distributed in a way I don't like.  Oh okay whatever.  Other meal for today is either Ham Sandwich with Mystery Side or Chicken Parm with No Side.  Guess I could have a slice of toast with Chicken Parm if I really wanted to.  Probably don't!  Look if Toast was calorie neutral then I'd have toast all the time.  BUT IT'S NOT.  So whatever.  HEY if I have sandwich guess what I can have TWO PIECES OF TOAST RIGHT THERE.  Oh okay good.  Had some kettle chips for the first time in a while yesterday with bison burger.  NOT GREAT.  Not BAD.  But I didn't get quite Everything I wanted to get out of them.  HEY THAT'S LIFE I GUESS.  Part of it at least.  I JUST LIVED IT the evidence is all there in black and white!  Hey coffee time.
Just accidentally clicked an AD "e-mail," in my gmail account.  Not a real e-mail.  Just an ad ABOVE real e-mails that's made to look like a real e-mail.  NOT EVEN A REAL EMAIL THAT'S JUST AN AD, A COMPLETE AD.  The point is I figure I should get something for doing this.  I DID YOU A FAVOR BY CLICKING ON YOUR AD, NOW YOU OWE ME ONE.  Something along those lines, I dunno. Enjoying this Shutter Film I got going on last night.  Still got some left.  LET'S SEE HOW MUCH.  ABOUT HALF AN HOUR LEFT.  Solid amount of time.  Half hour ain't nothin to feel bad about!  Great.  Wonder if last 2 pancakes are stuck on each other now.  For YEARS or possibly ENTIRE LIFE if I get a stack of pancakes I'm eating them separately.  Some people might take big bites of the entire stack at once.  I FEEL LIKE I MIGHT WANNA TRY THAT with Small Stack of 2.  It' CRAZY ENOUGH IT JUST MIGHT WORK.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Should be able to fit in both acts and start January Hearing Listening on my 3rd walk.  SHOULD BE ABLE TO HARDCORE.
Okay.  RESCHEDULED next week Zoom Therapist appointment.  We're talkin changed it from Morning Wednesday to AFTERNOON Wednesday.  I know what I'm doin'!  Gettin' blood work done that morning!  That's why I had to change it and whatknot.  Cool SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Wonder if I have any buttercrunch cookies? on me.  Are they cookies.  No they're Toffee Like.  Maybe it could be a cookie WHAT DO I KNOW.  Hmm.  Not sure I've had A Straight Up Cookie in a couple weeks.  Rainbow cookie you fool.  Yeah but that doesn't count.  I mean specifically A Chocolate Chip Cookie.  THEN SAY THAT YOU FOOL.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Three and a half paragraphs to go.  I figure if I can write them in half an hour that's definitely enough time for Rest Of Morning to be on schedule.  And I can write 3 paragraphs in half an hour EASY for the most part.  So that's good.  It's GREAT.  IT's THE BEST THING EVER (since 2 seconds ago).  For me specifically.  Gotta imagine in the last 12 seconds now plenty of good stuff has happened for people across the world that's much better than the thing I was talking about Whatever It Was.
    Best thing evers don't even have to happen For People!  It the best thing ever happens in a forest and no one is around to hear it, STILL THE BEST THING EVER.  Also I feel like if a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it YES IT DEFINITELY DOES MAKE A SOUND.  I dunno why this is up for debate.  ALL LOGIC AND SCIENCE tells us it makes a sound anyway.  YOU FOOL.  Hmm.  Anyway.  On walks I'm always guilty looking at people.  After Uvalde if I walk by a kid I feel bad for em and feel responsible for some reason.  After Roe v Wade Overturnment I feel bad for every woman I pass.  After bad stuff for black people I feel guilty every time I walk past a black guy.  LOOK I know these things aren't my fault specifically but as a Straight Middle Class White Man KIND OF IS MY FAULT?  YES I KNOW they're coming for Jews eventually WE'LL CROSS THAT BRIDGE WHEN WE GET THERE.  Anyway.  What's this, the end of the eighth paragraph?  That was quick.  Anyway.  Jaws was a horrifying horror movie.  JEWS can be one too I guess.  Not sure Jaws was terrifying or a horror movie.  I guess it WAS.  Not so scary anymore though!  WE KNOW WHAT HAPPENS.  IT WAS THE SHARK THAT DID IT.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Good deal.  Also everytime I talk about getting a new keyboard I get momentarily excited that it might be a MUSIC PIANO Keyboard.  I have TWO in my room NEITHER OF WHICH WORK.  I guess I could get a new one.  BUT I probably wouldn't really play it so it's not worth it.  But if it were FREE or I got it WITHOUT MY DISCRETION I'd get a kick out of it!  Hmm.  I dunno.  Maybe January Hearing today is a bust!  I dunno!  Gotta be at least a 5 out of 10, right?  One would imagine?  Sure why not.  If I don't wanna have kettle chips for Sandwich Side I KNOW JUST THE FIBER BAR that I'd like.  I can picture it in my head and everything.  Cool.  For some reason I feel like I'd prefer pancakes for lunch but it's THE RIGHT THING TO DO to have them for dinner.  Not sure what' going on there!  OH I KNOW.  Super Market meals I think of as LUNCH meals and deliveries as dinner.  Pancakes were delivery!  DINNER.  Sandwich or chicken parm were Super Market.  LUNCH.
    Last paragraph for Act I!  No problem fitting in things it turns out.  Great.  Hey been a while since I shaved.  I could do that.  Maybe.  I could do lots of things!  Anyway.  Maybe I make egg whites while January Hearing is going on or something.  I won't be able to see what's going on though.  SEEING THINGS IS HALF THE FUN.  So that's not a great idea.  Hmm.  Gonna get some sort of Fresh Cookie Thing for Friday's Super Market order.  Rainbow cookie or black and whites sound GREAT but maybe I wanna go with some Chocolate Chip Cookies like I was imagining earlier!  INTERESTING THIS CAN GO IN ONE OF ANY DIRECTION.  Maybe graham crackers even.  Not a enthusiastic about them but they make sense as well!  Hmm.  How many things are we supposed to be passionate about in the news at once.  I feel like we gotta devote time to multiple things but it's harder than it sounds!  Can you LITERALLY think multiple things AT ONCE?  I don't think so!  So you'd have tog o back and forth Between Things over the course of the day.  Which IS possible but harder than it sounds!  Anyway.  Be back soon.




Get A Load Of This

    Hello friends.  Got more than enough time to write 5 paragraphs!  Unless something unexpected happens.  And it takes up time and isn't Time Neutral or maybe even TIME CAPTURING TECHNOLOGY.  Something unexpected might happen that GIVES ME TIME somehow.  Hmm either Time Travel or some sort of Real World Scenario where I suddenly can push back Deadline For Act II for some reason.  Probably Time Travel.  That'd be my first guess!  Hmm.  SERIOUSLY thinking about having pancakes for lunch.  Wonderful.  Maybe put em in oven for 20-22 minutes or something.  FORGET OR SOMETHING LET'S DO THAT EXACTLY.  Sure why not.  Had an idea to drink a Coffee #3 during NightTime Acts instead of one small snack or something.  Could work!  Could eliminate one small snack anyway.  I DID THAT LAST NIGHT no problem.  YEAH.  This Surprise Witness is PRESUMABLY TWO DEGREES removed from Trump.  Trump was friends with Meadows and Meadows is friends with this person.  She's like TRUMP'S GRANDDAUGHTER in the Crime Family Tree.  Maybe she wasn't guilty of crimes.  Kinda assumed she was Relatively An Innocent.  But if she's confessing to personal crimes too THAT'S GOOD TV.
    Hmm.  What else is up.  Then again if you're working for Trump you probably aren't completely innocent.  None of us are completely innocent.  EXCEPT FOR JESUS.  Actually I feel like Jesus probably committed some sins.  Better LTURQ.  Look like he was TEMPTED at points but never Did Any Bad Deeds.  I feel like being tempted to sin IS A SIN.  PRE-COGS implicate you all the same.  That settles that.  Anyway my Dad went to Dentist today and he has an infection in tooth and it must be removed!  Which I take as GOOD NEWS.  He was in a lot of pain and didn't know what it was and now he DOES know what it is and presumably it can be FIXED.  GOOD DEAL.  Better than it not being able to be addressed or something.  I'LL TAKE THIS DEAL on behalf of my Dad.  I assume they'll give him Fake Tooth.  Either Cow Tooth or Artificial Cyborg Tooth.  I'd go with Bovine Teeth.  Not sure cows have teeth.  Well of course they don't they've donated all their teeth to people like my Dad.
  Anyway.  Leaning towards Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar as upcoming snack after I get home from upcoming walk.  Put it in Fridge already!  Some bars and crap I definitely like better in fridge and some stuff I feel like I KIND OF like better in fridge but it might just be in my head.  LIKE THIS THING.  Also only in fridge for an hour or two.  NOT ALL THE TIME.  So that's good.  What else is good.  Maybe get some FIG NEWTONS from upcoming Super Market Order.  Each one is only 50 calories?  WHY I COULD HAVE THREE ENTIRE ONES as a side for sandwich.  Also it's healthy because FIG.  Also NEWTON.  Reminds me of Isaac Newton who WAS A GOOD GUY ALL AROUND so anything associated with him has gotta be good for us SOMEHOW.  What does Newton mean in Chemistry.  Or physics.  I feel like it's a unit of measurement for something.  Let's LTURQ.  Derived Unit Of Force.  Oh I get it.  If someone explained it to me for 12 minutes I'd feel like I could get it.  Maybe even just SIX minutes.  Interesting very interesting.
Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  First half of walk or so will be MUSIC.  Then second half or so will be JANUARY HEARING.  MAYBE NOT EXACT HALVES BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.  Probably.  Maybe you're Really Dumb and can't grasp that idea.  That's your business, not mine!  HMM maybe get some SPRINKLES from Super Market.  They DO sell a bottle of CHOCOLATE Sprinkles but no Rainbow Sprinkles.  Also I'm not REALLY gonna get that.  But it's fun to know IT EXISTS in the This Super Market Multiverse.  Good.  Gotta do SNEAKERS and KEYBOARD today.  At some point presumably gotta do SHAVING and MAKING EGG WHITES.  Those aren't TOTALLY Necessary but IN AN IDEAL WORLD I'd be doing both some time over the next couple of days.  OKAY GREAT SURE WHY NOT.  Hmm.  Maybe I DO watch Dr Strange movie.  I THINK it was directed by Sam Raimi.  BIG FAN.  Little Guy, Big Fan.  I'd be missing a movie or two in chronological order but that's a sacrifice I MIGHT HAVE TO TAKE.  I don't have to take any sacrifice.  But I might WANT to take the sacrifice YOU FOOLS.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Last paragraph of the DayTime.  Good.  I accomplished a lot these two acts.  Talked about MY LIFE.  Maybe you live vicariously through my Dumb Dumb Life.  That sounds fun.  I kinda do that too.  I'm One Degree closer to myself than you are to me, though.  Anyway if they start January Hearing over five minutes after 1 I might be home in time to see it ON TV SCREEN.  As opposed to IN MY FERTILE IMAGINATION while listening to it.  I don't have that great an imagination.  I already told you I can't even think of Two Things Concurrently.  EVEN KIND OF A STRUGGLE to go BACK AND FORTH between two things.  Easily get confused!  Oh well that's life.  Hmm.  MAN OH MAN just happened to get a glimpse of Cast for Dr Strange and Bruce Campbell is in that sucker.  I LIKE HIM BECAUSE HE'S LOADS OF LAUGHS.  Anyway.  That's it for now!  Be back ToNight!




that reminds me

    HI FRIENDS.  GUESS WHO IS A NEW KEYBOARD?  IT'S ME, The CRYPT KEEPE... wait no It's me The Crazy Sheeter!  Screen is pretty far away.  And keyboard is A LOT STRANGER than I expected.  Kinda fun.  At first I was taken aback and upset by this nonsense.  It's keys are DEEP.  Makes almost a typewriter sound when Clunking The Keys.  KINDA FUN.  Screen is VERY far away but I feel that's something I can get used to!  I can get used to A LOT.  This is One Of Those Things!  Hmm.  FIRST THINGS FIRST I had delicious Ham sandwich and SMORE QUEST BAR for dinner.  That's not a First Things First.  I CLEARLY JUST SAID SOMETHING ELSE FIRST.  Yeah but I thought of writing The First Thing First first.  Anyway EARLY dinner.  Ate at around 7:10 which is HALF AN HOUR earlier than USUAL.  I wasn't gonna capitalize, "usual," but I was upset that I capitalized, "Half an hour," and I felt like if I capitalized more things it'd take attention away from the fact that I capitalized The First Thing wrong.  If you do a Wrong thing after a Wrong thing then it cancels out the last wrong thing each time.  So that the only wrong thing is The Most Recent Wrong Thing.  GOOD SOLUTION.  Except for how there's Always Still One Wrong Thing you're not ahead of yet.
Okay!  Started beer as well.  Solid chance I go for Three Beer Night.  Felt oddly hungry getting home fro last walk.  GLAD DINNER SATISFIED ME TOHUGH for now.  That's how food works, no doubt about it.  Speaking of food How about the Trump Trial Testimony today.  This isn't a trial.  IT'S A TRIAL BY FIRE.  No it's not that either.  Either way 10/10 would recommend!  Also 10/10 NOT A BAD DATE.  Let's see what CELEB BIRTHDAYS we got on October tenth!  Hindsight is 10/10.  BRETT FARVE, GAVIN NEWSOME and WAIT HOLD A SECOND LEMME DO A THING.  Gavin Newsom or NAVIN GRUESOME.  OKAY LEMME CONTINUE CELEB BIRTHDAYS OCT 10.  Those are the best ones.  Bradley Whitford.  He's a Politics Media Man.  He played Politics in Fiction.  And if Not HE's DEFINITELY GOT THE LOOK for doing it.  Also He Did I know this.  BUT EVEN IF HE DIDN'T... uh... hmm.  Got Keyboard on Stilts.  It's raised at roughly a 25-35 Degree angle.  FUN STUFF.  Lemme try it out Just Flat.  THIS SUCKS.  NOT FUN AT ALL.  LEMME STILT TIS BACK UP AGAIN whew there we go Now I'm Happy.
    Hmm.  GREAT Ice cream sandwich coming up later.  I already had indulgent Quest Bar as Sandwich Side so as an alternative to that I have indulgent ice cream sandwich!  ALL WORKED OUT FOR THE BEST.  Had Chocolate Chip Pancakes in oven for 20 minutes for lunch.  WORKED OUT FOR TE BEST.  Stuffed it down my gullet over a reasonable amount of time and it was fun.  Either way hmm. I wish I would Grew Some.  Grow some.  Heightwise.  That sort of thing.  Dickwise couldn't hurt either.  Wouldn't be BAD if that happened, sure.  NOT MY FIRST PRIORITY though of where I'd like to Growsome.  Maybe UP.  Could be a good Priority to Become More Mature.  Yeah you'd think so wouldn't you.  Hmm.  Finished watching Shutter Film from yesterday.  NOT BAD.  I liked the part where I STARTED IT AND I FINISHED IT BECAUSE I FINISH WHAT I START.  AND I START WHAT I'LL EVENTUALLY FINISH.  ALSO LOTS OF MIDDLES INVOLVED AS WELL, NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
    Hmm.  Pretty damning testimony from Hitchington about Trump.  Sure seemed like it was INCRIMONATING.  So you can't blame Trump he was INCRIMINATED.  Not HIS FAULT.  That's my interpretation of the news.  Hmm.  Starting second beer.  Maybe have Oh I Don't Know NOT AS INDULGENT GRANOLA BAR during upcoming Recess?  MAYBE KETO BAR.  Skipped keto bar today IN LIEU of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  Or was it that I had the cinnamon toast crunch bar IN LIEU of Keto Bar.  I think it's the second one How English Works.  OH HEY I SKIPPED VOTING TODAY.  I could still technically vote.  Also NOT technically.  I can totally vote whether we're being, "Technical," about it or not.  Totally Practical and not Theoretical at all is the point!  Anyway IT'D TAKE TOO LONG TO FIGURE OUT WHICH JUDGES TO GO WITH.  Best just steer clear of this sticky situation altogether.  Hmm.  Sticky situation.  I DON'T like the sound of that.
Fifth paragraph of the act!  Hmm.  NOT GETTING A STICKER THAT'S THE KICKER.  Main thing I'm missing out IS getting a Sticky Situation.  DANGIT IF ONLY IT WERE TECHNICALLY STILL POSSIBLE FOR ME TO VOTE.  IT IS we covered this.  YEAH BUT THEN AGAIN hey what else is going on and crap.  Ugh.  Got Mets game going on in background.  They're not particularly competitive as of now in today's game!  STILL TIME TO TURN IT AROUND but right now it's not looking good!  NOT ENTERTAINING if I were to start Watching TV Completely.  So that's good.  No pants.  Just realized I could take my socks off too.  WHAT A FOOL I'VE BEEN.  Wearing socks when I don't need to.  HEY let me fix that RIGHT NOW. AMMEND that situation.  That's not a phrase but it's reminiscent of a correct English so You Get The Idea.
  What else.  They said the batteries for Keyboard should last 2 years but I'm concerned already that I might be using it To SUCH An Extreme that I may have to replace the batteries IMMINENTLY or at least RELATIVELY Imminently.  So that's something to consider.  I'd like to see this ELVIS movie.  SLEEVE and ELVIS aren't exact anagrams but you get the idea I think.  Huh.  Guess I'm taking a recess after this paragraph.  That sounds like a blast and or a half.  Possible just A HALF.  That sounds like A HALF.  WHICH IT NORMALLY IS.  RECESS DIVIDES ACTS IN HALVES LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Ok now that we talked about it by saying let's talk about it let's talk about something else!  YOU GOT ANY IDEAS?  Hmm.  Lunch tomorrow is Chicken Parm.  No doubt about it!  It's the best choice-- it's the ONLY choice!  Except for meal replacement cookie.  THAT'S THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  Hmm what about breakfast.  I DUNNO I'M NOT A FORTUNE TELLER.
One more paragraph before recess!  Let's talk about it.  WE ALREADY DID DON'T YOU REMEMBER.  YES CLEARLY I DO THAT'S WHY I CALLED IT TO MY ATTENTION JUST NOW.  Huh.  Jeez.  There's gotta be another good Shutter Film to load up for tonight.  Let's see which is a good one to settle in on.  HEY THAT LOOKS LIKE A GOODONE.  No spilers.  Not gonna tell you what it is EVEN IF I WANTED TO.  Well I dunno hmm what else.  I'm saving voting today so I can LEGIT VOTE HARDER in November.  Gonna re-focus all that time and energy I would have spent today, BOTTLE THAT SHIT UP, and unload November Oh I Don't Know FOURTH.  Let's LTURQ.  November Eighth.  SOUNDS KINDA LATE TO ME.  Not happy about that.  WAIT A SECOND IT'S GOOD IT GIVES DEMOCRATS MORE TIME TO BUILD MOMENTUM.  THIS IS GREAT NEWS.  November eighth WONDERFUL.  Anyway.  Time to take that recess we've always talked about.  See ya again real soon!

     Hello Friends.  Here to write somewhere between 3-8 paragraphs.  What number will it be?  Only NO ONE knows for sure.  People in FUTURE will know for sure. But as of Typing This NOT A SOUL CAN KNOW.  Gonna have delicious Lollipop right now.  CAUSE I'm ADULT.  I feel like if an adult is gonna have a lollipop it'd be a Tootsie Pop.  OR A RING POP.  Gotta be adult for a ring pop TOO BIG A COMMITMENT for a child.  Wedding Ring Pop.  Kids can't get married WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!  Hmm.  I guess kids CAN get married.  Otherwise they wouldn't be able to legally sell Ring Pops.  Shows how much I know!  The good news is what else is going on and crap.  Do I have any good alternatives to ice cream sandwich + pop tart for breakfast tomorrow?  SURE FORZEN BUTTIRO.  That sounds like a delicious breakfast!  Anything else.  Hmm.  HMM.  Nothings coming to mind.  What about five tootsie pops.  SHUT UP YOU FOOL
    Anyway.  Mets game out of control!  They're losing by so much it's actually impossible they'll win.  That's not accurate.  EITHER AY I'M NOT HAPPY with Part II of Act III so far.  Also the rest of my life but MOST SPECIFICALLY Act III part II.  Hmm.  Nice fresh lollipop.  Haven't been sitting around in a drawer for 3 years. These pops are straight from the factory!  Huh.  Wearing briefs.  LOOK if you're wearing no pants around the house you're gonna ideally wanna be wearing boxers or boxer briefs, I know!  But what can I do about it AS ONE MAN?  Not much!  Jeez.  This lollipop is delicious.  I feel like that's a constant every time I have a lollipop the last few weeks.  Almost always am like wait a second this is GREAT.  Basically I can't prosethlize tootsie pops enough is the point I'm getting at!  Hmm I wonder how that word is really spelled.  I'm too far off from it being recommended by right clicking it.  OH WELL Nothing You Can Do!
Hey what else.  Tenth paragraph of Act III.  Let's see, crap and crap, what else is crap...  FINISHED LOLLIPOP PART OF POP and am in the process of CHEWING UP tootsie roll part of pop.  Wow.  I can't believe it.  WHY AREN'T I DOING THIS ALL THE TIME.  I dunno what else is crap.  Not sure I'm gonna have 3 beers tonight after all.  Kinda don't need to!  About halfway into second beer and entry is almost over.  I'm presumably about 1-1.5 hours away from beddy Bye time.  What homonym of, "bye," is the operative syllable in BeddyBye Time.  I'm assuming either BeddyBYE or BeddyBY.  Don't think it's BUY.  Don't think it's BI.  THIS TIME ISN'T CURIOUS AT ALL.  You're either saying BYE to the day or you're... uh... I feel like you can easily make a strong case for, "By," but I don't know what that case would be off the top of my head.  Either way THERE WILL BE MORE PARAGRAPH (s?).
    Amazing.  Keyboard going okay.  Not gonna have it set up when I use computer and aren't writing website.  But it might become the standard for when I AM writing.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  I dunno.  This can be the last paragraph. Then I gotta spell check the entire place and that's the equivalent of writing like THREE paragraphs.  Both in TIME and CONTENT.  Nope.  Huh.  Sneakers seem okay.  Walked around in them a bit.  At first I was confused because the Tongues of Sneakers were ABOVE where the lace holes were.  THESE SNEAKERS HAVE TONGUES THAT GO OVER LACES THAT'S CRAZY NEW WEIRD STYLE BUT I LIKE IT.  Then I realized oh after you lace it you just slide the tongue under it Like Regular.  So the point is I was DUMB but then after a while I WAS MADE AWARE OF MY STUPIDITY.  Which is all you can really ask for I feel.  Anyway that'll do it for now!  See ya tomorrow!

-9:07 P.M.




Monday, June 27, 2022

Same Ol Crap & Whatknot

    Hello friends.  Some MightNight snacking last night!  God Dang It!  I have a long streak now of days where I'm slightly above Calorie Allotment!  It's usually just 100 or 150 calories or so but EVERY DAY it's over.  Mostly cause of MightNight snacking!  GOD DANG IT like I said.  Anyway more or less on schedule today.  About 15, 20 minutes behind schedule.  But that shouldn't make me have to CrunchTime at all.  Maybe THIS ACT is a bit crunchtime.  If I get act done in Reasonable Time that gives me plenty of breathing room completely for rest of the day!  Anyway.  Maybe get a crunch bar or something.  I think they're 240 calories!  TOO HIGH.  If it was 210 I could see myself POSSIBLY treating myself.  Oh well there goes my life.  Anyway.  Had a dream last night that I was making a franchise film series about my life.  And it just updates every few years with my life.  BUT it's a few years behind.  So every installment is about the life several years in the past.  AMAZING.  I think I used to imagine Movie based on my life.  Sort of 25% I was living in a movie and 75% This SHOULD BE a movie.  That's a lotta fun.  Mostly imagining Soundtrack to it.  That's the main part of what's fun.
    Yeah.  IN MY DREAM the soundtrack was PAVEMENT.  The opening credits into first scene had a Pavement song going.  Which one?  NO SPOILERS.  So that's good.  Got Fried Calamari for lunch today.  Presumably I could save it for tomorrow and have Sandwich or Kids Chicken Parm for lunch.  But that'd be dumb!  SURE I like being dumb.  So that makes it a legit possibility.  Hmm.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Tapioca Day.  GROSS.  Not sure what tapioca is but I'm pretty sure it's gross.  Let's LTURQ.  Looks like possibly some sort of porridge thing?  Could be wrong.  COULD BE IN CHIP FORM.  I like chip forms of things.  THAT PART I could see myself trying.  But in other forms NEVER.  GROSS.  Not so much porridge.  Little balls.  "PEARLS."  Looks gross too.  Kinda like barley maybe?  HEY remember in Pandemic where I would get Beef Barley soup?  YEAH.  For a few months I liked it but then the grossness overtook me and I didn't like it.  Not sure if grossness over took ME.  Maybe overtook THE MEAL.
    Hmm.  Big Environmental Supreme Court decision coming.  Or already arrived.  Lemme LTURQ.  I don't think it's been made yet.  The impression I get based on a tweet that said this exactly is there's more or less three outcomes that could be expected-- Bad, Worse, Or Worst.  HEY THAT SOUNDS GREAT let's settle for BAD.  That's where America is at overall I feel.  Bad Worse Or Worst.  And it's be A THRILL to settle for, "Bad."  I dunno I feel like I'd settle for MEDIOCRE not bad.  Mediocre is a step above bad and I think WE DESERVE MEDIOCRE.  Anyway what else is crap.  Al Fredo dish for last lunch was WAY Too Hearty.  I decided on it partly because I DID get hungry for lunch and wanted something hearty.  But they gave more than more of it!  Oh well at least I got that over with.  No Eating Too Big Lunch again!  Well sure but not today or something.  Hmm.  PROBABLY getting diner delivery tonight.  WONDER WHAT IT'LL BE.
    Diner I might try Hamburger.  Italian I might get pizza.  Deli I might get oh I don't know BBQ CHICKEN DINNER MAYBE?  Something ELSE and get Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow?  I probably covered this but if I get chicken pot pie it's for THE NEXT day.  If I get it HOT it's not hot enough when it gets here and it comes in plastic container that I can't easily transport to oven.  If I get it COLD it's in metal container so I can easily Ovenize it THE NEXT day.  I'm not alone in this my parents do the same thing.  So I'm an idiot along these lines IN OTHER CASES but in this case I feel vindicated because my parents do it too.  Not sure that's what vindicated means.  Not sure about anything these days!  Hmm.  I think I'm very solidly on schedule at this point.  So that's fun!  Was raining a little bit on and off on last walk.  So that's fun!  It's like riding a log flume but FOR FREE.  Hmm.  I like log flumes where you're standing around in Regular part of theme park, just walking around on the path, and the log flume ride is designed that every 2 or 3 minutes or whatever you get SPLASHED from the log flume nearby.  I feel like this is definitely in Six Flags because I remember it happening more than once.  And I don't think it was Adventure Land.  And it might be Disney World or something ALSO but I wouldn't remember it multiple times from there!
    YEAH.  You get splashed WITHOUT THE HASSLE of waiting on line.  Maybe there's a line to just stand around on the part of the ParkPath to get splashed.  I don't remember such a thing!  Anyway great.  Been quite good the last couple of days with not wearing shirts while I do push-up/sit-ups for my rights.  Anyway.  Feels like we should have Bob Marleys or something these days.  Very popular musicians who REALLY lean into Social Justice and crap like that.  I saw Green Day Man said he's renouncing American citizenship or something.  That's cool!  We'll miss him though.  I liked having him around!  Good band!  Good man!  I'd assume so at least.  He shows up in This Is 40, right?  That was him.  I Guess.  Had pop tart and ice cream sandwich for breakfast.  Because I'm an adult.  Adults get to do what they want for breakfast.  That's been my experience.  Hmm got Meal Replacement cookie too.  All things being equal I'd consider that for lunch.  But it's IRRESPONSIBLE because there' FRESH STUFF I gotta eat first.  COFFEE TIME.
  Anyway I dunno.  When I was between sleeping and getting up this morning I had a fantasy of a life where I just do nothing.  NO walks, no entry, nothing.  Seemed kind of fun.  I wouldn't wanna do nothing every day!  But for a single day it seemed like a fun way to go.  NO THANKS I LIKE DOIN' STUFF.  Productive and whatknot.  Good.  No Met game today at all.  That's okay they deserve a day off.  Hey how come they get a day off and I don't.  Because it was scheduled that way.  Oh okay I see.  Hmm.  Figure I could lobby for whatever delivery dinner I want tonight.  Off the top of my head first thought is PIZZA FOOD.  Makes sense to me.  Would I also get a Veal Cutlet hero?  And have one for tonight and one for upcoming lunch?  NOT SURE.  POSSIBLE.  VERY Possible.  Hmm if I'm having Fried Calamari for lunch I don't want no veal cutlet hero for dinner!  REDUNDANT.  Both fried foods.  ALSO SHUT UP AND GET OFF MY WEBSITE.  Hey where did that come from!!  I dunno.  SORRY though.  Totally uncalled for!
SEVENTH paragraph.  Do you have to be a citizen of SOMEWHERE.  Or can you just be an Ambiguous Floater.  I feel like they can't FORCE YOU to be a citizen of somewhere.  How would they enforce it?  The good news is what else is going on.  Already creeping up to SNACK TIME.  Delicious!  I stopped getting Chocolate Chip Pancakes completely and get Freedom Toast and Waffles more rarely so besides breakfast I only have sweeets for snacks!  So I APPRECIATE the snacks all the more!  YEAH.  Eat some dumb Keto Bar.  I can imagine myself doing that.  I can imagine lots of things.  Probably SEVERAL I feel.  OH RIGHT gotta look into what judges and crap to vote for tomorrow.  I don't know most of the people I should be voting for yet!  Anyway that's not so bad.  As long as I remember to vote tomorrow, I can remember to LURQ who to vote for beforehand!  GREAT.  What else do I got to say.  More CRAP one would imagine.
     Sure.  Imagine all you want.  John Lennon leaned into SOCIAL JUSTICE per my understanding.  Could just be PostHumously framing.  Obviously SONG Imagine is political but I dunno how much he leaned into that IN LIFE.  Probably SOME.  Oh I know BOB DYLAN.  But he leaned more into Being Confusing.  We definitely get the sense a lot of this is political but it's hard to tell because lyrics are also really confusing!  That's MY hot take.  Hmm.  CALAMARI-- cold, microwaved, or ovened?  Bad Worse or Worst.  Wait no I like all the options.  OH okay good.  Anyway.  How cynical are we supposed to be about abortion rights by thinking well at least this should drive people to the polls.  My guess is SLIGHTLY cynical.  Keep it in check though!  Also if you asked me could we guarantee abortion rights OR can we do better in Election, one or the other.  I know it's not a REAL choice you'd have to make.  That's not how it works at all!  But if YOU HAD to choose one HOW CYNICAL DO YOU WANNA BE ABOUT THIS.  I'd probably say LET'S STRIKE A GRAND DEAL.  Abortion Rights + Keep Senate and lose house.  IS THAT SOMETHING WE CAN SETTLE FOR IN STRANGE HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION THAT MAKES NO SENSE?
    Probably!  Penultimate paragraph.  It'd make a lot of sense to get back abortion rights and do better in elections.  Off the top of my head that's EASILY the way to go!  Hmm.  Weird to say Get back abortion rights and not keep abortion rights.  Abortion Rights are no longer!  Almost forgot about that.  DANGIT.  I'll try to remember I WILL.  Is it possible MightNight snacking is related to frequent urination.  Maybe that's why I really get up several times in night.  And then the Needing To Eat is SECONDARY instinct that kicks in.  I dunno.  Either way AMAZING.  Maybe have Smaller ice cream sandwich as upcoming snack.  I LIKE ICED CREAM.  Today IS Ice Cream Cake day!  We DON'T have cupcakes we have MUFFINS and not great muffins.  HMM some Dinner Deliveries could come with cake.  In fact ALL OF THEM offer cakes as dessert.  I don't REALLY wanna do this though.  Cake is TOO HEARTY in terms of KILOCALORIES.
     Last paragraph of the act.  Solidly NO CrunchTime today.  Amazing.  Unless it rains more hard enough to make me not want to take walks at parts of the day.  Lemme LTURQ.  GOD AMNIT it says there might be thunderstorms later.  MAYBE I get lucky and it doesn't effect walks that much.  DOG GANDIT.  What else is up and crap.  Monday.  Best two parts to imagine your life to the soundtrack of movie is OPENING CREDITS and CLOSING CREDITS.  Including the beginning of the first scene and last scene AS APPROPRIATE.  So that's fun.  I encourage everyone to do it.  Lotta fun.  What else is up.  Maybe some montages in the middle of the movie if you're REAL creative.  Jeez.  Maybe I CAN postpone Fried Calamari to tomorrow.  No one's gonna be the wiser!  Probably not at least.  OR I gain enthusiasm for having it today I DUNNO what's gonna happen NOBODY DOES.  It's THE FUTURE.  Anyway that's it for now.  Be back soon!





Get Used To It

    Hey!  When I first opened door to take walk it was raining hard!  Went upstairs to put on jacket with hood.  Then I left the house and it stopped raining completely!  Then it rained very lightly on and off!  JACKET WAS FOR NAUGHT.  Just made me warmer.  OH WELL it provided me security in case it started raining again!  HOOD security.  Also walked around my Hood.  I feel like I can call me neighborhood a Hood.  It's technically if not semantically correct.  What else is up.  I think I can get enthusiastic about calamari!  Thinking about having it COLD.  ALSO thinking about half half a dozen less and then adding KETTLE CHIPS.  ABOUT TIME I Had some of these Kettle Chips.  Been collecting dust since Friday.  TODAY IS MONDAY.  THAT'S ROUGHLY THREE DAYS NOW.  So that's good.  Anyway.  I dunno.  What do I got in store for today.  I might not LIVE a movie but I can WATCH a movie.  Maybe make some egg whites.  That'd be adult and whatknot.
Sure.  LOOK I'd like the Democrats to control house and senate after election AND restore voting rights.  IN FACT in REAL LIFE they're more likely to CORRESPOND and not be anti-thetical one-or-the-other.  I GUESS WE'LL HAVE TO WATCH TV ABOUT IT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  Hmm.  When is next January Hearing.  Do they have Exact Day yet.  NOT SEEING ANYTHING.  Well I can see PLENTY o things.  Just not that.  Hmm.  Maybe I lobby for Diner Dinner.  Get that hamburger we were always talking about?  Interesting very interesting.  HMM feels like I don't have any Health Breakfast Sandwiches left but I have some NOT INDULGENT Breakfast Burritos left.  NOT HEALTH BUT NOT INSANE EITHER.  Insane would be on a BISCUIT or a CROISSANT sandwich.  THIS AIN'T THAT.  Probably not.  Dunno if this even exists!  PRETTY SURE I got some loose breakfasts burritos laying around in Freezer somewhere.  Hmm.  HEY there was a different Supreme Court decision today that was ALSO terrible.  Per my understanding.  Lemme LTURQ.  Something about they reversed a ban on High School Coach praying during games presumably incorporating players into it.  AND IT'S BAD FOR THE FIRST AMENDMENTS ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE.  Sounds bad to me.  On the base level going against separation of church and state.  AND THIS BAD FOR ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE DOESN'T SOUND GREAT EITHER.
    Sure.  Gotta imagine when one branch of the government has gone rogue the right thing to do isn't just shrugging our shoulders and letting it happen indefinitely and/or for the rest of time.  THEN AGAIN SHRUGGING IS FUN AS AN INDIVIDUAL ACT.  Just not the best RESPONSE to THIS situation.  The good news is I'm on schedule and crap and am looking forward to SNACK in about AN HOUR.  CTC Bar OR Keto Brownie.  THAT'S HOW I FEEL.  THEN AGAIN I MENTIONED CONSIDERING SMALL ICE CREAM SANDWICH BEFORE.  IS THAT STILL IN THE MIX.  Gonna have to think about that one.  What else is up and crap.  Start my new sneakers today.  REALLY GO DO IT FOR REAL.  Why not there's harder tuff to do than Putting on Sneakers.  THE LACES THOUGH DON'T FORGET ABOUT THAT.  I'll get my parents to help.  BUT It'd be embarrassing so that's not something I'm looking forward to.  Look I can TIE shoe laces ONCE THEY'RE LACED.  But DOING the lacing for the first time THAT I'M NOT COMFORTABLE WITH.  Hmm.  Almost done with DayTime entry.  Then my DREAM FANTASY about not having to do anything TAKES PLACE FOR ROUGHLY SEVEN HOURS.  Walks are something but also at the same time KINDA NOT NOTHIN.
    Penultimate paragraph of daytime!  Good deal.  Been about a week since last day/night with 3 beers!  Off the top of my head last time was probably around last Tuesday.  I'd say almost definitely Between LAST LAST Sunday and LAST Wednesday.  So that's good.  Doin' some good NOT INDULGING in that respect.  Hmm.  Guess I'm probably just throwing out left over calamari.  Then again GUESS AGAIN.  I could have like 5 or 6 as a decent snack or something.  Why not.  I don't want it NOW but maybe I'll want it Oh I Don't Know THURSDAY.  Anyway that's fun.  MAYBE EVEN SEVEN OR EIGHT if I REALLY wanna Indulge.  Good great what else is going on and crap.  Gotta RESCHEDULE an appointment today.  You know what that's like, right!  Be like HEY I know we were doing zoom appointment in the morning in a few weeks HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT DOING IT LATER IN THE DAY.  And/or some other day/  Preferably or.  THESE VISITS cost me 15 dollars as of now per my understanding I DON'T WANNA THROW AWAY ANOTHER 15 DOLLARS ON TALKING TO YOU.  NO OFFENSE.  Actually SOME OFFENSE.  GET OFF MY PHONE.
Last paragraph of DayTime!  Looks like it might be raining for half an hour right when I'm taking next walk.  I can survive!  Looks like NOT THUNDER STORMING.  I'll walk in some rain Don't Think I Won't!  Hmm.  Crap and crap.  Closing in on the end of June!  The time just flies by.  More or less.  I guess.  Guess I can put on a shutter movie.  Even if the descruption and/or RELEASE DATE and/or USER REVIEWS don't make it sound too appealing.  Can't be THAT bad.  ANY of these movies can't be THAT bad.  They can be REAL BAD but not REAL BAD entertainment.  Bad movies but NOT BAD WASTING TIME PREMISES.  So that's good.  Jeez.  Probably just go with keto brownie for snack.  That's what I've been doing pretty much every day for a while now.  For Morning --> Afternoon Snack.  WHICH IN PRACTICE IS REALLY ALWAYS AFTERNOON SNACK.  We're talkin' In Between 1 and 1:30 PM MORE OR LESS ALMOST DEFINITELY.  WOW HOW ENTERTAINING.  I never promised this would be entertaining.  KINDA IMPLIED IT WOULD BE THE CASE but you can't hold me to that LEGALLY.  Hmm.  I'll be back tonight!





same ol crap and whatknot

    Hey friends!  Been over SEVEN ENTIRE HOURS since I last typed at you.  Accomplished a lot!  Moved around From Here To There.  Went around in the other direction.  Repeated going around From Here To There in the first direction again.  Went back and forth doing that a few times.  AND THAT BRINGS IS UP TO DATE.  I'M UP TO DATE who wants to date.  I DATE AT THE BEGINNING OF EVERY ENTRY.  Well I say the day of the week first AND THEN I DATE.  That's the way to go IMO.  What else.  Had cold calamari + NO SIDE as lunch.  Had BISON'D Burger + Kettle chips as dinner.  I know I talked a big game about getting Hamburger at some point but I just couldn't JUSTIFY it to myself.  I capitalized JUSTIFY because it's a PUN.  With the word JUSTICE.  Not sure how that's a pun.  FEELS like it should be though.  In an ideal world.  Oh so not in our world.  I don't care how much you like the world-- you've got your work cut out for you if you wanna argue This Is The Ideal World.  MAYBE IN THE 1990's WHEN THE WORLD WAS PERECT.  You know 199 Oh I Don't Know 8.
    What else is up.  Had NO SUGAR fudgesicle just now before act III.  Gonna start beer in just a few seconds.  GREAT.  Anticipating a BIRTHDAY BAR tonight.  NOT SURE WHEN IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST THOUGH.  THAT SENTENCE IS MISSING PUNCTUATION.  Oh well what can ya do.  I could ADD punctuation to the sentence.  NO that sentence is too far gone.  Lost cause.  The battle is OVER.  All we can do now is move on with our lives.  Sounds fair.  Surprise January Hearing tomorrow!  HMM.  SURPRISE WITNESS.  EACH ONE MORE SURPRISING THAN THE LAST.  Wait I think it's just one.  OK THE one surprise witness is more surprising Than Him OR HERself.  This is the 21st century WITNESSES can be women too!  Women can't have autonomy Of or On or For or With their own bodies but they CAN be trusted to testify responsibly which I feel is a Moral Victory.  That'd be my impression at least!  Hmm.  NO PANTS NIGHTTIME again.  I'm wearing boxer briefs.  Those are pants.  MORE PANTS than Briefs.  Possibly even more pants than Boxers somehow.  Dunno how boxer briefs managed to out-pants boxers BUT APPARENTLY THEY HAVE.
    Hmm.  HEY GREAT NEWS I got Chocolate Chip Pancakes for tomorrow.  We're talkin' they weren't HUGE sized so 2 of them is great for Dinner and one of them wonderful for breakfast.  GONNA have to think LONG AND HARD which is a phallic turn of phrase about what snacks to have BEFORE and AFTER CCP Dinner though.  Obviously I don't wanna be eating chocolate adjacent snacks immediately before or preceding Chocolate Chip Pancakes Meal.  Hmm either Before OR Preceding?  SOUNDS LIKE TWO SEPARATE CONSIDERATIONS TO ME YEP I SURE KNOW WORDS WELL.  Long and hard doesn't have to be a Phallic Turn Of Phrase.  Could be about pregnancy.  IT'S LONG AND HARD per my understanding.  And you gotta sit and stew the entire time thinking I DON'T WANT THIS.  That's gonna SUCK.  Not for me.  But for MANY of my compatriots!  We're all compatriots here right?  That's how I feel.  Anyway.  I could be in a relationship with someone who has to Sit And Stew with Pregnancy and I'M FOURTY PERECENT RIGHT THERE WITH HER.  PROBABLY NOT because I Can't Rightly Imagine being in a relationship.  But anything is possible down the line!  WHICH IS ALSO A PHALLIC REFERENCE SURPRISINGLY SOMEHOW.
  Or NOT Good.  Either way you get the point.  Phallic reference.  Sometimes a phallic reference is just a phallic reference!  We learnt that from our good ol' friend Sigmund Cock.  WAIT A SECOND FREUD NOT COCK.  What a Cockney's Slip.  The good news is MOVING ON.   Is Move On still an organization.  They were ANTI BUSH.  And presumably PRO OH I DON'T KNOW JOHN KERRY.  I was pro John Kerry.  I liked the part where... uh... gotta imagine something about John Kerry was positive and not just Neutral.  I was only 15 during 2004 election.  I was too young register Positive Aspects Of John Kerry.  YOU GOTTA BE AT LEAST VOTING AGE to Get Something Out Of John Kerry.  And by Voting Age I MEAN 55.  Weird that I'd refer to that age as voting age when it's decades off being an accurate reference to voting age.  Oh well I Know how to use English Creatively so that makes everything I say make a ton of sense.
INTERESTING.  Very interesting!  What else is up.  PUT ON A SHUTTER FILM tonight.  During Imminent Recess and then Imminent Done With Entry Completelyness.  There's one about a disembodied head and he does stuff and crap.  RIGHT UP MY ALLEY.  WHICH IS A VAGINAL REFERENCE.  Well that's good.  EQUALITY.  If we're getting phallic references we should get some vaginal references, too!  Kinda seems only fair!  AND IF NOT EQUALITY THEN, "EQUITY."  I feel like people use the word EQUITY instead of EQUALITY and I'm sure they have some sort of reasoning in mind!  Probably wanna CONVEY that reasoning with their diction.  WE CAN ONLY SPECULATE WHAT IT MEANS THOUGH.  Or we can figure it out by looking at CONTEXT.  Nah I don't wanna look at context LET'S JUST SPECULATE, easier + funner.  What else is up.  Maybe write a sixth paragraph for Part I Act III.  Feels like the right thing to do.  But in today's Topsy Turvy world who can say what's right and what's wrong.  SAMUEL ALITO.  Oh okay makes sense.
  Presumably have Chocolate Chip Pancake for breakfast tomorrow AND 2x for Dinner tomorrow.  Would be very reasonable to figure out a way to do them on separate days but that would require me delaying CCP Breakfast for a day (Which means I'm not having CCP AT ALL FOR 24 HOURS instead of only TWELVE Hours) or have CCP Dinner the next day (WHICH MAKES NO SENSE FOR TONS OF REASONS I REFUSE TO GET INTO RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW THEM OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD).  Oh well I probably Enjoy It for breakfast and then think this is Great I'm HAPPY to have it again so soon.  So that's good.  HMM. 
Gonna get the most out of them, that's for sure.  Not really sure about that at all.  Hey what else is up.  Finishing beer #1 over the next couple of minutes.  STARTING #2 IMMINENTLY when next act starts.  Recess might be as long as 20-30 minutes I DUNNO WE'LL SEE.  Anyway I'll be back THEN.

     HEY.  Gonna write presumably most likely 4-6 paragraphs.  Eat some Birthday Bar RIGHT ABOUT NOW.  Drink beer #2 RIGHT ABOUT NOW.  BUT LASTING LONGER.  Which is a Vagina Reference somehow.  MOVING ON.  I started watching Shutter Film.  VERY GOOD.  I haven't absorbed a single thing that happened but I feel like if I rewind it 17 minutes back to the start it's the kind of thing I'd get something out of presumably!  YOU PAY ATTENTION TO SMOETHING, GUESS WHAT, YER GONNA GET SOMETHING OUT OF IT.  That's a universal rule!  If you have it in ya to pay attention then ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.  BALLS ARE IN YOUR COURT.  COURT MEANS SCROTUM.  What else.  COURT AND SCROTUM ARE PRETTY PRETTY CLOSE TO ANAGRAMS.  Amount of letters don't add up completely.  Exact letters don't add up completely.  But they are PRETTY CLOSE and this warrants some EXTREME ATTENTION.  Lemme See.  COURT SM.  IT IS A FREAKIN ANAGRAM.  MS COURT which I believe is a FONT is an anagram for Scrotum.
     So it turns out that paragraph accomplished something.  Anagram Thing!  Amazing.  Moving on.  Do I resume Shutter Film from where I left it or do I actually go back and watch it from the start?  The main argument from Staring It From Start is I have no evidence to support the theory that I'd actually start paying more attention this time around.  NO EVIDENCE or NO CONCRETE LEGAL REASON TO THEORIZE THUSLY.  So that's good.  Let's see how many minutes into it I am though.  Just see if I was accurately gusstimating it at 17 minutes.  19 minutes 24 seconds in.  Coulda been more accurate, coulda been less accurate!  I feel like I was solidly in the ballpark without being TOO accurate.  If I was EXACTLY ACCURATE that's no good either.  Brings up too many questions about WHY or HOW I nailed it.  That's not fun either!  Hmm.  Finished Birthday Bar.  DELICIOUS.  Kinda like eating Sprinkles.  Takes like how rainbow sprinkles might taste but in An Entire Bar Form.  And different texture.  And different taste.  But besides what it looks tastes and feels like EXACTLY THE SAME THING.
     Amazing.  What else is up.  ICE CREAM BAR AT BEDTIME gonna be SEA SALT CARAMEL.  It's GOOD because it's 10 less calories THAN THE OTHER KIND.  YOU FOOLS.  Hmm.  What is this, ninth paragraph overall of the act?  That's pretty good!  Totally respectable Place To Be.  I think I'll continue watching Shutter Film after the entry Without Rewinding.  I may have absorbed a solid 50% of the plot!  By which I mean I absorbed 10% but that 10% I DID absorb is the important 10% so it's 50%.  FASCINATING VERY VASCINTINAG.  Vascinating?  Is that a vasectomy Freudian slip?  NO IT'S TYPING.  You can't Freudian Slip in TYPING.  EITHER ORALLY OR WRITING LONG HAND.  NO WAY NO TYPING NO WAY.  Can you Freudian slip in sign language?  My guess is NOT ONLY YES BUT IT'S WAY WAY MORE OFTEN.  So that's good.  Anyway. So now I gotta be watching January Hearing at 1 PM.  Gotta vote at some point, too!  Is it legal to watch Congressional Hearing ON THE SAME DAY as voting for something else in your local precient?  My guess?  Yes.
    Last paragraph of the NightTime DayTime.  About an hour left of Shutter film.  Gets me probably past 10:30 PM depending on when I finish this act but I could make it that late!  Last few days been topping off at soon after 10:00 PM.  I LIKE GOING TO BEDSLEEP EARLY MAKES ME HAPP.  Happ is short for Happy I guess.  That'd be my first guess at least.  Hmm.  Just zoned out for a few minutes.  So that makes a dent in that time window I was just talking about I guess.  Amazing.  Do I eat Breakfast CCP in oven LIKE I WANT TO or do I end up eating it cold LIKE I WILL FIND EMINENTLY MORE CONVENIENT.  EMINEMntly.  That sort of thing.  Ugh.  Anyway.  Another day down.  And all I had to do was Be Conscious For About 12 Hours.  Wasn't that difficult now that I'm reflecting back on it!  Guess I'll be able to do it again tomorrow then.  That doesn't sound great.  Could be worse.  I guess.  See ya then!

-9:31 P.M.





Sunday, June 26, 2022

No Time For That

    Hey!  Met game at 12:05 PM!  That corresponds with Act II Writing.  It's on PEACOCK so I think I might not be able to PAUSE IT at my leisure.  Just have to have it on in background while typing and MISS IT COMPLETELY while walking or showering.  OH WELL that's the sacrifice we make to have WORLDWIDE EXPOSURE ON PEACOCK.  I dunno if it's worldwide exposure.  That'd be cool!  Everyone getting a dose of Mets Baseball.  THEY USE THE SAME AMOUNT OF PLAYERS AS EVERYONE ELSE.  Anyway I said early in the season that new Mets Manager Buck Showalter has Resting Confused Face.  Lemme amend that.  Still KIND OF confused but now I feel like it's 60% Upset/Angry and 40% confused.  He's either upset or angry that he's confused, or he's confused why he's upset or angry.  I think the first one.  Second one would be more relatable though.  I'm confused by my emotions all the time!  And I don't even manage a major league baseball team!  MINOR LEAGUE, SURE.  Who doesn't!  Anyway no shirt on.  Amazing.
    Did some mightnight snacking last night.  FRUCK IT ALL TO CHELL.  At some point this has to stop I would imagine. I  just hope it's TONIGHT.  Anyway finished Belgian Waffle and Egg Whites for breakfast today.  Maybe I Do A Responsible and make my own egg whites for Balanced Breakfasts coming up in the week.  I got FROSTED FLAKES but no Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  GOOD.  Frosted Flakes are slightly less indulgent and that's the kind of guy I wanna be these breakfasts.  Anyway lunch can be HAM SANDWICH with rest of Rainbow Cookie, WIDE AL FREDO, or Kids chicken parm.  As of now COULD BE ANY OF THEM EASILY.  Haven't narrowed it down much at all!  Anyway another warm day outside despite it being the weekend.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Ice Cream Cake Day and National Onion Day.  DANGIT I was on board with both of those but considering them at the same time RUINS BOTH.  Either way I assume I can get ice cream cake from Dunkin Donuts either in person or online.  BUT I don't think I Can jus get A SLICE.  I'd have to get entire thing!  SORRY JUST NOT IN THE CARDS.
    Onion.  Great!  Raw onion, sauteed onions as toppings, great.  Onion rings as Fried Appetizer, amazing!  THE Onion: The News Service, wonderful.  THEY SURE STICK IT TO PEOPLE SOMETIMES.  Or are just clever with no one being insulted.  Either way that's their business not mine.  Any updates on Abortion Rights.  Gotta imagine we haven't given up on preserving those rights completely.  Maybe we have!  I HAVEN'T.  I'm not doing anything to fight for Abortion Rights THIS PARAGRAPH but I'll circle back around to it EASY.  So that's good.  Probably even this entry.  PROBABLY even this DayTime portion of entry.  POSSIBLY even this act.  NOT REALLY this paragraph.  Paragraph is almost over and I already have the thesis statement of Onion rings are fried appetizers so it wouldn't MAKE SENSE to do it here.  Maybe next paragraph, what do I know.  Not a lot.  I feel like White Castle should have had an ad campaign for Onion Rings in the mid 2000's going ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL.  I feel LOTS of things.
    HMM I could binge watch The Lord Of The Rings + The Hobbits!  That'd last me at least a week, right?  Each movie is like 3 hours?  That's about a movie a day AT LEAST.  Or AT MOST.  I forget WHICH ONE MEANS WHICH in this context.  Also gotta make sure it's available to me!  I feel like TWERE IT BE it'd be on HBOMax.  Hmm.  Five out of six of those films are on HBOMax.  Missing THE Hobbit THE Desolation of Smaug.  OH WELL I CAN SKIP THAT ONE.  I feel like that's The Middle Hobbit Movie.  Also I don't really wanna watch these movies right now do I.  Nope!  What was I talking about.  Smaug is a dragon.  It was also the username of a person in thee RED ALERT II online community.  THAT WAS COMPUTER GAME.  Big online community!  Lots of people played it online and CONGREGATED on message boards and stuff.  NO FOOLIN.  Probably had some sort of NUMBER after the word Smaug.  That's what I would do at least!  Oh right.  I don't think you can pause Peacock Live TV.  WONDERFUL I'll survive EASILY.  Not even gonna be much of a struggle to survive!  Cool.
    Fifth paragraph!  Knockin' some DayTime Paragraphs out of the park.  Not doing them WELL.  But Getting THROUGH THEM is going Out Of The Park.  Which SHOULD be a bad thing.  We should be DE-INCENTIVIZING players from Losing Baseballs.  You hit it out of the park GOOD LUCK TRYING TO GET IT BACK.  Best to encourage hitters to hit it IN THE INFIELD where we'll keep the ball more likely for another play.  What else is going on and crap.  What kinda responsibilities do I gotta do upcoming week.  Make a couple of phone calles to doctors.  Reschedule one appointment and re-up with medication with another phone call.  Great!  I don't like doing things but I'll enjoy getting DONE with doing things presumably.  Anyway I feel like I'd like to play some baseball.  I don't think I should be playing other 33 year olds.  I should be playing 12 year olds.  They're more my speed!  AND WHY NOT.  We should be organizing leagues by SKILL LEVEL not age.  That's how it works in MLB.  Each minor league level isn't based on years it's based on DO YOU BELONG AT THAT SKILL LEVEL.  YEAH.  I'm gonna get coffee now.  YEAH.
I'd enjoy eating the last of the rainbow cookie but I get TWO lunch sandwiches a week this week and do I REALLY wanna eat them both in a row within the first 3 days of the week?  Sure I could have rainbow cookie leftover as somewhat more indulgent snack.  Before or after lunch.  Hmm.  I don't play those games!  Maybe I should though!  Anyway I kinda want a sandwich.  If I WANT A SANDWICH I SHOULD GET ONE.  I could always balance it out by having another lunch sandwich later in the week anyway!  Breaded chicken sandwich from Italian Restaurant of Diner Restaurant.  Maybe VEAL CUTLET.  Maybe get a SUBWAY sandwich on a walk.  Hmm now that I think about Sandwiches In General maybe I DON'T want one for today.  I'll have to give this one a lot of thought and whatknot!  Anyway.  What's going on and crap.  Normally like a KETO Brownie as first snack-- we've gone through this plenty of times!-- but kinda want a SWEETER but SAME AMOUNT OF INDULGENCE CALORIE WISE Snack-- why it's only Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar possibly!
     Seventh paragraph!  Otherwise known as The Paragraph Where It All Comes Together.  Hmm.  Still haven't gone through New Sneakers yet.  Seems irresponsible.  You shell out some money for some new sneakers you best be using them.  Eh.  Finished watching the Freakshaw movie.  I think I told you that at NightTime last night.  Either way some freaks in it, sure!  I liked how there were dwarfs but they were RUNNING the show.  I guess they're halfway freaks halfway regulars.  They add to the novelty of 1970's British Freakshow but also double as regular people who are HOSTING it.  GOOD FOR THEM.  HALFWAY.  HALFWAY IT'S STILL BAD FOR THEM.  Oh well.  Pretty sure this was British.  Seemed pretty Britty to me.  What else is going on and crap.  Wha have I been listening to on walks lately.  PLAYLISTS.  ALT Rock PLaylists.  "The New Rock" playlist.  MISC NEW SONG UNDETERMINED GENRE-NEUTRAL or Fluid play lists.  NEW ALBUMS from time to time.  Last one was REGINA SPEKTOR.  It was okay great I got no problems there.
Eighth paragraph!  Hmm.  If I develop tears in all my shirts by doing excessive situps, does that mean if I'm not wearing shirts I will Tear My Skin?  My guess?  YES DEFINITELY 100% THAT WILL HAPPEN.  Skin is made to be torn though!  Very elastic or something, I Dunno.  The good news is I'm creeping up to being done with Act I.  ALSO creeping up to Snack time.  ONLY 2 HOURS AWAY.  AMAZING.  For a few months I was eating a snack every 1.75-2.25 hours ON SCHEDULE.  And then I realized that was dumb.  Now I realize I'm eating every 2 hours anyway but I'm just skipping ONE of those after breakfast.  STILL THOUGH it translated to 3 real snacks and a couple of bonus Pretty Small Snacks after dinner.  THREE SNACKS A DAY IS VERY REASONABLE WHY NOT.  Pretty Small Snacks?  I TAKE SEVEN WALKS it makes sense to add 2-3 pretty small snacks!  So get off my back about it is the point!  I guess.  Maybe something else is the point. I DON'T REMEMBER EXACTLY.
     Sure.  Wide Al Fredo might be TOO HEARTY a lunch.  I know lunch isn't for 4 hours but right now I feel ANTI-TOO-HEARTY lunch for today.  Just call it a hunch!  Call it whatever you want I ain't yer pappy.  Maybe I am.  Probably not!  Anything's possible I suppose.  I have ejaculated semen which presumably included sperm and once that's done ya never know where it might end up!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  I should probably do the thing where they freeze your sperm.  What do I know is in my future in terms of not having sperm.  Let's play it safe and make sure I can have genetic heir once and for all.  LOOK if I have to have Kid that isn't genetic heir SURE I can LEARN to love them.  But I feel like I'd get a kick out of having a Genetic Heir even more.  What else is up.  Hmm let's say I can't produce genetic heir.  Would I like to get some sperm from my brother so I can be Uncle Genetic Heir? Or would that just make things even weirder.  Gonna have to think about that one.
Last paragraph of the act!  Probably get some kick out of having Wife's Genetic Heir even if it's not mine.  A FRACTION of a kick but possibly more kick than completely adopted.  But I Can't use Brother's Sperm for Wife.  That'd definitely be weird.  Anyway what else is up.  Probably put Mets game on TV completely muted when I get back.  WELL a little after I get back WHEN IT STARTS OFFICIALLY.  Or unofficially. I dunno how official this crap is.  Gotta assume MOSTLY.  What else.  Hmm maybe I can't even watch Mets game.  I think there's FREE Peacock and SUBSCRIPTION Peacock.  Which I almost definitely don't have!  Oh well I guess I'll find out soon.  Wonderful.  Not sure why they'd have 5 out of 6 Tales From The Lord Of The Rings.  Kinda feels like they're being jerks by not having one out of six.  Oh well what can ya do.  NOTHIN.  I can't unsubscribe in protest THEN HOW WOULD I WATCH... uh... hmm.  Gotta imagine I'd be missing out on Somethin.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit! 




Looks Like You're Reading This For Some Reason

    Hey!  Mets game only available on Subscription Peacock!  So that solves that problem.  Can't watch it at all!  Still not sure about lunch.  That DOESN'T solve that problem.  Unless the problem IS Being Sure.  That could be a problem because speculating what will be for lunch is half the fun!  The other half is going over what I had for lunch after the fact.  What else is up.  No CrunchTime in walks today at all.  Probably not.  Something unexpected would have to happen which could be the case.  Anyway.  Kinda feels like the message to VOTE HARDER as a result of Terrible Thing happening in politics isn't that great a solution when you live in a congressional district in a state where your preffered candidates will have an easy time either winning or losing.  LOOK I'm gonna vote but voting for Grace Meng isn't gonna help anyone cause that sucker is gonna win anyway.  Also I CAN'T VOTE ANY HARDER I WAS ALREADY DOING IT PRETTY HARD.  If I voted any harder I'D RISK TEARING THE BALLOT and THEN where would we be.  The good news is I dunno there's probably some good news somewhere.
Hmm.  Maybe I can have Remnants of Rainbow cookie as a snack at some point.  Easily can do it as Indulgent NightTime snack.  BUT WHO CAN WAIT.  ME possibly.  OH OKAY.  I got KETTLE CHIPS I wanna use THEM as side for Sandwich Lunch.  19 chips is 130 calories LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Got nothing more to say on the  matter.  LET'S TALK ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE THEN.  Hmm.  I can see myself enjoying Hearty Al Fredo Dish maybe.  I could always leave over some which I won't do but I COULD do it but I won't do it.  YEAH.  SURE I could move to Swing District and Vote Harder there.  I'm not ready to upend my life completely though to do that!  Also might be too late for 2022 election!  Not sure how long you'd have to be a citizen of district to be eligible to vote.  Also I'm not doing that so why bother looking it up.  For GENERAL INFORMATION.  I don't care about general information in general.  Jeez.  Maybe not wearing a shirt most of the time will HELP ME diet.  Now that I see what I'm up against I'm more motivated!  To get abdomen slightly more under control!  HEALTH CONTROL.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Dinner'll definitely be Part III of III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Sure that's good no problem there.  Looking forward to UPCOMIGN Dinners later in the week where I get new things!  Chicken Pot Pie.  Pizza.  Maybe a Bison Burger or Chicken Dinner.  The point is everything is working out for me Re: Eating Delicious Varied Meals.  So that's good at least.  Maybe get a hamburger to mix things up.  AND/OR get A Fast Food Hamburger Enterprise as lunches.  I presumably got TWO empty lunches this week through Thursday.  If I get Fast Food Lunches PROBABLY splits into three meals based on my memory but HEY THAT COULD WORK TOO.  HMM THIS IS A DELICIOUS IDEA.  White Castle sounds the best off the top of my head.  HEY in the past I've had to choose between 2 or 3 White Castle Hamburgers at a time with other relevant sides but I JUST GOT A GREAT IDEA TWO POINT FIVE PER MEAL.  HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THIS BEFORE.  This is the best Idea I've come up with IN SECONDS.
    So that's good.  2.5 White Castles, 2 chicken rings, 1/3rd Medium Fries.  Three meals out of that.  HEY IT COULD WORK.  2.5 CHICKEN RINGS WOULD BE EVEN BETTER THOUGH.  Let's not go crazy!  WHY NOT GOING CRAZY SOUNDS FUN ONCE IN A WHILE.  Hmm.  Maybe 2.5 White Castles, 2.5 Chicken Rings, 1/3rd of SMALL fries.  That's even better because it's not going over normal calorie allotment AT ALL.  So great I got that to think about.  THINK ABOUT HARDCORE.  WAIT A SECOND SHOULD I GET THAT FOR TODAY.  I dunno if I could handle all that excitement.  I need to mentally and emotionally prepare for this ahead of time.  Not ready for it yet!  Oh okay sounds fair.  What else is up.  HMM let's make a doordash order for what I said to see if its a reasonable price or if it makes no sense to get it because it's 40 dollars somehow.  With Fees and Tips that's 26 dollars.  Ugh.  I mean theoretically 8 and a half dollars a lunch isn't CRAZY.  But the small amount of food for 27 dollars I DON'T LIKE IT BUT I MIGHT BITE THE BULLET AND GET IT ANYWAY.  Hey that's great wonderful.
    I can't get White Castle today.  Got STEAK tonight.  Hamburger and steak TOO REDUNDANT YOU FOOLS.  Anyway one more paragraph to go for DayTime.  Also solid 50+% chance I don't get White Castle at all this week.  Maybe I WILL Maybe I WON'T.  Hmm.  How long did I just waste time talking about Getting White Castle.  AT LEEAST A PARGARpH.  Hmm.  Looks like a paragraph and a half.  WELL THAT SUCKS.  Oh well can't go back now.  I guess not.  Maybe just indulge and get a diner Hamburger one time and call it even.  I don't really NEED white castle fries, first of all.  Not that different from Frozen Fries.  I don't really NEED chicken rings.  I can get chicken fingers which are just as good.  White castle HAMBURGERS is the game changer sure but they're not ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to get.  YEAH I don't need this at all.  WELL GREAT now it's down to 30% I'm getting White Castle this week.  I HOPE YOU'RE HAPPY.  You should be ASHAMED of yourselves.  Anyway.  I'll be back later tonight!




today is almost over completely

    Hello friends.  Time to write some paragraphs.  Let's say FIVE.  Garbage Taking Out is in 35 minutes.  I can write 5 paragraphs NO PROBLEM and then recess A LIL BIT BEFORE, A LIL BIT AFTER (Garbage Taking Out).  TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH.  By which I mean Garbage, Like I said.  Physical Garbage.  It's like The Led Zeppelin album Physical Graffiti but different.  Garbage.  Garbage instead of Graffiti.  Hmm.  Got delicious Fried Calamari from Diner tonight to have for lunch 2Morrow.  Had delicious Al Fredo Dish for lunch earlier 2Day.  Gonna probably go with 2 beers tonight.  About 20% IN2 the first one.  OR SHOULD I SAY, The 1st 1."  NAH I'm okay with just saying, "First One."  Not sure why I prefer that but like using the digit, "2," in other contexts.  CALL IT A FEELING.  Call it whatever you want I ain't yer pappy.  AGAIN maybe I am.  Sounds pretty cool.  It's a lot of responsibility but it's also A Lot Of Love.
    Huh?  Hmm.  Wearing No Pants No Socks right now.  Gonna have to put on pants to take out garbage later!  I chose to not wear pants anyway.  Felt the risk was outweighed by the reward!  Also I don't need to put socks back on.  Just put on sneakers without socks!  Hmm still haven't opened up New Sneakers yet.  Oh well what can ya do.  Open up new sneakers.  Yeah But If Not When, NOW?  Interesting counterpoint.  Hmm.  Probably gonna have remnants of rainbow cookie tonight!  Either RECESS SNACK or POST ENTRY snack.  ALSO GOT TOOTSIE POP AND GOOD HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR COMING MY WAY.  So the point is I get to eat crap.  This makes life worthwhile!  That's what I've been tricked to believe by Oh I Don't Know THE FOOD NETWORK.  GOD DAMN ALTON BROWN.  This is all HIS fault.  DON'T FORGET BAREFOOT CONTESSA.  Why not.  SHE'S VERY MEMORABLE AND YOU'D BE FOOLISH TO FORGET.  Oh Okay.  Kinda did forget about her completely for 13 years.  Oh well now she's back in my head AND I CAN'T GET RID OF HER.  Kinda don't mind though.  Worse fates Befall Men!
Sure.  VOTING is on Tuesday.  Gonna have to look up a WikiHow on what steps I can take to Vote Harder.  Must be SOMETHING I can go do tangibly that I wasn't gonna before I was told to Vote Harder.  Just gotta figure out what it is!  Should I vote multiple times?  I feel like that's not allowed but at the same time it's one o the only things I can think of.  PLEASE ADVISE.  Hmm.   Been watching some Tales Crypt today.  Lotta Tales Crypt.  It's good to have a ROLE MODEL (Crypt Keeper).  I get that Crypt Keeper LOOKS and SOUNDS scary but he's really generally a Pretty Good Guy!  He has no HATE or MALICE in his heart.  He just wants to tell us stories and make lots of puns!  That's the opposite of scary!  EXCEPT FOR HE'S DEAD.  Animated dead people are scary I guess.  Confusing!  HEY I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD.  What are you doing walking around.  THIS CHALLENGES MY ENTIRE WORLD VIEW AND NOW I'M UPSET ABOUT IT.  That sort of thing.  Not sure I ever seen Crypt Keeper walk.  I'm sure he does at some points but I can't REMEMBER.
     Hmm.  Anyway.  Gotta good feeling about not doing any MightNight snacking tonight.  Start a streak.  REAL GOOD STREAK.  Maybe go LIKE A MONTH with having 3-6 MightNight Snack Nights overall.  I CAN DO IT.  JUST GIVE ME A CHANCE.  I've given myself NOTHING BUT Chances.  And I continually let myself down.  WHEW.  I can manage a life where I let myself down!  Implies I'm not letting OTHERS down as much.  SURE I can let myself AND EVERYONE ELSE down but if we're phrasing it that I Let Myself Down kind of gives the impression THAT'S ALL.  SO GOOD I'M BEING ALTRUISTIC BY LETTING MYSELF DOWN LET"S TALK ABOUT IT.  Been thinking lately that if I was living alone I'd have more Dessert Meals.  Like 3 Pop Tarts as a health lunch or something.  Right on track for calorie allotment-- even on the low end.  And what's my body gonna do if I feed it 3 Pop Tarts as a lunch, OBJECT?  BODY DOESN'T HAVE THE GUMPTION TO CHALLENGE ME.  BODY IS GONNA TAKE DESSERT MEALS NAD IT'S GONNA LIKE IT.  If I were in a scenario where I wouldn't have to justify my dessert meals to people (parents).  BUT THAT WORLD IS NOT IN THE CARDS RIGHT NOW SO NEVERMIND.
One more paragraph before recess!  Amazing.  I have dessert breakfasts and my Dad doesn't seem to challenge me. DESSERT BREAKFAST is the exception that proves the rule!  Hey great how about that.  NOT GONNA LIE I ATE 2 PIECES OF CALAMARI ALREADY TONIGHT.  Actually I AM GONNA Lie I ATE 12 PIECES OF CALAMARI TONIGHT. ...Well that's great.  Wish I could get Appetizer Sampler that's half the size.  I'd get that over Calamari SEVENTY PERCENT OF THE TIME.  But Appetizer sampler I gotta split into TWINE meals and calamari is just the ONCE.  Oh so Spanish for ELEVEN?  Hmm.  I feel like In My Life I should be more confused by the English word Once and the Spanish word Once.  SO FAR I don't remember EVER being confused.  Not even once!  BUT now I feel like I'm on the verge of being confused.  What's up.  What else is going on.  SIETE ONCE is a convenience store.  SITE ONCE WHAT HUH EH MAHH.  Oh okay.  That's It.  That's The Paragraph.  BE BACK SOON

    HEY delicious Rainbow cookie.  I'm glad that I'm not gonna have to worry about Estimating How Many Calories It Is anymore THAT PART was no fun.  But I got a real kick out of stuffing it down my gullet and crap.  Real good sugar and whatknot.  IS ONE FOURTH OF IT LEFTOVER MORE LIKE 150 CALORIES OR 175.  I DON'T KNOW AND FRANKLY I DON'T WANT TO KNOW. EXCEPT FOR THAT LAST PART.  I DO WANT TO KNOW.  Hey that's great just great.  I think people don't appreciate Sprinkles as much as they should.  At least I HAVEN'T.  On a cookie or on ice cream they seem like an afterthought!  Just an aesthetic garnish that makes it look more fun.  NO THESE ARE LITTLE LINES OF PURE SUGAR.  ONE SPRINKLE ALONE MAY NOT REGISTER but if you are having a bunch in a bitesworth THAT'S JUST A LOT OF SUGAR YOU'RE GONNA LOVE THIS TRUST ME.  Anyway.  GREAT now I wanna have an ice cream cone with sprinkles.  BUT I CAN'T.  I have no more sprinkles AT ALL in the house.  Hmm is Dunkin Donuts still open.  IT'S A RHETORICAL QUESTION I DON'T CARE.  Whatever.
Yeah!  Gonna start beer #2 now.  It's TOMORROW that's Ice Cream Cake Day, right?  Maybe celebrate that by having ICE CREAM and THEN CAKE.  I have no ice cream cake but I can get in the spirit of things by having Ice Cream and Cake SEPERATELY.  Don't think I have any Cake in the house.  THAT'S EASY GO GET A PIECE OF CAKE ANYWHERE PROBLEM SOLVED.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Gotta have SOMETHING that's Cake Adjacent.  Hmm.  I guess Fiber Brownies and crap.  NOT GONNA DO IT FOR ME RE: CAKE SUBSTITUTE.  Gotta be A REAL Dessert not a health dessert.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  I'll settle for having Pop Tart as cake replacement. I'm not happy about it in THEORY but in PRACTICE I'll enjoy it.  SMORE POP TART AND ICE CREAM SANDWICH as upcoming Meal PRO OR CON.  PRO.  VERY PRO.  So I got that going for me.  Hopefully if I wake up in MightNight I'll think OK JUST GO BACK TO BED AND THEN BEFORE I KNOW IT I"M HAVING AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH AND A POP TART.  Might have to REPEAT THAT 2-4 times over the night.  I can do it. I CAN DO IT.  I might not be able to do it.  ME NOT BEING ABLE TO DO IT IS THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.
Whatever.  Probably just watch some more dumb Tales Crypt after this entry before Bedtime for Bonzo.  Me.  I'm Bonzo.  That sort of thing.  SURE I'm HIP to your 1950's References.  ONE OF THEM at least.  I MAY only know a single thing from the 1950's but at least it's THAT.  So I got that going for me is the point.  Jeez.  I can have a SOLID SNACK instead of TOOTSIE POP.  LOLLIPOP IS SOLID SNACK.  It's more solid than ice cream but LESS SOLID than SOLID SNACK.  What's going on again.  Oh right.  Abortion. Or lack thereof as the case may be.  Hmm gotta think of a great abortion joke/think-em-up.  Gotta cover all the bases.  Being a joke and a think-em-up.  AND GOOD at both of those bases.  Hey have you heard about thi.. WAIT NO TERRIBLE START.  Lemme start over.  I CAN DO IT JUST GIVE ME A MOMENT. ... .... calibrating.  Re-calibrating... re-calibrating...
Two more paragraphs to go!  If I WERE to have a Tootsie Pop this is how I would have done it I'd have a Chocolate one from the chocolate bag.  OR maybe a chocolate one from the assorted bag.  Very similar individual experiences BUT they leave a slightly different AfterMath Scenario.  As in what I have left over and in what bags.  That'd be slightly different based on Where I get Tonight's Lollipop from.  PROBABLY JUST CHOCOLATE BAG.  Seems to be THE SAFE choice.  Responsible choice.  The RIGHT choice.  THE RIGHT TO CHOICE.  ALSO CHEW ICE.  Wait no not that last part.  I know doctors can be in legal trouble if they help give a lady an abortion but what if the doctor is a MAN.  Is a man allowed to do an abortion?  Seems like a tricky legal area because on the one hand abortions are now illegal HOWEVER if its a man doing the abortion gotta imagine that's his choice, right?  FOOD FOR THOUGHT.
Last paragraph of the night!  GOD DAMNIT I gotta start over from Zero again tomorrow.  Hey but on the bright side I can eat a Freakin Ice Cream Sandwich and a Pop Tart REASONABLE AND RESPONSIBLE-LIKE when I get up.  Hey that is BrightSide!  Unless I MightNight Eat.  That's DarkSide.  Hmm.  I'm not giving up on doing a good abortion think-em-up/laff-em-up.  It may not happen tonight... it may not happen tomorrow... then I'll probably give up after that but UNTIL THEN we'll see!  HEY I think my Mom has cupcakes.  Might just be muffins though.  But if its cupcake you can easily make AND WIN the argument cupcakes are decent stand ins for cake cakes.  So I guess Everything All Worked Out In The End.  Whew!  That was a close one!  Anyway.  I lost track of what I was talking about.  No I didn't.  I just lost enthusiasm for it.  So that's good.  Anyway I'll be back tomorrow I guess.  See ya then.

-9:29 P.M.




Saturday, June 25, 2022

Here Is A Thing

    Hello friends.  About half an hour behind schedule right now!  Should be able to fit in a total of 3 walks before Dad takes his walk, which means NO CRUNCHTIME later in the day.  No crunchtime NOW in the day.  FEELS a little crunchtime but I'm not gonna go out of my way to do things that much quicker!  I'D LIKE TO BUT I WON'T.  Anyway Met game today in late afternoon!  I can watch that as long as it stays interesting!  Had only one beer last night.  Had a small amount of MightNight snacking.  Had half of the Big Rainbow Sprinkle Faux Black and White cookie for breakfast.  DELICIOUS.  I'll split the 2nd half into TWINE and have each half as side for sandwich this week.  POSSIBLY EVEN TODAY LUNCH.  So I got that going for me.  Anyway today is SATURDAY.  Wonder if there'll be any big NEWS DROPS.  YA NEVER KNOW WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN ON A SATURDAY.  Great.  WARM OUTSIDE TODAY.  I'm not surprised-- it IS a Saturday!
    Kinda feels like the weekend is generally warmer than the weekdays.  No matter what time of year.  That empirically can't be right but I dunno!  Saturday just SOUNDS warmer to me.  Sunday too but not as much.  It's got SUN in it.  Sun makes things warm.  The point is HMM maybe it's because you're more likely to be outside during AFTERNOONS on weekends.  Because you're not in school or work!  And I THINK generally the days are warmest at that time!  HEY I MADE IT MAKE SENSE.  Started out as nonsense then I PLUCKED SENSE FROM THE JAWS OF DEFEAT.  Also in the movie JAWS does anyone ever say the word JAWS.  I dunno!  I watched it ONCE a couple of months ago but wasn't paying enough attention.  Maybe they're like hey this shark is causing trouble let's call it JAWS.  I ASSUME Jaws is the shark's name.  Better LTURQ.  They named Mechanical Shark Pro Jaws BEHIND THE SCENES possibly originating from Steven Spielberg's accountant of lawyer.  WOW and that made it into THE OFFICIAL TITLE.
Hmm.  Speaking of JAWS which are used to CHEW FOOD, National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Pudding Day.  NO THANKS.  Pudding is weird to me!  Never had it and I don't wanna have it!  Maybe in the future I'll feel like trying it.  NOT NOW THOUGH NOT EVER.  Maybe in the future.  Yes MAYBE IN THE FUTURE however NEVER.  Hmm.  Mom has chocolate pudding a lot.  GOOD I'M GLAD.  Anyway got GOOD ice cream sandwiches.  Got SMALLER ice cream sandwiches that are on par with Ice Cream Bars in calories instead of 50% More!  AMAZING DELICIOUS.  Hmm HAM sandwich today or TURKEY sandwich.  OR of course something else.  Leaning towards Turkey Sandwich as of now.  Got part II of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner tonight.  DOES splitting Fancy Dinner into Thrice still make me look too indulgent?  Possibly!  If you do the math each meal is like 12 or 14 dollars.  Not INSANE but also more than some people would have THRICE a week.  ALSO I GET SOUP OR SALAD I DONATE TO MY DAD.  So there's even MORE we get out of it!  The point is SHUT UP.
     Hmm.  Probably should write more ACROSTICS.  They're fun because it's poetry that appeals to and is generally written by elementary school students.  I don't think a lot of serious poets are really leaning in to doing Acrostics.  Maybe SILLY poets.  Gotta imagine some poets out there lean into being silly as opposed to serious.  If its a poem it's INHERENTLY serious.  Might as well be SILLY ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Is that two days in a row I had 1 beer?  I think I had 1 beer on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, then 1 again last night.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  I suppose.  Anyway what else is going on.  Is Supreme Court gonna take a relatively decent break before doing anything terrible again.  I feel like we need a few weeks to gather our bearings.  It's the least they can do!  Spread out terrible things they do!  Anyway I dunno.  One more paragraph and then it's time to RE-UP with coffee.  Not really a Re-Up.  First cup of day. Re-Up in terms of I HAD SOME YESTERDAY.  Oh okay carry on.
  THREE Paragraphs in a row started with, "Hmm."  INADVERTENTLY.  At least this one was different because of ITALICS.  Did/do Italians prefer writing/typing in Italics?  Gotta imagine THEY MUST/MUST HAVE.  Anyway I never learned how to write in Italics.  I guess CURSIVE or as I learnt to call it SCRIPT is SORT OF italicized inherently.  Anyway.  Learned how to UNDERLINE.  I can underline with the best of them.  BOLD?  Maybe!  If it involves using a different STRONGER pen or marker I can bold.  But if I'm using regular pen or whatever never specifically learned how to Bold.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE NOT KNOWING HOW TO DO THINGS.  Great!  Didn't start any Shutter film last night.  Good!  Can start it today!  Amazing!  Also I learnt Script but I'm TERRIBLE at it.  Also I think back to the Billy Madison scene where he doesn't know how to write, "Z's," in script and ya know what NEITHER DO I.  You'd think I've have taken a cue from the film and learnt it.  NOPE.  Anyway the main grade he's in where he meets his best friends and love interest was THIRD grade.  POSSIBLE I was in third grade when the movie was released.  WOW MY GRADE CORRESPONDS TO MOVIE I'M GONNA GO GET SOME COFFEE NOW.
I feel like I've bragged about Corresponding Grade To Comedy Film before.  It's my CLAIM TO FAME.  Anyway lemme do the math to see how close I was to 3rd grade in 1996-- the year it was released OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  NOPE 1995 I'M AN IDIOT I'M GONNA KILL MYSELF NOW.  Wait no.  Okay I was four in September of kindergarten.  Which means that was 93-94.  Hmm I woulda been in 2nd grade probably when film came out but THIRD GRADE when I first saw it probably.  The point is this is fascinating stuff!  What else is up.  Sequel to Billy Madison where on a technicality now he needs to do school AGAIN.  And for some reason he's even DUMBER this time around.  I KNOW at the end he appears to become smarter and goes to college he says.  I SAY IT DOESN'T PAN OUT and he becomes an idiot again.  Prove me wrong you can't!  Anyway.  Hey this paragraph is just about over.  I like the sound of that!
Seventh paragraph.  WE DID IT GUYS WE MADE IT TO THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Amazing!  Open up my new sneakers today once and for all.  Probably wear em inside the house to see how they're working.  Once I wear them outside the house might not be able to return them!  ANYWAY not looking forward to LACING THEM UP.  I'm legitimately gonna need parental help with that because I'm a little child.  Oh well at least I get something out of the deal-- not having to do something myself.  Embarrassing but PRACTICAL.  Anyway.  Closing in on July.  Is July the hottest month of the year.  Better LTURQ.  JULY IS INDEED THE HOTTEST MONTH OF THE YEAR.  HOT JULY SUMMER.  Something along those lines.  My mom is listening to January Hearings on repeat again.  I shut my door though!  Now I don't have to hear it EXPLICITLY.  Can still hear CRACKLING OF VOICES in the background but not coherent.  GOOD I'll watch and listen to this ON MY OWN TIME thank you very much.
Amazing!  FRANSISCO LINDOR DRIVING IN ALL THE RUNS.  He's not playing like a SUPERSTAR but he's doing OKAY and he's doing SUPERSTAR RUNS BATTED IN.  So that's fun.  His overall numbers are similar to last season but it just FEELS like it's slightly better this time around.  WOW SLIGHTLY BETTER SIGN ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  EH now that I look at it his Main Numbers ARE slightly better than last year.  AMAZING NOW YOU'RE REALLY TALKING MY LANGUAGE.  English.  Also kinda speak Math and Music.  The UNIVERSAL languages.  Probably.  In other parts of the galaxy maybe they have different Music Language.  That'd be weird.  Math gotta be similar though, right?  RIGHT?  I dunno.  At the very least they might not be using Base Ten all the time.  THEY GOT DIFFERENT AMOUNT OF DIGITS C'MON GUYS.  The good news is based on where I'm at now NO PROBLEM fitting in walks and crap.  Unless I fall off my chair and break my Coccyx.  That might delay my progress a bit.  That's a funny word.  Good for me.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Bad part about cookie is that some of the sprinkles weren't completely secured onto the cookie so some sprinkles were falling off and getting everywhere.  Good part about cookie is Delicious.  Jeez.  Still got 2nd half of Belgian Waffle and Egg Whites to have for lunch tomorrow.  AMAZING.  Got Great Pop Tarts and Ice Cream Sandwich as breakfasts too.  They were a classic breakfast I was having much more often than not for a while.  I CAN'T WAIT TO DO IT AGAIN BOY.  GIRL TOO.  EVERYONE ELSE WHOSE NOT ONE OF THOSE THINGS TOO.  Hmm.  This entry probably isn't GREAT so far but at the same time it's SOMETHING.  I dunno about you but I get A LOT out of SOMETHING.  Doing this Something takes up a lot of time and makes me feel 75, 80% productive.  Also I IMAGINE it's got some laffs sometimes.  Not CONSTANTLY or ALL THE TIME.  But every now and then I sneak in a Worthwhile!
    Last paragraph of the act.  GOOD DEAL.  How much in general do the Democrats need to win the Congress Popular Vote Overall to presumably win control of the congress.  Pretty sure it's not Even Completely.  Democrats would have to win by AT LEAST half a percent to win control!  Maybe more like 3 or 4 percent.  I'd look it up but, ya know.  FINE I'LL LOOK IT UP.  In 2018 there's an article saying they need to win by NINE POINTS nationally.  I feel that's high.  I don't think they ended up winning by THAT MUCH but maybe close in 2018 and still won the congress.  LEMME LTURQ.  EH I'M NOT FINDING ANY INFO IMMEDIATELY.  I kinda remember seeing it wasn't NINE POINTS bad.  Shows how much I know though!  Maybe enough maybe not!  Under the impression new congressional districts are a bit of a wash and not favor Republicans or Democrats BY THAT MUCH compared to old districts.  Which is STILL BAD SHOULDA BEEN MORE DEMOCRATIC DISTRICTS CAUSE OF THINGS.  You know what I mean.  Population changes and crap!  LOOK the point is I'm taking a walk now.  Try to come up with some answers on how Democrats can go from being a couple of points behind in Generic Ballot to nine points ahead.  THIS MIGHT TAKE ME A FEW HOURS.  I'll be back soon.




I'd Read This If I Were You

    Hello friends.  Gotta write 5 paragraphs now!  Got the entire day to come up with some better titles.  Feels like that will be hard!  Been struggling with titles lately.  Also Rest Of My Life.  The good news is HMM I can have KETO BROWNIE or Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar as upcoming snack.  Or ANYTHING ELSE but I solidly think it'll be one of those two things.  AMAZING.  Maybe have Good Ice Cream Sandwich as midday snack.  WONDERFUL AMAZING.  I feel like the Democrats might win the congress if they win Generic Congressional Ballot Across America by 2.5, 3 points.  I'm basing this on SOMETHING I forget WHAT though.  Either way that presumably CAN be done.  Not likely!  But possible!  NINE POINTS is a stretch.  THEN AGAIN WHO KNOWS MAYBE ABORTION OR PRESERVING DEMOCRACY MAKE PEOPLE VOTE.  Stranger things have happened!  There's an entire THREE AND A HALF SEASONS per my understanding!  Lemme LTURQ.  Yep I was right.  BUDGET IS 270 MILLION DOLLARS?!?!  I thought this was just some TV Show.  I guess there's a lot of CGI and ANDY SERKIS. Gotta imagine Andy Serkis is getting paid 40 million dollars every half season.
Hmm.  What to do after shower for Main Afternoon Chunk of the day between walks.  WATCH SHUTTER FILM.  That sounds about right.  That should last me roughly into Met game.  Maybe TOO MUCH.  Can start Met game BEHIND so I can fast forward through the DULL parts.  Hmm.  Kinda feels like Democrats should do something to preserve rights or Democracy.  POSSIBLY other things.  Oh well beggars can't be choosers.  "We have the house, senate, and presidency.  VOTE FOR US AGAIN SO WE CAN DO SOMETHING."  It just makes SENSE.  Hmm.  SURE ILL VOTE FOR YOU AGAIN.  Got nothin' BETTER to do.  That's my official position.  Anyway looking forward to getting this DayTime portion of entry done with.  Have SOME FUN for the rest of the day.  Maybe have 3 beers tonight.  Think I'll try starting 1st beer after last walk before dinner instead of after dinner with Starting Act III.  MAYBE I can still limit it to 2 beers with that, maybe it'll make me want a 3rd.  I DON'T KNOW but I"m COMFORTABLE letting the chips fall where they may and FINDING OUT.
    YEAH.  LOOK do I get two flavors of Keto Brownie-- Chocolate Brownie and Chocolate Chunk Cookie-- at once?  SURE.  They are VERY similar!  I think I prefer one of them VERY SLIGHTLY over the other but I'M NOT SURE WHICH.  Also even if that's the case VARIETY is the spice of life so I'm comfortable getting one of each at a time.  VERY comfortable.  Anyway IF I CAN GO TO A DIFFERENT STATE TO BE IN SIX FLAGS GREAT ADVENTURE you can go to a different state to get an Abortion.  Kinda feels like that's a movie waiting to pop.  Abortion Road Trip.  SEE YA IN 2024!  IS IT IN POOR TASTE?  Maybe!  IS MAKING IT NECESSARY TO GET AN ABORTION IN REAL LIFE IN POOR TASTE?  Hmm interesting counterpoint.  Kinda fee like they can design a roller coaster that causes miscarriage.  But PRODUCTIVE miscarriage.  One that's not harmful to health or anything and just resolves itself without any further action needed.  SIX FLAGS NOW THE BALLS ARE IN YOUR COURT.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime!  Sweet.  Still not happy about them calling the movie JAWS.  I'd be slightly more comfortable with it if the name shows up in the movie.  I get the sense it doesn't!  Either way SHARKS DON'T NEED NAMES.  By giving a shark a name YOU'RE ONLY ENCOURAGING HIM.  That's COUNTERproductive you fools.  What else is going on and crap.  Can we make shark attacks illegal.  Is that a bipartisan thing we can work together towards.  Probably not.  Gotta imagine people can come up with decent reasons to be against that.  HOW DO YOU DEFINE AN ATTACK.  What if the person who is attacked (I assume you're only banning shark attacks on HUMANS) was PROVOKING the shark.  I dunno.  This isn't for me to decide!  I have no constitutional power at all!  Or any other kind of power.  Well I've got energy and crap to move around.  It comes from KILOCALORIES or something, I don't have all the details!
    Sure!  KETO BROWNIE IN THE LEAD for upcoming snack.  Delicious AND nutritious.  At least that's what they say.  They could be lying, what do I know!  NOT A LOT. I don't even know the differences between the two flavors.  They both have a BIT of nuts or something in them but I think the nuts are SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT and I like one of the nuts configurations better.  HEY GREAT.  What else.  I've talked about Keto Brownie Nuts Configurations before.  It's a big part of my day!  Perhaps my favorite snack!  SURE other snacks later in the day PARTICULARLY AFTER DINNER are more indulgent and tastier.  But I like this snack because it's LESS CALORIES and I GET ALL I NEED TO GET OUT OF IT ANYWAY.  So it's NO GUILT.  YEAH.  Also Saturated Fat is delicious, hopefully we can all agree on that!  Hmm.  I dunno.  I'm pretty sure doing situps all day is what's causing holes/tears in the same spot of each shirt around the lower back.  BUT I continue to do it because I WANNA KEEP DOING SITUPS and I don't wanna take off my shirt and put it back on 30 times a day. I PROBABLY SHOULD THOUGH NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  Do the RESPONSIBLE thing.  Also gotta imagine taking off shirt and putting it back on just burns even more calories!  HEY THAT SOUNDS GREAT I'll be back later tonight.




this'll have to do for now

    HEY I just figured out what Rights they can take away from me.  WEBSITE RIGHTS.  Take away my ability to publish to the internet presumably because I said something bad about them.  GREAT NOW I KNOW WHAT MY RIGHT IS THAT I'LL LOSE IN I DUNNO 18-24 MONTHS.  Time to mentally prepare now.  Gotta WRITE REAL THINGS IN REAL LIFE I GUESS.  LONGHAND.  Possibly IN BOLD if I can figure that out.  Also if I'm not writing with the presumption that it's being read Newly Every Day that opens up the opportunity to write Better More Complete, Thought Out Things.  STILL THOUGH DON'T TAKE AWAY MY WEBSITE FROM ME YOU FOOL THAT'D BE BAD FOR ME.  Why would you want to do bad things for me?  What did I ever do to you!  Presumably said Bad Things About You and Your Party Of Terrible People.  STILL THOUGH IT WAS ALL IN JEST.  Anyway the point is I got a very solid 12-18 months before that happens.  WAIT NO.  I can see it happening as soon as next February or April.  Oh so I have a solid 8-10 months.  GOTTA MAKE WEBSITE COUNT UP TILL THEN.
     Hmm.  What can I do that COUNTS.  I guess I can write more Acrostics.  Nah that's TOO Quality Website.  It'd SPOIL people if they thought they were gonna read an Acrostic every day.  Can't have people expecting too much from me!  I'd only let them down and/or EXCEED their expectations which would let them down in the other direction.  You exceed someone's expectations you're making them feel foolish for Doubting Your Powers before.  And NO ONE wants to Feel The Fool.  Anyway I had delicious Chocolate Health Ice Cream Bar.  2.25x the size of your no sugar fudgesicle.  I REGRET NOTHING IT WAS DELICIOUS.  THIS IS THE KIND OF STUFF THE PEOPLE IN CHARGE DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE.  Well the people in charge in 8 months.  And a lot of the people in charge today.  But apparently not The People MOST In Charge.  CAUSE I'M HERE!  ...What evidence do I have that this really goes out onto the internet.  VERY LITTLE.  OH NO I'm a Crazy Person.  I really should have seen that coming, shouldn't I have!
    What else.  Watched most of the Freakshow Movie on Shutter.  PRETTY OKAY.  Not paying as much attention as maybe I should but I get SOMETHING out of it with the little attention I am paying!  So that's good.  Anyway I started beer before dinner like I said I would!  But only had a few sips.  So basically today should solidly be a TWO BEER NIGHT.  Different than a ONE DOG NIGHT.  Not sure what that means.  And ALL BAND NAMES HAVE TO MEAN SOMETHING.  Otherwise WHAT'S THEIR PREMISE.  Gotta be their name, right?  RIGHT.  RIGHTS.  Anyway IF I WERE PROTESTING this is how I Would Have Done It.  Don't just protest Supreme Court Decision.  Be like I'M DOING THIS TO ENCOURAGE DEMOCRATS TO GO AROUND FILIBUSTER TO CODIFY ABORTION RIGHT.  And/or WE'RE PROTESTING TO ADD JUSTICES TO SUPREME COURT.  This kinda stuff happens from THE BOTTOM UP TRUST ME I've BEEN IN THE POSSESSION of history text books before.  I didn't OWN them.  Had to give them back to the school after the semester was over.  But I HAD THEM ON ME and was RESPONSIBLE FOR THEM maybe 4-5 months at a time?  So go for it!  Make your voices heard and be specific about it and whatknot!  Maybe I should join a protest.  I'M ANTI-TEST.  If I was so Pro-Test I would have READ THEM TEXTBOOKS so I'd do better on the tests.   I READ PLENTY OF HISTORY TEXTBOOK THIS IS ALL IN JEST.
Hmm.  What else is up.  Not wearing pants.  Prove me wrong!  Also I figured out I don't need to take off and put back on shirts 30 times a day for sit ups.  JUST TAKE EM OFF ENTIRE PERIODS OF TIME BETWEEN WALKS.  That's like seven times a day instead of 30+!  Well 14 if we're considering Taking Them Off one activity and then Putting Them Back On as another.  WHICH WE SHOULD.  BECAUSE THAT'S HOW LIFE WORKS.  Anyway still not so bad!  Generally I don't like not wearing a shirt these days because I have Negative Body Image.  BUT THAT'S A SACRIFICE I think I'm comfortable making.  Besides maybe if I see my torso enough I'd get USED to my body image and start to ENJOY IT.  That's the natural direction of life.  GET USED TO BODY SUCH THAT YOU START TO ENJOY IT REAL GOOD.  Not sure what that means.  The good news is hey what else is going on and crap.  Had turkey sandwich and .25 of Rainbow Cookie for lunch.  Had Part II of III of Steak * Stufffed Mushroom for dinner.  YEAH.  Let's talk about it.  We just did.
     What's up and crap.  I'm wearing a shirt NOW.  I'm done with my sit-ups and push-ups after my last walk.  Last one is RIGHT BEFORE taking the last walk.  THEN I'M DONE.  So the point is PANTS NO but SHIRT YES.  Which I think should be the default for how ANY of us live our life.  I'm not for CODIFYING THAT INTO LAW THOUGH.  As strongly as I feel like it's the way to go FOR ME I have NO INTEREST in requiring everyone else to do things that way.  Both from a MORAL and LEGAL standpoint.  Also just PRACTICAL even if I wanted it that way HOW WOULD I ENFORCE IT.  So the good news is I'm probably taking a Recess in a few sentences.  That's fun!  When recess is over it's a NATURAL TIME to have a small new snack or something of that sort.  I think I got 30 minutes or so of this movie to go.  Do I watch the entire rest of movie before resuming Website?  Well on the one hand since I started Act III recesses they're generally around 10-20 minutes.  But ALSO ON THAT HAND I better get in as much website as quick as possible as long as I still can.  THEN AGAIN LET'S ROLL THEM DICE AND SEE IF WE CAN ELECT MORE DEMOCRATS WHO WILL CODIFY MY WEBSITE INTO LAW.  I'll be back in a little bit.

