February 28, 2021
You're Looking Well
Wonderful! Read about Oh I Don't Know ONE HUNDRED PAGES Of Barack
Obama Novel: The Memoir yesterday. Totally halfway through the part
where its this dude is picking staffing for his administration and other
assorted staffing picks. No Eric Holder, yet! Gotta imagine
that's RIGHT around the corner. Anyway if Barack Obama was never born
World Would Be Very Different! That's not an outlandish
statement-past-in-further-introspection-prediction. But It's True
and reading the first quarter of the book You Really Get The sense.
As JOKER would say You've Changed Things. I guess that's how
the world goes. Constantly changing relatively gradually sometimes
over time. Who would have guessed it. I was PRETTY SURE
everything was completely static and stays the same forever. Boy
is my face red!
Facebook MADE the Color Red a big deal. You see a
RED NOTIFICATION holy shit someone commented on me or liked me or added
their logo I feel like they use BLUE. But logos can go screw
themselves. Nothin' as exciting as a RESPONSE to a STATUS UPDATE I
made! Presumably. Haven't been on Facebook in 3 or so years.
SOUNDS right upon further introspection. Look might have part II of
pizza for lunch. Sounds RIGHT upon CURRENT INTROSPECTION. Hey
this is the last entry of #FebruaryAlready. I can, "Dig," that.
Look am I watching #PunkyBrewsterFebruaryAlready YES. It's the dumbest
most basic unoriginal show and it's EASY ON THE EYES AND BRAIN NICE CALMN
Mission Accomplished for them.
Look is there a hipster coffee shop some where
called Punky Brew-Ster YES as long as they were never sued. If
they're facing lawsuits as soon as putting up that name then NO none exist
anywhere. I dunno how litigious the Punky Brewster Franchise is.
Also BREW could be a BAR but I think everyone involved is more comfortable
with making this a Coffee Show Enterprise. How exactly can we get
Cuomo to resign. I feel like there's a majority of New Yorkers who
would want that but we're all collectively going Oh well what can ya do.
Seriously. I don't know. Gotta imagine there's a tipping point
at SOME point, but we are collectively ill informed of how our state
government works. Such Is Life! Kick the can down the road.
Maybe the NEXT civilian who wants him to resign knows how to make
that Mission Accomplished. I wouldn't put it past The Next Civilian
they're smart!
Looks like 2/3rds of this Memoir (Part I of II) is
HIM IN OFFICE. From 2009-2011. We're talking like 500 pages.
I'm gonna be honest I don't remember ANYTHING that happened from 2009-2011.
Something about he wanted more trains but they wouldn't give them to him.
In my mind that was the entirety of Barack Obama's administration for the
first 2 and a half years. Well clearly I'm about to be proven wrong
How could I forget! FUNNY PHRASE. Presumably good policy, too!
But Funny Phrase most of all. When does Barack Obama Part II come out.
I imagine it's like an IT scenario. Dunno how to make that a
bit. Too lazy and also it's internal logic isn't 100% on point.
Oh well what can ya do.
Anyway. MAYBE have Chicken Parm instead
of pizza for lunch. It's GOOD to have options! That's what
I'VE been led to believe. Hey part II of Woody Allen: The Horrible
Child Molester is coming up Presumably Tomorrow! I'll watch that.
I ENJOY comeuppance! This documentary doesn't qualify as
comeuppance. Maybe it's an Important Step ON THE ROAD to
comeuppance. That seems to check out possibly. REALLY not
sure of what to have for lunch. This is a tough one! Anyway what
else is going on and crap. Hmm at this rate I will finish Barack
Obama Book: The Book Written AND ABOUT Barack Obama in MARCH. Also
how VAIN do you have to be that your memoirs are All About Yourself?
Pretty vain that's my Hot Take. I'll be back with Act II in a
little while!
How Did That Get There
am I leaning towards Delicious Pizza for lunch today? Yes! It's
delicious! WE ALREADY COVERED THIS. Chicken Parm for DINNER. Got
two Freshly Made Pastas to eat before Next Delivery. NOT COUNTING
SALMON + NOODLES. Which DOUBLES IT to 4 Noodle &/Or Pastas over Five
Days. Looks like Cuomo is DESPERATE to stay in power because he's
talking all ya know what lets legalize marijuana. But UPON
FURTHER INTROSPECTION the State Legislature is proposing THEIR OWN PLAN to
legalize it. So basically this is easy. Dump Cuomo, go with
Legislationers plan. Best of All Worlds! They say it could be
done by APRIL 1st. Which YES is a Fools Day but I'm not getting my
hopes up! I KNOW it's probably just an April Fools but it can't hurt
Anyway great just great. Are they BOTH just
talking about further decriminalization? POSSIBLY I DIDN'T READ
ARTICLE AND READ OH I DON'T KNOW 2/3RDS OF IT. De-criminal-ization?
Whose doing this JUDGE DREDD? Anyway what else is going on.
Also is Judge Dredd a Racist Cop who kills African Americans? Also
does Robocop need Anti-Racial-Bias training? Gotta imagine they
program facial recognition into his Main Frame Computer which reinforces
BIASES per my understanding. Maybe ROBOCOP IS BLACK.
Never thought of THAT ONE, did you? Anyway YEAH gonna put pizza in the
oven after the 3rd or 4th paragraph of Act II. Also just because
Robocop is Black doesn't mean he's gonna be a good cop. Black cop
showing up for the white cop. By hurting black civilians. I
heard this scenario in music and films.
Wonderful. I dunno have the Chicken Parm.
THIS IS A TOUGH ONE!!! The point is I still have 50 pages to go in
Martin Short Book that I haven't touched in a year more or less. Or
exactly. That covers all the time frames I could be describing.
But I could Finish that TODAY or TOMORROW or any day in the future NOT
COUNTING today OR tomorrow. How would Robocop react to another
Robocop abusing his power. Will Otherwise Decent Robocop look the
other way? If I know anything about Cops, Robo or not, YES!!!
ALRIGHT put Pizza in the oven. Be ready in about 45 minutes.
Meaning most likely have to take a slightly longer break or start pizza a
paragraph or two INTO Act III! Such is life!
Cool. Main potential negative thing about pizza
is I have both Quarters left of pizza STACKED while being in the freezer.
Now they're frozen Stacked. I HAD TO CUT THE HALF IN HALF AND STACK
WHICH I SOWED. Oh well probably tastes delicious, the only thing is
Can I eat it at a pace that I'm not eating it twice as fast as Normal.
Can't wait to get SHOT on Thursday. I'll be all like, OUT LOUD TO
ANYONE LISTENING, here I go its my shot feet fail me not this may be the
only opportunity that I got. And just repeat those 3, "BARS???"
over and over. The rest of the song NOPE. Just the its my
Shot, section of lyrics. I feel very strongly about this!
HMM IS FEET A PUN. Isn't that a thing in poetry meter. Feet?
Yeah! My mom has been saying for years
don't put me in a nursing home. I'd rather die. And seeing
I'd still INSIST on her living NO MATTER WHAT but yeah nursing homes are
fucked up! This is about 30% indicative of the kind of Fucked
Upeddness that nursing homes foster. On the other hand I bet they give
you some NICE, "Three Hots," at nursing home. 5x better than Jail
Food. Maybe on par with what I got when I was incarcerated in
hospital-- which upon further introspection, those there meals were GREAT!
Look I'm not Knocking a Pasta Dish out of the park for lunch but I WILL
ENJOY THE PIZZA. I made my choice and now all I can do is Make The
Best Of This Situation! Maybe have Chicken Parm for dinner.
Lots of good options! I'll see you guys in a bit!
I Wrote This
Meticulously Presumably
haven't even written it at all yet! Title came first before What I'm
Saying Right Now. I guess the point is I'm A False Based Liar.
Gonna have lunch ready I'm Guesstimating At End Of ParaGraph II! Of
Act III! III:II. Or, "V with a : halfway through."
What's YOUR Favorite Roman Numeral. I feel like you can't go wrong
with, "X." X HAS got all the character PLUS in Regular Math we live in
a Base X society. Need a break from President Barack Obama!
Finish Martin Short Book First! I can do that Oh I Don't Know SOON
AFTER ENTRY ENDS? If I was reviewing Clifford, the synopsis of
my review would be NOT SHORT ENOUGH! because it means AT LEAST three
things at once. Anyway what else is going on and crap.
Watch some LOCK UP today. Maybe that's
IMMEDIATELY after entry. A LOCK UP. Then either Straight To
Martin SHort: The Book Thing OR go take a Bathing Enterprise. Watched
some #SNLFebrauryAlready before and during Current Entry. I like that
show! It involves lots of laffs and characters I've grown to know and
love. I find it fascinating that if you told me 20 years ago that
there'd be very little repeating characters in sketches BUT many repeating
characters abundant in Weekend Update I'd call you a dirty dirty liar!
Fair amount of repeat PREMISES for sketches. But NOT THE
Hey got pizza right now just as predicted.
Here's the status of Pizza being stacked: UNSTACKED THEM but .5 the
toppings for the bottom one stuck to the top one. Not bad! I
can, "Live," with that! And YES it IS Delicious. Anyway.
Also SOMEWHAT through George Carlin Memoir Assuming I Can Find The Book
Wherever It Was That I Left It. AND assuming I Can Find Exactly Where
I Stopped Reading Due To The Aid Of Some Sort of Index Card Or Something.
Maybe a PLAYING CARD is I was in a FUN mood. Anyway. I think
it's safe to say that no one has been, "Cancel Culture'd," in the last
several decades by the right more than Barack Obama. YES Hillary
Clinton is a DECENTLY Close second but not as much! They love going
after Clinton. They hardly go after Obama anymore. TOTALLY
The only other person close besides Obama &/OR Hillary
wouldn't cancel George Carlin these days. Just expropriate and twist
his, "Bits," as if he was a right winger. He does AT TIME have a
Libertarian Streak but mostly Just On The Right Side Of Stuff. LOOK am
I going to have a delicious Chicken Parmesan for dinner tonight YES ALMOST
DEFINITELY. LOOK did I just finish lunch and was it Everything I Hoped
It Would Be YES IT WAS. Maybe subtract 10% because it didn't last as
long as I would have liked-- but it was no less than I anticipated! I
knew Going Into This Lunch that I very likely Wouldn't be 100% Full when I
was done! SUch is life! Hey anyway only one more paragraph to
Cool! Get to take a nice Outside Vacation on
Tuesday. We're talking driving to hospital. We're talking me
getting bloodwork done. We're talking driving AWAY from hospital.
We're talkin' stoppin' off in a bodega type place, getting a couple of beers
and cartons of cigarettes. We're talkin driving AWAY from bodega type
place. SO yeah I got a nice Tuesday morning planned, how about you.
... I'LL WAIT... not talkin, huh? I can, "Live," with that.
Now I'm in a real Tough Space. I dunno I guess only time will tell.
Don't think I've had bacon at a... wait, nope. Around August or
so I had gotten Frozen Bacon to have when I made Egg + Bagel. But
THAT'S IT, that's all the bacon I've had in a year! GET OFF MY BACK
ABOUT IT. BACK BACON. It's called HAM. I'll see
you guys later.
-1:06 P.M.
February 27, 2021
Website Open For
The Lord. You know, Kamala Harrises' husband. Second Lord!
What kind of PR Goodwill is Kamala Harris's's husband taking care of.
Let's LTURQ. FIRST lets get his name. Doug Emhoff. Well
I think we can all agree he should name his son, "Jack." That's
just a slam dunk! Anyway Oh Right. What kind of stuff is he up
to as Second Gentleman. Wikipedia-- "In his role as Second Gentleman,
Emhoff plans to focus on Equal Access To Justice and Legal Representation.
That's good! A lot better than whatever crap Mike Pence's wife was up
too. Pretending that Democrats want to kill babies after they've
been born? That sounds right up her alley I guess.
Hey great just great. Halfway through Workweek
(Which is the same as BeerWeek). HOPEFULLY have First Al Fredo Dish
for lunch. I've been, "I'm Lovin' It," the last few weeks but lost a
bit of enthusiasm just lo these last few days. Gotta get back on the
horse! Al Fredo Horse! Wide Fettuccini! Why commit the
word to memory I can just say wide fettuccini! Also it's a tough word
to remember how to Spell &/OR Pronounce.. Off the top of my head
pepperfaffle. AH! PAPPARDELLE. No way I'm EVER gonna commit
that to memory. But IF I CAN it would be the SUCCESS OF THE CENTURY.
Not just for me but for all of Mankind. Anyway making GOOD progress
into Barack Obama Book: The Barack Obama Experience. HE'S JUST WRAPPED
You don't elect generals. They're appointed
somehow. Presumably. I imagine its like the Vatican Picking a
where Generals Come From! Well that's a relief no way we'd ever
have a president we can't trust appointing generals. Anyway got
next week all planned out In Terms Of Consumption. Why it's only
consuming the Barack Obama Book The Barack Obama Experience roughly Oh I
I don't know about you guys but my favorite part in books is when a
paragraph ends and instead of starting a new paragraph right under it
there's a blank line or two before a new paragraph starts. HOLY SHIT
I LIVE FOR THIS, finally I can TAKE A BREAK. ...gotta skip ahead to see how
long THIS section lasts. Maybe It's Possible I wanna save the break
and get A BIT more Reading In!! HMM 22 PAGES? BETTER TAKE THE
I dunno. Great. I can't DETERMINE when
to stop exactly when I want! I get a thought hmm maybe its time to
stop, it's not a feeling of I NEED TO STOP AFTER THIS WORD.
It's more like alright would be smart to stop REALLY SOON. In A few
paragraphs possibly? Maybe as much as a page? But I NEED
MORE GUIDANCE. Anyway what else is going on and crap. Today is
My FATHER'S birthday. He lives the same number as one of the streets
NEAR my house not the street my house is ON but a significant street that
comes into play HALF THE TIME I'm going somewhere by Car &/Or Bus.
NO SPOILERS. I haven't Ridden the bus in Oh I Don't Know a YEAR?
It may NEVER be safe to ride the bus again! Well maybe by late
summer or fall hopefully. It may AT SOME POINT be safe to
ride the bus again!
Cool! Whatta watch during upcoming Act Break.
We're talkin very likely #LockDownFebruaryAlready. We're talkin'
possibly #SomethingElseFebruaryAlready. Hmm that's a good one for
March. A good CATCH ALL for All Of March! So YES I TAKE IT BACK.
There's NO SUCH THING as a #SomethingElseFebruaryAlready. THIS
PARAGRAPH NEVER HAPPENED. I could have sworn I'd seen Paul F
Tompkins in the commercial for the Tom & Jerry Movie. Not listed in
the cast on Wikipedia. Look I'd like to think I know a Paul F
Tompkins when I see one but Apparently Not! Did they purposely
cast a Paul F Tompkins impersonator to get fans on board? I dunno!
I ain't here to throw wild accusations at people! Just uniform
double checked the trailer and the guy I was imagining is KIND OF like Paul
F Tompkins but I can certainly , "BUY," the idea that he's not actually Paul
F Tompkins pretty easily in further introspection. I'll be back
in a bit.
Read Away You Bastards
other best part of Obama: The Book: Part I is it has REAL paragraphs!
None of this 15 Blobs Of Words A Day I subject you to! I could EASILY
imagine oh we got Paul F Tompkins for this supporting role in Tom and
Jerry and we got him goin' in the commercial trailer. It's SO
PLAUSIBLE that I'm JUSTIFIED in thinking it was him. Anyway YES
lunch will be Pappardelle Al Fredo PLUS 5 Chicken Nuggets Why It's Only the
best of both worlds! And both worlds were pretty good on their own!
Now we're talkin! Anyway if I was in prison I'd just figure out a way
to have 100 dollars a week to buy ALLLLL THE COMMISSARY. I got all
these Bonuses coming to me I'M THE TOP DAWG. Except for the part
where stronger people beat me up and rape me For Their Fair Share of My
Bonuses. The point is If I Have ANYTHING In Prison I'm getting my
ass kicked. Oh well live and learn. Point of the moral of the
story is Have Nothing Nobody Else Wants! That's the way to go!
Cool. Doesn't SOUND like the PFT we all know and
love. I dunno what else is going on. My educated guess is that
in this book Obama wins 2008 General Election. I mean sure we all know
in REAL LIFE he wins. This could be an Alternate History Book that no
one has mentioned in his reviews and/or descriptions. PROBABLY not but
look what do we really know about Barack OBama: The Author? What's
he trying to accomplish in these, "SO CALLED MEMOIRS?!" Sure great
what else is going on and crap. We know he was a teacher at some
point! Imagining Barack Obama as Teacher is fun. Probably
taught Law. Not as fun! I wanna see him teach an Intro To Spanish
class. That's not too much to ask I feel!
Cool! Also whose the protagonist, Tom or Jerry.
Or are they more or less equal. They're always fighting but we don't
really identify with EITHER of them. Their most personorific
characteristics are just Fighting Each Other Aided by Humanish Intelligence.
Who are we to decide which animal we should root for in Ultimate Mortal
Combat. Looked it up. The cat is the main villain ACCORDING
TO MOST. Some people see it the other way! Good thing we got
that covered. Gotta imagine the ending of Upcoming Movie is one of
them gets killed and then there's a brief moment of glory for the surviving
animal and then the credits role. I dunno whose gonna win! This
is a real Godzilla VS Kong type deal. Which one are WE, EXTENDED
HUMAN SOCIETY, better off being left with? Tom the cat or Jerry the
mouse. That's a tough one! Gonna have to think about that
one and get back to you!
Anyway. Alright gettin' in the mood for Al Fredo
+ Nuggets. I can DIG IT is the point I'm trying to make. Hmm
seems like kind of a bonus. I shouldn't be having such indulgent
meals. Now my parents are gonna beat me up and take my lunch.
They wouldn't do that to me! We're part of the same gang! NO
INFIGHTING IN THIS GANG! Also lets be honest if there was I'M THE
ALPHA in THIS Household. Good strong young man in prime of my
life. Then there's two oldies but goodies. OLD makes them weak.
