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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Could Be Pretty Good

    Hey friends.  Here early again.  8:21 AM.  Probably can fit in bonus walk in early part of day.  Got a solid hour and 10 minutes to write this act if I want it.  IDEALLY do it in an hour and FIVE minutes though.  That's where I draw the line.  Okay.  Anyway FIRST PARAGRAPH so I can talk abuot food ALL I WANT.  Had a bad NightMight.  What had been Regular Normal Large Amount.  Somewhere around 600-1000 calories.  Had classic breakfast but THERE'S NOTHING WRONG THERE.  Lunch either gonna be Bagel with egg white, TURKEY(?) sandwich(?), or herbed chicken with broccoli and weet potato.  DINNER NO IDEA.  Leaning towards bagel with egg white for lunch.  DINNER NO IDEA.  Italy Style restaurant means PIZZA.  Diner style restaurant NO IDEA.  Leaning towards MULTI PART dinner which could be a RED MEAT Wild Card dinner like LIVER.  Or one off like bison burger or CCP (Chocolate Chip Pancakes)  IS THAT ALL THE FOOD TALK WE GOT FOR NOW?  Possibly.  OH NO now I gotta talk about something else for an hour.  I'M SCARED.  What is there to talk about.
   Hmm.  Mets game at 1:00.  Is starting line up available yet?  YOU BET IT ISN'T.  Huh.  Still can't sign into Brother's League.  Still ROOM in the league for now.  TWO SPOTS still available.  Still POSSIBLE I can sneak in there.  THE DREAM IS ALIVE.  Anyway  2023.  NO CHANCE this is a 2/29 year.  I'm calling it.  No 2/29 this year.  I DON'T CARE what you think.  You can DREAM all you want about a bonus day THERE'S NO CHANCE.  Hmm.  Lemme look up HISTORY.  IN HSITORY ever odd number Bonus Day JUST FOR FUN they did?  NOT SEEING ANYTHING in the four seconds I looked into it.  So that's not very promising for the prospects of that premise.  Anyway.  Am I in the middle of any movie.  Think I still got ACT III of the horror film I was watching.  The one where zombies come out of the Video.  Seemed like a good movie. I should be paying more attention to it.  Probably should start over from scratch.  By which I mean not LITERALLY but You Get The Point.  TWO PARAGRAPH IN THEM BOOKS.
   Third paragraph commencing.  Coffee after this one.  OH NO.  What to watch on Television Set today.  Besides SOME of Met game and SOME of Horror Film.  How about SOME of Tales In The Crypt.  Hmm.  Browse THE GUIDE for live Cable TV.  Haven't done that in a while.  LOTS OF TV out there though.  Movies playing on Live Cable TV that I forgot all about that isn't on the streamers.  Dozens and dozens of films that I'd be into watching and/or More Likely Re-Watching!  So there's that.  Not sure I wanna commit myself to watching commercials though.  That's a proposition that I'm not fully comfortable with!  So there's that.  Anyway presumably taking delightful shower today.  Get all this muck and mire off of me.  What's MIRE exactly.  I know it goes along with MUCK in some contexts (NOT THIS ONE THOUGH PROBABLY).  Better LURQ what MIRE is.  Oh.  It does.  Mire is MUD and/or DIRT.  Go figure.  Muck is MORE OR LESS the same thing I feel.  Muck is DIRT, RUBBISH, or waste matter.  So that's good.  Muck and/or mire.  I'll be cured of my affliction of Muck and mire by showering.  Coffee time.
   Fourth paragraph!  IDEALLY write next seven in OH I DON'T KNOW fourty five minutes but FIFTY would be fine.  YOU GET THE IDEA I HOPE.  Hmm.  What playlist am I on.  COULD BE superbloom, COULD BE alt cntrl.  Let's take a look.  Superbloom.  ANYWAY.  Plastic casing was coming apart completely.  This piece of plastic was coming off of That Piece of rubber.  And so on and so forth.  SUCH THAT I had to discard it completely.  SUCH THAT I didn't LITERALLY discard it.  I still have THE REMNANTS of it.  But I no longer am using it.  RISKS BE DAMNED.  I am carrying around phone CASELESS.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  I drop phone probably once every few months.  It's not a question of IF it will happen it's a question of WHEN.  Now it's ALSO a question of not IF it will happen and it will be hard enough to break phone but WHEN it will happen to be hard enough and break the phone. ...Or someting.  I dunno.  ALSO I check phone sometimes while crossing the street and walking over the sewer grating.  It's not a question of IF I drop the phone down into the sewer at some point but WHEN.
Fifth paragraph.  The important thing is no one can steal my phone if it drops into the sewers EXCEPT maybe the teenager mutant ninja turtles.  OR maybe Bane.  OR THE PENGUIN.  Either way the important thing is this is the last paragraph of the first half of Act I!  SOME SORT OF MILESTONE in the entry I feel.  A celebration is in order!  Not LITERALLY.  But you get the idea.  Mets game at 1:00 PM again.  PERECT.  Perect time for me to start watching it and then get bored and then watch something else but then be able to fast forward through it later on and watch any parts that are halfway interesting.  THIS IS GONNA BE THREE QUARTERS OF A BLAST.  Anyway.  What kinda responsibilities I got today.  ACCEPTING deliveries might be it.  Several AMAZON deliveries.  That's about it!  Gotta make sure to put them on RUGGED surfaces.  Could be wet or damp from Snow. Can't put them on Hard floor.  They'd Whet the floor.  C'mon guys get serious. 
   Halfway through the act.  IDEALLY write the rest of the act in Oh I Don't Know FOURTY MINUTES would be ideal.  Pretty doable too.  HOWEVER not EXTREMELY doable.  PRETTY doable though.  So that's doable.  Let me Privately Think To Myself what I'd like for dinner.  What the Hell is that.  Privately think to yourself.  That doesn't sound familiar.  What else is going on and crap.  Metropolitan prospect RONNY MAURICIO off to hot start in Spring.  LEGIT prospect too.  Not just some random guy whose doing well.  Also FUN NAME.  I can DEFINITELY get into rooting for a guy with that name.  Wonder where this jerk is from.  I BET he's from International Waters.  Picked him up somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.  Lets LTURQ.  Oh he's Dominican.  Well I get partial credit for that I feel.  The Dominican Republic is Atlantic Ocean ADJACENT.  I think.  Who are the Mets playing.  Their biggest rivals of all time one would imagine.  AH I was right.  They're playing... The... HOUSTON ASTROS.  Well they're a rival right.  They fought in the 1986 NLCS or something, right?  When ASTROS WERE IN NATIONAL LEAGUE?  That might be TOTALLY incorrect. Lemme LTURQ.  HEY I was actually right.  GENIUS.
   Seventh paragraph.  GENIUS.  Genius for knowing 1986 NLCS.  GENIUS for being able to count to seven.  Lots of evidence of my intelligence in the last few sentences.  Any four paragraphs to go.  Sweet stuff.  How long did it take to write six paragraphs.  Thirty 1 minutes.  That's an odd way to say 31 and/or Thirty One.  I LIKE IT.  Can't HURT anyone to mix things up and say it like that.  Maybe it can.  Either way MOVING ON.  The important thing is I Forget.  Looks like I'm on track to HIT MY MARKS in terms of Timewise for the early part of day.  The important thing is I THINK I'm writing a solid 3.5 out of 10 Act I but I'VE BEEN WRONG BEFORE.  Could EASILY be a 1.5.  IN WHICH CASE What can ya do.  Ya probably stopped reading already in that case.  In which case TIME TO BAD MOUTH you fair WHETHER friends.  HEY HOW ABOUT THOSE JERKS.  I like YOU Die Hards the best.  I WANT TO SHOWER YOU WIT HUGS AND KISSES.  Not LITERALLY.  You know metaphorically in THEORY.  And only to the extent WE'RE BOTH COMFORTABLE WITH.
    Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  Wonder how much time I have to watch The Television Set before Mets game commences today.  I THINK I'll have SOME time.  Possibly enough time to watch an entire Tales In The Crypt episode.  IN WHICH CASE I'm almost CERTAIN it's Doctor of Horror starring Simpsons Alum Hank Azaria.  Not really an ALUM.  He's STILL TEHRE.  Alum implies he's Dead And Gone from The Simpsons.  I think.  Either way pretty sure I spelled his name right on the first shot.  Let's take a look For Certainty's Sake.  YEP.  Not that complicated a name.  Still though GOOD ON ME for getting it right.  Not BAD on me.  So that's good.  Huh.  Dad went for doctor appointment.  Dunno what kind of doctor.  Heard THE NAME.  But the name gave NOTHING AWAY in terms of what kind of doctor it is.  Also forgot most of the letters of the name.  TINK there was an A and an S in it.  That's all I remember.  STILL no idea what kind of doctor it is even WITH those clues and MORE TIME to think about it.  Oh well such is life.
   TWO paragraphs to go.  Lotta time to write em.  I'm gonna take bonus walk in early part of day it looks like!  HOORAY.  That'll make up 10% of the extra NightMight eating I did!  I dunno.  Could be 15%?  EVEN 20 if we're going crazy with estimations?  That's a solid % now that I think about it!  Anyway.  Wearin' nice button down shirt.  CORDUROY or somethin.  No problem there!  Snowed over night.  Some snow on the ground.  Inconvinient for a third of my walk.  In park.  Part of park ain't paved and that part the snow was particularly SLIGHTLY inconvinient but HAS BEEN WORSE.  Still snowing LIGHT LIGHTLY.  Either way maybe the worst is over.  IN TERMS OF SNOW.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway, I dunno.  Me AND my Dad might not be around to accept an Amazon delivery.  And my Mom is in NO CONDITION to accept it.  She's UPSTAIRS.  Laying in Bed.  Takes her TOO LONG to set her self up to get the door.  So it may just SIT OUTSIDE for up to half an hour.  OH NO I'M SCARED.  Not literally.  FIGURATIVELY and whatknot.
Last paragraph of the act.  WE DID IT.  WROTE ACT I in QuickLike amount of time.  Assuming this paragraph isn't a very surprising amount of time.  Huh.  The point is I figured out how to make coffee such that I'm not wasting coffee and/or water.  MIGHT be wasting coffee.  Could be making the coffee TOO heavy.  But I'm not wasting WATER.  Doesn't FEEL like the coffee is too heavy.  Maybe I'm wasting artificial sweetener.  Could be TOO HEAVY on the sweetener. Doesn't FEEL that way either.  The important thing is I enjoy myself with the coffee experience in general.  Huh.  What else is going on and crap.  WILL I speculate on Food and/or Eatings for up to a paragraph in Act II?  NOT SURE if that's allowed or not.  Gonna have to think about that one.  Possibly allow it!  Possibly DISallow it.  Either way we'll see.  This is the last entry of the month.  Gonna be at the top of the month webpage FOR ALL OF TIME.  Too bad it's not Better.  Hmm.  I'll be back in a little bit!




i wouldn't necessarily bet on it

    Hey friends!  Still can't sign up for Fantasy Baseball League.  STILL got a good amount of time to write this Act.  HOW MUCH TIME?  Let's say Fifty Minutes is more than enough time all around.  HUH.  Mets lineup for today is released.  SOME GOOD PLAYERS.  Should be VERY excited.  Me.  I should be very excied.  Not right now.  Probably will PEAK in excitement around 12:00, 12:15 PM.  Hmm.  Got Coffee and orange soda going on.  Hmm.  QUICK LUNCH UPDATE.  Bagel with egg white OR Turkey Sandwich with pork fried rice.  QUICK ENDING LUNCH UPDATE. ...That's it.  THERE YA GO.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Wearin' some Winter Boots today.  I don't like it, I don't hate it!  IN the past I've HATED IT.  Not sure why.  Always felt wearing boots was a HUGE chore.  Looking back not sure where I got that from.  POSSIBLE it came from sliding feet into boots is slightly more difficult.  COULD BE IT.  Anyway.  had to untie and retie one of the boots.  ONE of the laces was way too long hanging off.  Kept stepping on it.  THAT'S NO GOOD.
Anyway.  A little too WARM outside wearing thick shirt and winter jacket.  I HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE.  I could wear sweatshirt jacket over thick shirt.  HUH TAHT DOES SOUND LIKE A CLEVER ALTERNATIVE.  So that's good going forward in the day.  Hmm.  Sock on left foot is torn to pieces.  I'm sticking with it though.  When I put a sock on I'M LOYAL TO THAT SOCK.  I'm gonna wear it through thick and thin.  Through MUCK and MIRE one might say.  If they wanna say stuff that doesn't really check out linguistically.  Which is THEIR RIGHT.  Hmm.  I can count THREE Mets players in starting lineup today that are EXTREMELY exciting to see.  I can count TWO that are PRETTY exciting.  And I can count three that COULD be exciting.  One of them HAS NO CHANCE of being exciting.  SORRY.  I CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM.  And there's NO WAY D. Stewart is gonna excite me.  I HAVE NO IDEA WHO THAT IS.  Wonder what D stands for.  We can only assume it stands for Damon.  Let's see.  WHAT DO YOU MEAN Let's See.  I THOUGHT WE WERE ONLY GONNA ASSUME DAMON.  Now you're saying WE'RE NOT gonna assume? 
  Three paragraphs to go!  It's DJ.  DJ Stewart.  WELL at least I'm glad I looked that up.  GREAT first name.  DJ.  Also GONNA BE HONEST now I'm excited about seeing him.  I thought there absolutely NO WAY I could be excited about seeing him but now there is.  The point is if I never heard of him he presumably has no chance of making the team and THAT'S why I had no interest in seeing him.  BUT a guy named DJ?  PLAYING BASEBALL?  What's THAT all about.  Anyway.  Halfway through Act II.  How long do I have IDEALLY to write 2.5 paragraphs.  I dunno.  Half an hour would be pretty sweet all around.  More than enough time to write it, more than enough time for rest of Early Part Of Day... YOU GET THE IDEA.  Hmm.  Also NO Punctuation Marks with DJ.  Just DJ.  If there was punctuation marks I don't care as much.  Huh.  Gonna have to walk in semi-semi-deep snow for about six minutes for upcoming walk.  Then MORE snow for rest of the walk but NOT VERY DEEP AT ALL.  The point is I'll get through it but I'm not happy about it.  THEN AGAIN the paragraph is over so I'm happy about THAT at least.
Huh.  I gotta say more stuff to finish the Act!  Two paragraphsworth.  NOT food talk.  As much as I'd like to say how much I'd enjoy either bagel with egg white OR Turkey Sandwich with Pork Fried Rice for lunch EITEHR WAY.  And how much I like the idea of having multiple GREAT options for dinner.  I WILL NOT SAY THAT.  The point is I AM SO SORRY I just said it.  I RUINED EVERYTHING moreso than I already did before presumably.  SO THAT'S NOT GOOD.  Hmm.  POSSIBLE a few vegetables left with pork fried rice.  In which case WHY NOT finish them suckers too.  I TINK greep pepperns if there is something.  That's delicious and whatknot.  Anyway not gonna finish ALL the left over pork fried rice.  BUT I WILL get rid of whatever I don't finish.  THIS IS IT.  Whatever I don't finish with sandwich either today or later in the week gets thrown in the scrap heap!  ALSO gotta start a scrap heap at some point sooner rather than later.  PARAGRAPH DOWN.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Amazing.  So much fun in store for the rest of the day one would imagine.  HMM.  First thing I watch on the television set is ACT III of that horrific film one would imagine.  I TINK it's turkey I got.  I got SOME sandwich meat.  I had roast beef and vegetable burger earlier in the week MUST be turkey that's leftover.  PRESUMABLY Turkey * Cracked Pepper.  OKAY TAHT'S ENOUGH OF TAT.  Hmm.  Back on regular dose of Tophermax last night.  GOOD DEAL.  Started HIGHER DOZE PILLS.  We're talkin TWO 50 units instead of four 25 units.  GREAT.  I'm real happy about that.  A lot less clunky.  SO MUCH SPACE and time saved dealing with two things instead of four things.  MUCH more convenient NIGHT AFTER NIGHT you have no idea.  THEN AGAIN the pills are slightly bigger than the smaller unit dose pills.  So there IS SOME trade off.  BUT OVERALL the larger unit dose pills are better.  NOT that controversial a position I feel.  Anyway.  That's it for now.  See ya tonight!




You Tell Me Something

    HI.  Got a delicious chocolate choco pop going.  Had delicious turkey sandwich with pork fried rice for lunch.  Had delicious two Sicily-Style Pizzariaia Pizza for dinner.  WILL have one more thing tonight POSSIBLY just a 50 calorie Chocolate Iced Cream Fudge Pop POSSIBLY some other crap.  ALRIGHT FOOD CRAP CAUGHT UP.  I think.  Anway.  Some sort of PLUMBING AGENT coming to the house tomorrow.  Kitchen sink is clogged.  EVERYTHING BUT THE KITCHEN SINK isn't clogged.  THAT SORT OF THING.  Hopefully we address this situation because it's good for me family and the household to have a sink that REALLY sinks to the best of its normal ideal capacity.  HUH.  Still unable to sign up for Fantasy baseball: The league My Brother is in.  OH WELL.  Took 9 walks today.  IT WAS GREAT.  I finished Superbloom playlist & EVERYTHING.  Figured out other songs to listen to afterwords.  What, like a epilogue you mean?  YES EXACTLY.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Watched The Screen Actors Guild Awards over today for a reason I don't fully understand.  Also watching 19080's movie Aprils' Fools' Day.  That I KIND of understand why I'm watching.  Makes vague sense to me.  Oh Biff is in this movie.  I like him from other movies.  Specifically the Back To That Future trilogy.  Anyway how delicious is this chocolate choco pop, am I right?  HOW WOULD YOU KNOW.  You're not experiencing this AS I'M EXPERIENCING IT.  Hell, you're not even experiencing it LATER, while I'm PAST experiencing it.  You're not experiencing what I'm experiencing AT ALL EVER.  The point is JUST BIT DOWN INTO IT.  AM enjoying chewing it up but am NOT looking forward to the prospect of going all night and all of the day tomorrow without any more choco pop.  Look all of the day tomorrow won't be a problem.  But for tonight it's FRESH in my memory how delicious the choco pop was.  I MAY be tempted to WANT another one.  The temptation to desire is VERY strong.  For choco pops.
Three paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  A little bit later in the night than usual When I'm At This Point In Entry.  Ordered Pizzaria Pizza 30 minutes later than I usually would.  Then I took a walk when it got here!  Put it in oven.  Left at 7:10.  Had father TURN ON oven halfway through my walk. Took it out of oven FIFTEEN minutes or so after getting home.  WHAT TIME DID THE TWO TRAINS CROSS PATHS between Philadelphia and New York?  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Maybe I stay up a little bit later tonight.  You know really ENJOY myself.  But the thing I'd enjoy most is Going To Sleep.  But I'd savor Going To Sleep more by TEASING it out of me.  DENY myself Going To Sleep as much as I can such that when it finally happens IT'S BETTER THAN EVER.  I don't like that.  Sounds perverted.  Let's just go with Regular Go To Sleep.  That sounds a lot safer.  THEN AGAIN we can go with middle ground of Going To Sleep half an hour later than usual.
Penultimate paragraph!  Huh.  Mets game didn't go great for the Mets.  OR the Met fans.  NOT GREAT FOR THE UMPIRES EITHER.  They had to work the entire time.  Hardly any moments where they could just relax and enjoy themselves.  Hmm.  Hopefully some balanced breakfast tomorrow.  Starring OH I DON'T KNOW FROSTED FLAKES.  Running low on Conniman Teast Cranch which is good because I think Frosted Flakes is a SLEEPER for being BEST cereal for Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  ALSO tomorrow lunch either Bagel with egg white or herbed chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli.  HMM dinner is grilled chicken roll.  SOUNDS LIKE I should lean towards herbed chicken meal for lunch.  BAGEL and CHICKEN ROLL sound like Redundancy.  The ROLL part of chicken and the BAGEL part of bagel NOT SO FAR OFF from one another.  I CAN'T BE HAVING THAT.  I can't be having that AT ALL.  Then again I presumably am having whichever one I don't have for lunch tomorrow as lunch tne next da.  I CAN BE HAVING THAT, I CAN BE HAVING THAT AT ALL.
    Last paragraph of the night!  YEA I TALKED ABOUT FOOD IN FOURT PARAGRAPH.  Sometimes you need to break all the rules if you want to follow your heart.  Which I normally don't recommend.  Your heart is LET'S FACE IT one of the stupider organs.  Lots of better parts of the body to be led around by other than your heart.  Don't be a dummy!  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  THE HEART IS WHERE BLOOD LIVES.  Gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway.  Guess I'm starting a new Music Playlist tomorrow.  Could be ALT CNTRL.  Could be a New In Rock or The New Rock.  Probably one of those three.  I like those odds!  PROBABLY.  One of my favorite Classification Of Odds there is!  I SURVIVED THE DAY with terrible sock but I really should start off tomorrow with a better pair.  I OWE IT TO MYSELF and/or my feet.  Feet are part of myself.  Or I am part of my feet.  Either way we're connected.  Hard to say which one is leading the other one around though.  The point is SEE YA LATER.

-8:41 P.M.




Monday, February 27, 2023

No More Of This

    Hey friends!  Early-On-Schedule today.  9:19 AM!  Not gonna fit in no bonus walk BUT I should be able to fit in everything more-or-less easily.  UNLESS I take lots of extra time on Act I and/or Act II because I TRY harder to write well.  That'd be a welcome change of pace.  Let's see if I got it in me.  I could write for up to an hour and 20 minutes for Act I and then up to fourty five minutes for Act II.  Or some equall amount but MORE for act II and LESS for Act I.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  Basically.  You probably don't get the idea. It's MATH and/or JUST COUNTING but I'm making it needlessly difficult.  Let's finish this paragraph STRONG.  By which I mean WEAKLY but we get the WEAK out of the way in this paragraph instead of corrupting future paragraph.  Had reasonable amount of NightMight last night.  300 calories!  Finished Smile (2022 last night)  Pretty good!  Mets game today at 1:10!  Gonna be good!  Appetizer sampler, ham sandwich, or chicken meal for lunch today and probably Start of Chinese Food for dinner!  OKAY.
   I THINK I covered food.  Right?  I don't know if I need to say anything more AS OF NOW.  Anyway.  OH I had delicious black and white for breakfast then had a tummy ache.  OKAY now let's go with The Rest Of Life.  Ginger ale.  OKAY now let's go with the rest of life.  How well is phone charged.  I THINK we're dealing with it's at a solid low 90% or high 80% right now.  YEP.  90%.  That should be enough for The Day.  Alright!  Found out it's easier to charge if I take off plastic casing.  I dunno why.  I can just JAM IN phone charger at a more appropriate angle if its unburdened of plastic case surrounding it.  REALLY get in it at a good angle or something.  But then I put case back on in morning.  Aesthetic reasons as well as practical.  So that's good.  WOW I can hear them jerks working outside my house.  DIRECTLY outside my house.  THEY MIGHT WIN DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR for this work.  That's not how it works at all!  Huh.  I won't speculate about it because it will take too much time but WHAT WILL I EAT FOR CHINESE DINNER.
I wanna speculate about it IN MY HEAD.  But I won't BURDEN YOU with it.  MAYBE I WILL LATER ON.  But for now let's move on.  OH NO starting lineup of Mets today is mostly scrubs.  A FEW winners though.  Like hot shot prospect FRANSISCO ALVAREZ.  So that's good.  Gonna get coffee after this paragraph.  DUMB COFFEE TALK.  So dumb!  Huh.  What kinda stuff am I watching today beyond The Baseball.  Maybe some good Dramatic Film.  Good Horrific Film.  Lots of good films out there to be viewed by me in particular.  DID I SAY METS GAME IS AT 1:!) PM?  BECAUSE IT'S AT 1:)) PM.  Sure I realize what I'm doing with 0's and )'s.  Huh.  That's binary code, right?  Everything is broken down into, "0's," and, ")'s."  I don't get it.  I took computer science class in the High School.  Probably didn't get it then.  Probably got SOME Computer Science.  A solid 80%s worth of Class.  I'm gonna guess I got a solid 80-85% in the class!  COFFEE TIME.
Okay.  ALL I'M GONNA SAY IS THIS.  I might be able to split Chinese food with Mom such that I totally don't need to have a second Chinese Food meal AT ALL going forward in the week.  Wouldn't that be a blast and a half.  At least a single blast.  Possibly half a blast as well.  DANGIT if I'm saying that WHY NOT SAY MORE.  I dunno.  Lots of reasons!  PLAYING THIS ONE A LITTLE CLOSE TO THE VEST and whatknot.  Huh.  Gas People still coming into the house presumably at some point.  Possibly soon!  I don't need to be around though.  Just Father to entertain them.  So that's good and crap.  WHAT TO HAVE FOR LUNCH?  I AIN'T SAYIN.  I'll definitely tell you in ACT III.  ACT III ALL BETS ARE OFF.  I'll tell you in one paragraph ALL THE EATINGS that happened over the day.  So that's good and crap.  Anyway.  Only two songs left in New In Alternative playlist.  Guess next playlist TOP CONTENDERS are Alt Cntrl, Superbloom, New In Rock, and The New Rock.  Hmm.  This is a tough one.  Leaning towards ALT CNTRL or Superbloom.  Not sure I'm READY for some straight up ROCK N RILL music.
   Six paragraph to go for Act I!  How about that.  Didn't take a shower yesterday because Mom took a very rare shower when I was gonna take mine.  And I din't wanna mess with her shower cause THIS IS HER SPECIAL DAY.  Day after her birthday.  And I didnn't take my shower later cause eh fuck it.  TODAY hot water might not be in the cards.  So there's that.  ANyway.  Should be back up to regular Topheramax dose tonight after taking 75% of the dose last night.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Mets game is pretty much ready on TV when I'm ready.  I THINK I'll have 30-60 minutes MORE OR LESS of TV Time before hand.  Maybe even SLIGHTLY MORE.  Probably not slightly less.  Either way WHO ELSE is in the great starting lineup.  Peter Alonso.  He's a good baseball hitter.  ANyway.  Last few days ACCEPTING new music into my heart.  I LIKE IT.  Let's aim to continue doing that.  Probably gonna go back and forth between doing that and not doing that.  We'll see how it goes and whatknot.  Hmm.  Halfway through Act I and whatknot.  Did I NEED to say, "And Whatknot."  Probably, yeah! 
     Maybe I'll SPLIT IT UP and devote half a paragraph in ACT II to talking about Dinner Plan.  MOVING ON.  I guess I have lots of time to write this act.  How much time IDEALLY do I have.  Let's say fourty five minutes is lots of time no matter how you look at it.  So that's good and crap.  Not sure whose CALLING and COLOR COMMENTATING this Mets game for ESPN.  Not gonna be Gary Cohen, Ron Darling, and/or Keith Hernandez, that's for sure!  Not really for sure.  I'd say that's for 9 out of 10 Sure.  It'd be very unusual for it to be them.  But I GUESS it's possible.  Either way I don't KNOW whose schedule to pitch.  I'M SORRY I CAN'T HELP YOU THERE.  This isn't posted onto internet until after the game is over and done with.  I'M SORRY I CAN'T HELP YOU THERE AT ALL.  Oh okay.  I TRIED watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids but it was BORING as All Hell.  I'm SORRY I can't help you there.
   Seventh paragraph.
  Huh.  20 dollar league I'm gonna be in with my brother.  NOT SURE what the payout structure is.  LEMME LTURQ.  AH.  First place wins 120 dollars.  THRID PLACE wins 30 dollars.  How much does second place win?  You gotta figure that on your own.  I CAN"T HOLD YOUR HAND through every mathematic equation.  You gotta learn SOMETIME how to operate on your own.  Anyway that should be pretty fun.  Anyway.  Not 100% guaranteed I can be in the same league as my brother.  They RANDOMLY place you against other teams.  BUT if I sign up for a league at the same time draft and same format as him seems like a good shot and/or guaranteed and/or maybe just a decent chance it's his league.  NOT SURE.  Could be 100%.  Could be 5%.  I was thinking 100%.  NOW I TINK as far as I know it could be 10%.  WHICH IS LIKE 100% BUT ONE DIGIT, ")," MISSING.  So that's not good at all.  The important thing is only three more paragraphs to the act.
   Okay.  Oh well!  Hopefully we get the same league, and if we don't, we don't!  Only negative consequence is I'm in a paying league whereas I wouldn't have been before.  WHICH IN TEH END is pretty good for me!  It's gonna be more fun ultimately and is a POSITIVE development I FEEL.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Today is Father's birthday.  Now it's HIS time to shine.  I wished him a happy birthday by WHISTLING happy birthday in his general direction earlier this morning.  He got the idea!  He said Thank You about it.  Then I started whistling We Wish You A merry Christmas.  He didn't outwardly express his appreciation for that.  But then again I didn't expect much for that.  I LIKED IT but I didn't expect much from anyone else.  Anyway.  FORGOT how The Greatest Escape tune went.  I enjoyed whistling it for 24-36 hours but now it's gone and I'LL NEVER GET IT BACK.  Hmm maybe I look it up on the internet RIGHT NOW.  AH THEE IT GOES.  What fun.  I'm gonna be honest kind of annoying at this point.  I forgot it for a reason!
   Penultimate paragraph.  Delightful.  What else is up.  HMM I know a good strategy.  Sign up for the draft WAY AHEAD Of time.  That way they only have placeholder league set up such that you get added to placeholder league.  So if we both sign up for team at same time we get added to the placeholder league that's way ahead of schedule.  MAKES SENSE TO ME.  Did I describe it well?  I dunno!  Is it SenseMaking beyond making sense to me IN GENERAL?  I dunno!  Either way YEAH what else is going on and crap.  I DON'T KNOW.  Do I got any chores to do this week beyond Nothing.  Not really.  Nothin' I can think of.  I gotta eat 25% of appetizer sampler.  That's more or less the main thing I can think of.  So that's good I guess.  Finished One-Off cookie (and/or brownie) breakfasts. GOINGFORWARD we/re talking classic or balanced breakfasts MORE OR LESS.  YEAH that's how IT SHOULD BE.  I love the black and whites but let's GO WIT SOME STANDARDS.
   Final paragraph of the act.  UH OH FOOD TALK.  The important thing is I STOP RIGHT NOW.  Starting... THEN.  Was I gonna watch entire Met game yesterday IF I wasn't entertaining brother?  I dunno!  I guess I'll be PUT TO THE TEST today to see if I watch game today without having any other responsibilities and/or time demands.  SHOULD BE INTERESTING.  Dunno WHAT will happen!  COOL.  Anyway.  Broke the streak of getting up really early.  Still got up PRETTY early.  SO that's good.  EVEN BETTER than getting up really early.  ONE COULD ARGUE.  ONE SHOULD ARGUE.  Let's get some good Debating going on.  WE'LL NEVER LEARN and grow intellectually without debating whether I'm getting up early enough or not.  Important issues of the day and whatknot.  Huh.  Finished Act I in oh I don't know FIFTY MINUTES it looks like.  FOURTY SEVEN as of now.  NICE fifty minutes.  And I only talked about food 80% the amount I usually do.  YEAH.  See ya in a little bit.




might be missing some punctuation

    Hey friends.  Back from Walk II.  Started Superbloom playlist.  I'll keep yuo updated on how this turns out.  Got a very comfortable up to ONE HOUR to write this act.  Probably take me about half an hour.  ANYWAY gonna give you A COUPLE of sentences on food.  THAT'S IT.  Looks like appetizer sampler for lunch-- one long chicken finger, one buffalo wing, and one large onion ring-- and also add on some sort of keto bar or fiber bar.  Looks like BEEF WITH GARLIC SAUCE for dinner.  THERE YA GO.  One day I'll explain WHY and HOW IT CAME TO BE and the specifics of sides and whatknot for the dinner but NOT TODAY.  Possible I'll explain the sides for the dinner tonight.  But the inner working of how it worked out MAY TAKE TAHT WIT ME TO THE GRAVE.  Hopefully I die soon to make the easier.  LONGER I LIVE, the more work it is to keep that to myself.  So that's not good.  Anyway what else is up.  I believe they turned off our gas already.  Or hot water.  Or something like that.  The point is we Lost Heat And Hot Water I THINK.
   Four paragraphs to go.  YEAH.  Probably watch a Tales In The Crypt or two while waiting for Baseball.  That's FOOD TALK.  I am EATING Tales In The Crypt in some sense.  In MOST senses I'm not.  Gotta imagine in 2 or 4 senses out of 100 I AM eating it.  That's not so bad.  That's a relevant amount of senses!  So that's good.  Mom is having legitimate problems with her TV.  POSSIBLE recording problems--- not sure I've seen enough evidence yet that there's REAL problems there or if she's just not doing it correctly.  But DEFINITELY volume problems.  Volume keeps Stopping Working.  Then ya turn off power ON AND OFF several times and it comes back.  Then it stops working again later on.  I'VE BEEN THERE and experienced myself.  SHE'S GOT A GRIPE about it and I BACK HER on this one.  So that's good.  HEY we're already 2 paragraphs into Act II.  Gotta imagine that's good news one way or another.
Okay.  Let's on our Imagination Hats.  Get to imagining that's Good News!  Hmm.  What to do with the rest of the day.  Should be a decent one.  Am I gonna ENJOY new music on today's walks or be PUT OFF by it.  Could go either way!  SO FAR TODAY walk I I enjoyed it and walk II I was put off by it.  Let's see how it goes moving forward and I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  So that's good.  Not sure if I can figure out a way to say THIS $20 ON FANTASY BASEBALL LEAGUE is MY MONEY from THIS PLACE.  I guess I could.  But from where exactly.  Birthday or somethin.  I can say this is part of what you would have given me for Birthday Oh I Don't Know 2.5 months ago.  Makes sense.  NORMALLY get a solid 5 or 7.5x $20 cash value birthday present by parents if we're doing cash for birthday.  The important thing is I HAVE A GOOD TIME.  Not sure that's the important thing.  Then what IS the important thing.  Huh.  The important thing is I realized you can't figure out how much 2nd place gets paid because PRESUMABLY Yahoo! is taking a chunk of the $20 dollars for themselves.  Unless it's not really $20 dollars you pay.  And a $20 dollar league IS a $20 dollar pool for the league from each team but YOU REALLY PAY $22.50 or something. I DUNNO.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Let's see.
  How much time am I gonna have TVTIME before Mets game.  Maybe about 35, 40 minutes overall.  Sounds like I can watch TWO Tales In The Crypt and start Met game a little bit late.  REALLY fast forward SLOWLY through the first few minutes.  You know Fast Forward THE SLOWEST AMOUNT.  Not Slow Motion.  Slow motion is TECHNICALLY a Fast Forward even though it's NEGATIVE Fast.  I guess.  KIND OF.  When you think about it!  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  If slow motion is a fast forward then REGULAR SPEED is a fast forward as well.  YES EXACTLY.  IT IS.  REGULAR SPEED is a 1x FAST FORWARD.  I AGREE with myself.  Hmm.  Can't heat up That There Lunch Sampler Remains in oven.  I won't talk about the food anymore than that.  Not even gonna speculate IN TYPING what I WILL do.  Just point out can't use oven.  So that's good.  What else do I got going on for me.  Not much.  Oh good that means I can move on right now!
Last paragraph!  Delightful.  I don't have any proof but my guess is Them Workers gonna be coming into house sometime soon.  Within next hour or two.  During their lunch break.  Gonna come in and demand lunch before doing anything further.  What else is going on and crap.  Got nice Surprise Party lined up in Tales In The Crypt.  HOWEVER episode after that might be Snooze-o-Rama Comes The Dawn.  OH GOOD episode after that is DOCTOR OF HORROR.  Comes The Dawn isn't until AFTER Doctor Of Horror.  This.  Changes. EVERYTING.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Closing in on Final American Episodes of Tales In The Crypt.  YES.  USA USA USA.  That sort of thing.  What were The Confederacy's initials.  Lemme LTURQ.  Looks like CSA.  Confederate States of America.  NO WONDER THEY FAILED.  CSA sounds DUMB as HELL.  I'm GLAD they're gone.  I was before BY A LOT but now EVEN MORE SO.  What else is going on and crap.  That's it for now.  See ya tonight!




Now And Again Here We Go

    FIRST PARAGRAPH OF ACT III WHICH MEANS I CAN TALK ABOUT FOOD.  I had delicious 25% appetizer sampler + golden graham bar for lunch.  Had delicious Large amount of beef with garlic sauce + decent amount of rice + steamed shrimp dumpings for dinner!  ONLY rice leftover which I can have some of as UPCOMING LUNCH SANDWICH SIDE.  THAT'S IT FOR NOW.  Had almond cookies upon returning from walk UNTO household.  Gonna have orange choco pop soon.  WILL have small but somehow hearty choco iced cream pop later on.  THAT'S ABOUT IT for now.  Oh good.  Tried signing up for $20 Yahoo Fantasy baseball league with brother but they were throwing up road block after road block at me!  Right now stuck at roughly the fifth or seventh road block.  Still possible I end up in a league with my brother but it's not looking good.  THERE finished the food talk I can talk about AND the Brother talk I'm allowed to talk about.
   Huh.  What did I watch on The Television Set besides Mets game.  Started some horror film that I forget.  It's the thing where zombies come out of the television set to haunt you In Person On Demand or something.  Not IN REAL LIFE.  In THE FILM.  So that's good.  Continue that later on when this is over.  Let's get into some Laugh-em-ups and ha-ha-hee-haws.  Hmm.  The point is I ALREADY gave Yahoo Fantasy Baseball my social security number!  NOT TO MENTION pictures of the front and back of my ID card.  I tought I was NOT TO MENTION it.  I JUST mentioned it.  IN TEH SAME BREATH as saying Not To Mention it.  WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME.  Probably several things.  I'd say roughly 3-5 things Off The Top Of My Head.  Anyway.  I TRUST Yahoo Fantasy Baseball not to steal my identity but ya never know 100% for sure.  The good news is Huh.  What.
Three paragraphs to go.  Gas was off for much of the day.  Some jerk came in the house for Oh I Don't Know TWELVE to THRITEEN minutes.  Everything seems to be going smoothly now-a-days.  Seems to be SNOWING outside now though.  Not sure I approve of that.  How come no one consulted ME on this?  Anyway.  More Mets tomorrow.  I THINK it's on ESPN again.  Not sure why ESPN is doubling up on Mets Games two days in a row.  POSSIBLY because they decided Mets Games Sell Ad Revenue.  POSSIBLY because they're in the pocket of Big Met.  POSSIBLY because they did it by random and the Randomness created a pattern of Mets games no one could have foreseen and no one could have predicted.  So that's good.  The Mets lost their baseball game today but the important thing is that they all showed up and more or less did what they were told to.  Swung the bat when they were supposed to.  Went after the baseball in the field when that was the thing to do.  ALL IN ALL they fulfilled their base responsibilities.  SOUNDS LIKE THEY'RE GETTING ON TRACK FOR THE REGULAR SEASON.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Am I HAPPY I had almond cookie upon returning from walk instead of saving them for Oh I Don't Know ROUGHLY right around Post Entry?  Not exactly, no!  But in the end NOT A HUGE TRAVESTY.  I go to sleep early these-a-days.  And I still got delicious HEARTY Chocolate Iced Cream Bar in store I DON'T CARE how few calories it is THIS IS GONNA BE HEARTFUL.  SO that's good.  Still got some of the orange choco pop going as well.  RIGHT NOW.  AS I SPEAK.  Well not anymore NOW.  Just bit into it.  Now I'm in the process of chewing it up.  LOOK am I talking about food past the first paragraph YES.  I failed you.  But more importantly MYSELF.  But even MORE importantly YOU.  So that's good.  I could fail myself all I want and I'd STILL never complain.  I'm pot committed to NOT causing myself any problems.  HOWEVER if I start failing other people like Yourselves SUDDENLY I'm gonna be facing some problems because YOU JERKS deserve BETTER I HATE YOU SO MUCH.
   Last paragraph of the day.
  Night.  DayNight.  NightDay.  It's the last thing of the thing is the point.  I could always eat a bonus snack.  Whose gonna know.  Besides some sort of supernatural presence that haunts me and my house.  THAT JERK will know but WHO WILL KNOW THAT COUNTS.  Huh.  Not sure how much of Film I have left.  Lemme LTURQ.  AH looks like I'm 30 minutes in and an hour behind.  PERECT.  Gonna go to bed nice and earlylike when this is over.  NICE AND EARLY 9:30-9:45 BEDTIME.  WHich is kinda late compared to last week or so!  THE IMPORTANT THING is I did the best I could do with my life.  I THINK that checks out.  Anyway.  Maybe have delicious chocolate iced cream low calorie fudge pop HALFWAY THROUGH.  Around half an hour from now.  YEP THAT TRACKS.  Not 100% sure what that MEANS exactly.  YEP IT TRACKS that I wouldn't 100, "UNDERSTAND," what Tracking means.  I get it IN OTHER contexts.  Train tracks.  TOTALLY GET IT.  That's where trains follow the line so they know where to go.  MAKES SENSE.  Anyway this pararaph is MORE than long enough.  I'd be a FOOL to conitnue writing when I don't have to.  SO in light of that SEE YA LATER!

-8:38 P.M.




Sunday, February 26, 2023

Don't You Think So

    Hey friends!!  Up real early again today!  I THINK I got a decent streak of getting up real early going.  THAT'S NOT INTERESTING.  Already off to a bad start.  I OUGHTTA DELETE IT AND START AGAIN.  NO NEVER.  Anyway.  8:10 AM.  If I write acts at normal speed I'll fit in a bonus walk in early part of day REAL EASY.  HOWEVER.  I'm gonna try to write BETTER today.  Let me explain.  Gonna limit general daily upkeep and schedule talk to the first couple of paragraphs today.  SAME with food and eating talk.  After the first couple of paragraphs I MUST talk about something else.  I THINK.  Which may be impossible.  But I gotta give it a shot I think.  Anyway.  For the first few paragraphs lets go nuts.  BONUS WALK in early part of day if add LESS THAN up to 30 minutes bonus to first two acts.  I CAN WRITE for an extra half an hour over the first two acts.  ANY MORE and it jeopardizes a bonus walk.
Anyway.  BROTHER is coming this afternoon.  FAIR chance if I take a bonus walk in Early part of day I take one less walk in middle part of day.  NOT GUARANTEED.  He may not stick around very long such that I feel like it'll interrupt my schedule.  ANYWAY.  Mets game today at 1:10 PM.  Lemme LURQ to make sure it's on Television Set.  YEP IT SURE IS.  Gonna record that.  Anyway.  Apparently with new cable boxes what I record is viewable with parents TV and vice versa.  This CONFUSED and ANGERED my parents.  Unfortunately I'm not joking.  Or exaggerating.  They were flat out confused and angered.  I tried explaining to them it's a FEATURE not a bug to most people and it was intended.  LOOK I can get that FOR TEM they PERSONALLY don't like it.  BUT TRY TO SEE IT from other people's points of view.  OTHER PEOPLE LIKE IT.  Get off THEIR backs about it.  Anyway.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH of upkeep?  OH NO I CAN'T FINISH ALL THE FOOD AND GENERAL UPKEEP TALK IN THAT.  MAYBE IT'LL BLEED INTO A FOURTH PARAGRAPH I HATE IT SO MUCH.
Hmm.  Had pretty reasonable amount of NightMight eating last night. Around 400 calories.  HALF of what had been normal for a month.  CREEPING UP though in terms of the GREAT progress I made for One Night a few nights ago.  HIT 200 one night.  Then it was 300.  Now it's 400.  OH NO.  And tonight I'm only taking 75% of the dosage of topamax!  BEFORE GOING BACK UP TO 100% tonight.  Also I feel like it's IRRESPONSIBLE to call it topheramax.  FOR NOW ON I'm calling it what it's S'POSED TO BE CALLED.  Or not.  Maybe I call it tophreamax.  KINDA POT COMMITTED to the whole deal.  Huh. Had classic breakfast.  Could have ham sandwich, roast beef sandwich, chicken meal with sweet potato and broccoli... bagel with egg white... multi part delivery... I got coffee coming up... this MIGHT be enough general upkeep such that next paragraph I start with laugh-em-ups and ha-ha's somehow... we'll see...
   I don't GET IT.  What am I SUPPOSED to talk about.  I guess I WAS WRONG.  I can DEFINITELY talk about REGULAR LIFE upkeep.  Not sure why I thought I had to stop with that.  Just stop about FOOD.  Limit THAT to a couple of paragraphs.  REGULAR LIFE is necessary.  Anyway.  It started out with me thinking Stop About Food.  At some point I added stop about regular life to the deal.  NOW I REALIZE that goes too far.  Anyway.  Had a thought yesterday maybe buy new gaming system.  I think they might be RELATIVELY available these a-days.  Back in the day 2+ years ago it was impossible to get your hands on them.  I TINK it's relatively possible these days!  GET SOME NICE NEW GAMES FOR GAMING SYSTEM TOO.  You know SO I HAVE A WAY TO USE THE NEW GAMING SYSTEM.  I dunno.  That could be one way to kill my time in a productive way.  How is it productive.  It's not DE-structive.  So that's pretty good in and of itself.
Fifth paragraph!  Huh.  Could have frozen pizza for lunch as well.  Can never count out frozen pizza!  HOW DID I LIKE IT LAST TIME.  I think I liked it OKAY last time.  Not the heartiest meal!  But then again not the highest calorie meal either.  SO YEAH.  Huh.  Getting close to halfway through the Act.  OH NO this was all General Upkeep so far.  LAUGH-EM-UPS huh.  THAT REMINDS ME OF A HA-HA STORY... uh... hmm...  I dunno.  Listening to New In Alternative music playlist.  That's pretty good.  AS OF NOW I like new music.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE though.  Got some ginger ale going on right now.  SUBJECT TO CHANGE though.  I dunno what will happen for dinner.  BROTHER might be around for dinner.  THIS.  CHANGES.  EVERYTHING.  Probably not.  I'd say Diner would be #1 contender for dinner without him and remains #1 contender WITH him.  HOWEVER it increases in #1 contender likelihood with him.  Becomes EVEN MORE of a #1 contender.  SO TEHRE'S TAHT.  Five paragraphs to go!
   OKAY.  Anyway.  Watched some more The Greatest Escape last night.  Still not finished.  I accidentally read something about the ending in a review portion yesterday.  DANGIT.  Oh well.  The important thing is I wasn't that enthralled by the movie to begin with.  HOWEVER it's a long movie so at least it has that going for it.  I wonder when this movie was made.  IS 1963 TOO EARLY A GUESS?  IT WAS 1963 ON THE DOT.  Well obviously I had been looking at it online AS YOU JUST SAW. So NO ONE is impressed by that.  BUT STILL pretty good I TINK.  I didn't CONSCIOUSLY remember it.  SO I FEEL I DESERVE SOME PRAISE and/or ADORATION for it.  Maybe not 100% adoration but 50% isn't asking too much!  Anyway.  Got some SNL to watch today.  Wow!  That'll take up roughly an hour and five minutes if I remember correctly.  So that's good.  Parents can watch it, too!  UNTIL I DELETE IT.  Then they're screwed.  UNLESS they watch it ON DEMAND or something in a day or two.  Gotta imagine that's in the cards for them IF THEY WANT IT.  Could be wrong. I dunno!
Seventh paragraph.  I'M SORRY.  Turned out to be a normal Act I.  NOT BETTER.  Still time to turn it around.  NAH NOT REALLY.  Pot committed to Not Doing Great at this point.  OH WELL WAHT CAN YA DO.  Fit in bonus walk easily at least.  I got THAT MUCH going for me.  What do I watch first on television set today.  SNL?  Finish The Greatest Escape?  Kinda feels like I Dunno.  Watch Mets game LIVE when it comes to that perhaps.  BUT I GOT TIME TO WATCH TELEVISION SET for some beforehand.  YEAH.  Anyway I dunno.  What DO I want to have for lunch.  If I'm getting DINER for dinner I think I might GET A KICK out of a Multi Part RED MEAT dinner.  Thinking about a wild card like LIVER or something.  Making a roast beef sandwich a redundancy.  THEN AGAIN I can have roast beef sandwich for lunch TO SCRATCH TAHT ITCH and have something totally different for dinner.  WOW WHAT AN IDEA.  Let's CONSIDER THAT very very heavily.
Okay then what's dinner hot shot.  I dunno chicken or turkey multi part'r.  Maybe a STRAIGHT UP SEAFOOD multi part'r.  OH OKAY that sounds STRANGE.  Maybe an omelet multi part'r.  OH NO I JUST REALIZED TALKING ABOUT FOOD AGAIN.  Then again I made it a few paragraphs without talking about food.  STILL THOUGH I FAILED in my mission.  Mission NOT accomplished.  Okay.  THAT'S IT though.  MOVE ON TIME starting... NOW.  Two and a half paragraphs to go for the act.  I know I told you I was enjoying ginger ale and IT MAY be subject to change but I'm gonna be honest with you-- the next soda I drink MAY STILL BE another glass of ginger ale!  THAT'S HOW MUCH I'M ENH... WIAT A SECOND IS THIS FOOD TALK TOO.  I don't know.  I was just gonna say I'm enjoying ginger ale and next time I pour soda (probably after next walk) I might have ginger ale again.  IS THAT SO WRONG.  Soda isn't food.  I don't CARE what you think.  That's an inaccuracy.  I CARE ABOUT NOTHING ELSE BUT WHAT YOU THINK.  That's also an inaccuracy.  I care about mostly stuff other than what you think but also about what you think now and again.  Oh okay good.
Penultimate paragraph!  Maybe I write Act II consciously taking a lot of time.  Cause I'M GONNA HAVE IT based on how quick Act I went.  REALLY LET ACT II Breathe a little bit.  That probably won't happen.  Hey what can I do.  Anyway I dunno.  I WILL have half a paragraph or a paragraph of Food talk with ACT III of course.  Gotta update you on WHAT HAPPENED in retrospect.  Right?  Probably!  But that's LATER.  In the meantime what else is going on.  Do I gotta clean up my room to entertain brother assuming he comes up to my room for 15-45 minutes.  YEAH a little bit.  Probably 3-5 minutes of throwing out excess garbages.  YOU KNOW gum wrappers and the like.  HE DESERVES THAT MUCH.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Wonder what kinda crap we'd watch on YOUTUBE or something if he comes up stairs.  He'd show me THE LATEST... PODCAST... OR SOMETING.  I dunno.  HIS BUSINESS NOT MINE.  IT BECOMES MY BUSINESS.  Then again MY BUSINESS NOW not his.  Kinda remains his business.  NOPE.  Now it's mine.  NOT HIS ANYMORE AT ALL.
Final paragraph.  Wrote first nine in Oh I Don't Know Thirty Six minutes.  Usually I'm bragging about how quickly I write paragraphs.  NOW I'm 'shamed about it.  I WANT to write better and have it take longer.  Don't have it in me.  Not today.  Maybe tomorrow.  METAPHORICALLY tomorrow.  Not literally tomorrow.  You know like FUTURE in general.  So that's good.  What else do I have going for me.  Gonna be MARCH in a couple of days.  I like March.  Not sure if that's accurate.  THIS YEAR I think I'll like March.  It's better than January and February, right?  Sounds like March is pretty good.  Out of the first three months it's gotta be the best?  Right?  Not just this year but in general?  SOUNDS GOOD TO ME.  Then again out of the first FOUR months it's no longer the best.  Out of the first FIVE months it drops another place in the ranking.  AGAIN in the first SIX months.  YOU GET THE IDEA.  I don't KNOW how you feel about the first SEVEN months.  THEN it gets complicated.  Huh.  Gonna take a walk now.  BE BACK SOON.




not if i don't need to

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Got about an hour ideally to write it in more or less.  QUICK VERY QUICK FOOD UPDATE.  Aiming for roast beef sandwich for lunch and PIZZA or APPETIZER SAMPLER for dinner.  TEHRE THAT'S IT no more foodtalk for rest of act, right?  Anyway.  GINGER ALE now.  OKAY NOW we're done.  Anyway.  Solid chance I THINK I can watch entirety of SNL before Mets game starts.  I TINK that might be the way to go for today.  So that's good.  Sounds like parents are watching The Elvis Movie.  Figured they would have gotten around to it by now.  I figured wrong! Not sure I ever consciously figured it.  Just sort of BASELY ASSUMED.  Oh well.  I was wrong!  I'm a big man I can admit when I'm wrong.  I'm not a big man.  Also I can't admit when I'm wrong in many cases.  The important thing is my parents are in for some fun.  SOLID I dunno six our of ten movie off the top of my head?  Don't really remember.  TWO OUT OF TEN PARAGRAPH.  Moving on.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Huh.  Phone was mostly charged overnight.  Might be only in the 80's of Percent now though.  Lemme LTURQ.  Only 77%.  I think I disconnected it halfway through the night for one reason or another.  Probably ANOTHER reason.  I don't think it was for the FIRST unspecified reason.  Probably for the Third or even FOURTH unspecified reason.  So that's good.  Huh.  Wearing decent t-shirt.  Nothin' special.  Gets the job done.  So that's good.  WHAT ELSE is So that's good.  Haven't checked fantasy baseball league page in a while.  UNTRUTH I checked it yesterday after not checking it in several days.  STILL that's not a while.  FOR FANTASY BASEBALL LEAGUE not checking it in 20 hours IS a while.  Then again this is PUBLIC no-stakes league.  20 hours betwixt checkings isn't that crazy.  The important thing is I learnt a valuable lesson.  Not sure what it is.  But gotta imagine I learnt SOME valuable lesson somehow.
Three paragraphs to go!  That's NOTHIN.  I can knock three paragraphs out of the park easylike.  The important thing is the last couple of days I've had inspiration two or three time in walks to write something down on portable note pad and either PEN didn't work or specifically combination of PEN and THIS NOTEPAD didn't work.  But the important thing is I CONTINUE bringing THIS PEN and THIS NOTEPAD with me on walks DESPITE KNOWING it's pointless.  Not sure why.  Feels like I should get a new pen and/or notepad.  AND/OR just give up on the idea of taking notes during walkings.  But the idea of keeping up with this charade of THIS pen and notepad is just INSULTING to my intelligence.  WHERE DO I GET OFF INSULTING MYSELF.  Probably somewhere or something, I dunno!  The important thing is I learned from my mistakes.  Not YET I didn't.  But gotta imagine I'll figure something out from my mistakes AT SOME POINT somehow.  Hmm.  Only two more paragraphs to go now!
YEAH.  What else is going on and crap.  Got that horror movie to watch.  SMILE (2002).  Got good reviews.  WOW.  Horror movie + good reviews?  That's a winning combination one would imagine!  What else do I have going on for me.  Got Met game ready to be RECORDED.  Just in case I'm not around to watch all of it.  Want to be able to see highlights ON MY OWN time.  So that's good and crap.  Wow spring training.  These games don't count but they build up to games that DO count in regular season which build up to games that COUNT EVEN MORE later in season which build up to games that count EVEN MORE in playoffs which build up to games that count EVEN MORE in world series which build up to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING there's no pay-off in the end IT'S A GIANT WASTE OF EVERYONE'S TIME that's why there's a team called The Giants.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Then again there's more spring training games five or six months after the world series.  So that'll be good looking ahead.  HUH.  One more paragraph to go for me for DayTime Day!
YEAH.  I guess!  One more paragraph to go.  Was this act any good.  Nah.  I'd say 3/10.  Is 3/10 any good.  Nah.  It's not very good.  Oh okay that's not good.  Sounds like cable news is going on downstairs now.  Guess ELVIS wasn't entertaining enough to Mother.  OH WELL.  Maybe she figured she'd resume it later She Liked It So Much.  Wanted to SAVOR it.  Split it up into portions and microdose Elvis Film. OH that makes sense.  In the sense that it doesn't really make sense it wraps back around to making sense.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  Got lots of gum.  Just started some Spearmi... WAIT SORRY that's food talk.  I WAS gonna regale you with the tale about how I've had spearmint gum for several weeks but haven't been using it until just now.  BUT NOPE now I'm not gonna tell you about it.  Oh okay that's good.  Anyway.  That's it for now!  See ya tonight and whatknot.  See ya later.




Something's Gotta Happen Or Something

    Hey friends!  Another successful day mostly down.  Entertained my brother for a solid portion of it.  Ended up with normal amount of Walk.  Bonus walk in early part of day.  One less walk in Midday.  TOTALLY UNNECESSARY USE OF ITALICS for last few sentences.  Hmm.  Guess we're talking about FOOD this paragraph.  Had roast beef and Oh I Don't Know BBQ POP CHIPS for lunch.  Ended up with 2/3rds of Appetizer Sampler for dinner.  Got a long chicken finger, several onion rings, and a buffalo wing left over.  I CAN make that a lunch perhaps stretching it out with some CHIPS or a KETO BAR or something.  NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO IT THOUGH.  Anyway.  Brother brought over some Oatmeal Raisin cookies that HE BOUGHT HIMSELF WIT HIS OWN TWO HANDS.  I'm assuming he used both his hands to buy them.  Not sure now that I think about it.  Anyway THAT WAS GOOD.  I could have another one of them tonight SURE THING.  Could have choco pop and/or chocolate iced cream small calorie snack TOO.  OKAY THAT'S FOOD TALK for ya.  SEE YA IN HELL FOOD TALK.
Hmm.  Started watching Smile (2022) in portions over the day.  CREEPY movie.  Sometimes people Smile in it.  About as much as you'd expect.  Starts off with a lot of Smiling in the first 5-15 minutes but then the rest kind of peters out re: The Amount Of Smiling.  I expect it will CLOSE STRONG and there'll be a lot of smiling in Act III.  Presumably that's a no brainer way to Do Something After Entry.  And then maybe a Tales In The Crypt after that before Closing For The Night. Hmm.  Also watched A BIT of Metro's Game and some SNL.  THEY WERE FINE.  I liked the Weekend Update I THINK which was part of SNL.  Could have been part of the Mets game.  Don't remember COMPLETELY.  Either way what can ya do.  Forgot to start my beer.  Also forgot to start tootsie pop.  Anyway oatmeal raisin cookie is delicious but I might enjoy an iced cream sandwich EVEN MORE.  ALSO THEN I WIN THE DAY by not having more iced cream LATER.  WAIT A SECOND THAT'S MORE FOOD TALK.  No it's not. It's ICE CREAM talk.  Ice cream MELTS.  Food can't MELT.  Food is SOLID.  C'MON GET OUT OF HERE WITH THAT BULLSHIT.
Three paragraphs to go.  Looks like I might join second Fantasy Baseball League with BROTHER.  And it will be REAL MONEY league.  Public Yahoo league YES.  Roughly 20$ entry fee.  SHOULD BE A BLAST.  Now that I think about it might be a level of intimacy with my brother I'M NOT COMPLETELY USED TO AND COMFORTABLE WITH.  I went into it thinking oh that'll be fun but now that I think about it NOT SO SURE I'M, "DOWN," with how intensive this is gonna be.  I guess I'm gonna get to know my brother more than I ever thought I wanted to!  YEAH.  That sounds like a, "RIFF."  I'd CONTINUE but instead I'll just call INTENTION to the fact that I started writing a, "Riff."  NOW THE BALL IS IN YOUR HANDS if you wanna continue it.  If I remember reading the internet correctly I THINK the Metros game tomorrow is on ESPN.  WOW.  FINALLY The Mets are getting their shot IN PRIME TIME.  This could be Their Big Break!  Huh.  I still have one rectangular prism iced cream sandwich and several cylindrical iced cream sandwiches.  This is a touch one.
    Did I mean to say, "Tough?"  One can only assume, "Yes, I Did."
  Anyway.  Two paragraphs to go!  People comin' into house to turn off gas or something tomorrow.  That's what all the work they're doing around the street over the last few weeks is.  Been working on THE GAS LIEN or something.  TOMORRY they're turning out gas off or something.  Which involves them coming in for a few minutes which SUCKS.  And it involves NO GAS for half the day which I CAN LIVE WITH.  Either way I CAN LIVE WITH IT SUCKING.  Don't have much of a choice when it comes to gas.  So that's where I'M at re: Life.  I dunno.  Just realized me and my brother has a comprehensive conversation about drafting strategy and which players are on our, "Radar."  WE JUST GAVE AWAY TE WHOLE BALL GAME TO EACH OTHER.  Not happy about that in retrospect.  SURE it was EVEN because we both offered a little bit of Our Inside Thoughts to the other one.  But MY Inside Thoughts ARE BETTER than his so I'M at a disadvantage in this situation.  YOU IDIOTS or something.
Last paragraph.  Huh.  Maybe have smaller iced cream sandwich anyway.  I dunno if I NEED a bigger iced cream sandwich when it comes down to it.  Not sure what's coming and why it's going in the direction of, "Down."  Either way, whatever!  Sure.  Brother complimented my comprehensively on bathroom cleanliness.  Which felt real good considering I haven't cleaned it in over a month and DUST and PUBIC HAIR have been assembling in corners of the room.  LOOK can I say for sure the hair is PUBIC?  Probably not.  Let's just go with PUBIC though because it 's the least comfortable one AND IT WOULD BE JUST MY LUCK that it's pubic hair.  Anyway the point is he probably just happened to miss the clumps of dust and hair.  LUCKY ME.  And/or Him.  LUCKY US.  And/or Him.  What else is up.  HEY that's about it.  That's the entry!  I'll see ya'll tomorrow.

-8:38 P.M.




Saturday, February 25, 2023

What's In Store For Today

    Hey friends!  Got up early again.  8:35 AM right now. PROBABLY could fit in an extra walk in Early Part Of Day.  Would POSSIBLY involve some crunch time.  LEANING TOWARDS aiming to do it.  Will have a better idea whether I want to do it by the end of this act.  IN FACT I may decide CONCRETELY COMPLETELY whether I wanna do it by the end of this act MORE ORE LESS.  ORE. That's stuff you get of the ground.  To build stuff?  As a valuable mineral?  I dunno.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEAH that's more or less accurate.  Valuable metal or mineral you get out of the ground.  ANYWAY ideally write this act in about an hour and Oh I Don't know five minutes.  That's probably Usually Achievable.  But it's not that much leisurely bonus time and whatknot so WE'LL SEE.  Anyway MET GAME today is not televised I don't believe.  I THOUGHT IT WAS gonna be.  MAYBE IT IS and I'm an idiot and I don't see it.  That doesn't make me an idiot.  Just lazy.  Gave up on trying to see it after failing with my first attempt on Mets TV Channel.  Anyway.
Watched WOW 43 minutes of random horror movie from Shutter.  Didn't seem like I watched that much of it when I was watching it.  Anyway starring a PIERCE BRONSON.  Possibly playing  Frenchman.  Kinda feels like Frenchman is a slur.  There's no explicit derogatoriness to it.  STILL feels like a putdown to me?  Anyway.  OH WAIT maybe the Mets game is LATER ON IN THE DAY.  THAT LOOKS LIKE IT MIGHT CHECK OUT.  OH GOOD there is a Mets game going on ON TV later in the day.  BUT there is a Mets game EARLIER that isn't on TV.  SO I WAS RIGHT ON BOTH COUNTS.  Amazing.  METS GAME LATER ON for my peepers AND MY PEEPERS ONLY.  Except for the part about my peepers only.  Other people can watch this, too!  Which is good GOOD FOR THEM.  Hmm. SPLIT SQUAD GAME apparently.  Gonna see HALF main Mets players HALF non-main Mets players.  THIS SHOULD BE A GOOD 'UN.  Probably MORE than half NON-Main Mets players.  It's SPRING TRAINING.  I'd say you get a HEALTHY amount of Non-Main Mets players to some extent that is significant or something?
Third paragraph.  Wonderful.  I dunno.  We'll see what happens re: Extra Walk.  JUST KEEP GOING and don't worry about it?  I guess!  Had a good NightMight I think.  Only around 325 calories whereas normal for the last few months was around 700 or 800.  TWO DAYS IN A ROW of good results.  OH NO either tonight or tomorrow I'm taking one less pill.  I'll survive I guess.  Probably at least.  If I don't survive I've got bigger problems than my weight.  Deadness.  That's the biggest problem of all!  NO MORE LIFE to play around with.  Just NOTHIN.  Maybe afterlive to muck around with.  I wouldn't put all my eggs in afterlive basket though.  I'd hold onto them eggs FOR NOW.  So that's good I guess.  HEY COFFEE after this paragraph.  Delightful.  What am I listening to on walk these days.  TINK I'm on New In Alternative.  That's good.  I like music!  I THINK.  I usually like music at least.  Anyway.  COFFEE TIME.
   Anyway.  Left earbud ran out of power at the end of my walk last walk.  Said it was running low on battery every 4 minutes starting halfway through the walk.  FINALLY stopped working a few minutes from end of walk.  I TINK it's charging now in Egg.  The EGG ITSELF isn't charging.  Charging station with computers are being used by MOUSE and KEYBOARD.  But I think egg has HELD a charge and is charging earbuds ITSELF belatedly.  I BELIEVE.  Anyway what else is up.  Had black and white cookie for breakfast.  Looks like no communal dinner tonight.  HERE are the fresh meals I got from super market left for this week-- vegetable burger, turkey sandwich, roast beef sandwich, sushi, and herbed chicken with sweet  potatoe and broccoli.  Hmm.  Seems like a slam dunk that I should have a sandwich/vegetable burger as ONE meal today.  Other meal COULD be a non-sandwich FRESH meal or a wildcard OR a delivery.  WILDCARD being Frozen Pizza or HOT POCKET or BAGEL WIT EGG.  OR something else that's not coming to my mind UNTIL I START NEXT PARAGRAPH.
Huh.  Anyway.  Leaning towards one fresh meal, one wildcard.  THEN AGAIN two fresh meals.  That leaves me with only  THREE fresh meals to eat for next five days.  GIVING ME a lot of room to play with.  Possibly to get a DOORDASH Lunch Multi Part'r like a  CHINESE FOOD.  Why don't I just get that today then.  HMM.  Not sure why.  Not sure WHY NOT.  Probably because might as well get to work on Fresh Food First.  OH OKAY MAKES SENSE.  Either way.  SANDWICH.  What sandwich would be first.  VEGETABLE BURGER sounds reasonable.  It's GOOD, it's HEALTHY, it's GREAT.  I like the taste for now and I get it out of the way.  WHY NOT a vegetable burger.  Gotta put it in oven.  Prepare ahead of time.  AM I READY to make that kind of commitment.  YEAH I TINK SO.  WHY NOT.  I like to do things sometimes.  Probably.  Is this the fifth paragraph already?  I FEEL LIKE THIS IS THE FIFT PARAGRAPH.  How long do I have to write next five paragraphs if I wanna fit in stuff comfortably.  Fourty minutes or more? OH THAT BODES WELL FOR BONUS WALK.
Cool!  Mom's birthday today.  Already wished her happy birthday.  I'm on top of things!  Pretty sure I impressed her by knowing what day it was at such an early time of the day.  Especially on THE WEEKEND.  WHO KNOWS WHAT DAY OF TE MONTH IT IS on a SATURADY.  THIS GUY THAT'S WHOM.  Anyway what else is up.  Nine walks today is the goal?  I guess!  Not sure what I GAIN exactly out of having a bonus walk.  70 calories?  100 calories?  WHO CARES exactly in the end?  OH ME I guess in the end?  Whatever.  The point is next official Endocrine Office weigh in is in WHAT six and a half weeks I believe?  YEAH.  If LET'S SAY I continue at 200-300 calories of NightMight eating for that period of time WHICH I WOULD SETTLE FOR I'd probably have gained a couple of pounds since I last saw her but not TOO MUCH.  At that rate I'd say I'd ultimately have gained a COUPLE of pounds in the end.  WIT ME HAVING LOST WEIGHT from Now To Then.  I LOSE WEIGHT by eating 200-300 NightMight calories a night OVERALL.  Oh okay I see.  WHOSE PITCHING in the Mets Game tonight.  THEY KNOW.  I KNOW THEY KNOW.  WHY WON'T THEY TELL US.
Maybe they are telling us but not ME.  Why won't THE REST OF US tell ME.  Pretty sure that's an HBO show?  The Rest Of Us?  Lemme LTURQ.  Oh.  The Last Of Us.  I get it.  The point is seventh paragraph.  9:00 AM.  Wrote first six paragraphs in a reasonable 25 minutes.  VERY REASONABLE.  To be fair it just turned 9:01.  NO LONGER reasonable.  Now it was 26 minutes.  THERE GOES ALL THAT REASON I was just talking about.  HEY what else is up and crap.  Anyway.  Maybe I could watch some SPORTSNITE.  That's the HALF AN HOUR Sportscenter like show that they do on THE METS channel.  However gotta imagine most of it won't be devoted to The Mets.  And I don't have that much interest on non Baseball sports.  I'd have SOME interest in baseball topics that aren't The Mets.  They WILL talk about the Yankees some I bet.  POSSIBLE some about non Mets and Yankees Major League Baseball.  But they will ALSO talk about New York Sports NON BASEBALL and SPORTS IN GENERAL.  The point is IS IT WORTH THE HASSLE IN THE END?  YES YES IT IS.  Turn it on and watch the Mets stuff.  WHAT'S THE WORST THAT COULD HAPPEN.  Fast forward through the parts I don't like.  SO WHAT.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing!  Maybe Sushi one meal and Vegetable Burger the other meal.  IF I get Chinese Food later in week MAKES SENSE to get sushi out of the way now.  RICE comes with Chinese Food.  SUSHI INVOLVES RICE.  Wanna separate the rice IF I CAN.  And I CAN.  So WHY NOT.  The point is WOW WALKS.  What kinda weather are we dealing with today.  Wore winter jacket on first walk and was comfortable enough.  IS IT GONNA STAY that way over the day?  Gonna increase a couple of degrees over the day.  THEN AGAIN the degrees it is now SHOULDN'T be comfortable enough. 25?  I SHOULD BE SLIGHTLY COLDER THAN I WAS.  Not happy about it!  Then again what else is up.  Guess I'm watching more Pierce Bronson movie today.  I THINK it's a pretty good movie.  Not sure what happened.  I absorbed about as much plot as if I saw 5 minutes of it.  Instead of 43 minutes.  I THINK Pierce Bronson is a photographer of some sort.  And parts of it take place at a hospital.  PEOPLE SPEAK IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES SOMETIMES often French.  Beyond that I DON'T KNOW.
Penultimate paragraph.  So that's good.  Not happy about Mets spring training taking place in Florida.  That's where Ron Desnatis is being a fascist.  I don't like SUPPORTING that sort of thing by watching them and giving them business.  Not sure how much business I'm TANGIBLY giving them by watching this broadcast.  Gotta be SOMETHING.  Even if it's HALF A CENT they don't deserve it.  I DESERVE IT.  I'm gonna SAVE my half a cent PUT IT IN MY POCKET and read about the game ON MY PHONE after the fact.  Except the opposite of that and actually watch the game.  But you get the idea.  What else is going on and crap.  Left ear bud AND RIGHT EAR BUD FOR THAT MATTER has a little dot that's LIT UP RED while in docking station.  I BELIEVE that means IT'S WORKING.  CHARGING.  What else can it mean.  It's PLUGGED IN and whatknot.  So that's good and crap.  Hey the point is we're way on track for bonus walk in Early Part Of Day.  ALSO we're well into DayTime Day Chore of entry.  WOW one more paragraph to act I I don't believe it.
Okay.  Wearing nice striped shirt.  VERY similar to the shirt I was talking about a few days ago with black and brown stripes.  IN FACT it might be the exact same shirt.  Not the same dirty shirt.  This is a clean shirt.  It's a DUPLICATE of the shirt.  But IT IS IN FACT a separate shirt.  You know that sort of thing.  Not sure why I have two of the same shirt AND TE SHIRT ITSELF isn't that great a shirt.  BUT I DO and it's OKAY I guess.  Hmm.  If I get no delivery today WHICH SEEMS LIKELY I'm also probably having FRESH meal for lunch tomorrow.  THREE fresh meals in a row.  Leaving me, what.  TWO to go for the next four days?  Basically DARING ME to get a multi-part DoorDash Lunch Extravaganza.  So that's gonna be fun.  We'll see what happens with that and whatknot.  Oh.  Right.  I can get that TOMORROW for lunch.  Makes sense.  Anyway.  HEY This paragraph is just about over by which I mean IT IS over.  9:15.  SO MUCH TIME.  I'll see ya soon.




really though i don't get it

    Hey friends.  9:57 AM.  On track to take bonus walk in Early Day.  HEY what if I did Baseball Draft today.  NAH.  I could have FUN with it today but I'm gonna save it for ANOTHER DAY.  Not sure why I had to capitalize, "Another Day."  Not sure why I had to capitalize the, "A," and the, "D," in, "another day," in, "Another Day," when I wrote it in Qutations but THAT WAS PRETTY REASONABLE.  Not sure why I had to capitalize, "that was pretty reasonable."  Looking at, "that was pretty reasonable," I feel like I WAS RIGHT to capitalize the first letters of the qutation, "Another Day," and future qutations should be capitalized first letters of words thusly.  YEAH.  Anyway current plan is SHUSHI fer lunch and Vegetable Burger for dinner.  Vegetable Burger will surely have a sandwich side.  Probably wheated thins or BBQ Pop Chips.  Possibly Frozen Freedom Fries.  Sushi probably will have SushiSide of probably BBQ Pop Chips or Wheated Thins.  NOT Frozen Freedom Fries.  Any thing else?  Nope.  That's about it.  Is bagel with egg white a possibility today.  Because THAT SOUNDS DELICIOUS.  I dunno.  Sure why not.  Let's keep that in the mix I guess.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Mets sign Some Guy I Never Heard Of Jayline Davis to minor league contract BUT the stock photograph of him for the article is him DIVING to make a catch and NOW I'M EXCITED.  If he's the kind of plaeyr whose prone to making diving catches HE'S JUST THE KIND OF WILDCARD we need for outfield depth.  I like this signing A LOT.  Anyway what else is up.  I got TV channel TUNED to SNY: The Mets channel.  Sports New York one would imagine.  Better LTURQ just to be sure.  Can't be getting their name wrong.  Then where would we be.  SportsNet New York.  It's IMPORTANT we remember the Net.  Not so Important they say their name is SNNY.  But important nonetheless.  Anyway.  What's my plan for city street/park walks today.  MIGHT just go with 1/3/5/7 park walks and 2/4/6/8/9 city street walks.  EVERYTING IS JUMBLED in terms of TIME OF DAY and where I'm walking.  But that's a sacrifice I'M WILLING TO MAKE.
   YEAH.  Three paragraph to go.  YEAH.  Hmm.  Shower after I get back from upcoming walk.  THEN how much time until the walk after that.  HMM that's a tough one.  Lemme crunch the numbers in my head.  Hmm.  Could be 30-45 minutes roughly.  Possibly more if I feel like it.  Possibly LESS if I feel like it.  ANYWAY.  Could make some progress with Tales In The Crypt today or THE SIMPSONS.  Or move on with my life and watch some DRAMATIC movies or something.  Gotta be some 2022 OR MAYBE EVEN 2023 FILMS out there for viewing purposes that I can watch.  GET ON TOP OF IT.  That sort of thing.  I'd take some 2020 or 2021 movies I haven't seen yet that are MAJOR MOTION PICTURES.  I LIKE major motion pictures.  HEY other people have seen these pictures WHO AM I TO DISAGREE.  That sort of thing.  The important thing is I'm still aways away from lunch.  We're talking four hours.  NOT QUITE four hours.  We're talking CLOSE to four hours.  Oh okay that's what we're talking I see.
Two paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  HUH.  How are the titles I got going on off the top of my head when I started entry.  Huh.  Those titles are okay.  I think I can live with these titles.  Amazing.  I LOVE titles I Can Live With.  Really hit the spot.  Hmm.  MAYBE there's a live feed of early Mets game today on METS WEBSITE.  With just the camera behind home plate.  NOT COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.  I remember that being the case for SOME of Spring Training in previous seasons POSSIBLY LAST SEASON.  Then again that's probably boring without color commentators telling me what's going on.  And/or even with color commentators telling me what's going on.  THE POINT IS baseball is possibly boring.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  I dunno.  43 minutes into 90 minute Pierce Bronson movie.  Sure sounds like halfway there.  ESPECIALLY when you take into account the credits.  We're halfway there no matter HOW you cut it.  ONE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
Delightful.  What else is up and crap.  Not sure exactly.  THINGS one would guess.  Things that are BOTH UP as well as CRAP.  Guess I'm continuing NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlist.  Anyway WALK II both earbuds working for ENTIRETY. Lets take a look if they both have Red Light going on RIGHT NOW.  THEY APPEAR TO DO THUSLY.  So that's good.  After this walk the egg gets plugged into computer.  So all the charging gets done real well completely and whatknot.  Hmm.  HEY Birthday Cake Fiber One Brownies available on Amazon Fresh.  Been a while since I had those.  Gotta imagine I'd still like them.  I've been having Birthday Cake QUEST BARS.  But those are HARD.  Been a while since I had SOFT birthday cake flavored things which is BIG difference because Birthday cake ITSELF is very soft.  CAKE IS SOFT.  Like FIBER ONE BROWNIE.  So that's gonna be a blast and a half.  Anyway THAT'S IT for now.   Be back tonight!  POSSIBLY WILL BE BETTER AS WELL.  See ya soon!