     HEY.  Got delicious Chocolate Quest Bar going on.  Gonna have delicious Belgian Waffle and Egg white for breakfast tomorrow.  Assuming the CRYPTO FASCISTS don't take away my right to breakfast by then.  What's a crypto fascist.  Where did I come up with that term.  Kinda sounds like a plausible term I heard somewhere dumb!  Either way I think I'll probably still have the right to breakfast indefinitely.  Not sure what any motive would be to take away that right even if the Crypto Fascists were in power.  Then again DON'T COUNT YOUR CHICKENS BEFORE THEY HATCH.  Or in this case DON'T COUNT YOUR EGGS BEFORE... THEY HAVEN'T BEEN TAKEN AWAY... BY THE CRYPTO FASCISTS.  You know that sort of thing.  Got a beer #2 going on.  Definitely gonna finish this sucker tonight!  That's the way I operate.  I don't mind leaving over SODA or SNAPPLE to finish the next morning.  But BEER I tend to figure I should finish tonight one way or another!
     Amazing!  Maybe I should attend protest.  I think they're happening in Washington Square Park which I READ is an EXTREMELY EASY PLACE TO GET WEED.  I LIKE WEED.  And if no protest in Washington Square Park MAYBE PROTEST IN UNION SQUARE which is a 10 minute walk away.  Anyway I CAN'T DO THAT I'D HAVE TO TAKE COVID TRAIN TO THE DANGER ZONE.  It's danger because of OMICRON.  The point is maybe there's a rally down the street.  NOPE I would have noticed it by now.  Maybe it's UP TO ME to start a rally down the street.  NOPE someone would have told me to do that by now.  The good news is they'll take away more rights so by the time OMICRON IS GONE I'll have plenty more stuff to protest!  I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF IT.  NOR THE LOOK OF IT.  SMELL I CAN TAKE OR LEAVE.  What else is up.  Gotta a good feeling I can avoid MightNight snacking tonight.  WHY CAN'T Crypto Fascists do something USEFUL for a change and stop me from MightNight snacking.  BECAUSE THEY DON'T CARE THAT'S WHO
Three paragraphs to go.  Then presumably I watch Oh I Don't Know TWO Tales Crypt and then go to bed!  It's Crazy enough IT JUST WILL DEFINITELY WORK.  So that's great.  Put waffle and egg whites in MICROWAVE.  You can make an argument that they'd be better in the oven but apparently You'd Lose That Argument because I"m telling you right now ahead of time I'm doing it the other way!  Hmm.  Should I pour some Artificial Sweetener all over the waffle?  That's worth debating!  AND IF SO before Microwaving it or after?  I LIKE THE SOUND OF BEFORE.  IT MIXES THINGS UP MORE.  AND IT'S ABOUT TIME WE HAD A BREAKFAST THAT MIXES THINGS UP.  You know that sort of thing!  Hmm.  I finished the Freakshaw movie.  It was okay.  It had The Doctor from Halloween.  Donald Pleasants.  That thing.  Hmm.  I guess tomorrow is a new day.  Have to start over at Act I Paragraph I.  I DO THAT ALL THE TIME.  KINDA GETTING TIRED OF IT.  I can only imagine how tired YOU are of it.  More than I am!  That's how I imagine it!  Oh well such is life two more paragraphs to go
Sure.  Sure I had a delicious ice cream sandwich a few hours ago.  Sure after finishing Belgian Waffle NEXT PRIORITY BREAKFAST is Ice cream Sandwich + Pop Tart.  SURE I'M GONNA LOVE IT why wouldn't I you'd have to be some sort of IDIOT not to love it.  What episodes of Tales Crypt do I got coming my way.  OH THOSE ONES.  Jon Lovitz is GREAT but this episode is JUST NOT WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR tonight.  I'll watch it anyway.  What am I supposed to do, skip episodes?  NOT IN MY LIFETIME.  Hmm maybe I could watch The Critic instead.  Then I'd have to get the DVD!  I dunno how easy it is to get.  SURE It's probably on LEDGE but who knows for sure.  What do you call these things.  They ARE ledges but you don't call them that.  Not cabinets, not drawers.  SHELVES.  COULD IT BE A SHELF THAT THE CRITIC IS ON?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP I FOUND THE ENTIRE CRITIC COMPLETE SERIES BOXSET.  Now the question is DO I HAVE THE WORK ETHIC to take a DVD out of the DVD Container and into the DVD Player.  I'll keep you updarted on this situation as it progrosses.
Last paragraph of the night!  Good deal!  Figure I'll have one more snack tonight Why It's Only Another Similar Health Ice Cream Bar as the one I had before.  SAME BASIC DEAL but DIFFRENT FLAVOR, DIFFERENT BRAND.  Still More or Less ICE CREAM ON A STICK at about 100 calories.  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  Okay that's the plan.  GREAT THIS IS WORKING OUT WONDERFULLY FOR ME.  Anyway.  I guess the only thing left to do is google IS IT HOTTER ON THE WEEKENDS.  Let's see if that gets any, "Hits."  INTERNET SAYS IT'S ACTUALLY COLDER ON THE WEEKENDS.  Put the paper wasn't peer reviewed.  WELL OF COURSE NOT THE PERSON WHO WROTE THAT ARTICLE HAS NO PEERS BECAUSE THEY ARE SO AMAZING.  Someone writes that level of academic research paper THEY HAVE NO PEERS they're way above everyone else IN RESEARCHER QUALITY.  The point is that's about it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:28 P.M.




Friday, June 24, 2022

I Need To Think Of A Title And QUICK

    Hey!  About 30-40 minutes ahead of schedule today!  Had to fit in Walk solidly before Super Market delivery order window time to arrive!  Most likely will be on schedule today with no CrunchTime but it's also possible delivery comes on the late side making TimeCrunch!  Anyway had a modest amount of MightNight snacks last night.  Get counted towards the day before.  Today is a new day!  What fun.  Had half a belgian waffle and some PROFESSIONAL DINER Egg Whites for breakfast.  Not bad!  I got more or less what I wanted to get out of it!  So that's good.  Getting Fresh Direct within the next couple of hours.  Then in afternoon getting Amazon Fresh.  Lots of freshness HOPEFULLY.  Anyway got Birthday Bars YESTERDAY.  Ready for consumption TODAY IF NEED BE.  Got new sneakers.  Probably start 'em later today!  Good deal.  Mets game at 6:40.  PERECT.  Watch that ENTIRE sucker during the nighttime!  Unless it's not an interesting game!
    Hmm.  Lunch should probably be Salad from last week.  It'll stay fresh another couple of days though if I wanna push it back.  Have sandwich for lunch maybe.  Some Super Market prepared dish like kids chicken parm or WIDE ALFREDO with MUSHROOM.  WOW I should probably aim for salad unless I develop Real Enthusiasm for something else.  Anyway how was January Hearing yesterday.  More evidence against Trump!  DOJ EVIDENCE.  WHAT A COINCIDENCE DOJ is the people who should be prosecuting him NOW.  I'd do it if I was DOJ.  I HAVE THE EVIDENCE even without being DOJ.  Then again I'm not a lawyer.  Maybe there's part of the law where you can't hold some people accountable for some reason that doesn't really check out.  Hmm.  Re-upping with KETO BARS this morning.  Should be able to have one as between breakfast-and-lunch snack presumably!  Anyway gotta have door open to listen for Delivery Door Bell.  HOWEVER I have to listen to January Hearing in background because my Mom has it playing on Radio on loop.  OH WELL IT'S IMPORTANT maybe I SHOULD be listening to it all the time.
Yeah!  Sounds like last hearing recording is WRAPPING UP.  I dunno if it's gonna skip all the way back to the beginning without my Mom pressing some buttons.  And I think she's asleep right now!  AMAZING.  Getting Cinnamon Toast Crunch bars this afternoon!  I CAN HAVE THAT AS DESSERT SNACK.  Somehow.  Not sure HOW exactly it'd fit into a Balanced NightTime Indulgence.  It can work though!  Wonder if I'll finish Act I before delivery.  I can see it going either way.  The good news is If I DON'T it means OVERALL GOOD because I'd not waste time waiting for it and be ON OR AHEAD of schedule today!  Amazing!  What kinda clothes am I wearing today.  Pants and socks and underwear.  Nice shirt.  Longsleeve shirt.  Not TIGHT sleeves.  Not quite HANGING sleeves.  Somewhere inbetween.  Sleeves that are tight around arms would be TOO WARM no thanks!  So that's good.  Kinda a JERSEY shirt?  But not really.
    National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Croation Wine Day and National Strawberry Parfait Day.  CROATION WINE?  Let's see what that's all about.  I guess Croatia just has really good wine or something.  DATING BACK 2500 YEARS.  I feel like elsewhere wine dates back EVEN MORE.  Let's LTURQ.  WINE DATES BACK LIKE 6000 years.  Maybe Croatia is REALLY SERIOUS about their wine I DUNNO.  But I dunno why I have to be.  Anyway what the Hell is a Parfait and HOW MUCH DO I NOT LIKE IT.  Custard like puree.  I WAS RIGHT I HATE IT.  So that's good.  I HATE THE THINGS I SUSPECTED I HATE.  Works for me!  Anyway watched the new CANDYMAN last night.  It was okay.  Didn't love it, didn't hate it!  I GIVE IT SIX OUT OF TEN PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.  Anyway what else is up.  Figure I'll hold off on watching DR STRANGE until I see SPIDERMEN.  Also am I supposed to be watching All The Marvel Mini Series?  My guess?  I MIGHT ENJOY THEM SURE but it's too late now.  There's too many of em!  CAN'T CATCH UP.  UNLESS...
What else is up.  If I'm donating money to Democrat Causes this year probably should donate to a senator.  I get the impression Democrats have a fair to decent chance of holding onto Senate!  Which is important.  THEM SUCKERS CONFIRM JUDGES.  Now I just gotta pick a Democrat Senator OR SENATOR HOPEFUL to donate.  I like the cut of John Fetterman's jib but he seems to be doing pretty good WITHOUT my 15 dollars.  WHICH CANDIDATE WOULD my 15 dollars PUT OVER THE TOP.  HEY I'm voting on Tuesday.  JUMAINE WILLIAMS FOR GOVERNOR.  Not sure about the rest of em GOTTA LTURQ.  Not NOW Right Quick.  LATER.  So I guess NOT RIGHT QUICK AT ALL.  Anyway I'll get a sticker I'M ALMOST SURE OF IT.  Wonder if any Crazy People will be standing outside polling place.  Probably not invested enough in these races.  Wait until GENERAL elections to intimidate people!  Also that way we're not used to it yet!  Also I'm not ashamed to admit it THEM DOING THIS IS PRETTY INTIMIDATING.  Coffee time.
Probably do the right thing and aim to have SALAD for lunch.  I can do that!  Use the croutons and about 1/10th of grated cheese!  AND SLICE OF HEALTH BREAD.  Now it's becoming a nice big SCHMORGESBORD of food.  Let's look up how to spell that word and it's exact definition.  I bet BOTH those things are FASCINATING.  SMORGASBORD.  A buffet offering a variety of hot and cold meals.  OR just A Wide Range Of Something; A Variety.  Either way IS THAT WHERE WE GET S'MORE FROM.  Cause it's a variety of hot and cold ingredients?  I've always been TOLD It's because people want S'More.  BUT THIS KINDA VAGUELY MAKES SENSE SORT OF TOO?  Cracked that code.  Never went camping and had CAMPFIRE smores.  Feel like we've made them a few times at STOVE TOP when I was a kid.  FOR FUN.  Hey that sounds fun.  Maybe my childhood WASN'T so mediocre.  I don't feel my childhood was mediocre.  OVERALL ADEQUATE I'D SAY.  OVERALL.
Hmm.  LOOK obviously best case scenario is bell rings 30 seconds after I finish the 10th paragraph.  But at this point I'd welcome bell ringing beforehand as it means NO CRUNCHTIMES for the day.  Even if I have to come back and write a few more paragraphs AFTER delivery BEFORE next walk.  Hmm.  Wonder what DINNER'll be.  Thinking about re-upping with Steak * Stuffed Mushrooms SOON but I think today is TOO SOON.  Can't remember the exact last 3 nights in a row I had it but I feel like I gotta wait a couple more days before getting it again.  HMM.  Diner is most likely delivery option.  Maybe a BISON BURGER or crap.  I LIKE CRAP.  SOME OF IT.  Some crap is good despite being classified as crap.  What else is up.  Probably a few movies on SHUTTER the SCREAMING SERVICE I could watch.  AMAZING.  Get some Liver Dinner.  Speculated on that a week or so ago.  NOW LET'S SPECULATE SOME MORE HOW ABOUT IT.
     Eighth paragraph of the act!  Good deal.  DAILY SPECIALS ARE FISH AND CHIPS OR BEEF STEW.  AMAZING.  Maybe a CHICKEN dinner or something.  LOOK I'LL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES OKAY?  Okay!  What else is up.  Lots of insane Supreme Court results lately.  Not even trying to justify their positions in law.  Just doing what they feel like!  KINDA FEELS LIKE WE SHOULD ADD MORE JUDGES AS A POLICY POSITION.  Because presumably WE WANT GOOD THINGS TO HAPPEN?  And in the current iteration of government The courts are where action happens!  So unless you're for Supreme Court Reform you're basically AGAINST anything good ever happening again.  WAY TO GO YOU FOOLS.  You can even run on it!  If we get enough Senators we can do SOME Supreme Court reform!  PEOPLE WANNA SEE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TRUST ME.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  HMM Apparently JUST NOW BREAKING NEWS Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade.  WHAT DID I SAY.  Huge majority of people are against that.  THEY SHOULD BE REPRESENTED not pushed aside!  It's insane to let the laws be made such that they satisfy 3 in 10 of people day in day out.  AND/OR you can run on getting enough senators to bypass filibuster and get shit done that way.  EITHER WAY YOU MUST GET SHIT DONE AND RUN ON IT AND THEN FOLLOW THROUGH ON IT you FOOLS.  Alright moving on.  January Hearing didn't re-start on my mom's Radio/Phone!  Guess she has to do it manually.  And she's asleep right now.  So that's good.  Maybe I'd like beef stew.  These are the important issues!  IMPORTANT TO ME.  We only get ONE SHOT at getting dinner right a day.  BETTER MAKE IT COUNT is my interpretation of the law.  I dunno maybe I can just get steak * stuffed mushroom.  BETTER MAKE IT COUNT is my interpretation of the law.
    Last paragraph of the act!  People increase the amount of judges to courts all the time!  That's my, "Hot," Take.  It's INSANE to not do PERECTLY APPROPRIATE ACTIONS to ensure the huge majority of people who are currently unrepresented have a legitimate voice.    Let's move on and get this act over and done with.  OR Biden can do things through Executive Action.  The point is THEY CAN DO THINGS but they aren't.  GOTTA WONDER IF THAT'LL PAY OFF IN THE LONG RUN.  Oh well BlueWave 2022 For Some Reason To Remember!  YES I LIKE DEMOCRACY AND THEY ARE GENERALLY PRO DEMOCRACY OVER 50% WHICH IS BY FAR MORE THAN THE OTHER PARTY.  So THAT'S pretty good.  It's the bare minimum.  Bare minimum sounds GREAT to me.  Moving on.  Read some TWITTER or something between this paragraph and accepting Super Market delivery presumably.  Sounds okay to me.  I wonder when SUPREME COURT RULING BROKE.  I just heard of it 5 or 10 minutes ago!  Anyway the good news is THAT'S IT FOR NOW BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT.




See It's Like This

    Hey!  Switched up Shower and Act II times so I could watch Biden after my shower.  DID Biden do the bare minimum by endorsing the congress codifying abortion rights?  MY FEELING IS NO.  He poured cold water on it immediately saying we probably don't have the votes now so you need to vote in November!  NEWSFLASH it's extremely likely you're LOSING votes in November making it HARDER to do.  YOU GOTTA TRY NOW you fool.  Then again I guess he could have came out and been like hey this happened how about that.  I"M NOT A FAN but what can ya do.  Is that KIND OF what he did?  NO HE DID THE HALFWAY BARE MINIMUM.  Endorsed congress solidifying rights AT SOME POINT IN THE FUTURE.  Might not be the bare minimum but GIVE HIM SOME CREDIT for being on the bare minimum SPECTRUM.  So that's fun.  Anyway had delicious Keto brownie just now and will have delicious salad in 2 hours.  That's the way I feel I should go about things and I'm sticking by it!
    Gotta accept ANOTHER delivery today.  Amazon FRESH.  Gotta be here when it comes so I can put Fridge and Freezer Stuff away ASAP (As soon as possible).  Also I didn't come up with ASAP.  Heard it somewhere before.  So don't give all the credit to me!  Hmm.  Unless it comes at the very late side of window it's supposed to come, SHOULD be able to fit in All Walks And Everything more or less appropriately!  Hmm.  LOOK I get you wanna use Abortion Rights as an issue to get people out to vote.  But at some point people are gonna NOT VOTE FOR YOU IF YOU CONTINUE DOING nOTHING FOR THEM.  And at some point I mean THAT POINT HAS ALREADY PASSED YET YOU STILL DO NOTHING.  Also what are you scared of by trying to pack the court?  Might hurt you politically?  YOU'RE ON TRACK TO LOSE ALREADY YOU FOOLS.  TRY DOING SOMETHING POSITIVE ANYWAY.  Oh well what can ya do.  VOTE IN NOVEMBER.  No but What Can Ya Do That Might Help Things.  VOTE IN NOVEMBER OR ELSE SHIT REALLY GETS WORSE WITH REPUBLICANS GETTING MORE POWER.  OH OKAY GOTCHA NOW I'M ON BOARD.  So that's fun.  DEMOCRACY.
Yeah!  MAYBE THINGS WILL GET INCREMENTALLY BETTER ON A DAY BY DAY BASIS THROUGH THE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.  Pretty sure that's Democrats' official position.  Maybe they're right!  Solid 40% chance that pans out in my opinion.!  Lately things seem to be getting NON-Incrementally WORSE.  OH WELL THAT'S THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.  Amazing.  The point is the Democrats had a month since the leaked decision to come up with some sort of plan to action and all they could come up with HEY VOTE IN NOVEMBER COULDN'T HURT RIGHT.  Oh well such is life.  Maybe in my lifetime I see a Democrat or major Leftwing party that does its job.  I PLAN ON LIVING FOR DECADES so you never know.  Right know thinking about delicious AND NUTRITIOUS Three Part'r Steak * Stuffed Mushrooms.  It's NUTRITIOUS because steak supply LATELY divided into three is a real modest amount of steak.  I've gotten it when there's too much steak!  Lately on the border of TOO LITTLE steak but that just makes it EVEN HEALTHIER so I'm not one to complain!  I NEVER COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING.  I'm JUST NOT ONE TO DO IT.
    Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day.  Amazing.  Took a look at Sprinkles Cookie.  It is indeed a black an white cookie topped with a bunch of sprinkles instead of Black And White.  That's what they said it would be but still it was kind of a SHOCK TO THE SYSTEM to see it in real life.  Not used to black and white cookies that aren't black and white!  Seems weird!  In the end though IT'S A BIG COOKIE so I have no regrets.  Maybe some regrets.  BUT I'LL ENJOY IT TASTEWISE nonetheless.  So that's fun.  Maybe instead of slice of bread with salad I can have a small FIBER or KETO snack.  Hmm.  Chocolate/Sweets Salad-- is that a thing?  I know salad dressing can be sweet.  But I want ALL ASPECTS of salad to be like CANDY or COOKIE or SOMETHIN along those lines.  It's HEALTHY because it's a SALAD.  Hmm.  Pretty sure there's blatant evidence of all the Supreme Court Justices testifying under oath they consider Roe v Wade settled law.  Isn't it a crime to lie under oath?  That was kind of my thought for some reason.  Where did I come up with that.
Hmm.  Got some snapple going on right now.  Just felt like a Snapple Beverage Time.  Good Great.  Look maybe the Democrats would rather roll the dice to see if they can keep a majority in place after election based on Roe v Wade being overturned and them NOT doing everything they can to restore abortion rights.  They're elected politicians it's WELL WITHIN THEIR RIGHTS to ROLL THEM DICE.  I wish them the best of luck.  Anyway gotta imagine I still have the rest of the day ahead of me filled with fun Television Set Entertainment and crap.  So it's not ALL bad.  Until they come for my Television Set Entertainment rights.  I guess at SOME POINT they work their way down to that.  SHITLOAD of rights to burn through before they get to that one, though!  SO I'LL BE FINE FOR DECADES MAYBE.  WHEW.  The point is I'll be back here later tonight. 




well we're just about done here

    Hello friends and neutrals.  Got a delicious Chocolate Tootsie Pop going on.  Had delicious Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  FANCY BOY.  Steak dinner then a lollipop.  I SAW IT PRESENTED IN A DINER'S DRIVE IN'S AND DRIVES.  Anyway got a beer going on which I HAVE NOT SAPPED FROM YET.  Got garbage to take out in about 45 minutes.  Presumably I'm finishing ENTIRE ACT III PART I PRE RECESS TO REMEMBER before then.  Let's get down to business ABORTION RIGHTS BEING STRIPPED FROM US.  What can we do.  NOT 100% SURE.  Depends on who, "WE," is.  And what, "CAN DO," is.  And what, "100%," is.  In the end I think Nancy Pelosi should read more poems.  MIGHT AS WELL GET SOME ENGLISH APPRECIATION OUT OF THE DEAL.  I appreciate The English.  I think they have the right to abortion.  OH THEY DO cause Boris Johnson said something like, "I PITY AMERICANS FOR LOSING ABORTION RIGHTS AND I'M A BIG IDIOT SO IF I'M SAYING IT IT MUST BE SERIOUS."  BORIS?  AS THE HEAD OF BRITAIN?  WHAT IS THIS THE BRITISH MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE.  Boris is the stuff of RUSSIAN male first titles.  OH NO IT'S A PLANT.
Hmm.  I can't relate to women about abortion rights!  I can only relate to Man Who Has Had VERY Limited Sex with women so it's hard for me to relate 100%.  It doesn't EFFECT ME until it's MY unwanted baby in there that we can't get out of there.  Hmm.  Kinda feels like I'm against people losing abortion rights.  Not sure what else I have to say about it!  The good news is GOOD CHANCE THINGS WILL CONTINUE TO GET WORSE.  So at some point I start getting effected BIG LEAGUE.  So that's good.  I'm a good ally six months from now because MY RIGHTS ARE GETTING TRAMPLED ON.  Hmm what are some good rights they can take away from me soon.  Hmm.  Don't want gay marriage.  Can't get abortions.  Interracial Marriage probably gonna be okay.  Don't wanna sex change.  SOMETHING ABOUT JEWISHNESS IS THAT A THING.  I don't particularly NEED the Right To Be Jewish cause I'm Agnostic In General.  Hmm there must be SOMETHING ON THE CHOPPING BLOCK.  Which is a phrase I got from CHOPPED.  The point is my politics is VERY MUCH influenced by The Food Network.
Hmm.  Penis reduction surgery?  I might need to get that done at some point because I'm The Greatest.  And they might make that illegal.  Off the top of my head FIRST THING THAT COMES TO MIND.  I FEEL LIKE THERE'S SOME OBVIOUS THING I'M NOT THINKING OF.  Taking away the right to vote!  That's A Thing!  But I'm trying to think about BODY SPECIFIC things.  Oh well I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Got delicious Amazon Fresh order this afternoon after getting delicious Fresh Direct order in the morning.  CAN THEY TAKE AWAY OUR RIGHT TO INTERNET SUPERMARKET.   CAUSE THAT'D BE A BIG DEAL FOR MY HOUSEHOLD.  Hmm.  Not allow us to eat desserts.  YOU CAN'T TAKE AWAY MY SNACKS THEY'RE ALL I'VE GOT.  THAT AND MY BIG DICK.  The good news is what else is going on.  Gonna take first sip of beer of the night.  Hey how about that it was pretty good.  Presumably got BIRTHDAY BAR later.  Either before Part II Act III or after All Parts All Acts Been Posted To Internet Entry Is 100% Dunzo.  Hmm.  Good.
What kinda DVD can I watch tonight.  MET GAME going on but I think it's HIGH TIME I watch a DVD.  Or a SHUTTER the SCREAMING SERVICE Film.  HERE'S A GOOD FILM FROM 1974: A MAD SCIENTIST CROSSES PLANTS WITH PEOPLE, AND THE RESULTS WIND UP IN A SIDESHOW.  You had me at PLANTS.  Plants and the environment are HORRIFYING and combining them with people only makes me imagine THE WORST OF BOTH WORLDS and also a sideshow is a WONDERFUL SETTING (time OR place) for a movie.  How is a sideshow a Time.  It's like a stickman in the corner of the page.  You flip the page quickly and it looks like The Side Show is moving.  What the Hell.  The good news is I enjoyed Chocolate Lollipop and presumably for the next couple of weeks OVER 50% OF MY LOLLIPOPS ARE CHOCOLATE.  All the chocolate bag are chocolate.  And A FEW OF ASSORTED BAG are chocolate.  Maybe bags aren't same size.  THERE'S ALWAYS A LOOPHOLE ISN'T THERE.  Hmm maybe there's a loophole in Supreme Court Ruling on Abortion.  MAYBE if you say a CHANT or something Three Times before getting an abortion it absolves you.  PROBABLY NOT.  And even if it WAS THE CASE they're not telling JUST ANYONE the chant.  BASTARDS KEEPING IT FOR THEMSELVES
    Okay gonna write one more paragraph until I take delicious Recess to remember.  Look what else is going on and crap.  Hmm maybe I can write a REALLY good poem that IF NOT SAVING ABORTION RIGHTS COMPLETELY can certainly make A POSITIVE impact to SOME extent.  Wait.  No I can't.  Poems mean nothing.  Oh okay I see.  Maybe I should be cynical and hope hey maybe this is a good thing it might help Democrats win congress by inspiring THE YOUTH to vote.  I don't wanna be that cynical though!  LEAVE IT FOR SOMEONE ELSE to be THAT jerk.  I GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO LIKE WRITE WORLD CHANGING EARTH SHATTERING POETRY.  Hmm what's a good poem.  OH I KNOW AN ACCLICTIC.  An EDACTIC.  An ALLOCUETIC.  The poem where each line starts with a letter and the letters make a word.  What's the word for that poem.  ACROSTIC.  GREAT.  I know what the word the lines make should be ABORTION.  Now it goes TO THE STATES to each write their own Acrostic.  AND WE WILL DETERMINE ABORTION RIGHTS ON A STATE BY STATE BASIC BASES ON THE QUALITY AND CONTENT OF THEIR POEM.  Hey great just great
   I don't wanna take a break now.  I'm on a roll.  Anyway Abortion.  AAY YOU TOOK AWAY OUR RIGHTS, BEST NOT HAVE DONE THAT, OH YOU THINK YOU'RE RIGHT TO DO THAT?, REALLY, THAT'S WHAT YOU THINK?, I SAY YOU'RE WRONG, OH BOY YOU MESSED THINGS UP NOW, NO WAY WE'RE GONNA LIE DOWN AND TAKE THIS.  That's it.  That's the poem.  Sixth paragraph!  Guess I'll take a recess after this paragraph.  Then a nice 15 minute or so break before taking out garbage.  Then resume finishing the entry COINCIDING WITH SOME SORT OF SNACK POSSIBLY ANOTHER TOOTSIE POP BECAUSE THAT'S HOW I DO THINGS.  The Shutter film is called THE FREAKMAKER.  You had me at, "THE."  VERY RESPONSIBLE USE O THE WORD, "THE."  TOTALLY APPROPRIATE.  YOU'VE WON MY TRUST AND ADMIRATION NOW I KNOW THE FILM WILL BE GREAT BASED ON THAT.  Wonder what the texture of Birthday Bar will be.  I'll either keep you updated on this situation IMMINENTLY or we'll have to wait until tomorrow if I don't eat the Birthday Bar until after the entry is over.  Either way RECESS TIME WONDERFUL I'm glad it's all working out for me.

     Everything is terrible.  Except for 20-30% of things.  20-30% of things are alright!  Anyway saving beer #2 completely for after entry and with THE FREEAKSHOW.  Having delicious Birthday bar now and its even better than the first time I got a 12 Pack Of Them!  This time NOT MELTED AT ALL, PERECT CONSISTANCY AND TEXTURE.  So that's fun.  First part of Act III was six paragraphs so that means by law I'm required to IF NOT ENCOURAGED TO write four paragraph.  GOOD DEAL.  Probably will survive with NO MORE DESSERT UNTIL BEDTIME HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR.  I got good ice cream sandwiches BUT GOTTA SAVE THOSE FOR OTHER TIMES IN THE DAY AND/OR GENERAL SITUATIONS IN MY LIFETIME.  Great.  Figure I'll have half of Rainbow Black and White cookie for breakfast tomorrow.  Wow it took a Progressive Cookie The Black and White and made it EVEN MORE By being ALL THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW which is a LGBTQ+ thing I believe.
Eighth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.   There must be SOME poem out there that will grant us abortion rights if we say it JUST SO.  We just don't know what it is yet.  It's up to ALL OF US to try to figure it out through the natural process of Trial And Error.  Trial and error?  USUALLY ERROR COMES BEFORE THE TRIAL.  That's why you're on trial in he first place.  MADE SOME LEGAL ERROR NO SPOILERS MAYBE YOU'RE INNOCENT WE DON'T KNOW FOR SURE YET.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Still haven't had Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar since re-upping with them Oh I Don't Know FOUR AND A HALF HOURS AGO.  Feels like if I need a bonus snack tonight THAT'S ONE WAY TO GO.  ONE WAY TO GO HARDCORE.  Anyway jeez.  What was the name of that terrible Larry David movie OH RIGHT SOUR GRAPES.  For some reason I thought it was Trial And Error for a second.  Maybe that was A Different Terrible Movie.  HMM a movie IS coming to mind but it was called PRO'S AND CONS.  Let's see.  NOPE THERE WAS ALSO A TERRIBLE MOVIE CALLED, "TRIAL AND ERROR."  And I DO think I was HALFWAY thinking of it when I was ALSO thinking of Pro's And Con's.  SO WE GOT THAT GOING FOR US AT LEAST.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayNight.  Good deal!  Dunno why the phrase Trial And Error is so negative sounding.  You can describe THE EXACT SAME PROCESS by saying Trial And SUCCESS.  Sometimes when you're TRIALIZING THINGS you will fail and then sometimes you will succeed!  FRAME IT IN A HAPPY WAY THAT'S MY IMPRESSION OF HOW TO GO ABOUT YOUR LIVES.  Gotta imagine there's SOME people who were pro-life for some reason and now that they're getting their wishes they're like wait a second THAT'S Pro-Life?  I was imagining something else.  Because THIS THING WE JUST MANDATED SEEMS KIND OF STUPID.  Possibly!  What else is going on and crap.  Dunno how deep into The FREAKSAUCE film I will make it tonight.  Let's see how long it is by itself.  92 minutes.  I could watch a solid HALF OF THAT EASY REAL EASY.  So that's good.  LOOK I know now is not the Time for jokes but to be fair it is THE PLACE for jokes.  So you could see the kind of bind I'm in!  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
Jeez.  Bedtime is in an hour AT MOST.  I can't stay up past 10:22 PM what am I NINE YEARS OLD?  I'm EIGHT and bedtime is at 10:00 pm!  MAYBE PARENTS LET ME STAY UP AS LATE as 10:15 PM THAT'S THEIR PREROGATIVE THE BALL IS IN THEIR COURT.  Anyway.  Not sure if I ever had an actually enforced bed time.  So maybe that explains some of my problems, I dunno!  I imagine that's the contextualizing and framing when thinking about anything in my past upbringing.  Yeah does THIS THING explain Some Of His Problems?  In which case MAYBE I DUNNO anything is possible.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Maybe tomorrow will bring better news.  Tomorrow weekend.  News takes weekends off.  Okay maybe next week will bring better news.  I dunno weeks have a pretty good track record of bringing worse news.  Oh Okay I see.  The good news is I'm done here.  I'll be back tomorrow.

-9:25 P.M.




Thursday, June 23, 2022

This Is Gonna Be Relatively Decent

    Hey!  On schedule today!  Maybe five minutes behind.  NOT BEHIND AT ALL THAT'S PERFECT.  Anyway had a little bit of MightNight snacking last night!  But overall I estimate I gained a quarter of a pound over the last 2 days instead of over half a pound like it could have easily been.  AND TODAY IS A NEW DAY.  MIGHTNIGHT counts to night before in this scenario.  I don't think I have any Keto bars though!  Thems my favorite for Early Day snack.  I've got other options SURE.  But even the Next Best Option I don't have.  SURE.  Anyway January Hearing is at 3 PM today.  PERFECT THAT'S RIGHT WHEN MIDDLE SCHOOL LETS OUT.  I think.  Hard to remember.  It's been several decades.  BETTER LTURQ.  GOOGLE WHEN DO EIGHTH GRADERS LEAVE SCHOOL AND WALK AROUND UNSUPERVISED.  Wait I don't wanna do that.  Oh okay.  Should be able to fit in walks and crap easily.  Time period where I have to hang around to Accept Dinner Delivery will be EARLIER today.  4-5 PM instead of 6:30-7:00 PM!  DAD HAS NEW CLASS THAT GOES ON LATER IN THE DAY.  He gotta get order earlier!  OH NO I WONDER HOW THAT WILL PLAY OUT.
Hmm.  Had UNfrozen Breakfast Sandwich for breakfast.  Not bad!  I got a lot out of it considering the calorie amount.  Even NOT considering the calorie amount.  Or maybe HALFWAY considering the calorie amount.  The good news is I forget.  Don't think I'm gonna re-up with Cinnamon Toast Crunch anymore.  Frosted Flakes is a fine Balanced Breakfast and I'm not snacking on Frosted Flakes all day.  CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH TOO RISKY.  Gonna be eating it all day!  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  Gotta make breakfast concessions.  So that's good.  What did I watch last night.  More Tales Crypt.  Cause I'm a dummy!  I wonder if the theme of today's January Hearing is EXCITING.  I think its focusing on him trying to steal election with Department of Justice.  Man this guy tried to steal the election many ways.  GOOD DIVERSIFY YOUR PORTFOLIO MAKES SENSE TO ME.  Also maybe they all cancel each other out so there's no crime at all!
     Hmm.  Guess I'm not getting around to eating chicken ceasar salad this week.  Gonna have to eat it next week!  OH WELL I'LL SURVIVE MOST LIKELY.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pralines Day.  INTERESTING I have no idea what that means.  SOME SORT OF PASTRY OR COOKIE OR CHOCOLATE with nuts, sugar, and often cream.  SOUNDS GREAT.  Why am I just hearing about this.  GIVE ME SOME PRALINES RIGHT NOW I'll save them FOR LATER.  Anyway.  Re-upping with Joe Biden Kettle Chips To Remember!  Was looking at Nutritional Info and I Was like HEY ACTUALLY THAT'S NOT BAD.  SOLID AMOUNT OF KETTLE CHIPS AT REASONABLE CALORIE AS SIDE FOR SANDWICHES.  So that's good.  Joe Biden should be THRILLED to be associated with these kettle chips.  If his doctor says he's allowed to be thrilled.  Maybe being thrilled is too much excitement for him, I dunno, not my business!  What else  19 chips at 130 calories? I CAN EASILY EAT 15-25 chips as a VERY SOLID SIDE at VERY SOLID CALORIES.
    THRILLING.  What else is up.  GAS TAX HOLIDAY.  I dunno if that's good or not!  I've heard conflicting reports.  MAYBE It's BETTER THAN NOTHING but could have gone better avenues?  Maybe NOT better than nothing?  I'd say HEY MAYBE IT IS BETTER THAN NOTHING OF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  But I don't know ECONOMICS.  Either way this is the fourth paragraph of the act.  That's good.  Dunno what to have as snack between breakfast and lunch.  PROTEIN BAR off the top of my head may be the best option.  BEST OPTION HARDCORE.  Anyway decent chance I'll have 3 beers today and be left with only 1 night of 3 beers over the next course of Friday-- Thursday.  Odds are I WON'T but there's a decent chance I WILL.  So that's fun!  EAT ME SOME CHINESE FOOD WHILE HEARING IS GOING ON.  I bet they wish they could have Chinese Food while hearing is going on.  But they can't!  Too messy!  They'd get sauce on the microphones.  THE TAX PAYER'S MICROPHONES.  That sort of thing.
     Fifth paragraph!  HMM.  Looks like I only got 2 USB ports for my laptop.  I'd need BOTH OF THEM IN USE for wireless mouse and wireless keyboard.  HOWEVER I always have a 2nd one in use already of Charging my Earphones.  I guess I can just charge them only when I'm not using computer.  That should be enough to keep em charged all day I think!  I'm not using computer a lot of the times!  So great that's good.  Maybe I can MAKE MY OWN USB HOLE.  Just get a tiny pick axe and chisel in a new hole.  That'll solve all my problems. Well, THIS problem at least.  Maybe not ALL of them.  So that's good.  HMM GOD DAMNIT Fresh Direct has Large Rainbow cookie that always kinda looked good but now for some reason looks REAL good.  But it's really big!  HAL OF IT would be appropriate breakfast CALORIEWISE but it's hard to picture whether it's be appropriate FILLINGwise.  YA KNOW WHAT.  Maybe skip Black and Whites this week and TRY THE RAINBOW COOKIE.  Let's go NUTS.  THEORETICALLY 2.5 black and whites is 2.5oz.  While half of this cookie is 2.25 oz.  HMM.
     Coffee time!
  Maybe have Nutragrain bar.  Maybe have chocolate caramel pretzel bar.  THAT 2nd one is HALF CALORIES as nutragrain.  70 cal versus 130.  ROUNDS TO HALF PRETTY WELL IMO.  Anyway I got some coffee going on right now.  That's fun.  6/23.  I feel like that means something.  Lots of numbers mean things.  Fine.  Anyway Birthday Bars didn't arrive in package I got yesterday like I thought.  I think they're coming tomorrow-- Froday!  So that's fun.  What else is crap.  Last night wasn't so bad!  One beer was okay.  Slightly less amount of dessert snacks was okay.  MIGHTNIGHT snacks wasn't great but coulda been worse!  ALL IN ALL HEY THERE'S NO METS GAME TODAY WHAT THE HELL.  JUST PLAY A BASEBALL GAME TODAY HOW HARD IS THAT.  You do it ALL THE TIME just do it ONCE MORE.  Hmm.  Batting averages mean nothing to me anymore!  I GET that the game has changed since the 1990's or 2000's and batting averages must be seen in different contexts.  BUT STILL someone hitting .242 can sort of look better than .267 for some reason.  NUMBERS HAVE LOST ALL MEANING TO ME SOMEHOW.  WEIRD.
Seventh paragraph of the act!  That's good.  No need to wear any sweatshirt jacket today outside!  I am wearing long sleeve shirt for good measure though.  So that's fun!  Probably eat Chinese Food AT KITCHEN TABLE so I can HEAR hearing but not see it.  Even a non-messy food to eat would be pushing it in DEN TV ROOM.  Chinese food can get messy!  Best play it safe!  Eat at my station at kitchen table.  I SIT AT THE END.  It's set up right next to a wall.  Two end seats and theoretically 2 middle seats that are NEVER USED.  Well when Dad's nurse comes she sits in the middle as a single middle seat.  But anyway DAD SITS AT ONE END I SIT AT OTHER.  Mom doesn't sit there at all.  Eats usually in her bedroom!  ALSO I EAT USUALLY IN MY BEDROOM NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  But sometimes I don't and WHEN I DON'T THIS IS HOW I WOULD HAVE DONE IT.
Okay.  When I was young and me and brother both lived here and we normally ate dinner at table together WHEN NOT EATING OUT I sat at one of the middle seats.  THIS IS GOOD STUFF LET'S KEEP IT GOING.  I graduated to End Seat at some point.  LET'S SPREAD OUT now that it's less of us utilizing table!  What else is up.  Probably talked about all this before seven times.  IT's my life!  Or used to be!  Part o it still is my life!  What else is up!  HMM maybe try A SINGLE Keto Chocolate Bar from super Market.  Eat it IN HALVES.  Sounds fun!  I like chocolate bar and 40% SATURATED FAT just SWEETENS THE DEAL.  Then again it's over 5 dollars for one chocolate bar.  Sounds excessive!  Now I don't think I'm gonna get it!  I generally play with play money because my parents buy things.  And I don't buy things that are too expensive or anything so what I buy is reasonable.  BUT IF I START BUYING UNREASONABLE THINGS then that messes with the whole formula!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  LOOK are both meals I have today pretty indulgent?  SURE but this is the life I chose!  Maybe they're not that indulgent.  I can see Chickened Pot Pie being indulgent OR more or less right on track.  Same with the amount of Chinese Food I'll be eating.  EITHER WAY THIS IS THE LIFE I CHOSE.  What else is up.  I can see myself trying Nutragrain bar in about 2 hours.  BEEN A WHILE.  HMM maybe I should try leaving it in the fridge for like an hour.  That might mix things up in the wrong direction.  OR THE RIGHT DIRECTION WHO KNOWS.  Anyway.  Breakfast sandwich was 80% RIGHT ON HOT AN COOKED and 20% KINDA COLD ON PARTS OF THE INSIDE.  OVERALL WASN'T BAD THOUGH.  So that's good.  I can re-up with Breakfast Frozen Breakfasts with SAUSAGE ON STICK WRAPPED IN PANCAKE.  One of them is VERY reasonable calories but ya gotta assume it'd be pretty small in that case.  I DON'T THINK I CAN RISK GETTING THESE SORRY MICHAEL.
     Last paragraph of the act!
  Good deal  What else is up.  Can't wait for RECESS during January Hearing.  Everyone regathers their bearings.  Nice fun.  WANNA AVOID TV COMMENTARY at that time.  Not ready for commentary!  Let ME OWN THOUGHTS percolate for a bit!  So that's great.  Seen conflicting polls about how much people are paying attention to these hearings.  I guess it depends on how you phrase the question.  It could either be QUITE ENCOURAGINGLY HIGH or Quite DISENCOURAGING LOW.  My guess is somewhere in the middle but YA KNOW WHAT LEANING TOWARDS ENCOURAGING.  I've CRUNCHED THE NUMBERS and added in my Own Hopes And Dreams and that's the conclusion I've RAUCHED.  Past tense of To Reach.  Rauched.  Prove me wrong!  HEY I think SPIDERMEN might be on Disney Plus at this point.  Lemme LTURQ.  HMM Doctor Strange New Movie IS on DisneyPlus.  And Spiderman MAY be free on another service.  I'll look into that in a few weeks or something I dunno.  Be back soon!




I Don't Know What To Say

    Hey!  Getting halfway excited about trying NUTRAGRAIN for first time in a month or two in a little bit.  I believe it's BLUEBERRY flavored.  WOW IF THAT'S THE CASE I LOVE IT.  Anyway.  Let's write these five paragraphs!  Take a walk.  Take a shower.  THEN TIME FOR DELICIOUS BLUEBERRY BAR.  And then PRETTY SOON AFTER THAT is ALL OUT LUNCH.  Only 2 hours after blueberry bar am I having DELICIOUS DELICIOUS LUNCH.  So that's good.  Not sure why in hearings or in tapes of depositions everyone has 2 water bottles in front of them.  FIRST OF ALL how come no Diet Dr Peppers.  Do they think that'd look unprofessional?  I'll tell you what looks unprofessional BEING CONFORMIST AND JUST HAVING THE SAME WATER AS EVERYONE ELSE.  Also WHY DO YOU NEED TWO.  Start off with one.  Then if you need another one TELL SOMEONE.  And they'll take away your first one.  YOU DON'T NEED TWO ALL THE TIME.  Sounds like a scam.  Maybe the Bottled Water Lobby is very powerful and one way they's raking in the dollars is by having exclusive contracts with Government Settings.
    Hmm.  What else is up.  Gotta imagine we should be thinking Recylcably Friendly in terms of Beverages in Governmental Settings.  SET A GOOD STANDARD AND EXAMPLE.  Oh well too late now.  No it isn't.  KIND OF IS.  Still not too late to START doing the right thing.  KIND OF IS.  Whatever.  Spiderman ISN'T available to me right now I don't think.  But DR STRANGE IS.  Even though it was released months later.  I GUESS I CAN WATCH IT.  Or I can hold off.  I have lots of options.  TWO.  Anyway that's great just great.  How much would be a side of Egg Whites from Diner.  Side of REGULAR two eggs for Belgian Waffle is $2.20.  Egg whites can't be any more than a dollar more than that, right!  THEN THE CASE IS CLOSED I'LL DO THAT I GUESS.  Wonderful.  RAINBOW COOKIE they seem to suggest is similar to black and white based cookie.  But with a bunch of sprinkles on top of instead of black and white FONDANT or something.  Hmm.  Not what I imagined.  I imagined a CRISPIER cookie.  STILL THINKING ABOUT GIVING IT A TRY.  I like sprinkles.  ALL THEM COLORS.  Also do all color sprinkles taste the same generally?  I kinda feel like for the most part they're just non-flavored sugar.  MAYBE I'M WRONG.  I know you can get CHOCOLATE sprinkles sometimes and those ARE chocolate.  But I don't think if you're getting blue yellow red etc sprinkles that each sprinkle Tastes Like ITs Color.
    DANGIT.  What else is up.  HEY there's Bakery I went to for a while over the course of a year, year and a half, that has GOOD SPRINKLED COOKIES.  I can POP in there on a walk.  They got LOTS of cool stuff.  WHY DID I FORGET ABOUT THIS.  Because generally it'd be breakfast meals and I don't take walks until after breakfast.  I CAN PLAN AHEAD.  SURE IN THEORY.  Also in theory parents wouldn't want me to go.  Everyone knows bakeries are COVID HOT SPOTS.  Hmm.  Get a donut from dunkin donuts for breakfast!  That's even MORE HOT SPOT.  People actually gonna be IN THERE.  Bakery probably gonna be empty at any given moment.  DUNK DONUTS IS A HOTBED OF ACTIVITY.  The good news is what else is going on and crap.  Think I got like 5 solid pieces of Sesame Chicken left.  THAT, half cup of pork fried rice, CUP OF HOT N SOUR SOUP, three Steamed Shrimp Dumplings-- THAT'S A BIG OL SOLID LUNCH MORE OR LESS.  Small amount of THE STAR OF THE MEAL but lots of ancillary co-stars.  IT'S AN ENSEMBLE TODAY is the point.  Feels like I got a piece of broccoli too.  Came with two pieces I believe!  SKIPPED IT FOR THE 2nd OUT OF 3 MEALS.
    Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime!  Sweet.  I think I'll try putting Nutragrain Bar in fridge for like 45-60 minutes before having it!  Might work out pretty well, I DUNNO.  Might RUIN IT COMPLETELY.  LIFE IS ABOUT TAKING CHANCES.  Is it?  I dunno.  Maybe.  Could be!  Can't rule it out at least!  Hmm.  DELICIOUS GOOD FIBER BAR is only 10 calories more than NutraGrain Bar.  IN GENERAL I should be picking this Good Fiber Bar 9 times out of 10 if it's down to these two snacks.  BUT I feel like IT'S BEEN A WHILE and Nutragrain bar is DUE for giving me an enjoyable experience!  CAN ALWAYS HAVE GOOD FIBER BAR AS SNACK BETWEEN LUNCH AND DINNER.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN IT'S MADNESS.  Hmm.  Gotta write just one more paragraph after this.  Then the rest of the day is my oyster.  Which is a good thing.  Never had oysters. Have had clams!  Baked clams.  MUSSELS maybe.  Stuff like that.  Hmm.  I'm gonna go ahead and write the last paragraph now!
    YEAH.  Hey next episode of Tales Crypt is hands down my favorite.  Also HANDS come into play STRONGLY.  One about ventriloquists!  NO SPOILERS but NOT ALL IS HOW IT SEEMS.  DON RICKLES AND BOBCAT GOLDTHWAIT though.  I'll spoil THAT MUCH for you.  POSSIBLY OTHER ANCILLARY ACTORS I DUNNO.  Gotta imagine it's more than just these two.  NO SPOILERS.  What else is up.  Favorite episode IN GENERAL but I'm not necessarily PYSCHED about seeing it now on account of having seen it a bunch of times.  And paying attention to it a bunch of times!  Some episodes I rarely pay attention to so I get more out of them by watching them again.  THIS ONE I KNOW BACKWARDS AND FORWARDS ABOUT ABOUT 70% SIDEWAYS.  So that's good.  I dunno!  What else is going on.  Lemme take a look at the titles I got going on.  I'd be very happy if 2 out of 3 of them are decent enough to hold on to.  Hmm.  Not sure.  One of them DEFINITELY not good.  The other two I CAN LIVE WITH 1.75 of them.  But SHOULD do better.  Hmm.  I'll be back tonight!




as long as you're happy

    Hey!  GOTTA WRITE SOME PARAGRAPHS.  OKAY CALM DOWN.  NEVER!.  Anyway today I Already drank a beer before Act III started.  Probably drink 3 overall!   Maybe not!  Maybe not lots of things  Maybe SO lots of OTHER things.  Anyway had delicious Chicken Pot Pie for dinner after only putting it in oven for AN HOUR instead of TWO hours.  KINDA LIKED IT.  Next time I'm aiming for an hour fifteen minutes!  Anyway got delicious snacks coming up in the next 2.5 hours.  TOO delicious.  Well not too delicious.  Appropriately delicious.  I earned them because I lived the entire day without slitting my own throat or something.  Which was VERY MUCH IN THE CARDS at the beginning of the day.  Whew kinda dodged a bullet there, not doing that.  Probably would have a signifant net negative effect on my life!  Dad teaching class 1 of his new class.  Just heard him ask how many feet are in a yard.  I KNOW THAT CRAP.  I WANNA ANSWER.  IT'D BE FUN.  But I didn't.  Legal reasons.  My Dad NOR I own the rights to my image or voice.  COULD GET INTO SOME TRICKY TERRITORY if I start showing up in his lectures.
What else is up.  HALFWAY through the new Candyman.  So far, so Candyman!  January Hearing today was a bit of a snooze.  I liked the part where we found out some people asking for pardons.  WHO CARES I'D ASK FOR A PARDON.  Maybe I haven't done anything illegal yet at all!  I just now have a get out of jail free FOR ANY CRIME I WANNA DO FROM NOW ON.  I don't care HOW good a person you think you are, why wouldn't you want the opportunity to commit crimes with no consequences?  BECAUSE YOU VALUE LIVING IN A FAIR AND JUST SOCIETY?  That doesn't, "TRACK," for people in Trump's outer circle.  So there's that.  Probably gonna have recess after 5 paragraphs here.  THAT'S WHEN SNACK #1 COMES INTO PLAY.  Possibly QUEST BAR ITSELF possibly I dunno TOOTSIE POP.  Got the bag of all chocolate!  I THINK TODAY I'm okay with a fruit flavor though.  YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH A FEELING.  You can argue FOR a feeling though.  Just not AGAINST it.  THAT'S HOW FEELINGS WORK, I'M PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN.
Hmm.  Get a nice break of a couple of weeks or whatever to PROCESS current January Hearings before they re-up with some more.  Good deal!  I like the part where IT'S A THING TO WATCH.  I hope Bennie Thompson gets his own spin-off.  I assume most of the committee members are doing this under the premise they're auditioning for sitcoms of their own.  If you could have a sitcom of your own why would you waste time being in non-sitcom congress?   SEEMS KINDA DUMB IMO.  Anyway I have to re-up with some soda.  Maybe I'll come up with better things to say ONCE I HAVE MORE SODA.  Anyway got Belgian Waffle with Egg whites.  Perect amount of egg whites to split this sucker into two breakfasts.  HAD TINY BITES OUT OF 2 out of the 4 Quarters of Belgian Waffle.  I WANNA GET A SENSE OF THIS WAFFLE and I DID and it was AMAZING!  Anyway I might be taking out garbage in about an hour after my Dad's class is over.  I'm not wearing pants but I HAVE IT IN ME to put pants back on.  I've done it PLENTY of times.  My ENTIRE LIFE is just taking pants off and putting pants back on.  Hmm COULD BE WORSE.
Sure!  HMM maybe watch some Back To The Future Ride video.  That sounds like fun.  FUCKIN MOTION SIMULATOR WITHOUT THE SIMULATION MOTION BUT IN MY HEAD I CAN KIND OF VAGUELY HALFWAY IMAGINE THE SIMULATION OF MOTION JUST THROUGH THE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.  Or I can buy my own motion simulator.  Gotta imagine if I have enough money I can buy a motion simulator.  WHY NOT THEY EXIST.  Just MAKE ONE you fools and GIVE IT TO ME.  I'll pay you in TRIPS IN THE SIMULATOR.  Everybody who works on my motion simulator gets TEN FREE RIDES once it's completed!  I AM GOOD CAPITALIST.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Any rich people have private roller coasters.  Gotta LTURQ.  HMM.  First answer is a roller coaster in a, "PRIVATE PARK."  NO GOOD.  That's opened to public four times a year.  And to FRIENDS AND FAMILY all the time I guess.  I MEAN IN YOUR HOUSEHOLD is there a roller coaster.
   You should SLEEP on a roller coaster regularly.  Very good for the digestion!  Why are you digesting things when you sleep.  Because you to go bed right after eating meals!  Someone along the line told you to do that and you didn't bother getting a second opinion!  JOKES ON YOU.  Gotta get up early tomorrow to accept Super Market delivery.  Definitely try to get up to take a walk without risk of being On Walk while it's getting here.  Hopefully get up early enough that I could solidly probably get in all of Act I before accepting Super Market order.  So all that's good and all that crap.  Anyway gonna take a Candyman Recess. And presumably provide a coda to that candyman recess with CANDY ITSELF.  Lollipop with chocolate chewy center candy.  SURE I KNOW WHAT CODA MEANS, SOMETHING CLOSE ENOUGH TO THE WAY I USED IT.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!

    Hey!  Gonna stop at the 2 beers for tonight.  That means I get to have 3 beers TWO OF THE NEXT SEVEN NIGHTS.  Great.  Having tootsie pop now anyway so NOW WHOSE AN IDIOT.  I'm enjoying SUCKING instead of SUCKING ON SUDS so I win either way!  I think this is raspberry.  Must be raspberry!  Not cherry!  And it was solidly a red wrapper.  So get off my back about it.  Decided to listen to some MUSIC in the background of Act III.  On SPECIAL SPEAKERS.  New Pornographers-- Challengers.  Not sure how I Impulse decided on this one.  Probably based on the song All The Old Show Stoppers.  One of my top several dozen favorite songs I think I can say!  ACCURATELY.  I can say anything I want INACCURATELY.  As long as I ask for a pardon afterwards.  Otherwise I might be held legally responsible.  But if I get a blanket pardon for incorrectly classifying how much I like songs I'M FREE TO GO BUCK WILD.
    Seventh paragraph of the act.  Good deal.  I dunno.  Some movies on SHUTTER THE SCREAMING SERVICE I can be watching tomorrow or so when I wanna start watching movies and crap.  Candyman should last me the rest of the night maybe PLUS ONE TALES CRYPT. FOR THE POINT IS I don't wanna start a new entire movie tonight.  So that's good.  Was taking a walk earlier today and I'm pretty sure I smelled MACDONALDS in a car.  Specifically FRIES.  HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  Hey I CAN hook up with some of that from DOORDASH.  Interesting very interesting.  That sounds like fun and crap.  Then again I'd have to have it 3 lunches in a row and it's not healthy and it's probably very expensive and also WHO NEEDS IT.  Hmm.  Man oh man in a few months I can be getting high and listening to this music LIKE IT WAS INTENDED.  ME BEING ON MARIJUANA.  It could be a good life.  It could be a VERY good life.  We'll have to see how it all, "Shakes," out I guess!
    Eighth paragraph of the act.  AMAZING.  I guess the main theme of today is that Trump was corrupting Justice Department THE VERY SAME JUSTICE DEPARTMENT that must NOW hold him responsible.  So maybe they're watching it and are like Sure he tried overthrowing country Elsewhere which was bad but NOW IT'S PERSONAL.  Sounds reasonable
.  If I know the Department of Justice as well as I think I do it's that they hold grudges against executive branchers that try to corrupt them or something I dunno I lost track of what I was speculating on.  BIT DOWN ON LOLLIPOP I started with paragraph six, though!  STILL CHEWING ON THE INSIDE OF LOLLIPOP but it's more or less bordering on being done completely!  Anyway.  Finished watching UHF yesterday.  Should have watched the entire credits in case they teased any future sequels or adaptations in other areas of the franchise.  But I DIDN'T because it turns out I DON'T CARE ENOUGH.
     Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime.  Dad's class ends in 14 minutes.  I could probably finish Entry--either just writing entry or the entire SPELL CHECK AND POSTING ENTRY-- before I'm takin' out garbage after that!  GOOD DEAL WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Don't think I need an all out Quest Bar.  Probably have Nice Fiber Bar instead.  MAYBE EVEN ANOTHER NUTRAGRAIN BAR I LIKED THE FIRST ONE EARLIER.  Forgot to tell you about that.  I HAD BLUEBERRY BREAKFAST BAR AND IT WAS REAL FUN.  Had it in fridge for like 20, 25 minutes.  PERECT.  Don't notice TOO solidification but maybe a bit and it made it that much better.  WHAT much better.  THAT much better you fool.  HMM down to the penultimate or PENPENultimate song of Album.  Normally this was the penultimate song as I knew it!  But on Apple Music I think they have a bonus song at the end.  LEMME LTURQ.  YEP THEY GOT A BONUS SONG.  Either way this'll line up well with finishing Entry.
    Good deal.  I'm going to urinate now-- IN THE TOILET.  Be right back.  Hey good deal.  Fiber bar when this/garbage is done.  NICE ICE CREAM BAR at beddtime.  Make up a little ground caloriewise today in the right direction IF AND ONLY IF there's no MightNight Snacking.  WOW WHAT A LIFE I'M LIVING.  I DIDN'T EVEN RINK A THIRD BEER.  NOW I CAN DO THAT ONE MORE TIME OVER THE NEXT WEEK THAN I WOULD HAVE BEEN ABLE TO OTHERWISE & WHATKNOT.  Anyway.  Blueberry bar!  NOT BAD.  I'll have another one tomorrow even!  I CAN EVEN HAVE ONE NOW instead of fiber bar!  NAH I THINK FIBER BAR IS THE WAY TO GO FOR NOW GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT ETC.  What else is up.  Hey it was only one and a half decades since I was listening to this album while high and by my lonesome and in Fun Fun Times.  Arguably 1.4 decades, SURE.  You could make that argument SOLIDLY.  BUT IT'S SLIGHTLY LESS ACCURATE PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  Hey that's it.  I'll be back tomorrow with more other stuff that I'm gonna say!  Later.

-8:56 P.M.




Wednesday, June 22, 2022

I'm Enjoying All The Letters

    Hey!  Did a good amount of MightNigh snacking and an all out BANGE this morning.  We're talkin' gaining half a pound between the two activities!  OH WELL WORSE THINGS CAN HAPPEN IN LIFE.  Not to JUST ME INDIVIDUALLY.  This is one of the worst Very Personal Things.  But I'm invested in WORLD AFFAIRS.  And this hurts practically no one else so I'LL TAKE THE BULLET I GUESS.  Also NOW MY STOMACH HURTS so PROGRESS.  Stomach hurting is fun.  Not sure why.  Anyway about half an hour behind schedule today.  Probably should be able to fit in 3 walks before Dad takes his walk which would mean Comfortable Pace for rest of day and no CrunchTimes.  METS GAME at 2:10 PM.  All in all LIFE GOES ON I guess.  I blame Chocolate Babka.  Messed with my head!  Had half as early breakfast.  Then had other half as late breakfast and that was ALREADY eating a good amount more than I wanted.  THAT WAS JUST THE START THOUGH.  So that's good.
     Yeah!  Started listening to Weezer's SUMMER ALBUM.  Not sure how Summery it is.  First album was DEFINITELY pretty Springy.  I might have to listen to this multiple times to really get SUMMER out of it.  So that's good.  My mom did most of my laundry yesterday!  Got clean shirts and everything.  Wonderful.  Had a dream I got new keyboard and it WORKED OUT.  I was happy with the keyboard and I was happy with the New Distance of how far away Laptop Screen was.  IN REAL LIFE I think I know which keyboard I'm getting but I haven't put in the order yet.  Sometime today I will!  My Mom suggested LOGITECH brand which helped narrow it down.  I don't have a problem following my Mom's suggestion!  When I was a KID it was accepted in the family that she was the best at computers.  Don't think that's still the case but HEY GOOD FOR HER AND WHATKNOT.  SHE'D INSTALL THINGS AND EVERYTHING WONDERFUL.
Hmm.  Don't think my Mom even uses the computer at all anymore.  Oh well.  She used to like FREECELL NO JOKE.  It wouldn't be funny if it was a joke.  Not THAT funny at least.  Is Freecell an oxymoron.  IF YOU'RE IN A CELL YOU'RE NO FREE.  PRISONER.  PRISONER'S DILEMMA.  Hmm.  Wish I knew how to purge.  That would make my life better.  I wouldn't Bange more often knowing I could purge.  But I'd purge when I bange.  Anyway i just used the bathroom.  Purged out my butt.  That sort of thing.  It had been at least a month I feel since last bange!  Oh well that's life.  Anyway what's in store for today.  METS GAME in early afternoon like I said!  Got about 20 minutes left of UHF.  Probably some Tales Crypt.  PUTTIN' IN SOME ORDERS.  Keyboard and Amazon Fresh.  Standard Walkings and crap.  Hopefully some more TUMMY ACHE.  Figuring out what Prisoner's Dilemma means.  Let's LTURQ.  OH THAT'S IT.  Too complicated to go into.  SORRY.
National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Pecan Sandies Day and National Porridge Day.  PECAN SANDIES WHAT THE HELL IS THAT CRAP.  OH A KIND OF COOKIE.  WITH PECAN I GUESS.  I pronounce is Pee-Kan OBVIOUSLY but website said some people say Peh-Khan.  IDIOTS.  Anyway Porridge sounds gross but at the same time IF IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ANTHROPOMORPHIC BEARS then IT'S GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME LEMME AT SOME PORRIDGE.  Are the bears anthropomorphic.  Maybe despite having houses and beds and plates of porridge they're still just bears.  Hmm.  Someone set up a Human Life for them and they INDULGE sometimes but all in all they're just bears.  HMM INTERESTING.  Lots of fairy tales are just Animals Who Act Like Humans.  Kinda weird!  Maybe in history animals acted like humans more!  I don't have the details in front of me.  What else is up and crap.  At this rate I should be able to fit in walks before Dad Walk and the day is not CrunchTimed!
    YEAH!  Fifth paragraph.  ALSO after good amount of MightNight snacking but before Morning all-out-bange I checked scale and it didn't give me GREAT news.  WHATEVER LIFE GOES ON.  Anyway my Dad had a hearing test yesterday and he doesn't have the best hearing!  Not he needs a hearing aid bad but SOME SOUNDS GO OVER HIS HEAD.  LUCKY HIM.  Most sounds I hear are crap.  WHO NEEDS EM.  Then again YA NEVER KNOW when you might Need A Sound.  What else is up.  HMM should I donate to SOMETHING Democratic this year.  Maybe.  BUT WHAT AND WHICH.  What's the best thing that would appreciate 15 dollars or something.  Hmm.  Maybe some sort of SENATOR RACE but which.  I feel like if I donate to ONE then the rest will feel jealous!  But if I donate to ZERO they'd all feel even worse!  They're on the same team so donating to ONE is a lot better for AL OF THEM then donating to ZERO.  You know that sort of thing.  I get the most solicitation e-mails from Rafael WARNOCK.  Also he always references the same poll that had him down 1 point.  I guess he decided being down 1 point in a poll gets him the most money.  Because for many months that's what his e-mail is about.  DOWN ONE POINT.  I FEEL THERE MUST BE MORE UP TO DATE POLLS AT THIS POINT.  Time to get coffee.
    GOD DAMN TUMMY ACHE.  My prisoner's dilemma is figuring out Prisoner's Dilemma.  I FEEL I COULD IF I TRIED.  I feel like I COULD TRY IF I TRIED.  I feel like I COULD TRY TRYING IF I WANTED TO TRY TRY.  What else is up.  MAYBE I SKIP EATING FOR THE REST OF THE DAY HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT.  I DON'T like it.  I mean I like how it would cancel out Entire Bange.  But I don't like how hard it would be and how relatively unhealthy it would be.  THEN AGAIN if tummy ache persists maybe my body is trying to tell me something!  You don't eat when tummy aches!  YOU CAN.  Maybe YOU SHOULD.  But maybe YOU SHOULDN'T.  Hmm.  Solid 11 or so hours until bedtime.  WE'LL SEE HOW THIS ALL SHAKES OUT.  What else.  No, "E," Key hasn't been a huge problem today.  BUT I STILL MUST GET KEYBOARD IMMINENTLY.  So that's good.  Wore NYU Sweatshirt Jacket for first walk and it doesn't seem like it's getting much warmer over the day.  Maybe I'm wearing that sucker all day for all walks!  BUT TAKE IT OFF AT HOME.  Hmm.  The good news is Huh?  I wonder if Late Night Talk Shows are doing any good lately.  When I was a TEENAGER I watched THE SHIT OUT OF EM.  Every night Daily Show and Conan.  And then the Stephen Colbertly Show.  Also often OTHER ONES depending on the guests.  Oh well life changes such is life.
I WONDER WHAT GOES ON IN THEM ALL THE SAME.  Maybe I should get back into them.  Jon Stewart and Conan O brian are both gone though I think!  Not from THE WORLD.  They're still alive SOMEHOW I believe.  Anyway something to think about I guess.  Not sure hoe Stephen Colbert and Triumph The Insult Comic Dog are now affiliated.  USED TO BE PART OF CONAN MULTIVERSE.  Oh well such is life.  Seventh paragraph!  TUMMY STILL ACHES.  Anyway presumably in real life I WILL have Chinese Food for lunch and Chicken Pot Pie for dinner.  WHATTA GYP.  When does SNL come back.  Been watching that the last few years!  I feel like possibly END OF SEPTEMBER.  If not then OCTOBER.  GREAT THAT'S ONLY MONTHS AWAY.  LOOK I doubt tummy will ache all day but if it is at this level of feeling I don't feel like I'd want to eat any meal.  I DOUBT IT WILL STAY AT THIS LEVEL O' FEELING THOUGH.  GOOD.  I don't wanna watch late night talk shows.  That settles that.
Eighth paragraph!  I guess I COULD think about skipping Meals today.  I've done it a few times in the past in similar situations.  Have a small snack or something in place of meals.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  Indulgent Fiber Bar for one meal and Quest Bar for other.  Two small snacks of Tootsie Pop and FOURTY CAL Fudgesicle as needed.  That'd cancel out most of the Bange.  LEMME THINK ABOUT IT HMM MAYBE I SHOULD AIM FOR THAT.  Whatever.  We'll see how it goes!  THAT'D BE WEIRD I already made halfway peace with the fact I just gained half a pound over morning and MightNight.  To find out I gained like a sixth of a pound would be MADNESS in terms of JOY AND EXCITEMENT.   So that's good.  I dunno.  THEN AGAIN I have a surplus of meals for tomorrow in this case.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I WANNA FINISH THIS ACT SO I CAN BE ON SCHEDULE AND WHATKNOT MOVING FORWARD.  Two more paragraphs to go for this act. I CAN DO IT.
     Yeah!  I'll figure out Prisoner's Dilemma later.  Try to solve it by myself.  I'm a decently smart guy!  I like solving things by myself!  ALMOST AS GOOD AS SOLVING THINGS AS PART OF A TEAM.  Which IN THEORY sounds fun but IN PRACTICE I wouldn't like.  I'm a SHY GUY.  Especially in Team Solving Scenarios.  Hmm.  IN MY DREAM laptop screen wasn't so far away after having keyboard in front of laptop.  Keyboard was more or less similar experience as laptop keyboard.  So we'll see if my dream pans out in real life!  GOOD DEAL.  Man oh man maybe I can have smaller snacks for meals and cancel out almost all of BANGE today.  MightNight snacking for LAST NIGHT is a lost cause.  BAD but not SUPERBAD.  TODAY IS SALVAGEABLE IF I REALLY REALLY TRY.  INTERESTING I'VE DONE THIS IN THE PAST.  Gotta worry about it ALL DAY but it CAN be done.  Parents might catch on I didn't eat meals though.  That'd be embarrassing!
    Last paragraph of the act!  I hope it's not bad!  That'd be embarrassing!  THEN AGAIN if I'm eating something NOT IN THE MOOD FOR SWEETS.  Too much already!  So having a smaller amount of food BUT IT'S SWEETS isn't ideal.  HMM.  What if I had HAM SANDWICH WITH NO SIDE as one meal and SALAD WITH NO BREAD as the other meal.  I mean THEORETICALLY that makes a dent in today's categories but IN ESSENCE NOT REALLY because those are planned meals eventually anyway.  Hmm.  Maybe I can think of things that way.  Wouldn't make up AS MUCH ground and in essence NOT SAVING THAT MUCH but in MY HEAD it might make me feel better about things or something.  Let's think in terms of that then.  SURE THING.  OR just feel good about HAVING VERY MINIMAL for the rest of the day.  THAT'S PLAUSIBLE if Tummy Ache continues.  ANYWAY I'm gonna take a walk now.  BE BACK SOON!  I'll think on all this during my walk DON'T YOU WORRY.




Some Of This Is New

    Hey!  Sandwich with no side, salad with no bread, croutons or grated cheese, skipping both beers, and minimumal snacks over the course of the rest of the day WILL get me into respectable calorie territory! And I can still have MEALS like a normal person!  So that's good let's do that.  ALSO it makes it easy to decide to NOT re-up with beers for upcoming order on Friday.  I would be starting last Friday's one TONIGHT.  Now I start it TOMORROW NIGHT which EASILY will last me 8 days.  IT'S A CHANUKAH MIRACLE.  That sort of thing.  PLUS maybe my tummy hurts for lunch!  Skip a meal and get into not just RESPECTABLE calorie territory but SOLIDLY PRACTICALLY ON TRACK.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Gonna fit in walks real respectable like.  No crunch time really at all!  LOOK it'd be interesting to skip beer.  Last few days I've been questioning what I get out of it.  I THINK SOME SUCH THING.  But we'll see how tonight goes without it!
     YEAH.  Also this way I get to IMPRESS MY DAD by skipping a week of buying beer.  WOW!  Anyway how short is the daytime today.  Gotta imagine REAL short.  Let's see when The SunDown is.  8:30.  That's what it was yesterday.  I guess maybe 15-20 seconds earlier than yesterday probably.  Rounds down to nothing.  Oh well such is life.  Maybe today IS the same day as yesterday.  Oh no I'm scared.  Anyway I dunno.  I can still look forward to the nighttime without beer.  And without snacks.  And without All Out Dinner. ...Hmm CAN I?  I guess.  It won't be TERRIBLE.  Maybe the routine of things will keep me happy.  Like if you take a pill every day and then miss a day you won't notice it.  IF I WENT MULTIPLE DAYS without beer or snacks or Full Dinner I'd quickly get dejected and lose enthusiasm for that time of day.  But ONCE maybe it doesn't register that much!  That's what I'm counting on I guess!   Anyway thinking sandwich for lunch salad for dinner.  BUT MAYBE I GOT IT ALL BACKWARDS.  MAYBE LOTS OF THINGS OR SOMETHING.
    Okay.  What else is up.  ADDED keyboard to Amazon Cart.  Now it's halfway official!  Maybe A Quarter Way official!  BUT MORE OFFICIAL THAN IT WAS BEFORE.  So that's good.  Maybe I have one beer or something.  Hmm.  That might make some sense.  95 calories isn't gonna MAKE OR BREAK the day.  But having at least one beer at night'll get me going.  We'll see how it all, "Shakes," out.  GOOD.  Looks like they passed a GUN BILL.  Was the ONE decent thing still in it or not?  Boyfriend loophole?  I think they might have included it.  WOW THEY INCLUDED 5% OF LEGITIMATE THINGS THEY COULD HAVE DONE.  Sounds like INCREMENTAL PROGRESS TO ME.  VERY incremental.  And I doubt they Increment TOWARDS anything.  It's just The End Of Progress is my guess.  STILL THOUGH THAT'S 5%!!  Unless they took that out, too.  Lemme LTURQ.  THEY CLOSE BOYFRIEND LOOPHOLE FOR FIVE YEARS.  HEY WOW 5 years.  SOUNDS LIKE A DECENT AMOUNT OF YEARS.
     Penultimate paragraph of the daytime!  Amazing.  Boy oh boy it'd be exciting if Tummy Ache lasts four a few more hours through lunchtime.  SKIP LUNCH.  Then I REALLY can hit a responsible amount of calories for the day.  VERY EXCITING STUFF.  Hmm.  Well the chocolate babka TASTED good.  That was fun.  Maybe in the future I can get it responsibly.  Half of it was a HEARTY breakfast but not too much over appropriate breakfast.  So that's something to consider.  What else is up.  Gonna take a walk soon I guess.  Take a shower after that.  Watch some Met game.  Take another walk.  ETCETERA ETCETERA.  DOM SMITH IS BACK IN THE MAJORS AND STARTING TODAY.  Apparently he didn't take my advice and live happily with pretty solid Economic Stability of multi-millions of dollars.  GUESS HE REALLY LIKES PLAYING BASEBALL.
Yeah!  What else is up.  HMM maybe I have ONE MEAL today IN MIDDLE OF DAY.  Normally I got lunch around 3:30 and dinner around 7:45.  MAYBE HAVE A DINNER AT AROUND 6:00 or something.  THAT SOUNDS ACTUALLY PRETTY GOOD.  Unless I'm pretty hungry at lunch time.  Then I'll just eat lunch.  But if I still got a tummy ache and/or am not that hungry I CAN WAIT A COUPLE HOURS, EAT EARLY DINNER.  And then maybe have an extra snack later but IT'S WORTH IT OVERALL.  So that's something to consider.  CONSIDER HARDCORE or something.  Hmm.  DINNER AT 6 IS NORMAL LOTTA PEOPLE DO IT.  LOTTA PEOPLE HARDCORE.  Maybe if I do that I HAVE BEER instead of extra snack.   LOOKS LIKE THERE'S LOTS OF PERMUTATIONS OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  It's gonna be a REAL PRISONER'S DILEMMA.  GOOD DILEMMA.  Sometimes dilemmas are good.  Hmm it's a dilemma that I face a dilemma but maybe ALL THE OUTCOMES ARE PRETTY GOOD!  Maybe!  I'll be back later tonight!




this is going great for me

    HEY!  Successfully ate nothing since Bange until JUST HAM SANDWICH for dinner.  Wasn't even a very early dinner!  About half an hour early!  Current plan is around 240 calories of Snacking over the evening SUBJECT TO CHANGE.  Well the subject is Snacking Over The Evening.  THAT'S STILL THE SAME.  The amount of calories it will be MAY end up being different, though!  Also, ONE BEER TONIGHT.  PERECT.  So that's good.  THAT DOESN'T COUNT TOWARDS THE 240 IT WAS CALCULATED DIFFERENTLY YOU FOOLS.  So that's good.  Put in order for keyboard.  Won't come until next Wednesday.  I could last that long!  Unless a few more plastic keys come off.  At some point I'm gonna start forgetting which keys are which if several more break off.  I need to be REMINDED what letters are which exactly!  ONE key is easy to adjust to but if there were a bunch all next to each other ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE.  Which is the plot to DOOM.  And some of the HELLRAISERS.
Amazing.  One more January Hearing tomorrow until they take a break of a few weeks!  Got more information or something.  Gotta ANALYZE that crap.  GOOD I HOPE THEY ANALYZE IT GOOD.  Anyway.  What's a good breakfast tomorrow.  The ONLY breakfast I can think of is Frozen Egg sandwich.  Or some sort of CEREAL DISH that ISN'T BALANCED AT ALL.  No ice cream sandwiches or pop tarts.  HMM there MUST be some alternative I'm not thinking of.  HMM hmm indeed.  TWO QUEST BARS OR SOMETHING.  That's TOO hearty.  MUCH TOO MUCH TOO HEARTY.  Also don't have enough to PART WITH 2 of them.  WAIT I think I got BIRTHDAY BARS today from Amazon.  Didn't open the box yet but presumably the birthday bars are in there!  LOOK if I had an ice cream sandwich I'd have Birthday Bar and Ice Cream Sandwich for breakfast.  HMM I got a couple of PERSONAL TINY CUPS OF ICE CREAM.  And SMALL CAKE CONES.  WHAT ABOUT A BIRTHDAY BAR/ICE CREAM CONE COMBO.  NOW WE'RE TALKING MY LANGUAGE.  WE WERE BEFORE TOO.  THE LANGUAGE OF LOVE.  Which I guess is more or less English it turns out.
Hmm.  Watched some Met game, watched some Tales Crypt, finished some UHF.  Rest of tonight is presumably some more Tales Crypt.  It's EASY because it's on YOUTUBE.  DOESN't GET MUCH EASIER THAN YOUTUBE.  Presumably gonna take a Recess halfway through Act III (The act I'm writing AS WE'RE SPEAKING.  As I'M speaking.  You might be speaking, too.  I HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING.  Maybe I could figure out a way of knowing.  SEEMS LIKE IT'D ALMOST DEFINITELY INVADE YOUR PRIVACY THOUGH.  And I don't play those games.  YES I'M STILL INSIDE PARANTHETICALS WHAT OF IT).  So that's good.  Only having one beer today worked out FOR THE BEST.  Starting a new 18 Beer Box Of Beer tomorrow.  To last me eight nights.  I mostly drink 2 a night.  While aiming to average 3 beers 2 nights a week.  PERECT.  If I had never BANGE'd today and had 2 tonight I COULDN'T HAVE ENOUGH.  Maybe THAT'S why my body unconsciously decided to bange eat.  THE ONE MINUS ONE BEER TYPE THING I JUST DESCRIBED IN DETAIL.
     What else is up.  I feel like I've been informed by my Maternal Mother that hearing tomorrow is at 3:00 PM.  Let's LTURQ.  To see if she was LYING or just WRONG (probably LYING).  YEP IT'S 3:00 PM.  So she WAS Lying but it just so happened to also be the truth.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Got Amazon FRESH coming Friday in addition to FRESH Direct.  NOT getting the semi-more-semi indulgent ice cream sandwiches after all as they regained stock of REGULAR Semi-Indulgent Ice Cream Sandwiches I KNOW AND LOVE.  Very happy with those.  IN FACT GOT 2 BOXES.  Sometimes they have LOW FAT ones that are the same thing but even LESS calories.  These are the normal ones.  PRESUMABLY TASTE SLIGHTLY BETTER SOMEHOW.  They look and MORE OR LESS FEEL the same whether it's low fat or not but I think it's safe to assume THE MORE CALORIES THE BETTER IT TASTES.  Otherwise WHY BOTHER YOU'D BE A FOOL OR SOMETHING.  Unless somehow more calories is-- while tasting the same and everything else being the same-- HEALTHIER.  You can have something healthier and more calories.  SURE I CAN IMAGINE IT IN MY BRAIN.  And my brain is pretty big.  Takes up a HUGE part Underneath My Skull presumably.
Last paragraph of Part I of Act III!  Amazing.  This is going WONDERFULLY or something.  No sure why.  Just making further progress in the day.  That's not bad!  I remember last night when NONE O TODAY HAD HAPPENED AT ALL.  NOW I'VE ACCOMPLISHED A BUNCH OF HOURS.  Good for me.  GREAT for me.  Something along those lines.  I'd have to go out of my way to open Amazon Box if I wanna eat a birthday bar.  ALSO I'd wanna REFRIGERATE IT for TEXTURE purposes.  So I'd have to open it TONIGHT EVEN not tomorrow.  NO THANKS WHO NEEDS THE HASSLE.  Not me.  Maybe someone else needs the hassle-- THEIR BUSINESS NOT MINE.  Maybe I should get INVOLVED in their business.  Being involved in hassles is their business And Business Is Good.  Sounds like I should work myself into that enterprise to enrich my person but I just don't feel like it right now!  Anyway.  That's it for now gonna take QUICK RECESS and then resume.  Somethin around 10-30 minutes.  SEE YA SOON

    HEY.  Watched an ENTIRE Tales Crypt Episode THE SACRIFICE.  Then had last gulp of beer and started MINT CHIP HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR.  And now I get to write five paragraphs and whatknot!  Maybe watch half OR FOURTY PERCENT of a DVD after this entry.  Dunno which one to watch though.  MAYBE ME MYSELF OR IRENE.  I dunno.  Just FEELS WRONG.  Not sure why.  It's a fun movie.  Very PROGRESSIVE.  Dude had three African American teenage kids!  And it's progressive because I BET TWO OUT OF THREE OF THEM ARE ROUGHLY 30 YEAR OLD ACTORS.  One of them was ANTHONY ANDERSON.  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW HE WAS EXACTLY 30 WHEN THE YEAR CAME OUT.  I mean THE YEAR IT CAME OUT.  The year didn't come out!  STILL IN THE CLOSET.  Everyone kinda KNOWS 2000 was a gay year but that's not our business to Out The Year!  Anyway I BUY THE THIRD KID AS AN ACTUAL TEENAGER ACTOR.  Let's LTURQ.  WOW I WAS RIGHT.  The youngest kid WAS only 19 when 2000 happened AND THE THIRD GUY was 29.  I NAILED THESE JERKS' AGE ALMOST TO THE, "T."
     What else is going on.  Four more paragraphs to go!  Maybe 2000 was straight.  I guess anything's possible!  What else is going on and crap.  HMM I was gonna have next Main Dessert Snack 90 Calorie STRAWBERRY 'N CREAM Fiber Bar but ya know what?  I ENJOYED MINT CHIP HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR SO MUCH I MIGHT HAVE ANOTHER ONE INSTEAD.  ALSO 90 calories.  THE GOOD NEWS IS I HAVE OPTIONS.  The bad news is I FEEL I SHOULD HAVE EVEN MORE OPTIONS.  So that's good.  What else is up and crap.  BIRTHDAY BARS might not even be here yet.  SOMETHING from last Amazon Delivery isn't arriving until Friday.  MIGHTA BEEN THEM BIRTHDAY BARS I DUNNO.  Either way NOT ON MY RADAR FOR TONIGHT OR TOMORROW MORNING.  What else is up.  I could just have TWO CUPS OF CEREAL.  It's not very balanced but then again what is these days.  Breakfasts with cereal and Watered Down Egg Whites and Eggo and maybe a slice of microwave bacon.  YES That's EXTREMELY Balanced but IT'S THE EXCEPTION NOT THE RULE.  What else is crap and crap.  Now I got Chinese food to finish for lunch tomorrow and the Chicken'd Pot Pie for dinner tomorrow!  DAD gonna wanna get Diner food for dinner tomorrow.  WANTS ME TO GET SOMETHIN TO PAD THE ORDER.  Maybe get Waffle: Belgian Style and split it into 2 breakfasts.  NEED MORE TO BALANCE IT THOUGH.  Maybe I MAKE EGG WHITES FOR THIS or even better JUST ORDER SIDE OF EGG WHITES FROM DINER.  Which is probably like 400% the cost but 100% MORE CONVENIENT FOR ME.
Third paragraph from the end!  Good deal!  What else is up.  LAST remaining snack besides what I've talked about is TOOTSIE POP FOR BEDTIME snack.  Favorite bedtime snack is Ice cream type snack but a solid back up is a tootsie pop type snack.  PROBABLY A TOOTSIE POP.  I have NO OTHER OPTIONS besides tootsie pops that are Something Like A Tootsie Pop.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  Got NUTRAGRAIN bars that I haven't had in a long while.  They're just not that great!  Better than NOTHIN or somethin'.  I guess I can have that as a breakfast tomorrow.  THREE IS JUST SMALL ENOUGH TO BE A BIG BREAKFAST.  But if I'm already having something I DON'T LIKE THAT MUCH compounding that by having it as LARGER BREAKFAST THAN I WANT just seems SO STUPID.  STUPIDER THAN EVEN LOTS OF DUMB THINGS YOU,: AN IDIOT, MIGHT THINK OF.  Not sure why I'm implicating you in this dumb idea of having 3 nutra grain bars for breakfast.  ANYTHING TO DEFLECT RESPONSIBILITY FROM ME.
Also TWO IS NOWHERE NEAR enough for breakfast.  Sure 2.5 makes sense but WHOSE GOT THE TIME to cut one in half and put the other half in a plastic sandwich bag.  ME I GUESS.  I got lots o time.  WELL WHEN YOU PUT IT THAT WAY IT SOUNDS GREAT.  I dunno.  What else is up.  Maybe a bunch of fiber bars or something.  You know Like TWO POUNT FIVE.  The point is let's move on with our lives.  HOW ABOUT JUST 11 SLICES OF BACON.  I dunno if I have that many slices of bacon.  Also that's just a terrible idea on its own merit!  SO STUPID I would guess YOU thought of it and not me!  IN FACT I'M SURE OF IT.  Wait what.  I dunno.  Almost done with the entry, though!  That's fun.  If I donated to Democratic Politician Causes PROBABLY some Senate race.  MAYBE WARNOCK.  He seems like a pretty good guy.  No worse than anyone else at least.  That's been my understanding.  Also his opponent is so stupid he's consolidating support amongst the idiots.  This guy HERSHEL WALKER just says dumb things all the time and I'm worried each time he's gaining more and more supporters.  Apparently today's thing was he said there was 52 states.  And I know that's just gonna make idiots relate to him more and want to vote MULTIPLE TIMES for him.  AND NOT GET CAUGHT ABOUT IT.  OH NO THAT'S TERRIBLE DEVELOPMENT
    Last paragraph of the day!  Today turned out to be relatively okay!  Skipped entire lunch.  Had very small dinner.  Had one less beer.  Mostly Less Snacks.  IT ALL WORKED OUT FOR THE BEST THOUGH I FEEL.  I started of in a big hole and WORKED MY WAY MOSTLY OUT OF THE HOLE.  Now I'm just SOMEWHAT stuck in a hole.  WOW PROGRESS.  Anyway.  OH NO THE EPISODE OF TALES CRYPT COMING UP ISN'T MY FAVORITE.  The main character is SHORT.  And it comes into play SEVERAL TIMES.  And we're not really ROOTING for him nor does GOOD STUFF HAPPEN for him.  I DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF SHORT ANTI-ROLE MODEL IN MY LIFE.  Life is hard enough with NO GOOD short role models the last thing I need is a bunch of ANTI-SHORT ANTI ROLE MODEL ANT.  Oh well I HAVE TO WATCH IT it's part of the franchise.  Also still a pretty good episode by plenty of metrics.  Either way I DUNNO that's about it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:58 P.M.




Tuesday, June 21, 2022

I've Heard This One Before

    Hey!  Half an hour AHEAD of schedule today!  Should very easily fit in both DayTime Acts and first three walks before January Hearings!  Good!  Checked weight again today and it gave different results between the high of a couple weeks ago and the low of yesterday!  NOT BAD all in all!  NOT AS GOOD THOUGH.  But definitely better than I would have thought before yesterday.  Did a little bit of MightNight snacking last night.  Ate Balanced Breakfast of 2.5 small Black * Whites at like 5 AM so I had to have a small Keto Brownie snack when I normally would have breakfast.  I'LL SURVIVE.  In fact maybe I'LL THRIVE.  Keto is GOOD for you because it has SATURATED fat.  Not sure that's the good kind of fat.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP that's the BAD fat.  Lemme LTURQ whether this bar has high saturated fat like I remember seeing on the package.  YEP it's Saturated Fat.  ...Kinda seems like this keto bar isn't healthy?  Hmm.
Anyway.  Got some Chinese food for lunch.  Solid chance I have Home Meal of Salad or Ham Sandwich for dinner!  Solid chance I get something new from Communal Dinner Delivery.  I'll let you know how it all, "Shakes," out!  Watched the first OH I DON'T KNOW FOURTY PERCENT of UHF last night.  It's good!  I laughed half a dozen times already!  No problem there.  Time for a new Weird Al movie!  They're making the Weird Al bio-pic.  I doubt that movie will be in the same spirit as UHF though.  IF IT IS THOUGH WOW THAT'S GONNA BE A GREAT MOVIE.  I assume you pronounce Bio-PIc as BI-OP-IC.  Not REALLY.  But it'd be FUN if you did.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Two weeks ago scale said 124 or 125 LB.  Yesterday it said 122.  TODAY seems to be settling on 122.5-123.  NOT BAD.  Anyway WITHIN HAPPY RANGE.  And maybe lose a solid few pounds during Summer To Remember and hit 120!  Either on Home Scale or a pound or two LOWER on home scale because I SUSPECT HOME SCALE IS OFF BY A POUND OR TWO.  The good nws is hey what else is crap.
Yeah!  I assume you pronounce Home Scale as Homes-Kale.  I assume you're pronouncing it INCORRECTLY.  But I still suspect you pronounce it that way cause you're dumb for some reason!  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Chocolate Éclair Day and National Onion Ring Day.  Let's see what Eclair is exactly.  Kinda assume it has cream in it!  YEP.  I'd try an Eclair.  I don't LOVE cream in these sort of situations but I'd give it a shot nonetheless.  Onion ring.  Delicious.  I feel like AS A KID I wouldn't want an onion ring for some reason.  Possible just indifferent to Onion rings and would always opt for a French Fries OR actively disliking onion rings possibly!  Either way GOT OVER THAT AS AN ADULT.  At NYU Cafeteria that was the main one I ate at with friends for dinner I would almost always get Burger with fries AND onion rings At Burger Station.  DELICIOUS.  Also a piece of cake.  And sometimes a piece of chicken.  AND I WEIGHED NOTHIN'.  Well I weighed SOMETHIN.  But I had no excess pounds for some reason!
    YEAH.  It was A ONE TIME All You Can Eat cafeteria.  Anything you can fit on your plate first time around you can take!  But you can't eat and then GO BACK and get more.  Oh okay great.  What else is up.  When is NEXT January Hearing.  I wanna say THURSDAY.  Let's LTURQ.  For some reason I typed in, "January First Hearing Schedule."  Then when I realized my mistake I tried to QUICKLY correct it and wrote, "January SuxHearing Schedule."  LET'S CHECK THE RIGHT THING NOW.  YEP THURSDAY NAILED IT.  Anyway.  Feel like I played acoustic guitar for a solid 2 and a half minutes last night.  That's good.  I still know how to play it more or less and everything!  Sounds that way to me at least.  Maybe if you heard it you'd be like what's wrong with this guy this sounds off.  Maybe!  HEY voting is a week from today.  Gotta prepare myself for that.  Hey the good news is this paragraph is over.
    Hmm.  Coffee after this paragraph!  What else is up.  Mets game at 8:10 PM!  That means the last third or so will be past my bedtime.  OH WELL I can always watch the first two thirds and SHOULD IT BE INTERESTING record it and watch the last third the next day.  Tomorrow.  Tomorrow is the Next Day from Tonight.  Yep.  Maybe I save Chinese Food for dinner and have Other Thing for lunch.  Other Thing is LIGHTER than Chinese Food.  Lunch is LIGHTER than dinner IN AMERICA.  I feel like in other places (ITALY?) maybe lunch is heavier than dinner.  Or they have four meals or somthing.  I dunno how they do things in other countries!  I WAS ONLY IN EPCOT CENTER ONCE OR TWICE.  I think time in Florida was 10 days.  Feel like Epcot Center was TWO of the days.  Or just one.  I feel like it was two.  Anyway.  We were staying IN DISNEY WORLD ITSELF.  Well in one of their hotel resorts.  I wasn't staying inside the... uh.. what's a reference for a Disney World ride or attraction.  Skippy's Log Flume or something.  What's that called.  SPLASH MOUNTAIN.
Oh okay.  What's up and crap.  Universal Studios was a day or two.  Regular Disney world was probably 4-6 days.  I feel like we took one day off.  There was a MEDIEVAL TIMES.  Not sure if that was a whole day or just a night.  Maybe a FOURTH or FIFTH thing I can't remember.  Either way OH YEAH the Car Rental place.  That was fun.  All those cars!  And you get to drive around in a Differnt Car than usual.  Vacation from your car!  Amazing!  What else is up.  Figure we'll probably get Deli for dinner.  Get Chickn Pot Pie for tomorrow Dinner!  Mayb FUCK th e ky is acting up.  THIS IS TH MOST COMMON LTTR.desxz eee.  Is it good now.  Hmm.  eeee.   . eee.  E.  NOT PERFECT.  SHIT.  This can ruin everything.  Hmm. RIGHT NOW LOOKS OKAY.  eee. We.  Re. A.  Be.  M.  DAMNGT.  The E KEY JUST CAME OFF COMPETELY.eeeeeee.  This computer might be ruined completely.  Wait a second.  I popped it back in.  And now the e's are working.  E.  Ve. me. ne. p.  pe. ire. se.  le.  UGH.  Working 95% o the time.f.  Of .  of.  sgf.  FUCK THIS SHIT. EEEE.
  How do I explain to my parents I need a new computer because o the, "E," key.  Well right now it appears to be working pretty well.  I doubt that'll last indefinitely though.  We'll see!  Hmm.  How much is a new computer.  Hmm.  Maybe I can get new external keyboard.  That'd be WEIRD.  Change my whole Depth perception of Typing at computer.  But I guess it's SOMETHIN.  Well right now, "E," is working.  So that's good.  ALSO now we're in the seventh paragraph!  That's GREAT.  Hmm.  I guess it makes sense it'd be the, "E," key.  Used the most often.  Most wear and tear!  So that's good.  Today is the first day of Summer.  Let's celebrate by I dunno checking when sundown is.  It's the latest of the year!  THIS YEAR AT LEAST.  Let's see.  STARTS at 8:30 PM.  Wow!  That's great.  Hmm, "E," key.  E is a solid Musical Key.  I like the fingering to play E Chord on guitar.  Pretty fun stuff.  What else is up.
Yeah!  Hot Dogs would be good tonight.  I was TEASED with plant based hot dogs a couple of days ago.  Terrible!  Now I feel lik I can have The Real Thing!  OH WELL WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Should be able to fit in a shower after third walk before January Hearing Starts.  Hmm.  That's great.  SPOILER ALERT I JUST SAID, "THAT'S GREAT," cause I knew it has an, "E," in it [Great] and I wanted to tst out the E. FUCK TST. T EST.  OH NO TH E IS NOT WORKING AGAIN.  I guss it dpends th ANGL i'm getting at th .  GOD DANIT.  Ok tim to look up EXternal kyboards.  What ls is up.  Gonna go tell my parnts RIGHT NOW I'm gonna nd nw kboard. kyboard. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Just showed it to my Dad.  He had no advice or solution.  WOULDA FIGURED THT.  He wanted to see it anyway. HEY it's working for now.  Let's see how long that lasts.  My guess is 2/3rds of a paragraph.  Anyway.  Gotta put in an order TODAY for new keyboard.  I CAN'T LIVE LIKE THIS.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Hmm if it stops working completely before I can get a new keyboard I can always type entries at my Mom's computer.  It'd be an interesting mix-m-up I gus FUCKS BITS BACK.  GOD DANGIT.deeeeeeweeeeeeee  Ke.  What leeeeeeeeeeee.eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Anyway.  I dunno.  What's a good word with e in it.  Hey that was an e.  GREAT.  I might hav to type rst of TODAY at my mom's computer!  But might as wll finish ACT I here.  DANGIT.  I'd hav to type it IN COMMUNAL DEN ROOM.  My mom would be very much against me bringig it up to my room.  Worrid it'd gt dirty or messd up or somthing.  FUCK THIS CRAP WHAT DID I DO IN LIF TO DESERV THIS.  Lif isn't about Dsrving or not Dsrving.  Somtims things just happen.  Oh well that's lif  guess. 
     Anyway.  Wha t ls is up.eeeeeeeeeedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  Cool.  eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee  Ya know what that's it for this act.  I'mg onna take a walk and thene Writ act 2 at my mom's computr.  See ya soon!