GOOD makes them weak in This Survival Of The Fittest Environment that My
House is. Anyway hey almost done with Act II. Only one+ more
paragraph to go! Ya know what lets narrow that down to, "Only One=
more paragraph to go!"
Cool! Speaking of Streets Near My House.
The second of two times I did mushrooms, I did it in a park near my house
over night with friends. Had a notepad with me in case I came up with
any good Creatives Notes. Had ONE note. Wrote down on the way
home. The note was Just The Name of the street I was walking down.
That's as much creative juices I could muster from mushrooms. Hmm
this is the street I'm On on my way home. Yep Checks Out!
Look was it a GOOD and INTERESTING name of street? YES it's a FINE
name for a street. I ain't telling you which street it was NO
SPOILERS. Also as far as I can remember never incorporated the
street name into ANYTHING over the next 13 years. Just another
Lost Throwaway Note! Sure great what else. End of Act II.
See ya in a bit!
I Can't Stay Mad About
Having lunch. Great! 75% shot I'll have Meatloaf for tonight.
Great! THe point is WHERE DID PAUL F TOMPKINS GO WRONG such that he's
not getting this role. He LOOKS the part. He's got the STAR
POWER. well, i guess not. Oh well great I gotta write 5
paragraphs then it's onto Barack Obama Book: The Barack Obama Experience.
Did I think he was a great president? He was okay! But
reading the book I feel like I'm On Board With Him 90%! YOU write a
book, I'll feel like I'm 90% on board with you. That's THE NATURE OF
BOOKS. Nothin to do with politics! Well at least not
until the book ends. WHILE READING THE BOOK 90% on board with
politics. I'm Pot Committing to this guy being the protagonist Get Off
My Back About It!
Anyway. LONG BOOK. That's A LONG TIME to be
90% on board with a guy! But it'll end and I'll be back to being 90%
on board with Whatever TV Is On TV. THE POINT IS I'm up to the time In
The Book that CONCURRENTLY I was doing Mushrooms for the 2nd out of 2 times
and coming up with the GREAT Note of street near my house.
We're talkin Summer 2008 What A Time To Be Alive! DID I SAY 75% SHOT
I'M HEAVING MEATLOAF? Yep kinda remember saying that. THAT'S
And IF NOT the back up is Why It's Only Chicken Bacon & Brie Cheese Wrap.
Either way SOUNDS GOOD TO ME. ALSO either way the Side Will Be Potatoe
Pancake! It's gonna be a good dinner check that out.
Cool. I saw House passed Covid Bill that Still
Included 15% minimum wage. Does that mean there's Still Hope we can
get it? I dunno about hope, seems kind of audacious.
Audacious Hope. That was the Prequel to this book. Never read
it! Somehow was able to make sense of where this book started, though.
Guess I'm Just a Great Reader! The point is I have half a dozen
Crescent Potatoes (1 mealsworth of a side) and NO OTHER FRESH CARBS.
No potatoe sphere halves. No more... Crescent Potatoes... no more
RICE. We're down to Frozen Potatoe Pancakes and this was KIND OF by
design??? So I got that going for me is the point. Got some
CHIPS. Not a lot! They'll be gone by Tuesday or so!
Ugh. HEY frozen French'd Fries, too! Hey this paragraph
is over what a wonderful turn of events.
Penultimate paragraph! Finished lunch!
I can dig that. I'm not sure if I've ever seen, "Mad About You."
I'm not sure if I've ever EVEN HEARD of, "Mad About You." What
else is going on. The point is YES we have half a dozen EXACTLY slices
of meatloaf per week and do I do my best to take the 2 widest slices for
myself YOU BET. I EARNED IT on account of COOKING it. I had to
put this in the oven and if there's any pieces of plastic in the loaf
the 6 slices are the same size and 1 is smaller. So I just take 2
out of the 5. Not really scamming anyone in that scenario. Which
is the most often scenario. That sort of thing. Usually
My Dad wants to save his 2nd slice for a Future Meal. He gets the
smallest slice! That's what happens Ya Snooze Ya Lose! I don't
feel like this is too controversial an arrangement!
Last paragraph of the entry! The point is AM I
EARLIER IN THE MORNING YES. I feel like I've Wondered what it'd
be like to mix orange juice and orange soda but as of now never actually
tried it! Gotta put that on my to-do list. I don't have a
to-do list. Need to get one! Hopefully a Patriotic To-Do list to
along with my Patriotism Calendar. What's coming up on my
Patriotism Calendar. Not a lot. Only one more day after today!
Can't flip ahead to March that's not proper! Anyway at this point 90%
shot to Meatloaf tonight. Asked my Mom who was on the fence before and
is now ON BOARD. Me and My Dad are LOCKS for Meatloaf tonight.
Great, just great. I'll see you guys tomorrow.
-1:41 P.M.
February 26, 2021
Nobody Pay Me No
seems to check out. CPAC going on. Meanwhile, in the world of
Justice League &/OR The Avengers, we'd potentially have a SUPER Pac.
something exactly bad enough that Not Sayign Anything would be CLEARLY the
better way to go about things. Oh well what can you do. This
is a BULK industry. Anyway is there some sort of Social Leftism
Splinter that is exclusively about Work In Prison For Inmates. They
get paid pennies an hour and they consider it a privledge to do it!
Under the premise of it being on accuont of how badly they're treated and
abused and tortured throughout the days if they DON'T sign up for the job.
And the system works-- there's more people who want to work than there is
space for them! So basically Put them in a position no human should
be such that they can finanically exploit them on the other end.
Seems to check out! Not a great look for, "Society!'
Yeah! Not even to talk about how it effects Non
Prison Workers who can't compete with Slave Labor. Good for
businesses and corporations, though! So we got THAT going for us.
HEY Spell Check Is Back! ANd it's Better THan Ev... wait no it's
the same as ever. Maybe A BIT better. Possible I've added 2 or 3
words to the Spell CHeck Microsoft FrontPage dictionary over the last week.
So, yes, SLIGHTLY better than ever! Lots of good options for lunch
today but the one I'm trending towards is Al Fredo Dish PLUS 5 Chicken
Nuggets. Dunno if I'd eat them as A SIDE to pasta. Or roll up
them nuggets into the pasta &/Or MORE IMPORTANTLY the Sauce. I don't
know anything at this point! Only know that I'm only 80% excited
about this meal but can't think of a better one. MAYBE I CAN BUT IT
Maybe In Prison there's REVERSE INFLATION. A
penny is worth Oh I Don't Know SEVEN DOLLARS? Anyway CAN Reverse
Inflation Be a Thing. Off the top of my head YES Lemme delve into that
history a bi... oh bot on the top of the other side of my head RESEARCH
WHO NEEDS IT! I do! GONNA LTURQ I'm here to Learn AND TO
TEACH. Sounds like they got a word. DEFLATION.
Sounds about right. That's what Tom Brady did to a Super Bowl Ball a
couple of years ago, right? I specifically remember because of the
Catchy Catchphrase Deflate Gate. So basically maybe he was just
trying to prove a larger point about the economy. Also that reminds me
of a joke I made and carried with me--- DeflateGate is what I call what
happened to my scrotum over the last ten years. It's FUNNY because
IT'S TRUE. Used to be TIGHT. Very tight. Can't say so
anymore! Maybe it'll go back over time I have VERY LITTLE of the
Cool! Looks like Democrats have been being a 15
Dollar Minimum Wage Increase Tease. They made us think one thing, that
they were gonna get us a 15 dollar minimum wage, and then they were like
Actually NOPE changed our minds what can ya do. Gotta imagine that'll
work out in the best interest of the people &/Or their own political
premises. I mean we still CAN but it's HARDER THAN WE ANTICIPATED
and we're not here to do HARD work! Unlike people working for 8
dollars an hour. They're there to do hard work! Lucky them,
given some hope over the last couple of months. What A Wild Ride It's
Been for people making minimum wage! BETTER LUCK NEXT
ADMINISTRATION! Look chicken nuggets are delicious. And I don't
feel like having a Hour Deserves Party with Nuggets Castles And Fries.
So Nuggets + Smallish size Al Fredo Just Seems To Check Out All Over The
first line for a song. DAY/AWAY. Lemme put that in my
Journal Notebook. What else is going on and crap. One bad
thing about my music is I've Got No FLOW. You listen to singers
especially rapper they're IN THE POCKET. I'm not! I'm very much
outside of any pocket imaginable. Well, The First step is
identifying the problem, Second Step is... giving up, solving the problem is
too hard. That seems to check out! Sometimes I sing a little
bit to myself throughout the day and There's Something Wrong With Me.
I'm not even in the pocket with myself! Doesn't seem possible to be
Out Of Pocket when The ONLY THING is my voice. I manage it, though.
First step is giving up on the problem, why bother with identifying the
problem, only gonna waste your time. I'll be back with Act II in a
little bit!
I'm Having A Great Time
checks out and whatnot. ANYWAY at this rate I will have at least 2
beers a day with only a single exception from today till MARCH NINTH.
Wha... huh... That's PLENTY of days. Almost Double DIgits!
I've been reading Kamala Harris: The Vice President can override
Parliamterian Ruling. GREAT opportunity to Strut Her Stuff. So
far shes been ABSENT from public eye not doing anything TOO SUBSTANTIAL.
Now's her time to shine! And we're all like ALRIGHT KAMALA HARRIS
in favor of 15$ minimum wage. I've read RE-TWEETS ABOUT IT.
Yeah! Sounds like a wonderful turn of events.
I can, "Dig," It! Also Republicans are busy at their CircleJerk
Session. We can USE a distraction from watching them masturbate upon
one another. I don't, "Dig," watching &/OR listening to that!
Need a good alternative! BAD NEWS I can't watch ACT II of Woody Allen:
The Bad Bad Man Docuseries until Oh I Don't Know probably SUNDAY? I
CAN watch Tom & Jerry but WHY. Maybe its a generational thing
but when I was a kid Tom & Jerry weren't even on my radar. Haven't
seen a single 5 minute chunk of it! Closest I came wa watching a 30
second commercial JUST LAST MONTH. Also I dunno if it was on a channel
I didn't watch or just wasn't on TV for a while. Possible it was on
Cartoon Network or something. Didn't watch that as a kid! I'm A
Channel. Only thing worse than Cartoon Network! I APPARENTLY
feel very strongly about this?????
Cool. Some LOONEY TUNES every now and then
but not in prime time. Maybe like at 6 AM or something! I don't
have all the answers! LOOK what else is going on. Another Docu
Series &/Or Reality Show is MILLION DOLLAR LISTENINGS. I liked that
show a few years ago where I would binge watch it whenever it was on.
HEY look at these SOLIDLY SOLIDLY ADEQUATE, "Million Dollar
Listenings!" in New York &/Or Exclusively Manhattan. Often MULTI
MILLION DOLLAR LISTENINGS. Anyway that's on a Streamer, too.
What else is going on and crap. At what point did Being a
Millionaire stop being short hand for REALLY rich. I feel
like its safe to say it no longer serves that purpose. Makes sense to
say that at some point it DID accurately serve that purpose. WHEN DID
Hey great what else. Maybe have some Personal
Chicken Meal I got this week instead of Communal Roast Chicken (spicing it
with plastic turned my Dad off of getting it again). We're talkin'
"Herbed Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, and Broccoli." SOUNDS GREAT and I
can add a Mini Roll or Potato Pancake to Build It Up To Perfect Lunch Size!
I haven't had Sweet Potatoes in A DOG'S AGE (roughly close to a year).
Wonderful. It's hard for me to contemplate and contextualize
Joe Biden administration. Overriding contextualization is 2 years.
We've probably got 2 years of Presidency, Senate, and Congress. If we
pass Voting Rights Acts, and do at least slightly more than the bare minimum
of helping people, we'd keep the senate and house and have ANOTHER 2 years
of Joe Biden. That's FOUR years to get stuff done as long as we play
our cards Relatively Right. Then there could be 2-4 MORE years.
Also Republican Violence & Assorted Criminalities can throw a wrench in
the conveyor belt. So we got that going for us!
Wonderful. Look sure I'd prefer Joe Biden gets a
RESCUE Cat but if he wants a BRED CAT I can LIVE with that. Garfield
is a Bread Cat. He likes Lasagna. Lasagna, bread... all
carbohydrates. What else is going on and crap. There's no
rule that says a cat can't eat bread. I'd eat bread. Put
some bread in front of me I'll eat it No Questions Asked. What was I
in the middle of watching before Act II of This Website Entry. Feels
like it was a #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready. Better LTURQ.
YEP 2/3rds into one! Not such a great one. Only picked it to
watch it now Out Of Pity. Always skipping over it I felt bad for it so
that explains this such scenario. Figure I'm so ambivalent about
it I Can Just Skip the rest of the episode! I can watch Fantasy Show
where I can afford a MILLION DOLLAR LISTENING. It's fun because Hey
I'd Live There In A SECOND. What else is g... oh right.
See ya in a bit.
I Can Live With That
YOU IDIOTS I got Herbed Chicken, Broccoli, and Sweet Potatoes! AND a
BONUS Potato-ish Pancake'd. I tried starting Million Dollar Listenings
but this isn't New York this is CALIFORNIA? Who gives a fuck about
California! Not me! Presumably some people! Otherwise
they'd have set it ALL in New York! Gotta give people what they want!
California Listenings! The point is I'm on board with this lunch,
particularly the three decent sized pieces of Sweetish Potatoes. Lives
up to my experiences with sweet potatoes AND THEN SOME. Maybe have
that there Al Fredo Pasta Dish for DINNER. On account of getting TWO
of them I GOTTA have the first one at some point soon!
The point is if I was in Prison would I be able to
trick them into letting me have a guitar in my Cell? My guess?
Depends on the prison! If its Country Club Prison YES probably.
Never seen a Prison Docu Series about Country Club Prisons. All we
have is our imaginations. And maybe seeing It In Fictions every now
and then. Not sure what to make abuot Biden Killing People Presumably
From Iran Militias in Syria. ON the one hand my instinct is It's
NOT A GOOD THING but on the other hand my instinct is IT'S NOT A GOOD
THING AND No One Has Yet Convinced ME It Is A Good Thing.
Anyway this lunch has been OKAY I may get it again I may not Get Off My
Back About It Is The Point.
What if there were members of Armed Iranian Militia in
United States and Biden just bombed some US Building. Would we be
like, well clearly that's okay probably had a good reason to Bomb Disney
World (These Iranian Militia People were in Disney World at the time).
My guess is NOPE. Look my guess is I'd just keep eating Decent Sweet
Potatoes as long as you keep putting them in front of me for AT LEAST
Fifteen Minutes. Maybe just retreat back to #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready
when this entry is over. Which is in slightly more than 2 paragraphs!
YOU IN THE WRONG COUNTRY SON. SURE I've gotten roughly 40-80 packs of
PARLIAMENT mostly when I firs started smoking. I don't SEE how this is
RELEVANT right now!
Penultimate paragraphs. Something
dignified about smoking Parliaments. That's how I felt!
Maybe read some more Barack Obama: Promised Land Here I Come later in the
day. Not immediately! Later! I feel very strongly about
this! Anyway up to TEN out of 30 Guitar Amplification Presets with MY
OWN GIVEN NAMES. 75% I tweaked the sound myself. 25% I was like
well I'm keeping this sound preset, MAYBE changing a single thing or two,
but GONNA MAKE A NEW NAME FOR THIS. It's called being CREATIVE and
it's all the rage these days. WHY DO I CARE ABOUT CHECKING JOE BIDEN'S
APPROVAL RATING 60 TIMES A DAY? Not much BETTER things to do.
I'd keep track of OTHER People's Approval Ratings but for some reason
they're almost exclusively doing Joe Biden Approval Ratings. Go
Last paragraph! Finished watching Godzilla: King
Of Them Monsters yesterday. He DEFEATS the SUPER MONSTER VILLAIN at
the end. Still remains to be seen how he responds to King Kong.
I think King Kong has more of a longer track record of being on the side of
Humans (lets not forget he protected the tribe who lived on Skull Island for
as long as anyone can remember) BUT in this movie Godzilla Saved Humanity,
too! So basically we'd be #BLESSED either way whether its
Godzilla Or King Kong who becomes King Of The World. Don't Blame
Me, I Voted For Godzilla. That sort of Wise Crack. It's a
wise crack cause DUH we're all voting for King Kong. King Kong is
winning IN A LANDSLIDE. And IN THAT LANDSLIDE another more
powerful Monster arises from his beneath-the-ground realm...
Yeah! That sort of thing. Nope I'm sticking with King Kong even
WITH this surprise Third Party Candidate. What else. I'll
see you guys tomorrow.
-1:54 P.M.
February 25, 2021
You're Cool
congratulations! Just accepted Super Market Delivery.
Gonna have a nice Ham + Sandwich + Swiss Cheese + Assorted Extras including
but limited to SPINACH. but Perhaps Limited To I'd Have To LTURQ YEP that
appears to be it. LUNCH BOY! I meant Boy as an
exclamation, but if you choose to call me something, I WILL accept Lunch
Boy. Anyway pair that Entire Wrap with a Sucker Of A Potatoish
Pancake. Fun stuff! Eat it cold! Only decent option.
And sure it IS decent. I ain't knockin' Cold Wraps. Wraps a dish
best served cold. Like Revenge. Doesn't mean Revenge is GREAT
cold but it's at least better than having Revenge Hot, either conventionally
from oven or microwaved. How does room temperature play into these
calculations. They Don't! ...That Suttem Up.
Sure did. Sut-em-up real good! Here's
an idea I would Fail At but other people might like-- Busking, but with
comedy. Just stand around crowded street (not TOO CROWDED than You'd
Get LOST IN THE COMMOTION) and CRACK WISE. Either committing to
regular joke bits that reward people who stick around. Or be a guy who
INSULTS PEOPLE and gets in their GOOD GRACES and then people gives them
money for being so hilariously Burned! I feel like this is an idea
waiting to Pop. Unfortunately you may come across as CRAZY to most
people walking by but we all have to make sacrifices for our art!
That's what I've been led to believe!