Oh I See Okay

    Hey friends!  Most of the day is DOWN FOR TE COUNT.  Which is a boxing thing.  You hit someone and they fall down onto the MAT (Boxing terminology for sea level) and then they don't get up during TE COUNT (when referree counts up to A DOZEN I BELIEVE giving the person a chance to get up to continue fighting SHOULD HE DETERMINE its something he feels like doing).  Anyway.  Took bonus walk.  Ended up being a bonus ParkWalk in the end.  More of a bonus park walk in the middle.  I took 9 walks and the bonus walk TIMEWISE was the first walk in the morning.  BUT I CONSIDER the REAL bonus walk THE THIRD WALK which was in the park AROUND 10:00 or 11:00 if memory serves correctly.  Memory better be serving correctly.  If memory isn't serving us correctly WHAT'S IT EVEN GOOD FOR.  To make us feel better about our pasts than Reality.  Oh that sounds pretty good, too!  I'd like to feel good about things.  SIGN ME UP for False Good Memories!
   Anyway.  Solid chance I have blueberry muffin Quest Bar tonight AS WELL as low calorie fudge bar.  Have Quest Bar at end of entry presumably.  Maybe stay up a bit later tonight.  Not SATURDAY NIGHT LIFE late but pretty late. Anyway.  Watched first hour or so of Mets game.  Haven't watched the last 50 or so minutes though.  READ SOME BLURBS about what happened though.  Also have it RECORDING in case I wanna see important things.  Apparently Parents are now seeing what I'm recording.  DON'T LIKE IT.  What if I wanna record Softcorn Pore.  THEN I'd have to go back in time to 2002 when they still showed that AND THEN NOT RECORD IT because LIKE I JUST SAID I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE without parents knowing.  Oh Okay That's Too Bad.  Anyway I dunno.  What did I watch on TELEVISION for most of the day.  Watched most of THE GREAT ESCAPE.  I wasn't paying attention to it that well BUT I TINK I GET THE IDEA.  Nice fun score to it.  Everyone knows this tune.  I whistle it real funlike no problem there.  Huh.  Anyway what else is up.  PARAGRAPH DONE
Took out quest bar to DEFROST from fridgerator.  YEAH.  Had delicious sushi with wheated thin for lunch and vegetable burger with comprehensive fiber bar for dinner.  Lunch tomorrow either gonna be HAM or roast beef sandwich OR herbed chicken with sweet potato and broccoli!  CAN go with a multi-part'r lunch delivery.  BUT I think I'll hold onto that for either NEVER or later in the week or possibly NEVER.  The point is ANY OF THOSE ARE EXCITING except for the ham sandwich and possibly the herbed chicken.  The point is ROAST BEEF SOUNDS KIND OF EXCITING.  Huh.  Maybe watch REST of Mets game when this is over.  Don't watch what I missed but then watch REST.  Then watch REST of The Greatest Escape.  Then MAYBE THAT'S IT.  Also got the film SMILE (2022) lined up to watch.  Got a good results from Rotten Tomoatoes.  HORROR film.  That should be a joy and pleasure to watch because I like it when films happen right in my face.
Penultimate paragraph.  Good deal.  BREAKFAST GONNA BE GREAT tomorrow.  I don't know what it will be but GREAT.  Balanced breakfast would be a blast.  Classic breakfast would be a blast and a half.  Black and white cookie would be TWO FULL BLASTS.  Frittatas (TWO) would be ONLY A BLAST AND A QUARTER but still pretty good.  So I got all that going for me is the point.  I WILL have breakfast and IT WILL be pretty good experience!  Huh.  I was thinking about it earlier today and I was thinking what if I go into Writing Entry and make a point to NOT TALK ABOUT FOOD AND EATING.  What would happen.  I mean REALLY.  Just force myself to write the same amount but just REFRAIN from talking about food and eating.  I dunno.  That sounds strange.  I don't see how that's even remotely possible to write within any sort of reasonable time frames.
   So that's good.  GONNA TRY HARDER TO WRITE ABOUT BETTER THINGS THOUGH.  Marginally.  I think!  If I even try marginally we might see GREAT improvements.  Anythings possible at least!  Hmm.  TRYING MARGINALLY?  WHAT LIKE TRYING I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTERLY?  Does that count as talking about food?  I'M NOT SURE THAT COUNTS AS TALKING ABOUT ANYTHING.  Margin and margarine are totally different words.  THERE'S AN ENTIRE EXTRA SYLLABLE in the second word compared to the first one.  I know that.  Well whatever.  Not sure I've ever had margarine or ANY butter substitute.  Does that count as talking about food.  NO.  It's an INTEERESTING topic about food.  Am I ABSOLUTELY SURE about that.  Now that I think about it no.  I'm not!  Now that I think about it I'M NOT SURE IT'S VERY INTERESTING AT ALL.  Such is life.  Apparently.  It turns out.  Huh.  I'LL SEE YA TOMORROW!

-8:07 P.M.




Friday, February 24, 2023

Hey I'm Gonna Start

    Hey friends!  Up early WITH PURPOSE today.  7:55 AM!  Super market delivery window S'POSED to be between 10:00 and 12:00.  Presumably I can take next walk around 9:00.  Should be back at 9:30!  Don't see taking the walk any time later than 9:15.  So unless they come relatively considerably early SHOULDN'T BE A PROBLEM.  Anyway.  Should be able to fit in all my walks.  Probably normally!  If they come pretty late POSSIBLE I take one less morning walk and one more afternoon walk.  Anyway.  Had GOOD NightMight results.  Only about 200 calories.  Last two nights before that was normal amount of calories but ENCOURAGING progress in terms of AT TIMES over the night I was able to abstain.  So I feel there is SOME sort of Progress streak going on.  DON'T WANNA JINX IT THOUGH.  Pretty sure JINXING isn't a thing.  It's a pokemon.  Probably a pretty useless pokemon.  I think the most useless pokemon was SNORELAX right.  Sounds familiar.
   Anyway.  Spring Training starts today.  GAMES I mean.  Not for Mets.  Probably not on any Nationally Televised Thing.  THEN AGAIN I gotta remember to check THE ESPNS just in case.  By clicking Remote Buttons.  Might take a dozen or so clicks to get there but I"LL GET THERE.  Anyway.  Started watching 2022 All Quite On That Western Front last night.  HIGH QUALITY MOVIE.  I don't care what anyone says I SAY IT'S A GOOD MOVIE.  Got most of it left, too.  So that's good.  Looks like super market is CLAIMING they're sending us everything. Everything WE ASKED FOR.  Not literally everything.  That'd be too much!  Not sure we could fit everything in our house.  LITERALLY.  I don't just mean everything in our kitchen cabinets and fridge and freezer.  I mean in every nook and cranny.  Not sure we have any crannies.  Pretty sure we got some nooks.  Crannies I dunno about.  Anyway.  Had classic breakfast.  LUNCH?  I dunno.  Got fried calamari for dinner though.  NO DOUBT ABOUT IT.
   8:00 AM!  Aim for an hour for the rest of the act.  Good deal.  Got MORE than I bargained for in roast beef and turkey.  .56 LB of roast beef and .54 of turkey.  OH WELL.  Guess I'm LOADING UP on the roast beef and TO A SMALLER EXTENT the turkey.  Huh.  Presumably vegetable burger is about the same size as normal.  So that's good at least.  CAN SANDWICH BE A LUNCH TODAY.  No reason it CAN'T except for I DON'T THINK I WANT IT.  Good.  Then what CAN it be.  I got kids chicken parm and a grilled chicken with sweet potato and broccoli besides sandwiches and sushi.  I DUNNO IF I WANT ANY OF THESE CRAPS.  UH OH.  I could have wildcard lunch like bagel with egg white.  BUT I GOT ALL THESE LUNCHES I GOTTA HAVE.  DANGIT.  I guess I'll figure it out.  Have one of the lunches I HAVE TO HAVE though.  That's where I DRAW SOME LINE.  HEY time to go get some coffee.  I like coffee!  Makes me happy more or less.
   ...Wait a second.  All is NOT quiet on The Western Front.  Then again I haven't seen the entire movie yet.  Maybe about a third of it if I had to guess off the top of my head.  Maybe all is quiet on the western front for the majority of the movie.  Anyway I guess we'll see.  I KNOW HISTORY.  For a lot of history all is quiet on the western front.  But DURING WORLD WARS a lot of the time IT ISN'T.  During time between wars IT USUALLY IS though.  So that's good.  Anyway.  I feel like maybe ONCE in the history of getting Fresh Direct they arrived early.  Maybe TWICE.  Maybe THREE times.  NO MORE TAN TAHT.  Anyway.  Get it every week for roughly close to three years now.  WOW it's been a LONG FREAKIN' TIME since Pandemic Quarantine.  YEARS JUST MELT AWAY DON'T THEY. That's one way to put it.  YOU GOT A BETTER WAY?  DIDN'T TINK SO.  Hmm.  Making progress with Entry.  Four paragraphs down.  PRACTICALLY HALFWAY THROUGH ACT at this point.
Good.  ALSO the amount of calories ACCURATELY if we're counting over Night might is more like 182.5!  WE'RE TALKING it rounds to 175 more than it rounds to 200.  You fools.  Anyway.  It's not RESPONSIBLE yet to say I'm starting to make progress with nightmight.  Let's get several more days of progress under and/or above my belt.  Not wearing a belt.  Was wearing a belt with jeans with hole in back.  Not with these pants.  Don't need it!  I could wear a belt for style.  But it's not really necessary is the point.  Anyway.  Could wear a belt to beat my children when they get out of line.  But I don't have any unruly children.  Also I kinda feel like that's child abuse these days.  They'd take my kids away from me if they ever found out.  And I LOVE my kids.  What else is up and crap.  What am I watching on the television set today besides All Quiet On That Western Front.  Maybe find some more Drama that's delightful to watch.  The important thing is this paragraph is over now as well.
YEAH.  Mixing it up and listening to TODAY'S HITS playlist today.  Only 2 hours 44 minutes.  I'll get through it and then get back to ROCK or ALTERNATIVE music.  Cause that's the kind of guy I am.  ROCK MAN THRU AND THRU.  Except for when I listen to Today's Hits.  GOTTA BE UP on what the kids listen to today.  SO I CAN RELATE TO MY UNRULY KIDS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Sixth paragraph and whatknot.  Closing in on march in less than a week!  Once we hit March it's OPEN SEASON on when I can do draft for second of two Fantasy Baseball leagues.  So that's good.  Gonna draft ALL the Mets.  JEFF MCNEIL.  BRANDON NIMMO.  I don't CARE if I have to draft them 2 or 3 rounds ahead of time.  I'LL GET EM.  What if other people feel the same as me and draft them 2 or 3 rounds ahead of time.  THEN I LOSE.  What more do you want from me. I've lost the draft.  I'll salvage it by trying to win the league anyway!  OKAY?
   Seventh paragraph!  Four paragraphs to go.  8:15!  Figure if I take a walk at 9:00 and am back at 9:30 that's more than enough time.  Also 40 minutes is way more than enough time for 4 paragraphs.  So IN THE END I have more than enough time.  THEN AGAIN if they come early YA NEVER KNOW how much time counts.  So the sooner I write the paragraphs the better.  YEAH.  Hmm.  I SHOULD consider doubling up on fish today.  Sushi and Calamari.  But if I don't then I'm pretty much gonna have chicken meal for lunch.  HERBED chicken with sweet potatoe and broccoli OR kids chicken parm.  THAT'S NOT SO BAD. I CAN LIVE WIT ONE OF THOSE.  WHICH ONE THOUGH.  Huh.  Kids chicken parm?  WHY NOT.  What's so bad about that.  That could be delicious.  I LIKE that.  RIGHT?  Huh.  What else do I got going for me.  Finished orange soda this morning.  ALL other soda is practically finished going into re-uppance.  ORANGE SODA is finished.  Basically it turned out right on target.  Basically I NAILED IT in terms of soda supplie and whatknot.
   YEAH.  Anyway.  8:20.  Really good chance I'm off on my walk at 8:45, right?  BACK AT 9:15?  Delightful.  What else is going on and crap.  SUPER market used to give updated times on when they're deliverying IN REAL TIME.  Not anymore.  Just stick with 10-12 the entire time.  OH WELL such is life.  Updated time wasn't really much help.  WAS OFTEN FAULTY and unreliable.  The important thing is not sure what the important thing is.  Anyway how am I heating up calamari.  AM I heating up calamari.  I can eat calamari cold. OR at room temperature.  Heat it up in microwave.  That's the way to go.  I MAY NOT do it that way but I can say CONFIDENTLY that's the way to go.  Anyway.  Have TIRTY pieces.  Probably slightly more there but THAT'S THE WAY TO GO.  Possibly less there.  Ya never know.  There's almost always OR ALWAYS more there but YA NEVER KNOW right?  Probably!  Anyway hey what else is up BESIDES finishing this sentence WHICH WILL FINISH THIS PARAGRAPH!
  Huh.  Two paragraphs to go.  Whouda thunk it.  Besides everyone who KNEW I will get to Two Paragraphs To Go eventually which is EVERYONE WHO BELIEVED IN ME Thank You For Your Support.  Anyway.  Kids chicken parm.  Is that a redundancy with fried calamari somehow.  Sure.  They're both food.  Stuff both of them in your gob somehow.  Interesting.  Gotta look out for that while I'm eating them.  Make sure I'm eating them in conflicting ways to make sure I get different things out of them or something.  I dunno.  Hmm.  What else do I have going for me.  A paragraph and a half to go.  How's today's hits going.  I dunno.  I assume other people are enjoying them.  IN THAT CASE I'm enjoying them.  WHO AM I to disagree.  Possibly some jerk.  Oh in that case I'll think about disagreeing.  GET BACK TO ME on this.  Anyway I dunno.  LAST WEEK super market said they sent everything.  DIDN'T SEND BBQ Pop Chips.  LET'S SEE what happens this week.
Last paragraph of the act.  So far this act took an entire thirty three minutes.  NINE PARAGRAPH.  Thirty three minute.  Man am I good at Doing Crap Thing Relatively Quick.  I TINK.  Maybe you could do this even quicker and even crappier.  I'D LIKE TO SEE THAT.  Anyway what else is up.  10:00-12:00.  Basically I need to be able to take walk #3 at 12:00 at the latest if I wanna fit in all the Early Part Of Day walks I wanna.  If I take 3rd walk any later gonna have to take bonus afternoon walk if I wanna fit in all the walks.  SO WE'LL SEE AND CRAP.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Watched a couple of The Simpsons yesterday.  STILL GOOD STUFF.  Maybe watch some more today.  Probably will CONTINUE to still be good stuff.  That'd be my guess off the top of my head.  Hmm.  Guess I'm done here for now.  8:31.  DANGIT I knocked this out of the park timewise.  See ya soon!




middle is always something else

    Hey!  Checked TV!  I don't think they're showing any baseball games today.  Not on ESPN: The Channel at least.  Didn't check BACK UP ESPNS now that I think about it.  NOR other channels that may or may not exist now that I think about it.  Anyway.  9:15 AM.  Should be able to easily fit in 5 paragraphs before super market window of delivery officially starts.  COULD they deliver before?  ANYTHING is possible.  Anyway.  FORGOT TO TELL YOU.  Phone charged to 100% overnight.  It was great!  Anyway.  KIDS CHICKEN PARM should be DECENT for lunch.  I like it IN GENERAL.  Wasn't excited about it FOR TODAY but the more I think about it the more I realize I LIKE IT IN GENERAL and today's lunch is A GENERAL LUNCH so WHY NOT LIKE IT FOR TODAY.  Anyway.  Got tired of Today's Hits halfway through walk II.  Started on NEW IN ALTERNATIVE.  I WILL continue Today's Hits at some point over the week.  IT WON'T BE UPDATED until next week presumably.  DON'T WORRY I'LL FINISH IT BEFORE IT'S UPDATED AGAIN PRESUMABLY I ASSUME.  Anyway that's good.  MOST LIKELY have a fair amount of TV TIME after act before delivery.  SOUNDS LIKE SOME WAR MOVIE.
Four paragraph to go.  Hmm.  THIS IS ALL ASSUMING I get what I'm supposed to get from super market delivery.  What if I DON'T GET Kids Chicken Parm.  YA NEVER KNOW with these folks.  I dunno.  What else is up.  Got ONE rectangular prism comprehensive iced cream sandwich left.  Re-upped with Circular prism iced cream sandwiches.  What's a better word for that.  I dunno.  Lemme LTURQ.  AH IT'S A CYLINDER.  That makes a ton of sense.  I'M EATING CYLINDERS OF ICED CREAM.  Sounds FANCY.  Because it IS fancy.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Did some nice driving to and fro Verizon Store to drop off Cable Boxes and/or Router yesterday.  FORGOTTEN parts of supra-neighborhood.  Haven't been to these parts of town in a while.  NICE TO SEE THAT THEY"RE STILL AROUND.  Anyway what else is up.  Getting close to only three more paragraphs of DayTime Day.  NOT BAD.  NOT BAD AT ALL.  Hmm.  Would I be happy with settling into a routine of 200 calories for NightMight.  YEAH.  I think I'd be okay with that.  Probably.  I think pills make it easier to control appetite during day as well PLUS may or may not increase metabolism.  SO ALL THAT TOGETHER makes it better OR SOMETHING.
   Three paragraph.  WHAT THE WAHT.  Most of the time I'm leaving to take first walk Responsibly More Or Less around this time of day.  YEAH.  Anything fun to watch today.  ANTI-WAR movie is KIND OF fun to watch.  I'M ANTI-WAR.  It's FUN to see my feeligns PROJECTED up there on the big screen.  I don't have a big screen.  I have surround sound.  That's KIND of like having an AUDITORY big screen.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway what else is up.  Got a bigger screen than I had most of my life.  I forget what size my screen is exactly.  26 inches?  32 inches?  Could be 31-33 inches now that I think abuot it.  Either way it's not the size of the screen it's how you use it.  I use it by looking at it.  Also by listening to surround sound connected to it  I FIND THAT WORKS OUT pretty well for me.  Anyway.  I dunno.  I KIND OF like the new remote they gave me.  But I'm USED TO the old remote.  Also this is for Cable Box.  I'm still using Old TV Remote 90% of the time cause I used REGULAR TV 90% of the time.  Either way I SHOULD get used to New Remote for Cable TV.  CAUSE IT'S FUN.  But it'll take some time adjusting that's for sure.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Anyway.  Hmm.  JUST REALIZED.  Brand new batteries.  I can use this new remote then transfer CURRENTLY WORKING batteries in OLD REMOTE into XBOX 360 CONTROLLER which has NO working batteries.  WOW.  Just realized.  GOT FREE BATTERIES OUT OF THE DEAL.  So that's good I guess.  How about that.  I know what I can play on Xbox 360 CALL OF DUTY II.  It's a WAR GAME.  WHAT FUN.  SHOOT EM UP REAL GOOD.  It's FUN.  I dunno.  Anyway.  Get to working on TV.  Presumably.  If they don't come early I'm gonna have AT LEAST a solid 20 minutes to watch TV and browse phone.  I TINK last few times they came at a solid reliable fourty minutes into delivery window.  That's pretty good.  I LIKE that time in general.  Let's stick with HOPING FOR THAT and whatknot.  Anyway I dunno.  Mets have their own channel.  I can' watch GAMES yet but I can surely watch UP TO DATE Mets programming on the TV.  USE THE NEW REMOTE to navigate TO AND FRO that channel and whatknot.  Makes a whole lot of sense I feel.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  I feel like they started sending less pasta with kids chicken parm. I also feel like I told you that either last time or the time before or possibly multiple times in the past.  Either way KIND OF HAPPY ABOUT IT?  It's less hearty YES but it's still MORE OR LESS hearty enough.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Either way HMM gonna get some pop chips and re-up with wheated thins.  NO DORITOS.  Running low-to-empty on cheez its but no re-up with that either.  Gonna be POP CHPIS and WHEATED THINS for upcoming saltsnacks and THAT'S ENOUGH I feel.  Let's go with that.  Hmm.  Anyway.  DO I WANT to watch WAR MOVIE this early in the morning.  I'm not sure if I'm READY for it.  Also might require me to SET ASIDE my attention for it.  Not sure I wanna watch it knowing I can be interrupted at any moment to accept a super market delivery!  THEN WAHT TO WATCH.  Maybe some Tales In The crypt.  Maybe some SIMPSON.  Maybe a horror film or something.  Either way I'll tell ya what happened later on tonight.  SEE YA SOON.




You Know, The End

    Hi friends.  Another successful day down. Still more successful NIGHT to do.  Which should be pretty good.  I'm ESPECIALLY looking forward to Going To Sleep.  Been a blast and a half for a while now going back weeks or months.  Hmm.  Had delicious Kids Chicken Parm and Microwave Calamari as meals.  MAY have choco pop starting with next paragraph.  SOME sort of delightful snack or two tonight POSSIBLY delicious Quest Bar which would POSSIBLY be delicious One Off Blueberry Muffin Quest Bar.  ANYWAY Super market delivery went fine.  Fit in all the walks and everything.  AND EVERYTHING.  Finished AQOTWF.  Watched some forgettable horror film.  TO BE FAIR there is 21 minutes left.  TO BE FAIR that includes credits.  TO BE FAIR let's stop being Fair.  I WANNA BE UNFAIR about the film for a while.  LET'S STOP BEING CONSIDERATE for a little bit.  WE CAN RETURN TO BEING CONSIDERATE SOON let's just take a short RESPITE.  Anyway.  Watched entire FOUR Tales In The Crypt while waiting for super market.  Didn't realize it then but now, looking back, I realize WHAT GREAT PROVIDENCE.  I MADE SUCH PROGRESS watching TITC this time around.  What episode am I up to.  Hmm.  Can't be IN THE GROOVE can it.  OH MAYBE IT'S Surprise Party.  Let's see.  AH it's In The Groove and THEN it's Surprise Party.
WOW.  I can see myself enjoying BOTH those episodes tonight.  Watch THEM suckers after this Horror Film we've discussed so much about.  Huh.  Then again what else is up.  CHOCO POP time.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  Hmm.  Got CHOCOLATE flavored one.  Got citrus flavored soda NOT TO MENTION citrusy beer.  Gotta compliment the citrus soda (ORANGE) with a savory (CHOCOLAGE) lollipop.  Anyway I dunno what else is going on and crap.  Made some progress with New In Alternative playlist before I grew weary of that, too!  Realized MAYBE I just like Old Music that I listened to as a Youth.  Maybe just stick with that for the rest of my life.  Certainly ONE WAY TO GO.  Then again ANOTHER WAY TO GO is to listen to new music indefinitely ALSO for the rest of my life.  THE IMPORTANT THING IS I make a decision RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW whether to accept new music into my heart or not.  FIRST INSTINCT IT TO NOT.
Huh.  Go figure!  SECOND and third INSTINCT is to give it a shot.  So that's good.  Three paragraphs to go.  Probably black and white cookie for breakfast tomorrow but a Classic Breakfast is never accurately counted out!  Unless there's a component missing.  WHICH THERE ISN'T.  Also if I have comprehensive iced cream sandwich tonight it means having one at breakfast is a REDUNDANCY.  Doesn't mean I WON'T do it.  Just means I SHOULDN'T.  Huh just remembered some SHUTTER films I can watch tonight.  OR BEGIN watching at least.  BATMAN BEGINS.  Gotta imagine they strongly considered calling The Dark Knight, "Batman Continues."  Then again they must have racked their brains trying to figure out a Batman Continues that continues alliteration such that it's also a B.B.  Let's see.  MAYBE I CAN DO IT.  Batman Battles.  WHICH IS TRUE.  He battles.  But he battled in the first film too.  HIM BATTLING ISN'T NEW.  Batman... lemme think.  Batman... wow I can see why it's hard to be a movie producer this is impossible.
Penultimate paragraph!  There's probably a word that starts with BE.  Batman BEsomethings.  I CAN'T THINK OF IT RIGHT NOW THOUGH.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Was gonna get re-uppance with topheramax tomorrow but its been pushed back to Monday.  AND I don't exactly have enough to last me until then.  I take 4 a night.  That's THREE NIGHTS I got until then.  ONLY HAVE 11 PILLS it turns out.  So I'm gonna take THE FOUR tonight and tomorrow night and three Sunday!  Figure I'll save the 3 until Sunday just in case a miracle happens and I get a Topheramax pill by divine providence.  HELL I'd take HERETICAL PROVIDENCE at this point.  I DON'T CARE WHAT KIND OF PROVIDENCE THIS IS GOOD OR BAD.  The important thing is I BENEFIT FROM IT.  Look that's all JOKES.  Lemme be real for a second.  NOT ON BOARD WITH HERETICAL PROVIDENCE.  LET'S JUST PUT THAT OUT THERE just so everybody is on the same page OKAY.  And the same page everyone is on IS TE RIGHT PAGE.
   Last paragraph.  Just bit into delicious choco pop.  In the process of chewing it up real good.  Delightful.  Anyway.  Maybe stay up a little bit later.  Went a solid 4-7 days in a row waking up AND STAYING UP real early but tomorrow morning there's really no incentive to continue doing it.  SO LET'S STAY UP LATE.  You know TEN PM possibly As Late As.  Didn't structure that sentence as well as I could have.  I WISH I COULD GO BACK IN TIME AND CHANGE THINGS.  Oh well guess the best I can do is make a solemn oath to do better with sentence structure moving forward with my life.  AND/OR Just DO better with sentence structure moving forward with my life.  Making the solemn oath is OKAY I guess.  NOT THAT IMPORTANT in relation to ACTUALLY DOING IT though.  So that's good.  Look I'm still chewing up the tootsie roll in the center.  That's how chewy it was to begin with.  Anyway what else is up.  THAT'S IT.  I guess!  I'll see ya tomorrow

-8:02 P.M.




Thursday, February 23, 2023

Should Be Able To Do This

    Hey friends!  7:58 AM!  Another early day.  Do I have a long early streak going?  Four to six days I think!  Possible I have a day in there that was getting up at regular time.  BUT I TINK I got a good Real Early streak.  Anyway.  Goin to return cable boxes at around 10:30.  SHOULD be able to fit in 2 walks and Acts I and II beforehand.  RELATIVELY easily.  A LITTLE bit of crunch time but it SHOULD be doable. And if I get to Act II after walk II and feel like it's too much crunch time I CAN PUT OFF Act II until after Walk III!  OR I could talk to dad and determine we leave at 10:40 or 10:45 NO BIG DEAL.  Either way GREAT.  Had somewhat encouraging and somewhat DISCOURAGING NightMight last night.  OVERALL I had about the same amount of calories.  But most of the night I had MINIMAL amount.  Then near the end of the night/early morning I had a relatively big bange.  Progress was made.  But then ultimately I made MINCEMEAT of the progress.  SO that's good/not good.  Huh.
How long do I have to write this act if I wanna do it COMFORTABLY.  Hmm.  IDEALLY?  Let's say an hour and 5 minutes if I wanna do it IDEALLY.  That's not THAT MUCH Surplus Time To Play With.  Most Act Is take right around an hour.  Either way we'll see what happens I guess.  Got coffee a-brewing.  Anyway.  CAN write for another Up To An Hour and 13 minutes.  LET'S GO WIT THAT.  Give myself up to 9:15 AM.  Okay sure why not.  I like doing things.  Hmm.  Also NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT that makes more sense and is what I was thinking about doing BEFORE but I got confused.  Hmm.  Left ear bud ran out of CHARGE halfway through walk I.  I TINK it's charging in portable egg RIGHT NOW though.  Even though portable egg isn't charging.  I THINK portable egg is holding a charge from last time it was charging and is now charging the earbud. Anyway.  PHONE wasn't charging all night.  Woke up this morning to see 48%.  NOT GOOD.  When can I improve on that during the day.  NEVER.  I'm constantly OUT AND ABOUT.  And when I'm lucky enough to get the phone charging usually charging SLOWLY.
  Hey baseball spring training games start tomorrow.  And METS start Saturday.  AND I BELIEVE I CAN WATCH THOSE ON THE TELEVISION SET.  Man oh man it's gonna be NICE DAYS outside for the Mets game.  I know I said I was excited about that before AND I MEANT IT.  Anyway.  Determined I only need ONE PACK of 6 beers for upcoming week.  Only been drinking 2 beers a night cons instantly for weeks.  And mostly getting 18 a week.  SOMETIMES fourteen.  The point is GO FIGURE.  Anyway had Classic Breakfast today.  Gonna have ham sandwich and WHO KNOWS WHAT as sandwich side for lunch.  DINNER I DUNNO.  My guess is probably DINER Delivery.  In which case I DUNNO.  One off meal possibilities are Bison Burger (NOPE redundancy with Ham Sandwich) griddle centric meal with egg whites (YEP possibility) appetizer (YEP possibility).  OR a multi part dinner such as steak * seafood (SURE) turkey or chicken (PROBABLY NOT) maybe omelet (DOUBT IT) a mix-em-up like liver (THAT'D BE INTERESTING).  The point is HMM this is a tough one.  Probably go with Griddlecentric meal???  FREEDOM TOAST?
   Seven paragraphs to go.  Over an hour to play with.  SOUNDS GREAT.  Hmm.  Right now going with Turkey, Ham, and Vegetable Burger for sandwiches for next week and the week after.  SHOULD I replace ham (OR TURKEY?) with a more indulgent meat?  LIKE A corned beef or a pastrami?  PERHAPS A ROASTED BEEF?  I DUNNO.  Right now I'm NOT.  But I could consider it CONSIDER IT STRONGLY.  I'd like to replace it with some LEAN SALAMI.  But it's not available right now.  WHAT THE HELL IS THEIR PROBLEM.  I want some LEAN SALAMI.  Anyway got some coffee right now.  That's good.  What else do I got in store for the day.  Gonna fit in all m ywalks and whatknot.  Not gonna be so much time in the morning I'm pressured to take a bonus walk.  Enough time I COULD fit in a bonus walk if I really CrunchTime.  But I DON'T wanna do that.  So that's good.  Anyway.  WHAT IF parents want some other delivery.  I dunno!  I don't think they will!  I just don't see it in the cards.  Today doesn't FEEL like they'd want delicatessen or Italy Style restaurant!
   Six paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  What else do I have going for me.  How long does it normally take me to write six paragraphs.  I dunno.  Maybe roughly fourty minutes would be enough off the top of my head?  Hmm.  I dunno.  The point is I got ROOT BEER going on for me right now.  Can't argue with root beer!  HMM just occurred to me CREAM SODA.  Is there diet cream soda at Super Market available?  YES AND NO. They got CANS of diet cream soda.  NO THANKS too cost inefficient.  Look I'd LOVE drinking from cans IT REALLY HITS THE SPOT.  But my parents WOULD NOT APPROVE. And I LIVE for parents approval.  Not really.  In the end I don't care THAT much about parents approval.  But I really dislike their DISAPPROVAL.  That's something I can do without.  Anyway the point is I CAN DO WITHOUT CREAM SODA in the end.   In the beginning as well.  Can't count out the middle either.  HEY it's the middle of the entry too.  IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER.  Five paragraphs to go.  HEY GOT MORE OR LESS PLENTY OF TIME TO DO IT.  This is GREAT.
Okay.  Anyway.  Still on New In Rock playlist.  LONG PLAYLIST.  Can't believe how long its lasting me!  MOST PLAYLISTS being updated tomorrow.  Hope I can finish this one today!  DON'T WANNA NOT FINISH IT BEFORE IT'S UPDATED.  That'd be dumb.  Anyway what else is up.  Closing in on Parents' Day.  They day we celebrate my parents' birthdays together.  THEY ARE BOTH CELEBRATING A KEY BIRTHDAY.  Not gonna give away the game and say their age but let's just say THEY'RE EXACTLY THREE QUARTERS TO 100.  WOW.  What's the word for that.  Gotta imagine there's a word for that.  NOT SEEING ANYTHING.  The point is THEY STILL GOT SOME GOOD ROUNDS LEFT IN THEM.  Sure they're old but they're not DECREPIT.  That's my general feeling.  I dunno how they feel.  I think they feel old.  BUT I SAY THEY'RE WRONG.  Look they know how they feel inside.  They feel sickly and weak and whatknot I'm sure.  WRONG.  THEY'RE FINE.  THEY GOT THIS ALL BACKWARDS.  THEY"RE DOING GREAT.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  How long did it take me to write first six paragraphs.  Looks like twenty three minutes.  WOW WHAT A JOY IT WAS.  Really had a blast and a half with it. So that's good.  Anyway.  Think I'm gonna go with WHITE BREAD for next two weeks.  EVEN THOUGH I'm getting vegetable burger.  SURE vegetable burger and white bread isn't the most intuitive combination.  BUT IT'S just gonna have to do for now.  So that's good and crap.  Hmm.  Gonna start NEW Good Quality Mask.  Last few times I wore QUALITY mask under General New-Every-Day Mask BEEN FOR SEVERAL MONTHS.  Probably got 10 or 12 Times out of it.  WHICH IS GOOD.  But I think it's time I START ANEW.  So that's good too.  What else is up.  I GET TO KEEP OLD REMOTE.  That's a welcome turn of events.  I don't need it but it's good to have in case I ever need to remote something and the other two remotes just won't do.  Huh.  WOW making it pretty deep into act I.  AM I halfway into DayTime Day Paragraphs YET.  Lemme think.  NO.  Seven paragraphs done. Out of 15.  STILL HALF A PARAGRAPH AWAY but we're close.
   Sure.  Not 100% sure earbud is charging.  ALSO always possible if one earbud was losing its charge OTHER ONE is too.  I COULD BE WALKING INTO AN AMBUSH and next walk I CAN'T LISTEN TO NO MUSIC WHATSOEVER.  That'd be terrible!  Anyawy.  WHEN CAN I START MAKING UP charging phone.  Hmm.  I guess WHENEVER I"M HOME.  Even if I can only make up 4-5% at a time.  That covers what I'd be losing when I walk.  BUT THEN I CAN'T BROWSE PHONE WHILE I'M HOME.  THAT'S KEY to my Life.  Oh.  I can browse internet ON COMPUTER.  THAT SOUNDS TOO CLUNKY.  ANyway.  I'll figure something out I guess.  I ALWAYS DO.  That's not accurate.  I don't figure things out all the time!  So that's good.  HALFWAY THROUGH DAYTIME PARAGRAPHS.  So that's good.  Got lots of time to write the rest of the act.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Why am I still buying egg whites when I never want balanced breakfasts.  Because IN THEORY I do want balanced breakfasts.  Oh okay sounds good.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act!  Looking forward to Walk II.  I NEED A BREAK FROM PARAGRAPHS.  Then again if there's no music THIS WALK GONNA BE MORE OF A CHORE.  So that's not good.  I can stand the walk with HALF music.  Just one ear.  NOT IDEAL but I could love with that.  LIVE with that.  LOVE WIT THAT TOO.  I LOVE MUSIC.  That's the kind of guy I am. Sure.  What else do I got going for me.  WHAT ABOUT BAD MUSIC.  How do I feel about that.  NO SUCH TING AS BAD MUSIC.  Only bad PARENTS.  Oh okay sounds good.  What else is up.  Did I watch anything after Black Roses.  Possibly nothing else besides a single Tales In The Crypt.  So that's good.  What Tales In The Crypt do I have next.  Is it THE BRIBE?  I feel like it's THE BRIBE.  Followed by THE PIT.  Let's see.  YEP.  RIGHT ON BOTH COUNTS.  So I got that going for me.  I LIKE THIS SHOW AND WHATKNOT.  Huh.  I should have been charging phone during Act I.  You know for this What Will Ultimately Be Roughly Fifty Minutes Or So?  OH WELL TOO LATE NOW.
Anyway.  FOURTY Minutes Now.  Probably WON'T hit 50 minutes.  BUT IT'LL BE CLOSE.  YOU FOOLS.  Huh.  The point is what else is going on and crap.  48% is SOME charge.  That can last me a good portion of the day.  Not exactly like waking up to a 13% charge.  BUT WHAT KINDA STRATEGY TO USE to make the most of it and/or prepare for the rest of the day when it WILL run out.  This is tough stuff!  Anyway.  GOVERNOR visited a recreational marijuana shop!  DON'T TINK SHE BOUGHT Marijuana.  THE JERK.  But either way GOOD FOR HER.  What else is up.  SHOULD I prepare options for Italy Style Restaurant or Delicatessen?  I just REALLY don't think they're IN THE CARDS.  You know PLAYING CARDS?  Huh.  Not gonna hit fifty minutes AT ALL.  Anyway I Dunno.  Gonna have PLENTY and PLENTY of time to play with.  MAYBE EVEN could CrunchTime it up to fit in another walk before Verizon Store Drop Off but I WON'T do that NO WAY.  But the point is I'LL SEE YA LATER IN A LITTLE BIT.




happens all the time

    Hey!  9:23 AM.  Just spend 2 minutes trying to get phone to charge then gave up.  Gonna try to fit in a shower before going to Verizon Place.  THEN perhaps NOT take walk III immediately after getting home from Verizon Place.  CHILL for a little bit.  DEPENDS when I get home.  Anyway both earbuds were working for walk II.  So that's good.  THIS New In Rock playlist is 150 songs.  Still got a good ways to go to finish this.  LUCKILY I got a good lotta walks to go too.  Hmm.  Anyway.  How long do I have to write this act if I wanna comfortably take a shower.  WELL how long does it take to comfortably take a shower and dry off.  I figure if I'm leaving at 10:30 at the earliest, if I start shower at 10:00 that's Comfortable.  35 minutes to write 4.5 paragraphs is pretty reasonable!  So that's good.  WHAT ELSE IS GOOD.  NOT MUCH.  Pretty much THAT.  Talked to FATHER about dinner delivery.  SET INTO MOTION Diner Dinner.  Right now Contemplating FRIED CALAMARI.  Seems like a solid way to go.  EAT LIKE THIRTY OF TEM SUCKERS why not.
Four paragraph to go.  Delightful.  Hopefully I'm more or less In And Out of Verizon Place.  I dunno what its gonna be like exactly.  We'll see!  The important thing is I'm re-upping with smaller Iced Cream Sandwiches.  I didn't re-up with them the last two weeks for varying reasons but now the time has come to get them once more.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Maybe I end up taking walk III after Verizon Place even if I have time to muck around after getting home.  WE'LL SEE.  Am I in the middle of any movie.  WE'LL SEE.  Wait a second NO.  We don't have to wait and see.  Pretty sure Just NO.  Oh well such is life.  What else do I got going on for me.  Maybe watch a The Simpsons or two.  I think I left off the The Simpsons at the Thousand And One Greyhound Episode.  I REMEMBER seeing I was up to that and I DON'T REMEMBER watching it.  So it's a SLAM DUNK that That's What I'm Still Up To.  WOW I got half an hour to write the next three paragraphs. THIS IS GOING GREAT JUST GREAT.
Okay.  Hmm.  Avoid OVENING calamari.  I just got a mental image-taste-image of Too Ovenized Fried Calamari and it's LESS APPETIZING than NOT that.  So that's something to consider.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Have a delicious golden graham bar as sandwichside for lunch.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  I was imagining lunch as a chore because I couldn't think of a sandwichside but now I realize that there are sandwichsides that could be a joy SUCH AS A DELICIOUS GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR.  Should I refridgerate it?  MAYBE SLIGHTLY.  Put it in fridge for TWO HOURS then take it out for TWENTY MINUTES then eat it.  GOTTA GET THIS FRIDGERATED JUST RIGHT.  Not sure how I came to that exact formula but it FEELS about right.  Hmm.  Lemme ammend it.  Take it out for FIFTEEN minutes.  THERE WE GO that's much better.  Anyway.  What else is going on.  GOOD gonna have more than 30 minutes between Starting Shower and Earliest Time We Leave.  A LOT BETTER.  Less Crunch Time in terms of things.
Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  Probably enough to talk about for two paragraphs.  I dunno HOW that'll work out but IT BETTER.  What else is going on and crap.  Wearing nice shirt.  Wilco shirt!  Torn in several places which isn't great.  But you take the good with the bad.  IT TELLS PEOPLE I LIKE WILCO.  Then again I cover it up with jacket everywhere I go.  BUT PEOPLE CAN STILL TELL.  They get A SENSE of the kind of shirt I'm wearing JUST BY MY GENERAL ATTITUDE while I'm walking to and fro.  So that's good.  Hmm.  WOW halfway through this paragraph already?  Now we're talking my language?  ENGLISH.  One of the ROMANCE languages.  MAIN ONE as far as I'm concerned.  I guess.  I COULD use the extra time after Act II to take a bonus walk.  NAH.  I think I'll just use it to take Early Shower.  NO BONUS WALK TODAY.  Not for me!  Nope.  Hmm.  HEY I just realized ear buds gonna be surely charged for next walk.  Gonna be charging entire time after this act is being written while I shower and go to verizon store. AMAZING.
Lat paragraph of Daytime Day.  Good deal.  MAYBE I should consider Bonus Walk.  DANGIT.  NO.  I don't do it now. NOPE.  What else is going on and crap.  Let's see.   Gonna have FOURTY FIVE minutes between starting shower and Time We Leave More Or Less.  WOW.  Shower itself takes four minutes.  SOUNDS LIKE I GOT AMAZING FOURTY MINUTES to watch tv and crap.  THIS IS GONNA BE FUN.  BLAST AND A HALF.  What else is up and crap.  I GUESS I will take walk after I get back from Verizon Store.  I'm enjoying break from walk RIGHT NOW it turns out.  Huh.  Tomorrow got some crunchtime in the morning again.  SUPER market delivery.  YOU KNOW HOW THAT GOES.  Then on Sunday entertaining brother for portions of the day.  Most of the time he's here PARENTS are entertaining him.  But I'm gonna be around entertaining him for part of it!  ANYWAY that's about it for now.  See ya tonight!




To Me At Least

    Hey great news!  Just wrote FIVE really short phrases OF THE TYPE OF WHICH could be potential song titles.  WOW just got blueprint for potential album done WITHIN SECONDS.  To be fair MINUTES.  First three titles was within seconds but the last two WAS WITHIN MINUTES.  LOOK ultimately might I blow all these short phrases within ONE SONG'S LYRICS?  AND/OR THEY GET DISCARDED TO THE TRASH HEAP?  SURE.  But the point is PROGRESSO.  Also THAT'S NOT THE POINT.  The point is I DID SOMETHING CONCRETE WITH MY LIFE and it only took SECONDS of NO WORK AT ALL.  THAT'LL SHOW 'em, that'll show ALL of 'em.  Anyway.  Had delicious very hearty Challah Freedom Toast for dinner with Fried calamari ordered and lined up for tomorrow dinner.  Tomorrow breakfast I DUNNO.  Probably classic breakfast but I'm STRONGLY considering having comprehensive iced cream sandwich later on tonight!  COULD BE A REDUNDANCY WITH CLASSIC BREAKFAST later on.  MAYBE I CAN WRITE A SONG ABOUT THAT.
   Oh okay sure.  Hmm.  I'd enjoy Frittata breakfast presumably.  Anyway.  Get up early again tomorrow so I can fit in 2 walks before Super market window time.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Took in Cable Boxes and router.  No problem there.  Accomplished it and everything.  HEY watched Halloween Ends today.  ALSO another random horror film.  HUH.  What to watch when this is over and done with.  Maybe a Dramatic film.  I LIKE DRAMA.  It's like real life.  HEY THESE ARE PEOPLE and they interact with each other and have FEELIGNS one would imagine.  GO FIGURE.  Apparently that's what I think drama is.  People interacting-- possibly while having feelings misspelled.  Yep that checks out I think.  Anyway.  Tomorrow lunch could be anything but I CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM and it's probably gonna be delicious sushi.  WAIT NO.  Calamari is dinner.  SUSHI IS ALSO FISH.  I can't double up on fish.  WHAT WOULD AQUAMAN SAY.  He's okay with us eating fish SOME of the time but not ALL of the time.  It's okay to eat fish.  They don't have any feeligns.
YEAH.  Three paragraphs to go.  Was able to charge my phone a little bit here and there to adequately keep it charged throughout the day.  AMAZING.  Hmm.  OH RIGHT I was gonna have a choco pop this entry.  MAYBE wait all the way until penultimate paragraph.  ALSO I was gonna take my pants off this entry.  THAT'S something that I can do right now with NO negative consequences from Not Saving It For Later.  It's not like I will suffer LATER ON because I took them off too soon.  WELL I dunno MAYBE.  Can't picture Life that far ahead.  SO that's good.  What else do I got going on for me.  I don't KNOW if I can watch Driving Miss Daisy.  I don't know WHY I'd want to.  I just watched Shawshunk Redumbption.  MORGAN FREEMAN is a common thread between the two flims.  LOOK there's plenty of Morgan Freeman movies out there.  Probably BETTER ONES.  I KNOW FOR SURE SE7EN is available.  I remember seeing it recommended to me ALL THE TIME.  You know Algorithmically reccomended.  Don't wanna watch Se7en.  I WATCHED IT as recently as PERHAPS 9 MONTHS AGO and I got no desire to watch it again this soon!
   I don't KNOW what Kiss The Girls is AND I DON'T WANNA WATCH IT AGAIN either.  Maybe I watch Alien III.  Not a Morgan Freeman movie but it's ONE DEGREE away because of DAVID FINCHER direction both this and Se7en.  SO IN SPIRIT I can watch Alien III tonight.  Huh.  That's one way to go I guess.  Anyway.  Think I'm skipping choco pop.  Instead of choco pop and comprehensive iced cream sandwich HOW ABOUT a golden graham bar or something and a health iced cream bar.  SURE HOW ABOUT IT THEN.  WOULD I watch The Bucket List if I could.  LET ME TINK ABOUT IT.  NO. I WOULDN'T.  Oh okay good.  Anyway let's move on.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses but FOR NOW it's irresponsible of me to speculate based on preliminary data which is INCOMPLETE for now.  What else is up.  Close to only one more paragraph to write.  ANyway.  Am I gonna stay up any later tonight than usual.  REMAINS TO BE SEEN.  What kinda movie am I watching and how enjoyable an experience am I having.  WE'LL SEE and crap.
Okay.  Not sure what else there is to say.  Not sure what there was to say in the first place.  AND I EVEN ALREADY SAID IT.  STILL Don't know waht I said.  Hmm.  Halloween Ends was certainly a creepy movie!  It didn't let me down!  If anything it was TOO creepy.  Still glad I watched it though.  NOW I won't be so creeped out in the future watching it because I know All The Creeps that will be coming around each and every corner.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Am I re-upping with anything particularly exciting tomorrow.  CINNAMON TOAST CRUNCH.  An IRRESPONSIBLE re-uppance but one that's exciting!  DELICIOUS ROAST BEEF SANDWICHES.  Been a while since I got Roasted Beef for sandwiches exactly.  That should be relatively decent.  Nothin WRONG with it exactly.  So that's good I guess.  MAYBE I skip other snacks and just have Health Iced Cream Bar as FIRST and perhaps ONLIEST ULTIMATELY snack of night.  I like the sound of that.  BECAUSE SURE WHY NOT.  Anyway that's it for now!  See ya tomorrow!

-8:18 P.M.




Wednesday, February 22, 2023

I Got To Tell You Something

    Hey friends!  Up early again today!  But I gotta go get bloodwork done soon.  We're talkin it's 7:55 AM.  Gotta leave around 8:35, 8:40.  Got 30 minutes for Act I PART I.  Maybe 35 minutes.  Figure I'll keep it at three acts.  Just split Act I into TWINE.  Figure I could MOST LIKELY write 5 paragraphs in thirty-thirty five minutes.  NOT DEFINITE though.  Possibly just four paragraphs.  ANyway.  If I hit five paragraphs with time left I WON'T GO OVER.  Five is enough!  Anyway with early walk and five paragraphs SHOULD be able to fit in all my walks going forward with the day even if bloodwork + post-bloodwork chores take a while.  If they take A LONG LONG while then I dunno.  We'll see!  Anyway had pretty decent NightMight last night.  I BELIEVE it was a couple hundred calories short of Usual.  Also DEFINITELY there was ONE time I got up and was close to eating and STOPPED myself.  That rarely happens!  That's good!  One paragraph down!  That's good!
   Had classic breakfast.  LUNCH I DUNNO.  Ham sandwich or Wide Al Fredo.  Guess I could have WILDCARD lunch but I wouldn't know where to begin.  Hmm.  Hot pockets is one place to begin but I don't want that so let's cross that out.  DELIVERY is another place to begin but I can't think of a place I'd want a MULTI PART'R so let's cross THAT out.  Then again DO I REALLY WANT HAM SANDWICH OR WIDE ALFREDO EITHER?  I dunno.  Why not.  Ham sandwich is DEPENDABLE.  Nothing wrong there.  Anyway.  Didn't bother with making coffee for this Act I Part I.  NOT WORTH IT.  Anyway.  Wearing purple shirt with left breast pocket.  Gonna store things in there IF TAT'S WHAT IT COMES TO.  Hmm.  They gonna check my weight today.  Gonna MAKE A POINT to not look and TELL EM NOT TO TELL ME.  PLAY IT SAFE.  If I don't say anything THEY JUST MIGHT TELL ME.  So that's good.  KNOW WHAT ELSE IS GOOD?  I WROTE TWO PARAGRAPHS IN FIVE MINUTES YOU FOOLS.
   Ugh.  Hope I don't have to wait long for bloodwork.  Just hanging around is a chore.  Also COVID.  HANGING AROUND PEOPLE INSIDE.  HMM just occurred to me BEEN A LONG TIME since I had a booster shot.  Better look into that.  MUST BE TIME that I qualify, right?  Do you qualify BASED ON TIME or based on THEM DEVELOPING NEW SHOTS.  Or perhaps BOTH.  Anyway.  The important thing is I dunno.  Watched some more Platoon last night.  OH I GET IT. It's about Charlie Sheen's PLATOON.  Took me a while to figure that one out BUT I GOT IT about 2/3rds, 3/4ths into the movie.  Hmm.  Looked up this film and it won BEST PICTURE and BEST DIRECTOR.  At THE OSCARDS.  You might know it as THEM ACADARDMY AWARDS.  WOW TIS IS A SERIOUS FILM.  Anyway.  What else do I got going for me.  I dunno.  Another paragraph down.  Wrote this one in two minutes.  Go figure.  Then again this paragraph isn't done AND I'M GONNA GUESS by the time it's done MINUTE WILL CHANGE such that it's three minutes.  YEP THERE IT GOES.  THREE MINUTES.
Amazing.  Fourth paragraph!  Hmm.  Gotta figure I got other options for wildcard lunch IN HOUSE.  I got more frozen pizza.  That's not something I want!  Probably got some LEAN CUISINE style frozen meal or something.  Got FROZEN BREAKFAST FRITTATA.  BOUT TIME I TRY THAT.  And apparently I have no interest in trying it for breakfasts.  Anyway.  Any delivery I can get that's a ONE OFF meal.  NOTHIN I CAN TINK OF.  Maybe I can walk to Diner and pick up one meal.  REASONABLE distance.  NOT MAIN DINNER DINER.  SMALLER DINER that's closer.  Get freedom toast or something.  Why not.  That's reasonable.  I can do that for Lunch OR Dinner.  NOT BOTH THOUGH.  WHAT KINDA PERSON YOU TAKE ME FOR.  THAT'D BE DUMB OR SOMETHING.  Hmm.  I THINK I finished Hershem Bars over night.  GOOD.  Not hanging over my head anymore.  AND NEVER WILL BE AGAIN.  Until maybe four months or so.  I'm gonna estimate 3-6 months It'll Hang Over My Head Again.
   Last paragraph for now!  Got 20 minutes to write it!  At the rate I wrote first four paragraphs I CAN WRITE FULL 10 PARAGRAPHS ON TIME.  Yeah but I WON'T write rest of paragraphs at that rate.  SO SHUT UP about it.  Hmm.  Not that much chores after bloodwork.  Pick up cigarettes for mom!  POSSIBLY stop off at drug store to pick up drugs.  NOTHIN that big.  SOUNDS GOOD.  Should be able to fit in all walks and everything!  Got somethin for TOMORROW though.  Drop off OLD cable boxes at VERIZON store or something.  THAT'LL BE A SMALL CHORE OR SOMETHING.  Amazing.  Anyway.  Let's aim for TWO Quest Bars of varying flavors.  More than two is dumb.  Less than two is dumb.  TWO IS NOT DUMB.  HEY I can have MEAL of TWO QUEST BARS.  That's dumb.  EVERYTHING IS DUMB.  Hmm.  HAM SANDWICH for lunch isn't dumb.  THE MORE I TINK ABOUT IT the more Ham Sandwich For Lunch seems like THE SMARTS.  But then what for dinner.  Hmm.  WIDE AL FREDO.  But then what for tomorrow lunch.  Hmm.  I'M GONNA STOP NOW.  BE BACK IN A LITTLE BIT LATER.

    HEY FRIENDS.  A little bit later.  9:50 AM!  Got home pretty early.  More or less.  I could be STARTING Act I now and probably finish it on time for me to have normal day schedule.  INSTEAD I got five paragraphs UNDER MY BELT.  Or behind my belt.  Something with belts.  Anyway just started coffee but I realized that's kinda dumb.  WHAT KIDNA COFFEE am I gonna get out of it for Act I.  TWO paragraphs?  THREE maybe at most?  Anyway.  Looking forward to some FRITTATA.  They're pretty small.  I can have TWO of them as small dinner or big lunch.  SMALL chance I get communal dinner. I WANT frittata for lunch.  But then if I have communal dinner I'M A super market lunch SURPLUS for the week.  WHICH ISN'T A BIG DEAL when you think about it.  EITEHR WAY lets go with aiming for DOUBLE FRITATTA for lunch.  GONNA BE INTERESTING.  Bacon and spinach.  When I was a kid NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD EVER like spinach.  NOW I REALIZE it's just a leaf.  You're eating a leaf.  IT'S NOTHING.  There's nothing to it.  DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT.
ANyway.  Got two quest bars.  BLUEBERRY MUFFIN and I believe OATMEAL Chocolate Chip.  CHOCOLATE CHIP should be capitalized there.  Oh okay good point.  Anyway.  Didn't check m yweight personally but TEMPERATURE is a solid 98.0.  SOUND LIKE BOY BAND ON THE DOT.  Good.  That's how it SHOULD be.  So that's good I guess.  What kinda TV I got in store for today.  Thirty or Fourty minutes of Platoon.  A shutter film.  Probably figure some other crap out.  Well DEFINITELY figure some other crap out.  I HAVE TO.  What's my alternative READ A BOOK.  That makes no sense.  What kind of people read books.  IDIOTS that's who.  Anyway. Gonna return cable boxes to verizon store tomorrow.  So that's a chore and whatknot.  We'll burn that bridge when we get there.  Anyway is coffee ready enough for me to pour it at this point?  Possible!  I guess!  Hmm.  Had Cinnamon Toast Crunk bar upon getting home.  SOMETIMES you gotta follow your dreams.  Had only one beer last night.  SOMETIMES you gotta follow your dreams.
OKAY.  Coffee is ready.  WELL DONE MACHINE.  You did it QUICKlike.  ANyway.  Three paragraphs to go.  IDEALLY in fourty five minutes.  WHAT THE HELL that's so much Ideal Time I DON'T BELIEVE IT.  ANyway.  How much time does it take to make frittata.  Also DO I HAVE TO oven it or can I microwave it.  Also if I can microwave it DO I HAVE TO microwave it or can I oven it.  I DON'T KNOW ABOUT WHAT TO DO or anything.  ANyway the point is one of these is a small breakfast but two of them would be way too big breakfast.  So it MAKES SENSE to have two as big lunch or small diner.  OTHERWISE I WOULDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  Anyway what else is up.  Still on NEW IN ROCK playlist I guess.  That's pretty good.  Starting Fresh direct order.  RIGHT NOW all I got is SODA.  We'll figure out the FUN STUFF later on today.  Hmm. Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Got whole day ahead of me.  ALso I DON't HAVE to fight in Vietnam like a lot of these characters I'm seeing on the television set do.  That's pretty good.  Life can be a grind but NOT THAT MUCH of a grind.
  Penultimate paragraph of Act!  Delightful.  Maybe have ham sandwich responsibly for lunch.  Only have frittata for dinner if I'm SURE no communal dinner.  I DUNNO I'M EXCITED ABOUT FRITTATA FOR TEH FIRST TIME IN MY DUMB USELESS LIFE.  That seems kinda derogatory towards my life.  OH WELL what can ya do.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Cigarette prices GOING UP.  You won't BELIEVE how much cigarette cartons are these days.  YOU MIGHT believe it if you smoke cigarette cartons.  Or if you're just a pretty good guesser.  Hmm.  The point is QUEST BARS are pretty expensive too.  But I don't smoke twenty or fourty of them a day.  Maybe I do without realizing it.  NO TAHT CAN'T BE.  I'd realize because I'd be BUYING enough that I COULD smoke twenty or fourty a day.  I DON'T HAVE TAT MUCH at my disposal SO IT'S IMPOSSIBLE.  Maybe I'm sleep buying them.  OH YEAH AM I SLEEP EARNING TE MONEY TO BUY THEM TOO SMART GUY?  Cause OTEHRWSIE where's the cash coming from SMART GUY.
Last paragraph of Act I!  Amazing.  Anyway Mom figured out I had hole in my pants so TRUE TO MY WORD I changed back into other pair of pants.  SURE SEEMS like I could stand to get a new pair of pants or two.  SEEMS LIKE IT MAKES SENSE.  Anyway we'll see what happens with that I guess.  Hmm.  Not gonna re-up with Topheramax until FRIDAY.  Got enough to last me right now until SUNDAY.  SOUNDS LIKE I HAVE ENOUGH TO LAST ME UNTIL indefinitely if all goes according to plan.  Hmm.  Half a paragraph to go.  Then I'm taking me some sort of WALK.  Good deal!  HMM about time I take bandage off from when they took my blood.  RIGHT?  Not even quite an hour since they took blood though.  I STILL FEEL like its time.  OKAY MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  Hmm.  If I start bleeding I guess that's on me.  YEAH.  Anyway I guess we're getting close to the end of Act I.  Amazing!  I''ll be back in a little bit.




i'm doing more or less fine

    Hey friends!  Got up to FIFTY FIVE minutes to write this act if I feel like it.  I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT.  Anyway.  Only microwave instructions on Frittata box.  It said GO TO JIMMYDEAN.COM for oven instructions.  I TINK I'LL DO JUST THAT.  BAKE AT 350 for 20-25 minutes or until HOT?  HOLY CRAP.  That's pretty much EXACTLY what I would have done if I had to do something off the top of my head.  The point is TINK I'm gonna go with that.  As opposed to microwave.  THEN AGAIN microwave has a lot going for it.  Either way certainly leaning towards delicious frittatas for lunch.  I'm not 100% sure what they are.  Lemme LTURQ.  LOOK its got egg, cheese, bacon and spiniach.  ANYTHING ELSE in the description isn't important.  SURE IT IS.  Okay well let me put it this way ANYTHING ELSE in the description is TOO COMPLICATED for me for right now.  Oh okay that makes sense.  Anyway what else is going on.  CREEPING UP on TV Time.  Got four more paragraphs to go.  Then a walk.  Then a quick shower.  THEN TV TIME.  Delightful PLATOON to watch.  Figure we're due for some Delightful Time.  First 2/3rds of it wasn't very delightful.  Must be saving all the fun for the end.
Hmm.  LOOK I liked rectangular prism iced cream sandwich but I think I'm gonna go back to circular prism iced cream sandwich for upcoming week.  JUST A FEELIGN I GOT.  Half of them are chocolate iced cream.  As opposed to ALL Vanilla Iced cream.  That's a key component for my decision and whatknot.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Three and a half paragraphs to go for DayTime Day.  That's good.  Today I had CHORE in morning and it's all over and done with more or less.  The UNUSUAL chore is over and done with.  The USUAL Chore of Entry is NOT quite over and done with.  So that's good!  Hmm.  Mozzarella Cheese AND Parmesan Cheese in frittata?  WOW I HIT THE JACK POT.  Also in description on box it STARTS OFF with mozzarella cheese, then specifies bacon and spiniach, then CLOSES with parmesan cheese.  NORMALLY you'd read the cheeses together.  THEY DECIDED to separate Talking About Cheeses.  I LIKE IT.  SHOWS they're thinking carefully about it.  NICE.
Three paragraphs to go.  The point is I read 20-25 minutes for oven and my first subconscious thought was oh okay great I'll leave it in for fourty minutes.  Hmm.  Anyway.  KINDA makes sense.  They don't SAY but they might IMPLY the oven should be pre-heated.  WHEREAS in my subconscious thought I'M NOT preheating it.  SO THERE'S THAT.  Anyway.  Gonna IN PRACTICE go with what they say.  Maybe check it at 25 minutes and not 20.  But either way I'll CHECK IT at what they say WHAT HAVE I GOT TO LOSE besides valuable time it takes to check it.  Hmm.  They have delicious twinkies on amazon fresh.  I WANNA TRY delicious twinkies. I must have had delicious twinkies at some point in my life.  I can imagine the taste.  But that might just be based on knowing what it looks like and more or less having similar products in the past.  Either way I don't think I'll get it.  But it's something I should consider!  HOW MANY COME IN BOX.  Gotta imagine it's EIGHT right.  Could be six or ten but I'M SOLIDLY IMAGINING IT'S EIGHT.  Looks like ten in the box. The box I'm looking at at least.  Well I got it on a back-up guess.  That's not so bad.
Penultimate paragraph!  Hmm.  I DO think I will re-up with mini donuts.  Not the brand I like but IT'LL BE SOLID nonetheless.  You know RICH CHOCOLATE FROSTED mini donuts.  I don't wanna say MICRO donuts but mini mini donuts.  Not just MINI donuts.  75 or 67.7% or so the size of mini donuts.  YOU GET THE PICTURE.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  WAIT A SECOND.  On the JIMMYDEAN website it says TWO PIECES are 260 calories.  I thought ONE PIECE was 260 calories so I was gonna have TWO at 520.  LEMME LTURQ IN PERSON AT THE BOX ITSELF.  AH I SEE.  It IS 260 calories for two of em.  BUT they're even smaller than I registered.  So I'll have FOUR of the six in the box as Lunch.  Maybe 2 of them is enough for a small breakfast.  Gonna have to be a breakfast I'M GOING INTO thinking TIME FOR SMALL BREAKFAST though.  So that's good.  Anyway.  If I wanna have lunch at Oh I Don't Know 1:55-2:00 WHEN am I putting Fritatta in oven.  I guess let's say 1:30.  That way I can check it at 1:55 and IT MAY be ready.  Possibly not ready until 2:10 but THAT'S TEH RISK I TAKE when I do things like that or something I dunno whatever.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Good deal.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Another night at Better Dose of topheramax tonight.  LOST CINAMAX THE CHANNEL though.  Or actually I think I'm losing it sometime today ACTUALLY.  OH NO Love, Actually might be on Cinimax and also ONLY on Cinimax and THERE GOES MY CHANCE TO WATCH Love, Actually.  Anyway.  What else is going on.  MIGHT TRY Hershey ZERO SUGAR miniature candy bar.  MINI BAR.  FOUR OF EM are a mere 130 calorie.  I DUNNO in what sized portion I'd have them NOR WHEN I'd have them.  But it seems like a good deal.  THAT'S WHAT, 32.5 calories a Mini Hershey Bar?  I LIKE TOHSE ODDS.  Anyway what else do I got going for me.  SOUNDS A LOT LIKE 3 of them is a hundred calories more or less.  Also LESS.  So that's good, too!  Hmm.  I dunno.  OVEN might be for only 2 frittas.  MAKING FOUR might be different.  Oh well live and learn that's what I always say.  Hmm.  I'll be back tonight!




Oh Good You Don't Care

    Hey friends!  Another successful day Mostly Down.  Watched some Rest Of Platoon.  Watched some Idris Elba Prom Night.  Watched some roughly HALF of Black Roses: Horror Film from 80's about Heavy Metal Band.  ALL GOOD in their own way.  Prom Night was SOMEHOW good in its own way SOMEHOW I feel.  Can't really say for sure how but I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there must be something to say for it.  IDRIS ELBA does his darndest one might imagine.  Then again one might also imagine he phoned it in.  I DON'T KNOW ACTING so I can't say for sure.  His performance could be on EITHER end of the spectrum.  Anyway.  Gonna have to watch something else AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT after Black Roses.  Hmm.  We'll cross that isthmus when we get there.  Anyway had delicious FOUR Frittatas for lunch and it was HEARTY and DELICIOUS.  I coulda gotten away with only three I think.  And anyway THEY WERE GOOD.  Had them in oven for just under fourty minutes.  I GOT TWO LEFT.  Should be a solid breakfast at some point.  I'D MICROWAVE TEM PROBS for breakfast though.
Had WIDE AL FREDO for dinner.  Leaving me HAM SANDWICH for tomorrow lunchathon.  What makes it a lunchathon as opposed to a lunch.  I DUNNO.  I'm having a lunch AS WELL AS A LUNCHSIDE?  STILL DON'T SEE HOW TAT MAKES IT A LUNCHATHON.  LOOK FINE GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Presumably having classic breakfast tomorrow.  Presumably try to get up early enough such that I can fit in 2 walks and Act I BEFORE going around 10:30 AM to GIVE BACK old Verizon Cable Boxes and internet router.  WE CAN'T KEEP EM.  They want em back.  I don't like it either but thems the rules.  I DON'T MAKE TEH RULES AND I DON'T BREAK THE RULES.  Except for sometimes when I make the rules.  Also gotta imagine I break the rules on occasion.  So THAT'S GOOD.  Anyway I dunno. I WAS gonna have a choco pop with Paragraph II but apparently I'm not doing that.  HEY I CAN DO THAT WITH PARAGRAPH THREE.  A cherry one.  ISN'T THAT A GREAT IDEA.  I guess that's a rhetorical question.  AND THAT'S A RHETORICAL STATEMENT.  So that makes sense I guess.  ALSO aiming for Oatmeal Chocolate Chip QUEST BAR tonight.
  YOU KNOW WHAT I'm gonna skip the choco pop and go straight to oatmeal chocolate chip quest bar.  HOWEVER first bite I took it was TOO HARD.  I took it right from being FRIDERATED.  It needs to be ROOM TEMPERATUREIZED I bit I feel.  BUT TEN AGAIN I took one bite AND NOW ALL I CAN TINK ABOUT IS TAKING MORE.  So that's good.  Let's see if I can make it THROUGH THIS PARAGRAPH at least without another bite.  AND THEN SEE IF I CAN GO ANOTHER PARAGRAPH.  Take things one paragraph at a time.  THAT'S A GOOD IDEA FOR NIGHTMIGHT EATING.  If only I write paragraphs in my sleep.  Just tell myself to write a paragraph without eating each time I wake up.  Makes sense.  Makes a lot of sense!  Anyway.  Figure I'll have Quest Bar More-Or-Less now and maybe MID-LEVEL Iced Cream Bar later on and THAT SHOULD be enough for the night!  Been going to bed earlier again the last week or so.  It was FUN staying up past 11 regularly but it's EVEN MORE FUN going to bed at 9:30 and getting a JUMP START on DELIGHTFUL SLEEPING.  The sleeping part.  Not so much the getting up part and eating.  I LIKE TEH SLEEPING and usually the GOING TO SLEEPING parts though.
PARAGRAPH DOWN.  NO MORE BITES YET of quest bar.  LET IT RIDE.  Hmm.  FRITTATA was good but maybe I'd like Standard Breakfast Sandwich more going forward?  TOUGH TO SAY.  Fritatta is good and potentially HEALTHEIR and/or less calories.  The important thing is I TRIED NEW THINGS.  And I may CONTINUE TRYING What Is No Longer New Things BUT WAS AT ONE POINT A New Thing.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Deleted Zero Sugar Mini Hershem Bars.  Happy with my decision but it's the WRONG decision.  I THINK I SHOULD GET TEM but I just can't stand to do it.  Either way what can ya do.  THAT.  And/or OTHER Things.  Oh okay makes sense.  Anyway AT THIS RATE I can potentially SAVE the 85% of Quest Bar left FOR ENTIRELY AFTER ENTRY.  That's what I WANTED TO DO originally.  It's like I DIDN'T REPLACE IT WITH CHOCO POP AT ALL.  It's like I JUST SKIPPED CHOCO POP.  YOU FOOLS this is working out great for me.
Anyway.  One paragraph to go!  OH.  I got shutter film I can watch.  Forgot about that one.  That could be SOMETIN I guess.  WOW.  What else is up.  Heavy Metal is some pretty scary music.  They talk about SCARY themes such as Heavy and Metal.  LEAVE ME OUT OF IT.  THANKS!  Hmm.  Anyway.  I'm GUESSING this is more or less an oatmeal RAISIN chocolate chip quest bar.  THEY don't say raisin in the description though.  WELL I guess OBVIOUSLY there's no raisin in the bar.  It's like an oatmeal raisin cookie.  But no raisins in it!  CAN THEY DO THAT.  Is that even ALLOWED.  Anyway I dunno.  Just finished beer #1.  I guess at this rate I'm gonna go down and get a second beer after I'm done with this entry.  You know IN A FEW MINUTES.  I'll be done and posted to internet WITIN A FEW MINUTES and crap.  So that's good.  Glass of soda is a mere 1/3rd full. Gonna finish that sucker up too and re-fill that as well.  Maybe go with some more root beer.  Been drinkin a lot of root beer the last half dozen glasses of soda.  HEY WHATEVER WORKS!  ANyway that's it for now.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:14 P.M.




Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Okay Time For This

    Hey friends!  Got up early enough to fit in two walks before Cable Box/Internet Router jerk gets here PRESUMABLY.  Got a comfortable hour and fifteen minutes to write this act.  That's generally more than enough time ALWAYS.  Can't remember the last time I needed that much time.  Anyway.  Even if it takes more than that I STILL got another ten minutes before the early end of the time they said they'd come.  And EVEN THEN it's not like FIRST THING THEY'D DO is my room.  So basically I'M DOIN OKAY.  Also I THINK odds are I'll be able to fit in all my walks today.  Gonna be some possibly crunch time for late morning and/or early afternoon but ODDS ARE I'll fit 'em in.  Anyway.  Took tape off my cable box. Didn't want jerk to see it.  THE TIME IS 8:04.  Doesn't say AM or PM.  Gonna guess AM.  Now it's 8:05.  AGAIN gonna stick with AM.  Anyway.  Had normal amount of NIGHTMIGHT snacking. Which is too much!  Was it LOW normal or HIGH normal.   Let's forget about that and just call them both and in-between NORMAL.
   Had black and white for breakfast.  Gonna have ham or turkey sandwich OR wide alfredo for lunch.  POSSIBLY leaning towards turkey sandwich as of now.  So that's good.  IS IT, THOUGH?  Yeah it's fine.  Got ZOOM psychiatry appointment at 2:00 PM.  Normally that's when I have lunch.  Probably have lunch AFTERWARDS.  Normally afterwards is when I have walk.  Maybe have walk AFTERWARDS AFTERWARDS.  OR LUNCH AFTER THAT WALK.  Who knows as of now.  SOME PEOPLE FROM THE FUTURE I HATE THEM SO MUCH.  Presumably I'd GUESS I go up on Topheramax.  At 50 Units now.  I'm gonna GUESS and HOPE I'm going up to 100.  I'd HOPE I go up to 200.  WHY NOT.  If we're HOPING let's HOPE FOR THE STARS.  So that's good.  Still on NEW IN ROCK I Believe playlist.  So that's good.  Anyway.  CLOSE to 2 paragraphs done already.  NOT GREAT ONES.  But done nontheless.  ANyway.  For some reason I'm losing CINIMAX with new router/cable box/internet connection.  GO FIGURE.  I don't watch any premium channels anyway.  JUST STREAMERS.
   Huh.  What else is up.  Should watch ALL THE CINIMAX I CAN within the next couple of hours.  BUT I'M NOT.  SO there goes that.  Lot of Cinimax on HBOMAX.  But pheraps not ALL.  So that's good.  What films am I watching today.  Got the second HALF OR SO of Prom Night II.  Got a REMAKE of Prom Night somewhre that I can presumably watch.  There's a Prom Night III out there somewhere that may or may not be available to me.  There's probably Reality Shows about Prom Nights.  Seems like it would have been an MTV show in the mid 2000's.  PROM NIGHTS AND WHATKNOT.  That exact title.  Oh well.  It's no NEXT but it still could have been entertaining.  Oh how many hours I wasted watching NEXT.  And how it enraged me so.  HOW DARE YOU, "NEXT," people 2 seconds after seeing them.  THAT'S TERRIBLE FOR THEIR SELF ESTEEM.  HOW CAN YOU BE SO CRUEL.  That sort of thing.  Anyway what else is up.  Got coffee coming up in a sentence or two.  That's pretty good!  Made SIX cups again today.  It was enough yesterday.  Stands to reason it'd be enough today!
   Just sprayed some air freshener in my room.  POSSIBLY TOO MUCH.   Jerk might think I'm over compensating for something.  Like I'm exceptionally stinky.  Or maybe some other scent I'm trying to mask.  SOME SORT OF ANTI- INTERNET OR CABLE BOX SCENT.  Anyway solid HOUR I got to write the rest of the act.  EVEN AN HOUR AND FIVE OR TEN MINUTES IF TAHT'S WHAT IT TAKES.  BETTER NOT TAKE TAHT MUCH that's all I can say.  I CAN SAY MORE.  MUCH MORE.  So that's good and crap.  Better do some farting to even out the air freshener.  JUST ENOUGH so that it's a nice balance.  Don't want TOO MUCH, don't want TOO LITTLE.  So that's good I guess.  HEY we're 2/3rds into Winter.  TWENTY FIRSTS are traditionally SEASON CHANGE DAYS.  Amazing.  Feels like WE EARNT the upcoming spring.  Not sure WHY or HOW or WHO.  Hmm.  HOW and WHO are anagrams.  AND THEY ARE BOTH... same classification of words?  I THINK?  What's that called.  WHAT KINDA WORD THESE ARE.  Might not be the same kinda word.  Anyway the important thing is WE TRIED.
   Six paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  Might need to be around for parts BEYOND the guy replacing my cable box.  So that MIGHT make it harder to fit in All The Walks.  I guess we'll see.  The important thing is I'm comfortable STILL SAYING I have an hour left to write the rest of the act.  WHICH IS MORE TAN ENOUGH AND CRAP.  What else is up.  I THINK cable box time and computer time SEEM to be in sync 100%.  LESS than a second apart at the very least.  So that's good.  LOSING ALL M YRECORDED shows on TV.  That's good I DESERVE A FRESH START.  Also I don't watch TV that much. TV TV.  I guess with new cable box THAT MIGHT ALL CHANGE.  New cable box gonna make watching TV TV a JOY and PLEASURE.  Probably.  Don't see why it wouldn't.  Anyway.  Close to just about halfway done with Act.  How long did it take me.  Look like a solid twenty minutes or so.  Hey how about that I SUCCEEDED in doing things quickly.
Okay.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Presumably I can write Act II while Jerk is here.  That's what I was imagining.  Now I realize maybe I gotta halfway be around while jerk is here for half the time.  INTERRUPTING my Doing This Schedule.  WHICH IS FINE because I'm ahead of schedule.  SO IN TEH END it'll all be okay.  So that's good and crap.  Probable I won't have INTERNET while I'm writing Act II.  But I can still TYPE ON MY COMPUTER the website without the internet.  Just can't CLICK ONTO THE INTERNET over and over at constant odd times for funs sake.  Gotta just write without interruptions.  That'd be weird.  Gotta have interruptions or else I'd go insane.  MORE TAN REGULAR.  So that's no good.  On the other hand JUST ABOUT ALMOST AT THE SEVENTH PARAGRAPH which is some NICE progress into the day.  Awesome!  Anyway I dunno.  Continue New In Rock playlist.  ASSUMING that's what its called.  Better LTURQ WHILE I STILL CAN.  YEP TAHT'S WHAT IT'S CALLED.
   Seventh paragraph!  How about that.  I think for my birthday gonna go into Starbucks and get an Iced Coffee.  MY BIRTHDAY ain't for close to ten months.  I can always do it for LAST Belated Birthday.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Gonna go get bloodwork done tomorrow.  Gotta go get cigarettes.  Possible two or so Quest Bars of Varying Flavors.  GOT QUEST BARS IN FRIDGE.  But it can't HURT to get Bonus Flavors.  IT CAN HURT THE WALLET.  Quest Bars GONNA COST YA.  In the end though it's for a good cause.  Probably.  Something like that.  I dunno.  What else is up and crap.  Got a lot of GUM.  Haven't gotten gum in 2 or 3 weeks but I STILL have so much gum because of all the gum I got BEFORE that.  Didn't even realize how much gum I was getting BUT I SURE RAELIZE IT NOW.  Hmm.  Close to being DONE with seventh paragraph now.  THAT MEANS ONLY THREE TO GO before delightful walk.  Second walk of the day is usually something to look forward to for some reason.  Means I'm done with Act I which is biggest chore of the day.  MOST WALKS are chores too but Walk II is an ANTI-Chore.
   Three paragraphs to go!.  Hmm.  Got lots and lots of time to write it.  Amazing.  What else is going on.  What if Internet/Cable person comes an hour and twenty minutes early.  Then I'm stuck here.  That's What If!  Oh well such is life.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  How do I feel about the shirt I'm wearing today.  Not my favorite shirt again.  Kinda big shirt on me.  GENERALLY not a fan of those shirts that hang over ya.  BUT ONCE IN A WHILE they serve a purpose in terms of MIXING THINGS UP.  Don't wanna commit yourself to just one kind of shirt.  You're gonna wanna mix things up DAY BY DAY and WEEK BY WEEK.  So that's good.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Running low on options for Salty Sandwich Side.  Possibly Not Enough Cheez Its and a couple of bags of pretzels.  THAT'S WHAT ITS COME DOWN TO.  Well that's enough isn't it.  Just eat the pretzels then.  YEAH BUT I DON'T LIKE NOT HAVING CHOICE.
Penultimate paragraph!  Hey how about that.  Presumably not have internet on phone either.  Might have a nice block of time where I have NOTING to do.  I can read BOOK.  That sounds weird but is just the crazy idea THAT MIGHT WORK.  Pick up Jeff Tweedy song writing book.  That's a nice one to read.  Let's go with that.  Might even inspire me to write a song.  I CAN VAGUELY PLAY THE GUITAR and/or write lyrics.  Done is PLENTY of times vaguely more or less.  Anyway what else is up and crap.  Got a little bit of dirty clothes in my room but DON'T wanna put it in hamper.  MAIN BIT OF IT IS PANTS.  I might have to go BACK to these pants because current pants have big hole.  I CAN'T PUT TEM IN HAMPER.  Be inconvenient to retrieve.  Then again SURE I CAN I can easily retrieve them from hamper.  Interesting counterpoint.  Also I can put REST of dirty clothes in hamper and hold onto pants as well.  ALSO an interesting counterpoint.  HEY one more paragraph to go.
Wrote nine paragraphs in FOURTY MINUTES.  HOW DO I DO IT.  By not writing Quality Product.  OH OKAY THAT MAKES SENSE.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Not sure.  BASEBALL returns on Saturday.  I BELIEVE they must be televising Spring Training Game on METS Channel.  HEY I WILL be watching TV TV soon.  How about that.  Also it will be NICE SPRING DAY.  I KNOW it's winter but it's on FLORIDA.  Where it's SPRING in Winter.  So that'll be pleasant to watch on TV.  I guess.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Dad said new remotes are voice activated.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.  I mean I GUESS I KIND OF know what that means but it still CONFUSES me.  So that's good.  Anyway I dunno.  Black and white felt TOO hearty for breakfast.  I mean it was DELICIOUS.  And I didn't feel like I was STUFFING myself.  Just felt like IN RETROSPECT this must be too many calories by a wide margin.  So that's good.  ANYWAY time to take a walk.  Be back soon!




even better i feel

    Hey friends.  9:30 AM!  Got half an hour before OFFICIAL window Cable/Internet guy is coming.  Feeling is he'll probably be here for .5-1.0 hours!  Odds are I finish Act II before he gets here but if I don't THAT'S A WELCOME SURPRISE.  Means I can fit in all walks I wanna later on.  So that's good.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Turkey sandwich for lunch looking BETTER AND BETTER.  No it's not.  Just looking ONE SINGLE BETTER.  Which is still pretty good but I DON'T NEED TO OVERSELL IT.  Hmm.  HEY apparently JERK IS ON HIS WAY.  That's good.  I think he's nearby too.  That's the impression I got.  DAD IS UPSET THOUGH.  He was gonna have BREAKFAST.  Now he might not have time.  I FEEL FOR HIM I TRULY DO.  Yes for me this is GOOD development.  Any way I can fit in BONUS walk like I did last two days.  PROBABLY but I don't wanna think about that right now.  Anyway.  I don't KNOW what my Dad is gonna do.  Try to RISK IT and start breakfast?  Push it back till after guy is gone?  SKIP IT ENTIRELY.  I FEEL FOR HIM I TRULY DO.
Four paragraphs to go!  Amazying.  Now that I think about it PROBABLY can fit in bonus walk.  BUT I DON'T WANNA AIM FOR THAT. NO THANK YOU.  Hmm.  I don't KNOW what my Dad had for breakfast lined up.  My guess is cereal with milk.  But I can't tell you for certain.  Does he put raisins in cereal?  NOT SURE.  He used to.  NOW he might find it too sweet.  Not sure what he's up to these days RE: Raisins.  So that's good and whatknot.  Also HE DOES RAISINS HIMSELF.  Doesn't get raisins with cereal THEM PUTTING IT IN.  Nope.  Anyway I like raisins okay.  I should consider raisins for my balanced breakfasts.  Then again what else is going on and crap.  What am I watching on TV today.  Finishing Prom Night II.  Find some DRAMA to watch.  Had trouble finding good 'uns to watch yesterday.  Maybe I watch PLATOON today.  Maybe Gritty War Movie is in the cards for today in a way it wasn't in the cards for yesterday!  I can't say for certainty as of now.  Huh.  HEY this paragraph is just about over now.  Only three to go for DayTime Day!
   Amazing.  What kinda side we talking for snadwichside.  Probably SWEETside considering my limited options for SALTside and also my general leanings toward SweetSide for today at least.  MAYBE A COMPLETE HEARTY ICED CREAM SANDWICH.  YEAH it's on the hearty side for a sandwichside but sometimes you gotta follow your gut.  So that's good.  I CAN HEAR MY DAD EATING BREAKFAST.  SPOON.  I can hear SPOONING going on.  So far HE'S SUCCEEDING in eating breakfst without Jerk getting here.  I figure maybe if he can finish in FIVE MINUTES(?) that might be enough(?)  I'M PULLING FOR HIM I TRULY AM.  Maybe if I'M HEARING SPOON that might be the end of breakfast.  He's spooning the bottom of the barrel and that's why I hear it.  I HOPE SO.  Anyway I dunno.  What else is going on and crap.  Won't be internetless for TOO LONG now that I think about it.  Probably not at least.  Also I DON'T GET IT.  I get internet OUTSIDE at random points.  HOW COME NOT INSIDE which is also a random point IN THEORY.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Hey how about that.  Room still smells of air freshener.  I DID IT.  Good for me.  Haven't heard spooning since that first time.  It stopped.  So that's good I guess.  GOOD FOR EVERYONE.  Anyway.  I think going forward wanna get less snacks.  I KNOW I'll have less variety to choose from but I think it's a Worthwhile sacrifice to make to limit my eatings at night.  I THINK.  It's worth a shot at least!  Anyway I dunno.  Getting close to end of DayTime Day Entry.  NOT BAD.  I like the part where I'm done with Certain Chore Part Of The Day. MAKES ME FEEL GOOD ABOUT THINGS.  More free time coming up presumably.  I GUESS.  In addition to having lunch AFTER psychiatrist or AFTER WALK AFTER physiatrist COULD ALSO HAVE IT BEFORE PHYSIATRIST which makes a ton of sense on account of starting day earlier.  WOW I like things that make tons of sense.  Really balance out the main parts of my life which make NO sense.  Anyway.  ANOTHER PARAGRAPH DOWN and only ONE MORE TO GO.  Looks like I CAN FINISH IT HOPEFULLY?
  Hmm.  What else is up.  Let's see.  Dad officially finished breakfsat for sure.  Yes he ate it quickly and it wasn't entirely pleasant but that's the sacrifice you make sometimes if you wanna finish it on time for cable and/or internet person whose coming to upgrade your cable and/or internet very soon.  Huh.  Should I bother putting on TV when I'm done here.  Or is it not worth it because Guy Will Be Here Soon and TV will presumably NOT BE IN THE CARDS for a little bit while Internet and/or TV is being upgraded.  I DUNNO.  Probably REFRAIN from starting TV.  Just BROWSE INTERNET.  I CAN STOP BROWSING INTERNET WHENEVER I WANT.  So that's not a big deal to do for a while before I have to stop.  THEN READ SOME BOOK MAYBE.  I dunno how long it'll take.  Maybe I'll be without internet and/or tv for FIVE MINUTES.  NO BIG DEAL AT ALL.  Hmm.  The point is DONE HERE FOR NOW.  See ya tonight!




Nobody Knows What This Will Be

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragarphs.  Got delicious CITRUSY light beer going for first time in a couple of weeks.  GOT IT LAST FRIDAY.  STILL GOT A COUPLE OF GRANDFATEHRED IN OLD BEER but started this one ANYWAY.  Cable/Internet jerk connected us all to cable and/or internet!  New cable box is REAL SMALL and DOESN'T HAVE ANY TIME TELLING on it to begin with it!  ALRIGHT.  Got a new remote.  I LIKE the new remote but it's NOT PRACTICAL in pretty much ANY sense.  So that's too bad.  Took all my walks, though!  ALSO took Final Walk before dinner instead of after.  HAD LUNCH an hour late cause of PSYCHIATRY appointment.  DOUBLED DOSAGE OF TOPHERAMAX.  Had turkey sandwich with cinnamon toast crunk bar for lunch.  ALSO realized I DO have another SaltSnack Variety WHY IT'S ONLY CHICKEN BISCUIT CRACKERS.  ANyway.  Had slice of meatloaf and CUP OF NOODLE for dinner.  IT WAS GREAT get off my back about it.  Also had some leftover garlic bread.  SOFT garlic bread.  This isn't TOASTED or anything super like that.  KINDA THE WORST GARLIC BREAD YOU CAN IMAGINE but still good.
Anyway.  Possibly-- VERY possibly-- having a CHOCO pop in SAY A PARAGRAPH.  NOT JUST SAY IT BUT DO IT.  ANyway.  What did Iw atch on TV today.  Watched some random PRISON DRAMA from Britain about Father And Son in same prison.  I assume it's from Britain.  Everyone spoke British.  Coulda been a scam though.  Anyway NOW I'm watching PLATOON.  Solidly into it OH I DON'T KNOW half an hour maybe.  Good film!  I don't know what it's all about quite yet exactly but I get the sense it's a high quality film which is good news-- good news for me-- the viewer!  So that's good.  Gonna try to wake up early again tomorrow so I can fit in walk before Bloodwork.  Might have a chore or two to do AFTER bloodwork.  POSSIBLE I can fit in all walks Overall if I get in the walk before bloodwork, POSSIBLE I still come up a walk short.  GO FIGURE.  I'll wait here.  WHEN YOU'RE DOING THE FIGURING I'll just sit here and wait.  Anyway.  YOU DONE YET.  I can't sit here FOREVER.  Well I could if I was dead.  But I'm not dead yet.  By the time I'm dead probably will be sitting somewhere else entirely.
So that's good.  CHOCO POP time.  Delicious CHOCOLATE choco pop.  THIS WAS TEH RIGHT DECISION.  I was having second thought about whether I needed a choco pop but as soon as I stuck it in my gob I realized this was the way to go.  Anyway.  Tomorrow night might be ANOTHER night with no communal dinner delivery.  Can't even THINK ABOUT what I'm gonna do with that.  I got TWO lunches left for the week and TWO LUNCHTIMES left.  Wednesday and Thursday!  If I have both those meals Wednesday THEN I HAVE TO FIGURE OUT A TING FOR THURSDAY LUNCH ANYWAY.  So basically GOTTA FIGURE OUT A WILDCARD LUNCH OR DINNER over the course of the next three meals.  HOME wildcard, DELIVERY wildcard, these things nobody knows as of now except for Future People I Hate Them So Much.  Also THEY KNOW I hate them.  So they won't be sharing the information with me. WHICH IS JUST FINE.  I DON'T WANT TO KNOW.  I like surprises.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Presumably continue on with PLATOON but then again now that I think about it SOME HORROR FILM would hit some spot.  Anyway.  Goin' up on the Topheramax TODAY.  I don't HAVE the new dosage prescription but I got lotta bonus pills from last time CAUSE I started monthly prescription A WEEK OR SO late and I STARTED off at MicroDose to get acclimated to it.  TONIGHT WE'RE DOIN' REASONABLE DOSAGE FOR ONCE.  This is gonna be GREAT.  Anyway.  Snack or two coming up for the rest of the night.  Presumably I can have two but also presumably why would I need more than one.  I'm probably gonna go to bed in like an hour and a half.  Probably not more than two hours.  I'D LIKE to stay up later but I CALLS EM LIKE I SEE EM and I'M SEEING EM LIKE I WON'T STAY UP THAT LONG.  Again Future People could help me out here BUT WE ALL AGREE that's not something we're comfortable with.
Last paragraph!  Still sucking on choco choco pop.  IT'S THE GIFT THAT KEEPS GIVING.  For a while.  AND TEN EVENTUALLY STOPS GIVING.  JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Appears like my brother might be stopping by on Sunday: The Day That's Coming Up In A Few Days.  That's good.  GOOD GUY my brother.  I assume.  He was a good guy LAST TIME I saw him a couple months ago.  Maybe he's a jerk now!  I guess we'll find out.  HEY I SEE A FILM IN THE SHUTTER THAT I CAN WATCH.  But now that I think about it MIGHT STICK WITH PLATOON for tonight.  But it's still GOOD I see a film on Shutter that I can watch because TAT CAN BE IN THE CARDS FOR TOMORROW.  Anyway I'm gonna bite down on choco pop now.  ALRIGHT DONE.  Well anyway.  That's about it for the day.  SHOULD I have snack when this is done.  I JUST FINISHED CHOCO POP.  CHOCO POP AIN'T FULL FLEDGED SNACK TOHUGH.  Just an EXTREMELY LARGE MICROSNACK.  Anyway.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses!  See you later!

-8:08 P.M.




Monday, February 20, 2023

Note to self: Do Better

    Hey friends!  Very much ahead of schedule again today!  8:15 AM!  Should be able to relatively easily fit in a bonus walk in early part of day again today!  HMM.  I obviously wake up many times over the night/early morning regularly to NightMight snack.  But last two days in LATE EARLY MORNING (Early Late Morning?) I decide I'm ready to get up and take walk I!  So that's good.  Had Large Normal amount of NightMight snacking. Had Classic Breakfast.  Gonna have turkey or ham sandwich for lunch probably.  POSSIBLY wide alfredo.  Gonna get a ONE OFF communal dinner delivery tonight.  Either DINER or ITALY STYLE restuarant.  Something JUST FOR TONIGHT.  Set in stone that's the case.  HMM.  Sounds like PIZZA if its Italy Style restuarant.  What about if it's DINER STYLE restuarant.  That's a tough one.  What's the Diner equivalent to pizza.  Grilled cheese sandwich.  That makes NO SENSE.  Trying to AVOID sandwiches.  PROBABLY HAVING ONE FOR LUNCH.  C'mon.  Anyway.  Closing in on end of Breaking Alternative playlist.  NOT QUITE the end yet.  10 or so more songs.
   YEAH.  What else is up.  Biden made a surprise trip to KIEV.  Or KYEV.  Probably KIEV.  Probably pronouneved like the word KEY and then a V at the end These Days.  Lemme LTURQ.  WELL I WAS RIGHT but I said what I thought wrong.  I thought It was Keeve.  But what I said ALSO could have meant Key-Ev.  WHICH IS WHAT INTERNET IS SAYING.  That's what I USED to think.  I thought they CHANGED IT to Keeve.  GUESS I WAS WRONG.  UNLESS... lemme DELVE DEEPER into internet.  See if I can see some conflicting opinions.  NOPE.  Seems to be agreed upon it's Kee-Ev.  Oh well.  Guess I was right  MOST of my life.  That's good at least.  GOT TOO CLEVER FOR MY OWN GOOD.  Thought I was SMART by GROWING and ADAPTING to new information.  Turned out NEW INFORMATION was FAULTY and NON EXISTENT.  So that's good.  Huh.  I could make a case for pizza.  I think my Dad would go along with whatever I want.  MOM got food in house.  I had pizza yesterday.  Hmm interesting counterpoint.
Third paragraph!  Didn't finish Prom Night last night.  I made it right up to PROM.  Maybe about FIVE MINUTES into the prom.  Either way WONDER WHO THE KILLER IS.  Probably the bad guy.  OR BAD LADY.  Ya never know with these films!  I could get griddlecentric meal without Add On Egg White.  You know a French Toast or Waffle.  That could be a decent dinner.  Huh.  How long do I have to write the rest of this act if I wanna fit in rest of Early Schedule With Bonus Walk comfortably.  I dunno IDEALLY Fifty Minutes.  But I could presumably go over that by a relatively fair amount if that's how things, "Shake," out.  So that's good.  HEY I got coffee coming my way after this paragraph.  So that's good.  Made less coffee than usual.  Been making SEVEN CUPS watersworth for months and months.  TODAY I did six.  SHOULD BE ENOUGH.  I guess we'll find out.  THE ROYAL WE.  Then the REGULAR WE when I tell you ultimately later on in ACT II.  I THINK we'll know in Act II.  Right?  We'll know when I pour my second up PRE-ACT II.  YEAH.
    Put on fresh pair of jeans today.
  Needed the belt SLIGHTLY.  Just a bit.  ANyway.  Wearing jeans is GREAT.  Not sure how to describe the last pair of pants I was wearing.  WASN'T BLUE JEANS THOUGH.  That's for sure.  Were BROWN or something.  Either way BACK TO BASICS.  Jeans!  JEAN GRAY.  DARK PHOENIX.  Look out for her SOMETIMES SHE'S BAD and/or DANGEROUS.  So that's good.  I'm under the impression No More X-Men Films.  Disney bought Marvel a few years back OR SOMETHING and was like Yeah we ain't into X-Men OR SOMETHING.  Maybe DOWN THE LINE there'll be X-Men films but not in the INTERMEDIATE FUTURE.  And the intermediate future gonna take FOREVER.  Anyway.  I liked the X-Men films.  They're FRIENDS with each other and DO GOOD WORK. So that's good and crap.  Hmm.  I like the battle scenes.  Carefully constructed so that each X-Man has a chance to shine with their ability.  HOW DO THEY DO IT.  Wonderful writing.  Anyway I dunno.  I gotta check my weight.  Not gonna be happy with it.  But I really should check it.  Hmm.
Six paragraphs to go.  IDEALLY in fourty five minutes.  Hey that's pretty doable now that I think about it.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Guess I should spend Oh I Don't Know 10-60 minutes cleaning my room today.  For jerk whose gonna switch out cable box tomorrow.  NOT SURE how long it'll take.  I could spend a mere FEW MINUTES and be like oh that's good enough.  OR it could take A WHILE.  Either way I WIN IN TEH END.  Get a nice lookin' Relatively Clean Room out of the deal.  CLEAN ROOM means CLEAN MIND.  CLEAN MIND means HEALTHY ATTITUDE.  Healthy Attitude means SOMETHIN PROBABLY.  So that's good.  Bison burger would normally be #1 contender for Diner Dinner tonight.  But I DUNNO.  Just not in the mood for Red Meat or somethin.  Not in the mood for back-up contenders of Fried Food either.  Also main other contenders are MULTI PART dinners which I'M NOT GETTING.  JEEZ LIFE IS HARD.  Hmm.  I think I can get APPETIZER of Stuffed Mushroom.  THAT'S... an idea!  Could work.  Off the top of my head DOESN'T EXCITE ME.  We'll see.
   Five paragraphs!  Got FOURTY MINUTES to write it if I wanna fit it in my original Ideal Schedule Time.  WOW that's plenty of time.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Today is a Monday.  Interesting.  Better LURQ the Abbreviated Diner Menu online.  Hmm.  Griddlecentric meal still makes sense.  Now that I READ IT it makes even more sense.  Ya know like Old Fashioned Freedom Toast.  Right now I'd say THAT'S IN THE LEAD.  Amazing.  What else do I have going for me.  Gotta figure out a playlist to listen to after Breaking Alternative.  Possibly go to ROCK plalist.  NEW IN ROCK.  Something like that.  I like The Rock music.  You know GUITARS, Drums.  BASS Guitar.  Bass guitar is pronounced BASE.  Not like BASS fishing.  Like BASE like ACIDS and BASES.  Like BASEBALL.  Just a tip from me to you.  Huh.  Anyway.  Making progress with Act I.  At this point I ALMOST have ONLY FOUR more paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  Gotta figure out some more Super Hero movies to watch.  I can watch FANTASTICAL Four.  It may not be good but EVERY MOVIE IS SPECIAL in its own way presumably.  They gotta have SOMETHING going for 'em.
   Seventh paragraph.  Delightful.  Vaguely remember seeing an Incredible Hulk in theaters.  I BELIEVE it was 2002.  Possible he falls out of an airplane at some point or something?  I could be misremembering or something.  I dunno.  Who plays that Hulk.  I think it's NOT Edward Norton.  COULD BE The Edward Norton.  Lemme LTURQ.  Anyway.  That movie came out in 2003 and starred Eric Bana.  And was just called HULK.  I guess it was ORIIGN story???  Wasn't incredible yet???  Or maybe it was CONCLUSION story.  It was POST him being incredible.  Either way he was NOT incredible during the timeline of the movie I TINK WE CAN AGREE UPON THAT.  Huh.  What else is up.  I don't know if that movie is available to me.  Only one way to find out.  CHECK.  YEP.  That makes sense!  Hmm.  Anyway what else do I have going for me.  Any possibility I have WILDCARD lunch today.  Huh.  I have three Definite Lunches for next four days.  Two sandwiches and wide alfredo.  I TINK I'm gonna go with one of the definite lunches today, RIGHT?  THAT'S THE WAY TO GO?
   Three paragraphs to go!  GOT ENTIRE HALF HOUR to do 'em if I wanna hit my COMFORTABLE MARK. I CAN DO IT REAL EASY.  You FOOLS.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  What to watch today.  HMM I got no NON HORROR FILMS I'm in the middle of.  Normally I got somethign to continue other than Horror Film.  NOT RIGHT NOW.  Guess I can continue Prom Nights OR I CAN WAIT UNTIL LATER ON IN DAY (POSSIBLY INTO NIGHT).  ANd figure something else out in the meantime.  POSSIBLY KINDERGARTEN COP.  Not sure where that came from.  It came from somewhere!  NOT HAPPY about saying something where I don't know where it came from BUT THERE IT IS.  Figure it can't hurt to say something I Don't Know Where It Came From ONCE IN A WHILE.  Maybe it can.  Anyway.  Watched Kinder Garten Cop as recently as Oh I Don't Know roughly a year ago.  HE'S A COP but he's IN A KINDERGARTEN SETTING.  HE IS TEH TEACHER.  Not the student.  THAT'D BE AN INTERESTING MIX-EM-UP THOUGH.  Maybe they can consider doing that for the sequel perhaps.
   Penultimate paragraph!  YEAH I KNOW BILLY MADISON.  Get off my back about it.  How about a sequel to Billy Madison where he has to do All Of Grade School again but this time THE ENTIRE YEAR for each grade.  REALLY RAISES THE STAKES.  Gotta spend the next 13 years of his life stuck in school again.  Sounds like a Horror Film.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Possibly take exact schedule of ParkWalk/StreetWalk as yesterday today.  Worked out good yesterday.  NO REASON I won't enjoy it again today.  So that's good.  Wearing another Mid shirt today.  Nothing exciting about this shirt.  Look what shirt do I have that IS exciting.  Now that I think about it NOT MANY.  I guess I have a shirt or three that I think are pretty good.  But now that I think about it EVEN THOSE SHIRTS aren't THAT great.  So whatever.  What else is up and crap.  CLOSE to only one more paragraph for Act I.  That's pretty good.  Then I get to do something else.  WALK II.  Listen to some music.  Continue on with my day.  Make some progress.  YEAH.
Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Probably not much but that's okay.  Presumably have a NONwildcard Super market lunch again tomorrow.  REALLY set myself up for having a wildcard lunch later on this week.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Wildcard lunch could be a bagel with egg white.  Could be HOT POCKET.  Could be a bonus meal from Communal Dinner Delivery.  COULD BE PLENTY OF THINGS.  You know like one of those three things.  Huh.  ONE OF TOHSE THREE TINGS is IN AND OF ITSELF Plenty Of Things.  SO I STAND BY ME SAYING, "Plenty Of Things."  Anyway.  Wrote this act in a mere fourty five minutes.  RIGHT NOW it's been a mere fourty two minutes.  I'm gonna finish this paragraph in three minutes NO PROBLEM.  So that's good and crap.  Maybe not for you.  Gotta imagine there's a correlation between Doing Things Quicker and Doing Things Worse.  Then again maybe not.  Maybe Quicker Is Better.  I DUNNO.  Based on Not Much I FEEL like Quicker Is Worse.  I don't really register Quality Of What I'm Saying CONSCIOUSLY but in the back of my head I FEEL quicker is worse.  ANYWAY that's it for now SEE YA SOON.




not gonna try TOO hard

    Hey friends.  Got some new ideas for meals today.  Maybe have bagel and egg white for lunch and fried calamari for dinner.  Then next three lunches are sandwiches and wide alfredo!  YEAH.  I kind of like the sound of that.  SEEMS PRETTY GOOD SOUNDING.  Presumably taste and smell will be good too which is what really counts.  SIGHT is guess is okay.  FEELS makes a difference.  ALL THE SENSES come into play EXCEPT sound really.  Anyway.  Realized jeans have a big tear in the back.  Decided to continue wearing them anyway!  Presumably parents will notice at some point and mention it to me and THEN I will stop wearing them.  But if they never notice maybe NO ONE will notice and then I will continue wearing them NO HARM DONE.  So that's pretty good.  Anyway.  FINISH Egg Whites with bagel.  That's how much I have left.  NO re-uppance though.  Haven't really WANTED balanced breakfasts in a while.  It'd be GOOD to have them but I don't WANT IT.
    Okay.  HEY six watersorth of cups was enough for coffee.  So that's pretty good.  What else do I got going on for me.  Second lunch in a row I gotta defrost something so I can cut it.  NOT BAD.  I like cutting things.  FOOD things.  Most things I don't wanna cut.  But FOOD is a joy to cut if it's necessary.  Anyway.  ALREADY making a lot of progress into Act II.  Getting close to only having to write 3.5 more paragraphs.  Anyway.  Figure I'll put on PROM NIGHT in about an hour or so when I put television set back on.  Anyway.  Only two more songs or so for Breaking Alternative.  I MUST start new playlist on next walk.  Or listen to ALBUM.  Or song-by-song listening.  PROBABLY PLAYLIST.  So that's good.  I COULD TRY CALAMARI from Italy Style restuarant.  That'd be an interesting mix-em-up.  See waht that's like.  THEN AGAIN I'd probably be EXCITED to have pizza tomorrow night.  SO IF I GET Diner tonight DOOR'S WIDE OPEN for pizza tomorrow night.  WHEREAS the door is CLOSED if we get Italy Style Restuarant TONIGHT.  OH NO.  When God closes a door he also closes a window because it's a PANIC ROOM.
   Three paragraphs to go.  What else is going on and crap.  How long do I have to finish this act.  Let's say FOURTY MINUTES is more than enough.  Also it won't take me that long by any stretch of the imagination.  ISN'T ONE OF TE FANTASTICAL FOUR a STRETCH GUY.  I know there's a Simpsons Halloween segment where BART is a stretch guy.  I THINK it's a Fantastical Four reference BUT IT MIGHT BE unique to Bart Simpson.  Better LTURQ.  YEP.  Mr. Fantastic.  POWER OF ELASTICITY.  Good for him.  I hope everything works out for him.  What else is going on and crap.  WHAT TO DO with leftover calamari.  GONNA BE A BIT OF LEFTOVER calamari one way or another.  Well maybe not with Italy Style restuarant.  I Don't KNOW how much calamari they give with their portion.  LOOK I'm gonna make a case for DINER.  AND THE CASE I MAKE is probably gonna be what goes because my Dad is flexible NOT UNLIKE MR. FANTASTIC.  Well VERY MUCH unlike it.  He's flexible in terms of What He's Comfortable Getting For Dinner NOT IN TERMS OF BODY PHYSICAL MALLEABILITY.
   Two paragraphs to go.  HEY UPDATE.  No communal dinner tonight!  OH NO gotta re-calibrate everything.  Still wanna have bagel with egg white for lunch.  Now first thought is sandwich or wide alfredo for dinner.  Second thought is maybe hot pockets.  Third thought is... I dunno... HAVEN'T GOTTEN UP TO THIRD THOUGHT YET.  Lemme Third Think of it right now.  Don't wanna get Chinese Food or anything because that'd be multi part'r.  Hmm.  Maybe try EMPANADA place ONCE AND FOR ALL.  I'D ENJOY GIVING TAT A SHOT SURE.  It's RISKY because I DON'T KNOW THEM but ultimately the reward MIGHT BE GREAT.  Not sure whether to get two empanada or three.  TWO empanada SOUNDS like enough.  But empanadas are 2 dollars roughly.  DOESN'T SOUND Like that'd be hearty enough for ONLY TWO as a dinner.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Getting close to being done with Act II now.  DELIGHTFUL.  Plenty of time to do stuff I wanna do in early part of day.  ALSO MID and LATE part of day.
   YEAH.  Maybe I have a meal OF SWEETS.  Black and white cookie!  STAND ALONE is kinda small for a dinner.  Hmm.  Be WEIRD to pair a Black and white with a Quest Bar or something.  ANYWAY I'll think about it.  Maybe just have delicious ALFREDO or something.  It'd be nice to make progress of SANDWICH but it's a bit of a Redundancy with bagel and egg white.  So that's good.  Huh.  Anyway.  Think I'll do SIMILAR walk schedule to yesterday but ONE DIFFERENCE which is upcoming walk.  Switch UPCOMING WALK (WALK THREE) from Park Walk to City Street Walk.  EVERYTHING ELSE the same.  INTERESTING very interesting.  Anyway let's figure out a way to write just a few more sentences and be done with this for a while.   Is today National Holiday.  Today MAY be presidents' day.  YEP SURE SEEMS TO BE.  So that's good.  Anyway.  That's about it for now I guess.  I'll see ya tonight and whatknot!




Get On With It

    Hey!  Having delicious 50 calorie fudge iced cream bar instead of choco pop. HARDER TO EAT AND TYPE AT TE SAME TIME. IN FACT IT'S FLAT OUT IMPOSSIBLE.  Anyway had delicious bagel and egg white for lunch and then pizza for dinner.  Mom got food for tomorrow night and Dad got DESSERT.  Justifying the delivery!  LEFT OVER SLICE OF MEATLOAF though.  Which I agreed to eat tomorrow night.  JUST ONE SLICE FOR DINNER.  Gonna pair it with Oh I Don't Know FROZEN FREEDOM FRIES and maybe some GARLIC BREAD from Italy Style Restuarant and SOMETHING ELSE IF I CAN THINK OF IT.  ANyway cleaned up my room for about three minutes in the middle of the day and I TINK I accomplished everything I needed to accomplish to prepare for guy coming tomorrow to replace cable box.  Might wanna spray some air freshener.  Wouldn't be surprised if this room stinks to High Heaven.  Then again MY ROOM MY RULES.  RULE #1: GONNA STINK.
Anyway.  Watched Raging Bull today. GOOD movie.  Not the FUNNEST movie but I RECOGNIZE A HIGH QUALITY FILLUM when I see one sometimes!  Anyway after that I went back and forth between half a dozen things trying to find something I liked.  A COUPLE OF THINGS got as much as half an hour, fourty minutes out of them before I realized I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THIS.  Right now I'm on PROM NIGHT II.  It's not really related to Prom Night I.  BUT THAT'S OKAY.  It seems to be a relatively more or less decent film anyway!  So that's good.  High quality snack in my near future.  Could be anything my little heart desires.  Hope I have a normal sized heart.  Guess if I had to choose I'd go with LITTLE over BIG.  Sounds healthier.  But I could be wrong.  Anyway.  Guess tomorrow lunch is either ham or turkey sandwich or wide alfredo!  DINNER meatloafcentric meal.  COULD BE WORSE.  I could be On Ramadan and NOT EATING AT ALL except for in the morning and at night. ...SO EATING THEN. 
  Three paragraphs to go.  Cable Box people coming from 10 to 12 tomrrow morning presumably.  Gotta be here for that time period!  GOnna aim to get up Real Early again tomorrow THIS TIME ON PURPOSE.  So I can Definitely fit in 2 walks before then.  SO I CAN DEFINITELY fit in at least seven walks for the day.  Sounds good.  Can have delicious WHATEVER BREAKFAST My UNKNOWN SIZED HEART DESIRES.  Really should look into having my internal organs measured for size.  THAT'S THE KIND OF TING THAT A PERSON SHOULD KNOW.  For REFERENCES sake.  Anyway.  Got about an hour of Prom Night II left.  That should be pretty good.  I like the part where HEY IT'S PROM NIGHT and STUFF IS HAPPENING; HORROR STUFF.  You know like MISUSE OF SEMI COLONS.  TERRIFYING.  What if that's a correct use of semi colons. NOBODY WOULD HAVE SEEN THAT SURPRISE DEVELOPMENT COMING.  Oh well what can ya do.  Pretty much my main task of, "Cleaning Up My Room," was moving one stack of DVD boxes from Near My Cable Box to On Top Of A Shelf a little bit further away.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.  ROOM SUCCESSFULLY CLEANED UP ENOUGH FOR VISITORS.
Penultimate paragraph!  Amazing.  Another successful day down.  Well day isn't QUITE down yet.  Still gotta take out some garbage in about 20, 25 minutes when this entry is over.  DAY ISN'T DOWN until I've taken off my pants.  AND I HAVEN'T TAKEN MY PANTS OFF until I'm done with Outside.  SURE on occasion I'll take off pants and then put them back on For Outside Purposes.  TRY TO AVOID THAT KIND OF TING THOGUH.  Lots of needless action that serves NO purpose.  Huh.  What else do I got going for me.  Still wearing jeans with huge rip on the behind.  STILL uncorrected about it by Parents or Passersby.  NOBODY HAS COMPLAINED ABOUT IT YET so I feel like it's totally fine.  Anyway.  Hmm.  What were some of the things I watched a lot of today without finishing and WILL NEVER finish.  Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.  UNSOLVED MYSTERIES: EPISODE ABOUT GHOST IN APARTMENT BUILDING.  I FEEL LIKE A THIRD OR FOURTH THING.  Put on PLATOON but that only made it 2 minutes.  THAT COULD BE A CONTENDER for upcoming Film Experience though.  Just not in the mood for it TODAY.
   YEAH.  Last paragraph of the day.  What's up and crap.  Raging Bull is a HORROR MOVIE because there's a tertiary plotline where Robert De Niro gains weight over the course of the film and THAT COULD HAPPEN TO ME.  IN FACT IT HAS/IS HAPPENED/HAPPENING TO ME.  I have BEEN GAINING WEIGHT THE LAST 2 MONTHS no doubt about it.  EVERYTHING I SEE ON THE SCREEN IS IN TRUTH HAPPENING TO ME AND IT'S TERRIFYING.  I'M NEVER GONNA BE ABLE TO BATTLE BOXERS IN THE WEIGHT DIVISION I WANT TO BATTLE THEM IN AT THIS RATE.  Anyway.  Not sure what weight division I'm in.  Featherweight?  I feel like I've heard the term featherweight before.  Lemme LTURQ.  Featherweight is 122-126 LB.  THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WAS 2 months ago.  AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I AIN'T NOW.  HEY THIS IS ODD.  The classification above Featherweight is LIGHTWEIGHT which is 130-134 lb.  KINDA SEEMS LIKE people who weigh 127-129 are being excluded from boxing.  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that one.  No I don't.  ANyway entry is over.  See ya tomorrow.

-8:46 P.M.




Sunday, February 19, 2023

I Don't Feel Like It

    Hey friends.  WAY ahead of schedule today.  7:58 AM!  Easily gonna fit in bonus walk in early part of day SHOULD I DECIDE I WANT TO.  Anyway.  Just woke up early and decided I wanted to stay up.  And felt compelled to take First Chore Of Day: Walk #1.  So that's good.  Had a few hundred calories more than normal for NightMight.  That's bad!  Had hearty brownie for early breakfast.  That's... it tasted good.  It's BAD becuase it's the heartiest breakfast of the week AND NOW IT'S GONE.  Anyway.  HMM.  One meal today gonna be corned beef sandwich.  OTHER MEAL probably gonna be frozen pizza or wide alfredo.  NOT SURE WHICH.  YA KNOW WHAT?  Another contender?  Bagel with egg white!  How about THAT.  Hmm.  Watched half an hour of Joe Pantioanomo movie last night.  Not bad!  ALL MOVIES ARE SPECIAL.  Movies are like children.  No such thing as a BAD CHILD.  Only BAD ADULTS. So when do people start to qualify to become possibly bad.  I'M GONNA SAY SOMETIME BETWEEN 16-22.  PROBABLY 18 BUT COULD BE EARLIER, COULD BE LATER.  YOU COULD MAKE A CASE EITER WAY.
Hmm.  Gonna finish that movie today.  Gonna finish SLEEPERS.  Delightful.  Had TUMMY ACHE just now earlier.  Also some heart burn.  And some ACID REFLUX.  Anyway took a pepsid and now it's all gone.  Gonna tempt fate and have coffee soon.  That seems irresponsible.  That might aggrevate these symptoms.  OH WELL WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO.  NOT have coffee?  That makes no sense.  Hmm.  What playlist am I on today.  I think I may be listening to BREAKING ALTERNATIVE which is a NEW ONE for me.  This may be the FIRST TIME EVER I'm listening to BREAKING ALTERNATIVE.  Ya know what?  GOOD STUFF.  Not that different from New In Alternative which is not that different from ALT CNTRL.  Anyway.  How long do I have to finish this act.  I dunno.  Hour and a half?  Lot of time.  Possibly more than that.  Either way AIMING for bonus walk in early part of day.  Hmm.  I think I had ONE Hershey bar as part of Nightmight.  GOOD.  It was irresponsible to get 'em.  I SHOULD get rid of them as soon as possible.  THEY HANGING OVER MY HEAD.  NO GOOD.
   Hmm.  Coffee after this paragraph!  Pizza will probably be LARGE amount.  One quarter of the pie is 340 calories.  HMM.  I was imagining having half because I HAVE TO NO PUN INTENDED but now that I think about it I COULD PRESUMABLY CUT THAT SUCKER INTO THIRDS.  That's RIGHT ON TARGET for Lunch Calories.  NOW WE'RE TALKING.  I was talking before too but I'm CONTINUING to talk JUST IN CASE YOU DIDN'T REALIZE.  Hmm.  NOW I'm slightly more enthusiastic about having pizza.  So that's good.  Not sure how HEARTY a third of this Pizza Pie will be.  I guess only time will tell.  NOT SURE THAT'S ACCURATE.  Time may not tell.  SOMETIN ELSE might tell.  Either way SOMETHIN gonna tell.  The point is WEARING A CLEAN SHRIT TODAY.  TOOK ALL MY MEDICATION LAST NIGHT.  Maybe that's why I'm up and about early this morning.  Anti-depressant and/or cholesterol med got me KICK STARTED.  Either that or I dunno something else.  Hmm.  Probably I Dunno Something Else.  Hey time to go get coffee.  AS OF NOW tummy ache ETC are gone.  Let's see if they return!  YEAH.
Anyway.  After daylight savings time, I'll be taking my final walk in the light.  That's too bad!  I like taking walk in the dark.  At least ONCE.  Guess I could rearrange walk schedule such that I take a walk POST entry at night.  Don't wanna do that.  I LIKE routine where I'm DONE with the day post entry.  So that's good.  MAYBE I CAN CLOSE MY EYES during the final walk.  That's something to consider.  I'd be tempted to open them though all the time.  Wear something over them then.  Don't give myself THE OPPORTUNITY to see.  Oh okay that sounds reasonable.  Anyway.  WHAT TO WATCH FIRST on Television set.  Feels like I'll finish Shutter Film before NightTime.  But I'm not sure it'll be the first thing I go to.  Could be SLEEPERS.  Sure they'll be adults soon and WHO WANTS TO WATCH ADULTS do things.  But then again I DON'T KONW WHAT THEY'LL DO so it's ALL SURPRISES.  Hmm.  Based on BLURB THEY SEEK REVENGE or something.  Presumably on Kevin Bacon.  WHO IS AN ACTOR.  In real life.  NOT IN THE FILM.  He's not even Kevin Bacon in the film.  He's PRETENDING to be someone else.
Fifth paragraph!  How many ACADEMY AWARDS was Sleepers nominated for.  FIVE?  WAS IT FIVE?  Probably ZERO.  Let's see.  IT WAS NOMINATED FOR BEST ORIGINAL DRAMATIC SCORE.  Way to go!  THE MOST DISCONNECTED THING FROM THE REST OF TEH FILM.  More or less.  I dunno.  What other Academy Award categories are there that are ARGUABLY more... I don't wanna say IRRELEVANT to the film... but NOT REPRESENTATIVE TO MAKE IT A GOOD FILM SORT OF...  Best Sound?  Best Sound Effects EDITING?  Those seem more Dumb than Best Score FOR SURE.  SORRY I CALL EM LIKE I SEE EM.  THERE'S TE PROBLEM RIGHT THERE.  This is SOUND and I'm calling em like I SEE EM.  I CAN ADMIT WHEN I'M WRONG and I'M WRONG HERE.  Anyway.  JOHN WILLIAM doing the score.  HIGH QUALITY SCORE PERSON.  One of the best OF ALL TIME.  He's UP THERE FOR SURE.  ARGUABLY #1. You could make that argument.  You could make any argument you want.  FOR NOW.  Huh.  GOOD SHOT whichever I don't have out of pizza or wide alfredo I HAVE FOR LUNCH TOMORROW.  Then again there's always OTHER WILD CARDS.
   Okay.  Five paragraphs to go for Act I.  Normally I'd be on track to take FIRST WALK in about Oh I Don't Know FOURTY FIVE MINUTES give or take a dozen or so minutes.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Basically gonna take SECOND WALK before I normally take FIRST WALK.  Delightful.  Wonder how difficult it'll be to cut pizza.  Both in terms of cutting it IN GENERAL and cutting it INTO THIRDS specifically.  I'll do my best.  That's all anyone can do.  That's INACCURATE.  Doing My Best is all I can do.  All ANYONE can do is THEIR best.  Which IN MANY CASES is BETTER than my best.  In some cases WORSE.  Depends on THE CASE.  So that's good.  CASES.  What is this THAT GAME SHOW.  What was that game show with briefcases.  LET'S MAKE A DEAL?  Lemme LTURQ.  DEAL OR NO DEAL.  That was it I think.  Good.  Glad we got that settled.  Anyway DEAL.  I'll take the briefcase.  WOW THERE'S SOMETING INSIDE IT TOO?  I THOUGHT I WAS JUST GETTING A NICE BRIEFCASE FOR MYSELF.  I NEEDED ONE.  GONNA GO ON HOLIDAY IN THE SUMMER.  You know that sort of thing.
   Four paragraphs to go!  I guess.  Tummy ache STILL alleviated.  Not in pain!  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  I guess at this point I'm considering HEAVILY the pizza.  IS IT JUST ME or did they say ULTRA THIN on the box and/or Super market web page description.  Not just THIN pizza but ULTRA Thin.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT WAS JUST ME.  Just says Thin Crust.  Where did I get Ultra Thin from.  POSSIBLY said it here as a joke a few days ago when I first got it and then forgot it was a joke.  That's not a joke.  Ok not a JOKE.  Said it AS A DESCRIPTOR.  For FUNS SAKE.  And then it become OFFICIAL in my mind.  Anyway.  PEPPERONI could be good.  Pepperoni might be thicker than the pizza itself.  LEMME CHECK TE BOX TO SEE IF IT SAYS ANYTHING ABOUT PEPPERONI BEING THICKER THAN THE PIZZA ITSELF. ...For some reason I actually clicked back to the webpage to look at the image of the box after I typed that sentence.  WHY.  What did I hope to accomplish.  Anyway.  "NOW EVEN CRISPIER" it says.  I don't want crispy pizza.  What's your PROBLEM.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Is it possible Old Anti-depressant will interact with Topheramax?  SURE.  I hope it doesn't interrupt the progress I'm presumably making because of topheramax.  That'd be not good.  What else is up and crap.  Parent were both sleeping earlier.  DAD might be up and about NOW and/or in 20 minutes when I got to take next walk.  So that's good.  Anyway.  BREAKING ALTERNATIVE?  Why would you want to BREAK alternative.  YEAH.  Box says Pepperoni made with pork, chicken, and beef.  LOOK JUST PICK ONE.  TWO AT THE MOST.  THREE IS JUST WEIRD.  Then again I'm interested to see what a Combo of pork chicken and beef gonna taste like.  Probably just like Generic Pepperoni in the end.  BUT STILL WHAT A RIDE IT'LL BE.  I dunno what that means.  Hmm.  I dunno.  I should STRONGLY consider heating up Corned beef in microwave later when I have the sandwich.  That's the kind of thing that'd be... GOOD.  Or something like that.  I dunno!
    Penultimate paragraph of the act.  Good deal!  Maybe watching SLEEPERS had something to do with me getting up early.  Title is SLEEPERS. My SLEEP was interrupted.  HMM.  Picked a Middling shirt to wear today.  Not my favorite shirt by any stretch of the imagination.  Not my least favorite shirt.  Just a regular shirt with nothing much going for it BUT AT THE SAME TIME nothing much against it either.  GOT STRIPLES.  HORIZONTAL STRIPES.  Looks like Black and Brown at first glance.  Hmm.  Very thin stripes.  LOTTA THEM.  Not just a few.  MANY MANY Stripes.  So that's good.  Anyway.  When is first day of Regular Baseball Season.  I'm gonna guess MARCH 30.  NAILED IT.  March 30.  Good chance I saw that at some point though.  So I'm not a FULL ON genius.  Just a HALFWAY Genius.  Anyway.  Gotta do draft for second of two Fantasy Baseball Teams before then.  Sounds like I got about six weeks.  JUST ABOUT.  Hmm.  Are METROPOLITANS playing Opening Day?  LOOKS LIKE IT.  Playing the MIAMI MARLINS of MIAMI.  That's where the MIAMI part comes from!
   LAST PARAGRAPH.  Delightful!  Hmm.  I dunno.  Taking ODD number of walks today presumably.  Can't have EQUAL number of park walks and citystreet walks.  SUCH IS LIFE.  I'll figure out what to do with that through the natural course of things I guess.  Hmm.  Possible we're not getting communal dinner tomorrow.  At that point gonna have to get delivery for myself either for lunch or dinner.  I think.  RUNNING OUT OF SUPER MARKET LUNCHES both Regular AND WildCard.  So that's good. Well not REALLY running out of WildCard.  STILL got WildCard reserves.  But you get the point.  Anyway.  8:57.  Took me an hour to write this act.  NOT BAD.  Not the quickest ACT I ever but NOT THE... NON-QUICKEST ONE... EITER.  Also now that I think about it NOT EXACTLY DONE WITH IT YET.  Yeah the paragraph is PRETTY close to being done but NOT QUITE there yet.  Huh.  GO figure.  Not sure how big this pizza pie is.  I got the box yeah.  But I can't CONCEPTUALIZE in my mind very well how big it is without looking at it Itself.  WOW THE PARAGRAPH IS OVER NOW.  IN AN HOUR.  See ya soon with Act II!




nobody asked you

    Hi friends.  Time to write some five paragraphs.  How long do I have to write them?  A LOT of time.  So let's just do it and whatknot.  Think I'll put on SLEEPERS first things first on the television set after my shower.  Think I'll have THIRD of pizza pie for lunch in Oh I Don't Know FOUR HOURS.  WOW LUNCH CREEPING UP ALREADY.  Four hours in afternoon is A LOT but in morning GOES REAL QUICKLIKE.  TO BE FAIR if I have lunch at normal time it's more like for hours and 15 minutes.  Either way huh.  Wonder how long to cook Dijionro Pizza Pie.  Could be as quick as twenty five minutes.  Could be as long as Fourty Five Minutes.  Could be REALLY as long as an hour IF WE WANT IT DONE RIGHT.  Either way I'm gonna DEFROST IT so I can cut it easier.  Just put leaving it out at ROOM TEMPERATURE for a while.  HOW LONG?  I dunno.  I was IMAGINING just an hour but maybe I need to leave it out FOR LONGER than that.  Gonna have to think about that one more carefully.  HEY this is a paragraph already.  DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING at all.
Good.  Hmm.  Is Robert De Niro in second two thirds of Sleepers.  I'm not sure!  He's friends with Main Characters when they're kids.  I dunno if they kept in touch when they're adults.  Guess we'll have to wait and see.  JUDGING BY THE SCORE I have no idea.  Hmm.  Was the score any good?  I FORGET IT.  Gonna have to pay closer attention as I watch today to the score.  So that's good I guess.  I feel like a good score YOU REMEMBER.  Some parts of Film if it's good you don't notice it.  NOT SCORE.  SCORE if its good YOU NOTICE THE FUCK OUT OF IT.  So that's good.  Anyway.  I dunno.  Getting close to being done with DayTime Day responsibilities!  ACTS I AND II.  I guess WALKS are responsibilities.  SHOWER is a responsibility.  ACTS are the main responsibilities though LET'S TALK ABOUT IT.  Okay.  Not sure why this film has to be the FINAL terror.  WHY Can't it just be ONE IN A LONG LINE OF TERRORS.  Kinda turns me off that it implies I can't enjoy any more terrors after this one!  HEY ANOTEHR PARAGRAPH DOWN WHO WOULD HAVE TUHNK IT.
Not me that's for sure.  What else is up.  Realized I had a pair of clean pants sitting in Dryer this entire time.  So that's good.  Maybe I change my pants tomorrow.  Been wearing these pants for OH I DON'T KNOW since the last time I did wash.  Roughly OH I DON'T KNOW 2 months ago.  Gotta figure them pants fit me.  I forget if they were on the loose side or the tight side.  EITHER WAY I probably gained about five pounds in the last two months.  POSSIBLY SEVEN OR SO.  Hmm.  What else is goin on and crap.  HEY at this point HALFWAY THROUGH ACT II.  AMAZING.  Got some real comfortable time to fit in Bonus Walk in early part of the day.  But not SO MUCH comfortable time that I'd be like HEY I SHUOLD FIT IN TWO BONUS WALKS.  Delightful.  So I got that going for me and whatknot.  ALSO good timing such that I get back from Last Early Part Of Day Walk and put in Lunch In Oven then to have it ready WHEN I WANNA EAT LUNCH.  Presumably.  I'm guessing I put pizza in oven for 40-45 minutes.  I REALIZE NOW I DON'T KNOW.  I even just talked about it.  I FORGOT I DIDN'T KNOW.
Two paragraphs to go.  They SAY it should be crispy.  That says to me it SHUOLD be in oven on the longer side.  GOOD.  They want me to eat crispy pizza?  THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA DO.  I LISTEN TO BOXES sure.  Hmm.  How do I eat Third Of Pizza Pie.  Do I cut it up into slices BEYOND that Third Of Pizza Pie.  Do I HOLD IT and eat it like regular pizza or do I use fork and knife.  THIS IS WEIRD.  I can't imagine it properly in my head A Third Of Pizza Pie.  Presumably I can cut it such that it resembles the shape of a regular pizza pie.  I DUNNO.  Regular slice is EIGHTH of a pie.  EIGHTH DOESN'T CORREPOND WITH THIRDS.  Right?  I dunno I might be making this more complicated than it needs to be in my head.  I TINK I'm doing that.  Pizza slices can be wider than eighths and no one would be the wiser.  Wouldn't make much of a difference if slice is a Sixth.  VAGUELY noticeable but not a dealbreaker.  WOW THIS IS ANOTHER PARAGRAPH I DON'T BELIEVE IT.
YEAH.  That sounds about right.  Sixths!  Cut THIRD OF PIE INTO TWO.  Makes tons of sense.  Figured that one out!  Hmm.  Then again IMAGINE THREE SLICES OF NINTHS.  That'd be interesting VERY interesting.  What else is up. I HOPE it goes without saying Pizza pie is significantly smaller than YOUR NORMAL Pizzeria Pizza Pie.  I HOPE.  HOPE IS A GOOD THING.  MAYBE THE BEST OF THINGS.  Anyway.  Presumably I cut the pizza into thirds before I put it in oven OF COURSE because I'm not gonna put the whole thing in oven.  But I may cut it up into slices AFTER ovening it.  Oh okay good glad we covered that BUT NOW THAT WE COVERED THAT I MAY HAVE CHANGED MY MIND MAYBE I CUT IT UP INTO SMALLER SLICES BEFORE TE OVEN.  Huh.  Gonna see how easy it is to cut PRE-OVEN.  If the Cutting Is Easy then I'll cut it up some more.  If the cutting is hard I'll wait until Post-Oven for further cutting.  So that's good. HEY ACT II is over.  Amazing.  I'll see ya tonight!




Finally Someone's Making Sense

    Hey friends!  Just had ALL OUT HERSHEM BAR instead of fucking around with petty stake choco pop.  I have no regrets.  DELICIOUS and possibly ultimately FILLING.  Anyway had delicious one third of pizza for lunch.  Turns out it was a RECTANGLE so the Pie Divisions were all rendered MOOT.  POSSIBLE it was a square.  Not sure.  Let's say rectangle just to be sure.  ANYWAY a third of it was RELATIVELY hearty enough but I had a dozen and a half cheez its too just to play it on the safe side.  Anyway. Finished SHUTTER film and Sleepers.  Watched another HORROR film.  Then I just started watching PROM NIGHT during dinner.  Pretty sure I put this on before a year or two back but didn't pay attention at all.  THIS IS A CLASSIC OF THE GENRE MORE OR LESS.  I need to pay attention to it OR ELSE.  Huh.  Successfully took bonus walk today.  ULTIMATELY it was 5 Park Walks and 4 Street Walks.  STREET WALKER.  Isn't that what they call prostitutes.  HMM.  I've walked a lot of street in my day and I haven't prostituted myself ONCE.  Seems like they need to rework that phrase.
Yeah.  Also Street Walkers PROBABLY STAND IN ONE PLACE FOR TE MOST PART?  What are they accomplishing by walking?  If anything it just guarantees that you're never gonna see anyone new because no one can catch up with you if you're constantly in motion?  Hmm.  Better LURQ to make sure Street Walker IS what they call 'em.  YEP IT IS.  But I MAKE A GREAT POINT.  Probably mostly Street LOITERERS.  Anyway.  Think I might enjoy some Balanced or Classic Breakfast tomorrow.  Still got a delicious black and white cookie.  BUT Let's go with a CLASSIC (or Balanced WHICH IS ALSO CLASSIC IN ITS OWN RIGHT but not CALLED, "Classic,").  Probably have ham or turkey sandwich or wide alfredo for lunch BUT TEN AGAIN I could consider getting delivery LIKE CHINA FOOD.  What would be good.  I had good result with Chicken With Garlic Sauce last week but TIME TO MIX IT UP.  Maybe a LO MEIN.  Not as healthy as a chicken with garlic sauce but on the other hand it's LESS HEALTHY which means MORE IN ANOTHER CATEGORY like DELICIOUSNESS and/or HEARTINESS.  So THAT'S GOOD.
   Three paragraphs to go.  YEAH.  Probably have ONE more snack tonight but limit it to that.  BUT if its just one COULD BE A HEARTY ONE WHY NOT.  Possibly HalfwayHearty like a Golden Graham Bar or Comprehensive Fiber Bar.  YEAH.  Hmm.  Second half of Sleepers was INDEED very boring.  I didn't like it.  I LIKE THE PART WHERE THEY ARE YOUNG AND WILD AND FREE.  LIKE TAHT SONG FROM A WHILE BACK.  Wow that song WAS a while back at this point.  Now those kinds are NO LONG YOUNG. ...Not sure about wild.  HOPEFULLY STILL FREE THOUGH.  We can't control our aging process or how wild our lives TURN OUT TO BE but we can all PRESUMABLY PRESUME we can be FREE at least.  YA NEVER KNOW THOUGH.  Unless they were TOO WILD.  Committed crimes.  Got lucked up!  NO LONGER FREE.  Cause they got LUCKED UP.  I SAID, "LUCKED," AGAIN so you don't think it was a typo and think I said it on purpose as a goof.  Anyway.  Hey another paragraph down.
Two to go.  I also have a Prom Night II available to me when this is over.  PROBABLY have a Remake of Prom Night available to me elsewhere as well.  The important thing is the closest I got to going to prom is a girl once asked me are you going to prom and I said no but MAYBE she was testing the waters to see if I was interested??? AND I BLEW MY SHOT???  Probably not but either way CLOSEST I GOT.  So get off my back about it.  Okay.  What else do I got going on for me.  YES a compressive rectangular prism iced cream sandwich would HIT THE SPOT as an Upcoming Snack BUT THAT'D MAKE AN UPCOMING CLASSIC BREAKFAST A BIT REDUNDANT, NO?  So that's something to CONSIDER ON BOTH SIDES.  Consider it in terms of HAVING IT AS SNACK and consider it in terms of SAVING IT FOR BREAKFAST.  THESE ARE THE DAYS OF SOME GUY'S LIVES.  MOSTLY ME.  IT TURNS OUT.  I'M THE GUY.  Not sure I'm happy about that now that I think about it.
Last paragraph of the night!  Let's get it over with and whatknot.  See what happens next.  I know what happens next.  I watch PROM NIGHT while browsing the same dozen and a half things on my phone.  YEAH but I also eat a snack or two AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WILL BE and/or EXACTLY WHEN I will eat them.  ONE OF THE MIGHT BE REALLY SOON.  GOD KNOWS I HOPE IT WILL BE.  SO that's good and crap.  HEY I think tonight is only the SECOND night I'm taking cholesterol med and Bonus Antidepressant.  GETTIN' A STREAK GOING.  This is gonna be GOOD.  Cholesterol was probably already pretty good.  I have no CONCRETE Cholesterol COMPLAINTS.  But now it's gonna be ELITE LEVEL cholesterol.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Entry is just about over.  How happy am I with the titles I got.  Let's take a look.  MEH.  Four out of Ten happy with them.  GENEROUS four of ten.  ALRIGHT!!!  Anyway see ya tomorrow.

-8:03 P.M.




Saturday, February 18, 2023

Wow Entry No Foolin

    Hey friends!  A bit ahead of schedule today. 9:19 AM!  Got plenty of time to work with this morning to avoid crunchtime.  OOPS I SPOKE TOO SOON.  Now it's 9:20 AM.  I'LL KEEP YUO UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSES.  Or not.  Probably not.  Anyway. Had normal amount of NightMight snacking last night.  OLD normal.  Not NEW normal.  Around 800 calories.  Not 600!  Had Black and white cookie for breakfast.  DUNNO about lunch OR dinner.  Dinner will either be communal meatloaf dinner or PERSONAL WILDCARD non-delivery dinner.  Could be something I'd definitely have for a meal this week LIKE A CORNED BEEF SANDWICH or could be something like FROZEN DIJORNIO PIZZA.  Should figure out whether I'm having the meatloaf for dinner BEFORE LUNCH though.  What to have for lunch is best determined KNOWING what I got in store for dinner.  YEP.  Hmm.  Going for coffee after paragraph THREE today.  Just remembered!  That's gonna be a blast.  Hmm.  Finished Horror film lat night.  THE LADY COMEDIAN DID IT.  Love it.  No spoilers though.
   Okay.  Watched some more of Shawshank Redemption.  I watched from THEM TARRING THE ROOF to BROOKS HANGING HIMSELF.  No spoilers to NO SPOILERS.  Anyway.  More progress on SUPERBLOOM on walk number one today.  HEY GREAT NEWS I was successful in adding Jonathon India to my team.  He'll be a good influence on the other players.  I BELIEVE he's a young player but he's got MOXIE one would imagine.  That'll rub off and whatknot.  Not LITERALLY.  Figuratively.  I won't have him rubbing off LITERALLY on my other players THAT'S WHERE I DRAW THE LIEN.  Anyway.  Baseball should do a fantasy draft every year.  No more teams.  EVERY YEAR completely new teams.  Compete draft from Slot One to Slot Twenty Six.  WOW that'd be confusing.  We should do that ONCE EVERY TEN YEARS.  Not every year.  That'd annoy people.  But once every ten years PEOPLE WOULD LOSE THEIR MINDS for it.  So that's good.  People losing their minds is GOOD FOR TE ECONOMY.  Something like that.
   Third paragraph.  Will coffee be ready after this one?  Sure.  Why not.  UGH Tummy Ache just kicked in.  Combination of doing sit ups and black and white cookie from an hour ago.  NOT A FAN of tummy ache.  How much time do I have to write the rest of the act.  About an hour and twenty five minutes.  How much time will it really take me.  About fourty five, fifty minutes.  Amazing.  What else is going on and crap.  SNL is back next weekend with Woody Harrelson and Jack White.  I like both of them in there respected fields.  Woody Harrelson is star of my favorite film and Jack White is star of on of my top ten favorite bands.  AND SNL IS STAR OF ONE OF MY TOP TEN FAVORITE TV SHOWS.  And the weekend is the star of my favorite week.  ALSO TELEVION SET IS TV.  Jeez.  Will coffee CALM my tummy ache or aggravate it.  Gotta imagine I should tempt fate and TRY the coffee.  What's the worst that could happen.  Tummy ache gets worse.  Oh.  Yeah but what's the best that could happen.  Tummy ache gets better.  Oh.  Well the paragraphs over at least.
   Alright!  Got coffee!  It was ready and everything.  So that's good.  Oh no WHAT TO WATCH on the television set today.  Hmm.  Maybe more dramatic films.  Makes sense.  Kind of!  What else is up.  What's Woody short for again.  Pretty sure I looked that up once before.  Woodrow. AH I SEE.  Makes sense.  Good deal.  Anyway SATURDAY.  If I'm starting Act I's around This Time Of Day I'm pretty happy about it.  I feel like I got enough time to play with. INSTEAD I'M 3.5 PARAGRAPHS IN ALREADY.  YOU KNOW EXTREMELY MORE TAN A THIRD INTO THE ACT.  Good deal!  Anyway how's Tummy Ache going.  A LITTLE BIT BETTER THANKS.   What else.  I would say lunch or dinner will include at least one of either frozen pizza or kids chicken parm.  SOMETHING WIT CHEESE will be at least one meal.  Figure that'll mix things up.  GOOD FOR THE TUMMY ACHE.  CHEESE CALMS THE STOMACH'S NERVES.  Everyone knows that.  WHAT THE HELL.  When I checked Jonathon India's ROSTERED Percentage yesterday it was, what, 70 or 80%?  Lemme LTURQ by CNTRL F'ing it.  81% I SAID.  TODAY it says 45%.  SOMETING HAPPENED TO INDIA I DON'T KNOW ABOUT.
DANGIT.  HALF THE INDIA OWNERS GOT RID OF HIM.  DID HE DO SOMETHING TERRIBLE LIKE MURDER THE PRESIDENT.  I don't think he did that. It would have been on the news.  And then someone would have relayed that information from the news to me somehow.  Anyway. I got plenty of players who are rostered UNDER 45% of teams.  So FINE.  I don't mind BEING A LITTLE BIT DIFFERENT.  I'M A NON-CONFORMIST.  JUST LIKE OTHER PEOPLE WHO DON'T CONFORM.  Something like that.  What else is up.  Got an ESPN e-mail saying the XFL Season Begins.  First of all not sure WHY I get ESPN emails.  Second of all not sure WHY XFL still exits.  I thought it had been gone for 24 years.  I KNEW it started up in 1999 or so.  I FIGURED TAHT WAS IT.  I had no idea it lasted more than one season.  Good for them I guess?  Maybe they took a hiatus for a couple of decades and then are trying a reboot.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Hmm.  Got Fantastic FOUR films potentially.  Got Supermen stand alone film!  INCREDIBLE HULP stand alone film!  I TINK all those films are terrible but YA NEVER KNOW.  Lemme LURQ.  WOW.  THE HULK FILMS are in the 60%s on Rotten Tomatoes.  SOUNDS LIKE FILM.
   Halfway through Act I.  So far I accomplished getting a tummy ache and then IT MOSTLY GOING AWAY.  So that's pretty good!  How long do I have to write five paragraphs.  LOTS OF TIME.  OVER AN HOUR YOU IDIOTS.  Good deal.  Anyway.  THE THING IS my Mom wants Communal Meatloaf tonight but my Dad isn't gonna have it.  And it's certainly plausible we end up having it just me and my mom.  And my dad has his portion separately at another time.  BUT TEN AGAIN it's plausible my Mom decides okay might as well wait to have it all together.  ALSO now that I think about it plausible WHY DON'T I JUST DECIDE TOO if I don't want it tonight MOM CAN HAVE IT HERSELF TOO.  IT'S UP TO ME AS WELL.  If Mom wants it FINE.  I can join my Dad in ABSTAINING TOO.  Hmm.  What do I WANT to do.  That's a tough one.  MAY want Meatlaof tonight in the end!  May NOT want it!  Gonna decide before lunch.  But RIGHT NOW I'm not sure.  Right now leaning towards I WANT TO LEAN TOWARDS WANTING IT but I'm currently NOT enthusiastic about it.  So that's good. NO IT ISN'T IT'S TERRIBLE.
Seventh paragraph!  Little bit cooler today.  LITTLE BIT.  Let's see if it warms up over the course of the day. YEAH IT DOES.  Doesn't reach Last Few Days Heat though.  So that's good.  How much of a dent did I make in Breakfast Treats between Last Night and Last NightMight.  I'd say at least Half Of Them.  HOW MUCH DO I GET TO START WITH.  8 or 10, right?  Lemme LTURQ.  12.  PROBABLY HAD 5-7.  Amazing.  Good stuff.  What else do I have going for me.  Three and a half paragraphs to go.  You know ROUGHLY A LOT MORE TAN ONE TIRD OF THE ACT TO GO.  SO that's good.  Gonna have to confirm when people are coming to replace my cable box.  Gotta clean up room.  I need to make a good impression on Jerks.  Anyway.  Rotten Tomatoe says Antman is mostly not great but the new villain for The Upcoming Entire Phase Of Films is Quality.  THAT'S GOOD.  HALF GLASS FULL.  This movie isn't good but IT SETS UP FRANCHISE IN QUALITY WAY GOING FORWARD.  IT SACRIFICES ITSELF FOR TEH GOOD OF MANKIND.  WAY TO GO.  Anyway hey three paragraphs to go.
   Huh.  OK maybe aim to have chicken parm for lunch and either meatloaf or corned beef sandwich for dinner.  OKAY SOUNDS PRETTY REASONABLE LETS GO WIT THAT.  Okay Great.  What else is up! I know its a joke that Paul Rudd never looks like he ages but AT SOME POINT Paul RUDD MUST look like he'll be elderly.  It WILL HAPPEN eventually.  We don't know WHEN and HOW IT WILL MANIFEST.  I'm just telling you to prepare yourselves.  What else sigoing on.  How old is Paul Rudd.  I'm gonna say Fifty One.  53.  NAILED IT TO THE EXACT SINGLE UNIT.  Amazing.  Paul Rudd is a palindrome.  Not sure what that's supposed to mean.  What else is going on.  Just try looking at his name backwards!  EXACTLY THE SAME as his name forwards IF YOU CHANGE YOUR INTERPRETATION SLIGHTLY.  So that's good.  What else is up.  I enjoyed rectangular prism iced cream sandwich last night.  Also WASN'T 10 calories more than circular iced cream sandwich.  WAS TEH SAME AMOUNT of calories.  Possibly MORE delicious.  IN TEH FUTURE maybe I should be getting this kind?
Penultimate paragraph!  Good deal.  Hmm.  Should I open ESPN email to see if I can OPT OUT of future e-mails.  Might as well give it a shot.  Then again maybe that next ESPN Email I would be missing would be that ONE IN A THOUSAND ESPN Email I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE.  Then I'd regret theoretically Not Getting It!  Hmm.  What else is up.  The point is I subscribed to ESPN INSIDER/Magazine for 1-3 years in high school.  For Fantasy Baseball purposes.  And/or regular baseball purposes.  I guess I also got Regular Enjoying Following Baseball purpose out of reading ESPN Glossy Magazine and being able to read Paywall articles on the website out of it.  BUT MOSTLY for Fantasy Baseball Purposes.  ANYWAY IT WAS A BLAST AND A HALF.  But those were different times.  MANY DIFFERENT TIMES.  Huh.  Hmm.  Wha.  Shu.  The point is ESPN doesn't have my e-mail from back then.  The e-mails I'm getting THESE DAYS isn't residual from THAT.  THIS IS AN ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DEAL.  Anyway one more paragraph to go and whatknot and crap!
   YEAH.  What else is up.  Probably things and crap one would imagine!  I'd guess.  LOOK did I win Fantasy Baseball league 2-4 years in a row NETTING several hundreds of dollars in the process YES.  OVERALL did I MAKE more money than I spent on ESPN Magazine I DON'T KNOW it may have been close.  I also subscribed to BASEBALL AMERICA which is a prospect oriented publication.  Between the two of them good shot I was spending more than I made back.  BUT ENTERTAINMENTWISE I was enteratined aplenty!  Also I get the joy and pride of Winning All The Time.  So that was good.  Anyway.  JUST TALKED WITH MOM.  Gonna have meatloaf tonight.  THERE.  I'M HAPPY ABOUT GETTING IT SET IN STONE.  More or less.  It's good too because delicious who doesn't enjoy some Communal Meatloaf.  Jerks probably.  That's their problem, not mine!  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.  See ya soon!  Ya jerks.  You know that sort of thing.  Why am I still typing.




these are words for instance

    Hey friends.  Got about an entire hour if I want to write this act.  Amazing!  Gonna aim to write it in Oh I Don't Know AS MUCH AS TIRTY FIVE MINUTES.  Probably less than that!  Either way lunch gonna be either chicken parm or wide al fredo.  DAD might be having meatloaf TOMORROW NIGHT.  Meaning no communal dinner delivery.  Meaning maybe I go with some frozen pizza tomorrow night.  Delightful!  It's all coming into focus.  Or something.  I dunno.  What else is up.  WHAT TO WATCH when I first put on Television Set after shower in about an hour.  Hmm.  That's a tough one!  I'm not in the middle of any film franchise.  Guess I'm in the middle of perpetual Tales In The Crypt and The Simpsons TV Franchises.  So that's good.  Gotta imagine there's a Horror Film or two from 1970's-1990's on PEACOCK: The Streamer I can watch that I haven't seen before.  Probably.  I enjoy those movies halfways well enough.  They're GOOD because THINGS HAPPEN in them.  YOU'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.
Four paragraphs to go.  Sure.  I don't KNOW when to aim to have dinner.  6:45 or 7:00.  IT MATTERS because it's when my Mom is having dinner, too.  NOW someone else is involved.  Other people are important.  I'll survive one way or another but My Mom must have the best dinner experience possible!  At least in terms of whether it kicks off at roughly 6:48 or 7:03.  Huh.  Do I BUY that each slice of meatlaof is 175 calories which is what super market says they are?  Yeah.  I guess I do.  Never really doubted it in the past even though I doubt all their other calorie counts.  THIS THING seemed right on target even though 9 out of 10 other things seem too low.  BUT NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT... since everything else seems too low.. THIS IS PROBABLY TOO LOW TOO.  DANGIT.  Just my luck.  Anyway.  Is it possible I have delicious Frozen Pizza for LUNCH tomorrow?  That'd be a delightful mixemup I think. I dunno if it'll happen but it's a VERY intriguing proposition.
   Three paragraph to go.  YEAH!  Hmm.  Got delicious hershem bars with almonds.  Maybe I INDULGE in that tonight.  It's QUITE the indulgance.  It's about two dozen ON AVERAGE more calories than ALREADY INDULGENT Quest Bar.  BUT IN TE END LIFE IS FOR THE LIVING.  EAT SOME DELICIOUS CHOCOOLATE CANDY BAR.  Fridgerated one!  Snap into that fridgerated chocolate.  Delightful!  What else is up.  OKAY FUCK IT.  I gotta do some laundry.  I'VE PUT UP WITH NOT HAVING CLEAN SHIRTS AND WHATKNOT long enough.  The time has come to BE A MAN and do some laundry I DON"T CARE what the consequences are.  Okay let's go with that.  Maybe.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Also I care what the consequences are.  I just don't foresee Extremely Serious Consequences.  If there were REAL BAD consequences WOULDN'T DO IT.  BUT THERE WON'T BE.  So that's good.  Huh.  Maybe watch some Shawshank Redemption today.  Couldn't HURT.  Presumably.  Could hurt!  Probably wouldn't hurt REAL BAD.  But might hurt MODERATELY.  ANYWAY only two more paragraphs to go for Act II.
Yeah!  How much time do I have to write these two paragraphs.  I DUNNO FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  Wow!  Let's say aim for fifteen minutes would be more or less reasonable to Guesstimate.  What else is up.  Frozen pizza has PEPPERONI.  I haven't had PEPPERONI in I DON'T KNOW how long.  Probably last time I had Pepperoni was in a HOT POCKET.  Even THAT was probably YEAR or more ago.  Last time I had Pepperoni ON PIZZA was Frozen Pizza which was LONGER than that ago.  Last time I had pepperoni on FRESH Pizza was EVEN LONGER AGO and that streak SHALL CONTINUE for some more time I suppose.  Huh.  Nice day in store for me today, right?  Nice lunch and dinner.  I dunno what I'll watch on the television set but it'll be something NEW.  I enjoyed XMen Week Or So but now it's time for something new!  I'll enjoy NightTime Night somehow one way or another.  IT'LL BE FINE JUST FINE.  What else is going on.  NOTHING.  ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Oh good.  Huh.  Leaning towards chicken parm for lunch.  Wide al fredo can make a comeback though.  Never count out wide alfredo completely!  So that's good.  WOW the Recreational Marijuana Shop in Binghamton STARTED DELIVERYING.  I don't think they'd deliver to me on account of it'd take Six Hours but I TAKE IT AS A SIGN OF PROGRESS nonetheless.  LOOK IS SIX HOURS ACCURATE I DUNNO.  Could be Four hours.  Could be NINE hours.  A lot of it depends on whether they're going STRAIGHT from Shop to my house or if they'ret aking standard public transportation routes and/or whatknot.  ALSO if they have a ROCKETSHIP or not.  Anyway you get the idea.  Probably.  Someone gets the idea.  And I don't.  MUST BE YOU.  Hmm.  WOW the Act is just about almost over.  JUST NOT QUITE though.  Hmm.  Gotta say roughly one more Thing.  What.  I don't wanna say one more thing.  I know I SHOULD and it's a good opportunity to add to the quality of the entry.  But I just don't feel like it!  SO SUE ME.  Anyway I'll be back tonight.  DON'T SUE ME.  I COULDN'T AFFORD LOSING.  Can't even afford winning!  SEE YA TONIGHT.