We'll See What Happens

    Hello.  I THINK I'm gonna try to write at my computr.  Just press down on the E without the piece of plastic.  And that messes up the entire rhythm but I don't wanna write with my parents there.  Figure I'll buy new keyboard TODAY.  Look at amazon WHILE January Hearings are going on.  Hopefully can get it within 0-2 days!  So that's good potentially.  Anyway.  I feel like 2 computers ago ALL the keys came off.  About six or eight Naturally and then CAUSE I WASN'T THINKING RIGHT I just picked the rest off too!  For symmetry!  Either way I survived THEN for a while without a bunch of keys.  I can survive a day or two without one key!  Probably.  I'll survive BUT IT MESSES UP RHYTHM.  What else is up.  Getting the right keyboard can MAKE OR BREAK the entire enterprise.  Probably some keyboards out there that will CLUNK SHIT UP.  RHYTHM WISE.  But some keyboards might make things EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE.  I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DECIDE.  I can't TRY EM OUT or anything.  WHATTA GYP is the point I'm trying to make or something.
Yeah!  Actually this isn't going that bad.  MENTAL RHYTHM is messed up but TYPING WISE I'm adjusting relatively well!  Rhythm!  Hmm.  SPLASH MOUNTAIN LET'S DO THAT.  It's fun cause you walk up the mountain while on line and then go down it while in log.  So that's good.  Screen of laptop will be significantly further away if I got keyboard in front of Laptop Itself.  I'LL ADJUST.  It could MAKE OR BREAK things.  Maybe it makes everything CLUNKIER RHYTHM WISE or maybe it turns out I LIKE IT.  Who knows.  Me.  In the future.  Probably.  Unless I DIE before this can happen.  Hope that doesn't happen!  UNLESS IT'S MY CHOICE.  Then presumably I know what I'm doing.  So that's good.  Got a single half a small black and white left over.  Wonder how I'll work that into my diet.  HMM maybe get a keyboard where the keys are LIT UP.  That sounds fun.  Sounds like a waste of power though.  Presumably TERRIBLE for the environment.  OH WELL WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICES.  By which I mean I CAN WASTE POWER AND I SACRIFICE THE ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL OF US.
Good!  What's up.  I'll be able to fit in Shower after 3rd walk before January Hearings no problem.  That's good.  I can clean myself and whatknot.  Hmm.  Feel okay about final weight scale today!  I checked Real Early and it didn't give me the best answer but IT GOT WISE over the course of a few hours and CHANGED IT'S TUNE to the scale of 1 OR EVEN 1.5 POUNDS.  THAT'LL SHOW IT.  SHOW IT REAL GOOD.  Or it will Show Me.  That makes more sense.  Not really!  I'm SHOWING IT MY BODY WEIGHT.  Then it has to take in that information.  THE POINT IS THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ME AND SCALE GOES BOTH WAYS.  What else is up.  If I'm typing at my Mom's computer I can't have soda or coffee at my station!  PARENTS STRONGLY DISAPPROVE OF THAT.  And I respect their disapproval!  Their Computer Stations, their rules!  Hmm.  I can see myself enjoying hot dogs for dinner!  TWO HOT DOG IS APPROPRIATE SIZE OF DINNER.  Side makes it a little high in calories though!  OH WELL I EARNED IT.  Not sure HOW.  I'm ALIVE.  That's pretty good!  Haven't accidentally killed myself!  THAT EARNS ME A TREAT.
     Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime!  Cool.  The point is I DIDN'T start a Winning Streak this past night of no MightNight Snacks but TONIGHT I GOT A CHANCE TO START A NEW STREAK.  So that's fun.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.  I went through a HUGE majority of my life not doing MightNight Snacks AT ALL.  Maybe 1% of the time before half a year ago would I get up at night and eat something.  And if I did it wasn't COMPULSIVE.  SO THE POINT IS SHUT UP ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Maybe write six paragraphs this act to make up for only 9 last act.  That means I have to write TWO AND A HALF more paragraphs now instead of ONE LESS than that.  I can do that sure why not.  I like doing things!  Presumably!  Maybe get slice of Chocolate Babka for breakfast tomorrow.  Or for TWO upcoming breakfasts maybe!  DUNNO HOW BIG THE SLICE WOULD BE.  Sounds good though I like that sort of thing.  Maybe seven layer cake.  THINK OF ALL THOSE LAYERS!
Okay.  I feel like there should be a place I can try out keyboards.  I dunno I wouldn't go anyway because of Pandemic.  ALL THOSE OTHER SICKLY PEOPLE TOUCHED ALL THESE KEYBOARDS TOO.  Anyway.  The point is I was thinking I'd enjoy BBQ Chicken Dinner from diner but then I remembered I have Sesame Chicken which is 85% the same thing.  ALBEIT WITH DIFFERENT SIDES.  So that's good.  I guess I'm looking forward to the Sesame chicken then by the process of.. uh... some sort of process.  Translation?  That doesn't sound right!  Transportation?  I dunno what process I'm using to transfer my enthusiasm for BBQ Chicken Dinner to Sesame Chicken Lunch but I'M GONNA ACCOMPLISH IT ALL THE SAME.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Only gotta write one more paragraph after this one.  I can do that!  Got plenty of time to work with, too.  Anyway.  Pretty happy with how much the, "E," plastic piece missing HASN'T disrupted my writing.  Surprised! 
     What else is up.  I enjoyed Hush Puppy a couple weeks ago but I think I'd rather have 2 hot dogs instead of essentially Hot Dog In Knish.  I think that's what it is essentially.  If not that exactly then PRETTY CLOSE.  Anyway.  In UHF Weird Al makes a Hot Dog Inside Twinkie sandwich.  GOOD FOR HIM I HOPE IT WORKS OUT FOR THE BEST.  The point is next album Weird Al does he should do in the persona of, "Normal Al," but it's still song parodies and/or satire and/or tributes.  But he does it with the background premise that Everything Else Is The Same but for some reason his name is Normal Al Yankovic.  JUST AN IDEA.  Great.  Could go with ASSORTED COOKIES from Deli as 2 breakfasts.  Doesn't seem right.  DELICIOUS but NOT RIGHT.  Then again maybe it is right what do I know.  Weird Al also put mustard on the hot dog twinkie.  I think.  Coulda been yellow ketchup!  I don't have all the details in front of me!  Anyway.  I'll be back later.




try to follow this crap

    Hi friends.  Zeroed in on a good Keyboard to get.  Probably not putting in the order until tomorrow though.  I THINK It's the kind that CAN STAND UP.  So I type AT AN ANGLE. MY CHOICE.  I can have it FLAT or on a ramp IT'S UP TO ME I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  So that's fun.  Had delicious Hot Dog and Chicken Matzoh Ball Soup and some small NOT CRUMBS BUT NOT FULL CHIPS EITHER of Pop Chips.  THAT'S WHAT I ATE AND I STAND BY IT.  Also had delicious fourty calorie dufgesicle.  WHY NOT IT'S SO LOW IN CALORIES I'D BE A GOOD OL' FOOL NOT TO EAT IT ALL THE TIME.  So that's how I feel.  I can have ALL the snacks left over tonight even!  QUEST BAR TOOTSIE POP AND FULLER ICE CREAM BAR.  BE THERE ITS GONNA BE WILD.  January Hearing today was okay!  I thought the testimony was RELATIVELY COMPELLING.  I wasn't SHITTING MYSELF IN EXCITEMENT but at the same time I didn't fall asleep either.  If anything falling asleep would be MORE exciting.  How thrilling would it be to have some sort of audio to listen to-- Congressional Testimony-- that puts you to sleep?  GAME CHANGER IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE.  AMAZING!
     Hmm.  Mets game tonight and/or finish UHF.  It's gonna be wild!  Stop saying that.  NEVER  Anyway what else is up.  Got beer going!  Probably just a regular 2 beer night tonight.  I'M STARTING TO GET THE SENSE DONALD TRUMP TRIED TO RUIN DEMOCRACY FOR THE REST OF US.  Very inconsiderate!  HE WAS ONLY THINKING OF HIMSELF.  For shame.  Anyway Sunset is in a few minutes.  OH HEY I DIDN'T SEE IT but my Dad said on his walk THERE WERE DUCKS.  A mother duck and some baby ducks.  And they had been crossing the street but DISTURBINGLY SEEMED TO TAKE A BREAK in the middle of the street.  Like, they were crossing, but then stopped to rest.  BY THE TIME I TOOK MY WALK THEY WERE GONE.  I don't know what I was thinking Not Checking as soon as I heard about this.  I MISSED A DUCK OPPORTUNITY.  Anyway I hope they got out of the street eventually.  Maybe into some sort of shelter.   And if they had a drug problem maybe get that addressed.  WE NEED TO GET DUCKS OFF THE STREETS is basically my political point.
Ugh.  Not sure where these ducks came from.  There IS a lake where ducks might hang out I dunno two miles away?  Not right next door!  Wonder if they took side streets to get here or if they flew.  I feel like ducks can fly but only in short bursts.  They don't really utilize their powers of flight as often as they could.  Which is GOOD.  Save it for when you really need it!  Or when you want to TREAT YOURSELF by not having to walk.  But if you do it Too Often ONE you might tire yourself out and TWO it loses it's novelty.  So be careful out there, ducks!  Don't fly all the time or something!  Hmm.  Got chicken pot pie for dinner tomorrow.  Got Finishing Sesame Chicken tomorrow for lunch.  Just enough chicken-- actually-- 3 or so pieces low-- BUT I ADD HOT N SOUR SOUP TO MEAL TOMORROW instead of saving it TO MAKE UP FOR THIS PERECTLY.  Leave over some rice probably.  But pretty much get everything I wanted to get out of it.  Got Chocolate Babka for breakfast tomorrow.  Probably the next to breakfasts.  I feel like I'll have half the babka AND the leftover half a small black and white for breakfast tomorrow.  And then think of another pretty small thing to pair with 2nd half NEXT BREAKFAST.  YEAH.  YEAH!  YEAAHHHH
Penultimate paragraph before recess!  Then watch some Met game.  It's been going on for 22 minutes theoretically and I haven't seen PITCH ONE of the entire ordeal!  Amazing.  Pretty sure Trump talking to Brad Rathelsburger saying just find me the 11,000 whatever votes that I was down by is a smoking gun in terms of he knows he didn't really win.  But what do I know.  I'm just an idiot!  I hear i don't care how you do it find me the exact number of votes I lost by and no other number and I hear I lost the election by this amount of votes in this state and I want to have won so change that somehow.  I might be a dummy though who knows.  I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that I'm a dummy.  Unfortunately I HAVE TO.  On account of WELL being a dummy a lot.  BUT THIS TIME I THINK IT'S CLEAR I'M NO DUMMY AND IT'S THE EXTREMELY OBVIOUS CORRECT WAY TO LOOK AT IT.  But still I'm a dummy elsewhere NO QUESTION.
Last paragraph before recess.  Good deal!  Think I'll have delicious hearty Quest Bar as next snack.  S'MORE flavor.  I like it because it's got all the great flavors of S'MORE in One Convenient Bar.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Just finished Beer #1.  Start beer #2 with Part II of Act III.  C'mon guys that's obvious.  That's the clear way to go about things!  So that's good.  I CAN DRINK SPRITE ZERO IN THE MEANTIME THAT'S HALFWAY THERE TO DRINKING BEER.  Similar color.  Maybe a little bit lighter and/or more clear.  But not SO far off.  Also BOTH DEFINITE LIQUID.  So that's good, too!  KEYBOARD SAYS, "SPILL RESISTANT DESIGN," BUT WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN.  I bet if I just poured a glass of Any Liquid on the keyboard SPILL IT WILL BE.  How can you RESIST against spill!  I DON'T BUY IT FOR A SECOND.  But I WILL buy it tomorrow.  NOT BECAUSE OF SPILL RESISTANCE TECHNOLOGY BUT IN SPITE OF IT.  So that's good.  I'll be back in a little bit.

     Hey!  What's up and crap.  Probably just put on UHF when this is over.  WILL I FINISH THE FILM?  Well it'd require me staying up late but MAYBE THAT'S IN THE CARDS FOR SOME REASON.  Anyway looking at Quest Bar nutritional information I'm getting a sense that ALL bars which are supposed to be high in Good Fat are actually high in Saturated Fat.  SATURATED FAT MUST BE, "GOOD ENOUGH," I GUESS.  All these different bars across different companies cant ALL be letting us down!  THEY MUST BE DOING THE RIGHT THING I FEEL.  I give them the benefit of the doubt.  Anyway DELICIOUS I have only 2 Regular Chocolate Quest Bars left now.  Double Chocolate Brownie or something is the EXACT flavor.  But it's basically just your Baseline Chocolate flavor IMO.  I think I probably have roughly Oh I Don't Know FOUR S'MORE.  And an incoming delivery of TWELVE BIRTHDAY BAR.  NO CHOCOLATE AT ALL IN THOSE.  The good news is this was a paragraph
     Sure!  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH OF THE ACT.  I told you a day or two ago that Seventh Paragraphs are the best AND I MEANT IT.  So that's good and whatknot.  Ducks reminded me of Holden Caulfield.  He was ALL ABOUT ducks.  It was the theme of the book he wrote!  ALSO TONY SOPRANO.  Again ANOTHER FAN OF DUCKS and that was the main premise that OPENED THE ENTIRE FRANCHISE.  That's why he went to psychiatrist in the first place!  Wanted someone to talk about ducks to or something I FORGET THE DETAILS.  The point is sometimes a duck is just a duck.  And sometimes it's important to Fictional People.  Sounds about right.  If a duck WASN'T just a duck WHAT EXACTLY WOULD IT BE.  That's a tough one.  Not sure what a duck is!  I TRIED figuring it out so I could GET Catcher in the Rye and FAILED.  I TRIED figuring it out so I could GET The Sopranos and FAILED.  GUESS I'LL NEVER FIGURE ANYTHING OUT OH WELL THAT'S LIFE, THE MAIN PART OF LIFE.
Eighth paragraph of the act.  Good deal!  Zoomin' through this part II of Act III quickly.  Which is good because it means I can save drinking beer for WHILE WATCHING UHF instead of SLIGHTLY BEFORE WATCHING UHF.  Hmm.  I feel like there should be a Catcher In The Rye movie once and for all and I should play Holden Caulfield.  YES I AM 33 BUT WITH RIGHT ATTIRE I CAN EASILY LOOK 15.  Also I Don't GET the book but I'M KIND OF CRAZY TOO which I think is one premise idea reading of the book.  So that's something to think about!  Also has anyone ever made any TV or Movie about The Sopranos?  Because if not I CAN BE ANTONIO SOPRANO.  I'LL BE ANYONE JUST GIVE ME THE CHANCE.  Ya know SOMETHING LIKE THAT.  What do I mean the right attire.  I ALREADY STILL WEAR THE CLOTHES I WORE WHEN I WAS 15!  Yeah but I need to wear 1950's or whatever 15 year old clothes.
Sure.  Penultimate paragraph of the night!  HOLDEN CAULFIELD WAS PROBABLY TALL.  OH WELL ARTISTIC LICENSE GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  What else is up.  WAIT A SECOND IS THIS A THING.  "HOLDING... CALL (field)"  Like a telephone CALL.  And you're HOLDING on the line.  Waiting for someone to answer you.  CRACKED THAT CODE where's my medal.  BETTER BE ON ITS WAY I DESERVE IT REAL GOOD.  I knew a kid whose last name was Fields in K-12.  I WAS WITH HIM K-8 and then continued to spend time with him IN GROUPS during 9-12 and even a few times after 12.  NO SPOILERS on what his first name is.  I don't feel comfortable giving out that information!  YOU WILL DOXX HIM AND HARASS HIM AND HOW DARE YOU IN ADVANCE.  Not gonna give you that chance.  That's how I roll.  What else is up!  Only gotta write one more paragraph.  That's pretty cool.  Gonna have tootsie pop when this is done and ice cream bar AT BED TIME.  LOOK I KNOW I'M GOING CRAY WITH LATE NIGHT SNACKS A BIT.  Current schematic is 350-400 calories split over 4 things a night!  HEY THAT'S NOT THAT CRAZY.  It's when I choose to indulge!  MY BODY MY CHOICE SUCKERS.
     Last paragraph of the day.  Cool.  Wonder if I'll get up on schedule again tomorrow.  I feel like Day Is Better when I do.  For lots of reasons I can't get into right now because I don't feel like it or something.  Hmm.  Not sure I agree with the multiple witnesses at January Hearings who say the constitution was DIVINELY INSPIRED.  Mostly on account of NOTHING IS DIVINE THIS IS ALL OBSCENE DEBASEMENT DEBAUCHERY ESPECIALLY THE CONSTITUTION.  That's MY hot take YOU FOOLS.  If the constitution was so divinely inspired HOW COME THEY NEEDED AMENDMENTS?  WHAT THE DIVINE SPIRIT DIDN'T SEE THOSE COMING?  I dunno.  I don't have a problem with constitution!  Probably A GREAT REALLY REALLY GREAT THING.  BUT DIVINE IT IS NOT YOU IDIOTS.  Maybe it is.  LOOK YOU GUYS ARE IDIOTS ONE WAY OR ANOTHER it's up to you whether it's THIS WAY or SOME OTHER WAY.  I lost track of what I was talking about.  Hmm.  I'll be back tomorrow I guess!

-9:23 P.M.




Monday, June 20, 2022

Is That The Best I Can Do

    Hey!  On schedule today!  Gonna fit in seven walks without CrunchTime!  Also, checked my weight earlier, and scale says 2-3 pounds less than it did the last few times I checked a couple of weeks ago!  I don't think I actually lost 2-3 pounds but maybe this is more accurate than it was before!  AMAZING!  METS GAME AT 1:10 PM.  Today is shaping up to be a real, "B," day.  In a GOOD WAY.  B stands for, "BRETTY GOOD."  And, "BRETTY," means, "PRETTY," in this context!  I used to know a kid named Brett.  Or Bret.  I forget.  He was my brother's age and lived in neighborhood!  CELEBRATED PASSOVER WITH HIS FAMILY ONCE.  I'm assuming he was Jewish.  Now that I think about it is Bret a real name.  Who else in the world is named Bret.  Lemme LTURQ.  KAVANAUGH.  Not great company.  JUST LIKE SPACEX.  Is SpaceX gender neutral/fluid.  That's what the, "X," means I think!  I assume it's pronounced Space-Ex and not SPEAKS.  Oh well.
Is Elon Musk Jewish.  Better LTURQ.  NOPE 0% JEWISH.  I was gonna guess that because there's no conspiracies that he's Evil Super Villain.  Most of them are Jewish per my understanding.  Also when I typed in Elon Musk Religion one of google's suggested questions was What is Tesla's Religion.  TESLA CAN'T HAVE RELIGION.  It COMPANY.  I guess company can have religion.  Probably pretty rare though.  Another suggested question is, "WHO Does Elon Musk Believe In."  I dunno what that means!  I kinda know what it means in my head.  Not sure what it means in real life though!  Anyway.  Mets pitcher MAN SCHERZER might return from the injured list to pitch as soon as upcoming weekend!  He's good at pitching!  I feel like I had a dream where I saw either him or Jacob DeGrom pitching and I was like hey it's great they're back from injured list and pitching well now.  Amazing!  Finished Back III The Future and watched first episode of Tales Crypt last night.  I really did watch Tales Crypt more intently!  GOOD DEAL.
Hmm.  Started a new bag of coffee grounds.  I got a CAN of coffee grounds at some point and whenever I finish it I pour New BAG into can because it's easier to STORE and SCOOP OUT every day in can.  Forgot I had gotten Bigger Bags of coffee last purchase.  Normally the bags correspond to can size perfectly so I empty out entire bag into can.  THIS TIME JUST ABOUT ALMOST OVERFLOWED before I stopped myself.  This is a GOOD story.  People can RELATE to it.  Also it has a HAPPY ENDING I stopped the overflow before it became a problem.  YEAH.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cookie Dough Day, National Peaches 'N' Cream Day, and National Smoothie Day.  I like cookie dough in the sense that I LOVE cookies and without cookie dough they'd be impossible.  I probably like cookie dough FLAVORED things.  Not sure if I've ever had JUST cookie dough.  I think that's unhealthy-dangerous.  You can have MOCK cookie dough that they make you can just eat.  LEMME LTURQ.
    Internet says not to eat raw cookie dough.
  BUT National Food website seems to imply GO AHEAD AND EAT RAW COOKIE DOUGH.  Oh well such is life.  Anyway Peaches n cream I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  Not sure I've ever enjoyed ANYTHING peach flavored.  Also I don't think I've ever had a Straight Up Peach.  Anyway.  Have had peach flavored snapple.  That's it off the top of my head!  READ James and the Giant Peach.  Don't remember it!  Solid 75% chance it was written by Rahld Dohl.  Let's LTURQ.  YEP ROALD DAHL.  That's his REAL name.  Oh okay.  What else is up.  Anyway Smoothie NOT A FAN.  Not 100% sure what it is.  Let's LTURQ.  Drink made by pureeing ingredients.  Well I guess it depends on the ingredients.  POSSIBLE there's a smoothie out there I might like!  I dunno for sure!  What else is up.  No need to rush writing paragraphs.  That's good.  HMM LUNCH.  Either chicken ceasar salad, ham sandwich, or delivery!  Or have slice of pizza and half hero for LUNCH and then face this dilemma for dinner instead.  HMM.
    Chinese Food is great but WHAT TO GET.  I know I speculated about lo mein yesterday.  STILL A WORTHY SPECULATION.  Hmm.  Maybe try Chow Mein.  I feel like I know what chow mein is but I've never gotten it in a long long time and it might be slightly different than what I know it is.  Hmm.  Protein may be shrimp!  TASTEWISE that is what I'm in the mood for I think BUT they probably give a lot less of it than if it was a different protein!  I'M NOT SURE I'M HAPPY ABOUT THAT.  Anyway some of these ideas would be 2 meals, some would be 3!  GREAT JUST GREAT.  Hey remember how Scale gave me great news earlier?  I just remembered it!  Good deal!  Look I know there's fluxuation that could mean nothing.  HOWEVER it's fluxuation IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  So it's great is the point.  HEY last night I started taking Anti-Depressant and Anti-High-Cholesterol pills again!  GOOD FOR ME.  I took the 25 seconds it took to retrieve them from elsewhere and then take them and put them back with rest of pills I'm in the process of taking!  AMAZING I'm gonna get coffee now.
  Dad is getting Amazon order so I'm getting Birthday Bars NOW.  Arriving WEDNESDAY.  Also getting some new tootsie poproll bags NOW.  One MISC one Chocolate.  I MENTIONED THIS YESTERDAY that I was getting 2 parts Misc 1 part chocolate.  I didn't realize order would be made so soon, though!  Don't NEED three bags!  Don't even need two but COULDN'T HURT.  Also I was gonna get chocolate Quest bars too but don't NEED two sets of bars!  GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Maybe be dumb and get General Tso's chicken.  Probably least healthy option.  But also No Doubter in terms of I'll enjoy it.  EXCEPT that's a Three Meal'r and not a Two.  HMM this is a tough one.  I guess.  Maybe get SEASAME chicken.  My experience is Seasame chicken is general tso's chicken with seasame seeds on it.  YA KNOW WHAT FOR SOME REASON THAT SOUNDS GREAT TO ME.  I'm an idiot!  I'm passionate about getting Saesame Chicken!  What else is up.  Hey next paragraph is SEVEN.
   Hey this paragraph is SEVEN.  What else is up.  Poll I saw yesterday said 19% Republicans think Trump should be prosecuted!  Also said other stuff!  That thing jumped out at me.  WOW!  19% is almost 20% and 20% is almost 50%.  That's how I feel.  Might be getting Slightly MORE Indulgent Ice Cream Sandwich next time I get Amazon Fresh.  Not ALL OUT indulgent but ever increasing in the indulgent spectrum.  So that's good.  Probably!  My guess is it'd be fun to eat and whatknot.  What else is up.  I can imagine enjoyin' some Chinese Food for lunch today I think.  It's ever increasing in my imagination as The Thing To Do.  So that's good.  I like doing things!  Gotta do SOMETHING.  Might as well do Things!  Get me some pork fried rice.  Some steamed dumplings.  Some SOUP.  Not sure where I work in the SOUP but I'll enjoy it AT SOME POINT on would imagine.  Hot AND sour soup?  PICK A LANE.  Either HOT OR SOUR.  Also I feel like all non-weird soups are Hot.  You don't need to say Hot.  Just call it SOUR SOUP and we get it!  Or maybe SPICY and Sour.  That might be what you mean.  And if it is THEN JUST SAY IT.
EIGHT.  What else is up.  I like the parts where you eat the peppers or whatever in the hot and sour soup.  NOT BAD!  Good deal!  What else is up.  Wanna order early enough that I definitely get Lunch Special.  Wanna order late enough that it's arriving at 3:20, 3:30 instead of 3:00, 3:10.  I LIKE THE VERY SLIGHTLY LATER LUNCHES.  Get off my back about it!  Anyway what's up.  Probably wondered about Elon Musk being Jewish before.  Probably wondered EVERYTHING before.  I've been here at the website a while is the point.  Maybe I should think about trying A New Creative Thing.  Or an OLD Creative Thing.  Something to mix it up, I dunno!  THEN AGAIN I LIKE THIS ROUTINE VERY MUCH.  So there's that.  Is tomorrow FIRST DAY OF SUMMER?  Let's LTURQ.  YEP SURE IS.  Good deal.  Gonna be a real Summer To Remember.  I forget why.  It'll occur to me at some point though.  Anyway wore NYU Sweatshirt Jacket on first walk.  Didn't need it!  NO MORE OF THAT for the rest of the day!
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  No MightNight snacking last night!  WELL I had a couple of bites of Breakfast French Toast, but that canceled itself out because I would have just had those bites as breakfast instead.  So that's good!  Woke up a few times in night but stopped myself from having anything!  Other than the few bites like I said.  Anyway great just great.  Got one more breakfast of 2.5 Black &/v Whites this week.  Gotta make some egg whites I feel.  Balanced Breakfasts are good and I WANT EM.  What else is up.  More Indulgent Ice Cream Sandwich comes in pack of SIX.  I'd feel more comfortable with FOUR.  I think I should get it all the same though!  Couldn't kill me!  Probably not.  Maybe there's a VERY VERY SMALL chance it kills me.  Can't live your life scared that every ice cream sandwich is gonna kill you though.  That's no way to live!  Well maybe you can live your life without ice cream sandwiches to remove the risk.  Eat some OTHER snack.  Oh okay that works too I guess.
     Last paragraph of the act!  SURE I look at my profile in store windows on my walks.  PROFILE looks fine.  That's my impression.  I've talked about that before.  Well it's a big part of my life get off my back about it!  58%-37% Americans think Trump should be prosecuted as of Latest Poll.  SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF PEOPLE WANT LAWS TO MEAN SOMETHING AND TO HOLD BLATANT CRIMINALS ACCOUNTABLE.  That would have been my guess but it's nice to see it verified!  What else is up.  Still lots more stuff for January Hearing Committee to go through!  Wonder how that'll all, "Shake," out.  Wearin' a dirty shirt again today.  Tenacious D shirt.  It says TENACIOUS D ROCKS.  And then there's a Slanted Underline under ROCKS.  So you KNOW they REALLY Rock.  Anyway.  I feel like in high school about 2/3rds or 3/4ths of the music I listened to I had in full albums, and the rest I had as individual songs.  And half the time for Individual Songs it's pretty much ALL the individual songs, I just didn't have them in Album Order or anything.  TENACIOUS D WAS INDIVIDUAL SONGS.  Which makes sense because a lot of them were from TV Show and not from Album At All.  Interesting story.  I THOUGHT SO.  Hey I'll be back in a little bit great.




Feels Like I Could Do Better

    Hey!  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  I can do that.  I CAN DO IT.  Got some coffee going.  Some sprite ZERO.  I'd like to have some Sprite NEGATIVE.  Negative amount of sugar.  It takes sugar out of your bloodstream.  Or NEGATES IT somehow.  I dunno the science behind it I'M JUST THE IDEA MAN.  Right now certainly looking like I'm getting Chinese Food!  Seasame Chicken!  Steamed Shrimp Dumplings!  Split the combination of that WITH PORK FRIED RICE into three lunches!  WHY NOT THE SCALE FLUXUATED IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION I DESERVE TO MAKE MYSELF LUNCHHAPPY.  What else.  Within the range of pounds I'm happy with SHOULD THIS SCALE BE RIGHT.  And by BE RIGHT I mean EVEN BE WRONG BY 2 POUNDS.  If it's RIGHT RIGHT then that's AMAZING.  If it's Right Wrong STILL WITHIN HEALTHY RANGE.  Great that's good news but what if it's WRONG WRONG.  I don't wanna think about that.  IT MUST be half right! IT MUST!  The good news is do I have keto bar for before lunch snack or after lunch snack.  Why is that good news.  It's a Pondering.  BECAUSE BOTH ARE GREAT OPTIONS.
Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  If I have KETO BAR for after lunch snack what am I having for pre-lunch snack HOT SHOT.  I dunno.  I got some options floating around in my head or something, don't you worry.  HMM.  Twere there no Mets game imminently I think I'd go back to Tales Crypt: Intensely View It This Time Around.  BUT I GOT DELICIOUS METS GAME TO WATCH.  So Tales Crypt gets pushed back.  Maybe I stop watching Mets game at some point.  EASY.  Let's say they're down SIX TO ONE (in the score) after 2 innings.  I don't need to watch this anymore Let's Move On To Something Else.  Great.  I had a dream last night that I NEVER found out the result to yesterday's Mets game.  Then I woke up and remembered the result!  AND THEY HAD LOST.  OH WELL it was a good dream while it lasted.  LET'S GO HOME.  What else is up.  Sesame Chicken might be slightly SWEETER than General Tso's.  I feel like I knew that for a long time but then forgot it.  Either way HMM now I don't know WHAT to do.  I like SPICE as a general rule but I dunno about This Lunch Order in particular!
    YEAH.  Maybe my dream last night was foreshadowing that I don't know the results of Today's Mets game yet.  Interesting interpretation.  Hmm.  Maybe get an order of Almond Cookies just for fun.  That'd be a good Sweet Side for a Sandwich Lunch or something.  Already got Hot an Sour Soup for Sandwich Lunch.  And only one sandwich lunch left for this week!  ALMOND COOKIES SHOULD STAY FRESH FOR A FEW DAYS UNTIL NEXT SANDWICH WEEK STARTS.  Great.  OR Soup may stay fresh for a few days too.  I got options is the point.  IS that the point.  I dunno I SAID IT WAS.  Why would I lie?  No motive!  NO MOTIVE NO CRIME.  Anyway.  Figure I'll probably get Amazon Fresh order at some point soon, too!  Right now best part of it is CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH BARS.  Worst part of it is Slightly More Semi Indulgent Ice Cream Sandwich.  I HAVE MIXED FEELINGS OF IT and the plurality is Negative.  BUT the minority positive feeling is MORE POSITIVE than the negative is negative!  SO THAT EXPLAINS THAT.
     Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day.  That's good.  Real good!  Anyway got some time to BREATHE between walks.  Which is good because I need to breathe TO LIVE.  Hmm.  What's the next DVD I put on. I dunno!  I figure something will occur to me through the natural course of things.  Either that or something occurs to me unnaturally.  That sounds pretty plausible, too!  Good.  I dunno.  HEY Weezer is doing a thing where they release New Album every season.  Gotta imagine they're releasing half a dozen songs this week then.  IT'S A NEW SEASON I'M ALMOST POSITIVE OF IT.  I like some Weezer.  Easily in my top 10 favorite bands.  DIFFICULTY IN MY TOP 5 FAVORITE BANDS.  But it's got a pretty strong case.  Luckily I don't have to make that decision right now.  GONNA NEED SOME TIME ON IT.  And then by the time that time is up probably have a different opinion altogether.  Oh well that's life.  Hey one more paragraph, that's it!
    Good.  Feel like I"ll put in the call for Chinese Food around 2:45, 2:50 PM.  They say Lunch Special lasts until 3:30 but they do it weird where if they determine the food ARRIVES after 3:30 NO LUNCH SPECIAL.  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE.  Everyone knows Lunch Special Window is for WHEN YOU ORDER IT.  Either way I'VE GOT TO PLAY BY THEIR RULES they have the food I want to get.  They hold all the cards is the point.  BUT if I play my hand right I get delicious Chinese Food so I come out on top in the end.  Anyway, I dunno!  SHOULD I HAVE Seven or EIGHT pieces of General Tso/Seasame Chicken as the Main Focus of Each Lunch.  THAT'S A TOUGH ONE.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Depends on how big the pieces are I guess.  Depends on Lots Of Things.  Maybe I determine there ISN'T ENOUGH for 8 pieces over 3 lunches.  THAT'S PLAUSIBLE SURE REAL PLAUSIBLE.  The good news is I'm done here for now.  I'll b back later!  POSSIBLY WITH MORE WORTHWHILENESS TO READNESS.  See ya then!




hey that's not bad

    Hello friends.  It's your faithful Guy Who Does This, me!  Sucking on lollipop.  Just enjoyed delicious Half Open Face Hero with Slice of Pizzeria Pizza.  INACCURATE this is Slice of Two Star Italian Resturant Pizza.  Either way THAT THING.  Had delicious SESAME chicken for lunch.  SEVEN pieces.  I know I left you in suspense on whether I'd have seven pieces or eight.  I HAD SEVEN but they were PRETTY NICE SIZED PIECES.  So I think we're all caught up now!  OH got ALMOND coooookies for later tonight.  We're talking TWO.  Amazing.  Mets successfully won their gaming game today.  Watched another 3.5 Tales Crypt.  Started out watching it Very Intently but quickly devolved into just watching it regularly-- NOT THAT HARD.  I mean I wasn't Expending Energy watching it.  It was HARD to watch it hard.  That's the point I'm trying to make!  READ AND UNDERSTAND THE ENTRY AS WELL AS POSSIBLE.  That's all we can do.
    Anyway.  Delicious RASPBERRY lollipop today.  I can taste it in my Moutharea.  What do you call The Inside Of The Mouth.  I feel like Mouth is too explicitly including OR EVEN FOCUSING ON Where Mouth Meets Face.  I wanna talk about the INSIDE of the mouth and I wanna talk about it NOW.  Hmm.  Gonna have just the 2 beers today presumably.  Maybe due for three tomorrow!  Maybe have Bonus Beer after January Hearings.  Maybe that'll be fun because January Hearing provides Stress Test for me.  It TESTS ME in terms of GIVING MY EXISTENTIAL STRESS.  That's what, "Stress Test," means.  READ AND UNDERSTAND AS WELL AS YOU CAN!  I can't hold your hand through every Dumb Thing I Say and explain it.  At some point you're gonna have to figure these things out by your lonesome!  Anyway I'm sentences away from Crunching Down on remnants of lollipop.  So I got that going for me!  Hmm just did it.  I have no regrets!  I made it pretty deep into the sucking before I bit down!
    Sure.  I dunno.  Maybe pick out a DVD to watch.  Either a FRANCHISE or one of part of an OEUVRE of a certain director or maybe actor.  HEY HOW ABOUT FARELLY BROS FILMS.  Gotta imagine I got a few of those.  Me Myself and Irene is one of them!  Gotta imagine I got Kingpin somewhere but also gotta imagine that Disc is Skipping because I've watched the crap out of it.  Gotta imagine I got a Dumb & Dumber.  There's SOMETHING About Mary.  That might be it.  DO I HAVE A SHALLOW HAL or was that released roughly SIX MONTHS too late for it to be part of my Initial Buying Phase Of Buying Dozens Of DVDs to Start Out Phase.  Buying.  Huh.  I don't wanna watch any of those movies SAVE FOR ME MYSELF AND IRENE.  It's FUNNY because the guy's got PROBLEMS.  Makes me laugh.  I dunno.  HALF A CUP of Pork Fried Rice.  THREE Steamed Shrimp Dumplings.  ONE small piece of broccoli.  Anyway.  I think Sesame Chicken was maybe A LITTLE sweeter than General Tso's Chicken but not as pronounced as I half expected!
   GOOD.  What else is up.  Probably take a Recess tonight.  That seems to be a ton of fun based on how much fun I was having the last few nights doing it (A Ton Amount).  Ton is 2000 pounds.  PROVE ME WRONG you can't!  Anyway 2000 Pounds is the three hundredth installment of the franchise of the Will Smith movie.  There's LOTS of sequels and at some point they reach a COMBINED 2000 pounds.  Hmm if the pounds are ACCUMULATING or COMPOUNDED they'd reach 2000 sooner than that.  I'm not sure what that means!  I'm not sure what it DOESN'T mean!  Probably Everything that It Doesn't Mean.  Wha.  Huh.  Ehh.  I feel like as a KID I thought Jim Carrey was Dumber but as I got older I began to think Jeff Daniels was Dumber.  NOW I haven't seen the film in a few years and I'd need to watch the entire thing again to give an accurate assessment.  So that's good.  The point is both are quite stupid.  What else is going on and crap.
     Yeah!  HEY here's a fun DVD to watch Why It's Only UHF The Weird Al Movie.  Haven't seen that sucker in half a decade!  I like the part where it makes ya Laugh but it also makes ya Think.  I assume.  I vaguely remember NOT NOT thinking during the movie.  I'd definitely remember if I stopped thinking for 85 minutes in my life.  That's the kind of thing that leaves a mark on one's psyche I WOULD IMAGINE (again I don't remember so I guess I can't say for sure!).  Hmm.  Getting Birthday Bars on Wednesday presumably.  GREAT.  I wonder if the texture will be more appealing than the first time I got them.  Dunno if the too soft and melted texture is indicative of ALL Birthday Flavored Bars for some reason or just THIS ONE TIME.  I guess I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  So that's good.  No garbage taking out today!  Wearing a lack of pants the last hour and a half thusly.  Good english Real good elgnslish.  Hmm.  I'll be back in a little bit!

   Having delicious FOURTY calorie Fudgesicle.  It's delicious because it's an entire popsicle-- mad out of chocolate-- and it's SIGNIFICANTLY less than 50 calories.  40 calories!  That's a Great Stuff.  Anyway solid 50+% chance that I actually put on The UHF after these next 5 paragraphs.  Also solid 50+% chance IT ROUNDS TO 85 MINUTES if we're rounding by 5's of minutes.  WELL LETS NOT GO CRAZY.  IT'S NOT OVER 50% IT'S THAT.  Maybe a PLURALITY it'll round to That Five Minutes but I don't feel OVER 50% CONFIDENT with that guess.  LET'S GO CHECK THE INTERNET ON IT.  AN HOUR THIRTY SEVEN.  Off by A COUPLE units of Five minutes.  Not THAT far off but enough THAT I FEEL SHAME ABOUT MY GUESS.  Hey that's life you gotta feel shame for something.  Probably multiple things!  Now that I think about it 50+% OF THINGS I GOT SHAME FOR.
    Hmm.  Time to start beer #2!  Gotta pour that sucker first.  Been having fun pouring it into glass today.  Good deal!  I doubt I'd watch entire OVER ONE HUNDRED MINUTES of UGH tonight.  UHF.  NOT UGH.  JUST ONE KEYSTROKE AWAY THOUGH.  Also that's a great review for UHF.  Let's go back in time 33 years so I can make that Clever.  LOOK WAS UHF THE BEST MOVIE OF COURSE NOT.  But it WAS FINE I ASSUME.  I can't remember exactly whether it was good or not.  I can remember getting ENOUGH out of it AS A CHILD.  LOOK EASE UP ON THE UHF HATE OKAY.  IT'S YOUR FAULT WE NEVER GOT MORE WEIRD AL MOVIES.  IF YOU WERE NICER TO UHF WE MIGHT HAVE A EIGHT OR TEN WEIRD AL MOVIES AT THIS POINT.  I hope you feel ASHAMED of yourselves.  ALL OF YOU.  ESPECIALLY THE ONES I WASN'T TALKING TO ORIGINALLY.  What else is up.  Weird AL movies don't exist in same universe.  Each film is its own thing.  MAYBE there's a sequel or two in there I don't know.  But MOSTLY THEIR OWN THING.
    Time to take FIRST SIP of second beer now.  Eighth paragraph overall of Act III.  Good deal!  So basically the plan is have 2 Almond Cookies when entry is over or so and have 90-100 calorie ice cream pop AS I GO LAY DOWN FOR SLUMBER.  THAT'S THE PLAN.  Delicious!  See if I can get a Winning Streak Of Two going in terms of Nights In A Row Without MightNight Eating.  I've got a good feeling that I can get a streak going.  Why not.  Anything can happen!  Except for lots of things.  LOTS of things Can't Happen.  But besides those things ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!  Amazing.  Dad ordered me new sneakers from Amazon.  While IN CAR a couple of days ago he noticed my sneakers were WORN THE FUCK OUT.  I didn't notice it until just then, too!  Either way he ordered me Pretty Much Same Sneakers online.  GREAT I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THAT.  IF IT MAKES HIM HAPPY I'M HAPPY.  Consider this a Father's Day Gift.  TOO LATE FATHER'S DAY WAS YESTERDAY.  Yeah I mean FATHER'S DAY 2023 GENIUS HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THOSE APPLES.
Penultimate paragraph of the NightTime Day!  Good.  What else is up.  REBOOT OF THE FATHER'S DAY FRANCHISE.  You know the single film.  The one with Robin Williams and William Crystal?  Stylized on the poster and in trailers as STARRING ROBIN WILLIAMS CRYSTAL?  THAT ONE FILM FRANCHISE?  Anyway I lost track of what I was saying.  THAT'S AN UNTRUTH. I remember EXACTLY what I was saying, I just desperately wanted to move on so I made up a story about how I lost track of what I was saying.  So there's THAT!  What else is up.  Gotta imagine I'll enjoy the almond cookies in my immediate future.  Kinda feel like they should have fortunes inside of them!  I get Chinese Food Cookies I WANNA FORTUNE.  Why should I have to get a DISGUSTING FORTUNE COOKIE if I want a fortune I should be able to get it with DELICIOUS ALMOND COOKIE as well!  PROVE ME WRONG you can't!  Okay time to write the last paragraph.
    Hmm.  I dunno.  Solid 50+% chance my UGH (actually it's TWO or POSSIBLY THREE keystrokes off, not one-- Sorry!) DVD doesn't load because XBOX just DOESN'T WANNA PLAY IT.  Too low quality a movie.  Maybe!  What else is going on and crap.  I dunno if I really wanna watch UHF at this point.  Kinda feel like I HAVE TO at this point.  Oh well it'll probably be a halfway enjoyable experience.  It's not gonna the worst thing in the world!  Odds are STRONGLY against that happening.  Maybe only 10, 15%!  So that's good.  Looks like tomorrow is another day wearing an Unlaundered Shirt.  Whatever!  If that's what life wants to throw at me then I guess that's what I have to catch.  What else is up.  Some more January Hearing tomorrow.  Hopefully something or somethin i dunno.  We already know the ending!  Trump is guilty!  Of like Three Dozen things!  Now we just have to wait to see the epilogue of what happens next in response to it.  So that's fun.  Anyway I'll see ya'll tomorrow!

-9:16 P.M.




Sunday, June 19, 2022

Don't That Beat All

    Hey!  What's up and crap.  About an hour and fifteen minutes behind schedule.  DANGIT.  I can fit in seven walks sure but SO MUCH CRUNCH TIME.  WATTA JIP.  My entire day narrative is structured around CrunchingTime!  Oh well such is life.  Had a quarter of French Toast for breakfast instead of a half because I miscalculated.  THEN I HAD THE OTHER HALF LATER ON IN THE MORNING.  Because I RE Calculated!  Correctly this time!  Anyway METS GAME at 1:40 PM.  GREAT I can incorporate structuring my day around that too!  CrunchTime Walks and Met Game in middle of day.  THAT'S EARLY IN DAY NOT MIDDLE.  I dunno you could make an argument either way.  You can argue ANYTHING you want.  No one's gonna stop you.  And if they try GUESS WHAT THEY'RE JUST ARGUING WITH YOU NOW SO YOU'VE WON.  Good deal!  Had a tiny amount of MightNight snacking last night.  One small thing!  Not so bad!  Lunch today gonna be turkey meatloaf or ham sandwich I'm guessin'!  Only other option is SALAD.  WOW!
Okay.  Wearin an UNLAUNDERED shirt.  My Mom had me bring down some laundry a few days ago but to my knowledge has done none of it!  WHATTA JIP.  HEY today is Father's Day.  Gotta remember to say Happy Father's Day next time I see my Dad.  How does that make him feel.  Totally indifferent?  HAPPY?  Or, like I hypothesized before yesterday, UPSET because it reminds him I don't love him Every Other Day.  Oh well gotta take that chance and wish hip Happy Day anyway.  That's my job.  How he reacts is HIS business not mine.  Hmm.  Down to last 2 Tales Crypt.  AMAZING.  If I was a Father and my kid wished me Happy Father's Day I'd be like eh what do I care I love him unconditionally either way.  This little interaction has on impact on me one way or another.  WHATTA JERK I LIKE THE LITTLE TYKE.  Something along those lines.  Hmm.  I think I'd like TWO kids.  Maybe three.  THREE KIDS'D BE WEIRD AM I RIGHT.  Huh?
     What the HELL I'm already BEARING CHILDREN AGE.
  That's weird.  Look I KNOW SCIENCE I know you can have kids ANY TIME AFTER PUBERTY.  But I'm at the age where most parents are when they have had kids already!  Lets LTURQ.  Average parental age for a new kid.  Average age for New Fathers is 30.9 Years Old.  As of last year.  I'M OLDER THAN THAT CONSIDERABLY BY A COUPLE.  Oh well that's life.  I feel like that's the MEAN not necessarily the median or mode.  Probably a lot of 20 year olds and a lot of 40 year olds.  THAT'D BE INTERESTING TO SEE THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN MEAN MEDIAN AND MODE ON THAT ONE.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Ice Cream Soda Day, National Koigun Amann Day, and National Vanilla Milkshake Day.  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT MIDDLE ONE.  LOOK LIKE SOME SORT OF CAKE.  DELICIOUS.  I like cake.  BRITON cake.  From BRITTANY.  I don't know what that means.  Let's LTURQ.  Oh in Britain.  LIKE THE BRITAIN PART.  Brittany = Britain.  WOW HISTORY.  HEY the first dorm I lived in for freshman year at NYU was Brittany.  WOW HISTORY.
Anyway it's possible I've NEVER had an ice cream soda or milk shake.  Milk shake I don't want.  Don't like drinking milk.  I'd probably enjoy ice cream soda, though!  How is it I've never had one!  Probably thought there was milk in it.  Oh that explains it.  Either way I'd eat some delicious Dormitory Cake and non Milk Milkshake Soda Ice Cream Soda Brittany Milk Shake without the Milk.  Hmm.  Parents were 40 when they had me and 37 when they had my brother.  I GOT A SOLID SEVERAL YEARS TO FIND A MATE AND THEN TO MATE TO REPLICATE THAT BLUEPRINT.  Also I feel I can put stuff off by a year or two for it to be similar because LIFE EXPECTANCY AND QUALITY will presumably go up.  So me being 42 years older than my kid is on par with my parents being 40 years older than me.  I know life expectancy went down the last year or two because of Pandemic.  I'm betting on the human race to TURN IT BACK AROUND IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.  Wait no I'm not.  CLIMATE CHANGE!  Gotta imagine that'll impact life expectancy in several indirect AND OR DIRECT ways.  Oh well that's life.  Not increasing.  Great.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Fifth paragraph!  That's pretty cool.  I guess!  HEY I'm solidly into THE DAY where I've already gotten out of bed and went on first walk.  DONE.  That's one of the hardest parts of the day AND I DID IT OVER AN HOUR AGO YOU FOOLS.  What else is up.  War in Ukraine not going great.  Looks like it might go on indefinitely.  Not sure what that benefits anyone.  Just stop fighting what are you dumb.  How hard is that.  Or just be like hmm at the rate we're going we're gonna stale mate for a few years and then we don't know what happens.  So let's just not fight for a few years and we end up in the same place but with LESS DEATH AND DESTRUCTION AND WORLDWIDE DISRUPTION and then pick up where we left off if we still want to.  NOVEL PIECE PRICE PLEASE.  Anyway.  What other wars we got going on in the world.  I think there's something going on in Syria.  Let's LTURQ.  UKRAINE, YEMEN, TIGRAY, AFGHANISTAN, and MYANMAR.  That's what Wikipedia has as Ongoing Major Conflicts.  Oh okay Myanmar.  Don't hear too much about Myanmar!  Not sure why!  It's fun to say and/or hear!  Wikipedia has Myanmar conflict as started in 1948.  I guess that's why you don't hear about it.  Been going on for 74 years!
    Coffee time!  I dunno.  Don't hear much about Tigari!  Tigray.  A place in Ethiopia.  Interesting.  Gotta write five more paragraphs now before I get to do the next thing.  That's cool!  Was ready to wish Happy Father Day to my father when I went down to get coffee but he was in the bathroom.  ANOTHER DELAY.  Oh well it'll happen sooner or later!  Good deal.  Feel like I haven't taken one or two of my medications in a few days because it wasn't at Regular Medication Station when I take the pills at night and was too lazy to retrieve New Bottle from Storage Place.  Anti-depressants I feel.  I think one is Anti-Depressant and one is Cholesterol one.  Happened to run out at the same time.  OH WELL the other anti-depressant is just gonna have to do Double Duty these last 2 or 3 days.  And TONIGHT gotta re-up with those pills for sure.  That sounds good.  Pretty sure I have 2 anti-depressants.  Maybe three.  EFFEXOR and LAMOTRAGINE.  That's about it.  Hmm.  Do I feel slightly more Depressanted today?  I don't know!  Maybe!  Not sure.  Don't think so.
Okay.  What else is up.  How's CRYPTOCURRENCY going.  Not sure!  I don't like cryptocurrency but my brother I BELIEVE does.  And I like my brother.  So now I have to root for Bitcoin because of my brother?  I GUESS.  I guess!  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Today Seventh Paragraph doesn't feel THAT great.  I think today EIGHTH Paragraph is gonna be the real deal kicker fun time paragraph.  OKAY THAT'S SOON TOO I CAN LIVE WITH THAT.  Hmm.  How do you make ice cream soda.  Do you just pour a glass of soda and plop some ice cream in there.  Or in the reverse order.  Lemme LTURQ.  WHAT THE HELL YOU NEED SYRUP AND WHIPPED CREAM TOO?  I don't want SYRUP.  I don't want WHIPPED CREAM.  Now I realize why I didn't want this earlier in my life.  No thanks!  Hmm.  SODA HAS SYRUP IN IT ALREADY.  I don't need some more gooey chocolate type stuff syrup.  Gross!  Whipped cream I don't want either but I can IMAGINE LIVING WITH IT.  The syrup NO THANK.
     Sure.  Just wished my Dad some Happy Father Day.  So we got that out of the way.  Feel like I should do it again 2-3 more times over the course of the day.  Really drive the point home.  That sort o thing.  ANYWAY it's the eighth paragraph now!  What else is going on and crap.  Mets doing good in baseball.  Probably do pretty good in baseball TODAY SPECIFICALLY.  I'll keep an eye one them to see how it goes over the course of the day specifically.  HMM what flavor of gum will I chew on my next walk.  Bubblegum?  Spearmint?  Peppermint?  WINTERGREEN?  I think those are all the flavors I have at my disposal AS OF NOW.  Right now Hmm maybe... uh... hmm...  I dunno.  SPEARMINT?  I think Spearmint is the leading candidate but none of them are getting over 50% likelihood.  Okay great wonderful.  WINTERGREEN?  WINTER IS THE ONE SEASON WHERE NATURE IS THE LEAST GREEN.  EXCEPT FOR EVERGREEN TREES AND OR PLANTS.  Oh okay wonderful I'm gonna write 2 more paragraphs now.
    YEAH.  Maybe get delicious pizza for dinner today.  Maybe delicious Italian Restraint but get VEAL CUTLET HERO.  Maybe ALSO get pizza to have for lunch tomorrow.  OR THE REVERSE, THAT SOUNDS PERECT GREAT JUST GREAT.  Hmm.  Probably have veal cutlet hero openfaced even if I'm NOT saving bread.  IT'S MORE OF A BALANCED MEAL THAT WAY.  Otherwise TOO HEAVY a meal.  Can hardly HOLD IT UP that's how heavy it is.  What else is up.  I could use bonus Hero Bread as side for salad again this week but I don't NEED to.  Got Health Bread which comes with bonus bread that I wouldn't finish either way.  So I can choose between Health Bread as side for salad or presumed bonus Hero Open Faced bread.  YEAH.  What else is up.  Last meal I had was facing NORTH again.  I think that's the way to go.  I dunno maybe I can just do it meal by meal basis.  No standard.  Just whatever feels right IN THE MOMENT.  THAT SOUNDS WEIRD I DUNNO ABOUT THAT.  EITHER WAY I'M GONNA WRITE ONE MORE PARAGRAPH NOW
Okay!  What a shitty entry.  But then again most of them are this quality.  Oh That's Not Good!  NOPE NOT AT ALL.  Either way what else is up.  SUNDAY EH.  Having trouble finding out exact theme of next January Hearing.  My guess is January Sixth Insurrection but I don't KNOW for SURE.  Either way what else is up.  Gotta think of some new titles for today.  First titles I came up with as placeholders are all repeats I'm pretty sure.  NOT GREAT REPEATS.  Not good AND been done before.  So hopefully I get some divine inspiration or something and come up with some solid Titles that Mean Nothing but Serve Their Purpose Nonetheless.  That'd be pretty cool.  I'd like some divine inspiration!  Sounds pretty nifty.  What else is up.  Solid chance I settle for some titles that are like 50% that I've used before.  WOW ODDS ARE AT LEAST ONE TITLE IS NEW.  If I got 3 titles that are 50% odds of being new what are the odds at least one of them is new?  Off the top of my had either 5/6 or 7/8 maybe.  Could be wrong on both counts!  But I also wouldn't be surprised if one o those is the exact right number!  WOW MATH.  MATH AND GUESSING.  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.




I Don't Know Something Like That

    HEY!  It's gonna be some hard work coming up with a title.  I dunno HOW to come up with titles.  Just sorta sit around and hope a title occurs to me somehow.  I don't know how to PUT THE WORK IN.  Maybe there's a good PROCESS where I can come up with a title through HARD WORK AND DILIGENCE.  Hmm.  Sounds reasonable.  I'll try to think of that LATER.  Right now I'm busy writing Bullshit Sentences BETWEEN TITLES.  So that's good!  Gonna get Pizza and Veal Cutlet hero tonight.  Don't know which I'll have for dinner tonight and which for lunch tomorrow though!  AMAZING.  I could half half the hero and one slice each time.  THAT SOUNDS CRAZY ENOUGH IT JUST MIGHT WORK.  Then again that sounds like the meals are too big.  Two slices isn't too big a meal.  One hero isn't too big a meal.  One slice with half a hero?  TOO BIG A MEAL.  I don't make the rules I just observe them as they occur to me through the natural course of things.
What else is up.  Gonna have a short break after Act II before next walk.  Watch some METS game presumably.  It starts right around the time that break will be occurring!  Amazing!  AMAZING IS THE WORD THEY USE FOR THE METS.  NOT SURE WHY.  KIND OF ALLITERATION IF YOU LOOK AT THE, "M," IN THE WORD, "AMAZING," AND THAT STARTS THE WORD, "METS."  Also LOOK IT'S BASEBALL. How amazing can it be.  Pretty amazing otherwise this is MASS DELUSION.  MILLIONS OF PEOPLE FOUND THE METS AMAZING AT CERTAIN PERIODS IN HISTORY.  They can't ALL be crazy.  THE METS MUST HAVE BEEN 'MAZIN.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Open Faced Hero is HEARTIER than 2 slices of pizza I feel.  Even if it is open faced.  DINNER SHOULD BE HEARTIER THAN LUNCH.  Hero is better for dinner and pizza better for lunch IN THEORY.  IN THEORY.  The main determinent though will just be which do I feel like TASTING MORE once dinner comes along.  That's gonna be the determinent.  Determinent isn't a word.  Maybe it is.  I guess it could be.  IN FACT it probably is and I just wasn't spelling it right.  GOOD.
Yeah!  Turkey Meatloaf for lunch!  THAT'S HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW AND SUCH.  Maybe make Eggs TOMORROW or something.  Still got 2nd half of Challey French'd Toast for breakfast tomorrow.  YEAH.  Did the French REALLY INVENT French Toast.  Let's LTURQ.  A french Toast is when you use Champagne.  Maybe that's where the phrase comes from.  WHICH PHRASE FRENCH TOAST OR CHAMPAGNE.  I DUNNO ONE OF THEM COMES FROM THE OTHER.  Either way Let's see WHO INVENTED FRENCH TOAST AND WHETHER IT'S A SCAM OR NOT.  OH IT DATES BACK TO ROMAN TIMES.  ANCIENT ROMAN TIMES.  Interesting.  Either way French People gotta be HAPPY with being associated with French Toast, right?  It's a POSITIVE thing.  People have GOOD FEELINGS about French Toast more often than not.  Maybe lots of people have never had Frenched Toast.  They stop off at Dennys and are like FRENCH TOAST I'VE ALWAYS SEEN THAT DELICACY ON THE MENU BUT I'VE NEVER GOTTEN IT BEFORE, WAS NEVER A SPECIAL ENOUGH OCCASION.  Gotta imagine if you've NEVER had or SEEN or KNOWN French Toast you MIGHT assume it's Fancy.  FRENCH IS FANCY.  So great there's that!
     Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime!  Hmm.  I guess the last act is mostly in the daytime on account of IT'S LIGHT WAY TOO LATE.  Is it too late to Cancel The DayLight Savings Time Act and IF ANYTHING REVERSE IT?  I feel like I'm not happy with it being this light all the time.  Oh well I'll get used to it.  I have no choice!  Either get use to it or PERISH.  Huh?  Hmm.  WHO IS THE DENNY IN QUESTION IN DENNIES.  There's not just one it's PLURAL.  DENNIES.  MULTIPLE DENNIES.  Lots of things wrong with that line of thought.  Best way to move on from it is just A CLEAN BREAK.  Move onto the next subject as if the Thing Never Happened.  Anyway what else is up.  I dunno.  Gettin' relatively close to lunch time.  If I'm gonna have a snack between breakfast and lunch times NOW WOULD BE THE TIME.  Well I'll re-calibrate whether I wanna snack after the act is over.  I'll let you know LATER ON how it all, "SHOOK," out.  Which I believe is a TREE reference.  You shake a tree so that the fruit hanging up above falls out so you can eat the apples.  Oh Okay gotcha.
Last paragraph of the DayTime!  Wonderful.  Gotta imagine I wrote several things worth reading through the natural course of things.  Good deal!  Hmm.  What else is up.  When I get up later and have to do real CrunchTime walks it INEVITABLY leads to a SLIGHTLY LATER LUNCH.  We're talkin' 3:35, 3:50 PM instead of 3:15, 3:30 PM!  GENERALLY MORE OR LESS THE SAME THING BUT NOT QUITE EXACTLY.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I'd eat some Dennies.  I feel like I've had Dennies multiple times.  Probably TWO TO FIVE TIMES LET'S SAY.  IHOP a bunch more.  IHOP we went to legit pretty regularly as a child.  DENNIES I ONLY WENT TO COLLEGE AGED.  Man oh man would I eat some Diners.  Well not the diners themselves.  I'd eat the food CONTAINED within the diners.  That sort of thing.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE LOTS OF MEALS IS A VARIETY OF THINGS.  I like variety it's the spice of life we all know this.  Anyway HEY I'll be back in a little bit.  A relatively lot bit!  Like 6.5 hours!  MY TIME NOT YOURS.  See ya Then!  In YOUR TIME not mine.  Hmm.  See Ya then!




this is just a title

    HEY.  I was just making lots of good progress watching Back III The Future AS IT OUGHT TO HAVE BEEN STYLIZED.  I could either LEAVE THE DVD ON (but on pause) but hear the XBOX HUMMING IN THE BACKGROUND or I could turn it off SO NO DISTURBING HUM but then I'd need to TURN IT BACK ON LATER TO FINISH WATCHING IT.  This is a tough one.  I WAS just gonna leave it on BUT YA KNOW WHAT?  I'm turning that sucker off.  I DON'T NEED THAT DISTURBING HUM IN THE BACKGROUND.  FOREGROUND MAYBE.  Either FOREGROUND or NOTHING.  Midground.  Gotta be some sort of ground betwixt Back & For.  BACK to the FOR...ture.  What's going on again?  Oh.  Mixed Hero and Pizza TOGETHER.  Have 1 slice and half the hero each meal!  Next meal is TOMORROW NIGHT not tomorrow lunch.  DAD GOT ENOUGH FOR TOMORROW NIGHT.  SO I finish this tomorrow night MAYBE GET DELIVERY TOMORROW LUNCH.  AMAZING WHAT ELSE IS GOOD NEWS.  Gonna start drinking in like a sentence or two.  Oh that IS good news.
    Finished Back II The Tales From The Crypt again!  Wonder when I start it over again.  TOMORROW??  ...SOME OTHER TIME TOMORROW THAN I WAS ORIGINALLY IMAGINING?  Hmm.  Got LITERALLY hardly more than 33% of the amount of Veal Cutlet in the hero than I did last time.  MAYBE 40% THAT'S IT.  I'll survive BUT I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT.  What, I'd rather Not survive?  YEAH.  IF SURVIVING INVOLVED THIS FEW BREADED CUTLET THEN MAYBE I'M JUST NOT CUT OUT FOR A FUTURE OF SURVIVING.  Hmm.  Gonna be taking out garbage in FOURTY Minutes.  I'll do that, sure, no problem.  Usually I'm lookin' at Garbage as NET NEGATIVE impact on my life.  Tonight?  KINDA DIG IT.  I'd like to go outside JUST ONE MORE TIME today.  Not sure why.  I FEEL LIKE I HAVE UNFINISHED BUSINESS WITH THE OUTSIDE or something.  Hmm.  The theme of Tuesday January Hearing is One Of The Witnesses is Georgia Man.  Guy who Trump told to find him the exact number of votes he was behind Biden by.  THAT'S SOMETHING YOU SAY WHEN YOU REALLY THINK YOU WON.
Amazing.  Probably gonna take Recess after 5th paragraph.  Maybe just return from Recess After Garbage.  Recess After Garbage is my new band name.  GOOD IT'S ABOUT TIME I have a new band name.  Also it reminds me of how I was UNABLE to pronounce the Reese's in Reese's Pieces a week or two ago when we got it by accident from SUPER Market Delivery.  I know how to pronounce it.  But my mouth JUST COULDN'T DO IT.  Kept saying Rheee Seee's.  LIKE HALF A DOZEN TIMES.  DUMB MOUTH.  Dumb mouth got a mind of its own!  What else is up.  Try to wake up earlier tomorrow.  I'm SICK of CrunchTime Walkings for the entire day.  TOO MUCH STRESS.  Also if I'm getting delivery for lunch tomorrow then PROBABLY IT's CHINESE FOOD and PROBABLY wanna order it early enough I can DEFINITELY get Lunch Special.  AN EXTRA 15-30 MINUTES IN THE EARLY DIRECTION GIVES ME CUSHION TO DO SO.  Hmm.  Lemme think about that.  What's the best Chinese Food to get.  I dunno how about LO MEIN SMART GUY.
Okay maybe.  Had Health Spaghetti with Turkey Meatloaf today.  That was kind of like lo mein!  IT WAS FINE.  No problem there!  Good!  What else is up.  Probably should be able to finish Back IIV The Future tonight.  That's good.  I assume they're in the process of making and releasing a Back IV The Future that I can watch tomorrow.  And BOY OH BOY I HOPE they're VERY PROGRESSED through Back V The Future at this point such that it'll be ready for me to watch by Tuesday.  Anyway.  Tomorrow is a Federeal Holiday.  Because of Juneteenth?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  I feel like we're HOPEFULLY still in the HONEYMOON PERIOD with Juneteenth as a Federal Holiday where it's new enough that hey we actually DO KINDA CELEBRATE IT EACH YEAR.  At some point the Novelty of Holidays wear off, sure.  But at first FOR A WHILE HEY WHAT'S THIS HOLIDAY ALL ABOUT HMM.  So that's good.  Probably.  It's better than having a Federal Holiday that was explicitly ANTI-Juneteenth!  MUCH better by FAR.
Amazing.  One more paragraph!  Then Relatively Quick Recess!  Hmm.  SPOILER ALERT I just realized I never turned off my X-Box.  DVD still going.  XBOX STILL HUMMING.  I think I decided to turn it off but never got around to it!  So at this point DEFINITELY LEANING IT ON as I'll be watching it during Upcoming Recess in MERE MINUTES.  Hmm great I guess it all worked out in the end then.  YEAH.  What else is up.  After Recess I start back with more paragraphs, I start beer #2, AND I have Tootsie Roll Enclosed In Lollipop.  Wonderful.  Have they considered having a Pop where it's Tootsie Roll Chewing on the outside and then candy lollipop sucking on the inside?  Because GOOD LUCK FIGURING OUT THE LOGISTICS OF THAT.  LEMME KNOW IF YOU DO THOUGH CAUSE I'M ON BOARD.  It'd be FUN to EAT IT that way.  Get some chewing in FIRST.  Anyway.  I said this might be done in "MERE MINUTES," but I could easily have said "MERE SECONDS," because that's what it turned out to be.  Also MERE MEANS HORSE.  Deal with it that's life.  Okay I'll be back in about 25 minutes! 

    HEY!  Chocolate Quest Bar NOW instead of Tootsie Rollpop.  TURNED OFF Xbox DVD Player instead of let it IDLE.  I can't have Recess After Garbage be my band name, "GARBAGE," IS ALREADY A POPULAR BAND.  Possible RECESS is part of a Popular Band Name, too.  Either way let's write some paragraphs and see where that gets me.  Probably relatively far!  Further than you'd think at least.  Let's say about a 67% chance I watch the first Tales Crypt episode tonight after I finish Back Future movie.  HEY I CAN DIG IT.  This time around REALLY PAY ATTENTION.  Get EVERYTHING I'm SUPPOSED to be getting out of this series this time around.  REALLY FO IT RIGHT.  Anyway what else is up.  Top of Recycle Bin Can was LAYING ON THE GROUND next to bin.  And it had accumulated WATER.  Musta been raining at some point.  Interesting, very interesting.
Okay.  Kinda seems odd that we're celebrating Juneteenth AFTER ALL THE TEENTH DAYS.  Thirteenth through Nineteenth would be my instinct of when to celebrate it.  June 20th seems like we kinda missed our shot!  SHOWS HOW MUCH I KNOW.  I guess.  I dunno.  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH of the Act essentially.  BEST PARAGRAPH #!  Good deal!  Man oh man am I gonna watch that episode of Tales Crypt real well.  It's gonna make William Sadler proud.  He would nod approvingly at me or something based on how much appreciation I'm giving the Television Show.  The point is DO I HAVE TOOTSIE ROLLPOP NOW AFTER ENTRY?  I was gonna have quest bar then.  I DUNNO WE'LL SEE HOW IT ALL, "SHAKES," OUT.  Good deal!  Anyway maybe one day I will be a Father.  I SHOULD START CONGRATULATING MYSELF TODAY IN ANTICIPATION.  Sounds fair.  What else is up.  WAY TO HAVE A FAMOUS DAY CORRESPOND TO THE THING I MIGHT BE.  That's good. 
     Yeah!  Can't wait to be done with this Back Future Franchise Viewing.  WHAT DID I GET OUT OF IT.  Hmm.  I'll tell you what I DIDN'T get out of it--- MIchael J Fox.  Kinda feels like an afterthought this time around.  Feels like a supporting character in the films for some reason!  Well he is the PLURALITY character but on the other hand BY FAR if you're Considering A Character IT'LL PROBABLY BE SOME OTHER JERK IN THE FILM.  A VERY CLEAR MAJORITY OF THIS FRANCHISE IS NOT MARTY MCFLYCENTRIC.  That's how I've been watching lately at least.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Too bad I don't have Cinnamon Toast Crunk Bars.  I could see myself enjoying those!  WELL THAT'S LIFE.  Not having Cereal Bars that you'd enjoy.  If I had to describe life as Anything it'd be That One Thing I Just Said.  Not sure why.  Probably because I'm an idiot.  That's my first instinct on how to Explain Things.  So that's good.  FORGOT about the Fruit Chew Gummy Bear Things for a few days.  JUST REMEMBERED THEM THIS EVENING.  Maybe I have THAT tonight how about that.  MAYBE!
     Penultimate paragraph of the Entire DAY.  WOW!  Is it possible I can find the closest Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar to me and go RETRIEVE that.  Gotta imagine SOMEONE in let's say a .75 Mile Radius HAS CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH BARS and they're UNPROTECTED SOMEHOW.  Look that's probably a hundred or two households in that radius maybe.  Gotta imagine the odds are one out of 100-200 households has Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  I dunno.  Maybe!  I DON'T KNOW GOD DAMNIT.  Either way I don't know if that's a good estimation of how many households there are in that radius.  I don't know what the odds are one of those households has the breakfast cereal bar.  I DUNNO HOW I'D SNEAK IN UNDETECTED AND THEN SNEACK OUT ALSO UNDETECTED.  Basically none of this pans out in real life.  But at least I'm TRYING to come up with SOLUTIONS You Jerks.  You know that sort of thing!  I guess I could sneak out DETECTED as long as they don't stop me.  Who cares if I've been detected at this point SEE YA LATER.
     Okay.  Today's entry was probably a solid 5 out of 10.  Well not really.  Let's say a HORRID 5 out of 10.  I agree with the premise that it was 5 out of 10 but NOT A SOLID ONE a WEAK ONE.  Oh well that's 5 out of 10s for youse.   Great!  The good news is I wonder if I'll get up early tomorrow and how much I'll enjoy getting up early.  I bet it'll suck at first but I'll feel good ABOUT myself AND WITH myself if I do get up on time.  IT'S GONNA BE WILD.  What else is up.  Just had several gobfulls of Cinnamon Toast Crunch CEREAL.  That's like having it in bar but in GOBFILLS instead.  What's a gobfull.  You know it's like a HANDFUL but I said GOB for some reason.  Seemed right in the moment.  SEEMS WRONG in retrospect.  Hopefully it wraps back around to seeming right at some point in the future!  We don't know for sure how it'll, "Shake," out!  Anyway that's about it for today.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-9:32 P.M.




Saturday, June 18, 2022

Yes I'm Here What Is It

    Hey!  Saturday morning.  About an hour and a half behind schedule.  If I really crunch things up I should be able to fit in seven walks.  Sounds like the way to go!  I BORDERED ON BANGE last night.  I had several snacks, overall 500 calorie EXTRA than I wanted!  All in one short period of time!  I feel like I JUST MADE IT UNDER BANGE TERRITORY with that.  Either way that mans I should Crunch things up today to make sure I Fit in seventh walk.  The point is life is STRESSFUL.  Gotta eat stuff sometimes to manifest stress.  Otherwise stress is just theoretical!  And what good is theoretical stress to anybody anywhere.  Stress is good for you.  Without stress you wouldn't know there's things to be stressed about that you need to worry about.  Anyway breakfast today was 2.5 Black &/v Whites.  Nothin' wrong there.  Already had a Keto Bar right after that.  STRESS.  The point is I DUNNO WHAT I'm DOING FOR MEALS TODAY.
     Wearin' a dirty shirt today.  I dunno about DIRTY.  Not clean'd, that's fine to say.  It's not covered in mud or anything though.  What else is going on and crap.  MET GAME AT 4:10 PM!!!  I feel like that'd be a good time to enjoy some baseball.  I wonder who the STARTING PICHER IS for the Mets.  My guess is CHRIS BASSITT let's see.  NOPE TAIJUAN WALKER.  DANGIT GUESS I HAVE TO CEREMONIALLY RITUALLY COMMIT SUICIDE MYSELF TO PRESERVE HONOR.  What's the word for that in Japan.  It's not SUDOKU but it's CLOSE to Sudoku.  SEPPUKO.  Anyway.  That's a good way to plan for my death.  I dunno WHEN or WHY.  But unless something unexpected happens, I can PLAN on ultimately dying by Seppuko.  Sounds honorable, that's good.  Hmm, "Suicide by disembowelment."  Doesn't sound like the most pleasant way to Suicide Yourself.  Let's LTURQ.  OH IT'S THROUGH THE ABDOMEN.  If you're gonna disembowel yourself going through hthe abdomen is the way to go!
     Sure.  How's Dr. Kevorkian doing.  IS he still around.  NOPE HE'S DEAD.  Good I hope he's happy.  Probably is.  Or WAS at least.  Now he's dead.  Can't be happy that much without being alive!  NATIONAL Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Martini Day and National Craft Spirits Week.  FIRST AND FOREMOST what exactly is a Martini and then SECOND AND POSSIBLE EVEN MORE FOREMOST is What does Craft Sprits mean exactly and then THIRD LET'S L THOSE URQ FOR REAL.  Oh.  THAT"S a martini.  You probably know I'm not gonna bother typing it out.  Also Oh.  THAT"S Craft Spirits.  Spirits produced Craftily.  I get it.  Anyway I finished me some Back To The Future II last night.  Figure I'll probably watch some of The Third at points throughout The Today.  Makes sense logically.  Also makes sense unlogically.  Just plain makes sense period!  Hmm.  Wonder what I'll have for lunch.  I could go in several different directions with it!  Like face NORTH like I almost always have been lately.  Or face WEST like I did for the last meal I had: Last Night Dinner.
Can I face East or South?  SURE I GUESS.  If I'm facing East I'd set up meal WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW where Computer is facing.  If I face South I'd be SITTING ON THE FLOOR FACING TV WHILE EATING.  I can do them SURE IT'S BEEN DONE BEFORE.  The point is I forget but I'll probably remember it at some point IF THERE IS A POINT AT ALL.  Tomorrow is Father's Day!  Figure out what your father would enjoy to make him feel loved!  Gotta imagine every other day o the year your father feels unappreciated so this is your ONE CHANCE to make it count.  GOOD LUCK AND GOD BLESS.  What do you do if you have a nonbinary parent.  I guess you can't celebrate them.  Oh well that's life I guess.  Can you identify as a man but also identify as a mother.  I dunno.  Seems like you can do whatever you want it's a free country.  The point is it's been a while since I learnt a Snapple Patriotism Fact.  Hmm.  Probably something about frogs.  Off the top of my head the basic general Snapple fact is something like Frogs can hear things 300 feet away.  Sounds about right.
     Fifth paragraph!  Gettin' some coffee after this one.  Probably WON'T have this for lunch but I'm picturing maybe Meal Replacement Cookie.  Makes little sense on several levels!  But in my mind I'd enjoy that or somethin, I dunno!  MAYBE JUST HAVE SNACK BEFORE LUNCH THAT'S COOKIE-ESQUE.  And have real meal for lunch.  THAT SOUNDS GREAT WHAT A BRILLIANT.  Hmm.  How many episodes do I have left of Tales Crypt this time around.  My guess is SEVEN let's LTURQ.  NOPE EIGHT.  Guess it's time to commit Seppuko!  Only way to regain the honor I lost by Guessing Something Wrong.  GREAT HONOR HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  I dunno.  DINNER could be anything!  The good news is let's not even BORDER on BANGE eating again.  Life was stressful last night!  I Goofed Up and hate some Snacks!  Let's get back on the right track for today and Not Do That!  Great just great I'm gonna go get coffee now.
     Amazing.  I feel like the main deterrent of suicide is you might regret it later but also it's impossible that you'll regret it later.  Kind of a catch 22!  Interesting.  I dunno.  I hope KETO BAR is good for METABOLISM.  Not sure why.  I just feel like it should be.  That might be the premise they're operating under.  Hmm.  Looks like I got some VOTING to do in a week and a half.  Gonna vote for the best people.  Well the best people on the ballot.  WELL the best people on the ballot TO MY KNOWLEDGE.  WELL THE BEST PEOPLE ON THE BALLOT TO MY KNOWLEDGE THAT I FEEL LIKE VOTING FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE.  Hmm.  Gotta write just a couple more sentences before I get to THE ONE, THE ONLY, THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Amazing!  Life just got A WHOLE LOT better.  Anyway gotta stop snacking on Cinnamon Toast Crunch all day that's my takeaway.  When you go to EAT OUT for lunch or something in Britain do they call it TAKE AWAY.  I feel like they DEFINITELY DO.  YEP THEY DO.  GREAT I'M VERY HAPPY ABOUT IT.
     Yeah!  Watch some METS game in middle of day.  Watch some SIMPSONS maybe before and/or after as well as TALES CRYPT.  Today is gonna be okay I feel.  Not too much stress.  NEWS induces stress.  It's Saturday.  News takes a day off on Saturday!  THE NEWS NEVER SLEEPS.  Oh well there might not be news BY CHANCE today is the point.  ANYWAY I don't see myself cooking Egg Whites today but maybe tomorrow or Monday is in the cards.  I feel like that's possible.  Maybe I surprise myself and do it today!  Anything can happen!  Probably!  I don't know much about philosophy or physics or philo-physics but one thing I keep coming back to is that there's plenty of dimensions and anything can and WILL happen.  I thought it FIRST in my life, and then SUPER HERO MOVIES CAME AROUND ONLY TO CONFIRM IT.  That's what Marvel Universe is now, right?  Just lots of dimensions.  I haven't seen this PHASE of Marvel Movies yet where it's all about about multi-dimensions.  I KNOW GENERALLY they lean into that but I dunno HOW.  SOUNDS EXCITING.  I think I read THE SPIDERMEN movie is on Disney Plus VERY SOON.  I'll watch THE HELL OF OF THAT BULLSHIT.
Eighth paragraph of the act!  I dunno.  I know multi-dimensions can relate to STRING THEORY but if we're talking Spidermen maybe there's such a thing as WEB THEORY.  It's like STRINGS but WEBS.  Slightly different.  HEY I'M A GENIUS I JUST FIGURED OUT THE UNIVERSE.  ROYALTIES PLEASE.  Hmm.  Maybe they cover that in the film.  In which case I have to give THEM Royalties based on this paragraph.  DANGIT CAN YOU BREAK A TEN.  I guess the royalties is less than A TEN (Dollar bill?).  Good!  I can afford that at least.  What else is up and crap.  A few more days until next JANUARY HEARING.  Probably get up early enough that day so I can fit in 2nd Act BEFORE hearing instead of having to do it in the middle of the day.  SEE I'M PLANNING AHEAD GOOD FOR ME.  What else is up.  Dunno why I got the veggie hot dogs this past Super market order.  When I first put it in I was like OK THAT SOUNDS PRETTY GOOD.  But then I LOST ENTHUSIASM FOR IT but LEFT IT IN ANYWAY.  OH WELL.  It stays fresh longer than random sliced deli meat!  I'll gain enthusiasm for it at some point would be my guesstimation!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  HAM SANDWICH OR TURKEY MEATLOAF.  Top 2 options for lunch.  Let's talk about it!  TURKEY MEATLOAF RUNNIN' AHEAD OF THE PACK FOR NOW.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Does Marty McFly ever realize that He Invented Music.  Gotta imagine at some point it'll occur to him.  And from what I can tell, besides time traveling, he wants to be a musician!  Gotta imagine he'd take some pride in inventing music and it'll motivate him to do more music.  The point is being in a band is the PERFECT COVER STORY for Time Traveler.  Why does Time Traveler need a cover story.  Because it's a SECRET YOU IDIOT.  If everyone knows he's time traveling THEY'RE GONNA WANT IN ON THE ACTION.  The point is I forget.  All I know is that Michael J Fox can't pretend to play guitar anymore as an actor!  Parkinsons!  Prevents him from doing it right.  Oh well that's life I guess.  I feel like the last 2 or 3 days I've played guitar for a solid 5-10 minutes a night.  WOW I'm getting back into it boy howdy.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing!  Maybe Michael J Fox time travels and being in a movie about time traveling is the perect cover story for actually time traveling.  CRACKED THAT CODE.  Amazing.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Gotta write a few more sentences and then I get to move onto NEXT PHASE OF MY LIFE TIME.  AMAZING THAT SOUNDS WONDERFUL.  How warm is it.  Did I wear a sweatshirt jacket on first walk.  I don't remember.  70 DEGREES.  I don't think I wore a sweatshirt jacket.  Feel like it's 75/25% that I DID NOT wear a sweatshirt jacket.  YOU DON'T WEAR SWEATSHIRTJACKT, SWEATSHIRT JACKET WEARS YOU.  Hmm that's an interesting counter point!  The point is HMM I THINK I'LL FIT IN ALL SEVEN WALKS.  It'll be CRUNCHED FOR SURE.  HMM I THINK IF I COULD FANTASIZE ABOUT A CHOCOLATE BAR CRUNCH BAR WOULD BE THE TOP ONE I'D IMAGINE ENJOYING.  SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT.  What a terrible paragraph and/or Lifetime.  I'll be back soon!




Jeez How About That

    Hey it's been Soon and now I'm Back!  Timing of the rest of the phases of the day have CLICKED INTO PLACE.  Gonna fit in seven walks!  Amazing.  Gotta write 5 paragraphs now though.  Thems the breaks!  I wore NO SWEATSHIRT JACKET on last walk and I felt fine.  So that's good.  What do I got in store for these paragraphs.  Anything FUN or INTERESTING to say.  Well SURE.  Hmm.  Gonna have lunch later.  That's fun and interesting AS AN ACTIVITY.  FOR ME SPECIFICALLY.  Not as much fun to talk about or for you to read about.  Maybe it is.  Maybe you live vicariously through me speculating about possible lunches.  In which case HEY GOOD FOR ME I AM PROVIDING THE WORLD A SERVICE.  Which provides ME A SERVICE-- making me feel good about myself!  Also presumably I get some sort of COMPENSATION for contributing to society.  I NEED COMPENSATION TO SUPPORT MYSELF ONCE PARENTS ARE GONE.  So this is hopefully working out in my favor.  Wait a second, ALL THIS DEPENDS ON YOU LIVING VICARIOUSLY THROUGH ME SPECULATING ABOUT LUNCH.  THAT PROBABLY ISN'T THE CASE.  Oh well never mind then.
Okay.  What else is up.  Maybe take a shower after Act, maybe take a shower after walk after Act.  Depends on how long it takes me to finish Act!  So that's good.  MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE A SNACK AT SOME POINT SOON.  Jeez.  The good news is THE FRIDGE AND FREEZER TEMPERATURE ARE REASONABLE.  They were WAY TOO HIGH ALL DAY YESTERDAY.  Today back to normal.  LOOKS LIKE I WIN AGAIN.  I knew the fridge and freezer would CAVE and get back in line.  They don't have THE GUMPTION to CHALLENGE ME.  Hmm.  We're friends though.  Just a little tiff.  IN GENERAL I'm on good terms with fridge and freezer.  WE EACH SERVE EACH OTHER A PURPOSE.  I supply them with precious power so they're turned on.  Which is what appliances WANT.  Appliances WANT TO BE ON.  And THEY keep things Cool and/or COOLER for me.  WONDERFUL RECIPROCAL RELATIONSHIP.  My favorite part is the Freezer.  Fridge is good but man oh man is the freezer fun.
What's going on and crap.  I forget.  WHY would I have to Go Catch my refrigerator if it's running.  IT'S APPARENTLY SENTIENT SO LET IT DO WHAT IT WANTS.  Who am I to lock up a Refrigerator if it wants to be free.  That's TANTAMOUNT TO SLAVERY.  Or Emprisonment.  OR BOTH.  Either way THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN ABOUT WHETHER MY FRIDGE IS TRYING TO ESCAPE TAKE CARE NOW.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Might have a Multi-Day DoorDash Delivery in store for this week based on how many Meals I got from Super Market order.  ESPECIALLY if I decide to FOREGO PLANT BASED HOT DOGS FOR NOW.  WOW that could be a CHINESE FOOD'R.  That's the most delicious option.  Most COST EFFECTIVE option.  And if I play my cards right it can be VAGUELY NOT UNHEALTHY option.  Or play my cards wrong.  Playing them right but mean getting the More Unhealthy Option!  It's better overall FOR THE CARD GAME because of taste and pleasure and perhaps fulfillment!
    So basically that's something to think about.  Fourth paragraph!  Seventh paragraph out of 10 is the best paragraph for 10.  Fourth paragraph is best for 5 paragraph acts.  Sounds about right.  No one's debating that.  WE HAVEN'T HAD THE CHANCE YET I JUST INTRODUCED THE PREMISE.  Hmm.  I dunno I'll probably just take shower AFTER upcoming walk.  Sounds good to me!  Sounds real good.  WELL SOUNDS OKAY LET'S NOT OVERSELL IT.  Hmm.  WOW Met game time is already creeping up.  IT'S IN SOLIDLY LESS THAN THREE HOURS LETS TALK ABOUT IT.  Okay what else is there to say.  NOT MUCH.  Okay.  Leaning towards Turkey Meatloaf for lunch as of now.  LEANING TOWARDS HARDCORE.  HEY I gotta shave at some point presumably.  NOW would be a good time to shave.  So that means hmm if I shave within a month from now that's close enough to NOW for me.  4 weeks from now JUST STILL QUALIFIES AS NOW in terms of when I am appropriately shaving Or Something.  I dunno.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Maybe put on Tales Crypt to watch here & there before Met game starts.  Sounds about right.  Let's get some progress done in terms of Tales Crypt.  What else is up.  WHAT WOULD BE GOOD DINNER.  THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Don't want a DINNER.  Just had steak * seafood and before that recently had a chicken dinner.  Don't want pizza, chicken pot pie, bison burger, GriddleCentric, Fried Appetizer, bison burger... Maybe I can get some sort of breaded chicken sandwich.  Not sure I want that either!  GOTTA FIGURE OUT SOMETHING IS THE POINT.  Maybe delicious Chinese Food.  DINNER GOTTA BE COMMUNAL DINNER.  DAD DOESN'T LIKE CHINESE FOOD PLACES.  HE FEELS THEY'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.  HE LIKE CHINESE FOOD BUT NO CURRENT PLACES WE CAN GET.  THAT SORT OF THING.  HMM maybe some sort of STIR FRY from Diner.  HMM INDEED.  I'll keep you updated on this situation After It's Progressed.  SEE YA THEN. 




good i'm glad

    I JUST LIVED THE ENTIRE DAY.  I went from whatever bullcrap I wrote in the morning INTO EARLY AFTERNOON AND THEN LIVED A WHOOOOLE LOTTTA AFTERNOON.  So basically I'm doing a Good Thing.  I was alive For Another DayTime.  Good!  Had plant based hot dogs for lunch!  TERRIBLE.  Had Bison based burger for dinner.  PRETTY GREAT.  Threw out the rest of the plant based dogs!  My Dad astutely somehow determined how disappointed I was with them-- I DON'T KNOW HOW!-- and went out of his way to be like LOOK IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEM THAT MUCH YOU CAN THROW THEM OUT IT'S COOL.  Anyway.  Before I threw them out, I looked at the package once more and decided to see HOW THEY ADVISE COOKING THEM.  I had just put them in the oven for 40 minutes.  THEY OFFERED SEVERAL SOLUTIONS FOR MAKING IT COOK-ED, NONE OF THEM THAT.  So I feel that it's 90% Disgusting In General and 10% my fault because I cooked it wrong.  I'm going out of my way to give myself credit for not ruining it myself.  I SAY IT'S DISGUSTING IN GENERAL AND NOT MY FAULT.  PROVE ME WRONG!  YOU CAN'T.  I THREW THE REST OUT.  DISGUSTING.
     Hmm.  Frenched fries with both meals!  GREAT AND GREAT.  So that's good.  No pants on right now.  DELICIOUS.  What else is up.  Also got Challah French'd Toast.  Think I'll split that into 2 Breakfasts.  Breakfast2Breakfast.  That sort of thing.  Huh.  FOUR more episodes of Tales Crypt to watch this time around.  THEN BACK TO WILLIAM SADLER EPISODE SEASON1Episode1.  I call him BILL.  We're that close friends.  I feel like AT SOME POINT if you watch ENOUGH Television you achieve friendship with the television people.  I've seen Joe Pantenilalono episode of Tales Crypt enough times that WE'RE ACTUALLY FRIENDS NOW.  I'm not BRAGGING about it or anything.  I'm just callin' 'em like I see 'em!  The point is British Season of Tales Crypt knocked some Castings out of the park.  Practically every episode stars a SOON TO BE BRITISH STAR.  WE'RE TALKING STEVE COOGAN LEVEL STAR.  The point is Britain knew what they were working with in the mid 90's!  THEY'RE ON THE BALL.
Sure.  What else is up.  If the sun never sat on the British empire does that mean also the sun never RISES on the British Empire? ...I THINK SO.  Also sure the past tense of set is sat.  I just said it!  Why would I say it if it was An INaccuracy.  THAT'D BE PRETTY DUMB WOULDN"T IT.  So that's good.  Probably gonna have a RECESS after five paragraphs.  I like the sound o that.  SNACKIN WENT GOOD TODAY.  I SNACKED ABOUT WHAT I SET OUT TO SNAKE.  Hmm.  Also most of Snacks have yet to be consumed yet presumably.  But hopefully I ENJOY and GET ALL I SHOULD GET OUT OF upcoming Snake-ing.  WE'RE TALKIN A SOLID QUEST BAR IS PART OF IT FOR FUN AMAZING YEAH.  Huh.  Is Pakistan jealous of Bollywood.  I feel like Pakistan doesn't have their own self sustaining Film/Entertainment Industry and I can only imagine it's a source of National SHAME.  Or maybe they're like BOLLYWOOD IS SO FRIVOLOUS AND LIBERAL.  We're more RELIGION people than TV TYPE STUFF PEOPLE.  Good for Pakistan.  Also how does Pakistan feel about Saudi Arabia.  What the Hell am I even talking about.
Jeez.  Got some beer going on.  Gonna have beer #2 going on for After Recess.  GOOD DEAL.  Hmm.  Poured beer into GLASS tonight.  First time in a week or so.  ENJOY IT BETTER THIS WAY I THINK NOW.  YEAH.  AFTER RECESS REAL GOOD.  Hmm.  Also is the sun ALWAYS SETTING on the British Empire.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Do some Geometry Calculus or something.  I dunno.  I see Joe Biden might have FELL DOWN TODAY.  HILARIOUS.  Presumably he got back up at some point.  Or maybe he's still on the ground!  His business not mine!  What else is up.  Today is Saturday I believe.  THE SUN NEVER SETS ON SATURDAY.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Not 100% sure it's An Accuracy!  MAN Was that Veggie hot dog a Bust.  But it led me to having SOLID 7.75 out of 10 Bison Burger for dinner!  BAD HOT DOG NO GOOD, ME WANT GOOD HAMBURGER.  AND THEN IT HAPPENED JUST AS PROPHESIZED.  The good news is tomorrow night I'm probably gonna get WAIT FOR IT.... Wait for it.... PIZZA!  WHY WAS I WAITING FOR IT.  I FORGET.  LEMME THINK ABOUT IT.  I'll figure out what we were waiting for JUST GIMME A SECOND TO THINK
Yeah!  Last paragraph of Act III part I: A NEW HOPE.  Enjoyed some New Wilco album today.  For some reason it really kicked into gear This Time Around.  Either the 3rd or 4th time listening to it.  Made a HUGE leap forward in terms of Me Getting Something Out Of It as compared to the time before this time.  GREAT I LIKE MUSIC.  MAKES ME FEEL GOOD INSIDE.  NOT SURE WHERE INSIDE.  PROBABLY AROUND THE UPPER TORSO I WANNA SAY?  Hmm.  Just finished Beer #1.  Seems about right.  Good.  Presumably have TOOTSIE POOP with starting Act III Part II in a little bit.  DELICIOUS I SUCK ON THAT REAL GOOD.  So that's good.  Probably watch some Tales Crypt during RECESS BREAK.  AMAZING I LIKE THE PART WHERE I KNOW WHAT TO LISTEN TO AND WHERE TO LOOK PRESUMABLY.  I don't A CTUALLY look at the TV but I know IN THEORY THAT'S WHERE I SHOULD BE LOOKING.  And it's good to have DIRECTION even if I'm not gonna be following it.  STRUCTURE IS NICE TO HAVE even if you don't adhere to it.  KINDA FUN either way.  SO that's good.  I'll be back soon!