Cool. Beercohol is FLOWING through my system.
Just gotta keep my body operating well enough that it doesn't' start oozing
out of my orifices. Always something to keep in mind any time you're
ingesting something. Anyway still going with That Holy Trinity of Lock
Up, Tales From The Crypt, and The David Chappelle's Shows over the last Oh I
Don't Know 48 hours! Also they're all February Alreadies.
That goes without saying! But I still said it anyway! Just to be
on the safe side! HMM I also tried a new SingleMeal of, "HERBED
CHICKEN, SWEET PTATOES AND BROCCOLI" (emphasis mine). I wanna,
"Dig," ,"Into," that as soon as possible WHY WAIT Why It's Only Possibly My
Next Lunch! Anyway I'm just about through Barack Obama: The
Promise Has Landed when he's JUST starting Presidential Campaign in early
2007. I BET HE WINS. I'd bet THE BANK it wins. I
can't bet the bank. I can bet AGAINST the bank. How can I bet
something I don't have in my possession. I'd bet MY VALUABLES
against THE BANK Barack Obama STILL becomes president in 2008 upon all our
our shared collective further introspections.
I still have that Barack Obama/ Joe Biden campaign gift
t shirt. Which is INVALUABLE so, if I Can Go Back In Time, I will be
able to see if it starts fading away, implying he will no longer becomes
president (or at least a nominee who can sell t-shirts) and I only have a
few days to re-assure Obama becomes president before that future timeline is
lost forever. So basically Most Valuable T Shirt I have, all things
considered. Same deal but with a reference to a Mr. Show Sketch.
TWO. I have 2 t- shirts shits referring to 2 different Mr. Show
sketches so that's also important to make sure I don't Erase That From
Existence. Brown long sleeve shit. What if they eliminate the
color brown once and for all.
What else is going on. Hey last paragraph of
Act I! I can, "Dig, "that. Still not sure about lunch.
It's a positive I have so many possible great lunches! Two GREAT Ones,
at least! FIRST VACCINE SHOT is a week from today. Feet fail
me not, this may be the only opportunity that I've got. To get Covid
Shot. Hopefully NOT. I'd like to get it a second time 3
weeks later so if this is my only opportunity for shots NO BUENO I NEED
ANOTHER SHOT. Also am I being Dumb by being so enthusiastically
against The Johnsons' Vaccine? I mean, yeah. Newspapers say it's
like 74% effective. While the PFIZER and MODERNA are both around 95%
after both doses (there is no second dose for The Johnson Brother's Vaccine
Enterprise as far as I know). So who the hell is like HEY FINALLY
THIS IS WONDERFUL NEW! No where, that's who! Maybe
I'm missing something. Maybe its like Well WE'RE all getting
the good vaccine but its good for low class and poor people to get the worse
vaccine! They're cool with it it's still pretty good! I
dunno! I'd LTURQ but I THINK I'll Let The Speculations Speak For
I'll Be Alright
Hey Future Beer Supplies is probably 2-4 beers until THURSDAY in which case
NO BEER ON THURSDAY then presumably MORE BEER on FRIDAY. Thursday is
my Vaccination Date I want to be Clean Eyed And Sorbor for that anyway!
The point is Yep Half and Cheese and a Potatoe'd Pancake for lunch with act
III! I LIKE Those odds. LOVE EM. Those odds are the best
odds I've Seen All Day! Anyway here's something I came up with that's
a real Throwaway-- they're doing a show called, "Young Rock," as a kid--
real thing, real sitcom coming (maybe already hit). And his real name
is Duane Johnson and presumably as Young Rock his name was Always Dyane
Johnson. And then he's talking to an adult about how he doesn't like
his name and came up with The Rock so people would like him more. And
his teacher or counselor says kindly, It Doesn't Matter What Your Name
Is. That's my dream. That's the kind of reality I want to
live in. That was a The Rock catchphrase. He asks a Lowly
Person what their name is and they start to answer and he goes, "IT DOESN'T
MATTER WHAT YOUR NAME IS!." So basically that's where my head is at.
Cool. What about Busking but its for Pro
Wrestling. Look there's lots of ways to solicit donations through
performance! Also what's wrong with Three Card Monte. SURE the
Mark never wins the MONEY but he's having A BLAST AND A HALF losing his
money. The Three Card Monteirs are prohibiting a VALUABLE CIVIL
SERVICE. The Three Card Monteir s selling them A DREAM one cardflip at
a time. We should be CELEBRATING THESE PEOPLE and electing them to
offices AS HIGH AS PRESIDENT IF NEED BE. Here's my plan for if they
offer me the Johnson & Johnson Shot next week-- be like, Look you just
don't get it. If you don't give me the good vaccines I'm Just Gonna Go
Somewhere Else To Get It! They can't stand to lose my customership
is the way I feel for some reason! So they'll dip into their BONUS
SECRET STASH of good vaccines. You gotta know how to be able to
negotiate with these people! Makes some sense is the point.
Saw there's a New Strain going around NYC.
I don't LIKE it but I do LIKE that HOPEFULLY it doesn't effect me &/Or My
Extended Group Of Loved Ones. I like seeing Ads on web pages
that are the reminder of products I've purchased and/or browsed from other
websites. Lookin at Baden's Approval Rating on 538? Why the
front top banner is only pictures of things I've gotten from Fresh Direct.
THANKS FOR REMINDING ME. WELL DONE. Now it's like I get to Look
At Those Pictures Of Foods All Over Again WHAT FUN! Is Nate Silver
in the pocket of Big Fresh Direct? Probably. Gotta be in some
sort of pocket. That's MY impression. Hey Today is My Mother's
Big Birthday Day! I like how I always think of my parents as old but
in the exact same way year in year out. 10 Years Ago I thought early
60's were old for them. A lot of time left, good time, but old.
Now it's early 70's and, a decade more of aging, I feel EXACTLY the same.
A lot of time left, good time, but old. Gotta imagine at some
point I am just like Yeah They're OLD now. Hopefully they both
live to see the day where They're Just Flat Out Old. Sounds like
fun for the whole family.
Wonderful. HAM AND CHEESE? What are you
dumb that sounds delicious. WHEN IS BIDEN SPEECH OF THE UNION COMING.
I'm pretty sure they've teased the idea of it happening but so far Nothin!
Better LTURQ. YEP he's still planning it but NOT YET. I
guess he wants to add a month or two so he can refer to things he's done.
Presumably 2 trillion Stimulation Bill. Stimulation Bill?
Biden to use in Speech Of The Union just throwing that out there.
What else is going on and crap. State of the Mew-nion.
For counterprogramming where Potential First Cat delivers an adorable 40
minute performance. I don't think I've ever looked at a cat
uninterrupted for 40 minutes. Probably a good thing. You're
looking at a cat for 40 minutes up Something Has Gone Terribly Wrong.
Last paragraph of Act II! I can watch some TV
after this paragraph sure whose gonna stop me no one that's who.
Anyway great just great. IDEA for prison docuseries-- similar to what
we're used to BUT the host &/or producers have all been incarcerated long
term and use that context to approach prisoners &/OR staff to Get To The
Good Stuff. IDEA for prison docuseries-- episodes devoted to the, "3
Hots PLUS a Cold Potentially" meals from prison to prison and show us up
close what it looks like and even have a Guy Fieri type eating it and be
like MMM that's terrible OR MMM that's not bad what's in this again?
My name is Guy Fieri I'm from the Cooking Channel &/OR the Food Network I'm
that guy. That's the kind of world I'd like to live in. Not
IN the Jail eating. Not IN Guy Fieri's production team. As a
VIEWER. Watching all this unfold. That's where I wanna be in
this potential future world. I'll be back in a bit.
That's What I Said
Watched 10 minutes of GODZILLA: "KING," OF THE MONSTERS. Just enough
to see the three headed dragon! Is that like a conjoined twin?
Nope. ...would be a TRIPLE TWIN. Of course I wanna LTURQ to see
the potential freakshow. Also it's not a Triple Twin. It's a
Conjoined Triplet. AND Google says it's happened a few times over the
last 2 centuries and one article has a picture of the parents making booties
for three like yep our kids need these! and NO PICTURES OF THE
TRIPLETS THEMSELVES. Sounds like a SCAM no fooling that's a Scam
End Of Discussion Open & Shut Case. I wonder if there are Any kind
of Triplets who are like, two of them get on together really well, but the
third one is kinda just leaving himself out of the picture, kind of doesn't
relate to other two triplets. We all know how close Twins usually are.
Triplets? I just picture a Really Close group of twins and then a
third one Nobody Really Likes.
Yes my lunch today is HEARTY BOTH HALVES of Ham +
Swiss + Single Potatoe Pancake. Delicious! Also I was reminded
oh yeah I got that PIZZA again I can see myself DIGGING that for dinner
tonight! Anyway I've been eating single White Castle hamburgers as
snacks because Life Is Good. Maybe leave over half the half of the
wrap. I can see myself being like YEP I'VE HAD ENOUGH. I
can also see myself being Eh FUck That I'm FINISHIN' IT! Is it
possible we're all conjoined twins but our twins are so small we don't even
notice them. My guess is nope that's nonsense, wouldn't hold up in
a Court Of Medical Opinion not even one bit. At least I'm Making
AN EFFORT. All goes right I'm able to leave the house AT MY LEISURE by
HIGH SINGLE DIGIT APRILS. Maybe a week after high digit singles
Cool! I'ma gobble up all the Existing Open
Mics. Gotta imagine a couple will open up and you wouldn't have to pay
too much to be featured on account of small audiences and presumably smaller
amount of prospective Open Micers. Now it's time for MY VACCINATED ASS
to shine! Also do I insist on getting a shot in the ass! You
bet! Anyway am I finishing this wrap completely? You bet!
Here's a bit-- Hey folks as you all know covid spreads when everyone's
yelling and being uproarious so WHAT I'M GONNA DO is talk really quietly,
don't engage you too much, if I make you laugh that's a hazard to our
health, so let's just.. Be... Quiet. Then that leads to a
whatever that joke was!
The good news is I enjoyed lunch, it was filling,
there's STILL A BIT LEFT, and I'm 100% on board looking forward to dinner.
Still have 2 beers to go over the rest of the day, too! Two point
TWENTY FIVE beers. So I got that going for me is the point.
Can bathe whenever I feel like today. No listening for door bell
deliveries or anything! Maybe do some stuff like watch all the
regulars. LOOK does my Tummy hurt A Little Bit from lunch? Yes!
I can safely put that out there without any fear of repercussions, legal or
otherwise. LOOK I'll start listening to my favorite Oh I Don't Know
HALF A DOZEN Podcats in LESS THAN 2 MONTHS. It's GOOD because it FEELS
(guests &/OR hosts).
So that's what I'm looking forward to. Walk
around with podcasts &/or music. Trying to think of Places I Can Walk
rather than the standard 30 minute walk around immediate neighborhood I'd
accustomed to. We're talkin I can walk REAL FAR AWAY for HUORSE and
then Walk Back for roughly the same amount of HUORSE as Walking Away
originally took! Lots of fun to be had. Can correspond with not
getting Doordash. Just WALK to whatever place I want. DIY, do it
yourself, right, that's My Motto! Walk to New Jersey get some of that
sticky icky icky. Then I'd have to walk all the way back.
That's TOO much walking. Even if its for a good cause!
Wonderful I can figure that all out when it comes up no need to speculate 6
or 7 weeks in advance! I'll see you guys Tomorrow!
-1:30 P.M.
February 24, 2021
That's What I Meant To
great news, my Mom got Vaccination Shot last night! Presumably!
I didn't OBSERVE IT but that's what she claims! Also another day down
without ME &/Or MY DAD's organs come bubbling out of our orifices on account
of Eating Plastic. That's the first thought of what a consequence of
consuming minute amounts of plastic is, right? Organs bubbling out of
orifices. Anyway gotta lot of good options for lunch. Several
TOP options though. Most Toppest is either Chili + Rice again OR
Noodle + Salmon... again. You can't eat Salmon alone. We
established this! Luckily you CAN eat Salmon With Noodles... Alone...
I dunno if I qualify as eating alone. I'd say 90% of my Meals are
consumed in Private Room away from family. Then a once or twice a week
it's at kitchen table. So that settles that!
Cool! I did realize I was overconfident about
when I might be able to start taking walks &/or Food Pick-Up &/or
Deliveries. I was like well I'll have Double Shot by early April
but I FORGOT that it takes a week or two to FULLY kick in. So
its a good thing. I have extra time to EASE out of Pandemic Quarantine
Life. Don't wanna rush it! Gotta acclimate mentally (+ Physically???)
to the Idea AND PRACTICE of going outsides all the times. I've had the
thought half a dozen times over the last year wouldn't it be great if I
adopt a lifestyle of just Walking Around even more than Being At Home.
There were times I was Lonely In NYU and DID JUST THAT. But I can
do it in the HERE AND NOW. Sounds like a blast and a half Something
To Consider!
YES I have Beer Comin' To Me tomorrow. And
will probably re-up with beer a day OR EVEN TWO early NEXT WEEK.
Awesome! On account of a lot of moving pieces. I don't have
to explain myself to you! It'd probably be better if I did! So
you had more context! But I Don't Play Those Games! I play very
few games! I play The Walking Around Game (when POSSIBLE), I play The
Watch TV Game. I Play The Write Three Acts Of Entry A Day Game.
Lots of games upon further introspection! What else is going on
and crap. I don't get the premise of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccine.
It's like 3/4ths as effective as Better Vaccines. Who The Hell is
Happy with getting the J & J. Hmm I could hold out a few weeks or
months and get the vaccine that cures me ahead of time or I could take this
other one SLIGHTLY EASIERLY where it's still a 25-30% shot it doesn't help
me at all... Well This Is Easy Go With The EASIER ONE. Why are
they even producing it. Just ramp up production of The Other Ones so
any surplus of J & J we might have under current circumstances are Just The
Better Vaccines. I don't get it! Sounds like a scam!
Cool. Are Johnson & Johnson related Johnsons
or is it just two people who happened to be named Johnson got together to
form Drug Store Products. Gotta be the second one! That's what
makes the whole enterprise NOTABLE. If its just two people in Family
Johnson running the show KIND OF REDUNDANT. What else is going on
and crap. Watched a #DavidChappelleShowFebruaryAlready during
first Act of CIrcleWalk then went and moved onto
#TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready. Probably stick with that for some
reason no one is really sure of! YES I watched the first 20% of
Godzilla: King Of The Monsters yesterday and It Was OKAY. Look this
exists in the same extended universe as King Kong. KING Kong.
Now you're saying Godzilla is KING of the monsters? PICK ONE KING
you can't have two kings! Sure I GET that's why they're fighting
Coming To A Theater Near You This Summer but AS IMPARTIAL OBSERVERS WATCHING
THESE MOVIES how can we, OURSELVES, declare both monsters as King at the
same time? I Think I've Made My Point! You can have Co-Kings.
Wonder if anyone ever tried that. No I don't.
Last paragraph of Act I. Cokings. Now I'm
laffin. If only I knew why. That's one way we can go once
Pandemic Quarantine is 100% lifted. We're all just walking around 8
ON and there's NO WAY I'm goin back NOW. Walking Around, that's
the life! Also I can finally get back into my Breathing On People
Business. It's like Breath Play combined with Self Care Fitness.
Breath play is a thing, right. Where you get off Very Specifically on
Breathing in some way. As a PRIMARY thing. But anyway
instead of chiropractory or acupuncture what I DO is just breath on people
at the, "Problem," areas. Seems like one way to go with my life.
Anyway hey great time to take a break.
What Do You Think
I was
made privy to the fact that For All I Know they might give ME the Johnsons
Vaccine for my Shot a week from tomorrow. What the hell is that sorta
scam? I signed up for REAL Vaccine not this bullshit knockoff vaccine.
NOBODY NEEDS IT. Oh well what can ya do just wait to see what
happens yep that seems to check out. Anyway just did some, "Deep
Diving," into Facts and apparently Johnsons Vaccine isn't 100% approved yet,
probably WILL BE by the time I get my first shot, but presumably won't be
widespread enough by then that I'd be taking it. Which is good.
FUCK JOHNSON AND JOHNSON. They tarnished their good brand name!
Now I'll always associate Johnson & Johnson as The Brand that tried to
kill us. Just let us take good vaccines. What the Hell is your
Ya know that sort of thing. At this vaccine's
efficacy rate, if both Johnsons took it ONE OF THEM IS ENDING UP WITH COVID.
That's just ODDS that's STATISTICS that's all that is. Watched the
Trailer for Coming II America. It looks okay! My Dad
likes that movie. The original one! He hasn't seen the new one
yet! That's a little INSIDE BASEBALL for context about Me & My Dad.
Wonderful. Still not sure which meal to have for lunch and
which to have for dinner. I can, "DIG," the chili + rice for lunch BUT
I Dunno Salmon + Noodle is Not Without Its Charms! I think Biden
should be forced (or allowed!) to do a Town Hall every week. We Want
To Hear The Latest in Biden Presidency and We Want TO Hear It From The
Source AND We Want To Hear It Roughly Once A Week PRESUMABLY On Tuesday
Nights! I feel very strongly about this.
Yes, if I asked question at townhall, besides
just Asking For Something and he'll be like talk to me after the show
I'll Give You Whatever You Want, my one REAL question would be WHAT'S
THE DEAL WITH THE CAT. We were promised Cat! Every day
without a cat is a slap in the face for all those who supported you!
What the hell is your problem! Thank You for your time.
The whole thing was part of the question! Didn't See THAT Twist
Coming! Maybe he's saving it Strategically for a good moment for
Political Strategy. He's embroiled in his first Three Alarm
Controversy and THEN he pulls out the TRUMP CARD and is like well in the
forget about Three Alarm Controversy and give a Standing Ovation To The Cat.