So That's What I Said For Some Reason

    Hey friends!  Real productive day!  FINALLY replaced empty bottles of Cholesterol Medication and one of two anti-depressants.  I had just been Not Takign Them for a solid 1-2.5 months!  STARTING TONIGHT I'M BACK ON EM.  Finally did some laundry and/or drying!  We're talkin' 12-14 shirts as well as ONE pair of sock and TWO underwear.  SITTING IN DRYER RIGHT NOW.  ALL DRIED OUT.  Figure I don't need to address that immediately.  HAD DELICIOUS COMMUNAL MEATLOAF FOR DINNER.  Delicious PERSONAL Kids Chicken Parm for lunch.  Watched delicious 1980's horror film as well as first Oh I Don't Know HALF HOUR of SLEEPERS.  I've seen the first Oh I Don't Know FOURTY FIVE MINUTES of Sleepers a dozen times as a kid.  I like the first part of it WHEN THEY'RE KIDS.  Not sure I ever saw the rest of the movie when they're adults.  NOW I'M ADULT.  Maybe I'd like the rest of this movie now, too!  ALSO NICE SOLID DRAMA it looks like.  QUALITY DRAMA FILM its shaping up to be.  NOTHIN WRONG WITH SOME SLEEPERS.  What else.  Maybe put that on the back burner and watch some HORROR tonight.  Got a possibility on THE SHUTTER lined up.  SO that's good.  NO COMMUNAL DINNER TOMORROW NIGHT.  ALL LINED UP FOR POSSIBLE FROZEN PZIZA.
Yeah!  Jimmy Carter is NEAR DEATH. Well he's had a good run.  He's 98 and he's been alive for most of that time.  Not sure what that means or why I was possessed to say it.  I WAS TOHUGH and that's the important part.  ANyway.  Not sure what kinda snack(s) I'm looking at for tonight but it should be a blast and/or a half and/or maybe some THIRDS perhaps.  Something like that.  I dunno!  Responsible thing to do for tomorrow is WIDE AL FREDO as one meal and SANDWICH as other.  Probably INDULGENT CORNED BEEF.  Let's aim for that as of This Early Date.  DAY BEFORE.  Hey remember The Day After Tomorrow.  DOES THAT QUALIFY AS, "TOMORROW," YET.  I don't think it qualifies as, "TODAY," yet.  But we're getting close to it being, "TOMORROW," TERRITORY I FEEL.  I never saw the movie though so I can't say for sure.  Huh.  WEIRD.  I'm gonna wear a shirt tomorrow that's CLEAN.  WEIRD.  I'm gonna take ALL TEH PILLS I'm supposed totake tongiht.  EVEN THE ONE FOR MY CHOLESTEROL.  Wow life can sure THROW YOU SOME CURVEBALLS SOMETIMES.
   YEAH.  Okay got orange choco pop going on for me now.  That's pretty good!  I guess.  What's the shutter film I got in store for me again. Oh The Final Terror.  I hope it's not REALLY the FINAL terror.  I'd like to face further TELEVISION Terror in my life.  I could stand to not face any more REAL LIFE terror.  Tha'd be a GREAT development.  But it'd be a let down to have no more television terror.  Ugh.  The point is I'm half way through Act III!  Delightful.  I may or may not have EVER seen the second half/two thirds of SLEEPERS.  I guess we'll see what happens though.  POSSIBLY TONIGHT possibly tomorrow.  Not sure if Nighttimes are really appropriate for, "DREAMA," films.  Really feels like nighttims are for horrorific films and MAYBE thrillers and mysteries.  Hmm.  What kind of delicious breakfast do I have coming my way tomorrow.  Balanced or classic breakfast is possible.  Black and white cookie is possible.  Delicious hearty brownie is possible!  ALL THE BREAKFASTS ARE POSSIBLE.  YA NEVER KNOW I MIGHT SURPRISE EVERYONE AND HAVE FREEZER FRITATTATA
Penultimate paragraph.  That's good.  I GUESS.  Aww bit into lollipop.  Didn't last me too long.  Oh well.  It was fun while it lasted I guess.  COULDA BEEN WORSE.  Anyway.  Probably not gonna hang up dry shirt until tomorrow.  Why DO TONIGHT what can be put off until TOMORROW AFTERNOON.  Everyone knows Tomorrow Afternoons are better to accomplish things IN GENERAL as A GENERAL RULE.  So that's GOOD.  The Final Terror is 83 minutes.  NOT A VERY LONG HORROR FILM.  Good.  It's got Joe Pa..antionoa..larolnao... HE'S GOOD.  What else is up.  HIS NAME IS NOWHERE NEAR THAT DIFFICULT.  It's a MUCH SIMPLER NAME THAN I'M IMPLYING.  I owe someone an apology.  POSSIBLY MULTIPLE PEOPLE.  Off the top of my head THERE'S HIM and then when we delve further into my head HIS IMMEDIATE FAMILY AND CLOSEST FRIENDS.  Anyway.  Also finished ShawSKANK Redepemption today.  Good film!  I DON't CARE WHAT ANYONE SAYS I say it's a pretty good film.
Last paragraph.  Hmm.   Probably eat something after this is posted to internet.  WHAT WOULD I ENJOY.  Probably would enjoy rectangle iced cream sandwich.  BUT I don't know if that's the RIGHT MOVE on a MACRO level.  It has FURTHER IMPLICATIONS DOWN THE LINE than just enjoying it This One Time.  Means I would be WISE NOT TO have classic breakfast tomorrow morning.  WHEREAS OTEHRWISE maybe I'd be wise TO have classic breakfast.  HMM.  I dunno.  We'll see what happens!  ALRIGHT I think I'll have a hershem bar with almoonds when I'm done here AND/OR I have The next TV Thing Lined Up To Watch.  TOOK IT OUT OF FRIDGE NOW.  Will be SLIGHTLY Room Temperature'd by the time I eat it.  GOOD DEAL.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  NOW I'M LINED UP TO HAVE CLASSIC BREAKFAST TOMORROW IF I DECIDE THAT'S TEH ROUTE I WANNA GO.  Jeez.  I guess that's about it for today. GOT A GOOD FEELING TOMORROW will be slightly better. See ya then!

-8:13 P.M.




Friday, February 17, 2023

Today Seems To Be Today

    Hey friends!  A bit ahead of schedule today TWERE today a normal day.  9:12 AM! Actually 9:11 AM but I didn't feel comfortabley writing 9:11.  Too many bad memories associated with that number.  Not so much with the colon included.  But you get the idea.  Anyway Fresh Direct presumably coming between 10:00 and 12:00.  Amazon Fresh between 3:00 and 5:00.  TOO MANY MOVING PARTS for me to calculate off the top of my head without effort if I'll fit in 8 walks easily.  Just TAKE THE DAY AS IT COMES.  Also right now DON'T AIM for any circle walks after Act I if I'm waiting for Fresh Direct.  MAY CHANGE MY MIND.  But I don't WANT TO as of now.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Had what's now the most common amount of NightMight Snacking.  Around 600 calories.  Had NO breakfast as of now.  JUST WASN'T HUNGRY.  Can eat something now or before lunch or whenever if I'm hungry.  JUST DON'T WANT TO RIGHT NOW.  Go figure!  Listening to SUPERBLOOM playlist on Walk I.  It's NEW ARTISTS who DEFY Genre or something.  NO THEY DON'T.  They're genre.  Superbloom is the genre.  WAY TO GO.
Paragraph two.  Fifty One minutes into 91 minute (WITH CREDIT) Horror Film from last night.  Not a terrible movie.  It's solid!  Nothing exceptional about it but there's nothing wrong with it either!  Also PAULY SHORE.  Amazing.  SURE NEPOTISM got him in the movie.  His parents are HOLLYWOOD LEGENDS.  I think.  Who are his parents again.  They own THE COMEDY STORE or something.  Something like that.  Lemme LTURQ. YEP.  His mother managed and co-founded THE COMEDY STORE.  Or founded and co-managed.  Either way.  The important thing is Good For Him.  I'd watch IN THE ARMY NOW.  Opening credits are him playing a video game.  I'D PLAY A VIDEO GAME.  Hmm.  Not a bad idea.  Now I wanna play a video game!  I CAN DO IT TOO.  I got an XBOX 360 that works more than half the time.  I dunno about MORE than half the time.  It works ON ONE SIDE of half the time.  So that's good.  Hmm.  AS OF NOW I think I'm leaning towards delicious sushi for lunch.  PROBS with some sort of sushiside.  WHEATED THIN perhaps a possibility.
YEAH.  I could have COMPLETE BREAKFAST at some point now.  BALANCED BREAKFAST.  Lunch is in about 4.75 hours from now.  I can have breakfast let's say UP TO AN HOUR FROM NOW.  ACTUALLY NO.  Let's say UP TO UNTIL ACT I IS OVER.  I can finish Act I and THEN I CAN SAY DO I WANNA HAVE BREAKFAST MAYBE I DO.  Then I can have it UP UNTIL THEN.  Huh.  Anyway.  They ain't doin' work outside my house today!  Maybe down the street, I DUNNO.  But not right outside my house.  Super market gonna be able to park outside my house REAL EASYLIKE.  Good for them.  The point is I'm re-upping with a lot of exciting snacks today.  What am I gonna enjoy tonight and/or during nightmight.  Chocolate breakfast biscuits.  Sweet breakfast treats.  Amazingly low 50 calorie fudge iced cream pop.  POSSIBLE I indulge in one of the hershem bars toinght.  I CAN'T DO ALL of those things toinght.  But probably one or two of them!  HEY THREE PARAGRAPHS DOWN in nine minutes how about that.  Actually ten minutes.  I STARTED OFF A MINUTE EARLIER TAN I SAID I DID.
Okay.  Should I finish Shopping Mall Phantom Of The Opera film First Things First on television set today?  POSSIBLY.  Also I will be watching Television Set today BEFORE finished Daytime Entrying presumably.  Most likely!  Not definitely!  But odds are I don't accept Super market delivery early enough such that I don't have some time to kill and whatknot.  If I have no breakfast SHOULD I CONSIDER balanced breakfast for lunch.  HMM.  I got three sandwich lunches and three NON-sandwich lunches for upcoming SEVEN LUNCHES.  I GOT ROOM TO PLAY WITH with a balanced breakfast lunch.  You idiots.  Also one of these lunches can become a dinner AT ANY TIME you never know what might happen.  Hmm.  John Fettermann suffering from depression.  Wish him the best of luck.  I've suffered from depression in my lifetime.  Don't really remember how it went but PROBABLY WASN'T GREAT.  Either way I dunno.  Coffee after this paragraph.  AND TIS PARAGRAPH IS OVER NOW!
   I should have HALF Balanced Breakfast.  Eggo and Egg White.  Maybe skip the cereal if I don't need it.  But it's good to make a dent in the egg white.  And it's good to eat SOMETHIN.  Anyway.  That's something to keep in mind going forward.  IF I finish Act I and no delivery comes that's the aim.  Work on Half Breakfast.  OKAY GREAT SURE.  Hmm.  Used to start coffee after 5th paragraph but I wouldn't finish it so then I started it after fourth.  I STILL DON'T FINISH IT.  Now I gotta start it after third paragraphs.  I TINK it'll be ready by then.  Good deal.  What else is up.  Baseball commentator of Baseketball Actor Tim Mccarver died.  Was HE the guy who said you're excited, feel these nipples?  Let's check the internet?  NO.  I don't think that was him.  I think he just got a regular straight cameo.  OH WELL.  He's dead now all the same.  No sense in putting a man down further when he's dead.  Hmm.  I think he used to call Met games.  Back in the day. POSSIBLY AND WHATKNOT.  Hey halfway through the Act.  Amazing.
   Played over four decades.  1959-1980.  That's pretty mind boggling.  It's not FUNNY or INTERESTING to say here.  But it's SO MIND BOGGLING I decided to share it with you nonetheless.  THAT'S MY RESPONSIBILITY.  Hmm.  Nipples dialogue mighta been given to BOB COSTAS!  That sounds right now that I think about it.  Also now that I Look Into It I TINK INTERNET IS CONFIRMING TIS FOR ME.  So that's good.  Amazing.  Looks like we may be on track to have communal super market meatloaf tomorrow night.  That's okay.  Meatloaf.  Some Kasha and/or Varnishkas. Broccoli.  I'll enjoy that meal.  Hearty enough.  ONE OFF.  Don't gotta eat it three nights in a row.   Amazing!  HMM.  I got a few blueberry eggos and half a dozen chocolatey eggoes.  WHICH ONE FOR TODAY.  That's a tough one.  I TINK I'm more in the mood for blueberry but you can never count out chocolatey completely, now can you.  Hmm.  This is a tough one!  This one is gonna come down to the wire and/or whatknot.
Seventh paragraph!  Maybe eat eggo and egg white as open faced sandwich.  That's one way to go about my life.  I guess!  Anyway.  Warm as a motherfucker outside yesterday.  Still warm today.  WILL it reach Yesterday's Warmness as the day progresses today?  I dunno!  We'll see.  I'll see at least.  MAYBE I'll report back to you MAYBE I won't.  That's up to me!  Anyway ran out of NO soda this past week.  I was down to the last bottle of all NON diet coke sodas but I didn't finish ANY of em.  So that's good.  Lotta leftover beer.  Got 2 six packs for upcoming week instead of an 18 pack.  Everything going great and whatknot.  It'd be nice if super market delivery comes early and whatknot.  Doesn't interrupt my schedule.  WOW yesterday a SECOND song from the New New pornographers album was available on apple music.  GOTTA WAIT ANOTHER SIX WEEKS for entire album though.  Presumably.  That's a good band.  I SAW THEM LIFE.  I've only seen half a dozen bands life.  THEY ONE OF EM.
   Three paragraph to go for Act I!  Delightful.  Maybe lean towards blueberry eggo.  Maybe I SHOULD lean towards NO eggo.  I'm not hungry!  BUT I WANNA MAKE DENT IN EGG WHITE.  GOD DANGIT what to do WHAT TO DO.  Hmm.  I can have egg white as side for Sushiside.  Right?  Sure!  Why not.  Hmm.  That'd be a good innard for sushi.  Egg!  Gotta imagine the ydo that sometimes.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE NOT REALLY.  They're WRONG though.  They SHOULD be doing it.  The point is it's dumb and not good but I COULD DO IT.  Sushi with some egg white.  Why not.  Then again I DON'T CARE.  What else is up.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  No spoilers but someone drafted Jonathon India and dropped him and I'm trying to pick him up from Waivers.  Didn't really LOOK INTO Jonathon India but I TINK he's someone I could stand to have on my team.  And I got someone on my team whose worthless and I can stand to lose.  Lemme LURQ some Jonathon India.  He was drafted in round 19 of 23 originally.  WOW.  Currently ROSTERED in 81% of Yahoo! Fantasy Baseball Leagues.  WOW 4 out of 5.
Two paragraphs to go.  Good deal.  Also DUDE IS A SECOND BASEMAN.  I got a pretty good second baseman TOMMY EDMAN but ya never know when you might need a backup second baseman.  Ugh.  What else do I got going on for me.  Wrote 8 paragraphs in thirty six minutes.  So that's... GOOD?  Possibly!  Hard to say for sure whether it's good or bad.  So that's good.  Jonathon INDIA I believe did well against THE METS either in 2021 or 2022.  I forget HOW or WHEN or WHAT.  But I vaguely remember him getting The Mets Goat in an at bat or two at some point.  Oh well such is life.  What else is up.  How long is The New Mutants.  Cause THAT'S ALL THE XMEN I Got Left IN THE WORLD.  94 minutes.  NOT VERY LONG AT ALL.  Oh okay good.  Wow very low budget and even lower box office.  Doesn't sound good for future New Mutant Film Enterprise prospects.  What else is up and crap.  I think I'll go the Half Balanced Breakfast thing.  Gonna be good.  But in the meantime ONE MORE PARAGRAPH TO WRITE.
Okay.  THEN AGAIN.  Ya know what.  KIND OF.  Actually.  Would be interested in having Egg white as a SushiSide.  Wouldn't be terrible.  I can imagine it making vague sense.  Hmm.  In the meantime let's just write this paragraph.  GOOD DEAL.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Is it possible I have as low as six paragraphs today because of super market deliveries?  I dunno!  is it possible I have as low as LESS than six paragraphs?  I dunno!  The important thing is I'd be satisfied with seven.  LESS THAN SEVEN IS A BUST THOUGH.  Oh well such is life.  Guess I'll put on Horror Film from last night while waiting for Fresh Direct SHOULD I have time to kill.  So that's good.  I guess.  THEN AGAIN HMM HOW ABOUT A THE SIMPSONS.  That'd be an interesting MixEmUp.  Hmm.  Not sure what to do!  Life is tough!  JOHN FETTERMAN KNOWS IT.  We don't know what he's depressed about but HE KNOWS life is tough for one reason or another.  Knows it better than most!  Anyway.  I'll be back soon presumably.




ready and able and/or willing

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Super market delivery came when I was almost done with Simpsons episode: Lisa's Wedding.  Good deal!  Arrived with enough time to give me enough time to fit in everything I wanna fit in in early part of day with A DOZEN OR TWO minutes to spare to make it NOT CRUNCHTIME.  Also I don't anticipate afternoon super market delivery making me miss any walks.  So in the end TODAY TURNS OUT OKAY.  Hmm.  Had no Half Breakfast or anything. Just gonna have sushi with half of my egg whites for lunch.  It sounds GOOD.  Gonna heat up egg white though.  Not sushi.  That part sounds kind of strange.  But it'll be okay I guess.  Hmm.  How long do I have to write the next four paragraphs. Oh I Don't Know AN ENTIRE FOURTY MINUTES how about that.  Oh okay that's good.  Hmm.  Simpsons is funny.  You heard it here first!  LISA IS IN COLLEGE in 2010?  I WAS IN COLLEGE IN 2010.  Also as early as in 2006 and as late as in 2017.  BUT DEFINITELY in 2010 too.  If I was graduating when I was on track to graduate IT'D BE 2010 WHICH MAY BE WHEN LISA WAS GRADUATING.  Fascianting.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  Them super market suckers never even rang the bell.  Normally I check the front door every five minutes and it takes them seven minutes to park the truck and unload it and everything so its not a problem.  THIS TIME somehow I checked the door once, NOTHIN THERE, checked it again five minutes later, GROCERIES TEHRE AND TRUCK IS LONG GONE.  Either way WHAT THE HELL IS THEIR PROBLEM.  These groceries GONNA SPOIL.  You gotta RING THAT BELL friend.  I GOT ICE CREAM THAT COULD MELT.  Also it's DRIZZLIGN OUTSIDE.  EVERYTHING IS GETTING RAINED UPON.  I never signed up for that!  Hmm.  Anyway what else is up.  There's a chance I am INCONVENIENCED by afternoon super market delivery and there's slight crunchtime for 2 walks.  BUT I DON'T TINK I'd have to skip any. And it'd just be A SMALL WINDOW of crunch time.  NOT A BIG DEAL.  What else.  Watching ONE Simpsons episode-- I'd enjoy watching MORE I FEEL.  It's not the same as watching Film Franchises but it's enjoyable.  Hmm.  I JUST REALIZED ONE TING I DIDN'T GET.  Gotta go tell DAD about this.  DANGIT.
   Anyway.  What else is up.  At leat I figured it out PRETTY quickly.  We're talkin I'M ON TEH CASE fourty five minutes after it arrived.  If I didn't realize until tonight or later DAD WOULD BE ANGRY AT ME.  I'd probably just keep it to myself and EAT THE SHAME AND LOSS.  This way I'M ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THINGS.  Anyway.  That's good.  Not the part about me not getting POP chips.  That's terrible.  I got other kinda saltsides.  Don't worry about me. I'll be okay.  PLUS no saltside for sushi today.  EGGWHITE side.  AMAZING.  What else do I got going for me.  Wore winter jacket for first two walks.  Wasn't too uncomfortable.  Amazing.  Huh.  Saved a bunch of calories by not having breakfast.  We're talking ON AVERAGE I gain about .1 LB from eating breakfast.  THAT's ONE UNIT on a scale that rounds off to the .1 LB DIGIT lower JUST BECAUSE I DIDN'T HAVE NO BREAKFAST.  Amazing.  How much time do I have to write the next two paragraphs now.  I dunno.  Lots of time.  Too much time.  Let's say I wanna finish them in Oh I Don't Know I'M GONNA GIVE MYSELF SO MUCH TIME 20 MINUTES.
Yeah!  Huh.  What to watch on the television set after shower in an hour or so.  WELL watch the last 2 or 3 minutes of The Simpsons DUH.  Then I DON'T KNOW.  Got THE NEW MUTANTS.  Got 40 minutes of SHUTTER film.  THEN WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE.  Jeez.  Hmm.  Wonder if Pauly Shore will die in this film.  Didn't occur to me last night.  I'd say probably 60/40 chance he dies.  Not THE BEST ODDS.  Maybe he's got a better shot.  I'd say MOST OF THE TIME his character would have a 60/40 shot of dying but PAULY SHORE the producers might be like EVERYONE LOVES FUTURE SUPERSTAR PAULY SHORE, WE CAN'T KILL HIM.  So that's good.  We'll see what happens with that.  The important thing is that HE LIVED HIS LIFE WELL WHILE HE WAS ALIVE.  So that's good.  Anyway.  I can STILL hear Dad on phone with Super market people about Pop Chips.  THAT HAPPENED AGES AGO.  I didn't mean to waste so much of my Dad's time. I SHOULD HAVE JUST NOT SAID ANYTHING.  But then my Dad loses the Four Dollars Nineteen Cents we'll presumably get refunded.  DANGIT I LOSE EITHER WAY.
   Last paragraph.  Delightful!  Hmm.  Okay he's off the phone with them now.  ALRIGHT GREAT.  Anyway.  I wonder what the next Simpsons episode is.  Let's LTURQ.  TWO DOZEN AND ONE GREYHOUNDS?  I vaguely remember that episode.  GOTTA BIG MUSICAL NUMBER.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Not sure.  Gonna have delicious Freedom Pot Pie tonight.  I've been digging that the last HALF DOZEN times.  Really nice streak I got going of getting a kick out of it.  Should be good!  What else.  STAND ALONE Super Hero/Comic Book films I got to watch.  Off the top of my head there's VENOM.  Stuff like that.  What other stuff like that is there.  I DUNNO I'LL LOOK INTO IT LATER TODAY FOR SURE.  Hmm.  Maybe re-watch JOKER.  EVERYONE ENJOYS TAHT FILM.  Probably.  What else is up.  Nothing!  I guess that's it!  I'll see ya tonight and everything.  Later!




So That's Good More Or Less

    Hey friends!  Successful day today more or less!  Accepted both deliveries.  Came out of the deal SHORT A POP CHIPS sure.  But got everything else.  Fit in all my walks.  ALREADY DONE.  No more walking today.  I'm CRAWLING everywhere else back and forth in my house FOR THE REST OF TE NIGHT.  Anyway.  Finished Shutter film.  Watched The New Mutants.  It was okay!  I liked the part where HEY THIS MOVIE WAS OKAY.  PRETTY SPOOKY.  No spoilers though.  Except for that it's pretty spooky.  Kinda spoiled that.  Such is life.  Hmm.  Started a 1980s Horror PEACOCK film.  By which I mean ON THE PEACOCK streamer.  So that's good.  Gonna finish that after this.  THEN WHAT I DO NOT KNOW.  Also forgot how to do grammar for that sentence and/or sentence fragment.  Hmm.  Had delicious sushi with egg white for lunch.  IT WAS GOOD.  Had four wheated thins with it as well.  MADE SENSE TOO.  Had freedom pot pie for dinner.  DELIGHTFUL.  Had a breakfast treat also.  YEAH.
Okay.  Gonna indulge in probably TWO things tonight ONE OF WHICH will be PARTICULARLY exciting.  Possible PARTICULARLY exciting thing is Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich of Rectangular Prism Variety.  I'm excited about it already.  So that's good.  Are some Historical Architecture Pyramids actually Triangular Prisms.  AND/OR what's the difference.  I feel there's a difference.  OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD I can't think of it.  Which is good because I'M BUSY TINKING OF OTEHR THINGS OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD.  Probably.  Not sure what.  But there must be something going on Up There somehow.  Hmm.  There are I believe THREE Fantastic Fours in Disney Plus.  Two Fantastic Four ONES and ONE Fantastic Four TWO.  WILL I WATCH THEM?  I dunno.  It's VERY possible NO FANTASTIC FOUR MOVIES EVER HAD ANYTHING GOING FOR THEM AT ALL.  SO that's something to consider.  I believe Jessica Album is TWO out of the Fantastic Twelve.  SHE IS ONE OUT OF FANTASTIC SIX.  So that's one positive I guess.
   Hmm.  What kinda meals we looking at for tomorrow.  Breakfast could be classic or balanced but PROBABLY Black * White cookie.  Lunch could be ANYTHING but probably Sandwich.  Dinner MAY BE on track for Communal Freedom Loaf.  Oh okay good all sounds great amazing.  Sure.  Gotta write second half of Act II now.  I was going into Act III planning to have choco pop but at this point looks like  I DON'T NEED IT.  AMAZING I CAN THEN HAVE TWO INDULGENT EXCITING SNACKS TONIGHT TEN.  Rectangle Iced Cream Sandwich AND ... I dunno.  I don't wanna go FULL Hershem Bar Exciting.  That's TOO exciting.  YA KNOW WHAT FORGET IT.  Just go Exciting Iced Cream Sandwich.  And if I wanna solid snack go with something only RELATIVELY exciting like maybe SOME CHOCOLATE BREAKFAST BISCUITS.  Something like that.  STILL VERY EXCITING IN A MACRO SENSE that I'm eating snacks.  But in terms of EATING AN INDIVIDUAL SNACK I'VE HAVE MORE EXCITING EXPERIENCES.
  Ya know ONE.  In package there are FOUR.  FOUR OF TEM is 210 calorie.  I HAD ONE.  IT WAS DELICIOUS AND EXCITING.  What else is going on and crap.  Got some DIET DR PEPPER going on.  Got rare FIVE sodas in fridge.  Usually I like to cap it at FOUR.  If I have Diet Dr Pepper in there it's INSTEAD of something else presumably a Diet Cola.  NOT RIGHT NOW. GOT EM ALL at my disposal.  I'm not disposing them.  I'm consuming them.  Why would I buy them just to get rid of them.  That'd be DUMB.  Anyway.  Might gotta go do some bloodwork next week.  Sounds great.  Get some nice needling done.  It's about time!  SORT OF.  Time is a KEY FACTOR in this situation.  Anyway.  I believe Pauly Shore survived Phantom Of The Maul.  HOWEVER he might have died and come back as a zombie several scenes later but they never were explicit about it and we just had to figure it out ourselves.
   Anyway.  Last paragraph!  Good deal.  Also Pauly Shore shows his butt in the film.  I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that.  I don't know what my butt looks like AND I LIKE IT THAT WAY.  Anyway.  What to put on after current Horror Film is up.  ABOUT HALFWAY THROUGH IT.  Lemme LTURQ.  46 minutes in, 42 minutes left.  Hmm.  Maybe just watch a few Tales In The Crypt after this. I DUNNO.  WANNA FIGURE OUTTA MOVIE TO WATCH BUT IS IT PRACTICAL I DON'T KNOW.  Good news is I'm gonna eat SOMETHING captivating when I'm done here.  Not when the paragraph is over.  BUT rather when spell check and Posting To Internet is over.  WILL IT BE ICED CREAM, will it be something else, ONLY TIME WILL OR WILL NOT TELL.  Also Everything Else Will Or Will Not Tell.  MOSTLY WILL NOT.  But I guess some other things WILL tell potentially.  WILL iam TELL overture.  HOW DOES THAT STRIKE YOU.  Anyway that's it for now.  See ya tomorrow

-8:11 P.M.




Thursday, February 16, 2023

Suppose We Settle For This

    Hey friends!  9:34 AM!  Normally that's right on schedule.  TODAY schedule is half an hour more CrunchTime.  BEHIND SCHEDULE NOW.  If I wanna fit in everything in early part of day I ONLY GOT FIFTY MINUTES AT MOST for Act I.  And EVEN WITH THAT the rest of morning is Very Much Crunch Time.  But still LET'S TRY TO DO THAT.  Act I probably gonna be 8 or 9 paragraphs.  POSSIBLY TEN SURE.  Probably not though.  Anyway.  NightMight was relatively positive.  Solid 75% of what had been Normal NightMIght for a couple of months.  NOW based on the last week THAT 75% is becoming RELATIVELY NEW NORMAL.  Interesting.  Had Classic Breakfast.  Was CLOSE to finally having a balanced breakfast.  Ended up not though.  Partly because it would have taken longer.  Having classic breakfast allowed me to fit in all walks in morning.  SO IT'S GOOD.  Ham sandwich for lunch.  Who knows what for dinner.  Future people.  I HATE THEM SO MUCH.
Not all future people.  99 out of 100 people in the future, if you asked them, wouldn't be able to tell you what I had for dinner tonight.  Anyway.  Watched Horror film last night.  REAL creepy.  Necrophilia and animal cruelty and crap.  HOPEFULLY all staged.  But really creepy nonetheless.  And I don't Creep easily!  Anyway.  There's a SEQUEL.  Gotta imagine I watch that at some point.  I LIKE SEQUEL.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  DEADPOOL II is on deck for what to watch next on Television Set today.  GREAT NEWS the trade in my Fantasy Baseball league went through.  I THOUGHT IT WAS A FAIR TRADE based on what I could tell.  I'M GLAD they worked it out.  WAIT A SECOND.  This presumably helps both teams.  That's BAD For me.  Both teams were WORSE OFF without the trade happening.  THIS IS TERRIBLE NEWS now that I think about it.  DANGIT.  Anyway.  Shirt I'm wearing is POSSIBLY shirt I wore about 3 days ago.  Amazing.
Third paragraph.  Wrote 2 paragraphs in five minutes.  At that rate I WILL WIN ACT I.  So that's good.  Think I'm gonna re-up with chocolate breakfast biscuits.  THEM were good.  I don't have a problem with THEM at all.  Anyway.  Maybe get coffee after this paragraph.  That makes sense.  Assuming it's ready.  SHOULD BE READY.  Right?  RIGHT.  Anyway.  THEM doing work outside my house today and SHAKING FOUNDATION.  Like EARTHQUAKE going on.  Anyway.  Pretty sure there's superhero and/or villain named Earthquake.  Lemme LTURQ.  Marvel Villain named Earthquake who battled X-Men.  Oh okay good.  I assume their powers have to do with Quaking The Earth.  Better LTURQ.  I LTURQ but I'm too lazy to read.  Not interested enough.  SORRY.  Also I think Earthquake is somekind of ALIEN.  Weird that an alien would have EARTH in their name.  Oh well.  Who am I to argue.  I have no investment in X-Men.  NEVER BOUGHT A COMIC AT ALL.  Probably BOUGHT TICKETS to 2-4 Films overall.  SUBSCRIPTION TO STREAMING SERVICES WHICH SHOW IT.  COFFEE TIME.
   Hello friends.  Got about fourty minutes.  Let's see. I feel like I could hit 9 paragraphs for Act I reasonably easily.  Let's see how it goes and whatknot.  Anyway COFFEE IS INDEED READY.  I poured it and everything.  Now I'm in the process of consuming it.  Hmm.  Up to PENULTIMATE season of Tales In The Crypt.  That's good.  Close to wrapping back around to first season: The Best Season.  Second Season MAY be the best season.  Which is fine because THAT'S PRETTY CLOSE TOO.  Looks like ANTMAN movie is being released this weekend.  Wonder what the plot of that is.  I ASSUME it involves Antman and/or some character named THE WASP.  Better LTURQ.  Two hour five minutes long.  Not a SHORT movie by any means BUT I WAS KINDA IMAGINING A LONGER MOVIE.  BASED ON WHAT.  On the 1.5 sentence blurb I just read which described the plot.  BASED ON THAT it sounded like 2 hours THIRTY five minutes.  GOTTA SAY I feel like we're missing out.  Feels like there should be an entire half an hour more we should be getting that we're not.
Fifth paragraph!  Delightful.  SHOULD I get turkey dinner.  It's HEALTHY.  Stuffing is DELICIOUS.  I don't know when I'd get this opportunity again.  Hmm.  I just don't know.  If I get Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow WHAT WOULD I GET FOR TODAY.  Hot dog is dumb-- it'd be a redundancy with ham sandwich for lunch.  Not in mood for Grandma's Soup really.  CHICKEN FINGER IS TOO INDULGENT.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO WIT MY LIFE as of this moment.  The good news is I GOT SEVERAL HOURS TO THINK ON IT.  Gotta figure it out A LITTLE BIT in advance.  DELICATESSEN DELIVERY we put in several hours in advance.  Not sure WHY we have to do it that way.  That's just how they run things.  THE JERKS.  Anyway.  Tomorrow gonna be some unpleasantness crunchtime in morning as well because of super market delivery.  DANGIT.  In the end though IT WILL ALL WORK OUT.  More or less.  POSSIBLY LESS.  Probably not more. I don't see how things can work out MORE than Working Out.  Sure they can.  Things can be BETTER than Work Out As You Might Expect.  Huh.
How much time do I have.  Thirty Three minutes.  To write five paragraphs?  THAT'S PRETTY DOABLE I GOTTA SAY.  Anyway.  What else is going on and crap.  Listening to TODAY'S HITS playlist.  I didn't know what else to put on.  It's ABOUT TIME I listen to today's hits.  BEEN ABOUT A WEEK.  Anyway.  FIFTY SONGS.  About 2 hours 45 minutes.  Let's see if I can knock out all this playlist today.  Also most of these songs are from FALL 2022.  HARDLY TODAY.  Oh well.  What are Today's Hits gonna be in 4 months.  Can't be songs from NOW.  THERE ARE NO SONGS FROM NOW.  Either songs STILL From Fall 2022 or songs from THEN IN TE FUTURE.  NO SONGS FROM NOW.  If there were songs from now THEY'D BE ON TODAY'S HITS PLAYLISTS now right?  That'd be my guess at least.  Anyway.  Earthquake.  I think there was a wrestler named Earthquake.  Lemme LTURQ.  In fact I'm SURE there's a wrestler named Earthquake.  I MAY OR MAY NOT know of a wrestler named Earthquake but WHETHER I KNOW OF HIM (or HER) or not THERE EXISTS ONE.  Ah Yes.  John Tenta.  CANADIAN Professional Wrestler.  He's dead now.  Sorry.
Seventh paragraph.  FOUR PARAGRAPHS TO GO!  Don't mean to brag but I wrote six paragraphs in 22 minutes.  SURE I MEAN TO BRAG it's great.  What else is up.  Wonder what Deadpool is up to today.  Probably wisecracking.  That seems to be his prime directive.  Good for him.  Anyway.  Wonder what kind of X-Men he got working with him.  POSSIBLY same two X-Men he's friends with in the first Deadpool.  That wouldn't shock me one bit!  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Gonna have left over CRESCENT POTATO side that I'm getting for side of communal meatloaf.  I guess I can have that as a Sandwichside or two.  Won't be terrible having to finish them.  Won't be GREAT.  I wish I DIDN'T HAVE TO.  But ultimately IT'S THE RIGHT MOVE.  So that's good and crap.  The point is I only have to write 3 more paragraphs after this one AND I GOT TWENTY FIVE MINUTES TO DO IT and the point is that I'm pretty much gonna do that I  feel!
   Okay.  What else is up.  Pretty warm out there today!  I FORGOT to determine if I was too warm in winter jacket on first walk such that I should wear sweatshirt jacket instead on walk II.  I REMEMBER BEING WARM.  I don't remember one way or the other thinking I COULD ALLEVIATE THIS AND BE MORE COMFORTABLE IF I WORE DIFFERENT JACKET.  Oh well.  I TINK I MAY TAKE A CHANCE and wear sweatshirt jacket going into walk ii!  Why not.  What's the worst that could happen.  I'm slightly cold?  WRONG.  The worst that could happen is I'm REGULARLY COLD.  BEYOND slightly cold.  Just FLAT OUT MORE OR LESS RELEVANTLY COLD.  Oh that doesn't sound very good at all!  Oh well what can ya do. Move on with your life!  That's how I feel!  Anyway.  How much soda do I have.  Do I have enough to comfortably last me until re-uppance in 24-26 hours?  Gonna have to look into that.  I know I have SOME left.  We'll see.  I'll tell ya when I come back for Act II.
   TWP PARAGRAPH TO GO.  22 MINUTE.  AMAZE.  What else is up and crap.  WOW I'M GONNA FIT IN ALL TE WALK AND CRAP.  GONNA BE GOOD.  Jeez.  Let's see.  NO TIME to hit a wall now.  Gotta keep going.  ALMOST DONE here!  SURE then there's ACT II to take care of in a little bit.  BUT FIRST we gotta take care of Act I.  How long is Deadpool II.  I'm gonna guess 2 hours 5 minutes.  119 minutes.  Sounds like 2 hours Negative One Minutes.  JUST AS I SUSPECTED.  It GOES WITHOUT SAYING that whatever guess I give FOR ANYTHING is plus or minus SIX UNITS.  SO I NAILED IT EXACTLY is the point.  Hmm.  After Deadpool II is DARK PHOENIX, then is THE NEW MUTANTS, then THAT'S IT. NO MORE X-MEN. THEN WHAT FRANCHISE am I supposed to watch.  I DON'T KNOW.  We'll cross that bridge when we get there.  OR DO WHATEVER WE WANT WIT THE BRIDGE. UP TO US.  The good news is I'll figure something out.  There's LOTS of Film and TV out there.  Some that I've seen, a lot that I've never seen.  A LOT OF IT WORTH WATCHING MORE OR LESS.  So that's good.
One more paragraph to go.  Got EIGHTEEN minutes to write it.  WOW.  ALL I NEED is EIGHT minutes.  You IDIOTS I knocked this act out of the park TIMEWISE.  Good.  House Foundation hasn't shook in a couple dozen minutes.  That's good.  So far HOUSE is still standing.  Let's see how long that lasts.  Anyway.  What kinda sandwichside are we talking for ham sandwich.  If I want a Saltside maybe cheez its could be in the cards.  If I want a sweet side perhaps I enjoy a delicious golden graham bar.  I dunno. Really could be anything at this point!  Hmm.  IF ONLY I HAD CRESCENT POTATOES.  I could decide not to have them IF ONLY I HAD THEM.  Huh.  What else is up.  How long did it take me to write this act.  Fourty minutes.  RIGHT NOW been thirty eight minutes.  Let's say fourty minutes.  Because I still have to write a couple of sentences.  WOW.  The good news is GUESS THE CRUNCHTIME for the rest of the morning is LESS crunchtime than I thought it might be.  So that's good.  STILL GOTTA COME UP WIT SOME TITLES THOUGH.  That's bad.  THE TITLES MIGHT BE GOOD TOUGH.  SOMETING I COULD BE HAPPY WIT.  That's good.  PROBABLY NOT THOUGH.  Anyway.  See ya in a bit.




no time for that

    Hey friends!  Got enough time to write this act comfortably.  Got up to 35, 40 minutes if I really needed it.  I NEVER need that much time for Act II's.  TODAY WOULDN'T BE A GOOD TIME TO START THOUGH.  Either way got plenty of soda for the next 23-25 hours.  HUGE SURPLUS of Diet Coke.  THREE complete 2 liter bottles unopened.  Gotta subtract a couple of Diet Cokes from current super market order.  Let's do that RIGHT NOW. By which I mean RIGHT NOW. By which I mean... you know... in like... THREE SEON... FUCK ME MISSPELLIGN MESSED TINGS UP.  By which I mean... NOW... in FOUR SECONDS... starting.. NOW... GO.  OK.  Was more like TWO SECONDS from GO but okay.  Dropped down from FIVE to THREE two liter Diet Cokes.  So that's good.  Made some more progress on Today's Hits playlist on Walk II.  GONNA MAKE MORE PROGRESS ON WALK II what of it.  I feel like one or two of these songs are new to me.  TRULY are This WEEK'S Hits if not TODAY'S.  MAYBE EVEN Today's as far as I know.  WHAT DO I KNOW.  NOTHIN, that's who.  What else is up.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  Let's look at some Delicatessan Menu.  See if I can get pumped up about a One-Off thing to eat for tonight.  Possibly chicken fingers or breaded chicken cutlet sandwich.  I AIN'T SEEING CHICKEN FINGERS ON TE MENU.  I know they have it.  BUT I CAN'T FIND IT.  WHAT TO DO.  Anyway.  I'll return to that later.  In the meantime let's make some progress with Entry.  How long do I have to write Act if I wanna end it at a time COMFORTABLY ON MY TERMS.  Hmm.  TWENT FIVE MINUTES.  TIRTY MINUTES.  I DUNNO.  JUST WRITE IT and see what happens.  Let's go with that.  What are my choices for bread for breaded chicken cutlet sandwich.  CHICKEN CUTLET ALREADY BREADED why do I need more BREAD.  THERE I GO AGAIN.  But no REALLY what are bread choices.  TOASTED GARLIC BREAD for $1.29 extra.  WELL WORT IT.  Toasted is great and garlic is WONDERFUL.  THIS SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL.  Only problem is that there might be TOO MUCH breaded chicken cutlet such that it's too big a meal or maybe there's TOO LITTLE breaded chicken cutlet that it feels pointless.
Three paragraphs to go.  Delightful.  What else do I got going for me.  WHAT ELSE DO YA NEED.  Three paragraphs to go!  THAT'S PLENTY to have going for oneself.  Hmm.  TWENTY FIVE MINUTES to go for this act.  Let's say that'd be plenty and also be Comfortable.  Makes sense to me.  TOO LITTLE breaded chicken cutlet can't be a problem.  Always stuff I can ADD ON to the meal.  Yeah but then I'm just eating bread sandwich.  Feels dumb.  The point is I DON'T TINK THAT'D BE THE CASE.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  Maybe put that sucker in the oven when it gets here.  BREED THAT CHICKEN CUTLET EVEN MORE.  What else is up and crap. YEAH.  Hmm.  Never finished Jeff Tweedy song writing book.  It was a QUICK READ.  Pleasant.  Productive.  Fun.  JUST PUT IT DOWN at one point AND NEVER PICKED IT BACK UP.  Maybe I'm waiting till I wanna start song writing again.  MAYBE I won't wanna start song writing again UNTIL I PICK UP THE BOOK.  Hmm.  Maybe I'll try holding the book then.  See what happens.  Maybe later.  It's way on the other side of the room right now.  DON'T have time to travel there right NOW.
   Two paragraphs to go.  Amazing!  Hmm.  TWENTY MINUTES to write 2 paragraphs.  Delightful.  Gonna be MARCH in less than two weeks.  We're really getting into it, aren't we!  By it I mean 2023.  March is solidly INTO IT.  That's how I feel.  Hmm.  OH NO I just realized they're replacing my cable box next week.  GONNA HAVE TO decide whether to masking tape up the clock on NEW table box.  This is an intriguing opportunity to START OVER and maybe have a Clock Going At All Times in my direct view.  At all times.  In my direct view!  I DON'T LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  Maybe I'll give it half a day to see what its like.  BUT I THINK I'm gonna take up NEW Cable Box too.  Assuming New Cable Box shows time.  I dunno what New Cable Boxes do.  Not FOR CERTAIN at least.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Do I need to re-order my DVD collection alphabetically before they come to replace my Cable Box or do you think they won't inspect it that carefully.  Either way I DON'T CARE.
   Last paragraph!  Wonderful.  So much time!  No crunch time at all.  Everything worked out real great-like.  Hmm.  Then again it might take me four hours to write this paragraph.  Hmm.  Haven't shove myself in a while.  Might shave myself soon.  That's good to say because it takes up paragraphspace AND is accurate.  And it reflects WELL on me.  HEY THIS GUY does general personal upkeep good for him.  That sort of thing.  All in all QUALITY thing to say.  What else is up.  Hmm.  I think I SHALL lean towards breaded chicken cutlet sandwich for tonight and freedom pot pie for tomorrow.  THAT'S TWO SANDWICHES in one day though today.  Yeah but one is sliced ham and one is fried chicken.  TOTALLY DIFFERENT ANIMALS. ....PIG AND CHICKEN.  Relatively similar I guess.  BUT NOT EXACTLY the same.  So that's good.  What to watch after Deadpool II.  Is it DARK PHEONIX.  Or do I watch some other NON X-MAN thing to break up the monotaony.  ALSO do I spell check monotaonyei.  Monotony.  I spell checked it BUT WHILE LEAVING THE ORIGINAL MISPELLING.  Also No AT NO POINT did I THINK Monotaony was the way to spell the word. I just fired off some letters and figured they'd be relatively close enough that I'd get the right letters suggested to me.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway I'll be back tonight!




Gonna Have To Improve On This

    Hey friends.  Time to write five paragraphs.  POSSIBLY including starting orange choco pop around the second paragraph.  Hmm.  Had delicious ham sandwich with Oh I Don't Know I actually don't kno WAIT I KNOW Golden Graham Bar for lunch.  Delicious FOUR OUT OF FIVE chicken fingers with HALF of Kasha and/or Varnishkas for dinner.  BEER and crap going on right now.  Watched all of The Deadpool II as well as almost all of The Dark Pheonix.  WILL FINISH last 15 minutes of The Dark Pheonix THEN WATCH HORROR FILM possibly "PHANTOM OF TE MALL: ERIC'S REVENGE."  That sucker is 91 minute.  That could be RIGHT ON TRACK with what I wanna watch to round out my NightTime Night.  YEAH.  Got Fresh Direct tomorrow morning.  Got Amazon Fresh tomorrow afternoon.  REALLY GOTTA FORCE MYSELF to Balance Breakfast It Up tomorrow morning.  Gotta have Freedom Pot Pie for tomorrow night.  TOMORROW LUNCH COULD BE ANYTHING, ANY COLOR OF THE RAINBOW.
   Speaking of colors of the rainbow
am I having a choco pop now?  NO I'M NOT.  Maybe next paragraph.  MAYBE NEVER.  Maybe at some point betwixt Next Paragraph and Never.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Possible I indulge in a BIRTHDAY BAR today.  Feels like I might APPRECIATE a birthday bar later tonight.  TASTEWISE AND CRAP.  TOMORROW I'M RE-UPPING WITH HERSHEM BAR WITH ALMONDS.  That's gonna be SOMETHIN' ELSE.  YEAH.  Hmm.  RE-UPPED WITH FROZEN PIZZA in one of the deliveries.  I TINK Fresh Direct.  Delicious DIJIORNIO.  BUT Flat Skin.  Ultra Thin.  That thing.  GOT PEPPERONI THOUGH.  Also I might just EAT MORE OF IT.  So it's WORSE because less bread but GOOD because JUST EAT MORE OF IT.  Balances out in teh end.  Also what delicious one-off meals did I get.  WIDE AL FREDO as well as KIDS CHICKEN PARM.  YEAH.  That sort of thing.  GOOD.  Anyway.  Looks like I'm finishing X-Men Franchise Films tomorrow!  Only got one left.  WHAT WILL I MOVE ON TO NEXT.  Hopefully I DREAM an answer tonight.  Don't wanna waste VALUABLE WAKING TIME on it.
No thank you!  Hmm.  No choco pop THIS paragraph, NO TANK YOU.  WHAT A LONG STRANGE TRIP IT'S BEEN FROM X-MEN (2000) to DARK PHENIX (2019).  19 years.  THAT'S A LONG TRIP.  DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU IT HASN'T BEEN STRANGE AS WELL.  Been SUPER STRANGE.  There was 9/11 near the beginning of it AND TAHT WAS JUST THE START.  What else is going on and crap.  Hmmm  WHAT ELSE HAS BEEN STRANGE.  THE CHALLENGER EXPLODED IN 1986.  Oh okay i see.  The important thing is what else is going on.  Is it possible I go to watch some SIMPSONS as upcoming Franchise2Watch?  SURE.  I like The Simpsons.  It's no SUPER HERO FILM but it's filled with EVEN MORE LAUGHS.  THAT'S NOT A BAD IDEA.  GET CRACKING ON SOME SIMPSONS.  Not necessarily THE A-1 STEAK SAUCE TOP IDEA but it's UP TEHRE in terms of POSITIVE ideas.  So that's good.  Are there ANY previously known X-Men in Them New Mutants.  WHY LOOK IT UP I LIKE SURPRISES.  I guess.  Two paragraphs to go.
Okay.  Sure.  Maybe I'd enjoy Cookies */v Cream Quest Bar even MORE than Birthday Bar.  HARD TO SAY.  BOTH PRETTY DELICIOUS.  I WIN EITEHR WAY.  So that's good.  Twenty four minutes left in The Dark Phenoix I believe.  INCLUDING CREDITS.  Gonna say I got a solid fifteen minutes left of Story!  I feel comfortable saying I got 15 minutes OF MOVIE left.  I can say whatever I want THERE'S NO CONSEQUENCES.  Good.  I'd say ODDS ARE not a sandwich for lunch.  Meaning KIDS CHICKEN APRM, WIDE AL FREDO, OR SPICY SHRIMP ROLL.  YEAH.  What the Hell.  Anyway.  Deleted Crescent Potatoes from super market order.  Will have second half of Kasha and/or Varnhiskas as Meatloaf Side for upcoming Meatloaf dinner.  TWO OUT OF TREE AIN"T BAD.  Close enough.   Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Possibly eating Quest bar as soon as HMM AS SOON AS WHEN.  Maybe wait until Putting On Shutter Film.  I CAN WAIT THAT LONG.  SURE TING NO PROB
   Last paragraph of the night.  Another productive day in the books.  I forget what I accomplished but I didn't actively UN-accomplish things.  Not ON PURPOSE at least.  Hmm.  Apparently Pauly Shore is in Phantom Of The Maul: Eric's Revenge.  Apparently I spelled Mall wrong by accident.  Not much to be done there.  Oh well.  I'm gonna say about 20, 25% chance Pauly Shore is in WEASEL-mode.  I DOUBT he's gonna be acting like The Weasel but it's not completely impossible, not at all!  So that's good.  THIS IS FROM the 80's.  Pauly Shore might not have tripped on his bathroom floor and hit his head on the sink and come up with the Weasel that early in time yet.  Anyway.  Not sure Doc Brown tripped in the bathroom now that I think about it.  He may have been hanging up a clock or something.  Why would he be hanging up a clock in the bathroom.  You get the point though.  Now that I think about it why WOULDN'T he be hanging up a clock in his bathroom.  WELP that's it.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-7:57 P.M.




Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Wrote This At Some Point

    Hi friends!  9:24 AM.  Decently ahead of schedule that I got plenty of time to play with!  Got some DIET COKE going on.  That reminds me gotta start super market order.  START IT OFF with soda.  Then add other stuff LATER ON.  Just ANCHOR it with soda first things first though.  HMM. I enjoyed ginger ale this week.  I TINK I'LL GO BACK TO SPRITE ANYWAY THOUGH.  Just a gut feelign on what's better for me.  I dunno!  Anyway.  Next week sandwiches are a CARRY OVER from this week.  Corned beef, ham, and turkey!  WOW.  Today and tomorrow lunch are ham and turkey sandwich.  NOT necessarily in that order.  HUH.  Tonight or tomorrow dinner is steak.  IF I KNEW FOR SURE which dinner was steak gotta imagine I'd make the OTHER DAY'S lunch ham.  Matching TURKEY lunch with STEAK dinner is less of a redundancy.  So that's good.  Huh.  Had relatively positive NightMight last night.  Around 600 calories out of what's normally around 800!  CLASSIC BREAKFAST.  Ugh.  I GOTTA EAT TEM EGG WHITES.
Dangit.  These iced cream sandwiches FROZE INTO PLACE lopsidedly.  All squished out in a not even way.  OH WELL.  Hmm.  Forgetting dinner, what would I want for lunch IF DINNER WASN'T PART OF THE EQUATION.  Huh.  Gonna have to think about that one.  The important thing is WARM again today.  Kinda feels like Global Warming is a thing.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Anyway.  Watched 2/3rds of Shutter Horror Film last night and then watched a Tales In The Crypt before going to bed.  TODAY I got second half of X-MAN Apocolypse to finish as well as Shutter film.  HUH. I think the next X-Men is A LOGAN movie.  HE'S THE WOLVERINE.  YOU CAN'T GET ANYTHING BY ME by just calling him LOGAN.  I KNOW HIS TRUE IDENTITY.  Hmm.  Got psychiatry appointment next week.  I'd say odds are pretty good I up the dosage of topheramax!  YEAH.  It's ABOUT TIME.  Hmm.  Remember when I spent 2 or 3 days watching That 90's Show.  A MEMORY I'LL NEVER FORGET. 
   Third paragraph.  I guess.  OH NO tomorrow my Dad is taking his walk around 1:00 PM instead of 1:30 PM.  HE WARMED ME AGAHEAD OF TIME.  This.  Changes.  EVERYTHING.  Hmm.  Anyway when is Daylight Savings time. I wanna say in about 3.5 or 4.5 weeks.  Let's LTURQ.  THREE POINT FIVE WEEKS.  It's ABOUT TIME.  SORT OF YES.  MOSTLY.  Hmm.  Maybe get me some Chocolate Croissants from Super Market.  They're not great but the PREMISE I can get behind.  I'd like CHOCOALTE BABKA but way too big a portion I'd have to get.  TWENTY FOUR OZ?  That's too much.  I'd IDEALLY eat around 3 oz as a breakfast.  That means IDEALLY I'd have 3 oz at a time.  And IDEALLY is for horse shoes and hand grenades.  Any other kind of grenades.  What kinda grenades are people using with other parts of their bodies.  DUMB ONES.  Hmm.  Anyway.  It's the middle of the week AND the middle of the month.  HOW OFTEN DOES THAT HAPPEN.  1 out of 7 months?  GET OUT OF HERE WIT THAT BULLSHIT.  COFFEE AFTER NEXT PARAGRAPH.
    Amazing.  They increased the size of the bases in baseball.  That should be fun.  What's gonna happen to all the old bases.  Move to a farm upstate I guess.  Hmm.  Possibly do 2nd of 2 Fantasy Baseball League Drafts within the next week.  WANNA try to wait until March but I dunno if I can hold off that long!  I WONDER WHAT METS I'LL END UP WITH IN THAT TEAM.  Gotta imagine I'll get at least SOME Met.  Will it be PETER ALONSO?  Could I get a BRANDON NIMMO in the late rounds as a STEAL.  LOOK he's not gonna bea super star in any Stats but he'll put up respectable numbers and WHO KNOWS maybe he has a Big Season.  Also WHAT ELSE IS UP.  If I started Act I RIGHT NOW I'd be pretty confident I could finish it without too much crunchtime.  AMAZING.  Looks like I'm doing pretty good for myself this morning.  YEAH.  I've NEVER used a grenade in my life.  AM I MISSING OUT ON SOMETING.  I feel like everyone has been using grenades but me.  COFFEE TIME.
   Fifth paragraph.  Am I still on New In Rock playlist.  Pretty sure I am.  I'd BET MONEY on it.  Not my LIFE SAVINGS.  Not sure I HAVE Life Savings.  I haven't been saving any life savings myself. My parents might have some sort of bank account of Life Savings for me or something along those liens.  Anyway I'd bet I dunno fifty dollars I'm on New In Rock playlist.  Let's see.  YEP I WAS RIGHT.  In retrospect should have bet my Life Savings.  Now I'd have enough Savings for TWO LIFESWORTH.  Oh well can't go back now.  What else is up and crap.  Was it warm enough I should wear sweatshirt jacket instead of winter jacket for rest of today.  I forget.  I don't think I was profusely warm on first walk.  Especially because I don't think profusely warm is a phrase. I could be sweating profusely.  Which would MEAN I was warm.  But I dunno about just being, "Profusely Warm."  Either way I dunno.  This is the end of this paragraph though.  Gotta work on today's titles.  Hmm.
Halfway through Act I!  Amazing.  Wake up and/or Get up (FOR YOUR RIGHTS) a little bit EXTRA EXTRA early tomorrow so I can get in fourth walk before ONE PM instead of ONE TIRTY PM tomorrow.  DAD WARMED ME about his walk and I WILL HEED that WARMING.  Hmm.  What kinda sandwichside are we talkin' about for today.  AS OF NOW I don't anticipate being enthusiastic about a Saltside but that could change.  Would enjoy a Sweetside.  Maybe something as indulgent as a Golden Graham Bar.  STILL AWAYS away from that though.  So we'll see what happens.  Huh.  WHAT CASE SHOULD I MAKE for dinner.  I think a case could be made for ANY of the three Communal Dinner spots.  DINER, DELI, OR ITALY-STYLE Restaurant.  DELI I might get Chicken Pot Pie for tomorrow and would have to have steak tonight.  ITALY STYLE I might get pizza tonight and have steak tomorrow.  DINER I might get HMM French Toast for tonight or tomorrow and have steak the other day.  HMM.  All that's just OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD though.
Seventh paragraph!  Four to go before WALK II.  CONTINUE ON SOME New In Rock.  I'd bet THE HUNDRED DOLLARS I NOW HAVE that I will continue New In Rock.  LET IT RIDE.  Hmm.  Anyway.  There were two STAND ALONE X-Men in Deadpool.  They did not show up in any other XMEN.  But they were DEFINITELY XMEN.  So that's good.  GOOD FOR XMEN.  What else is up.  WAIT A SECOND did that guy DIRECT The film.  T. J. Miller.  IS THAT THE ACTOR AND TEH DIRECTOR IN ONE PERSON.  The guy who plays his friend AND the guy who directed the film.  AH I SEE.  T.J. Miller is the guy who played his friend.  LIKE I THOUGHT.  Director was TIM Miller.  I THOUGHT it sounded weird that T. J. Miller would have directed the, "Flick."  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Got about an hour to finish this act.  An hour.  TO WRITE THREE PARAGRAPHS.  ARE YOU KIDDING ME.  Get out of here with that bullshit. 
  Eighth paragraph.  Good deal.  MAYBE I listen to something other than New In Rock JUST TO GIVE YOU A FIGHTING CHANCE in the bet we made.  Make it FAIR.  I dunno what that means.  Hmm.  I THINK I saw this Horror film from Shutter before but I'm paying slightly more attention to it now.  Also GOOD FILM.  No qualms with watching it again.  High quality film.  SHOULD be seen again.  So that's good.  So far ZERO wolverine in X-Man Apocolypse.  Still time to change that.  Oh well.  X-Men CULD USE some time off from Wolverine.  THERE'S MORE to X-Men than WOLVERINE.  GIVE X-MEN SOME TiME TO show what they got in a WOLVERINELESS context.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Turkey sandwich.  1 out of 10.  How much would I enjoy that.  FOUR.  Ham sandwich.  1 out of 10.  How much would I enjoy that. ...THREE.  SOUNDS LIKE TURKEY SANDWICH IS IN THE LEAD FOR NOW. Interesting.  VERY interesting.  So that's good.  WHAT IF I MIXED TURKEY WITH HAM. ...SIX.  It'd be complicated to mix em evenly though.  BUT IF IT WAS EASY I'd be interested in that lunch sure.
Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  YEAH.  What EXACT kind of turkey and/or ham am I dealing with.  Maybe THAT would excite me.  MAPLE GLAZED HONEY COAT HAM.  That sounds DELICIOUS.  VERY EXTRAVAGANT.  Let's go with HAM off the top of my head then.  So that's good.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me. LOOK if I get DELI I'm only getting one thing and the responsible thing to do is get the Freedom Pot Pie which would have to be for tomorrow because I gotta heat it up myself to my liking which I wouldn't have time to get started on today.  BUT what OTHER things would I THEORETICALLY like from Deli.  SO MANY.  Two hot dogs off the top of my head.  WHO WOULDN'T LIKE TWO HOT DOG for dinner.  How come I'd be excited about 2 hot dog but not ham or turkey sandwich.  CAUSE I'M AN IDIOT.  Oh okay.  Anyway.  CHICKEN FINGERS, I DUNNO.  GRAMDA'S SOUP.  HUNGARIAN GOULASH.  SO MANY GOOD THINGS.  The important thing is I FORGET.  One more paragraph though.
Yeah!  What else is up.  I don't ABSOLUTELY NEED to get Freedom Pot Pie.  Ya know?  It's not NECESSARY.  I'll think about it.  I guess.  Relatively larger portion of steak for Part III of dinner tonight and/or tomorrow!  Dunno how it worked out that way BUT IT DID.  The way I divided it up WHAT I LEFT OVER was a little bit bigger than the portions I PARTOOK IN yesterday and the night before.  SO THAT'S GOOD-- Good FOR ME.  FUTURE ME.  Huh.  HARD TO KEEP TRACK of some Xmen.  They go back and forth between being Bad and Neutral.  I DON'T KNOW HOW COMFORTABLE I SHOULD BE WITH THESE PEOPLE.  I GET comfortable with them because they're neutral-positive for a while BUT TEN THEY GO BACK TO BEING BAD and I feel BETRAYED. BUT IT'S MY OWN FAULT.  I KNEW they were bad before AND I JUST FORGOT.  That's ON ME.  Anyway.  What else is up.  That's about it for now I guess!  Gonna listen to some NEW IN ROCK, make a hundred dollars, then be back here for some more paragraphs!  See ya soon.




actually did it somehow

    Hey friends.  Time to write five paragraphs.  Got plenty of time.  Let's aim for Oh I Don't Know THIRTY FIVE MINUTES at most. I don't know WHY.  Just feels right.  Anyway.  Got coffee and Ginger Ale.  Looks like we probably are not gonna get any communal dinner tonight!  Makin' my lunch TURKEY SANDWICH and dinner STEAK * Stuffed Filet of sole.  GREAT.  I can get on board with those meals.  Wonder what sandwichside will be, sure, that's a bit of a mystery.  ALL WILL BE REVEALED IN DUE TIME.  Do I have an onion ring left over in Dinner.  I don't think so. I have large amount of steak though.  RELATIVELY large.  Compared to smaller amounts.  That sort of thing.  Anyway.  Feel like this is only the third or fourth time I've worn this shirt since it's been laundered.  Not bad!  Anyway.  Listened EXCLUSIVELY to New In Rock playlist on walk II.  Wore WINTER JACKEt and was TOO WARM.  Next jacket is SWEATSHIRT JACKET.  WOW.  Hmm.  Feels like I got a decision to make on what to watch on the television set first. Finish SHUTTER film or finish XMEN film.  Huh.  Maybe shutter film.  Got about fourty minutes left there.  THAT'S INCORRECT actually.  Thirty six minutes left.  WITH CREDITS.  Could be as low as THIRTY minutes left. Let's say thirty three. SOME OF THESE FILMS have credits that are like 30 seconds.  YA NEVER KNOW.
Okay.  What else is up.  Four paragraphs to go for Daytime Day.  Amazing.  Maybe start working on Super market order now.  I GOT THE TIME.  It'll give me time for Entry Fodder to PERCOLATE in mind.  ALRIGHT worked on super market order.  NOTING PERCOLATED IN MY MIND. If anything things that WOULD HAVE percolated in my mind DIDN'T.  The good news is what else is going on and crap.  How much time of XMEN APOCOLYPSE do I have left.  I'm gonna guess Oh I Don't Know an hour 25 minutes.  I can't look that up without getting up.  I'd have to GET UP and then turn on TV and then turn to Disney Plus and then start XMEN APOCYLPSE and all that.  I'M NOT GONNA DO ALL THAT.  I'll try to remember to keep track later on today when I DO do that so I'll keep you updated TONIGHT on WHERE I WAS NOW in progress in the movie.  JUST FOR REFERENCES SAKE.  So that's good and crap.  Maybe have some standard pop chips as turkey sandwichside.  Can't go wrong there!  It's HEALTHY because THEY GAVE ME TE IMPRESSION it's healthy.  WORKS FOR ME.
Three paragraphs to go.  Delightful!  I guess.  Anyway.  Goin with SPRITE this week.  I think!  Still got Oh I Don't Know 32 hours to change my mind but RIGHT NOW we're going with Sprite.  Hmm.  32 hours.  Sounds like a day plus eight hours.  Is that accurate.  YES.  That's accurate.  Good.  Just making sure!  Hmm.  Anyway.  How long do I have to finish 2.5 paragraphs.  AS LONG AS I WANT BRAINIAC.  Well more accurately around fifty minutes.  But anyway.  Let's say IDEALLY around 25 minutes would ideal AND VERY VERY DOABLE as well.  So that's good and crap.  I dunno.  Got SOUR CREAP AND ONIUP Pop chips right now.  Running low.  That's why I wanna have them as sandwichside.  I wanna RE-UP with BBQ Pop Chips.  But I gotta finish (OR Get REAL CLOSE to finishing) what I got.  So that's good.  I feel like if I have a dozen Sour Creap and Oniop chips today that makes a reasonable dent in the supply I got. POSSIBLY even more than reasonable.  Possibly MOST of what I got left.  POSSIBLY ALL.  Possibly MORE THAN ALL.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Sweet.  What else is up.  CONSIDERING considering a different kind of sushi this week but I've had such great experience with spicy shrimp roll WHY SHOULD I SWITCH IT UP.  Spicy Shrimp roll one of the most expensive ones.  Other ones can run ya as much as THREE DOLLARS CHEAPER.  Oh okay I see.  Either way I dunno.  What else is up and crap.  Hmm.  Dunno what it is about Frosted Cherry but it's been a real joy Pop Tart to have as part of a Classic Breakfast.  Compared to other Frosted Fruit Flavors.  Could ALL JUST BE IN MY HEAD.  Or maybe Frosted Cherry is somehow better than other ones.  YOU TRY IT OUT YOURSELVES as an experiment then REPORT BACK TO ME.  That way we can start to make some conclusions about this.  WE CAN'T MAKE CONCLUSIONS YET.  STILL NOT ANYWHERE NEAR ENOUGH INFO with that.  Could be PLACEBO EFFECT and whatknot.  Anyway.  The important thing is that WE TRIED.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
   Cool.  What kinda bread do I got this week.  Them circular pita-ish sandwich thins I BELIEVE.  I STRONGLY BELIEVE.  That's good.  Maybe toast thems lightly today.  Sounds vaguely good to me.  Cut it in half maybe.  NAH we ain't gonna be doing that.  Oh okay.  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me.  Probably SEVERAL things. As well as several things (even MORE several things!) going AGAINST ME.  BUT IT'S CLOSE.  What else is up.  Parents' birthdays are coming up.  ONE is in 10 days and THE OTHER is in 12 days.  WE CELEBRATE IT PRESIDENTS' DAY STYLE inbetween.  No we don't.  We don't really celebrate it Any Day's Style At All.  I WISH TEM happy birthday IN SPIRIT but PRACTICALLY I don't do much to celebrate them OR their days of birth.  NOW That I THINK ABOUT IT I'm a terrible son it turns out.  Oh okay that's good.  Hmm.  I guess that's it for now!  I'll see ya tonight.  IN SPIRIT and whatknot.  PRACTICALLY I dunno.  See ya later.




In The End Let's Enjoy

    Hi friends!  Got chocolate choco pop going right now.  Had delicious Steakcentric dinner.  Lotta steak! Had delicious turkey sandwich and pop chips for lunch.  FINISHED bag of pop chips.  Lotta Small bits of chip.  OVERALL maybe the equivalent of 8 or 10 chips.  AMAZING.  Got delicious snack or two left waiting for me for the rest of the night SHOULD I DECIDE I'D LIKE TO DO TAT SORTA THING.  Hmm.  Finished Shutter film.  Finished X-MAN Apocalypse and watched all of LOGAN.  GOOD FILMS.  Logan was DARK.  Dark but GOOD.  And ultimately KINDA LIGHT.  STARTED OFF DARK though.  NIGHTTIME.  Pretty sure the first sequence-- perhaps first SEVERAL sequences!-- took place at night.  Also it had Stephen Merchant doing SERIOUS comic relief.  Yes he's still a laugh a second JUST LISTEN AND/OR LOOK AT THE GUY but he's playing a SERIOUS role.  Anyway.  Next X-man film is DEADPOOL II.  Watch that sucker TOMORROW.  Figure out a horror film to watch tonight.  Not sure HOW.  Or WHERE.  But I'll figure something out.  With the absolute worst case scenario being just a bunch of Tales In The Crypts.
YEAH.  Think I'm gonna re-up with some Hershey Bar with Almonds in a couple of days.  THEMS could be delicious and reasonable Nighttime Indulgence Snack.  AMAZING.  I've EARNT THEM by NOT DOING ANYTHING explicitly evil or anything.  Hmm.  ALSO re-upping with BREAKFAST TREATS.  Haven't had those in a while either!  Those could be a delicious AND REASONABLE NightTime snack.  LOOKING FORWARD TO EATING THOSE RESPONSIBLY WHEN I SHOULDN'T BE EATING ANYTHING.  The point is I forget.  What do I got going on tomorrow.  OH RIGHT.  Dad is taking a walk a half hour early.  This.  Changes.  EVERYTHING. I think I said that ealrier today.  STILL, EVERYTHING REMAINS CHANGED.  So that's good.  EVERYTHING WAS SHITTY BEFORE.  It's GOOD that everything is changed TRUST ME ON THIS ONE.  Anyway.  I'm bad at gauging little girl's age!  I thought Logan Little Girl was four years old at first.  Then DIALOGUE revealed to me she was eleven.  STILL NOT BUYING IT.  Let's meet in the middle and say she's eight.  SHAKE ON IT?  Hmm that's another paragraph down.
   Okay.  Three to go.  Tomorrow breakfast REALLY OUGHT TO BE BALANCED.  Tomorrow lunch MUST BE AND SHALL BE ham sandwich.  Dinner?  I think we're gonna go with DELICATESSEN.  Dunno WHAT.  Thursday is SPECIAL because they have TURKEY DINNER SPECIAL where they serve STUFFING.  ONLY ON THURSDAY.  You want turkey dinner any other day of the week? GOOD LUCK ON THE STUFFING BUB.  YOU AIN'T GETTING ANY.  THEY ONLY MAKE STUFFING ON THURSDAYS.  Then again what makes you think I want turkey again.  I had turkey today.  Sure STUFFING is great but do I really wanna get NOT OTHER TINGS just to get stuffing?  I DON'T KNOW ABOUT THAT ONE.  The important thing is I can watch a Joe Bob Briggs movie tonight.  SUFFER watching him talk and stuff in between clips of the film.  I CAN STAND IT.  People have endured worse things.  Also in the past I've ENJOYED this. I just don't think I'm in the mood for it RIGHT NOW in my life.  GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
Two paragraphs to go!  In the process of chewing up tootsie pop.  Delicious.  Then again what else is going on.  Gonna go with DIFFERENT brand of comprehensive iced cream sandwich.  Based on NOT MUCH.  It's similarly sized.  RECTANGLE instead of circle.  Similarly QUALITIED.  10 calories more.  JUST A HUNCH that I'd get a KICK out of mixing things up.  GO FIGURE. LET'S MIX IT UP THUSLY then. GOOD DEAL.  What are the odds I have Quality NightMight experience.  SAY 75% of Standard 700-800 NightMight Calories or less.  Hmm.  Let's say.. hmm.. 4... NO 50% chance I have Quality NightMight Experience by those standards.  I LIKE THOSE ODDS.  I'm looking a them odds NIGHT MIGHT IS HALF EMPTY.  AND HALF EMPTY IS GOOD BECAUSE I WANT IT TO BE EMPTY.  So that's good I guess!  What else is up.  GETTIN SOME Super MARKET COMMUNAL MEATLOAF THIS WEEK.  WOW WHAT A BLAST AND A HALF.  Gonna have TWO SLICES of communal meatloaf as a dinner.  Well the two slices are PRIVATE, PERSONAL MEATLOAF.  Not sharing the two slices.  BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.  Broccoli.  CRESCENT POTATO.
Last paragraph.  What a blast this was.  THAT'S A RHETORICAL STATEMENT.  Hmm.  Gonna have Cookied Cream Quest Bar as soon as I decide and/or put on Thing I Will Ultimately Watch Tonight First.  Already took it out of Refridge to SOFTEN UP a bit.  Still gonna be fridgerated to SOME extent!  BUT NOT 100%.  GOTTA GET THIS EXACTLY RIGHT.  TOO MUCH IS RIDING ON THIS TO NOT NAIL IT.  So that's good.  Might take me seven hours to decide and/or put on what to watch though.  THAT'S BAD.  Hmm.  Taking out some GARBAGE tonight.  That's in about an hour.  FUN.  Get to take a nice MICRO vacation outside.  IT'S ONLY TWENTY FIVE SECONDS but BOY DID I NEED IT.  In the future.  I predict.  I guess.  Hmm.  AH I FOUND A HACK to see the movie without Joe Bob Briggs.  SHORT MOVIE.  71 minutes.  WELL THAT SOLVES THAT PROBLEM.  ANyway I'm done for tonight.  See ya tomorrow.

-8:04 P.M.