     HEY.  Took a QUICK recess and now I am back here sucking on Orange Flavored Candy Popo.  I think that's great!  Watching one of the seventeen Tales Crypt about conjoined twins.  TO BE FAIR I'M ALSO INCLUDING ONE EPISODE WHERE IT'S ONE PERSON WITH TWO FACES BUT DEFINITELY REALLY ONLY ONE PERSON.  Let's be FAIR.  Lot better than being POOR.  I dunno about LOT better.  NOTICEABLY BETTER.  I'd settle for Performing FAIRLY in things, all in all!  The good news is I haven't started beer #2 yet but I'll get to that very soon.  Don't worry about me!  Well, worry about me!  It's warranted in most cases!  But in this one specific situation DON'T BOTHER WITH YER WORRYIGN FER ME.  So that's good.  How's January Hearings coming along.  THREE DAYS OR SO away from next one.  TWO AND A HALF.  SOMETHING LIKE THAT.  TWO AND A HALF MEN.  Oh I get it.  One you could argue is half a man because of age/size, one because of lack of straightness/masculinity, and one for lack of maturity/childishness.  I never saw the show but I BELIEVE those are the three main characters IN MY HEART.
     SEVEN SEVEN SEVENTH PARAGRAPH.  Amazing.  I ate the tootsie pop!  Sucked on it for a while.  Not the LONGEST while but certainly not the shortest while either.  THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.  That's what she said about what.  I DUNNO BALL IS IN YOUR COURT TO FIGURE THAT OUT.  Hmm.  I've talked about Cracking The 2.5 Men Code before.  I'M A GENIUS I'LL BRAG ABOUT IT AGAIN TOO.  Anyway another day closer to smoking marijuana!   That'd be my guess at least.  REALLY CLOSING IN ON IT.  I think I'll enjoy it.  I REALLY DO IT'S TRUE IN MY HEART.  Hey I'm gonna go get that beer #2 see how that works out for me.  Then after this entry is presumably TribeCalledKwestBarTime.  WHY IS THE, "TIME," IN THE REST OF THAT WORD.  Hmm good question.  VERY good question.  Certainly deserves a better answer than I'm gonna give it!  The best questions are the ones with the best answers.  Questions and answers work in Pairs as TANDEMS.  Oh okay that makes a lot of sense I'm glad I typed out that nonsense.
  CHEERS TO YOU.  OH I get it it's called Cheers because they're each PARTIALLY MADE OF CHEER.  Oh Okay I GET IT.  Hmm.  Wanna get up ON TIME tomorrow.  No more CrunchTime for MidDay WaLks.  LET'S GIVE EVERY ACTIVITY OF THE DAY ROOM TO BREATHE.  That sort of thing.  Good deal.  I KNOW MAYBE I SHOULD WATCH CHEERS.  Anyway 2.5 Paragraphs to go.  LOOK A LITTLE MORE THAN THAT BUT GET OFF MY BACK FOR ROUNDING THINGS THE WAY I WANNA ROUND THINGS.  Wore not just Sweatshirt Jacket but HEAVY SweatShirt JackEt for FINAL EVENING WALK earlier.  Got windy!  You know what I do when it gets windy out.  WEAR HEAVIER JACKET.  Prove me wrong you can't it's impossible.  The evidence is stacked in my favor!  Hate to break it to ya!  Hmm.  What else is crappening.  Think I'll have More Or Less Standard Chocolate QUEST BAR in a little bit as opposed to SMORE FLAVOR.  THEMS THE TWO FLAVORS I HAVE
Penultimate paragraph of the night.  Good deal.  Maybe having delicious CHALLEY Freedom Toast for breakfast tomorrow will inspire me to get up AND STAY UP early.  Hmm.  Put that sucker in THE MICROWAVE.  AND THEN IF I COOK IT WRONG IT"S THE FRENCH TOAST'S FAULT AND I THROW THE REST OUT.  That's how I operate.  I don't admit I make mistakes c'mon get out of here with that bullshit.  I TAKE IT OUT ON THE REST OF REALITY if I make a mistake rather than admit the Mistake Making.  THAT'S WHAT REAL MEN DO.  I generally feel like Fathers and Mothers Days are counterproductive because it just reminds them how unappreciated and loved they are every other day of the year.  Oh right this is the one day the family half heartedly wishes me well.  Kinda just reminds me that I get NOTHIN almost all the rest of the time.  Maybe I'm just projecting my own feelings.  Either my own feelings of being unloved or appreciated or my own feelings of NOT LOVING or NOT Appreciating.  I forget which.  Either way IT'S A SCAM C'mon guys.
     Last paragraph of the night!  Solid 13 or 14 hours until I have to start writing another paragraph.  Good deal!  What else is up.  They should have Fathers' Day and Mothers' Day on the same day for CHAOS.  I dunno about that.  Why would I want Chaos.  That seems like a net negative for society.  And I'M PART OF Society.  I should want THE BEST for it seeing as how I'm personally invested in its well being and whatknot!  What else is up.  Added some Tootsie Rolls to Amazon Cart not to get immediately but to be prepared for NEXT time.  Getting TWO PARTS assorted flavors, ONE PART JUST CHOCOLATE flavored.  PRESUMABLY.  That's what it LOOKS LIKE FROM HERE at least.  So that's good.  I dunno.  The good news is I Forget.  HEY the good news is the entry is over!  I'll be back tomorrow probably with some better things to say.  That'd be my guess.  It's my HOPE.  It's my GuessHope.  HopeGuess.  Guehsho.  See ya later!

-9:15 P.M.




Friday, June 17, 2022

Today Is A Relatively New Day

    Hey!  Frdiday morning!  Didn't get up early enough to take walk or write Act I before Super Market delivery.  But Super Market delivery came relatively early so that AFTER ALL THAT I am now about 1.25 hours behind schedule!  Probably could fit in seven walks though it'll be CrunchTimed in a few hours for some of that time.  So that's good.  Looks like I got everything I wanted from Super Market delivery but some o the boxes were CrunchedUp or something.  FROZEN BOXES.  Ain't that always the way.  The important thing is IT COULD ALWAYS BE WORSE.  Usually.  I guess there's one set of scenarios or circumstances out there that IS THE ABSOLUTE WORST.  But the odds are very low that scenario or circumstance manifests itself!  And if it does man don't that beat all.  It's THE WORST but it's gotta make ya laugh how unfortunate we are so it's not THAT BAD.  MADE YA LAUGH!  Not so bad anymore!  Hmm.  Anywy wearing dirty shirt today but I should have some clean shirts by tomorrow.  YES!! CLEAN SHIRTS.  That will impress anybody smelling my torso up close and personal!
     Hmm.  About Oh I Don't Know 35% into Back II The Future II.  I like it!  This time around I'm in a good groove watching this franchise.  It's not the best time I've watched it, not the worst!  Gettin a little bit out of it!  Not too much!  But not nothin' either!  GREAT.  Anyway.  Is there a thing on Streamers where you can program your own, "TV CHANNEL," playlist type thing for other people to watch.  That's an idea that would be FUN.  You become a CURATOR.  AMAZING THAT'S FUN FOR EVERYONE.  Also give me royalties every time anyone even THINKS of this idea.  IN ACT give me royalties ANY TIME ANYTHING ANYWHERE EVER HAPPENS.  Best just play it safe and assume I Came Up With Everything First.  What else is up.  Got me some Turkey Meatloaf and Health Spaghetti for this week.  GOOD MEAL.  No one's debating that!  Haven't had the chance yet!  Just brought up the subject matter JUST NOW how could we debate something before the something was even introduced to the conversation!
    Hmm.  Did the makers of Back To The Future worry that they were giving people ideas.  And that because the movie glamorized it, they might wanna invent time travel themselves?  Which is DANGEROUS because it could destroy Space Time Continuum for ALL OF US?  I dunno.  These are ethical questions you gotta think about when you're making movies I guess!  What else is up.  New movie about ELVIS.  Not sure I was ever an Elvis fan.  Never owned a SINGLE Elvis MP3.  I can halfway appreciate Some Elvis, sure.  Kinda seems BENEATH ME I dunno.  Maybe the movie will prove me wrong.  Who plays Elvis.  Is it Rami Malek.  My guess is the odds are against that.  Let's see.  OH AUSTIN BUTLER.  Of COURSE THAT GUY.  I know him from things such as Hmm.  Let's see if ANYONE knows him before This Starring Role.  OH SURE HE WAS IN THINGS.  Not things on MY radar.  But things nonetheless!
   RADAR.  That sounds like a palindrome!  UNDERUTILIZED IN PALINDROME PHRASES I FEEL.  Can't think of a single PalindromePhrase that uses Radar.  OH well better late than never.  Elvis does Special Dance with legs or something.  That's my knowledge of Elvis.  Possibly learnt from Foresst Gump.  Not sure if the fictional film Forrest Gump is Canon in terms of American History or not.  PROBABLY not but who knows.  Maybe once we've outlawed all history textbooks for fear of CRT, in a couple of centuries we just think Forrest Gump was real and that's how we teach American History.  OH WELL WORSE THINGS CAN HAPPEN.  AND PROBABLY WILL HAPPEN.  If that's the kind of future we have it will definitely CORRESPOND with lots of worse things too.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Maybe Forrest Gump is real what do I know.  HE'S HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT.  Hmm.  FORREST GUMP REBOOT BUT WITH A WOMAN.  Who would be a good Woman Forrest Gump.  First thing that popped into my head ERRONEOUSLY was Elizabeth Banks.  That's NOT the direction I wanna go with this.  But it did pop into my head first so CONGRATS ON THAT.
     Hmm.  Whose a DUMB LOOKIN WOMAN.  That's not for me to say!  Also it's ACTING.  The woman could look smart IN GENERAL but when in character as Female Forrest Gump look dumb through the power of ACTION.  Anyway.  Tom Hanks teaches Elvis in Forrest Gump.  Tom Hanks coaches Elvis in Elvis.  Tom Hanks is all over Elvis it turns out!  What else is up.  Not sure what to do for lunch today.  Probably finish Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner.  Hmm.  Maybe have some sort of SANDWICH for lunch.  Either that or maybe Turkey Meatloaf.  I DUNNO I'LL UPDATE YOU ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES.  HEY National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Cherry Tart Day.  Not sure I like the sound of that.  What exactly is a TART.  Sounds like a way to insult someone by calling them a RETART which you mistakenly think is a word.  Either way some sort of pastry I feel.  Some sort of pie.  I guess!  Coffee time!
    INFLATION IN THE NEWS EH.  Without inflation what even is the point of balloons.  Just dumb pieces of plastic or something.  Is balloon made of plastic.  I know sometimes they can be made me lead.  As in the case of Zeppelins.  Either way DON'T LIKE IT.  WE NEED INFLATION SOMETIMES TO MAKE BALLOONS WORTHWHILE.  Gonna have a nice Normal Day schedule.  Entry Acts all in their right place.  Sure WalkCrunch in the middle of the day but I think I'll be able to deal with it fine and everything.  If there's no INFLATION or DEFLATION going on are we living through a period of FLATION.  My guess is YES and everyone is generally ON BOARD WITH FLATION.  Sounds about right.  Hmm what can I do for FATHER'S DAY.  Probably say HEY HAPPY FATHER'S DAY at one point in the day PROBABLY THE MORNING.  Off the top of my head that sounds like a fair compromise.  What am I trying to compromise.  Doing the least possible AND making my Dad feel like he had a Happy Father's Day.  OH OKAY THAT SOUNDS GOOD COMPROMISE THEN.  Hey next paragraph NUMBER SEVEN.
Cool!  What else is up.  New week of Musicwise.  They release new music on Friday Mornings these days!   I LIKE NEW MUSIC ONE OUT OF THIRTY SEVEN TIMES.  Good deal.  Mets game at 7:20 PM again!  Presumably fits into a standard BalancedEveningTime.  Of dinner No More Walks beer Met game and snack and Act III.  WOW THAT COVERS A LOT IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.  YEP THAT'S HOW I DO THINGS.  How sure am I that, "Radar," is a palindrome.  Hmm.  Looking it over once more again.  PRETTY sure.  I'm almost positive!  At the same time IF IT WAS I'D HAVE KNOWN ABOUT IT.  So I'm not 100% sure!  What else is up.  What'd be a good SandwichSide.  That's a tough one.  But a FUN one.  IT's tough to decide because LOTS of good options not NO good options.  I WIN whatever it ends up being PROBABLY.  Hey Great got some Health Bread nothin' wrong with that WONDERFUL.  Maybe use BBQ Sauce I bought a month or two ago.  IT'S HEALTHY BECAUSE IT'S SAUCE.
    Not sure about that.  Bbq sauce can go on Turkey or Ham sandwich.  Not 100% the MOST intuitive thing but at the same time people would be like hey that's reasonable I'm not gonna get upset about Michael doing that BBQ Sauce on these sandwich things thing.  Good.  Is there any Back To The Future Franchise Semi-Canon Content besides FILMS and UNIVERSAL STUDIO RIDE.  Gotta imagine there was a Christmas Special at some point.  Also I'd do a Canon ride at Universal Studios.  They shoot you out of a cannon!  And OF COURSE you land in a very soft pillowy (INFLATED BALLOON?) surface so NO ONE GETS HURT.  It's always been one of my dreams to be shot out of a cannon.  Not a GOOD dream.  Seems kind of stressful.  But I'd like to get it over with in real life once and for all all the same.  Wonderful.  EY IM BEIN A BALLISTIC HERE! is what New Yorkers say when getting shot of a cannon.  That sort of thing. 
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Good deal.  METS GAME AT 710 not 720.  THINGS JUST GOT TEN MINUTES MORE INTERESTING.  Something along those lines.  I feel like when the Mets invented their new stadium about a decade ago they should have done more weird unique stuff.  Yeah we've all been to your BORING OLD BASEBALL STADIUM time and time again.  Gotta be CRAZY STUFF you can do to mix things up.  Off the top of my head some sort of ARCADE.  That's not that crazy.  It's also not that thought out beyond the word and basic premise of ARCADE.  LASER TAG.  Something like that.  So basically I don't want to go to a Mets Game I want to play Laser Tag.  YES THAT'S THE POINT I'm trying to make I guess.  Okay then.  What else is up.  Hey I only gotta write one more paragraph after this one for Act I!  Then move on to NEXT PHASE OF LIFE.  Walk II.  Walk I of Walking That Circle.  I WALK 2 CIRCLES IN THE DAY.  4 times PARK CIRCLE 3 times CITY CIRCLE.  CITY CIRCLE TIME coming up.  Sounds amazing let's do that.
  What else is up.  I dunno.  Listen to some ROCK music on my walk.  I enjoy ROCK N ROLL.  You know ELVIS THAT KIND OF THING.  Let's see if Elvis is available for MY viewing pleasure.  NOPE ONLY IN THE THEATERS.  Random website SPECULATED it might be on HBOMAX in August.  THAT'S VERY CLOSE.  There's literally only one month that isn't Now and Isn't August that's coming up.  I CALL IT JULY.  I didn't COME UP with calling it July.  I've heard it done before.  Either way that's definitely the best way to refer to this month I feel.  Hmm.  This is the same kinda movie as Moulin Rouge!  Made by that kind of guy who is the same guy exactly.  I like MOULIN ROUGE.  Or I DID.  Not sure I've seen the entire movie more than once but I THOUGHT I was into the movie for some reason.  Who can remember why we feel about things the way we do.  HALF OF IT might have been provocative music video For and/or IN the movie.  The other half is FOR SOME REASON THIS STRIKES MY FANCY SEEMS FUN OR SOMETHING I DUNNO.  Whatever. I'll be back soon!




And So It Goes

    HEY!  What's going on and crap.  Got coffee #2 going on.  Got my walks scheduled more or lese.  Some CrunchTime, sure, but I'll survive!  Probably.  I guess nothing is guaranteed.  But I'll almost definitely survive.  Anyway with modern technology they should combine RADAR and LASER TAG.  Somehow be able to see where you are on the grid as well as your allies and PERHAPS your enemies and perhaps not.  Either way instead of just running around blind because you have no sense of direction because YOU'RE TEN you can SEE WHERE YOU ARE AND EVERYTHING.  Actually USE STRATEGY.  That's why this is supposed to be fun.  But there's no strategy when you're just running around CAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE ANYTHING IS.  Either way ROYALTIES PLEASE.  Hmm.  Gonna have a nice break after Act II before Walk III because I'm waiting for dad to come back from his walk.  WOW I CAN READ TWITTER OR SOMETHING THAT'S AMAZING.
Hmm.  Leaning towards sandwich and fiber bar for lunch.  TURKEY?  HAM?  I dunno!  I WAS leaning towards ham but now I'm thinking about switching it up and leaning towards turkey.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  What if I combine turkey and ham.  What if I DON'T how about that.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Probably have a KETO BAR at some point between Now and Walk III.  Not now.  We can narrow it down as much.  Also now NOW.  Also not... now.  Look IT WILL NEVER BE NOW because if I'm here typing, "NOW," then I'm clearly not downstairs Getting and Retrieving and Ingesting Keto Bar!  So basically LOOK I'LL HAVE IT SOON OKAY GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway didn't have to just wait around for 2 hours after AN ACT I and before ACCEPTING SUPER MARKET ORDER.  That's the most Chore-iest part of the ordeal!  That was completely avoided today so that's pretty good!  LOOK I don't have any Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars since a few days ago and it sucks cause they're delicious BUT LIFE GOES ON!  So there's that.  I dunno.  What else.
Yeah!  I THINK I like having Quest Bar as Standard Late Afternoon Snack.  In some ways it's WRONG but I feel like overall it's RIGHT.  I can't say FOR SURE how or why.  Just a GUT FEELING I GET.  It makes the entire day SOMETHING DIFFERENT THAN WITHOUT IT.  I can't pinpoint every single cause and effect!  It's a GENERAL THING OKAY.  Either way SURE WONDERFUL.  I only have 10 or so of those left.  If I have one every day THAT'S ONLY A WEEK AND A HALF I KNOW MATH BECAUSE I KNOW WEEKS.  That may not comfortably get me to Re-Up unless I GO OUT OF THE WAY to tell parents I wanna RE-UP with Amazon SPECIFICALLY JUST FOR ME.  As opposed to waiting for them to ask me if I want anything when THEY'RE re-upping.  GOOD I LIKE THE PART WHERE MAYBE I RE-UP WITH BIRTHDAY BAR FLAVOR.  Delicious because It reminds me of birthday cake flavor.  In bar form!  Vaguely a decent texture too!  Also ON THE LOW END Of calories.  These are between 170-200 calories depending on the flavor PER MY EXPERIENCE.  BIRTHDAY BAR 170 LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  Well these days the night time is also the day time.  In terms of whether it's light outside or not.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  I guess.  Maybe take shower after the act and before the next walk.  Might as well get that out of the way.  I like getting stuff out of the way!  Means later on I have more time to do Nothing.  Which I think is the goal in life, right?  Accumulate Time that is for Doing Nothing.  Sounds about right to me.  LOOK when I re-up with QUEST BAR I GET 2 PACKS!  2 FLAVORS.  A Birthday Bar and a CHOCOLATE THEMED BAR.  Maybe one I'm familiar with MAYBE TRY A NEW ONE I DON'T NOW WHAT MY OPTIONS WILL BE EXACTLY IN A WEEK.  Gotta get it in a week.  It might take a couple of days to get here!  I can't wait until THEY'RE ALL GONE before I re-up..  IT'S CALLED PLANNING AHEAD AND IT'S WHAT MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND.  That and some sort of Gravity Scenario or something.  I don't have all the details!
    Hmm.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Only had one cup of coffee yesterday!  WOW THAT'S BIG NEWS.  Kinda late.  Not NEW news.  But if I reported it at the time it'd be legit Breaking News.  Then again I can't report it at the time because there'd still have been time to have a 2nd cup of the day AFTER that.  Oh okay sure.   Some UnfortunateNight Snacking last night.  But TONIGHT I REALLY got a good feeling I'm gonna stop doing that once and for all.  Whew that's a relief.  Moving on!  Is MightNight Snacking 90% of the time a Sleep Disorder or an Eating Disorder.  My guess?  Not sure if it qualifies as a disorder.  It's KINDA DISORDERLY but all in all not sure if it reaches Medical Disorder Level.  I dunno I THINK IT DOES NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  It happens every night.  Has been for months.  It negatively effects my life.  I don't have much conscious control over it.  SOUNDS DISORDERLY TO ME.  Oh well that's life.  Done here for now!  Be back soon! 




that sounds great let's do that

    HEY FRIENDS!  Another NightTime experience begun.  Having Health Ice Cream Bar as mid-stakes snack POST DINNER.  THAT'S ALL OVER WITH NOW.  I successfully Ate All Of IT.  Delicious.  Gonna take out some garbage in about 45 minutes or so.  LOOK is the best estimate really FIFTY MINUTES?  Sure.  I'd estimate it at 51 minutes.  So if we're doing estimated by 5's of minutes, 50 is the best.  But 45 is certainly reasonable!  Unless we're using 45 as short hand for the 45th president, who is Trump, who is UNREASONABLE.  Maybe Inreasonable.  I feel like he is the OPPOSITE OF REASON in some sense of the word, but not EXACTLY the sense that'd be the definition of UNreasonable.  I say Trump is IN maybe IMReasonable.  Sounds about right.  The point is I had delicious turkey sandwich for lunch.  With some, "TOASTED," Cheez its.  I HAVE TWO AT A TIME.  That's how I eat Cheez Its.  One is too few!  THREE IS TOO MUCH.  Then again three WOULD BE PERECT if I wanted to UNDULGE.  But I don't!  Well I do!  But I won't!
     What else is up.  Finished Back To The Future II again.  Man I've watched this movie plenty of times.  I KEEP WINNING.  You watch a movie THAT'S A WIN.  Not sure HOW or WHY.  But it's not a LOSS.  Maybe it is.  Either way I'm watching Films and either losing or winning the match.  I dunno for sure!  MAYBE WATCH MOULIN ROUGE NEXT.  I like the part where I forget it's possible I don't like any parts upon further introspection.  Hmm.  FACE'D WEST while eating Dinner.  I had built up QUITE A STREAK of facing North while eating meals.  Dozens and dozens of meals in a row facing North.  FELT LIKE MIXING IT UP AND IT WAS PRETTY GOOD.  I'm not ashamed to say it!  Why would I be ashamed to say it.  Because it's not clever or entertainment and reflects poorly on me because of The Lacking In Those Two Qualities.  Oh okay that's good reason for shame.  I feel like if Website is clever or entertaining that's a win.  If it's neither, that's a loss!  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE-- LOTS OF LOSING.  Someone's gotta lose for other people to win.  I'M DOING PUBLIC SERVICE JERKS YOU ARE WELCOME.
Yeah!  What else is up.  Will I take a short recess after 5 paragraphs in Act III?  I dunno!  Right now I don't think I HAVE to.  We'll see how it all, "SHAKES," out.  It's a PUN because Michael J Fox-- the actor in the FILM I just watched-- develops The Shaking Disease.  What's it called.  Parkingsons?  Lemme LTURQ.  Google MICHAEL J FOX SHAKING DISEASE.  YEP PARKINSONS.  Anyway.  As I typed In Michael J Fox into google, before even finishing his name the 3rd from the top Fill-In-Search-Recommendation was Michael J Fox Disease.  WHAT A SHAME that it's overshadowed his illustrated career.  Also don't over-shadow when you're going Graphic Arts.  LOOKS AMATEURISH.  Just like SHAKING ALL THE TIME when you should be ACTING.  He's on the set of DOC HOLLYWOOD and he's shaking in all the scenes and everyone else is like I THOUGHT THIS GUY WAS BIG TIME DOC HOLLYWOOD ACTOR, KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING, BUT HE KEEPS SHAKING.  NOT IMPRESSED.  Not UNPRESSED.
     That sort of thing or something.  What else is up.  I think, proportionally to how well its known and appreciated to most of society, one of my Personal Favorite Movies on That Sort of Graded Scale is THE FRIGHTENERS.  Off the top of my head THE FRIGHTENERS and JURASSIC PARK II are in the top 10 of THAT SORT OF WEIGHTED SCALE OR SOMETHING.  Hmm.  Actually forget Jurassic Park II.  LET'S FOCUS ON THE FRIGHTENERS.  I have nothing else to say about it.  Oh well.  That's life!  You have nothing to say about things!  THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE WORST UNIVERSE POSSIBLE.  What, the universe where I Have Nothing To Say About Things?  YEAH THAT THING I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  IF I SAY NOTHING ABOUT THINGS WHO WILL.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I think it's possible that people just don't know about The Frighteners.  I feel like if people knew about it they'd love it.  They're just IGNORANT it's not THEIR fault.
     Oh well such is life.  Probably.  I don't have all the details in front of me.  Sure I'll take a quick recess after this paragraph.  I like doing things.  The main alternative to Doing Things is Doing OTHER Things.  I kinda like Doing Other things, too!  Sounds like more work though.  It's easy to Do Things because ALL YA GOTTA DO IS DO WHATEVER HAPPENS.  Doing OTHER Things, now you gotta FIGURE OUT whatever the other thing is that you're doing is!  Too much work!  Just lemme do things and if Other Things Should Be Done then they'll occur naturally spontaneously as The Thing I'm Doing In General At First.  Something like that.  Makes sense to me.  More or less.  What else is up.  Black and White breakfast is very likely for tomorrow.  There's no good alterna... OH WAIT WHAT ABOUT FROZEN BREAKFAST SANDWICH OR BURRITO.  That's a GREAT ALTERNATIVE.  Wait a second ALTERNATIVE?  That sounds a lot like "Doing OTHER Things."  Which I've already come out against!  I DO THINGS-- like eating Black and White Breakfast.  SORRY, "OTHER THING," YA SNOOZE YA LOOSE.
     Sixth paragraph of the act!
  Without any sort of break.  Good!  Let's see how much I can get done with and how quick.  I hope ALL of it.  And REAL quick.  That's the mindset I'm operating in.  Kinda feel like that's how surgeons operate, too.  I WANNA CUT OUT ALL OF THIS AND DO IT AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE.  If your heart surgery isn't done in 30 minutes YOU GET IT FOR FREE.  Also by accepting a Failed Surgery for Free YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO SUE US FOR 10 MILLION DOLLARS.  Already settled for just Not Paying Anything, that's in lieu of any settlement you can get.  The point is I don't want heart surgery.  No thanks!  Seems kinda risky.  What if I really needed it.  I don't think I WOULD really need it!  Why would I put myself in that situation!  Doesn't make sense!  Hmm.  Think I'd rather have Animal Heart than Robot Heart.  Which one is better BY THE NUMBERS.  I dunno.  AND I DON'T CARE.  I want a cow heart not a cyborg heart CASE CLOSED.
     SEVENTH PARAGRAPH of the act.   MOST AMAZING PARAGRAPH OF ANY 10 PARAGRAPH ACT THAT'S FOR SURE.  I feel like if I need a robot heart might as well just go with an entire new body.  Just remove my brain and put it in Cyborg Body.  WHY THAT WOULD BE MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE.  Cyborg Bodies don't just GROW ON TREES.  Maybe they do.  NOT ANY TREES I'VE HEARD OF.  Well maybe the tree hasn't been invented yet.  WHY SPECULATE ON TREES THAT HAVEN'T BEEN INVENTED YET IT'S FRUITLESS.  Fruit grows on trees.  FRUIT AIN'T NO ROBOT BODY THOUGH.  Hmm.  Not quite sure whether I'll have Delicious Quest Bar soon or delicious Indulgent but NOT QUITE AS undulgant Fiber Bar instead.  I CAN SEE IT GOING EITHER WAY AND BEING HAPPY WITH IT EITHER WAY.  I can also see being UNHAPPY with it either way.  VERY EASILY.  I'm unhappy about a lot of Eating Stuff lately.  No Banging which is good, but also not making progress in the other direction.  THE GOOD NEWS IS THIS HAS BEEN THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH, BROUGHT TO YOU BY... Me.  THE GUY WHOSE ME!  YEA!
Wonderful.  What else is up and crap.  What do I watch for rest of the night.  Maybe some ACTIVE Tales Crypt watching.  Up to the last season.  Maybe don't just put it on and tune out.  Put it on and TUNE IN.  REALLY ENJOY SOME BRITISH TALES CRYPT EPISODES.  Anyway I'm gonna go get my 2nd beer.  YOU KNOW WHAT YOU IDIOTS I'm gonna have semi indulgant Fiber bar when this entry is over.  TASTEWISE it's what I want.  FILLINGWISE it's what I want.  Also SUPPLYWISE I'm SAFE eating them.  I can get them from any Super Market delivery place I want.  THEY'RE UBIQUITOUS.  Meanwhile Quest Bar are sold NOWHERE but regular amazon which I don't get ALL THE TIME.  Ok so all that is great but the important thing is what else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Gonna be taking out garbage and stuff in ELEVEN MINUTES.  Probably a little bit sooner.  The premise is I take out garbage at 9 PM generally.  BUT IN REAL LIFE I always show up to do it SEVERAL MINUTES EARLY LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.
     Penultimate paragraph of the night!  Amazing.  Successfully didn't wear pants tonight even though I knew I was gonna go back outside later.  It was the right move and I think it's gonna be the standard from now on.  LOOK I'll leave my pants on for the rest of the day in-between Going Outsides.  Because the In-between-outsides are like 40 minutes long!  BUT THIS in-between-outside-- between last walk and then Final Garbage Taking Out-- that's like 1.5-2 hours!  THAT'S WORTH TAKING PANTS OFF AND THEN PUTTING THEM BACK ON ACTIVITY TO REMEMBER.  Lotta good no-wearing-pants time there.  So that's good!  What else is up.  Do I have The Frighteners on DVD.  You'd think I would, right.  Wouldn't You?  IF I WAS YOU I'D THINK I WOULD.  Even if I WASN'T YOU I'd think I would.  Then again who knows for sure.  The point is I'm gonna go take out the garbage EARLY now and then write ULTIMATE PARAGRAPH when I come back.  SEE YA IN A PERIOD OF THIRTIES OF SECONDS.
  Gotta write one more paragraph and then I'm GOLDEN.  Something along those lines.  HEY is Marijuana Recreational Dispensaries creeping up any closer in New York.  Let's see if there's any new INFO on that on the Unternet.  NOT SEEIN ANYTHING AS OF NOW.  Interesting.  I guess.  That's something I might ultimately be able to undulge in!  Possibly replace or compliment drinking.  Probably just replace!  OR MAYBE COMPLIMENT.  Yep that's what the sentence accomplished in the first place.  Saying replace or compliment.  YEP THEN I EMPHASIZED IT BY REPEATING IT.  Then I emphasized it SOME MORE by calling MORE attention to it.  AS I AM CONTINUING TO DO RIGHT NOW EVEN MORE.  What a wonderful paragraph!  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  I can IMAGINE myself enjoying weed REAL GOOD.  If you can dream it you can do it.  That's how I feel.  Well I can dream lots of stuff I can't do, But you get the point.  Whatever.  I'll be back tomorrow!  See ya then!

-9:11 P.M.




Thursday, June 16, 2022

Here's The Thing

    Hey!  Time to write some paragraphs.  Ideally ones that make sense.  Ones that are able to read without too much effort.  Those sound like sentence fragments to me.  Not getting off to a good start!  It's okay the Completions to the sentence are IMPLIED.  That's how I feel!  Anyway about an hour behind schedule.  Think I'll delay Act II into middle of the day so I can watch 1/6 Hearings LIVE.  And/or listen live ON WALKS.  So that's good.  This is history!  I wanna be on the right side of history!  WATCHING IT ON TV.  I feel like if you watch History on TV that's Being On The Right Side Of It.  Close enough.  I'm INCREASING AWARENESS OF HISTORY BY SEEING IT WITH MY VERY OWN SELF SAME EYES.  And increasing awareness of history is being on the right side of it!  I SPENT HALF MY TIME IN COLLEGE MAJORING TO BE A HISTORY TEACHER.  My presumptive job was literally just Increase Awareness Of History.  So that's good.
Hmm.  I feel like in Florida not only are you not allowed to teach Real History but you should be rewarded every time you GO OUT OF YOUR WAY NOT TO.  Teaching a lesson on civil war?  REALLY MAKE A POINT to be like well this was done over financial reasons and stuff.  Don't let anybody tell you otherwise.  Nothin else to it CASE CLOSED.  Seems about right.  Is it possible Epcot Center is the most educational part of Florida now?  My guess?  I think Epcot Center is like Vatican City, not really part of Florida, kind of its own thing.  Sounds good.  I'd live in Epcot Center.  If I had to live in countries, Epcot center is near the top of the list!  IT'S AN APPETIZER'S SAMPLER OF COUNTRIES plus probably lots of DIP N DOTS STATIONS.  Hmm.  Is there an AMERICATOWN in Epcot Center.  Or is that redundant.  Lemme LTURQ.  I can see it being redundant but at the same time I can see Americans being like hey we got culture and stuff we want people to celebrate specifically that isn't being celebrated innately outside Epcot Center in Regular America.  YEP THERE'S AMERICA.  WHATTA SNOOZE.
Hmm.  Kinda feel like they should built an Epcot Center II with more countries.  I'd be a proponent of that.  I LIKE NEW THINGS OR SOMETHING I DUNNO.  What else.  Small amount of MightNight snacking last night.  Balanced Breakfast this morning.  Finished off a portion of Egg Whites.  Amazing!  I got a carton of egg whites to make again whenever I feel like it.  Hmm.  Was too lazy to make a slice of bacon today.  You mean I gotta open up the box and take out a slice and put it on a plate and then MORE THINGS?  No thanks!  I'll survive without it.  ANYWAY.  Morocco is in Epcot Center.  Probably because they have a good soccer team.  I feel like that's Morocco's claim to fame.  This is based on a GAMEBOY SOCCER GAME I HAD.  There were eight teams in Soccer Game from 30 years ago (HAS IT BEEN THAT LONG?!) and Morocco was the best.  Gotta imagine that was based on Some Sort Of Real Life and not just random.  Lemme LTURQ.  THEY're #22 in the world as of RECENTLY.  That's not bad.  I can see that being a source of PRIDE.
     Hmm.  Is Morocco on Meddeterraininan Sea.  Is it that North Africa?  Let's see.  IT SURE IS IT'S THE ONE THAT ALMOST TOUCHES SPAIN.  Amazing.  ALMOST is in horse shoes and handgrenades.  Either it touches Spain or it doesn't!  Ok then I think HMM.  I think it doesn't!  But then again HMM.  Anyway NATIONAL Food of the tomorrow is... National Apple Strudel Day, National Eat Your Vegetables Day, and National Stewart's Root Beer Day.  STRUDEL SOUNDS LIKE PASTRY CHECK.  Vegetables FINE SOUNDS OKAY CHECK.  STEWARTS GOOD BRAND I GUESS CHECK.  What a great riff I just did on the National Food Days.  Let's see what a STRUDEL is.  OH RIGHT LIKE THE TOASTER STRUDELS.  I know what those are.  No problem imagining that now that I realize it.  Hmm.  Speaking of THINGS I guess I'm having chicken parm for lunch today.  Guess I'm having Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for dinner today!  Probably gonna go ahead and have delicious Quest bar BETWIXT those two meals!
     Hmm.  METS GAME at 7:10 PM.  Good.  I like the part where they do good pretty often.  Anyway.  Hopefully finish this Act early enough that I get back from walk after act JUST IN TIME to watch Hearing Live.  Possible I might be a couple minutes behind.  I WANNA WATCH IT COMMUNAL WITH FAMILY.  WATCH IT COMMUNAL LIVE.  Oh well we'll see how it all shakes out.  What else is up.  What's the attraction of Morocco in Epcot center.  Gotta imagine they have some sort of CUISINE.  I can imagine some interesting Morocco Cuisine.  Oh I know hollowed out soccer ball filled with savory filling.  Don't eat the soccer ball.  That part's not eligible.  IT'S JUST HOW IT'S SERVED.  But go ahead and eat the savory filling.  That stuff is good!  Anyway I feel like I'd like to write some more words pretty quickly and just get them out of the way and everything.  Hmm.  Fathers' Days coming up in a few days.  Hmm.  It's Father's day on the 19th AND Son Day.  It's Son Day 52 times a year!  INCLUDING FATHER'S DAY.  THAT SUMS UP FATHER-SON RELATIONSHIP FOR YA.  SON GETTIN SPOILED or somethin.
     Coffee!  Part II of Act!  Morocco!  Wonderful.  Figure I'll write 5 paragraphs maybe around lunch time.  I can see myself doing that as a mixemup.  OH I DID A LUNCHTIME ACT A FEW DAYS AGO.  When I had Dermatologist or something, right?  OH WAIT NO it was a week ago.  When there was January Sixth Hearing at night and I wrote nighttime at afternoon.  I SEE NOW I REMEMBER.  Oh okay great what else is up.  Should be able to fit in finishing Act I and next walk before JANUARY HEARING STARTS.  From now on I'm shorthanding it as, "JANUARY HEARING."  We know the sixth is the biggest day in the January in question.  WHY WASTE TIME WRITING IT OR SAYING IT OR READING IT.  JANUARY gets the job done easier no problem!  Anyway SEDITION EH.  What does that even mean.  When it comes down to it WORDS ARE JUST LETTERS AND SOUNDS.  Mean nothing.  CASE CLOSED.  Hmm.  I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT PREMISE IT WAS MADE IN JEST! IN JEST I TELL YOU.
     Seventh paragraph.  Hmm.  I'd say I got 35 minutes from now to finish Act I to comfortably be back from AfterwardsWalk at 1 PM.  4 paragraphs in 35 minutes IS EASY.  I GUESS.  LOTS OF THINGS ARE EASY THIS IS ONE OF THOSE THINGS.  Anyway how far did I make it into Back To The Future last night.  Oh I know HE JUST ASKED FOR A PEPSI FREE.  I stopped it RIGHT at that moment because I didn't wanna see the awkwardness and uncomfortablality where the guy is like YOU WANT A PEPSI FOR FREE!?!!  WHAT KINDA JERK ARE YOU YOU GOTTA PAY FOR THINGS.  Very stressful scene to watch!  Hmm there are things wrong with me if I really feel that way.  Oh well.  I kinda feel that way about 15%!  Great so 85% of me is Nothing Wrong.  Sounds good!  Hmm.  THURSDAY already.  This week is just flying by.  Not unlike things that fly.  Hmm.  Gotta finalize Super Market order for tomorrow.  AMAZING.  I think maybe TWO WEEKS from this one I can SKIP getting a thing of Beer.  AT that point I'd have enough Bonus Beer Accumulated to last me an entire week!  WOW WHAT A GREAT.
What else is up.  I dunno!  Three paragraphs over 30 minutes to go!  THIS JUST KEEPS GETTING EASIER AND EASIER.  SOMETHING LIKE THAT.  Anyway let's LURQ what the top Football World Football Teams are in 2022.  WOW TOP NATIONAL WOMAN'S SOCCER TEAM IS AMERICA.  Must because of Trans People.  Putting two and two together there.  That's kinda of what's IN THE NEWS these days in America.  USA MEN IS 15th ranked and Women is 1st.  YOU EXPLAIN THE DISCREPANCY WITHOUT INVOKING TRANS PEOPLE.   SEE You can't.  Anyway what else is up.  Gonna take a walk OR TWO while Hearing is going on and presumably listen to it live ON WALK.  So I will listen to ALL OF IT LIVE but miss a few minutes here and there WHILE ADJUSTING TO MECHANISM OF HEARING/WATCHING IT.  GOOD DEAL I LIKE THAT THAT'S FINE.  I'm doing GOOD at history because I'm not just WATCHING TV ABOUT IT LIKE A NORMAL AMERICAN but I'm LISTENING TO "RADIO," ABOUT IT IT TOO.  Might not be LITERAL radio but for all intents and purposes I'm listening to Radio for Big Time News!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  What else is up.  MOROCCO certainly holding its own in Football Competition.  Also IN AMERICA I feel like if I'm talking about Soccer IN AMERICA I say Soccer.  But if I'm talking about WORLDWIDE SOCCER I transition to saying Football.  NOT GREAT because there's no way of you knowing FOR SURE that's what I'm doing.  Except for Context.  WITH CONTEXT you probably could figure it out.  But STILL I'm taking a chance using the word Football to mean Soccer.  BUT I FEEL IT'S A POSITIVE THING I'M DOING.  What else is up.  When did Soccer become a Thing.  Pretty unique as being more or less the most popular sport ACROSS THE GLOBE.  Practically every country is on board with loving soccer.  I don't think soccer was around in the 1700's!  WHERE DID IT COME FROM and IS IT A CONSPIRACY SOMEHOW?  Lemme LTURQ.  FIRST WAVE OF POPULARITY IN THE 1920's.  OH IT'S like a post World War thing.  Hey we were the LOST GENERATION after World War I NOTHING MADE SENSE ANYMORE but HEY HERE COMES SOCCER TO SAVE THE DAY FOR EVERYONE.
Yaeh!  Last paragraph for now.  That's cool.  Plenty of time!  Amazing.  Lots of running in soccer.  That's my hot take!  SO MUCH RUNNING.  These guys are basically just running NONSTOP.  What other sport has that much running.  Track and field.  WISE GUY EH?  Nope.  The point is the rest of the day is all coming into place now that I know when this Act is ending and walk after this act is taking place.  EVERYTHING ELSE CLICKS INTO PLACE based on this.  Amazing!  I dunno.  Soccer is weird because you use your feet 100% of the time For RUNNING but then the rest of the sport is KICKING which is ALSO YOUR FEET.  I dunno if that's weird.  It sounds weird to me!  Maybe it seems perfectly normal to you I DUNNO WHAT YOUR KICK IS.  Deal is.  Not kick.  KICK is the wrong synonym word to use in this context because it's OTHER meaning is relevant to OTHER STUFF I was talking about like RUNNING and FEET.  HEY GREAT I'M GONNA GO NOW.  See ya later.




What's That All About

    Hey!  Doing Act II during AFTER lunch.  We're talkin' between walks 5 and 6!  It is exactly 4:46 PM RIGHT NOW EXACTLY.  Gonna have a delicious Beer #1 of 3 presumably!  Had a delicious Quest Bar #1 of 1 BUT WOULDN'T IT BE COOL TO HAVE MULTIPLE ONES?  I could eat like three of them and NOTHING TANGIBLY BAD WOULD HAPPEN TO ME.  I'm not gonna do that.  I haven't bange ate in at least 3 weeks I'd say.  PROBABLY 4 or 5.  I'm comfortable it being An Amount Of Weeks, though.  Not weeks and a halves or something.  Today is a Thursday Night?  I feel like I started this streak of Not Bange Eating ON A THURSDAY NIGHT.  It's been AN AMOUNT OF WEEKS.  3-6.  PROBABLY 4 IS THE MEAN MEDIAN AND MODE.  Except for maybe one or two of those.  I don't have all the details in front of me.  Anyway some more January Hearings today.  Some of it wasn't as entertaining as past entertainment moments.  HEY WAIT A SECOND I'M WATCHING TV isn't this supposed to be ENTERTAINING.  That's why it's called a TV.  "T," and, "V," are short for Entertainment Box.  T V.  Hmm.
The point is I watched and/or heard a solid 90% of it I feel.  Dunno if I'd do very good on the test administored afterwards.  EASTMAN BAD GUY.  BAD LAWYER GUY.  POSSB IMPLICATE TRUMP BAD GUY.  Also WITNESS NO ENTERTAINMENT GUY.  CALL INTO QUESTION ENTERTAINMENT VALUE OF ENTIRE PRODUCTION.  Anyway.  The good news is what else is going on for the rest of the day.  WHAT REST OF THE DAY IT'S ALREADY PRACTICALLY NIGHTTIME.  Then again it MAY NEVER be nighttime.  CLOCKWISE it's almost nighttime-- 5 PM.  But LIGHTWISE it will NEVER Be nighttime today possibly.  I may fall asleep by the time the Sun Has Set.  Which for me means Today is All Day.  Go figure!  Anyway what new stuff did I learn today.  Gotta make Mike Pence a hero for standing up to Trump I Guess.  That's my takeaway.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Then again there are more important things to take away from this hearing besides THE DIFFERENT LEVELS OF HEROIC the people around Trump were.  Like presumably ultimately holding SOME people accountable.  SOME OF THEM ARE ON THE HERO SPECTRUM AND SOME OF THEM ARE ON THE ACCOUNTABLE SPECTRUM.  GOOD LUCK TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHO.
Hmm.  I dunno.  I think the ultimate place we end up is Trump Becomes A Hero For Standing Up To Trump.  That's what it may boil down to eventually.  Anyway guess I'll watch some more Back To The Future today.  Already watched 10 or 15 minutes during Time Period I Was Eating Lunch.  That's pretty good.  I dunno.  HEY THEY STOOD UP TO TRUMP THAT TOOK BALLS.  WHO CARES ABOUT THE OTHER 100,000 TIMES THEY DIDN'T STAND UP TO TRUMP BEFORE THIS.  THOSE WERE PRACTICE ROUNDS.  DIDN'T COUNT.  THIS ONE TIME THEY DIDN'T GO ALONG WITH HIS CRAZY SCHEME MAKES THEM AMERICAN HEROES.  They're helping us Zero In On Trump!  WE NEED TO GIVE THEM PATS ON THE BACK OR ELSE WHAT WILL THEIR MOTIVE BE TO CONTINUE.  NONE THAT'S WHO.  Oh well PATS ON THE BACK FOR EVERYONE!!!  Hmm.  I dunno.  I feel comfortable with my Quest Bar Snack.  I had it earlier than I'd normally have an Aftermoon Midday snack.  I THINK IT'LL GET ME THRU TIL DINNER ALL THE SAME YOU IDIOTS.  Delicious.  I like the part where Pence was like I don't think I have the authority to pick the president myself and Trump was like WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF YOU DID THOUGH.  DIRECT QUOTE.  More or less.  YOU CAN'T DO A DIRECT QUOTE MORE OR LESS, YOU GOTTA GET IT DIRECT OR NOT.  Agree to disagree!  I think I go The Direct Quote More Or Less.  Prove me wrong!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Gettin' some HEALTH BREAD tomorrow.  I like that.  Probably.  If I didn't I'd probably get something else instead.  That's how I operate!  What am I getting out of watching Back To The Future this time around.  MAYOR GOLDIE WILSON.  He's the lynchpin that holds this entire thing together!  Hardly sure how or why!  But it's reasonable to assume HEY MAYOR GOLDIE WILSON MERITS MORE OF OUR THOUGHT AND CONSIDERATION THAN WE ARE WONT TO AFFORD HIM PRECIPITOUSLY.  Sure I know what words mean.  HEY I DO KNOW WHAT WORDS MEAN.  I looked up that word and it means exactly what it meant in my imagination.  Turns out I'm smarter than I thought I was! ...Which makes me dumber than I thought I was.  If I'm NOT what I thought I was that means I'm dumb.  I'm dumber for being smarter than the dumb guy I intelligently observed I wasn't.  You know that sort of thing.  HEY I only gotta write one more paragraph wonderful.
Yeah!  What else is up.  METS game tonight.  I can watch some of that because I like that sort of crap.  Not sure why.  What else is crap.  TWO MORE WALKS of the day.  We're talkin' I'm taking a walk soon, and guess what?  I ONLY HAVE ONE MORE WALK AFTER THAT ONE FOR THE ENTIRE DAY.  Whatta deal.  I get to really relax and whatknot or something.  I forget From What.  And With What.  I relax from having to take walks but the most relaxing thing I do is take walks.  Also I am either Not Relaxing Now or I Am Relaxing Now and I'm worried about that Relaxation being Interrupted.  In the end I think we can all agree I should relax more more or less.  Dunno how we get to that point but that seems to be what I'm zeroing in on for how to enjoy my best life.  Relax and whatknot!  SOUNDS fun and sounds EASY.  So that's good.  Hey the point is this act is over now.  I will be back here with some more IN ROUGHLY 2.5 HOURS OR SO.  HEAYhAH Yeah hey that's great see ya soon.




look what we have here

    Hello friends.  Time to write some more paragraphs.  THAT'S ALL LIFE IS THESE DAYS.  Paragraphs after paragraphs!  Oh well I get to take a nice break after THESE Paragraphs.  Not really.  Same LENGTH break.  But maybe it's NICE in a different definition of the word.  No reason for it not to be a PLEASANT break for one reason or another!  That's good.  Ate dinner.  Took a Nice 20 minute break after dinner before starting Act III.  Get some good time between Act II and Act III.  Now I'm here and ready to go or something.  Finished watching Back II The Future IV the most part.  Had to skip a few minutes to NEXT DVD CHAPTER twice.  DVD WAS CHOPPY AND STOPP'D LOADING.  Once I Next Chapter'd it though it fixed it.  TWICE.  Either way WHAT'S GOING ON WITH MICHAEL J FOX'S WEIRD ARM/HAND PLACEMENT WHEN HE'S RESTING AT THE END OF THE MOVIE.  He wakes up from his slumber unsure whether it was a dream or not, and while he's still asleep, he has his arm behind his back in a weird way.  Always noticed it but this time around I WANT ANSWERS.
     Hmm.  I kinda feel like George McFly is a jerk once he becomes A Successful.  Goes to his head a little bit!  Gotta find a nice in-between place between being a loser and being a jerk.  Life is all about finding a BALANCE between being a loser and being a jerk!  Oh okay sure.  Anyway does it make sense that I'll load up Back II The Future IIIV after entry is over?  And/or Met game is over?  And/or Met game is no longer interesting for one reason or another?  My guess is YES I FORGET EXACTLY WHAT I WAS SAYING BUT I REMEMBER THAT I WAS THINKING THAT THE ANSWER TO WHATEVER IT WAS WOULD BE IN THE AFFIRMATIVE.  Hmm.  Gotta accept Super Market delivery tomorrow morning.  That's fun.  Gotta take out garbg e tonight in about half an hour.  That's fun.  Maybe take a recess halfway through this act.  That's fun.  I DUNNO.  When is next January Hearing.  Let's LTURQ.  NEXT TUESDAY.  THAT'S WHEN PEOPLE MIGHT, "C," "YOU."  NO SPOILERS BUT IT'S A DIRTY WORD.
     Great.  Hey it's Official Summer in a few days!  First there was My Fake Summer.  Then there was Memorial Day Summer.  Now there's gonna be Summer Summer.  Then I think maybe July 1st is another Special Summer Day.  Maybe a K-12 School-Remnant-Thought.  June is still mostly Ya Got School Going On.  July and August though DEFINITELY 100% SUMMER.  That's fun.  Is this year going to be a Hot Gurl Summer.  Also I DON'T KNOW what a HoT Girl Summer is.  I think it's some sort of Social Media thing from 6 years ago.  That's the extent to which I know what it is is!  The theme of this Summer will be PATRIOTISM is my guess.  Off the top of my head at least that'd be my first thought.  Maybe a World Travel Summer.  Guess we'll find out together or something.  GOT half my Tootsie Rolls left from last time I got them.  Got 4 Small Bags.  OPENING THE THIRD ONE IMMINENTLY SOON.  Let's see HOW SMALL THESE BAGS ARE.  10 Pops per bag.  THAT'S ALMOST SEVENTY POPS OVERALL.  Wait maybe I should crunch those numbers a bit.  FINE BUT I GOTTA MAKE THE NUMBERS LAST AS LONG AS POSSIBLE BEFORE CRUNCHING DOWN.
     Hmm.  20 Pops.  That should last me 3 weeks you'd think.  Unless I start having more than one a day LIKE I SHOULD BE.  I enjoy it. I should INDULGE in my enjoyments.  That's what life is all about!  Either that or NOT indulging in enjoyments.  One of those things.  Maybe finding a balance between indulgence and... I wanna say the opposite is DENIAL?  Close enough.  SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT IS THE POINT.  Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.  IT'S ALSO A RIVER IN... I WANNA SAY... MOROCCO?  Hmm.  Is there any other country 'De Nile is in IV REAL?  YEP THAT SUCKER IS IN SUDAN TOO.  Pretty sure Sudan is a kind of car.  I'm petty sure I'm wrong but I'm also pretty sure I'm right.  So there's that.  Hmm.  K-12.  Kindergarten through 12th grade.  K-9.  Canine is Jargon for DOG and it can be abbreviated K-9 iv fun.  Anyway YOU GET IT.  Hmm.  One more paragraph and then some short of quick recess.  RECESS HARDCORE.
  Gonna take a break before break to take out garbage in a few sentences.  But then write a few sentences to finish paragraph before recess break.  Hmm.  Sounds complicated.  YES IT IS BUT ULTIMATELY VERY REWARDING.  Oh that's good.  What else is up.  I STILL HAVE ONE LOOSE LOLLIPOP FROM LAST BAG.  GRAPE.  Lots of worse flavors than grape.  Lots of BETTER flavors.  Look there's like Four Flavors Overall.  In these bags at least.  For some reason BIG DISCREPANCIES between place/time you get your tootsie pops from in terms of ho many flavors.  I've seen as many as I dunno EIGHT OR NINE FLAVORS in my lifetime.  I feel like USUALLY you got like 6 or 7  in any given bag.  I SWEAR THESE BAGS ARE LIKE FOUR FLAVORS.  Cherry, Raspberry, Grape, Chocolate, Orange... THAT'S ALL I'VE HAD RECENTLY.  Five.  HMM.  Hey I finished this paragraph before Garbage.  SO IT ALIGNS WITH TAKING QUICK RECESS IN THE END.  HMM.  I'll be back soon!

     Hmm.  ONLY FIVE MORE PARAGRAPHS TO WRITE.  Then I get to take a nice break to remember.  Watch some Back Future and whatknot.  Already just watched the first Oh I Don't Know THIRTEEN MINUTES.  Good stuff!  I remember what it was like to watch this and 2015 be The Future instead of The Past.  I LIKE IT BETTER THAT WAY.  Life was generally better ON AVERAGE when I considered 2015 to be the future than the past.  MOST of 2016+ WASN'T THE TOPS LET'S BE HONEST.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Havin' a third beer for roughly the 2nd time out of 7 days!  THAT'S THE ROUGHLY THING I'M STICKIN' TO AND WHATKNOT.  So there's that.  HMM maybe these Bags say exactly what flavors they include.  NOPE.  In ingredients it says they use RED YELLOW AND BLUE overall.  Are those the three primary colors IN REAL LIFE.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP SURE ARE.  I wonder what that means.  NO I DON'T
Penultimate FROM THE START BACKWARDZ Paragraph.  Gotta wake up early tomorrow.  So I can definitely fit in Act I before Super Market delivery order acceptance.  Look I accept that I will get Super Market delivery IN MY HEART.  I do that RIGHT NOW ALREADY.  But the physical tangible accepting it WITH MY OPEN ARMS I have to wait until IT SHOWS UP unfortunately.  HEY GREAT NEWS THIS IS THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH IN ESSENCE.  Which is the best paragraph in terms of quality!  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap.  I can write 3.5 paragraphs pretty quickly.  DONE IT IN THE PAST PLENTY OF TIMES.  No reason I shouldn't be able to do it now.  Well lots of Reason.  But CONFLICTING REASONS.  Plenty of Reason I can't do it now but Plenty of Reason I CAN do it now too.  WE SUFFER FROM AN ABUNDANCE OF REASON NOT A LACK OF IT.  Makes sense!  Hmm.  Anyone special die lately.  Phillip Baker Hall.  He was a CHARACTER actor.  Every role he played he was ALWAYS DOIN A CHARACTER.  Good I hope he's acting for Jesus in Heaven now.   I assume Jesus is in Heaven.  That'd be my first guess.
     YEAH.  I assume you have to work in Heaven.  Gotta earn your keep somehow!  It wouldn't quite be Heaven if there was no Phillip Baker Hall acting in it!  OTHER PEOPLE WANT IT TO BE HEAVEN THAT'S WHAT HEAVEN IS LIKE FOR OTHER PEOPLE.  HE GONNA HAVE TO DO HIS PART THAT'S HOW SOCIETY WORKS.  Anyway jeez. Why is it THE WORST THING IN THE WORLD that Marty McFly's son goes to jail.  Look I get it IT SUCKS.  It's embarrassing.  It's shitty for the people inside the family.  BUT WORSE STUFF COULD HAPPEN this definitely doesn't warrant DOc Brown going back on his own rule of not trying to change the future.  THE DAUGHTER GOES TO JAIL TOO EVENTUALLY FOR TRYING TO BREAK HER BROTHER OUT OF JAIL.  AGAIN NOT A BIG DEAL.  People go to jail all the time THAT'S LIFE.  The point is I think Doc Brown just got tired of time traveling and wanted to hang out with Marty McFly some more At that exact moment in Marty McFly's life for some reason.  GIVE MARTY MCFLY SOME TIME TO LIVE HIS OWN LIFE.  Then show up in like SIX MONTHS and be like HEY NOW THAT I'VE GOT YOU FOR A MOMENT LET'S DO SOME TIME TRAVELING.
     Penultimate paragraph FROM THE ENDz.
  Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  DOC BROWN IS A GROOMER-- THOUGHTS?  COMMENTS/QUESTIONS?  Actually Doc Brown Groomed Marty McFly to do all the Time Traveling Grunt Work For Him.  IT'S TOO CONFUSING TO THINK ABOUT MY BRAIN HURTS.  Either way YOU THINK ABOUT IT from your own starting off point.  I GAVE YOU SEVERAL WORDS you can do the rest yourself.  Wait so that's what this website is?  You read several words and then FIGURE OUT HOW TO MAKE IT ENTERTAINMENT YOURSELF?  Yeah I guess so.  Oh well.  Either way Doc Brown meets Marty McFly and from the very start he's training this kid to Do Exactly What He Does to do the Time Traveling Stuff That He Does.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  HOPEFULLY NEITHER DOES DOC BROWN.  If Doc Brown likes it IT'S CREEPY.  But if Doc Brown doesn't like it either THEN FINE IT'S NORMAL SCIENCE STUFF, that we can't hold against him.  Hmm.  Normal Science Stuff.
Last paragraph of the day!  What's the theme of Next IIday January Hearing.  Let's LTURQ.  I CAN'T FIND THAT INFORMATION RIGHT QUICKLY AT ALL.  Oh well such is life.  I guess it'll be a Surprise.  No spoilers!  What else is up.  LOOK maybe Doc Brown groomed Marty McFly to do Time Traveling Grunt Work but don't act like Marty McFly is getting nothing out of the deal!  HIS FAMILY LIFE IMPROVES.  His relatives BECOME BETTER PEOPLE and presumably HE BECOMES A BETTER PERSON IN SOME REGARD TOO.  And whether or not he becomes a better person his life improves MATERIAL WEALTHWISE AND STUFF.  So the point is it works out for everyone except for some people but HEY THAT'S TIME TRAVEL FOR YA.  I dunno.  That's it for today!  I'll be back tomorrow presumably for some reason!

-9:55 P.M.




Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Look Out For Words

    Hey!  Half an hour behind schedule today.  Pretty much On Schedule Enough I think to do things more or less on schedule.  Makes sense.  Being off schedule by a small amount is bordering on being on schedule!  Nothin' controversial there.  I'm tired o being controversial all the time.  FINALLY we got to a subject we call can agree on.  You can disagree without being controversial.  Probably.  Not 100% sure what words mean off the top of my head!  Anyway middle of the month!  Saw Kamala Harris mad a Tweet celebrating Flag Day.  I don't even follow her!  I guess twitter algorithm CORRECTLY deduced I'm Into Flag Day Content.  Anyway it's a good flag I think we can all agree on that.  We've been brainwashed as such!  I take it for granted that HEY FLAG IS PRETTY GOOD.  I'd never even THINK to question the quality of the flag until Just Now.  I THINK IT IS LEGIT GREAT BUT MAYBE THAT'S JUST FROM THE BRAINWASHING.  Hmm.  I like the stripes.  But don't sleep on the stars!  Those are pretty good, too!
     Hmm.  Got chicken parm and chicken caesar salad as 2 leftover Meals for today and tomorrow.  LUNCH WILL BE ONE.  Next lunch will be other one.  WOW THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  Breakfast was ice cream sandwich and pop tart.  WOW THAT WAS GOOD STUFF.  Hmm.  Had some UnfortunateNight Snacking last night.  But TONIGHT I have a REALLY GOOD feeling that I'll stop doing UnfortunateNight Snacking once and for all.  KINDA can picture doing it this time.  LOOK let's get into Talking About Something.  How are January Sixth Committee Hearings going.  HAVEN'T GONE SINCE YESTERDAY.  UNTRUE I Saw a Trailer for the next hearing.  Some guy talking about some other guy to some lady.  I KNOW SOME OF THE CHARACTERS IS THE POINT.  Some lawyer telling some lawyer that he's gonna need a good new lawyer.  I think that's accurately what happened in the clip.  No wonder I'm confused.  Why are lawyers lawyering at each other and the main thing they're lawyering is saying GET EVEN MORE LAWYERS.  I guess it'll make more sense in context is my guess.
Hmm.  I like lawyers because the law should matter.  That's an interesting resulting consequence of what happens to Trump.  Finding out Hmm DOES THE LAW MATTER AT ALL.  Are we allowed to the break the law and face no consequences.  HMM THIS'LL BE INTERESTING CAN'T WAIT TO FIND OUT.  Anyway.  I feel like maybe EXILE is a good compromise consequence for Trump.  Go send him to live on an island.  With no one else.  OR maybe with people he doesn't like.  Also he's not allowed to bring his five favorite Record Albums.  Or maybe he does but HE DOESN'T GET TIME TO CAREFULLY THINK ABOUT HIS TOP FIVE FAVORITE DESERT ISLAND RECORD ALVUMS.  Just gotta grab what he can off the shelf within a matter of seconds.  Hmm.  Does Trump like music.  My guess is NO.  What else is up.  Tried some of Amazon Fresh Brand Mebla Toast.  Indulgent mebla toast!  I wouldn't have thought such a thing existed BUT IT DOES.  It's like Brioche Bread But Melba Toast.  Anyway I LIKE IT but not sure whatta do with it.  Too many calories to just graze on here and there.  Not the most obvious side for any sort of meal.  HMM.  The good news is IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS.
     National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Fresh Veggies Day and National Fudge Day.  Veggies are okay on occasion!  Well VEGETABLES.  We're all adults here we can use the entire word VEGETABLES instead of Veggies.  Fudge is good.  It's like Chocolate but... but... somehow slightly different or more specific!  So that's good.  Feel like you can do chocolate dipped vegetables.  You can probably do chocolate dipped anything.  Except for some things.  SOME THINGS NO GOOD.  Hmm.  Lemme lurq what fudge is compared to chocolate.  Probably LTURQ plenty of times in the past.  THIS TIME IT'LL STICK.  FUDGE DON'T NEED TO BE CHOCOLATE FLAVORED.  Oh okay THANKS.  Anyway maybe get some sort of GriddleCentric meal tonight.  Chocolate Chip Pancakes or something!  I'M DUE for such an activity.  Maybe I eat 60 small pieces of melba toast for dinner I dunno.
     Six more paragraph for act 1!
  Amazing.  My Dad is giving himself a covid test for the first time.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Anyway I think Chicken Parm sounds better IN GENERAL than salad for upcoming lunch.  But (A)-- maybe I wanna SAVE BETTER FOR TOMORROW.  Or (B)-- Maybe by the time lunch comes around I feel specifically FOR NOW that I'd prefer Salad.  (C)-- ALL OVE THE ABOVE.  I feel like multiple choice tests are always 4 or 5 options.  RARELY do you see less than 4 or more than 5!i  Gotta have at least 2 options FOR SURE.  I'd give kids a test with 1 choice per question as a goof sure.  It teaches them important life lessons!  Like I'm gonna trick you into preparing for final and then it WAS ALL JUST FOR FUN and EVERYONE SCORES 100%!!!  Works pretty good for what I'm trying toa ccomplish with this high school history class is the point.  Anyway what else is up.  Hmm.
     2nd half of act!  Sweet!  LOOK high school history class probably has some sort of STANDARDIZED TEST I gotta administer.  Maybe a REGENTS or something.  Oh well such is life.  The point is not sure I'd wanna have a gun if I was a teacher.  Kinda feel like I wouldn't!  Now the gun has more authority than I do.  With no gun in class room Teacher is Top Dog.  Now that there's a killing machine kinda figures kids will lose respect for Person and transfer authority to Gun.  DANGIT.  I guess part of being a teacher is MAKING THE GUN AN APPENDAGE OF YOURSELF.  You gotta make the gun work FOR YOU not AGAINST YOU.  That's what TEACHING IS ALL ABOUT.  I feel like this might be the first time in HISTORY that we're combining TEACHING with KILLING.  Ancient Greek teachers.  Worldwide teaching philosophies and traditions across the globe across time.  Might be uniquely 21st Century American where it's like HEY WE'RE GONNA ADD TEACHERS HAVE LETHAL WEAPONS AS ONE OF THE MAIN PREMISES TO THIS TO THE MIX.  Seems kind of weird!
     Oh well.  Hey no one HAD guns for Ancient Greeks.  That's a fair point.  Once guns were invented it was only a matter of time before they were incorporated into Education Practices.  What else is up.  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH THE BEST PARAGRAPH OF ALL.  What else is up.  Do we get to choose what kind of gun we get.  Hmm.  I can imagine a story where it's like Hey teacher routinely NEVER LOADED THE GUN in their class and then the authorities found out and fired the teacher HOW HAPPY ARE YOU THAT THE TEACHER GOT FIRED ON A SCALE FROM EIGHT TO TEN.  Kinda feels like the teacher should face more consequences for potentially not being able to kill anyone.  THAT'S FIVE TO TEN YEARS JAIL TIME AT LEAST.  If everyone did this MUCH LESS PEOPLE WOULD BE SHOT AND KILLED we can't have that.  Hmm.  The point is what's a Success Story of arming teachers.  A teacher kills a kid who was in the middle of doing a school shooting?  That's the only think I can think of.  Some kids get killed, teacher kills Killer Kid, everyone CELEBRATES TEACHER FOR KILLING A KID HIMSELF.  That's BEST CASE SCENARIO we're being sold.
Eighth paragraph of the act and/or day!  Hmm.  Why can't the teacher kill the killer kid before the killer kid kills kids himself.  THAT'S a best case scenario!  LIMITS THE AMOUNT OF DEAD CHILDREN.  What else is going on and crap.  I could have melba toast as side to sandwich instead of Open Faced Hero Bread.  But I already got croutons!  These things and croutons are REDUNDANT.  That's the size of these melba toasts.  They are in SHAPE OF TOAST but about the size and other-wise-shape as Croutons.  LOOK THE POINT IS I'LL DO THE RIGHT THING IN THE END.  I have NO CHOICE.  I can't do the WRONG thing.  That'd be pretty stupid!  Hmm.  Based on where I am In Day right now I should be able to fit in walks and stuff VERY MUCH TO MY LIKINGS.  So that's good.  I feel like teachers should be able to deputize certain students.  Not just ANY student.  Gotta be the top student ACADEMICALLY.  They get to be the Gunner because teacher doesn't really wanna shoot people.  Outsource it to Teacher's Pet!  Makes a lot of sense.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  The only way to stop a bad kid with a gun is a good kid with a gun!  THAT'S HOW SOCIETY WORKS FOR SOME REASON.  The point is there can AND ARE mass shooting ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE.  But the ONE PLACE we ZEROED IN ON to arm the people who would already be there is IN SCHOOLS.  Of all the places we can first think well let's obviously get some MORE guns into the equation there is SCHOOLS.  What the Hell is WRONG with people.  Lots of things.  YEAH BUT I WANNA KNOW SPECIFICALLY.  I dunno too many things to start narrowing it down immediately off the top of my head.  OH THAT SUCKS BUT IT CHECKS OUT SO OKAY LET'S MOVE ON.  What else is up.  Are security officer-guards allowed to carry guns in public schools up to this point.  Lemme check that for NYC.  I don't think they do.  Right now.  In NYC.  GREAT.  Hey I only have to write one more paragraph and then I get to do something else for a short while!
     Hmm.  Are w gonna start to get scenarios where Crazy Teacher Shoots Up His Class?  Gotta imagine at some point that'll happen.  And then what.  ARM THE KIDS.  AND THEN WHAT IF KIDS SHOOT THE KIDS.  ARM THE ARMS.  And then what if the hands shoot the arms.  ARM THE FINGERS.  Basically at some point EVERYONE IS DEAD but the important thing is WE DID NOTHING TO PREVENT IT FOR SOME REASON NO ON IS REALLY SURE OF.  I dunno.  What if every classroom had a Panic Room.  Well sure if there was THE BUDGET FOR IT.  Gotta imagine that'd break the bank.  Dozens of panic rooms for every school?  WHERE IS THIS MONEY COMING FROM.  I dunno TAX PAYERS  I dunno I think Tax Payers would rather their precious tax money go towards something else.  Oh okay.  Either way I wanna panic room!  I feel like my bedroom should double a a HouseHold Panic Room.  It DOESN'T.  Maybe I can UPGRADE to that.  Probably cost a lot of money.  WELL I CAN SHIFT THE BILL TO THE TAX PAYERS POSSIBLY.  Not sure about that.  Anyway.  Be back soon!




You Can Count On Me

    Hey!  Time to write five more paragraphs.  I can do that no problem.  Probably.  Anyway today is Magna Carta Day.  By which I mean it's BEER DAY but I think Magna Carta is tangentially involved too somehow.  Anyway how much would it cost to upgrade my bedroom to Panic Room.  Gotta imagine that's Six Figures right?  Well how PANIC do I want my room to be.  There's LEVELS of Panic Room.  Just hook me up with the one in the film from 20 years ago.  Yes I'm sure Panic Room technology has advanced over 2 decades and what was state of the art then is standard now.  And what is state of the art now couldn't even be imagined then!  HOOK ME UP WITH THAT.  I WANT SOMETHING I CAN'T IMAGINE.  That sounds GREAT.  Because generally I'm not happy with What I Can Imagine.  Gonna need to do better than that is how I feel.  Hmm.  Dad says he tested negative for Covid.  He could easily be lying but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt!  It's the exception that proves the rule!
     Okay.  I know how to protect kids from shooters MAKE THE ENTIRE SCHOOL out of the black box!  Genius.  Figure I got Keto Bar coming my way roughly an hour from now.  Writing these paragraphs.  Taking a walk.  Eatin' Keto Bar right around when I get home.  I like it because it's got Saturated Fat in it.  You can REALLY taste the Saturated Fat is my impression and I LIKE IT.  I think we should have MORE healthy unhealthy things.  Things we know to be unhealthy but BUY IN to a narrative that it's actually healthy and they MAKE IT SEEM HEALTHY TASTEWISE TOO.  It's WEIRD but I LOVE IT.  What else is up.  Is KETO DIET supposed to be good for building muscle.  Is that part of the premise.  That it's not just for losing weight but for Making Weight Better Again.  Muscle instead of fat.  MY GUESS IS YES THAT'S PART OF IT.  Too bad there's no way of knowing for sure without LURQ.  I don't wanna LURQ.  I"m too busy Not Wanting To DO This But Knocking It Out Anyway So It's Over And Done With.
     Okay!  Hmm.  HEY right now I'm leaning towards having salad for lunch.  Knock that out o the park so it's over and done with.  Good.  Figure first dumb thing I watch on TV today is Tales Crypt.  Hopefully work my around to something slightly more worthwhile to watch.  MAYBE THE SIMPSONS.  Seems plausible.  I like the parts where it's full of laughs.  Makes me happy knowing there are plenty of laughs out there to be had!  Good stuff.  I feel like I'm developing muscle around my belly SIDES.  When I first started noticing Feeling Muscle after doing sit ups a lot it was in FRONT BELLY.  Now it's expanding AROUND THE SIDES OF THE TORSO AS WELL.  Wonder if there's muscles to be developed in my back.  ENCIRCLE THE TORSO WITH SLIGHT MUSCLE FORMATIONS is my impression.  Either way gotta imagine that's gonna work out in my benefit somehow.  Either aesthetically or practically or Healthfully.  One way or another it's a good thing I do all these sit ups and push ups a day.  Hmm.  How much am I doing a day.  Roughly about 500 each.  Pretty accurate Guesstimation.  NOT REALLY A GUESS.  It's a pretty accurate MATHEMATICALLY PRODUCED Estimation.  CRUNCHED NUMBERS IN MY HEAD.  How many I do per set times how many sets on average.  THEN ROUNDED IT DOWN  BUT IT HAPPENED TO BE VERY CLOSE TO THE ROUND-DOWN NUMBER ANYWAY.
     Penultimate paragraph of the Daytime Day.  HMM.
  The original plan was for me to be able to watch January Sixth hearings IN HALF AN HOUR.  THE PLAN HAS BEEN DISCARDED THOUGH.  Now I have to wait an extra 24 hours until I can watch some January Sixth hearings.  That's okay!  I hope it all works out for the best.  That's my general feeling about most things.  I guess I'm probably some sort of sociopath and hope SOME things work out for either The Worst or maybe For The Fine But Not Quite The Best.  Can't think of WHAT.  But it's safe to say I'm a sociopath half the time for some reason.  Hey maybe I'm a GOOD GUY hoping BAD THINGS don't work out for the best.  That checks out.  It gives me room to not hope for the best sometimes WHILE REMAINING A GOOD GUY.  Which is what I like to be more or less most of the time!   Hmm.  This act is crap!  This day is crap!  THIS WEEK IS CRAP.  THIS MONTH IS CR.. ACTUALLY SOME OF THIS MONTH WAS AND WILL BE GOOD.  Hmm.  One more paragraph of the day time!
     Sure.  What's up.  Maybe get some DVD to watch.  That sounds fun.  I CAN WATCH THIS FILM WHILE MOST OF SOCIETY CAN'T.  Lotta DVDs I have that JUST AIN'T STREAMIN ANYWHERE THESE DAYS.  So I'm living an INDEPENDENT and UNIQUE LIFE watching one of these DVDs.  THAT'S THE BEST THING SOMEONE CAN DO IN LIFE.  Do Life SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY than other people.  Sounds about right.  That's all I can aspire towards.  Makes sense.  Anyway.  Are teachers allowed to bring knives to class instead of guns.  I feel like teachers should b allowed to choose their own weapon WITHIN REASON.  They're risking their lives becoming teachers going to the front line, I think we should at least let them choose whatever weapon they want to use for defense (OR OFFENSE?) themselves!  Anyway.  Nunchucks.  You'd have to train with them though.  You can't just GET SOME NUNCHUCKS and be able to use them.  NEED TO PUT IN THE WORK.  Either way.  That's it for now!  Be back soon!  Not THAT soon.  Be back Kinda Soon!  Oh Okay.




guess what even more

    HI!  Time to write 10 NightTime Paragraphs!  Took off my pants because I was under the impression I was done going outside for the day.  WRONG IT TURNS OUT!  Dad made a last minute determination to CHANGE HIS MIND and have me take out garbage later.  OH WELL.  I can always put my pants BACK ON.  In fact this is GREAT.  I dunno why I didn't think of this before!  Taking off pants so I can Not Wear Pants For A Good While and then just PUTTING THEM BACK ON as need be.  Works out GREAT JUST GREAT.  LOOK the point is I had a delicious QUEST BAR for MIDDAY SNACK.  I had been THINKING the last few days I SHOULD HAVE HEARTY QUEST BAR AS MIDDAY SNACK.  And then today everything aligned and that Played out IN REAL WORLD and GUESS WHAT DELICIOUS.  And it makes The Day Balanced Out Well.  I THINK IT'S GONNA B A GOOD ROUTINE REAL GOOD.  Also took my last walk backwards.  I normally start walking in a circle by going SOUTH first.  THIS LAST PARK-WALK I STARTED GOING WEST FIRST.  JUST LIKE SETTLERS.  I dunno Settlers might have started going South First.  I feel like when Settlers first showed up on America's Golden Coasts they were like Hmm this appears toe be the North East or somethin'.  Maybe go south a little first see what that's like.  I wanna see This Coast exactly, let's figure out What The Coast is First.  Go South along the coast.
HISTORY.  Feel like I'd threaten Gun Violence at Lulls in the lessonplan pretty regularly if I was a teacher these days.  CMON GUYS PAY ATTENTION OR MAKE MY DAY THE CHOICE IS YOURS.  What else is up.  Had delicious salad for lunch.  HATED UP BREAD in oven for 13 minutes.  Went pretty good!  Had Steak * Stuffed Mushroom PART I of III for dinner tonight.  I CAN'T WAIT FOR PARTS II and III.  I hope I enjoy them as much as I did Part I-- A REASONABLE AMOUNT.  Not a bad adjective.  REASONABLE.  I think off the top of my head now that I think about it REASONABLE is one of THE TOP ADJECTIVES of Our Times.  Not sure what that means but I'M SURE IT MEANS SOMETHING.  Everything means something Whether We Like It Or Not.  I LIKE IT.  Good.  Hmm.  Had fudgesicle instead of tootsie pop as LOW STAKES DESSERT SNACK AFTER DINNER TO GET ME STARTED.  Wonderful.  I dunno.  What's going on and crap.  LOOKS LIKE I'M ALMOST DONE WITH THE SECOND PARAGRAPH.  IS THAT GOOD.  I forget if I wrote anything good yet.  My guess is ODDS ARE HIGH I WROTE SOMETHING GOOD BY ACCIDENT.
     Hmm.  It's weird to take Park Walk in opposite direction!  OH SO THIS IS THE VIEW THAT EVERYONE ELSE HAS WHENEVER I PASS THEM ON WALK.  Every time I'm takin' a I'M WALKIN' OVA HERE and walk by someone (BY OPPOSITE COLLISION AND NOT by lapping them or them lapping me) this is THEIR perspective of the world.  WEIRD.  It's like I can see my own perspective of the world in the opposite rear view mirror Objects Are Closer Than They Appear.  I feel like that'd be hard for autistic people to accept.  Objects are closer than they appear.  FREAKS ME OUT DON'T TOUCH ME YOU JERK.  SOMETHING ALONG THOSE LINES.  Not doing well with Caps and Italics and stuff.  I feel like I'm doing POORLY in terms of using CAPS or ITALICS and stuff LIKE THAT to mimic HUMAN SPEECH so you know WHAT I'M talking ABOUT.  Huh.  That's not good.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO LITERALLY NOTHING.  Well I guess not.  WHAT OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR.  Yes I can see lots of REFLECTIONS Of objects in the mirror.  There are NO OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR THOUGH EXCEPT FOR THE MIRROR ITSELF.  THIS IS ALL JUST IMAGE MAKE BELIEVE-- THOSE THINGS YOU SEE ARE NOT ACTUALLY WHERE THEY APPEAR TO B!!!
     Amazing.  Also HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW I JUDGE CLOSENESS OF OBJECTS.  Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.  YOU DON'T KNOW HOW CLOSE I'M JUDGING THESE OBJECTS ARE.  Maybe I'm ALREADY ON THE UP AND UP with how close these objects appear and how that corresponds to reality and THEY ARE as close as they appear IN MY MIND.  THAT MAKES SENSE 10%.  I feel like it makes 50% Accurate Sense and then you have to further divide that By Five on account of Not Phrasing it In Sense Making Terms.  I LIKE IT.  It's a FUN ENTRY because if you can manage to follow its logic YOU WIN BIG TIME.  It's VERY difficult but ya Gotta give some people some sense of winning big time somehow.  Gotta do something or something.  I dunno.  Fourth paragraph.  Think I WILL take a Recess after the fifth paragraph.  Amazing.  That's a good idea because it's a NATURAL SELECTION placement of when to Start 100% Trying To Be Follow-a-bull again.  After Recess is closed.  Soon!
     Hmm.  I'd like to see some mirrors that say objects in the mirror are LESS close than they appear.  Mix things up, that's my motto.  THIS IS ALL SUBJECTIVE YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW CLOSE THINGS APPEAR TO ME IN MY MIND.  Wonderful.  Just finished Beer #1.  Starting Part II later on will be a NATURAL place to start Beer #2.  Good.  Natural places.  NATURAL ICE IS A BEER LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Okay.  Hmm.  Dunno what else to say about it.  OKAY THE IMPORTANT THING IS I TRIED.  Hmm.  Okay.  Got GarbageTakingOutTime in about 20 minutes.  Guess AFTER THAT is a natural time to start the Next Phase Of Things.  WONDERFUL GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  The amazing thing is DESPITE EVERYTHING 85% OF THIS ENTRY IS LITERALLY READ-A-BLE. You can SOLIDLY go from sentence to sentence-- for 8 and a half out of 10 times!-- and be like oh I can follow this logic I UNDERSTAND MEANING in what's being yelled at me.  Hmm.  Never really thought about it but now that I DO think about it I think the Default Mode for someone imagining my voice is I'M YELLING EVERYTHING.  COULD BE BECAUSE OF ALL THE CAPS and CAPS + ITALICS.  Hey I'll be back soon.

     Hey it's been SOON.  Now I am BACK.  Okay.  Starting over.  Let's make sense.  I think that's do-able.  I can write 5 Blobs Of Sentences that aren't too difficult to follow.  AND THEN WATCH BATCH TO THE FUTURE WHY NOT.  Anyway tomorrow be NOT BEHIND SCHEDULE.  If I'm on schedule I'll be done with DayTime Part of entry before TomorrowTime Part of January Sixth Hearings.  I'm starting to get the sense that these are some very bad people and they were up to no good.  I guess we'll find out more specifics tomorrow.  I think tomorrow's theme is MIKE PENCE.  Interesting.  Wonder how that'll pan out.  Also is it too late for Mike Pence to not certify the election for Trump.  I know it's Rounding Up To Two Years Later but I feel like Pence might have ONE MORE GOOD CHANCE tomorrow to say Trump won the 2020 election.  I don't think Mike Pence is gonna be there.  He's gonna be there IN SPIRIT but I don't think Mike Pence is testifying.  TOO LAZY DIDN'T WANNA GET OUTTA BED.  God damn Mike Pence and his laziness!  THIS IS ALL HIS FAULT WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT.
     Hmm.  Four paragraphs to go!  Then I get a nice long break.  Of about an hour and a half of Waking Time before I start the next entry.  DANGIT.  THIS IS ALL MIKE PENCE'S FAULT.  MAYBE HE SHOULD BE HUNG.  Well in a JUST WORLD maybe but why speculate on perfect worlds we live in the one we live in.  Hmm.  HOLY CRAP THIS IS IN ESSENCE THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH OF THE ACT.  AMAZING.  Seventh paragraphs are the best part of my life when it comes down to it.  Let's just call David Spade a Spade!  What are David Spade's politics.  I'd LTURQ but I don't need, "Big Government," knowing that I'm interested in David Spade's politics.  I dunno how they'd use it against me but I gotta imagine They'd Use It Against Me SOMEHOW.  Or not use it against me, but sort of HOLD IT Against me.  I dunno what's going on is the point.  OOh yeah that seems to check out pretty well.
Amazing.  Probably put in Back To The Future DVD WHY NOT.  I can think of worse things to do.  Like eat the DVD.  That would be TERRIBLE for my digestive health.  If I'm gonna do something with the DVD the leading option BY VERY FAR is to put it into a machine that somehow creates sounds and images of the movie show up on my TV Box.  And eating the DVD is BY FAR one of the WORST things I could do with it.  So there's that.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Actually gonna watch some Back To The Future!  I loaded up the Xbox and everything.  As of now best guess in terms of How Long Will I Be Awake is ABOUT AN HOUR.  Could be 45 minutes.  COULD BE AN HOUR FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  The MEAN and MEDIAN are possibly both an Hour. The MODE might actually be Fourty Five Minutes surprisingly.  I'll have to look into that in more detail later on after it's already happened so I'll know for sure.  Great.
Sucking on lollipop.  I enjoy it.  It tastes like candy and then ultimately chocolate.   PENULTIMATE PARAGRAPH OF THE ENTIRE DAYTIME THING.  By which I mean, "The Day."  Hmm.  One more episode of Penultimate Tales Crypt Season.  WONDERFUL I CAN'T WAIT TO CIRCLE BACK AROUND TO THE FIRST SASON.  First season of Tales Crypt was a CLASSIC.  They really start gaining steam in the second season.  THEN THEY HIT THEIR STRIDE IN THE FIFTH SEASON.  And they start to APPRORPRIATELY DEFLATE AT THE BEGINNING OF THE LAST SRASON.  Hmm.  Wonderful.  Maybe doing Quest Bar in middle of the day SOMEHOW MIXES THINGS UP ON A MACRO-LEVEL and stops me from MightNight Snacking during THE OPPOSITE PART OF THE DAY at MidNight Times.  Not to be confused with Midnight Times (12 AM).  MidNight Time is in the ACTUAL middle of the night LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  What do we call that.  If I say I woke up in the middle of the night You're assuming I mean 3 AM and not 12 AM right?  Ok that's a good Website Topic let's move on with my lives.
Last paragraph!  I think I more or less kept my promise and made the last 4+ paragraphs 85% Readible.  Amazing!  What else is up.  NOW IT'S EVEN CLOSER TO BED TIME.  I'm not sure what I just did for 5-15 minutes but somehow that amount of time just passed.  I was sitting down for most of it.  PROBABLY AT THIS VERY SELF SAME CHAIR I'M SITTING AT RIGHT NOW.  Probably got up to use the bathroom three or four times.  Drank some soda and some beer.  HAD TOOTSIE POPROLL I think.  Unless if that was BEFORE this 5-15 minute break.  I can't remember that well.  TOO MUCH GOING ON hard to keep track of everything!  Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  Can't wait to ignore Spell Check coming up.  90% of mistakes going ya know what I'm gonna STICK WITH WHATEVER THIS IS THAT I GOT GOING ON EVEN IF ITS NOT A WORD.  It's fun because I'm making Executive Decisions.  Makes me feel important.  That sort of thing!  HEY GREAT I LIKE FEELING IMPORTANT IT MAKES ME FEEL IMPORTANT.  I'll be back tomorrow!  See ya!

-9:34 P.M.





Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Go Ahead And Read This

    Hey!  A little bit behind schedule today!  An hour!  Should be able to fit in everything and whatknot probably.  Could be worse!  I could be DEAD and never be on schedule again!  Well maybe being dead WAS on my schedule. And I showed up right on time.  Well that's good there's the silver lining in that I guess.  What kinda thing Has Silver Lining.  Jewelery?  My first thought was SHEETS or something.  Probably because of the term, "Linen," sounds like, "Lining."  Either way I don't wanna sleep in no silver that doesn't sound comfortable.  Unless it's very hot.  And silver cools you down.  Which it might not.  Might heat you up more!  I don't know the chemical properties of Silver I only took Chemistry TWICE.  I'm not a GENIUS who failed the class MULTIPLE times.  What's silver's Periodic Table Symbol.  AU?  Let's see.  AG.  I was halfway there!  What's AU then.  GOLD IS AU.  WOW I WAS BARKING UP THE RIGHT TREE.  Silver and gold are natural partners to confuse with each other!  GENIUS.  "EY U," I'M WALKIN' HERE.
Growing up in new york I can't tell you how many times I've had to tell people that I'm Walking Here.  Well sure I Can.  Probably ONCE.  I don't remember exactly but I'd guess I probably had to say it once and I did in a phrase not unlike the one described.  So that's good.  Next January Sixth hearing is postponed.  Guess it was gonna rain that day.  Wonder when they'll reschedule it for.  Also does the next meeting on Thursday follow the same theme it was gonna or is now every Hearing One Thing Behind.  I'd look into that but ya know Oh Well.  HEY I read on in the article and they said they don't know how it will change the focus of each meetings.  I WAS RIGHT TO WONDER IT.  THEY'RE wondering it too.  Great minds think alike!  Terrible minds think for themselves.  MEDIOCRE MINDS ARE BUSY DOIN' SOMETHIN' ELSE ALTOGETHER.  Hmm.  Did a modest amount of UnfortunateNight Snacking last night.  That's okay.  It's bound to happen for some reason no one is really sure of!  Left a lot of crumbs.  Had some animal crackers and I remember it spilling and cleaning it up and then going back to bed.  Then when I woke up I realized I cleaned up a fraction of it!  OH NO GO FIGURE.
     Yeah!  Maybe have BBQ Chicken Meal Part II for LUNCH and save some Super Market Meal for DINNER.  Either way solid chance I double up on Chicken Meals today.  Three Super Market meals I got left are Chicken Parm, Chicken Caesar Salad, and Veggie Burger!  I CAN SEE MYSELF ENJOYING ONE OF THE CHICKENS TODAY.  Let's talk about it.  Then again Veggie Burge sounds good as DINNER if not as LUNCH.  THE POINT IS IT'S AM EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES.  Riches in terms of Meal Permutations.  Embarrassment in terms of I should be embarrassed to have this paragraph represent me on the internet.  Hmm.  TWO CANS LEFT of Diet Coke.  OH WELL I KNEW IT WOULD END SOME DAY.  I guess.  What did I watch last night.  More Simpsons or Tales In The Crypt I'd guess.  More today!  Let's really lean into some The Simpsons.  GOOD DEAL!  The point is at some point I've come to terms with and accepted that The Simpsons will never end.  BUT then I'm starting to RE-CALIBRATE and come to terms with the main voice actors for the Simpsons gotta be pushing late 60's Years Old or worse, right?  THEY WILL DIE RELATIVELY SOON.  Hey cartoons are always being continued with NEW voice actors who can do the voices just as well.  OH THAT'S GOOD.  DEATH BUT RENEWAL IN DEATH.  If anything it's BETTER than them NOT DYING.
     Hmm.  Is it possible The Simpsons Outlives Everything.  Gotta imagine fifty years from now there will be SOMETHING that is outliving ALL OF US.  TV franchise possibly.  And it just happens to be The Simpsons.  That sounds WEIRD but kind of COOL I GUESS.  Hmm.  Had 2.5 mini black and whites for breakfast today.  GOOD DEAL.  I like getting these 7 mini black and whites instead of 1 large one.  THEY SAY and I NOW KINDA BELIEVE that 2.5 mini black and whites = 1 big one.  So this way I GET TO DO IT TWICE in the week.  And also it might be SLIGHTLY LESS this way I feel so I'm DOING BETTER IN CONSERVATION CALORIEMODE or something like that.  Hmm.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... Beer Day Britain and National Prune Day.  First of all get out of here with National Prune Day bullshit.  DUMB.  Also Beer Day Britain.  SEEMS LIKE TERRIBLE GRAMMAR but maybe that's part of the deal.  Let's see what that's all about.  Beer Day Britain celebrated to celebrate the passing of the Magna Carta.  Maybe that's how sentence structure worked a thousand years ago when they invented the Magna Carta.  Interesting I can, "DIG," that sort of thing. 
    Kinda weird that it's CALLED, "BEER DAY."  I can see love celebrating Magna Carta so much that you drink beer and it's the MAIN THING YA DO to celebrate it.  But you're explicitly just calling it BEER DAY.  I guess over time you forgot about the Magna Carta and just remembered to continue drinking.  Hey that's okay I'm happy for ya.  I'm gonna drink myself later!  I like the Magna Carta, right?  It's overall a key good point in Human History.  Something about guaranteeing some sorts of rights even in Monarchy.  Also Monarchy Butterflies let's talk about that.  Butterfly was flying around me yesterday on one of my walks.  Seemed weird!  I don't see butterflies all that often.  IN FACT this may have been a dream.  Either way I stand by my story even if I turns out I imagined it in my Nighttime Imaginations.  Hmm.  Halfway through the act!  Time to get some coffee.  Be right back!
    Mets game at 7:10 PM.  GOOD DEAL.  If I remember correctly that's a pretty good NightTime.  Dinner snacks beer entry AND MET GAME.  I LIKE IT I BELIEVE.  WHAT ELSE DO I BELIEVE.  If I believe it I can achieve it.  It's a slant rhyme so you know it means business.  HEY just put in most of my Super market order for Friday's delivery.  That's good.  Gettin' some good sandwich meats.  The usual turkey and ham and possible a ROAST BEEF.  Is it as healthy NO OF COURSE NOT GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.  But it's reasonably not UNhealthy.  Have proper amount for 2 sandwiches.  YEAH.  Health bread upcoming two weeks!  Hearty Healthbread.  That's good stuff.  Anyway whose the next Simsons Voice Actor to die.  Lemme LTURQ.  HARRY SHEARER IS 78.  Odds on favorite he's gonna die first.  Rest of the main peoples' birthyears seem to be between 1950 and 1964.  THIS JERK IS 1943?!?!  HE's older than my parents and they're More Practically Dead than hardly anyone I live with!  Anyway he's young at heart presumably.  Maybe he got a heart transplant from a toddler.  Heart is maybe a pre-teen's heart at this point.  So that's working out for him?
     Seventh paragraph!  THE BEST PARAGRAPH IN THE WORLD!  For some reason I was expecting to click down on, "Personal Life," for Harry Shearer's wikipedia page and see something like, "He is expected to die at the age of 81."  Maybe they do say hat.  I didn't click it!  I was about to and then realized I was thinking wrong things!  Hmm.  January Sixth hearing Postponement.  How would they know that they will have technical issues tomorrow morning and also know they can't figure out technical issues within 24 hours.  That seems kind of weird!  I dunno WHAT the conspiracy would be here but THERE BETTER BE SOME SORT OF CONSPIRACY HERE TO EXPLAIN THIS.  Hmm.  Or maybe Congress just needs better AV Club type interns.  That sort of thing.  Maybe they should be MADE UP of more AV Club Type Interns.  HOW COME NO AV CLUB INTERNS AS SITTING MEMBERS OF CONGRESS THAT I KNOW EXPLICITLY.
That's wonderful here's another paragraph.  Figure next upcoming snack soon is Keto Bar.  I LIKE THOSE.  Quickly became the STANDARD Early Afternoon snack.  Delicious nutritious and it fills me up!  Totally don't have any problems first third of the day with hunger or longing to eat foods too much or anything!  DELICIOUS.  That's one third COMPLETELY FIGURED OUT.  And the other 2/3rds I'M DOIN PRETTY GOOD TOO.  Anyway hey what else is up.  Tried putting Keto Bar in fridge and eaten it that way.  IT's more o a Mostly Soft Brownie than it is a Crunchy Bar in the first place.  And it stays that way mostly even after in fridge.  Maybe a LITTLE bit harder.  I'M FINE WITH IT EITHER WAY.  As long as I get the precious precious NUTRIENTS I'm a happy camper.  Not sure if I was ever a happy camper.  I've been happy.  I've been a camper BY SOME DEFINITIONS OF THE WORD.  Gotta imagine there was some overlap AT SOME POINT in my life.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Today can be a good day.  First third I'm workin' through.  Last third is gonna be fun.  Middle 50% is gonna be SOMETHIN.  Sure I know how thirds work.  Probably.  I THINK I do at least.  Now I'm not so sure actually.  What time of day is Thursday January Sixth Hearing.  Let's LTURQ.  Article seems to say 10 AM Pacific.  If you crunch the numbers I believe that's... lemme do the math... 10 + 1 is 11, + 1 is 12, + 1 is 1... ONE PM EASTERN.  Interesting.  I could be done with Entry by then and watch that sucker.  Maybe watch if in my room instead of communally so I can be taking Walking Breaks.  OR watch it communally and then listen to it ON walking breaks.  I WOULD MISS A COUPLE OF MINUTES DURING TRANSITIONS BUT THAT'S A RISK I MIGHT BE WILLING TO TAKE.  Hmm.  War in Ukraine is going NOT GREAT.  Should have seen that coming in retrospect.  Prolonged War is not good for anyone!  Not like those QUICK SHORT WARS which let's be honest WORK OUT FOR THE BEST FOR LOTS.  Either way SHITTY FOR UKRAINE.  Shitty for the famine it's causing because Ukraine supplies World With Good.  Shitty for a lot of Russians I'm sure too!
     Shitty for other people too.  OH WELL I DON'T HAVE THE ANSWERS.  Off the top of my head my best advice to Ukraine would be WIN THE WAR NOW.  I know it's HARD but just DO YOUR BEST and WIN and WIN AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.  WE'LL SUPPORT YOU PRESUMABLY AS MUCH AS WE CAN MORE OR LESS WOULD BE MY ADVICE TO, "WE."  Hmm.  The point is I forget.  Man oh man it's POSSIBLE in a few weeks two best starting pitchers in the world, both Man Scherzer and The Jacobinator, are both pitching for The Mets!  TWO BEST PITCHERS ON THE PLANET all in ONE PERSON.  Well not one person.  One starting rotation.  Still TWO SEPARATE PEOPLE.  WOW THAT'S EVEN BETTER.  What else is going on and crap.  They'll throw so many pitches and the hitters will be like Wait WHAT how did THAT HAPPEN it was such a good pitch.  So we got LOTS of pitches like that to look forward to PROBABLY JUST WEEKS AWAY is my impression.  SMALL AMOUNT OF WEEKS. LIKE A MONTH AT THE UPPER END.  OKAY GREAT.  I'll be back in a little bit!