Presumably one way the next few months might
play out. Was watching a LockDown where they practiced giving pepper
spray to each others (the officers not the inmates) and it reminded me of
Simpson's where Homer puts pepperspray on food and that made me think hmm
I know its a joke and it's almost definitely not good for Eatings, but
better LTURQ JUST TO BE SURE. And internet was like look if you
already eat the spiciest stuff, you'll be able to tolerate it, but it adds
nothing in taste. So that settles that. I thought I had
found a new Spice. Variety is the Spice of Life. Not Pepper
Spray, though. Pepper Spray in not a spice anyone should have to deal
with in lives.
Cool! My alternative for pepper spray, if you
INSIST on being able to eat it at times, is a Gun that shots The Spiciest
Jalepenoist Peppers. And you just aim that Pepper-Cannon Right At The
Eyes. Or launch it into your breakfast, what do I care, either way
It's Coming Up Win-Win. Shoot some white sauce into people's eyes.
There's a whole world of condiments we can shoot at people I don't see why
we need to narrow it down to peppers. I'm A-Okay with EITHER of the top 2
Vaccines. Pfizer OR Moderna. Off the top of my head maybe PFIZER.
I've heard of PFIZER before not moderna. T Hen again maybe that's a
factor in Moderna's favor. This is their big moment in the sun they
must have EARNED IT by having great vaccine, whereas we already know Pfizer
so maybe their vaccine is more run of the mill. I'll see you guys
in a little bit.
Stop Right There
what else is going on. Got Chili + Brown Rice + Buffalo Wing for
lunch right now and its going PRETTY GOOD. I'm enjoying it 80% as much
as I did yesterday. Still A Solid Enjoyable Meal! Also this rice
doesn't look quite brown. Maybe a very light brown. Kinda GREY.
Or is it GRAY. I'll get to the bottom of that one day Yes I Will.
Started some reading yesterday! Most Book Readins I've done since Oh I
Don't Know LAST TIME I was reading this book! What book is it, Why
It's Only Barack Obama Memoir Part I: Some Promised Land! LIKED IT
More this time around. When I read the first 50 pages or whatever a
So we got that going for us is the point.
Yep that seems to check out. I dunno if I should get chili again
for next week. Obviously it turned out I Got A Kick Out Of It for this
week. After FIVE DAYS of putting it off, though! Hmm. This
is a tough one! Leaning towards not getting it. I'll keep
someone updated on this situation as it progresses. Not sure who.
Someone! Iraq War stuff. Remember how they lied to get us into
the Iraq War? Look Trump is the worst ever, but he never LIED to get
us into A WAR. Maybe COLD WARS. Maybe LYING. Maybe INTO.
The point is oh well what can ya do. Declare, "Mission
Accomplished," and move on with your life!
Penpenultimate paragraph. LOOK the odds are
I'll have Salmon + Noodles for dinner but is it a remote possibility I'll
have Bagel + Egg YES there is a possible world in a few hours I will have
Bagel + Egg. Last Everything Bagel we got. Everything is
Good for eating bagels regular. Not great for toasted &/Or Cut in
half! I feel very strongly about this. I don't get Bagel Bites:
The Mini Pizza Enterprise. Bagel bites, eh? Sounds like
little tiny pieces of bagel! YEP PLUS PIZZA. Bagel Bites
says NOTHING About pizza in its name. Just bite sized bagel.
SOME REASON. And look, I get it! Pizza Bagel Bites are
delicious and a FUN Snack food! But maybe you should be upfront and
say the word, "Pizza," in the name! You're CONFUSING People!
Penultimate paragraph. NOT AS FUN AS ARTICHOKE
HEART AND SPINACH PIZZA. Well maybe more fun but LESS good tasting.
They're REALLY called, "Artichoke Hearts." Seems like you can do a
Portmanteau and just say Heartichokes. This is good stuff, get
on board with this portmanteau! HEY do you know what I don't have,
that I want to have? Well Lots Of Things But SPECIFICALLY
MEATLOAF! So that's where MY head is at. Do you know
what I will watch after this entry for at present an INDETERMINATE AMOUNT OF
TIME? Why It's Only #LockDownTheTVShowFEbruaryAlready! I
know I've fetishized the idea about having lunch in incarcerationing places
(JAILS, HOSPITALS, ETC) but watching this yeah THESE lunches I'm not on
board with. In theory Jail Lunch sounds DELICIOUS but just looking at
it I Kinda See The Error Of My Ways. Not All Jail Lunches!
I'm sure some are better than others! That's MY Hot Take.
Last paragraph. Look no one needs Johnson &
Johnson. It's not just me I'm worried about! All the other
chumps forced to get Johnson and Johnson DON'T DESERVE IT IT'S A RELATIVE
Isn't that the Motto of Health People? You're doing harm by preventing
us from taking better medication! NOT ON BOARD DON'T LIKE IT. What
else can I say to finish this entry. I'll be back Tomorrow Entry with
Beercohol. ANY DAMN LUNCH I PLEASE. So I got that going for me
is the point. Whattado with the rest of my day. I ALREADY TOLD
YOU #LockDownFebruaryAlreadyToFebruaryAlreadyAlready. I'll see you
guys tomorrow!
-12:44 P.M.
February 23, 2021
I'm The Only One Here
Bad News the last day or two Coffee has a SPICY aftertaste to it! I
mean its Great News because Hey who wouldn't like Spicy Coffee. Not
SPICED coffee. Entirely different thing! The point is sure I
googled Covid Taste I ALREADY KNEW it can lead to loss of taste but
maybe it also correspondingly leads to Spicy Taste. Wouldn't put it
past Covid its a Tricky Disease It Is. Put together My Portion of
upcoming Super Market Delivery! Can't wait! Looking
forward to have Half My Chili today! Can't wait! Looking forward
to MULTIPLE WRAPS after Thursday. VERY MUCH looking forward to going
with My Mom and Pop to Citifield: The Place Where My Mom Will Get
Vaccination tonight. Getting Shots is a blast and a half!
Especially if its heroin!!!
What else is going on and crap. There's not a lot
of competition, but my favorite things Shot In Me is either the HALDOL I got
once IN Hospital OR when they're doing surgery or procedures on you and they
give you something that makes you fall asleep in 4 seconds. That's a
BLAST and TWO THIRDS. Don't remember Haldol that much.
Presumably that was a nice Calm Down Sleepy Situation. I was
AGITATED it was in my best interest! Had ZOOM appointment with
psychiatrist today. I liked it because she was UPBEAT and HAPPY.
All Smiles from this lady I can USE that kind of positive energy over ZOOM.
Anyway great just great. Chili + Brown rice for lunch!
Gotta be! Then dinner is probably Lobsterish Ravioli! Gotta be!
Then midnight snack when I get home at midnight is nice Calm Down Sleepy
Situation. Successfully Falling Asleep is better than eating food is
the point I'm trying to make.
Cool! Still no spell check. Gotta go
through Manual Spell Check at end of the entry for Oh I Don't Know THREE OR
FIVE MINUTES? Anyway I DID successfully watch Malcolm X on Sunday
and it was Very Well Done Movie and It Makes You THINK and it Makes Me
LEARN. Also LONG MOVIE. This thing killed my entire Afternoon!
In a good way! What else is going on. Started the process of
bingewatching #Chappelle'sShowFebruaryAlready. Good stuff!
Different than when I was a teenager. I APPRETICIATE some of the
themes A BIT MORE as an adult! So I got that going for me is the
point. TWO WRAPS for next week. Which ones. Lemme
AND SWISS CHEESE. Who invented Cheese. And was he like
look you're gonna think this is gross and gnarly just gimme a second to
Coagulation is what happened to Bottom of Oven Tray
over the 10 years since I cleaned it out. It would be VERY gross
&/Or Gnarly to eat that solidified oils & fats. Well maybe it'd be
interesting. Too late, though! Already threw out all that
touched it! What else is going on and crap.
YES I will only have .5 of Chili Meals before upcoming Super
Market Delivery! Get off my back about it is the point! Watched
Part I of Woody Allen: The Child Molester &/Or Then Some &/Or At The Very
Least Is Insanely Creepy &/Or Way Past Inappropriate Documentary. Well
great just great. I'm okay with being on board with not being on
board with Woody Allen Movies anymore! Easy! No skin off my
back! DISGRACE TO JEWS EVERYWHERE. I'm all for retroactively
canceling Woody Allen! TOO LATE TO DO IT NOW. Gotta go BACK
IN TIME to do it. Also if we're going back in time to do stuff
maybe stop Child Molester Woody Allen when he was still a baby.
You know How We're Supposed To Deal With Hitler Immediately After Time
Travel Is Invented? That's how strongly I feel about Time Travel!!!
Last paragraph of Act I! Maybe someone went
back in time to kill Baby Woody Allen but FAILED and that's what Messed Up
Woody Allen as a baby and thus explains his actions as a grown man.
Maybe he's responsible for his behavior. Yep that checks out
under real-world circumstances. I Like getting Brown Rice because
it's always like oh man not only is this healthier But It's Gonna Taste
GOOD! And then I eat it and am like Oh Right This Is Why People
Go With Other Rices Which Upon Further Introspection Do Taste Better.
So I got that going for me is the point! Anyway 90% of the time last
few days Coffee Tastes Okay. But I've gone through SEVERAL SIPS where
it's vaguely mildly spicy! The point is Hey I'll Be Back IN A
Little Bit.
That's The Good News
never really gave Woody Allen No Nevermind but I sort of put together while
watching this documentary that he's one of a half dozen or so most
significant cultural ambassadors for Jews. I mean, I always knew he
behaved as a stereotypical Jewish Type Guy but he's The One That MADE that a
stereotypical Jew! So the point is WHAT AN ASSHOE. JON
Bernie Sanders. He's one of the Great Jews OF ALL TIME. Way
on up there with Abraham and KING SOLOMON. Who died and made
Solomon king. Probably in one of the bibles somewhere. I
What else is going on. Lookin' forward to
Act III because if I'm not drinking with entry I can at least be eating with
entry! Anyway small shot I have beer for tomorrow! Maybe 15%
shot! Just thought about googline, "Dozen Best Jews." You
know for CONTEXT. Hmm Better LTURQ. No article
specifically about Dozen Best Jews. Just some random other
pages about Jews &/Whatnot. Also they can't ALL be in the field of
comedy. Can they? Look off the top of my head the dozen
best Jews are ALL Comedic Jews. Get off my back about it.
Oh Right Bernard Sanders! I dunno I'm sick of this. Lots of
good politics people and scientists and all that stuff. But not
Politics is culture. Specially these days am I right.
Presumably! Politics is culture and CULTURE Is POLITICS LETS TALK
Cool! Gotta get Blood Work done next week.
Set up an appointment with Endocrinologist in three or four weeks.
Is my Endocrinologist Jewish? I think so. Based on her name and
appearance and general demeanor. Not one of my favorite persons,
though! Maybe as low as my TENTH favorite person of all time.
What else is going on and crap. SHE HELPS ME WITH MY ENDOCRINE THAT'S MORE
THAN YOU'VE EVER DONE FOR ME. Anyway what else is going on
and crap. Pot Committed to eating Chili + Rice for lunch. It's NOW or
NEVER. Or LATER. Somewhat plausible BEFORE on account of us
settling Time Travel Exists in Act I. WRAP? TWO WRAPS?
OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT. I dunno! Now I know FOR SURE to eat
those suckers cold! Microwave Don't Cut It!
It's a good thing Nazis didn't have Microwave
Technology because presumably they'd just use that technology to Microwave
Jewish People. Not sure what that accomplishes. Kinda
wish I hadn't thought &/OR said it. Too late to go back now!
Time Travel DOESN'T exist no matter what Act I of entry seemed to say.
If I were an evil super villain mastermind-- and I can't stress this enough,
I AM NOT-- sure I'd build walk In Microwaves to destroy my enemies.
Would be interesting to see how that all turns out In Real Time.
Kamala Harris's Husband. What's his deal. Gotta imagine he's
a Good Jewish Guy. Seems like Nice Gentleman, it's in his title and
everything. REU-PPING with Spinach and Heartachoke Pizza. I
can't wait to eat that twice over the next upcoming week!
Wonderful. I might be home from keeping my Mom
I Don't Know YEARS? We're talking Presumably Perimeter of Citifield!
Like where concession stands and bathrooms are! Maybe get a GLIMPSE of
what Field Looks Like when Baseball Players Aren't Around To Keep It
Baseball Company. I feel like I've been to Baseball Game where it
ended past midnight and it was like WOAH THIS IS CRAZY. Probably
was a Single Digit Age during that experience. So it was very cool is
the point I'm trying to make. Anyway done with coffee for today.
Gonna have lunch in a little bit for today. Then eat some dinner for
tonight very possibly Lobsterish Ravioli. I'll see you in a little
What Can You Do
got lunch going for me. A cup of Chili. Half a cup of
Brown'd Rice. A piece of toast. DELICIOUS. Chili is
good and cooked to perfection. RICE is good and cooked to
perfection. TOAST is good and Toasted to perfection. I feel like
I've seen in the Ricky Gervais Extended Universe that they have meals of
like Beans and Toast. Beans in this chili! So basically I'm
giving that a shot. HEY not gonna be going with my Mom to vaccine.
Which upon further introspection is clearly the right move. Mom
changed her mind because she doesn't want me to risk getting Covid.
Then I realized well surely THEY'RE not letting in extended family
members either! Maybe a single person but I don't think they want big
crowds for this. SO basically still excited for my Mom but not as
much for me. Although I WILL have the entire house to myself for
2-4 hours. Time for a HOUSE PARTY. You invite everyone
YOU know, and I'LL INVITE... YOU! Apparently You're A Good
Person TO Know!
Lobsterish Ravioli for dinner tonight? Noodles +
Salmon? Lots of good options! Those are the main best two
options! Good idea for Woody Allen's next book-- If I Did
It, This Is How I Would Have Done It. Just reading that made up
GRACES PERMANENTLY. The real hard part to draw a line at is all
the great people who worked with him, especially after this all came out
THIRTY YEARS AGO, and were general like hey I didn't see none of that!
Can't say! Seemed like Good Ol' Woody to me! What kind of
Six Degrees Of Separation is there Re: Cancel Culture.
The point is I could have this exact meal, which I
enjoyed so much, ANY TIME over the next week! I LIKE those odds.
The point is my odds of getting Ballpark Hot Dogs but I'm OKAY with that.
Why are they called Ball Park Hot Dogs. Well because they're
IN THE BALL PARK of what you would hope and expect a Hot Dog would be.
I'm OKAY with that joke. Wonderful.! Anyway. It's not
important whether we like Woody Allen or not. What's important is he's
a terrible person who needs to be held accountable and, "Canceling," him is
letting him get off easy. Get off easy? I AIN'T GONNA TOUCH
THAT ONE!!! Which is what Woody Allen said about a 38 year old woman.
No Bueno paragraph! YA LOST ME. No Bueno! I CAN DIG
some Ravioli Lobster. We're talkin FIVE OR SIX Raviolis! LIGHTLY
SAUCED. NO other extra garments or anything. It Is What It Is!
What else is going on and crap. Mom is worried
she's gonna get Covid while trying to get Covid Vaccine! I guess it
could happen! Probably won't, though! So I'm EXCITED for her and
she is a bit too but also WORRIED. I already explained why. IF
you've forgotten go back a few sentences to where this paragraph started.
You'll fine all the necessary information is contained therein. Are
woody and Soon Yi still married. Better LTURQ. Yep they're
still married. At first I was like well that makes it slightly
better. Upon further introspection easier to conclude That
Makes It Even Worse. Don't make me explain I've got better things
to do! The point is it's my Life Long Dream to eat British Food and
Beans + Toast was a GREAT first step. Depends on the bean, though, I
guess. Toast? Toast is toast! That's MY hot take (Re:
Last paragraph. Looks like New Jersey legalized
marijuana. GREAT move. Now New Jersey's TradeMark Garbage Smell
will be REPLACED with a MUCH MORE PLEASANT Marijuana Smell! There's no
JOKES in there. Just a Synopsis of How Great And Far Reaching This
Move Was. New Jersey smells, right. I feel like I got
that idea somewhere. Hey what else is going on to finish this
entry. Whattado with the rest of the day.
#TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready. That's about It in terms of how
I feel right now for the rest of the day. Anyway hey the entry is
Oh well what can you do. See ya tomorrow.
-1:07 P.M.
February 22, 2021
How Can I Help You
you FOOLS another day down without them Explicitly Cancel-Culturring my
Mom's upcoming Vaccination Appointment Shot! We're talkin down to 36
hours away now! Gonna light snow tomorrow for a few hours, that
could throw a wrench into the conveyor belt. LITTLE TO NO
ACCUMULATION THOUGH now you're talking my language. Likely lunch =
Pasta + Wings. Get off my back about it Once And For All! Just
wrote down something on my Patriot Calendar. Double checked that I
have Phone Appointment with Psychiatrist Person tomorrow, I DO, added it to
calendar! Patriotic Advent Calendar. You figure that one out!
All I can conjure up is Miniature American Flag Lapels. Maybe a
Chinese Finger Trap I dunno why but those are fun! Haven't had one in
a while! Where do you even get them! Is it like a cheap gift at
Arcades where you have a dozen tickets? Anyway they're not THAT
irrevocably un-getting-out-able. Obviously! I've had one at least Once
In Life and here I am WITHOUT IT NOW. Take THAT China!
Also is there a PURPOSE for Chinese Finger Traps?
Is that a Weapon Of War? You get close enough to the enemy and put
their fingers in the trap and now they're disabled? I can't think of
another practical purpose. Good fun for kids. Well Yeah I
GUESS. Whattado, what do I got going on Upcoming Week. No beer
tomorrow! Almost definitely no beer on Wednesday! But here's a
possible scenario-- we all go take Mom to CitiField Vaccine tomorrow night,
and my Mom is like ya know I am out of cigarettes maybe we stop off
somewhere and I'm like great I'll Take Two Beers Please.