Tuesday, February 14, 2023

What Was That

    Hey friends!  A bit behind schedule today.  9:50 AM!  Got up until 10:55 AM to write Act I!  WAIT there's an update IT IS NOW 9:51 AM.  Anyway odds are I can fit in 10 paragraphs in an hour and 4 minutes but it's not 100% guaranteed.  POSSIBLE I cut Act I short a paragraph or two.  We'll see how that goes.  Anyway VERY NEGATIVE NightMight.  Not only did I not make PROGRESS but I made REGRESS.  Had complete DOUBLE amount of already large amount of Normal NightMight I normally do.  I think.  That's the number I was calculating at the time.  LOOKING BACK I can't really contextualize how much I was eating.  BUT IN THE MOMENT I was crunching the numbers pretty well and I TRUST my instincts.  So that's NOT GOOD.  Anyway.  Had black and white cookie for breakfast.  Lunch either gonna be chicken and garlic sauce with pork fried rice, a couple of crystal shrimp dumplings, and probably hot and sour soup, OR a ham sandwich OR a turkey sandwich.  DINNER gonna be steak * stuffed filet of sole.  LOOK there's one paragraph down already in a mere TWO MINUTES.
   Of course I SAID NOTHING but the bare bones of what already was WRITTEN OUT for me to say BY LIFE.  I had to THINK OF NOTHING.  I just said the words THAT ALREADY WERE TEHRE TO BE SAID.  More or less.  Anyway.  Still working on New In Rock playlist.  So that's good.  I guess.  Guess RIGHT NOW I'm thinking about enjoying FINISHING CHINESE FOOD.  Why not.  Sounds like fun.  I FAILED in trying to pick up a baseball player in my fantasy baseball league.  Someone else with a higher priority than me picked him up before I could get to him.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Better luck next time I guess.  What am I watching today.  Presumably a DEADPOOL.  Then what's after DEADPOOL.  I don't THINK it'd be Deadpool II.  I think it's an XMEN or a WOLVERINE.  Looks like an XMEN movie comes after Deadpool.  Oh okay good.  I like The Xmen. I've been enjoying watching them do stuff more or less the past week.  It's FUN.  Not too complicated or anything.  THEY DO BATTLE with mutant powers.  I GET IT.  I'd do the same if I were them.
   Third paragraph.
   Yeah!  NOW how long do I have to write Act.  FIFTY FIVE MINUTES.  Well that's great JUST GREAT.  IT SURE IS.  Anyway what else do I got going for me.  Couple of Horrorific Films lined up that I could watch today as well.  That's good I guess.  UGH.  I thought I was gonna be getting into a groove of POSITIVE PROGRESS re:Night Might.  NOW I've had two nights in a row of NO PROGRESS and SOME DEGRESS.  OH NO.  Well whatever.  Still on a low dose for a low amount of time.  GOT PLENTY OF TIME to turn this thing around!  The important thing is NO SIDE EFFECTS YET.  Hmm.  NOT A FAN of how roger ebert stopped reviewing every film even while alive the last few years of his life.  LOOK YOU'RE ALIVE I KNOW IT.  JUST REVIEW EVERY FILM.  HOW HARD IS TAHT.  Lets see if he reviewed some Deadpool.  LOOK JUST BECAUSE HE DIED 3 years before Deadpool was released IS NO REASON NOT TO REVIEW DEADPOOL.  Hmm.  The point is ROGER EBERT IS A FAVORITE WRITER OF MINE and I MEAN IT.  I wish him the best of luck in Being Dead.
Fourth paragraph.  Coffee after this one!  So that's good.  What did SISKEL do after Siskel and Ebert.  How come HE wasn't popularly syndicated Written Reviewer.  Lemme LTURQ.  He died in 1999.  That might have stopped him.  GOD DAMN IT.  These CRITICS and their DYING.  They think it excuses them from reviewing films BUT IT DOESN'T.  Anyway.  Has anyone stepped up since Ebert and taken the mantle.  IS there a person or people who are known as yeah this guy or gal IS THE BEES KNEES at reviews.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Was considering staying in bed LATE today.  Skipping morning walk.  Taking bonus afternoon walk.  SURE I CONSIDER TAHT MOST DAYS.  Today was ONE OF THEM.  Glad I didn't though.  I made THE RIGHT MOVE getting out of bed and whatknot.  The Bees Knees.  WHAT TE HELL.  That means WHAT exactly.  Better LTURQ.  First of call it comes from THE FLAPPERS of the 1920's.  THEY'RE THE ONES that said this is the bee's knees.  THE FLAPPERS.  And WHY DID THEY SAY IT?  ONE CAMP believe it derives from," This is the Be all and End All of everything," while ANOTHER CAMP believes its from, "This is the business."  I HATE BOTH CAMPS.  I THOUGHT IT HAS TO DO WITH BEES.  Ya know like CANDYMAN.
   Fifth paragraph.  COFFEE now. Got a solid FOURTY FIVE minutes more or less to write six paragraphs.  Maybe a minute or  two less but THAT'S OKAY.  Hmm.  When I HATED UP Chinese Food for lunch yesterday I DID NOT separate roughly half of the meal from container. I HATED UP the entire container.  Ended up eating roughly half of it.  POSSIBLY slightly more than half.  I'd say PROBABLY slightly more than half.  PROBABLY around 60% of it.  BOTH RICE WISE and chicken/vegetable-wise.  HAD TWO of the 5 small shrimp dumplings.  Then had A THRID as a snack ERRANTLY hours later.  BUT THIS TIME AROUND I GOT HOT N SOUR SOUP.  So all in all IT'LL BE OKAY.  Also it's POSSIBLE it's like an ICEBERG and there's more to the rice and/or NON-RICE parts of meal that meets the eye.  And it IS a very hearty amount that's left.  All in all I TINK I'LL BE OKAY.  So that's good and crap.  Hmm. VALENTINE'S DAY.  Have I EVER had a Valentine.  You're asking teh wrong question.  The real question is GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.  MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.
   Sixth paragraph.
  WOW.  Fourty Two minutes to write five paragraphs?  EASY.  Looks like... I don't know if I wanna say SLAM DUNK... but it's looking EXTREMELY likely I can finish the 10 paragraphs on time.  So that's good and crap.  Also I'd like NOTHING MORE than to say SLAM DUNK.  Hmm.  WHAT TE HELL.  Other superlatives from this period include, "The sardine's whiskers," and, "The clam's garter."  THAT SOUNDS LIKE BULLSHTI.  I don't buy that at all.  Then again yeah I do believe it.  I guess.  What else is up and crap.  Got part II of III steak * stuffed filet of sole tonight.  PROBABLY take a break tomorrow night.  ODDS ARE we get some communal dinner delivery tomorrow night AND I EAT IT TOMORROW NIGHT saving Part III of THIS TING for THURSDAY NIGHT yuo idiots.  Huh.  What else is up.  How happy are people with Superbowl.  I feel GAMEPLAY WISE you can't complain.  It went back and forth real qualitylike.  Real quality game!  HOW DARE YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT SUCH A QUALITYLIKE GAME.
Seventh paragraph!  Wow!  AM I microwaving SOUP and rest of Chinese Food at same time.  WILL THEY require about the same amount of time to microwave?  I dunno.  It'll take A WHILE for both.  But I don't wanna microwave either for TOO LONG. OR TOO SHORT FOR THAT MATTER.  Huh.  POSSIBLE I take a look at Chinese food container and determine ya know what maybe I don't need the soup.  IT'S POSSIBLE!  I guess.  Still doin' some work on my block.  Both STREET and SIDEWALK.  Not sure why.  Then again not sure why they WOULDN'T.  I guess it's a GOOD THING.  Special attention never hurt nobody.  I'm sure it's HELPING what they're doing.  What else is up and crap.  Lotta new rules for Major League Baseball this season. Gonna have to LOOK INTO THAT ONE to see all of em.  I TINK they're instituting PITCH CLOCK.  That might be insteresting.  I LIKE CLOCKS.  It's fun because now we can look at a clock the entire game instead of listening to color commentators.  IT'S ABOUT TIME I focus on a clock instead of listening to jerks color commentate.
Three paragraphs to go!  UP TO TIRTY FIVE MINUTES to write em. YOU FOOLS THAT'S WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH.  So that's good.  What else is up.  When was the last time I wore a clean shirt.  Gotta be AT LEAST 2 weeks.  POSSIBLY FOUR weeks.  Oh well.  At least no one is the wiser.  Possible people who walk by me on the street think I smell.  I can't smell myself but as far as I know other people think I smell.  DANGIT.  It was never MY INTENTION to smell.  I didn't GO INTO THINGS TRYING to smell.  It just turned out that way THROUGH NO FAULT OF MY OWN.  I guess I can pressure mom to let me do my laundry today.  Let's see how that goes.  Seems reasonable I guess.  Anyway.  Hmm.  What's temperature like today.  I KNOW I took a walk already BUT I FORGET.  AH PRETTY WARM.  46 right now.  Gets up to 51.  That's great.  Gets up to 58 later in the week.  Kinda seems like it's been a pretty warm winter.  SEEMS NOTABLE FOR SOME REASON.  Oh well what can ya do.  TAKE NOTE OF IT.  Sounds reasonable.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Delightful!  What else do I got going on for me and crap.  I got time to write the rest of the act.  COMFORTABLE time.  That's a high quality thing to have going for oneself. I got DEEP into Chore of the day.  Writing Entry.  Doing Morning thing.  That's good.  Hmm.  What does deadpool mean.  My first impression of what it meant was it's that thing where you make a bet with people about Who Will Die First.  And whoever guesses who dies first wins the bet.  Let's see what Deadpool REALLY means.  YEP THAT'S ONE OF SEVERAL DEFINITIONS.  Not my favorite though.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT MY FAVORITE IS THOUGH.  One of THE OTHER ONES. Let's see.  The point at which a reservoir no longer has enough water to flow downstream of its dam.  PERFECT.  That's the definition.  THAT'S WHAT DEADPOOL really means.  I GET IT.  Hmm.  Might make sense to have sandwich today.  That way instead of having Chinese food two days in a row and sandwiches two days in a row after that I ALTERNATE.  For VARIETYSAKE.  Then again I'd like Chinese food for lunch.
LAST PARAGRAPH of the act!  Got 25 minutes to write it.  WOW all I need is probably Roughly Six.  Amazing.  ANYWAY.  Wonder how many times I've worn this shirt since having it laundered last.  FOUR times?  FIVE?  It's not my favorite shirt.  Just a random shirt.  But it's a SOLID random shirt that for whatever reason seems to be at the top of the pack when I'm picking a random shirt from Hamper.  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  I'D LIKE TO MAKE A FANTASY BASEBALL TRADE.  Lemme see if I can figure out a way to trade for some METS.  Can always stand to have some METS on the team.  Maybe a JEFF MCNEIL for instance.  Hmm.  Gonna have to look into that one.  ANY FLAPPERS LEFT.  Gotta be a Flapper or two still alive.  Musta been some teenager Flappers that are still holding on for dear life.  Anyway.  I'll be back in a little bit.




i didn't hear anything

    Hey friends!  Time to write 5 paragraphs.  Got as much as FOURTY FIVE minutes to write it!  But ideally I write it in NO MORE than TIRTY FIVE minutes.  Which should be pretty doable.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Got some coffee going.  Some NOT QUITE COLD Ginger Ale.  WHEN WAS THIS BOTTLE FRIDGERATED.  May have only been 2-3 hours ago.  WHATEVER IT IS it hasn't been fully fridgerated. Lemme LURQ how long it takes for soda to be fully fridgerated.  Takes about four hours.  SEEMS about on par with what I might have expected.  If I bothered expecting something.  I didn't.  Hmm.  What else is up.  They ain't working on my sidewalk today.  That's good.  They can work on STREET.  I don't walk in street.  Doesn't bother me really.  That's good.  Aiming for Chinese food for lunch.  That shuold be good.  COULD TAKE A LONG WHILE TO MICROWAVE.  We're talkin 3-5 minutes potentially.  Don't GO INTO IT with 3-5 minutes.  Maybe start off at two.  I DON'T THINK starting it off at two is a risk.  TWO shouldn't be too much.  EITHER WAY ONE PARAGRAPH DOWN four to go.
  YEAH.  Hmm.  I'm gonna guess Deadpool is 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.  Let's see.  Yep 85% EXACTLY as I predicted.  Anyway.  THEY SAY 85% but the one sentence Takeaway they have is SOLIDLY in the 90+ percentile in terms of how it describes the film.  THIS PHRASE isn't saying an 85% Fresh film.  THIS PHRASE IS SAYING a 90% FRESH FILM.  I feel very strongly about this.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Lookin' forward to finishing this act.  Getting on with the rest of my day.  Should be a decent day, right?  I dunno about this DEADPOOL character but IN GENERAL I've been enjoying X-MEN.  HE'S NOT QUITE X-MEN.  Some X-Men lists of films INCLUDE DEADPOOOL some DON'T. SO I DUNNO.  The point is TELEVISION'll get the job done one way or another I feel.  HOW LONG do I have to write three paragraphs.  I DUNNO HOW DOES SOLIDLY TIRTY FIVE MINUTES STRIKE YOU.  Strikes me well.  REAL WELL.  ALMOST TOO WELL now that I think about it more.
Okay.  Huh.  Anyway.  Not sure how Wolverine fell deep in love with Jean Gray.  Started off as a crush and then all of a sudden he's head over heels infatuated with her.  ALSO KINDA ONE SIDED.  She reciprocates TO A DEGREE but NOT REALLY COMPLETELY.  KINDA WEIRD.  Then again THAT'S HIS BUSINESS NOT OURS.  WOLVERINE HAS EARNT THE RIGHT TO LOVE WHOEVER HE WANTS.  He's saved our hides TOO MANY TIMES for us to judge him on whom he chooses to love.  That's how I feel.  Anyway.  What else is up.  What's Jean Gray's name again besides Phoenix.  I think she has another Good Name.  NOPE NOT REALLY.  Just Jean Gray and Phoenix and sometimes Dark Phoenix and sometimes DOCTOR Jean Gray.  Gray or Grey.   INTERESTING I SHOULD ASK.  Apparently IT SEEMS LIKE IT GOES BACK AND FORTH.  Not 100% that's accurate-- could be a typo or something on Google Results.  BUT THAT'S WHAT IT'S TELLIN' ME.  Hmm.  Could be an Undercover Alias.  When Jean Gray is WORKING INCOGNITO she goes under the moniker of Jean Grey so no one knows its her.  AH I SEE makes sense.
Two paragraphs to go.  Let's see.  What else is up and crap.  Haven't done any reading in a while.  Probably not since Oh I Don't Know POSSIBLY LAST YEAR.  IT'S CLOSE.  Maybe I did some reading in early January.  EITHER WAY been a while.  Good.  BUSY WITH OTHER THINGS.  Unscrewed the plug in my bath for instance.  BUSY HAVING DONE THAT.  That sort of thing.  What else is up and crap.  Feels like a weekend day for me for some reason.  IT'S TUESDAY.  Not sure what's going on that it feels like weekend.  SUNNY OUTSIDE.  Ah that must be it.  NICE SUNNY DAY.  You know like a SUNDAY.  SUNNY DAY SUNDAY.  That sort of thing.  Yep that checks out pretty well.  Hmm.  Anyway.  IDEALLY write the next paragraph and change in OH I DON'T KNOW TEN MINUTES WOULD HIT TE SPOT REAL WELL.  I GUESS I CAN, "DIG," That.  That'd be the clam's garters.  Something like that.  WHAT THE HELL.  GOD DAMN FLAPPERS.
    Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  Delightful.  Anyway.  Hmm.  I dunno.  Just keep typing words until I've reached the quota.  That sounds like the way to go.  OR PAUSE AT MOMENTS and have words BUILD UP INSIDE OF ME and BLAST EM ALL OFF at once.  Either way works I guess.   What else.  Guess I'm on track to put on DEADPOOL as first thing to watch on the Television Set.  Not that excited about it.  I've seen it before and I don't remember it being something I anticipate enjoying again!  OH WELL WHAT CAN I DO I HAVE NO CHOICE.  I can watch SOMETHING ELSE first.  Then watch Deadpool LATER ON. HUH.  What would I watch in that case.  I DUNNO.  I WANNA WATCH HORROR FILM IS TE POINT BUT I DUNNO WHICH ONE.  DANGIT.  The good news is whatever.  AM I PUTTING DINNER IN OVEN OR MICROWAVE.  I dunno how does oven strike you.  PRETTY WELL.  Oh okay good.  Anyway that's it for now.  THIS PARAGRAPH WAS CRAP compared to other paragraphs.  AS WELL AS WHEN CONSIDERED ON ITS OWN.  Oh okay good.  SEE YA LATER.




Works For Me

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Took a bonus afternoon walk today.  We're talkin NINE walks overall.  I CAPITALIZED it and I italicized it.  BOTH at once.  Either way had delicious Chinese food for lunch WITH BONUS DOZEN OR SO WHEATED THINS to stretch it out.  Had delicious Third of Steak * Stuffed Filet Of Sole for dinner with NOTHING EXTRA to stretch it out.  JUST DEALT with the portion that God Gave Me.  FINE GOOD STUFF I GOT SNACKS COMING MY WAY TONIGHT.  Responsible snacks.  Watched all of Deadwood by which I mean The Other Thing and half of X-Men: Apocalypse.  Think I'm gonna watch a SHUTTER Horror film when this is over though.  PICK BACK UP WITH THEM EX-MEN tomorrow.  Huh.  The film I got lined up for Shutter there's around a 50, 60% chance I watched before but DON'T REMEMBER at all.  SO EITHER WAY I WIN.  Who cares.  Gonna have a choco pop THAT'S FOR SURE.  Delicious.   Hopefully have balanced breakfast tomorrow.  But IF NOT then classic.  Turkey or ham sandwich.  DUNNO ABOUT DINNER.  Could be any of THREE OR SO THINGS.  Why bother speculating if it's more than two things.  WASTE OF ALL OF OUR TIME.  Unlike All Those Other Things I say.  Those Other Things I Say are PRODUCTIVE use of our time.
Four paragraph to go.  POSSIBLE tonight's class my Dad taught is HIS LAST CLASS EVER.  He may not have a class for the Spring and if he doesn't he may decide to hang it up permanently.  HE'S BEEN TEACHING FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS.  THIS IS A BIG DEAL.  Kinda feels like I should do something to honor him.  OH I KNOW RITUAL SUICIDE.  If I learnt ANYTHING from the Japanese its that the best way to honor someone is Ritual Suicide.  I guess you Only get to do it once but THAT ONE TIME is REALLY honorific.  Honorific is recognized as a word.  DON'T LIKE IT.  SOUNDS LIKE A MADE UP COLLABORATION OF SYLLABLES.  NOT A FAN.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Get him iced cream cake.  Maybe that's a good way to honor him.  I have no PROOF he wants iced cream cake.  I'D enjoy iced cream cake though.  In THEORY.  In practice not sure I'd be happy about the calories.  Would make eating it UN-enjoyable.  The point is huh what else is up.  ANOTHER PARAGRAPH DOWN.
Three paragraph to go!  Solid chance I'm looking at a Quest Bar tonight.  BIRTHDAY BAR or Cookies n CREAM Bar.  BOTH VERY DIFFERENT but both VERY APPEALING tonight.  I can see getting a kick out of either of em.  Hmm.  HORROR FILM Tenebrae got a running total time of 110 minutes.  I CAN EASY FIT THAT INTO MY UPCOMING NIGHTTIME SCHEDULE.  Let's go with that.  Probably even aim to Watch That, then watch a Tales In The Crypt, THEN go to bedford buy time.  What else is up.  Phone is CHARGING right now.  When I woke up this morning phone was only at around 74 or 76% or something for one reason or another.  By the time I returned from FINAL WALK tonight to write this it was down to 20%.  HOPEFULLY by the time I'm done here it'll be over 25%.  IT MIGHT make me not be on my phone for the rest of the night.  GOOD THAT WILL ONLY IMPROVE MY NIGHT.  THIS IS GOOD COLLATERAL DAMAGE.  Gotta be a word or phrase for that.  It's Unintended and/or Foreseen Residual Effects that are good.  I LIKE IT.  Hey now only TWO more paragraphs.
   Still got choco pop going on in my gob.  Gob means mouth, right? I think I heard that somewhere.  Probably.  Anyway that's all moot now because I just bit into choco pop and am in the process of eating it.  Hmm.  DANGIT I just had something in mind to say for website but now I forget it.  THERE'S PRECIOUS FEW THINGS I ACTUALLY EVER TINK TO SAY so to LOSE something that I thought is VERY upsetting.  Oh well what can ya do.  Move on with your lives I guess.  Hmm.  Feel like there's a 50% chance I have a positive NightMight.  Something relevantly improvementwise over Normal Nightmight amount of calories.  And MOST LIKELY if not then it's just NORMAL amount and not WORSE than normal.  So we'll see how all that, "Shakes," out.  Hmm.  HOW DID I LIKE DEADPOOL?  It was weird!  He's in love with someone and they have an extremely well established relationship but then he ghosts her because now his face looks weird.  And he thinks that would be a deal breaker for her.  LOOK I THINK she's gonna tolerate his face looking weird and also in the end IT TURNS OUT I AM RIGHT but NO SPOILERS.
Last paragraph of the daynight.  Hmm.  First Mets spring training game being televised is a week from Saturday.  WOW. Baseball CREEPING UP real quicklike.  I like it.  Mostly because I like baseball.  I TINK.  It might turn out oh right baseball is more or less boring.  I forget.  Hmm.  Probably eating SOMETHING when this is over and posted to internet.  PROBABLY the Quest Bar.  WHAT A JOURNEY IT WILL BE.  Hmm.  Any other EXCITING thing I could eat?  I don't think so.  Comprehensive iced cream sandwich.  CLOSEST EXCITING THING I CAN TINK OF.  Huh.  QUEST BAR IS PLENTY EXCITING.  WHY MESS WITH THAT.  It's GOOD don't look for solutions where there's already a problem there!  Or something like that.  You get the idea.  Hmm.  I guess time has passed since I determined I could easily fit in 110 minute movie and a Tales In The Crypt.  I NO LONGER FEEL THAT I CAN DEFINITELY EASILY DO THAT.  The movie sure I can do that tonight but I DON'T TINK I'd EASILY want to DEFINITELY fit in the Tales In The Crypt ON TOP OF IT.  WELP THAT'S IT.  See ya tomorry!

-8:20 P.M.




Monday, February 13, 2023

Anyway That Sort Of Thign

    Hey friends.  Very much ahead of schedule today!  8:42 AM!  Not so much ahead of schedule that I can easily comfortably fit in a bonus walk in early part of day.  I could PROBABLy fit in a bonus walk if I wanted to.  But not EASILY COMFORTALY.  So I AIN'T GONNA AIM FOR DOIN' IT.  Anyway got up early to take walk and then take some of Dad's Laundry To Laundromat.  NOW I'M HERE.  Gonna RETRIEVE Laundry in mid-day.  Which may clunk up my mid-day walks a bit but won't really cause any CRUNCHtime.  Just might mean I take a walk 20 minutes earlier or later than I'd want.  So that's good!  Had more NightMight than I wanted last night.  ABOUT as much as normal.  POSSIBLY 100 or 200 calorie less.  POSSIBLE it was a big of progress compared to what had been the standard.  Anyway.  Had really hearty brownie for early brekafsat.   So any gain I made in NightMight was cancelled out there!  LUNCH I HAEV NO FREAKIN CLUE.  Turkey sandwich.  Bagel with egg.  Chinese Food.  WHAT THE HELL IS A FELLA TO DO.  Life is hard but the rewards are potentially great.
   Hmm.  Watched newest Jeepers Creepers last night.  It was solidly NOT GOOD.  But I WATCHED IT and that's the important thing.  What to watch today.  RESUME X-Men.  Still halfway through WOVERINE GOES TO JAPAN.  Just like The Bad News Bears did.  EXACT same thing.  Anyway.  I THINK I MAY be leaning towards chinese food.  Maybe chicken with garlic sauce and a side of shrimp dumpling.  Them small special shrimp dumpling.  CRYSTAL Shrimp dumpling.  Split that sucker into two meals and leave over a lot of rice.  Save soup for some other meal.  Possibly a SANDWICH or something.  SOUNDS REASONABLE.  More hearty lunch than I normally like but when you look at it without bonus context VERY REASONABLE LUNCH.  HALF AN AMOUNT OF CHICKEN AND BROCCOLI from chicken and garlic sauce?  A SMALL AMOUNT OF FRIED RICE?  A COUPLE OF SMALL DUMPLINGS?  HOW IS THAT TOO BIG A LUNCH.  Trick Question IT ISN'T.  Anyway.  NEW WEEK.  Monday.  I WOULDN'T LIE TO YOU.
I would.  I have.  AND I'LL DO IT AGAIN.  I like Jennifer Lawrence Mystique.  SHE'S GOOD AT THIS.  Anyway.  Started a new playlist I rarely listen to.  Not The New Rock but NEW IN ROCK.  It's still NEW ROCK SONGS but it leans more into NEW ROCK SONGS BY ESTABLISHED ARTISTS rather than NOT AS ESTABLISHED ARTISTS.  Not COMPLETELY 100% one or the other ARE THE PLAYLISTS.  But that's the basic premise difference.  SO FAR LINKIN PARK HEADLIENS BOTH PLALISTS THIS WEEK.  GOOD FOR THEM.  Linkin Park huh.  DOESN'T GET THAT MUCH MORE LAME THAN LINKIN PARK.  They got NO Rock N Rool Street Cred as far as I'M CONCERNED.  Based on what?   Based on
GOTTA BE SOMETHING.  IN THE END THOUGH I enjoy lots of their songs.  I AIN'T ASHAMED TO SAY IT.  WELL I AM.  But I'll say it anyway.  I'M COMFORTABLE WITH MYSELF.  Hmm.  Superbowl seemed to be an exciting game based on the scoring updates.  One team scores, then the other team came right back!  ULTIMATELY one team scored and the other team was unable to come right back BUT THAT'S TO BE EXPECTED at SOME point.
   Fourth paragraph!  Coffee after this one.  Amazing.  WOW Major League Baseball spring training games start in less than two weeks.  BY WHICH I MEAN EXACTLY TWO WEEKS.  Very odd I'd phrase 2 weeks by saying less than two weeks.  I guess I'm just a very creative writer.  Hmm.  Lunch is a long ways away.  And I'm pretty hungry now.  OH WELL.  Lunch is presumably in Oh I Don't Know FIVE HOURS.  That's okay.  We'll see how it goes.  I'm PRETTY SURE chicken with garlic sauce vegetable is broccoli.  Might come with some MUSHROOM.  Hopefully SOMETIN.  Somethin GOOD.  Might come with some of that dumb small crunchy miniature corn cob stuff.  That's gross. The point is it come with SOMETHING and there's about a 50/50 chance for ANY Chinese Vegetable that I'd enjoy eating it or I'd be grossed out by it.  SO WE'LL SEE HOW IT GOES.  Hmm.  Got a lot of XMEN left.  IT FEELS like I've watched UNLIMITED Xmen so far but I have MORE XMEN LEFT than I've already seen.  7.5 left compared to 5.5 seen.  COFFEE TIME.
   AH one of the two Joe Bob Briggs films is ALREADY available ALONE on Shutter.
  GOOD.  MY patience has paid off.  OUR LONG NATIONAL NIGHTMARE IS OVER.  OR BRIEF NATIONAL WET DREAM HAS BEGUN.  Hmm.  What if I could figure out a way to get BBQ Spare Ribs.  I CAN'T.  There's no way I could work it in to my diet routine schedule for the upcoming few days.  But MAN OH MAN, what if I could.  Hmm.  Probably put in order for Chinese Food around 1:00 PM.  End up eating lunch a little bit earlier than usual.  POSSIBLY as much as 150-40 minutes.  NOT SO MUCH 150.  MORE LIKE 15.  WHICH IS WHAT I MEANT TO SAY.  The important thing is OUR LONG NATIONAL NIGHTMARE OF ME SAYING 150 BY ACCIDENT IS OVER.  OUR BRIEF NATIONAL WE DREAM OF ME SAYING 15 ACCURATELY HAS JUST BEGUN.  Hmm.  I like me some Hot * Sour soup but is it WORTH considering an egg drop soup instead as a Sandwichside for upcoming sandwich lunch?  WONTON SOUP has pleased me in the past but I don't WANT to just drink hot water and have some steamed wontons. E EGG DROP SOUP could make a case for itself though.
Halfway through Act I!  let's keep it going and whatknot.  Hmm.  February 13.  Tomorrow is Valentine's Day.  DOES ST VALENTINE HAVE A VALENTINE.  Kinda seems weird if Valentine himself (HERSELF?  I TINK IT'S A HE/HIM) is alone.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE.  Just some SAINT.  A HE/HIM as far as WE know.  But if he's all about COURTLY LOVE as wikipedia says (I think they meant to say Courtney Love) he should have some sort of significant other as well.  Or at least SOME OBJECT OF INFATUATION.  That's how I feel.  Hmm.  What else is up.  SAW A The Flash commercial last night for SUPERBOWL.  Missed THE IMPORTANT first eight seconds.  I DID see someone say I'M BATMAN but I don't think it was the real Batman.  Not sure WHAT batman it was.  BETTER LURQ WHAT BATMAN THIS WAS IN THE FLASH.  WHAT TE HELL.  MICHAEL KEATON IS BATMAN AGAIN?  THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT.  IT SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL but it CAN'T BE RIGHT!!!  Hmm.  Wait a second I SCROLLED SOME MORE and BEN AFFLECK IS BATMAN AGAIN.  Oh great they're doing THAT sort of thing.  SEEN IT.  YAWN.
   Seventh paragraph.  Good deal.  Normally I'd be leaving for first walk right around now.  That'd be Right On Schedule But Kind Of Late But More Or Less MOSTLY ON Track.  What other Batmen they got.  Oh.  JUST MIGHT BE THOSE TWO.  That's good.  I can live with JUST TWO Batmen.  I SPOKE TOO SOON getting OFFENDED by Too Many Batmen.  TWO I CAN HANDLE.  Hmm.  Still not a, "SLAM DUNK," I'm getting Chinese food for lunch but at this point it's very much IN THE LEAD and most likely over 50% chance overall.  THEN AGAIN MAYBE NOT.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Three and a half more paragraphs for Act I.  Good deal.  I guess.  Guess I'm mostly making more progress with X-Men today.  BUT I wanna make more progress ELSEWHERE on Television too.  BUT AT LEAST I'm finishing The Wolverine and THE NEXT X-Men Film which is Oh I Don't Know XMEN DAYS OF FUTURE PAST.  I don't know what that means.  I TINK I saw it in theaters. I TINK it takes place in the future but it may ALSO take place in the past.  I guess we'll never know for sure.
Eighth paragraph!  Hmm.  What else do I got going for me. Ultimately I think non-Chinese food wildcard lunches is less calories.  A chicken and garlic sauce split into TWINE (even with bonus shrimp dumplings) is not a particularly hearty lunch proposition BUT I think bagel with egg white as one lunch as somethin else as another one IS STILL less calories.  SO THAT'S SOMETHING TO CONSIDER.  FOR ME.  You don't need to bother considering it.  Kinda hope you're not considering it actually.  If you're considering it KINDA WEIRD.  Sure I'm FLATTERED you care so much but COOL IT DOWN A BIT.  You can CARE A LOT ABOUT ME but have it MANIFEST in more socially acceptable ways.  I don't know what those ways are but YOU FIGURE EM OUT.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Loosk like the Chiefs won the superbowl.  That's what I THOUGHT happened.  But then I forgot and wasn't so sure.  AT THIS POINT THOUGH I'm pretty sure.  GOOD.  I was nominally rooting for them.  PAID OFF BIG TIME it turns out!  WOW TWO MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
   Hmm.  Pretty interesting that the American Chinese (Or is it Chinese American) perfected Garlic Sauce.  LOOK WE ALL know about Garlic.  We all know about Sauce.  But Chinese American Cuisine HAS GOT THE BEST GARLIC SAUCE and it's not up for debate.  IT CAN be debated.  That debate CAN BE WON by either side.  BUT IT'S NOT UP FOR DEBATE AS OF TIS MOMENT.  MAYBE it'll be scheduled in a few months I DON'T KNOW.  As of now THE DEBATE DOCKET IS FULL, SORRY.  Hmm.  NO SPOILERS but I'm trying to pick up a baseball player that someone dropped from their team in my fantasy baseball league.  Not 100% sure they have a starting spot on their team BUT IF THEY DO they got a lot of promise.  Also I have a spot on my team that I drafted ERRONEOUSLY so I could STAND to drop this sucker and take a chance on this other sucker.  SO WE'LL SEE IF TAHT TRANSACTION GOES THROUGH.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  BLOG.  One more paragraph to go for Act I!
   Great!  If I was starting Act I right now I'd be Very Much On Schedule without much crunch time to worry about.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Hmm.  Got plenty and plenty of time to accomplish what I wanna accomplish today.  Now I just gotta figure out what kind of Television I wanna accomplish.  What kinda lunch I wanna accomplish.  That sort of thing.  COULD BE A GOOD DAY.  Not as pleasurable waking up to a Progressive NightMight day like the last few days.  MAYBE a slightly progressive nightmight but CLOSE TO NEGLIGIBLE and also MAYBE NOT EVEN THAT so either way it ROUNDS OFF to negligible.  Either way HUH what else is up.  IF I don't get Chinese Food I can get BUFFALO WING from Diner tonight as a Wildcard lunch (es) for this week!  I THINK I GET 9 in one order.  For a LUNCH I would want 3-6.  I could have probably 4-6 alone or I could have 3-4 with some sort of SIDE like wheated thins.  Anyway.  That's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




time to step up

    Hey friends.  Time to write some paragraphs.  FIVE by my count.  Got plenty of time.  Lots of time to spread out today!  Good stuff.  Got lunch in about 3.5 hours probably.  HARD TO SAY EXACTLY as I dunno if Chinese Food will deliver in 12 minutes or 12 HUNDRED minutes. Well not 12 hundred minutes but you get the idea.  But YEAH definitely aiming for Chinese Food.  BUT THAT SUCKER OF AN ORDER IN around 1:05-1:15 PM.  Probably on THE LOWER END of that range.  1:05-1:10.  So why don't I just say that.  CAUSE I STILL MAY CHANGE MY MIND FIVE MINUTES FORWARD.  Oh okay good.  Anyway.  Doin some Diggin' up SIDEWALK on my block.  Gotta walk around the sidewalk ONTO THE GRASS.  LIKE A COMMON CRIMINAL.  Oh well I have no choice.  I feel MORALLY and LEGALLY I'm not doing anything wrong.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Might just get steak * stuffed filet of sole instead of stuffed mushroom.  Even though I like stuffed mushroom more.  Easier to cut stuffed filet of sole into threes than 2 stuffed mushrooms.  EASE is a very key component when determining dinner!
   Four paragraphs to go for Daytime Day!  Amazing.  Am I eating ALL Shrimp dumplings with 2 parts of Chicken with garlic sauce.  Hmm.  What I'm IMAGINING is 10 small shrimp dumplings.  SPECIAL dumplings.  Not your STANDARD steamed dumpling.  Somethin' SPECIAL, BONUS.  Smaller!  Either way YEAH I Think I'm comfortable having FIVE OF THOSE with each Half Of Meal.  FOUR might be ideal.  I could see myself having FOUR as well.  Having TWO as a snack at some point.  NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT TAHT SOUNDS EVEN BETTER.  Huh.  The point is I COULD ask for almond cookie and I WOULD enjoy it and I SHUOLD be able to figure out an appropriate time and place to eat them.  So when considering all that seems like I really ought to get some Almond Cookie, right?  YEAH.  Then again NOPE I got lotta sweets already.  DO I REALLY NEED TWO ALMOST COOKIE EXTRA.  Possibly!  Hmm.  DAD IS AWAY.  Some sort of Doctor Appointment.  MOM IS HOME.  Some sort of General Home Appointment.  Huh.  Three paragraph to go.
YEAH.  Presumably first thing I watch is second half of THAT WOLVERINE.  THEN I re-assess What I'm Doing With My Life. NOT TOO HARD.  Just hard enough to determine What I'm Doing Is Continuing Watching THE X-MEN.  Hmm.  MONDAY.  Amazing.  What other kinda stuffed fish can I presumably get.  Stuffed SALMON.  Almost sure I can do that.  Maybe that's an interesting mix-em-up I can try out!  THAT SOUNDS INTERESTING.  VERY INTERESTING.  I've enjoyed salmon in my past and it's been a good while since I had salmon.  NOW I'm excited about stuffed salmon!  Amazing.  You could also get stuffed shrimp.  That's dumb.  DELICIOUS but I doubt it's very hearty.  ANyway.  STEAK * STUFFED SALMON.  Now we're talking GREAT Three Part Dinner potentially.  Amazing.  What else do I got going on for me.  GOT SNACKS TODAY BESIDES DELIGHTFUL MEALS I GOT PLANNED.  HOLY BOY that's delightful as well.   What would be a nice MID snack for mid-afternoon.  KETO Brownie perhaps.  NIGHTTIME could have 2-3 snacks including INDULGENT SNACK up to and including Quest bar and/or comprehensive iced cream sandwich.  WOW.
Penultimate paragraph of daytime day!  Delightful.  GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR could EASILY take place.  So that's good.  I'D LIKE to eat Chinese Food out of the container rather than separate Half right off the bat.  EAT WHAT I WANT then leave the rest behind.  HOWEVER I'm probably microwaving it some before eating.  And it's PROBABLY in microwave safe container but it's A WASTE OF ENERGY to microwave entire container rather than removing what I'm gonna eat today and just microwaving that.  SO YOU CAN SEE THE KIND OF BIND I'M IN. Hmm.  I can imagine there being some BONES in stuffed salmon.  THE SALMON PART MOSTLY.  Not the stuffed.  I guess there could be bones in Filet of sole as well.  Not so much bones in MUSHROOM.  But the possibility of bones lie in filet of sole and in salmon.  OH WELL if you never risk eating bones YOU NEVER LIVE LIFE.  So that's good.  HMM.  Should I split potato into THIRDS for three part dinner or split potato into HALVES and have DINER SOUP for THIRD portion.  NOT TO BE CONFUSED with soup I'm getting from CHINESE FOOD.  Which will be a SANDWICHSIDE I guess.
Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  Amazing.  I guess.  KIND OF AMAZING.  Normally I'm wrapping up the first act right around now.  More or less.  INSTEAD I'M AN HOUR AHEAD OF SCHEDULE.  DIG THAT!  I guess.  Wonder if I'm gettin' any crispy noodles with my soup.  Solid chance I am!  WONDER what to do with those.  Potentially EAT THEM at some point.  Don't necessarily NEED them but they're delicious I'm sure.  Anyway.  WOW.  Lunch at this point might be in a mere THREE HOURS.  IDEALLY three hours and fifteen minutes but based on when I order it IT COULD EASILY BE IN JUST THREE HOURS.  You IDIOTS.  Hmm.  What else is up.  What are other two lunches I have before Friday besides Chinese food.  HAM SANDWICH AND TURKEY SANDWICH.  Delightful!  Everyone loves sandwiches, ME INCLUDED.  Huh.  Getting laundry in afternoon shouldn't clunk up my schedule really.  I DON'T MIND IT ONE BIT.  Maybe half a bit.  DOESN'T EVEN ROUND UP to one bit ROUNDS DOWN TO ZERO BITS.  Well that's it for now.  See ya tonight!




If That's What It Takes

    Hey friends!  Had delicious meals and Snack.  Had HALF of chicken with garlic sauce for lunch as well as TWO Crystal Shrimp Dumplings out of five.  SMALL little things.  Anyway nice HEARTY YET COMPACT nice little lunch.  Had delicious ONE THIRD of Steak * Stuffed Filet Of Sole for dinner.  Nice COMPACT little dinner.  NOT HEARTY.  But STILL PRETTY NICE.  Had ALMOND cookie for Mid-day Snack.  THAT ABOUT COVERS IT.  Gonna have some fun with Tonight Snack.  Either indulge in Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich OR perhaps a rare NightTime POP TART.  AND THAT'S NOT IT.  I will also have a back up of either LESS indulgent Solid snack or LESS indulgent iced cream snack DEPENDING ON WHETHER I HAVE TEH COMPREHENSIVE ICED CREAM SANDWICH OR THE POP TART.  Probably.  NONE OF TIS MAY HAPPEN.  TIS IS JUST CURRENT DAYDREAMING PLANNING AHEAD.  ALSO TOOTSIE POP FOR ACT III probably.  DESPITE being solidly 20% into it almost WITHOUT ANY CHOCO POP AT ALL.  WOW.  Fished THE WOLFVERING and watched all of X-MEN DAYS OF FUTURE'S PAST.  Great!  Up to DEADPOOL I.  THAT COME TOMORROW.  About 20 minutes in to an 1980's Horror film.  THAT CONTINUE AFTER THIS.
YEAH.  Hopefully tomorrow breakfast is BALANCED.  If not I'm probably having BLACKISH and WHITE cookie.  IT'S TE COOKIE THAT INSPIRED A TV SHOW.  POSSIBLY.  CAN'T RULE IT OUT AT LEAST.  Hmm.  Took all normal walks.  RETRIEVED laundry from laundromat in addition to bringing it there in the first place.  THAT WAS A HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY.  I guess.  The point is if I don't have Pop Tart, next level down comprehensive Solid Snack is perhaps GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR.  SO that's pretty delicious, too!  FORGET, "Pretty," that's VERY delicious.  Just not quite as HEARTY.  You IDIOTS.  That seemed uncalled for.  Oh well what can ya do.  MOVE ON with our lives I guess.  MAY have hot n sour soup with second half of chicken with garlic sauce tomorrow.  It's close!  I probably can get by without it but it's gotta be what, an extra 70-90 calories?  And it JUST HAPPENS to tip it from being a Not Quite Hearty Enough Meal to a More Or Less Pretty Hearty Enough Meal?  SEEMS PRETTY DUMB NOT TO SERIOUSLY STRONGLY CONSIDER AIMING TO PONDER HAVING IT.
   Hmm.  CHOCO POP TIME.  Hey this is pretty delicious in and of itself.  Also Out and outside of itself.  Huh.  How many more XMEN films are there.  I know there's DEADPOOLS, I know there's one more WOLVERINE, and I know there's a THE NEW MUTANTS.  Are there anymore CLASSIC ENSEMBLE XMens.  AH YES there appears to be one or two more.  NO SPOILERS on what they're titled.  THEY WERE ONLY RELEASED 7 and 4 years ago I NEED TO GIVE YOU MORE TIME TO DISCORVER THEM ON YOUR OWN SCHEDULE.  So that's good I guess.  DINNER came with SURPRISE three onion rings.  SMALL ONES.  Not tiny ones.  Small big ones.  Or big small ones.  If I had to choose between big or small to describe them I'd go with SMALL.  The point is I ERRANTLY had two of them.  I CAN ADMIT WHEN I'M WRONG.  I'M A BIG MAN I KNOW WHEN I'M WRONG.  I HAD ONE TOO MANY.  Such is life.  I like XMEN Days of Future pat.  It takes place IN THE FUTURE where they go into the past but it still FEELS LIKE it takes place in THE FUTURE even though it's mostly IN THE PAST.  COMPLICATED BUT WELL DONE.
Penultimate paragraph!  Delightful.  What are the odds I have a Productive NightMight tonight.  SUCH TAT I can look back and say I DEFINITELY had less than normal amount of NightMight calories.  Let's say 200 calories at least less.  With 700-900 being what I consider normal.  I dunno I'm gonna be semi-optimistic and say FIFTY/FIFTY.  COULD BE SEMI-PESSIMISM too.  NOT SURE WHETHER THIS 50/50 is half full or half empty.  The important thing is that I FEEL Semi-pessimism about it FEELIGNWISE but LOGICWISE I THINK semi-optimism about it.  That doesn't SOUND like The Important Thing About It.  Oh okay interesting counterpoint.  Hmm.  A TRADE was made in my Fantasy Baseball league.  LOOKS VAGUELY FAIR from what I can tell.  I'm not ENRAGED by lopsidedness and think It's Some Sort Of Scam.  I SAY LET IT GO THROUGH.  Got my nod of approval.  GENERAL NOD.
Last paragraph!  Gonna bite into choco pop now, too!  So that's exciting as well.  Anyway.  Was thinking about stuffed salmon but I wasn't sure they'd do that as a COMBO with steak and if they did they might give AN ENTIRE Stuffed Salmon and charge me for it AND I DIDN'T WANNA RISK THAT HEADACHE.  SO I just went with standard steak * stuffed filet of sole.  TURNED OUT OKAY.  I guess.  NOT VERY HEARTY but I knew that was gonna be the case going into it!  Anyway.  What else do I have going for me.  Guess I'm gonna go to bed in Oh I Don't Know TWO AND A HALF HOURS.  Maybe THREE.  COULD BE JUST TWO.  But I wanna make it to LATER THAN THAT if I can.  So let's see how that goes and crap.  Is it possible Deadpool will be TOO annoying?  YES.  But that's the risk we take when we watch films.  Being annoyed by the characters.  Hmm.  Got no noodles with the soup.  That's okay!  It's for the best.  They were only looking out for my best interests when they chose not to send me noodles.  WELL DONE on their part.  Anyway that'll do it for me.  See ya tomorrow!

-8:08 P.M.




Sunday, February 12, 2023

Ain't Got No None Time For This

    Hey friends.  Way ahead of schedule today.  7:57 AM!  Gonna have to help Dad soon for a couple of minutes.  Moving boxes and stuff around from here to there.  Could take a solid Oh I Don't Know FOUR OR FIVE MINUTES.  Either way probably gonna fit in bonus walk in early part of the day very easily.  And no real reason NOT to do a bonus walk.  Also no real reason to ABSTAIN from a walk later in the day to make up for it. So I just take 9 walks today instead of 8 probably!  WOW.  HAD positive NIghtMight last night.  About half of normal!  300-400 calories instead of 700-800!  THREE nights in a row of positive development.  NOW WE'RE REALLY TALKING.  And I'm guessing I'm gonna go up on dosage of topheramax when I see physicist in 2 weeks still.  LET'S CLOSE THE DEAL.  We made progress.  Now let's keep progress going AND make COMPLETE PROGRESS.  Hmm.  Had Black and white as early breakfast.  DELICIOUS.
    Lunch could be ham or turkey sandwich or wide al fredo OR balanced breakfast OR bagel with egg white.  PROBABLY one of those.  Theoretically could have hot pockets OR some sort of delivery.  NOPE.  Probably sandwich, wide al fredo, or bagel with egg white.  BAGEL WITH EGG WHITE might have a PLURALITY lead right now.  Sounds good.  Grilled chicken roll is DINNER.  AMAZING.  Watched about 2/3rds of HOMEBODIES the film where old people kill people.  Not as much old people killing people as I was expecting.  NOT SO FAR.  But still a decent enough movie.  They are NOT British.  Or if they are they're ALL doing American accents.  And the scenery is doing American accents as well.  Anyway.  Next X-Men film is THE WOLVERINE.  Last one was on STARZ not Disney.  I think this one is back on Disney Plus.  Let's see what Roger Ebert has to say about THE WOLVERINE. I'm gonna guess he goes back up to THREE STARS for THE WOLVERINE.  YEP NAILED IT THREE STARS.  Wow I'm pretty good at this!  I'M BETTER AT KNOWING WHAT ROGER EBERT GIVES MOVIES TAN ROBER EGERT.  Or movies.
Hmm.  February TWELVTH.  What's important about the twelfth of months.  Is it just that I was born on twelths.  That might be it.  I know PERSONALLY 12 resonates with me.  COULD JUST BE because of my own birthday.  OR maybe there's something else to it.  I dunno.  WAIT A SECOND ROGER EBERT 3 STARS WOLVERINE might have been a GUEST review.  WHAT THE HELL.  This was 2013.  ROGER EBERT WAS STILLA LIVE AND KICKING TEN.  Why would he need a guest review for roger ebert dot com.  I'm gonna ge tto the bottom of this IF IT KILLS ME.  OR move on right now.  Think I'll move on right now.  I'd LIKE to know the answers but I dunno if there ARE any answers.  Why waste my time!  Anyway.  Nurse who does my Dad's blood infusions is coming today.  That shouldn't muck my day up.  He'd be gone by the time I have lunch.  Shouldn't bother me.  Anyway.  IF I were to watch the superbowl tonight HOW WOULD I DO IT.  I think I saw it begins at 6:30 PM.  But is that when KICK OFF begins.  Or when it begins IN SOME OTHER RESPECT. Let's see.  HMM.  I dunno.  It's on FOX though.  YA LOST ME.
   Fourth paragraph.  Presumably getting coffee after this one.  OR wait until after I help Dad move boxes.  Which SHOULD be any moment now.  So that's good and crap.  Didn't see any new 2022 (OR 2023!) films on Premium Channels around 8-10 PM last night while BROWSING the GUIDE.  Or maybe I saw one or two that didn't interest me.  I don't remember.  The important thing is HMM what to watch first.  Finish Elderly Killer film first?  I think I'll do that.  It's a FINE film.  Sometimes I'd like to save Horror for nighttime but in this case I'll go ahead and finish that up first things first.  So that's good.  Hmm.  More than halfway through fourth paragraph.  That's pretty decently into the entry.  The important thing is I keep the momentum going.  Even though I've got Dad Asking Me For Help Moving Things hanging over my head.  I CAN'T LET THAT BOTHER ME.  MUST KEEP WRITING SENTENCES AT SPECTACULAR RATES.
   Hmm.  Maybe I wanna do Fantasy Baseball draft this week.  Maybe second league is HEAD TO HEAD.  Maybe lots of things.  Hmm what did I eat last night.  Probably 2-4 chocolate covered graham crackers as one thing.  I THINK a cinnamon toast crunch bar as a second thing.  Hmm sounds good.  How long am I putting grilled chicken roll in oven tonight.  Let's ERR on the side of LONG TIME.  Hmm.  45 minutes to an hour.  That sounds long enough.  GREAT let's do it.  Eat that sucker up real good.  Not that much chicken in it.  Little bits of grilled chicken.  THAT'S OKAY. It's fine.  I enjoy it nonetheless.  CELEB BIRTHDAYS FOR TOMORROW.  Wow.  I don't wanna be a dick, but... no one that great.  LOTTA SCRUBS.  Some people I have NOTHING AGAINST.  But no SUPERSTAR Celeb.  Football player RANDY MOSS. Television personality Gerland Springer.  AIR FORCE PERSON (?) Chuck Yeager?  Oh well.  The good news is that if your birthday is tomorrow DOOR IS WIDE OPEN for you to become one of the top celebrity birthdays.  BALL IS IN YOUR COURT and whatknot.
   Sixth paragraph!  Figure I'll just get coffee now.  HOW LONG CAN I WAIT FOR COFFEE.  Anyway.  Just got coffee and was CALLED INTO ACTION as I poured it.  Then it was determined I needed to do MORE action afterwards.  So I'm here BRIEFLY for I dunno SIXTY SECONDS.  Then gotta do MORE action.  But in the meantime HERE'S I DUNNO FOUR SENTENCES?  Could be more than sixty seconds in the end.  I'M GUESSING IT'S SIXTY SECONDS OVERALL. Hmm.  What am I listening to on walks today.  First walk I'm on THE NEW ROCK.  About a dozen songs in from last night.  That's pretty good.  I like Rock Music.  Good instruments and crap.  Nothin' wrong there.  Not sure I've ever played music Proper with a band.  I've played WIT MYSELF.  I've played a couple times with another guitarist.  Don't think I've ever played with a drummer or any other kind of instrumentalist though.  That'd be a blast and a half though.  Not really.  It'd be embarrassing.  Because it's call to attention I don't know what I'm doing!  AT FIRST.  But then after several weeks straight of playing together WE'D FIGURE SOMETHING OUT.
Seventh paragraph.  THAT SIXTY SECONDS IS STILL GOING ON.  Go figure.  So that's good.  OK HERE I GO I'VE BEEN CALT TO ACTION.  OKAY DID THAT.  Got one more miniscule task to do in 10-15 minutes that should take nothin'!  I'll be here to do it.  So that's good.  What else is up.  If I can't see how Roger Ebert appreciated The Wolverine AT LEAST I can see how it did on The Rotten Tomatoes.  WAIT A SECOND.  Wolverine did decently on Rotten Tomatoes but THE IMPORTANT THING IS this isn't the next film to watch.  It's the next WOLVERINE film to watch but there's ANOTHER XMAN FILM first.  There's a NON Wolverine Prequel film released between Wolverines in 2011 to watch. GREAT WHAT DID ROGER EBERT TINK ABOUT X-MEN FIRST CLASS.  TWO AND A HALF STARS.  "Not a great comic book movie, not a bad one."  HIS WORDS NOT MINE.  That just about sums it up don't it.  DOESN'T GET MUCH MORE SUMMATION TAN THAT.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Good deal.  If NOT Bagel with egg white for lunch THEN WHAT.  Ham or turkey sandwich or wide al fredo?  NONE OF THOSE sound great to me!  Ugh.  Little bit colder today I think!  Not too bad.  I think!  Can't remember completely to tell the truth.  Hmm.  Well X Men First Class ISN'T on Disney Plus as Most X Men are.  Hopefully on STARZ as most X-Men ALSO are.  I guess we'll see.  What else is up.  Two and a half paragraphs to for the act!  How much time do I have to write them.  Lots of time.  Gonna fit in bonus walk with plenty of time and crap.  Gonna be fun.  I guess.  Is Rihanna music EXCITING enough for Superbowl.  Maybe it is!  I feel like superbowl music should BRING THE HOUSE DOWN.  I feel like Rihanna music is too SOULFUL???  Maybe it's more Straight up POP that can bring the house down.  COULD BE TOO MUCH R AND B AND OR SOULFUL.  I DON'T KNOW HER CATALOGUE WELL ENOUGH and THAT'S ON ME I GET IT.
   Two paragraphs to go. 
Still haven't been called upon for Final Task but I don't see having to wait around beyond finishing these 2 paragraphs to do it.  I'll be asked to do it BEFORE finishing Act!  WHAT IS TEH TASK YOU SAY?  Gotta take out folded up cardboard boxes.  Throw em out!  BETWEEN GARBAGE CAN in bin.  That's how that goes.  Hmm.  R and B stands for Rhythm and Blues.  Before R and B TOO MUCH MUSIC was either Rhythm OR Blues.  R AND B CHANGED EVERYTHING.  Maybe I'm in mood for hearty al fredo.  I had early breakfast in and of itself AND I got up really early.  So by the time lunch rolls around both digestive system knows it's been a while since I ate AND I've been AWAKE and CONSCIOUSLY HUNGRY for a long time as well.  So we'll see how that goes.  What else is up.  What are the superbowl teams again.  Kansas City Chiefs versus Philadelphia Eagles?  Gotta stick with the Chiefs on this one!  Amazing.  I said that three times already in the last few weeks.  Good thing too because I STILL REMEMBER NOW BECAUSE OF IT.
Last paragraph of Act I!  Amazing!  Been a while since I had bagel with butter or cream cheese.  I'd enjoy that too.  But egg white makes more sense on several levels.  So let's stick with that.  Have HALF of the egg white portion they gave me.  Not a THIRD.  That makes sense on several levels too!  So let's stick with that.  Don't burn the bagel.  Toast it real good.  But KEEP CONSTANT TABS ON IT.  No real to risk burning it.  Just toast it LITTLE BITS AT A TIME.  WHY TAKE A CHANCE and toast it too much and then be upset.  DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.  Hmm.  STILL HAVEN'T BEEN CALLED UPON To Do Thing.  And I'm almost done with entry.  DANGIT.  I feel like it could happen any moment now.  DAD JUST CALLED UP TO ME SAYING It's Getting Close.  Ok.  Great.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit!




great i like the sound of that

    Hey friends.  Time to write five paragraphs.  HOW LONG do I have to write them?  I dunno as long as I want.  Fourty five minutes is way more than enough by SEVERAL metrics.  So that's good.  Was CALLED UPON to take out garbage stuff a minute after finishing Act I.  Then nurse arrived while I was leaving for walk II.  Good stuff!  Now I'm leaning towards wide al fredo for lunch with back up being bagel with egg white.  WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS, SHOULD BE EXCITING EITHER WAY.  Gonna be hearty and delicious meal whatever happens!  So that's good.  The advantage to not eating bagel with egg white is that I go into next four days (MONDAY THRU THURSDAY) with only TWO lunches set.  Meaning I GOT DOOR WIDE OPEN for a Delivery Multi Part Lunch.  BUT WHAT TO GET.  Not necessarily CRAVING anything.  I got rice based meal last week.  NOVELTY has worn off!  Burger Fast Food based meal doesn't sound PARTICULARLY exciting.  What about a Taco Bell.  Hmm.  That'd be exciting I think.  I MIGHT ENJOY a TWO PART TACO BELL LUNCH NOW TAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  YEAH.  Lemme LURQ THEIR MENU AND DO SOME FANTASTASIZING.
Okay.  Three basic Bare Bones tacos would be a hearty enough and low calorie enough lunch.  Not sure I could justify making an order of Six Bare Bones Tacos though.  Lemme LURQ how much that would cost.  Oh.  It's not SO BAD.  $22.58 with their recommended driver tip.  Hmm.  Not the most exciting lunch.  No VARIETY.  I like A VARIETY to lunch.  I can get SOFT TACO and CRUNCH TACO.  But I'd probably not VARIETY BETWEEN EM within lunch.  Probably do one lunch of SOFT and one lunch of CRUNCH.  Either way I SHOULD SOLIDLY CONSIDER THAT FOR REAL.  Anyway.  Slightly more calories than I like for lunches but solidly LESS calories than I like for dinners which means it's A CERTAINLY REASONABLE MEAL.   Also WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  Three paragraph and change to go.  Better act quick and have a kid tomorrow so they can excel in whatever field they'd like so they could have a good chance to become a Supreme Celebrity Birthday Person.  If I want a kid TOMORROW I better have Sex RIGHT NOW.  Really.  THIS VERY SECOND.  NO TIME TO WASTE.  That's dumb.  OBVIOUSLY I could wait a couple of months and have them NEXT YEAR.  DUH.
Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Might be some residual extra business at Taco bell this upcoming week lunches from Superbowl.  LOOK people aren't gonna be ordering taco bell for superbowl parties on Tuesday Afternoons I KNOW TAHT I'm not AN IDIOT.  BUT people might have gotten Taco Bell Nachos for Superbowl AND LIKED TEM SO MUCH and thought I GOTTA REMEMBER TO GET TACO BELL MYSELF SOON Say Tuesday Afternoon.  So THAT could happen.  Then again THE REVERSE could happen.   People who might OTHERWISE have gotten Taco Bell on Tuesday Afternoon could have been TURNED OFF during the Superbowl Party and decided AGAINST getting Taco Bell where they were planning to getting it beforehand.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Taco Bell could be a Superbowl Party SUpplier, right?  They dont' do WINGS but they do NACHOS.  People like NACHOS.  I could see people having a Taco Bar at a Superbowl party.  Just a big giant dish stacked with Standard BareBones Tacos you can take.  Sounds like an amazing party.
   Penultimate paragraph of DayTime Day.  The point is it's a done deal I will celebrate the superbowl with a grilled chicken roll.  Sounds pretty good to me.  WORSE WAYS TO GO ABOUT LIFE.  ANyway. I think I'm watching superbowl, right?  I'm gonna put it on for at least PART OF IT.  Then get bored.  But I gotta imagine I'll turn it on at some point.  Hmm. Taking place in ARIZONA.  Good for them.  Hmm.  NOT SURE if I will have a FIFTH park walk or a FIFTH city street walk yet.  EITHER WAY I WIN.  So that's good and crap.  Any other good options at Taco Bell other than barebones tacos.  Looks like some interesting BREAKFAST Burritos.  I dunno if they serve breakfast all day long though.  It's always Breakfast Somewhere.  I guess.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Hmm.  Is LUNCHTIME creeping up yet.  NOT QUITE.  Still four hours away.  Hmm.  What else is up.  I could ADD STUFF to barebones taco.  Right now it's at the limit of how many calories I'm comfortable with.  But IMAGINE IF I ADDED POTATOES FOR INSTANCE.  That'd be the icing on the cake.  Or The Potatoes On The Taco AS IT WERE.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day.  OFT TIMES I'm writing FIRST paragraph of the day Right Around Now.  I'd be behind schedule if that were the case but with a Solid Pretty Good Chance Of Hitting My Schedule Mark in that exact scenario.  So that's good!  Might gotta remember to put new beer in fridge.  Beer I re-upped with on Friday.  I THINK I got 2 beers left from previous week for tonight.  SOMETIMES THESE DAYS I HAVE THREE BEERS.  Gotta be prepared!  So that's good.  Anyway.  I dunno.  How much time do I have between Shower and Walk IV.  AS MUCH TIME AS I'D LIKE.  Ya know FIVE MINUTES UP TO OH I DON'T KNOW FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  COULD BE ANYTHING.  Jeez.  The important thing is the last few times I've found grilled chicken roll not quite as hearty as I thought it would be going into it.  BUT it's still A MEAL.  It's not NOTHIN.  So that's good.  What else is up and crap.  That's it.  I'll be back tonight!




Done This Plenty Of Times

    Hey friends.  GOT delicious chocolate choco pop going.  WITH DELICIOUS potential quest bar and small iced cream sandwich waiting in the whings!  Anyway had delicious grilled chicken roll OVENIZED FOR 50 MINUTES in oven for dinner and Oh I Don't Know WIDE AL FREDO for lunch.  Both were great.  Tomorrow lunch could be HAM OR TURKEY SANDWICH.  OR WILDCARD such as bagel with egg white.  Or POSSIBLY Doordash such as CHINESE FOOD such as CHICKEN WITH GARLIC SAUCE.  The important thing is I'm thinking about starting a Steak * Stuffed Mushroom MULTI PART'R tomorrow night.  THE LUNCH I THINK will be poultry based-- turkey sandwich or chicken with garlic sauce.  The dinner will incorporate BEEF.  I GOT LOTS OF PLANS.  THIS IS ABOUT TWO OF THEM.  TWO OF THE MAIN ONES.  Anyway.  Made a lot of X-Men progress. Up to about HALFWAY through The Wolverine.  He's in JAPAN now.  REGULAR JAPAN.  Modern Japan.  I think.  More or less.
Hmm.  Watched me some SUPERBOWL.  I watched SOME Superbowl as well as SOME advertisements.  So far I was entertained PARTIALLY by both aspects of What Television Was Projecting At Me.  AND WAS ENRAGED partially by both aspects as well.  Either way I BELIEVE halftime show is going on right now.  I got it on pause though so there's really no way of knowing.  I could hit it On Play.  That sounds confusing.  NOT SURE MY REMOTE HAS A PLAY BUTTON.  Don't think that comes standard. Gotta PAY EXTRA if you wanna WATCH the TV.  Only comes regular to be able to PAUSE it.  Hmm that makes a lot of sense.  Hopefully have some balanced breakfast tomorrow.  But I'd ENJOY the shit out of a black and white cookie or Hearty brownie.  OR A CLASSIC BREAKFAST if we're gonna go that route.  Hmm.  Probably wanna put on some Horrorshow when Act is over instead of More Superbowl for the rest of the night.  HUH.  Might be going to LAUDROMAT tomorrow morning for my Dads clothes.  NOT MINE.  MINE AREN'T IMPORTANT ENOUGH.  MY CLOTHES MUST GO ON UNLAUNDERED.
   Oh well such is life. 
Took total nine walks today.  It was great!  I'd do it again under similar circumstances!  Anyway just bit down into chocolate choco pop.  FINE.  It lasted me two paragraphs.  That's respectable showing for a choco pop.  Anyway.  Any good HA-HA's in any ADVERTISEMENTS so far.  Hmm.  There was the time where... the thing is... uh... CAMEOS.  It's FUNNY because I KNOW THESE PEOPLE FROM BEFORE.  I GET IT.  Anyway halfway through Act III!  WHAT THE HELL two new JOE BOB BRIGGS episodes just, "Dropped!"  That's THE THING on Shutter: The Screaming Service where they show you a film but you have to watch 20 minutes of a guy talking about it interspersed with it.  I DON'T TINK THESE 2 episodes have the films available on Shutter ALONE.  MAYBE I WANNA WATCH ONE OF THESE FILMS TONIGHT.  Ever think of that?  OF COURSE NOT I GAVE YOU NO OPPORTUNITY TO TINK OF IT.  As soon as I gave you the details of the Sitch (Situation) I answered the questions inherent for you.  NO TIME FOR YOU TO TINK ABOUT IT sorry.  ANyway.  What else is up.  I'd say SIXTY percent chance I have Less or None of NightMight eating.  Less than WHAT HAD become standard for 1-2 months.  I LIKE TOHSE ODDS.
Penultimate paragraph.  Cookies n Cream Quest bar CUOLD BE IN THE CARDS as soon as Oh I Don't Know 20 minute from now.  Let's think about THAT one.  Hmm.  LOOK did I have a small roll with Wide ALfredo lunch YES I DID.  Like a DINNER roll.  But cut in half for sandwiches.  A mini sandwich roll.  We're talkin it runs ya 90 calories.  For reference.  THAT Kinda roll.  Either way IT WORKED OUT PRETTY GOOD.  No regrets there.  Hmm.  Was SATISFIED with heartiness of grilled chicken roll tonight.  I dunno if it was bigger than it sometimes is or if it just SEEMED bigger tonight.  Either way it SEEMED bigger toinght.  POSSIBLY DUE TO BEING BIGGER POSSIBLE DUE TO OPTICS AND MAGIC.  Hmm.  Not a lot of mutants in the first half of The Wolverine.  There's THE WOLVERINE and then a lady who licks people which hurts them.  Oh.  And a lady who knows how people die.  That's about it.  AND THE TWO LADIES aren't given much chance to SHINE in the first half.  LOOK IT'S THE FIRST HALF give them some time to DEVELOP as characters.  THEY'LL MUTANT IT UP A LOT IN THE SECOND HALF I'M SURE.
   Hmm.  Last paragraph of the night!  Amazing.  Possible I end up with three beers tonight.  I remembered to add A SINGLE BEER from cabinet to fridge a couple of hours ago.  WONDERFUL.  I GUESS.  THINGS COULD CERTAINLY BE WORSE.  Nuclear Holocaust for example.  ANY kind of holocaust.  I'm hard pressed to come up with ONE kind of POSITIVE holocaust off the top of my head although I know logically there must be several out there.  Huh.  Probably gonna eat the cookies n cream quest bar in Oh I Don't Know TWELVE MINUTES.  Decided to take it out of Refridge now (2 minutes ago).  See if it tastes any better after being UN-fridgerated for 15 (14) minutes.  I'LL UPDATE YOU ON TIS SITUATION AS IT PROGRESSOS.  Hmm.  My guess is Shutter Joseph Robert Briggs films will become available ON THEIR OWN within a few weeks.  So if I JUST WAIT I can see them without dumb Him Clips.  Huh.  Think I'll put on the shorter movie when this is over.  SHORTER ONE is 135 minutes including the Bonus Material.  PROBABLY wanna stop before finishing that tonight but WE'LL SEE. That's it for tonight.  SEE YA TOMRORY.

-8:22 P.M.




Saturday, February 11, 2023

Hello Friends And Crap

    Hey friends.  Behind schedule today!  10:59 AM!  One less walk in early part of day.  Probably do CrunchTime and take a bonus walk in middle of day OR I take one less walk today.  Got about 55 minutes to comfortably write Act I.  POSSIBLE I CUT IT SHORT A PARAGRAPH OR TWO.  We'll see how that goes.  Also 55 minutes isn't THAT comfortbale.  I feel VAGUELY UNCOMFORTABLE if I'm still writing the act 55 minutes from now.  Oh well such is life.  Had about HALF the normal amount of NightMight snacking last night.  HOWEVER I had about HALF of what I succeeded in foregoing this morning.  We're talkin' I abstained about 400 calories BUT post-breakfast, pre-walk I I HAD A BONUS 200 calories.  Got some new KEEBLER cookies.  GRAHAM CRACKERS with chocolate coating.  THEY'RE GOOD.  ANyway.  Had classic breakfast.  WRONG MOVE.  I got egg whites and single serve black and whites and crap.  OH WELL it was fun.  Gonna get communal dinner tonight.  DUNNO WHAT.  Could be pizza or grilled chicken roll from Italy style restaurant!  Could be Bison burger or appetizer or some sort of multi part dinner for DINER.  PROBABLY NOT DELI.
YEAH.  Probably not Deli.  I JUST ASID THAT.  Oh.  I'll say it again.  Not right NOW.  In a LITTLE BIT.  Hmm.  DID OR DID NOT Rihanna already do Superbowl halftime show recently.  OR did I time travel a couple of years ago into THIS halftime show.  NOPE DOESN'T LOOK LIKE SHE HAS IN THE PAST. She was OFFERED IT in 2019 but turned it down.  That can't be what I'm thinking of.  Because why would I know that.  I WOULDN'T that's who.  Anyway.  Watched FREEDOMLAND last night.  Not sure why.  Was just browsing through DRAMA in Hbomax alphabetically starting around B's for some reason and it was the first one I got to where I was like FINE I'LL WATCH THIS OKAY.  It was OKAY.  Kinda not great!  Some good performances though.  Kinda seemed like two movies combined into one.  NO SPOILERS though.  ONE MOVIE WAS ABOUT FREEDOM AND THE OTHER MOVIE WAS ABOUT LAND.  DANGIT I gave a spoiler.  Hmm.  LUNCH TODAY.  Ham or turkey sandwich or sushi or wide alfredo.  Lookin into fridge earlier I spotted SUSHI and it looked pretty good.
YEAH.  I like the sound of that.  THE SOUND OF SUSHI.  What does sushi sound like.  Only thing I can think of is THE WORD sushi.  The ACTION or NOUN of Sushi that it makes IN THE REAL WORLD I can't imagine.  But the word Sue-She is a sound for sure.  Hmm.  How do Japanese say the word sushi.  Do they pronounce it LIKE WE DO.  Or SLIGHTLY DIFFERENTLY.  Better LTURQ.  ALRIGHT I LOOKED IT UP RIGHT QUICK THEN GOT BORED.  So we got NO ANSWERS as of now.  So that's good.  A little MYSTERY never hurt nobody.  Except for some people.  Hmm.  Between eating assorted cookies responsibly, semi-responsibly, and irresponsibly, I FINISHED THEM SUCKERS overnight already.  I THINK there were 12 of em.  Small cookies though.  Don't get SO MUCH on my case about it and whatknot!  Sure.  Should I get coffee after this paragraph.  I CAN'T write more than 45 more minutes after this paragraph.  So that makes sense.  Let's go with that.  Get some coffee now.  BE RIGHT BACK.
  Looks like we might be aiming for Italy Style Restuarant tonight.  NOT SURE I'm a fan of that.  I WENT INTO conversation not knowing I had a prefrence. I LEFT IT thinking I dunno I might not have preferred Italy Style Restaurant.  Hmm.  Lemme think about it.  PIZZA.  Grilled chicken roll.  Maybe I get BUFFALO WINGS from them.  I can get a TWO PART HEROE or something or PLATTER.  Maybe indulge in NON-GRILLED Chicken Roll.  Maybe I just like PIZZA how about that.  Either way FOURTY MINUTES SOLIDLY LEFT.  That'll be good.  Fourty minutes AND THEN SOME.  One.  FOURTY ONE minutes.  How about that and crap.  THEN AGAIN if I got Diner what would be so exciting about that.  Probably multi-part dinner BUT WHAT.  Steak * Seafood?  I LIKE STEAK * STUFFED MUSHROOM but they be giving me 2 Stuffed Mushroom not three.  I CAN divide the 2 into Three portions but it's MESSY.  Might as well get Stuffed Filet Of Sole.  EASIER to divide into thirds even if its no more SUBSTANCELY.  And it's less DELICIOUS.  THEN AGAIN I can also get Turkey Or Chicken Dinner.  Or a WILDCARD like Liver.  ALSO PARAGRAPH OS OVER.
Fifth paragraph!  What playlist am I listening to.  I think I put on an album.  OH RIGHT.  Weezer album.  Go figure.  I'll get back to playlist don't you worry.  If I get pizza tonight WIDE ALFREDO for lunch'd be a redundancy.  Which is the worst thing that can happen in life.  It's TERRIBLE who needs it IT'S A WASTE OF SPACE AND TIME.  HEY I got a trade proposal in Fantasy Baseball.  Another insultingly lopsided trade!  I'm not sure if I should be insulted personally.  It's not like the guy saw my team name and specifically thought THIS GUY has gotta be an idiot.  He probably just thinks people IN GENERAL are idiots.  NOT ME IN SPECIFIC.  Then again HE'S THE REAL IDIOT.  That's how I feel.  What else is up and crap.  GETTING USED TO /23.  I said it a few days ago AND IT'S MORE TRUE TAN EVER.  2023 is STARTING TO BECOME REGULAR to me.  I like it.  Might enjoy sushi today or sandwich.  Could be good either way!  Thirty five minutes to write 5 paragraphs?  I CAN DO IT.
   YEAH.  LOOK I don't wanna go over 33 minutes REALLY but we'll see what happens.  Could comfortably write 9 paragraphs.  So I write a 6th paragraph tonight.  SO WHAT.  That's something people do.  PEOPLE WRITE 6 PARAGRAPHS AT A TIME ALL THE TIME.  It's nothing special when you really think about it.  HMM.  HOW OFTEN is it that people are writing EXACTLY six paragraphs.  ALSO that paragraphs are EXACTLY more or less WHAT THESE paragraphs are.  NOT OFTEN.  I don't think people are writing These Kinda Paragraphs all that often.  KINDA HOPE NOT.  Suddenly I'm not doing anything special if OTHER people are doing this.  GREAT.  Anyway.  We're talkin 3 of them chocolate graham crackers are 140 calories.  FOUR OF THEM gotta be around 188 calories.  NOT SO SHAGGY.  What else is up.  SATURDAY.  Does that mean NEW FILM being debuted on TV Premium Channels?  I stopped checking that every week!  I USED TO for DECADES.  Presumably that's still a regular thing, right?  Better look into that and whatknot.  Hmm.  Four paragraphs in thirty minutes.
Yeah!  I CAN DO IT.  At the very least THREE paragraphs in thirty minutes is a slam dunk.  What else is up.  Also three paragraphs is a slam dunk for LESS than thirty minutes which means its a slam dunk for giving me slightly more time than I'm ACTUALLY comfortable with.  Which is GREAT KNEWS.  Hmm.  Really digging ginger ale this week.  Gotta make sure it's not SUGAR Ginger Ale.  That's how sweet it is!  CANADA DRY ZERO SUGAR GINGER ALE.  They say Zero Sugar. I'm inclined to believe them.  That's my first instinct at least.  Hmm.  Anyway.  POSSIBLE I decide to cut Act short after 9 paragraphs now that I'm getting closer.  My first instinct was just GO FOR IT but I'm having second thoughts.  WE'LL SEE WHERE I'M AT when the time comes and crap.  Hmm.  What films am I watching today.  OH RIGHT GREAT X-MEN.  Got half of X-Men THREE to go.  What's been going on in X-Men Three.  That's the one with Blue Bear Kelsey Grammar Politician.  THAT'S A GOOD ONE.  NO problem there AT LEAST NOT AS OF NOW.
Eighth paragraph!  What's the plot of this one again.  They have a thing where it makes X-Men into regular people.  I think.  Hmm.  Wonder what's gonna happen with that!  Anyway.  I WISH I WENT TO X-MEN SCHOOL.  They teach em real good not just XMEN STUFF but REGULAR ACADEMIA stuff.  Also THEY GET TO KNOW WOLVERINE.  What a joy.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  OKAY NEW UPDATE I'm aiming to write all ten paragraphs as of now.  GOT TWENTY FOUR MINUTES to write 2.5 more paragraphs.  LET'S DO IT AND WHATKNOT.  I guess.  HMM.  Still possible we got DINER in the cards.  Reason DINER isn't a top priority is LAST TIME we got diner they over charged us by five dollars and for one reason or another my Dad didn't wanna bring it up because he thought they'd take it out of the Driver's Tip.  I guess because of THE WAY they over charged us.  So he's TURNED OFF by them.  But it's not like we're NEVER GONNA GET THEM AGAIN.  So we'll see what happens!
   NINTH PARAGRAPH.  Let's do it.  I can write 2paragraphs in OVER 20 MINUTES NO PROBLEM.  I do it ALL THE TIME.  Including RIGHT NOW PRESUMABLY.  Okay.  Guess I'm listening to second half of Weezer album on upcoming walk.  Pot committed at this point to the whole deal.  So that's good.  What do I get if it's DINER.  Maybe just Bison Burger.  MAYBE MULTI PART DINNER.  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE in this wonderful world of ours.  Well, it's MINE.  And SOME OTHER PEOPLE. Not sure if YOU"RE IN on this world as well.  HOPEFULLY you've got SOME Stake in it.  That'd be good.  Hmm.  THEMS GOOD COOKIES.   The fudge covered graham crackers.  Go down a little bit too easily though.  SURE they're 5 or 10 less calories than a relative cookie BUT they FEEL like you're getting EVEN LESS Of a cookie so it's NOT GOOD.  Anyway.  WRITING AN ENTIRE TEN PARAGRAPHS AT THIS POINT.  I'm CALLIN' IT.  I did it FRIENDS.  What an accomplishment.
   Last paragraph!  Huh.  Enjoyed new kind of low calorie fudge iced cream bar.  HIGH TASTE, LOW CALORIE, RELATIVELY HEARTY AMOUNT.   When you look at the factors of taste, calorie, and heartiness it's REALLY doing pretty well for itself across the board.  So that's good.  I'd GET IT AGAIN FOR SURE.  Wonder how much came in this box I got.  I wanna say FIVE.  NOPE IT WAS FOUR.  Oh okay I was pretty close though.  I was in TE SPIRIT OF THINGS.  Hmm.  In about a month there's the WORLD BASEBALL CLASSIC.  Which is BASEBALL between TEAMS based around COUNTRIES.  I BELIEVE a lot of this will be televised such that I CAN SEE some of it.  So that's good.  I like baseball.  More or less.  SOMETIMES MORE SOMETIMES LESS.  Sometimes Neutral.  Hmm.  Another pretty warm day today.  PERHAPS slightly cooler than yesterday per my limited understanding.  I DON'T REMEMBER WHAT IT WAS YESTERDAY.  Maybe GOOGLE remembers.  Probably.  TOO COMPLICATED FOR ME to look up though.  Anyway that's it for now.  WROTE  10 paragraphs in A MERE 41 MINUTES.  See ya soon.




that means a lot

    Hey friends!  Got a solid UP TO FOURTY minutes to write five paragraphs.  More than enough!  Gonna be some CrunchTime in middle of the day to take walks but I should be able to accomplish it.  Hmm.  THINK I'm INTO eating pizza tonight now that I think about it.  Possibly INTO eating turkey sandwich for lunch now that I think about it.  Possibly INTO eating a golden graham bar as a sandwichside now that I think about that as well.  OR MAYBE Have SALTSIDE and have the Bar as a Middday snack.  Either way LIFE IS WORKING OUT MORE OR LESS ADEQUATELY.  So that's good.  Gotta get started on PLAYLIST again.  Perhaps start THE NEW ROCK.  Go to a ROCK GENRE Playlist not ALTERNATIVE.  Should be fun.  Nice GUITARS.  DRUMS.  Wouldn't be shocked if there's some BASS guitars which is pronouncesed BASE not THE OTHER WAY.  Lunch is pretty soon.  Hour and a half.  BASICALLY nothing wrong with today so much at all!  187 calories in morning of fudge graham crackers.  THAT WASN'T GOOD.  Crunchtime of walks in afternoon.  THAT'S NOT GOOD.
Hmm.  OVERALL things could be worse though.  That's the point.  Anyway FEBRUARY 2/11.  What's the Two One One.  You know that phrase that people say.  Hmm.  Any good Celeb Birthdays tomorrow.  ABRAHAM LINCOLN AND CHARLES DARWIN?  WOW.  Two SUPERSTARS of the 19th century.  Sounds pretty good to me.  IF NOT FOR JOHN WILKES BOOTH ABRAHAM LINKIN MIGHT STILL BE WITH US TOMORROW.  How old would he be.  Two hundred and seven thousand years old?  Lemme LTURQ.  1809 birthyear.  Sounds like he'd be A MERE 214.  PEOPLE LIVE TO BE 113 ALL THE TIME.  ALL THIS WOULD NEED IS ANOTHER 100 YEARS.  WHICH PEOPLE LIVE TO BE EVEN MORE OF AN ALL THE TIME.  JUST DO IT TWICE AND LINCOLN COULD STILL BE ALIVE.  Make it HAPPEN people.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Pretty young guy as president.  Early fifties.  That would explain why he was a sex symbol for decades past his death.  UP TO AND INCLUDING THE DEPRESSION.
   Three paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT GUYS WITH BIG HATS RIGHT.  Hmm.  Turkey sandwich or sushi.  Good battle between the two in terms of what will come out on top for My Lunch Today.  Either way I WIN.  Hmm.  I think after X Men Three we get a PREQUEL.  Lemme LTURQ.  AH WE GET A WOLVERINE ORIGIN MOVIE.  There's THREE of em.  THIS IS THE FIRST ONE.  The first one there is is The First One.  GO FIGURE how they did that.  Let's see what Roger Ebert had to say about that.  I'm gonna guess TWO STARS.  NAILED IT.  He gave to stars TO THE EXACT HALF A STAR.  So that's good.  Amazing.  What's the worst amount of stars a film could have.  Obviously if it has No Stars or Half A Star out of four stars You're gonna wanna see this movie for just how bad it is.  So you can't just say UNIFORMLY the lower the amount of stars the less you wanna see the movie.  Hmm.  The important thing is this paragraph is over.
   YEAH.  Got up to half an hour to write 3 paragraphs.  YOU IDIOTS THAT'S WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH.  So that's good.  If I get pizza guess I'm leaning towards NON Sicily Style with the STANDARD TWO TOPPIN.  Garlic on both, ONION ON ONE, ANCHOVIE on the other.  DELICIOUS AND HEARTY can't go wrong with that Combo.  Delightful.  MAYBE I'm getting a grilled chicken roll as well.  Either for tomorrow dinner OR EVEN for tomorrow lunch.  I GOT ROOM FOR upcoming week lunches.  I COULD HAVE A GRILLED CHICKEN ROLL for a lunch SURE WHY NOT THERE'S AMPLE LUNCH SPACE.  Huh.  The point is Superbowl is TOMORROW is it not.  That would be POOR PLANNING to get Italian Restuarant then.  People like PIZZA and WINGS for Super bowl parties.  ITALIAN RESTURANT gonna be BUSY then.  Hmm.  Maybe I should buy a few orders of wings TONIGHT and then sell em second hand at JACKED UP PRICES tomorrow night.  I could potentially make FIVES OF DOLLARS doing that.  Hmm gonna have to think about how I'd accomplish something like that.  In the meantime one more paragraph.
Okay. In FIRST FILM Jean Gray appears to be random NOT SO Powerful mutant but now I'm getting the sense as the franchise goes on SHE MAY END UP BEING MOST POWERFUL OF TEM ALL.  Good GOOD FOR HER.  I hope it all works out for the best.  Anyway.  I STARTED OFF my Xmen experience a day or two ago in the year TWO THOUSAND.  I'm half a film away from being up to a film from 2009.  TIME IS PASSING.  I'm days away from being up to films that were released in MID to LATE 2010's!  WOW.  IT'S THE HISTORY OF CINEMA UNFOLDING BEFORE MY VERY EYES.   So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  Maybe I would like buffalo wings as meal tomorrow as opposed to a grilled chicken roll.  I FORGET how good and/or mediocre their wings are.  Either way CAN'T GO WRONG WITH BUFFALO WINGS.  What else is up and crap.  STILL POSSIBLE I GET DINER DINNER.  But at this point I'D MAKE TE CASE for Pizzeria Style Restaurant!  So that's good.  Hmm.  Guess that's about it for now.  Possibly Act III will be slightly better than the first two Act's! I CAN'T WAIT.  See ya then!