Titling Is What I'm Doing

    HEY!  Eating delicious Keto Bar.  Got my upcoming walks planned out TO THE T so I know I'm fitting everything in and exactly how.  Think I'm finishing BBQ Meal for lunch and having Veggie Burger for dinner!  WHAT SIDE?  I DUNNO HOW ABOUT A BUNCH OF WHEAT THINS.  And when I say a bunch I MEAN A LOT.  LIKE 20 OR 25 EVEN LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Maybe later.  I don't have much to say about it now other than what I just said.  It!  Anyway looks like the postponed January Sixth Insurrection Analysis Hearing isn't gonna be the one they do on Thursday.  They're keeping the same schedule as before!  So now it won't be in order!  THEY PLANNED THAT ORDER CAREFULLY AND DELIBERATELY I DUNNO HOW I FEEL ABOUT IT BEING INTERRUPTED.  Maybe that's the conspiracy though!  They thought WAIT A SECOND I WANNA DO IT THIS OTHER ORDER ACTUALLY.  Can't just TELL PEOPLE we're switching the order though.  Gotta make it a CONSPIRACY.  That sounds very plausible!
     Yeah!  Four more paragraphs to go for the daytime.  Good.  Got penultimate can of diet coke going on right now.  Anyway.  Just starting New Weekly Pack Of Beer TODAY after getting the re-up on Friday Morning.  Been rationing out drinks just as I planned.  Good for me!  Doing what I planned!  NOT LIKE THOSE JANUARY SIXTH HEARING COMMITTEES.  Unless this was always part of the plan.  In which case WELL DONE YA FOOLED ME FOR SOME REASON.  Gotta imagine they're acting in their own best interest if it IS a conspiracy.  Why would they conspire to sabotage themselves?  Hmm I can think of half a dozen reasons actually now that I think about it.  Hmm.  Moving on!  What else is up.  I think I get to vote in some primaries or something in two weeks.  Two weeks from THIS VERY DAY.  Great I'll vote I presumably get a sticker at the end.  Not at the beginning.  They give you a sticker before you actually vote you have no incentive to actually follow through!
     Hmm.  What else is up.  Gonna have a nice little break after Act II before next walk before shower.  I guess I can catch up on THE TWEETS there for some reason.  Not sure why.  Watch a Tales In The Crypt maybe.  Think I'll get to The Simpsons AT SOME POINT today but might start off with some Tales Crypt.  I guess.  Anyway.  Ate most of the skin from BBQ Chicken last night!  I mean I got it BBQ.  The BBQ HITS THE SKIN.  Because the skin is what's covering the chicken.  I could always leave over almost all of the skin and any BBQ sauce that somehow made it through to the chicken itself is all I get.  That's REASONABLE I think I'd get SOME BBQ that way.  But I ate the skin anyway oh well.  It wasn't that much skin!  Possible this chicken had some sort of dermatology problem.  Not enough skin!  Hmm what's the medical condition called where You Don't Have Enough Skin.  Gonna have to look into that at some point sooner or later!
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Maybe take shower after Act before walk instead of AFTER that walk.  I DUNNO I'LL THINK ABOUT IT OKAY?  Hmm.  Heat up chicken in microwave.  Side was KASHA VANISHKAS I can't heat that up in oven!  And why would I split meal between heating up in oven and microwave that'd be CRAZY.  And if there's one thing I'm not it's crazy.  If there's two things I'm not it's Crazy and An Alligator.  Just not an alligator sorry.  Also there's dozens of things I'm not but I don't have TIME to go through all of them WE GOT PLACES TO BE.  Hmm.  What's going on and crap.  Gonna just take a break before next walk.  Have shower after next walk!  You know that sort of thing.  TWO zoom appointments in a row I forgot about and had to have the doctor call me reminding me I'm late.  NOT A GOOD TREND.  Trending in the WRONG direction.  Should Just Remember Things Myself.  That'd be trending in the RIGHT direction.  WHICH IN THIS CASE IS LEFT.
Last paragraph of the DayTime!  Hey you idiots I'm out of clean shirts.  Gotta figure out how to deal with this situation BUT HOW.  No good options occurring to me right away.  Gonna have to put some real thought into this one.  So that's good I guess. HMM think I'm gonna DROP the Roast Beef and ADD veggie hot dogs.  Never got the veggie hot dogs before.  Wanna give it a shot.  SHOT HARD CORE.  Also that'd be pairing with Health Bread.  I can see that working out.  Don't know what veggie hot dogs look like Size or Shape or Texture-wise but I'd say solid chance they match up with Health Bread decently enough!  So that's good.  What else is up.  Maybe ice cream sandwich as afternoon snack.  Yep.  Sounds good.  It's good to have something to look forward to.  That's my impression.  I'm already looking forward to MEALS.  And I was already looking forward to afternoon snack REGARDLESS of what I decide it's gonna be.  GREAT GET OFF MY CASE ABOUT IT.  I'll be back tonight.




let's see what happens now

    Hey friends.  Somehow got through eight hours of doing nothing.  Seven hours maybe.  YEAH.  Just walking and laying and walking and laying over and over again.  Lack of interesting activities REALLY starting to Get My Goat.  Not sure I'm entertained enough these days!  I dunno.  No January Sixth Hearing tomorrow.  OH WELL there's one THURSDAY.  What fun.  I like this Franchise so far.  Very much interested in seeing what direction they go in for the rest of it.  Also I hope it gets picked up for another season but I guess at this point it's still too early to speculate on that kind of thing.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE I FEEL LESS CRAZY BY WATCHING IT.  Oh this is how sane and responsible people act and feel.  Kinda like what my instinct was to feel!  And where my instinct would be to what to expect how which where what people feel who could act such that wherewithall Thing.  The point is GOOD THING FOR ME, GOOD THING FOR COUNTRY.
  Got chocolate tootsie pop going on right now.  Probably gonna have Delicious Quest Bar LATER.  In a bit.  I think it's COOL how Bright Outside it stays LATE INTO DAY.  I like it when things get mixed up and this is a GENERAL MIXEMUP that HURTS NOBODY.  Except for plants that need sundown to live.  I think I read a poem about something like that in 2015.  Not a REAL poem.  A fellow classmate's poem.  Some DUMB poem where it's like I planted these flowers and they grow by the light of the moon.  REALLY HATED THE POEM THEN and I STILL DO NOW.  But it apparently made an impression on me so WOW MISSION ACCOMPLISHED I GUESS.  You don't need to LIKE a poem for it to Win.  If it makes an impression on you THE POEM SUCCEEDED AND YOU'VE FAILED.  Also YOU FAILED because anyone's Starting Point with poems is to NOT BE EFFECTED BY IT.  Be on THE DEFENSE re: Classmates' poems.  TRY TO KEEP IT OUT OF RELEVANCE FOR YOURSELF.  It's GOOD because that's usually EXTREMELY EASY.  These kids can't write poems for shit!  NOT LIKE YOU.  YOUR POEMS ARE DECENT.  THEIRS SUCK THOUGH.
     Hmm.  Got pants on!  Gonna need to take out recyclables and presumably garbage tonight!  That's okay.  It might still be light outside slightly at 9 PM.  It was yesterday!  And the TREND things seem to be going in is that it will be MORE SLIGHTLY LIGHTER SLIGHTLY LATER tonight.  So that's FUN.  What else is up.  Tootsie Pops been Sleeper Hit Of The Summer so far.  Giving myself plenty of Snack Discourse for evenings (that's not a correct word usage or term!) and the lowest calorie one-- the tootsie roll-- is the one that's knocking it out of the park the most!  GREAT MAYBE I CAN REPLACE ANOTHER SNACK WITH 2 MORE TOOTSIE ROLLS INSTEAD.  I dunno that sounds like a big risk.  You don't wanna MAKE WAVES.  Unless it's a BLUE WAVE and we're talking about CONGRESS 22 SURPRISE RESULTS TO REMEMBER.  Blue Wave ON THE HORIZON.  Still got 5.5 months TO GET THE WAVE STARTED.  It's like the thing where a butterfly flapping its wings in Indonesia can cause a hurricane in Kansas.  A REPLACEMENT OF A QUEST BAR OF 3 TOOTSIE ROLLS CAN CRATE A BLUEWAVE 5.5 MONTHS LATER TO REMEMBER.  Probably.  I just finished the tootsie pop.
  What kinda meals I had today.  WHAT KINDA MEALS INDEED.  BBQ chicken for lunch and Veggie burger with wheat thins for dinner.  Lot less Actual Chicken than I expected!  I thought I had divided the amount of chicken between Last Night Portion and This Afternoon Portion pretty evenly.  WRONG.  Last night was OVER 80% of the entire thing!  With this afternoon being LESS THAN 20% of the entire thing (YOU MAY have been able to do the math yourself on that-- NOT GONNA GIVE YOU CREDIT FOR IT THOUGH.  Don't trust 100% you could have figured it out SORRY I CALLS EM LIKE I SEE EMS).  Hmm.  I feel like EVERYTHING IN LIFE should end with getting to chew down on a whole chocolate tootsie roll.  Why just these lollipops.  I'm drinking a beer, too!   I feel like every time I finish a beer a Tootsie Roll should Spawn In My Mouth that I get to chew up real good and swallow.  Prove me wrong-- you can't! 
    HMM maybe take a QUICK RECESS after this paragraph.  I can see myself doing that because I can see myself doing lots of things.  Especially once I've started doing them!  Makes it VERY easy to see myself doing something I've already begun the process of!  I guess.  Have delicious health ice cream bar maybe.  I got lots of good options.  THIS BUTTERFLY CAN'T BE FROM INDONESIA I'D HAVE REMEMBERED THAT.  I think the Butterfly PLURALITY CHANCE is from INDIA.  Definitely not Indonesia though.  Just sounds wrong!  Maybe butterflies in Indonesia ALSO have Strangely Powerful and Influential Wings, too.  NOPE.  Just the ones from India.  INDONESIA BUTTERFLIES AIN'T INFLUENCIN SHIT.  Hmm.  Not sure if I'm grasping the concept of this philosophical premise.  Oh well wouldn't be the first thing I Didn't Grasp Something.  Also all those times I tried to... grasp... Something.  Hey it's time for a quick RECESS be back soon.

    HEY that recess was WAY QUICKER THAN I THOUGHT IT WAS HARDLY ANYTHING.  I watched Met game for 30 seconds. Saw a Met get THROWN OUT trying to steal a base.  WENT AND GOT HEALTH IC CREAM BAR.  Came back here.  Sure it was only JUST MOMENTS ago I finished Tootsie Pop &/v Roll.  DOESN'T MATTER I'M EATIN' POP NOW TOO.  This is the life I chose and it's working out pretty well for me as of now!  Hmm.  Any good DVDs I can watch tonight.  I'd rather put them into my X-Box Machine and watch the Digitally Encrypted Video WRITTEN IN BINARY CODE on the DVD TRANSLATED INTO SIGHT AND SOUND IMAGES AND WAVELENGTHS rather than just LOOK at the DVD itself.  Both are entertaining but ONE IS WAY MORE entertaining.  Anyway hey maybe watch one of those Good Films I have.  You know like THE CELL.  I think there's an 90% chance I got THE CELL because it cost me a nickel due to Colombia ReadingHouse Deal, and a 10% chance I got THE CELL because I thought there might be good shots of Jennifer Lopez's butt.  SOLID 100% CHANCE IT WAS BOTH OF THOSE.
     If I remember correctly THERE IS.
  Which is interesting because I MADE IT A POINT to FORGET EVERYTHING about that film.  I think she gets sucked into a world or something.  Something inbetween New Jumanji and Hellraiser.  Vaguely the plot description off the top of my head.  What else is going on.  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH everyone's favorite paragraph to remember!  Wonderful.  Making it through Tales In The Crypt franchise very quickly.  I finished one way through it a few days ago.  I WILL FINISH THE NEXT WAY THROUGH IT MAYBE TWO DAYS FROM NOW.  The good news is IT'S PRODUCTIVE.  I'm becoming THE BEST at something.  I am gonna be among the world's best at Knowing All These Episodes Of This Show.  Wow I'd like to meet my Tales Crypt Compatriots.  We could have discussions like hey let's talk about the huge plot holes for 70% of the episodes.  THEN SPECULATE ON HOW TO SMOOTH OVER THOSE PLOT HOLES.  Might as well put ourselves to Good Productive Use Somehow.
     Eighth paragraph!  What else is up.  Gonna go get Beer #2.  I like that.  Especially the part where it inebriates me!  HMM.  Replace Speculative Quest Bar with ICE CREAM BAR + TOOTSIE POP.  Which is STILL LESS CALORIES.  I THINK THIS IS THE GREATEST IDEA I'VE HAD IN THE HISTORY OF GREAT IDEAS.  It's appropriate the greatest idea is so Low Stakes.  High Stakes ideas are gonna have a lot of BACKWASH NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES.  So they might be GREAT to GREAT EXTENTS but they're also balanced out with bad parts.  NOTHIN BAD ABOUT THIS.  TOOTSIE ROLL AND ICE CREAM BAR.  LOVE IT.  Well sure the negative consequence is no Delicious Quest Bar.  And it's LESS HEALTHY because Quest Bar is ALL ABOUT THAT PROTEIN.  And Fiber.  Look Fiber is all well and good but PROTEIN is the real Great Thing About Bars.  Hmm.  I lost track of what I was saying but the point is I STILL forget what I was saying but the point is I ALSO FORGET what the point is so basically I DON'T KNOW WHAT"S GOING ON RIGHT NOW nor do I know how to end it and move on!  Oh right gotta go get beer #2.
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  FIBER BAR AND FUDGESICLE.  Another COMBO of what I might have for UpcomingSnacks tonight.  LOOK THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN TO EAT LITERALLY ANYTHING I WANT.  Gonna have to think about it but whatever happens it's that I FOLLOW MY HEART is what's important!  GREAT.  Any HAILRAISERS on TV I can watch.  Well sure I can watch THE CELL.  Lemme LTURQ what the plot is for that.  HMM THEY ENTER THE MIND OF A SERIAL KILLER TO FIND OUT WHERE HIS LATEST VICTIM IS IN REAL LIFE.  That doesn't sound convoluted at all.  It sounds PROVOLUTED.  Good I like a good Provolution Movie.  So there's that.  Maybe The Cell was the best movie ever made.  I wouldn't COUNT on it.  But there's a chance HOWEVER SMALL IT MAY BE that The Cell is ACTUALLY the Best Movie Ever Made.  Hmm with that in mind maybe I OWE IT TO MYSELF to watch it.  Or MAYBE I DON'T.  LEANING TOWARDS, "I DON'T."
Last paragraph of the night yay!  Wonderful.  THE CELL WAS NOMINATED FOR AN ACADEMY AWARD. In Make Up.  YES MAJOR MOTION PICTURES ARE ALL MADE UP EXCEPT FOR DOCUMENTARIES WHAT'S YOUR POINT.  I dunno something stupid.  OH THAT'S AN IMPORTANT POINT TO MAKE PLEASE CARRY ON AND CONTINUE.  Hmm.  Have I watched Back To The Future this month yet.  Maybe I can watch that on DVD.  It's getting close to OCTOBER which is BACK TO THE FUTURE MONTH.  It all happens in Octobers.  So basically that's one thing to keep in mind.  Hmm.  HEY I wonder how Jurassic World Is doing AT THE CRITICS' CORNER.  NOT DOING VERY GOOD AT THE CRITICS CORNER.  Oh well such is life.  Gettin' 30% Fresh Ratings at The Critics' Corner!  THAT'S LIFE IN A NUTSHELL I GUESS.  Anyway it's NOT EVEN CLOSE to being dark outside yet.  How can I end this entry thinking okay I'll putter around for an hour and then go to bed.  Nowhere NEAR enough time to watch an entire film or something while IT'S DAYTIME OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW.  GUESS I CAN AND SHOULD AND MUST WATCH A FILM.  I dunno I'll think about it in a minute when I'm done here and my mind is open to Start Thinking Of Things Again.  See ya soon!

-8:45 P.M.




Monday, June 13, 2022

I'll Get Right To It

    Hey!  On some sort of schedule today.  Gonna get walks in and entry and whatknot.  Saw Dermatologist!  Mark on back could be from scratching it or something in my sleep.  People do weird things in their sleep Doctor Says.  I HAD SLEEP DISORDER A COUPLE YEARS AGO FOR A COUPLE WEEKS.  Or it could be genetic.  In which case IT AIN'T GOIN' AWAY.  Gonna have some dumb small mark on my back from now on.  I could put cream on it SURE but I'd have to do that indefinitely.  Once I stop it comes back!  Who cares enough!  Maybe swimsuit models!  I'm not one of those!  And even if it was I'D WEAR A ONE PIECE THAT COVERS UP THAT AREA GIVE ME SOME CREDIT FOR MODESTY.  Anyway.  Listened to Most Of Hearing today Thusfar but NOT right now.  I got plenty out of what I've already heard!  This guy is dumb and wants to steal the election is what I'm gathering.  WHAT a... JERK?  I don't wanna be sued for LIBEL.  Not sure if I can legally call him anything above Jerk.  FINE BIGGEST AMERICANMADE AMERICAN ANTAGONIST IN AT LEAST A CENTURY.  That's underselling it a bit because LIKE I SAID I don't wanna be sued FOR LIBEL.
    Anyway.  Got a can of Diet Coke going!  Should finish All Cans by the end of the day.  AMAZING then it's back to BOTTLES of Diet Coke!  Hmm.  Paint It Black.  Dye It Coke.  Probably came up with that a couple of times before.  Let's say CIRCA 2014 and then again CIRCLA 2017.  AND NOW HERE IT IS AGAIN.  WE GET TO ENJOY IT ONE MORE TIME!  Not a lot of Painting It Black.  You're not gonna paint walls black.  Unless you're trying to simulate SPACE.  Being in space is black so if you have a kid whose like I WANNA BE AN ASTRONAUT you gotta paint his room black and remove all light.  Wouldn't removing all light make painting it black redundant.  Can't see colors anyway.  YES PAINTING IT BLACK IS THE FAILSAFE PLAN.  The point is feed this kid some TANG I think that's a good halfway mid compromise solution.  He's not getting an idea of what it's like in space but he is drinking ASTRONAUT SPORTS DRINK.
What else is up.  Probably gonna have 2nd half of Waffle & Calamari for lunch.  Get somethin' new for dinner!  That's how I roll!  Anyway I had a weird Disc of IKIRU that was the only one I can find where it had only like an hour and 18 minutes of footage and HALF OF IT seemed new.  So I'm leaning towards this is a disc of deleted scenes or something but it also is just half regular scenes.  OR maybe I just never noticed all these scenes before.  BUT I THINK THEY'VE BEEN DELETED that's my hypothesis.  Just had a delicious granola bar that's my hypothesis.  What else is up.  If it weren't for Prior Commitments (ENTRY) I'd be watching all of Hearings, sure!  But I have Mark Prior Commitments.  Mark Prior is A PERSON.  A Major League Person!  FROM 2004.  Hmm that sounds like a long time ago now that I put it that way.  WHAT WAY.  "From 2004."  That way.  OH OKAY yep that does sound like a long time ago!
     Hey great what else is up.  Is Bill Barr related to Babar?  My guess?  NO BABAR IS A HERO BILL BARR IS A VILLAIN.  HALFWAY REDEEMED.  But a SOLID halfway TOO RUINED TO BE REDEEMED.  But also a solid LET'S SAY 40% REDEEMED.  I don't have a problem giving Bill Barr 40% redemption I'M IN A GENEROUS MOOD.  What else is going on and crap.  Bill Barr is a REPUBLICAN.  Elephant is the official Mascot of Republicans.  Babar is a ELEPHANT.  ALSO JUST LOOK AT EM THEY MIRROR IMAGES OF EACH OTHER.  This is getting SCARY about The Bill Barr--Babar Connection.  I FEEL UN AT EASE.  Hmm.  Guy who was gonna testify got permission to LEAVE to see their KID being born.  SOUNDS KINDA SUSPECT.  I think they're having this kid JUST SO HE COULD GET OUT OF THIS.  They planned it ahead!  IT WAS A SCAM FROM THE START.  Now they're stuck with a kid and I'd HOPE they treat him with love and respect despite being completely unwanted.
Fifth paragraph of the act!  Walkings SHOULD be easy enough to fit in but it's complicated by my Dad NOT KNOWING when he wants to take his walk today.  OH NO COMPLICATIONS.  That's scary!  Look have I talked about Bill Barr and Babar before?  Sure.  ONCE IN 2018 and ONCE IN 2020.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Also Bill Barr Rhymes With Bill Mahar.  Hmm.  Both wear glasses. I feel like Bill Mahar doesn't wear glasses but I can TOTALLY picture him wearing glasses.  Also maybe he sometimes wears glasses like 10% of the time on the TV.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THIS JERK WEARS GLASSES NOW.  Well that's unfair calling him a jerk.  Yep this BIGGEST AMERICANMADE AMERICAN ANTAGONIST IN AT LEAST A CENTURY-- BILL MAHER IN GLASSES-- wears glasses now.  The point is I watched Real Time with Bill Maher for years and liked it enough.  THAT WAS ALONG TIME AGO.  I think the show started in 2004 around the time Mark Prior hit the scene.  MAYBE 2003 Let's LTURQ.  YEP 2003 JUST LIKE I SAID WAS MY FIRST GUESS.  I clearly just said 2004 as my first guess.  SOUNDS LIKE SOMEBODY WANTS TO BE CALLED THE BIGGEST AMERICANMADE JERK IN AT LEAST A CENTURY-- YOU-- CALLING ME OUT FOR MY LIES.
     Coffee time!  Hey what's up and crap.  I'm guessing hearing will be over by the time I take my next walk in Oh I Don't Know FOURTY MINUTES.  Great!  It's possible that most one piece swimsuits would still not cover up this area of my back.  COVER UP?!?!  THAT'S A NEGATIVE THING WITH OTHER CONNOTATIONS.  Sounds like a scam.  The point is hey I got zoom appointment with psychiatrist tomorrow.  Cool!  Dermatologist didn't check my weight but I DID at home scale beforehand and GOOD NUMBER.  Don't know what it means in any sort of context.  But it's a better number than I've seen in a few weeks!  AMAZING LOOKS LIKE ALL MY HARD WORK IS PAYING OFF.  I suppose.  I think Tara Reid is THE FACE of the Sharknado Franchise.  Obviously those are low budget cheesy films BUT Lots of People probably have watched it and are passionate about it!  It means nothing TO ME but maybe a lot of people's lives REVOLVE around SHARKNADOS and Tara Reid is A BIG PART OF THAT.
    That's good.  Good for her!  Good for the fans.  And good for the Sharknados to get their moment in the sun.  I could easily be done with this act before FOURTY MINUTES.  Could be done with it after Fourty Minutes GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Should have said that to Dermatologist.  I GOT THIS MARK IN REGARDS TO, "IT," I WANNA GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Something along those lines!  I dunno!  Listened to 10 minutes of Hearing in waiting room WITHOUT EARBUDS.  Gotta let these other people know THIS IS A BIG DEAL.  Your fellow Waiting Person is watching it and not concerned their being disruptive because YOU'RE GONNA WANNA HEAR THIS TOO BIG AMERICAN DEAL.  I don't think you're gonna be happy about not knowing about it to tell your grand kids.  Also YOUR GRAND KIDS ARE ROBOT SURPRISE.  THAT'S HOW THE FUTURE WORKS.  I TOLD YOU you'd wanna listen to this.  ALL THE CLUES ABOUT YOUR GRANDKIDS BEING ROBOTS ARE IN THESE HEARINGS.
  Most people in the Waiting Room-- maybe all!-- were elderly.  AT LEAST old Middle Age.  THESE JERKS HAVE GRAND KIDS ALREADY.  Well MAYBE THEY'RE ROBOTS ALREADY HOT SHOT what do you think of that.  CYBORGS at the very least.  EIGHTH PARAGRAPH.  That happened quickly.  I didn't even get time to enjoy Hey it's seventh paragraph very deep into Act.  I got to EVEN MORE ENJOY hey it's EIGHTH PARAGRAPH I'M KNOCKING THIS OUT OF THE PARK IN TERMS OF GETTING CLOSE TO BEING DONE WITH ACT I SOON.  So that's good news.  The way things are shaking out I'm gonna have no problem fitting in and scheduling walks as well as other Time Obligations.  So that's good.  OH HEY National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Bourbon Day and National Strawberry Shortcake.  WHAT THE HELL IS SHORTCAKE.  It sounds KINDA GREAT?  I like Short Stuff.  I AM Short Stuff.  Shortcake is "A SWEET CAKE."  Uhh... hate to break it to you... ALL CAKE IS SWEET.  Well let's say 90% OF CAKE IS SWEET.  Anyway maybe it's different from cake somehow LET'S DO A RARE DOUBLE CHECK 2nd WEBSITE SOURCE beyond Wikipedia.  Small cake with biscuit dough usually with fruit flavor or something.  I added the, "Or Something," FOR CONTEXT.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Hmm.  I guess.  That granola bar really hit the spot.  GENERALLY it was about an hour early for snack between breakfast and lunch but I'LL ALLOW IT.  I think it'll satisfy my UP TIL LUNCH ALL THE SAME.  YEAH.  Schedules are made to be broken!  Like Hearing Today.  They scheduled it for 10:00 AM?  BROKEN!  Cause dumb guy had his Scam Baby.  Gotta re-calibrate the hearing!  TOOK SOME TIME.  I GET IT.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Gonna combine SHOWER AND LUNCH into same between Walks Period today.  INTERESTING VERY INTERESTING.  WELL KIND OF INTERESTING.  IT'S PRETTY INTERESTING BUT I COULD BE SUED FOR LIBEL IF I INSIST IT'S, "VERY," INTERESTING.  What else is going on and crap.  No Mets game today.  Oh well I assume they'll be back at it tomorrow.  That's the plan at least!  So that's good.  Anyway Hearing is more powerful WITH MOVING PICTURES than just audio but still PRETTY POWERFUL.  JUST NOT AS MUCH AS WITH THE MOVING PICTURES.  I wanna see these jerkses body language.  PROBABLY MAKES EM LOOK LIKE JERKS.  That'd be my educated guess.
Last paragraph of the act!  Probably should have Committee submit the testifiers' body language for the record.  FOR THE RECORD, THE WITNESS IS LOOKING LIKE A JERK.  Not sure these people are witnesses.  Not sure they're testifiers!  Not sure it's exactly, "FOR THE RECORD."  Solid chance that premise is 90% Kind Of What This Is.  Anyway what else is up.  Anyway for first 5 minutes in waiting room NOT SOCIALLY DISTANCED I'M SORRY TO SAY.  Too small a room with too many people.  Then the last 20 or 25 minutes in waiting room I WAS 6 Feet Plus Socially Distanced.  Well I guess we'll see if I get covid and/or die from covid.  Only time will tell!  What else.  Had 3 beers last night.  Probably means I won't tonight!  That'd be my educated assumption.  Hmm.  The point is I'm not sure what I got out of watching Dwayne Wade Documentary other than hey this guy seems like an okay person.  Both in PERSONAL SKILLS and BASKETBALL SKILLS.  So that's good I guess.  Well that's it for now  Be back very soon!




That's What You Think

    HMM MAYBE GET CHICKEN DINNER FOR TONIGHT.  BBQ CHICKEN.  It's like Roast Half Chicken but this time BBQ HAS INFUSED ITSELF INTO IT.  Or I can put on my own BBQ Sauce if I feel like it.  NO GOOD IT'S NOT INFUSED AS WELL.  Either way that sounds great.  Two part Chicken dinner tonight and tomorrow.  Let's go with that!  Anyway HEARINGS is over per my understanding.  I HEARD about half of it!  Lotta Bill Barr and some of the Fox News guy.  I don't know how to say it but I'm getting the impression the was crimes going on in terms of trying to overthrow First A Democratic Election and then The ENTIRE Democracy Itself.  I think if you convince people that the election was stolen and you remain in power peacefully you can convince 40%+ we're still KIND OF a Democracy.  But if you go as far as Trump does with 1/6 we sort of abandon all pretense of living in Democracy.  THAT'S MY HOT TAKE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.
  I'm counting on getting DELI for dinner because it feels like we're due for that.  That's where I can get BBQ Chicken.  DINER DINNER IS ONLY NON-BBQ.  So that's fun we'll see how all that, "SHAKES OUT."  Hmm.  Didn't experiment with having Bitesworth of both Waffle and Calamari AT THE SAME TIME last night.  I can try that one or two bitesworth today.  Generally I wanna make this meal LAST.  Eat as small bitesworth as possible.  But once or twice I can combine for effect and see how that works.  HMM VERY INTERESTING.  Almost CONCERNINGLY TOO INTERESTING.  I dunno if I can handle all this excitement.  So there's that.  I feel like I watched an episode or two of The Simpsons yesterday.  At the very least 2/3rds of an episode.  Kind of.  Only paid 20% attention.  But it was fun!  Let's go with that for today.  It's better than many alternatives I can presumably think of if I felt like thinking about it!  So that's good.
     Third paragraph from The End of DayTime Entrying.  What's going on and crap.  Lunch in about oh I don't know. an hour and FOURTY minutes!  Sweet.  I'll get to that lunch without needing another snack NO PROB (lem).  Half of the deleted scenes of IKIRU were him interacting more with That Guy who helps him blow all his money on frivolous stuff.  Gambling and ladies and stuff like that!  MORE TO IT than the original cut of the film we all know and are familiar with.  I THINK.  Maybe all this stuff WAS in the film but I feel like SOME OF THIS IS NEW TO ME.  I've seen film maybe 5 times in my life so it's possible I didn't register everything completely GET OFF BACK ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  Anyway when I showed Dermatologist RashThing on back he was like okay first of all DON'T WORRY I'm sure this is nothing bad.  And it was then I realized WAIT A SECOND I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WORRIED.  I FORGOT ABOUT THAT.  JUST ASSUMED IT WAS NOTHING AND DIDN'T REALIZE THERE WAS A SMALL CHANCE I HAD SKIN CANCER OR SOMETHING.  DANGIT.  I could have gotten a lot of Quality Worrying in!  Oh well that's life.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Next hearing is about Trump to influence and/or replace Attorney General with goal of stealing election.  Well stealing PRESIDENCY.  Stealing election is kind of intangible hypothetical concept.  He wants to steal BEING PRESIDENT that's the main thing!  He's not gonna be like WELL I WON 'LECTION THAT'S WHAT COUNTS.  SEE YA LATER.  No this jerk wants to STEAL AMERICA.  So there's that.  Anyway I feel like Bill Barr is the Attorney General in question.  Let's LTURQ.  YEP SEEMS LIKE I'M A GENIUS BECAUSE I'M RIGHT ON TARGET ABOUT THAT.  GREAT.  This hearing could MAKE OR BREAK Bill Barr's legacy.  I hope it BREAKS IT I DON'T like this guy a solid 75% Overall.  THEN AGAIN THE 25% SHOT AT REDEMPTION IS A LONGSHOT AND I LOVE BETTING ON LONGSHOTS.  Pays off more if they hit!  THAT'S GAMBLING FOR YA.  Anyway what else is up.  Gotta write one more paragraph and then I'M OUTTA HERE. ...FOR A SOLID SIX HOURS.
Wonderful!  Great!  Don't mean to brag but I made the exact right amount of coffee today.  Finished second cup after mom had Her Cup and it went right to the level I wanted it to with Finishing Pot.  So basically that's pretty great.  Hmm.  Might put waffle and calamari in microwave for lunch.  Let's have some SOFT waffle and SOFT  fried calamari as opposed to HARD waffle and HARD calamari.  Pretty sure the opposite of Soft Food isn't Hard Food.  More like Crunchy or Crispy.  NOPE I'M STICKING WITH HARD.  I'm not gonna have HARD Waffles or HARD calamari for lunch.  Unless the microwaving GOES WRONG.  Which is possible!  Maybe they get hard in the microwave.  I KNOW I WOULD.  Sounds sexy and whatknot.  Being in microwave.  I dunno.  OH HEY finally had Balanced Breakfast this morning!  Frosted Flakes Based Balanced Breakfast!  NOW I GET TO GO INTO TOMORROW MORNING WITH ANOTHER BREAKFAST IN MIND.  Probably Black * Whites Part II.  GREAT I'LL BE BACK SOON




hey wait a second

    HEY!  Had delicious BBQ Chicken for dinner.  With side of Kasha Vanishkas and Oh I Don't Know CARROTS.  Solid amount to split between two diners.  PERFECT.  Maybe 12.5% more chicken would have been better.  MAYBE A WHOLE 15% IF WE'RE PICKING HAIRS.  That can't be an expression.  Knit PIcking.  Picking Hairs.  The point is topped it off with FIBER BAR.  Didn't even WAIT ten minutes.  Just ate the freakin fiber bar IMMEDIATELY AFTER DINNER.  LET'S GO NUTS TONIGHT IS FOR LOVERS.  I may be confusing Tonight with Virginia.  But on the off chance I'm not THEN WHAT I JUST SAID MAKES A SURPRISING AMOUNT OF A TON OF A SENSE!  Anyway gonna crack up open a beer now.  Let's go with that.  Not wearing pants.  Wow this keeps getting better and better.  Then it gets worse and worse for some reason.  THEN GOTTA IMAGINE IT LEVELS OFF FOR A GOOD LONG WHILE.
  Down to TWO cans of diet coke after the one I'm currently inebriated from.  Inebriated doesn't need to mean drunk or high.  You can be inebriated by just being UNDER THE SPELL of delicious SOFT COLA.  Trust me I know because I'm under that spell ALMOST ALL THE TIME.  It's a big part of Why I Am What I Is!  Hmm.  Is the take away from Today Testimony that Trump raised 250 Million dollars to Stop The Steal and they (OR AT LEAST I) don't know where 240 of it went?  Gotta imagine THEY know SOMETHING.  Depending on who the THEY is.  And what that SOMETHING is.  But the point is I DON'T KNOW and maybe I'll find out maybe I won't the Balls in THEY'rs court now.  I HOPE SOMEHOW IT WENT TO ME.  I wouldn't see that twist coming but off the top of my head that's a best case scenario.  I'd like to find out I got 15 million dollars from this fund somehow that'd solve LOTS of my problems.  Pretty much!  OH NO I WAS PICKING AT A TOE NAIL AND NOW I'M WORRIED I'VE GOT CARAMELIZED BBQ SAUCE UNDER THE TOE NAIL.  That can't be good for Health Reasons.  You don't want BBQ Sauce living under your nail.  OH WELL YOU GET WHAT YOU ASK FOR.  I shoulda been more careful!  Nobody's fault but mine!
    Third paragraph of the act.  That's, "Cool," I guess.  Is this deli the place where I can get like a half chicken or something stuffed with rice.  Or was that some other place.  I'll be waiting for your answer INDEFINITELY.  Looking forward to hearing from you!  Anyway that sounds good.  I can always just get Chicken Half Chicken and rice separately.  Yeah but it's better AESTHETICALLY for it to already be combined you FOOL.  IT'S FUN AS FUCK.  And FUCK IS THE FUNNEST THING AROUND.  Prove me wrong you can't because You'D be wrong.  Anyway what kinda stuff am I watching tonight after entry.  Maybe I find the REAL disc of Ikiru and watch THE REST of what I've seen.  I assume there's a button I can press where it gives me the option of skipping the exact scenes that I saw already yesterday on this other disc.  Just the regular movie but only 75% of it, leaving out the parts I just saw.  I feel like Kurosawa and/or the DVD people should have seen this scenario developing and prepared for it.  Anyway as someone who goes by CRAZY as a Personal Pronoun I don't like Trump horning in on my Digs.  I'M CRAZY GET YOUR OWN THING.  CRAZY AIN'T BIG ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF US.  And since I have the URL already registered I WIN FINDERS KEEPERS.  You'll have to settle for any of a litany of Other Negative Adjectives.  The good news is you've got A WHOLE LOT to pick from.  You're BLESSED to qualify for MANY MANY words to act as different negative framings of your character.  LUCKY YOU.
     Fourth paragraph of the act.
  I dunno.  Good shot the next dessert snack to remember the night of thing is gonna be High Quality Healthy Ice Cream Sandwich.  Save that sucker for when entry is done.  Enjoy that sucker while it lasts.  IT WILL LAST A VAGUELY DECENT AMOUNT OF TIME IF NOT A GREAT AMOUNT OF TIME.  Anyway Trump gets TWO iced cream sandwiches per my memory.  That was a REAL NEWS STORY.  AFTER DINNER HE GETS AN EXTRA SCOOP OF ICE CREAM compared to everyone else.  Which is CRAZY! ...HE COULD FIND PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BE IN HIS COMPANY FOR DINNER?  Who are these people.  Anyway MOVING ON.  Gonna go pour some more soda.  That's right YOU HEARD ME POUR soda.  Not having one of the last 2 cans of diet coke.  GOING TO HAVE A GLASS OF FLAVORED SYRUP WATER different than the diet coke we so recently spoke of.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  I feel like I don't know any Fun Story from Biden's Eating Ordeals.  Trump gets super big boy scoops of ice cream.  Obama had an official White House cake called Chocolate Freedom.  WHAT'S BIDEN'S DEAL. 
     HMM BREAKING NEWS THIS IS BIG.  CHOCOLATE FREEDOM WAS W BUSH'S FAVORITE DISH.  Obama INHERITED Chocolate Freedom.  ENTIRELY DIFFERENT STORY than what's been implied to me.  I WAS LED TO BELIEVE Obama and/or Obama Kitchen Staff made Chocolate Freedom FOR FUN (Black person is vaguely similar color to chocolate is the premise I WAS LED TO BELIEVE).  NOPE.  Chocolate Freedom was GRANDFATHERED IN.  This changes EVERYTHING.  Either way STILL gotta imagine either way Trump made them stop serving Chocolate Freedom.  Solid 60% chance that's completely accurate.  I'd bet even money Trump took Chocolate Freedom off the menu EASY.  I'D PUT IT ALL ON THE LINE.  How much money do I have.  I HAVE TWO TEN DOLLAR BILLS FROM WHEN I GOT PIZZA LUNCH LAST WEEK.  So am I gonna put that on the line.  I DON'T KNOW MY PARENTS WOULDN'T APPROVE AND I CAN EASILY BE WRONG.  This is a tough one.  I don't have PLAY MONEY to gamble EVERY SINGLE PAIR OF TEN DOLLAR BILLS COUNTS.
    Hey the act is halfway over.  That's good.  NOW I'm actually gonna go re-up with soda like I speculated I might several sentences or so ago!  Anyway BENS DELI does have CHICKEN IN A POT where they do stuff Chicken with plenty of things.  Good things!  Matzoh ball, noodles, carrots.  Good stuff I'd like.  NOT RICE THOUGH.  Is that a deal breaker?  I dunno!  I might try this Pot Chicken next time or something.  ALSO KREPLACH AND PEAS.  KREPLAH GREAT.  Peas LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  HOWEVER this is probably the kind of thing i gotta take it as it is.  I don't know if I can say DO THE REGULAR CHICKEN POT THING WITH ALL THE STUFF WITHOUT PEAS.  That would CONFUSE and ANGER the cooks and then they'd take out their anger on unsuspecting Diners in the Cafeteria Room.  Kind of a low class way of referring to Dining Room.  Oh well IF THEY WANNA SUE ME FOR LIBEL THE DOOR IS WIDE OPEN.  I'm exposing myself for libel all over the place and all the libel cancels itself out and absolves me of any and all potential guilt for any and everything.
  WOW SEVEN THAT'S AS DEEP INTO 10 PARAGRAPHS AS YOU CAN GET!  Hmm.  Oh right I was gonna pour myself some soda.  And at this point I might as well get 2nd beer with it.  Not quite done with the first one but HEY THAT'S LIFE OR SOMETHING?  Hmm. Maybe save Good Ice Cream Sandwich for Breakfast tomorrow.  POP TART ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  I EARNED IT by having a BALANCED BREAKFAST this morning.  Hmm.  Maybe have tootsie pop after entry.  Then save ice cream sandwich and/or ice cream bar for Going To Bed Snack.  ITS A GOOD IDEA BECAUSE IT LEAVES THE DOOR OPEN TO HAVE ICE CREAM BAR INSTEAD OF SANDWICH AND THEN A SECOND DOOR IS WIDE OPEN TO HAVE ICE CREAM SANDWICH FOR BREAKFAST WHICH OPENS ALL SORT OF DOORS IN TERMS OF HOW I CAN ENJOY TOMORROW THE MORNING.  Hmm.  How do I feel about giving Bill Barr a 40% redemption rating.  I feel it's a good bipartisan compromise.   You can certainly argue he hasn't earned it but you can also argue It's Not Really That High A Redemption Rate Already.  DEPENDS ON PERSPECTIVES.
What else is up.  Look he's FAILED at redemption.  You gotta get 65% if you wanna be redeemed.  At 40% he's not even that close!  But it's CONSIDERABLY higher than Zero so THAT'S WHERE WE'RE AT WITH THESE CALCULATIONS AND IMPRESSIONS RIGHT AT THIS VERY MOMENT.  Oh right time to get soda I KEEP FORGETTING TO DO THAT.  It's like Forgetting Sarah Marshall.  But instead of Sarah Marshall it's POURING SODA.  Also it's NOTHING like Forgetting Sarah Marshall even if we nominally swap out the, "Sarah Marshall," for, "Soda."  Totally different connotations and situations and everything.  NOT EVEN CLOSE to the same thing.  Hey time to get the soda FOR REASON now.  I'm talking REALLY let's go.  The point is Trump made a mockery of the White House and when Biden moved in to restore sanity and credibility he did SOMETHING with the White House menu and I WANNA KNOW WHAT IT WAS.  I WON'T REST UNTIL I GET TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS.  EXCEPT FOR MAYBE 10 HOURS A DAY.  THAT'S THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.
     Penultimate paragraph of the night.
  Whattado with the rest of the night.  Watched 2 or 3 full Simpsons episodes this afternoon!  Paying attention to them roughly 50%!  I got into ebbs and flows where I was absorbing Most Of It for a while and then absorbing Few Of It for a while.  The point is DELICIOUS I LIKE THE BANANA LOOKING FAMILY.  What else is up.  Haven't had a banana in months.  I probably should have bananas because God would approve.  Not sure what the ultimate, "Tipping Point Act," that determines where I end up in afterlife but it's POSSIBLE that having more bananas is what puts me over the edge.  Into Heaven.  Maybe not THE Heaven.  But a subsidiary of Heaven.  The point is it's a lot better than Hell Affiliated Afterlife Theme Parks.  Why is eating banana good.  Well it's good for me but that's SELIFISH reasons that does me no good impressing God.  But eating them because FAMILY BOUGHT THEM and if I don't eat them THEY MIGHT GO BAD... now we're talking SELFLESS ACTS and if I know God as well as I think I do he's gonna LOVE me eating Family Bananas.  That's what I'm banking on at least.  It'll be interesting to see how it all shakes out ultimately in real life, though!
     Last paragraph of the night.  Root beer soda going on right now.  God probably wouldn't mind that.  He'd be pretty uninterested in the kind of soda I'm drinking now I think.  That's my presumption based on lots of things that I can't get into right now.  Hmm.  I'd like chocolate freedom.  If it's good enough for W then it's good enough for me.  Wait no I DESERVE BETTER THINGS than W.  If it's good enough for W it MIGHT be good enough for me or maybe IT'S NOT EVEN GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME.  Gonna have to look into that.  Maybe there's a picture of it on the internet.  I like eating things based on Jpegs!  It's the MAIN thing I like to base what I eat on!  MAYBE EVEN A .BMP LET'S TALK ABOUT It.  LOOKS KINDA WEIRD.  That's not racist to say, right?  It's a cake.  I don't think it's racist to say a slice of the cake looks weird.  Kinda racist that I worried it was racist, though!  Oh well I never said I was perfect.  STRONGLY IMPLIED IT SURE.  But if you'll go back you'll see I have NEVER ACTUALLY SAID IT.  Hmm.  That's it for tonight!  See ya tomorrow.

-8:50 P.M.




Sunday, June 12, 2022

I'm Doing A Wonderful Job

    Hi great news!  I came across another gummy chew just now from where I poured them out last night.  NINE per pouch.  Had to eat it alone which isn't great.  Gotta eat two at a time!  But it's good news nonetheless.  GREAT news one might say.  As I did earlier.  I'm One.  Hmm.  Had 2.5 small black and whites for breakfast!  Had a small amount of UnfortunateNight snacking last night!  Right on schedule timewise today.  So all that's working out for me.  Whattado with the rest of the day.  Probably fail at not watching Tales In The Crypt all day.  OH WELL NEXT EPISODE IS A FINE ONE, JUST FINE.  The good news is I got options for lunch.  Sandwich?  Salad?  Chicken Parm?  YOU KNOW THAT SORT OF THING?  Some good Marchins yesterday for Gun Control Rights as far as I can tell.  GOOD turnout but not CRAZY Good.  OH WELL IT'S EITHER CRAZY GOOD OR NOTHIN.  So that was a failure!  I dunno maybe they succeeded at their SECONDARY GOALS of GETTING SOME GOOD EXERCISE IN.  Registering votes and such.  Meeting old friends and making new friends!  MAYBE ONE OUT OF TWELVE HAVIN' POSTERBOARD SIGN.
     Hmm.  If you sit in the center of my room while watching TV the surround sound is AMAZING.  The surroundedness comes from BEHIND YOU and not AT YOUR SIDES as it is when I'm in bed.  Side Surround Sound ain't so bad either.  Let's talk about it.  I INVENTED side surround sound.  Now you can try it!  ROYALTIES PLEASE.  Royal Ties.  That sounds like somethin'.  Whouda thunk it!  Whattado.  National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Kitchen Klutzes of America Day.  First of all DON'T LIKE IT.  Second of all KLUTZES AIN'T A WORD WHO YOU TRYING TO FOOL.  Third YOU'RE CELEBRATING FAILURE HOW IS THAT EVER GONNA INCENTIVISE PEOPLE TO DO BETTER IN THE KITCHEN.  Fourth Microsoft FrontPage also accepts Klutzes as a word BUT I'M NOT BUYING IT.  Not even gonna RENT IT.  You can't even GIVE IT away to me I"ll just throw it right in the trash!  Anyway I'm gonna need some laundry done soon.  You know so I can wear clean clothes and crap.
    TERRIBLE NEWS I think one of my UnfortunateNight Snacking was a pouch of Chews and THAT'S where the bonus chew I just came across was from.  So it MAY only be eight chews per pouch per my memory.  EACH CHEW 10 CALORIES.  Oh well that's life.  Chews are a certain amount of calories that doesn't quite thrill us!  Hmm.  Maybe put chews in FRIDGE.  That could make them slightly harder which makes em chewier.  HOWEVER probably makes em TOO HARD.  What if I put them in for 15 minutes hot shot WHAT THEN.  I dunno SOMETHING then I would imagine.  So that's good.  Getting close to the middle of the month.  I remember starting the new month like it was yesterday.  ROME on the World Travel Calendar.  Going through the Celebration Days.  Hmm that's a good song.  I like Led Zeppelin.  MAYBE I SHOULD LISTEN TO LED ZEPPELIN AT SOME POINT.  It's GOOD because it's good music.  I think there should be a holiday called Celebration Day.  And no one knows exactly what it's for.  But they're encouraged to enjoy it all the same.
     Fourth paragraph of the act!  Really wanna just blow through this act more than usual.  Not sure why.  Could be because I'm dumb.  Could be because I'm smart, what do I know!  I'm too dumb or smart to know anything specific.  It's SMART to be ignorant because you're saving your effort for MORE IMPORTANT THINGS than KNOWING THINGS.  You know something useless WHO CARES, does nobody any good!  So there's that.  Been a while since I had 3 beers at night.  I had 3 beers a day during Hearing Day but 2 were in Afternoon and one was at night!  MAYBE I DO THREE BEER TONIGHT IF IT COMES TO THAT.  No reason to PLAN IT right now though.  I DUNNO WHAT ELSE.  Mets game at 7PM tonight.  I should be able to watch that during NightTime activities.  I can think of worse things to do.  Like RIGHT NOW Trying To Think Of Worse Things To Do.  That sounds HORRIBLE.  I don't wanna have to think of anything worse to do! ...BUT I JUST DID.  IT IS WHAT IT IS.  Trippy.
     Fifth paragraph.  The point is I went into this morning strongly advising myself to eat Balanced Breakfast but I don't think I gave myself an ultimatum.  Which is good!  Don't wanna have nuclear winter now!  I got other stuff to do.  Also everyone else would HATE ME for it.  Really on my case about Nuclear Winter.  SORRY I GUESS I MESSED UP OKAY.  That's why pencils have erasers.  EITHER THAT OR BECAUSE BIG ERASER SOMEHOW IS TOO POWERFUL.  Any adults still use pencils.  Sure they do MATH PEOPLE.  Yeah but why are Math People still around.  Computer can solve math problems.  BECAUSE NOT EVERYONE CAN AFFORD A MATH COMPUTER.  Gotta pay EXTRA for computer to do your math for you.  Oh okay.  Anyway.  Do math in pen if you're such a great math person!  You're good at math why are you counting on making mistakes all the time.  YOU GOT THIS TEH FIRST TIME THROUGH GO FOR IT IN PEN!  Hey time to get coffee.
    Hey great how about that.  Just gotta do 2 more of what I've already done for DayTime Entry Paragraphs.  That's great.  Gotta imagine I'm working towards something better to do for the day.  Not just Tales In The Crypt.  WATCH SOME FILM OR SOMETHIN' I DUNNO.  Make IT COUNT.  Enjoy myself and crap.  Anyway next week is father's day.  I plan on being a father one day!  Hopefully not next week.  I dunno what that would mean exactly but off the top of my head doesn't sound great.  Oh I know being cast in the Reboot of Father's Day with Robin Williams and Williams Crystal.  Who would play my co-star.  Well it could be anyone.  I dunno.  I could have a 17 or so year old son.  THESE THINGS ARE BIOLOGICALLY POSSIBLE.  No one's debating that.  People don't care enough to debate that!  And if they DO care about it enough SURELY THEY'VE DONE THE RESEARCH that debating it is wrong! ...UNLESS THEY'RE JOINING MY TEAM.  You definitely can want to debate this if you're arguing that I'm right.  CAUSE I AM RIGHT.  YEAH.
     Seventh paragraph.
  Seventh paragraph is always a good moment.  I realize hey getting relatively close to being near the end.  In PRACTICE the start of seventh paragraph just means I'm barely 3/5 done with the entry.  Which is more IN THE MIDDLE than near the end.  But STARTING SEVENTH OUT OF 10 immediately SOUNDS LIKE 70% instead of 60%.  CAUSE WE'RE ALL MATH DUMMIES.  That's my impression.  What else.  No worries about fitting in walks and everything today.  Gonna be easy as American Pie.  American Pie due for a sequel.  Let's LTURQ to see if it's in the cards.  LATEST SPECULATION IS FROM 2021.  Tara Reid talking up Potential Script saying it's one of the best written.  Which is a weird thing to say.  If she means OF AMERICAN PIES one of the best out of Five isn't a ringing endorsement.  And if she means OF ALL FILMS EVER kinda sounds like it CAN"T REALLY BE THAT GREAT.  Either way I trust Tara Reid because she's an actress I've seen in movies.
     Eighth paragraph.  Not sure why Tara Reid is the Company Spokesman for American Pie Franchise.  She wasn't even in half of them and the ones she was in SHE WAS SUPPORTING CHARACTER.  That's how I feel.  The point is I forget.  I saw American Pie when it first came out as a pre-teen!  Very titillating.  Nudity and everything!  Not sure how deep into puberty I was in.  I feel like it was titillating but I hadn't started important stages of puberty yet all in all.  1999.  I was probably only ten.  That's not deep into puberty at all!  MAYBE just INKLINGS of puberty was starting to show up.  MAYBE WATCHING THIS FILM JOLTED MY BODY INTO PUBERTY.  I don't have all the details in front of me!  Could be exciting just because Oh I Shouldn't Be Seeing This.  I dunno.  I DON'T KNOW MUCH OF ANYTHING THESE DAYS which is for the best as we've established.  Ignorance is good.   I dunno about BLISS.  But Ignorance is PRETTY GOOD is my philosophy.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I COULD HAVE BEEN 11 IN 1999.  I was 11 for a solid THREE WEEKS in 1999 YOU FOOLS.  11 is Preteen.  No doubt about that.  Anyway the smash success of this franchise LAUNCHED the careers of SO MANY well just one of them actually.  A Good Few of them were launched into PRETTY DECENT RELATIVELY QUITE SUCCESSFUL film careers.  Only one Real Star though.  SEAN WILLIAM SCOTT let's talk about it.  I have nothing else to say about it.  Fine then let's STOP talking about it Hot Shot how do you like that?  I like it! It was my idea in the first place!  Oh Okay Good.  That film is almost 2.5 decades old.  Which places the stars somewhere in their late 60's I wanna say?  Time flies when you're having fun.  HEY Shannon Elizabeth.  For a while she had a decent career.  Her and Jason Biggs were the next level of successful after SWS.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  We just did.  THANKS. 
     Hmm.  Gotta write one more paragraph here.  Then I'm only on the hook for HALF of what I've already written for rest of DAYTIME DAY.  Good deal!  Maybe leaning towards Turkey Sandwich for lunch after leaning towards Chicken Parm earlier today.  I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS IT'S VERY EXCITING.  Also seeing what happens is fine and good but I can't wait to EAT WHAT HAPPENS.  That's the REAL Blast & a Half.  Hmm. Turkey Sandwich is fun to speculate about but the real star of this film in my mind is the Fiber Bar Side.  I could have it as a snack.  NOPE.  Imagining it as side for turkey sandwich.  I THINK THE TWO WILL COMPLIMENT EACH OTHER.  And be ANTAGONIZED by the can of diet coke I'd drink with it.  Anyway down to the last box of diet coke cans.  12 cans to go!  THEN IT'S ALL 2 LITER BOTTLES ALL THE TIME.  Oh well I had fun while it lasted.  Probably.  Can't remember specifically!  Not even over yet.  I'll try to keep track whether I'm having fun while the last 12 cans last.  Yeah.  That Sort Of Thing.  I'll be back in a bit.




Time To Do This Part Of This

    Hello friends.  Gotta write some five paragraphs now!  I can, "Handle," that.  Dunno what's in the cards for dinner!  Maybe chicken fingers or something.  I had delicious Breaded Veal Cutlet last night after putting it in oven for 20 minutes.  I MIGHT LIKE THE SAME THING BUT CHICKEN FINGERS.  I KNOW I would like it.  The question is HOW MUCH and IN WHAT RANKINGS compared to Other Things.  Also MAYBE I WOULDN'T LIKE IT WHAT DO I KNOW.  The point is I'M TRYING.  Planning ahead is a good idea and I"m doing my best, okay?  Hmm.  Maybe watch Simpsons.  Get in the habit of doing that instead of Tales In The Crypt.  I wonder what season I'm up to.  Off the top of my head maybe 19th.  Let's LTURQ.  YEP near the end of season 19 NAILED IT.  I was 19 when it was season 19.  Gotta imagine I was almost done with puberty at that point.  We don't have to imagine it.  There's EVIDENCE.  Audio of me.  PICTURES of me.  Possibly VIDEO of me.  Doctor's records of different things that might relate to puberty.  I'LL LOOK INTO IT LATER and present you my findings EVEN MORE LATER.
  What's going on and crap.  What's the closest lunch I can have to chicken fingers.  I guess chicken parm.  Not that close!  Relatively close I guess.  So that's something to consider.  BUT if I have chicken parm for lunch WOULD THAT MAKE CHICKEN FINGERS FOR DINNER REDUNDANT?  I don't know.  I'm gonna look into that, too!  But there's more of a TIME CRUNCH for this as compared to My Puberty Level in 2008.  THAT I can take my time with.  THIS I MUST DETERMINE WITHIN 3, 3.5 hours!  Oh well such is life.  Hey TIME CRUNCH.  Maybe I can get CRUNCH bars as extravagant Dessert Snack.  Let's see if that's on the Amazons.  Hey great it's on regular Amazon still not gonna get it.  I DUNNO THOUGH.  Maybe I do a thing where once a week I stop off at Bodega Corner Store That's Actually In Halfway Through The Avenue and get a chocolate bar for extravagant dessert snack.  Only 20-50 more calories than Quest Bar.  YEAH SOUNDS DELICIOUS I'M NOT GONNA DO THAT.
     What else is up.  HMM MAYBE GET DELICIOUS CCP for dinner.  NO I CAN'T DO THAT.  I leave over pancake for breakfast.  GOT WAY TOO MANY BREAKFASTS AS IT IS YOU FOOL.  Maybe be conservative and have 2 meals of 1.5 pancakes.  SURE MAYBE BUT I'M A PROGRESSIVE NOT A CONSERVATIVE.  Fine maybe be PROGRESSIVE and have 2 meals of 1.5 pancakes.  GREAT NOW YOU'RE TALKING MY LANGUAGE.  It's the same thing.  YOU'D THINK SO WOULDN'T YOU.  Maybe pair Ever-Increasing-Going-Bad Egg whites with CCP.  1.5 pancakes with a third of a cup of egg whites + some fractio nof a cup WATER mixed in.  I'VE HEARD WORSE IDEAS.  Not about this dinner specifically.  Haven't heard ANY ideas yet other than this one.  SURE I HAVE CHICKEN FINGERS FOR ONE.  I didn't HEAR that.  I typed it.  At no time did I HEAR IT GOTCHA.  I know how to debate, see!  What else is up.  HMM couple of good Basketball Documentaries on The Disney Plus.  I like basketball documentaries!
     Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  So that's good!  What else is up.  Experimenting with putting MORE Fiber Etc Bars in fridge.  So far GREAT RESULTS.  Makes things HARDER.  The harder something is THE MORE YOU GET OUT OF IT.  You gotta bite into it MORE making it LAST LONGER.  DELICIOUS.  Hard Chocolate is good, too!  Prove me wrong!  Look if you're getting chocolate bars or mini chocolate bars or candies or anything as a Regular Snack... PUT THOSE SUCKERS IN THE FRIDGE YOU FOOL.  Greater texture YOU IDIOT.  I dunno what else is up.  Hmm.  Drizzling lightly on and off for the first walks of the day.  GREAT I CAN SURVIVE.  If anything it makes me GROW.  Water makes plants GROW.  Presumably people too.  THAT'D BE MY ASSUMPTION JUST BASED ON THE PLANTS THING.  Hmm.  I like the Simpsons.  No reason not to like the Simpsons.  They're GOOD PEOPLE all in all.  NOT THE BEST but WHO IS.  Some people I guess.  But not MOST.  And let's be honest THE BEST PEOPLE ARE THE WORST.  WHO NEEDS EM THAT'S HOW I FEEL.  Hey one more paragraph for now.
     Yeah.  Sure if I get Chicken Fingers I can add Left over Finger to Salad.  I dunno Hearty bread AND now FRIED CHICKEN?  This salad is getting out of hand!  I dunno we'll see how it all, "Shakes," out.  Also DO CHICKENS HAVE FINGERS NO.  They have CLAWS per my understanding.  You can have fingers and claws.  I think.  Picturing my cat she sort of had fingers!  And had claws until we de-clawed her.  She was tearin up stuff or something I don't have all the details.  Also pretty sure cats don't have fingers.  PAWS.  And ON EACH PAW is SOME SORT OF VAGUE FINGERISH type growths.  LEMME LTURQ.  YEP THEY'VE GOT DIGITS.  Five digits on each ARM and 4 digits on each FOOT.  Interesting way to go about things.  Natural Selection is up to something interesting with that and I hope to get to the bottom of it one day.  Not today.  Don't feel like it right now.  I'll try to remember to get to it later though.  Yeah.  See ya later.




hey i'm here again!

    HEY.  Got Belgian Waffle + Fried Calamari for dinner!  Divide that into two dinners!  Half a waffle and a dozen and a half of FRIED calamaris each time!  IT'S LIKE CHICKEN AND WAFFLE BUT YA KNOW THE SAME THING MORE OR LESS BUT YA KNOW THE CALAMARI INSTEAD OF CHICKEN YOU GET IT YOU'RE ON THE BALL.  Had delicious turkey sandwich and fiber bar for lunch.  WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP MORE OR LESS.  CAUGHT UP IN BLUE.  BOB DYLAN SONG.  Pretty sure Everything is a Bob Dylan song.  He wrote a lot of songs! DOZENS OF 'EM LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Anyway I got Dermatologist Appointment tomorrow which presents the same worry-stress EVERY Doctor Appointment does which is They'll probably check my weight.  I don't know if I'm comfortable with that!  Solid 66.6773% chance I DON'T LIKE what I see.  30% chance I LIKE WHAT I SEE.  ~3% chance IM OKAY with what I see.  So is there a Half Pound that I'd be okay with.  NO.  Then how can I be okay with what I see.  IF IT SAYS BOOBS UPSIDE DOWN.  Oh that does sound like a 3%'r Very Well Then.
Eating delicious tootsie pop right now.  Good routine!  Start off Act IIIs off RIGHT.  SUCK ON THIS FOR A WHILE is what I'm doing AND what I'm SAYING in essence.  Anyway I'm not gonna like got some CHERRY going on right now.  Why would I lie.  And in what direction would I lie towards.  I lie facing East when I go to sleep.  Well I face UP.  More or less.  Kinda face to the sides or down a lot.  But the point is My HEAD is to the East and my LEGS are to the East.  And by The First, "East," I CLEARLY mean to say, "West."  So there's that.  Not sure which part of our body is facing what way.  If my Head is Westish and My Feet are East Ish Is my body facing west or East.  My HEAD from the TOP OF MY HEAD is facing West.  But in general if I"m lying down in this configuration my EYES are vaguely facing THE OPPOSITE WAY-- EAST.  THIS ALL MAKES PLENTY OF SENSE when you take into account JOHN EASTMAN TRUMP'S LAWYER is in the news.  Anyway.  Two Eastmens in my Kids Bowling league.  They were either twins or brothers.  Well they were either twins AND/OR Brothers.  Maybe one or both of them turned out to be ladies.  I DON'T HAVE ALL TEH DETAILS IN FRONT OF ME.
     Maybe one OR MORE of them Transitioned Into John Eastman: The Trump Lawyer.  Anyway.  I feel like when I'm lying in bed-- Head to the west, feet to the east-- I'm facing East.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T.  First you gotta follow my logic.  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT It's a Fool's Errant to even try!  Either way.  VERY close to biting down on this lollipop.  We're talking it could be ANY SENTENTANCE NOW.  Hmm.  Might have three beer today!  Not sure as of now.  I finished first beer before ACTIII even started.  Haven't started second one yet.  That's my life right now and whatknot.  Okay I think I'm getting ready to bite down on the Pop. Here we go. Let's do this.  I'm ready!  Any moment now.  This is gonna be good! ...Eh let's see if I can make it last another 40 seconds.  STOP TEASING MYSELF.  TEASHING MYSELF IS HALF THE FUN.  OKAY just bit down.  I think I Did That Lollipop Great!  No complaints!  I succeeded at getting the most MORE OR LESS out of that L'Pop.  SO MUCH BETTER THAN K-POP.  They sing in a language I don't understand I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  And then they name their song in English and there's one English word AND SOMETIMES IT'S NOT EVEN THE CHORUS THOSE ASSHOLES.
     Hmm.  What am I supposed to suck on now.  WHAT IS THIS BULLSHIT.  I can have another lollipop.  WHAT IS THAT BULLSHIT I DON'T PLAY THOSE GAMES.  Making some good progress with Diet Coke Cans today.  Really have 'em all finished some time tomorrow!  JUST LIKE THE BOB DYLAN SONG.  "Finishing My Cokes Tomorry."  I feel Bob Dylan would be a COKE MAN if he had to choose Cola Allegiances.  Doesn't mean it's BETTER.  Just means THAT'S HOW IT IS.  Hmm.  Bob Dylan was in ad campaign a few years ago.  What was it.  Artificial Intelligence or something.  Was it just for ALEXA?  And at the time I processed that service as Artificial Intelligence?  Or was it for a real GOOGLE or APPLE Artificial Intelligence thing. OH WELL THERE'S NO WAY OF KNOWING.  It's not like THE INTERNET EXISTS and I have a way to look this up right quick.  OH WELL WE CAN ONLY POINTLESSLY SPECULATE.  It's pointless cause I guess we'll just never know for sure!  Also we GAIN NOTHING ELSE by speculating even BEYOND coming to an answer.  THIS WAS THE FOURTH PARAGRAPH OF THE ACT.
Hmm.  Gonna start the 2nd beer now.  That's good.  I watched the Dewayne Wade documentary on DisneyPlus.  Not sure if anything interesting happened in it!  I now know the VERY BASIC GENERICS of Dewayne Wade's life.  Sporting life, family life, childhood life.  I get the broad strokes.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  Look I'm glad he has a documentary.  WHO AMONG US WOULDN'T LIKE A DOCUMENTARY.  But I just don't see the point 100%!  And If II don't see the point what hope does the rest of society have.  I'm more primed to See Points than the average person!  Hmm.  Looks like they reached a FRAME WORK (Broad Strokes) on possible Gun Control Bill for senate.  TWO OR SO DECENT THINGS.  ZERO of BEST THINGS.  But hey those two or three decent things SURE SOUND RELATIVELY DECENT.  So that's my impression.  IT'S NOT GREAT BUT AT LEAST IT'S ALSO NOT QUITE SOLIDLY GOOD ENOUGH.  So we gotta look at the bright side of things.  Huh?  Quest Bar or Indulgent Fiber Bar for next snack.  GOD ONLY KNOWS.  Or Only God knows.  Are those two supposed to be synonyms.  Cause they're NOT.  Only God knows means that NO ONE ELSE KNOWS BESIDES GOD.  God only knows means GOD DOESN'T DO ANYTHING BESIDES KNOWING THIS ONE THING.  GET IT STRAIGHT IF YOU WANNA CONVEY WHAT YOU'RE TRYING TO SAY ACCURATELY!
Hey it's the second half of the act more or less.  Get to hear a solid 20 minutes or so of Hearing Tomorrow ON THE RADIO. THAT SHOULD BE WEIRD.  It's like watching news but you only HEAR IT.  Presumably they will give narration to what all the characters look like SO I CAN PICTURE IT IN MY HEAD.  Then again if they do that it'd take the entire 20 minutes to DO IT RIGHT.  So I'd know what everyone looks like BUT I'D MISS ANY OF THE HEARING ITSELF.  So in the end what's it worth.  Hmm.  I know what the first 2 people of Committee Look like.  I REMEMBER.  Benjamin Thompson and Liz Cheney.  I can picture them in My Mind's Eye GREAT.  Good for them.  I didn't even think of this but I HOPE AGAINST HOPE we see another or two of the committee jump in while talking to people testifying.  LET'S SPREAD THE LOVE GET SOME OTHER PEOPLE KNOWN TO MY MIND'S EYES' MEMORY OF WHAT JERKS LOOK LIKE.  I dunno.  Just don't know! 
     I wanna have Balanced Breakfast tomorrow morning.  DO I DARE give myself an ultimatum.  Ya know what... I think... I'M GONNA DO IT ULTIMATUM ISSUED.  I shall have balanced breakfast tomorrow morning OR NUCLEAR WINTER.  Balanced Breakfast is Cinnamon Toast Crunch OR Frosted Flakes, as well as Eggo Slice of Bacon and Egg Whites Combined With Lots Of Water.  HERE WE GO I guess we'll find out together after 9:30 AM or so whether I had Balanced Breakfast Or Not.  Either you'll experience Nuclear Winter or not, that's how you'll find out.  ME I'll find out A BIT SOONER because I'll know when I'm PREPARING the Balanced Breakfast.  I'M A LITTLE BIT CLOSER SO I GET A HEADS UP ON THIS BEFORE YOU DO.  YEAH.  Gotta take out some garbage tonight.  In about 30, 35 minutes.  That's life I guess! ...Okay I'm gonna give myself ONE LAST CHANCE to withdraw Ultimatum.  Right now.  DO I WANNA STICK WITH IT? ...YEAH.  LET'S ROLL THE DICE!
Eighth paragraph of the act.  That's amazing!  Good deal.  Thinking about making it Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to have Quest Bar in MIDDLE OF DAY SNACK.  It's more than I NEED but I think if my day was structured that way, both cognitively assuming I'd be doing it and also PHYSIOLOGICALLY CONDITIONED to actually doing it, MY DAYS MIGHT BE BETTER.  I AM BASING THIS ON NOTHING BUT WILD SPECULATION.  Sounds good.  DO THE SPECULATING NOW IT'S GONNA BE WILD.  Anyway what else is going on.  Should be long done with this entry by Garbage Time.  Should have fiber bar after Garbage Time.  Will I have third beer?  Certainly plausible!  Either way I'll have a third beer AT SOME POINT it's gonna be wild!  Third beer might be tomorrow's first beer is the point I'm trying to make.  That's not how things work.  Hmm.  Tara Reid WENT INTO American Pie Franchise as one o f the, "Biggest," names PER MY RECOLLECTION but left it KINDA WORSE FOR WEAR.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE DETAILS IN FRONT OF ME.  Hmm. I just looked that up and that's not necessarily the case.  I don't see her being a star BEFOREHAND OR After.  But I could have SWORN she was a DECENT SIZED NAME at some point.  OH WELL MAYBE I'M JUST PICTURING AMERICAN PIE AND NOTHING ELSE.
Penultimate paragraph of the night!  She wasn't even a big name IN AMERICAN PIE she was Supporting Character.  I DUNNO maybe she was in MAXIM or something.  That might be it.  Oh well such is life.  Oh I know She Was The Vampire Slayer.  Anyway what else is going on.  I thin internet is just telling me she became famous after American Pie.  OH WELL I HAD IT REVERSED WHO AMONGST US HASN'T MADE THE EXACT SAME MISTAKE.  Probably lots of the people amongst us.  NOT ALL THOUGH.  Fair enough.  Anyway let's see.  What's going on and crap.  Do I just watch mets game as the night winds down or do I watch a FILM OR SOMETHING.  FILM SOUNDS FUN.  I"m Kind of a movie buff.  Really into a lot of the major motion pictures, that's the kind of guy I am.  Hmm.  Any KUROSAWA or KUBRICK films I can watch.  How about the one about the guy whose dying.  LET'S WATCH THAT.  I'll watch Ikiru SURE IT'S A GREAT IDEA.  Anyway fine let's do that I can relate to people who are dying.  I'M DYING AS WELL.  Just SLIGHTLY SLOWER than the character in the movie.
Last paragraph of the day!  Amazing.  I'll have third beer to drink With Movie.  It's a FUN movie because THIS GUY IS DYING AND WANTS TO LIVE HIS LAST FEW DAYS BETTER THAN HIS ORIGINAL LIFE BEFOREHAND.  HOW DO YOU NOT GET A BLAST AND A HALF OUT OF WATCHING THAT LIGHT FARE.  Gotta imagine I can watch that on DVD.  It requires (1) I have the DVD in the Casket (you know DVD Box whatever) and (2) it doesn't stop loading after a minute and the DVD DOES IN FACT WORK.  I'll update you tomorrow on how this situation turned out.  I think I was supposed to update you NOW about something I speculated on THIS MORNING.  70.575% chance it was just WHAT I HAD FOR LUNCH.  I told you.  Turkey sandwich and fiber bar.  GREAT STUFF I'M SATISFIED WITH THAT.  Anyway that's it for tonight.  Gonna watch Ikiru soon.  It's gonna be wild!  See ya later.

-8:42 P.M.




Saturday, June 11, 2022

I Don't See The Point

    Hey!  What's up!  About half an hour behind schedule.  And today is Interrupted Schedule on account of having to accept Amazon Fresh between 3 and 5 PM presumably.  Anyway!  Probably gonna mix up order of Act II and Shower between walks.  So I can fit in walks appropriately in regards to other stuff.  GREAT GOOD STUFF.  Wearing a purple shirt with a pocket protector.  Is that what those things are called.  Breast pocket.  What exactly is it protecting.  Lemme LTURQ.  OH a pocket protector is a thing YOU PUT in the pocket.  To attach pens and stuff.  Seems kind of outdated.  We don't need to write things anymore.  We got computers.  Of course people still write.  People still might write for pleasure.  WRITING?  FOR PLEASURE?  THE FUTURE (Present) is crazy!  Anyway today is Saturday.  That's good.  I thought I might have a chance to add Last Minute Stuff to Amazon fresh order this morning.  NOPE.  I lost my chance!  OH WELL IT'S FOR THE BEST IF I ADDED THINGS IT'DA BEEN DUMB THINGS.
Did some mightnight snacking last night.  Hey that's life.  Had ice cream sandwich and pop tart for breakfast.  Hey that's life.  What else is A THIRD THING that's life.  Things come in threes.  Whether it's Jokes or Celebrity Deaths.  Possibly other things too.  PENS often come in threes.  I feel like pens come in multiples of threes ALL THE TIME when you're buying them.  Hmm I could use some new pens.  I'd like a nice blue pen.  It's fun because IT MIXES THINGS UP.  Also the INK is blue.  The pen might be blue too to signify the color of the think.  That's fine!  I like that okay!  But the ink is what matters.  Anyway.  My entire childhood AND ADULTHOOD people shame me for having bad hand writing.  In elementary and middle school I was actively shamed by teachers.  Probably in high school and college too but not as directly or hostilely.  Now it's just down to when my Dad sees me sign things.  Which is every now and then!  LOOK what matters is signature is CONSISTENT you jerk.  Anyway what's important is I can read my handwriting.  WHICH I CAN a solid 80% of the time!
    Anyway.  Maybe have sandwich for lunch today.  Ham sandwich or turkey sandwich.  Some sort of Side To Sandwich, too!  That's good.  Checked my weight this morning.  Same as the last couple of times.  Hey that's life.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Oh well there's other parts of life I DO like so it balances out.  NOT COMPLETELY 100%.  I feel like Bad Outweighs good but then again maybe good outweighs bad.  Hmm.  NATIONAL food of the tomorrow is International Falafel Day and National Peanut Butter Cookie Day.  I feel like I haven't had Falafel enough in my life.  Maybe 2 or 3 times.  Probably liked it okay!  I feel like I've gotten it IN PITA from HALAL CART.  Possibly A FULL FLEDGED STORE I DUNNO.  Either way HMM maybe I can get falafel at some point for lunch.  Lots of Halal places.  Carts and stores on door dash!  SOUNDS GOOD.  What is Falafel again.  It's SPHERES of things.  HALAL THINGS.  Lemme LTURQ.  Chickpeas, beans, or both.  Chickpeas sound GROSS.  But I know I like falafel so THAT TAKES PRECEDENCE I'M HAPPY WITH CHICKPEAS I GUESS.   AMAZING.  Peanut Butter is disgusting.  MOVING ON.
     What else is up.  Not sure about dinner.  Decent chance I get pizza again.  WE HAVEN'T HAD COMMUNAL ITALIAN RESTAURANT IN A WHILE.  I'm doing family A SOLID by being a proponent of that.  And I'm doing myself a solid because PIZZA IS DELICIOUS.  The point is Diner doesn't sell Falafel.  Figured it wouldn't but there was HOPE until I checked menu and realized for sure it's not in the cards.  Anyway.  What was I talking about.  I forget.  What to do during the daytime.  Any good Shutter Films to watch?  HMM 2021 film about LESBIANISM.  Which is a word.  Not sure why!  Either way that's great I like 2021.  No different from other numbers of years.  Also is Binary Code FOR REAL.  What EVERYTHING is reduced to a sequence of zeroes and ones?  THAT SOUNDS HARD TO BELIEVE.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP THEY SAY IT'S REAL.  That's weird.  Anyway I actually bought Fruit Chews it looks like.  And from picture on box EXACTLY what I was imagining/hankering for.  Dunno how satisfying it is!  Each pouch is 80 calories.  HOW MANY CHEWS PER POUCH REMAINS TO BE SEEN.
Coffee after this paragraph!  I like that.  Hmm I got a 40 Pouch Family Pack.  That seems VERY excessive.  But it was only seven dollars so you can see why I got confused.  WAIT THIS WAS $8.69!!!  That seems excessive.  Oh well no going back now.  If I have fruit chews once a week this gonna last me almost a year.  40 weeks per my understanding.  Wonder if I can accomplish keeping that pace.  Hmm.  GOOD NEWS in the Q and A for Amazon Page for Fruit Chews it suggests it might only be 24 packs.  People complaining hey it said 40 on the picture but I only got 24.  GREAT THAT'S STILL EXCESSIVE BUT NOT AS MUCH.  Hmm if I have one of these every two weeks that's gonna last me almost a year.  48 weeks per my understanding.  Wonder if I can accomplish keeping that pace.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  Hey time to go get coffee and whatknot.  Good deal!  If I write next five paragraphs quickly I can do Shower and Act II in NORMAL order.  I don't wanna pressure myself.  THEN I'D WRITE BORING NONSENSE AND WHERE WOULD WE BE THEN.
     Hmm.  Closer to the end of the day.  End of day is GREAT.  No more walkings time to relax.  DINNER and then SNACKS.  Entry and BEER.  Don't like taking out garbage.  USED to like it but now I see it as a Disruptor.  What else is up.  Presumably should be running out of cans of soda soon.  Another 1-3 days.  Then it's back to All Bottles All The Time.  Anyway what's up.  If we get dinner maybe I get GriddleCentric meal for once.  Haven't had one in a dog's age.  Then again WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Wonder what the news is gonna be on twitter in 2 or so hours when I check.  Probably NOT GREAT but hey anything can happen.  Anyway is it just me or do I follow the best people.  I mean they're not Great People all in all.  But in terms of following news/news-analysis type people the people I follow are just universally recognized to be the best.  THAT'S WHAT MY FEED IS IMPLYING TO ME AT THE VERY LEAST.
What else.  Seventh paragraph!  Great.  Also I don't literally follow most of them.  I don't want them getting big heads seeing their followers amount increase by one.  KEEP EM HUMBLE that's my philosophy.  Anyway.  It'd be weird to have half a million followers.  Cause they talk like regular people!  But they SPEAK TO LOTS OF PEOPLE ALL THE TIME.  IN THE MILLIONS OF PEOPLE.  IN THE HALVES OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE AT LEAST.  WELL IN THE HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS LET'S SAY THAT.  That's hundreds of thousands more people than I speak to.  I'd be lucky to speak to TWOS of people.  Maybe it's for the best this way I don't get a big head.  Wonderful.  I dunno.  Might rain a little bit for next walk.  I don't have all the details in front of me.  Hmm better get those details in front of me STAT.  HMM now internet isn't predicting any rain.  STAT.
Eighth paragraph.  I dunno at this point maybe it's 50/50 whether I can do Act II/Walk in normal schedule.  Maybe I DON'T WANNA do it in normal schedule ever think of that HOT SHOT.  What else.  Hmm I never DID think about that, Me, A Hot Shot, but now I AM thinking of it and it sounds VAGUELY PLAUSIBLE.  The point is Great Just Great.  Mets game is very late again tonight.  STOP DOING THAT.  They'll stop soon.  Leave the West Coast.  You can leave the West Coast but THE WEST COAST NEVER LEAVES YOU.  Hmm.  FINE.  What do I care if the West Coast never leaves the Mets.  That's THEIR problem (blessing?) not mine.  Jeez.  I have one follower on twitter.  IT MIGHT be me.  I feel like there's a solid 50% chance that my follower somehow is Me.  Gonna have to look into that.  Probably my brother or cousin.  IT WAS MY COUSIN.  Guess my brother unfollowed me.  Along with my other cousin.  And I don't follow myself.  Probably for the best.
Penultimate paragraph!  At this point eh might as well just do stuff in regular order looks like things are gonna work out that way.  Good deal!  Same Thing As Usual!  Works for me.  Except for lots of things that go on Usually.  Some of them work AGAINST me.  That's life I guess!  What are my other options besides Sandwich.  Chicken Parm.  Salad.  SALAD AIN'T AN OPTION.  Waiting until I get have Slice Of Bread to go with it.  Gonna have to get slice of bread from Diner Dinner.  Maybe I need to get Diner Dinner tonight.  JUST HAD DINER DINNER OF STEAK * STUFFED MUSHROOMS.  Guess I'll need to get a different Dinner Dinner.  Presumably turkey and/or chicken.  I DUNNO MAYBE SOME DUMB OTHER RED MEAT  LIKE LIVER OR POT ROAST.  You IDIOTS.  Maybe AN ONLY SEAFOOD DINNER.  Look I got lots of options.  LIKE FOUR OR SO.  That's a pretty high amount of options!  Lots of people have NO options.  I PITY THEM IS THE POINT.
Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Guess I'll do things in normal order HOT SHOT.  Hmm.  Maybe liver is a good idea.  I like mixing things up.  And it doesn't get any more MixEmUp'd than liver.  Lamb Chops.  Pork Chops.  Several good MixEmUp options I feel!  Also for Chops I EAT THE BONES THAT'S WHERE THE NUTRIENTS ARE.  What else.  Gotta figure some people eat bones.  Not sure why.  But lots of people do lots of stupid things!  Hmm.  I'll have some way to entertain myself during the day!  No doubt about it!  Lesbianism is titillating!  Even if it wouldn't involve me in practice on account of me being a man.  I CAN WATCH FROM AFAR THE LESBIANISM and SCOUT IT and REPORT BACK TO BASE.  Hmm.  I guess.  Guess I'm gonna have a sandwich for better or worse most likely.  Right now I'm picturing a SWEET SIDE.  Maybe two small fiber brownies.  Maybe some other dumb things.  I may or may not keep you updated on this situation as it progresses at my own discretion!  See ya soon! 




In The End That's What Matters

    Huh.  Great idea!  Get me a plain Veal Cutlet hero for dinner!  Eat that sucker open faced.   Have some of leftover bread as HEARTY BREAD SIDE to upcoming Lunch Salad.  AMAZING IT WORKS ON SO MANY LEVELS.  TWO OR THREE.  Hey I'd be happy if it worked on ONE level.  Two or three is KNOCKING IT OUT OF THE PARK.  So there's that.  Writing Act II before shower!  Normal schedule!  Get off my back about it!  Guess I have to have Fruit Chews tonight.  If not tonight then I'd have very little legit justification for getting them.  So we'll see how all that pans out.  This is made by MOTTS.  They make REAL FRUIT SNACKS.  Presumably HEALTHY.  I see MOTTS I think HEALTHY.  Maybe that's good insincere advertising on their behalf and they're really just always loaded with sugar and whatknot.  I DUNNO.  Either way I see MOTTS and I think I DON'T WANNA EAT THAT IT SOUNDS TOO HEALTHY.  But it sounds good for FRUIT CHEW CANDY.  It strikes a balance between HEALTHY BRAND AS FAR AS I KNOW and YEP THIS IS JUST GUMMY CANDY NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE TO THAT.  Hmm.
What else is up.  Also IT'S THE COLOR OF THE FRUIT IT REPRESENTS.  Grapes are PURPLE.  ...That's all I know for sure.  I'd say banana is yellow but I'm not 100% sure there's a Banana Yellow in the mix.  LEMME LTURQ.  Looks like there's a yellow thing.  Not in shape of banana!  Grapes wee in shapes o bunch of grapes but EVERYTHING ELSE is just generic shaped.  OH WELL I GUESS I'LL APPRECIATE THE GRAPE SHAPED GRAPES ALL THE MORE NOW.  Hmm.  Am I supposed to have one of these at a time.  If they're the size I'm picturing vaguely seems like that'd be a chore to do. BUT ULTIMATELY WORTH IT.  I'm savoring this dumb small snack GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  I dunno.  My pocket is at risk!  No pocket protector.  Great now I have THAT to worry about.  Anyway who keeps things in their breast pocket.  Figure IN HISTORY maybe people were doing that for like 5 years and they started making shirts for it and then JUST NEVER STOPPED even long after it was practical.  YOU DUMB SHIRTS.  STOP MAKING THESE POCKETS.  POINTLESS!
Hmm.  The point is I don't remember exactly but there presumably was some point at some point.  Hey great just great.  I've probably talked about being enraged by breast pockets before 5 or 10 times.  It comes up every now and again when I wear this shirt!  Which has happened roughly 5 or 10 times in the last few years.  TRY TO AVOID THIS SHIRT DUMB LOOKIN'. Then again WHY NOT wear dumb looking shirts every now and then IT MIXES THINGS UP.  And mixing things up is the spice of life!  What else is going on and crap.  Hmm maybe I'm not 100% happy committing to sandwich for lunch.  BUT GOOD LUCK COMING UP WITH A BETTER IDEA HOT SHOT.  I think I'm talking to me.  Probably!  Sounds vaguely like What I'm Doing All The Time.  Maybe is I switch from picturing TURKEY sandwich to HAM sandwich I will start to regain enthusiasm for Sandwich In General.  IT'S CRAZY ENOUGH IT JUST MIGHT WORK.  Ham sandwich.  Hmm.  I CAN PICTURE THAT.  Let's go with Ham Sandwich.  Go where.  To My Eating Station!  Desk Surface facing north.  That's where I eat my meals including upcoming Presumable Sandwich.
    Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime Day!  How about that.  Also impulse bought some Melba Toast or something.  Either Actual Melba Toast or Something Similar.  Haven't had it in a long time and whenever I check Super Markets they don't have it.  They HAD IT SO I BOUGHT IT.  GREAT DEAL.  Melba Toast doesn't go bad.  It's made out of things that last forever.  That's my interpretation of the facts.  Hmm.  Starting to put together the pieces of Indulgent NightTime Snacks To Remember.  Fruit Chews is DEFINITE more or less.  It doesn't FEEL definite in my head yet because I dunno if I want it as of now!  BUT IT'S DEFINITE I BETTER DO IT OR ELSE.  I'm giving myself some sort of ultimatum!  Depending on what that word actually means.  Let's LTURQ.  GOOGLE IS MY FRUIT CHEWS AN ULTIMATUM?  YEP IT IS.  Well what's the consequence then if I don't have Fruit Chews.  NOT HAVING THEM IS NOT AN OPTION.  NO NEED TO SPECULATE.  NOT HAVING THEM WON'T HAPPEN.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Good deal.  Everything worked out with plenty of time to spare.  Wonderful.  Jeez.  ULTIMATUM.  I'll ULTIMATE 'EM REAL GOOD.  Talking to myself again.  Oh okay.  Not sure how much Veal Cutlet you get exactly in sandwich.  Could be a lot could be a reasonable amount!  Not sure how Hearty the bread it.  Could be EXTREMELY Hearty could be hey ya know what this isn't THAT hearty.  Either way maybe I have SALTISH SIDE snack with Open Face Hero and maybe I don't.  The balls are in my court.  Probably should watch Anything Other than Tales In The Crypt this afternoon.  Get some good NEW entertainments in.  That's my hot take on Thing I Should Do Today.  LOOK whatever I have for lunch will be somewhat redundant with veal cutlet half hero for dinner.  Sandwich is redundant-- both are sandwiches.  Chicken Parm would be redundant-- both ITALIAN themed.  THAT'S ABOUT IT.  I can picture enjoying Hot Pocket but that's IRRESPONSIBLE LUNCH I got FRESH STUFF I gotta eat PLUS it's Italian Themed TOO.  PEPPERONI PIZZA.  The point is yeah sure whatever I'll tell ya how it all shakes out later tonight!  See ya then!




no good reason not to finish

    FRUIT CHEWS.  Appropriate amount to eat at a time is 2. Each pack has 8.  The first 2 I had-- INDIVIDUALLY CAUZ I DIDN'T KNOW YET-- I was like well this is a huge bust flavorwise and texture-flavorwise.  Then when I had 2 at a time THE NEXT CHEW I DUG IT.  Not really worth the calories it is.  But an enjoyable experience 2 at A Times is the point.  ANYWAY ULTIMATUM ACHIEVED.  We avoid Nuclear Winter again.  Consequence for breaking ultimatums is universally recognized to be nuclear winter, right?  I figure we gotta have the highest consequence possible or else these ultimatums won't be enforced or recognized!  Hmm.  Briefly considered having Pouch Of Chews as snack before dinner.  Which I FEEL would have satisfied my requirement.  Nighttime as long as it's aver 5:30 or SO.  Anyway had open faced Veal Cutlet Hero which was delicious and added some tater tots AND some french fries.  Had a bag with a few tater tots left.  Made em.  STARTED THE NEXT BAG OF FRIES.  Variety is the Potato Of Life and whatknot.  Life is like a Baked Potato-- IT JUST SITS THERE.  That's my Grand Philosophy.
     Anyway.  What else is going on.  Saved some of the leftover bread.  ALL of it.  Most of it will go to waste but it's all being Soven for now.  Sure words exist.  All the word one can imagine.  Had Ham Sandwich for lunch.  It was pretty good.  I didn't Hang Myself In Disgust afterwards!  I don't think I did.  I think I'd remember hanging myself.  On account of death.  Is it a Hanging if you survive?  Or would that be a Failed Attempt At Hanging.  I feel like you can't get lucky and survive a hanging Death Penalty and then they let you go.  HMM.  There should be a rule in Modern Death Penalty if for some reason you survive OH WELL YOU WIN.  You got the Death Penalty not Death PenalTIES.  You luck out and survive the firing squad THEY LET YOU GO HOME TO YOUR FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES.  That's how I would run things at least.  Also your friends and loved ones have to Still Like And Love You.  Even though You've committed horrible crimes against humanity.  THEY WILL BE INCENTIVES WITH TAX BREAKS TO SHOW THEIR AFFECTION FOR YOU.
  I got some beer going on sure what of it.  Some people do get MULTIPLE Death Sentence in their Trial Result.  Gotta be a word for, "Trial Result."  Verdict is ONE word that's better than saying Trial Result BUT I SAY WE CAN DO EVEN BETTER.  But either way always thought multiple death penalties was just for fun.  Doesn't mean anything.  NOW I GET IT.  It means if you survive one death penalty attempt THEY LEGALLY CAN TRY AGAIN A FEW TIMES.  Now all the pieces are coming together.  Kinda figure the right answer for when they ask you how you want to die is of of old age in my sleep.  THEY HAVE TO DO IT you get your choice IT'S IN THE CONSTITUTION.  It says THE STATE CAN KILL PEOPLE A LOT BUT THEY GET TO PICK HOW FOR SOME REASON WE'RE NOT REALLY SURE WHY IT JUST SOUNDS FUN TO US CAUSE WE'RE PERVERTS.  I think Benjamin Franklin added that exact line.  PERVERT.  Self Aware Pervert!  All perverts are self aware.  My guess is a lot of Perversion is META.  Where you're pervertedly getting off of being a pervert.  PROVE ME WRONG YOU CAN'T IT'D REVEAL TOO MUCH INFORMATION OF YOURSELF WHILE TRYING TO EXPLAIN YOUR POINT OF VIEW.  AND THEN WHERE WOULD YOU BE.  EXPOSED WITH YOUR SEX TENDENCIES, THAT'S WHO!
    Be careful out there!
  Ya never know when and where you might be exposing your Sex Tendencies.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  40 Pouches of Fruit Chews in this box.  How many calories is that overall. 3200.  I CAN HAVE 75% OF THESE POUCHES-- 30 per my understanding-- AS AN ENTIRE DAY BANGE.  That's... calibrating... 240 CHEWS.  That's a good way to spend A Sunday Or Something.  240 chews.  THAT HARDLY SEEMS SATISFYING ENOUGH FOR A SINGLE MEAL LET ALONE AN AN ENTIRE DAY.  I dunno that IS a lot of chews now that I think about it.  Also it's healthy because it's only 16,000% of your recommended dose of Added Sugar.  Also I don't get why for example this small pouch will say it's 16% of your Added Sugar Daily Recommendation.  I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that your Added Sugar Daily Recommendation OUGHT TO BE ZERO.  There's no such thing as Added Sugar in Real Food, right?  No apples that are like yep they're naturally occurring but SOMEHOW SOMEONE SOMEWHERE added more sugar.  DOESN'T EXIST.  ANY ADDED SUGAR IS INFINITE PERCENT MORE THAN THE RIGHT AMOUNT.  SO BE CAREFUL OUT THERE.
Fifth paragraph of the act.  Amazing.  Still got 1/3rd or 1/4th of first beer going on.  Gonna go get some SODA though.  I like to DRINK IT because it goes down my GULLET pretty well!  Anyway all I did today was watch Tales In The Crypt and presumably I will do tonight is watch Tales In The Crypt.  GET OFF MY BACK LIFE IS SHITTY AND I DON'T HAVE MANY GOOD OPTIONS.  I REFUSE to try watching something new WHAT WOULD OLD ME THINK.  Old me would be jealous of New Me & My New Entertainment.  I don't wanna rub it in to Old Me.  Old me's life was already tough enough without having New Me showing of Great New Life!  I'm being CONSIDERATE you idiots.  Anyway.  I feel like I should be taking a break Mid Act for some reason.  I have no real reason.  I just feel like some sort of RECESS is in order.  NOTHING I NEED OR WANT TO ACCOMPLISH.  Hmm.  Take off my socks.  I can do that WITHOUT a recess.  Hmm.  If I had the death penalty my favorite way to choose to die would be whichever option takes as many other people down with me as possible.  BAD people.  The people doing the killing at me!  THEY DESERVE IT.  I don't wanna take down innocent people with me!  Despite having done something to warrant the death penalty AS OF NOW I don't harbor any feelings of wanting to hurt other people!
    Also I'm probably innocent.  Let's talk about it.  ODDS ARE 2:1 that I'm COMPLETELY innocent.  And 1.25:1 that I'm PARTLY innocent.  And the 1:1 odds that I KNOW WHAT THE TERM INNOCENT MEANS IN THIS CONTEXT.  Means I DIDN'T DO IT.  Or if I did it YA CAN'T BLAME ME OR SOMETHING FOR SOME REASON.  That sort of thing.  Hmm.  Maybe Lethal Injection.  Not sure if any of the drugs actually feel good.  POSSIBLE they give you a first shot of something that really just relaxes you and/or puts you to sleep.  LOVE IT.  First of all I LOVE ALL SHOTS I'm a pervert that way.  Second of all HOPEFULLY it'd be like the thing where they give it to you before surgery and you fall unconscious 4 seconds after it being injected. THAT'S MY FAVORITE DRUG IN THE WORLD HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT AS MY DYING MOMENT.  Could be worse.  Could be CONSCIOUS during my dying moment and be like FUCK I WASTED MY LI-- oop dead before I could even finish that thought.
    Seventh paragraph of the act!  I don't think it's fair to say I Wasted My Life.  I think My Life Has Been Wasted.  But you can't put the blame solely on me!  I'm a victim of extenuating circumstances!  Partly my fault, partly the world in general.  So there's that.  Anyway.  I think it goes without saying I never took a recess this act.  That's pretty cool.  I like the idea of finishing this entry because IT LEADS DIRECTLY TO NEXT SNACK.  POSSIBLY HEALTH ICE CREAM BAR.  MINT CHIP SWIRL we're talkin'.  Delicious AND Delicious Texture.  Anyway at first the gummy snacks weren't a great texture.  Thought there'd be more CHEW GIVE AND TAKE to em.  Instead my teeth just punctured them and there was no... what's the word... BUOYANCY.  But then when I had 2 at a time it was a bit more what I expected/ was hoping for!  BOY YANCY.  Whose the guy named Yancy in fiction.  Feel like there's A Y... OH I THINK IT'S DOUG FUNNY'S NAME.  Right?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP DOUGLAS YANCY FUNNIE.  A role model for Youth if there ever was one.
    Role model for all of us!  He DOES STUFF and whatknot.  Who amongst us HAVEN'T gone through life Just Doin' Stuff And Whatknot.  Now we know IT'S JUST JUST US.  We're all in this together!  Doin' Stuff and Whatknot For Some Reason!  Makes me feel good to know I'm not alone.  Then again I like being alone sometimes.  I'm a pervert!  BEING ALONE AFFORDS ME MORE OPPORTUNITY TO ACT OUT PERVERSIONS.  You know that sort of thing.  Hey this is the eighth paragraph of the act!  How about that!  Also he has the same voice as Phillip J Fry amongst other classic cartoon role models.  Like STIMPY.  He was one of my role models when I was four years old!  Prove me wrong!  You can't!  Maybe you can!  That'd be surprising!  Especially since I'm pretty sure I'm NOT wrong!  So not only would it be surprising that you somehow someway have evidence that I'm wrong, but the fact that I'm NOT wrong makes it even MORE unlikely!  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  I'm gonna go get beer #2 and can of soda #... I wanna say SIX?
Penultimate paragraph of the night.  Been a while since I had balanced breakfast.  I really should do that tomorrow morning.  With FROSTED FLAKES: THE CEREAL THAT IS... FROSTED... Flakes... hmm.  The point is by tomorrow's breakfast I'll come up with a better Thing Frosted Flakes Is After the Colon.  So I got that going for me.  A delicious 2.5 black and white cookies would be AMAZING YES but the time has come for me to have a Balanced Breakfast AND THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA SAY ON THE MATTER. ...Look I'm not gonna give myself an ULTIMATUM because why risk Nuclear Winter if I don't 100% Necessarily REALLY have to but in general YES I should hold myself to the standard of Eating Frosted Flakes tomorrow morning.  With eggo with blue dots signifying blueberry.  And a third of watered down egg whites.  And a slice of microwave bacon.  ALSO I EAT SOME OUT OF A BOWL, SOME OUT OF A PLATE, ALL WITH FINGERS.  It's a FINGER FOOD.  ALL OF IT.  WAIT NO.  I'll probably use a fork for eggs.  THEN AGAIN I DUNNO.  I'll probably SET IT UP so I'm using a fork with egg but halfway through I MAY LOSE PATIENCE and just use fingers for egg too.  I OFFER NO GUARANTEES.
Last paragraph of the night!  Got a solid 1.5 hours left before bedtime.  Let's see how long Lesbianism Movie is.  30 minutes.  Didn't see that coming.  It's a short lesbianism movie!  Or maybe all Lesbianism Movies are even shorter and this is relatively a LONG Lesbianism Movie.  I don't have all the details in front of me you idiots.  Anyway.  Maybe get delicious Liver Dinner later in the week.  I like the sound of that.  I guess!  Gotta like the sound of something.  I'd like to watch Barry Lyndon.  Maybe the DVD works now after I gave it some time to get itself in order a couple of weeks ago.  It was on THE FRITZ but now it's better because IT'S HAD SOME TIME TO THINK ABOUT WHAT IT DID.  Learnt its lesson!  That'd be my guess.  Anyway maybe just watch some Tales In The Crypt for the next hour and and a half.  It's EASY because it's EASY.  It's FUN because it's FUN.  I like DOING THINGS without having to THINK TOO MUCH.  That's what I think at least.  Well that's it See Ya Tomorry.