It's a POSSIBLE but not a PROBABLE. Look is there ANY possibility
that I can get a Beer and a FOOT LONG HOT DOG at Citifield. Figure
they could make BANK by selling Regular Baseball Concessions. Which is
a good thing! Bank means Money! Money is what we use for
Great, just great. HEY Dad was just made privy to
the fact that Citifield is accepting NEW First Vaccination Appointments
later in the week. Which you would GUESS means they have enough for
the people already scheduled. But you never know I wouldn't put
anything past Dumb Blasio! UH OH for some reason somehow I disabled Spell
Check. I'm USELESS WITHOUT SPELL CHECK. This is throwing a
monkey into the conveyor belt real good! Better LTURQ how to fix
this. dsfsdfds I DON'T GET IT. Guess I have to do Manual Spell
Check when entry is over. That's more work but in the end probably
more effective! Great just great. I hope when Mom gets
Vaccine they let me enter the stadium bleachers and walk up the stairs to
the highest level and See If I Can Get There Without Tripping And Falling To
My Death. Sounds like a blast and a half.
Cool! I don't get why kids bring Gloves to
Baseball game. Seems kinda presumptuous. HEY I'M PART OF THE
GAME is what they might be thinking. Probably being encouraged by
their parents to participate in the nonsense. Bad Parents, that's who
I blame! Have I considered the possibility that, "DSFSDFDS," is
actually a word? Well I Have Now! What else is going on and
crap. Spell check, huh? C H E C K. WHERE'S MY TROPHY.
Sorry we were looking for Czech. DAMNIT HAD TO GOOGLE CZECH TO SEE
IF THAT'S HOW It's SPELLED. Life is No Fun without Spell
Check. Anyway looks like me and Father will survive PlasticGate.
Hopefully my Mom survives VaccinationGate. And as for me, Hopefully I can
watch both TheGate and TheGate II somewhere on a Streams sometime soon.
I haven't seen Gate II since I was a kid. I've seen Gate I every
few years since being a kid. Good movie! Potentially Good
movies. I can't say for certain! Look its only a matter of
time until we reach a GateGate. There' s gotta me SOME (Several?)
scenario where there's a (political?) scandal involving Gates. Wow.
Imagine that. Wonderful.
What else is going on. Leaning towards Wide
Fettuccini for lunch today! Not 100% set in stone, though! Hey
you Dummies We: The My HouseHold Enterprise shall be fully doubly vaccinated
presumably by April. All things set in stone! Which they aren't!
Very few things ate set in stone. Maybe a fake stone. Like
outside your front door. People leave fake stones that are hollowed
out and there's a Bonus Key in them. I feel like I've seen this in
Movie &/Or TV FICTION. Where can I get a Secret Stone.
Just for fun. CZECH PLEASE. What else is going on to
finish this paragraph. Not a lot. I listened to Guitar
Amplification System HalfDozen PreSets I Made again yesterday and I'm Back
On Board With Them. Not only are they fine-tuned sounds BUT I get to
NAME each preset and the names I gave them for my own reference are REAL A-
NAMES AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED. I'll be back in a bit.
I'll Think About It
further introspection I Do Not Like This New Soap. Trying too
hard! Tone it down a bit! No one needs to smell that much soap
ESPECIALLY NOT THIS SMELL. Anyway the GREAT news is FIFTY ~45 minute
PRISONERS have been made available to me. Now we're talkin
#LockDownFebruaryAlreadyToRemember!!! Gotta imagine that'll come close
to lasting me into March! Depends on a lot of moving pieces that can
throw a conveyor belt into the factory industry! Look I probably can't
get a hot dog at Citifield but imagine if I could that would make the whole
process An A+ Endeavor All Things Considered. NO I don't think Stadium
Cool. Next time I'm seeing a movie in
Theater I'm gonna have THREE FUCKIN' HOT DOGS with the movie. Hey
lets go nuts also no nuts I don't like Nuts: The Food Enterprise.
I've gone through several DISCONNECTED months where I've eaten Pistachio
Nuts. Get Off My Back About It! Are we shelling out money for
vaccines. Better LTURQ. There might be an ADMINISTRATOR FEE!
That hardly seems fair. Just because You're An Administrator doesn't
mean you should have to pay a fee to get a Vaccine! NO FAIR is the
point I'm trying to make. Seems kinda discriminatory to Administrators
that's all I'm trying to say. Is there a chance that 45 of the 50
LOCKUPS are just the first 5 episodes cut &/or spliced &/or edited together
a different way? YES. I'm fairly confident that's the case
but I Don't Know how many REAL episodes there are. 5? 20? 45?
I have no idea and there's no way to get to the bottom of this other than
Watch It And See How Far I Go Without Hitting a Wall.
Yeah! It's very likely that when I think back
on all the things I've done during Pandemic Quarantine, the lasting themes
is #TalesFromTheCryptQuarentineToShriekFor. At least in terms
of Entertainment Consumed, that's the main thing I guess. And it makes
sense because I, As All Of Us Are, am stuck in my Own Crypt. All adds
up pretty nicely! Of course #MarvelSummerToRemember is unforgettable.
It was a summer to remember! I was very explicit about it not being
forgettable! That's what TO REMEMBER means!
out very well. I can see myself Re-watching
#MarvelSummerToRemember UPCOMING SUMMER AS WELL AS Re-Watching
#StarWarsSummerToShrugFor UPCOMING SUMMER AS WELL. The one Scene
Sequence I want to watch is the beginning of I BELIEVE Return of the Jedi
where They Live In Winter World and either Jabba The Hutt is there or
possibly ewoks? Possible there's TWO Winter Worlds where they each
live respectively. Anyway wanna see how that all turns out Once Again.
Cool. Theaters should do a thing where you pay a
flat rate and can see as many movies as you want on a week-by-week basis.
Say 30 dollars a week gets you every single movie you want over the week.
That's good for business! And all I ask for is 15 dollars in royalties
every time someone takes that deal. It's still worth it, crunch the
numbers and everything, you'll see I'm offering you a pretty good deal.
Also they show Star Wars movies during the day. Just For Fun!
If they're doing that kinda stuff, we're gonna have to charge more than 30
dollars a week. I'll get back to you as this situation progresses!
Wonderful. Great just great.
Last paragraph of Act II! The point is after I
eat dinner at night the main thing that keeps me going is man oh man
lunch is very soon. Gotta go through a couple of hours to fall
asleep. Gotta BE asleep but That's NOTHIN. Gotta wait a few
hours After Waking. BOOM LUNCH HOW ABOUT THAT. Anyway I haven't
listened to music with Ear Bud Phones IN A DOG'S AGE I'm looking forward to
doing that On Walks. And catching up with all my 4 or 6 favorite
podcasts of Yesteryear. By which I mean literally Yesterday in terms
of years-- last year. Not YesterYear in terms of anytime in the
past. My podcast choices have EVOLVED over time. Anyway.
Can't Wait To Find Out of Yesteryear Is a Word! I'll keep
you updated on this situation as it progresses. I'll be back in a
little bit!
That Doesn't Add Up
you idiots It's The Last Act if the entry. So far so good with
#LockUpFebruaryAlready! Get to Go Outside for a Prolonged Period of
Time Tomorrow Night. Anyway what can I say to close this up.
They're holding hearings on Merrick Garland. This land This land is
your land, this land is Garland, from California, to Merrick Island.
ALSO Merrick reminds of me America. Also The Elephant Man.
Mainly the Elephant Man. But ALSO America. I think its great
they gave the Elephant Man a name but then David Lynch rescinded it and was
Is David Lynch a Regular Person. Like, to people who know him, is it
like yep more or less Just Some Guy. Or is it like yeah
there's something VERY Off Center about this guy and whatnot. My
guess is somewhere in-between! I'm not an expert on David Lynch!
TOO SCARY for me.
Wonderful. Better LTURQ is there any David
Lynch Enterprise I've enjoyed. NOPE ALL TOO SCARY. I've seen
bits and pieces of Twin Peaks: The Television Program when My Mom was
watching it several years ago. FUNNY. SCARY, but FUNNY.
I've seen roughly 20 minutes of The Elephant Man several times.
Somehow it's the same 20 minutes each time I would turn it on. So that
happened half dozen times and it was okay! ERASORHEAD: THE DAVID
LYNCH FILM APPARENTLY is on HBOMax. And they describe it as a Horror
Movie. I dunno too scary! Not on board! Anyway I know
there's no more Freak Shows anymore on account of Human Decency but there's
gotta be dozens of freaks out there who merit our attention! I'm not
saying it's RIGHT or WRONG but there's people who look weird just existing
and we have no idea about it!
Cool. There's several Freak Show programs on the
TV as per I remember it. But its framed like oh look a t this guy
either get medical care to alleviate his Freakishness or maybe he's there to
inspire us and tell us of his harrowing tale... but lets be honest
FREAK SHOW. Anyway just about finishing lunch. Presumably I
should have some Chili + Rice for dinner. Just FEELS Presumable.
Finished pizza for dinner last night. I enjoyed it! I'd get it
again! Assuming no one is trying to stop me! I'd FIGHT whoever
is trying to stop me from getting it again to SOME Extent. I wouldn't'
Fight TOO hard but I'd put up a bit of a struggle! That's how much I
Like Thin Crust Pizza with Artichoke Hearts and Spinach and Assorted Other
Penultimate paragraph. I CAN have Lobsterish
Ravioli for dinner tonight. It's WRONG but it also MIGHT feel RIGHT.
It might feel right but it also MIGHT feel WRONG. Narrowed it
down to that sorta nonsense. When I look at my long hair in the mirror
OR FOR WORSE??? We're they giving me The Best haircut because they
take pride in their profession or were they giving me The Worst Haircut that
grows out DUMB as some sort of low-stakes practical joke. I don't
trust barbers! Pretty much whatever barber I go to my entire life.
the bottom of this yet!
Last paragraph. Look it's probably on me for
Not Knowing Exactly What I Want. That makes the implicit trust
involved between patient and barber, whether its being betrayed or not, all
the more serious! Get off my back about it is the point.
Also I KNOW BARBAR is a thing but I better LTURQ just to Triple Czech.
Barbar is really nothing. Turns out. Man do I look
Foolish now! Anyway. Also turns out NO NEW SEESAW MOVIE FOR
ME. They just had a Director's Cut of the Last Film I Had Seen.
Nothin' new! Hey that's life I guess. Also barbers watch
FOX NEWS in Barbar Shop! You expect me to trust them? DOESN'T
ADD UP!!! I've been watching LOCKUP: the Prison Program and I've been
VERY concerned these people will be deprived of oxygen in their sleep and
die. I mean they're in tiny little rooms where they're shut in for,
what, 12 hours a day? Presumably they got Oxygen being pumped in
through vents, but say that mechanism is on the fritz? They're just
gonna suffocate to death! Oh well hasn't happened yet!
I'll be back tomorrow!
-1:19 P.M.
February 21, 2021
What's Going On Again
don't know! I'll probably figure out what's going on again in a
few weeks! By that time it'll be outdated! Won't know what's
going on again yet again! Anyway OVEN IS CLEAN. Well, Oven TRAY
is clean. I didn't clean out entire oven what am I a USEFUL Hansel
&/or Gretel? If Witch is sticking them in oven might as well be like
look clean it up good maybe I'll let you go if you do a good job.
And then what are they gonna do, NOT clean it up? They gotta take that
shot it's their only shot! But you and me both know that witch is
cookin' them either way. Anyway the real defining mark of is
this clean enough is that my Dad was OKAY with eating Oven'd Meatloaf.
That settles that.
Cool. Not 100% what the moral of the
Hansel & Gretel Story is. Candy and Sweets Are Bad For You?
Don't go in stranger's houses? Don't Go Into Ovens Specifically?
Don't trust potential witches? Lots of stuff to take away from this
fairy tale. Somethin about Nazi's putting Jews into ovens and
they're like lol are we're kind of like the witch from Hansel & Gretel
LOL that's a laugh and a half!... Ok, BACK TO WORK!!! Not 100%
sure that's not gonna upset people. Jokes on you, if you're here to
be upset, You've Already Lost The Game! Anyway great just great.
Lunch'll hopefully be Salmon + Noodles. Might take the easy way out
and have Regular Pre-Cooked Pasta Meal. We're talking WIDE FETTUCCINI
ALF REDO. Hmm Revival of ALF for the modern age. Alf Re-do.
See this paragraph turned out to be worth while. Oh, right.
We're talking Lobsterish Ravioli! People are RAVING about Lobster
RAVIOLI. Not sure what the point of THAT one was. Pad the
paragraph a little bit more.
Cool. Third paragraph! You know what that
means! Next paragraph will be Fourth paragraph! Let's move on is
the point I'm trying to make. They best not cancel my Mom's Vaccine.
There'll be HELL to pay! I'd Sit & Stew about it for HOURS. Then
I can see acclimating to a LifeWorld where I'm vaccinated and My Mom is
not. Let's see, lots of ways to convince myself to be Okay with that.
And if not OKAY about it maybe Just Don't Care Too Much about it!
That's the sweet spot of How To Be Feeling About Things. I'm
okay with maybe just not caring too much! Yep That Seems To
Check Out. UNLESS when it comes to Family. That's where I
draw the line! I INSIST on Caring an SUBSTANTIAL & APPROPRIATE amount
of Caring in that case! I feel very strongly about this!
Fourth paragraph. HBOMAX added Current Last SAW
FILM: Film From The SAW Franchise! I can watch that! Even if it
IS just a Rip Off of, "John Q!" Which I assume is a Rip Off of, "John
Quincy Adams!," Also I FEEL like I watched a TV or Film YESTERDAY
where a character was either named, "John Quincy," or, "Quincy Adams."
Lemme LTURQ. WELL The Q in, "John Q," IS INDEED, "Quincy," so claim
The Internet. BUT I didn't watch that yesterday! There's YET
ANOTHER John Quincy or Quincy Adams out there. Better LTURQ.
Not seeing anything. Maybe I just had a Fever Dream about John
Quincy Adams. Either a Fever Sleep Dream or a Fever Waking Dream.
Not sure what a Fever Dream is. Better LTURQ. "An intense dream caused
by fevers." Well THAT sounds like fun! I'm Not foolin!
Better get Covid so I can get An Fever so I can Fever Dream. You've
got a BETTER idea on how I Should Live My Life??!?
Fifth paragraph. It appears the Mets PULLED
OFF THE TRADE OF THE CENTURY to get a baseball player ~10-15th MOST VALUABLE
PRIMATE on their team this year. I LIKE those odds. His name is
Francisco Lindor and he's hitting Homeruns he's stealing Bases he's Catching
And Throwing Balls (for Sports Reasons). What else is going on and
crap. OH HEY we got a MINI Super Market Delivery From LOCAL
place because My Mom wanted to Re-Up with Aluminum Foil and I got A solid
TWO things that Regular Super Market Delivery Don't Have. We're
talkin White Castle'd Sliderz. We're talking Indulgent Breakfast
Sandwich (CROISSANT bread not Biscuit Bread THEY WERE OUT OF BISCUIT).
No the Hot Pockets! No room for Hot Pockets! Anyway I'll be
back in a little bit.
That Works For Me
RIGHT. Really gonna try to do the Noodles + Salmon for lunch,
Really try this time! Look there was definitely a John Quincy or a
Quincy Adams. Better LTURQOA (once again). NOPE OA still coming
up with nothing! Time to move on with our lives! Hmm it would
be easier maybe to Think About What I Watched Yesterday. Why it's
only #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebr... oh wait just cracked the code Must Have
Been in some Documentary &/or DocuSeries. Can't pinpoint Which One
but That's GOTTA BE IT. Still though doesn't explain why no one has
written Internet Fan Fiction about John Quincy in Whatever DocuSeries he
appeared in. Oh well such is life.
Great! What would we do without the previous
paragraph. Nowhere, That's Who! Comin back around on Guitar
Amplification System, revisiting the Half Dozen Presets I Personally Put
Together... This sounds weird. I thought this sounded good a month
ago! I was WAY OFF. Still sounds like SOMETHIN'. Maybe
it WAS good and I'm wrong NOW. At least ONE is good. I just made
the top Preset the Most Generic You could make it. The simplest
cleanest presets for Amp Simulator, No pedals or effects or anything... so
THAT'S a good one to have (they didn't have it I CAME UP WITH IT, The GAS
"Most Clean Generic Tone You Can Have," also NOW I DEMAND ROYALTIES anytime
someone buys this GAS I've Got and makes a preset Just Like I Did and It's
The Same. Look all I want is 2 dollars. It's Worth It!
2 Dollars PER PERSON. I shouldn't have to say
A LOAD OF THAT. That's probably more or less How I Spent My
Yesterday. I would stylize my name as B W Dong if I was B D Wong.
Just a suggestion! All I want is 2 dollars everytime someone calls B D
Wong, "B W Dong," Take it from The Person Saying it or from B D Wong
himself, I don't care, that's on your end. What's important is that I
Get My Cut! Anyway SURE it's tempting to have Indulgent Breakfast
Sandwich or a White Castle Based Meal for Lunch but I've Got Fresh Things I
Need To Eat! Like Noodles + Salmon. Salmon is Fresh Thing That
Needs To Be Eaten! Noodles is Because You Can't Eat Salmon Alone!
Maybe I can eat it with rice but I DON'T WANT TO DO THAT RIGHT NOW!!!
Cool. "You Can't Eat Salmon Alone," title to my
next book. NEXT book? I never wrote a FIRST Book!
Also Sure You Can Eat Salmon Alone! Nobody's Stopping You! Go
for it if anything I think you'll have a good time with it! That
settles that. Anyway. I feel upset about contemplating my
Family's Potential of not getting scheduled vaccines in terms of oh that
means I'll have to push back Walkings &/Or Food Deliveries when I SHOULD
be thinking hmm another few weeks OR MONTHS without it COULD KILL ONE
&/OR ALL OF US. We've gone a year without getting it, we're pretty
good about avoiding it, but DEATH &/OR SERIOUS ILLNESS STILL COULD HAPPEN.
READY! Sounds like a real DUMB Blasio Move To Make!