Anything New With You

    Hey friends.  Time to write final five paragraphs.  THINK I'm aiming for being on track for chocolate choco pop, SMALL iced cream sandwich, and golden graham bar for rest of the night.  NOT IN THAT ORDER.  ALMOST IN THAT ORDER.  But mix up the iced cream sandwich and the golden graham bar.  Anyway had delicious sushi with wheated thins for lunch and delicious pizza for dinner.  Got grilled chicken roll for tomorrow dinner.  I got three DEFINITE lunches for next five lunches-- ham and turkey sandwiches AS WELL AS wide al fredo pasta.  ALSO could have a balanced breakfast lunch, ora bagel with egg white, or a hot pockets. OR some sort of delivery.  OR some sort of Bonus Wildcard from an OTEHRWISE regular communal dinner delivery.  WE'LL SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  I WANT to have balanced breakfast tomorrow BUT IF NOT good shot I have a lunch with egg white tomorrow.  BLACK AND WHITE CHOOKIE FOR BREAKFAST AND BAGEL WITH EGG WHITE FOR LUNCH HOW ABOUT THAT ITS TOO GOOD POSSIBLY IT MAKES ME UNCOMFORTABLE HOW MUCH I MIGHT ENJOY THAT.
   Anyway.  Watched the rest of X-Men three and almost all of X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  17 minutes left INCLUDING credits.  Also SOME DEADPOOL in this.  They don't SAY it's deadpool but it's Deadpool!  So that's good.  DEADPOOLS GOT A MOUTH ON HIM.  ALWAYS RUNNING HIS TRAP.  DOESN'T THIS GUY EVER TURN IT OFF or what.  Huh.  Figure I wanna watch a HORROR film after X-Men is over.  BUT WHAT HORRORIFIC FILM I dunno!  THE IMPORTANT THING IS I WILL INAUGURATE WATCHING IT BY HAVING A GOLDEN GRAHAM BAR.  ROOM TEMPERATURE ONE.  NOT FRIDGERATED AT ALL.  COULD I CONSIDER HAVING QUEST BAR NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT?  SURE.  WHY NOT.  NOT A HUGE DEAL ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.  Hmm.  Also may drink 3rd beer tonight.  JUST BECAUSE.  Huh.  Took all the walks I wanted to take today.  JUST BECAUSE.  Because that's what I wanted to do.  And JUSTLY.  Hmm.  AH HERE'S A GOOD FILM TO WATCH ON SHUTTER THE SCREAMING SERVICE.  Old people who kill people.  THE ELDERLY are the perpetrators in this!  YOU'VE GOT MY ATTENTION.  Now WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO WITH IT. Show me the film for I Wanna say SEVENTY FOUR MINUTES.  Lemme LTURQ.  Nope it's an entire Film-Length 96 minutes.  YOU'RE MAKING ME CRY TEARS ONCE A MINUTE OVER HERE FOR TEH DURATION OF THE FILM.
Three films to go!  I MEAN three paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  Relatively good results two nights in a row with NightMight.  One night with only one thing and then last night with SEVERAL but HALF THE OVERALL NORMAL AMOUNT of things.  Let's see if I can keep that Positive Streak alive tonightnight!  I'm gonna say FOURTY PERCENT CHANCE I have something Relevantly Under Normal Amount.  Sounds relatively reasonably relevant results!  So that's good.  How come Wolverine likes cigars so much.  Not too many people smoke cigars all the time these days.  If you're gonna be smoking tobacco usually its in the form of cigarettes!  Or perhaps in 2022 Wolverine would be VAPING.  YEP.  THAT'S WOLVERINE TO a T.  A VAPOR.  What else is up.  I think it was yesterday that there were some trees on fire in Park and the fire department was HARD AT WORK watering them downed fire trees while I was walking by.  I LIKED IT.  SMELT LIKE FIREPLACE.  IN A GREAT WAY.  CAN'T SPEAK HIGHLY ENOUGH of the smell of That Sorta Thing.
   TAX DOLLARS AT WORK.  Two paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  For some reason I got the impression 1974 Elderly Killers film was from England.  Now I'm not so sure.  Could be from ANYWHERE.  Still COULD BE from England.  I'm not seeing anything that gives that impression anymore though.  Which is KIND OF disappointing because The Elderly are charming across Race And Creeds but SURE certainly BRITISH ELDERLY have DEFINITELY got some charm to them.  I'd watch British Elderly do things INCLUDING KILL SOME PEOPLE for sure!  Hmm.  What else is up.  Lookin like daylight savings time is in a month.  I think it turns out we're NOT committing either completely to daylight savings time and/or scrapping it altogether I FORGET WHICH.  I know a year or two ago they unanimously voted to make it so that WE'RE AT ONE TIME UNIFORMLY. No more mucking with clocks.  BUT I THINK THEY NEVER MADE IT OFFICIAL.  SO we're stuck with As If That Never Happened.  OH NO WHATTA SCAM.  I WAS EXCITED for THINGS to happen.  THINGS ARE EXCITING.
Last paragraph.  Delightful.  What else is up.  Possibly watch a Tales In The Crypt after Elderly Film.  Which one do I got.  IT BETTER BE A PRETTY GOOD ONE THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY.  I doubt it is though.  OH HALFWAY HORRIBLE.  That's not a terrible one.  I can imagine finishing Xmen Origins Wolverine, watching The British Elderly, then watching Halfway Horrible, then going to bed.  That would be a PLEASURABLE Knighttime all things considered.  I guess.  Oh hey I never have any tootsie pop.  That's good!  Don't see any reason to go out of my way to have Bonus snack to accommodate for that.  Quest bar instead of golden graham bar.  Or comprehensive iced cream sandwich instead of smaller one.  WE'LL SEE TOUGH.  It's POSSIBLE.  MAYBE I DO THE QUEST BAR THING I DUNNO.  Could be fun.  I guess that's it for tonight.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:16 P.M.




Friday, February 10, 2023

No Longer Yesterday

    Hey friends.  9:14 AM! Today gonna be clunked up by two super market deliveries I gotta be home for.  Amazon Fresh presumably between 3 and 5 PM and Fresh Direct presumably between 10 and 12 AM.  IF I have still not accepted delivery after writing ACT I SOLID CHANCE I START A CIRCLEWALKING in my room.  Maybe take a 10 minute break.  Either way it'll work out somehow I guess.  Maybe a walk or two short.  I'll survive!  Had best NightMight night in a long while.  Had I believe ONE snack.  Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich.  Probably CHOCOLATE.  That was it I think.  Good deal!  Been on Topheramax for a week and a half.  Been on new dosage for a half a week.  STILL a bit early for it to NORMALLY kick in but it COULD KICK IN why not.  ANyway.  Had classic breakfast earlier.  Frosted CHERRY Pop Tart and comprehensive VANILLA iced cream sandwich.  LUNCH could be anything.  Probably NOT Sandwich.  Which means SUSHI, Kids Chicken Parm, or Wide Al Fredo.  DINNER looks like MAY NOT be a communal dinner.  Which means I could get Doordash but most likely at this point will eat something I got from super market like SANDWICH.  Got ham, turkey, corned beef!
    YEAH.  Finished Empire Of Light. Decent movie!  I feel like the lady appeared 49 years old decently when I returned to watching it after looking up actress' age in real life upon further introspection.  Maybe.  And actor looked 26 and not 22.  I WAS WRONG.  THESE PEOPLE ARE THE AGES THEY ARE.  I can admit when I was wrong.  Anyway.  Wonder when I'll start going to Cinema again.  I LOVE CINEMA.  I used to love going to Cinema.  Different stages of my life I got different things out of Going To Cinema but it was always great!  Gotta imagine when Covid is no longer ANY risk and/or I'm not living with particularly at risk people I'M GOIN' TO CINEMA again.  Amazing.  Let's see.  X-Men (2000) was on T-V Channel STARZ.  I TINK X-2 is on DISNEY PLUS.  Let's see.  IT SURE IS.  Maybe it's also on STARZ.  But MORE IMPORTANTLY on Disney Plus.  Anyway.  May never have seen this one.  I saw ORIGINAL X MEN.  I've seen AT LEAST ONE other one.  That's all I can say for certainties!
   Okay.  ASKED for half a pound of sandwich meats.  They cut me .52 lb of SMOKED TURKEY BREAST WITH CRACKED PEPPER, and EXACTLY .5 LB of HAM and CORNED BEEF.  Should I explain THE EXACT KIND OF HAM and CORNED BEEF I got like I did with turkey breast.  SURE.  Maple Glazed Honey Coat Ham.  WOW that's a lot of words.  Sounds complicated.  There must be A LOT to this ham.  Anyway.  Corned Beef is just Corned Beef.  Hebrew National Corned Beef.  I TRUST HEBREW NATIONAL BRAND.  Had it growing up.  Their SALAMI.  Their HOT DOGS.  ALL The Hebrew Nationalist brands.  Anyway.  What am I watching on TV today.  Put on Shawshank Redemption for 20 minutes last night but I don't see myself continuing it today.  WASN'T GETTING MUCH OUT OF IT.  I enjoyed watching DRAMA yesterday and I was like HEY WHAT OTHER DRAMA HAVE I ENJOYED IN PAST.  MISTAKE.  I should watch NEW drama not drama that's been WATCHED TO DEATH.  And by NEW DRAMA I mean X-2.  SO that's good.  Wow three paragraphs down. Go figure about that!
  Got three sandwichesworth of lunches for THIS week (as well as three sandwiches in reserve for following week).  Got three meals for this week.  That's SIX super market meals.  If I have one for dinner as well today that's FOUR left for next six lunches.  CERTAINLY REASONABLE I get an OUTSIDE MEAL for dinner tonight.  But WHAT.  Could be a one-off like picking up pizza on walk.  Hmm along those liens could be HEATING UP HOT POCKETS.  Could be making bagel with egg white.  HMM.  Gonna have to think long and hard about this one.  The important thing is I THINK for lunch I'm leaning towards sushi, chicken parm, or wide alfredo.  VERY MUCH leaning towards it.  I MIGHT TOPPLE OVER I'm leaning so hard.  Anyway.  February TENTH?  Solidly INTO THE MIDDLE OF FEBRUARY.  Looks like they're opening THIRD New York State recreational marijuana shop.  First one outside of Manhattan!  In Binghamtan!  State University Of New York At Binghamton students must be excited about that!  THEY'RE MOSTLY UNDER 21 they can't benefit from this.  OH too bad.  Coffee time!!
   YEAH.  Got 26 minutes until 10:00.  That's when Window OFFICIALLY opens for when Super Market can arrive.  THEY CAN ARRIVE SOONER.  They'll probably arrive later.  The important thing is IT DOESN'T MATTER.  I FEEL like I've had a little bit less of an appetite during the day the last few days.  Could be making that observation errantly based on too small a sample size.  I just feel like WHEREAS in the past I'd often feel hungry more or less at most random moments, now at many random moments I feel FULL with no real inclination to eat FOR HUNGER purposes.  Still some inclination to eat for PLEASURE purposes.  I dunno.  Either way I DON'T WANNA LOSE EATING FOR PLEASURE COMPLETELY.  THEN what am I supposed to do for pleasure.  I GOT NOTHIN.  Marijuana comes.  I play guitar for pleasure.  That settles that.  Oh.  But WHEN will marijuana come.  Also it's not 100% slam dunk marijuana comes, I successfully lobby parents and doctors to not mind me using it, AND I enjoy using it.  OH.  Either way FIVE PARAGRAPHS TO GO.  OH NO I MIGHT HAVE TO DO DUMB CIRCLE WALKING LATER ON.
Okay.  The important think is corned beef is HEARTY like a dinner sandwich.  That'd make sense to eat for dinner.  I guess.  Has anyone besides the Jews developed Corned Beef technology.  Gotta imagine Corning Beef can't be that difficult.  I don't know what it is.  But whatever it is it's great!  What if I had black and white cookie as one of my Today Meals.  Nah I ain't gonna do that.  Anyway.   What music did I listen to on first walk.  Put on FRIDAY UPDATED PLAYLIST.  I believe ALT CNTRL.  I believe HEADLINED by a new song from an ESTABLISHED BAND that I forget what it was.  Probably was pretty good though.  HOW LONG a film is X-2.  I BET it gets up to 2 hours.  RUNNING TIME 134 MINUTES.  I KNEW IT. This one is gonna be jam packed with action and/or possibly character development.  Sometimes the character development IS the action.  I guess.  Prison food in Shawshank Redemption DOES NOT look good.  Sometimes in prison TV the food looks halfway decent.  THIS FOOD LOOKS DISGUSTING.  I DON'T wanna go to prison there.  They DO get a slice of bread that looks okay.  But the rest NO THANKS.
Seventh paragraph!  Got GINGER ALE this week instead of Sprite.  Good to mix things up every now and then.  So I'm told.  Or something.  Maybe have hot pockets for dinner.  I enjoyed doing that a few days back.  Then again that was delicious breakfast hot pockets while now I have I BELIEVE disgusting Meatballs and mozzarella hot pockets.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP.  But I looked at the picture on the box online again AND NOW IT LOOKS GOOD AGAIN.  I'd enjoy that and crap perhaps.  THEN AGAIN that's a possible redundancy for a Chicken Parm or Wide Alfredo for lunch maybe.  Dang.  What else is good.  Just over three paragraphs to go.  Good deal.  Hopefully Super market comes soon.  I'd WELCOME it interrupting the Act I if it means I don't gotta do no dumb CircleWalking or anything.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Gotta make a phone call to endocrinologist about re-upping with a drug.  NOT THE MOST EXCITING THING I'VE EVER TOLD YOU ABOUT.  Not the LEAST exciting.  SOLIDLY IN THE MIDDLE.  There are SOME stakes to this.  IF I DON'T RE-UP WITH THIS DRUG EVER I DON"T KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN.
Three paragraphs to go!  Anyway.  WE'RE THE REAL PRISONERS SITTING HERE WATCHING TV ALL OUR LIVES.  Seeing The Shawshank Redemption every four months.  Cracked that code.  Then again we can leave whenever we'd like.  Then again we got nowhere to go.  Then again sure we do take a walk in the park.  Oh okay that's good.  What else is up.  SURE Alfredo is most indulgent of possible lunches followed by chicken parm BUT IF ITS WHAT I'M IN TE MOOD FOR TASTEWISE TAT'S THE WAY TO GO I FEEL.  Either way got a solid four hours till that happens.  So there's plenty of time to think long and hard about that one.  Which is GOOD.  I wanna get this one ROUGHT.  By which I mean RIGHT.  Enjoyed frosted cherry pop tart.  Not something I get all the time.  Usually get Frosted Strawberry or blueberry because that's what they have in stock.  CHERRY is a blast though.  I enjoyed it!  ALRIGHT just called doctor.  Put in order for drug. DOCTOR wasn't there to put in order herself BUT I GOT THE BALL ROLLING.
Penultimate paragraph of Act.  10:01 AM!  Amazing.  Might enjoy picking up two slices of pizza on my Nighttime walk.  That'd be Final Walk instead of taking Final Walk after dinner.  Only negative it standing around (POSSIBLY INSIDE WITH COVID?) waiting for it.  Also having to walk around for 15 minutes with it.  ALSO having to mop up grease.  HALF OF THE BATTLE of eating pizza is mopping up grease.  THE OTHER HALF IS EATING MOPPED UP GREASE.  ANyway.  I dunno.  Take about 10 minute break after Act I before CircleWalk IF Super market delivery never arrives in that time period.  Hmm.  I THINK last week in this time period I was watching AQUAMAN.  WOW.  Time flies.  It was a mere (Or A LONG) week that I was on AQUAMAN.  Fascinating.  Any interesting toppings I can get from Pizza. YEAH.  MUSHROOM.  Fascinating.  What else is up.  Spend fourty dollars on delicious PizzaHut.  Why not.  Plenty of reasons. Yeah but if YOU IGNORE the nine reasons and focus on the two reasons TO do it.  Hmm.
   Last paragraph of the act!  Amazing.  Let's get it over and done with.  Ideally I'm not writing another act before accepting super market delivery and/or some sort of walk II.  But it's POSSIBLE I'm stuck returning to act ii WITHOUT accomplishing much else.  Hmm.  How did X-2 do at THE CRITICS CORNER which is what I call Rotten Tomatoes.  My guess is 47% Fresh.  85% Fresh JUST AS I PREDICTED.  Anyway.  BAD NEWS is I was wrong. GOOD NEWS is this is apparently a high quality movie.  PLUS it's got a 134 minute run time.  THAT'LL GET YA over 2 hours EVEN ACCOUNTING FOR NOT ACCOUNTING FOR CLOSING CREDITS.  PROBABLY.  MAYBE THEY HAVE REALLY LONG CREDITS. CAN'T SAY FOR SURE.  Hmm.  WOLVERINE is a YOUNG MAN.  No he's not CHILD AGED but he's MY AGED.  He's not an ELDER STATESMAN super hero he's more or less A YOUTH. Look he's in his mid 30's FINE.  But also he's YOUNG 30's.  Also GET OFF HIS BACK ABOUT IT.  Anyway.  Done here for now.  be back soon!




kind of almost tomorrow

    Hey friends.  Delivery came around 15-20 minutes after Act I ended.  Didn't have to start Circlewalking.  Am gonna be able to fit in all the walks I want and whatknot in early part of day.  Got a solid UP TO FOURTY MINUTES to write this act.  That's kinda pushing it.  More than thirty five minutes is a bit much.  BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO CROSS THAT THRESHOLD anyway.  So that's good.  HAD what I believe is a Double Chocolate cookie UPON ARRIVAL.  You know.  Chocolate chip cookie but the cookie itself is also chocoalte.  Delicious!  Think I'm gonna have corned beef sandwich and chicken parm as meals today.  DUNNO WAHT ORDER.  Pretty excited about BOTH of em.  Also WHICH ONE IS MORE HEARTY?  ARGUABLE.  Could depend on the Sandwichside as well.  So that's something to think about.  Also gonna go with whichever one I'm MOST EXCITED ABOUT AT THE TIME.  No Oh I'm more excited about This One So I'LL SAVE IT for dinner.  No.  If I'm excited about something I'LL EAT THAT because there's always the chance I LOSE ENTHUSIASM FOR IT.  So it'd be dumb to BANK excitement.
Four paragraphs to go.  Well that paragraph was written in 2 minutes.  That's a pretty good rate and whatknot.  Hmm.  Watched a Tales In The Crypt while waiting for Supre market. I was SIX MINUTES into the episode from last night.  It's a 22 minute episode.  I'M ABOUT 90 SECONDS OUT from the end.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Hmm.  Still gotta accept Amazon Fresh delivery.  Should be able to take all my walks BUT there might be some CRUNCHTIME in late afternoon with 'em.  We'll see and crap.  Exciting sandwichside could be two of these cookies.  EVEN MROE EXCITING SNADWICHSIDE COULD BE THREE. That's a BIG sandwichside.  That's what makes it exciting!  I dunno.  What else is up and crap.  For some reason this Hearty brownie looks bigger than usual.  Which is great PRACTICALLY.  I get to eat more brownie.  BUT ON THE OTER HAND its more KILOcalories.  So that's not good.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I guess first thing I'm watching today is X-2?  How did it fare by Roger Ebert's standards.  I'm gonna guess THREE OUT OF FOUR STARS.  YEP NAILED IT.  Ebert gave X-2 a 3 out of 4.  NOT BAD X-2.  NOT BAD AT ALL.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  DELIGHTFUL.  Plenty of time at this point.  Anyway I dunno.  I think I'm leaning towards chicken parm for lunch.  ALSO should I be considering microwaving corned beef?  YES. I should STRONGLY consider it.  What of it.  NOTHING OF IT.  Just putting that out there.  Mostly FOR MYSELF.  Putting it out there SO I'M REMINDING MYSELF.  So that's good I guess.  LINKIN PARK.  THEMS were the established band that led off the ALT CNTRL playlist updated today.  WELL DONE.  It's embarrassing that they don't know how to spell Lincoln but oh well.  Maybe they're trying to say LINK IN.  Or LINKING.  Something to do with the word LINK.  Either way they don't know how to spell SOMETHING but I'm sure if we give them enough time they'll figure it out BY THEMSELVES.  THEY'LL NEVER LEARN if we do it for them.  So that's good.  IS IT JUST ME or is Kids Chicken Parm not as hearty as it used to be.  I FEEL they used to give more pasta with it.  ALSO more diced carrots.  The diced carrots doesn't make it more or less hearty that much.  NOT A LARGE AMOUNT EITHER WAY.  BUT IT'S NOTICEABLY LESS.  Oh well.  NEXT TIME GOTTA ORDER TWO KIDS CHICKEN PARMS AND CONNECT THEM.  AND THROW OUT ONE CHICKEN PATTY.
Two paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  We did it and whatknot!  Sweet.  How long will these paragraphs PROBABLY take.  I dunno.  I might be OUT ON MY WAY to walk in about 18, 20 minutes.  OUT THE DOOR at that moment.  That'd be decent.  I CAN WORK WITH THAT.  What else can I work with.  LOTS of things.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I WANT to take kids chicken parm components out of container it comes in and is microwaved in BUT it sticks to plate.  The patty and the pasta and whatknot. It EASIER to get at and cut at and stab at with fork if I PLATE IT ONTO PLATE DIRECTLY instead of try to get at it IN CONTAINER on plate.  BUT THEN THE PLATE GETS CORRUPTED.  Maybe that's a risk I wanna take today.  IT'S WORTH THE RISK now that I think about it.  Not really even a Risk.  IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN I feel.  It's WORTH the problems IT WILL cause. I dunno.  Not really.  I'm gonna change my mind again.  IT IS a risk.  MIGHT NOT stick to plate at all.  WOW this is working out great for me!
   Last paragraph.  Wrote this real quick.  First four paragraph were written in Oh I Don't Know SIXTEEN MINUTES.  Now it's time to close the deal.  Hmm.  I assume most of the people who died in X-Men (2000) return in X-2.  POSSIBLY because they didn't really die in X-Men (2000) and were just Momentarily Defeated but it just kinda FELT like they died TO ME, the HOME VIEWER.  So that's good.  Gotta assume there's a place called Lincoln Park somewhere.  And that's what this band is referencing.  Maybe something else.  I dunno.  They could be referencing ANY NUMBER of things now that I think about it.  OR NOTHING.  Could be absolutely MEANINGLESS.  WOW I LIKE THE SOUND OF THAT.  I think MORE things should be absolutely meaningless.  NOW I LIKE LINKIN PARK MORE THAN I EVER HAVE IN THE PAST.  SO that's good.  Guess I'm done here for now. I'll be back tonight!




Whys It Gotta Be Today

    Hey friends!  Accomplished a good amount of eating delicious assorted cookies today.  We're talkin' a responsible TWO in the middle of the day.  A semi-responsible THREE just now.  WITH ROOM I TINK for a golden graham bar and a new kinda VERY low calorie iced cream bar for the rest of the night.  So that's good.  CHICKEN PARM for lunch.  NOT MICROWAVED Corned beef sandwich with POPPED CHIPS for dinner.  Both went good.  Had to approximate eating half of the corned beef.  I think I was solidly in the 45-55% range!  I had THAT AMOUNT of what was the original supply!  ANyway DELICIOUS.  Was able to fit in all my walks and everything.  Was able to watch X-2 as well as half of X-Men The Third SO FAR.  May not pick up on The Third X-Men until tomorrow.  PUT ON A HORRORIFIC show after this. IT'S NIGHT TIME.  LET'S GET WITH THE SPIRIT OF THING.  Watch television about ghosts and goblins.  Maybe a warlock or two.  Well not TWO.  They'd just COUNCIL each other out. ...YES I KNOW WHAT I SAID.  The question is DO YOU.
Four paragraphs to go.  Aim for balanced breakfast tomorrow with Frosted Flakes.  BUT IF NOT I'm probably having black and white cookie or Hearty brownie.  But I can see myself just DEFAULTING and having Classic Breakfast.  I may not know what defaulting means.  IT MEANS EATING THE DEFAULT BREAKFAST which for me is A Pop Tart and a Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich.  Oh Okay That's Good.  Hmm.  I believe the superbowl is this weekend.  Not the entire weekend.  JUST A PORTION OF IT.  I might watch that because I WANNA DO WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE DOING.  WHAT MAKES ME SO SPECIAL.  Nothing.  TIME TO DO SOME CONFORMITY.  ALWAYS a good time to do some conformity but this is an opportunity where it's EASY and OBVIOUS in terms of HOW and WHAT to do in order to ACHIVIEVE Maximum Conformity.  So we got that going on for us.  Anyway.  LUNCH TOMORROW.  Could be ham or turkey sandwich BUT I DOUBT IT.  More likely it's SUSHI.  Then back-up is WIDE AL FREDO.  PROBABLY TOO HEARTY THOUGH.  But ya never know!  JUST MAY WANT AN ESPECIALLY HEARTY LUNCH.
   YEAH.  What else is up.  GOT THREE kinds of cereal bars.  A bunch of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Bars.  As of now ENTIRE box of Golden Graham Bar (16?).  AS WELL AS THREE LUCKY SHERM BARS.   MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE A LUCKY SHERM BAR TONIGHT INSTEAD.  Nah that'd be dumb.  Why would I do something that's dumb.  You'd have to be some sort of idiot to do a dumb thing.  Then again maybe things cancel out and only SMART PEOPLE DO DUMB THINGS.  Gonna have to think about the logic behind that a bit more carefully.  THINK LONG AND HARD about the logic behind that a bit more carefully.  Hmm.  Halfway through Act III!  Amazing.  Guess I could watch some Tales In The Crypt tonight but a FILM would really hit the spot.  SEVERAL SPOTS AT ONCE.  Or at the very least go back and forth between spots relatively seamlessly.  Hmm.  MAYBE I WANNA ADJUST CALORIE INTAKES TONIGHT such that I get to eat a comprehensive iced cream sandwich TONIGHT but I don't go much more calories OVERALL than I was considering before.  Oh okay sounds good.  I LIKE DOING THINGS.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Doing things IS TE GREATEST.  It's all the joy of Doing Nothing with all the Payoff of Doing Something.  Huh.  Last night as a great NightMight result.  A mere ONE THING.  I think.  Let's see if I can DUPLICATE or even BUILD OFF OF that result tonight.  Solid Oh I Don't Know I'm Gonna Say 25% I can MEET or EXCEED those results.  COULD be as high as 33%.  I'M STICKING WITH 25% guess.  PROVE ME WRONG, YOU CAN'T.  Anyway. The point is MYSTIQUE is 90% extremely sexy but 10% For Some Reason It Looks Like She's Mad eOut Of Rubber. ...WHICH is a turn off.  I guess I had to specify that.  PEOPLE BEING MADE OUT OF RUBBER doesn't do it for me.  WELL NOT IN THIS ONE SPECIFIC CASE at least.  I definitely CANNOT and SHOULD NOT make a broad statement.  THAT'D BE WRONG.  Either way they probably made her look more rubbery than they needed to, otherwise people would be too distracted by sexiness.  I GET IT.  Makes sense.
ell.  What else is up.  Also its PERFORATED rubber.  That's another key part of the deal that I should specify.  YOU MAY NOTICE I'M NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT THE RUBBER BEING BLUE.  AND I NEVER WILL.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Just one more paragraph to go.  Decent shot I'll enjoy another snack or two tonight.  I mean HEAVY ODDS are I'll EAT another snack or two.  Decent shot though that I'll ENJOY IT.  Not just GUILTY PLEASUREWISE but also REGULAR PLEASURE.  I'll enjoy them IN EARNEST on MULTIPLE LEVELS beyond feel like I'm Getting Away With Something.  So that's good.  Is that what I usually get out of eating snacks?  Guilty pleasure?  Feeling like I'm getting away with something?  NO NOT REALLY.  But KINDA.  But NO NOT REALLY. ...But KIDNA.  But NO Not Really.  ANyway what else is up.  Then again maybe tonight I take a Guilty Pleasure SnackBreak.  REALLY GET OFF on not eating anything the next two and a half hours before going to sleep. IT COULD HAPPEN.  Anyway.  I'll see ya tomorrow.

-8:03 P.M. 




Thursday, February 9, 2023

Great Is Gonna Be This

    Hello friends.  Behind schedule today.  10:21 AM!  Gonna have one less walk in early part of day and one more walk in afternoon part of day!  Hmm.  Had normal large amount of nightmight.  Had chocolate chip pancake for breakfast.  Didn't heat it up or anything.  Didn't use cutlery.  Just held it in my hands and bit into it.  It was okay!  Coulda been better, coulda been worse!  Got ham sandwich and chipotle as two meals today.  PROBABLY in the other order.  Anyway.  Picked up where I left off in NEW IN ALTERNATIVE.  Music didn't work for middle 10 minutes of walk.  Was able to listen to 2 songs twice though.  THE SONGS HAD LOADED ONTO MY PHONE SUCCESSFULLY.  Then internet stopped working.  BUT THE PREVIOUS TWO SONGS ALREADY WERE ON PHONE.  SO I could listen to then again while waiting for the internet to get back working.  NOT TE BEST SONGS I'VE EVER HEARD but better than silence.  What's the point of SILENCE.  It's the worst thing in the world!  Anything is better than nothing!  That's what I've been led to believe!
   Sure.  Nine paragraphs to go.  IF I wanted to take nomral walk schedule, I'd have to go and take second walk in about half an hour.  I DON'T wanna do that though.  So that's good.  Went to sleep a bit early last night.  That's life I guess.  Kinda a Quarter asleep.  Not HALF asleep.  Maybe half half asleep.  Wanna go back into bed.  BUT I CAN'T.  I got responsibilities and crap!  So that's good.  BEEN TAKING WRONG DOSAGE OF SYNTHROID: THYROID MEDICATION for several weeks possibly months.  We're talkin' I Shoulda Been taking FIFTY UNITS.  BEEN TAKING SEVENTY FIVE UNITS.  Great now my Thyroid has been going either TOO MUCH or TOO LITTLE.  NO WONDER I've been experiencing all those Life Problems.  ROOTS BACK TO SYNTHROID.  Anyway.  PROBABLY started doing this Half On Purpose.  Was half asleep and I saw oh I ran out of these pills, I have back-up pills of similar dose, WHOSE GONNA KNOW IF I TAKE THESE SIMILAR PILLS, I CAN GET AWAY WITH IT...
Now that I'm fully awake I'M ONLY CHEATING MYSELF in that scenario.  Oh well.  Hopefully I learnt my lesson!  PROBABLY HAVEN'T THOUGH.  Oh well.  You can't learn your Don'tDo Stuff When You're Half Asleep Lesson.  YOU'LL DO IT AGAIN WHEN YOU'RE HALF ASLEEP CAUSE You'll Be Half Asleep.  YOU CAN'T WIN.  Anyway.  I GUESS I'm close to 25% into the Act.  That's not so bad!  In fact KINDA GOOD all things considered.  What kinda crap am I watching today.  No good franchises I'm definitely in the middle of.  HMM looks like MANY if not ALL X-Men are on Disney-Plus!  I can watch those!  I've not banged those before.  GREAT TEN IT'S SETTLED I'll waste my immediate future life watching some X-Men. People like WOLVERINE.  He reminds them of WOLVERINE the animals.  POSSIBLY BECAUSE OF THE CLAWS possibly because of SHARING TEH SAME NAME.  What does the, "X," mean EXACTLY in X-Men.  X-ceptional is my first guess.  Let's see.  Google says originally stood for their, "X-tra," powers and then later stood for the, "X factor," in their DNA that gave them unique abilities.  Oh. GOOD.
   Coffee after this paragraph.  Finished watching STEPFATHER III.  NO SPOILERS but there's something about the ending that is COMPLETELY unbelievable and KINDA MAKES ME DOUBT the movie is based on a true story AT ALL.  Hmm.  Probably can have Chipotle for lunch and/or dinner without adding any bonus sides.  BUT if I want to I can add half a dozen or a dozen pop chips easily without breaking the calorie bank.  So that should be good.  I SHOULD ENJOY EATING THE RICE.  The rest, too!  BUT THE RICE, c'mon!  Anyway.  Might be a bit too spicy for my delicate palate.  Oh well such is life.  X-men PREDATE Avengers as Communal Super Hero Film Franchise.  THEY MAY have been the first major motion pictures to be doing ENSEMBLE Super Heroes On The Regular.  Maybe not WHAT DO I KNOW.  Anyway.  Not 100% excited to watch X-Men!  BUT I AM EXCITED TO HAVE SOMETHING I KNOW I SHOULD HAVE LINED UP TO WATCH ALL TINGS CONSIDERED Coffee Time.
  Six paragraphs to go for Act I!  I VAGUELY remember what happens in X-Men I.  Or at least the main characters.  We got WOLVERINE.  We got IAN MCCLELLAN and PATRICK STEWART.  We got ANNA PACKQUIN and HALLE BERRY.  Also CYCLOPS.  He's an actor as well.  Forget his name.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE I WAS WRONG.  He is an actor BUT I DON'T RECOGNIZE HIM THAT MUCH.  Anyway.  Fifth paragraph and whatknot.  I guess.  How many STARS did Roger Ebert give X-Men I.  I'm gonna guess THREE OUT OF FOUR.  Definitely OUT OF FOUR.  Except for maybe his VERY FIRST REVIEWS all of his written reviewers were OUT OF FOUR STARS.  His TV REVIEWS are a different story.  They were OUT OF THUMBS UP OR THRUMBS DOWN.  Anyway.  EBERT ONLY GAVE X-MEN (2000) 2.5 stars.  OUCH that's gotta sting For X-Men!  THEN AGAIN ya know it really could be worse.  WHOM directed X-Men I.  Was it Bryan Singer. I don't know who Bryan Singer is.  But IT MAY have been Bryan Singer.  YEP it was Bryan Singer.  To BE FAIR I may have just seen his name 30 seconds ago and not CONSCIOUSLY registered it but unconsciously registered it.
   But to be UNFAIR Solid Chance I kind of knew it because I'm an Idiot Savant.  What else is up.  Halfway through Act I!  QUARTERWAYS SLEEP is wearing off.  Now I AM EIGHTHWAYS ASLEEP.  STILL SOMEWHAT ASLEEP.  But I'm looking forward to taking next walk.  I think taking walk II will SHAKE OFF THE COBWEBS of sleep and get me more awake.  So that'll be good.  Also I got COFFEE going.  That'll perk me up and crap.  What else did Bryan Singer direct that I would know him from.  Lots of sexual assault allegations and crap.  Maybe that's what I know him from.  Hmm.  Also directed other things such as THEM USUAL SUSPECTS and APT PUPIL and BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY.  Also sexual assault allegations.  TO BE FAIR I'm not gonna read any of the assault allegations.  I AM PASSING NO JUDGMENT because I'm not doing ANY of the required research.  IT WOULDN'T BE FAIR to give any impressions without looking into it.  THEN AGAIN WHEN THERE'S SMOKE THERE'S FIRE.  GUILTY.
   Seventh paragraph!  I COULD take walk RIGHT NOW and fit in all morning walks.  NOT GONNA.  Gonna write complete Act I instead.  Let's go.  IT'S TRUE.  Where there's smoke THERE IS FIRE.  Unless you're Vaping.  Where there's smoke there's fire OR VAPING.  Does vaping produce smoke?  Now I'm confused.  Better LTURQ.  Vaping does produce smoke.  Not harmful as cigarette smoke but SOMETHING.  Oh okay good.  What else is up. HOW IS IT COOL to smoke ROBOT CIGARETTES.  What's WRONG with kids today.  APT PUPIL?  XMEN?  THIS GUY SURE LIKES I WANNA SAY either Ian Mcclellin or Patrick Stewart.  They were BOTH X Men.  ONE OF TEM was Apt Pupil.  I FORGET WHICH ONE NOW though. Hmm. Maybe it was a THIRD Old Guy now that I think about it.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE IT WAS IAM MCLLELLIN.  Oh okay good.  He's possibly Jewish, right?  Let's LTURQ.  NOPE. Of Protestant Irish descent.  OH WHELL.  What else is up and crap.  MAYBE I WANNA DO FANTASY BASEBALL DRAFT soon.  Huh.  Next league maybe I do HEAD TO HEAD League instead of ROTISSERIE.
   Three paragraphs to go!  HMM.  Only about HALF of the XMEN films on Disney Plus.  And it looks like NOT INCLUDING THE FIRST ONE.  I TINK I have first one on DVD.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOPE NOT SEEING IT AT FIRST GLANCE.  Hmm.  Probably available somewhere, right?  Gonna have to look into that one.  Anyway.  Could be on HULU or AMAZON PRIME or STARZ.  I'll be looking into it MORE CAREFULLY when the time comes I guess.  So that's good.  Two and a half paragraphs to go.  Delightful!  Guess I'm looking forward to Chipotle for lunch and sandwich for dinner.  What kind of delicious sandwichside I'll be having is anyone's guess!  POP CHIPS SEEMS LIKE A SOLID CHOICE.  LOW CALORIE.  HEARTY.  DELICIOUS.  Can't go wrong there!  Maybe you can go BETTER RIGHT though.  Could be an option out there that's EVEN BETTER.  I DUNNO WHAT IT IS THOUGH.  Maybe a wheated thin or somethin I DUNNO.  Anyway.  Next two weeks' sandwich bread gonna be SANDWICH THINS.  I TINK.  That's what I got in super market online cart right now.  NO REASON TO CHANGE IT AS OF YET.
   Two paragraphs to go!  I THINK I saw they were opening up first recreational marijuana shop in Queens soon.  IN ASTORIA.  NOT exactly next door.  Not 100% sure where Astoria is exactly now that I think about it.  I KNOW not next door but I DON'T KNOW where exactly at all.  LEMME GOOGLE MAPS TE SHIT OUT OF IT RIGHT NOW.  AH all the way West.  Borders the East River.  FASCINATING.  Anyway.  Basically I'm in TOP RIGHT Quadrant of Queens and Astoria is TOP LEFT.  WAIT THAT MIGHT NOT BE ACCURATE.  I'm not THAT MUCH TOP.  I AM DEFINITELY very very Right and Astoria is Very very Left though.  MAPWISE.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Hmm.  What am I watching today if not X-Men.  WAHT DOES THAT MEAN, "IF NOT X-MEN."  WHY NOT X-MEN.  GOTTA BE X-MEN.  Interesting counter-point!  Drinking from promotional beer glass again today.  WENT A FEW DAYS with drinking from regular Home Glasses.  NOW BACK TO FUN GLASS.
Okay.  Last paragraph of the act.  AMAZING.  Not gonna be accepting Communal Dinner Delivery from 6:00-7:00 PM today so that gives me a bit more room for spreading out Afternoon Walks. So taking one extra one is a little bit easier on me!  THAT WENT INTO MY DECISION when I decided to stay in bed a little bit longer today.  YEP.  Anyway.  Got enough white bread to make my sandwich tonight BUT I had some Bonus Bread the last week.  Had a slice or two here or there AS A SNACK.  Had a slice or two to PAD OUT A MEAL OR SOMETHING, I forget what exactly.  WHAT DID I DO.  I FORGET.  Hmm.  The point is I had extra bread and I DIPPED INTO THE EXTRA BREAD and had some.  Hmm.  Might have to decrease the amount of soda I'm ordering for tomorrow.  I MAY have too much soda AS IT IS.  Just occurred to me!  IT'S POSSIBLE I HAVE SURPLUS SODA GOING INTO TOMORROW.  Now that I think about it I DUNNO MAYBE I DON'T.  The important thing is I CHECK FOR SURE.  Oh okay good I'll be back in a little bit.




not quite what i wanted

    Hey friends.  Time to write five more paragraphs!  How much time do I have to write them?  Oh I Don't Know AN HOUR.  How much time should I write it in?  Oh I don't know TIRTY FIVE MINUTES AT MOST.  What am I gonna do when I'm done writing 'em?  WALK THEN SHOWER TEN DRY THEN LUNCH.  Sounds good to me.  Gonna start taking Accurate Dose of Synthroid: The Thyroid Medication today. Haven't taken it YET.  But I WILL.  You have MY WORD.  Anyway.  GONNA GET SINGLE SERVING LARGE BLACK AND WHITES.  Not MINI BLACK AND WHITES.  GONNA GET TWO OF EM.  That's an UPDATE from Yesterday.  So that's good.  Is there anything I can put on the Chipotle Spliced burrito bowl that would CHILL the spiciness.  What's the word I'm looking for.  You know what I mean.  That would COUNTERACT IT.  CONTRADICT IT.  Either way I'm not gonna do anything that does it BUT YOU GET THE POINT.  Next time I wanna get Chinese Food or Chipotle I OUGHT TO GET HALAL FOOD.  Split that sucker into either three lunches or TWO REAL INDULGENT LUNCHES.  WOW that sounds great.  White sauce.  That'd be a real good Contradiction to a Spiciness.  LOTTA CALORIES THOUGH.
Four paragraphs to go.  What else do I got going on for me.  CUT.  Is that the word I was looking for.  White sauce would CUT the Spiciness?  Could be.  Anyway.  HIT TEH CUT OFF MAN.  Hmm.  I don't HAVE any white sauce.  Got Kinda Mild BBQ Sauce.  I think that would probably ACT as a Mild Sauce in this situation.  But, again, I'm not gonna do that!  Hmm.  MAYBE POUR A LOT OF SALT AND PEPPER ON IT.  Not sure what that would accomplish.  It'd accomplish SOMETING.  I dunno WHAT.  But certainly I'd have a different lunch experience if I just covered the meal with salt and pepper as compared to if I didn't.  A TON OF SALT NEVER HURT ANYBODY.  That may or may not be accurate.  WELL TON OF PEPPER CERTAINLY NEVER HURT ANYBODY.  That can't be accurate either.  Hmm.  HOPEFULLY I can finish NEW IN ALTERNATIVE playlist once more today because TOMORROW IT'S BEING UPDATED AGAIN.  I CAN'T NOT FINISH IT ONCE MORE.  That'd be DUMB.
Three paragraphs to go.  Whattado with the day.  X-men.  I guess!  Wikipedia page AT FIRST GLANCE seemed to suggest X-Men Film Franchise and Deadpool Franchise are SPECIFICALLY interconnected in a way OTHER similar DC Comics Super Hero Film Franchise AREN'T.  So that's good. I SEEN DEADPOOL.  DEADPOOL ONE.  I FORGET MUCH OF WHAT HAPPENED.  I BELIEVE THERE WAS ONE SEQUENCE THAT TOOK PLACE IN OR AROUND A CAR.  COULD BE TINKING OF CATCHING A SEQUENCE FROM DEADPOOL TWO.  Either way there was a sequence on some sort of STREET or a highway IN OR AROUND A CAR.  I think.  Fascinating.  Hmm.  Halfway through Act II!  SLIGHTLY MORE.  I feel like I am BEYOND halfway through the third paragraph at this point.  WOW that's great news and EVEN BETTER with EVERY WORD I WRITE I am going FURTHER AND FURTHER into the paragraph.  Amazing.  So that's good!  Guess the easiest way to check where to watch The X-Man is SEARCH IT on the TV.  TV has a function where presumably you search for something and it checks ALL the streamers and TV Channel Hubs for you.  PROBABLY WORKS DECENTLY.
Two paragraph to go.  How long do I have to finish act Comfortably.  I dunno.  Lotta time.  Twenty minutes.  That'd be comfortable all around.  Great.  What else do I got going for me.  HOW MANY X-Men films are there overall.  I'm gonna guess SIXTEEN.  THIRTEEN including DEADPOOL and THE NEW MUTANTS.  Oh.  That's close to sixteen.  REAL close.  I'M HAPPY WITH HOW CLOSE MY GUESS WAS TO ACTUALITY.  Also I'm happy with how much there are in real life!  I'm GOOD with having to watch EXACTLY TIRTEEN films presuming I can see them.  SIXTEEN would bea bit much.  SIX would be a bit too few.  THIRTEEN?  I CAN GET INTO THAT PRETTY DECENTLY.  PRESUMING I CAN SEE THEM.  PRESUMING I'm using the word Presuming I'm not.  WHICH I'M PRETTY SURE I'M NOT.  So that's good and crap.  Looks like there's ABOUT EIGHT Xmen on Disney Plus.  Give or take one.  THERE'S A COUPLE OF ANIMATEDS there so I can't tell EXACTLY at first glance.  EITHER WAY GREAT WHAT ELSE IS UP.
Last paragraph! OH GREAT both Deadpools are on DISNEYPLUS separately.  That gets us up to around TEN OUT OF THRITEEN at least that I can see.  Good deal.  Sounds like I can make a large dent in this franchise for sure!  MAKE IT WORTHWHLIE to watch it even if THIS IS ALL I GOT.  Hmm.  Anyway.  WHAT THE HELL there's a, "Mets Superbowl Ad?"  LEMME WATCH THAT CRAP to see WHY the Mets need to advertise on the superbowl exactly AND WHAT IT ENTAILS.  HMM.  I SAW THE AD.  THEY WANT PEOPLE TO BUY TICKETS TO SEE METS GAMES.  I THINK I LIKE IT.  But I don't get it.  BUT I TINK I LIKE IT.  Gonna have to think about it some more though.  Either way IT'S ABOUT TIME THE METS GET SOME NATIONAL ATTENTION.  Anyway.  What else is up.  IT PLAYED INTO HUMOR. It had Mets players ANSWERING PHONE CALLS about ticket sales.  THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE.  I'm sure the Mets pay SEPARATE PEOPLE to take care of that.  Anyway.  That's it for now.  I'll be back tonight! 




Either Way It Doesn't Matter

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs!  Am in the process of finishing sea salt caramel health iced cream bar!  I'm gonna be honest, they could be using REGULAR TABLE SALT and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference!  IT'S GOOD but I can't exactly taste the SEA in the salt.  Gonna be honest, can't even really taste the saltiness in the iced cream even at all.  Oh well.  The important thing is I FINISHED THAT NOW.  Probably gonna have ONE AND ONLY ONE more snack tonight.  But it could be AS HEARTY AS I WANT UP TO AND INCLUDING QUEST BAR.  Delightful.  Watched X-Men (2000).  Pretty short movie for Superhero movie.  Went by pretty quickly.  It was okay!  Not much there but at the same time NOT MUCH TO GET ENRAGED BY.  I'll watch WHAT I BELIEVE IS CALLED, "X-2," tomorrow.  Hmm.  Watched some Horror Film I think but I FORGET WHAT.  Is it possible I DIDN'T watch a horror film?  YES NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT.  I started watching Empire Of Light.  About halfway into that film.  That's not a horror film NOR AN X-MAN FILM.
   IT'S ABOUT TE MAGIC OF CINEMA THOUGH.  Which is AN IMPORTANT SUBJECT.  I didn't realize how much I needed to be reminded of The magic Of Cinema BUT I DID.  Whew.  That was a close one!  NOW I GOTTA REMEMBER to remember ON MY OWN The Magic Of Cinema without having to be reminded periodically by outside sources.  GREAT one more thing I gotta take care of.  Ugh.  Lotta deliveries tomorrow including Fresh Direct and Amazon Fresh.  Hmm.  Am I re-upping with anything OF NOTE? CORNED BEEF is of note.  SANDWICHES OF CORNED BEEF is in the cards.  THAT'S ONE, "OF NOTE."  Exciting Black and white cookies and Hearty Brownie for breakfasts.  NOT REALLY OF NOTE but I'm excited about it.  Hmm.  Getting CHOCO choco pops from REGULAR amazon delivery.  I HAVE surplus of ASSORTED flavor of tootsie pops but now I will have reserves of bonus CHOCOLATE flavored chocolate lollipops too.  WHEW THAT WAS A CLOSE ONE.  What was a close one.  YOU KNOW.  THAT.  That sort of thing.
Three paragarphs to go!  THEY MAKE LADY LOOK OLDER AND MAN LOOK YOUNGER to accentuate age difference in film.  I FEEL at least.  I LOOKED UP ACTORS' AGES ON THE INTERNET.  Actor was five years OLDER than I woulda guessed based on the way he's presented and actress is TEN years younger than the way she's presented.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ACCOMPLISH.  OTHER THAN THE JOY OF CINEMA.  I DON'T GET IT EXACTLY.  Maybe the moral of the story is I'M JUST NOT THAT GOOT AT, "GETTING," FILMS.  Oh.  That's too bad.  OH WELL I HAVE OTHER POSITIVE TRAITS ONE WOULD IMAGINE.  Probably!  What else is up.  Took all the walks I wanted to take today.  WITH NO ILL CONSEQUENCES.  More or less.  The point is THE BAD X-MEN KIND OF GOT A POINT?  I TINK I'm more or less with the good X-Men but I'M WILLING TO HEAR OUT THE BAD X-MEN if they wanna pitch me on their premise.  I WISH I WAS AN XMAN.  I'D HAVE A UNIQUE TALENT.  WOW.  Having talent I CAN TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT but having A UNIQUENESS would be AMAZING.  Even if its a DETRIMENT.  TO HAVE SOMETING THAT'S ONLY ME even if it sucks?  WOW WHAT A DREAM
Penultimate paragraph of day!  Hmm.  Getting ASSORTED mini cookies from super market!  That's exciting.  It's like the mini chocolate chip cookies I got the last two times but SOMETIMES it's not a chocolate chip cookie SOMETIMES it's an OATMEAL RAISIN COOKIE.  Or a DOUBLE CHOCOLATE COOKIE.  OR A FOURTH KIND OF COOKIE POSSIBLY SOME SORT OF SUGAR COOKIE PERHAPS.  So that's all great I suppose.  OATMEAL RAISIN THE DEAD. Is that something.  I'm gonna have to look into that.  LATER.  Hmm.  Had delicious chipotle for lunch and ham sandwich WITH WHEATED THIN for dinner.  BOTH WERE GREAT.  I generally had good results with Chipotle burrito bowl lunches this week EXCEPT for it being too spicy and it being 12,000% more expensive than it should have been.  12,000% isn't really that much when you think about the larger scheme of things.  You can have thing that are like TWENTY THOUSAND DIGITS IN Percent.  Whatever.  I dunno.  BURRITO BOWL IS OXYMORON.  YOU'RE LITERALLY USING THE WORD TO DESCRIBE IT THAT YOU'RE INDICATING IT'S NOT.  It's NOT a burrito.  THAT'S THE ENTIRE POINT OF THIS ENTERPRISE.  Then again MAYBE I'M WRONG.  I'M NOT AN EXPERT ON CUISINE.
Not an expert on anything.  Hmm.  Kind of an expert on something one would imagine.  Gotta be an expert on SOMETHING.  Hmm.  It's all relative.  I can be an expert to 12,000% on something whereas someone else is TWENTY THOUSAND DIGITS Into a percent expert on the same thing.  DOES TAHT MAKE ME AN EXPERT ON IT OR NOT?  I DON'T KNOW.  It's confusing!  Solid chance I have Birthday Bar or Cookies N Cream Bar tonight.  NEXT most indulgent thing I might have is Comprehensive Iced Cream Sandwich.  WELL Pop Tart is also up there but I DON'T QUITE TINK THAT'S IN THE CARDS.  Either way I dunno.  I can relate to Wolverine.  I dunno what it is.  JUST A REGULAR DUDE DOING REGULAR DUDE THINGS.  THAT'S me and wolverine for ya.  Two peas in a pod.  Ugh.  Guess I'm gonna enjoy more Romantic Drama when this is over with.  SUCH IS LIFE.  Presumably I can enjoy movies that aren't Comic Book or Horror somehow too! Seems reasonable.  THEY MAKE those kinds of movies.  Presumably there's ways to extract pleasure from experienceing them SOMEHOW.  WELP that's it for now.  See ya tomorrow.

-8:10 P.M.




Wednesday, February 8, 2023

No Don't Do That

    Hey friends!  9:46 AM!  A little bit behind schedule.  Should be able to fit in everything I wanna fit in!  POSSIBLE I cut Act I short a paragraph or two if things stretch out a bit longer than I like.  Hmm.  Had a bit smaller NightMight than usual.  Around 1/2 or 2/3rds the normal amount.  Not just RESULTS oriented was it good but I can distinctly remember kinda FEELING at at least one point hey I woke up, KINDA wanna eat, KINDA feel like I don't need to in a way that's new to me.  CAN'T REMEMBER if I ate at that moment or not.  But either way FELT like progress.  So that's good.  Had balanced breakfast!  Egg whites were kinda gross.  Musta been 1.5-2 weeks old.  BUT I ATE EM NONETHELESS.  Lunch gonna be some Burrito Bowl.  PARTIALLY Barbacoa PARTIALLY Steak.  DINNER I DUNNO.  Pizza, Bison Burger, Freedom Toast, or Ham Sandwich!  Hmm.  Enjoyed me some State Of The Union.  Most of it was pretty good.  I liked how he CLOSED with The State Of The Union Is Strong.  That's what Detective Comic Movies do.  They ask the Super Hero what their name is and then the credits role.  IT HAPPENED IN AT LEAST AQUAMAN and BLACK ADAM per my memory.  HEY WHAT DO YOUR CALL YOURSELF.  Then the music swells and there MAY OR MAY NOT be a title card that reminds us WHAT THEY DO call themselves WHICH CORRESPONDS to the name of the film we just watched.
   Hmm.  So that's good.  Got about an hour and five minutes to write nine paragraphs.  That could be enough.  Hmm.  Gonna do one more fantasy baseball league.  And I'm excited to do another draft.  BUT I should wait to do it.  WAIT UNTIL MARCH.  I could do bonus drafts I don't care about.  THAT'S ABUSING TE SYSTEM.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  Hmm.  Watched more of NOSERFATU.  Kinda dragging in the middle!  I liked how it started but then I got bored.  Either way still got about half an hour of that.  Hmm.  Got nice shirt going on.  Nice button down shirt.  Unfortunately it has not been laundered but you can't win em all.  NICE OUTSIDE TODAY.  Solidly in the FOURTIES on first walk.  Gonna be in FIFTIES later in day.  Started New In Alternative Playlist.  MAY have listened to this playlist EXACTLY.  Not even a previous iteration of this playlist.  THIS EXACT version of this playlist that was updated last friday.  WHO CARES. GOOD PLAYLIST.  I GOT GOOD REASON TO GO THROUGH IT ONCE MORE.
Sure. THINK I'd make a play for pizza TWERE IT up to me.  Right?  Seems like the way to go!  Hmm.  Gotta RE-DO drug inventory.  I did it I think TWO OR THREE times but I lost track again.  TIME TO RE-START it.  Shouldn't take more than 15, 20 minutes.  PROBABLY around 20 minutes.  COULD TAKE MORE TAN 20 MINUTES.  I could see it taking 22, 23 minutes somehow!  Anyway.  What am I watching today besides NOSFERATU.  Possibly more Horror Films on THE PEACOCK Streaming Surface.  That's good.  Anyway, I dunno.  Enough Cinnamon Toast Crunch for Balanced Breakfast. It was close!  Very little bit left afterwards.  But there was enough.  Hmm.  WHAT CEREAL TO RE-UP WIT NEXT.  Maybe just regular Frosted Flakes.  SAFE OPTION that's less of a Grazing Risk.  So that's good I guess.  Anyway.  LOOK the worst part of my draft was not looking into WHO HAS CLOSER ROLES in Major League Baseball.  I drafted three relief pitchers based on the knowledge that they had reasonably high Average Draft Positions in other Yahoo Fantasy Baseball drafts which IMPLIES they're worthwihle picks which IMPLIES they're getting Saves.  BUT I DON'T KNOW FOR SURE.  I should have MADE SURE I'm picking people who are getting saves.
   Hmm.  Anyway.  I can look into that NOW.  You'd think so wouldn't you.  Anyway.  Got some nice STOLEN BASE people.  Should be comfortable there.  HOME RUNS I'm good.  Got good pitchers.  I GOT A PRETTY GOOD TEAM I FEEL.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  Then again Lotta good players ON OTEHR TEAMS.  And I'm sure a lot of them are POOLED TOGETHER on specific teams that are good in and of themselves.  OH NO THAT SOUNDS BAD.  Hmm.  Getting myself coffee after this paragraph.  That's pretty good.  Then I'm gonna have about FIFTY MINUTES to write six paragraphs.  That's more than enough!  That's pretty good.  Gotta imagine there's a way to change my Yahoo name from, "Mik," to, "Mike," or something.  I'm comfortable with that.  People knowing I go by, "Mike," isn't too much personal information.  If anything MIK is too much personal information.  So that's good.  Or BAD.  I forget.  Anyway.  HEY time to get cofffee.
   What's up and crap.  Today cuold be a good day.  Today SHOULD be a good day.  Not sure what to do Comic Book Movie wise though.  COULD I watch some Pacemaker TV show?  I guess!  I could watch MARVEL TV show as well.  NOT REALLY MY THING THOUGH.  Hmm.  If we're talkin' pizza we might as well be talkin' delicious TOPPINGS.  Garlic and onion on one REGULAR slice and garlic and anchovie on another REGULAR slice.  Anyway.  Dad would say it that way.  SOME people might just say garlic and onion on ONE and garlic and anchovoie on another.  He'd specify REGULAR slice as opposed to SICILY STYLE or SOME OTEHR KINDA TEXTURE SLICE.  He's not 100% WRONG.  I think he's wrong that he thinks it's necessary.  He doesn't NEED to say it.  But I'm not 100% NOT on board with him saying it.  THERE'S SOMETING TO IT I feel.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine I can try trading for some MORE Mets in Fantasy Baseball!
   Halfway through HACKED one.  The Inner Crypt Keeper in me just came to the surface.  GOOD.  What else is up.  Got up to fourty five minutes to comfortably write these 5 paragraphs.  I CAN DO THAT NO PROBLEM.  February 8th.  WOW.  We're making progress into 2023 whether we like it or not!  I SAY WE LIKE IT.  I say WE DON'T LIKE 2023 but WE LIKE MAKING PROGRESS IN IT PRECISELY FOR THAT REASON.  Wanna get it over and done with.  Then again 2024 GONNA BE EVEN WORSE.  Don't even get me started on 2025.  THEN 2026 MAY BE KINDA GOOD.  2027 is a wildcard.  2028 is anyone's guess.  What's going on again.  Huh.  The important thing is I pick baseball players whose names I recognize in the middle-late rounds!  Players whose stats leave a lot to be desired BUT THEY HAD GREAT SEASONS IN 2017-2018 AND NOW IT'S TIME TO REPEAT THAT PERFORMANCE.  What do I have to lose.  Either them or SOME JERKS WHOSE NAMES I'VE NEVER HEARD OF WHOSE STATS ALSO LEAVE A LOT TO BE DESIRED.
Seventh paragraph!  The point is yeah.  Wonder how much metabolism will be improved.  200 bonus calories a day?  50?  500?  A THOUSAND?  CAN'T GO WRONG NO MATTER WHAT IT IS.  Either way guess I'll have to figure out The New Normal to figure out how much to eat and exercise for Ultimate Maintenance Diet.  Gotta imagine AT SOME POINT IN MY LIFE I wanna maintain where I'm at.  Right?  AT SOME POINT I reach a point I want to stay?  Either way I dunno.  I didn't even really know what I should be at for maintenance level BEFOREHAND.  The important thing is I STILL DON"T KNOW.  Anyway. Just accepted DELIVERY of BOXES.  Gonna have to MOVE THEM AGAIN from room to room in a few minutes.  IT WILL TAKE POSSIBLY UP TO 2 MORE MINUTES.  It's COMPLICATED.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  When I was a kid the big balloon story was THERE WAS A BALLOON BOY.  Some kid was in a balloon and for some reason this was a problem and we didn't know how to help him.  I THINK HE EVENTUALLY CAME DOWN TO EARTH TO SAFETY.  This was I BELIEVE 2010.
   Three paragraphs to go.  Amazing.  I'd like to finish these paragraphs in twenty five minutes WHAT OF IT.  I CAN finish them in twenty five minutes presumably!  That'd be pretty good.  NOT SURE HOW THESE BOXES ARE GONNA CLUNK UP MY MORNING.  Not only am I gonna have to waste 90 seconds moving them around but NOW IT'S WEIGHING ON MY PSYCHE leading UP to the 90 seconds knowing I WILL BE CALLED UPON to perform those tasks imminently.  DANGIT.  Oh well such is life.  Starting to put together MOST IMPORTANTLY Fresh Direct order for Friday BUT ALSO upcoming Amazon Fresh order for POSSIBLY around Friday as well!  So that'll be good I guess.  Won't be BAD.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  Hmm.  Anyone else customize their baseball team name in my fantasy baseball league.  Just three out of the other eleven teams CHANGED their names from Generic Yahoo Assigned Names.  Huh.  Just moved BOX.  Just ONE Box.  Took 8 seconds to move box.  About thirty seconds if you include movement from my room to downstairs back to my room.  Hmm.  AMAZING.
Penultimate paragraph of act!  PLENTY OF TIME.  IDEALLY less than Oh I Don't Know TWENTY MINUTES.  That'd be The Tops.  Hmm.  WILL I enjoy Chipotle today?  Probably!  I think I enjoyed it yesterday.  Wasn't that hearty but it was pretty tasty.  And I didn't feel NOT Un-hungry afterwards.  MIGHT have 8 or 10 pop chips with the portion of burrito bowl I have as well to stretch it out.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Gonna microwave it on PLATE.  Scoop it out onto HOME PLATE.  Not in container they put it in.  ULTIMATELY maybe I put that container in microwave TOMORROW when I'm eating ENTIRETY of what's left.  UNLESS I look at it and determine it seems to be UNSAFE for microwave.  THEN NO WAY AM I MICROWAVING IT I'm no FOOL.  Well I am a fool IN MANY SENSES but NOT IN THAT ONE.  SO that's good.  What else is up.  SURE I LIKE JUST LOOKING AT MY TEAM'S ROSTER. IT'S A GOOD TEAM ROSTER.  Got a lot going for it.  Hmm.  Maybe I should pick another team at random and look at their team roster just for context.  So I know OH other Team Rosters are pretty good too.  It'd be UPSETTING but it's important I REALIZE I'm not alone with a Great Team.
   Last paragraph of Act I!  YEAH!  Pick one of the teams that changed their names!  THEY'RE one of the teams that's taking this league SERIOUSLY.  Hmm.  I'm concerned if I do that I'll get JEALOUS of their good players.  Hmm.  "Hitting the cut off" doesn't have that great a team.  Also their team name isn't that great either.  I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TAT MEANS.  I know it's a sports reference BUT WHAT SPORT.  You hit the cut off man.  WHAT IS THAT BASKETBALL.  FOOTBALL.  SOCCER.  I KNOW IT"S A COMMON PHRASE BUT I FORGET AND IT'S NOT OCCURRING TO ME OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. OH WAIT IT'S BASEBALL.  You throw in the ball from THE OUTFIELD.  You hit the cut off man LIKE SHORT STOP and then he RELAYS the ball to the CATCHER or something to throw out baserunner at the plate.  OH.  Still don't see why that's a team name!  Either way UPSET HE GOT Mets pitcher Kodai Senga THE PICK BEFORE I WAS GONNA TAKE HIM in the draft but OTHER TAN THAT not jealous of his team.  WELP that's it.  I'll be back in a little bit!




feel free to feel free

    Hey friends.  Time to write 5 more paragraphs.  IDEALLY do it in Oh I Don't Know thirty five minutes.  BUT I have up to FOURTY minutes to do it comfortably.  FOURTY FIVE minutes to do it UNcomfortably.  Beyond fourty five minutes I AM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.  So that's good and crap.  Got some coffee going on, but I don't need to tell you that!  I also don't need to tell you that I don't need to tell you that.  I told you!  Wasn't necessary one way or the other!  WHO CARES.  Hmm.  HITTING THE MARK also had Mets reliever WHO ISN'T EVEN THE CLOSER.  What a waste of a roster spot.  LOOK is it possible every year there's 4 or 6 NON Save-Rack-em-upper Relievers who are worth having on Fantasy Roster?  SURE.  But there's no EVIDENCE he's gonna be one.  I mean he's not a bad GUESS to be one.  BUT IT'S NOT A GOOD BET to make RIGHT OUT OF TEH GATE.  WHAT AN IDIOT.  No wonder HE'S AN IDIOT.  So that's good.  Maybe get exciting mix-em-up topping like EGGPLANT.
I was really enjoying eggplant as a pizza topping for a while until I realized I was probably eating FRIED eggplant and it wasn't as healthy as I thought it was.  PROBABLY.  I have no PROOF I was actually eating UNhealthy version of eggplant and if I was I have no evidence of HOW unhealthy it was OR IS.  The important thing is HEY GREAT HOW ABOUT THAT.  If I FEEL like a Heartier dinner I CAN GO WITH EGGPLANT TONIGHT we'll see how Hearty A Dinner I feel.  So that's good.  JUST LOOKED AT ANOTHER TEAMS ROSTER with a Personal Team Name.  Kinda realized I DON'T KONW WHO ANY OF THESE PLAYERS ARE.  HOWEVER this team seems to have EVEN MORE POTENTIAL STOLEN BASES THAN I DO.  So that's not good.  Then again I STILL FEEL COMFORTABLE with my stolen base prospects.  More or less.  COULD BE GOOD.  What else is up and crap.  Lunch is creepin' up!  Two and a half hours.  That'll be a blast and a half.  Lookin forward to THE RICE.  Can't go wrong with rice.  That's what I've been led to belive at least.  BY MYSELF and MY EXPERIENCES.
Three paragraphs to go!  Awesome!  IDEALLY write em in about twenty minutes but THIRTY minutes wouldn't be so bad!  Anyway.  Jeez.  I don't KNOW how many walks I'll end up needing for a Maintenance Diet but I THINK I'd be happy with FOUR WALKS A DAY.  Four walks is NOTHING.  THREE WALKS IN MORNING ONE AT NIGHT.  THAT'D BE A BLAST AND A HALF.  LOTTA BIG BLOCK IN AFTERNOON AND BIG BLOCK AT KNIGHT it's gonna be A BLAST.  YOU FOOLS.  Also that reduces CrunchTime in morning.  RIGHT NOW MORNING HAS FOUR WALKS.  What else is up and crap.  Halfway through Act II!  TWO POINT FIVE paragraphs to go.  Amazing!  STILL got time to consider Making A Case To Myself AND OTHERS for Diner Dinner.  You know BISON BURGER or something.  WOULD TAHT BE GOOD?  Sure.  Burger is always good.  Can't go wrong with burger.  I guess.  Gonna have to think about what kinda Sandwiches and OTHER lunches I want for upcoming Super market week.  HMM.
   Two paragraph to go!  Amazing.  I dunno.  Maybe watch some more The Simpsons today.  Maybe make some progress in Tales In The Crypt.  I got options!  FIRST thought is find a couple of obscure Horror Films I MAY OR MAY NOT have seen clips of on Shutter Documentary to watch.  I FOUND RESERVOIR OF FILMS THAT MIGHT INCLUDE FILMS I'M INTERESTED IN recently.  So that should be good.  Anyway.  What else do I got going for me.  Closing in on being done with DayTime Day paragraphs.  That's pretty good.  Gonna have a decent enough amount of time between upcoming walks such that there's not too much crunchtime.  That's good as well!  NICE WARM DAY outside.  That's good FOR ME if not for planet and other parts of ecosystems and whatknot. But personally SUNSHINE AIN'T HURTING ME TODAY IN PARTICULAR.  Unless it TIPS ME OVER TE EDGE into skin cancer.  ODDS ARE AGAINST THAT.  POSSIBLE I guess.  Oh well that's life.
   Last paragraph!  Amazing!  How long do I have to write this paragraph.  I SAY IF I WRITE IT IN TEN MINUTES I'M STILL PRETTY HAPPY WITH HOW IT TURNED OUT.  AMAZING.  What's up.  I been getting Individual Black and White cookies for breakfasts lately but maybe I should go back to getting MIni ones and having 2.5 or 3 of them as breakfasts.  I DON'T KONW what equates to what.  I WISH I DID. I TRULY DO.  Hmm.  The important thing is delicious.  Almost done with donuts.  Thems were okay.  Hmm.  Anyway I can get fried eggplant on my bison burger.  I dunno.  Diner gotta have eggplant.  Gotta be able to FRY eggplant.  Gotta be able to CALCULATE what to CHARGE ME for fried eggplant THAT THEY CAREFULLY CUT AND PLACE ON TOP OF BURGER PATTIE.  Sure I'll spell Patty with an, "IE."  NO REGRETS.  Huh.  Wrote the paragraph IN A MERE THREE MINUTES.  Well it's been three minutes.  SOLID CHANCE I write a couple more sentences getting me into Four Minute Territory.  I dunno.  I don't particularly WANT to write any more sentences now.  Huh. I guess I'm done at three minutes!  See ya later!




I'm Gonna Hold You To That

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  Kind of TOO not hungry right now.  Got a bit of a stomach ache or somethin.  COMIN OFF OF EATING surprise Chocolate Chip Freedom Dinner.  Pancake.  THE FREEDOM STOOD IN FOR PANCAKE.  Either way had two pancakes for dinner, gonna have one pancake as breakfast tomorrow or Friday!  ALSO GOT EGG WHITE.  TWO BREAKFASTSWORTH.  Hmm.  Had delicious Half Of The Chipotle I Had Left for lunch.  Didn't need any supplementary snack. IT WAS GEEAT.  Iventory'd up some pills.  Now I know what I got going on AND WHAT I DON'T GOT GOING ON.  Gotta get some pills AND STAT for one or two pills.  AND STAT.  Finished Nosferatu.  Watched an 80's horror film that I realized 40 minutes in I had already seen but it was too late to stop watching at that point.  NOW I'm 2/3rds into STEPFATHER III.  Saw first Two Stepfathers a year or two back.  NOT THIS ONE THOUGH.  Amazing.  CREEPY MOVIE.  I don't like this stepfather character.  SOMETHING ABOUT HIM RUBS ME THE WRONG NOT QUITE RIGHT.
Four paragraphs to go!  Had lunch and dinner a bit late for different reasons.  LUNCH because I didn't feel like eating lunch until a bit later and DINNER because it didn't come until a little bit late AND I wanted to put it in oven.  THERE YA GO HOW ABOUT THAT.  Is there anything I can eat that will cure me of my stomach ache.  Gotta imagine there's always something we can consume to cure what Roger Ailes us.  Hmm.  That gives me a good idea!  I can watch The Simpsons when I'm done with Stepfather III.  IT'S ONE OF SEVERAL GOOD IDEAS.  I don't have ANY other good ideas right now.  But I'm sure I will develop 1-3 more good ideas IN TIME for them to be relevant.  Hmm.  Got chipotle for lunch tomorrow and ham sandwich for dinner.  Should be good.  I like the part with the sandwich.  Can't go wrong there!  UNLESS I PICK THE WRONG SANDWICHSIDE.  THEN I'VE GONE WRONG THERE and it's a very unfortunate situation.  Oh no.  HEY I only gotta write three more paragraphs.  OH YES.
   Hmm.  Guess I'll aim to take my pills around 2 hours from now.  RELATIVELY early compared to what I've been aiming for the lat couple weeks.  RELATIVELY LATE compared to what's been normal the last couple YEARS.  IT'S ALL RELATIVE.  HMM that reminds me maybe I can watch THE BATMAN.  The one from a year or two ago.  It reminded me because Batman has (HAD) RELATIVES in that film.  Key plot point.  Something happens with his parents.  NO SPOILERS BUT THEY'RE KILLED BEFORE HIS VERY EYES WHEN HE'S A CHILD.  No spoilers though.  Huh.  On a scale from white to black HOW DARK is This Batman.  My guess is NEAR DARK.  YOU KNOW LIKE TAHT OTHER FILM.  What's that called.  YOU KNOW THE ONE. Oh. Well.  There was a film called EXACTLY, "Near Dark," and it was a film I WATCHED TWO WEEKS AGO AND TALKED ABOUT HERE.  I was thinking of some other film though.  JUST BEFORE DARK or something like that.  What am I thinking of.  AH NEAR DARK.  WAIT NO that's the film from two weeks ago again.  LET ME SEE WAHT'S THE OTHER ONE again.  WAIT UNTIL DARK.  WHY BUT I WANNA OPEN MY CHANUKAH PRESENT NOW.
   Penultimate paragraph.  GOT TWO TO GO so to speak.  Hmm.  I watched several Faralley Bro films a few weeks ago BUT THERE ARE OTHERS to re-watch as well.  For example a SHALLOW HAL isn't terrible NOR IS A Stuck On You.  Not GREAT.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  I should try Frozen Frittata tomorrow.  I've had these suckers for like 2 months.  About time I give one a shot, right?  I think all I need to do is use Microwave for it!  That's not too difficult.  ALSO it'll be LIGHT EATING for my stomach ache while one can only imagine will be at the same level as it is now in 12 hours.  So that's good.  What else is up.  Nice portion of Chipotle today.  Third of 2 burrito bowls yesterday was actually LESS than a third.  The HALF I HAD OF WHAT'S LESS was MUCH MORE than what I had yesterday.  LOTS OF RICE.  LOVED IT.  Possible the portion I had to day was a bit bigger than what I left over for tomorrow.  THAT'S OKAY.  I GOT STUFF TO PAD THE MEAL OUT WIT IF NEEDED.
   Also STOMACH ACHE'll take care of that.
  Won't WANT to eat that extra 15% of the meal.  THE STOMACH ACHE WILL DICTATE SLIGHTLY SMALLER LUNCH.  Huh.  Time to finish this entry.  Good.  ONE of my great grandfather's name was WOLFF.  Possibly spelled otherwise.  That's just my first guess of how to spell it.  I was told another name or two when I asked my parents but that's the only one I remember.  Possibly a JACOB?  Something with a J but NOT JACK.  Possibly an ABRAHAM.  GOOD STUFF THIS IS GREAT STUFF.  Hmm.  THE ABRAHAM IS UNRELATED TO THE GUY WHO IS SOMETING WITH A J BUT NOT JACK.  I shouldn't have to say that.  PERHAPS I DIDN'T HAVE TO SAY THAT.  Decided to play it safe and say it anyway.  I STAND BY MY DECISIONS.  Some of them.  LIKE THIS ONE.  Hmm.  SHOULD I consider having ham sandwich for lunch and chipotle for dinner?  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  Considering things is a SLIPPERY SLOPE to Thinking About OTHER Things.  And then once you've starting thinking about other things WHO KNOWS What You'll End Up Devoting Brain Time */V Effort on.  Anyway.  That's it!  See ya tomorrow!

-8:45 P.M.




Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Funny Don't You Think

    Hey friends.  On schedule today!  9:25 AM!  Plenty of time to do everything I wanna do today.  Had normal amount of NightMight last night.  POSSIBLY a little bit less.  Had 3 small donuts for breakfast.  Was satisfying enough.  I WENT INTO IT knowing I would be satisfied with slightly smaller breakfast SO THAT'S WHY I went with Mere Three Donuts.  Huh.  Lunch could either be Ham Sandwich, Bagel With Egg, Some Other House Wildcard, or Delivery Presumably Chinese Food.  LOOKIN LIKE CHINESE FOOD.  Hmm.  Beef with garlic sauce?  Pork fried rice?  HOT AND OR SOUR SOUP?  I guess.  Still the only team in Fantasy Baseball League.  DRAFT is in 5 and 1/2 hours.  I was gonna say, "5 and a half," but I figured I'd stick with Digits being represented by... numerical... digits... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.  Hmm.  State of the union tonight.  I figure I gotta watch that.  For better or worse MUST KNOW THE STATE OF THE UNION.
   Nine paragraphs to go!  Maybe I have ham sandwich or vegetable burger for lunch and have delicious Chinese food for DINNER.  HMM.  Chinese food IS the more indulgent of the meals.  DINNER is the more indulgent of the meals IN GENERAL HERE IN THE STATES.  I feel.  IN TE STATES Dinner is heavier than lunch ALL IN ALL more or less.  Anyway.  HAVE WE GOT A WORD for a thing between lunch and dinner.  An alternative to Brunch.  Lemme LTURQ.  Oh.  Linner.  THAT WAS ANTI-CLIMATIC.  BECAUSE IT SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT but also I DON'T LIKE IT.  Hmm.  Was watching WERNER HERZOG Dracula movie last night.  I don't think I've ever seen a Werner Herzog movie before!  Didn't really know who he was.  I knew the name but I thoughth e was a PUNCHLIEN of a reference whereas now I think he's a RESPECTED reference.  Either way QUALITY FILM SO FAR BY FAR.  I enjoy it.  SO WHAT if he doesn't so Storyboards for his films.  Nine times out of ten that's the wrong move but IF HE CAN PULL IT OFF all the better PAL-o!  YOU KNOW like you're my PAL.  And I added an O at the end.
Okay.  Hmm.  Is his name DRACULA or NOSFERATU.  Make up your mind THEN GET BACK TO ME.  Hmm.  ROGER EBERT got this film on his GREAT MOVIES LIST.  Also ROGER EBERT got a list of GREAT MOVIES.  And he reviewed each of them A BONUS TIME.  Anyway.  Is it possible Linda Blair is related to Selma Blair?  Sure!  Is it probable?  I don't KNOW what's probable!  Would I GUESS it?  I don't know!  If you had to press me RIGHT NOW AT THIS VERY MOMENT I'd guess NO.  YEP I WAS CORRECT Right Now At This Very Moment.  AS WELL AS AT ANY OTHER MOMENTS I would have guessed the same thing.  So that's good.  Hmm.  How much time do I have to write the rest of this act.  Over an hour and fifteen minutes.  Oh.  Good.  That's a lot of time!  Hmm.  Still haven't done laundry in a while.  ALSO just occurred to me I haven't taken two of my pills in like THREE WEEKS.  ONE OF TEM I DEFINITELY SHOULD BE TAKING.  Cholesterol pill!  LOOK one anti-depressant might not make a big difference but an CHOLESTEROL PILL is KEY.  Gotta start taking that tonight.
Coffee after this paragraph!  Amazign! COFFEE is good for cholesterol.  That's what I've been led to believe.  Possibly.  No one explicitly DIDN'T lead me to believe that.  Hmm.  BBQ Spare Ribs would be PRETTY SWEET but irresponsible to get.  Lotta calories.  Also I don't get delicious RICE if that's what I'm getting.  Of course I could get delicious meal with rice AND BBQ Spare Ribs.  That'd last me roughly Seven meals though.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Could always get BBQ Spare Ribs and FREEZE em. Only releasing them from the Freezer here and there when I'M READY on MY terms.  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  If I wanna get a Variety Meal from Chinese Restaurant looks like my main options are Happy Family, Amy's Wonderful Match, or Treasures Of Land And Sea.  AMAZING.  I could have sworn last night I saw one that said it was in A BROWN sauce specifically.  NOW I'M NOT SEEING THAT.  BROWN SOUNDED GOOD.  OH WELL I'll figure something out.  Coffee time!
   Sliced beef with scallops in a brown sauce.  That's SOME variety and SOME brown sauce.  Huh.  Also it says, "in an amazing brown sauce."  They didn't HAVE to say, "Amazing."  They didn't for ANY OTHER blurb.  THIS BROWN SAUCE MUST BE OFF TE CHARTS.  What else do I got going on for me.  Do I go straight to watching Dracula Movie when I start watching Television Set today.  Or do I watch something else first.  Gotta watch WAKANDA ForAWhile.  Maybe I go to that first.  DRACULA might be a NIGHTTIME movie.  Then again THAT'S WHEN DRACULA IS AT HIS MOST DANGEROUS.  During day THIS SUCKER IS BUSY SLEEPING.  SAFE.  Then again IF I'M SAFE THERE'S NO THRILL.  What's the FUN of watching Dracula Movie if there's no THRILL.  What am I talking about again.  Fifth paragraph.  That's not what I'm talking about EXPLICITLY but IMPLICITLY the subtext of what I'm saying is Hey I'm at the fifth paragraph how about that what else is going on and crap.
Halfway through Act I!  Amazing.  Took me a solid 25 minutes to get here.  That's not so bad.  Amazing.  26 minutes.  MINUTE CHANGED JUST NOW.  Good.  Maybe I'd enjoy NOODLE based Chinese Dish.  A LO MEIN so to speak.  Anyway.  SO MANY WAYS TO GO.  So Few Ways To Get It Right.  Hmm.  They may be done working on Road down the block.  OR maybe they just are starting later today.  OR maybe they're taking a vacation.  OR maybe they took invisible pills.  And SOUND INVISIBLE PILLS.  What's the word for that.  MUTE.  You know what I mean.  The important thing is I DRAFT PEOPLE I"D LIKE TO ROOT FOR ANYWAY.  Also to draft people who excel in producing good levels of statistics.  Hmm.  What playlist am I listening to these days.  Probably ALT CNTRL.  Lemme LTURQ. YEP.  Updated FRIDAY.  Today is TUESDAY.  SOUNDS LIKE IT'S BEEN LIKE THIS FOR HALF A WEEK.  Amazing.  A little bit cooler today than yesterday but not too bad.  I WAS COMFORTABLE AND CRAP.
Seventh paragraph! FOUR TO GO.  AMAZING.  I'd really like for Chipotle to come from behind and become Lunch.  I don't see it happening.  But if it did I'd be really happy.  Ugh.  Still don't know what Dad is doing for upcoming semester and/or future semesters.  Keepin' him up at night!  DON'T LIKE IT.  Oh well.  All I can do is hope it works out for the best.  Presumably.  Maybe I can HACK INTO SCHOOL COMPUTER and create a course at the time he wants it and give it to him.  I dunno how to do that.  But I guess NOW I HAVE TO?  GREAT.  Oh well at least its for a good cause.  Hmm.  I can't hack into school computer.  I can't even hack into my own computer.  AND I've given myself COMPLETE 100% ACCESS to my own computer IMPLICITLY.  What else is up and crap.  Good news about latest batch of Horror Films I Found is that they're on PEACOCK which I get ON MY TV and I don't need to BROADCAST onto TV from COMPUTER which means IT DOESN't FREEZE UP every 10 minutes.  GET TO WATCH IT WITHOUT ANY HASSLE.  AMAZING Three paragraphs to go!
   YEAH.  Is it possible people are intimidated by my Fantasy Baseball Team Name and that's why they're not joining my league?  I don't think so!  I don't think they'd see my team name before joining the league.  They'd just join based on Date and Time of draft.  Is it possible they join and then see my team name and then LEAVE the league?  Not sure if you can leave the league.  Lemme LTURQ.  HMM. Looking at Settings Page for 4 seconds I DON'T THINK YOU CAN LEAVE THE LEAGUE.  Oh well such is life.  Anyway.  The point is PROBABLY HAVE A SECOND LEAGUE as well.  Do the draft NOT FOR A COUPLE WEEKS.  Probably wait until SPRING TRAINING HAS TAKEN ROOT.  TWO LEAGUES is plenty to keep track of over the year.  So that's good.  I'VE TALKD ABOUT TAHT BEFORE.  DOING TWO LEAGUES.  So what. I talk about lots of things over and over again.  WHY NOT this.  Oh Okay Good.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  Next walk is CITY STREET WALK.  NO WORRY about music stopping there!
Two paragraphs to go.  Good deal!  Hmm.  IF I get Chipotle ONE burrito bowl gotta be steak or barbacoa and the other one gotta be chicken.  LOOK can one be steak and the other be barbacoa SURE.  But it's THE RIGHT MOVE to do one chicken.  THEN AGAIN MAYBE NOT I DUNNO.  Hmm.  Either way what else is up.  That'd be delicious.  PINTO BEANS.  Can't go wrong with pinto beans.  EAT EM AND CRAP.  TAHT'S WHAT THEY'RE THERE FOR.  Yep.  PINTO MEANS SMALL.  Cracked that code.  Wait no it doesn't.  It means spotted with white.  WHAT MEANS SMALL TEN.  PEQUENEO.  AH so you can see how I got confused.  NO I CAN'T.  Hmm.  Well I got confused SOMEWHERE along the line.  Oh well.  What else is up and crap.  Guess if I'm staying home for entire draft I'm gonna have some CRUNCH TIME in late afternoon/evening with walks.  MIGHT EVEN skip the last couple of rounds EVEN THEN WITH THAT if it runs past 2 hours long.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.
Last paragraph of Act!  Amazing.  The point is not sure I'd ENJOY watching State of The Union.  But I feel it's my CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY to watch TV About It and whatknot.  So that's good.  How long do I have to write the last paragraph.  FOURTY MINUTES.  Amazing.  WATCH AS I DO IT IN A TENTH of that time.  Well you can't really see me do it In Real Time.  Maybe you can.  That'd be weird!  Anyway.  If that's the case HEY WHAT'S UP.  WHAT'S GOING ON WITH YOU AND CRAP.  HMM.  What else is up and crap.  TO GET FAJITA VEGETABLES OR NOT TO GET FAJITA VEGETABLES.  They taste okay enough.  They're healthy.  They pad out the meal.  But THEY CHANGE THE TEXTURE of the burrito bowl.  POSSIBLY FOR THE WORSE.  Gonna have to think LONG AND HARD about that IF I get Chipotle.  BY WHICH I MEAN make a decision Somehow without thinking long and/or hard really.  So that's good.  Hmm.  SHOULD I consider getting brown rice instead of white rice.  NO.  ABSOLUTELY NOT.  ANyway time to take a walk!




no more no less

    Hey friends.  Got entire Hour to write this act.  GONNA AIM for thirty five minutes at most though.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  At this point SOLIDLY leaning towards getting Chipotle.  BARBACOA Bowl and STEAK Bowl.  Split into three lunches.  NEXT THREE LUNCHES.  Make ham sandwich one of next three dinners.  So I got NO Leftover Lunches going into next week.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  What else is up and crap.  Still alone in my baseball league.  Now we're less than FOUR hours from the draft.  OH NO.  The good news is THERE IS NO GOOD NEWS.  Absolutely NO upside to Teams Not Joining My Public Fantasy Baseball League.  Ugh.  ANyway what else do I got going on for me.  POSSIBLE I have ham sandwich tonight instead of vegetable burger!  I dunno.  I think I'm IN MOOD for vegetable burger tonight.  MIGHT HAVE VEGETABLE BURGER TONIGHT GLADLY.  Let's go with that.  Tomorrow night'd be a ONE OFF meal.  Probably one of these three-- PIZZA, FREEDOM TOAST, OR BISON BURGER.  ANyway that's ONE paragraph down.
   Four to go!  THE GOOD NEWS IS with all fees and taxes and tips the two burrito bowls is fourty three dollars.  Hmm.  That's a lot of money.  About FOUR TIMES what I'd be paying for for Chinese Food.  POSSIBLY one bonus meal.  Was aiming for only 2 meals out of Chinese Food.  THIS WOULD BE THREE. SO I'M PAYING AN EXTRA 300% but I'm eating an extra... Something Percent.  Somethin like that I dunno.  Anyway.  Gonna err on the side of putting in Lunch Order EARLY rather than late.  If it comes Real Late THAT COULD delay Walk After Lunch WHICH COULD EAT INTO FANTASY BASEBALL DRAFT TIME POTENTIALLY.  BEST TO get food 15 minutes EARLY.  That's my feeling.  Anyway.  What else do I got going on for me.  Possibly go straight to Nesferatu Film when I turn on Televusion Set.  I was enjoying watching it.  MAKES SENSE to watch what I was enjoying watching.  MAKES LOTS OF SENSE.  What else is going on and crap.  I'D LIKE to write the next three paragraphs in Twenty Five Minutes.  I REALLY WOULD.
  Okay THEN MAYBE I SHOULD. Oh okay that adds up I guess.  These mini donuts are okay.  ABOUT ON PAR with entenmann mini donuts.  Maybe slightly worse.  Can't pinpoint why.  MAY BE a placebo effect.  I'm pot committed to Enemenmann's Brand because that's what I grew up with.  OR maybe this brand is just SUBPAR.  Either way MORE OR LESS THE SAME THING.  So that's good.  Feel like the way to go with Chipotle is just eat out of one of the burrito bowls and aim to stop around 2/3rds through.  Don't go out of my way to SCHOOP OUT 2/3rds and eat that.  EAT WHAT I WANT.  But GO INTO IT with the goal of Around Two Thirds.  SEE HOW THAT GOES.  Start BARBACOA BOWL today.  TODAY IS A SHREDDED BEEF DAY not a CUBES OF BEEF day.  C'mon.  EVERYONE knows that.  Well they do now at least.  Then again this website isn't published to internet until the evening.  THEY WON'T KNOW WHAT TEXTURE OF BEEF DAY IT WILL BE UNTIL IT'S ALMOST TOO LATE TO MAKE USE OF IT.  Dangit!
   Two paragraphs to go!  WITH TWENTY ONE MINUTES TWO DO IT IN.  YEAH.  Anyway.  Gonna go with Fajita Vegetables.  Make the burrito bowl more hearty.  Gotta go with my gut on this one!  HEARTIER is worth the risk of mucking up the texture.  Anyway.  AM I MICROWAVING IT when it gets here.  Dunno! PROBABLY.  Guess I'll take a bite withotu microwaving it and then ultimately decide to Microwave It Some.  DUNNO HOW MUCH.  Probably comes in microwave safe containers, right?  That'd be my guess!  Only one way to find out!  TEST IT OUT.  Hmm.  What else is up.  The point is IDEALLY I like to start lunch around 1:55, 2:00.  THINK I'm gonna put in order around 1:05, 1:10.  THAT SHOULD BE PRETTY MUCH RIGHT ON TARGET ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  MOST things considered.  I can't consider ALL things.  I'm not a SUPER Man.  Hmm.  Anyway.  I should get it IN BURRITO.  Burrito is microwave safe container.  YOU CAN MICROWAVE BURRITO SHELL ALL YOU WANT.  That's not accurate.  You microwave a burrito shell for Let's Say More Than Five Minutes and you're gonna start running into some problems.
   Last paragraph!  Of DayTime Day At least!  Hmm.  What do I got going on for me NOW.  Got enough time to write this paragraph comfortably to make myself comfortable.  So that's good.  Got ALT CNTRL playlist for upcoming walk.  That's good!  PERHAPS got some delightful Dracula Movie coming my way pretty soon all things considered.  Nothin' wrong with that.  Gotta imagine I'm watching Wakanda Indefinitely at some point today.  Amazing!  What else is good.  FANTASY DRAFT may or may not be fun.  I could see enjoying it.  I could see it being a chore.  I could see it being More Or Less Nothing.  Hmm.  FANTASY LEAGUE MESSAGE BOARDS AREN'T GOING TO BE AVAILABLE FOR THE FOLLOWING SEASON I've just been alerted by Yahoo!  THE EXCLAMATION MARK was in reference to Their Name NOT ME PUTTING A POINT TO IT.  They call themselves, "yahoo!," sometimes INCLUDING IN THIS CONTEXT.  Anyway.  What was I talking about.  No message boards. O h okay good.  Anyway.  I'll be back tonight!




Get With The Times

    Hey friends!  Had delicious vegetable burger with frozen freedom fries and toasted white bread bun for dinner.  Had delicious ROUGHLY 2/3rds of Barbacoa Bowl with around 10 POP CHIPS to stretch it out.  HEAVY ON THE BARBACOA part of the bowl.  Not so much RICE or BEANS.  Large portion of the MEAT though.  THAT'S OKAY.  LOOK is barbocoa a valuable part THAT I'M GONNA MISS tomorrow?  SURE.  But am I gonna enjoy having MORE RICE and/or beans INSTEAD? YES THAT WILL BE DELIGHTFUL AS WELL.  Hmm.  Did Fantasy Baseball Draft.  Took about an hour and five minutes.  There were 12 teams!  Not sure how many teams were being drafted by Live People or computers.  Either way I HAD FUN.  PLUS I got a good amount of Mets.  I got THREE OUT OF TEH FIVE Mets Starting Rotation including CO ACE Justin Verlander.  I also got SLUGGING FIRST BASEMAN Petrovich Alonso as well as POTENTIAL POSSIBLE CATCHER Francisco Alvarez.  OTHER HIGHLIGHT is Trea Turner.  I got second pick overall!  THAT WAS SPENT ON SHORT STOP TREA TURNER.  ENOUGH SAID.  Probably.  I got a couple of other PRETTY GOOD players but I TINK ENOUGH HAS BEEN SAID AT THIS POINT.
   Watched Wakanda for what seemed like FOREVER.  It was OKAY I guess.  Didn't really hold my attention.  Didn't ENRAGE ME with boredom but at the same time I wasn't having much of a blast.  WAS I TOUCHED BY THE WAY THEY DEALT WITH DEATH OF BLACK PANTHER ACTOR?  To be honest?  MAYBE a 4 out of 10 Being Touched.  I GUESS I WAS TOUCHED A LITTLE bit.  COULDA BEEN TOUCHED MORE though. Anyway.  Gonna watch rest of NOSERFATU film after Joe Biden State Of The Union Update.  Possibly ALL of Rest Of Nosferatu or possibly SOME.  Not sure how long I'm gonna stay up!  ANyway IN THE MEANTIME probably watch a Tales In The Crypt when this is over and I'm waiting for State of the union.  WATCHED A THE SIMPSONS between WAKANDA and Now.  THAT WAS GOOD.  Now it's time to watch a TALES to BRIDGE TEH GAP between Watching Other Things.  Hmm.  Been reading about how Topheramax most likely increases metabolism.  Not just as a PIPE DREAM.  But more or less MOST LIKELY PROBABLY REALLY DOES FOR REALS.  ALRIGHT.  NOW GONNA BE BURNIN CALORIES LIKE IT"S NOBODY'S BUSINESS BUT ME AND MY RELIGIOUS ADVISORS'.
   Three paragraphs to go.
  Got Chipotles for the nest two lunches.  AMAZING.  I should eat Balanced Breakfast tomorrow before I run out of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  I WILL RUN OUT tomorrow at the rate My Dad And I snack on it.  AND I AIN'T RE-UPPING WITH CEREAL UNTIL POST-FRIDAY'S BREAKFAST.  So that's no good.  Hmm.  Gonna have delicious A Couple Of Snacks tonight.  GREAT DEAL.  Anyway.  My tolerance for hot sauces has DECREASED.  I got the hottest of the four main Chipotle sauce toppings AS NORMAL and it really did a number on me!  I mean, I know it's the hottest of their four, but it's still pretty mild IN GENERAL ALL THINGS CONSIDERED.  NONETHELESS I was BESIDES MYSELF with SLIGHT DISCOMFORT for THIRTIES of seconds beyond being done eating.  Oh well.  Such is life.  WAS STILL PRETTY GOOD experience eating it.  I had fun.  COULD I have just gotten beef with broccoli.  SURE.  I could have done lots of stuff.  Hmm. 
   HOW do I register my disgust by getting trade offers that are insulting in their lopsidedness.  Just got a 1 for 1 trade offer where the guy sends me the guy he drafted past the 10th round for the guy I drafted in the fifth round.  WHICH WOULD BOTHER HIM MORE.  Me rejecting it IMMEDIATELY or me NEVER rejecting it.  I think it'd PERTURB him for it to just LAY THERE with me never accepting or denying it.  THE HOPE WOULD DRIVE HIM INSANE.  EVERY DAY he'd think he'd have a shot of me accepting the trade.  OF COURSE THE RISK IS I accidentally accept the trade at some point.  And even if I don't accidentally accept the trade IT MEANS I HAVE TO LOOK AT THE TRADE EVERY DAY TOO.  But maybe I can ACCEPT SOME HARDSHIP if it means HE SUFFERS as well.  THAT'S WHAT FANTASY BASEBALL IS ALL ABOUT.
   Last paragraph.
  Hmm.  Looks like no Choco Pop tonight!  Not with entry at least.  SO that's good.  Also I already decided to reject the trade about an hour ago.  OVER AND DONE WITH.  But something tells me THAT'S NOT THE LAST I'LL HEAR FROM THIS JERKOV.  What else is up.  Why don't I watch NOSFERATU for fourty minutes before Joseph Biden State Of The Union.  I DUNNO.  Just don't feel like it.  Then again I KIND OF DO FEEL LIKE IT.  Then again I STILL MOSTLY DON'T.  So you can see the kind of predicament I'm in!  Hmm.  Dumped ~1/3rd of Barbacoa bowl INTO steak bowl.  Wasn't the best idea.  IT WORKED.  But it was a risk!  It was enough that it wasn't guaranteed I could COMFORTABLY put the top back onto the bowl.  IT MIGHT HAVE OVERFLOWED.  BUT I WAS ABLE TO PUT TOP BACK ON and now its in fridge TOPPED AND EVERYTHING.  So that's good.  Eat half of that tomorrow.  Amazing.  WELP that's it.  See ya tomorrow.  Amazing.

-8:07 P.M.




Monday, February 6, 2023

More Of This Never Hurt Nobody

    Hey friends!  9:37 AM!  About on schedule.  A little bit behind I guess.  But I should be able to fit in everything in Early Part Of Day I want to!  Then in MID part of day I got Accepting Amazon Fresh Delivery.  Most likely can fit in normal amount of walks REASONABLY normally.  But a walk or two might be pushed back and whatknot.  Hmm.  Had normal large amount of NightMight eating last night.  Had delicious black and white cookie for breakfast.  Probably gonna have sushi for lunch and chicken pot pie for dinner!  AMAZING.  Down to the last fifty minutes of Shutter Documentry.  Lemme figure out how to spell documentary without spell check.  OH.  GOOD.  THERE.  I DID IT.  DOC.  UM.  ENT.  ARY.  PRETTY SIMPLE.  The good news is what else is up.  Getting Meatballs and Mozzarella Hot Pockets.  Pretty sure I remember getting that in the past and vaguely enjoying it.  Hmm.  How long do I have to write this act.   UP TO  AN HOUR AND FIFTEEN MINUTES.  That's a lot of time.  Amazing.
   Okay.  Charging the phone is starting to give me some problems again.  But so far I've been able to accomplish it when it counts.  So that's good!  What else is good.  Guess I'm watching Black Adam today.  Not 100% whether Black Adam is HERO or VILLAIN.  The important thing is that it's Duane, "The Rock," Johnston.  The point is I THOUGHT DC EXTENDED UNIVERSE would build upon itself more.  Most films are almost uniquely about themselves.  OH WELL.  The good news is NOT A LOT OF INSPIRATION THIS MORNING FOR ENTRY.  Not sure how that's different from any morning.  The GRAMMIES were last night.  Didn't watch it but I heard through the grape wine there were SOME WINNERS.  Congratulations all around.  Hmm.  Ended up only drinking two beers last night.  Maybe I drink three beers tonight.  We'll see how it goes.  I forget if next official weigh in is MARCH 13 or APRIL 13.  That's a big difference!  WHERE AM I GONNA BE WEIGHTWISE is a huge difference.  Gonna have to ask my Dad to check HIS records on that one.  WOW this was a paragraph!
   Okay.   WHOM is getting American Dishes from Chinese Takeaway Restuarants.  My guess is it's the Chinese people.  Someone gotta get em AND IT AIN'T US.  Maybe it is us.  AIN'T ME and or The Rest Of The Royal Me.  Anyway. What else do they got besides fried chicken.  Lemme LTURQ.  Just different kinds of fried foods.  Two thirds is different kinds of fried chicken.  Then they also got French Fries and Fried fish and whatknot.  Hmm.  Sounds good.  I like fried food.  And it's GOOD FOR YOU TOO.  You know its good for you because it tastes good.  DEAD GIVEAWAY right there.  Anyway, I'm still alone in Fantasy Baseball League.  I imagine as the draft becomes more imminent people will join rapidly.  People TOMORROW gonna be like I WANNA DO A DRAFT, hey there's a league with a draft in 90 minutes, I'M JOINING UP.  Only dummies like me join A WEEK IN ADVANCE.  So that's good.  It'll work out.  GOTTA HAVE FAITH.  Or not.  Makes no difference whether you have faith or not now that I think about it.  Coffee after next paragraph!
  Okay.  What playlist do I got going on for me.  I BELIEVE I got ALT CNTRL going on as of this most recent walk.  Good stuff.  75 songs.  Just started it this morning.  FOUR HOURS AND CHANGE.  Hmm.  Warmer outside today.  HOW MUCH WARMER?  No way of knowing!  WAIT YES THERE IS.  Fourty Three degrees right now.  Forget what it was in the recent past.  JUST AS WELL.  It was DIFFERENT NUMBERS at DIFFERENT TIMES.  Remembering one number accomplishes NOTHING.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine Black Adam is more or less like the Scorpion King.  Possibly LESS but that's the risk you take when You Imagine Things Black Adam Is More Or Less Like.  So that's good.  Still lacking inspiration to write Act I BUT I'm making some progress nonetheless. So that's good!  Not for READER but for WRITER.  Anyway.  Tonight I'm goin up to FIFTY units of Topherimax pill.  AMAZING.  TIME FOR SHIT TO KICK INTO HIGH GEAR.  Gonna go get some coffee now.
   YEAH.  Six paragraphs to go.  Got fifty five minutes to write em.  SHUOLD be able to accomplish it in OH I DON'T KNOW UP TO FOURTY MINUTES.  Possibly less, POSSIBLY MORE.  THAT'S THE RISK YOU TAKE WHEN YOU MAKE A GUESS.  Could be wrong IN EITHER DIRECTION.  So that's good.  The point is YES I'd like rice today and YES I have the sushi BUT all things equal WOULD I PREFER TO GET CHINESE FOOD LUNCH SPECIAL?  Probably!  But it's more responsible to eat the sushi first.  Sushi is spicy shrimp roll.  I'd be INTO beef with garlic sauce or something.  With HMM Pork Fried Rice.  Divide it into two meals and probably leave over some rice.  MIGHT HAVE TO GET an appetizer like DUMPLING TOO.  Might also get a SOUP out of the deal.  With all that MIGHT HAVE TO DIVIDE IT ALL INTO THREE MEALS.  The important thing is I AMN'T DOING IT TODAY.  I'M GONNA EAT TEH SUSHI, RIGHT?  THAT'S THE WAY TO GO!
Sixth paragraph!  IS IT POSSIBLE this past weekend was THE END of THE COLD of THIS CURRENT WINTER.  I dunno!  Still plenty of time for winter to decide to get real cold again.  But THE CLOCK IS TICKING.  I ASSUME.  Mother Earth and Father Time.  They GOT IT ON to create Our Reality.  Nice!  The point is no communal dinner delivery tonight or tomorrow.  Gonna have Chicken Pot pie tonight presumably and have Super market Vegetable Burger tomorrow!  THAT'S WHAT MAKES IT POSSIBLE to have a 2nd Wildcard Lunch Open up.  Being able to use vegetable burger as a dinner instead of a lunch.  SO TAHT'S GOOD?  Hmm.  How does NFT have a large carbon footprint. Isn't it just a figment of our imagination.  I thought it's just an IDEA.  A digital FILE.  I DON"T GET IT.  Apparently not.  OH.  Probably should buy wheelchair so I don't have a carbon footprint.  THAT's the STUPIDEST idea I've ever heard.  THEN I'D JUST HAVE A CARBON WHEELPRINT.
Four paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  I guess.  Anything exciting from Amazon Fresh today?  Oh right.  Donuts.  I WAS WRONG.  First nutritional info I saw suggested they were 70 calories.  NOW I SEE more accurate Nutritional Info saying they're 90.  THAT SOUNDS MORE ACCURATE based on how hearty I imagine them being.  Good deal!  Fruit flavored pop tarts I'm re-upping with is Frosted CHERRY.  That should be interesting.  NOT EVERY DAY I'm getting CHERRY.  They're all more or less the same though.  The important thing is I forget.  Hmm.  What else is going on.  A MERE THREE PARAGRAPH AND CHANGE to go.  STILL no inspiration has hit me YET I AM MAKING PROGRESS all the same.  What providence Rhode Island!  How much time do I have to write three paragraphs.  I GOT ENTIRE FOURTY MINUTES YOU FOOLS.  THIS IS GONNA BE EASY AS CRAP.  Oh that's good I guess.  The important thing is I FINISH THIS PARAGRAPH FIRST WHICH I AM DOING... Now.
Okay.  SHOULD I do some Fantasy Baseball research today?  I dunno!  Complicated question.  Lots of things to consider to determine the answer.  OVERALL the answer is I Probably Won't.  So that's good.  Anyway no longer my Paternal Grandfatehr's birthday.  NO GOOD TINGS LAST I guess.  MAYBE it's still his birthday.  I'VE NEVER MET THE MAN.  Never even seen a picture of him.  That seems like an oversight.  I really should see a picture of him.  AND paternal grandmother.  AND maternal grandmother.  ...Maternal Grandfather I VAGUELY can imagine what he looks like.  THE POINT IS THESE JERKS are Practically Very Immediate Family and I HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY"RE ALL ABOUT AT ALL.  Mostly because they're dead BUT I SHOULD STILL KNOW MORE.  So that's good I guess I dunno.  Who is more immediate family, UNCLE or Grandfather.  I WANNA SAY GRANDFATHER.  Right?  The connection is through YOUR PARENT.  And for THE MOST PART I'd GUESS the more important relationship someone has is Their Parent as compared to Their Sibling.  So your grand parent is more important to your parent than your uncle or aunt THUS THEY"RE MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU.  Not ALWAYS The case.  Sometimes siblings are more important I guess.  WOW.
   Penultimate paragraph of the act.
  Hmm.  Anyway.  What else do I got going on for me.  Got plenty of time to work out the rest of the morning and crap.  WHAT do I watch first today.  Maybe I wanna finish Shutter Doc um ent ary before watching other stuff as a change.  FIFTY MINUTES LEFT.  Let's knock it out of the park!  Sounds reasonable.  THEN we move onto Black Adam.  THEN we re-evaluate where I'm at in life.  THEN continue doing Life Relatively Poorly.  So that's good.  Hmm.  One of the films they talked about on Documentary was The Serpent And The Rainbow.  I wanna give that film another shot.  Only seen it once or twice.  Only in the last couple of years.  I WANNA PAY MORE ATTENTION TO IT.  IS IT STILL ON SHUTTER.  NO IT IS NOT.  MIGHT IT BE ON SOME OTHER PLACE.  It's possible!  Either way what else is up.  HMM.  Had it confirmed that the people behind Joe Biden tomorrow will be SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE Jevin McCarthy and VICE PRESIDENT a Jamala Harris.  Oh okay good.  ONE MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
Okay.  Got NINE MINUTES if I wanna finish this act within one hour.  WHY WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT. I dunno FOR FUN.  Okay good deal.  What else is going on and crap.  Anyway.  Is it possible SLEEPER LUNCH Ham Sandwich comes from behind to become Actual Lunch?  Anything's possible!  I guess it's plausible somewhat.  Maybe about 10, 15% chance!  I can imagine vaguely enjoying a ham sandwich.  I wanna enjoy RICE FIRST THINGS FIRST.  Rice in sushi. BUT I MIGHT ENJOY SANDWICH AS WELL so I dunno!  What else is up.  Still got Egg White from at least a week ago.  Or maybe six days ago.  I FEEL like probably over a week ago.  Anyway also DON'T HAVE TOP OF THAT CONTAINER ON TIGHT AT ALL.  Egg white exposed to the elements in a real negative way.  OH WELL.  What can ya do.  Besides tighten up the the top of the container.  WHAT ELSE can ya do.  Hmm.  EAT IT.  If ya eat it you don't need the container at all.  I CAN'T EAT IT JUST LIKE TAHT.  It's EGG WHITE.  Hmm. The point is DUNZO with the act.  FOUR MINUTES TO SPARE in terms of finishing it within an hour.  Amazing.  I'll be back in a little bit!




that't not entirely accurate

    Hey friends.  Time to write five paragraphs.  Gonna aim to do it in NO MORE TAN FOURTY FIVE MINUTES.  Let's go!  Hmm.  I think I'd particularly enjoy a Chinese Food Lunch today BUT I really should eat sushi. Lemme flip a coin.  AND FOLLOW IT.  I flip coins every now and then but I don't necessarily always follow it. LET'S REALLY DO IT THIS TIME.  EVEN IF THAT MEANS I BECOME TWO FACE LATER ON.  Okay.  HEADS is Chese Food, TAILS is Sushi.  IS A DIME OKAY.  IT BETTER BE.  Okay lets go.  HOPIN' FOR CHINESE FOOD.  Okay.  HEADS. ...CHINESE FOOD?  I CAN ACTUALLY GET CHINESE FOOD?  EVEN THOUGH I HAVE SUSHI?  That's what the coin says! And ya know what WHY NOT.  I can have Sushi as late as THURSDAY and it's still fresh.  OKAY GOOD.  Beef with garlic sauce.  ASK FOR EXTRA BROCCOLI.  Assuming it comes with broccoli.  Don't WANNA have to get an appetizer to pad the order.  I WANNA ONLY HAVE TWO LUNCHES. With appetizer THAT'S THREE.  PRESUMABLY this lunch is 8.95$ and they deliver at $10.  If I get BONUS BROCCOLI they should deliver.  AND IF NOT I can get an order or two of ALMOND COOKIE.
YEAH.  Pork fried rice.  SOUP.  Amazing let's do it.  Maybe I should get white rice.  HMM.  WAIT A SECOND.  TODAY ISN'T GOOD.  If Chinese Food takes long time to deliver THAT DELAYS FIFTH WALK and if Fifth Walk is delayed THAT EATS INTO Amazon Fresh delivery window.  CRAP/GOOD.  CRAP now it makes sense not to get it.  GOOD now it makes sense not to get it.  OKAY FINE I WON'T GET IT.  SUSHI IT IS.  WELL THAT WAS A JOURNEY wasn't it folks.  Hmm.  Can have delicious SushiSide to make lunch more exciting!  Maybe some wheated thins or something.  DORITOS if I REALLY wanna have a blast.  Hmm.  Official Endocrine Weigh In is in APRIL.  WHEW.  Solid 9.5 weeks to go until then.  SHOULD BE ABLE TO Make some good progress with weight If Topherimax kicks in in a couple weeks hopefully.  Anyway.  NO side effects from Topherimax so far!  At first I felt kinda weird the first few days but I couldn't tell if it was because of Topherimax or THE DARKNESS OF Batman Versus Superman Dawn Of Justice.  Either way THAT UNPLEASANTNESS MOSTLY WENT AWAY.
Three paragraphs to go!  If I get Chinese food on a day I'm not having chicken for supper MAYBE I get a chicken based meal for Chinese Food Lunch.  SEEMS REASONABLE.  What else is going on and crap.  THREE paragraphs to go!  Got half an hour to comfortably write them with plenty of enough time and crap.  Hmm. PRETTY warm outside.  Was wearing winter jacket with no underjacket and I was TOO warm.  Might be more comfortable in Heavier Sweatshirt Jacket upcoming walk.  I DUNNO that's a minor risk I MAY NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE TAKING.  Might be TOO COLD that way.  IT'S CLOSE which one would be better.  Might be interesting TO TAKE A CHANCE and wear sweatshirt jacket though.  I LIKE taking chances.  MORE EXCITING TAN COMMUNITY CHEST.  I know NUMBERSWISE Community Chest is more likely to Give You Something Good but I DON'T CARE.  CHANCE IS MORE EXCITING.  GIMME A CHANCE no Community Chest Shit.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  HEY PARAGRAPH IS OVER.  ONLY TWO MORE TO GO.  THAT'S AMAZING.
Hmm.  Pretty sure Justice Dawned before Batman or Superman.  EVER HEAR OF A GUY CALLED HAMBURABI.  His justice wasn't perfect but IT WAS THE DAWN of justice.  Also justice dawned before HIM I'm sure.  AS LONG AS THERE HAVE BEEN PEOPLE there has been DAWNING JUSTICE.  So that's good.  What else is up and crap.  A paragraph and a half to go for DayTime Day.  Sweet.  What else do I got going on for me.  I WILL have Being Done With DayTime Day Paragraphs going for me IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.  But I don't yet.  BUT I WILL in presumably I Dunno ELEVEN MINUTES?  TWELVE MINUTES?  It should be pretty good and whatknot.  PLUS next walk is A MERE PARKWALK.  Should be a BREEZE.  Except for how park walks sometimes have No music in the middle half of it.  INTERNET IS INTERRUPTED for half of it in the middle.  THAT PART SUCKS.  But the part where it's NICE SCENERY and FIVE MINUTES SHORTER make Park Walk a BLAST AND A HALF.
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day!  I must have some songs downloaded on my phone.  And if not GO AHEAD AND DOWNLAOD A DOZEN SONGS NOW.  This way I got SOMETHING to listen to whenever internet goes down.  Makes sense.  I'll get around to that later.  By which I mean Possibly Never.  Hmm.  WOW I get to start thinking tomorrow about what kinda super market deli meats I wanna have going forward for Lunch Sandwiches the following two weeks.  PRETTY STANDARD I GET THREE TINGS.  Two Sandwiches worth of three things. TO LAST TWO WEEKS.  AMAZING I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT KIND OF BREAD I SETTLE ON AS WELL.  Been going with white bread the last 2-4 times.  MAYBE TIME TO GO WITH SANDWICH THINS AGAIN.  COULD BE TIME TO TRY THAT HEARTY HEALTH BREAD also.  KINDA GROSS BUT IN A GOOD WAY.  Anyway.  What else is up.  I guess that's it for now.  I'll see ya tonight.




No Website Gonna Tell Me What To Read

    Hey friends.  Had delicious sushi with wheated thins for lunch.  Freedom pot pie for dinner!  Tried new kinda donut just now IN TED LIU of choco pop.  PRETTY GOOD.  I don't think three of them would be quite hearty enough for a breakfast though.  MIGHT have to have four.  THREE AND A HALF would be hearty enough I think BUT NOT SURE I WANNA START CUTTING THINGS IN HALF.  What am I BLACK ADAM AT TEH END OF BLACK ADAM DOING WHAT HE DOES WITH THE VILLAIN.  Spoiler alert.  HE RIPS TEH GUY IN HALF.  But SYMMETRICALLY.  THAT'S THE TWIST.  Also might have been a SUB-villain.  Wasn't paying attention 100%.  Either way look you know Black Adam is gonna defeat the villain.  You might as well also know he defeats him by tearing him into halves.  Really doesn't take anything away from your Future Life Enjoying The Movie.  Hmm.  How come Black Adam NON Shazam'd looks like The Rock but in Shazam the non Shazam Shazam is just a totally different looking person.  HOW COME.
Anyway.  Also finished SHUTTER documentry.  Started watching a film I BELIEVE is called HELL NIGHT which they did a segment on IN DOCUMENTRY and I noticed was on STREAMER.  SO FAR SO GOOD ENOUGH.  Anyway.  Dad may or may not be teaching a class upcoming semester.  IN WHCIH CASE he's talkin like IF he doesn't get a class might never teach again.  Not sure why he can't just start back up.  But in his mind if he stops HE DOESN'T THINK HE"LL START AGAIN.  I FEEL BAD.  I BELIEVE he likes teaching.  That's what he says and that's what his behavior seems to imply.  SEEMS like he's having a good time when I overhear his classes.  THEN AGAIN maybe he could get used to THE JOY OF HAVING SEVERAL MORE FREE TIME by not teaching classes.  Either way I'm sure he'll figure out what's best for him.  NO I'M NOT.  IN FACT I'M PRETTY CONFIDENT WHATEVER HAPPENS Will Be For The Worst.  But you get the idea.  Hmm.  Still possible he can get a class for the spring.  We'll see!  I'LL KEEP YOU UPDATED ON THIS SITUATION IN CASE IT PROGRESSES.  Baseball draft is in 19 hours.  STILL THE ONLY TEAM IN THE LEAGUE.  Did NO Fantasy Baseball research leading up to draft!
   Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go.  FINISH HELL NIGHT and THEN WHAT.  I dunno.  Another horror film I think.  I saw a couple of other ones that may be good enough while browsing I can sample from.  YEAH.  Was able to take all my walks despite waiting for Super market in middle of the day.  It came really late BUT I knew it was SO I FIT IN A WALK WHILE WAITING.  So that's good.  Very possible I'm gettin' me some Chinese Food tomorrow.  Maybe get some sort of Specialty dish with DIFFERENT proteins.  That's always exciting.  I'm a big believer of Variety Being The Spice Of Life.  More or less.  Hmm.  ALSO can watch THE PEACEMAKER TV Show.  The thing where it's John Cena and he's a Problematic Super Hero.  And there's roughly eight or so episodes of it!  AMAZING.  Think I'll watch WAKANDA FOR A WHILE first though tomorrow.  THEN maybe give Pacemaker a shot.  THEN IF I LIKE THAT maybe give the 3 dozen MARVEL series that exist a shot.  That sounds like a lot of work!
   Two paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Think I'll have comprehensive iced cream sandwich later tonight.  Not sure what else I may or may not have.  Could be anything!  Or THE LACK of anything.  So that's good.  Maybe delicious Keto Brownie.  Not the most indulgent solid snack.  Not the LEAST indulgent solid snack!  ALSO PRESUMABLY HEALTHY.  It's KETOSIS.  GET ON BOARD WITH IT.  What else is up.  MAYBE I HAVE INDULGENT QUEST BAR I can't predict the future.  If I could I'd try to CHANGE IT for the better.  Probably.  Seems like something I'd consider doing at least.  Hmm.  Tomorrow breakfast probably gonna be donut but I should TRY to do balanced breakfast.  Dinner probably gonna be vegetable burger with some sort of BurgerSide POSSIBLE FROZEN TOTS OR FRIES OR WHATEVER I GOT.  LUNCH probably Chinese Food.  OR maybe I get CHIPOTLE.   It's like Chinese food but YOU GET PINTO BEANS FOR ONE, that's a difference.  Oh Okay Good.
   Last paragraph!  Amazing.  Starting 100% larger dose of Topheramax tonight.  Amazing.  That better work OR ELSE.  Or else IT WON'T WORK.  That's the logic I've concluded.  Hmm.  Not 100% what makes Black Adam an anti-Hero or some sort of halfway between hero and villain.  KINDA JUST SEEMS LIKE A HERO whose first inclination is that he Can't Be Bothered.  He's not gonna go out of his way to be a DICK or anything.  He's just not gonna go out of his way to HELP PEOPLE either.  Doesn't make him an ANTI hero.  Just makes him A REGULAR PERSON.  GET OFF HIS BACK AND WHATKNOT.  Plus IN THE END HE DOES MOSTLY HELP PEOPLE ALMOST ALL OF TE TIME WHEN IT COUNTS.  So basically I DON'T GET IT.  Possibly him being Not White is what makes him an anti-hero.  CAN'T BE TRUSTED WITH HIS SUPERPOWERS BECAUSE HE'S NOT WHITE?  IS THAT TE SUBTEXT?  It's possible!  Anyway.  That's it for tonight!  See ya tomorrow!

-8:11 P.M.




Sunday, February 5, 2023

So That's What That Is

    Hey friends.  Ahead of schedule today by over an hour.  8:29 AM right now!  Could fit in an extra walk in early part of the day.  NOT SURE what to do.  In essence WHY NOT take the walk, I got the TimeSpace to do it.  If I take walk IS IT BONUS WALK or do I take one less walk later.  I dunno!  Either way finally had a relatively decent NightMight result.  Had about half of the normal NightMight eating last night.  Possiblye up to 2/3rds.  Not THAT big a difference all in all but IT'S SOMETHIN.  Had classic breakfast as early breakfast earlier.  I MAY BE OUT OF POP TARTS COMPLETELY.  Not just Either Smores or Frosted Fruit Flavor.  BOTH.  What The HELL.  Anyway.  Finished Wonderful Woman 1984 last night.  Pretty good movie.  Watched over an hour more of Shutter Documentry.  Pretty good movie.  Feels like I may have watched something else.  NOPE.  I actually FEEL OTHERWISE now that I FEEL BETTER.  Hmm.  Wasn't too cold outside.  Didn't double up on jacket.  JUST WINTER JACKET.  No sweatshirt jacket!  YEAH.
   Okay.  Lunch is FAR AWAY but what are we talkin' about when we're talkin about it.  Ham or vegetable burger sandwich.  Turkey meatloaf or sushi.  Oh okay good.  I HAVE NO IDEA what to do as of now.  Whatever.  Not sure which hot pocket to re-up with now that I ate the breakfast hot pockets.  I LIKE HAVING A HOT POCKETS in freezer at all times as a Safety.  Hmm.  I've apparently had good results with Breakfast Hot Pockets.  FORGET WHICH ONE THIS ONE WAS THOUGH.  Oh well such is life.  I remember IN PAST enjoying Beef Taco Hot Pocket.  NOT AVAILABLE TO ME THOUGH RIGHT NOW.  Go figure.  Hmm.  I SHOULD also have a Frozen Pizza like a DIJORNIO available at all times.  REALLY.  I SHOULD.  I knew I wanted to but UNTIL I STARTED TYPING IT JUST NOW I didn't actually REALIZE I SHOULD DEFINITELY IN REAL LIFE ACTUALLY DO IT.  Okay good.  NOW it comes down to Picking The Right One. I've had good success with DIJORINO the brand in general.  WOW.  I'll continue this IN THE NEXTT PARAGRAPH.
Amazing!  I dunno.  Too many options.  I can't decide now.  Look into it more carefully later on in the day.  Hmm.  What more Detective Comic Movies do I have left.  Is it just THE Suicide Squad and Black Adam?  YEP IT APPEARS THAT WAY.  Are both available to me.  YEP.  Let's take a quick look at both of em on The Rotten Tomato.  THE Suicide Squad did REAL WELL.  Black Adam did POORLY but not TERRIBLY.  There that settles that.  AMAZING.  I'll be done with Detective Comic movies by tomorrow.  THEN It's Wakanda Forever and THEN WHO KNOWS.  Maybe watch THE BATMAN.  The one with The Riddler.  From a year or two ago.  Possibly two and a half.  Anyway.  Been getting coffee after fourth paragraphs and I STILL don't finish it by the time the act is done.  Might as well try getting it after THIRD paragraph today.  SO that's good.  Didn't have a second or third snack last night BUT I had a third beer.  AMAZING.  COFFEE TIME.
  Got some SNL to watch today.  That's good.  I enjoy that television program pretty good.  What else is up and crap.  Lunch is in Oh I Don't Know slightly more than five hours.  We're talkin' maybe five hours and five or ten minutes.  AMAZING.  Leaning towards NOT A SANDWICH.  That should be pretty good.  Sandwiches are pretty good a lot of the time but EVEN MORE OF THE TIME Not Sandwiches are pretty good as well.  Look are sandwiches PLURALITY good?  I dunno!  They're close!  Hmm.  I THOUGHT THERE'D BE MORE CONNECTION IN EXTENDED DETECTIVE COMIC UNIVERSE.  Obviously Justice League had connections.  But the latest films had VERY LITTLE TO NONE connections.  SHAZAM.  HARLEQUIN. WONDERFUL WOMAN.  AQUAMAN.  OVER 99% stand alone.  I ENJOY REFERENCES TO OTHER THINGS I HAVE KNOWLEDGE AOUT.  MAKES ME FEEL KNOWLEDGEABLE.  INDULGE ME you fools.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Yep.  First Suicide Squad movie was called, "Suicide Squad," and second one is called, "The Suicide Squad."  NOT SURE what they're going for there!  BUT I LIKE IT.
   Fifth paragraph.  SIX TO GO for the act.  Amazing.  WHEN IS JUSTICE LEAGUE COMING BACK.  I wanna see Detective Comic Super Heroes WORKING TOGETHER again.  IT'S BEEN TOO LONG.  Oh well what can ya do.  Not sure exactly.  IF I get Grandmother's Soup I should think long and hard about whether I want it with bonus matzoh ball or bonus kreplach.  Also KREPHLACH is operating as a PLURALITY in this context.  I WOULD WANT TWO OR THREE overall.  The point is BOTH ARE GOOD.  The good news is I WIN EITHER WAY.  What else is up and crap.  One thing I don't get about Wonder Woman 1984 is that they never explain that it's some sort of alternate timeline or that everyone's memory of the events was wiped out or anything.  BUT THE STUFF THAT HAPPENED I'm pretty sure WE WOULD HAVE READ ABOUT IN THE HISTORY BOOKS.  And/or Remembered.  Depending on how old you are.  I'M INBETWEEN.  I'm not old enough to remember these False Events BUT I'M ALSO NOT SO YOUNG that I'd need to read about them in History Books.  I'd KNOW ABOUT THEM SOMEHOW THROUGH CULTURAL OSMOSOSIS.
   Okay.  Five paragraphs to go.
  How much time do I have to write this act.  Lemme think for a second.  That's complicated.  I THINK a lot of time?  I THINK a lot of time even if I wanna take a bonus walk?  Hmm.  I THINK that's accurate.  What else is up.  I wanted to order a PIZZA HUT or a PAPA JOHNS as a mix-em-up last night for dinner but TOO BIG A COMMITMENT.  PRICE WISE.  One pie that'd last me 2 or 3 meals would be like fourty dollars when it all comes down to it.  OBVIOUSLY I'M GONNA PACK ON THE TOPPINGS.  I'm not AN IDIOT.  Either way whatever.  SUNDAY.  That's good I guess.  Better than lots of other days.  Not THE BEST DAY but it's UP THERE.  Possibly not even in the top half of days.  Gotta imagine the top four days are Thursday through Sunday.  Sunday isn't even necessarily the second or third best day all things considered!  What's going on again.  Anyway.  HOW BAD was Wakanda Forever received.  Relatively poorly or very poorly.  Better LTURQ.  OH ACTUALLY ROTTEN TOMATO has it as PRETTY GOOD.  Hmm.  Starting to smell like a scam.  Last half dozen films I've checked on Rotten Tomatoes I've expected to see POOR results and I've seen adequate to good results.  VERY SUSPICIOUS.
   Then again GREAT I GET TO SEE GOOD MOVIE according to Suspicious Result!
  Seventh paragraph.  I dunno.  Is it possible I have SNACK today pre-lunch?  Definitely!  Possible I do it INTENTIONALLY and WITH PURPOSE.  Wonder what that would look like exactly. Hmm.  The point is what else is going on.  I figure I can knock out four paragraphs RELATIVELY easily and/or quickly, right?  Can't be too difficult!  Hmm.  Upgrading ROUTER in two weeks.  FINALLY everything will go FASTER.  Haven't experienced anything going slow.  As far as I could tell Everything Has Gone As Instantaneous As To Be Expected.  But SALESMAN told FATHER that we can expect everything to be faster.  WHY WOULD SALESMAN LIE.  SALESMAN ARE UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH if they misbehave.  I SAW A TITLE OF A PLAY ABOUT IT.  Hmm.  They're also gonna replace our Cable Boxes.  INCLUDING MINE.  Them suckers COMIN' INTO MY ROOM?  MY TURF?  Okay!  Might have to spend 5-30 minutes cleaning up. GOOD it's for the best.
Three paragraphs to go.  How about that.  I'd say there's over a 50% chance I take an extra walk in beginning part of day.  NOT SURE if I take one less walk later OR I just take a bonus walk today.  EITHER WAY I CAN'T LOSE.  OR I CAN'T WIN.  NOT MAKING A BIG DIFFERENCE ONE WAY OR THE OTHER in The Game Of My Life.  So that's good.  I dunno.  Probably should just skip extra walk and take normal walks in afternoon.  That's the way to go!  Hmm.  WOW.  We're like twenty five minutes closer to lunch than we were when I was talking about how close to lunch we were earlier.  I AIN'T ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT.  I didn't accomplish All That Much in 25 minutes.  I AM ASHAMED TO ADMIT IT.  But I'll admit it anyway.  POT COMMITTED to admitting it at this point.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Would I enjoy 2 hot dogs more than a grandma's soup tonight?  Probably!  Is it THAT different in calories?  Nope!  Is it LESS HEARTY?  Not THAT much!  SHOULD I CONSIDER IT NOW THAT I THINK ABOUT IT?  Possibly!  TWO MORE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
   Amazing.  What kinda crap am I listening to on my upcoming walk.  BETWEEN playlists right now.  Gotta start a new playlist.  Okay.  I can manage that I guess.  Hmm.  Would I prefer PIZZA tonight?  Possibly!  I dunno if I feel comfortable making a case for pizza though.  Kinda feels like the stars are aligning for us to get delicatessan.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Could always pick up 2 slices of pizza on walk for lunch.  I HAVE FOUR Super Market lunches for the rest of this week and I have FIVE LUNCHES to eat them in.  I STILL GOT A LUNCH FOR A WILDCARD.  PLUS I may end up having room to have Vegetable Burger as a DINNER not a lunch.  THE POINT IS THE BALLS ARE IN MY COURT.  ALL OF EM.  ALL TEN OR TWELVE OF EM.  So that's good I guess. What else is going on and crap.  Getting light outside late enough such that penultimate walk NO MATTER HOW LATE can comfortably be in Park.  Unless it's REALLY late.  But if it's in Normal Window I CAN DO PENULTIMATE in Park which means I can do COMPLETELY alternating walks.  SWEET DEAL.
Last paragraph of Act I!  WOW.  Normally I'm just starting my first walk around now.  So that's good.  I guess.  Wait a second.  We also would know if there was a Superman or a Wonderwoman or any stuff like that If That Existed At Any Time.  So turns out this universe JUST ISN'T OURS.  Stuff can happen in history that didn't happen in ours becasue CLEARLY THEIR PRESENT IS NOTHING LIKE OURS who WHY SHOULD THEIR HISTORY BE.  They even got COMPLETE CITIES we don't.  Okay that makes sense I guess.  What else is going on and crap.  I'm pretty close to being done with the act and able to get started on next walk!  But NOT QUITE.  So that's good  I guess.  DOESN'T SOUND GREAT TO ME.  Hmm.  Took me an hour to write this act.  PRESUMABLY.  Right now it's been FIFTY EIGHT minutes since I said what time it was in the first paragraph.  GONNA KEEP TYPI... okay good there it is it's 9:28 AM.  I was GONNA SAY I was gonna keep typing until I get within ONE minute. AND TEHRE IT IS.  WHAT A PARAGRAPH.  I'll be back in a little bit.




somehow this is good enough

    Hey friends.  Time to write five paragraphs!  Odds are I take a bonus walk in early part of day.  Odds are I DON'T skip any walks.  JUST TAKE NINE WALKS OVERALL.  Probably!  Hmm.  Thinkin' about delicious turkey meatloaf for lunch.  Hearty Soup for dinner. Could be good!  Could be real good!  In the meantime though let's finish this.  BARELY JUST STARTED FINISHING THIS.  Oh well.  Such is life.  I've been alerted today is my paternal grandfather's birthday.  Apparently he is/wuold be 109.  NOT SURE on whether to say HE WOULD BE 109 or HE IS 109.  I think Most People Most Of The Time would say He Would Be.  But IN A WAY HE STILL IS.  Somewhere out there HE KIND OF EXISTS as a corpse AND HIS ROTTING CORPSE has been around for 109 years.  Hasn't been a rotting corpse for the entire time.  Well in a sense WE'RE ALL ROTTING CORPSES.  But in another sense no we're not.  So that's good.  Either way oh well what can ya do.
Four paragraphs to go!  Hmm.  Gonna be SPRING in a mere six weeks.  SIX AND A HALF WEEKS.  Spring.  We're not just talking NO LONGER WINTER we're talkin STRAIGHT UP SPRING.  No INTERMEDIARY period.  SO that's something to look forward to I guess. I LIKE SPRINT.  By which I mean SPRING.  Sprint is okay too.  Pretty sure I used to have a Sprint PHONE and/or PLAN.  Kinda remember a Sprint Logo every time my phone started up. AND OR on the hardware of the phone itself.  WOW THAT PHONE brings back memories.  Lotta memories I had with that phone.  BAD MEMORIES.  DON'T LIKE IT.  I never wanna think about that phone again.  GOOD.  Hmm.  Must have had SOME good memories of that phone.  Hmm.  I mean I'm sure I used it TO MY ADVANTAGE.  Called people and whatknot.  It helped me live my life!  95% of the time PHONE WORKED OUT GREAT FOR ME.  BUT THAT OTHER 5% SUCKED.  Hmm.  WOW I just realized I'm a solid 2 paragraphs into the act.  I ONLY HAVE TO WRITE THREE MORE PARAGRAPH FOR DAYTIME DAY.  This is GREAT news.  SCREW bad memories of phone TIME TO THINK ABOUT GOOD FUTURE MEMORIES of Being Done With DayTime Day Paragraphs!
Okay.  How long do I have to write this act if I wanna fit in Bonus Walk.  I dunno.  Let's say half an hour.  That'd do the trick I suppose.  What else do I got going on for me.  Today probably gonna be the first day in a while I OPERATE AT CALORIE SURPLUS.  Or DEFICIT.  The point is I LOSE WEIGHT today and not gain weight.  SO FAR.  Still lots of time for things to go wrong.  AMAZING.  Also we're counting Previous NightMight towards TODAY.  I think.  I THINK that's what we're doing.  Gotta do something I suppose.  Hmm.  HMM.  109.  SURE SOUNDS LIKE birth year of Paternal Grand Father mighta been 1914.  MAKING HIM 34 when FATER was born.  So that's good I guess.  MY fater.  Not HIS. I dunno when HIS father was born.  Probably Before his own birth.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  WOW I wonder waht THAT jerk's name was.  I got a paternal paternal great grandfather AND I DON'T KNOW HIS NAME.  POSSIBLY JACK.  I think I have a Great Uncle named Jack.  Or Grand Uncle.  MY DAD has an Uncle named Jack is the point.  THERE'S A JACK IN TEHRE SOMEWHERE.
Two paragraphs to go!  Amazing!  Anyway.  Had bathtub faucet completely unscrewed and separated.  Water does ZERO pooling this way.  Which is good.  PROBLEM WITH THE PLUG not the drain itself.  Anyway.  Figure I can write next two paragraphs within twenty minutes.  That's more than plenty enough time to fit in all the things I want to.  Huh.  What else is up and crap.  I found Wonderful Woman 84 to be a QUALITY film.  POSSIBLY my favorite Detective Comics film after Shazam so far.  In this Extended Universe Selection of films.  OBVIOUSLY if we're including OTHER BATMEN and whatknot I'm picking Batmen.  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  Gonna have to figure out what Frozen Pizza Pie to get.  Wanna get one where the portion is LESS TAN OR EQUAL TO 600 calories I feel. Maybe UP TO 650 calories.  NOT MORE THAN THAT THOUGH.  So that's something to consider.  GOOD.  I've considered it.  AND I'LL CONTINUE TO DO SO GOING FORWARD.
Last paragraph.  Amazing.  Wonder if Slight NightMight Progress can be attributed to Pill Starting To Kick In.  Guess we'll see how it goes tonight.  If we can get a streak of progress going THEN we can start thinking about Attributing It To Something!  Good deal.  Hmm.  ONE PACKAGE of NINE BAGEL BITES is around 425 calories.  THAT'S A DECENT LUNCH.  I should get that.  I guess.  Maybe get that instead of hot pockets instead of instead of frozen pizza pie.  HMM.  Can't get ALL THREE.  That'd be TOO much.  GET TWO FROZEN BACK UP WILD CARD MEALS.  That's the limit!  I dunno something like that.  Hmm.  WHAT ABOUT A PIZZA ROLLS.  A container of FIFTEEN runs ya 540 calories.  THAT'S MORE INDULGENT LUNCH BUT STILL ON THE LOW SIDE AND PRESUMABLY DELICIOUS AS WELL. Great gotta consider THAT NOW TOO.  Hmm.  In the mean time though let's just finish this up.  I guess it IS finished up pretty much!  I'm done.  See ya tonight!




Really Great Stuff

    Hey friends!  Time to write five paragraphs.  MAY drink 3 beer tonight.  JUST FOR FUN. Not sure why IN REAL REASONS.  Just For Fun is all I got.  STILL NO FELLOW TEAMS in Fantay Baseball League.  Guess no one wants to be in a Fantasy with me.  SOUNDS A LOT LIKE MY REALITY AS WELL.  Makes sense!  Anyway.  Watched all of The Suicide Squad.  It was okay.  Villain was a giant starfish.  SHOULD HAVE MADE IT A GIANT SQUID.  That way they could have called it Suicide Squad vs Suicide Squid.  OR SOMETHING ALONG TOHSE LIENS.  The point is I WATCHED TEH FILM I GIVE IT A 5 out of 10.  Not sure what it had going for it but I'm also not sure what it had going against it.  FIVE OUT OF TEN.  Just got BLACK ADAM left and then it's onto WAKANDA FOR A GOOD WHILE MAYBE SIX OR EIGHT MONTHS AT LEAST AND TEN LET'S RE-EVALUATE.  THEN I DUNNO.  Made some progress with Shutter Documentary too.  Presumably watch THAT some more TONIGHT.
   Four paragraphs to go.  Had delicious turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti for lunch and Grandmother's Freedom Soup with Matzoh Ball for dinner.  SOLID CHANCE I have QUEST BAR and Health Iced Cream bar as Remaining Snack tonight.  FEELS LIKE A WAY TO GO.  Lots of things are way to goes. Hmm.  The GRAMMIES are tonight.  At least in this time zone.  In other parts of the universe grammies might have been last week.  I dunno.  Either way NOT THAT INTERESTED IN WATCHING THE GRAMMIES but I wish everyone the best of luck.  Gotta imagine that means nothing.  ALL THAT LUCK cancels itself out IMMEDIATELY.  GOOD IT'S ALL GOING ACCORDING TO PLAN.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Am I gonna have a choco pop tonight as well?  MAYBE.  Not committed to it right now.  WILL RE-EVALUATE at the end of/beginning of each paragraph for the rest of the act UP TO AND INCLUDING when AND IF I finally do have it.  Hmm.  Took bonus walk.  Didn't take any less walks later in day.  JUST TOOK A BONUS WALK TODAY.  WOW let's call Bonus Beer Because of Bonus walk!  OKAY SOUNDS GOOD.  X-MEN.  I gotta watch X-MEN somehow.  I watched THE MARVELS a couple of years ago.  Now I've watched the DETECTIVE COMICS.  I GOTTA WATCH X-MENS at some point SOMEHOW.
Hmm.  DEADPOOL.  VENOM.  THE SANTA CLAUSE.  Lots of super hero films I still need to see I guess.  Is it POSSIBLE I have X-MAN ONE on DVD.  SURE.  Whatever that means.  Huh.  I'm pretty sure I know what it means.  GOOD FOR ME.  Got Amazon Fresh delivery coming tomorrow between 3 and 5.  MAY interrupt my Walking Schedule.  Probably would take a walk LATER in day if I have to as opposed to skipping one.  THAT'S TOMORROW FOR YA.  HMM.  Think I'm gonna add Mini Donuts OF A DIFFERENT BRAND.  I have experience and GOOD SUCCESS with Entenmann Donuts.  THEMS haven't been available for a month or two.  GONNA TRY HOSTESS ONES.  Each one is a mere SEVENTY ONE POINT SOMETHING calories.  THAT'S GONNA ROUND UP TO SEVENTY FIVE CALORIES you idiots.  That can't be very hearty at all BUT THE POINT IS five of them as a big breakfast OR FOUR OF THEM AS Smaller Breakfast COULD be hearty enough.  SO THAT'S GOOD I GUESS.  No choco pop THIS Paragraph Break.
   Two paragraphs to go.  Probably don't eat tootsie pop but have Quest Bar right when I'm done with entry.  Cookies and/or Cream Quest Bar!  AMAZING.  OH NO I just remembered I'm ten minutes into a Tales In The Crypt.  I shoulf dinish that before going to Shutter documentary.  WHY.  I'm also Progressed in documentary.  I'm progressed in both.  Why does it matter which one I pick up first.  IT JUST DOES.  I could easily justify myself with 3-5 reasons but I don't have TIME.  Anyway.  Thinking about memorizing some PI.  But I'm not sure WHEN'S GOOD ENOUGH.  I think 20 digits would be pretty good.  Right now I got 3.14159.  I FEEL if I can get to 20 digits that's not bad.  I could presumably accomplish that in a day without too much effort.  Hmm.  I'll keep you updated on this situation as it progresses.  I think it'd be a fun CHALLENGE BET if you bet your friend okay we're gonna have a competition.  Whoever can recite Pi to the most exact digit Say A MONTH FROM NOW wins.  Maybe a THREE digit cash value.  Maybe a TEN digit cash value.  WHAT'S THE STRATEGY.  One person might decide to memorize 10 digits and hope his opponent is real lazy while his opponent might memorize 50,000 digits because HE TAKES THINGS SERIOUSLY.  A LOT DEPENDS ON THE CASH VALUE DIGITS and how much the Cash Value Digits are relevant to the people involved.
YEAH.  Last paragraph of the daynight.  What else is up.  Three hours an seven minutes in Shutter Documentary.  SOLID 2.5 HOURS LEFT.  Amazing!  MIGHT get Chinese Food or Chipotle delivery tomorrow for lunch.  The way things are unfolding for the upcoming week, I got 2 open lunches for wildcards so I MAY GET CHINESE FOOD OR CHIPOTLE AS SOON AS TOMORROW LUNCH.  Then I got Freedom Pot Pie for dinner.  So that's good!  Thinking about Beef With Broccoli or Beef wit hGarlic Sauce.  Somethin like that.  Or CHIPOTLE. Haven't had Chipotle IN A DOG'S AGE.  THAT'S NOT GOOD.  Hmm.  HOWEVER if I get Chipotle I'm gettin 2 burrito bowls AND I'M SPLITTIN THEM SUCKERS INTO THRICE.  I'll have to have one lunch eat into Next Week.  GOOD GREAT I LOVE IT.  What else is going on and crap.  I'll watch 13 or so more minutes of Two For The Show.  It's a FINE episode.  And I've already DONE HE HARD PART and wa tched the first ten minutes.  SMOOTH SAILING FROM HERE.  Anyway that's it for now.  See ya tomorrow

-8:10 P.M.




Saturday, February 4, 2023

I Guess I'll Survive

    Hey friends!  Behind schedule today.  Spent the last 15 minutes trying to connect to internet TO NO AVAIL.  I am currently INTERNETLESS.  Anyway it's 10:02 AM. Can't go past 10:55 AM with Act I. Probably won't make it an entire 10 paragraphs.  Probably eight or nine!  POSSIBLY TEN.  Possibly seven, I dunno!  Either way let's do it.  I WAS gonna check Upcoming Degrees for the day but now I can't.  Either way if the rest of the day was like First Walk wasn't SO bad.  Hmm.  Maybe phone internet works.  Let's see.  REST OF THE DAY IS PRESUMABLY GETTING WARMER.  WOW!  Anyway BAD NEWS I had a lot of MorningSnack after having a lot of NightMight snack!  We're talkin' a lot of chocolate candy PRE Walk I.  DANGIT.  I was thinking it might be so cold today WHAT IF I SKIPPED WALKS.  Then I ate all the candy I made up for by Not Skipping Walks.  Is that good logic.  THERE IS logic there.  Walks and eating calories and equivalencies and Make-Ups and whatknot.  I MIGHT NOT HAVE PHRASED LOGIC CORRECTLY THOUGH.  So there's that.
Hmm.  Fifty minutes for nine paragraphs.  DOABLE.  No one's saying it can't be done!  FOURTY NINE MINUTES, SORRY.  Anyway.  Had delicious black and white cookie as breakfast.  Hmm.  Lunch!  Do I finish delicious LEO Omelet from my Mom.  Or have delicious Something Else.  Such as HAM Sandwich, Vegetable Burger Sandwich, turkey meatloaf, or Health Spicy Shrimp Roll.  What makes it a HEALTH Spicy Shrimp Roll.  I dunno.  NOTHING I GUESS.  Hmm.  Was enjoying watching SHUTTER documentary last night but it kept freezing.  THAT happens a lot!  I can only watch SHUTTER by broadcasting it onto my TV from my computer.  And when I do that ON AVERAGE every 15-20 minutes it freezes such that CONTINUES ON COMPUTER BUT NOT ON TV.  So I need to GET UP and RECONFIGURE IT.  WHATTA CHORE.  Also if it was every 20 minutes I COULD LIVE WITH ThAT.  But it's more like SOMETIMES every 8 minutes and SOMETIMES every 32 minutes.  8 minutes IS A CHORE to get up over and over again.
Anyway.  Re-watched Freaks last night!  Except for the last 3 minutes.  Internet stopped working THEN.  I didn't know it then but that's what happened.  Either way YES the last 3 minutes are The Main Three Minutes You Wanna Get Out Of Freaks.  Either way Good movie.  Takes the Freaks seriously I feel.  What else is up.  DO I RELATE TO THE FREAKS?  I guess.  I'm not a freak.  I guess I'm pretty short.  I guess I FEEL like a Freak sometimes Deep Down Inside.  Probably amn't looked upon that way by society!  Maybe I am, I dunno.  I should look into that though.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Saturday.  Assuming I can access HBOMax which I guess isn't a good thing to assume next film is WHAT.  Is it HARLEY QUINN film?  Lemme LTURQ ON PHONE.  YEP.  Next Detective Comic film is the Harlequinn film.  Amazing.  I wonder how Sexualized she is in this film.  Almost Completely or Mostly.  Probably Mostly.  That'd be my guess. Huh.  Coffee after next paragraph.
  What else is up.  Not sure I'm excited about anything for lunch as of now.  I SHOULD SKIP LUNCH.  Make up for half of the candy I just ate earlier.  Then again what else is up.  What playlist am I listening to these days.  The New Rock.  Closing in on the end.  Lookin' like 17 more songs.  That's about two walks I guess.  AMAZING.  I guess!  I assume there's SOME TV I can watch that isn't Internet Dependant.  Right?  Maybe not.  Hmm.  I think I can access LIVE TV or something through the AIRWAVES.  See EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND reruns or something.  NOT AT THIS TIME OF DAY.  Maybe later though.  So that's good.  Wearing unlaundered shirt.  BUT YOU ALREADY KNEW TAHT DIDN'T YOU.  Probably not.  Probably didn't even consider it at all!  But now you are.  Good.  WE SHOULD be on the same page re: Laundered Level of my shirt.  Huh.  Got FOURTY minutes to write six paragraphs?  I can do that.  AT THE VERY LEAST FIVE Paragraphs.  COFFEE TIME.
  Internet still works on my phone.  So I can somewhat occupy myself indefinitely as long as internet doesn't work for TV or Computer.  Hmm.  What else is going on and crap.  Guess I'm aiming for eight walks today again.  DANGIT.  DUMB MORNING SNACKING.  Not only did I do NightMight BUT DOUBLE NIGHTMIGHT with MORNINGMORNING.  Jeez.  Hey State Of The Union is coming up I WANNA SAY TUESDAY?  YEP.  Nailed it.  DIDN'T EVEN WASTE TIME checking Computer errantly.  ALMOST DID.  Then I stopped myself before making MOVE ONE and checked my phone instead.  HEY MAYBE I'LL CHECK MY COMPUTER NOW ANYWAY. JUST FOR FUN.  SEE WHAT HAPPENS.  Huh.  Reloaded Gmail.  NOTHIN HAPPENED.  Oh well.  Figure we'll figure this out at some point.  Maybe when my DAd is more INTO the Day he'll be up to calling VERIZON or something.  Sounds like something he'd do.  GOOD GUY.  Likes to TAKE CARE OF THINGS.  GOOD PERSON TO HAVE AROUND.
  Sixth paragraph.  Got Thirty FOUR Minutes left for Act I.  LET'S GO.  I guess.  Everybody Loves Raymond BUT HIMSELF.  I dunno.  He probably loves himself.  From what I've seen I've gotten no indication he has Self Loathing.  No more than the next person at least.  What do I know.  WHO IS FRIENDS WITH RAYMOND.  Brad Garrett, right?  Off the top of my head THEY'RE GOOD FRIENDS.  Hmm.  What else do I got going on for me.  If I only hit 8 or 9 paragraphs I probably just add the extra paragraph or two to Act III.  NOT EVEN PROBABLY.  ALMOST DEFINITELY.  Almost Definitely MEANS Probably.  Just AN EXTREME FORM of Probably.  Oh Okay Good.  What else is up.  What'd I be eating with LEO Omelet as Lunch.  Maybe some Wheated Thins.  I got a buffalo wing from Appetizer Sampler.  Still got some Garlic Bread I decided to save from Pizzaria-Style Restaurant the day before.  Hmm.  The good news is I FORGET EXACTLY.  OH.  I got Bonus Bread.  I could make AT LEAST an open faced Sandwich outta this.  That sounds good.  ONE slice of bread with this and some wheated thins.  MAYBE NOT TODAY but AT SOME POINT.
   Seventh paragraph.
  Got HALF an hour.  For FOUR PARAGRAPHS? I CAN DO IT!  Probably.  We'll see.  I guess.  Hmm.  Better check if anyone joined my Fantasy Baseball League on my phone.  NOPE IT APPEARS I AM STILL ALONE.  Both in Fantasy Baseball League and IN LIFE.  UNTRUE.  I have friends AND ALLIES in life.  I got IMMEDIATE family.  I got SEMI-immediate family.  I GOT... ya know... A COUPLE OF DOCTORS WHO KNOW WHO I AM AND ARE VAGUELY INVESTED IN MY WELL BEING.  That's about it BUT THAT'S STILL PRETTY GOOD.  What else is up.  Sure SEEMS like a DELICATESSEN DELIVERY is a slam dunk for tonight.  Would Hearty Soup be a slam dunk for dinner tonight?  I guess.  Gotta do something that's something or something.  I dunno.  Hmm.  Maybe cut this act at nine paragraphs.  I WANT to hit ten and NORMALLY I WOULD.  But TODAY maybe I just hit nine!  NOT SO BAD.
   Eighth paragraph.  I guess.  Let's keep going and see what happens.  Anyway.  TRIED turning surge protector with Internet Wifi Hub Connector Thing on and off earlier.  That didn't help.  IN PAST that's helped.  NOT IN PRESENT THOUGH.  And by present I mean HALF AN HOUR AGO.  ROUNDS UP TO PRESENT.  Anyway what else is up.  OH NO JOE BIDEN won't have 100% allies behind him at State of The Union.  Who sits behind him.  Speaker of the house and whom else.  Is it Speaker and Senate Leader?  Either way its TWO PEOPLE and we know Speaker Of The House AT LEAST is Republican.  HE MAY TRY TO SABOTAGE JOE BIDEN by making Funny Faces in the background.  Anyway.  I THINK that's how politics works.  We'll see I guess.  What else do I got going on for me.  WRITING THIS PARAGRAPH REAL QUICK WHICH IS GOOD.  At this rate I SHOULD be able to comfortably write me The Ten Paragraphs Act I SHOULD be.  Because I have TWENTY THREE MINUTES RIGHT NOW to write two more paragraphs AND THAT'S PLENTY.  WE DID IT GUYS.  I'M CALLING IT.  TEN PARAGRAPHS.
YEAH!  What else do I got going on for me.  Probably not that much.  DUMB CANDY.  I MIGHT AS WELL HAVE JUST SKIPPED EIGHT WALKS COMPLETELY.  I'd be no worse for wear if I did that and ate no candy.  IN FACT I'd probably be SEVERAL HUNDRED CALORIES in the right direction.  WELL WHATEVER that's life.  Go hundreds of calories in the wrong direction Time and Time Again!  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  FINALLY gonna enjoy some INTERNET while on my walks.  Some nice APPLE MUSIC STREAMING.  Hmm.  A paragraph and a half to go. LESS EVEN.  What else.  DAD wants me around when he calls Verizon to be ready to pull out cables and whatknot.  GREAT.  That's gonna mess my morning up.  UNLESS I PUT IT OFF A COUPLE OF HOURS.  I'm okay with that.  IS HE?  I dunno.  I'll ask him in a few minutes when I finish Act and go downstairs TO TAKE WALK.
   Last paragraph!  Amazing.  Got eighteen minutes.  AMAZING.  Let's do it in Oh I Don't Know NINE.  WHY DOES THINGS HAVE TO INCONVENIENCE ME.  I don't remember signing up for that.  Oh well such is life.  Presumably I can connect to internet by tonight to upload this Website.  If I can't that's a whole other problem.  Not really.  Uploading to internet is kind of a formality.  I'm more or less writing for myself, right?  MORE OR LESS.  So that's good.  I guess.  SHOULD I give my Dad the Go Ahead to call when I get back from Upcoming Walk.  I'd only be around for UP TO FOURTY, FOURTY FIVE MINUTES AT THE VERY MOST.  He might be on phone longer and want me to stay around longer.  MAKING ME MISS A WALK.  I guess I gotta do it that way.  Hmm.  Fine.  Let's do it that way.  Take a walk NOW and say he can call when i get back.  Then write Act II and if Act II is interrupted by Me Doing Something For Internet then GREAT WHATEVER.  Anyway.  AMAZING wrote this act in Thirty Eight Minutes GREAT WHATEVER see ya in a little bit!




figures that would happen

    Hey friends.  Ideally I'd take my next walk in no later than fourty minutes.  BUT Dad is gonna call InternetPeople in a couple of minutes and I may need to hang around longer in case he needs me to do something.  SO my walking schedule MAY be interupted.  IN WHICH CASE I probably take bonus walk in middle of day instead of early part of day.  SO THAT'S GOOD.  Anyway.  What's new.  Listened to more THE NEW ROCK songs.  Still good stuff!  STILL ATE LOTTA CHOCOLATE CANDIES THIS MORNING.  Can't go back in time and change that.  NOT YET.  Can't even go FORWARD IN TIME up to when I invent time travel to go back in time.  I'M STUCK IN THE PRESENT for better or worse.  MOSTLY WORSE.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  What am I watching today assuming I can watch what I want.  GUESS more progress in Detective Comic Universe.  I like Harlequin!  Her movie should be solid.  Anyway NOT EXCITED about it but I'll probably have OMELET for lunch.
   Four paragraphs to go!  How about that.  Solid chance I'm interupted at some point to Help Dad. GOOD.  If its for a good cause I'M ALL FOR being interupted.  If it's for a bad cause SOLIDLY AGAINST it.  Hmm.  Wasn't that cold on latest walk.  Looks like I SURVIVED COLD WEEKEND '23 TO REMEMBER.  Still time for more cold weekends.  We got ALL OF FEBRUARY and LOTTA MARCH left.  Well ALL of March.  But SOME MARCH SOLIDLY shouldn't be cold.  The point is HALFWAY THROUGH WINTER.  Yeah!  New Shazam! movie being released IN REAL LIFE next month.  That'd be fun to watch.  Gotta imagine I'd be able to watch it in about a year.  Anyway.  THE KIDS ARE OLDER NOW I IMAGINE.  SEVERAL YEARSWORTH.  Gotta be notable.  SOME OF THEM AGED OUT Of Foster Age Age.  NO LONGER would make sense for them to live together as Foster Siblings.  Oh well that's life.  I guess!  Hmm.  Not excited about LUNCH.  Not excited about DINNER.  WHAT AM I EXCITED ABOUT HUH.  Maybe tomorrow's breakfast.  THAT should be pretty good I guess!  HEY THREE PARAGRAPH TO GO.
YEAH.  I may be approaching TOP WEIGHT again since I lost weight these days.  I reached TOP WEIGHT since I lost weight around SEPTEMBER OR OCTOBER last year.  Then I lost some pounds.  Then the last month and a half DEFINITELY Packed on some pounds.  PROBABLY AROUND FIVE.  I'd say 3-7 EASY.  Not gonna CHECK.  I'm not INSANE.  Either way if I ever address NightMight THEM POUNDS GONNA MELT OFF LIKE IT WAS Nothin.  So that's good.  Anyway.  Maybe I've lost 2 pounds. Maybe I've lost 12.  Anything is possible in this topsy turvy universe of ours.  I guess.  The point is SHAZAM is blowwing a bubble of bubble gum in Promotional Poster for his movie WHICH ALWAYS TURNED ME OFF and it never happens in the movie and THEY FUCKED UP BIG TIME doing it in the poster.  REALLY TURNED ME OFF.  I dunno what they were thinking!  THIS CHARACTER ISN'T BLOWING BUBBLE GUMS.  I mean I GET IT I see what you're going for but YOU'RE OFF A LITTLE BIT.
Two paragraphs to go!  Amazing!  Then again it made  watching the movie with Zero BubbleGum Type Stuff all the more pleasurable because it was a PLEASANT SURPRISE.  So it worked out IN SOME sense.  Hmm.  I'd say ODDS ARE I can take walk soon enough that I don't get Walk Schedule Interupted.  I'd guess maybe 70, 75% chance!  We'll see.  I FEEL like guessing 75% but I THINK like guessing 66.7%.  So that's good.  What else is up.  WONDERWOMAN 1984?  Does she go BACK IN TIME to 1984.  Or is it just STRAIGHT UP 1984 all around.  Hmm.  What's teh difference.  BIG DIFFERENCE.  Is the premise that we're just watching what already happened OR are we watching something happen in THE PRESENT go back in time.  I DUNNO but either way IT'S GONNA BE A BLAST AND A HALF I SUPPOSE.  Hmm.  Got SNL tonight.  Might stay up to watch first half hour or so of it!  That'd be fun.  More or less!
   Last paragraph of DayTime Day! Hmm.  HOW to heat up omelet.  Microwave would be decent enough.  I guess.  That's good.  What else do I got going for me.  FIGURE OUT A LUNCH I WANNA EAT.  How hard could that be.  Maybe pill is making me less enthusiastic about meals.  Still gotta eat.  Just less happy about it.  WOW Medicine At Work!  What else is up.  Gotta imagine Harlequin movie is gonna be lighthearted and not dark.  Maybe not SHAZAM light not definitely not SUPERMAN VS BATMAN dark.  We'll see I guess.  May have seen 10 minutes of this film at some point.  I BELIEVE the villain is some sort of mob boss.  Maybe not Main Villain.  Maybe just some jerk Harlequin encounters in one sequence.  Either way I dunno.  The point is TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY which I MAY NOT start with Overeating A Lot.  Sounds good.  First gotta take care of TODAY though.  Got most of today left!  Oh okay good.  I'll see ya tonight. 