-8:48 P.M.




Friday, June 10, 2022

Website Is What I Do

    Hey!  Good chance Act I is interuptted by Super Market delivery.  Good!  I'd WELCOME such news because it means I don't need to wait around for it following Act I!  About 45 minutes ahead of schedule today but we'll see how it all pans out with when Super Market Delivery comes!  Anyway.  Had delicious Pop Tart with Ice Cream Sandwich for breakfast.  Still got 2 out of 3 Eggsworth supplementary portions for Breakfast Meals Or Something.  Still got 40% of a Lotta Slice Of Pizza!  I THINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  Did a small amount of Mightnight snacking last night.  I Think we're all caught up!  Watched the January Sixth Committee Hearing last night.  DANGIT that was... I wanna say GOOD?  Wasn't fun being halfway traumatized during it.  WAS fun that hey they're doing a quite good job with this are you kidding me.  Not liking how pundits heaped praise on Cheney but none of Committee Chairman.  I THOUGHT HE DID GREAT TOO.  I don't even know his name.  DOESN'T SEEM FAIR.  Okay let's LTURQ.  His name is BENNIE G THOMPSON.  GOOD NAME.  GOOD GUY GOOD JOB GOOD NAME.
    I liked when he said THORT half a dozen times.  At first I thought that was a Southern Phrase I didn't know.  Then I thought oh he's saying THROUGH OUT.  Then at some point I realized he was saying THWART because the chyron showed a quote of his monologue with the word.  LIKE IT.  GOOD STUFF.  Anyway lotta good options for lunch today.  I dunno about GOOD.  Lotta evenly competiting options for lunch.  SANDWICH OR Super Market Meal pretty much it!  Or Pizza and Noodles.  That sounds like the most work.  Gotta just hang around while water is boiling.  HANG AROUND?  NO THANKS NOT FOR ME.  Oh well.  Gotta do it AT SOME POINT over the next half a week.  What else is up.  Finished Shutter Film I had started 2 nights ago.  I didn't pay attention at all!  One of the guys in it was from OZ THE HBO SHOW.  That's good enough for me!  I enjoyed watching this film because HEY THAT GUY IS IN THE FILM MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
    Okay.  Just accepted AMAZON delivery.  Brought in two boxes.  NOT A BIG DEAL.  WHO CARES NOT YOU.  What time is Delicious Mets Game today. 9:38 PM?!?!  WHAT THE HELL?  ON APPLE TV?!?! WHAT THE HELL?  BASEBALL GAME?!?!  WHAT THE HELL.  Anyway if I can successfully watch an inning or two when it starts at 9:40 THIS IS A WHOLE ONE MORE BATTER I CAN WATCH TONIGHT.  Or AN ENTIRE commercial break.  Either way I WIN.  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... FOUR THINGS.  Okay.  I can go through FOUR THINGS. Five things would be a bridge too far away.  Anyway FOUR THINGS ARE... National Corn On The Cob Day, National German Chocolate Cake Day, National Rose(AY!) Day, and World Gin Day.  Corn on the cob.  Great.  Similar to my name.  GREAT.  German Chocolate Cake Day.  THAT'S NOT OUR NATION.  But it's chocolate cake so I'll let it side.  Rose-AY Day.  Sounds like wine or something.  GREAT.  Gin.  GREAT.  Okay now let's look up exactly what German Chocolate Cake is.  Topped with coconut-pecan topping.  SOUNDS GERMAN TO ME.
Those Germans and their coconuts and pecans.  WILL THEY EVER LEARN.  Huh?  I feel like the cake that's a plot point in MATILDA: THE FILM AND OR BOOK is German Chocolate Cake.  I dunno why.  Maybe because the principal who makes the fat kid eat the entire chocolate cake is kind of like a Nazi.  And Nazis are Germans and Germans are Nazis (SORRY BAD JOKE MY APOLGIES TO GEMRANS OUT THERE WHO WOULD BE OFFENDED.  AND TO THOSE WHO WOULDN'T BE OFFENDED HOW DARE YOU GET OFF MY WEBSITE).  The point is ALSO THAT WAS A REALLY BIG CAKE.  German Cakes are bigger than normal cakes WOULD BE MY GUESS.  Either way gotta imagine I read that book at some point.  When I was a kid I READ THE SHIT OUT OF SOME BOOKS.  Definitely a lot of young adult books like Matilda.  READ THE CRAP OUT OF SOME YOUNG ADULT BOOKS ARE YOU KIDDING ME.  What else is up.  I feel like I derived PRIDE from reading a lot.  HEY I'M A GREAT KID I'M A READER THAT'S SMARTS FOR YA.
Now I derive PRIDE from NOT reading a lot.  HEY I'M NOT WASTING ANY TIME READING LIKE SOME OF YOU SUCKERS.  VERY FEW OF YOU SUCKERS.  I GET THE IMPRESSION MOST PEOPLE DON'T READ.  Lemme LTURQ.  What percent of adults read for pleasure.  Website says From 2018 about 19% of adults aged 15 and up read for pleasure on any given day.  I don't even care about any given day.  Once a week would impress me!  Also 19% adults read for pleasure every day?  There's no way that's accurate.  Americans can't be smarter than I think.  THEY CAN ONLY BE STUPIDER.  That's one of the main premises of the last few years.  Americans are dummber than we think and we have to keep re-calibrating that every now and then FOR THE WORSE.  Oh well that's life some Americans aren't that dumb maybe.  Anyway.  Any Americans read for PAIN.  It's like Hellraiser.  Some people are into pain and the most painful thing they can imagine is Reading A Book.  Hmm.  Gonna go get coffee now!
   Anyway.  In FILM German Principal has german FEATURES.  LOOKS like a German American I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  Gotta imagine that's in the book too.  THIS LADY, WHO HAS GERMAN PHYSICAL FEATURES, WAS A REAL JERK AND SO ON AND SO FORTH.  That's a line from the book!  What else is up.  Gonna be interesting if Mets Two Amazing Starters return from INJURED LIST to play the last 3 or so months of Major League Baseball: Regular 2022 season.  Mets would be CRAZY unstoppable.  Also CRAZY FUN to watch an entire 40% of the time!  2 out of 5 starts are BY AN AMAZING PITCHER OH MY LORD.  They don't pitch all 9 innings.  So it's not 40% of ENTIRE BASEBALL GAMES.  But they get the ball rolling in a positive direction when they pitch is the point.  Anyway let's see how Marte's Fantasy Stats look.  My guess is DECENT but NOT AMAZING.  I can see how he rates EXACTLY in Fantasy Value.  LET'S SEE.  I dunno harder to see than I thought.  Maybe you need to JOIN LEAGUE to see this stuff.  Anyway I guess we'll never know.
Hmm.  Maybe Kids Chicken Parm for lunch today.  AS OF NOW sounds most appealing.  Also AS OF NOW Starlinge Marte MUST have some baseball stats I CAN see.  I can't see where he's literally ranking right now in Fantasy Baseball Value Up To This Point. But I CAN ESTIMATE based on his Regular Stats.  Looks vaguely decent.  Not knocking it out of the park but decent!  JUST LIKE I THEORIZED.  Anyway next January Sixth Committee Hearing I will be indisposed at Doctor Appointment.  Wonder what the focus of that hearing is gonna be.  Pretty sure they laid that out last night.  Yeah but I FORGET you idiot!  The point is they're holding Trump accountable and presumably all of us should hold Trump accountable.  That'd be my interpretation of the hearing.  No they're holding him accountable in evidence YEP THAT'LL DO THE TRICK MOVING ON.  Nope! WE ALL gotta hold him accountable!  EACH AND EVERYONE OF US.  He attacked US ALL by ya know trying to destroy our country that sort of thing.  Oh well what can ya do.  I DUNNO WAHT CAN YA DO.  Probably not that much individually but collectively more than individually!
     Eighth paragraph of the act!  What else.  Had 2 beers yesterday afternoon with Lunch * Entry.  Had one beer after Committee Hearing before sleep.  Figure today is back to two for NightTime.  Sounds reasonable.  SOUNDS VERY REASONABLE.  Hey that's yelling.  Caps lock.  YELLING DON'T SOUND REASONABLE.  COOL IT DOWN A BIT.  Anyway.  GOD DANGIT the 2 teams behind the Mets in National League East Standings have won SEVEN GAMES IN A ROW and EIGHT GAMES IN A ROW.  Creeping up toward CONTENTION.  You idiots this is terrible news.  I dunno.  Not 100% sure how playoffs work this year.  I'll look into that again later but not now.  GOT A BIT OF A TIME CRUNCH NOW wanna see if I can fit in Entire Act before Super Market interupttion.  What else is up.  Also that's a PHONE activity.  Look it up on the internet on my phone.  Right now I'm at  THE COMPUTER.  C'mon this is a phone activity that's obvious.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  BASEBALL.  What else is up.  Dunno what's in store for dinner.  Probably Diner Delivery!  HMM.  Just got Steak * Stuffed Mushroom last time.  Probably don't get a Full Fledged multi-part dinner again so soon.  BISON BURGER?  GRIDDLECENTRIC?  APPETIZER OF FRIED CRAP?  Hmm.  HEY WHAT ABOUT A BREADED CHICKEN SANDWICH.  Look I'LL THINK ABOUT IT.  A LOT.  You can count on that!  Anyway.  Appetizer Sampler sounds good.  UNHEALTHY but good.  TOO MUCH FOR ONE MEAL but good.  SOMETHIN ELSE but good.  Oh I know GOES QUICKLY.  It's a Sampler For Sure.  But having HALF OF IT probably with some TOTS from Freezer thrown in STILL NOT A LOT OF BITES TO IT.  Could be ultimately SATISFYING sure.  But AMOUNT OF BITES and HOW LONG IT TAKES TO EAT MEAL matter.  Solidly one criteria on which to judge A Meal.  TWO criteria.  Bites is one.  How long it takes is two.  AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT TO FINISH THIS ACT AND FEEL LIKE I WON THE MORNING BECAUSE I DID IT BEFORE SUPER MARKET CAME.  I still LOSE if I finish it and then have to wait an hour+ for it to come.  THEN I LOSE IN THE OTHER DIRECTION.
Last paragraph of the act!  Let's get this over with.  FRIDAY.  How about that.  Back on Ritalin for probably the 3rd day in a row.  Not being on Ritalin is but a distant memory! Probably!  Right now I don't remember it explicitly because I'm not really TRYING.  If I TRIED to remember I probably could.  That's how I feel.  Hmm.  Vaguely remember TAKING A WALK and thinking Hey I haven't taken Ritalin in a while I feel kinda different.  YEP THAT'S A MEMORY I HAVE NOW THAT I DECIDED TO TRY TO COME UP WITH A MEMORY.  So THAT'S good.  What else is up.  Probably go back to Tales In The Crypt as dumb thing to watch over the course of the day.  Cause I'm a dumb guy!  Gotta do dumb things!  That's in my mission statement or something.  HMM Tales In The Crypt that reminds me of Kids From The Hall maybe I finally go ahead and watch the rest of that.  Sounds like fun.  I LIKE FUN.  Presumably.  All things being equal I don't have a problem with fun.  Anyway that's it for now.  Be back soon!




Website Made Of Paragraphs

    HEY I CHANGED MY MIND YOU IDIOTS I am gonna have Pizza and Noodles for lunch.  ENTHUSIASTICALLY.  And I'm also getting pretty enthusiastic about Bison Burger for dinner!  This time add on them jalePENYO... bits.  PEPPERS.  That's the word I was looking for.  So basically I got a good day in store.  Maybe I should have beer in afternoon.  It's what I did YESTERDAY so it must be good!  Nah I'm not gonna do that.  Either way I'm gonna fit in seven walks no problem.  Everything is scheduled today No Problem.  Got coffee #2 sure.  Got can of die coke wonderful.  ANYWAY looking at these mini Black and Whites I THINK 2.5 IS A SOLID BREAKFAST.  Why eat THREE of them when I can have TWO POINT FIVE.  Also I was obviously imagining splitting the cookie in half such that each half is half black and half white.  BUT, hear me out on this... WHAT IF I DO IT SO EACH MEAL I GET AN EXTRA HALF THAT'S ALL WHITE OR ALL BLACK.  It's SO CRAZY it JUST MIGHT WORK.  Anyway.  Got 7 of these cookies.  Two breakfasts and I DUNNO.  Remains to be seen with those cookie remains.
    Hmm.  Father's Day coming up NEXT weekend.  Send out those Happy Father's Day cards in the mail NOW if you want them to reach your father by Father's Day!  They may not do Mail on Saturday so YOU WANNA MAKE SURE he gets it by Friday.  SUNDAY IS TOO LATE he's already celebrates OR LACK THEREOF for a huge portion of the day before going through mail.  Anyway.  I think mail is sent on Saturday.  And if it wasn't sent ANY day it'd be Sunday. And it ALSO is sent on Sunday!  The point is let's fire Dejoy at this point not really sure what the hold up is.  Just because he has Joy in his name he's not ACTUALLY spreading joy, you do realize that?  We're getting nothing out of the deal letting this corrupt MAIL ANTAGONIST remain in power.  Anyway.  Every day Every Walk my Dad asks me afterward did you see the mail person.  Did you see the mail person.  Did you see the mail person.  LOOK CALM DOWN THE MAIL WILL GET HERE WHEN IT GETS HERE.  COOL IT TAKE IT EASY.  Hmm.  Maybe ANY mail for Father's Day would be good for My Dad.  He's excited for ANY BITS OF MAIL doesn't need to be a Congratulations For Being A Dad Day.
    Anyway I dunno.  Cup O noodles brand Cup o noodles CHICKEN flavored.  That's good.  Chicken soup is a classic.  Everyone fan of chicken soup noodles.  EXCEPT FOR SOME.  Anyway.  A bunch of times I DO see the mail person but then later when my Dad checks the mail IT ISN'T THERE YET even though based on WHERE I saw mail person it DEFINITELY SHOULD HAVE been there already.  Happened at least one time!  That's what I mean when I say a bunch of times.  ONCE FOR SURE.  Either way I guess mail person skips every other mailbox and then circles back around to do the other half of mailboxes later.  GOOD EXERCISE.  The point is also I'm pretty sure it was only one time.  I'm not even comfortable speculating confidently it happened multiple times.  LOOK I LIED TO YOU BUT IT WAS A WHITE LIE BUT THESE DAYS IS ANYTHING A WHITE LIE?  If we NORMALIZE any sorts of lies it just makes it easier for COLORED LIES to come about and be tolerated!  JEERS TO WHITE LIES.
Anyway.  Penultimate paragraph of the daytime.  Not sure how this is a white lie in the first place.  It's a PRODUCTIVE lie because it makes the story-joke HIGHER STAKES.  Still though overall I feel terrible about it so I had to unload my guilty conscience and now we're all on the same page again!  Really!  IT DID HAPPEN ONCE A FEW DAYS AGO I SWEAR IT.  Not the part where I speculate the mail person skips every other mail box and circles back around.  That's NOT the most likely explanation.  I don't REALLY think that's what is going on here.  BUT I don't know WHY it happened is the point.  WE MAY NEVER KNOW.  Hmm.  I dunno.  YEP THAT'S WHAT I JUST SAID JUST NOW BEFORE.  Hey I can decide to have a small amount of Side with bison burger.  Cheez it or pop chip or wheat thin side.  PROB SOME POP CHIP THAT'S MY IMPRESSION.  NOT A LOT.  JUST A FEW.  DOZEN OR SO POP CHIP.  NOT BACK AMOUNT OF POP CHIP ALL IN ALL BUT NOT MUCH IN THE CALORIEWISE.
    YEAH!  Wonder how much I'll enjoy jalepenyo peppers.  SOMEWHAT?  NOT AT ALL/NEGATIVE AMOUNT?  A LOT?  Could be any amount of enjoyment, positive or negative or neutral.  Let's roll the dice and give it a shot though.  Just gotta make sure not to touch pepper and then my penis.  That'd be slightly uncomfortable and who needs that.  Not me!  I don't GET OFF on that sort of thing.  Maybe I SHOULD.  Never thought about it.  I could TRY enjoying it I guess!  Hey great my evening just got a lot more interesting.  Hmm.  Hey it's my half birthday on Sunday.  33.5 PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  Years old.  That's what the number means.  My Amount Of Years Old.  That's what Years Old means.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine if we're actually measuring things by half years,  33.5 is undoubtedly mid 30's.  JUST 33 is easy to round down to low 30's without bending the truth.  33.5?  Look this is the mid 30's let's just be honest about it.  ALSO low 30's.  It's not WRONG.  It's just MORE WRONG THAN BEFORE.  Either way HEY time to take a break.  I'll be back a bunch of hours later!




Paragraph Made Of Words

    HEY!  NightTime Time Again!  Gonna write 10 paragraphs if that's okay with you.  Probably even if its not okay with you!  That's good!  Had delicious Bison Burger for dinner.  I realized 90% into it OH WAIT I'M NOT APPRECIATING THIS DELICIOUS HAMBURGER AS MUCH AS I SHOULD BE.  GOTTA MAKE LAST THREE SOLID CHOMPS WORTH IT.  And I bit it about as well as I did the first 90%!  KIND OF got what I could get out of it and KIND OF didn't.  THAT'S MEALS FOR YA.  What's important is that I regretted Jalepenyo Peppers.  DETRACTED FROM THE SANDWICH but ADDED TO THE POP CHIP.  I liked putting the overflowing loose peppers on a chip.  Nice OPEN FACED SANDWICH.  Either way between jalepenyo pepper for dinner and Hot Cup O Noodles for lunch my mouth got it's fair share of SPICE today.  SPICE used to be the PPV Porn channel 25 years ago.  DO KIDS THESE DAYS KNOW WHAT PAY PER VIEW IS.  My guess is KIDS TODAY KNOW VERY LITTLE THEY'RE USED TO INTERNET KNOWING EVERYTHING FOR THEM.
Spice is the variety of life though.  That's good.  DO KIDS KNOW WHAT, "WHOSE LINE IS IT ANYWAY?" IS THESE DAYS?  Not sure how I got from Variety --> Whose Line Is It Anyway?.  BECAUSE IT'S A VARIETY OF THINGS THEY CAN SAY.  THAT'S IMPROV.  DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS YOU CAN GO WITH TV PROBABLY-SEMI-SCRIPTED-FAMILY-IMPROV.  Anyway.  I'd like to do scripted improv.  People will think I'm more clever than I really am!  Now I hold all the cards.  Hmm.  Sucking on a lollipop.  ANYWAY saw a discarded Personal Portion Bag of fruit snacks on sidewalk on walk.  DELICIOUS.  I assume it's like Gummy Worms.  OR swedish fish.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT WORDS MEAN but it brought to mind THE CONJURING of little gummy fruit flavored snacks and HEY THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS.  Gonna have to look into whether I can get that and whether I really wanna get that and whether if I do really wanna get it and I get it how much I ugh I lost track of this sentence and I'm never gonna get back on track so lets just move on you idiot
     Hmm.  Last Tales In The Crypt I just watched was the one about The Rock Band.  TERRIBLE Rock Band.  They're supposed to be a HIT rock Band.  Probably in Then-Modern-Day.  1992 or 3 or so.  The lyrics to the song that they just repeat are Gonna take you down cause I'm going down, gonna take you down cause its on my way.  And the lead (ONLY?) singer goes through that several times during the 30-60 seconds we're forced to listen to this HIT song.  Ya know what now that I type that out... GREAT LYRICS.  I LOVE IT.  The music is terrible though.  Just not catchy at all.  Good luck getting this on The Radio without PAYOLA.  PAYOLA.  SOUNDS LIKE CRAYOLA OR TOYOTA.  I FORGET WHICH.  Toyota.  HEY THAT'S NOT FAIR TO CRAYOLA THEY DO GOOD WORK TOO.  What else is going on and crap.  For some reason my Mom is listening to January Sixth Committee On Repeat on her radio/podcast/cellphone-enterprise.  She said it helps her sleep.  Different folks for different strokes, that's how I feel!
What else is going on.  Gotta take out some garbage in 45 minutes.  Take out some garbage in 45 minutes HARDCORE.  Gonna take you down cause I'm goin' down.  Gonna take you down cause it's on my way.  LOVE IT.  IT'S ON THE GUY'S WAY THAT'S WHY HE'S TAKING US DOWN.  HE CAN'T BE BOTHERED WAY WAY OR ANOTHER WHETHER HE'S TAKING US DOWN, IT'S ALL BECAUSE IT'S ON HIS WAY AND HE'S LAZY.  Man I gotta hear more from this band I LOVE IT.  What else is going on and crap!  The episode is about he unintentionally gets a tattoo of wife of fellow bandmate who he dislikes.  BUT EVERYTHING IS NOT ALL HOW IT SEEMS.  No spoilers that all I'm gonna say!  Anyway last night/yesterday I plotted out Snack Calories PERECTLY but then when going to sleep I was like YA KNOW WHAT I'M GONNA HAVE A BONUS KETO BAR.  ONE HUNDRED CALORIES BONUS DEFICIT.  OR SURPLUS.  DEPENDING ON HOW YOU LOOK AT IT.  Why am I only getting to tell you about this NOW?!?!  I SHOULD HAVE OPENED THE ENTRY WITH THIS.  Or, alternatively, done something else or something.
    Fifth paragraph of the act!  Wonderful.  Got some delicious Ice Cream Pops that I like.  LESS CALORIE THAN THE SANDWICH IS THE POP.  That's how that goes!  I saw about 20 million households tuned into J62RMBR Hearing last night.  SOUNDS LIKE A DECENT AMOUNT.  I wonder what they'll watch TONIGHT.  IS THE APPRENTICE STILL GOING ON.  I dunno.  I feel like I watched 2-4 episodes OF AN The Apprentice AT LEAST once.  And if it was JUST ONCE AS IT PROBABLY WAS it was the season After Trump where Arnold SCHWATEZENEGGER hosted it.  AND JON LOVITZ WAS THE BREAKOUT STAR WHO WAS VOTED OFF THE ISLAND IN ONE OF THE FIRST EPISODES.  Doesn't seem right.  Also how come Jon Lovitz hasn't experienced a MOMENT in DECADES.  LET'S GET THIS GUY BACK IN OUR COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.  If not Him, WHO?  I say we start off with John Lovitz and then re-calibrate and see what to do after Jahn Lovitz.  That makes sense.  In the sense that It Takes Up Space So It Makes Sense I Won't Delete It And Save You From The Lack Of Sense We're Making.
Yeah.  January sixth committee kinda gave me some HOPE for a change.  For a moment I was like wait a second THIS ISN'T RIGHT.  MAYBE THINGS SHOULD AND COULD BE BETTER.  We'll have to wait and see I guess.  WE DESERVE BETTER than Fascism.  That's how I feel!  I COULD BE WRONG LIKE I SAID WE'LL HAVE TO WAIT AND SEE.  Anyway figure next Dessert Snack won't be until EITHER after ENTRY or after GARBAGE or possibly AFTER BOTH SURE WHY NOT I DON'T KNOW NOBODY KNOWS.  The point is I FORGET EXACTLY.  TIME FOR SCENES FROM A HAT.  Do Kids know what SCENES FROM A HAT is.  It's when you have A HAT.  And people write down SCENES on pieces of paper WHICH ARE DEPOSITED INTO THE HAT (top hat???).  And then A Drew Carey picks one at random AND THEN HIS COMPATRIOTS have to act out the scene!  OTHERWISE THEY GET VOTED OFF THE ISLAND.  Anyway.  I think there should be more cross-over between reality shows and scripted shows.  Shows that combine elements of both scriptedness and realityishness.  That's an idea for ya.  GREAT idea.  GIVE ME ROYALTIES IMMEDIATELY is how I feel about it!
     Seventh paragraph.
  Let's see what CELEBS were born in January Sixth.  KATE MCKINNON?  OH NO.  Also my brain is broken because LIKE THE REST OF YOU the first impression I had of Police Officer from last night was HEY KATE MCINNIS LOOKALIKE AM I RIGHT.  Not sure why I'm THINKING Am I Right.  Who am I thinking TO.  Probably shouldn't think TOWARDS ANYONE.  Maybe thinking AT MYSELF.  If I HAVE to think in the direction towards something probably best case, "Scen-en," it's to myself.  "SCEN-EN," is short for, "SCENERIO."  I didn't have time to type out and/or speak aloud the entire word.  I forget if this is text to be read passively or if you read it IN MY VOICE.  How do you know what my voice sounds like.  Sounds kinda creepy.  Then again I LIKE IT.  NOW YOU READ IN THE CAPS-ITALICS VOICE RIGHT NOW ALSO INSTEAD.  How's that working out for you.  Back to regular.  What the Hell am I talking about again?
     Eighth paragraph.  Just finished Beer #1.  Presumably time to start Beer #2 one would imagine.  FRUIT CHEWS.  It just hit me!  That might be the way to describe what I've been craving Since Seeing It On The Sidewalk!  Maybe I actually add them to Super Market delivery coming tomorrow.  I CAN STILL ADD STUFF YOU KNOW.  I dunno.  I can't imagine a food being less Hunger-Satisfying than some Fruit Chews.  But it SEEMS delicious let's talk about it.  Maybe StarBurst.  I feel like I'd be judged the least for getting Star Burst than youre Generic Fruit Chew.  What kind of person gets Generic Fruit Chew.  I mean I KNOW some kind of person because I definitely remember having Generic Fruit Chew time and again in my past.  But WHERE and WHY and WHAT.  THE IMPORTANT THING IS I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE.  Oh right.  Gonna go get beer #2.  YOU FOOLS.
Ninth paragraph.  Maybe go over 10 today.  It's a good idea because I like to do things NOW AND AGAIN.  Then again what else is going on.  Which company is more profitable, STARBURST or STARBUCKS.  And also CAN WE UNIONIZE STARBURST?  My guess is WE BETTER BE ABLE TO OR ELSE.  Anyway.  I feel like we should be able to figure out a way to make Starburst more environmentally friendly.  WAY TOO MUCH WASTING ON PAPERS.  We don't need all this paper for these little Chews.  Make Starbusts that are 4x the size of Starburst.  If not for Environment then FOR FUN.  PEOPLE WOULD GET A KICK OUT OF IT AND GIVE ME THE ROYALTIES RIGHT NOW BEFORE YOU EVEN FINISH READING THIS SENTENCE. ... Ya just ran out of time.  Well I guess I lose in this scenario then.  DANGIT.  Hmm.  FINE give me royalties even after that sentence ended.  I guess I'll settle for that.  EASY.  Jeez.  I dunno if I'm watching anything tonight or anything after this entry.  Maybe just some dumb Tales In The Crypt.  Watch something Good TOMORROW.  Why bother FOR NOW.
     Hmm.  Maybe just finish entry after this paragraph like was the plan originally.  I was going into it with the goal of writing ten, "Paragraphs."  And that's what I'm gonna do!  Probably could finish that before GarbageTakeOutTime.  Gonna be cutting it close though if I can Spell Check & Everything beforehand, though!  SPELL CHECK TAKES ABOUT TWENTY MINUTES.  I misspell A LOT of things.  Anyway you get the idea and whatknot.  Spell Check and Sound Check.  Is that some sort of pun joke I could make?  SOUND CHECK TWO ONE TWO GONNA TAKE YOU DOWN CAUSE I'M GOIN' DOWN...  Anyway.  TWO ONE TWO?  WHAT IS THIS A MANHATTAN BASED LANDLINE?!?!  My guess is no it's not.  Oh that sounds right.  I ACTUALLY JUST ADDED FRUIT CHEWS to tomorrows order.  Gotta imagine it's POSSIBLE I'll still have a Hankering for it at some point in the future!  Anyway that's it for today!  I'll see ya tomorrow!  See You Tomorrow Good!

-8:50 P.M.




Thursday, June 9, 2022

Here Comes Crazy

    Hello friends.  Not sure what to do about lunch.  Solid chance I get pizza personally on walk.  PLURALITY chance that's what I do.  Other options are Future Sandwich, meal replacement cookie, Box of Impulse Fiber Cookies.  I guess get pizza DELIVERED with enough for another meal.  Finish Steak * Stuffed Mushroom for lunch and get something with Communal Dinner Delivery.  LOTS OF OPTIONS.  Pizza sounds the best one way or another!  What sound does pizza make.  CRINKLING?  Maybe BUBBLING from when it's being Heated Very Hot.  You're heating a pizza in hardcore pizza oven GONNA BE SOME AUDIBLE BUBBLING.  So that's good.  Anyway today is 6/9.  It's funny because it's a sexual position.  And sex is funny!  Because we're twelve years old.  I WISH.  Life was great when I was twelve.  Both tangibly by chance and because I was 12.  BEING TWELVE contributed to it but also just BY CHANCE my life peaked when I was 12 FROM OUTSIDE CONDITIONS.  Sounds about right.  WAIT A SECOND IS IT TOO LATE TO SAY WHEN I WAS 13 THROUGH 13.5?  Apparently not.  JUST SAID IT.
Okay.  Had a modest amount of MightNight snacking last night.  Not a good amount!  Not a bange by any means either though so WHATEVER.  Wonder how much Trump weighs now.  Gotta imagine he's like 50 pounds heavier than last time I specifically saw his gut.  Oh well.  How much does BIDEN weigh.  I don't care what these people weigh.  I don't know why I'm saying that I do.  Seems kind of weird.  NATIONAL food of the tomorrow is... National Black Cow Day and National Iced Tea Day.  Do YOU Know what Black Cow means?  CAUSE I DON'T.  Let's find out together!  Unless YOU already knew what it meant.  Then LET'S FIND OUT BY MY LONESOME.  Root beer and ice cream.  And it could be alcoholic with bourbon.  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  I like the part where I LIKE ALL OF IT HOOK ME UP WITH SOME OF THAT.  Also WHAT THE HELL IS ICED TEA.  Sounds good to me but WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING WHAT IT IS.  YEAH.  I'm okay with the movie from Shutter I watched 23 minutes of last night.  Seems decent enough!
    Hmm.  January Sixth 2021 hearings tonight.  WE IMMEDIATELY ARE GETTING TO THE BOTTOM OF THIS ONLY A YEAR AND A HALF LATER.  HEY you can get to the bottom of things Quick or you can get to the bottom of things Right.  We're probably doing neither but MAYBE IT'S HALF RIGHT.  Seems possible.  Anyway gotta imagine at some point in a few years there's gonna be a film chronicling Insurrection.  We can only hope it casts the cops and everyone as heroes and not the insurrectionists.  That's a good way to measure where we're at in a few years when that film is made!  Or maybe it's BOTH SIDES.  That's not good!  Almost WORSE than casting the insurrectionists as heroes.  I don't know WHY it's almost worse but I DON'T LIKE IT IS THE POINT.  Not sure I've ever had an alcoholic drink with ice cream.  Not sure I've ever had a NON Alcoholic drink with ice cream.  In the end I'm not sure of pretty much ANYTHING.
Hmm.  THIS PIZZA PLACE DOESN'T OFFER GARLIC OR ONION AS TOPPING.  Oh well can I work around that.  Work around it HARDCORE.  No Mets game tonight.  Guess the Mets petitioned MLB that they wanna watch first episode of January Sixth Hearings.  Anyway I know as of now there's only six episodes but maybe they can add to that if they get good ratings?  Anyway not 100% sure it's at six right now.  I THINK it is.  But the ONE WEBSITE I CHECKED AT FIRST didn't say definitively.  And I don't wanna go to multiple websites.  I don't have it in me!  HMM.  What do I do re: Act III.  Maybe write it in the middle of the day or something.  Not sure what to do.  Sure I can Live Blog the Hearings but that is something I Don't Want To Do.  Could always skip Act III.  We'll see.  Gotta think about this one.  What else is going on and crap.  Getting regular super market delivery tomorrow and possibly supplementary super market delivery later in the day tomorrow!  WOW THAT'S GREAT.
      Hmm.  I can always write an Act III somewhere between middle of the day walks and ENJOY IT because I CAN DRINK 1-2 BEERS THEN TOO.  That makes me LOOK FORWARD TO and ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT wring a Midday Act III.  Good deal that's think about that.  Not sure how Midday walks are gonna shake out.  Maybe WHO CARES WHAT HAPPENS SHALL HAPPEN.  Anyway SUMMER OF 69.  ALL SUMMERS FROM THE 60'S WERE PRETTY GOOD.  Except for the Summer of Assassinations like yesterday.  And possibly half the other summers.  Look the point is Every Other Summer is a bust.  Anyway.  About a half an hour behind schedule today.  Should be able to fit in seven walks PRE-thinking about what to do with an Act III.  Also getting pizza ADDS LIKE 15 MINUTES to Things I Have To Do.  OH NO 10 MINUTES?  I dunno that 6 minutes might make a big difference!  WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Had Ice Cream Sandwich and Pop Tart for breakfast.  Healthy!  Coffee and re-up with soda time.
.  Think I could carve out a good 1-1.5 hours in middle of the day for Act III with Lunch and/or Beer.  That sounds pretty good.  I think it could work!  Makes OTHER WALKS CRUNCH TIME but I can live with as a one-off Walking Crunch Time Day.  Speaking of CRUNCH TIME I'm about to CRUNCH OPEN A CAN OF DIET COKE.  Sure I know what words mean.  They mean what I say they mean in context.  Relatively.  So that's good.  Rid my 2 rooms of garbage.  Put laundry in hamper.  NEXT STEP POSSIBLY TOMORROW is clean up surfaces.  LOTTA SURFACES TO CLEAN.  Relatively dirty too.  Not obscenely dirty.  But definitely some dust and some stains.  That sort of crap.  Maybe ice cream frozen to some surfaces.  Eat an ice cream pop, I lay empty stick down, remnants of ice cream get transferred to the surface and STICK because that's how CHEMISTRY works.  I know all about chemistry.  I took it TWICE I think I know what I'm talking about.
Okay.  Seventh paragraph.  Amazing.  Right now I'm operating as if I am planning to get pizza.  Operating.  I'm not doing any operating.  I'm sitting at a computer writing dumb sentences that no one ever thought out or WILL think out.  The point is Hmm.  I don't think it'll be FUN to watch Hearing but gotta watch it anyway.  It's HISTORY.  And PRESENT.  Also PAST now that I think about it.  Anyway it's important is the point and I'm a GREAT citizen who watches Important Things once or twice every now and then.  Maybe get Chinese Food or something.  THAT'D BE DUMB.  I like dumb things now and again.  The point is I wanna get this Act done so I can move onto the next dumb thing I do and so on until I get to PLEASURABLE middaytime.  With Lunch Beer and Act III.  Good to have things to look forward to is the point.  Like whatever is in front of you.  Look forward to that!  Hard to look at 90 degree angles.  Maybe CLOSE to 90.  But I don't think you can do exact 90.  You can get to Exact 90 with PERIPHERAL VISION but you can't FOCUS exactly on 90 degree angle.  THAT'S MY THEORY AND PROVE ME WRONG.
     Eighth paragraph.
  Gonna have ANOTHER relatively long break between walks coming up probably.  Gotta work around My Dad's Walking presumably.  WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON.  And by What Else I mean WHAT CAN I SAY IS GOING ON FOR THE FIRST TIME BECAUSE I HAVEN'T SAID A SINGLE GOING ON THING YET.  Watch some of that SHUTTER movie while I'm hanging around waiting for Dad to get back from walk.  I can do that.  I like the CHARACTERS.  They're PLEASURABLE to root for.  GOOD PEOPLE ALL IN ALL.  I relate to them because I'M A GOOD CHARACTER TOO.  That's my understanding.  MAY be getting a slightly even more indulgent than the 1/3rd way indulgent ice cream sandwich I'm used to getting ice cream sandwich to get!  NICE SENTENCE STRUCTURE.  The point is this is a full HALFWAY INDULGENT.  CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HOW GREAT THIS ONE GONNA BE.  Looks like there's MORE of it.  That's a GREAT start.  More GRAMS.  I LIKE 64 Gram Ice Cream Sandwiches sure but 72 Grams that sounds EXPONENTIALLY BETTER!
Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Only had 2 beers last night.  I think the last time I had 3 beers was last Friday.  GOOD DEAL.  In my head I'm estimating two times a week would be a comfortable Settlement for 3 beers a night.  GOOD DEAL.  Ugh.  Maybe I have 2 beers with Midday Activities and then 1 beer tonight.  MAYBE LOTS OF THINGS WHO CARES A FIG.  Figure best topping idea for pizza today is anchovie!  I like The Eggplant but it feels kinda heavy.  Not sure if I want heavy topping weighing my pizza down.  If it was SICILIAN slices sure eggplant is great.  Sicilian can hold up eggplant no problem.  But regular slices?  Eggplant gonna be too heavy!  That sort of thing.  Maybe I should get sicilian then hot shot.  I dunno.  I have a vague memory of when I used to get pizza I would often get one regular slice and one sicilian slice.  Might be a false memory! But I think it's accurate.  I LIKE VARIETY IT'S THE SPICE OF LIFE.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Used to get 3 slices probably half the time for lots of years.  Because I LIKE INDULGENCE IT'S THE SPICE OF LIFE.  Always been a fan of crushed red pepper. THE SPLICE OF LIFE.  Hmm.  Like putting OREGANO on the pizza.  Oh man.  Sittin' in pizzeria and they have those 2-3 Shakers of crushed red pepper, oregano, and maybe grated cheese or garlic or something.  That brings back False Memories.  FALSE!  I've NEVER eaten in a pizzeria in my life.  IN FACT PIZZERIAS DON'T EVEN EXIST.  This is ALL IN MY MIND.  Hmm.  I realized I should get some Pizza-ish stuff for FREEZER from Super Market.  They got pepperoni hot pockets.  Each one is 310 calories.  I CAN HAVE TWO HOT POCKETS AS DELICIOUS PIZZA MEAL EASY THAT'S REASONABLE CALORIES ALL THE WAY.  This super Market order just got A LOT MORE INTERESTING.




Are You Sheeting Me

    HEY!  Should be able to fit in my next walk before Dad Walk.  That makes things easier to schedule.  HEY!  Probably gonna get 2 Heavy Sicilian slices with Heavy Eggplant weighing it down.  WHY NOT LET'S ENJOY MYSELF.  Also it's healthy because EGG?  CHECK.  HEALTHY.  PLANT?  CHECK.  HEALTHY.  Probably.  I dunno the odds are that a random plant would be healthy.  Gotta imagine some are healthy, some won't kill you, and some will kill you.  Evenly distributed In Nature?  I dunno!  Is it possible that the first entire moral of the story for Adam And Eve was BE CAREFUL ABOUT EATING FRUIT VEGETABLES OR PLANTS.  MIGHT BE DANGEROUS.  That's all it was!  Nothing more!  Sounds reasonable let's go with that.  Also GUARD YOUR RIBS GUYS.  GOD MIGHT STEAL ONE.  In the end its worth it because you get a Female Companion.  Anyway.  Adam and Eve are KIND OF related.  You make someone out of someone else's rib-- you're sharing some DNA or SOMETHIN'.  GROSS.
What else is up.  Next hearing after tonight is Monday Morning.  Why did I capitalize Monday Morning.  Because it's fun, that's who!  Anyway closing in on ACTUAL start of summer.  WHO NEEDS IT I'VE BEEN ENJOYING UNOFFICIAL SUMMER.  IN FACT Unofficial Summer might be my FAVORITE SEASON weatherwise.  We're talkin' MAY.  WONDERFUL I LIKE MAY WEATHERWISE.  These days.  Who knows what months will be like Weatherwise after lots more Global Warming Effects.  80% of us might be dead that'd be bad.  I can't even APPRECIATE this weather MY FAMILY IS DEAD WHATTA JIP.  What else is up.  I feel like if Religion IS REAL and the parables ARE REAL gotta imagine one or another is a parable for Future Climate Change Dealing With It.  Because Human Destiny On Earth is really tied up in this!  The GOOD NEWS is that religion is dumb and not prophesizing.  And even if it was IT MIGHT BE FOR EVIL NOT FOR GOOD so it will offer us NOTHING re: Dealing with Climate Change.  GOD DAMN EVIL RELIGION.  Not sure why religion is evil.  PROBABLY ISN'T but we can't be SURE.
     Hmm.  Religion can be GOOD but not prophesizing.  THEN WHAT GOOD IS IT NO GOOD THAT'S WHO.  Anyway I dunno.  Probably KETO BAR as upcoming snack before lunch.  I like 'em!  Delicious!  I've talked about crunching down on the odd nut that's in these small brownie bars.  DELICIOUS CRUNCH.  Hmm.  BETTER MAKE SURE I HAVE ENOUGH COLD HARD CASH to afford pizza.  You'd think 10 dollars would do it for two slices but it's close.  SICILIAN extra.  EGGPLANT double extra it's not jus topping but FANCY topping.  PRICE GOUGING AKA INFLATION extra.  Gotta imagine Big Pizzeria This One In Particular is PRICE GOUGING ALL OF US TO THE TUNE OF RECORD PROFITS EVERY QUARTER.  MAKING HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS EACH QUARTER UNFAIRLY AND UNJUSTLY.  Anyway.  GOUGE AWAY that's what I say.  And by I Say I mean The Pixies say.  I might have said it before.  I just said it NOW.  So basically the point is let's move on with our lives.  I got credit card.  I dunno if they'll accept credit card for this!  I don't know hardly anything!  UNTRUE I KNOW BUNCHES OF STUFF.  Oh that's good.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Good deal!  What else is a good deal.  $2.99 Sicilian w/ Egg plant slices.  That's a pretty good deal these days!  QUITE good is MY impression.  Eggplant isn't two words.  Well it IS two words but they don't convey what I'm trying to convey.  Anyway.  I'm gonna be seeing DERMATOLOGIST when Hearing Part II is going on.  NO SPOILERS.  I wonder what happens as a result of hearings.  NO SPOILERS.  BETTER BE QUITE ADEQUATE CULMINATION OF AND/OR RESPONSE TO THE HEARINGS THAT'S MY HOPE.  Great.  I dunno.  Gotta be like okay I'm gonna go wait outside GIVE ME SOME SORT OF SIGNAL THAT MY PIZZA IS READY.  At the pizzeria.  That's where I gotta be like that.  Also this isn't a full fledged pizzeria.  More of a full fledged Italian Restaurant.  A REAL pizzeria is HALF THE SIZE and specializes in MAINLY PIZZA FOR THE PEOPLE.  MORE FUN.  That's where you see the tables with 3 Shakers of Things.  MORE FUN THAN CHEAP ITALIAN RESTAURANT.  UNLESS YOU WANT ENTREE.
Last paragraph of the Early Daytime.  Gonna be some paragraphs in the Mid Daytime.  That's my guess.  What else is up.  Watch some more of Shutter Film between next two walks in addition to Showering.  I can do that.  I like watching films!  Makes me feel good to be entertained.  Lot better than No Entertainment is my guess.  Without entertainment I'm just sitting around doing nothing.  Maybe that's good I DON'T KNOW.  Been a while since I did LITERALLY NOTHING.  I dunno last time was waiting to get blood work done.  Sitting around for 25, 30 minutes.  Tired.  Doin' nothin.  I DIDN'T LIKE IT THEN AND I DON'T LIKE REMINISCING ABOUT IT NOW.  So there's that!  What else.  I dunno.  Probably not gonna heat up pizza at all!  Eat it 20 minutes cold!  Not COLD but 20 minutes ROOM temperature.  Not ROOM temperature but 5 minutes room temperature and 15 minutes Vaguely Relatively HOT OUTSIDE Temperature.  So that's great it's been a while since I just ATE pizza the way it was presented to me.  GREAT.  I'll be back soon!




what's up and everything

    HEY!  3 PM.  Got lunch going on!  Got 2 Sicilian with a bunch of eggplant.  I didn't ASK for a bunch of eggplant.  I just said GIVE ME EGGPLANT, THE AMOUNT IS UP TO YOU!  Also the pizza itself was A BUNCH.  VERY LARGE SIDEWAYS AND DEEP.  Cut off half of one slice and even just having 1.5 is too much.  OH WELL might as well enjoy it while it lasts.  Got plenty of time before I have to take my next walk.  Should be able to fit in 10 paragraphs before then easily.  Anyway PIZZA WAS NINE DOLLARS.  About what I expected!  Vaguely expected it to be slightly more and to be upset about it!  Can't very well complain about 2 Very Big Slices with Very Special Eggplant.  TO FINISH UP LUNCH STORY spent about 60 seconds inside.  Told them to give me a signal when it was done.  The signal turned out to be Cook knocked on widow.
    What else is going on.  What's the story with what I'm gonna do with Half Big Slice Of pizza.  Maybe have it with Chicken Caesar Salad coming up next week.
  Normally I like to eat it by itself or with slice of bread as HEALTH meal.  Now I can have it with Lots of Pizza as HALFWAY INDULGENCE meal.  The good news is JUST FINISHED THE PIZZA.  Takes me longer into entry to suck on a small lollipop than to eat Lots and Lots of pizza.  Well that makes sense.  Lollipop you don't need to use your hands.  I can type and type away with lollipop in mouth.  Pizza I gotta keep going back and forth with.  AND TRUST ME THERE WAS MOSTLY BACK AND NOT MUCH FORTH.  Anyway gotta imagine that'll satisfy me in the end.  Can't really know FOR SURE as of now whether all that pizza satisfied my hunger.  As of now PROBABLY?  Only time will tell.  And maybe a fortune teller.  They tell things.  Like fortune!  Hey Fortune is good.  Fortune can't be bad.  Of course it can.  Oh.
     Yeah!  THIS was the big LUNCHTIME HOUR 45 MINUTES TO REMEMBER?  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT I WAS EATING LUNCH.  I wasn't CONCENTRATING on Writing LAFFS.  Also I HAD TO UPDATE YOU ON THE COLD HARD TRUTHS.  Like how much pizza there was!  THERE WAS LOTS OF IT I TOLD YOU THIS.  I'd like to make that some sort of breakfast.  The last half of Big Slice.  But WHAT TO PAIR IT WITH.  I can't pair it with SWEETS that's INSANE.  Maybe an eggo or something.  EGGO KINDA SWEET.  I'll let Eggo know you said that it will be THRILLED.  What else is up.  Gotta beer going.  I forget if I drank from it yet.  It's OPEN I know that much.  Either way Hey what's up and crap.  CUP O NOODLES.  That's a good pair for this Half Of Lots Of Pizza.  HEY YOU IDIOTS I can get CUP O NOODLES BRAND CUP O NOODLES from SUPER Market.  Usually they don't have that in stock.  AMAZING this year is really shaping out to be one of the best years on record.  One of the HOTTEST years on record.  THIS EARTH KEEPS GETTING HOTTER AND HOTTER AS IT GETS OLDER.  I dunno I feel like in prehistoric times before there was history Earth was MUCH HOTTER AT TIMES.  Also HOLLOW EARTH.  If surface gets too hot CAN WE LIVE INSIDE MANTLE?  I would guess Inside Earth is even HOTTER for most levels.  What about for Mantle.  MANTLE IS THE EXCEPTION THAT PROVES THE RULE.
Anyway.  Pretty sure we should AT THE VERY LEAST have high speed rail that takes us through Inside Earth.  I don't think that's asking too much!  Sure Ask Away.  No one's stopping you from Asking All You Want.  Not gonna be ANSWERED.  And if answered Definitely Not gonna be answered in THE AFFIRMATIVE.  Oh well.  Hey this is the fourth paragraph of the act.  Everyone Whose Me is on pins and needles waiting to see how January Sixth committee goes down!  I remember following January Sixth WHEN IT HAPPENED LIVE ON TWITTER.  HORRIFYING.  I NEED CLOSURE.  And if not closure I NEED TO BLOCK IT OUT OF MY MIND COMPLETELY FOR ANOTHER YEAR AND A HALF.  Hmm that gets me into the beginning of 2024.  GOOD DEAL I can accomplish A WHOLE LOT while blocking it out from my mind another year and a half.  HEY I WASN'T EVEN THERE WHAT RIGHT DO I HAVE TO BE TRAUMATIZED BY IT.  BECAUSE you fool IT WAS AN ATTACK ON ALL AMERICA THERE OR NOT.  Oh well Let's Watch Television About It And Hope It All Works Out For The Best.  Kinda my philosophy in general FOR BETTER or WORSE.
Hmm.  Sure my penis is kinda hot.  Urinated after dealing with crushed red pepper.  That'll get your penis hot!  HOT IS THE BEST WORD MY DUMB MIND CAN COME UP WITH RIGHT NOW.  I came up with SPICY but that's even LESS applicable to this situation.  ITCHY doesn't work.  OH I KNOW my penis is on Pins And Needles.  That sort of thing.  HMM.  BACK TO THE FUTURE REVELATION-- the main antagonist is NEEDLES for Marty McFly.  Biff is his PARENTS enemy.  He fights Biff ACROSS TIME sure and that takes up a lot of his time.  But NEEDLES is the guy who MARTY MCFLY IN HIS OWN PERSONAL LIFE has to contend with.  WONDERFUL NO SPOILERS.  How come there's no BIFF for Marty's generation.  There's Biff for his parents.  There's Griff for his son.  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN THE MIDDLE THAT WOULD BE MARTY MCFLY'S AGE.  I guess there must be SOMEONE in the family tree that gave birth and/or assisted in giving birth to Griff, who comes from Biff themselves.  WE KNOW ZERO PERCENT ABOUT THIS MISSING LINK THOUGH.
INTERESTING.  VERY interesting.  Seventh paragraph.  Also it's fair to assume Griff is a direct descendant of Biff and not some sort of Adoption Case.  THEY LOOK EXACTLY THE SAME SAVE FOR FUTURISTIC AND/OR ANACHRONISTIC ROM THE PAST CLOTHING.  Oh well such is life.  Seventh paragraph!  NO IT ISN'T.  IT'S THE SIXTH PARAGRAPH.  Anyway maybe Griff was adopted but in the future you can REALLY RAISE people to look exactly like your Family THROUGH TECHNOLOGY.  So that's how come he looks like Grandfather.  Anyway.  My assumption is Middle Biff is just a generally Okay Guy.  That's why we don't see him.  He doesn't cause problems for anybody cause he's not a jerk so who cares about him.  BEING JERKS SKIPS A GENERATION is the moral of this franchise per my understanding.  Anyway it's been FIVE'S OF MINUTES since finishing lunch and I feel adequately satiated.  More or less.  I guess!  Dinner gonna be in four hours.  No problem there.  I CAN LIVE WITH EVERYTHING THAT'S GOING ON IN MY HOUSE.  Just finished Beer #2.  I LIKE HAVING NIGHTTIME TO LOOK FORWARD TO.  THIS NIGHTTIME GONNA BE STRESSFUL TO RELIVE HORROR AND ALSO POSSIBLY CONFRONT THE FACT THAT HORROR WON'T STOP OR BE ADDRESSED ULTIMATELY.
  SEVENTH PARAGRAPH NOW YOU SUCKERS.  I GOT THERE!  Hmm.  Is it possible we can just Retreat Into Hollow Earth just based on the feeling that We don't like what's going on on Surface Of Earth?  HEY THIS SHIT IS GOING TO FUCK.  I'm gonna dig a hole AND LIVE THERE.  Hopefully some people will JOIN ME or else I'd have a hard time surviving.  WE NEED COMPLETE SOCIETY LIVING IN HOLE IN THE GROUND.  I can't take care of EVERY NECESSITY MYSELF.  Gotta WORK TOGETHER AS A TEAM.  I'LL BE BANKER.  I'm the richest on the Hollow Earth Trail.  YOU CAN BE BUTCHER.  We shoot the bison in the Earth and you cook it for ME THE BANKER.  And as a reward I SHOWER YOU WITH RICHES.  More or less how it's gonna work in Hollow Earth Theory.  Also if you want the riches I showered you with to EARN INTEREST hey gimme them riches right back I'M A BANKER now's my time to shine!  I dunno how banking works.  Barely know how butchering works!  I know the butcher is the guy who gets to arranged marriage your kid and your kid doesn't like it.  But you sing TO LIFE TO LIFE L'CHIAM together all the same!
     Hmm.  Butcher is wealthy person in the community because EVERY COW HE BUTCHERS FROM YOU HE GETS TO KEEP 2%.  ALL THAT BITS OF COW ADD UP OVER TIME BELIEVE YOU ME.  Anyway.  I think Jews can't eat HOOVED animals.  And I think cows have HOOVES.  But I KNOW that Beef is Kosher.  SO obviously Cows DON'T have hooves.  But they SHOULD and when I'm starting a new Universe Inside The Earth FROM NOW ON COWS HAVE HOOVES.  TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.  Hmm.  Eighth paragraph.  Great.  HMM.  This was kind of the amount I would have guessed the pizza would cost.  But now taking into account how MUCH pizza it was KINDA FEEL LIKE IT'S NOT THAT BAD A DEAL.  If anything I'M MAKING OFF LIKE A BANDIT IN THIS SCENARIO.  A SUCCESSFUL BANDIT.  NOT ONE WHO FAILS AT BANDITTING AND GAINS NOTHING FROM THE EXPERIENCE.  Okay.  Do people still believe in dumb Not Hurting Anyone conspiracy theories like hollow earth?  Or have Right wingers co-opted all these idiots into believing Political Conspiracy Theories instead.  Gotta imagine Republicans were like hey looks like a lot of people actually believe the Earth is flat.  THAT GIVES ME A GREAT IDEA.  Just push them into the direction of thinking Democrats are eating and/or raping babies.  Easy.  EASY!  And it apparently was pretty easy.  OH well that's life.
Penultimate paragraph of the day!  Good deal.  I don't like the Day Set Up of Act III and Beer with/following Lunch instead of dinner.  Could have been WORSE.  But not my favorite way to go about things I feel.  At the very least get them to believe Trump won the election and not Biden.  HEY THAT'S EVEN EASIER THAN THE EATING AND OR RAPING BABIES THING.  Anyway.  Gotta imagine that's the target audience for January Sixth Committee.  I KNOW YOU THINK WE EAT BABIES BUT WAIT UNTIL YOU HEAR THIS EVIDENCE ABOUT THIS OTHER THING.  I dunno.  PROBABLY A VERY SMALL MINORITY OF REPUBLICAN VOTERS THINK DEMOCRATS EAT BABIES.  We're talking maybe like 25%.  HUGE majority kinda figure Democrats don't eat or rape babies.  HUGE majority let's give them SOME credit. ...Maybe more like 35% believe the babies stuff.  But STILL A VERY SOLID MOST of Republicans don't think that.  Anyway what else is up.  Only one more paragraph to write.  Then I gotta do other stuff and stuff.  I don't have all the details in front of me.
Look the crazy Republicans aren't gonna be convinced.  We need to convince the THREE IN TEN SANE REPUBLICANS.  They can convince three people easy.  Gonna be broadcasting to TENS AND TENS OF MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IF NOT MORE.  EASY to change Three People's Minds.  Let's START THERE.  What else is going on and crap.  Also this isn't so much to change dumb peoples' minds as it is to provide evidence and context and hopefully accountability towards those responsible to Already Not Dumb People.  Sounds about right.  I DUNNO their THESIS Statement.  That's THEIR business not mine.  What else is up.  Finished This Period Of Day with plenty and plenty of time to spare.  Great.  That's how I feel!  Been really enjoying KETO bars as snack.  Small-medium amount of calories.  Small thing overall.  Not crazy sweet or anything.  Just feels good going down my gullet.  Presumably healthy!  IT's got saturated fat which is a WILDCARD because that sounds unhealthy but then again THEY'RE LEANING INTO IT so maybe Keto Bar knows something I don't know.  THAT's WHAT THEY SAY.  We can take Keto Bar at its word or not.  IT's really up to us!  Anyway I'll see ya tomorrow. 

-4:01 P.M.




Wednesday, June 8, 2022

I'm Here Doing This Again

    Hey!  On schedule today!  Had ZOOM appointment with therapist earlier.  Sneakin' glances at myself in the video.  HEY HAIRCUT BOY NOT BAD.  Haircut was 2.5 weeks ago I think.  Maybe even 3.5.  HAIR STILL QUITE SHORT.  Look Good Now.  Musta been too short then!  Either way FACE LOOK OKAY WEIGHT.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Therapist tellin' me I gotta DO stuff.  Sure IN THEORY but there's nothing good to do!  She brought up getting a driver's license.  Not a bad idea!  Half of me is actually on board with that idea.  YOU CAN'T HALFWAY LEARN HOW TO DRIVE.  Gotta give it your all or nothin'.  Otherwise you'll get into accidents 50% of the time and that's not a good success rate!  Anyway what did I watch last night.  Could it just have been some Tales In The Crypt?  I feel like I watched something else but I also feel like I probably didn't watch something else.  Interesting very interesting.  Had ice cream sandwich and pop tart for breakfast.  It's HEALTHY because the ice cream sandwich is NO SUGAR ADDED.  Just the sugar that occurs naturally in iced cream!
    Hmm.  Back on Ritalin at normal time today!  Good.  Now I'm high or somethin, I dunno!  Anyway forgot about ZOOM appointment and was lying in bed half asleep when therapist CALLED ME to lemme know I was late.  GREAT.  That means I hurried into ZOOM appointment without pants on.  NO TOUCHING below the belt though.  So I think that's vaguely okay.  I had shirt and boxers on.  Boxers are key!  They can't see what's going on below the belt but if you're naked THAT'S STILL NOT GOOD.  Boxers is GOOD ENOUGH.  They have no way of knowing but YOU know.  And that's what matters or something!  Anyway Wednesday 6/8.  The summer of 68.  I feel like that summer wasn't so unlovely either!  Or maybe it was the one where there were lots of assassinations. I  think that was 69.  Lemme LTURQ.  GOOGLE SUMMER OF ASSASSINATIONS.  It was 1968!  Sorry.  We still love them in death though.  Still love abound!  Anyway.  I definitely remember BROWSING Streamers last night to watch something.  That's halfway there towards watching something.
    Hmm.  Had a small but not disruptive amount of MightNight snacking last night.  One 100 calorie thing!  It counts vaguely towards Counting but it's not gonna disrupt my snacking possibilities for the rest of Today.  YEAH.  Anyway what else is up.  I had some sort of dream regarding my mini black and whites or something.  I forget exactly.  It might not have even been a dream.  I might have just been thinking in waking life hey looking forward to that.  But I THINK I dreamt about them in one way or another.  So that's good.  Anyway NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW is... Hey RFK assassination birthday was 2 days ago.  Sorry.  Anyway.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW is... International Dark 'n Stormy Day and National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day.  WELL LET'S SEE WHAT THE HELL THOSE THINGS MEAN.  Dark n stormy.  Rum and Ginger Beer cocktail.  OKAY.  Is ginger beer alcoholic.  Better LTURQ. NON ALCOHOLIC.  Not sure if you can mix hard alcohol with alcoholic beer.  Lemme LTURQ.  SURE YOU CAN.  I KINDA KNEW THAT TOO.  I knew you could but I still feel like you shouldn't.  PLAY IT SAFE OUT THERE.
     Rhubarb.  What the hell is a Rhubarb!  Some sort of ROOT or something?  Vegetable.  May be a root.  MAY NOT BE. May halfway be.  Either way I LIKE PIE but SAVORY.  I've said it time and again.  PIE SAVORY GOOD.  Maybe CHOCOLATE PIE GOOD TOO DUNNO.  ...Maybe FRUIT FLAVORED PIE GOOD TOO NEVER TRIED IT I DON'T THINK.  Anyway.  Lunch gonna be turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  Dinner part II of III of Steak * Stuffed Mushroom.  Hopefully getting Italian Food tonight so I can get PIZZA for tomorrow lunch.  DON'T GOT ANYTHING FOR TOMORROW LUNCH AS OF THIS DATE.  Is pizza kind of HEAVY for lunch?  WHAT THE HELL OF COURSE NOT.  PIZZA IS CLASSIC LUNCH.  Also 2 slice of pizza AIN'T QUITE HEAVY.  Unless it's Sicilian.  THAT WEIGHS A TON.  Is Mario Sicilian.  What part of Italy is Mario from.  Lemme LTURQ.  ...Maybe he's third generation American, I dunno.  That's why we LTURQ!!!  OH He's from Mushroom Kingdom I get it.  Ugh.  I SAY HE'S GOTTA BE FROM SOMEWHERE IN THE REAL WORLD, TOO.  Lemme LTURQ FURTHER.  I think in the FILM he's from Brooklyn.  IS THAT CONSIDER CANNON.
Was that spelling an accident or on purpose.  I'LL NEVER TELL.  It was on purpose.  I JUST TOLD.  Anyway.  I think when I woke up earlier before ZOOM I checked my weight and it was even a pound more than it was the last few days.  But I was half asleep and dismissed it as Noise.  Now I remember it AND IT'S EATING ME UP INSIDE.  Good something gotta eat you up inside.  Why not something that's dumb.  Hmm.  It says Nationality-- Italian for Mario.  So we know he's LEGIT from Italy.  Kinda speaks English though, doesn't he.  With an Italian accent, for sure.  Maybe he's from Italy but they speak English in Mushroom Kingdom for some reason and he learnt the language because THAT'S WHAT YOU DO.  He never talks to people in Mushroom Kingdom.  Kinda just talks to himself now and again.  That's my memory of how Mario Talks IN CANNON.  Mets game at 9:40 PM for the third day in a row I believe.  OH WELL.  WATCH AN INNING OR SO AND THEN I'M POOPED OUT.  Something along those lines.  I'm gonna go get coffee now okay?
    Why wouldn't that be okay.
  Also why have I given you authority on whether I can get coffee then or not.  I dunno. I didn't REALLY give you authority.  Just being polite.  Two Mets left last night's game with possible injuries.  Maybe they're serious or maybe they were just being polite!  Eh kinda feel under the weather halfway into this game, gonna let one of the back-ups play the rest.  Share the love that's what I say!  Spread it around!  Anyway.  I like how baseball hitters get hit by 96 mile per hour fastballs all the time and just shrug and walk to first.  If I got hit by a 96 mile per hour fastball I WOULD DIE.  It would KILL ME.  I suppose they get taught ways to quickly Brace For Impact.  Some sort of FLINCH or REACTION so that it cushions the blow.  I DUNNO THAT THOUGH.  It'd just kill me.  Could knock my entire block off if it connects with the skull.  What else is going on and crap.  Variant of baseball where the goal is to knock the batter's block off.
Sounds fun.  Do a Fight Club but it's baseball.  Just take turns throwing fastballs at each other.  BUT you have to set it up like real baseball.  Get 9 people in the field and an umpire and all that for some reason.  They NEVER come into play.  But they're there because IT'S FUNNER THAT WAY.  What else is up.  Haven't watched Fight Club in like 2 decades!  That was a COOL movie.  Everyone liked it!  HEY WHAT A COOL MOVIE is what people were saying at the time.  Anyway.  Read the book years later, too!  Because I'm a COOL kid.  HEY kid is reading NOVELIZATIONS of films cool kid!  Do I know it was the book first and probably even classier to be a fan of the book more?  OR do I think it was just a cheap novelization after the fact.  WELL CLEARLY I KNOW IT WAS A REAL BOOK ALL THE CLUES ARE THERE IN THIS PARAGRAPH TO CLUE YOU IN ON THAT FACT.  Hmm.  Gonna be pretty solidly mixin' in walks today easy.  No Crunch time at all!  Except for when I possibly eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  That's Crunchin' Time no doubt about it.
     Eighth paragraph!  Seeing Dermatologist Doctor on upcoming Monday.  That might be an official weigh in!  Cool!  What's CHUCK PALENOUHUIC been up to lately. HHmm there was a Fight Club II and a Fight Club III GRAPHIC NOVELS.  Amazing!  I wonder what those are about.  Fight Clubs probably.  You'd think so!  But then again maybe you WOULDN'T think so.  I don't have all the details in front of me!  Gun Control hearings going on in congress and in my family television box.  Wonder if any of the good stuff they took off the table first things first to narrow it down to only not even mediocre stuff MAY BE PUT BACK ON THE TABLE.  That's not how table works.  Hard to put something BACK ON the table.  But THEY BETTER or else this is all a farce!  Maybe this is all a farce.  That's what I woulda guessed going into this situation.  Oh okay I see.  JUST DELETED ONE DIET COKE from Super Market order.  I was gonna get SIX 2 liter bottles.  Dropped it down to FIVE.  I feel like I'm gonna have plenty of CANS from this week LEFT OVER.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  I assume Fight Club II is about Hearts and Fight Club III is about Spades.  And Fight Club The Prequel is about Diamonds.  What else is going on and crap.  MY FAVORITE SUIT IS HEARTS LETS TALK ABOUT IT.  Then again CLUBS are pretty good.  Diamonds WHO NEEDS EM.  Spades SOMETHIN OFF WITH SPADES DUNNO CAN'T PUT MY FINGER ON IT.  But I'd take Spades over hearts.  So FINAL RANKINGS, from best to worst-- Hearts, Clubs, Spades, Diamonds.  What are YOUR final rankings?  E-mail me at my e-mail address and I'll be like HOLY CRAP SOMEONE ACTUALLY READ THIS AND E-MAILED ME WHAT THE HELL THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN.  That sounds fun!  What else is up.  Re-uppin' with both Frosted Flakes and Cinnamon Toast Crunch with Super Market.  Cool!  Been a while since I had Frosted FLAKES.  Last couple of weeks it was down to Frosted CRUMBS.  Also I'd like a cereal where it's like FLAKES ARE 33% LARGER THAN BEFORE.  Not more eating.  Just pour less.  But the flakes themselves are bigger even if they are fewer.
    That sort of thing.  Should have figured out a way to have a slice of bread to go with Turkey Meatloaf and Health Spaghetti.  I may or may not want/need it when I'm having it but I should have given myself THE OPTION.  Oh well.  I can have half a pairing of sandwich thins. But then I'd need to get a whole nother set of bread to finish NEXT WEEK sandwiches.  WAIT A SECOND THAT DOESN'T SOUND GOOD.  What else is up.  Maybe I can have an eggo with Turkey Meatloaf.  That's kind of like a piece of toast.  Like toast but even better!  Infused with DOTS OF BLUE representing BLUEBERRIES.  Gotta imagine it's demoralizing for the victims and families of victims testifying to see Anything Decent already off the table before they even started testifying.  Also gotta be demoralizing tot be victims of gun violence of family of victims.  Is the opposite of demoralizing MORALIZING.  Because I'M PRETTY SURE IT ISN'T.  I'll be back in a little bit.




This Is Something Or Something

    Hey!  Figure I'll adjust calorie allotment by 100 calories.  Maybe I've been overestimating how much is Maintenance Level!  This won't really tangibly change my diet.  Was trying to hit Lower Calories anyway and I'll easily hit this Allotment BARRING BANGES OR MIGHTNIGHT SNACKS.  Okay calm down jeez.  Got coffee #2 and can of diet coke going.  Wonderful.  Is anything good in Gun Control still on the table?  I'm not so sure!  Maybe there is.  What do I know I'm an idiot I'll find out at some point I assume.  Anyway I CAN have half a Sandwich Thins Bun with turkey meatloaf!  Then the SECOND ONE next week with Upcoming Caesar Salad.  WHEN I GET MEALS FROM DINER IT COMES WITH BREAD I CAN ASK FOR WHITE BREAD OR WHOLE WHEAT BREAD OR RYE BREAD YOU IDIOTS.  That REPLACES the pair of bread bun that I'm using for Other Reasons.  Hmm Wonderful I don't care that much at the moment but I'll start caring again later on.  Hmm.  Primetime January Sixth committee hearing tomorrow night!  When I'm writing act III!  Either gotta delay Act III or delay watching committee hearing or NOT do one of those or WRITE ACT III earlier or maybe THEY CAN DO THE HEARING EARLIER TO ACCOMMODATE MY ACT III.
    Hmm.  Is there any risk of an attack on the capital while the hearings are going on.  Gotta imagine every day there' a risk of an attack on the capital. Gotta imagine at this point they've extended security compared to what it was 2 years ago.  Right.  RIGHT?  YEAH RIGHT.  Good.  Are radio stations carrying the hearings live?  I'm concerned members of The Greatest Generation are missing out!  Anyway.  SOCIETY WENT TO HELL ONCE WE STARTED NAMING GENERATIONS.  Back in OLDEN TIMES we didn't glamorize each batch of Kids coming up.  THESE GREATEST GENERATION KIDS ARE SPOILED JERKS.  Sounds about right.  I feel like there was a Named generation before Greatest.  Lemme LTURQ.  Greatest Generation is born 1901-1924.  Anything before then?  THE LOST GENERATION is people born 1883-1900.  WHERE DID THEY GO.  And who came BEFORE THEM.  The point is I LOST ENTHUSIASM for trying to find out who was before the lost generation but now I'll look into why they're called The Lost Generation.  Maybe because by the time they named the generation they were all dead.  OOP WE LOST KEEPING TRACK OF THIS GENERATION OUR BAD.  Let's see.  Because they had, "Disoriented, wandering, directionless," Spirit following World War I.  OH LIKE JIMMY DARMODY IN BOARDWALK EMPIRE.  HE is the POSTERBOY for Lost Generation.  ALSO SOMEONE GET THIS BOY ON A POSTER STAT.
    Third paragraph of the act!
  Okay.  I'd be lost if there was a WORLD WAR.  THERE WAS A WAR INVOLVING THE ENTIRE WORLD!?!  WHAT THE HELL EVEN IS LIFE ON THIS PLANET.  Also pretty sure this war was fought maybe amount a third of the world.  Lemme LTURQ.  Was CHINA or INDIA involved in the war?  Gotta imagine back then they had Large Populations like they do now.  Also ALL OR MOST OF South America, Africa, rest of Asia.. HOW INVOLVED WERE THEY IN WORLD WAR.  My guess is NOT MUCH AT ALL.  I'd look it up right quick but YA KNOW.  Fine I'll LTURQ.  Over 30 Nations Declared War between 1914 and 1918.  THAT'S NOTHING.  Gotta be FIVE OR TEN times that amount of nations at the time.  The point is HISTORY IS A LIE.  This ain't no world war and that's a very WHITE CENTRIC way of putting it because OH THE ONLY COUNTRIES IN THE WORLD THAT COUNT ARE THESE DUMB MOSTLY WHITE ONES AT WAR.  Not a fan!  We should have a World War between WORLD WAR ONE COMBATANTS now suddenly THROWN IN TOGETHER against EVERYONE ELSE.  I mean, we SHOULDN'T ACTUALLY do that.  So much death pain and destruction!  But there should be COMPETITION between those two Worlds.  OLYMPICS LIKE.
     Huh.  Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Maybe dropping down calorie allotment by 100 puts me in a poor state of mind.  It wouldn't TANGIBLY change my diet but STILL in my head I'm constantly like OH NO WHAT IF I GO OVER THIS IS BAD I NEED A SNACK TO CALM ME DOWN.  Seems a reasonable way To Think Bad Thoughts.  I could be thinking MUCH MUCH worse thoughts so basically if these are the Bad Thoughts I'm thinking that's a win for me and for everybody.  What else is up and crap.  Pretty sure at some point we stop coming up with New Generation Names and wrap back around.  So kids born 2040-2060 are THE LOST GENERATION again.  Sounds like fun.  Everyone gonna have a sister generation!  And then in another couple centuries A BROTHER generation.  And then in a millennia LOTS OF SIBLING GENERATIONS FOR EVERYONE!!!  Sounds like fun.  I like my generation but it sounds GREAT to share the title with some other generations way ahead of me or way behind me.  LET'S BE FRIENDS ACROSS TIME is how I feel.
     Last paragraph of the Day Time!  Let's be friends ACROSS DAY TIME is how I feel.  Hmm I was gonna start cleaning up my bathroom a couple weeks ago.  Forgot about that!  Oh well already Wednesday Morning this week is just about over.  Maybe start next week.  Makes sense.  I can clean up the minimalist amount possible.  Throw out overflowing garbage!  That's something I can do for BOTH my bathroom and my Sleep Room!  I call bedroom sleep room.  2/3rds of the time I'm NOT sleeping in it but my favorite part about it and the thing that REALLY SET IT APART from other rooms is this is where I'm asleep.  That's how I feel.  Also my TV watching room but I hear things from OTHER TVS outside my room.  But I'm never Bed Time in other places in the world!  Not for years!  I think last time I was when I was doing SLEEP TEST because I was doing Sleep Walking 2 or 4 times.  Summer 2019 I think.  Good deal!  Anyway hey that's it for now.  See ya NightTime!




that's my takeaway

    I don't spend 2/3rds of the time in my room Awake.  Maybe 50/50.  I spent 2/3rds of my life awake!  But not always in my room!  ANYWAY I did a productive today.  I threw out all garbage!  Garbage that was IN garbage can.  Garbage OVERFLOWING AROUND garbage can.  Garbage just sitting around on surfaces!  I cleaned my room and bathroom by .75% which is about what I expect congress and senate will accomplish re: taking care of enhancing gun control laws.  WOW that rounds up to .80%!  Anyway had delicious meals just like I knew I would.  Didn't get anything tonight for tomorrow, though!  TWO IDEAS-- Meal Replacement Cookie.  OR 5 out of 6 of the box of Impulse Chocolate Chip Fiber Cookies I got. THIRD IDEA SANDWICH THAT WAS BEING SAVED FOR NEXT WEEK POSSIBLY THE VEGETABHLES BURGER.  Fourth idea stop off at Italian Restaurant on walk and get Two Slices DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE.  THE PIZZA SOURCE.  Do Italians Like Mario like pizza.  Or are they above it.  These idiot Americans And Let's Face It Everyone Else love pizza but it's BENEATH US AS REAL ITALY CUISINE KNOWERS AND EATERS.  My guess is WHO CARES NONE OF MY BUSINESS.  Let Italians think what the ywant about Italian Food.  THEY CAN LIVE THEIR LIVES AND I'LL LIVE MINE.
    Wait a second CAN I get someone to live my life for me?
  That sounds like a good deal.  I'll just hang around my room all day and every now and then I get the rewards and benefits of Having Done Things when they do it for me.  I MAY be describing Fight Club in essence.  No Spoilers!  Anyway delicious tootsie pop going on right now.  Best flavor in the world! Chocolate!  I wonder if people from Italy are SO OVER Chocolate.  Why are people from Italy being so difficult.  HEY THEY HAD TO DEAL WITH PAN'S LABYRITHNH.  Probably.  I never saw that movie.  By which I mean I Saw That Movie but don't remember it.  Sure the monster with eye-hands.  That's about it!  Anyway.  I saw it SPECIAL.  Kid I was friends with at New York University had parents in SAG or WGA or The ACADEMIES and got free DVDs of NEW MOVIES.  WOW I'M WATCHING PAN LABRITHN AT HOME THEATER LIKE A HOT SHOT.  Anyway.  TIME TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH.  Is what I PLEDGE on saying in about an hour.  When I'm taking out the trash.  I should have been saying that this entire time!  The last few years where it's been my responsibility to take out the trash.  Can't remember if it started with Pandemic Quarantine or when my Dad's Hip was fucking up.  Musta been when his hip was fucking up.  Probably.  By Musta I mean Probs. 
    I'd like to see some PROBS into Trump's inner circle to determine how involved he was WITH INSURRECTION.  Oh we already know he was involved.  GOTCHA.  Stand Down and Stand By.  HE SAID IT.  STAND BY.  THANKS FOR ACTING ON MY BEHALF AWAIT FURTHER INTRSUCTIONS.  THAT'S WHAT WORDS MEAN.  You can't tell me OH HE PROBABLY DOESN'T KNOW WHAT WORDS MEAN HE'S ONLY BEEN ON EARTH SPEAKING THIS LANGUAGE FOR 70 YEARS.  Anyway what else is going on.  MICHAEL THAT COMMENT WAS IN REACTION TO INSURRECTION IT CAME MONTHS BEFORE DURING DEBATE.  Okay well then INSURRECTION IS WHAT THEY WERE STANDING BY FOR.  He told em a few months before STAND BY and then THIS WAS WHEN THAT STAND BYING WAS CASHED IN.  What else is going on and crap.  May have three beers tonight.  Dunno!  Not sure what to do tomorrow.  Despite it being scary and stressful and possibly ultimately disappointing, gotta imagine I'm gonna watch Hearings tomorrow evening.  Which means I may write Act III earlier.  Or later!  Stay up and write a 2Hot4TV LateNight Act III.  Possibly lasting into THE BEWITCHING HOUR.  Also figure I'm not drinking beer for January Sixth Committee Hearing.  THAT WOULD BE RUDE TO THE HEROES WHO LOST THEIR LIVES THAT DAY.
    Hmm lemme lturq any Heroes who happened to die in January 6th IN HISTORY.  Nope no heroes ever have died on that day of the year.  Oh okay.  I GUESS.  House passed some gun control stuff.  One thing was raising Assault Rifle Age from 18 to 21.  NOW if you wanna buy an assault rifle you can only purchase ones that were assembled AT LEAST 21 years ago if not more.  I MAY BE MISUNDERSTANDING THIS SITUATION.  What is this the fourth paragraph of the act.  Kinda feel like most rifles are assault rifles.  Not a lot of other uses for rifles.  No DEFENDING rifles.  Maybe there are defending rifles.  Shoots you into a force field or something.  I feel like I'm not a fan of Designated Hitter in baseball.  If you wanna be in the line up we should FORCE FIELD too.  Yeah that sort of thing.  What else is going on and crap.  Just watched a bunch of Tales In The Crypt today.  Because I lack imagination for doing something new!  Oh okay that explains it.  I'm gonna go get beer #2!
the Fifth!  And the exact group he was telling to Stand By are the group that they just charged with Seditious Conspiracy for January sixth!  THEM PROUD BOYS.  AIN'T SO PROUD NOW ARE YOU.  Actually they're probably more proud than ever.  LET'S SEE HOW PROUD YOU ARE AFTER SPENDING SEVERAL WEEKS IN PRISON.  Again their level of pride is through the roof one would imagine!  Anyway what else is going on an crap.  A FEW WEEKS IN PRISON'LL TURN THESE PROUD BOYS INTO ASHAMED MEN..  Hopefully.  A few weeks in prison gotta do SOMETHIN' to em.  That's the premise of prison.  It changes you.  Either for the better or worse.  Doesn't really matter!  As long as you're not the same person going in as coming out.  It's all about THE JOURNEY.  Anyway what else is up.  Kinda feel like there's gonna be a lot of white nationalist people for Proud Boys to be friends with in prison than there was out in the real world.  They're gonna love prison are you kidding me.  GOOD LEAVE EM THERE I DON'T WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH EM.  Huh?
    Second half of the act time.  I dunno.  Whattado with the rest of the night.  Maybe figure out some film to watch.  SHUTTER FILM.  SCARY STUFF.  It's SCARY because sometimes the feed cuts out!  I access the film on my computer and then WIRELESSLY connect computer to TV.  Sometimes IT JUST STOPS BROADCASTING and it continues on my Computer but not my TV.  Have to then GET ALL THE WAY UP to my computer and un-wirelessly connect them and then RE-wirelessly connect them.  This may happen every 5 minutes, it may not happen at all.  BUT IT'S SCARY to face the prospect of HAVING TO GET UP OUT OF BED SEVERAL TIMES.  I'm spooked JUST TALKING ABOUT IT.  OOh well that's all in the spirit of Shutter Films, right?  Good to be spooked!  YEAH.  Let's go with that.  SPOOK MYSELF GOOD.  What else is up.  Probably gonna have Good Fiber Bar as opposed to Quest Bar tonight.  NOT SURE YET.  Probably gonna have Decent Enough Ice Cream Bar later.  IS IT REAL ICE CREAM?  IS IT FRO-YO.  Is it SOMETHIN ELSE.  I dunno but I was unsure going into that sentence about the term, "Fro Yo," but upon further introspection WONDERFUL PHRASE.  I GOT A KICK OUT OF USING IT.  I was worried I would actively DISLIKE IT and it turns out I LOVED IT.
Seventh paragraph!  Yo-Fro.  Is that something.  Hmm.  Today was pretty much no different in terms of Snackings as the last couple of weeks.  Dropped down allotment in calories but it happily didn't really influence anything tangibly.  YEAH.  TANGIBLY.  I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  NOT AS MUCH AS, "CELLAR DOOR," THOUGH.  I think that's from Donald Darko.  Teacher (MS BARRYMORE?) says the most beautiful phrase in English Language is Cellar Door.  OR MAYBE I DREAMED THIS ENTIRE THING.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT WAS REAL.  Maybe I happened to Dream This Entire Thing ANYWAY but it ALSO was real TOO.  Anyway I don't get it.  Cellar Door.  Cellar Door.  NOPE.  NOT GETTING IT.  I guess it's OKAY.  It doesn't actively sound GRATING.  Hey that's good.  I'm okay with neutral sounding phrases.  SETTLE.  I'll settle for neutral sounding syllables ALL DAY LONG if I have to.  EVEN INTO THE NEXT DAYS.  Okay hmm what else.  Also SOUNDS KINDA SPOOKY.  CELLAR MEANS BASEMENT.  BASEMENT IS WHERE GHOSTS LIVE.  YEP that all adds up makes total sense good job.
     Third paragraph from the end!
  Looks like Mets Injured Players from EARLIER IN THE ENTRY got pretty good updates on their Injuries (OR LACK THEREOF) in the past 8 hours.  GREAT LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  None of my business!  This, What Italy Feels About Italy Food, What Prison Does To People... lotta things that aren't my place to be concerned about or alternatively to concern them.  None of my business.  What else is going on and crap.  I can put on some Shutter movie sure.  Maybe watch ENTIRE FILM bringing me QUITE CLOSE TO THE BEWITCHING HOUR tonight.  Get in the mood for being up later FOR TOMORROW NIGHT.  When JANUARY SIXTH COMMITTEE WILL SAY THINGS.  I WONDER HOW AND WHAT THEY WILL SAY.  MY GUESS IS THEY WILL EMPLOY GAVELS.  Actually they probably won't.  In my imagination in an ideal world LOTS OF GAVELING between sentences.  But now that I think about it possibly NOT A SINGLE GAVEL AT ALL.  It's not that kind of hearing!
WHAT KIND OF HEARING USES CONSTANT GAVELING.  MY KIND OF HEARING THAT'S WHO.  Anyway penultimate paragraph.  Gonna take out garbage probably roughly around the end of this paragraph roughly.  Why in the world is, "Gaveling," a word.  Do we really need a verb to denote THE USE OF A GAVEL.  I mean, sure, apparently we do!  And I'm happy about it!  Just kinda unexpected though now that we're Keeping It, "100!"  What else is up.  Took me a solid eight or so minutes to put together garbage with garbage bags.  I think that's better than nothing.  Next easiest step I guess is wiping down surfaces in bathroom and/or regular room.  Wipe off DUST.  Then WET some WIPES and clean STAINS AND CRAP.  At this point we're getting into Vaguely Real Work but it's still the EASIEST next thing to do and also LOGICALLY the next thing ya'd do either way.  Well it's already Wednesday so at this point I might as well wait until next month to start on that.  Okay I'm gonna do Household Garbage Now!
    YEAH.  Time to take off my pants.  YOU SUCKERS DIDN'T THINK I'D MAKE IT THROUGH THE WHOLE DAY HAVING TO WEAR PANTS.  Somehow thought I'd SELF DESTRUCT or something.  JOKES ON YOU.  I SURVIVED JUST LONG ENOUGH TO COMFORTABLY TAKE OFF PANTS.  Presumably I Will Continue To Survive afterwards, too!  That'd be my assumption.  Guess we never really know for sure though.  Hmm.  Probably will have Quest bar after all after this is done with soon.  I can survive doing that.  If anything it greatly INCREASES my chances of survival.  I'M GETTING WAY MORE FIBER THAN THE AVERAGE MEN HAS AND THE AVERAGE MAN HAS A PRETTY GOOD SURVIVAL RATE ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  That sort of thing.  Finishing beer #2 just about now.  So I don't really NEED a third beer.  Well I'll keep you updated on this situation Long After It's Been Done Progressing.  So that's good.  HEY I'm gonna take off my socks too.  What a wonderful world.  Not so bad at least.  Anyway I'll see you tomorrow.

-9:06 P.M.