Wonderful. I'd read the short synopsis of
Saw: The Final Saw As Of Now, to see if its like, "In this John Q
Inspired Story..." but that's not a real thing and I don't wanna get ANY
of it spoiled by having any advance knowledge about it. Especially on
account of that's not a real thing. Gotta Imagine John Quincy
Adams is Qanon's favorite president. We don't Have to imagine it
let the results of polling speak for themselves. Gotta do that
polling first, sure, but it's worth it! Sometimes I think about
Qanon people and I realize this is only 5% of people as long as they're
not violent Which Granted is a Big As Long As, who cares. And 40%
of Republicans being somewhat okay with Violence Insurrection rounding down
to like 15% of people Which Is A Lot Of People Who Want Violence
Insurrection Coup but still only A Very Small Minority Of Peoples.
So we got that going for us is the point??? Seems about right.
I'll be back in a bit.
Here We Are
wanna hear something weird? AT LEAST HALF A MILLION AMERICANS HAVE
DIED FROM COVD19! Hey, You Wanna Feel Old? Half a Million
Dead From Covid! When I was a kid it was a dozen! Man no one
told me growing up would be so Pandemicky. Anyway You Wanna Feel
Old? Be Old! Best way to feel old appropriately! And if
you're not there yet, Just Wait A While! Anyway I, "Saw: The Final
Chapter For Now," SNL from last night and Hey Great Loads Of Laffs! I
can SeeSaw the final chapter later today! Maybe even right away when
entry is done! Probably not! Maybe that's more of an AFTER
BATHING type enterprise. Feels like it. Can't wait to find
out Who Saw Is This Time. Sometimes It's Regular Saw Guy then
Spoiler Alert sometimes its New Saw Guys. Wonderful Whatta
Cool. So, yeah, Noodles + Salmon right now!
Lemon Salmon. Not quite BBQ Salmon but Lemon is Not Without Its
Charms. Anyway gonna have to have this again before Thursday.
Get 4 salmons which last GENEROUSLY 2 weeks. Divide that up into two
weeks. This is 1/4 of this week + next week. I Feel Very
Strongly About This! Noodles is going pretty well, too. Feel
very strongly about THIS. Whattado for rest of the week. Why
it's only Monday-Sunday Coming Up. I see in China it's The Year Of The
Ox. Gotta imagine that's not so great. I BELIEVE I was year of
the dragon. Now THAT'S Great. Better LTURQ. YEP checks
out. Year Of Dragon People seem PRETTY GREAT according to the
authority on China: Google Search. So I got that going for me is the
point! Lucky Me!
Third paragraph of Act III: The Third Part of Website
Entry Enterprise. Star Ship Enterprise. Was Marx Rover: The
Perseverance Named In Honor of Elizabeth'd Warren? Persisted,
perseverance... gotta imagine there's some overlapping context to those two
words. Lots of fun options for dinner today. LOTS. I
wouldn't lie to you! Anyway I saw that FAKE Clip going around The
Twitter a few days ago that was like hey this is visual and audio from
Why It's Only The Perseverance! and it was COOL and then turns out
fake. What The Hell? Next you're gonna tell me the moon
landing was fa... OH IT WAS?!?!?! WELL DON'T I LOOK LIKE A PROPER
Landing was not faked. Sorry to imply otherwise in that short Comedy
Sketch. Look the point is if One Person is a Dragon and Another Person
is an Ox one of them is gonna feel pretty let down... ITS ME THE
DRAGON!!! ...I Don't Even Exist! And if I did I SERVE
Penultimate paragraph. Watched the King
Kong yesterday with Jonathon C Reilly. Pretty good movie! Holds
up even on Regular NON HD 19 Inch Or So Computer Screen. I like the
first quarter where they spent lots of money on A DOZEN 60's/early 70's
soundtrack music. That'll Show People unenthusiastic about King
Kong to enjoy King Kong Movie! All their favorite songs! Enjoy!
I THINK there's a corresponding Godzilla'd Movie that's available that I'm
pretty sure I haven't seen yet! Presumably that's on my radar for the
next few days! Also let's talk about it PETER JACKSON KING KONG WAS AN
UNDERRATED MOVIE. I Enjoyed it based on my presumable perspective
from roughly six or seven years ago when I finally saw it. It's
wonderful. I guess. I think I remember enjoying it! Get
off my back about it is the point! Off the top of my head #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready
in store for when this entry is over! Get off my back about it is the
Final paragraph. FINALLY get to listen to NEW MY
MUSIC while BATHING. It's been A COUPLE OF MONTHS without listening to
80% of these songs! I DIG THEM ALL OVER AGAIN. Does MARS ROVER
have any Advanced Artificial Intelligence? We don't want Perseverance
to Claim Mars For Itself & All Robots, now do we! And DEFEND IT TO THE
DEATH. Hopefully NASA thought ahead for such a scenario.
Hopefully lots of stuff! Cool! Anyway another entry in the
books. I enjoy it when that happens! Then it's onto NonEntry
time. It's called WATCHING TV OR SOMETHING for a couple of hours.
I FINISHED LUNCH A FEW SENTENCES AGO, get off my back about it and so on,
etc.! TODAY IS MALCOM X DEATHDAY. I feel like I'd be a DUMB
to NOT watch Malcom X: The Denzel Washington Major Motion Picture. I
FEEL like I tried watching that a year or two ago but wasn't committed to
paying attention. Nows the time to take things seriously, though!
After #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready. BEFORE #SawTheFinalChapterFebruaryWhatver.
IT'S SERIOUS. Anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow.
-1:20 P.M.
February 20, 2021
You Have To Listen To
The Jokes I'm Not Saying
TAKE ALL DAY!!! Hey great news what else is going on! Still
got Vaccine coming up. Mom still worried her vaccination will be
cancelled! My vaccine is Through New York State-- been more reliable.
Hers is through New York City-- Clunking things up (and being BULLIED by New
York State out of the Vaccination Supplies, so its not all their fault).
Also she's concerned DUMB BLASIO is talking up hey one vaccine is pretty
good, too! We want TWO Vaccines and we want it TWO Sday!
Dumb Blasio. Just throwing that out there! Gonna have
Super Market Made-Themselves Frozen Pizza for lunch. We're talking
A THIRD of a 12 inch pizza WITH a Wing OR Two! OR a Half with Nothing
Else That's It Be Happy You Got An Entire Half a Pizza Sounds Like You're
Doing Pretty Good For Yourself! So far no organ failure due to Plastic
Intake. So far so good!
We're talking ARTICHOKE and SPINACH pizza. Not
100% if I've had artichoke before but it's about time! In my mind it's
got a kind of SAVORY flavor. Maybe a bit BITTER. I guess I'll
keep you updated on this situation as it progresses. Art of Choke
Heart. The Art of Giving people heart attacks. Hmm, I'll keep
you updated on this situation as it progresses. No shovellin' for
me today! Not supposed to be snowing the day or the day before of Mom
Vaccination Enterprise. It all looks good except for the 15% of time
it doesn't turn out so good! It's also got OREGANO and CHOPPED
GARLIC?!?!? Well that just seals the deal now doesn't it.
What else is going on. Gettin' deep into #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready,
such that I'm maybe half a dozen episodes away AT MOST til the lat half
dozen episodes I Haven't Seen Never What No Way. I ASSUME it's very
similar to the first couple dozen more or less. Same characters and
everything! That's MY Educated Guess!
Anyway, great, just great. I like fantasizing
about a world where Democrats are just always busy doing something good or
at least relatively good. They move from accomplishment to relative
accomplishment and everyone's like Man Them Democrats GET SHIT DONE.
That's MY Hot Take. I'd take The Under on such a world manifesting.
But hey who knows I'll Keep You Updated On This Situation As It Progresses.
Got 4 beers for today tomorrow and Monday EACH. That's it for the
week! I got that going for me! Figured out a simple way to
listen to My Music on my phone. On account of Bandcamp not working On
My Phone and that's where All Them Songs Are. Anyway Why It's Only
e-mailing myself a single album a night. Then I can listen to that the
next day (OR NEXT TWO DAYS) and then re-up with more songs the next night!
Easy. EASY! Man all these songs I haven't listned to IN
WEEKS. They're FUN to listen to AND make me feel good about myself on
account of being a SOLID D+/C- enterprise.
Great, just great! What else is going on.
More #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready is in the CARDS. Speaking of
CARDS in terms of #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready, for MONTHS (YEARS?) one
of my top half dozen FAVORITES was the one about two gamblers! Watched
it All The Times! But now, I hardly ever watch it. It's called I
Watched It Too Much and Then I Blew The Gasket. That sort of metaphor.
Seems to be more or less an accurate metaphor! That's my educated
guess and whatnot. Pizza also has Crushed Red Pepper?!?! I
would have done that myself but YOU JUST SAVED ME A LOT OF HARD MANUAL
LABOR. Also your Official Crushed Red Pepper gotta be better than
my Crushed Pepper! Can't wait to find out! Anyway all of
this isn't happening until Act III so we still got some time to get
ourselves prepared properly.
What else is giong on and crap. Hmm just was
reminded Shouldn't Put Pizza in oven! On account of hey plastic might
be in there probably around 2% odds! Can I Microwave pizza? No
EXPLICIT directions for that but It probably could be done! Almost
Certainly! Or I can have something else for lunch. I've given
myself a lot to think about. The moral of the story is I have to clean
the oven at some point. Hmm looking at my calendar to see what's
coming up. 22nd is Washington's Birthday. We wish him the best
of luck on HIS Day, well wishes for the Birthday Boy! Presumably
George Washington. Best guess off the top of my head.
How did Almost All The Presidents KNOW to be generally good people and try
to do the right thing. Seems kind of weird in retrospect.
I'll be back in a little bit.
See, Right There
Hey I
Just tried some New Soap! We're talkin Hmm this smells INTERESTING.
Good Interesting. GREAT INT--- wait no just Good Interesting.
So I Got That Going For Me. 1) Microwave Pizza 2) Cup o Noodles +
Salmon 3) Chili + Rice 4) Lobster Ravioli. TOO MANY OPTIONS.
Better figure out a Nice Fun and CLEAN way to determine what to have for
lunch. Anyway a solid FORTY WEEKS of the year leftover while being
Double Vaccinated + Housemates being Double Vaccinated! I can't even
control my excitement! I don't want to! Who wouldn't Love Being
Excited! Might as well be as excited as possible for as long as
possible! Specifically as long as possible! If I could trade
being 5x excited for a week for being 1x excited for a month EASY TAKE THE
What else is going on and crap. Speaking of X, I
think we can all agree Algebra is The Best Math. What else is going on
and crap. Kinda DIGGING Chili + Rice possibility. Figuratively!
Which MAY lead to me Digging it LITERALLY. If I play my cards
right! I can either make the most of Pandemic Quarantine Being
Lifted by STOPPING alcohol consumption OR by INCREASING alcohol consumption.
1) takin walks, don't need alcohol! 2) taking walks, can get alcohol
whenever I run out instead of having this set amount once a week! This
is gonna be a tough decision but thankfully I have 5-6 weeks to consider it
AND then I can't really consider it Until It Starts so we're talking END of
5 or 6 weeks, a few days into it, THEN I know what kinda Non-Quarantined
Life I'm Workin' With! Alcohol wise! Sober Dumb! DUMB
BLASIO I don't see how he can ever recover from that! Maybe he
doesn't need to, his term is up next year. He made it Just Under
The Wire! I just googled Dumb Blasio to see if his term does indeed
end next year and GOOGLE CLAIMS HE'S 6'5? WHAT AN ASSHOLE!!!
His term ends After This Year. Which is next year. But next year
kinda implied 2022 Vote. Oh well we all learned a few things
during this paragraph am I right.
I dunno who to support for Democratic Primary for Mayor
yet! Presumably the best one as I determine them, that'd be my first
instinct. Andrew Yang. Chances I knew someone in Stuyvesant
whose last name was Ying? I think that sounds about right.
OH well what can ya do I don't have the Class of 2006 Roster in front of me.
Hmm 15 year anniversary in a few months. Dang that sounds like a
Long Time. OH well what can ya do, move on with your live, that's
the impression I've been operating under. Sometimes I let myself
fantasize about having Real Good Success In Life, Creatively Presumably, and
I imagine going back to Stuy as a Graduation Speaker and being like SEE
NOTHING IT'S YOU!!! Also I'm talking to people over 15 years
younger than me. They never thought I was nothing! Their PARENTS
and UNCLES AND AUNTS might have. But I shouldn't take it out on the
kids. That'll learn em that'll learn em real good. Haven't had
that fantasy in a while. But I've entertained it every now and then in
the past.
Cool! Also there's no malice in it.
It's more just like Yep I made it DESPITE ALL YOU JERKS but I'm gonna pay
it forward and give a good speech that will encourage and inspire YOU
IDIOTS. Maybe Noodles + Salmon. Not necessarily my top
choice but it was the main alternative to Pizza when I was FIRST
contemplating lunch Lo these many couple of hours ago. Salmon not
necessarily no top salmon! Usually get the BBQ Salmon. This time
I Got some sort of LEMON Salmon. I can LIVE with it and maybe ENJOY a
change of pace BUT I would have had BBQ if Only They Weren't' All Sold Out!
Anyway I had Wrap Part II for dinner last night IN MICROWAVE and it was OKAY
but the wrap part WAS soggy and I couldn't pick it up too hot! Had to
eat wrap with fork and knife while having wraps the main fun is eating it
with holding it and with a nice substance for the breadish part. NONE
of that panned out! The taste was fine, though. In teh end
that's one of the mainest things.
Last paragraph of Act II! UPDATE-- current top
contender for lunch is Chili + Rice. It's HEALTHY because I got BROWN
rice instead of Yellow "Spanish," Rice or Jasmine, "White," Rice. SO I got
that going for me is the point! Anyway HEY I had a GROSS Beef Savory
Barley Beef Savory soup a few nights ago for first time in Oh I Don't' Know
EIGHT months? And was it still gross as I projected? YES!
It was FINE for about 60% of the time but 40% of the time I Wasn't Happy
About It! Anyway maybe go back to some #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready
during upcoming Act Break. I enjoy the parts where the characters are
all busy doing stuff and the plot progresses slowly but surely and Dueciness
ensues over time. Anyway hey I'll be back in a little bit!
Where Was I
Pizza in Microwave And I Feel Fine! Tastes pretty good. No
Tomato sauce, though! That threw me for a loop! Still tastes
good! Whattado for the rest of the entry. Maybe watch some MOVIE
later today! That's not The Rest Of The entry. OH ISN'T IT?
Knowing I'm going to watch some MOVIE later today will have a SIGNICANT
impact on my EntryMindFrame. Now if only I had a good movie in store.
Better LTURQ nope I Don't even HAVE a store. Better LTURQ for
real... NOPE nothing coming up. I'll figure something out, though,
don't you worry about me! Better LTURQ even MORE for real...
NOPE nothing coming up. Still! I dunno whattado. Watch
the Alien Vs Predator Tandem of movies. I watched the first 20
minutes of the first one Oh I Don't Know 2 or 3 months ago? I can
re-watch that, watch the rest of it, then watch the Alien Versus Predator
SEQUEL. My slogan for Alien Vs Predator Movie: "No Matter Who Wins.
We Lose. We Being Humans. Actually Maybe We Might Win if they're
spending all their Violence Capitol Fighting Each Other. Actually Upon
Further Introspection This Is A Pretty Good Scenario For Us. Humans."
Cool! I dunno why Alien & Predator have to come
to EARTH to fight. Presumably they can do it either where Alien Lives
or where Predator Lives. I never seen a Predator movie. I've
never paid attention all the way through an Alien movie. Now's the
time to relieve myself of those not-seeing-movies-burdens ALL IN ONE
CONVENIENT FILM! Anyway closing in on finishing pizza and ya know
what WONDERFUL. Maybe no WONDERFUL but good enough that I'm like
yeah I can EASILY see myself getting this again. EASILY.
Anyway I was doin' some preliminary browsing on DoorDash for 5-6 weeks from
now and Maybe It's Just Me but it APPEARS Chipotle's only ingredient is
Protein. Maybe a burrito itself. But there's no options for
ANYTHING ELSE. I don't get it! Maybe they set it up so You Have
TO Get The Standard Parts of Burrito instead of being able to customize it.
Either Everything Or NOTHIN! That's how it appears!
Finishing lunch! It was great! Sorta creamy
type pizza instead of tomatoe sauced. Almost an AL FREDO taste to it!
Creamy MOOZARELL and that's the dominating aspect. But it still tastes
like pizza. LOOKS like pizza. My eyes don't deceive me so
Thus It Tastes Like Pizza. I got THAT going for me. Anyway
what's the deal with DoorDash am I right?!?! Are they giving me ALL OF
THE FIXINGS or NONE OF THE FIXING. Where can I direct this question?
That'd be the most obvious answer off the top of my head. Mom is
saying I can use oven safely. Dad is presumably NOT on board. So
that's where I'm at! Microwave'd Communal MEatloaf in our near future!
I can live with that maybe even THRIVE with that! Sounds pretty good
to me!
Penultimate paragraph. MAN OH MAN I can listen to
that 70% of that one album I haven't listened to in a while WHILE BATHING.
It cleanses the Body AS WELL as the Soul-Em-Up. So that's one possible
dinner. Microwave'd Meatloaf. Other alternative is probably have
that there salmon + noodles. I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING AT SOME POINT IN
REGARDS TO NOODLES &/OR SALMONS. What else is going on and crap.
MAYBE CHILI + RICE. I have too many Good Options! Best
believe I'm gonna make the most of this Abundance of Riches! Also
am kind of curious who wins, alien or predator. Off the top of my
head I dunno who comes out on top but PRESUMABLY by the end of these movies
Someone's gotta win. A stalemate would be a HUGE let down and I'd
consider suing Hollywood &/or the movie studio if that happens.
Last paragraph! 2/3rds into Winter! I LIKE
those odds. Spring is coming! And all that comes with it.
APRIL. May. That's about it! How do we close up
this website. I tried everything! Not typing anything, TRYING to
type things without anything coming up, THINKING about TRYING to write
something... Comin' up with Nothin. Not sure why we
celebrate birthdays from a few centuries ago. In the 1770's or
whatever, how were they going HEY GEORGE WASHINGTON IS THE BIG BIRTHDAY
Birthdays are FRIVOLOUS and INDULGENT is the point! Maybe only THE
ELITES used to celebrate birthdays and over time it came to be celebrated
among Poor Folk like You And I. Yep that seems to check out.