Just My Luck

    Hi, friends!  Time to write five paragraphs and whatknot.  Dad was on phone with Internet People for a solid 2 hours getting internet to work.  I HELPED FOR A SOLID TEN MINUTES.  Did some UNPLUGGING and PLUGGING BACK IN.  Ultimately DIDN'T WORK.  But I helped because WE NARROWED IT DOWN THAT DOING THAT DIDN'T WORK.  Which helped get us closer to whatever did eventually work.  Anyway.  Took all my normal walks at normal times!  YEAH.  Watched all of Harlequin movie as well as Oh I Don't Know OVER HALF of Wonderful Woman 1984 film.  THEY WERE OKAY.  Not GREAT but also didn't make me want to kill myself.  WELL maybe they really subliminally got the ball rolling.  Could have planted that idea REALLY subtly deep down BUT IT'S NEWS TO ME.  Anyway.  Gonna finish Wonderful Woman when this is over THEN probably go to some Shutter Documentary.  THEN if that starts malfunctioning FIND SOME OTHER HORROR FILM/TV to watch for a while.
YEAH.  Had delicious OMELET for lunch.  We got no communal dinner tonight!  Ended up having delicious Two Breakfast Hot Pockets.  NO REGRETS THERE IT WAS WONDERFUL.  Got room for a couple of snacks tonight.  QUEST BAR.  COMPREHENSIVE ICED CREAM SANDWICH.  MAYBE BOTH.  Who knows for sure.  Either way I dunno.  Not 100% sure why they had to make Wonderful Woman 1984 EXACTLY.  Sure 1980's is fun.  But 1984 already has a VERY specific connotation in the world of ARTS & LITERATURE because of THE BOOK ALREADY CALLED THAT.  And also THIS FILM ISN'T RELATED TO THAT.  So WHY OH WHY did they have to make that connection.  I'm sure they had their reasons.  Everything has a reason.  Or nothing has reason.  I dunno.  The important thing is It Doesn't Matter.  What else is up.  Still got two Citrusy Beers from A Week Ago Super Market order but I started THIS WEEK's Miller Lite.  SO FAR SO OKAY.
Hmm.  Three paragraphs to go!  Not 100% sure how late I'm gonna AIM to stay up and/or how late I am going to PRACTICALLY stay up IN TEH REAL WORLD.  Either way what else is going on and crap.  Try to aim for some Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  THAT'S AS FUTILE AS AIMING TO NOT EAT NIGHTMIGHT.  SLIGHTLY less futile.  But still pretty futile.  AND IN A PRETTY SIMILAR MANNER.  Hmm.  HOLY SHIT they just added like EIGHT films to The Shutter Streaming Experience.  AMAZING.  The good news is WHAT ELSE IS UP.  Wasn't that cold outside today!  I felt it was colder yesterday.  Anyway.  I think tomorrow it jumps WARMER 20 degrees.  Not literally Jump.  Degrees of temperature can't jump.  JUMPING IS PHYSICAL ACTIVITY only YOU AND I can do it not DEGREES.  Hmm.  Not sure that's accurate.  BUT THE IMPORTANT TING IS I SAID IT ANYWAY.  Hmm.  Fantasy Baseball draft is in less than 72 hours and I am still the only team in the league.  HOLY SHIT AM I GONNA CLEAN UP IN THIS DRAFT.
  Yeah.  Watched the last 2.5 minutes of Freaks.  YEP.  SAME THING HAPPENED AS USUAL.  STILL PRETTY SHOCKING THOUGH.  It gets ya Right Where It Wants Ya!  More or less.  Hmm.  What Tales In The Crypt am I up to.  Last one was People Who Live In Brass Hearses. VERY possible the next one is Two For The Show.  Let's see.  YEP EXACTLY I NAILED IT.  Anyway.  That's an interesting episode!  It's got something to be said for it.  It's got SUSPENSE and TENSION.  Lot of it takes place on TRAIN.  EVERYONE LIKES THEM A TRAIN.  Okay.  KINDA wanna get a thing of Valentines Day assorted chocolates but I feel it would be AWKWARD.  I'd share it with Mother and/or Father if he's interested of course.  But I am not ROMANTICALLY involved with EITHER of them and that's THE PREMISE to these sorts of endeavors so IT'S JUST NOT RIGHT.  But it'd be fun to have NEW EXCITING KINDS OF CANDY.  Oh well.  What can ya do!  I'M IN A NO WIN SITUATION.  I either get Valentine's Day Candy with parents and its awkward OR I GET NO INTRIGUING CHOCOLATES.  LOSE/LOSE.
    Last paragraph of night.
  Hmm.  Also.  Nirvana's song.  Heart Shaped Box. Sure sounds a lot like they might be talking about one of these assorted Valentine's Day Candy things.  Just one idea!  COULD ALSO BE A VAGINA REFERENCE.  AS YOU CAN SEE I've given this a lot of thought.  Or it could be about a Heart: The Organ We Have but it's only a box because It's SUPERFICIAL and/or UNOPERATING in some sense.  OR it's Valentines Day or a Vagina Reference.  TAKE YER PICK.  I must have shared my Heart Shaped Box ideas before.  I'm VERY proud of them!  And I've had them for several years now.  So it stands to reason this is the seventh or nineteenth time I've brought em up on Website.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE.  Hmm. Also SCENTLESS APPRENTICE?  AND THEIR BIG HIT SONG WAS SMELLS LIKE TEEN SPIRIT?  IT'S A RE-OCCURRENCE OF A SMELLING THEME.  Those are the main two things I Figured Out About Nirvana.  Two ideas for what Heart Shaped Box could theoretically mean AND The Smells Repetition.  WELP that's it.  See ya tomorrow. 

-8:05 P.M.




Friday, February 3, 2023

Paragraphs A-Comin'

    Hey friends.  9:37 AM!  Gonna be waiting for Super market delivery today TWICE OVER.  There's regular delivery that's presumably coming between 10 and 12 AND THEN THERE'S BONUS BAG that's presumably coming, "By Two."  Or, "Before Two." Or something similar to that phrase.  I DIDN'T HEAR IT.  HEARD IT SECOND HAND.  The GIST OF IT is that one of the bags with Delivery got separated and I will be getting it separated!  Which means I can't go out and take walks POSSIBLY FOR MANY HOURS.  Feels like I might do HEY HOLY CRAP The Separate Bag Just Came.  WHILE I WAS TYPING IT BELL RANG.  Also it was in BOX not bag.  Three things.  Either way wow great.  Now I don't necessarily need to circle walk unless I decide I wanna definitely fit in a walk while waiting for 10-12 delivery. Hmm.  Anyway.  Had A LOT of NightMight eating last night.  Had Classic Breakfast today.  Think I might have semi-Wildcard lunch of Bagel with Egg White today.
YEAH.  Cold out there today but I managed!  Wearing heavyish sweatshirt jacket under winter jacket, I was pretty comfortable.  IT'LL BE COLDER LATER TODAY TOHUGH.  NOW it says 25 Feels Like 8.  IT GETS AS LOW TONIGHT AS 11 FEELS LIKE -13.  HOW CAN SOMETHING FEEL LESS THAN ZERO.  It's not POSSIBLE.  Zero is the lowest you can go.  YEAH.  What's absolute Zero.  -273?  better LTURQ.  YEP SEEMS TO CHECK OUT.  Anyway.  Finished Justice League last night.  Turns out I had finished the real Final Climax and the rest of it was just EPILOGUE.  LOTTA EPILOGUE.  Anyway.  Batman keeps having DREAMS about things that I can't tell are his real life or not.  He dreamt about the joker and robin and I DON'T KNOW IF EITHER EXIST IN REAL LIFE.  I have NO IDEA Who this joker is.  I've NEVER heard of this joker in my life.  Hmm better LURQ who the actor who played Dream Joker was.  I dunno.  Maybe it WAS Jared Leto.  Didn't LOOK like him.  Or SOUND like him.
   Hmm.  Eight paragraphs to go I guess.  Possible Act is interrupted by Super market delivery.  We'll see how everything turns out.  Presumably I hit Eight Walks today one way or another.  Still the only team in my fantasy baseball league.  Now draft is in FOUR days.  At this rate I'm a LOCK to WIN THE LEAGUE.  BRAGGING RIGHTS.  The point is I WANNA STOCK UP ON CLOSERS.  We're talkin FOUR CLOSERS.  I'd even be happy with FIVE.  Hmm.  Twelve teams.  Presumably there's thirty Major League Baseball Teams.  How many active Consistant Closers going on?  20?  IF I HAVE FOUR CLOSERS I got one of the top spots in Saves Stats locked up.  Hmm.  What else is up.  Internet says we're getting everything we want from super market.  Not sure why internet would lie.  Hmm.  HEY I left tablet charging overnight!  NOW IT'S at 100%.  Just unplugged it.  No reason to leave it plugged in forever.  I've HEARD SECONDHAND not to leave things plugged in indefinitely.  MAKES SENSE.  I can IMAGINE how that might be bad.
   Fourth paragraph!  Coffee after this one I guess.  Hmm.  So far I think I've eaten MORE at night since starting Pill.  Probably because I'm thinking GREAT I'M ON PILL NOW IT'LL KICK IN REAL SOON.  MIGHT AS WELL ENJOY MYSELF WHILE WAITING FOR IT TO KICK IN.  Something along those lines.  Hmm.  Any side effects from pill yet?  I dunno!  Hard to say.  This week is different than other weeks!  Who knows if its because of the pill.  Could be because of Twilight Zone (2002) or Justice League or ANYTHING.  Hmm.  WOW my parents asked for half a pound of turkey and are getting .58 LB.  PRETTY SIGNIFICANTLY ABOVE WHAT THEY WANTED.  Sounds like a scam.  Wonder waht kinda turkey they settled on.  NO SALT ADDED.  There's more to the phrase describing the turkey but the main thing that separates this turkey from other turkey I FEEL is No Salt Added.  Gotta go light on the salt.  BLOOD PRESSURE and whatknot.  Hey coffee time.
   Anyway.  It'd be nice to fit in five walks in early part of the day as normal.  But I'd say over 50% chance I can't do that.  STILL can fit in eight walks more or less relatively easily though!  Hmm.  I ASSUME I can watch The Aquatic Man on HBOMax or something today.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP appears to be there.  Good deal.  What else is up.  I dunno.  I got lets say 55 minutes to Finish Act I AND accept and put away delivery if I wanna fit in 5 walks.  I'd need to leave for second walk IN ABOUT FIFTY FIVE MINUTES from now.  OR EARLIER.  DUH.  Anyway I dunno what else is up.  SHOULD I take a Marvel Break from DC and watch Wakanda Forever?  I dunno!  I think when it comes to MOST super hero movies I like Marvel but my favorite super hero is THE BATMAN who is a Detective Comic.  EITHER WAY who cares.  EACH ORGANIZATION HAS THE NEXT FIVE DECADES to make their case to me Through Film on which is bettter.  I'm gonna enjoy super hero movies REAL GOOD for the rest of my lives!  Sounds about right.  I don't think they're gonna come up with any NEW ideas for movies.
Sixth paragarph!  Hmm.  WHAT TO WATCH FIRST when I get around to Television Set viewing in a couple of hours.  Hmm.  Aquaman could make a strong case for itself.  Anyway.  How much warmer does it get as soon as tomorrow.  BETTER BE SLIGHTLY. OH NO.  Tomorrow morning is SLIGHTLY WORSE than right now while Tomorrow afternoon GETS TO BE SLIGHTLY BETTER.  Either way whatever happens happens!  That's the world we live on!  The important thing is we continue on with the entry because THE BELL CAN RING AT ANY TIME and when that happens I wanna be able to say I WROTE AS MUCH AS I COULD POSSIBLY WRITE up until that point.  Hmm.  PLAYLISTS UPDATED TODAY. Put on The New Rock for the first walk.  Working out okay so far.  I like The New Rock music.  A lot of these songs are solidly ROCK AND ROLL songs.  I GUESS.  I DON'T KNOW what to do for lunch.  It's TOUGH to decide.  Bagel with egg white makes sense but also DOESN'T.
   Seventh paragraph!  I DON'T KNOW what I'm getting for Communal Dinner.  Could be DINER could be DELI.  Dunno what I'd get from either place!  BISON BURGER sounds good from DINER.  An equivalency from Deli might be two hot dogs.  HMM.  I could also get griddlecentric meal with NEW EGG WHITE for tomorrow night from diner OR I can also get Freedom Pot Pie for tomorrow night from deli.  I THINK I COVERED ALL THE BASES OF WHAT I CAN AND OR CANNOT DO.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm. If I take FOUR walks in first part of day... and I take ONE walk post dinner... that's three walks in middle of day.  That'd be some CRUNCHTIME.  But I guess IF IT'S WHAT I WANT TO DO I can do it.  Hmm.  Not 100% sure WHAT a Wonderwoman or an Aquaman are.  They're some sort of Gods or Ancient Civilizations. But WHY.  Superman I get.  ALIEN.  FINE.  BUT THESE PEOPLE CONFUSE ME.  I guess I'll figure it out one day.  They have lots of time to explain it to me.  WE'VE GOT MY WHOLE LIFETIME for them to explain it to me!  WOW three more pararaphs to go.
Yeah!  Possible I'm waiting around a long time for Super market and I take LESS than four walks for first part of the day.  WHOM knows.  What else is up.  Got plenty of soda leftover from last week.  Ordered LESS this week.  SHOULD WORK OUT PRETTY GOOD I FEEL.  Makes sense.  Anyway.  I'd enjoy bagel with egg I think BUT would I enjoy having a FRESHER meal more? I dunno!  Not in mood for sandwich, sushi, or turkey meatlaof!  THAT'S IT.  TOSE ARE MY CHOICES.  Go with bagel with egg white then!  Amazing.  What else is up.  Two and a half more paragraphs I guess.  LESS.  Either way, I dunno.  After Aquaman is Shazam.  I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS.  Better LTURQ.  Some sort of GENIE super hero.  Interesting. NOT REALLY.  I guess it could be.  WE'LL SEE.  How did this film do at The Rotten Tomoatoes.  OH WOW IT DID VERY WELL AT THE ROTTEN TOMOATOES.  Wow that should be good then.  I TRUST THE ROTTEN TOMATOES.
   Penultimate paragraph!  NOW let's see how AQUATIC man did at Rotten Tomato.  WOW AQUATIC MAN DID DEECENTLY AS WELL.  Interesting.  THINGS JUST GOT A WHOLE LOT MORE DECENTLY LOOKING.  Hmm.  Justice League villain plot pretty similar to Avengers villain plot.  MOTHER BOXES and INFINITY STONES are pretty much the same thing.  WHICH CAME FIRST.  Well I saw Avengers Infinity Stones first.  So does that mean THEY CAME FIRST?  YEP that's what it means.  Interesting.  What else is going on and crap.  Cyborg is similar to Iron Man.  MORE POWERFUL THOUGH.  Also SLIGHTLY LESS LIKE ROBERT DOWNER JUNEY.  Hmm.  Let's see.  Got about half an hour to finish Act and accept and put away super market if I want to fit in five walks.  IF super market comes before finishing 10 paragraphs, I probably just cut off Act wherever I am and then take walk when I'm done with super market.  SEEING AS HOW I'VE FINISHED NINE PARAGRAPH ALREADY.
   YEAH.  Anyway.  What else is up.  ALREADY THREE LESS THINGS TO ACCEPT AND PUT AWAY.  Turkey and two other things I didn't full register what they were.  THAT'S WHAT WAS HANDED TO ME earlier in a box.  Anyway.  Hmm.  If walk was as cold as First Walk today I'D BE OKAY WITH THAT. I was COMFORTABLE ENOUGH with double jacket.  BUT IT WILL BE GETTING COLDER.  NOT SURE I'M OKAY WITH THAT.  WITH WHOM can I register my DISPLEASURE.  Hmm.  Any good Celeb Brithdays tomorrow.  NOPE.  NOT A ONE.  I'm guessing.  I googled it but then didn't really click any links and then decided NOPE I DOUBT THERE'S ANY GOOD ONES I"M CALLING IT RIGHT NOW.  APOLOGIES to any celebs with birthdays tomorrow And Are Good Ones.  I'm being a jerk, I know!  Huh.  What else is up.  Batman is gonna run out of money at some point I feel.  Nothing lasts forever.  Huh.  Anyway that's it for now.  I'll be back in a little bit hopefully!




stop saying that

    Hey friends!  Did about 25 minutes of circlewalking between Act I and super market coming.  Gonna fit in everything I wanna fit in today EXCEPT one less RegularWalk.  AND I got about 15-20 minutes left of CircleWalking PRESUMABLY TONIGHT post-Entry.  Figure 40 minutes of circlewalking is equivalent to 30 minutes of regular wlaking.  Cause of all the time making Sharp Turns.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Watched some Aquaman.  I was pretty preoccupied walking in a circle but from what I gathered this guy is good at fighting people.  So that's pretty good for him I guess.  Not good for his enemies.  GOOD FOR HIS ALLIES though.  Hmm.  What order am I taking CityStreet Walks/Park Walks.  If I'm taking seven OutsideWalks presumably I'm aiming for FOUR CityStreet Walks.  2/4/6/7.  Okay.  Let's go with that then.  The point is now I have Family Size box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch whereas I didn't before.  Not the size of a family.  The size of a box a FAMILY MIGHT WANT though.  That's what that means.  Huh.
   Four paragraphs to go!
  Delightful.  Had a dream last night I was playing Rocksmith and THERE WAS NO LAG and it was GREAT.  Man oh man.  If that was reality REALITY WOULD BE SWEET.  Hmm.  Marijuana + Rocksmith = I FIGURE OUT HOW TO ACCLIMATE TO LAG.  I think.  I feel like if I was ON the right marijuana everything would click and I would be like oh okay I can see how to work around this lag and make it so that it makes sense to me.  Anyway.  OR maybe I can bring it out of my dreamworld into reality.  I can accomplish it WITH MARIJUANA OR BY RETRIEVING DREAMS.  One or the other.  Hmm.  HEY I wonder if other Super Heroes show up in Aquaman.  Might be some CAMEOS by a THE BATMAN or something!  Either way whatever happens is gonna be a story of EPIC PROPORTIONS.  I guess.  THIS FILM GOT A 65 or SO % ON ROTTEN TOMATOES.  That's solidly POSITIVE.  Anyway.  ALL tomoatoes are KIND OF rotten.  When you think about it.  Not really.
Three paragraphs to go!  How long do I have to write these three paragraphs.  UP TO HALF AN HOUR I GUESS.  Anything more than that would be TOO LONG.  Either way huh what else is up.  Emptied my RoomFloor of laundry so I had room to Walk In Circle.  Put it all in Bathroom Laundry Hamper Reservoir Pit.  NEXT GOAL is to put it in Washing Machine.  THEN TURN IT ON.  Then whatever happens happens.  It's out of my hands at that point.  SO that's good.  Still leaning towards bagel with egg white today.  HUH.  What case should I make for food tonight.  Maybe diner.  Get Bison Burger and a Frenched Toast.  Not sure I NEED to get something for tomorrow night. But I WANT to.  I WANT BOTH A PROTEIN AND A GRIDDLECENTRIC so what.  I CAN'T DECIDE between one or the other I NEED BOTH is that so wrong.  IT'S SLIGHTLY WRONG YES but it's not SO SO Wrong.  Hmm.  Then again I dunno we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
Two paragraphs to go for daytime day.  Huh.  What else do I got going on for me.  I'd enjoy eating a black and white cookie for lunch.  I should do that.  It's the WISE MAN'S move.  But I'm not gonna do it.  Cause I'm a dumb guy.  What else is up.  Pretty sunny outside this morning.  PLEASANTLY SUNNY one might say.  So that's good.  Never really understood the Sunny or Not Sunny equation.  YEP.  SUN IS THERE OUTSIDE.  WE'RE IN ORBIT.  IT APPEARS IN TEH SKY.  THAT'S HAPPENING LITERALLY ALL DAY EVERY DAY.  No more no less.  I KNOW I'M WRONG.  There are levels of Sunniness in terms of HEAT or BRIGHTNESS but I JUST DON'T LIKE IT THAT'S ALL.  Hmm.  Anyway.  Have delicious sandwich for lunch.  EAT SOMETHIN I gotta eat instead of a semi-wildcard like a bagel with egg white.  It's the Wise Man's move.  Ugh.  What else do I got going on.  Gonna have a bit of crunch time between upcoming shower and walk after shower.  Not TOO MUCH crunchtime but more than usual!
   WOW.  What else is up.  LAST PARAGRAPH OF DAYTIME DAY.  WE DID IT.  Great.  Superbowl is not this Sunday but NEXT Sunday.  This Sunday IS The Next Sunday.  NEXT NEXT Sunday.  Oh okay I see.  Either way I BELIEVE it's still The Chieftains versus The Eaglelies.  STILL rooting for Chieftains I assume for one reason or another.  OR BOTH reasons.  POSSIBLY INCORPORATING a third, previously unconsidered reason.  What else is up.  The point is I'm OKAY with most of The Justice League.  They're all QUALITY characters for the most part.  I'm glad I finally am getting to know them.  I've spent the last few years with them Active AND ME NOT KNOWING A LICK ABOUT EM.  What else is going on and crap.  I like that we got some YOUTH representation with Flash and Cyborg.  Aquaman seems relatively young too.  Either way WONDERFUL.  LOOK THEY"RE ALL YOUNG AT HEART Up To And Including Alfred.  What else is up.  THAT'S IT FOR NOW.  See ya tonight!




That'll Do For Now

    Hi friends!  Just finished supping dinner.  Had some Appetizer Sampler.  Ate 90% of it!  Was a smaller portion than I'm used to and I left over A Freedom Wing.  Either way ended up having TURKEY SAND for lunch.  Got nothing for tomorrow dinner.  BLACK AND WHITE OR CLASSIC OR BALANCED BREAKFAST for breakfast.  Possibly finish my Mom's LOX EGGS AND/OR ONION OMELET for tomorrow lunch.  Probably get DELLICIATAN for dinner tomorrow night!  OKAY I THINK WE'RE ALL CAUGHT UP.  Gonna aim to have A MERE TWO MORE SNACKS tonight.  We'll see how that goes.  Watched all of AQUAMAN.  It was okay I guess.  Don't remember being entertained at any moment but I don't remember being ENRAGED by UN-entertainment either.  So it's a WASH.  I've watched most of Shazam!!  Which is good.  Finally I'm having FUN watching a Comic Book movie.  I had totally forgotten these are supposed to be fun!  Anyway got 17 minutes left to this INCLUDING CREDITS.  Figure I got about 7-10 minutes left UN-INCLUDING Credits!
    Anyway.  Huh.  What to watch after that?  I DUNNO maybe some SHUTTER DOCUMENTARY.  I guess.  Finished CircleWalking in middle part of day.  And did all the Seven OUtsideWalks I wanted to accomplish.  TOMORROW outside walks might be pretty unpleasant.  Because of Temperature and REALFEELS.  Temperature might be 15 and REALFEEL might be -7.  THANKS A LOT REALFEEL.  What else is up.  I AM STILL the only team in my fantasy baseball league.  Starting to get worried.  DO I SMELL or something.  Why won't people join my Random Public League.  I probably DO smell BUT THAT'S COMPLETELY UNRELATED.  Hmm.  WILLIAM DAFOE.  William 'Da FOE.  WHEN HE IS THE VILLAIN OF THE MOVIE.  Well that covers that.  Anyway what else is going on and crap.  Gonna have delicious Quest Bar most likely as upcoming snack.  Most likely cookie and/or cream Quest Bar.  if I was gonna have a different indulgent snack what would it be.  WHAT ARE MY OTHER OPTIONS.  Comprehensive Fiber Bar is pretty good.  POP TART is always a contender.  OH I could have THREE CHOCOLATED CHIP COOKIES.  Also SPOILER ALERT had 2 chocolate chip cookies as Turkey SandwichSide.
FUCK I SPOILED IT.  WHY OH WHY DID I SPOIL IT. And why aren't I going back NOW and FIXING IT.  I can STILL CHANGE THINGS.  Oh well.  What can ya do.  I can always eat comprehensive iced cream sandwich instead of solid snack.  Those are fun.  Huh.  Might take bonus walk in middle of day tomorrow and skip NightTime Walk.  I ENJOY the nighttime walk in general but NIGHTTIME is gonna run ya around ~5 degrees colder than middle of the day I'm guessing.  I DON'T NEED TO GUESS.  I CAN CHECK THE INTRANET ON THIS ONE.  LET'S SEE.  ACTUALLY NO.  Tomorrow night is gonna be a degree or two WARMER than a few hours earlier in the middle of the day.  FORGET IT THEN.  I thought I was being clever and whatknot BUT IT TURNS OUT I WAS OVERTHINKING TINGS.  UNDERTINKING TINGS is more like it.  Anyway.  What else do I got going on for me. I can choose between Vanilla or Chocolate Iced Cream Sandwich Filling.  CHOCOLATE SOUNDS EXCITING.  Vanilla has its charms though too.
Penultimate paragraph of the day!  Amazing!  Maybe I want an iced cream but A LESS COMPRHENSIVE iced cream.  I DON'T KNOW WHY but that might be the case GO FIGURE.  Hmm.  I can make myself a CONE out of Watered Down Iced Cream.  Gnn.  By which I mean HMM.  I was a letter or two off On The Keyboard Though.  SORRY ABOUT THAT.  Hmm.  I dunno.  LOOK could I stand to pad my CircleWalking time by 2-3 minutes?  SURE.  I only circle walked for around 37 or 38 minutes while I wanted to hit 40 minutes.  BUT I'M NOT GONNA WALK IN A CIRCLE FOR THREE MINUTES.  I'M NOT INSANE AM I.  That's a RHETORICAL question YOU IDIOT.  Anyway what else do I got going on for me.  Gotta figure there's a great chance we're getting Delliciatasan tomorrow and I gotta figure there's a great  chance I get Freedom Pot Pie for THE NIGHT AFTER TOMORROW NIGHT and a pretty good shot I'm getting either HEAT EM UP DOGS or GRANDMOTEHR SOUP for Tomorrow Night.  THERE THAT'S THE END OF THAT PARAGRAPH.
   Last paragraph!  Amazing.  Let's do it!  What's tonight FIFTH TIME I'm taking Topherimax pill?  YEAH.  Let's go with that.  Wonderful.  I think I'm closing in on the night I'm supposed to DOUBLE DOSAGE.  I presumably could double my dosage ANY NIGHT and no one would be the wiser.  But I'm gonna play it safe and responsibly and do it as prescribed.  Go up to FIFTY UNITS from TWENTY FIVE on MONDAY.  Which is not Tonight, not tomorrow night, not Tomorrow's tomorrow night, BUT THE SOONEST NIGHT THAT IS NONE OF THOSE NIGHTS.  SO IT'S PRETTY SOON ALL IN ALL.  Hmm.  What else.  Probably gonna have delicious black and white cookie for breakfast tomorrow and all I can do about it is hope I appreciate it as much as it should be appreciated.  BECAUSE IT'S BOTH DELICIOUS AND HEARTY.  I really ought to SYNONYM FOR APPRECIATE that is the point I'm trying to make!  YEP.  That's it for now.  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:38 P.M. 




Thursday, February 2, 2023

This Is Going Great

    Hey friends!  A little bit ahead of schedule today.  9:19 AM!  Gonna fit in everything I wanna fit in and whatknot.  Hmm.  NOW IT'S 9:20 AM.  And it DEFINITELY was NOT a full sixty second since I said it was 9:19 AM.  That's weird.  Gonna have to look into how that might have happened.  Anyway.  Had a lot of NightMight eating.  After having GOOD (responsible, positive, small) amount of PRE-NightMight eating.  Oh well.  Had classic breakfast!  HAM SANDWICH FOR LUNCH, PIZZA FOR DINNER.  Sandwichside could be PRACTICALLY ANYTHING.  Well I dunno.  Lots of things it can't be.  STAPLER off the top of my head.  I will NOT be eating a stapler.  Hmm.  Finished Twilight Zone (2002) last night.  About an hour and thirteen minutes into five hour and fourty minutes Shutter Documentry.  DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA EXTENDED UNIVERSE MOVIES STILL THERE TO BE WATCHED.  Hmm.  What DOES, "DC," stand for in DC Comics.  Probably SOMETHING.  Let's see.  "Detective Comics."  Was originally comics about detectives.  Hmm.  I DON'T LIKE IT.  I used Detective skills to find out though.  I LIKE IT.
Yeah!  Wearing dumb purple shirt with dumb breast pocket.  For the left side at least.  I THINK THIS IS THE JOKER'S ORIGIN STORY.  He wore a dumb purple shirt once and it all went downhill from there.  How much time do I have to write this act.  HOUR AND A HALF.  Wow.  That's a lot of time.  Good.  How would I go about researching Fantasy Baseball Draft Strategy.  Generic way to start is to just look at Overall Top rankings NOT BY POSITION BUT OVERALL.  Just all top 300 or whatever players RANKED IN VALUE ORDER.  BUT It would also be valuable to research players by position I feel.  Those are the top two ways I think to get a good idea of what I'm doing.  Hmm.  Maybe look at some MOCKUMENTRY Drafts.  I dunno.  Hmm.  Does standard Yahoo Draft SNAKE AROUND.  BY THAT I mean does the first round go teams 1 through 12 pick and then the second round go SAME ORDER or REVERSE ORDER.  I THINK they probably do REVERSE ORDER which is GOOD and FUN and FAIR.  AMAZING.  I like it because when you're at the end YOU GET TWO PICKS IN A ROW.  Then you have to wait a long time to pick again.  THEN YOU GE TWO PICKS IN A ROW.
   Okay.  Hmm.  I dunno.  What to watch today first off.  JUSTICE LEAGUE or SHUTTER DOCUMENTRY or SOMETHING ELSE.  I dunno.  Plusses and minusses to anything.  Bad news is I keep eating my Mom's cookies at NightMight and I'm told during DayMay NOT to do it.  I'M SORRY on many levels to be eating these cookies.  On the other hand delicious.  And them being forbidden makes them all the more delightful!  Huh.  What percent of Succeeding In Fantasy Baseball is The Draft.  Gotta be AT LEAST 50%, right?  On a year by year basis. Let's not think keeper leagues.  One off seasons.  If all teams do the minimum upkeep for their team throughout the season, the draft is like 95% of the thing, right?  Hmm.  Sounds good to me.  NO IT DIESN'T.  I think people should have ways to improve their lots for the Fantasy Baseball season even if they didn't do so hot in the draft.  But THEY DON'T.  You get a bit unlucky THIS ONE TING OFF THE BAT THAT'S IT you're screwed.  Oh well such is life.  That's a life lesson for ya.  DO GOOD OFF TE BAT OR ELSE YER SCREWED.
Fourth paragraph.  Guess I'll get coffee after this one!  Hmm.  I am still the only team in my fantasy baseball league.  Draft is in five days and Oh I Dont "know Six Hours.  I'm pretty confident league will fill up.  I think this is a 12 team league.  I PREFER 10 but beggars usually aren't choosers.  What are the plots of the two Twilight Zone (2002) stories I missed.  Hmm.  Not sure.  Maybe I DIDN'T miss any stories and they were just jumbled up.  Gonna have to look into that one I guess.  Anyway.  MAY watch Return Of The Living Dead II today!  Saw that was on TUBI.  I haven't seen that in Oh I Don't Know FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS.  THE TIME HAS COME AGAIN.  Look Return Of The Living Dead II is no Return Of The Living Dead I but it's still PRETTY GOOD!  Huh.  Got carry over sandwiches next week from this week.  HAM, TURKEY and... VEGETABLE BURGER?  YEP.  Looks that way.  What meals am I getting tomorrow.  Looks like Spicy Shrimp Roll and Turkey Meatloaf with Health Spaghetti.
   YEAH.  What else is up and crap.  Guess I'm aiming for eight walks again today.  Five walks in early part of day!  One walk at night!  Two walks in middle!  THAT'S GOOD I GUESS.  Listening to Today's Hits playlist.  A MERE 2.5 HOURS LONG.  If I continue listening to it I should finish this with minimal Strayings, finishing this should be no problem.  Huh.  Started a new Promotional Beer Glass from Cigarette Store.  I had been using one of them the last few days.  Put that one in sink!  STARTED THE OTHER ONE.  I enjoy these it turns out.  But the time has come to start AFRESH.  Hmm.  Afresh is recognized as aword.  So that's good I guess.  I assume ANEW is a word too. YEP.  What else is aword.  Not aword.  But I knew that going into the whole deal.  Hmm.  Pretty cold today but not too bad.  When does it start to get Too Bad.  TOMORROW NIGHT.  That's the worst of it FOR ME.  Worse in Middles Of Nights but that don't effect me none.
   Five paragraphs to go for Act I.  Amazing.  SOMETIMES I'm just starting Act I's around now with the premise that I may or may not finish 10 paragraphs but probably end would end up willing.  Hmm.  What kinda sandwichside is there to get excited about today.  ALSO how much ham we talking.  Lemme LTURQ on the internet.  Got .48 LB of ham.  Gonna have .24 LB of ham for sandwich.  Huh.  Sandwichsides.  BBQ POP CHIPS.  Wheated Thins.  FREEDOM CHEEZ ITS.  I dunno.  Hey I should shave or something.  But say SHOVE.  I like doing that.  Hey isn't that the thing before Ash Wednesday.  SHOVE Tuesday.  Lemme LTURQ.  No that's SHROVE.  TOTALLY DIFFERENT WORD.  Got an, "R," in it.  WOW.  R's are good.  I know, "S's," are the best letter to guess in a Wheel Of Fortune Scenario but, "R's," gotta be up there too, right?  Lemme LTURQ.  WOW.  R is RIGHT AFTER S. ...But S is only the seventh most common letter.  INCLUDING VOWELS YES.  But even AMONGST CONSTANTS it's only THRID.  T and N ahead of S and R.  Oh well.  Live and lear!
   Seventh paragraph.  Good deal!  What else do I got going on for me.  I could have a sweet sandwichside.  That'd be something!  I guess!  Mom is presumably gonna do her laundry early afternoon today.  Leaving me room to do mine later in the day today OR tomorrow.  Probably ACTUALLY DO IT I feel.  Assuming I can.  Possible my Mom doesn't follow through on doing her laundry AND still doesn't want me to do mine anyway.  So that's good.  WOW.  The point is T is more common than NON E Vowels and U is less common than PLENTY of Constants.  YES I AM SAYING, "CONSTANTS," for FUNS SAKE.  Also I don't know FOR SURE how to REALLY say Constanants but I AM ALSO STILL having LEGitiMATE FUN just saying Constants.  IT WORKS OUT IN LOTS OF WAYS.  Constanents.  Is that it.  No.  Consenents.  nope.  Fine let's just LURQ with spell check.  Continents.  There.  WAIT TAHT'S NOT RIGHT.  Constenents.  SPELL CHECK GIVIN' ME NOTHING.  NOW GOTTA CHECK INTERNET.  CONSONANT.  No T's in it.  WHICH IS INTERESTING CAUSE, "T," IS TE BEST CONSONANT.  Maybe that's what was confusing me.
Three paragraphs to go.  Hmm.  Got TEN WEEKS till next official weigh in at Endocrine Appointment.  That's a reasonable way to measure out some time.  At this point the goal is to NOT HAVE GAINED WEIGHT since Last Weigh In.  I have gained several pounds for sure and may gain another pound or two depending on how Tophermiax goes.  BUT hopefully if it kicks in within a couple of weeks I start LOSING them pounds back.  AND THE POINT IS if that happens I'm gonna be losing them at a fast enough rate that I'm gonna be happy with where I am in 10 weeks AND I'LL be happy with where I ultimately am SOON AFTER that 10 weeks.  TIS IS ALL SPECULATION THOUGH.  YOU KNOW LIKE SPECTACLES.  Huh.  Gettin' Cinnamon Toast Crunch tomorrow.  IS IT A RISK?  Sure! Risk I'll graze on it throughout the day.  BUT it's the best way to encourage myself to eat balanced breakfast because it's the most delicious cereal there is!
   Penultimate paragraph of Act I!  Good deal.  Hmm.  WOW I can MANIPULATE Pre-Draft Rankings for Fantasy baseball league.  Making it EASY while I'm doing the draft.  I can GO INTO IT without having to 100% having memorized the research and analysis I did and made but HAVE SOME OF WHAT I CONCLUDED in front of me.  I could have done that anyway BY MYSELF.  But they're making it easy for me.  So that's good.  The point is SURE I'll pick Mets Catching Prospect Fransisco Alvarez and hope he wins the Starting Job.  HE MAY NOT even have the job let alone be a quality option for stats.  I'M GONNA GIVE IT A SHOT THOUGH.  Unless someone picks him before me.  THAT'S ALWAYS THE RISK.  Hmm.  Francisco.  THAT'S how you spell that name.  Should probably learn that by now.  I use the name Francisco a lot.  C in the middle and not an S.  Just remember that IN PERPETUITY.  Okay.  Sounds fair!  What else is up.  I dunno.  Got some white bread for sandwich.  I may or may not toast it.  I could put ham in microwave as well as another mix-em-up.  Probably go with standard No Toast No Microwave.
Last paragraph of Act!  Amazing.  Should enjoy pizza tonight.  INDULGENT TOPPINGS.  It's not MEAT toppings.  That'd be real indulgent.  But it's still more indulgent than ZERO topping.  Hmm.  Gotta imagine I'm aiming to put pizza in OVEN to heat it up.  Then eating it through MY MOUTH as an avenue to get it into my belly eventually.  What's the stats on how common T is if you never use words like THE or  TO.  I dunno.  THOSE ARE TWO COMMON WORDS.  Espsecially THE.  Especially IN PHRASES.  Phrases gonna have LOTS OF THES.  What else is up.  I don't get wheel of fortune.  WHEEL isn't the star of this show.  It's the GAME WIT THE LETTERS.  The wheel is just the avenue to determine POINTS and DOLLARS and crap.  Not really THAT relevant in terms of the Gameplay.  YOU WANNA ACCENTUATE the gist of the game you're playing with the title of the game show.  Call it something like LETTERS FOR PHRASES.  Not the best idea no but YOU Get THE IDEA.  I dunno.  Maybe idiots watching at home JUST LOVE the WHEEL.  The game they can do without.  THEY LIKE THE WHEEL.  Anyway.  Walk time!  be back soon!




yes this qualifies as a title

    Hey friends.  What's going on and crap.  Got lotta time to write this act.  Let's say up to FIFTY FIVE minutes would be ideal.  Let's say I get it done in TWENTY SEVEN minutes.  Okay.  Now let's DO IT.  Hmm.  Maybe have DORITO as delicious SandwichSide.  Gotta have dorito at some point.  Might as well have it at This Point.  So that's good.  NACHO CHEESE DORITO might be a redundancy with pizza tonight.  There's cheese inside the pizza.  Or on top of the pizza.  Either way CHEESE.  What IS nacho cheese.  I GET it's the cheese you eat with nachos.  BUT WAHT KIND OF CHEESE IS THAT.  Looks like Nacho Cheese is SIMILAR to Cheddar Cheese.  Interesting.  SO INTERESTING I was vaguely interested to find it out.  So that's good.  Time to move on with my life though!  What else do I got going for me.  ONLY four more paragraphs to write for DayTime Day.  Gotta imagine rest of day will be decent.
   Okay!  For some reason Yahoo Fantasy Baseball thinks my name is Mik.  Presumably ALL OF Yahoo does.  Or ALL OF Fantasy Baseball.  Either way latest Yahoo Account I signed up as Mik!  PROBABLY INTENTIONALLY. I wanted to give A TASTE of what my name is without giving away the whole deal.  Either way DON'T LIKE IT.  I could probably change it.  But I have no better alternatives as of now.  FOR NOW MIK Might be the best option I've got even though it's not good in and of itself.  HOW OR WHY did a search engine take it upon themselves to do Fantasy Baseball.  Either way WELL DONE they knocked it out of the park.  What else is going on and crap.  Still on Today's Hits playlist.  That's pretty good.  I remember a lot of these hits from Last Week's Today's Hit's.  But that's okay.  They're pleasant enough songs.  I don't have a problem with over half of them!  Anyway.  HEY I only gotta write THREE more paragraphs now!
   Good deal!  Anyway.  What else is up.  Not sure what to watch today first.  MAYBE GO WIT JUSTICE LEAGUE actually.  Gotta make some progress there first things first.  See some Super Heroes get stuff done.  ALSO FRIENDS OF SUPER HEROES give them moral support.  AND TACTICAL SUPPORT.  For example ALFRED.  Give TANGIBLE support to The Batman.  Good!  Gotta imagine there are Comic Books where Alfred is a Super Hero in his own right.  Hmm.  Not sure I've ever owned a comical book.  Gotta imagine I got some sort of comic book from BURGER KING or something.  The BK FRIENDS Comic Book or something.  There were Burger King Kids Mascots right.  Lemme LTURQ.  YEP I TYPED IN BURGER KING and I saw there were gonna be hits AND TAHT SATISFIED MY CURIOSITY so now its time to move on with the entry.  Amazing.  Hmm.  Haven't have Burger King in a while.  But NOW THAT I TINK ABOUT IT if I was gonna have Fast Food Double or Triple Hamburger the BK ONE WOULD BE PRETTY SWEET.  I could skip Turkey Meatloaf and/or push back one of the Sandwiches for next week AND GET A BURGER KING DELIVERY this week.  Huh.  I WISH.
Penultimate paragraph of Daytime Day!  THEY GOT THE CHICKEN FRIES TOO.  Delicious.  FRENCHED FRIES AS WELL.  Dunno what THEY'RE like.  I remember they changed their Frenched Fry formula when I was around 12-14.  May have changed it again once or twice since then as well.  DON'T KNOW what their Freedom Fries would taste like right now.  Either way Oh well what can ya do.  Move on with your lives!  That's all!  Hmm.  SO FAR Justice League divided into Chapters.  I BELIEVE I paused it RIGHT at the start of Chapter II.  I forget what the Title of Chapter II was.  I remember Chapter I was called something like What's Wrong With You, Batman?  Anyway.  Gotta imagine THEY CONTINUE doing chapters throughout the movie.  It'd be weird to do one 20 minute chapter and then one 3 and a half hour chapter and that's it.  THEN AGAIN they're capable of anything These Filmmaker People.  Can't count anything out completely!
   Last paragraph for now!  Wow!  I guess.  What else is there to say.  And how many sentences will it take to say it.  Lemme count how many sentences THE LAST PARAGRAPH FOR INSTANCE was.  Hmm.  Looks like a mere 19 sentences.  OBVIOUSLY of differing length.  Some sentences were one word while others were Oh I Don't Know OVER TWENTY OR TWENTY TWO WORDS EVEN.  Didn't count them explicitly.  Except for the One Word Ones.  TOHSE WERE PRETTY EASY TO COUNT.  I COUNTED AT LEAST ONE OF THOSE EXPLICITLY.  So that's good I guess.  What else is up.  I dunno.  I guess I'm JUST ABOUT ALMOST done here BUT NOT QUITE which is very frustrating.  Because I wanna move on with my life.  BUT I CAN'T.  Good news is I AM VERY CLOSE.  Huh.  Anything in my left breast pocket.  Nope.  Figured it couldn't hurt to check though.  Lemme check again.  Just in case I missed something the first time around.  Nope.  Nothin' at all.  WELP that's it.  See ya tonigh!




Third Time's A Charm

    Hey friends!  Time to write some five paragraphs.  What did I accomplish today.  Watched most of Zachardy Snyder's Justice League!  Thirty more minutes INCLUDING CREDITS.  So I'm gonna guess roughly 11 minutes of credits INCLUDING Bonus Scenes SPLICED WITHIN CREDITS I will be skipping.  Either way finish that sucker when the entry is over.  THEN watch the second 2/3rds of ROTLDII I got.  THEN I probably got time for a Tales In The Crypt or two.  SHOULD BE GOOD.  Probably gonna have choco pop soon.  Probably gonna have QUEST BAR and HEALTH ICED CREAM SNACK as a preliminary Dessert Indulgence Goal for the night.  HMM.  Closing in on FOURTH Knight of Topher Grace Pill.  AT THIS POINT IT MAY OR MAY NOT KICK IN.  Just like at any other points.  BUT THIS POINT IN PARTICULAR.  Anyway.  Justice League okay!  Pretty uneven movie but there's good parts to it.  I LIKE THE PART WITH THE CYBORG.  GOOD KID.  HE'S GOING PLACES even if he wasn't Cyborg.
Hmm.  Finalized Fresh Direct order for tomorrow morning.  Good deal.  Briefly flirted with the idea of getting Buffalo Chicken Wings OR Buffalo Chicken Fingers.  Decided to nix both the ideas in the bud!  Went with standard Turkey meatloaf and health spaghetti meal.  YEAH.  It's the RESPONSIBLE way to go.  I can't be having Fried Chicken.  TOO UNHEALTHY and there's TOO MUCH OF IT.  Huh.  AM I getting anything exciting.  Lemme LTURQ.  NOT REALLY.  Some SOMEWHAT exciting stuff like Chocolate Chip cookies and Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  Doesn't cross the Exciting Threshold though.  IT'S ON THE SPECTRUM SURE but it hasn't passed the level where it can be described plainly as Exciting.  OH WELL SUCH IS LIFE I'm getting MILLER LITE beer that's exciting.  LATELY beer has either been Citrusy Craft Beer or Michelob Ultra.  NOT THIS TIME.  MILLER LITE.  GOTTA IMAGINE THAT'LL WORK OUT FOR ME REAL GOOD.  Huh.  Got egg whites in fridge but WILL NOT FOR SURE be having a Balanced Breakfast tomorrow.  Not enough Chocoalte Flakes for a bowl.  Only other cereal is Cookie Crisp.  I DON'T LIKE IT.
Anyway.  What else is up.  Choco pop time!  Choco flavored choco pop!  Anyway.  SURE TEH FLASH IS GREAT.  He's a nerdy kid WHAT KIND OF IDIOT WOULD'N'T BE CHARMED BY NERD KID.  WONDERFUL WOMAN FOR ONE.  So far SPARKS ARE NOT QUITE FLYING.  Still room for the relationship to grow though.  Can't count anything out at this point.  WHAT HAPPENS IN THE JUSTICE LEAGUE STAYS IN TEH JUSTICE LEAGUE.  That may or may not be accurate.  Either way, huh.  Never finalized Amazon Fresh order.  So I got stuff in THAT order that I DON'T KNOW when I will be re-upping with.  So that's good.  A LITTLE MYSTERY NEVER HURT ANYBODY.  Anyway got iPad charging.  Is it an iPad.  I forget what it's called.  What do I call this thing.  TABLET.  That's what I call it.  Anyway haven't used it in many weeks and I'm charging it now so many I can draw on top of it for a while later tonight or something.  See where that takes me.
   Penultimate paragraph!  Good deal.  What kind of exciting lunches are open to me tomorrow.  Ham, turkey, or vegetable sandwich.  Sushi.  Turkey meatloaf with health spaghetti.  That's about it?  THAT'S NOT THAT EXCITING. WHAT TE HELL AM I SUPPOSED OT MAKE OUT OF THAT THAT'S EXCITING.  I guess I can do a Wildcard Lunch to LEAD OFF THE WEEK.  It's CRAZY but if I really wanted to I HAVE THAT OPTION.  Ugh.  Next Detective Comics movie is Aquaman.  Whatta snooze.  I'm not 100% if this person has any superpowers.  I think he's appropriately strong for what his physical body SHOULD be able to do.  Which is pretty impressive compared to most people!  But it's no SUPERPOWER.  He can talk to fish I think.  WHO DOES THAT HELP.  What do fish have to contribute TO ANYTHING.  What the hell is he conversating with fish about that's gonna end up helping anybody.  NOTHING THAT'S WHO.  I'm sure he has half a dozen super powers that are halfway decent.  Good for him.  The point is WAKANDA FOREVER is also available now on Disney Plus!  Not sure when I'll wat ch that.  May be until I'm done with Detective Comic Movies completely!  Wow!
    Last paragraph!  In the process of chewing up choco pop.  Good stuff.  Hmm.  Part of me figured if I really wanted chicken fingers or buffalo wings I'd be better off getting them from a Communal Dinner spot.  HIGHER QUALITY fingers definitely from Delicatessen.  Not sure where the best place to get wings would be.  ALL MAIN Communal Dinner spots sell wings!  NOT SURE WHICH WOULD BE TE BEST.  Anyway.  What else is up and crap.  Never did laundry today.  NO ONE ever did laundry today.  Probably SOME people did.  SOMEWHERE.  But we have NO PROOF.  Hmm.  Maybe have less indulgent solid snack than Quest Bar but STILL SOLIDLY SOLID INDULGENT SOLID SNACK.  Comprehensive FIBER BAR for instance.  Huh.  We'll see what happens I guess!  AT THIS RATE I will eat something when JUSTICE LEAGUE is over. So I got that to look forward to I guess.  HEY the good news is the entry is over.  Bad news for people who were enjoying reading the entry.  Huh.  What the HELL.  What kind of WEIRDO are That Person.  I DON'T GET IT.  Either way see ya later.

-8:07 P.M.




Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Ready To Go Ahead With This

    Hey friends.  Behind schedule today.  10:27 AM!  Gonna take normal walks though and cut Act I short.  Got about up to half an hour to write Act I.  SHOULD be able to hit 5 paragraphs with thirty minutes.  NOT SURE what I do with missing paragraphs.  Write a bonus act at some point in the day?  Add on paragraphs to act III?  JUST HAVE LESS PARAGRAPHS TODAY?  I dunno!  Either way I'd rather do it this way today instead of clunking up walking schedule.  Hmm.  Had therapy zoom appointment that I forgot about again!  That's POSSIBLY three out of the last four times I forgot.  Therapist wasn't mean about it though.  COULDA BEEN.  Either way, went back to sleep for half an hour after that before getting up.  Hmm.  Thirty degrees outside!  It's worse than lately but I've been informed its gonna get a lot worse in a few days!  SINGLE DIGITS.  THAT'S THE AMOUNT OF DIGITS I HAVE UNLESS YOU COUNT LITERALLY ALL OF THEM.  The point is I started coffee even though I WILL NOT DRINK IT until after next walk.
   Some nice LIGHT LIGHT snow coating on ground.  I can tolerate that.  Not a problem there at all.  Good stuff.  PEN IS WORKING AGAIN.  That's good.  Hmm.  Did a lot of NightMight eating again last night, but skipped breakfast.  Or had an early breakfast of NightMight.  I forget.  Either way ham sandwich with sandwichside or spicy shrimp roll for lunch.  Think I'm leaning towards spicy shrimp roll.  Could be good.  Could be real good!  Hmm.  Watched about 15 or 20 minutes of Shutter 1980's Horror Film Docmuentry.  IT'S FINE.  Just goes through Horror Films from the 1980's in chronological order and spends a few minutes per film.  TIS IS THIRD INSTALLMENT.  Most of these films NO ONE ever heard of before.  If ya heard of em THEY'D HAVE GOTTEN TO EM IN FIRST TWO INSTALLMENTS.  HOWEVER they just did PROM NIGHT.  I heard of that.  They did DEATSHIP.  I SAW THAT.  The point is hmm.  Guess I'm aiming for nine walks today.  Could start aiming for eight.  Probably not.
   YEAH.  Might aim for 6 or 7 paragraphs for act I.   I dunno.  What else is up.  They had sequel to Original Twilight Zone episode about Boy Who Reads Minds and makes everyone think good thoughts.  THEY CAST THE SAME BOY AND TE SAME MOTHER fourty years later.  AMAZING.  That's a very relatable episode.  I can't PERSONALLY send people Into The Cornfield for thinking bad thoughts but I could IMAGINE what it might be like and it's a CURSE.  Too many people see this kid as the villain BUT HE'S SUFFERING AS MUCH AS ANYONE.  YOU TINK HE LIKES SENDING PEOPLE INTO THE CORNFIELD?  OF COURSE NOT.  THIS IS A TERRIBLE THING HE'S BEING FORCED TO DO.  Hmm.  Continued on some ALT CNTRL playlist on Walk number one.  Good stuff. I MAY have skipped a song or two I find boring.  That's new.  Never occurred to be until just now to skip songs I don't enjoy.  Hmm.  What else is up.  FEBRUARY.  Gotta come up with a TITLE FOR TE MONTH.  So in your WEBBROWSER you see this phrase for the WebPage.  Hmm.  Something with FEBRUARY.  Or MOST OF TE LETTERS of February.  Lemme think about that.
Fourth paragraph!  Got twenty minutes to go.  MAY just cut it off at five paragraphs even if I got as muc has ten minutes left.  I dunno.  Maybe I should sign up for Fantasy Baseball Draft today.  WON'T BE FOR A WEEK but the more I put it off the moor EXPONENTIALLY I'll have to wait potentially.  So that's good.  NO IT ISN'T.  Oh okay.  Hmm.  Probably finishing steak * stuffed mushroom tonight.  Guess it's possible we're getting Communal Dinner and I push back Final Steak * Stuffed Mushroom Portion for tomorrow night.  NOT SURE how that would play out exactly.  Hmm.  WOW I get to start putting together super market orders today.  Fresh Direct always is for Fridays.  Amazon Fresh lately has been on Fridays BY COINCIDENCE.  What else do I got going on for me.  Recommended TOPAMAX to Therapist.  She has another patient who has some sort of weight/appetite problem which this might help with.  SHE DON'T PRESCRIBE MEDICATION.  She's just a THERAPIST or something.  I dunno her EXACT title.  NOT a Prescribing Medicine Title though TAT"S FOR SURE.
   Fifth paragraph!  Amazing!  Got to sleep in a little late AND I'll take all walks anyway.  Go figure.  Might be interesting to have a bonus 5 paragraph Act in the middle of the day.  That's one way to do it.  Not sure I wanna go into The Night having to write ten paragraphs.  Also not sure I feel comfortable cheating ya out of 5 paragraphs.  GO AHEAD AND WRITE A FOURTH ACT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY.  TECHNICALLY A THIRD ACT and then the third act becomes the fourth act.  BUT YOU GET THE IDEA.  So that's good.  Hmm.  Got enough time comfortably to write a sixth paragraph BUT I TINK I'LL CUT IT OFF AT FIVE.  For SYMMETRY reasons.  That sort of thing.  Good deal.  Wearing NOT JUST AN UNLAUNDERED SHIRT but possibly SAME UNLAUNDERED SHIRT as yesterday.  Threw on closest shirt I could find today to get ready for Zoom appointment.  KEPT THAT SHIRT ON for rest of day.  MAY be shirt from yesterday.  Oh well. TOO DEEP into the day now to do anything about it!  Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.




maybe i got nothing better going on

    Hi friends.  Time to write five paragraphs!  UP TO how much time do I have to write it?  I dunno THIRTY FIVE MINUTES.  I finished LAST five paragraphs in Twenty Five Minutes.  THIRTY FIVE MINUTES SHOULD BE A BREEZE.  So that's good.  CONSIDERING aiming for only eight walks Today and Immediate Future.  Wouldn't make that much of a difference OVERALL in calories burnt.  I'm burning, what, 70-100 calories a walk.  I can manage losing that with current plans and whatknot.  Anyway.  Thinking about writing bonus five paragraphs between walks FIVE and SIX.  That's POST WALK POST LUNCH.  Should be good.  Anyway.  Had to unscrew faucet COMPLETELY yesterday to get Bathtub water to go down.   Luckily when I did that it DID go down immediately.  So there is SOME hope it's not a huge problem.  Either way what do I need this faucet for.  I'm not taking baths.  JUST LEAVE IT UNSCREWED.  I can't imagine a scenario where I need it to be popped in!  THE GOOD NEWS IS we started Amazon Fresh and Fresh Direct orders already.
   Four paragraphs to go!  Not sure what to do about lunch.  I WAS leaning towards sushi BUT NOW I'M NOT SO SURE.  Gonna be getting Communal Dinner tonight.  WILL BE GETTING SOMETHING.  Not sure whether I'll have New Thing for tonight or tomorrow.  I'd be having steak * stuffed mushroom OTHER dinner.  I Don't even know where we're getting Communal Dinner from!  NO WAY OF KNOWING HOW IT'LL PLAY OUT AS OF NOW.  Getting close to the end of ALT CNTRL playlist.  Only 10 or 12 more songs.  WELP I guess it's time to start considering a new playlist.  OKAY.  Maybe I mix it up.  Think of a different genre to try out.  WOULD I like New RAP music or new COUNTRY music.  Perhaps new POPULAR music.  MY GUESS IS it couldn't HURT.  Well it MIGHT hurt.  Anyway.  What else is up.  Figure I'm gonna continue with Tales In The Twilight Zone (2002) for immediate TelevisioN Set futures.  I PRESUMABLY still have a few episodes left.  Last episode I watched it SAID it was the Right Episode in Sequential Order numberwise and titlewise BUT it was actually the content of THE FINAL EPISODE as explained by Internet Summaries of episodes.  STREAMING SERVICE seems to suggest there are more episodes to watch.  So hopefully I still got the rest to watch and it just got OUT OF ORDER.
    Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  OH NO what kind of format are we talking about for fourth title.  AND which title will Look Different.  NORMAL THREE TITLES Have different formats.  Capital Letters, italics, Bolds.  NOW I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.  The good news is I'll figure it out SOMEHOW presumably.  Hmm.  How much time do I have to write the next 3 paragraphs.  Lookin' like a solid twenty five minutes.  WOW.  SOUNDS LIKE I CAN GO FOR OVER EIGHT MINUTES PER PARAGRAPH.  The good news is I'M ALREADY SENTENCES DEEP into this paragraph.  PLUS If I REALLY need to I CAN GO OVER THAT TIME ALLOTMENT A LITTLE BIT.  Also the good news is WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON AND CRAP.  I almost got started watching Justice League yesterday but then didn't.  Looked it up on HBOMax.  MAY have even pressed play.  But then paused it before ANYTHING happened.  Not even Frame One.  Didn't see A LICK of the movie.  So that's good I guess.  Hmm.  LUNCH is creeping up.  In a mere LESS TAN 2.5 HOURS.  Whether I have ham sandwich or not depends on how excited I am about a possible Sandwichside.  Huh.
Two paragraphs to go!  Delightful.  I could enjoy SushiSide though too!  THE POINT IS I SHOULD EAT SUSHI.  I'm CALLING IT.  I'm not calling I WILL eat it. I'm calling that I SHOULD.  IT'S THE RIGHT MOVE morally and whatknot.  Hmm.  Figure I'll have second cup of coffee of the day with Act III.  Which is NOT the normal Act III.  It's the STRANGE Act.  That'll be good I guess.  Couldn't hurt!  What else is up.  ONE PARAGRAPH AND A HALF to go.  Amazing.  So far no side effects from Tophermax that I can discern.  That's pretty good.  MAYBE ONE of the side effects is that I'M BLOCKING OUT one of the other side effects.  DANGIT.  THEY'VE THOUGHT OF EVERYTING.  SIDE EFFECTS WORKING TOGETHER.  Hmm.  What else is up and crap.  Eight walks, right?  Stick with that?  Sure.  Why not.  Let's go with that.  HMM.  Gonna try a new Belvita Breakfast Biscuit.  I had gotten Chocolate Breakfast Biscuit twice which was good.  NOW I'm trying DARK CHOCOLATE CREME breakfast Biscuit.  WAIT NO I'M NOT. DARK CHOCOLATE IS UNHEALTHY.  Parents alerted me about it a week or two ago.  Then I saw it on social media a couple of days ago.  SOMETHING IS WRONG with the world's Dark Chocolate Supply.  DON'T EAT IT.  Anyway so I can't get that turns out.
Last paragraph of MORNINGMorning.  There will be DaytimeDay Act and NightTime Night Act as well. Should be okay I guess.  Hmm.  NOT SURE WHAT IT ACCOMPLISHES exactly.  But presumably SOMETHING.  Kinda feel Not Hungry.  I mean, I normally don't feel too hungry this time of day lately.  BUT IT MAY be a little bit MORE Less Hungry.  COULD BE TE PILL KICKING IN MAYBE?  I dunno.  What else is up.  ALSO I HAD NO BREAKFAST.  BUT I had a lot PRE-Breakfast.  Either way oh well what can ya do.  Eat sushi I guess!  That's all ANYONE can do.  Hmm.  I could make a case for whatever Communal Dinner I want.  BUT WHAT CASE SHOULD I MAKE.  I dunno.  Pizza off the top of my head is always a winner.  Good deal.  Hmm.  DO LAUNDRY TODAY.  Just DO IT.  Why not.  CHALK IT UP TO THE PILL.  Not sure how that works.  COULDN'T HURT.  Huh.  I THINK therapist was lying.  I SAY I HAD NO APPOINTMENT TODAY.  Lemme LURQ m yrecords.  OKAY SHE WAS TELLIGN THE TRUTH.  She wins TIS round.  Hmm.  That's it for now.  I'll be back in a couple of hours!




That Could Be It

    Hey friends.  Decided to write Bonus Five Paragraphs POST WALK IV, PRE LUNCH I.  NORMALLY I'd be eating lunch right around 30 minutes from now.  Most likely pushed back a few minutes today.  THAT'S OKAY.  Gonna have sushi.  Probably gonna finish steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner!  GET SOMETHIN FOR TOMORROW.  Dunno what!  if its ITALY STYLE RESTAURANT I can get pizza or grilled freedom roll.  If its DELI Delicatessen I can get Chicken Pot Freedom or Hearty Grandmother's Soup.  PROBABLY PIZZA OR CHICKENED POR PIE.  But I dunno.  Either way let's just get this over with.  Got coffee #2 going on.  That's pretty good.  Hmm.  Started watching 10 minutes of a Twilight Zone (2002) while drying off from shower.  SO FAR SO OKAY.  DOWN TO the last song on ALT CNTRL play list.  Or UP TO the last song.  OR EITHER.  One or the other or both or neither.  I dunno.  Who really cares either way in the end.
   Hmm.  Gonna aim for eight walks overall tonight!  By which I mean today!  I could go back and change, "Tonight," into, "Today," but we're too far down the road of Not Doing That to even consider it.  Hmm.  LAST CHANCE to consider having a ham sandwich.  NOPE.  Don't think so.  LAST CHANCE TO CONSIDER HAVING A SUSHISIDE WITH SUSHI. NOPE.  This ISN'T the last chance.  I have UP UNTIL I AM ACTUALLY EATING SUSHI to decide whether to have sushiside.  WOW.  What if I had half a dozen wheated thins.  THAT'D BE PRETTY INDULGENT ALL IN ALL.  I guess.  Hmm.  I'm having coffee NOW.  That's LIKE a Lunch Side.  So that's good.  OH HEY gotta turn the page on Health Calendar Or Something.  Let's see.  FEBRUARY 23 LIVING HEALTHY TIP OF TE MONTH IS TAKE TIME TO SMELL THE ROSES.  I assume they mean that metaphorically.  I DON'T HAVE TIME TO SEEK OUT AND SMELL ROSES IN TODAY'S MODERN WORLD.  Anyway.  In short paragraph blurb FOLLOWING their Tip Of The Month they say their meaning is REDUCE STRESS.  That's what they mean by Smelling Roses.  NOT SURE HOW THAT WORKS.  What does flowers have to do with stress.
Three paragraphs to go.  Any good Patriotism Days this month?  SURE THERE IS.  February 21st is SHROVE TUESDAY.  Amazing.  Let's see What The Hell That's Supposed To Mean.  The Day Before ASH WEDNESDAY.  Which Is a Christianity Thing.  That's enough knowledge about it for me.  Don't need to look into it anymore than that.  So that's good.  I can have delicious chocolate-caramel-pretzel bar as Sushiside.  So that's pretty good I guess. What else is up.  SHOULD I MAKE EFFORT TO EAT THE SUSHIS IN ONE BITE.  I dunno.  Maybe eat four of em in two bites, four of em in one bite.  SPREAD IT OUT A BIT.  Can't go wrong that way!  Or can ONLY go wrong if you go that way.  GUAENTEE YOU're going wrong AT LEAST PART OF TEH TIME.  SO that's good I guess.  Hmm.  SET UP FANTASY BASEBALL DRAFT FOR around 3:00 PM on a day where I would not be getting communal dinner.  If I take 8 walks a day, I can fit 2 hours for fantasy baseball draft from 3:00 to 5:00 PM without losing any walks!  WOW.  Draft might go over two hours but not by much and by that point the most important part of draft is over!
   Penultimate paragrap hof the penultimate act.  So that's pretty good I guess.  Hmm.  Maybe take a 5 or 10 minute break between Act and Lunch.  I dunno.  What else is up.  Also I DON'T KNOW what roses smell like.  I can't identify ANY flower's scent.  Hmm.  Maybe that's why I don't like poetry.  Other people who read poetry about flowers ACTUALLY HAVE REFERENCE POINTS where they know what's going on with the flowers in question.  TO ME I AM SCENT-BLIND for these contexts.  OH WELL.  Wait a second I LIKE A LOT OF POETRY.  More than your average jerk.  BUT NOT ALL OF IT.  Less than your extreme jerk.  Huh.  What else is up.  I dunno.  Odds are I finish Twilight Zone (2002) today.  I THINK they're missing an episode.  TWO storiesworth. OH WELL.  They supplied most of the series.  Can't be upset with the amount of Episodes I got out of this.  Can only be SATISFIED with it.  SO that's good and crap.
   Last paragraph for now!  Good deal.  STILL TIME to decide I wanna do laundry.  Hmm.  Can do it after next walk.  Get started on it at least.  WHY NOT.  IT TAKES MERE MINUTES.  So that's good.  I guess.  What else is up.  ALRIGHT just set up a Fantasy Baseball team!  Draft is in SIX DAYS at 3:00 PM.  That'll be fun.  I guess.  Had to come up with a brilliant Team Name off the top of my head.  Came up with, "Baseball Players."  Sounds pretty good.  Let's stick with that.  Pot committed to it at this point I guess.  Anyway.  Possible I spend a couple of hours overall over the next week doing research for Fantasy Baseball Draft.  Probably even SEVERAL couple of hours.  I can see that playing out Real Good.  AMAZING.  Might set up a SECOND team for a second draft a week or two later.  TWO IS ENOUGH THOUGH.  Amazing.  WELL that's it for now.  I'll be back tonight I guess!





    Hi friends!  Instead of tootsie pop with Final Act I had delicious indulgent Quest bar just now.  Gonna have one more dessertsnack later on in the night.  POSSIBLY aim for two.  POSSIBLY end up with seven.  BUT DON'T AIM for anymore than two.  Either way FEELIN' FULL from Quest Bar, delicious.  Had sushi for lunch.  Had steak * stuffed mushroom for dinner!  Got pizza for TomorrowDinner.  Tomorrow Lunch gonna be ham sandwich.  TOMORROW BREAKFAST almost a slam dunk for Classic Breakfast or Balanced Breakfast.  Got ONE MORE Twilight Zone (2002) story left.  HALF an episode.  I MISSED TWO EPISODES for some reason.  I didn't miss them.  THEY WERE MISSING FOR ME.  Don't blame ME.  THEY'RE JUST NOT THERE.  SPOOKY.  That could be the episode of a Twilight Zone (2002).  You're binge watching a show and there's 22 out of 23 episodes of the season BUT NOT THE EIGHTEENTH EPISODE FOR SOME REASON.  I'M TERRIFIED JUST TYPING ABOUT IT.
Anyway.  Took eight walks.  Watched about 20 minutes of Justice League.  Watched about 2 minutes of Shutter Documentary. Figure that's what I'll put on for a while after I finish Twilight Zone (2002) tonight.  Should be good!  Anyway.  I was gonna do laundry but my Mom told me not to!  She wanted to do HER laundry.  WHICH SHE DIDN'T.  But it worked out pretty good for me, anyway!  I GOT THE JOY AND PRIDE of knowing I was ready to do it with THE JOY AND PRIDE OF NOT HAVING TO DO IT.  Win/win I guess!  What else is up.  We're talkin 2 regular slices, one with garlic and anchovie, one with garlic and onion.  PROBABLY in reverse order.  Gotta imagine I'm eating garlic and onion first before garlic and anchovie.  Right?  That makes all the sense in the world.  AS WELL as some of the sense of THE ASTEROID BELT.  WOW.  When am I taking nighttime medication including ROUND THREE of Topher Grace Pill.  Probably around 10:30 PM.  WOW sounds like about 2.5 hours.
Three paragraphs to go!  Amazing.  So far I've been exposed to AQUATIC MAN, WONDERFUL WOMAN, and some other guy POSSIBLY A FLASH.  Also VILLAINS but I didn't catch their names.  Some of them are big MAN SIZED BUGS though.  Flying bugs.  Ya know with wings.  HORRIFYING.  What else do I got going on for me.  Presumably a lot!  That'd be my assumption.  Getting TWO black and white Single Serve BREAKFASTS for upcoming SUPER market order.  That's gonna be A BLAST AND A HALF.  Wait a second NO it will be A BLAST AND TWO HALVES OTHERWISE KNOWN AS TWO BLASTS.  So that'll be good.  I GUESS.  The good news is I'm halfway through the act but the corresponding bad news is that I still have The Entire Amount I Already Wrote Left To Write.  WHAT THE HELL.  THAT'S A LOT.  TOO MUCH one might suggest.  Anyway.  Batman went from LONE WOLF to TEAM BUILDER in A NEGATIVE AMOUNT OF TIME.  Wasn't even a short amount of time.  HE SOMEHOW MANAGED TO BECOME A TEAM PLAYER BEFORE HE FINISHED BEING A LONE WOLF.  Not sure I like that.  NOT SURE I DON'T NOT LIKE IT THOUGH.  Maybe I do like it.  HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT.
   Penultimate paragraph.  Hmm.  Considering having lollipop NOW as 1 of 2 Allotted Snacks.  Right now I am not doing it.  BUT THERE is still time for Me To Decide To Do It Now.  When does, "NOW," run out.  ENTRY.  NOW Means for the rest of the entry.  That's that.  Anyway.  Hmm.  Might even take pills at TEN O CLOCK.  The good news is I got garlic bread from Italy Style Restaurant that might be fun to NightMight.  HAVEN'T NightMIghted bread in the past really.  IF I'M GONNA NIGHTMIGHT might as well have some fun with it though.  EITHER WAY maybe I DON'T NIGHTMIGHT tonight how do you like them apples.  Time for MEDICINE to start working.  THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW I've been taking this.  THAT'S PLENTY ENOUGH for it to kick in.  I guess.  So far it HASN'T Ruined My Life at least.  That's Positive Results!  Hmm.  Finished beer #1.  Guess I'll start beer #2.  THERE WILL BE NO MORE BEER THAN #2 TONIGHT.  I'm Calling It!
   Last paragraph.
  Good deal.  Huh.  What else is up.  AT this point STILL POSSIBLE I have just the ONE more Snack tonight.  ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU PUT YOUR MIND TO IT.  PROBABLY.  Except learning about AP Black History.  NO LONGER POSSIBLE.  Too controversial!  Let's play it safe and avoid that mess ALTOGETHER.  Ugh.  The good news is I think I'll enjoy some of the Shutter Documentary SHOULD it play regularly on my television set.  LAST time I tried watching it a couple of hours ago it played for Oh I Don't Know SEVENTY FIVE SECONDS and then stopped loading.  GOTTA WONDER If I'll have any better luck tonight!  Anyway.  If I had stuck with becoming History Teacher GOTTA IMAGINE AP African American History would be my department.  Gotta imagine I'd be AGAINST them watering down the course.  Gotta imagine I'd be against them watering down the course WITHOUT being a history teacher.  YEAH BUT MY OPINION IS LESS RELEVANT.  GOOD I LIKE IT THAT WAY.  I don't want a RELEVANT opinion. TOO MUCH PRESSURE.  Anyway.  That's about it for today!  I'll see ya tomorrow!

-8:22 P.M. 






Contact: mankindguy@gmail.com