Tuesday, June 7, 2022

This Is A New Entry See

    Hello friends.  About half an hour behind schedule today!  Should be able to fit in seven walks.  Anyway it has now been 72 hours since last Methylphenidate.  GOOD FOR MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE for knowing the word methylphenidate.  The drug makers just made it up and the dictionary people are on the ball and added it to Computer Dictionary.  I assume drug makers made up this exact drug Generic Ritalin and it doesn't occur naturally.  In nature.  I assume lots of stuff.  There's no RITALIN LEAF that indigenous tribes chew so that they can focus on Pre-Calculus Tests in high school.  I spent an entire semester OR TWO in Pre-calculus.  Look either it's calculus or not.  Probably should be called BEGINNER'S calculus.  I don't remember a single thing about pre-calculus but I FEEL IT'S CALCULUS.  Brewing less coffee than usual because I always have some left over and that's wasteful!  Instead of brewing 8 cups I'm a-brewin' 7!
    Anyway.  I've heard the senate is on the verge of a GRAND COMPROMISE re: gun control legislation.  The GRAND COMPRISE is pretty much don't do anything.  THANK GOD we reached that compromise.  I was worried something might actually get done!  And that would confuse me!  Anyway this is just second hand information from Mother.  Somethin' about they're not doing anything hardly but a small thing.  And then what.  Do you declare VICTORY?  Do you declare DEFEAT?  Either way What do you think you're accomplishing WITH WHAT I HEARD SECOND HAND.  Second hand is that like second city.  It's when your non-dominant hand does improv!  I feel my hands can do improv.  Probably better than the rest of me!  It's all in the hands.  I feel like that's an adage they teach budding actors.  TRADE SECRET-- it's all in the hands.  Anyway.  Ok now you give ME a secret.  That's how trades work.  Made that pun probably like 3 weeks ago.  Maybe even sooner.
    National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Name Your Poison Day.  I don't know what that means!  They say some folks say it refers to drinking alcohol and picking the one you want.  OTHER FOLKS AREN'T SO SURE.  Count me among the Not So Sure category!  I only know what you just told me and you're not telling me anything for sure so OF COURSE I'm gonna be Not So Sure!  Either way WHISKEY.  I like other alcohols.  But whiskey is my favorite!  Anyway.  Had the smallest amount of MightNight snacking last night possible.  Other than zero.  So that's good  I took an entire 8 years in Pre-Positive-Integers Class.  All about Zero.  And negative integers I guess.  I'd like to play some Scrabble and hit Triple Letter Score with Zero.  Z hitting the letter score.  See I'm good at Scrabble I ALREADY HAVE A STRATEGY going into it.  Gotta imagine they make Scrabbles for other languages, right?  Other romance languages for sure.  Hmm.  Maybe you can play with regular Scrabble but letters with accents or tildas or anything are WILD CARDS.  You have an E in your rack of letters?  You can play that as an E or an E with an accent or Anything.  OR maybe they make special tiles with accents.  Also what about WEIRD Languages TOTALLY DIFFERENT.  I'm sure they'd enjoy Scrabble too.
    What else is up.  Checked my weight today.  Same as yesterday!  More or less 1.5-2 pounds higher than I expected/wanted based on a couple of weeks ago's reading.  So there's that.  Had balanced breakfast today!  Probably too much Frosted Flakes.  It was all crumbs!  I measured it out in cups but I feel like a cup of crumbs is a lot more than a cup of regular flakes.  Way more surface area or something!  Oh well I have no regrets.  THAT'S NOT TRUE I HAVE REGRETS.  Yeah it's a figure of speech okay?  Hmm.  EDUARDO ESCOBAR: The Met hit for THE CYCLE yesterday.  He made ALL the hits.  A single.  A home run.  A triple.  A double.  Probably even hit Seven home runs for as far as I know.  Hmm.  Two top teams in baseball are Mets and Yankees!  New York RUNNIN THIS SHIT.  Anyway.  Third top team is Dodgers.  USED TO BE NEW YORK!  NEW YORK RUNNIN THIS SHIT EVEN MORE.  Anyway not sure whether to take Ritalin when it gets here.  I guess I should.  No reason not to!
     Hmm.  Bacon was okay!  Probably should have cooked it longer in microwave.  I feel like if I cooked it better I'd have been solidly satisfied with it!  Instead of Barely Pretty Much Satisfied Enough with it.  Anyway.  Name my poison?  ARSENIC.  HOW ABOUT THAT.  Name something I'm not satisfied with?  OUR SENATE.  HOW ABOUT THAT.  By OUR I mean AMERICA.  By Senate I mean THAT LEGISLATIVE BODY THAT I'M NOT SURE WHAT THEY'RE GOOD FOR.  Nothing.  OH OKAY.  Pretty sure they confirm judges sometimes.  Without the senate we'd never have new judges!  Oh okay.  I saw Biden's judges are like 75% women and like 2/3rds African American and/or other minorities.  GREAT.  Let's get some equal representation!  I assume overall it's equal representation more or less hopefully!  Maybe not!  In either direction!  Either way let's get some splenda representation!  Hmm.  I'm going to get coffee now.  Then re-calibrate what the Hell I'm doing with my life.
I told my parents my idea for having letters of recommendation before you can get a gun and they MOCKED ME.  OH HEY BUDDY BOY YOU SIGN MY LETTER AND I'LL SIGN YOURS.  LOOK YOU CAN FIGURE OUT A WAY TO DO IT YOU JERKS.  Some way to make it sure that the Recommenders are Legit.  DON'T YOU SAY, "BUDDY BOY," TO ME WHY DID THIS RECOMMENDATION IN GOOD FAITH ENRAGE YOU SO.  Oh well such is life.  THIRTY DAY WAITING PERIOD?  YOU MEAN I HAVE TO WAIT A MONTH TO DO A MASS SHOOTING?  I MIGHT NOT EVEN WANNA DO IT ANYMORE.  Sounds reasonable.  We've all been there.  Need to cool down for about a month.  That might help.  Anyway next snack is gonna be KETO BAR.  Delicious.  I normally don't like nuts but there are some odd nuts in Keto Bar and for some reason I LIKE EM.  I hope I bite down DIRECTLY on the odd nut.  That's how much I wanna eat these brownie nuts.  Maybe my Dad is upset because he thought I SOLVED GUN PROBLEMS.  And then my idea let him down SENDING HIM INTO A FURY.
    Seventh paragraph!  Good deal.  Finished watching ALLIGATOR.  Wasn't as pleasurable as when I watched the first half.  Was just in a better state of mind for the film the first half around! THERE IS A SEQUEL.  MAYBE WATCH THAT SUCKER AT SOME POINT.  Only had 2 beers last night.  Maybe have 3 tonight.  ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN.  As long as we narrow it down from Anything to SOME SORT OF GRAND COMPROMISE AND THE COMPROMISE IS MORE OR LESS NOTHING.  Not sure what dinner is gonna be tonight.  Could be anything!  MORE OR LESS NOTHING.  I'll have something for dinner.  That's my impression.  Are Six Flags open these days.  YES THEY ARE.  Maybe I should see if my Brother wants to go to Six Flags with me at some point!  Parents wouldn't be happy about that.  Too risky.  What if I lie my way onto a roller coaster too tall for me and then I fall out of the roller coaster.  Pretty sure I'm  tall enough FOR ALL COASTERS.  If I remember correctly the tallest coasters were 60 inches.  That's five feet.  I'M FIVE FOOT TWO SINCE I WAS FIFTEEN YOU IDIOTS.  Ride ALL the coasters.  Not at once.  Now THAT'S dangerous.
Eighth paragraph.  What's my ultimate height.  5'0?  I know you lose an inch or two as you get older.  HOLY SHIT I MAY END UP FUCKIN' 4'11.  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT BULLSHIT.  Oh well I can always do the Break Your Legs surgery adding height to your body by elongating your legs.  Make my legs COMICALLY long.  Add like 8 inches to my legs.  NOW I'm AVERAGE HEIGHT and I HOLD ALL THE CARDS.  Anyway Ritalin: Generic just arrived and I accepted the delivery.  Then I took the pill and I accepted the pill.  AMAZING.  I feel myself getting Generically Ritaliny already!  MY POWERS ARE INCREASING.  Hmm.  Two and a half paragraphs to go for act I!  Wonder if today: the day will be any good.  Gotta imagine I do some stuff over the day that's halfway entertaining.  Those are direct synonyms.  "Good," and, "Entertaining."  MEAN THE SAME THING.  Hmm.  I can always take Human Growth Hormone.  My bones are fused I can no longer get taller.  I CAN GROW WITH MY INNARDS and overflow BEYOND the bones.  My bones will remain a 5'2 skellington but EVERYTHING ELSE IS POPPING OUT OF BONES and my brains and whatknot get me up to 5'5, 5'6.  WOW I'LL BE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE JERK EVER.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Lookin' at Six Flags Great Adventure website longingly.  They have Special Days.  Like July 2nd-July 4th.  INDEPENDENCE DAY THEMED?  YEP.  And what is it called exactly?  NO FOOLIN-- COCA COLA JULY 4th FEST.  I WAS JOKIN' ABOUT THEM BEING DIRECTLY EXPLICITLY ASSOCIATED WITH SOFT DRINK.  AND THERE YOU HAVE IT.  The proof is in the pudding!  Maybe they read my entire and quickly threw together a Fest.  Makes sense.  Either way I WANNA GO FOR COCA COLA FEST.  Then again even better would be Veterans Day Generic Ritalin Fest.  Hmm.  They have Official Daily, "VIP Tours," for 10x the price and there's a list of a dozen special things you get with this ticket and ONE of these things is in BOLD and the one in BOLD is UNLIMITED SOFT DRINKS.  AGAIN NO FOOLIN.  They're leanin' into soft drink and I'M ALL FOR IT.  Anyway.  Took ritalin without any beverage to wash it down.  Kinda feel like it's stuck halfway down my gullet!  Go figure!
Anyway.  GO KARTS in Six Flags.  One of several, "Rides," ya gotta pay extra for.  Gotta imagine that's in a Figure 8.  I dunno odds are probably AGAINST IT.  Figure 8 is Classic for Go Karts and it may be a PLURALITY layout but probably more often than not some other lay out.  Maybe just a circle!  DUMB CIRCLE.  I don't think I've ever Go Karted.  May not have been tall enough!  I've Mario Karted.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE I'M LUIGI.  He's GREEN so you know he's the fastest.  GREEN MEANS GO.  GO MEANS FAST.  BACK UP IS YOSHI.  HE'S ALSO PRETTY GREEN.  What else is going on.  There are special Entertainment Shows at Six Flags: Great Adventure but either the website needs to be updated or they're suspended these days probably due to Covid.  Makes sense.  Anyway what else is up.  Wonder if I'll have enough coffee for cup #2.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  Be back in a bit!




I'm Not So Sure

    Hello friends.  Easily gonna fit in 7 walks today!  That's how that goes.  What else is going on how it goes.  Maybe Six Flags was explicitly associated with cola 2+ decades ago and I remembered it in the back of my brain.  Or maybe I came at hey expensive soda at theme parks that's a universal subject we can laff about organically.  MAYBE BOTH.  Either way sure I longingly would like to go to Six Flags with Friend(s).  Sure I'm Friends(s) with my brother.  Seems kind of weird though for guys in their mid 30's!  Teenagers through 20's, sure.  Even late 20's.  Low-Mid 30's though KINDA WEIRD?  I dunno maybe not!  Either way whem I'm Theme Park Dad I'M GOIN ON THE RIDES TOO.  When my Mom and Dad took me to theme park I vaguely remember them definitely sitting out THRILLEST rides and even medium thrill rides.  SOME.  I think they did Back II the Future ride.  Maybe because they knew we couldn't fall out of the Motion Simulator even if it FEELS thrilling.  Hmm.  I like the thing in Six Flags: Great Adventure where it's a design your own motion simulator.  You pick the twists and turns and whatknot before going in and THEN IT DOES WHAT YOU DID.  AMAZING does that exist still.  DUNNO DON'T SEE ANYTHING ABOUT IT.
    Sure!  Ice cream sandwich as DAYTIME snack I feel today.  Either before lunch or after lunch.  Right now leaning towards Turk Meatloaf with Health Spaghett for lunch.  Get Steak *Stuffed Mushroom for dinner next 3 nights.  IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.  THE PIECES.  THE ONES THAT COME TOGETHER.  THAT SORT OF THING.  Haven't had steak *Stuffed mushroom in at least 2 weeks!  I'm a fancy boy I'm due a fancy meal at this point.  Anyway.  DIP N DOTS.  The Frozen Treat Carts I was thinking about yesterday or the day before, in real life Six Flags Great Adventure they specialize in DIP N Dots.  Probably had Dip N Dots once or twice in my life time.  Don't remember loving it!  Probably good enough!  I'D GIVE IT A SHOT SURE.  That's the astronaut ASTRONAUTS eat.  I mean the ice cream astronauts eat.  Maybe astronauts eat astronauts.  Like the donner party!  You get stuck in space long enough ONE OF YOU GOTTA EAT THE OTHER.
     Donner Party and Dinner Party.  I've thought of that connection many times in the past and probably referred to it HERE in the past 4 or 5 times.  Anyway.  PERECT amount of coffee made.  A DROP too much.  I poured entire thing into my mug for 2nd cup after my mom also had her cup.  IT DIDN'T OVERFLOW but was A DROP too high.  So basically PERECT.  So that's good.  HEY what else is good.  SMALLEST AMOUNT OF MIGHTNIGHT SNACKING LAST NIGHT?  AMAZING 40 CALORIES IS LIVABLE.  Ideally I keep thinking okay maybe from now on I do NO MightNight Snacking and I'm conceptualizing Ultimate Diet that way.  But if I HAD to make a Grand Compromise and have 40 calories of MightNight snacking a night?  I'D MAKE THAT GRAND COMPROMISE SURE.  EASY.  So that's good.  Who can I see about working out this Grand Compromise?  The Sandman?  Kinda feels like he'd be someone to talk to about this.  Who is Sandman.  I know it's a movie coming out soon I SAW A POSTER ONLINE.  But anyway he's some guy who deals with sleep and/or dreams.  Not 100%.  AT SOME POINT HE ENTERS I KNOW THAT MUCH.
Penultimate paragraph of the daytime day!  Good deal!  Probably feel the ritalin kicking in.  Good deal!  I like being on it because WHY NOT.  Anyway haven't had the individual Kwest bar: New Flavor I got yesterday yet.  Maybe tonight!  Easily could be tonight!  So that's good.  Probably nothing worthwhile at all this entry yet.  But even MORE probably Let's Say Four or Five Worthwhile Things.  I say nothing worthwhile FOR HUMILITY but let's be honest PROBABLY FOUR OR FIVE THINGS THAT WERE LIKE HEY THAT WASN't a COMPLETE waste of our time(s).  Anyway.  Mets game at 9:40 PM again.  Could watch the first inning or two again LIFE.  LIVE.  That sort of thing.  Good.  Also time is gonna go on indefinitely either way.  Whose to say what a waste of time is and what it isn't.  EVERYTHING might be a waste of time!  Maybe NOTHING is a waste of time.  Maybe ONLY THIS MY WEBSITE is a waste of time.  I dunno gotta imagine other things I do are wastes of time, too!  Like music!  Like A THIRD THING I've done.  Hmm.  COMEDY.  Kinda associate Writing This With Comedy.  But I shouldn't.  KINDA IT'S OWN THING even if the primary goal by far is Laffs.  And/or Just Wasting Time to Eventually Get To Laffs Somehow Organically.
    Last paragraph of the Daytime!  Hmm.  Only got 30 Generic Ritalins.  Probably should have gotten 60 based on my usual prescriptions.  Doctor wasn't in office yesterday when I called doctor to refill it so she probably forgot!  I have appointment with doctor on THE ZOOM next week.  GET THIS SETTLED THEN.  So that's good.  Anyway 6/7.  SUMMER OF 67.  Was the summer of 67 the summer of love.  I FEEL LIKE IT WAS.  Better LTURQ.  YEP IT WAS NAILED IT.  Summer of 2022 is Gonna be Summer Of Somethin'.  Summer of Sustainability.  That's my premise at least.  You don't have to go along with it.  I could and/or couldn't care less!  I guess it'd be fun if you did, too!  But basically II want to live Sustainable Summer that's what counts for me!  JOIN ME AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.  Man oh man is the Best Six Flags in late October when it's Halloween Themed.  TOO GOOD.  It wraps around back to being Not Good because it's TOO good.  Yep that's how things work.  No doubt about it.  Hey I'll be back tonight!  Good deal. 




hey you'll appreciate this

    Hello friends.  It is solidly later in the day compared to before.  Alright GREAT START to the act.  Spouting off some FACTS and some POSITIVITY.  Why is it being later positive.  Because BEFORE SUCKED.  I think we can all agree PAST IS CRAP present is the best and future is the worst.  I also feel like ALL THREE OF THOSE  THINGS VAGUELY SLANT RHYME.  Past/Crap.  Present/Best.  Future/Worst.  MAYBE NOT ALL OUT SLANT RHYMES NO.  But somewhere down on the slant rhyme spectrum.  WOW THAT'S EVEN BETTER.  The lower the rhyme in the slant rhyme the more SUBTLE it is and thus THE BETTER.  Being subtle is GREAT.  We should ALL aspire to be SO SUBTLE.  Anyway that's what writers do!  SUBTLE SLANT RHYMES.  That's the MAIN thing they do actually now that I think about it.  Hmm.  Then they spend a paragraph CALLING ATTENTION to the slant rhyming and PATTING THEMSELVES ON THEIR BACKS.  Which is hard to do.  I can't get a good pat on my own back.  Not the idealist part of my back at least.  Sorta can pat around the edged and up near the neck.
     Hmm.  Had steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner.  Steak is solidly a very small portion after splitting it into thirds.  GOOD HEALTH FOOD.  SMALL ORDER OF STEAK.  That's the healthiest food you can have per my very limited understanding of What Things Are.  So that's good.  CRACKIN' OPEN A CAN OF DIET COKE.  Anyway.  This is gonna get recycled.  Not by ME.  I'm never gonna get a nickel for this.  Throw it out in a RECYCLE BIN though.  That'll be emptied by SOME OTHER jerk 2 or 3 times a week.  Hmm maybe that's a good career.  Garbage Man.  At the very least I'd have a good opportunity to join the mafia.  Because they'll assume I'm already one of them.  They don't understand that people can work in waste management and not be part of their club.  Which would be a GOOD career move because If It's Illegal MUST BE LUCRATIVE.  No one breaking the law all the time just for MINIMUM WAGE.  UNLESS THEY WERE DESPERATE.  Maybe they are desperate.  THAT'S THEIR BUSINESS NOT MINE.  What are we talking about again.  I talked a big game of Cracking Open The Can earlier but to be honest I still haven't done it.
     Third paragraph!  I just cracked it open and for some reason there was some Bubbling Up and slight Overflow.  Not sure why.  I didn't shake this can at all consciously.  Maybe I was shaking it absentmindedly but I'm gonna be 100% honest I'm 100% sure IN THIS DIMENSION I wasn't shaking up the can.  Maybe in an alternate dimension I was and that dimension Bubbled Up and slightly Overflowed into this one and caused the Bubbling Up and slight Overflow of the soda.  I'm in a place where THAT'S THE MOST LOGICAL EXPLANATION I CAN THINK OF.  Hmm.  HMM.  Hmm.  Gonna have CARAMEL Chocolate Kwest bar soon.  Probably GOOD ice cream sandwich later.  PROBABLY EVEN A TOOTSIE POP HOW DO YOU LIKE THEM APPLES.  I feel like I've come across an Apple Flavored Tootsie Pop in the low single digits of times.  GREEN APPLE.  There we go.  Just Apple I was re-thinking how sure I was that I came across it.  Now that I added the extra word Green it rings more of a bell.  Green means go.  Go ahead and eat it.  Eat the lollipop.  Not the stick.  Unless the stick is made out of chocolate.  Then go ahead and eat it.  Also I wanna eat Chocolate Stix now.
     Whatever.  Good deal!  Maybe I should have tootsie pop NOW and save Kwest bar FOR A LATER PERIOD OF 40 Minutes.  POSSIBLE THE UPCOMING ONE AFTER THIS ONE.  Also gotta imagine 60 minutes is a lot closer to 40 minutes.  I'm a big guy into TV so I KNOW that STANDARD COMMERCIALS for 1 hour of Standard TV gonna run ya about 7, 8 minutes a half hour.  Gonna feel Real Comfortable rounding down 60 minutes to 40 minutes.  Also not sure why there's even 40 minutes.  Let's just make it all commercials so it's ALL profit.  Or make the 40 minutes Infomercials.  Either Infomercials or Commercials All The Time.  But WHICH ONE is up to them.  Up to who.  The BETTER question is Up to WHOM!  Hmm.  I dunno.  I gotta take out some recyclables and stuff tonight is the point I'm trying to make.  About 40 minutes from what time it is right now IN REAL LIFE.  To ME RIGHT NOW.  Not to YOU LATER.  That's 0-2 what I'm talking about.  I'm talking about Me and Now.  You're talking about You and Later.  Unless you interpret Me and Now to mean YOU and THEN.  Then I'm talking about... Us and... WHENEVER.
     Oh okay.  Hey fifth paragraph how about that.  Alright having first post-dinner snack and it's delicious Quality Ice Cream Sandwich.  That's good.  I deserve it because of THINGS.  We don't need to like DESERVE snacks man.  We ALL universally are due snacks.  No one's debating that in theory.  IN THEORY.  People are debating that in practice maybe.  Not a lot of debates going on these days.  I feel like there are NO Lincoln/Douglas type debates THESE DAYS IN REAL LIFE.  Maybe in the alternate dimension where I was shaking up cans of soda for some reason.  Hey that's Alternate Me's problem.  None of my business what's going on with Alternate Dimension Me.  Just like ME is no business of THAT OTHER ME.  Hmm.  Anyway what else is going on and CRAP.  Don't see myself having more than 2 beers tonight.  Not sure what the point would be.  ANYWAY gonna get 7 mini Black and White cookies instead of 1 BIG ONE so I can have THREE as a breakfast instead of ONE BIG ONE which ACCORDING TO THEM is MORE but ACCORDING TO THE NAKED EYE is LESS so according to THEM it's more calories but according to ME it's LESS so I'm doing THE RIGHT THING and also IT COMES IN ORDER OF 7 so I get TWO BLACK AND WHITE BREAKFASTS for the WEEK.
    SOUNDS LIKE ONE BACK AND WHITE MINIATURE IS GETTING LEFT OVER.  YES VERY OBSERVANT YOU.  Maybe you get it.  Whoever accurately did the numbers and were like WAIT A SECOND 3 x 2 is one less than 7 WHATS TO BE DONE ABOUT THAT EXTRA COOKIE first GETS THE COOKIE.  Send me your Social Security Number and Bank account and I'll TRANSFER YOU THE COOKIE IN NO TIME AT ALL.  ACCURATE.  There will be No Time It Happens because IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN SUCKER.  I TALKED YOU INTO GIVING ME NUMBERS RELEVANT TO DEFRAUDING YOU.  And now I'M coming out on top in this situation YOU FOOL.  Ugh.  What is this, the seventh paragraph?  I'm gonna say solid 80% chance this is the 7th paragraph.  6th paragraph.  I was half right, though, because THE NEXT paragraph is the 7th paragraph, and it's EVER SO CLOSE.  So I was wrong but I was HALF RIGHT.  That's not how wrong and right work.  No.  In THEORY it's not.  In THEORY.
    Hmm.  Hey four paragraphs to go presumably.  "WATCHED," all of Alligator II today.  Wasn't great!  There was a part where a guy told a girl she had a, "Great Backyard."  And instead of being like OH SHIT GOTTA REWIND THIS SUCKER TO GET A LOOK AT THAT BACK YARD I was like I DON'T WANNA GET UP.  LET'S JUST HOPE THAT A FTER THIS DIALOGUE BETWEEN THEM CALLING THAT COMMENT THE GUY MADE INTO ACCOUNT THEY SHOW HER BACK YARD YET AGAIN.  But THEY DIDN'T.  So I lost that opportunity.  But anyway I believe some character were cops and there was a MAYOR and the lady we were talking about was the mayor's DAUGHTER I think.  GROWN ASS WOMAN THOUGH.  Let's be very clear about that.  IT WAS AN ADULT LADY I WANT TO BE VERY CLEAR ABOUT THIS.  I dunno.  I dunno about anything.  I don't know how old this lady is.  That's HER business.  Anyway I just finished beer #1.  That's MY business.  AND BUSINESS IS GOOD.
Third paragraph from the end or something!  Takin' out recyclables and garbage-ables in about 15-20 minutes!  Doubt I'll be done with the entry by then but it might be close.  The good news is what do I got in store for the rest of the night.  I could watch a few innings of The Based Ball games a little bit later.  But that would still require me to figure out some INFOMERCIALS to watch for 40 minutes before that Basing Ball gaming begins.  Hmm what's a good infomercial.  Well this is easy GIRLS GONE WILD.  I feel like if there was some Internet Publication ranking BEST INFOMERCIALS OF THE 2000'S Girls Gone Wild is COMING OUT ON TOP EASY.  It's INFO because it's information and it's ERCIAL because it's ERCIALITY.  I don't watch infomercials anymore unless it's On Demand.  I'm not beholden to the TV networks!  OH NO HOW WILL I WATCH JANUARY SIXTH COMMITTEE.  Will it air on YOUTUBE LIVE or something.  For free?  Gotta imagine Something Like That!  Also not a fan of Republicans calling it J6 in supposedly mainstream and unobjective terms.  SOUNDS LIKE THEY'RE IDEALIZING IT THROUGH STYLIZATION.  OH MAN WERE YOU THERE FOR J6 IT WAS GREAT PATRIOTISM MOMENT.  And I'm just supposed to LET THAT PASS LIKE YOU'RE NOT EVEN DOING IT CONSCIOUSLY?  GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT J6 BULLSHIT. 
Penultimate paragraph.  Also J6 YOU SUNK MY BATTLESHIP.  So I guess the ygot the last laugh.  I called them out on Stylizing  Insurrection by making it sound cool so I WIN THAT HOWEVER my battleship is now sunk!  So I come out worse for wear somewhat, too!  Anyway what else is up.  What are the names of the other ships in Battleship.  One of them is a submarine I think we can all agree on that.  Is it possible there's an Aircraft Carrier as one of the ships.  Lemme LTURQ.  Battleship, Cruiser, Submarine, and Destroyer.  NO AIRCRAFT CARRIER?  WHAT KIND OF BULLCRAP IS THAT.  Maybe YOU THE PLAYER are the Aircraft Carrier. ...Trippy.  What else is going on and crap.  Also I feel like YES we're guessing to see where submarines are so it makes sense we're going blindly and hoping we hit it.  ALL THE OTHER BOATS SEEM LIKE THEY SHOULD BE ABOVE WATER AND THUS WE CAN SEE WHERE THEY ARE WITH OUR EYES.  Hmm.  That sounds accurate.  What the Hell is going on in battleship that we can't just SEE WHERE THE SHIPS ARE without guessing.
Last paragraph!  Got 5-10 minutes to write it if I wanna sneak it in before Doing Recyclables and Garbaging.  ALSO I think one of the main premises of Ships is that THEY CAN MOVE.  In this game SHIPS DON'T MOVE.  A lot of this game makes very little sense.  MAINLY HOW BORING A GAME IT IS.  Who WANTS to play Battleship.  Some idiots I guess.  That'd be my guess!  Anyway.  I'd read a Scholarly PAPER on Battleship General Strategy.  I wouldn't LITERALLY read it.  But I'd be HAPPY that Scholarly Paper EXISTS IN THE WORLD.  I think it's a good thing Graduate Game Theory people are writing thesises on Battleship because THAT SHOULD BE HOW THE WORLD WORKS.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Pretty sure John Nash should used all that time he spent Being Crazy towards Perfecting Battleship Strategy.  So much more useful to humanity than Just Being Crazy.  Kinda A HUGE waste of his time.  Maybe he accomplished SOME Not Crazy things Being Crazy.  I don't have all the details about it.  I WATCHED A TWO HOUR TWENTY MINUTE INFOMERCIAL ABOUT IT that's all I know!  Hey I finished the entry before garbage.  Wonderful.  Also I finished the entry Which Is Garbage.  HOW DARE YOU.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:54 P.M.



Monday, June 6, 2022

Great News Adequate News

    Hey!  About half an hour behind schedule today.  Which is half an hour AHEAD of Behind Schedule that I'm at often.  Got bloodwork done today.  Checked weight on HomeScale beforehand and looked at weight on their scale.  NOT GOOD.  About 1-3 pounds worse than I was expecting overall.  The good news is Better this than nothing.  If I weighed zero pounds I'd be very unhappy with that.  Guess at some point I'm gonna decompose down to a minuscule pile of dust.  Or oil.  We turn into oil, right?  That weighs something.  Either way LIFE BEGINS AT 3 POUNDS.  How do you like them apples.  Did some MightNight snacking last night.  Consulting my records, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was!  Trying a new flavor of Kwest Bars from CONVENIENCE STORE.  Caramel Chocolate Chunk.  PROVE ME WRONG.  Anyway no Ritalin again today.  It's weird!  Life is more or less the same but there is a difference I can't quite put my finger in!
     Hmm.  Hush Puppy for lunch today presumable with Potato Tots.  We know Tater is slang for Potato.  Is TOTS slang for anything.  YES LIKE CHILDREN.  WE CALL CHILDREN TOTS.  Wait a second NO WE DON'T.  Do we?  Maybe we do.  Either way they're like little children of fried potato.  Delicious!  What else is going on and crap.  I feel like there's a Mets game that's going on later in the daytime or nighttime.  Perhaps the WITCHING HOUR even. 9:40 PM.  That's pretty close to THE WITCHING HOUR.  Probably will last long enough to get into the WITCHING hour.  What hour is the witching hour.  My guess is 12 AM to 1 AM.  Could be!  Lemme LTURQ.  Just says Midnight.  That's not an hour.  It's a single moment.  But I would say Odds On Favorite is 12 AM to 1 AM and not 11 PM to 12 AM.  THEN AGAIN WHAT DO I KNOW.  SEVERAL THINGS.  NOT THIS THOUGH.  So there's that!  Look if I saw this was my weight without having checked it a week or two ago, based on the weight BEFORE then, I'd be like not happy with it but that sounds about right.  But last time I checked MAY HAVE GIVEN ME FALSE HOPE.  OR maybe these weight reports are giving me FALSE DESPAIR.
     Hmm.  Kid doing ding dong ditch yesterday.  Rang bell three times.  First time I was way late to the door and no one was there.  Second time I answered the door less than 10 seconds after the bell ring.  NO ONE THERE.  Third time my Dad was standing by the door and there was a little kid there CAUGHT RED HANDED.  And they were like did you receive your package or something.  NO PACKAGE.  Then they ran away or something.  Into a truck.  Truck parked outside the house.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THIS IS BUT I REALLY REALLY DON'T LIKE IT.  Why is this little girl part of Truck Enterprise.  That means there's an adult vaguely involved in this too.  SHE CAN'T DRIVE A TRUCK SHE'S A LITTLE GIRL.  Anyway NO PACKAGE.  WHAT PACKAGE.  I don't like things that I can't explain and I can't explain this!  Nor most things.  I don't like most things get off my back about it.  Witching hour can ALSO be between 3 am and 4 am.  I LIKE THAT.  INTERESTING.
Okay.  Now I wanna punish my body for being 1-3 pounds heavier than I thought by eating more.  I'll show you for being heavier than I thought.  YOU WANT SNACKS WELL YOU GOT IT YOU'LL LIVE TO REGRET THIS.  Hmm.  Delicious unbalanced breakfast of smore pop tart and ice cream sandwich.  What else.  I assume if I check weight and then drink 16 oz of water and then check weight again I'll be a pound heavier.  Because it hasn't gotten time to digest or anything.  At that point wouldn't it just be The Same Thing As Before Plus 16 oz of water?  That's my radical theory.  16 oz is pound right.   Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Anyway maybe they should check my weight at BloodWork AFTER taking blood.  And also take 16 oz of blood.  Then we'd all be a pound less and go home happy.  VERY happy.  Light headed and all.  Gotta imagine some people get a high out of donating blood.  You can get high out of anything!  That's my radical theory.
     Hmm.  Next Quest Bar I buy in bulk might be WHITE CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY.  At first I read Raspberry and was like NOT EXCITED ABOUT THAT.  Then I registered the White Chocolate and I was like WAIT A SECOND THAT PART SOUNDS GREAT.  It's all the fun of chocolate and all the... fun... of being white!  Hmm.   Being white is kind of fun.  I'm white a solid 85% of the time I feel.  Maybe if I lived in other areas of the country or world I'd mostly NOT be white.  But here in Jew York City WHITE SOLID 85% OF THE TIME.  And the 15% of the other time MOSTLY COMES FROM OUT OF STATE.  Huh.  Dreamt about Six Flags last night!  I went with my brother and we got there before it opened which is exciting because you WANNA get a whole day out of this.  Make the MOST of it.  And when we were entering the park I was like so should we stick together and do the same rides and whatknot or separate so we each do what we want.  And he was like WE SHOULD BE SEPARATE.  And I was kinda unhappy with that answer.  BUT I GUESS IT MAKES SENSE.
Also dreamt a horror movie.  This premise is vaguely familiar because of real horror movies and VERY SIMILAR to one horror movie I think.  NO SPOILERS.  I'll write the movie LATER.  Why tell you NOW what happens.  Hey time to get coffee.  Ugh.  Now my body wanna eat snack!  I was in a Great Place for a week or two where I was eating healthy and THINKING healthy about food.  MAYBE I GET BACK INTO HAPPY PLACE MAYBE NOT.  Not getting new quest bars yet.  AM getting Terrible Impulse Chocolate Fiber Cookies though. I DON'T KNOW WHY.  BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT.  Oh so I DO know why.  Because I'm an idiot.  Yeah but I don't know why I'm an idiot is the point.  Oh okay makes sense.  Sixth paragraph of the act.  Oh no it's 6/6.  That's 2/3rds to 6/6/6.  ALSO 2/23rds to 100 without slightly different symbols instead of the slash between them.  What else is going on and crap.  Fiber Chocolate Chip Cookie might be a good snack for After Dinner Snack.  OH OKAY GOOD.
     Enjoying Alligator Movie.
  Or at least I thought I was.  Might have just been enjoying being drunk on a beer and a half.  OR MAYBE I'M ENJOYING THE MOVIE WHAT'S WRONG WITH THAT.  Anyway.  Guess I'll have to wait a bit to eat White Chocolate.  How about some Black Whitelate.  Nope.  The point is I don't know what.  As I was entering hospital there was someone before me and they check the temperature with the silhouette an the person ahead of me HAD 100 DEGREE FEVER.  WHAT THE HELL.  I'M STANDING JUST FEET AWAY FROM THIS PERSON.  NOW I'M EXPOSED TO FEVER.  You know what Fever means!  PANDEMIC DISEASE.  Just my luck.  I think I dreamt a chart of Risk To Pandemic Disease Too.  The chart was like if you're THIS far away you have to be this amount of minutes with them, if you're slightly further away you have to spend THIS OTHER amount of minutes with them to get it...  I'm sure these calculation estimates exist.  But I DREAMT UP MY OWN.  Wonder how accurate they are.  No way of knowing because I don't remember.  I THINK ONE OF THE DISTANCES was you have to be with them 4-6 minutes at that distance to get pandemic disease.  WOW.
     Eighth paragraph of the act.  WOW.  Maybe I'm slightly hungrier because ritalin is being depleted from my blood stream.  That kinda thing curbs appetite, right?  Ritalin?  PROBABLY.  Should be able to fit in seven walks today without too much of a hassle.  Anyway NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... National Chocolate Ice Cream Day.  Well I don't think many people are gonna have a problem with that!  Maybe me as a kid!  For some reason as a kid Chocolate ice cream was gross to me.  VANILLA ALL THE WAY.  Now I see the error of my ways and of course chocolate ice cream is delicious.  If I had to choose one ice cream for the rest of my days SURE it'd be vanilla though.  ACTUALLY can I pick NAPOLEON.  I LIKE HAVING VARIETY EVEN IF I HAVE TO HAVE THE VARIETY EACH TIME I HAVE IT.  I haven't had NEOPOLTICIAN ice cream in a long time.  Oh well such is life.  Wanted to take a Sit Up Rest while waiting for them to call my number at blood work.  COULDN'T DO IT.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act!  What else is up.  Not sure if the horror movie I dreamt was a horror movie in the dream or just Horrific Stuff that I woke up thinking could be a movie.  I THINK in the dream I WAS KIND OF living it and/or observing it as if it were real life but ALSO thinking this would be a good movie.  I don't remember exactly.  Anyway.  IN WAKING LIFE I see it's just like other horror movies and is nothing special.  NOTHING SPECIAL INDEED.  Anyway.  It's possible I'm just a mere 10 pounds from being overweight!  That's too close for comfort!  FOR ME GOTTA BE 15 POUNDS FROM BEING OVERWEIGHT ALL THE WAY.  SIXTEEN AND A HALF IDEALLY.  The good news is I forget.  My estimations have me more than 10 pounds away from overweight but the main idea is that EITHER WAY too close for comfort THEORETICALLY.  Anyway.  I know Thinner is an interesting idea for a horror movie but wouldn't a more universal and scarier movie be called Fatter.  And it's about a guy who gets fatter now matter how much he diets and exercises.  That's a fear WE CAN ALL RELATE TO.  Looks like I beat Stephen King at his own game.
Last paragraph of the act.  What game.  And how did I beat him.  This isn't a game and also if it was I WOULD HAVE LOST let's be honest.  Anyway.  Gotta wrap up this act and whatknot.  Guess I'll just continue diet I've been on.  I feel like it shouldn't have caused me to gain weight over the last couple weeks and it's just an aberration.  Either was wrong then or wrong now.  I think what I've been doing SHOULD keep me at maintence level and PROBABLY should have me losing weight gradually.  NOW AS LONG AS I DON'T START BEING HUNGRIER IN GENERAL THIS SHOULD BE A CINCH.  Just do what I've been doing BEEN GOING OKAY YOU FOOLS.  What else is up.  They made a remake of THE OMEN and they released it THIS VERY DAY 16 YEARS AGO.  OH NO THE DAY IS HAUNTED.  And every 16 years THE OMEN HAPPENS AGAIN.  How many times can the Omen happen.  I dunno.  You'd GUESS only once but I dunno.  Maybe devil is re-incarnated all the time.  Just keeps losing his battle with God and/or Jesus and then he comes back as some other guy to try again.  JUST KEEPS LOSING THOUGH.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a bit!




You're Way Out Of Line

    Maybe I kinda like being Not Being On Ritalin.  I feel like I can sense a difference.  VAGUELY POSITIVE DIFFERENCE PERHAPS.  Anyway.  CHALK IS ALREADY WHITE.  Usually.  90% of the time you're dealing with white chalk.  YOU CAN HAVE CHALK OF ALL THE COLORS OF THE RAINBOW AND THEN SOME but usually we're talking about white chalk.  Gotta imagine breathing in chalk fumes for 40 years has gotta have bad effects on teachers.  And students whove been left behind 37 times.  Anyway the good news is these days you can have a white board and use magic markers.  That sounds dangerous too.  Also Magic Markers are a synonym of Just Markers.  You can all them magic either way!  Seems like a scam.  These markers aren't magic at all.  NOT IMPRESSED by what they could accomplish!  Hmm.  Anyway in Six Flags Dream I went straight to a MEDIOCRE WOODEN ROLLER COASTER.  I dunno if I went there on purpose or if I just made it deep into the park and it was the first DECENT thing to ride.  But I could DO A LOT BETTER re: Which Roller Coasters to ride in Dream.  This'll be okay but it's only a 5 out of 10 on THE THRILL SCALE.
Also multiple scales THRILLED ME this morning.  Bad thrill.  Like in a thriller.  Sometimes thrill is exciting and sometimes it's Thrilling In A Bad Way you know what I'm talking about!  Wonder how satisfying Hush Puppy will be.  I think pairing it with a dozen or a dozen and a half of tater tots should get it into Solidly Satisfying Range.  THESE SIX DOZEN CARTS AROUND THEME PARK AREN'T GONNA SELL ICE CREAM.  They're gonna sell ITALIAN ICES.  MAYBE you get lucky and they have some pre-packaged Corporate Ice Cream in a cooler.  No fresh ice cream though.  FRESH ICES.  WHICH ARE FINE.  I haven't had Ices in a while.  There's a time and place for ices and maybe this is the time and place or maybe it isn't!  I don't know been a while since I went to Theme Amusement Park.  Seems kinda dumb.  Also I gotta imagine if kids are Under Height Requirement for roller coaster it doesn't really matter.  Gotta imagine every day across the country there's at least HUNDREDS of kids riding roller coasters that they're significantly under-height for but managed to sneak in anyway.  And I DON'T THINK there's hundreds of roller coaster deaths a day.  I don't think there's ANY.  Better LTURQ.  HOW MANY AMUSEMENT PARK DEATHS A YEAR.  Approximately four deaths annually from roller coasters.  And that's not even PER PARK.  That's either AMERICA or WORLDWIDE.  So basically these height requirements are a scam.
     Makes sense.  But then WHY DO IT.  WHAT THE HELL IS THE MOTIVE.  I dunno to be jerks.  Maybe to make it more appealing to The Heightier People.  HEY THIS IS A SPECIALTY COASTER THE KIDDIES CAN'T RIDE.  I REALLY WANNA RIDE IT NOW.  TAKE MORE OF MY MONEY PLEASE AMUSEMENT PARK PURVEYORS.  Anyway.  Four people die a year on roller coasters?  I feel like that makes roller coasters SAFER than just SITTING AROUND.  Gotta imagine over 4 people a year die not just WHILE sitting down but BECAUSE of sitting down.  I DON'T HAVE ALL THE NUMBERS IN FRONT OF ME.  Then again ANY number of roller coaster deaths seems kind of high.  So you're saying I PROBABLY won't die.  HARDLY EVER happens.  Only close to half a dozen people a year.  OH WELL I LIKE THOSE ODDS LEMME DO THIS FOR NO PRACTICAL REASON.  There's a practical reason.  It's THRILLING.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Does that include Log Flume Deaths.  Gotta imagine lots of people drowning in the log flume.  How would that work.  How WOULDN'T it work is the question we should be asking!
     Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  Probably talked about roller coaster deaths before.  Probably talked about EVERYTHING before.  Working my way through Everything for the third or fourth time by now.  BEEN DOING THIS A WHILE IS THE POINT.  Whattado with the daytime.  I dunno.  Gotta watch something on the television box is my instinct BUT WHAT.  Still got 45 minutes of ALLIGATOR MOVIE: JUST CALLED, "ALLIGATOR."  I could save that for tonight After Entry OR I could watch it today!  Both have solid cases!  Anyway how's gun control going.  Senator introduced bill that makes a 1000% tax on AR-15s.  VERY CLEVER.  But then ONLY THE RICH CAN BUY GUNS.  I don't know how to feel about that!  Maybe rich people are more RATIONAL and unlikely to do mass shootings because o either INGENIOUS WAYS OF GETTING WEALTH SO THEY'RE SMART ENOUGH NOT TO SHOOT UP PEOPLE or maybe THEY HAVE MORE ECONOMIC SECURITY WHICH MAKES THEM MORE WELL BALANCED AND LESS LIKELY TO SHOOT UP PEOPLE.  The point is seems like a clever thing to do I DUNNO.
What else is up.  Then again, still, this way the only people who get AR-15s are the people who REALLY REALLY want one.  And why would you Really Really want one?  I DUNNO.  Not 100% sure why you'd even just VAGUELY REALLY want one.  Seems kinda strange!  What else is going on and crap.  THEN AGAIN HEY GOVERNMENT IS MAKING SOME COIN BASED ON THIS.  That's not so bad.  We still may have mass shootings but WE'RE REDUCING THE DEFICIT OH HAPPY DAY.  Gotta imagine if they actually somehow pass this idea the revenue from the guns will be tied to funding something presumably Gun Controlly.  Seems like the way they would go about doing things based on my impression of the way they go about doing things.  Anyway I dunno.  DayTime part of entry is just about over.  What an achievement!  Also worry about Being Hungry All The Time Again I talked about last Act KINDA NOT PANNING OUT.  Kinda feel vaguely more in control than I thought I was before.  MAKES SENSE.  Anyway I'll be back later!




don't blame me i didn't even try

    Hey.  What's going on and crap!  Set up Ritalin Delivery tomorrow morning.  Won't have it At Breakfast Pill Time.  Could take it a couple hours later though!  GOOD DEAL.  I think it was an interesting experiment to not take Ritalin for 72 hours (EVENTUALLY NOT AS OF NOW) and in the end I think I learnt a lot about myself.  Mostly hey this is 95% the same as before but SLIGHTLY LESS METHYLPHENADATED.  Either way just finished watching ALLIGATOR: THE MOVIE CALLED ALLIGATOR.  I have nothing against it!  I have nothing FOR it.  Generally I wouldn't mind if it never even existed in the first place!  NOT BEING NEGATIVE.  JUST BEING NEUTRAL.  I have some positive impressions of it YES.  Some negatives one SURE.  They balance each other out OKAY.  Do I have some neutral MAYBE.  In the end AVERAGE.  Also WHY BOTHER.  Then again KILL TIME.  In other words WHO CARE.  To put it bluntly WHY ME.  Wonderful.  I had a chickened pot pie for dinner.  Now that I think about it EVERYTHING I feel about Alligator: The Movie About The Alligator can be applied to EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE.  In the end it all neutralizes itself!
     That doesn't sound good.  YEP IT SOUNDS NEUTRAL.  Kinda doesn't, though!  OH WELL TAKE WHAT YOU CAN GET.  Had Fudgesicle as after dinner snack.  LOW CALORIE SNACK.  GOT SOME GOOD SNACKIN LEFT IN ME TODAY.  What else.  Today was again Not a big problem with hunger.  YEAH.  LOOKS LIKE I WIN THE DAY AGAIN.  I keep winning all the days!  You're no competition!  Man oh man am I racking up a bunch of some pyrrhic victories.  Maybe have a third beer today.  Been a few days since last time!  We'll see how it goes!  NO GARBAGE TONIGHT.  Not wearing pants.  NOT WEARING SOCKS.  I have no regrets!  I spent roughly 40 minutes of my Walkings today with a pebble in my shoe and it was annoying as crap!  Took me a while to figure out how to dump it out.  Had to take my shoe off midwalk SEVERAL TIMES and for some reason it just WOULDN'T SHAKE OUT OF SHOE first few times!  Also I dunno how SCANDALOUS it is to take off a shoe and shake it upside down over the sidewalk.  Maybe SOMEWHAT maybe NONEWHAT.  Either way FIRST TIME YOU NOTICE PEBBLE IN SHOE IS FUN.  Hey it's like I'm scratching a little small area of my foot every time I step down with that foot on the pebble area.  NICE FUN SCRATCH.  But that quickly turns into ANNOYING SOMEWHAT PAINFUL AND OR TICKLISH SCRATCH.  Which I had to live for for 40 minutes.  Most of which because I figured it was in poor taste to take off a shoe outside.  Then because I decided I was OKAY for taking off shoe but was still BAD at shaking it out.  Anyway that's a good story because it happens to all of us all the time.
Anyway.  Third paragraph of the act.  Wonderful.  I think the upcoming January Sixth Committee Hearings are a CONSPIRACY.  I believe that people are CONSPIRING among THE HIGHEST LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT to INFORM THE PUBLIC about things that happened.  BE PREPARED.  ALL OF THIS IS TOTALLY PLANNED IN ADVANCE BY A LOT OF PEOPLE AT THE SECOND OR THIRD HIGHEST LEVELS OF POWER.  To further their AGENDA of INFORMING, CONSEQUATING, AND PREVENTING SIMILAR THINGS FROM HAPPENING AGAIN.  Don't say I didn't warn you!  Also YES CONSEQUATING is the BREAK OUT STAR of this joke.  We all wanna use that word now.  REAL WORD because we wanna use it.  I MADE UP A WORD AND YOU ALL ARE WITNESS TO IT.   Hmm.  In Britain can you vote SOME CONFIDENCE in a Prime Minister.  I don't care who the prime minister is, I doubt I'd have either FULL CONFIDENCE or NO CONFIDENCE in someone.  Well maybe no confidence.  Actually that A LOT.  I might have full confidence in 0% of people but I can see having NO confidence in like 70% of people.  SORRY PEOPLE.  YA JUST DON'T INSPIRE CONFIDENCE IN ME.  Look INWARD for solutions though don't blame ME.
     Fourth paragraph of the act.  Also what was the bad thing Prime Minister did again.  I think he drank alcohol or had sex or something.  I read the headline a week or so ago.  It was something completely innocous.  LET'S LTURQ.  Me knowing the word innocous and NOT spelling it correctly is THE BREAKOUTSTAR of that sentence.  ANYWAY let's LTURQ.  HE DRANK BEER AND ATE SANDWICHES.  YEAH THAT DOES SOUND LIKE A CONTROVERSY.  WHY SHOULD HE HAVE A BETTER LIFE THAN ME.  ALL I WANT IS TO DRINK BEER AND EAT SANDWICHES.  AND HERE I AM STUCK  DRINKING BEER AND EATING POT PIES LIKE A SUCKER.  GET THIS GUY OUTTA OFFICE RIGHT NOW HE MUST SUFFER FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE TO BALANCE OUT HIS WONDERFUL LIFE OF EATING SANDWICHES SO IN THE END IT'S A NEUTRAL WASH.  EVERYTHING THAT EVER HAPPENS TO ANYONE ANYWHERE MUST BE A NEUTRAL WASH.  Pretty sure that's a setting on Modern Dishwashers.  That sorta thing.  I'm gonna go get beer #2.
He might have abused staff or something while high on sandwiches.  I dunno.  I'm not gonna read the entire article this isn't my business, this is ENGLAND'S problem.  Don't involve me with England I GOT NOTHIN TO DO WITH IT.  Kinda wanna read more.  But only about the sandwiches.  What kinda sandwiches are we talkin'.  Not a PARTY SUB, right?  That'd be TOO PERECT.  Maybe Finger Food Sandwiches?  I don't have a lot of (ANY?) experience with Finger Food Sandwiches in my life but they sound TOO PERECT to INJEST.  I like the idea of micro sandwiches and I'm glad they already exist out there in the world because it's more likely I'll eventually have some than I would if they didn't already exist out there in the world and I had to invent them myselves.  You know that sort of thing.  TRUE I didn't go retrieve beer #2 yet and now it's practically an entire paragraph since I said I would.  YOU CAN'T TRUST ME I guess!  Good thing we found that out now.  Better late than never.
YEAH.  I'd say give me a vote of 60% confidence.  That rounds down to NO confidence.  It's ACADEMIC STYLE grading.  Need 65% Confidence to be Passing.  I'm VERY CLOSE to Passing Confidence.  Over 50% on the test overall.  JUST NOT QUITE THERE OH WELL THAT'S HOW THE SHOE SHAKES.  Outside the pebbles.  Uhh.  Ugh.  What else is up.  Pretty sure there should be some roller coaster design layouts where there's a MAXIMUM height.  Over 60 inches up above the ground?  NOPE for some reason that's too dangerous for this coaster.  Sit this one out.  They'd never do that.  The Average Height People Lobby is TOO POWERFUL.  NOTHING CAN BE DONE ABOUT IT SO DON'T EVEN TRY.  Good deal that was my plan already!  Anyway.  Look have I still not gotten up out of my chair to get a beer #2?  YEAH MAYBE NOT.  Or maybe So.  I FORGOT HOW I PHRASED THE ORIGINAL SENTENCE so I dunno if it's a Maybe So or a Maybe Not.  The point is I'll do it AFTER THE NEXT sentence or two OKAY?  Hmm.  I think maybe Ritalin DOES suppress appetite.  Had the idea of taking a Ritalin BEFORE BED so I don't wanna eat something in the middle of the night.  That's either dumb or genius.  Maybe it would keep me up at night!  Or maybe it wouldn't AND IT'S GENIUS and it works.  THE POINT IS I'M TRYING TO COME UP WITH SOLUTIONS YOU JERK, WHAT HAVE YOU EVER DONE ABOUT IT.
Seventh paragraph!  Ate a fiber bar.  That's something I'VE DONE about SOMETHING.  Hunger or something.  Or wanting to injest chocolate.  I don't remember the exact impetus but either way I have no regrets.  So I got that going for me.  Anyway this time around I really DID get the beer #2.  Anyway.  Mets game is in about an hour.  I will be up for roughly a half hour of Met game at the least.  POSSIBLY at the most.  Most DEFINITELY at the Neutralist.  I LIKE TO NEUTRALIZE METS GAMES IS THE POINT.  Anyway three and a half paragraphs to go for the night.  Shutter added some more films to their Filmographic Library.  FILMOGRAPHIC EH.  LIBRARY EH.  EH EH.   I remember when I was in middle school and I found out you can get VHS/DVDs (I think at this point it was still VHS) from library and it BLEW MY MIND.  WHAT THE HELL I CAN WATCH FILLUMS FOR FUCKING FREE?!?!  It was very exciting for the first few hours after I was made privy to that.  ALSO I RENTED AT LEAST ONE FILM.  It was part of SCHOOL assignment.  Smoke Signals.  About modern day Indigenous Peoples who live on Reservation for at least most of film if not ALL of film.
    It's LEARNING because it's HISTORY.  It's history because it's about people who HISTORICALLY lived WHERE I'VE TAKEN OVER now.  That's good.  Wonder if this assignment is allowed in Florida.  I know they're all about denying teaching about slavery and discrimination and whatknot against African Americans.  Gotta imagine you can't teach about Indigenous Peoples either.  At this point what CAN we teach about.  THE AMERICAN FLAG.  Okay this is turning into Nationalistm Class but sure why not.  I'M A TEACHER NOT A POLITICIAN.  Tell me what White Nationalism To Teach and I'll Teach It!  THAT'S HOW I CONSIDER MY ROLE AS SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHER AN WHATKNOT.  I guess we have to have the meta conversation and talk about how are we teaching future social studies teachers to teach if they can't teach real stuff.  Interesting stuff!  SCARY interesting.  JUST LIKE ALLIGATORS.  Anyway.  Hey after this sentence there's only two more paragraphs to write!
     Great!  We pledge allegiance to the flag.  I did that sure.  Not sure why.  Flag is a piece of cloth.  I could be allied to the cloth without really being invested LEGALLY OR NOT wit hthe country it represents.  JUST REALLY LIKE THIS DESIGN.  Also not just the design of this flag but THE FEELING.  Gotta imagine there's a premise to America Flag that's like THE REAL FLAG has to be on THIS KIND OF FABRIC not some other kind.  REAL FLAG IS CERTAIN SPECIAL FABRIC LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  CERTAIN COMFY SOFT SPECIAL FABRIC.  KINDA FABRIC GETS ME GOING DOWNSTAIRS.  Anyway what else is going on!  On the one hand I think there should be self determination for Puerto Rico and Washington DC to become states but on the other hand that would create a Y2K scenario where suddenly all the flags in use GO HAYWIRE AND EXPLODE and the country falls apart completely.  I mean maybe if you timed it perfectly.  Had tens of millions or so NEW FLAGS RIGHT AT THE READY to replace the old ones IN JUST A BRIEF MOMENT.  We might avoid disaster.  But it would require A LOT of coordination and special planning.  Wait what.
Last paragraph of the night!  That's fun!  When's the next time I can have a sandwich.  OH THIS IS EASY NEXT REAL MEAL.  Well a Balanced Breakfast is a Real Meal.  But I mean next Lunch and/or Dinner.  Anyway it can be TURKEY SANDWICH with some sort of side.  GREAT.  Either turkey sandwich or turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  TWO SUPER market Meals I got left for the week!  THIS IS GOOD STUFF.  Especially the part where I injest them.  I like the way it tastes going down my gullet!  That's where I get off!  Anyway.  Remember how in The Shining they're like who exactly is Tony Danny and he's like He's a little boy that lives down in my gullet.  Sure you remember.  I just reminded you!  REAL easy for you to remember after being reminded, that'd be my guess!  Well that's it for today I guess.  Any special thing chores or anything tomorrow.  Nope.  Accept Ritalin.  GO BACK ON Ritalin.  Is that a chore.  Sounds like A Pleasure to me.  Well whatever.  See ya tomorrow.

9:00 P.M.




Sunday, June 5, 2022

Oh Well Such IS Life

    Hey!  Bad news on two fronts!  Fair/Modest amount of MightNight snacks last night.  And RAN OUT OF RITALIN.  No ritalin today!  No ritalin tomorrow  Probably no Ritalin for a few more days after that!  Dunno how that will effect me.  Hopefully it doesn't really!  But my guess is LESS ENERGY and MOTIVATION to do things.  OH NO DOING THINGS IS ONE OF THE MAIN THINGS I DO.  It's in second place right under DOING NOTHING.  Anyway right on track for Schedule today.  Got up on time so I can help Dad prepare for nurse.  Then I successfully didn't go back to sleep!  Had delicious black and white cookie for breakfast.  Tummy hurts a bit from filling full!  Also I so rarely feel completely full so I register it as PAIN.  I feel like that's happened before and I typed it before.  Oh well feeling full is bound to happen several times a year. LOOK don't get me wrong.  Last few weeks I've CONSTANTLY not been hungry.  But not being hungry and feeling over-full is different.  SO GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
Found out results of Mets game without watching it delayed!  That's okay!  I watched the good bits anyway as CLIPS ON THE INTERNET.  Hmm Clips sounds like you can get some good anagrams from that worse.  SPLIC off the top of my head.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Belgian Waffle for dinner.  Maybe Vegetable burger for lunch.  We covered this yesterday but I'm just updating you it's still the plan going forward.  GOOD DEAL.  Totally said GOOD MORNING to nurse.  That's an adult way to phrase A HELLO.  We're adults and we're awake in the morning because that's what adults do.  I hope you're having A GOOD ONE.  Anyway plotting out a possible SnackSchedule for today to accommodate making up for MightNight snacks.  I THINK I'VE GOT A GOOD IDEA OF WHAT TO DO GOING FORWARD.  So that's good.  What did I watch last night.  I think just more Tales In The Crypt.  Maybe listened to TWO OR THREE MUSIC SONGS.
     Okay.  Dumb running out of ritalin.  I'm gonna notice that I bet.  Totally gonna not wanna do anything.  Any activity I'd normally do!  My body gonna be like WELL I'M NOT ON ANY SLIGHT UPPERS I DON'T THINK I WANNA DO ANYTHING.  JUST LIE IN BED.  THAT'S MY FINAL OFFER TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT.  What if I wanna leave it.  Then the alternative is DEATH.  Or maybe go out on the streets and try to find some other uppers.  Not an ideal situation but better than DEATH I would assume.  Maybe get myself committed to hospital.  They HAVE to give you the medications your prescribed.  Hmm that's a clever way to do things.  Then again I'd like toa void hospital.  No fun place!  Long corridor and the main thing you do all day is walk back and forth in the long corridor.  That was my take away.  Also would I be wearing sneakers without laces?  Or just walking around in my Hospital Issued Socks.  DON'T REMEMBER.  I feel like they watered down the eggs for breakfast though.  I watered down the egg whites I was making a few days ago A LOT.  And then when it was done it looked like and felt like and tasted like their eggs.  WATER EM DOWN TO SAVE MONEY.  But then also give each person A HUGE portion of watered down eggs.  Maybe watered down eggs makes people docile or something, I dunno!
What else is going on and crap.  I assume that's primary directive of hospital.  Make people docile.  That'd be my instinct.  Drink a lot of coffee.  I could do that theoretically.  Gonna drink SOME coffee soon.  That's pretty good.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Nice GOOD ICE CREAM SANDWICH in the cards for later.  That's the STAR of today's Probable Planned Snackings.  NO SPOILERS.  Mets game in late afternoon today.  I can easily see myself possibly theoretically watching it more or less.  Anyway.  EASILY split these eggs into three balanced breakfasts.  I just hope I have enough cereal to keep up!  Definitely have 1 breakfastsworth of cinnamon toast crunch and frosted flakes left.  But for either one I dunno for sure if I have A SECONDSWORTH.  Got health cereal though in case I need it.  DELICIOUS.  Why would I need it.  I dunno ya never know what you may or may not need.  I know some things I won't need.  SWISS ARMY KNIFE.  Literally NEVER is needed.
What else.  I assume the Swiss are helping arm Ukraine with Army Knives.  ALSO I kinda feel like most people with Swiss Army Knives use it AS CIVILIAN.  THESE ARE WEAPONS OF WAR WE CAN'T PUT THEM IN THE HANDS OF CHILDREN.  Although maybe they can help defend against Active Shooter.  Ya either gotta get in close OR perfect projectile throwing it so it hits him like an arrow and takes him down.  Probably COULD be done if you train for DOZENS OF HOURS.  Sounds reasonable to me.  Also INACTIVE SHOOTERS are the worst.  JUST DO IT ALREADY OR NOT.  MAKE UP YOUR MIND YOU'RE WASTING ALL OF OUR TIMES.  Maybe inactive shooter ALREADY did some shooting.  GOOD KEEP HIM INACTIVE FROM THIS POINT FORTH.  This guy has shown he's not to be trusted.  Did some shootings!  NOT A FAN.  Anyway.  SIDE FOR VEGETABLE BURGER.  That's a tough one.  Maybe just wait until it happens to decide.  Hey time to go get some coffee!
    FANCY SEEING YOU HERE.  Not fancy.  Not seeing.  No you.  NOT HERE.  Well Here maybe.  But most words were inaccurate!  Anyway National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Applesauce Cake.  You lost me at apple.  You lost me TEN TIMES MORE at sauce.  YOU GOT ME at cake roughly TEN TIMES TOO.  Then you RE-FOUND ME AT APPLE.  Then you RE-LOST ME AT SAUCE.  Then CAKE I'VE BEEN FOUND AGAIN.  Either wake lemme LTURQ to see if the Sauce ruins it or if it's still worth being Found About.  Hmm.  The picture looks PRETTY solid.  If it's solid I'M ON BOARD.  I like cake, etc.  Maybe should have gotten a cake from Super Market.  MAYBE LOTS OF CAKES.  I could get slice of cake from Dinner Delivery today.  I don't know WHY I would other than it's delicious.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Haven't read twitter yet this morning.  I'm assuming the Running Stories of horribleness are ongoing without any sign of stopping or being reversed into Goodness.  It's only a matter of HEY ANY NEW HORRIBLE STORIES AND IF SO HOW MUCH AND ALSO HOW HORRIBLE.
     Seventh paragraph.
  Good deal.  SEVEN LAYER CAKE SOUNDS GREAT.  But I won't get it.  BUT IF I DID THIS IS HOW I WOULD HAVE DONE IT.  What else is going on and crap.  I could always get it but only have 2 layers at a time.  WELL THEN I'm left with one spare layer THEN WHAT BRANIAC.  Get another slice and have 2 layers at a time.  THEN the left over 1 layer from first cake and 1 layer from second cake COMBINE INTO 2 Layers.  HEY PRETTY GOOD PLAN BRANIAC.  WHY DON'T YOU DO THAT YOU BRANIAC JERK.  What else is going on and crap.  Gettin' bloodwork done tomorrow.  They check weight!  Think I'll skip Looking At What It is.  NOT FOR ME RIGHT NOW.  Making slow progress the last couple of weeks and I wanna continue that UNHINDERED or something I forget what words mean exactly.  Anyway haven't shaved in two weeks.  Not unhappy with my facial hair configuration!  Probably shoulve shave in another week or two though.  Shave off the facial hair.  Not my FACE.  Give me SOME credit for knowing what parts of my body to shave off.
What else is up.  Right now not enthusiastic about prospect of enjoyable afternoon.  Dunno why!  Just a feeling I get!  The good news is maybe I will be proven wrong.  By the future.  Future gonna prove me wrong all over the place.  I know future I WENT ON BACK TO THE FUTURE RIDE at Universal Studios.  TWICE.  We had a book that gives you advice on how to Best Go To Disney World/Universal Studios and they said GO FIRST THING IN THE MORNING AND MAKE A BEELINE RIGHT TO BACK TO THE FUTURE RIDE BECAUSE IT'S THE BEST AND IT'S ALWAYS LONG LONG LINES.  So we did that.  And it was great!  And there was still no or a very short line after we were done.  So we shrugged out shoulders AND DID IT AGAIN.  I WISH I WAS DOING THAT RIGHT NOW.  Now it's a Simpsons ride instead of Back To The Future.  I'LL DO THAT SURE.  Anyway not sure if I wanna go to Florida these days.  Why should I reward them with Tourism Dollars when they're fucking things up for kids and whatknot.  And other things.  But the kids!  Can't teach em social justice.  Can't refer to gay things or black things or anything.  NO THANKS.  I'll go to Universal Studios CALIFORNIA.  Is there a Universal Studios California.  THERE BETTER BE leme LTURQ.  THERE SHURE IS.  UNIVERSAL STUDIOS HOLLYWOOD.  Good deal!
Penultimate paragraph.  IF THESE STUDIOS ARE SO UNIVERSAL WHY ARE THEY CONCENTRATED INTO TWO SMALL AREAS IN AMERICA.  That doesn't sound universal at all.  OH WELL we've been lied to and there's nothing we can do about it!  RIDE THAT BACK TO THE FUTURE RIDE AGAIN I GUESS.  By which I mean The Simpsons Ride Now.  I CAN GET UP PRETTY EARLY IN THE MORNING AND WALK PRETTY QUICKLY RIGHT TO THAT RIDE.  Anyway.  I'll do a LOG FLUME.  I doubt there's a log flume in Universal Studios.  There's LIVE SHOWS where you may get SPRINKLED WITH WATER.  Like Indiana Jones live show.  Pretty sure you get blasted with a showering of water at some point.  And if not GREAT IDEA TO ENHANCE THE SHOW.  I know there's something with snakes.  Somehow you get the sensation there's snakes at your feet.  POSSIBLY BY SPARKLING WATER I DON'T KNOW.  Anyway.  I feel like there should be a dunk tank and YOU CAN SIGN UP to be the guy who gets dunked and they pay you 20 dollars an hour for your service.  HEY KIDS HOW'D YA LIKE TO SEE YOUR OLD MAN GET DUNKED TIME AND TIME AGAIN.  IN FACT I'LL PAY THEM 20 DOLLARS FOR THE PRIVILEGE SO THAT MY KIDS CAN SEE ME GET DUNKED.
  Last paragraph of the act!  What else is going on and crap.  Figure 2 daytime snacks'll probably be KATO BAR and CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH bar.  That's the plan!  Dunno which order they'll be in.  Probably in the order I JUST HAD THEM IN THE SENTENCE.  GOOD DEAL.  Anyway ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN who knows if that's how Daytime Snacks work out or not!  The point is NO MORE GRAZING SNACKING ON CEREAL.  Gotta avoid doing that.  And now is a perfect time because I'M RUNNING LOW ON CEREAL TO HAVE AS REAL BALANCED BREAKFAST CEREAL.  Good.  Wonderful!  Still haven't watched George Carlin documentary.  At this point I feel like maybe I missed my shot.  Too late now!  Anyway.  Seen and/or Heard probably abbot 10-15% of it VICARIOUSLY through my Mom watching it and ME BEING AROUND sometimes.  Oh well.  Throw that on the scrap heap of things I should have watched but now I've missed the moment.  Anyway I'll be back soon.




Is It Just Me

    Hey!  Time to write 5 paragraphs and then life will be slightly better because I won't have to write these five paragraphs again.  Got some coffee going on.  Wonderful.  Probably gonna have cinnamon toast crunch bar in Oh I Don't Know AN HOUR?  WAIT NO.  Depends on if nurse is still here.  She's et up at kitchen table and I've have to maneuver around her to retrieve Crunk Bar and who wants that kind of hassle.  What hassle just say excuse me and get it.  HASSLE.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  EITHER WAIT UNTIL SHE'S GONE OR SKIP IT COMPLETELY.  Are there Substitute Snacks I can retrieve No Problem?  Guess I can get an ice cream bar from freezer.  That's about all I can think of!  I can eat Quest Bar from fridge but NO WAY AM I DOING THAT.  WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY.  If only I had thought ahead and taken a Crunk Bar to my room before nurse came.  I remember thinking ahead and doing that in the past.  OH WELL I guess life goes on.  NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT THOUGH.
Anyway.  I'll watch an Indiana Jones live action show, sure.  I'll also watch Terminator 3-D.  Which at the time REALLY WAS the third Terminator.  ONLY THE FIRST TWO EXISTED IN OUR REAL WORLD CHRONOLOGICAL TIMELINE.  I forget what happened but gotta imagine the Skull of Terminator without fake human skin PROPELLED from the screen into Us.  That's the main thing I'm either remembering or False Remembering.  Could be a fake memory!  Not really.  I'm not saying or thinking I DO remember it.  I can PICTURE it.  That's all I'm saying.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Maybe the snakes were from Terminator 3-D.  BUTH franchises have a thing with snakes so it could be either.  ANYWAY.  Maybe stop off at a Burger Hut outside of the rides.  Get a burger with fries.  Fries are heavily peppered for some reason.  That's how I like to enjoy theme parks.  Buy a 12 dollar bottle of Sprite.  I was gonna say 6.50$ because that's what it was when I was a kid over 20 years ago.  Gotta imagine if you're buying a regular sized single portion bottle of Coke Zero in 2022 that's gonna be like $9.50.  OH WELL IT'S WORTH IT THIS COKE ZERO IS REALLY HITTING THE SPOT ON THIS FUNFILLED EXCITING SUMMER DAY.  In fact I can't wait to get ANOTHER 10 dollar Coke Zero.  I'm gonna finish this one QUICK.
Theme part know what they're doing!  Makin' money on the individual portion beverages more than any other single source of revenue.  Hmm.  Pretty sure they JUST had coke zero in the late 90's/very early 2000's.  It would have definitely been NEW ON THE SCENE.  Which adds to its appeal.  HEY THIS IS EXCITING THEME PARK AND THERE'S A NEW EXCITING SODA.  WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK OF EXCITEMENT?  Lemme lturq.  COKEZERO showed up in 2005.  Ok fine I'm thinking of some other kind of coke.  Maybe COKE WITH LEMON or something.  That doesn't exist anymore except in movie theater FunBoxes of SoftDrinks.  Where they have literally 90 different flavors.  Which is like a dozen and a half different sodas/other beverages and like 6-8 SPECIALTY flavors of each thing.  ANYWAY WOW COKE WITH LEMON RIGHT OUTSIDE ROLLING THUNDER: THE WOODEN COASTER AMUSEMENT RIDE?  AMAZING.  Good deal and whatknot.  Maybe I'm downstairs at some point and nurse is IN OTHER ROOM with my Dad and not at her SET UP STATION in kitchen.  Then I can quickly retrieve Food Bar!  Can't hurt to dream.
Penultimate paragraph of the daytime!  What's going on and crap.  I'd like to have a family if for no other reason to go to Disney World and Universal Studios.  Hopefully by the time I have family with Theme Park Aged Kids Florida will be better.  MAKE FLORIDA SLIGHTLY BETTER AGAIN.  That's my general message.  We can just go to Six Flags.  That's WARNER BROS themed.  Mostly just an Amument Park but there's MULTIMEDIA FRANCHISE THEMES ABOUND and possibly some LOONEY TUNE show or something like that.  Right now that's what I picture enjoying.  RIDES ARE WELL AND GOOD but I like to say NOVELTY ENTERTAINMENT only made for this park.  YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Eat some fries with burger that are heavily peppered.  Also at this point I'm eating burgers and fries!  I wanna set a good example for my kids not to be obsessive about my weight.  Probably can handle it too because I'M ON THE JOB BURNING CALORIES.  And maybe STOP EATING SNACKS.  Just eat larger meals SET A GOOD EXAMPLE FOR THE KIDS.  Hmm.  One more paragraph to go.
Yeah!  Gotta imagine they have healthier options, too.  Maybe like a grilled chicken sandwich! ...WITH HEAVILY PEPPERED FRIES.  That's the breakout star of this Burger Hut that there's 3 dozen of sprinkled around the park.  That and the 10 dollar sodas.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  You can also get soft drinks from the fountain but THAT'S NO FUN.  I LIKE HAVING BOTTLE MUCH MORE FUN.  Anyway ugh.  Gonna take a walk after this paragraph, then take a shower!  Then I got alotta time to fit in rest of Daily Requirements before coming back here after dinner.  Wonderful.  I'll buy my kid 10 dollar sodas, sure thing.  And then I'll RESENT HIM for it.  SOUNDS FUN.  Nice father-son activity.  I give him expensive soda and then I RESENT HIM FOR IT.  Win-win, we all come out on top in that scenario.  Anyway that'll be it for now.  See ya tonight!




no you're there too

    HEY!  Another delicious day down.  Had meals like I said I would!  Just had protein bar like I IMPLIED I would.  Probably have good ice cream sandwich after entry like you guessed I would.  Have a tootsie pop at bedtime like it was prophesized I would!  So all that is good great what else.  Didn't start the Drinking Beer until Act III started tonight.  TO BE HONEST I haven't even started yet.  Dunno why.  Kinda seems like I'd be tripping over myself to start drinking on account of I like the way it makes me feel.  Hmm.  Gonna have to think about that one.  I have orange soda.  That makes me feel good.  Dunno what kinda orange soda you'd be buying at Six Flags Great Adventure.  Maybe a SUNKIST.  Maybe a SLICE.  Maybe a FANTA.  Lemme LTURQ.  OFFICIAL SOFT DRINK OF WARNER BROS.  In 2012 Six Flags signed a 10 year extension with Coca Cola.  TEN YEARS JUST ABOUT UP.  INTERESTING.  Lemme give em some advice.  GO WITH PEPSI COLA PRODUCTS.  TRUST ME IT'S GOOD FOR THE CUSTOMERS.  And they'll make it good for you by having a better time and TELLING THEIR FRIENDS ABOUT IT.
    They can't be that close friends if they didn't go TOGETHER.  And if they aren't it's RUDE AS FUCK to tell them after the fact.  HEY I WENT TO SIX FLAGS WITH MY CLOSEST FRIENDS LEMME RUB IT IN BY TELLING YOU EXPLICITLY.  Oh well.  Look there's not gonna be 2 or 3 dozen Burger Huts sprinkled around Theme Park.  Maybe a dozen though.  Look probably 6-8.  FINE SIX TO EIGHT GREAT DEAL HOOK ME UP WITH THEM PEPPERED FRIES.  Like curly fries but not curly.  I think my experience has been Curly fries are seasoned more than regular fries.  This is LIKE THAT but NOT AS CURLY.  Look what else is on the menu is the point.  Hot dogs maybe?  I DUNNO THAT MAY BE A BRIDGE TOO FAR.  What bridge.  WHAT FAR.  Anyway.  Mets won exciting game today.  I watched good portion.  Baseball Men did good.  My suggestion for headline tomorrow for sports page LOCAL BASEBALL MEN MAKE GOOD.  The copies will sell themselves!
     That's good.  Gotta take out garbage in about 30-40 minutes.  Probably will not be done with entry at that point.  That's okay.  I'm not done with the entry ALL THE TIME.  What else is up.  I feel like I can kinda feel a difference not being on Ritalin in the morning and that difference bleeding into the rest of the day.  Maybe it's for the best.  Probably not though!  My instinct is Drugs Make Things For The Best.  How can being on one less drug make things not just NOT WORSE but ACTIVELY BETTER?  Doesn't add up.  If drugs weren't good for you then WHY DO I TAKE THEM HOT SHOT.  I dunno.  What's going on again.  Lost track of what was going on exactly.  What to watch after this entry.  Maybe half a film in an ideal world.  Well great but what about in this world.  THIS WORLD?  WHO CARES.  I ONLY LIKE THEORIZING IDEAL WORLDS.  IT'S MORE FUN THAT WAY.  Okay then in an ideal world there'd be a film about MY LIFE and I get to watch it and be like I RELATE TO THE HERO BECAUSE IT'S ME.  Gotta imagine that's what films are about in ideal worlds.  You!  And good stuff happens to you!  And for you!  I'd be pretty invested in that kind of film.
     Fourth paragraph of the act!  Sometimes I'd like to watch films about other people and not as good stuff happens to them as for me.  I'd like them to have generally pretty good stuff happen in the film because I'm not a SOCIOPATH but there needs to be a recognizable difference between how good stuff happens for ME IN FILMS and OTHERS IN FILM.  Otherwise I'M JUST GONNA TAKE MY MONEY ELSEWHERE.  Find myself ANOTHER even MORE ideal world.  You just talked your way out of a Resident of your dumb NOT QUITE IDEAL world.  You IDIOT.  Anyway.  Was considering having Hush Puppy tonight and Belgian Waffle for lunch tomorrow.  Decided to go with the original plan and do it reversed.  RIGHT DECISION.  Also Hush Puppy Look Good but will I Need Side?  I think so!  Maybe pop in a dozen or so Potato Tots when I put that sucker in the oven.  Maybe pop lots of stuff.  The good news is a day or two ago I saw a vial of what could only have been marijuana originally on the sidewalk and I JUST KEPT WALKING.  If I examined it closer is it POSSIBLE there'd be marijuana in it?  LOW CHANCE SURE.  BUT it occurred to me I HAVE NO WAY OF INGESTING MARIJUANA.   Can't spike the tip of a cigarette anymore.  DON'T SMOKE cigarettes anymore.  And if I HAD cigarette I STILL WOULDN'T DO IT.  Don't wanna get, "ON," cigarettes again!
    I was thinking about how much you'd have to pay me to smoke a single cigarette.  50,000 dollars.  Look MAYBE if you paid me 10,000 dollars I SHOULD take that deal and smoke a cigarette.  But nope!  50,000.  I feel comfortable with that.  Look if I get addicted from one cigarette that's gonna cost me a couple hundred thousand dollars in the end AS WELL AS LOTS OF LIFE.  I'm taking a risk AND I DEMAND I'M PROPERLY COMPENSATED IN THIS, "PROP BET TYPE STYLE SITUATION."  Anyway anyone wanna pay me 50,000 dollars to smoke a cigarette?  If not FINE.  I STILL WIN WITHOUT GETTING THE MONEY BECAUSE I'M NOT SMOKING THE CIGARETTE.  YOU FOOLS.  I can't lose!  What else is going on and crap.  HMM the ALLIGATOR movie on Shutter IS GETTING GREAT VIEWER REVIEWS.  Maybe I should watch it.  It's no Crocodile Movie but NOBODY'S PERECT.  Except for Oh I Don't Know ARISTOTLE.  I don't know how he's different from Socrates or the third one.  Alexander?  I know there are three generations of Great Greeks and Aristotle is PROBABLY THE OLDEST ONE and then Socrates and then maybe Socrates taught ALEXANDER THE GREATEST.  Let's LTURQ.  Socrates taught PLATO, who taught Aristotle, who privately tutored Alexander The Great.  Who wasn't a great thinker in and of himself but apparently was GREAT in other areas.  HEY I'M ALEXANDER THE GREAT I'M WALKIN' HERE.  That's how he went about his life one can only imagine.
     Sixth paragraph of the act.  Delicious.  I guess!  What else is up.  Decided to just have ice cream sandwich now.  Good deal!  Taking out garbage in about 15 minutes.  Wonderfu.  ICE CREAM SANDWICH UPDATE not malformed.  Looks like a clean Short Cylinder.  Gotta imagine there's 2 or 3 times as many Ice Cream Stands as Burger Huts at Theme Park.  They might just be Ice Cream Sandwich CARTS more or less.  Either way I'll have a few ice cream sandwiches sure I WANNA BE A GOOD ROLE MODEL FOR THE KIDS.  They see their father not eating 2 or 3 ice cream sandwiches every time we pass an ice cream sandwich cart THEY'RE GONNA GROW UP WITH UNHEALTHY EATING HABITS AND MINDSETS.  I can't let that happen.  I HAVE TO EAT ICE CREAM SANDWICHES ALL DAY AND ALL OF THE NIGHT.  It's called TAKING CARE OF YOUR OWN.  Anyway that should be fun.  Maybe I can be a Fat Dad.  I had a fat dad!  Then he turned it all around I guess around when I was a pre-teenager.  Various reasons I guess.  Semi-immediate health reasons!  He didn't have a heart attack or anything, I don't remember SPECIFICALLY what motivated him to turn it all around.  But I think there was SOME impetus!
    Anyway.  Seventh paragraph.  Amazing.  Maybe no MightNight snacking tonight.  Then when I start the day FOR REALZ without any snack allotment used up.  And I'd be like WHAT THE HELL I HAVE SO MUCH SNACK I CAN DO AND/OR MAKE UP SO MUCH SNACK GROUND COMPARED TO PREVIOUS SNACK DAYS.  Somewhere in the middle.  Eat a bunch of Snack AND make up Bunch Of Ground.  That's what God did on whatever day of the week he made The Earth.  Made up a bunch of ground.  Also some Sea and airspace.  BUT MOSTLY GROUND.  INACCURATE EARTH IS MOSTLY THE SEVEN SEAS.  I dunno about that sounds like a scam.  Everywhere I've ever been has been mostly ground.  Pretty sure the Oceans are a Fake News Hoax.  FALSE FLAG.  NEXT.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Oh I get it.  What else is going on and crap.  Three paragraphs to go after this one!  Guess I can watch half the Alligator Movie.  How long is the fillum.  91 minutes?  GREAT.  I can watch half of that WITHIN 45 MINUTES EASY.  I could even potentially watch the whole film if I stay up late Which I Won't. 
Okay.  Great!  Tomorrow breakfast presumably will hopefully be Balanced Breakfast.  Probably go with some Cinnamon Toast Crunch as cereal VERSUS Frosted Flakes.  Have Frosted Flakes THE FOLLOWING Balanced Breakfast.  Wonder how satisfying these pieces of bacon will be.  I know they won't be VERY or MODERATELY satisfying.  But I'd be Very Moderately Happy with VAGUELY Satisfying size piece of bacon for 30 calories.  MY EXPECTATIONS AREN'T HIGH AND IF YOU HIT THE UPPER END OF MY EXPECTATIONS I'M GONNA BE OUT OF MY MIND GENERALLY PLEASED WITH THAT.  That's life for ya!  Anyway what else is up.  Thought about having thirds of egg with balanced breakfast BUT having ONE THIRD of it with my Waffle for tonight.  I DIDN'T DO IT.  Still got THREE BALANCED BREAKFASTS worth of Egg and Water.  MOSTLY WATER.  Delicious.  Water is the most nutritious thing in the universe vaguely in some sense.  Penultimate paragraph time.
I have not taken out garbage yet.  I WILL NOT finish entry without taking out garbage, though.  JUST AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.  SORRY THAT'S THE WAY THINGS ARE.  Huh.  Hey great news I get to watch a half a movie, fall asleep after 25 minutes, and then I have to write a Freakin' act one and then act two and so on Again.  GOOD I LIKE THE SO ON IN THEORY.  Act I is okay.  Still RIDING HIGH from the joy of GETTING OUT OF BED FOR REAL and taking a first walk.  HEY I ACTUALLY AM DOING SOMETHING TODAY THIS IS MUCH BUTTER THAN WHAT I FELT LIKE DOING WHICH WAS NEVER NOT SLEEPING AGAIN.  Anyway I dunno.  Starting beer #2!  Wonderful.  I assume Alligator is something to be concerned of in Fake False Flag Narrative in Film but NOT IN REAL LIFE RIGHT?  No risk of Sewer Alligator coming through my plumbing and attacking me and/or my family.  Right.  ...RIGHT???  Hmm.  I guess best case scenario is There Is Alligator but maybe I can harness the alligator to use against my enemies.
    Last paragraph!  Still no garbage.  BUT SOON QUITE SOON.  I dunno.  Anything new in the news.  As far as I know not much new.  More shootings.  That's gonna happen!  Kinda not sure whether I'm desensitized to it or not.  I change my mind.  Some days the 2 new mass shootings I'm like UGH THIS HAPPENS SO MUCH IT HARDLY EVEN REGISTERS AS MAKING ME FEEL ANYTHING.  But then THE NEXT DAY there's another 2 new mass shootings and I'm like YA KNOW WHAT I'VE COME BACK AROUND TOWARDS THIS MATTERING TO ME.  And that might last a few days until I go back to being de-sensitized.  And presumably this back-and-forth will continue to go on in perpetuity until... well... I DUNNO UNTIL WHAT.  Gotta imagine at some point we either address gun control to stop mass shootings or AT SOME POINT EVERYONE IS EITHER MASS-SHOT OR PERFORMED THE MASS-SHOOTINGS THEMSELVES.  Something's gotta give I guess!  And maybe That Thing That Has To Give Is WE ALL EVENTUALLY GET KILLED OURSELVES.  So that's good.  GARBAGE READY TO BE TAKEN OUT.  BUT ENTRY DONE TOO.  SAME TIME HOW AMAZING.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-9:12 P.M. 




Saturday, June 4, 2022

Just Read It

    Hey!  Just checked results of Met game.  No fastforwarding through it for 15, 20 minutes later!  THEY LOST GOOD DEAL.  Anyway.  Made eggs yesterday!  Didn't have em today!  Went with ice cream sandwich and pop tart.  I have little to none regrets!  What else.  About an hour fifteen minutes behind schedule today.  Still can probably fit in all seven walks, but it'll be CRUNCH TIME in the middle of the day to do it.  CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH BAR TIME at some point, too!  Had a small MightNight snack last night!  Not a big one!  Coulda been a cinnamon toast crunch bar!  I recorded the calories but not the actual thing!  It was the amount of calories a crunch bar is!  100!  BUT THEN LOTS OF THINGS ARE 100.  Or at least ROUNDED OFF to 100.  Look it's An Interesting Life I Lead we all know this.  Think I might have mis-estimated how many cans of soda I have to drink a day yesterday.  I'm not gonna go back and check but I VAGUELY remember saying the wrong thing.  Anyway.  48 over a week.  7 into 48.  Just a tick below 7 a day.  MAYBE I SAID THAT ORIGINALLY, MAYBE I DIDN'T.  The important thing is I said it right EVENTUALLY.
    Sure!  Probably gonna have Pasta Super Market meal today for lunch.  Kids chicken parm or Kids Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti.  PROBABLY CHICKEN PARM AS OF NOW.  Delicious!  Wearin' a nice shirt.  Fits me well.  Nice Small Shirt that covers my torso.  If I wore this shit 40 pounds more heavy it'd be unappealing!  See that belly protruding real good!  NOT THESE DAYS.  Not really at least.  Anyway I finished RASHOMAN.  MAN OH MAN NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED.  When I was 1.25 stories in out of the 4 Tellings of the same story I thought okay I think I'm getting what really happened.  This was easy!  Now I've heard all stories and I DI DUNNO THIS IS A TOUGH ONE.  Then again WHO CARES NONE OF MY BUSINESS.  What really happened is THEIR deal it doesn't concern me.  Well it CONCERNS me.  But it doesn't CONCERN me in the alternative definition of the word.  You get it.  Hmm. 
     What's going on and crap.  Had three beers yesterday!  I feel like when I wake up the morning after three beers I have the slightest hang over!  Not when I have two beers!  Oh well that's life.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... National Gingerbread Day and National Sausage Day.  Cool!  Hook me up with either OR BOTH of those things.  Not sure I've ever had gingerbread and/or gingerbread cookies.  Kinda didn't realize there WAS just gingerbread.  That's like a loaf of bread.  Always thought it was just Type Of Cookie.  Either way I want the cookie not the bread!  I'll try the bread too I guess!  Also SAUSAGE ROLL DELICIOUS WONDERFUL.  Anyway.  When I was removing Toasty'd Cheez Its from the box for dinner last night there was one cheez it that was REALLY toasted.  Like, it was burnt!  Blackish!  I ate that sucker individually and it tasted okay.  Anyway.  Maybe I can put cheez its in the oven myself.  What's the worst that could happen.  The house blows up.  SO WHAT GET A NEW HOUSE.  Anyway.  Is it legal for me to do An AIR B'N B with this house.  If my parents die and I still have no job and can't get a job because I'm even SICKER than I am now for some reason, maybe I can halfway support myself by making Current House an air b n b.  Might be against rules of Condominium.  Hmm.
    Not sure where the AIR part of AirBnb comes from.  AT FIRST I didn't get the BnB either but now I realize OH BED AND/or BREAKFAST.  Air though?  YES OFTEN YOU HAVE TO TRAVEL BY AIR TO GET THERE.  Not necessarily!  YES BUT OFTEN.  Oh okay.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Also I can host MULTIPLE AIRBNB'rs.  I got a solid MASTER BEDROOM I can rent out, the 2nd biggest bed room (MINE CURRENT ONE-- WHICH I CONTINUE TO LIVE), and a SMALL bedroom.  GOOD excuse for not going to live in master bedroom.  I don't wanna anyway.  That's where my parents slept for 40 years.  CREEPY.  Now I have to reserve it for CUSTOMERS who would PREFER and PAY MORE for master bedroom.  I'M ENTERPRISING THIS SITUATION LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER.  Anyway probably against the rules of condominium.  OH WELL THAT'S LIFE.  FOLLOWING THE RULE OF CONDOMINIUM.  I HATE IT SO MUCH.  Why would anyone wanna vacation or travel to my neighborhood.  It's not that convenient to reach any interesting parts of the city or suburbs.  Maybe they just wanna hang out with me.  Oh Okay I See.
     Last paragraph before coffee!  Four more Tales In The Crypt before I can WRAP BACK AROUND.  Hmm maybe I should do it Snake Draft style.  Watch the episodes backwards.  But then I've seen all these WAY too recently.  Hmm well then maybe I shouldn't do that.  Oh okay that's a good idea.  Anything new in the news.  Gonna have to look into that later.  I checked COMMON DREAMS for any new headlines.  I checked the MAIN PAGE OF TWITTER without scrolling down past a dozen or two MAIN PAGE TWEETS.  Nothin' that new since last night.  I'll keep myself updated on this situation as it progresses.  LESS SELENA GOMEZ FAN CONTENT ON MAIN PAGE LATELY.  Still pops up every time to time but a fraction of what it was for a while.  AND it hasn't even been replaced by Fan Content of OTHER Female Singer/celebrities.  GOOD DEAL.  I'll read the fans' tweets of them female entertainer/celebrities ON MY OWN TIME thank you very much.  All time is my own time.  Well 98% of it.  MY time I mean.  Not yours.  98% of My Time is My Own Time.  That might be high.  Maybe like 90%.  OH OKAY GREAT.
     Coffee time!  Story in New York yesterday about a guy who killed a Chinese Food Restaurant Person because months ago he made an order and they didn't send duck sauce or something.  And since then he's showed up and threatened them several times and then eventually he killed one or more o them.  Really makes ya think.  What does duck sauce taste like.  Never had it before.  I DOUBT it's worth killing someone over because HEY IT WAS A ONE TIME THING.  TRY AGAIN I BET THEY REMEMBER THE DUCK SAUCE THE NEXT TIME.  But then again I'VE NEVER HAD IT.  I hope I'm getting these details right.  GOOGLE DUCK SAUCE KILLER.  Hmm.  When I first typed that In The Entry Itself I thought, "That's absurd that kind of thing doesn't exist in real life!"  But no.  Duck Sauce Killer is a REAL LEGIT THING and AN APPROPRIATE WAY TO PHRASE IT FOR GOOGLE.  What a wonderful world.  GOOGLE DUCK SAUCE.  I may or may not care about the killing but I REALLY care about what duck sauce is all about.  Anyway killing was back April 30th.  IT JUST CAME TO LIGHT TO ME AND MY DAD YESTERDAY.
    Duck sauce.  Hmm.  Sweet and sour flavor made out fruits and sugar and stuff like that.  Sounds HEAVY.  Sounds NOT GREAT.  I dunno what can ya do.  Donate my duck sauce to this guy.  He's in jail what does he need duck sauce for.  CHINESE FOOD THURSDAYS.  Gotta keep morale up in Prison.  Give em Chinese Food Thursdays and they're happy campers.  What else.  Already actually thinking about getting Chinese food tomorrow.  I'm knockin' the meals from Super Market out of the park early so I am JUSTIFIED in having to get a 2 or 3 part delivery from Chinese Restaurant.  HMM.  Could be unhealthy.  THAT'S OKAY IT WILL KEEP MORALE UP.  Oh okay good deal.  Not a fan of articles or headlines where it's like AMERICA'S SUPPORT FOR UKRAINE IS WAVERING, PEOPLE DON'T CARE ANYMORE, WE SHOULD LEAVE.  LOOK is it true I don't actively care as much anymore?  Kind of!  On account of time passing in general AND on account of big stories in America taking the place.  BUT I still want America to do what it's going to help and not just shrug its shoulders and be like AMERICANS STOPPED PAYING ATTENTION, I GUESS WE SHOULD JUST GIVE UP HELPING.  NO STILL HELP YOU FOOLS. 
    Eighth paragraph!  My guess is I end up getting Bison Burger for dinner tonight.  It's a good guess.  I like the odds corresponding to that guess coming true.  GOOD odds.  Probably like 85% or so.  What else is up.  Gotta imagine UKRAINE isn't losing enthusiasm for fighting Russia.  If I was Ukraine I'd still be all in!  I wouldn't be like eh at this point I'm tired.  They win I GOT BORED.  Hmm.  I can understand being DEMORALIZED because of their Scorched Earth way of fighting with all the war crimes and targeting civilians and whatknot.  But THESE COLORS DON'T RUN.  By colors I mean Ukrainian Citizens.  And by Run I mean lose enthusiasm for defending themselves.  That'd be my guess at least!  What else is up.  Mets game today is AGAIN at 10:10 PM.  What is the west coast stupid or something.  If you INSIST on doing things three hours behind then AT LEAST HAVE THE DECENCY to play baseball games EARLIER IN THE DAY you JERKS.
     Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Wonderful.  I remember back an hour and a half ago when I was struggling just to get up in the first place.  AND NOW I'M ALMONST DONE WITH ACT I.  HOW THE WORM TURNS EH.  Not sure if that's an applicable expression.  Not sure if applies ANYWHERE.  Sounds like a dumb expression that means nothing nowhere.  What else is up.  Could always get Chinese Food for lunch TODAY.  But it'd be redundant!  I think I'd want some sort of CHICKEN dish with rice.  I could have CHICKEN DISH with PASTA from Super Market ALREADY.  Let's just have that first YOU FOOLS.  What else is going on and crap.  Dunno how Crunch Time it will be to fit in 7 walks today.  Depends on how soon my Dad takes a walk after I get back from Upcoming Walk.  Whether I'll have to spend some DownTime waiting for him to come back and whatknot.  OH WELL WE'LL SEE I GUESS.  Anyway.  My favorite part of Rashoman was THE RAIN.  It's RAINING HARD for a good chunk of the film here and there and I'M FOR IT.  I REALLY CAN RELATE TO IT RAINING HARD.  Kinda looks pleasant.  I  wanna sorta SHOWER in that rain.  That' the kind of rain it was.  Kinda imagine it that way at least.
Last paragraph of Act!  Last ice cream sandwich or two were NOT malformed from having melted at some point and then re-aligned into solidity in freezer.  Just regular ice cream sandwich.  WOW WHATTA DEAL.  Good.  Maybe some KETO bar today either in addition to or instead of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar.  THEY ARE SAME AMOUNT OF CALORIE.  One can replace the other and still be All According To Plan.  WOW.  Plan today is good.  Only a small amount of MightNight Snackings mucking up my Calorie Allotment for rest of the day.  GOOD DEAL.  The point is hey what else is up.  Good afternoon ahead of me.  Not sure why.  Just kinda feels like the afternoon might be decent!  I dunno!  Looking forward to lunch.  I can see myself enjoying Kids Chicken Parm.  ENJOY IT HARDCORE.  Well I dunno about hardcore.  Not softcore.  MEDIUMcore.  I feel like at some point that will be a legit option for porn you can click on or search or type in.  I WANT SOME MEDIUMCORE.  Also maybe it's just me and my algorithms but VERY LITTLE softcore porn on most aggregate porn websites.  Hmm.  What's the story there.  Anyway I'll be back soon!