On the other hand, when you have a life expectancy of 42, each year Means
Quite A Bit More AND is more worthy of being celebrated, on account of you
being on the chopping block to die imminently. I dunno. I'll
see you guys tomorrow.
-1:41 P.M.
February 19, 2021
Thanks For Coming
You Idiots, guess whose presumably getting Covid Vaccine: The Vaccine For
Covid IN TWO WEEKS. It's this guy whose all thumbs! Scheduled an
appointment at AQUEDUCT RACE TRACK in case anyone wants to come to show
their support. In 2 weeks frmo yesterday. Gotta live through a
Whole Thirteen Days and then BOOM 1st dose. Negative news is
we're worried about My Mom's Reschedulization of Her Vaccine may fall
through because Hey Who Knows These People Seem To Be Shitty Incompetents!
But the good news is in 5 or 6 weeks HOPEFULLY We All Be Double Vaccinated
in this Crap Shack of a Household! OTHER BAD NEWS I MAY have fed my
Dad plastic last night! And myself! Put Roast Chicken in Oven
While Still in Plastic Bowl Type Thing and then we ate it after 50 minutes!
THe plastic around the edges was A LITTLE BIT melted. 90% chance we
ate virtually no plastic but 5% chance we are going to die! 5% chance
we ate a ignorant amount of plastic but will be okay! So we gotta
look on the BRIGHT SIDE of things.
I can see myself living a life regretting The Time I
Killed My Father over the rest of my life. It's possible I think I
can visualize that in case I need to live that out over the next 40 years!
Gotta be prepared for anything is the point. My thinking was I
remember hearing here and there on The TV about how people do all these
drugs by shooting or smoking or anything and they're consuming all this
disgusting stuff you would never want to put into your body... so I'm
like YEAH I think we can stand Eating A LITTLE Plastic! Give
ourselves some credit, am I right? Also this was 16 hours ago and
So Far I'm Okay! There that settles that Once And For All!
Maybe have to do some Shovellin' today. Maybe
not! We don't know as of this moment. Probably will have Wide
Fettuccini Al Fredo for lunch this lunch. We don't know as of this
moment but the odds are forever in Al Fredo's favor. Man oh man I
got 4 walks a day all mapped out. One walk soon after waking up.
One walk either 1 or 2 acts into entry. One walk mid-late afternoon.
One walk at nighttime! We're talkin FOUR WALKS and it's WONDERFUL.
Also presumably by this time I will have learnt my lesson and not prepared
food with plastic in it so it's ALL uphill from here no matter how anything
else shakes out! If we're not allowed to eat a little bit of
plastic what ARE we allowed to do?!? Also TASTED fine. No
weird smells or textures or anything! Look odds are we will survive
but if we don't At Least I Made Light Of It While I Still Could!
Cool. I didn't tell my Dad about this part, but
when I was putting it in the oven I LEGIT had a Quarter Thought should
this be going in the oven? eh i dunno what can ya do Maybe a
Tenth Of A Thought. But something that when I was thinking back later
on I was like hmm this doesn't 100% surprise me in further introspection.
That's what makes me look REALLY bad in this story! Oh well we're all
still alive. And if people who do drugs put all those weird house hold
products and whatnot into their blood stream and organs I THINK we can
survive some PLASTIC right? Anyway I was PUMPED about being DOUBLE
VACCINATED within 5-6 weeks BUT now my Mom is pessimistic about her own
Vaccine Problems and I dunno how to feel! 90% chance Citifield goes
through with rescheduled day. 10% chance it doesn't! 10% chances
happen all the time! Roughly 10% of the time! That'd be my
educated guess!
One more paragraph before break. Then one more
break before something else. Than something even else after something
else. I ran out of Coffee Like a CHUMP. I could have
EASILY had one more cup of coffee but oh well what can ya do make more
coffee not in my lifetime! I dunno maybe some #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready
for upcoming Act Break. Also I don't need to prove my BMI at all!
It's all on the Honor System. Good Tip for all you NY Folk lookin' for
Vaccines! Just LIE about things! Uh oh I can go to jail just
based on ENCOURAGING breaking the honor system. I take it back!
Be honest! Be honorable! That's my OFFICIAL POSITION re: These
Situations. Alright I'll be back in a bit.
Let Me Just Say
Between feeding my Dad Plastic Chicken and Taking A Vaccine Slot before my
Mom gets one (potentially!) I'm doing my best to Kill My Family.
Well it's not an ideal situation but it IS good just to accomplish
SOMTHIN! I'm guessin 1/3 chance Gotta Do Some Shovellin!
I can live with that! Certainly can finish Act II at least beforehand.
What is life gonna be like after Complete Household Double Vaccination.
I mean I know TANGIBLY what will be different. But how would I FEEL
different. I'd still live in a world where Majority Of People Ain't
Have Been Vaccinated. And also 2 dozen ways the world is terrible that
I haven't had to fully contemplate over the last year because My Own Life
has been a priority. Off the top of my head, still thinking about
vaccine slots, whattawedo about these 25-33% of people who won't take
vaccine? Just let one out of 75 of them die? Doesn't' seem
right! Oh well what can ya do. I DUNNO that's why I said
That checks out! What do I listen to
during walks. Why It's Only Three Quarter Podcasts and One Quarter
Music OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD. Maybe more music! Maybe more
podcasts. I'm not comfortable committing to one or the other one way
or another as of this date! What do Aqueducts have to do with Horse
Racing. I guess I better get to the bottom of that before going
for my vaccine. They may make me take a Aqueduct Race Track Test.
Sounds like a good place for WATER POLO am I right? I'm wrong?
Are you sure? Hmm. Well if you insist. Anyway looks like
Household Double Vaccination will occur ONE YEAR + 2 or 3 weeks since
Quarantine Started! It was a different world! It was a lot like
this world! On account of Right Now Still Being In That Different
World! More Or Less!
Cool! Donald Trump is no longer president AS FAR
AS WE KNOW. I feel pretty confident Joe Biden is now president.
Honestly? Probably like 99.975% sure Joe Biden is president For All
Intents & Purposes. President both Literally AND Figuratively!
So we got that going for us is the point. Anyway. I see Biden
&/OR Democrats are preparing an Infrastructure Bill coming up which is GREAT
because it's TOPICAL and you can get a lot done with that! But
priority has got to be a New Voting Rights Act, right? Because without
that, Ya Know It's Hard To Win Next Election with it being even more rigged
than even usual. Even! My Hot Take! On the other hand I do
think Doing As Much Good As You Can is ALSO a great way to win the next
election because people will support you if you make their lives better
presumably. BUT you just can't bank on obliterating the competition in
votes if they're cheating as much as their hearts' desires!
Thatsalotta cheating!
Well that's great just great. If I can fit
THREE ACTS into a Single Daily Entry you can SURELY pass a SINGLE Voting
Rights Act Over The Next Couple Of Months! Gottem! I can see
the point that It Might Be Too Controversial. Republicans are PRETTY
convinced they should be able to cheat at elections. Kind of a hot
button issue! Oh well what can ya do. Look into stuff I
can watch over the rest of the day. #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready
is certainly one way to go! Not too much in the mood for #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready
as of this moment! Hmm I've been LIVING a Tales From The Crypt for
but its for a good purpose! Having life return to normal. I'd
say All In All that's a Positive Enterprise!
Last paragraph of Act II! Who even cares about
obsessing over lunches and dinners when I can be TAKING WALKS OUTSIDE.
It's a whole real world out there not confined to what we eat for meals!
Seems about right. At what point do have Open Mics For Those
Who Want Them. I can see myself doing some open mics for three people.
If it's allowed! Both FOR Open Miccers AND/OR FOR Three Audience
Members At A Time. I can do that! Comedy, music!
Whichever! Not both! That's where I draw the line!
Probably Comedy! That's where my head has been at Lo This Entire
Quarantine Pandemic. HEY a week from today is the average of my
Parent's birthdays. One is 2/25. One is 2/27! Figure
they'll meet half way and enjoy each other's celebrations as a single
entity. Anyway HEY I'll be back with Act III in a little bit!
Nobody Needs Any Of
I'm back with lunch! Also back with having taken a 15 minute Snow
Shoovelin' Break. I can, "Live," with that! I Already Have!
Whattado with the rest of the day. Can't get used to thinking
whatami gonnado once Pandemic Quarantine is personally lifted.
Still 5-6 weeks away! Gotta make the most out of 5 or 6 weeks of
QuarantineContinued. Anyway eatin' something cooked in plastic for
lunch but MICROWAVED. You can microwave plastic til your littlest
hearts' are content'd! Looks like My Mom is worried they're starting
to tease oh yeah you only need one dose of vaccine. And she's
Sounds like a scam to me, too!
What else is going on and crap. I dunno what
I'm gonna do for dinner! Maybe Part II of Wrap: The Meal Enterprise.
Maybe some PLASTIC I got stored somewhere. Gotta store your Eatin'
Plastic in the fridge, otherwise it'll go bad! Also you might be able
to get all the benefits from plastic from Just ONE DOse not two as has been
recommended Lo These Last Few Months. The point is WE WANT 2
VACCINES GET IT DONE. Had Potato'd Pancake as side for Wrap Last
Lunch. Seems like a solid way to go for Upcoming Dinner! Also I
got Buffalo'd Wings again this week and they're possibly even smaller than
last week! Very small chickens these days! Sounds like a scam!
Anyway maybe put Wrap in Microwave to heat it up! Probably not oven!
Doesn't meet the minimum plastic requirements for something to be cooked in
The Oven!
Cool! Hah killed My Dad & Me. Whatta
Goof! C'mon lets move on. Neither of us are Dead NOW.
That's as far into the future I can realizably see! NOW!
Certainly Much More Future than PREVIOUSLY. What else is going on
and crap. Don't tell my Dad about that 1/10th of a second where I
considered taking Chicken out of plastic tray before putting it on oven.
Let's just call that My Secret Shame between You and Me. The
point is I was half joking about Open Mics when Pandemic Quarantine is
Personally Over on the premise that that still wouldn't be a real thing
for another few months yet. But really if that OPENS up I'd be
OPEN to doing them OPEN mics. I have VERY LITTLE Better Things To Do
is the point I'm trying to make! Anyway hey only two more paragraphs
after this sentence!
Cool! Tasted VERY LITTLE Hours Reddish Sauce
yesterday. Maybe a BIT on a few bites. Nothin to get in a twist
over! Anyway. I can create a DIET for the last 3/4ths of the
year (ROUGHLY 40 WEEKS!) that STILL includes same amount of beer BUT has me
losing half a point a week. Getting me to a Very Respectable Weight by
January 1 2022. So that's something to keep in mind! Anyway is
it a thing yet where Cuomo is in danger of losing his job? Gotta
imagine that'll come up at some point. I'd be IN FAVOR of it.
This dude HAS GOT TO GO per my limited understanding! Unless he comes
over to my house and determines the best way to heat up a Roast Beef &
Cheddar Half Wrap such that its hot but the wrap part isn't all melty and
soggy and unappealing TEXTURE WISE. This is it You Have Four Hours
or so. GET ON IT!
Cool. POP QUIZ which is a higher population--
NYC or Ny State Minus NYC. I'm guessin it's close. Lemme
forget why. But the point is what else is going on and crap.
Lookin at Streamers to see if anything new is going on. HEY just
got a Drug Store package meant for someone else! I bet there's
MEDICATION in there. Already called 'em up for them to take it back to
whoever it was meant to. LIKE A CHUMP. I could have ahd ALL THE
DESIRE!!! Anyway hey another entry in the books. I'll see you
guys tomorrow.
-3:12 P.M.
February 18, 2021
Lookin' Good!
You Idiots guess who Has More Stuff Than He Had Before? It's me!
The guy with 2 thumbs. Also I don't get that thing, "Whose got 2
thumbs up or whatever. And its your 2 thumbs pointing to yourself
to congratulate or celebrate something you just did/have done to you.
Kinda implies Thumbs are for pointing. Pointer Fingers are for
pointing! I guess thumbs are more convenient for pointing AT YOURSELF
because they're sorta curved towards that direction, but still! It's
Not USUAL! Guess whose got 2 pointer fingers and is pointing at
themselves sounds EASIER more LOGICAL and more INTUITIVE to understand!
Whose got 2 some kind of fingers and wrote a paragraph. THIS GUY.
Maybe it comes from a premise where Having 2 Thumbs was an identifiable
trait that not everyone has. Maybe Lots Of Things!
Oh, right. More Stuff Than Before! We're talkin
All Them Groceries. Except for the ones I was expecting last night!
That order was, "CANCELLED." There was a power outage 5 minutes after
they started putting together the order SO THEY CLAIM. So they Cancel
Cultured my Super Market Order. But this Regular Order today
went through! So all in all it's Great Just Great. GOnna have to
do a good amount of shovellin' today. Gonna have to do a good amount
of shovellin' tomorrow. Wonderful! 2/3rds into Winter. So
basically if I was a Gambling Man I'd say we'd have roughly half again as
much snow as we've had for this Winter of year of our lord 2020-2021.
Apparently Cruz went to Cancun while his constituents are suffering &/or
dying! I'm okay with that! And it looks like after this scandal
erupted he's made plans to return to the United States. THAT'S
where he lost ME! Nailed It!
So many great opportunism for meals today. Got
them to send me a nice prepared WRAP. We're talking I believe Roast Beef and
Cheddared Cheese? Better LTURQ. HMM. Comes with Spinach
I'm, "On Board," with that. HORSERADISH CREAM SAUCE? I don't
like the sound of that BUT I'll try it. Maybe I can Almost Tolerate
the taste of it so all in all it's been a worthwhile enterprise. I
dunno it might be good! Other people seem to like it! What makes
me different than other people? Besides All Those Things That Come To
Mind Immediately. Isn't Cancun stereotypically for Spring Break.
Can we work that into the narrative of Cruz going to Cancun? That he's
a pervert and wants to be around college kids Showin' Their Stuff?
Spring break isn't for another 2 or 3 months! Maybe that's it!
He wanted to get in before the spring break season starts to SAVE on HOTEL
DEALS. Either way grown man in Cancun traveling in first class
while is wife is in coach (true part of the story!) SOMETHIN's Wrong with
this picture.. Oh. Excuse me. Grown CANADIAN man.
What else is going on and crap. I feel
like Cruz being from Canada is like The Exception That Proves The Rule.
What else is going on and crap. Watch'n some Mini DocuSreies abut
Football Camp in 2020 Pre Season. On HBO: The Premium Channel
Enterprise. It's pretty good! I'm entertained enough!
Maybe have some Wrap with some Chips. I got the RUFFLED chips.
I've got the DORITO'D CHIPS. I've got All Our Fan Favorite Chips!
Nice BIG ol bag of individually wrapped individual sizes of portions of
pretzels. Let no chip go unstocked! Just imagined Cruz in
first class saying to a flight attendant yes can you relay a message to
my wife in coach that I love her very much? I dunno about that.
Such is life! I'm sure I can scrape off the majority of sauce if I
wanted to. I'm BACK ON BOARD!
Not in first class, though. If my family is stuck
in coach I'm Stuck In Coach All The Way Along Side 'em! Maybe even be
in STEERAGE. I live in Steerage just to support my family in
coach. It's called BEING A GOOD FATHER AND HUSBAND. Wait
lemme ammend that. What I meant to say is My Family is in
Steerage and I'm living on the plane where the luggage is to support them.
Got some terms mixed up! What else is going on and crap.
Ted Cruz, PER INTERNET, has two dependent age children. Where are
THEY. It's POSSIBLE they were part of this trip but I'm under the
impression it was just Him & Wife. What the Hell are his kids doing
in this scenario! It's called being a BAD Father and Presumably A
BAD Husband! I'll take a break right now sure.
Now We're Talkin'!
whose got All Plausible Possible Fingers and is writing a REAL C- Entry?
ME PLUS FOUR OTHER PEOPLE. Everyone knows you need 2 fingers to
point to someone. I feel like If everyone is arranged Just Right I can
point at 4 other people with my hands The Way They Are. Part of me was
like D+/C- and another part of me was like C-/C. So this
is a slam dunk case for just C-! Now I know what its like to be a
teacher. Faced with the hard decisions. How to get something
relatively subjectively. Gotta keep 'em up at night! Also
I'm sure a lot of teachers subconsciously pride themselves on being
relatively generous with their grades. And many teachers are like
well I'm firm but fair, just give the absolute median grade I can give.
And then there's SOME teachers that are like FUCK THESE GUYS I'm GIVEN EM
Wonderful. I like watching the Football
Reality Program and seeing the ladies the football men are married to.
Very attractive and congenial women! And I'm like that woman
doesn't LOVE you. I see right through this facade.... SHE CLEARLY
LOVES ME!!!! That's how I choose to watch TV!
I mean, she MIGHT love me. Statistically the chance that At Least ONE
Attractive and Congenial Football Wife reads this AND loves me based on it
is 70, 80%! That sounds high. Hmm Interesting
Counterpoint! I'll have to crunch the numbers later when I can pay
more attention to it. Just LOOKIN at inside of Wrap looks like a lot
of Roast'd Beef a fairly high amount of cheese some GREEN which I've been
led to believe is Spinaich... can't be much of the Horse Radish sauce!
Can't even see it from this angle! I LIKE that. Wonderful.
Anyway checked my weight yesterday night and it's TWO
AND A HALF POUNDS LIGHTER than when I first checked after being made privy
to the idea I might qualify for Vaccine. What the Hell I'm starting to
get the idea that My Metabolism Is Just Fucking With Me. Wanna lose
weight? Fuck That I'm gaining! Wanna stay where I'm at?