Never Gonna Tire Of This

    Hey!  Plan is to get Chinese Food for tomorrow lunch.  Assuming they're open tomorrow.  Sometime Chinese Restaurant Closed on a weekend day.  POSSIBLY A SUNDAY.  Better LTURQ.  OH NO THEY ARE CLOSED TOMORROW.  HMM.  Do I DARE GET IT TODAY?!?!  And have the chicken parm tomorrow.  And then resume finishing Chinese food the day after that?  I DUNNO WHAT WOULD PEOPLE SAY.  Hopefully nothing.  Well, nothingi n regard to this.  I hope people out there in the world continue saying things.  Just not about this!  Hmm I don't think I wanna do that.  Could get Chinese Food MONDAY I guess.  And have another Super Market meal for lunch tomorrow.  INTERESTING ALL THE PIECES ARE COMING TOGETHER.  Anyway I'll think about what to do with this situation.  Think real hard!  Harder than I should have to think about it!  I don't get it they think people don't want Chinese Food on Sundays?  People would LOVE Chinese Food on Sundays.  They're WAY OFF closing on Sundays.  BETTER KILL 'EM.
WAIT NO DON'T DO THAT.  What would BTS say about this Duck Sauce Killing.  Gotta imagine there was some sort of Racism tint to this killing.  We don't HAVE to imagine it.  We can read about it!  Maybe they say explicitly there was!  I don't think they'd say explicitly there WASN'T.  There won't just be a sentence Oh BTW DEFINITELY nothing to do with them being Chinese presumably.  We can say that FOR SURE not a factor.  Maybe they do say that.  I think that'd be weird though!  Anyway should be able to fit in seven walks relatively easily based on how Morning is going.  Another reason not to get Chinese Food today-- gotta wait around for it to be delivered.  COULD TAKE UP SOME PRECIOUS PRECIOUS TIME.  Also WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  SOFTcore Porn?  What that's like when they're having sex but the guy is barely hard?  Mostly flaccid?  KIDS THESE DAYS.  DON'T KNOW NOTHIN.  What else is up.  Gonna have some time to CATCH UP ON THE TWITTER after this act before next walk.  Waitin' around for Dad to get back.  Not takin' a shower until after next walk.  That's how I do things I guess!
     Hmm.  I don't like twitter.  Is it possible I can throw it into the abyss and never return?  Gotta imagine at some point I can stop reading twitter.  That'd be my guess!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Maybe watch A SHUTTER film tonight.  Or half of one as the case may be.  There's one about an alligator.  ALLIGATOR?  YOU GOT MY ATTENTION.  Not really.  I just wanted to be enthusiastic about something SO I FAKED IT.  FOR ME IT'S EITHER CROCODILE OR NOTHIN'.   What else is crap.  Is it possible an alligator will eat Ron DeSantis at some point?  That's kind of what I'm banking on happening in an ideal world.  What does Ron DeSantis look like.  Bet he looks like a jerk.  Let's see.  YEP KINDA LOOKS LIKE A JERK.  Not nearly as much as HE IS a jerk.  But certainly not UN-jerky either.  So there's that.  Hmm I wonder if I could eat beef jerky at some point in my life.  GOOD.  I like THE SLIM JIMS.  I've had real beef jerky and it's fine but I really like the weird shape and texture of Slim Jims.  YOU HAD ME AT MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE.
Seems to be the Macho-ist Men don't need to tell people they're macho man.  If your name is Macho Man I'm gonna start to wonder ARE YOU REALLY THAT MACHO THAT YOU NEED TO TELL EVERYONE YOU ARE?  Hmm.  Great cameo in THE SPIDERMAN.  Really was a positive force in the film.  I ENJOYED IT.  What else is going on.  I can't wait to see Latest Spiderman and see How It All Shakes Out.  I get the sense that different Spidermen from incarnations in franchise meet up and do stuff.  BUT HOW AND WHY.  That's gonna be interesting.  YOU MAY ALREADY KNOW.  YOU MAY HAVE KNOWN FOR HALF A YEAR NOW.  I still don't though.  My guess is SOMETHING WEIRD IS GOING ON THAT THIS HAPPENS.  That'd be my guess at least.  MAN OH MAN IF MACHO MAN RANDY SAVAGE REPRISES HIS ROLE IN A NEW SPIDERMAN I'M GONNA BE QUITE THE HAPPY CAMPER.  I've never been camping.  Can't say for sure if it would make me happy or not!  Probably depends on the specific circumstances.
Last paragraph of the act!  What else is up.  Maybe I do just take my quick shower after this.  Might as well.  I like getting clean once a day roughly.  Hmm.  Gonna see DERMATOLOGIST a week from Monday.  Got some sort of mark or something on my back that I've never seen.  But it concerned my parents so TO THE DERMATOLOGIST I GO.  What else is up.  HMM there are other Chinese Places that are open on Tomorrow on doordash.  That's exciting.  I could try a new place!  WOW THIS IS EVEN BETTER THAN BEFORE.  I like Old Place but new place IS NEW AND EXCITING.  So there's that.  Let's plan on that!  Good deal!  Anyway what else is going on to close up the DayTime portion of EntryDay.  Since I got SMORE QUEST BARS I haven't had a single Other Flavor!  Had about half a dozen SMORES on a row.  Maybe more like FIVE I DUNNO.  Either way It's working out for the best for me so GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  I'll be back later.




i'm right there with ya

    Having grape tootsie pop.  By HAVING I Mean SUCKING ON.  Had Bison burger + REMNANTS OF BBQ POP CHIPS.  We're talkin I had a bunch of crumbs of BBQ Pop chips left.  We're talkin I poured them out onto Bison Burger Plate.  We're talking I ate 2/3rds of them and threw the rest out.  NO MORE BBQ POP CHIPS.  Which is good because I re-upped with Sour cream and onion pop chips a few days ago.  Also I put the bison burger in the microwave to heat it up.  I put the bun in the toaster to heat that up.  I'm pretty sure I've said all the logistics there were to this meal.  I ENJOYED IT.  I think I had a Tales In The crypt on while it was happening!  JUST started Episode 1 season 1 again.  And this was THE VERY FIRST PLAYING OF IT.  Look there must be more logistics to me eating dinner.  Didn't do a great 100% success of eating burger evenly.  Burger totally got unaligned with bun for a good  THIRD Of the bites.  Not happy about it.  Kinda ashamed to admit it!  I'm not get at keeping burger patty and bun aligned all the time!  Wish I was!  That's not the world we live in!
     Anyway.  No pants night.  Don't gotta take garbage out until tomorrow morning.  Gotta do SEVERAL things tomorrow morning.  Dad's Blood Infusion Nurse is coming and I gotta help him PREPARE for that.  For example we have an IV Pole that's in the house all the time and I NEED TO MOVE IT FROM HENCE TO TWERE when the nurse actually comes and it needs to be used. Some BOXES too.  Take out garbage.  THAT SORT OF THING.  Good deal.  Get up early.  Eat some BALANCED BREAKFAST NOW WITH BACON.  I'm excited about that.  Not SEXUALLY excited.  But excited generally nonetheless.  Anyway today gonna be 2 beers.  Today didn't start first beer until Entry.  Last few days I start either with dinner or even SLIGHTLY BEFORE dinner.  How did I get in the groove of writing where it's just 100% natural and in line with how I write that I capitalize, "SLIGHTLY BEFORE," in that sentence, and nothing else.  Seems kind of weird.  We're USED to it because I've been writing this way for so long.  But it's still KIND OF WEIRD.  I gotta make an effort to drop Capitalizationed Words.  NOT PROFESSIONAL LOOKING IN PRACTICE OR PROFESSIONAL SOUNDING IN THE HEAD.
What else is going on.  Doin' good with this tootsie pop.  Solidly going on 2+ paragraphs in!  But I AM getting VERY close to wanting to bite down it.  Still a bit of Grape Candy left.  Not so much!  Anyway I'll keep you updated on this SITUATION as it ProGRESSES.  HEY JUST BIT DOWN GREAT.  Chewing that sucker RIGHT NOW.  After sucking that Chewer RIGHT BEFORE.  Anyway I get the sense that Stranger Things is having a, "MOMENT," because a new season just dropped supposedly.  Maybe I actually take this Collective Societal Enthusiasm as a reason to get started on season 1 episode 1 AFTER THE FIRST 8 SECONDS WHICH I'VE ALREADY SEEN.  I feel like I've seen eight seconds of an exterior shot of a building.  I may not remember exactly.  I feel like the first 8 seconds of the first episode are of a building and it's POSSIBLE it's at night time and PROBABLY it takes place IN THE PAST.  BUILDINGS FROM HISTORY AT THE NIGHTTIME?  BOOOORING.  What else is going on.  I guess get started on beer REALLY.  Before I was more into the Tootsie Pop than using the beer to get me drunkohol.
     Yeah!  What else is up.  I know Russia's standing in the world has gone down not just because they're DOING THE WRONG THING but also because THEY'RE DOING BAD AT DOING THE WRONG THING.  But does that mean we have to ELEVATE Ukraine as a Military Power?  I mean we've already elevated them in GOOD VIBES feeling.  HEY WE ALL LIKE UKRAINE WONDERFUL.  But I feel like if it successfully repels Russia ultimately we gotta be like well I guess UKRAINE is one o the biggest geopolitical forces now.  THEY BEAT ONE OF THE OTHER ONES SO NOW THEY HAVE TAKEN OVER THEIR TITLE.  Which is GOOD for Ukraine I guess?  But it's gonna take a while to get used to!  Not sure I'm 100% ready to accept Ukraine as a Military Superpower.  Guess I wouldn't be AGAINST it.  We seem to be allies FOR NOW.  Anyway what else is going on.  Don't think I'm gonna get Chinese Food this week.  Got Belgian Waffle for Tomorrow Meal that's not a Super Market meal.  WILL probably GET a Hush Puppy from diner tomorrow for A FUTURE LUNCH.  The point is I HAVE NO REGRETS CHINESE FOOD BAD FOR YA.  Also it might inspire me to MURDER.  It's happened before!  I don't need murdering people on my conscience.  Already got a lot of regrets!  Like All That Manslaughter!
     What else is going on and crap.  What's today.  Saturday!  Wonder what that's all about.  Day before Sunday.  Oh I see.  I'm not a fan of Man SLAUGHTER but I do try to encourage Mans LAUGHTER.  Which is spelled exactly the same now that I type it out!  LAWHTER and Laffter.  ONE AND THE SAME.  Who woulda guessed.  Probably anyone who has a fourth grade understanding of how to spell words.  OH so you mean like the top 20% of Americans.  UNFORTUNATELY YES THAT'S AN ACCURATE STATEMENT.  Oh well.  I think when you're voting the only qualification is you need to be able to spell the person you're voting for's name correctly.  I don't really think that.  I just thought it might be funny if I said it.  Wasn't really!  Oh well.  What else is going on.  Probably come up with something funnier at some point later on soon!  That'd be my guess of how things shake out tonight.  Hey I made it to the end of the paragraph and all I had to do was write all these last few words.  Wow Let's Kill Myselves.
    Sixth paragraph of the act.  Probably eat delicious Quest bar after the next five paragraphs.  Hopefully be slightly drunk by the end of it/by the end of my 2nd beer.  I feel like I'm gonna be awake a solid hour and a half and I feel like that'd be a whole lot better if I was slightly more inebriated!  I don't think that's too controversial a statement.  Nothing is too controversial a statement these days.  We've been VERY desensitized to Statements re: their controversiality!  MAYBE THAT'S A CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT.  GOOD.  CONTROVERSY GETS THINGS TRENDING.  THIS IS GONNA BE THE MOST TALKED ABOUT CONTROVERSY SINCE THE TIME THAT GUY DID THAT THING.  You know what I'm talking about.  THE SEX THING.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Tomorrow lunch I'm thinkin' Vegetable Burger.  Tomorrow dunner I'm thinkin Belgian Waffle.  Monday lunch I'm thinkin' Hush Puppy.  Monday dinner I'm thinkin' Chickened Pot Pie.  Tuesday Lunch is either TURKEY SANDWICH or TURKEY MEATLOAF.  THESE ARE ALL THE THINGS I KNOW.  I HOPE KNOWING THEM BRINGS YOU MORE PEACE THAN IT HAS ME.
  Knowing All Those Things brings me GREAT INTER PEACE.  I am happy about all the meals!  It's weird!  It's like the joy I sometimes get eating but MACRO.  All those different things I know I will eat within 72 hours or so and I can sort of appreciate all of them RIGHT NOW IN THEORY.  INTERESTING DEVELOPMENT.  I can enjoy foot IN THEORY just looking forward to foot.  MMM GOOD FOOT GOOD MEAL.  Anyway here I am wearing socks LIKE A SUCKER.  No pants.  Why socks?  Why should my feet suffer The Elements just because my legs do.  Feet ain't suffering elements unclothed.  Feet LIKE feeling free.  That's my opinion on whether feet like being in socks or not.  I dunno.  That might be the EXACT OPPOSITE of how I feel.  The important thing is IT GETS PEOPLE TALKING.  Doesn't matter if it's accurate or not-- we're having a national conversation about it an thusly the nation will decide whether it's accurate or not THROUGH THE NATURAL COURSE OF THINGS.  THE POINT IS I'M AN AMERICAN HERO.
     Eighth paragraph.
  That's how that goes.  Time to go and start the second beer of two of the night.  Anyway.  Got one Birthday Bar left.  Haven't had one for probably close to two weeks.  THINK I'M GONNA FINISH IT OFF TONIGHT.  Nice birthday bar.  Why not.  IT'S SOMEBODY'S BIRTHDAY SOMEWHERE that's my Quest Bar Consumption Flavor Philosophy.  Hmm whose birthday is it today.  Let's consult Google.  ANGELINA JOLIE AND RUSSELL BRAND?  THAT'D BE AN INTERESTING COMBINATION.  And when I mean to say COUPLE I say COMBINATION because THAT'S THAT WAY MY MIND WORKS.  Also get this HORATIO SANZ.  He's a barrel of laughs!  Good for him for being born on this day I wanna say seventy nine years ago?  What else is up.  Anyway.  Just watch some more Tales In The Crypt tonight.  Cause I'm dumb.  But it's the first season!  First season is fun!  All that stuff.  TV Show not knowing what its gonna be.  FRESH AS THE MORNING AIR.  Or should I say FRIGHT as the MOURNING... HEIR... which is spooky for some reason.  I can definitely see, "MOURNING," being spooky.  SOMEONE DIED I GET IT.  HEIR?  MAYBE HE'S THE HEIR TO SOMETHING AND HIS FATHER WAS A FRANKENSTEIN.  THAT'D BE CREEPY RIGHT.
Penultimate paragraph of the night!  Good deal.  I think I had a nightmare earlier that I was following things on Twitter I didn't wanna be following.  Either TAGS or PEOPLE or EVENTS or something.  Maybe even just LIKED things I didn't intend.  Kinda feels like it was real life.  But I just checked and I'm not following anything in any of those categories!  But in my nightmare I was and I was like OH NO THIS REVEALS SOCIAL MEDIA INFORMATION ABOUT ME.  INFORMATION I EITHER DIDN'T INTEND BUT HAPPENED ACCIDENTALLY OR INFORMATION I DIDN'T INTEND AND SHOULDN'T EVEN BE THERE ACCIDENTALLY EVEN.  The point is it was a DayMare but NOT REAL.  So that's good.  I don't need people knowing what tweets I like.  Why should I give away private information.  Also I like all the tweets I read.  Why should I single out certain ones.  THESE ARE ALL GREAT KEEP EM COMIN'.  Anyway hey there's only one more paragraph to write for the night.
Sure.  I think I know why the movie MORBIUS is flopping.  Sounds like they're trying to think of another word!  I feel like Morbius isn't a real word but they're on the brink of saying a real word and they're not quite there and that's why people are reluctant to go see this movie.  That probably doesn't make sense but it's a deep truth about how I really feel.  So basically WORTHWHILE FODDER.  Morbid.  Cracked that code with what they're trying to say with Morbius.  MORE BID.  LIKE AT AN AUCTION.  Someone bids and the dumb guy with the gavel is like ANYONE GONNA BID MORE?  OTHERWISE I'M GONNA START COUNTING.  AND YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ME WHEN I'M COUNTING.  Wonderful.  Just absent mindedly took off one sock.  Guess I gotta take the other one off too.  I can't be half sockless.  I can put the sock BACK ON.  But it makes A WORLD more sense to take the other one off.  Basically the good news is SEE YA LATER SUCKERS

-8:54 P.M.




Friday, June 3, 2022

I'm Gonna Do This Anyway

    Hey!  Ahead of schedule by about 15-30 minutes!  So I could definitely be here when Super Market delivery comes.  Good chance they'll come before I finish Act I!  Let's say 50/50 I PRINCIPLE but IN PRACTICE kinda wanna say 60/40 they DO come before I finish.  JUST A HUNCH I HAVE.  Based on nothing as far as I know.  Maybe I based on it SMALL DETAILS my conscious mind hasn't picked up on yet.  Sure why not.  Anyway so far SUCCESSFULLY avoided seeing results of Mets game from last night.  I can Zoom Through It myself HAPPILY if I successfully avoid seeing the results Some More!  Good deal!  Looks like Super market got everything right but they DIET CAFFEINE FREE COKE 2 liter bottle pack of 8 OUTTA STOCK so they're giving me a pack of CANS of same soda.  LOT LESS SODA.  Possible they're giving me TWO packs of cans.  STILL LESS OVERALL.  BUT I get to drink soda from can which is a RARE treat and AMAZING.  I'd drink soda from cans exclusively if it were up to me.  Less cost effective but MORE delicious.  Possibly more EFFICIENT.  Possibly less EFFICIENT.
    Anyway.  Probably should have salad for lunch today.  I don't have too much of a problem with that as of now!  Good.  Had ice cream sandwich and pop tart for breakfast today.  I don't have too much of a problem with that as of now!  Totally satiated my hunger I feel.  Hmm.  Did a modest amount of MightNight Snacking last night.  Not too much!  Still though HOW DO YA STOP IT.  HMM maybe start fast forwarding through Mets game now.  I start getting mixed up with that it increases the chances I get delivery before finishing Act I.  OBVIOUSLY.  Lemme finish this paragraph and re-calibrate whether I wanna do that.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... National Bubbly Day and National Cognac Day.  Is Bubbly code for CHAMPAIGNE.  Also why do you need code for CHAMPAIGNE.  Just say CHAMPAIGINE..  Says it's celebrating, "Sparkling Drink," and then, "Sparkling Wine," in general.  Okay.  Sparkles.  I can understand why sparkles are appealing.  No argument from me!  Gonna try to write act before checking Met game.
  Had too much turkey again last night.  This is the life I chose.  Figure probably a Diner Delivery tonight.  PROBS Bison burger or GriddleCentric meal.  PROBS INDEED.  Anyway it's not too late to get into a groove that's semi-worthwhile this act.  STILL VERY EARLY.  I can even get into SEVERAL grooves.  Get into a good grove transitions to a bad groove transition through 3 more bad grooves THEN RIGHT BACK TO A NEW GOOD GROOVE... Anyway.  Groove is a Record Reference, right?  The needle gets into grooves of records.  I'd LTURQ but I dunno.  What if there's no confirmation of my hypothesis?  I dunno if I can take that kind of rejection!  Lemme LTURQ all the same...  Internet says, "Groovy," comes from JAZZ in the 1920's referencing the feel or spirit of a piece of music.  THEN IT SPECIFICALLY SAYS AS PART TWO OF DEFINITION it can also refer literally to the grooves in the record.  NAILED IT.  GENIUS.  WHERE'S MY PARADE.  YA KNOW THE GENIUS PARADE.  The one we throw every time someone is a genius.  WHERE'S THAT THING.
Hmm.  This is tough.  I keep almost checking mets blog dot com and/or ESPN dot com slash mlb by MUSCLE MEMORY ALONE.  Clicking on one of those would reveal results from last night's game!  THIS IS GONNA COME DOWN TO THE WIRE whether I successfully DON'T KNOW before I can watch it through Fast Forwards myself!  Also hey what else is up.  National Cognac Day.  Not sure I've ever had Cognac.  Seems like kind of a niche alcohol.  Lemme LTURQ.  Special kind of brandy.  The point is college kids aren't getting drunk on Cognac.  And that's the kind of drinking I EMULATE.  College Kid Drinking.  I never grew up to any other kinds of drinking.  I'm stuck in College Kid Drinking Mode INDEFINITELY.  Wait that's not true.  I did open mic drinking a lot.  Maybe that's the level of drinking I'm stuck at.  WOW THAT'S A COOL LEVEL OF DRINKING.  COULD BE DOING WORSE THAN THAT.  What else is up.  Maybe I'm just at 33 year old living with parents without a job BUT with a BLOG level of drinking.  Because I AM.  That's EXACTLY ACCURATE.  Hmm if something is Exactly Accurate SEEMS LIKE A SCAM.  I don't buy it!  TOO CONVENIENT AN EXPLANATION.
     What else is up.  Unless Super Market delivery comes well beyond the time window they're supposed to come, I should be able to fit in seven walks today more or less relatively easily.  Good deal!  Still making progress with breakfast treats.  I dunno why.  They're dumb.  But I like dumb stuff.  Easier to appreciate than smart stuff.  Smart stuff you gotta THINK ABOUT.  Dumb stuff you gotta actively NOT think about.  So there's that!  Coffee after this paragraph.  At this rate I'm writin' entry quick and maybe should adjust my estimations about whether I'll finish Act I before delivery or not.  NOPE.  WHAT I GUESSED IS BAKED IN.  Either 50/50 or 60/40 depending on perspective.  STUCK WITH THOSE GUESSES.  Hmm.  I think 1/6 Commission is starting to PRESENT STUFF LIVE HEARINGS AND STUFF LIKE THAT next week.  INTERESTING.  Wonder how that'll turn out.  I HOPE it turns out they hold Everyone Responsible Responsible.  LOL REALLY THOUGH WHATS GONNA HAPPEN.  Coffee time.
    Maybe they hold some people responsible somewhat responsible.
  NOT IMPOSSIBLE.  We'll see.  Also MISSION IMPOSSIBLE?  Kinda get the sense they accomplish ALL these missions.  Couldn't have been That Impossible Then!  Maybe there's some missions they don't accomplish.  They have minor accomplishment of SURVIVING the mission.  But they're like DAM didn't accomplish the mission oh well.  Credits roll.  HEY just noticed Super market delivery also is not sending my Cool Ice Cream Bars!  Still got ENOUGH of other ones.  BUT I LIKE THESE ONES.  Oh well such is life.  Halfway into RASHOMAN.  Successfully following it well enough.  I'm on the up and up with how the plot is progressing.  HMM WHO DO I BELIEVE.  THIS ISN'T THAT HARD.  I CAN INFER WHAT TO BELIEVE AND WHAT KNOT TO BELIEVE BASED ON THE CHARACTERS.  EASY.  EASY.  I'm gonna win watching this movie!  Beat all you suckers who don't know what actually happened.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED probably we'll see.
Seventh paragraph!  Not sure why the big response to mass shooting is arm the teachers.  YES some of the worst mass shootings are schools.  But plenty of them are elsewhere!  Well fine let's just hope there's a teacher there too!  Shooting at a supermarket?  Gotta be a few teachers there by chance!  The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a teacher with a gun.  What if teacher is the bad guy.  Gotta be Bad Teachers out there.  Not Cameron Diaz bad but STILL BAD TO SOME EXTENT.  Anyway I dunno.  Kinda feels like we shouldn't be bringing guns into the class room for several reasons.  ONE-- bad kid who wants to shoot people can just grab the teacher's gun.  TWO-- if no one is participating teacher can jokingly be like WELL IF NO ONE RAISES THEIR HAND I'M GONNA START SHOOTING PEOPLE!  Which is not good because what if no one still raises their hand?  TEACHER GOTTA FOLLOW THROUGH or else the students will lose all respect for them!  NO BUENO.
    Eighth paragraph of the act.  Amazing!  How about each school gets some sort of RoboCop.  I feel like that's a reasonable common sense solution.  What about other places susceptible to mass shootings.  They get TWO RoboCops.  Where are all these RoboCops coming from.  I dunno.  Hopefully TAIWAN.  Why Taiwan.  I DUNNO I JUST TRUST THEM WITH ROBOCOPS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  Can't say for sure WHY.  Just an INSTINCT.  Anyway what else is up.  How is war in Ukraine going.  I get the sense VERY BADLY.  Seems like it's back and forth STRATEGICALLY whose WINNING which is worse than it started.  But either way LOTS OF DEATHS AND ATROCITIES AND DESTRUCTION AND DOOM.  GOD DAMNIT.  STOP IT.  Just make it end.  HOW HARD IS THAT.  No more war.  Just do it!  EASY.  EASY!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  If it were up to me Russia would be like UGH FINE WE'RE DONE.  NEVERMIND.  Gotta wonder if that's a plausible immediate outcome at this point though!
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  GOOD DEAL.  I might get a LONG BREAK between Act and Super Market to watch lots of Met game.  That'd be a GREAT.  And if not I'll watch some later who cares.  I'm only gonna have 5 more Daytime Paragraphs eitherway!  Hmm.  Any of the placeholder titles I came up with just before starting entry Worthwhile to keep.  Generally the last couple of weeks I come up with placeholder titles 2 or 3 times and I get three Final titles over those 0-9 titles at first.  Could be ZERO because maybe I go back to past titles I've rejected and change my mind on em.  Anyway I don't think any of the ones I have right now will be final.  Either BEEN USED PROBABLY or CONTINGENT UPON THE ONE THAT'S BEEN USED AT FIRST BUT THEN DELETED FOR MAKING SENSE.  ANYWAY the delivery just game.  Good deal!  Finish this act and take a walk.  Probably do Regular Sequence of events and watch Mets game afterwards.  GOOD DEAL LIKE I SAID BEFORE IT'S STILL A GOOD DEAL AND YOU CAN TAKE THAT TO SOME BANK.
     Last paragraph of the act!  Looks like I got everything else I wanted.  They sent FOUR packs of Diet Coke cans.  12 cans x 12 fluid ounce times 4.  That's like 570 or something ounces roughly.  Lemme LTURQ.  576.  Let's see what 8 2 liter bottles would abeen.  576.  WOW.  I get to enjoy Fun Cans at no expense.  Maybe bad for the environment.  Maybe good!  Probably bad.  Oh well if I didn't buy them someone else would have!  That's my theory.  OH CRAP I just impulsively went to metsblog dot com but I REALIZED MY MISTAKE IN A SPLIT SECOND and was able to NOT LOOK AT PAGE and click out of it before any damage was done.  So that's good news and crap I guess.  Anyway.  FRIDAY DAY.  Gonna be a fun one!  Probably.  Well probably not.  But it WILL exist.  Comfortable making that prediction.  Not really a prediction.  ALREADY exists.  Kinda statement of fact at this point.  Wonderful I'm gonna go take a walk.  Be back soon.




Nobody's Stopping You

    Hey!  Got some coffee going.  Only had half of the cup for first act.  Now I added ANOTHER HALF on top of that.  1.5 overall cups for those keeping score.  Also if you were keeping score you'd probably know that 1.5 calculation YOURSELF.  You're a SCOREKEEPER you can figure out these Addition Maths by your lonesome!  Anyway what's going on.  Gonna write quick act.  Walk.  Shower.  METS GAME!  Delicious.  Probably have Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar at some point before lunch of Salad and Piece Of Toast.  DELICIOUS.  Whatever.  Is it too late to sing up for a fantasy baseball league.  SING UP?  WHAT DOES THAT MEAN.  SIGN UP?  THEN WHY DID I TYPE SING IF I MEANT SIGN.  I WOULDN'T HAVE THAT'S FOR SURE.  Jeez.  Get anything interesting or new or out of the ordinary from Super Market order.  There's the bacon, that's good.  Probably should make some egg whites TODAY.  That's about it.  Black and white cookie as The Best Breakfast of the week.  WOW THAT'S GONNA BE A BLAST AND FOUR SEVENTHS.
    Just did some math of my own.
  From Super Market, the 576 oz in cans is almost TWICE AS EXPENSIVE as the 576 in 2 liter bottles.  WOW I JUST MADE MONEY ON THE DEAL.  Well not LIQUID money.  I can't buy a stake in anything with the money I have.  I made VALUE.  But it's pretty much set in stone of what I can do with it. DRINK IT AND ENJOY IT MYSELF.  Pretty much my only option.  HEY THAT'S BETTER THAN NOTHING I GUESS.  Realized I hadn't played my acoustic guitar in months.  It was laying in corner of room I don't even look at!  PLAYED THAT SUCKER FOR FIVE MINUTES LAST NIGHT.  Put it in a MORE ACCESSIBLE corner of the room now.  Maybe pick that sucker up AGAIN at some point.  TOTALLY TUNED IT GOOD ENOUGH.  Anyway what else is up.  Definitely leaning towards a Bison Burger for dinner.  Sauteed mushrooms and onions!  That sort of thing!  So that's good.  WILL I HAVE SOME SORT OF SIDE WITH IT?  I could EASILY decide to have like 100 calories worth of salty snack.  Pop chip.  What thin.  Cheez It.  EASY.  We'll see.  My past experience has largely been I get it and I'm like this burger looks pretty small I'm DEF gonna have side.  Then by the time I'm eating it and halfway through I'm like OH NO this burger is DEF bigger than I estimated it was.  Oh well too late now life is ruined.
So gotta keep that in mind.  How could I go, "life is ruined," several times.  Once its ruined there's no going back.  Can't be Ruined MORE.  Can't be UN-RUINED and then ruined again.  Pretty sure Ruin is more or less ultimate fate and no going back from.  I COULD BE WRONG.  I'VE BEEN WRONG ROUGHLY 40% OF THE TIME IN MY PAST.  ALSO THAT SENTENCE ALONE MIGHT BE WRONG JUST FOR CONTEXT OF HOW OFTEN I REALLY AM WRONG.  Good!  I don't get the practice of showing an empty podium on a live feed before President speaks.  Yes I assume he hasn't started speaking yet if you're not showing it.  I'm not confused as to why You're Talking and He Isn't yet.  I GET IT.  Maybe it builds up excitement and anticipation.  I dunno I don't like it.  Just do your thing an then once he's there and starts talking you can cut to that!  Easy.  EASY.  I don't like looking at empty podium and being like WHERE IS PRESIDENT.  WHAT'S GOING ON.  WHY IS PODIUM JUST STANDING THERE WITHOUT ANYONE THERE.  IS SOMETHING THE MATTER?  JEERS TO EMPTY PODIUM COVERAGE.
Penultimate paragraph of the DayTime.  Maybe I've been watching it wrong.  I thought they were covering President Talking.  Maybe they were just covering Podium Time and at some point the president showed up and started talking incidentally.  But basically they were like LOOK AT THIS PODIUM FOR A WHILE.  PODIUM TIME OF THE DAY.  Podium is the breakthrough star of this administration is the point!  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta imagine there's not a single podium.  They're not gonna transport a podium here and there depending on where President Talker is.  Probably several podiums in different places.  Oh well that's life.  Anyway got  tons of time today to work around seven walks.  EMBARRASSMENT of @Home time.  Good deal!  I could presumably spend that time halfway productively.  And I consider Watching Good TV as qualifying for Halfway Productive.  GOOD CHANCE I DON'T REACH THAT THRESHOLD but maybe I do we don't know.  We don't know!
     Last paragraph of the act.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I used to always drink beer From Can.  Then a few weeks ago I read ON THE INTERNET that real adults pour it into glass for various reasons.  Let's it BREATHE more or something.  You get what you're supposed to get out of it more In Glass.  And I don't want internet thinking I'm a fool so I started doing that.  ALSO I like knowing how far into beer I am.  IN CAN you can estimate roughly sure how much is left.  But in GLASS you can see FOR CERTAINS.  Oh well such is life.  Anyway.  I think coverage of empty podium is a SCAM.  It makes the audience be like YEP THAT'S THIS ADMINISTRATION IN A NUTSHELL. EMPTY PODIUM.  THAT SAYS ALL THERE IS TO SAY.  I'm onto you TV COVERAGE OF EMPTY PODIUM.  I KNOW YOUR AGENDA I've cracked the codes!  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back tonight.




well think of something

    HEY!  What's going on tonight and crap and whatknot.  HAD HAM SANDWICH for dinner.  Was planning on getting Diner Bison Burger LIKE I TOLD YOU ALREADY but it turns out no one else needed communal dinner!  So I just had ham sandwich + cheez its + QUEST BAR right after dinner.  IF I'm gonna be 100% I AM STILL FINISHING QUEST BAR AS WE SPEAK THIS VERY MOMENT.  Anyway.  48 cans of soda to drink over 7 days.  That's between 7 and 8 a day.  Seems kinda high.  If it was 2 liter bottles SURE I CAN DO IT.  But 8 cans of soda a day-- and more than half of the soda I drink is OTHER FLAVORS-- seems like a lot!  Either way Delicious Quest SMORE Bar.  I'd eat another one if I could!  I can.  No I can't.  Sure I can.  WRONG.  Incorrect it's right.  SHUT UP WE ALL KNOW THIS PERSONA THAT'S NOT ITALICS IS THE RIGHT ONE AND WILL COME OUT ON TOP.  I guess but it doesn't make it right.  WHO CARES YOU LOSE.
     Hmm.  Probably gonna have 3 beers tonight, too!  Already finished one.  WENT INTO the night thinking this way.  Because I didn't have to wait until After A Delivery to take last walk, I started my NightTime period early.  Because LAST WALK was earlier.  LAST WALK?  THAT WAS A MOVIE.  The Last Walk To Remember.  It starred JULIA STYLES who was a teenage actress AROUND THE TURN OF THE CENTURY-- SLIGHTLY WEIGHTED TO THE SIDE THAT WE'RE ON NOW.  Julia Stiles wasn't in that movie.  WELL SHE SHOULDA BEEN.  WOULDA BEEN PERFECT FOR THAT ROLE.  Which one.  YOU KNOW ONE OFTHE MAIN ONES.  THE ONE DOING THE WALKING.  MAYBE THE ONE DOING THE REMEMBERING.  EITHER WAY WOULDA BEEN PRETTY GOOD.  So there's that!  What else is going on and crap.  Mike Pence has BALLS OF STEEL.  If someone tried to have me killed I'm gonna be honest I'D COME OUT PUBLIC ALLY AS AGAINST THAT.  I guess I'm just not Mike Pence Material.  Keepin it all PENT-ce up inside of him.  One day Mike Pence is gonna erupt and I wanna be there when it happens!  TO FIGHT IT.  LAVA IS VERY DANGEROUS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
What else is going on.  Back to drinking beer straight from can tonight. It's BETTER because SHUT UP.  Lotta progress watching British Tales In The Crypt today.  WONDERFUL.  This is the last season!  Getting VERY close to wrapping around and being able to watch the first season again!  FIRST SEASON GREAT. NO PROBLEM FIRST SEASON.  SECOND SEASON FINE AS WELL.  THIRD SEASON TAKE OR LEAVE IT.  Ugh.  What kinda walks are worth remembering.  Walks are NOTORIOUSLY forgetful.  Whose gonna remember A Walk.  Juan Soto maybe.  He WALKS all the time-- IN BASEBALL.  Well then he'd remember it even less.  Someone who RARELY walks is much more likely to remember the times he does walk.  A WALK IS WHEN YOU DON'T HIT THE BASEBALL BUT THE PITCHER THROWS THE PITCHES WAY OUT OF RANGE FOR WHERE YOU CAN THEORETICALLY HIT THE BASEBALL SO THEY'RE LIKE, "OKAY TAKE A BASE BECAUSE THE PITCHER FAILED IN OFFERING YOU ANYTHING RELATIVELY CLOSE TO BEING ABLE TO HIT THE BALL.  WHICH IS STILL THE PRIMARY PREMISE OF THIS GAME.  YOU HITTING THE BALL.  BUT FOR THIS SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCE JUST WALK TO THE BASE 90 FEET AWAY.  THEN THE FIRST BASE UMPIRE WILL UPDATE YOU ON HOW TO BEHAVE AFTER THAT."
Hey I watched Met game from last night today!  Fast forwarded through it so it took me about 11, 12 minutes.  GOOD.  Same time game tonight.  Same Will Not Watch It Tonight tonight.  Anyway.  Fourth paragraph.  Probably gonna be able to wait until NextSnack as after the entry is done.  Which STRONG CHANCE is HIGH QUALITY ICE CREAM SANDWICH.  Probably half MALFORMED due to having melted and then solidified again in MELTED FORMATION.  But probably NOT SO BAD anyway.  So there's that.  Haven't bange eaten in a while.  I don't think I've EVER-- not in the last few months at least-- consciously done a Bange when I didn't really need to.  BUT MAYBE I SHOULD.  JUST FOR FUN.  SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  Well probably at some point in my lifetime I'll do that.  I plan on living A BUNCH of years and every reason to suspect at some point that seems like a good idea.  NOT TONIGHT THOUGH YOU IDIOTS.  What else is up YOU IDIOTS.
     Hmm.  WHAT THE HELL.  This diet coke can says some WEIRD shit.  There's perpendicular text that says, "RECYCLE ME!" which ALONE I thought was kinda weird.  Look you can let me know it should be recycled without making the can TALK.  But then under that (to the right of it-- the text is VERTICAL not horizontal) it says SEE YOU AGAIN SOON!.  WHAT THE HELL IS THIS SHIT.  It sounds threatening.  Hey I threw out this can in the recycle bin.  NOW IT'S GONNA COME AFTER ME AS SOON AS IT GETS ITSELF BACK TOGETHER.  I feel ENDANGERED based on this.  See you again real soon.  It's like Chucky going I'LL BE BACK.  I don't want anything to do with this can and now I'm DEFINITELY not gonna recycle it.  YOU JUST TALKED YOUR WAY OUT OF ME BEING GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT.  WAY TO RUIN IT FOR EVERYONE ELSE YOU FOOLS.  What else is up.  Hey half the act is done or so!  Maybe I finish RASHOMAN tonight.  I GUESS I CAN DO THAT.
     Hey great what else is up.  Look I'm gonna recycle this can anyway.  Because I'm a great guy for the environment.  I DO THE BARE MINIMUM.  Gotta imagine that across different areas where one can do good, the huge majority of people DON'T do even the bare minimum.  So basically I'm A Hero.  What else is going on and crap.  I remember in College Age I had a peripheral friend who had a shirt that said The Right To Bear Arms and then I guess the arms of the shirt were like bear arms or something and anyway in my mind THAT WAS HIS ENTIRE PERSONALITY.  I hung out peripherally with him 2 dozen times and not only can his personality to me be SUMMED UP in that shirt that's literally the only thing I ever really registered about him now that I think about it.  SORRY.  I CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM.  You're the guy whose summed up in that t shirt you wear.  NO ONE MADE YOU BUY AND WEAR THAT T SHIRT AT LEAST ONCE.  YOU HAVE ONLY YOURSELF TO BLAME.  OR CONGRATULATE.  I DUNNO HOW HAPPY YOU ARE WITH BEING THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS GUY.
Anyway.  Gun rights.  I'm against Guns having Rights.  They're not even SENTIENT they wouldn't know what to do with rights even if they had 'em!  Maybe some guns have achieved consciousness.  Good LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  Hmm.  I NEED GUNS IN CASE THE GOVERNMENT COMES AFTER ME.  Why would the government come after you.  TO TAKE AWAY MY GUNS.  What if you didn't have guns.  THEN I'D HAVE NO WAY TO STOP THE GOVERNMENT FROM COMING AFTER ME.  Etcetera etcetera.  What kind of guilty conscience do people have that they're so worried about the government coming after them.  These people are up to something and I don't know what it is but I think we should be finding out!  Also for people who don't like the government they seem PRETTY invested in Government Rules an Regulations.  If you hate government so much why do you care if it's against the law to own an assault rifle.  YOU DON'T LIKE THE GOVERNMENT ANYWAY why not test your luck and defy them rules either way!
     Seventh paragraph?  Eighth?  Eighth.  Good deal!  What else is going on and crap.  Look I RESPECT this bear arms guy.  And I don't think this T-Shirt was THE END ALL BE ALL joke he could come up with.  I just think it SUMMARIZED what he could come up with and I ALL HONESTY is the only thing FOR SURE I CAN REMEMBER him coming up with (which he didn't even come up with).  NO JUDGMENT SEEMED LIKE A NICE BLOKE.  Anyway.  Wore glasses.  Can't take that away from him!  Wore joke t-shirts and wore glasses too.  WONDER HOW HIS LIFE IS GOING.  GOTTA IMAGINE HE'S 14 YEARS OLDER NOW THAN HE WAS BACK THEN.  That's a lot o years.  Probably a full fledged adult these days.  THEN AGAIN MAYBE HE STILL IS WEARING THAT T SHIRT MAYBE NOT WE HAVE NO WAY OF KNOWING.  What else is up.  He could have a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD KID who could fit into that t-shirt now.  WOW THE CIRCLE OF LIFE.  LIFE CONTINUES FOR EVERYONE BUT ME.
     Penultimate paragraph.
  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.   Got FOUR meals left from Super Market starting tomorrow.  Went into the week with SIX MEALS for SEVEN LUNCHES.  Now after tomorrow I'll have THREE MEALS for FIVE lunches.  I DID THE MATH AND YOU CAN TOO.  What else is going on and crap.  Fabric on my chair starting to tear.  I got this chair around 3 years ago.  I guess it's about time the fabric started to chair!  Can't expect fabric to remain immaculate forever!  We CAN.  Expect whatever you desire!  But don't expect your expectation to always turn out to be An Accurate!  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Probably having more NightTime Snack tonight than I anticipated BUT I had smaller DinnerTime Dinner than I anticipated.  SO IT'S PRETTY MUCH A WASH.  WASH?  WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN.  Huh.  Watch some Rashoman.  I THOUGHT while I was watching it last night it was kind of boring.  Now I'm remembering back to watching it last night an I was like HEY THAT WAS KINDA FUN.  I'm gonna get a kick out of watching the second half soon.
Good!  Anyway.  Tomorrow is another day.  Gotta do the whole thing again.  The 25 paragraph thing. Ugh.  Maybe don't do any MightNight Snacking so I don't start the day needing to Make Up Ground in calories.  MAKE UP GROUND?  CAPITALIZING THE FIRST LETTERS OF THE WORDS?  FORMING, "MUG?"  We were talking about MUG yesterday or the day before.  In terms of me putting beer in it AND ALSO in terms of it being the brand of root beer I was consuming.  Look this is a paragraph.  When I say 25 paragraphs a day A LOT OF THEM resemble this one in content and quality.  So we gotta take that into account I guess.  For some reason.  I dunno!  What else is up.  Anyway.  I THINK I know a path forward for snacking for the rest of the night where I end up where I originally wanted to end up caloriewise.  Not as indulgent a path forward as I would have had if I SHOWED MORE RESTRAINT THE LAST HOUR.  But still it's a better option than GOING OVER WHAT I WANTED TO FROM THE START.  YES. THE ENTRY IS OVER.  TOMORROW IS A NEW DAY.  SUCKERS.  See ya later.

-8:35 P.M.




Thursday, June 2, 2022

How Committed Are We To Reading This

    Hey!  What's up!  Behind schedule today by about an hour.  Should be able to fit in seven walks anyway on account of Not Accepting Dinner Delivery tonight.  Means I have that time WIDE OPEN to take walks instead of Hanging Around at home.  Good thing I capitalized the H and the A in, "Hanging Around."  Really gets the point across!  Anyway.  Lunch today can either be Chicken Caesar Salad, MEAL REPLACEMENT COOKIE, Frozen Pizza... those are the main best options.  Maybe breakfast burrito With Side.  I NEED TWO SIDES.  One side can be Tater Tots SURE but there should be a THIRD thing.  Or just don't do that.  Anyway had some modest MightNight snacking last night.  More than I'm comfortable with.  But not CRAZY amount.  We're talkin' like 250 caloriesworth!  I DON'T LIKE IT.  But what I can do about it I'm just one person.  Am I just one person?  I'm gonna have to look int othat.  Pretty sure I formed a union with a VENOM or something at some point.  I don't have all the details.
     Sure!  Good Ice Cream Sandwiches WERE kinda messed up.  The way they are when they're not Transported cold enough.  So when I had it it was frozen but the INSIDE ICE CREAM had been spilling out of the sandwich.  Still GOOD but only 80% as good an experience overall.  SETTLE.  I'll settle for that.  I like 80% of good things.  MUCH better than 100% of bad things.  Anyway Mets game is at 10:10 tonight.  Maybe I SUCCESSFULLY record it and watch it tomorrow afternoon with Not Knowing What Happens.  YEAH.  Finished Shutter film last night.  Turned out to be 90% Exorcist rip off and not so much Rosemary's Baby.  Either way GREAT I DON'T GET THE ENDING BUT THAT'S OKAY.  I don't get LOTS of endings.  Middles, too!  BEGINNINGS I'm usually vaguely on board with.  What else is going on and crap.  Re-upping with regular Super Market tomorrow.  Had 'Smore pop tart and 2 Breakfast treats for breakfast today.  Good deal!  Well that's a paragraph.  I hope you enjoyed it much more than I did.  WHICH WAS ALREADY VAGUELY A LITTLE BIT!
     Okay.  Let's consult Calendar to see if there's any good World Travel Patriotism Days this month.  FLAG DAY is 14.  WOW.  A PIECE OF CLOTH GETS CELEBRATED EVERY YEAR IN JUNE.  "Fete nationale du Quebec" is June 24th.  Sounds like FREEDOM NATIONAL DAY or something foR QUEBEC.  Let's LTURQ.  Hmm.  Some sort of celebration for John The Baptist.  JOHN THE BAPTIST?  You're gonna have to be more specific than that.  LOTS of baptists named john.  Are we celebrating ALL of them?  Kinda seems unfair to exclude baptists NOT named John! ...Or people who are named John but not baptists.  Also THE REST Of the population.  So basically Quebec should spend June 24th celebrating Everyone That Ever Existed.  That's MY take away.  Father's Day is June 19th.  Get a head start on celebrating your father. Or YOURSELF if you are a Father.  WELL DONE YOU MADE A BABY AT SOME POINT.  YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS USUALLY.  SEX!  USUALLY.  You can be a father without making a baby.  SOMETIMES.  GOOD FOR YOU You're knocking some adoption or other baby avenue I'm not currently thinking of OUT OF THE PARK.
Okay.  NATIONAL FOOD OF THE TOMORROW IS... National Chocolate Macaroon Day, National Donut Day, National Egg Day, and World Cider Day.  GREAT.  I like macaroons.  They're cookies.  Or small pastries.  Or maybe cookies ARE small pastries.  Well this is an overlap I feel at least.  Donuts are donuts WE ALL KNOW DONUTS ARE GREAT.  Egg.  GOOD.  Very resourceful thing is AN EGG.  We use em all the time.  That's not what resourceful means.  OH WELL.  Cider Day.  NOT A FAN.  Maybe HARD CIDER.  I don't think I've ever had it before.  Look I may never have had EASY Cider.  I can kind of imagine smelling it.  And it SMELLS unappealing.  Anyway.  In America we call things Cider that sometimes aren't alcoholic.  But in REST OF WORLD Cider is always alcoholic.  ALRIGHT REST OF WORLD KNOWS WHAT'S UP.  ALWAYS ALCOHOLIC THINGS.  Cool.  And this is specifically WORLD Cider day.  So this is Celebrate Hard Cider Day.  OKAY FINE GIVE IT TO ME AND I'LL CELEBRATE IT.  NO ONE'S STOPPING YOU.
Coffee after this paragraph!  Not sure who decides what mass shootings I become aware about.  I think there must be SOME criteria they're taking into account when picking and choosing which mass shootings to report on.  Amount of causalities has gotta be a big factor.  Place of shooting.  Hopefully in terms of oh school is worse than some other place where mass shooting victims HAD IT COMING by being adults.  And NOT in terms of oh this is inner city mass shooting so we don't care as much as White People One.  Maybe in terms of WHAT ELSE IS IN THE NEWS.  Either way I BECAME AWARE of several yesterday!  Shooting in Tulsa Hospital.  NOT A FAN.  Then again at least if they only got injured THEY'RE ALREADY IN THE RIGHT PLACE.  Gotta look at the bright side of things.  Like in Star Wars.  DEREK STAY ON THE BRIGHT SIDE DON'T BE TEMPTED BY SHADOWS.  That sort of thing.  Baseball-Reference has the Mets at 98.5% chance of making playoffs.  I think the playoffs are Weird this year.  I'll look into that later today and update you or something.  COFFEE TIME.
     Great.  Not sure Cinnamon Toast Crunck bars were the right decision.  They're DELICIOUS.  They're filling enough for the amount of calories they are.  But I think they cause an overload of sugar that makes the rest of the Day Diet messed up.  Kinda messes up what my body needs and/or wants.  POSSIBLY.  Could just be talking out of my ass.  THAT'D BE WEIRD.  I guess there's probably some people who can do that.  Some people out there can figure out lots of weird stuff to do with their bodies.  Anyway good.  Gotta imagine they're talking out of their ass HOLE specifically.  How do you talk out of an ass cheek.  I dunno maybe they can figure that one out too, why not.  Asshole already makes noise sometimes.  It's only a matter of HARNESSING that noise and making it WORK FOR YOU.  What else is going on and crap.  Wanna go see Ophthalmologist to get EYE CONTACT LENSES.  I've been Not Seeing Well on my walks for far too long.  I don't wear glasses on walks.  Get foggy!  I don't need to have foggy eye glasses c'mon.
     Seventh paragraph!  Anyway.  Would be getting bacon in time for SATURDAY breakfast.  Figure I'll plan on making egg white FRIDAY afternoon.  Good deal!  Got enough Cinnamon Toast Crunch for a while.  SOME Frosted Flakes but NOT SURE exactly how much.  HERITAGE FLAKES if I wanna eat something healthy.  GOOD.  FROSTED MINIWHEATS.  I have lots of cereal is the point.  Or I can just pour small cancer animal crackers in a bowl.  That's a cereal.  Why not.  Anyway.  What do I got in store for the rest of the day.  Maybe some Kids From The Hall.  I WOULDN'T COUNT ON IT.  Maybe something else.  I'D COUNT ON THAT SURE.  Anyway.  Probably save Salad for NEXT week.  Instead of eating it today and getting a new one for next week.  1) Don't really want it today!  2) Not in stock for next week as of now anyway!  WELL THOSE ADD UP PRETTY WELL to doing what I said I'm gonna do.  So what is Lunch today.  Meal Replacement cookie is dumb.  Frozen pizza is dumb.  Maybe I get a dumb delivery.  I can do a dumb thing and get Chinese Food!  It's dumb because I'd have to have it 2-3 lunches in a row.  But it SOUNDS good for TODAY.
     Eighth paragraph!  DANGIT I JSUT DON'T KNOW WHATTA DO.  Hmm.  Write 3 more paragraphs now.  Gotta take a walk in no more than half an hour.  Dad wants to take his walk!  And he's teaching in a few hours so there IS a TIME CRUNCH for him.  Should be easy tow rite 3 paragraphs in half an hour.  BUT NOT IF I SPENT SIXES OF MINUTES THINKING ABOUT LUNCH.  Anyway what else is up.  Maybe I can cajole my Mom into sharing Chinese Food for me.  So I only have to have it two times.  WHATEVER I MUST MOVE ON FOR NOW.  People want to read OTHER STUFF.  Like HEY HAVE YOU HEARD THE GOOD NEWS ABOUT.. uh... HMM.  What's good news.  METS.  Third largest Division Lead for a team entering June EVER.  Or since 1960 or 1970 something.  Or EVER.  Either way GREAT.  They're gonna totally play half a dozen or so more games IN THE PLAYOFFS it looks like.  WOW THAT'S HOURS OF ENTERTAINMENT.  Also GOOD EXERCISE for the players.  They're coming out on top in this situation!
    How many calories are these people burning a day.  On Game Days.  Gotta imagine it's like 8,000 or something.  Within game and practicing before game and all that stuff.  Wonder what they eat.  I wanna see Athlete Diet.  And I WANNA SEE IT NOW.  Or in a little bit.  UNDER A BIT OF A TIME CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH RIGHT NOW.  What does BTS Stand For.  COMBATING RACISM AGAINST ASIANS.  I MADE A JOKE YESTERDAY and I'LL NEVER FORGET IT.  Anyway.  I think BTS are Korean?  Maybe they should WANT some racism against OTHER Asians.  That's how I'd feel.  Combat racism against South Koreas all ya want, sure, I'm on board with that in my theoretical role as BTS Chief Justice.  But Racism against OTHER COUNTRIES?  THAT'S THEIR PROBLEM NOT MINE AS BTS SENATE MAJORITY LEADER.  Kinda cool that BTS comes from Seoul, South Korea.  Cool city to be from for music.  SOUL.  SOUL IS LIKE MUSIC THEMED OR SOMETHING I DUNNO WHY.
Last paragraph of the Act!  WAY ahead of schedule.  I could just Zone Out and think about general tso's chicken for 20 minutes and I'd STILL be okay.  HOLY CRAP Shutter just added TEN FILMS.  I'm not gonna go through them yet to see what might be Good Watchings.  Save that for later!  Anyway.  Watched the last episode of We Own This City.  THEMES!  Trying to hold people accountable for their obvious crimes when they just deny it and assume the system will work in their favor and they'll get off scott free.  KINDA SEEMS RELEVANT THESE DAYS?  So there's that.  I SEE WHAT THEY'RE UP TO WITH THESE THEMES.  NOTHING GETS BY ME.  Anyway do the characters in the show get off scott free?  NO SPOILERS.  Also it was real life.  You can look it up IN THE NEWS.  NO SPOILERS.  Maybe get some LO MEIN.  Anyway.  If I DO get Chinese Food I can make up for it by just ordering one less LunchMeal from super market!  And having 2 Chinese Lunches EVEN IF I COULD MAKE IT THREE.  Okay wonderful I'm gonna go now.  I'll write 5 more dumb DayTime paragraphs in a little bit! 




Something Decent Is Coming Up

    That'd be my guess.  Anyway.  Probably gonna have frozen pizza for lunch.  That's where I'm at right now.  Good deal!  Lunch is soon because of starting the day late!  Not THAT soon.  I guess it's all relative.  That's the theory of relativity.  It's all relative.  That's my theory of what the theory is.  Not really.  We've explicitly talked about it before a week or so ago!  E=MC SQUARED.  Still don't get it.  You'd think by Not Thinking About It At All for a week I would have somehow figured it out now that I'm thinking about it again a week later.  Nope!  Good news is I only have to write 4+ paragraphs for the rest of the daytime.  Good deal!  Not happy with this frozen pizza.  Tastes OKAY.  Not so filling for the amount of calories it is.  The good news is I'm getting it out of the way today!  So I don't have to have it later!  Until I re-up with it in a few weeks because I Forgot I Don't Like Having It!  NICE A FEW WEEKS.
     What else is up.  Haven't had a QUEST bar in a few days.  Seems kinda dumb.  Not having them, I mean.  I like having them.  Thus I should have them All The Time.  Anyway.  Kinda feel like a Quest Bar should be a name for a bar that contains psychedelic mushrooms.  Kinda figure there should be bars that are mushrooms in general.  TASTE GOOD and SERVE A PRACTICAL PURPOSE.  Anyway.  I feel like there are Marijuana Chocolate Bars, right?  They can AND DO do that?  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  Also WOW they could make LOTS of foods edibles.  Food is already edible.  YES BUT IN THIS CONTEXT it means THC infused.  And with the THC still being relevant.  Anyway I'm not sure how I feel about a Marijuana Chocolate Bar.  Kinda TOO exciting.  I'm not gonna devote too much brain power to considering it because I'd get TOO OVERSTIMULATED just IMAGINING the combination of things there and then my brain will pop out of my skull or something.  I dunno.  You get the idea though.
Hmm.  Can't even get Chicken Caesar Salad from super market for next week.  Out of stock.  So me saving the one I have for next week turns out to make a lot of sense.  TOO Much sense.  My brain is gonna pop out of my skull with the amount of sense this is making.  Jeez.  WAIT A SECOND maybe I do want Chinese Food.  DUMB BRAIN JUST REMINDED ME IT'S DELICIOUS OUT OF NOWHERE.  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Gonna take a shower after this act before taking next walk.  Because I'll be UNABLE to take a walk immediately due to MY DAD still walking.  Might as well take a shower in the meantime.  I GUESS.  So there's that!  Totally got a nice bar of soap going.  92.5% the original size of the bar.  Can you make Marijuana Soap.  My guess is sure you can but It Will Do Nothing.  Well hopefully it'll clean you.  Gotta imagine you haven't removed the CLEANING AGENTS from soap just to stuff in some THC.  What else is coung on and crap.  Two more paragraphs to go!
     Yeah.  Gotta imagine you can SMOKE marijuana WHILE EATING ANYTHING YOU WANT.  Or smoke marijuana while taking a shower.  Well that might be a hassle.  You can pop in and out of shower to light up.  Or maybe your shower head sprinklings allows you some room INSIDE shower to step off to the side and light up without risk of water putting it out.  Either way no reason you have to combine the different activities into one.  You'd have to be PRETTY lazy to be like Hmm I want to have a brownie.  AND I wanna get high.  UGH.  I don't wanna DO ALL THAT.  Guess I have to just pick one.  Then again there's the stereotype that marijuana makes you lazy.  I dunno how true that is!  Gonna have to look into those studies and whatknot.  I WAS gonna say I GUESS if you're busy smoking marijuana you're not being productive during THAT TIME.  That's RECREATION time.  But don't blame marijuana.  It'd be recreation time anyway.  BUT you can be REAL productive smoking marijuana!  EVEN MORE PRODUCTIVE.  That's how I feel.
     Last paragraph of the Daytime.  HEY yesterday they made some progress for NY Marijuana Recrationals Opening!  Approved some laws and stuff on Packaging Requirements and stuff like that.  AND OFFICIAL NY MARIJUANA OFFICE tweeted something along the lines of we'll be up and running in 2022.  THAT'S THIS YEAR.  WOW.  Good things are creeping up right around the corner!  And then around another corner!  There's a machine propelling it with just one Propellation but WE DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE MACHINES only THEY do.  You know who I'm talking about.  THEM.  Either way Hey let's write a few more sentences.  Wearing a nice way too big for me shirt today.  I don't do it often because I don't LIKE IT.  But once in a while HEY I CAN DIG WEARING THIS SHIRT THAT'S WAY TOO BIG FOR ME.  As a RARITY it IS kind of a treat to wear!  Hmm Marijuana infused Clothes.  Could we figure that one out?  Sure.  We can do whatever we put our mind to.  GOOD.  That's GREAT news.  IF ONLY IT WERE TRUE.  Anyway I'll be back tonight!




tonight it's the nighttime

    Hi!  Just watched Job Iden's speech about guns.  Seemed pretty good!  He's in favor of lots of stuff I'm in favor of!  IF YOU ASK ME he could probably do some of it by EXECUTIVE ORDER because I'VE READ AS MUCH ON SOCIAL MEDIA so that he's not doing that is bad.  If you ask me BACK UP he could put pressure on Manchin, etc. to get stuff done by stepping around Filibuster rather than counting on 10 Republicans to vote with Gun Control Democrats.  BECAUSE I'VE READ AS MUCH ON SOCIAL MEDIA, AGAIN, TRY TO KEEP UP.  Either way COULDA BEEN WORSE B/B+.  Anyway.  It turns out RASHOMAN is on HBOMax.  I tried watching that sucker on DVD a couple of months ago but it stopped working 10 minutes in.  I CAN WATCH IT NOW TONIGHT NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  I GUESS SOMEONE MIGHT ASK SOME QUESTIONS.  I CAN'T STOP PEOPLE FROM ASKING QUESTIONS I GUESS.  Look am I in the middle of Finishing Dinner right now?  SURE AM.  DELICIOUS.
Anyway.  LOOK am I finished with my dinner now? ...NO NOT QUITE.  Gimme a second though!  Okay anyway.  I think ALL media is social.  Thoughts?  Anger Feelings?  Desires to kill me based on that opinion?  CALM DOWN NOT THAT BIG A DEAL.  Anyway poured my first beer an hour ago but only took a couple of small sips.  NOW THE BIG SIPS start to come into play.  What else is going on.  Not quite sure what kind of DessertSnacks I got going on tonight.  COUPLE OF DIFFERENT AVENUES I CAN GO.  Quest bar and smaller ice cream bar or Fiber bar and Better Ice Cream Sandwich is the MAIN BINARY option.  It gets somewhat more complicated than that but IN GENERAL that's the main thing I need to decide.  WHAT THE HELL.  DECIDING THINGS?  I NEVER WOULD HAVE BEEN ALIVE TODAY IF I THOUGHT I'D HAVE TO MAKE A DECISION.  Not for me.  I like WATCHING.  Watching other people make decisions.  Gets me off.  Gets me off real good!
     Anyway.  No taking out garbage tonight.  You know what that means!  THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN WEARING PANTS FOR THE LAST HOUR AND A HALF.  Good deal!  Normally I'd leave pants on because who wants the hassle of having to put pants BACK on.  This time NO NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT I don't need to be wearing pants until tomorrow morning.  GOOD DEAL.  Anyway I can have 3 beers tonight if I feel like it!  Probably won't!  Right now I'm estimating ok ya know what let's estimate 2 times a week it's 3 beers.  Other times it's 2.  I LIKE ESTIMATING THINGS.  Much better than DECIDING THINGS EXACTLY.  Estimating is USEFUL LIKE PINPOINTING but less pressure to get it EXACTLY 100% RIGHT.  GOOD DEAL I'm gonna estimate ALL THE TIME.  Like Biden's speech.  He was ESTIMATING what we should do about gun control.   Not gonna pinpoint it 100% BUT WE GET A GENERAL SENSE OF WHAT HIS PREMISE IS.
     Okay.  Fourth paragraph!  Hmm.  Watching Rashoman MAY BE DIFFICULT.  Gonna have to LITERALLY watch it.  Not just listen to it half-heartedly in the background.  I DON'T SPEAK 1940'S JAPANESE I GOTTA READ THE SUBTITLES.  Also I apparently think different decades in Japan correspond to differences in Japanese Language.  SEEMS REASONABLE.  I speak Modern Day American English but I'd have a hard time understanding 13th century Englishe English.  Partly cause I can't relate to their life experiences.  I know being a Serf sucks ass but what's it really like.  Do they live in a hole in the ground or do they have some kind of HUT.  Figure you can't have a HUT if you're a serf.  HUTS ARE TOO NICE FOR SERVES.  Anyway what's up.  Any culture still living in caves.  Gotta be some tribes or something somewhere that are still making do with the caves.  HEY THEY WORKED.  WHY ABANDON SOMETHING THAT WORKED.   I'd live in a cave.  I'd live anywhere.  Unless I was dead.
What else is going on and crap.  Did some good Picking At Toe Nails while Biden was talking.  Accomplished some good pickin's!  Like what you'd accomplish with a nail clipper but MANUALLY.  Just with my fingerNAILS.  It's like how diamonds are used to cut diamonds.  Gotta use Human Nails to groom Human Nails.  Makes sense.  HUMAN NAIL?  THAT'S GONNA BE ONE BIG HAMMER AND I DON'T ANTICIPATE GETTING ON ITS BAD SIDE.  Yep sure why not okay.  Also Big Hammer is WAY too powerful in Washington DC.  THE PEOPLE ARE TIRED OF SUBSIDIZING HAMMERS ALL THE TIME.  LET THE FREE MARKET DECIDE.  I may or may not understand how Lobbying works.  I think it's just you give subsidies to the lobby directly.  Sounds about right.  They give you money and then you give it back to them.  It's The Circle of Life.  SOUNDS LIKE A PRETTY CRUDDY LIFE.  Well it's a pretty cruddy circle, too!  Totally ACTUALLY MORE OF AN IMPERFECT OVEL if we're being 100% honest about it!
    What else is going on and crap.  Maybe there's a Shutter Film I should be watching tonight instead.  Anyway.  DESSERT PART I OF THE NIGHT TIME-- Tootsie Pop.  GREAT.  Cherry or Raspberry.  IT's PERFECT because I HAVE LOTS OF THEM.  You got lots of something for consumption?  Well then GO AHEAD AND START CONSUMING!  Good deal.  Anyway what else is going on.  Sixth paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Up to the Tales In The Crypt episode directed by Bob Hoskins.  Maybe he's a classically trained actor and wahtknot but I just know him as Mario.  So it's an episode of Tales In The Crypt-- the first one produced in Classically Placed Country BRITAIN-- directed by Mario.  Why not.  Anyone can become a director these days.  Plumber, some other guy, anyone!  The Plumber Joe was the swing vote in 2008.  Kinda seems like a plumber is NOT a swing vote and would be a heavily reliable on average Republican voter.  OH NO IT'S A SCAM.  SOMEONE WARN OBAMA AND BIDEN!!!!
     Seventh paragraph.  Four to go for the night!  Then watch Rashoman I guess!  I can think of worse things to do if I really tried but I don't wanna really try so why bother.  Eh.  This was CHERRY lollipop.  Delicious!  I'm GLAD I went with Cherry it's delicious.  Gonna wake up early tomorrow.  Early enough to take walk before Window of accepting Super Market delivery.  Probably fit in an entire Act I beforehand too.  At least start one!  Unless I don't get up early and just Don't Accomplish Anything until AFTER Super Market delivery time.  That's not an ideal situation.  I like accomplishing stuff because it makes me feel like I've accomplished something.  So there's that.  Gonna go retrieve second beer of two for the night!  Wonderful.  Kinda feels like these days Soccer Mom could be a controversial phrase.  WHAT we're just defining mothers based on their kids' activities?  Like mothers don't live lives of their owns?  Pretty sure I've thought of that before.  IT'S SMART BECAUSE IT'S ACCURATE.  WOMEN WHO HAVE CHILDREN HAVE LIVES OUTSIDE THEIR CHILDRENS' DUMB EXTRA CURRICULARS.  Maybe MOM GOT A FEW EXTRA CURICULARS OF HER OWN EVER THINK ABOUT THAT?  IT'S CALLED EYES WIDE SHUT AND IT'S A FILM I'LL SEE EVENTUALLY.
Eighth paragraph.  Fiber bar after entry.  Ice cream bar/sandwich at beddtime.  JUST PUT FIBER BAR IN FRIDGE FIVE MINUTES AGO.  This is gonna be GREAT.  Totally HARDER than otherwise.  I LIKE ME SOME HARD FIBER IN THEFORM OF BAR.  Okay.  Pretty sure Joe The Plummer would be ALL IN for Trump.  And I mean AT JANUARY SIXTH AND EVERYTHING.  Prove me wrong!  You can't!  He's a fictional character!  Is that so.  Probably was a real person somewhere at some point.  Wonder what he's been up to.  Let's track him down and find out how his 14 years have gone.  My guess is PROBABLY OKAY PLUMMER IS A PRETTY GOOD JOB.  Maybe his wife left him.  We can only hope!  He wasn't making her happy and we all knew it and I'm just happy that she's moving on with her life NOTHING AGAINST HIM THOUGH.  This has all been said before time and time again.  Oh well that's life.  It happens time and time again and it's not making any of us happy.
Penultimate paragraph of the day.  Great!  One can only hope that they reboot MARIO and they get ANDY SERKIS to CGI-PLAY YOSHI.  YOSHI IS A GREEN DINOSAUR THAT THE PLUMMER IN THE RED HAD RIDES AROUND ON TOP OF.  Oh now I get it.  What else is up.  Probably Better Stuff than what I've been saying but oh well ya take what you can get.  Maybe tomorrow entry will be good.  Start off good FROM THE START.  None of this okay we're just gonna get through the first two acts and then the third act will make it worth it!  Because as we've seen from tonight NO GUARANTEE THIRD ACT WILL MAKE IT WORTH IT.  So that's good.  It was A PRODUCTIVE Failure.  Now we know how we shouldn't be counting our chickens before they hatch.  And make the first eggs of the day... better... or something... MAKE THE BEST OUT OF WHAT WE GOT IN THE MOMENT.  How about something like that.  Sounds vaguely reasonable to me!
     Last paragraph of the day.  Good.  What IS the Median Job politically.  We know it's not plumber.  Get outta here with that bullshit.  Hmm.  How about some sort of Specific Healthcare worker.  Maybe not Straight Up DOCTOR.  They'd be Republican.  Maybe not Straight Up NURSE.  They'd be Democrat!  Maybe like a hospital administrator or something.  Hmm.  I'd look that up but the information probably IS out there and I'd rather just let my imagination RUN WILD AND FREE than be burdened by the cold hard facts.  Also don't care enough to look it up!  MOSTLY THAT NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  What else is up.  I dunno.  I think I AM gonna try to watch Rashoman.  IF NOT NOW WHEN.  And now that I've watched it once IT WILL LAST ME FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE.  Never gonna forget what happens or misremember it or anything.  I'm GOOD at watching films, See!  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

9:03 P.M.




Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Okay New Month

    Hey!  Not behind schedule today!  Was inspired to get up a little early because I am accepting Amazon Fresh delivery later.  I'll have to Hang Around House for a while interrupting walking schedule.  This way I can fit in seven walks no doubt about it.  Maybe some doubt about it.  Either warranted doubt or unwarranted.  ANYTHING could happen so I guess All Doubt Is Warranted.  Anyway let's flip the page on World Travel Calendar.  WORLD TRAVEL PLACE TO CELEBRATE FOR JUNE 22 IS... ROME, ITALY.  HEY I know that place!  Some of these places I DON'T KNOW but I've heard of Rome dozens of times!  That's where GLADIATOR lived.  So that's fun.  Little blurb about Rome under Picture Of Rome.  I'll read it later.  Probably.  I'll try to remember to read it later!  Anyway did a little bit of MightNight snacking again overnight.  I don't like doing it!  But if I'm gonna do it, best be a little bit rather than a lot bit.  Hmm, "BEST BE."  That sounds like SLANG.  You know where they use slang?  IN, "WE OWN THIS CITY."  I think there's The Final Episode available that I can watch!  GOOD DEAL.
     Hmm.  Cool outside today!  Comfortable!  Warmer inside today than it was yesterday!  Not good!  Could be my imagination.  Lots of my life is my imagination.  Totally most of my life takes place in my head!  So that's good.  Lunch today gotta be either Chicken Ceasar (Where Rome Lives) Salad or lasagna.  Leaning towards lasagna!  BUT THEN I CAN'T GET BISON BURGER FOR DINNER.  Beef and Bison TOO REDUNDANT on the real! OKAY WE'LL SEE HOW IT SHAKES OUT.  Had a dream I ALREADY HAD breakfast treats and then I ordered more and I was like GOD DAMNIT WHAT AM I GONNA DO WITH ALL THESE BREAKFAST TREATS.  ALSO NOW I DON'T EVEN WANT THEM AT ALL.  In the dream.  In real life THE DREAM IS SPILLING OVER and I"m not enthusiastic about them either in real life!  Maybe I'll be enthusiastic about them in a few days when It comes time to start eating them.  THIS WAS A PARAGRAPH BROUGHT TO YOU BY ME.  Me-- the guy who writes this website.
     Hmm.  HEY getting Cinnamon Toast Crunch bars.  Those were addictive when I had them!  Very binge-worthy.  Hmm.  Haven't BANGED in at least two weeks.  I like the Sustainable Routine I'm settling into presumably!  Good deal!  Breakfast today was FINISHING mediocre-to-adequate ice cream sandwich and one pop tart.  WOW HEALTHY.  You got the ice cream (milk) and you got the pop tart (pop).  So that's good.  Made it halfway through Shutter Film from 1970's Italian Film.  Sorta half rip off of Exorcist and half rip off of Rose Mary's Bay Be SO FAR.  Also PRETTY GOOD FILM.  Entertaining!  I CAN FOLLOW WHAT'S GOING ON which is always a plus.  Very choppy dubbed dialogue I THINK.  Maybe it's just my imagination and them actor mouths ARE making the appropriate movements.  But it looks like NOPE.  Either way NOT BAD.  Also IS THIS BABY REALLY ROSEMARY'S?  No spoilers but WHO OWNS THE BABY is up for debate!  You can't like, "OWN," a Baby, Man!  It's like, There For Everybody, DUDE!  Interesting counterpoint.
    Okay!  Might mix up Shower and Act II.  Normally between walks I follow Act I with Act II and then shower.  If I don't mix it up my Shower Time might run into Delivery Window Time.  THIS WAY I can always stop writing to accept delivery but I can't stop showering to accept delivery.  GOOD DEAL.  Mets game in the early afternoon.  Gotta imagine I'll watch that TO SOME extent.  You don't HAVE to imagine that.  I'm not holding a gun to your head!  And even if I was it's not loaded but YOU DON'T KNOW THAT.  Anyway whatever happened to the situation where Alec Baldwin killed someone.  Kinda feel like that just dissapeared.  I'd like to see a public debate over it.  Not sure what the debate is.  HOW BAD WAS IT THAT ALEC BALDWIN KILLED SOMEONE ON A SCALE FROM 1-10.  Oh that's a good debate.  My guess is well hmm how are we defining BAD.  And how are we defining from one to ten.  Also FROM WHOSE PERSPECTIVE.  Anyway my instinct is say around six.  TERRIBLE for the person(s) who died and their family(s).  But for the rest of us we're relatively unaffected!
     I guess when ONE OF US die ALL OF US suffer tragedy.  I dunno.  I feel like one of us is dying All The Time.  Can't suffer tragedy for every death.  Maybe they wanna die!  Lotta old people who die kinda wanna die at some point.  Go figure!  Hey I'm getting coffee after this paragraph!  HEY National Food Of The Tomorrow is... National Moonshine Day, National Rocky Road Day, and National Rotisserie Chicken Day.  ROTISSERIE CHICKEN?  DELICIOUS.  MAYBE I CAN GET THAT FOR DINNER.  GREAT IDEA.  I dunno if it's Rotisserie or not.  They just say ROASTED or BROILED half chicken (I GET TO CHOOSE-- I GO WITH ROASTED).  Either way what does rotisserie mean exactly.  Lemme LTURQ.  Rotisserie is cooking it on rotating spit.  GOOD.  I'd like that.  I can't have it tonight! But in the future I'd like that!  Rotating Spit?  HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME WITH ROTATING SPITTING.  Moonshine I'd love to try that.  Probably fuck ya up quite good.  Rocky Road.  Dos that exist Beyond Ice Cream?  YEAH IT CAN BE.  Okay.  GOOD.  I DON'T CARE.
Halfway through ACT I!  What else is going on and crap.  Gotta nice day in store for me presumably.  Feelin some CRUNCH TIME early in the day even if it's UNWARRANTED.  Everything will go according to plan and fit in nicely.  So there's that.  HMM still haven't watched the rest of Kids From The Hall.  I'll do it.  I gotta do it!  IT'S ENTERTAINING.  Why would I not entertain myself.  That'd be ridiculous!  Anyway listed to most of Wilco Album again last night and then the last few songs this morning.  Morning songs ON MY STEREO SPEAKERS.  QUITE GOOD that way.  Sounds different through speakers than through earphones AS DOES EVERYTHING.  Good deal!  Long album.  An hour and 19 minutes!  That's almost as long as An Hour and 27 minutes!  WHICH IS RELATIVELY LONG IN AND OF ITSELF.  Anyway I have a bunch of shampoo under the sink.  When I first checked I saw 'em and I realized oh right I remember putting in this order for all these shampoos a month or so ago.  It's all coming back to me.  Got shampoo up the wazoo!
    GOOD.  GOOD FOR ME.  Unless shampoo goes bad.  Not supposed to eat it after a certain date.  That'd be my guess.  Not supposed to eat Dates.  What are dates.  Are they like grapes?  Lemme see what a Date is.  SWEET FRESH STONE FRUIT.  Those are four words that combine to form What A Date Is.  Anyway back to listening to APPLE MUSIC CURATED PLAYLISTS.  They update em every week!  10% new songs mixed in with old songs from THE LAST playlist.  GOOD DEAL.  I may be giving hem too much credit.  Maybe 8% new songs.  Maybe I'm giving them too little credit.  How much credit is appropriate in these circumstances?  I dunno!  Seventh paragraph though!  GOOD.  Anyway.  Had 3 beers last night.  Good.  Not gonna do it tonight!  No 2 nights in a row with that bullshit c'mon.  Maybe TURKEY dinner.  It's am embarrassment of riches of options!  Jeez.  What else is going on and crap.  METS SENT DEMONIC SMITH DOWN TO MINOR LEAGUES.  WHATTA CRAP.  I like this guy.  He should be given all the chances in the world to succeed.  HOW DARE YOU WITH THIS BULLSHIT.
     Anyway.  Still gets paid like a major leaguer!  PROBABLY EVEN ABOVE LEAGUE MINIMUM THIS YEAR.  Could be as much as SEVEN FIGURES.  Lemme LTURQ.  HELL YEAH.  This guy banked 3.9 Mill this year.  So that'll help ease the sting of being sent to minors.  YOU ARE A SIGNIFICANT MULTI-MILLIONAIRE.  Enjoy it! If anything drop out of baseball NOW and enjoy your economic security!  Who needs to play baseball another eight years, not you!  GET A HEAD START on enjoying economic security!  It's probably fun!  That'd be my imagination of how it goes.  THIS DUDE WAS 13th RUNNER UP for national league MVP in 2020.  That's one for the record books!  And no one can take that away from him!  Unless they make it illegal to include this specific fact in the record books.  Then history will forget completely!  LET'S HOPE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  I got my WINDOWS OPEN.  Why is my room vaguely too warm?  DON'T GET IT.
    Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Good deal!  Re-upping with Pop Chips.  Sour cream and onion!  Not bad flavor!  Solidly lowest calorie flavor AND sometimes it's the flavor you crave the most in and of itself!  GOOD.  I remember the days I used to eat REAL potato chips.  Then it was baked and/or kettle.  Then popped.  But REAL potato chips lasted most of my life.  GOOD DEAL.  I like RUFFLES.  That's the way to go for high school and college aged kids.  Not sure what the next level of potato chip is for younger adults.  I think there's gotta be a more mature Chip than Ruffles.  Lemme LTURQ.  Maybe LAYS.  It's NOT AS GOOD.  Which is why it's ADULT.  Adults eat things that aren't as good sometimes because that's what being adult is all about.  Either way Pringles is for children.  And UTZ is for the elderly.  THIS generation of elderly at least.  Dunno about The Elderly In Perpetuity.
    Last paragraph of the act!  Forgot about the Re-upping with Cinnamon Toast Crunk Bars.  Was 100% set on having Good Ice Cream Sandwich as midday snack.  NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  I'll eat them both over a short term time span don't worry about me.  Either way what else.  I think Turkey diner had a lot of turkey.  More turkey than I needed splitting it into 2 meals.  Dunno if Iwanna split turkey dinner into THREE meals.  Can always leave over some turkey.  Or just have a little bit of stuffing.  I'll keep you updated on this situation etc etc.  Good thing we came up wit, "ETC."  Typing out, "ETCETERA," over and over again was taking up WAY too much time and effort.  ALSO just good sequence of letters!  Let's talk about it.  Hmm.  Of course I might have GriddleCentric Meal for dinner.  BEEN A WHILE.  Of course.  Anyway hey that's it for now I'll be back in a little bit!



I Don't Know You Tell Me

    MAYBE I will split turkey dinner THRICE.  Seems reasonable.  I like doing things that are reasonable!  People judge me a lot less than when I do unreasonable things, that's been my experience.  Anyway time to write five paragraphs.  Then there will be an amount of time in roughly Four's Of Minutes of DOWNTIME and then METS GAME begins.  Anyway.  Getting regular frozen super market cooked bacon from Super Market.  Hmm makes sense I'd get Super Market things from an Super Market.  Makes sense I'd say, "AN," erroneously, too.  Either way one dumb small-mediumish piece gonna be 30 dumb calories.  Worth it?  Maybe not.  BUT I think it will MOTIVATE me to eat balanced breakfasts more.  It'll push me in the right direction when I wake up.  WOW A SLICE OF BACON TOO IF I DO THE RIGHT THING AND EAT CEREALBASED BREAKFAST?  NOW I'M DEFINITELY ON BOARD.  It's SMART.  Because it's a BREAKFAST TREAT.  OF BACCIN.  THE KIND MEANT FOR HUMAN NOT DOG.  Maybe you can give this to a dog.  It's pretty low down on quality things for human to eat.  Probably should just be dog food.  But it's An Exciting Part Of My Balanced Breakfast nonetheless!!
    Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Think I'll have Ice Cream Sandwich tonight.  Maybe I save Crunk Bar for tonight too!  Either way I WILL HAVE BOTH TODAY and you can BET on that.  And you'd probably WIN that bet.  No GUARANTEES though.  Also good luck finding a sucker to take that bet.  They're dumb I just said it!  WELL if they're getting good odds then they know what they're doing.  This hypothetical person that's even more hypothetical than the first hypothetical person is PRETTY SMART if they're getting good enough odds on this NON-HYPOTHETICAL AND VERY PRACTICAL AND TANGIBLE bet.  YEAH.  I'm still following myself vaguely.  That's a good sign!  I figure if I can follow myself you probably can contort yourself into following me too.  Might take A WHILE.  Gotta read through the nonsense sentences SEVERAL TIMES.  But you'll get there.  And you'll be even more appreciative of it making sense because YOU PUT IN THE HARD WORK.  GOOD FOR YOU.  GOOD FOR ME.  GOOD FOR US!
Yeah!  Maybe try Pita Bread as Sandwich Bread this week.  Seems kind of risky.  It's a WONDERFUL low amount of calories but it must be PRETTY SMALL to make that happen.  I can see a picture.  BUT THERE'S NO CONTEXT FOR SIZE.  That's a problem I run into EVERY DAY and so do you.  I CAN SEE IMAGES OF FOOD--MAYBE OTHER THINGS-- ONLINE BUT THERE'S NO SCALE FOR ME TO SEE THE SIZE.  I'm saying what we all WISH we were thinking but we didn't even COME UP with thinking it yet.  GOOD I JUST THOUGHT IT FOR YOU.  SEE I'M HELPING ALREADY.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Gonna go with the sandwich thins.  After a couple weeks of HEALTH BREAD.  TIME HAS COME TO GO FOR THIS.  Also CIRCULAR and I'm getting CIRCULAR VEGGIE BURGERS for the upcoming 2 weeks so IT ALL WORKS OUT FOR THE PENULTIMATE BEST.  I wouldn't say it's working out for the best.  Next to best.  NextBest.  That sort of thing.  BestNext.  Brexit.  What's going on again.
Penultimate paragraph of the act!  WHO KNOWS when my next walk will be.  Could be in fourty five minutes.  Could be in TWO HOURS and fourty five minutes.  I WOULDN'T PUT IT PAST BEING BETWEEN THOSE TWO TIMES EITHER.  The good news is I got Mets game to watch.  Then good option for NightTime Watching AFTER ENTRY of 2nd half of that Shutter Film.  Good deal!  Some hours in-between those things.  Eh I'll figure something out.  Maybe even an episode or two of Kids From The Hall.  What else is going on though RIGHT NOW.  Getting into a good sustainable groove re: Eating and whatknot.  Ya never know when things might go sour, but the last couple of weeks have been pretty Sustainable!  No big issues wanting to eat all the time.  Not sure what the difference was.  INDULGENT QUEST BAR AFTER DINNER.  Even if I stop doing that every day it got me into a good headspace!  PROBABLY WASN'T THAT.  THAT'S A CORRELATION NOT A CAUSATION YOU FOOL.  Either way SUSTAINABLE SUMMER SO FAR SO GOOD.
    Wonderful.  One more paragraph before NightTime.  Good.  Maybe fit in a Tales In the Crypt before Mets game starts.  Worst case scenario is I start off Met game 5 minutes late.  So I get to FAST FORWARD just a little bit.  GOOD DEAL.  What else is GOOD DEAL.  KIM.  YEP she's a pretty Good Deal.  Probably one of the top deals out there PER MY UNDERSTANDING.  Never read a book about her though so who can say for sure.  Pretty sure she came up in SEVERAL of the books I've read.  And I'd remember if they explicitly bashed her in the books.  So she couldn't have been THAT terrible, we can say that for sure.  What else is going on and crap.  HEY Amazon FRESH order is already on its way.  It's roughly 40, 50 minutes away, I'd say!  GREAT MY SCHEDULE WORKS OUT WONDERFULLY THEN.  Also looks like everything in the order is on its way.  WE CAN ONLY HOPE THE ICE CREAM IS PACKED IN COLDNESS.  Jeez.  We can probably do More Than That. Okay that's it for now!  I'll be back tonight!



how do you figure

    HEY!  What a great terrible day.  It was a real mediocre day but adequate at doing it.  All in all a wonderful horrible eight or so hours.  Split turkey into 2 dinners.  LOTTA TURKEY for each dinner.  But I HAD NO CHOICE.  There wasn't enough for three dinners.  MADE AN EXECUTIVE DECISION to eat slightly too much turkey 2 days in a row.  It's good because it's healthy.  Too much of a good thing is healthy-- even healthier!  That's how Health works!  WE'VE COVERED THIS BEFORE.  AGAIN that's a good thing.  If I say a good thing-- guess what?  REPEATING IT MAKES IT EVEN BETTER.  This is my entire philosophy.  I hope you like it.  Anyway I got a nice Big Real Single Beer Mug in my GLASSES cabinet.  Decided to use it today.  For beer!  Not just For Fun but because internet said beer tastes better from a mug.  Internet wouldn't lead me astray!  Unless it got me to click more by leading me astray somehow.  Then yes Internet would Definitely lead me astray.
    Hmm.  Gonna have GOOD iced cream sandwich for After Entry snack.  Gonna have good fiber bar but not as good as quest bar for post entry snack.  TOOTSIE POP FOR BED TIME SNACK.  And we take a look back at past snacks... I had Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bar as Afternoon Snack.  DELICIOUS.  Anyway figure I'll have the After Dinner snack A LITTLE BIT LATER.  After 3rd or 5th paragraph Or something.  LOOK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP ON SNACKS.  FOR NOW.  There will be hours and hours of Snack Talk More in my lifetime.  Possibly amounting to WEEKS if you put them all together.  Well GOOD I guess.  It means I'm still HAVING snacks.  Which is great!  So if I'm wasting everyone's time talking about snacks-- I'll take that deal!-- because it means I'm definitely HAVING the snacks.  We all have to make sacrifices in life.  And by WE I mean YOU.  And by sacrifices I mean glazing over while I talk about snacks.  And by snacks I mean food in-between meals c'mon you know this.  I'd like a glazed donut.  I'd LOVE a glazed donut.  I'd MAKE LOVE to a glazed donut.  I could think of better things to do with it but I guess that's on the list of things SOMEWHERE in the middle.  Gotta take out garbage in roughly 55 minutes.  JUST SO WE'RE ALL ON THE SAME PAGE.  Hmm sounds crowded.  Unless there's very few of us.  Or it's a Big Ol Page.
That sort of thing!  Good.  GREAT.  What's going on in the wide world of tonight.  SPRITE is the soda I am drinking.  Is THAT good fodder for website.  HMM ANY GOOD ANAGRAMS FOR SPRITE.  TIRPES?  STRIPE.  Well there's a good one but it's TOO OBVIOUS.  TERPES?  I ALREADY TRIED THAT ONE BUT THE E AND I WERE SWITCHED.  TIERPS?  Okay I'm Done.  What else is going on.  Looking forward to enjoying second half of movie tonight.  Movie I watched first half of last night.  You remember last night don't you.  It was very similar to tonight but it happened a while ago.  Is ANY of this ringing a bell?  Hmm.  There's a song on these Playlists I listen to where there's a lyrics like why your heart drop when your phone bell rings.  NO SUCH THING AS PHONE BELL.  YOU'RE CONFUSING RING TONE AND DOOR BELL.  THIS WHOLE SONG IS RUINED WHICH IS A SHAME BECAUSE I WAS ENJOYING IT PRESUMABLY.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe there is such a thing as a phone bell.  And I'm too, "Not Hip," to get it.  I wouldn't put it past me!  I AM pretty, "Not Hip!"
     Also I AM pretty.  ... Hey what else is going on.  Just started raining moderately outside.  GOOD it's not raining inside.  That's a net positive for my whole Indoor Experience for the rest of the night.  Had the lasagna for lunch.  Good!  Too Heavy.  I don't want this heavy a lunch.  Lunches are for LIGHTERS.  Lighters are what I call Meals That Are On The Light Side.  Which is part of the plot of my Cheap Star Wars Rip Off.  USE THE ENERGY BRUCE, STAY ON THE LIGHT SIDE AGAINST THE BLACKNESS.  That sort of thing.  Gotta imagine a cheap star wars rip off will STILL make me A LOT of money.  AS long as no one Cheap Rip Offs my Cheap Rip Off.  Then they got me coming and going and I'm gonna make HARDLY MY MONEY BACK on this endeavor.  DANGIT nothing ever works out for The Guy Whose Me.  Hmm.  Am I wrong or is there a huge controversy that there's a Black Woman Star Wars character.  I've just seen tweets referencing the controversy so I dunno.  But my impression is there's a black woman character.  Played by a black woman actor.  And this is a big deal for people.  OH WELL WHAT CAN YA DO.  CATER TO EM I GUESS.  That's WHAT I WOULD DO AT LEAST.
    Nope.  Anyway not gonna eat the fiber bar yet but I AM gonna go refill soda and Ya Know What I don't need beer #2 yet but I'LL RETRIEVE IT with re-pouring soda because I WILL POUR IT SOON.  BE BACK SOON YOU IDIOTS.  God Damn you idiots are really dumb today.  OK BE BACK SOON.   Woke.  Iowa.  Iowock.  Is that anything.  I AWOKE.  Why was I thinking about woke again.  I dunno I forget.  IT'S ALL I EVER THINK ABOUT.  I CAN'T GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD.  Sounds about right!  What else is going on and crap.  Think I'll TOP OF my beer.  Pour entire second beer ABOVE REMNANTS of first beer.  Which won't necessarily STAY Above.  It will get mixed in presumably somehow.  I don't know how FLUIDS work.  What am I a SCIENTIST.  I don't know how scientists work.  PROBABLY FUNDED BY WOKE ACADEMIA TO GET THEIR JOLLIES OFF DOING EXPERIMENT STUDIES.  Anyway now it is THUNDERING.  I'd still describe rain as moderate.  But the THUNDER is a new AND CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT for anyone out on the sidewalk with nowhere to go.
     Hmm.  I will have to go outside in 35 minutes!  I can't throw out garbage without stepping outside.  I'd have to throw to a NINETY DEGREE ANGLE AND THEN ANOTHER NINETY DEGREE ANGLE.  I can't achieve that.  I don't think ANYTHING can achieve that.  Maybe they can design a machine that propels Garbage Bags in one direction and then after 30 feet it makes a perpendicular turn and then after 10 feet another perpendicular turn!  BUT THEY HAVEN'T YET.  And if they have THEY'RE KEEPING EM ALL FOR THEMSELVES and not sharing them with US THE COMMON FOLK.  Seems weird.  Normally you invent something you'd wanna share it with Common Folk AT THE LEAST to make money off of them!  Or maybe you get off having machines no one else has.  I dunno what your KIMDYEEL is is.  What else is going on and crap.  Still got that fiber bar I wanna have.  Not gonna SKIP it.  Still WANNA HAVE IT.  Just NOT YET.  YOU IDIOTS.  Is it possible that Biden just hosted One Direction at the white house but they were pretending to be BTS.  Also it is possible BTS stands for something?  Gotta stand for SOMETHING.  Yes they stand for Being Against Racism Towards asian peoples.  OH BOY I JUST WALKED RIGHT INTO THAT ONE.  Anyway what does it stand for.  Bangtan Boys.  Korean for "Bullet Proof Boy Scouts."  Not sure why boy scouts necessarily need to be bullet proof.  Is there an epidemic of people shooting boy scouts?  Hmm.  Anyway.  Boy Scouts Of America-- being corrupted by WOKE or are they still AMERICA?  YOU LOOK INTO IT I GOT THINGS TO DO.
Okay sure.  Seventh paragraph of the act.  Maybe cut out the tootsie roll.  Have Fiber Bar at close of entry.  Ice Cream Sandwich as Bedtime Snack.  I DUNNO NOW THAT I MENTION IT GONNA EAT FIBER BAR NOW YOU IDIOTS.  Anyway.  Jonathon Depp/Amber, "Ya," Heard trial came to a close!  Apparently The Bad Guys won.  I wasn't keeping track but I see Johnathon Depp generally WON and it was the WRONG result.  Makes sense.  From what I read SHE HAD THE GOODS on him but they were like NOPE DOESN'T MATTER SHE RUINED HIS GOOD NAME BY TELLING THE GOODS SHE HAD ON HIM TO PEOPLE.  I guess that's how the law works!  I wouldn't have guessed that ORIGINALLY but now it appears it should be my second guess based on What Happened In Real Life For Some Reason I Don't Necessarily Agree With Or Not Agree With.  Hmm.  Eating the fiber bar.  Delicious!  I put it in fridge for an hour to HARDEN it up.  Last couple times I had it TOO SOFT.  This time?  TOO HARD.
Three paragraphs to go.  I'm gonna be honest I just took a bite and it WASN'T too hard.  The extra 90 seconds at room temperature REALLY MADE THIS HIT THE SPOT.  Anyway Garbage Take Out Time is in roughly 20-30 minutes!  I should be done with entry by then.  Should have it posted to internet by then!  Gotta spend an extra 90 seconds updating New Month and Creating May 22 Page and all that kind of stuff.  The good news is I forget.  Hey what should we make of the results from Celebrity Trial.  I've, "HEARD," it, "DEPP,"-ENDS on your perspective.  Why am I telling you what I'VE HEARD we should make of the results.  That's clearly a question that's asking for MY OWN opinion.  I don't have OPINIONS what am I SUPER MAN.  I only have things I've heard as opinions.  Like... Batman.  Something like that.  Good news is I'm gonna have some beer left over after All Those Actions I've talked about to TOAST re-starting that new movie.  Which is good.  Kinda thing which is better under SOME sort of influence.  You know like PRACTICALLY EVERYTHING.
     Penultimate paragraph.
  Good deal.  Also ya know what.  MUG BEER IS GREAT.  Also ya know what.  I ACCURATELY AM DRINKING MUG ROOT BEER with my other glass.  THE BRAND IS CALLED MUG. THE GLASS IS CALLED GLASS.  The root is OF ALL EVIL.  That sort of thing.  Jeez.  In 2017 BTS announced that their new acronym is for, "Beyond The Scene."  YOU CAN'T DO THAT.  Look you can LIE to people about what the acronym means.  Tell the new English speaking fans it's Beyond The Scene, great!  THEY'RE RUBES THEY'LL BELIEVE ANYTHING.  But you can't ADMIT to changing the acronym.  There's no logic in that you fools!  It meant something when you first decided to be Cute and Use an Acronym.  NO GOING BACK FROM THAT.  IT WAS WHAT IT WAS AND IT IS WHAT IT WAS.  I feel vaguely strongly about this for some reason.  Not as strong as I'm playing it up! ...BUT STRONGER THAN I SHOULD FEEL.  Anyway.  "Smooth like butter, like criminal undercover."  WHY WOULD A CRIMINAL GO UNDERCOVER.  That'd just make him a DOUBLE criminal.  YOU're ALREADY A CRIMINAL THERE IS NO GOING UNDERCOVER FOR YOU.  Unless a criminal is going undercover is a cop.  Like Matt Damon in The DEPP-arted.  But I don't think it works that way!
     Last paragraph of the night!  SPOILER ALERT.  You learn that Matt Damon is a criminal undercover in the opening sequence.  WELL I ONLY MADE IT TO THE OPENING CREDITS YOU JERK NOW I CAN'T WATCH THIS MOVIE AT ALL TAKE IT BACK.  TAKE IT BACK!  Ugh.  What else is going on and crap.  Wanted to go back and do a VERY VERY RARE fine-tune of the What does BTS Stand for... Combating Anti-Asian-Peoples-Racism joke.  DECIDED TO GIVE UP.  I didn't change one letter!  It's FAR from the best way to phrase the joke but I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE JOKES.  C'mon give me SOME credit for Not Knowing What I Don't Know How To Do!  Hmm.  The good news is Great I'm gonna move on with my life now.  Hmm.  I don't think I even finished Beer #1.  the level of Mug my beer is at MAY BE HIGHER than it was when I just poured FIRST beer without drinking any.  IT'S CLOSE.  Either way GOOD NEWS FOR LAST 50 MINUTES OF COOL SHUTTER FILM TO REMEMBER.  I FORGET WHAT IT WAS CALLED.  Either way.  That's it for tonight.  Be Tack Somorrow!

-8:51 P.M.




Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com