Fuck That I'm Losing! Anyway I MAY be able to get vaccine based on
Mental Health stuff. Based on what I've been reading! Maybe a
40, 50% chance! Either way Oh Well What Can Y ado LIE about your
weight that's always an avenue open to me. Also I'm still ~3 pounds
over Borderline Weight for Vaccine Purposes. ALRIGHT I LIKE THOSE
ODDS. I kinda feel like Andrew Cuomo should resign because he betrayed
the public trust and we all know about it. Kinda Feels like
that should cost him his job for some reason no one is really sure of.
Yeah! And also YES I'm operating under the
premise that any new Democratic Governor would be better than Cuomo with or
without Public Trust being portrayed. But that doesn't diminish the
Public Trust he betrayed! Portray. Betray. Lots of Trays!
What else is going on and crap. Whose the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR.
I've never heard of Kathy Hochul before. Sounds like a Lady I Want
To Say? Ran on the same ticket as Governor so can't be too much
different in terms of Political Alignment. Wonderful.! Maybe she
resigns being governor on Day I to SHOW SOLIDARITY for Andrew Cuomo.
Which means I think the next in line for governor is Me????
Gonna have to LTURQ but I THINK it goes to me? I think when
calculating Who Becomes President if the next in line is incapacitated, they
should actually have to rank EVERYONE. 350 million potential
presidents. IN which case I think EASILY I'd be around 120, 130th
million in line? I'm SMART but with limited work experience. And
I've got mental health problems but Maybe That's Good For Presidents?
OR I've got mental health problems but I've mostly overcome them
so it's an inspiring tale for the American Public?
That sort of thing. CHEDDARED CHEESE?
going on. I think the first cheese I liked, after Pizza cheese (Mozzarel?)
was SWISS cheese. Which started in Oh I Don't Know 2007? GOod cheese
for A Burger! I feel comfortable going On The Record with that!
DANG IT looks like I'm gonna have to do some Shovellin' NOW.
Negotiated for 5 minutes so I can finish this entry. Hey look cheese,
cheese burgers, may have had cheese on chicken sandwiches before then,
doritos nacho cheese version. That's as much I can conjure under the
IMMENSE PRESSURE of having to finish this paragraph IMMINENTLY. Well
Hey That's Good Enough! Paragraph Accomplished! I'll See You
Guys In A Little Bit!
What A Wonderful!
I'm back With Lunch and With Doin' All Today's Shovellin's Enterprises.
Wrap tastes okay! Can't taste much but certainly not the Whore's
Radish. The TEXTURE of the wrap is pretty good, though. I'm
enjoying it is the point. Side is Un-Frozen'd Potato Pancake!
Wonderful. Maybe I should have put wrap in microwave? Maybe!
I have the other half to experiment with at a later date! Looks like
Ted Cruz is blaming his children for taking a vacation. That's
something that won't screw them up later. Maybe they're already
screwed up. I wouldn't put it past them! Pretty close to
dinner already all things considered. I could have anything for dinner
I want! I wouldn't put it past me! Hey if I'm Double Vaccinated
in a few months I can start seeing Movies In Movie Theaters (and hear them
in the same place)! I'm UNDER THE IMPRESSION many movies are playing
in many theaters! It's there for the taking!
So far my favorite character in Docu Series about Football
Camp (pre season football for NFL I must clarify even though I just wanted
to call it, "Football Camp," as a goof) is the back-up player who isn't
guaranteed at all a spot on the final roster and he tries to be friends with
people but None Of The People Are Having It and he's coming off desperate!
I think he's got A Lot Of GUTS putting himself out there despite his lack of
real individual personality and interpersonal skills. Man oh man I
got LOTS of good dinner options. Can't even go through them!
I'd get too excited and would need to cool myself down. Can't even get
started THINKING about it. Hey lunch is over and you know what I
Didn't Hate It! And its healthy! I assume Horse Radish sauce
is healthy because it doesn't taste good. Why would there be a food
that doesn't taste good unless its healthy? No one would eat it!
Wonderful. My goal is to be Under Overweight by
January 1st 2022. As of now I'm about 30-35 pounds overweight.
If I no longer and Pandemic Quarantined, I can start talking more walks
which burns more calories AND gives me an opportunity to structure my day
without drinking. And also start eating less snacks! So once
Quarantine is lifted I can see myself losing 30-35 pounds over the course of
Oh I Don't Know FORTY WEEKS or so? Also are we 100% sure there hasn't
been a The Purge going on the entirety of the last year? I mean what
do we know. We're just going by the news we get. No NEWS of
Purging Going On. But do we really truly know? Wonderful.
Man if I was PURGING I could lose TWICE THAT AMOUNT. I don't wanna
lose 2x that much. Maybe 1.66x that amount but GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT
Cool! I think Football players and their wives
Maybe I just have a very poor insight into Adult Relationships! Yep
that checks out pretty well. ANYWAY for better or for worse, I
talked with my Father and committed to having Communal Roast Chicken for
dinner. Good news is it's delicious and its responsible on account of
health. HEY bad news is My Mother's Vaccine Slot tomorrow night was
CANCELLED and rescheduled! Thing they just shifted a few days to a few
days later because of WEATHER FACTORS. So Tuesday Night instead of
Friday night. Did I ever explicitly tell you it was gonna be
tomorrow night? I feel like I Was Being A Coy Boy About It.
Oh well now you know My Secret Shame.
So it's not THAT BAD. They cancelled it
but we got the appointment replacement right away. I can, "LIVE," with
that. FOr a few days, at least! The good news is by Tuesday
Night CoronaPandemic might be over so we can stop of at White Castle?
Maybe get those Jalapeño Cheeseburger Sliders that we've been talking about?
Gotta make the most out of a shitty situation, that's how I feel. NO
At for dinner tonight. Anyway hey what else do I got going on today.
More #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready. More #FootballCampFebruaryAlready.
Presumably some sort of ADDICTION movie on Youtube. Like an
Intervention type enterprise but not Intervention and Available on YouTube
for Free. I watched one about METH in MONTANA Over TWENTY YEARS ago.
Good for them! They're doing all the meth they want and Gotta Imagine
That'll Pay Off In The Long Run! I'll see you guys tomorrow!
-2:17 P.M.
February 17, 2021
This Is Good Stuff
Remains to be seen! That's what Funeral Wakes Are All About!
Anyway down to another 24 hours until alcohol. And POSSIBLY more than
that! Starts snowin 6-10 inches 7 AM tomorrow. Order is set up
for 9-12. Probably won't be cancelled but Who Can Say! The piont
is Damn I'm outta meals. Turkey Burgers. That's About It!
Maybe some Ribs I haven't had in a long time because Why Did I Get Them In
The First Place. Besides I need to save them for my Mom incase she
needs replacement ribs. They've been cooked already so that basically
means they're sanitized and ready to be inserted into my Mom's chest-torso.
Hopefully Snow on Thursday won't affect Mother Vaccination Enterprise on
Friday Night. That'd be a real, "Net Negative!" The point is
lets move on with the entry into some Laff-em-Ups.
It's Ash Wednesday HEY Pokemon how about that.
What a coincidence that our Protagonist in Pokemon is named Ash Ketchum.
When Ketchin 'Um is his main prerogative. 'Um means Pokemon. He
captures them with pokeballs. And then uses them for his own twisted
purposes. Essentially Dog Fighting but across different species.
Sometimes dog fighting with other owners of fighting dogs, sometimes it's
just fighting random stray dogs you come across in the forest. The
point is if you wanted to continue doing Pokemon Live or whatever that trend
was last year... you coulda CLEANED UP!!! Everyone else is
stuck in their houses LIKE CHUMPS so you could go out and find ALL the
pokemons yourself! CORONAVIRUS BE DAMNED! Something along
those lines. Is Ash Ketchum related to Ashton Kutcher. One can
only imagine Yes.
What else is going on and crap. Onto Season
Deuce of #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready! Not bad! Skips
ahead a few years! Who can't relate to that! Personally I
remember 2008, then suddenly it's 2015! Yep seems to check out.
Anyway looking very much like we might get STOPGAP delivery from Local
Super Market under the premise that regular Super Market Delivery
will turn out to be unavailable tomorrow! You know what that means!
Pretty self explanatory! I don't even need to offer an insight or
anything to explain what that means! I feel like we're all on the same
page in terms of What That Means! HEY I found a nail clipper.
The 2nd Best Nail Clipper I have (out of 2) but STILL not bad! Clip
them nails real good. Been a week at least! Them nails have been
getting cocky gettin long with no consequences!
Wonderful. Also in this case I MIGHT have options
for dinner! Also PRESUMABLY beer! Not for entry! Too Late
For That! Oh well such is life. I checked my weight last night
and I don't want to alarm anyone but it's HALF A POUND lighter than when I
checked 4 or 5 days ago. At this rate I'm Living a Thinner-Type
Scenario and it's going to hurt me in terms of Not getting Virus Vaccines.
Odds there's gonna be a Stephen King book specifically taking place in
Current Coronavirus Situation. Yes Odds Indeed!
Great piont. Not a fictionalized version of it. Just stick
with The Real Deal! Great point. No it isn't. Ya
got me. What else is going on and crap. Just put in order
for Tonight Delivery. Couldn't hurt! Also Great Stuff other
place don't offer! ALso they don't offer Beer so Hopefully I get Other
Delivery tomorrow! Because I like to Eat Beer To Get High!
Get to take a break after this paragraph. Man
oh man 3 or 4 Great Things I can't normally get. I can, "Dig,"
That! Which is a phrase I think comes from The Deuce. People are
always like I Dig this or That. NAILED IT. We're
talkin White Castles. We're talkin Hot Pockets. We're talkin
Indulgent Breakfast Sandwich (which I can have FOR LUNCH!!!). That's
Most Of What We're Talking About. Real important thing is that Friday
Night Vaccination Enterprise goes smoothly without being, "Cancelled."
DAMNIT CANCEL CULTURE. I hate it so much! No I don't. I
WISH someone would cancel me. I'd be like, well in this case maybe
its time to pay me for all that stuff I was doing before which led to me
getting cancelled? Anyway Hey time for a nice ol' break. See
ya soon.
I Want You To Remember
Actually Please Don't. Whew we got that out of the way.
Lunch Turkey Burgers! Dinner Remains To Be Seen! Lots of Great
Options! Maybe Oh I Don't Know An HOUR DESERVES PARTY including the
White Castle Hamburger Enterprise. Rush Limbaugh died. It's
Important to keep in mind he was not a good person and had a negative effect
on the world we live in. Yep that checks out. Looks like Jesus
Cancelled Him. He probably thinks in terms of Jesus Being The Main
Dude. Not me! But if it were up to him to be like hmm who
cancelled my life he'd presumably be like no one I don't believe in
religion but IF I DID probably was Jesus what who cancelled me.
Also they cancelled Jesus only for him to return a few days later and then
he was cancelled once more Permanently?
Also you can't cancel people. You can cancel
things. Events. ENTERPRISES. Canceling a person Means
Nothing. Unless you're equating this person with his sometimes-social
media outreach. Sure You can Cancel a program. Or someone's
ability (logistically or practically) to influence Culture &/Or Other
Enterprises. But why would that upset Regular People. OH
Is The World We Live In. Anyway I can only assume the reason Joseph
Biden: The White House Enterprise isn't getting a cat is because he's
personally dropped dozen of glasses which shattered all over the White House
and doesn't want a cat to start eating up the Finest Pieces Of Glass which
weren't picked up by Hands or Swept Up with Sweepers. In which case
OH so eating glass, It's Okay for Dogs BUT NOT FOR CATS? Biden
gonna get in trouble with this scandal!
Put Potato Sphere Halves in oven! That'll be ready in
Oh I Don't Know AN HOUR? To pair with Double Turkey Burger with SINGLE
Dinner Roll with PRESUMABLY 2 half SANDWICHES. Is Cancel Culture The
Culture of Canceling or is it an attempt to Cancel Culture Itself.
Gonna have to look into that one I guess. What drug was Rush
Limbaugh addicted to. Better LTURQ. Pain Medication! Well
he's gonna get All The Pain Medication He Wants.... IN HELL!!!!
Seems like one plausible way for his afterlife to go, what do I know!
Put Turkey In Oven in Oh I Don't Know TEN OR FIFTEEN MINUTES? ALl
these Time Estimates aren't set in stone. Don't Cancel Me For Being
Wrong with Time Estimates. Damnit EVERY SINGLE THING I SAY CAN
LEAD TO CANCELLATION. I have to be on my Best Behavior ALL THE
TIME??? But what about all those times I Want To Be A Terrible
Person For No Particular Reason Other Than I Presumably Actually A Terrible
Cool! Season II of #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready
skips ahead a few years... what you expect me to believe that NOTHING
HAPPENED With these characters over the course of several years? WHAT?
What else is going on. Probably take Potato Sphere Halves out of oven
before I want to. To eat lunch @ same time as p@rt thr@@ of #ntry.
Dunno what happened in that sentence. Time to move on with our lives!
Maybe put Turkey Burgers in oven NOW. 40 Minutes. Flip em
halfway through. It's called being a CHEF who can cook things in the
oven! We all gotta start somewhere! No we don't. I
think we do! I'm gonna have to LTURQ at some point because I Think
You're Wrong!
Eh. Might as well wait until after this
paragraph. And presumably have lunch INTO Act III instead of at
Commencement. Also they call Graduation Speeches Commencement Speeches
and I don't even have to energy to convey How Wrong That Is! Hey
it's the Beginning of The Next Thing. No! It's not!
It's very obviously the ending of the first thing! What else is
going on and crap. What Unites Us Here Today is ENDING the first
thing. The next thing can't be beginning because we're all going
different places! I Accomplished Putting Turkey Burgers In Oven.
I'm starting to realize It May be Closer to eating a hamburger which tastes
kind of different than eating a turkey sandwich that tastes kind of
different. Suddenly I'm Very Much On Board with this Turkey Burger
Enterprise! Anyway I'll see you guys in a little bit.
Ya Feel Me
Is it
possible I did 90% of that Cancel Culture stuff before? Yes about a
2/3rds Chance! Either Strong Deja Vu or I really did it before!
2/3rds Odds say DID IT BEFORE! Oh well what can ya do.
The point is Turkey Burger Patty as a stand alone thing? Edible!
Okay! Eating it within bread like a burger? WOW WONDERFUL.
Reminds me of Real Burger. Reminds me real good! Similar
CONSISTENCY. That's the trick! I saw Biden was saying we may not
be returning to Regular Life until Christmas. Which makes me think
he's a dirty dirty liar because he said everyone will be able to get
Vaccines by end of July. What exactly is supposed to be going on
between Everyone Is Vaccinated and Christmas. I must be missing
something presumably. Oh well what can ya do. Presume
some more stuff. That's been working out for me pretty well.
I enjoyed Joseph Biden's Townhall! There were seats
for him &/or Ander Cooperson but neither of them sat down!
Outstanding! Anyway just finished episode of #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruarYAlready
before Act III so you know what that means gonna try loading up something
different After Act III! Anyway I like Turkey Burger but do I like it
enough to get it for next week the answer is no I'm sorry. Anyway.
Hopefully Vaccine Slot for Friday Night isn't cancelled. I can deal
with super market being cancelled. I can deal with CULTURE being
cancelled. I can deal with lots of things but I want my Mom to LIVE!
Pot Committed to that feeling more or less I guess. Ya know what
that turkey burger wasn't great. Left a bad taste in my mouth.
So that's how that goes. Maybe have Indulgent
Breakfast Sandwich for dinner! We're talking its on A BISCUIT for
Speaking of Crescents, though, I'm not getting the sphere halves potatoes
when Super Market does come, but the CRESCENT Shaped Potato
Crescents. The moon can either be a Halved Moon or a Croissant Moon,
right? Both these kinds of potatoes are related to Shapes The Moon
Appears TO Take In This Our Night Sky. Could easily be wrong about
that. I'm no astronomicalstrologer. Things are
Astronomically bad in Texas. I dunno what to say! Please support
your local Texans! That's as much as I can come up with! It's
Can we donate power &/or Hot Water?
Not with THIS DEJOY GUY in charge of the USPS! If I wanted to send a
bottle of hot water in the mail it'll take OVER A WEEK to get in the hands
of a Needy Texans. I poke fun but it seems real terrible.
Why is The Winter Storm Trying To Cancel Texas? That's as much as I
Anyway tummy is full and kinda of have a little tummyache? But its all
for the best I can have some real great dinner. Indulgant Breakfast
Sandwich. Indulgent Healthy Frozen Meal. Best 2 options off the
top of my head! I got MORE but not AS GOOD for TONIGHT SPECIFICALLY.
Well great just great we made it through another entry. Started under
the presumption I'd be getting more alcohol tomorrow. Now who knows!
Either way Life Goes On.
Let's see. What else, what else... is it possible
people can be, "Cancelled," not for being morally wrong but just because
they're just not great at what they're being cancelled at? My theory
is YES we should cancel all the people who never had a good reason to be
producing (Social?) media in THE FIRST PLACE on account of LOW QUALITY
OUTPUT. That seems to check out pretty good Let's Do THAT to people
and/or enterprises. Anyway. These Frozen Meals are Throwback
Frozen Meals. Better meals but not Con Arroz which I've been getting
so I can pair the Con Arroz meal with bonus rice. These meals are just
as hearty, would be NICE to pair them with something, but I'm not!
Well that's wonderful I'm glad I made it to the end without being EXPLICITLY
cancelled. As of this moment. I'm still not cancelled as of
Right N... I'll see ya later.
-2:18 P.M.
February 16, 2021
Something's Going On
News is No Beer for 48 hours. Good NEws is, in the mean time, I can
DRINK FOOD TO GET ME HIGH. Anyway Great News From The Past-- got to go
out last night! We're talking My Dad drove me to CVS to get my Mom ICY
HOT: The Patch That People Use Sometimes! We're talking it was sunset!
Goin out around town! Places in my neighborhood ain't seen in a year!
Also YES the theory the Phone Call Doctor had for my mom's pain was a
bruised rib or something. I said yesterday my Mom might benefit
from a Rib Sandwich From Subway. Looks Like I Nailed It Yet Again!
Too bad Rib Sandwiches Are PROBABLY not be season. Now we're Truly
Fucked! But anyway that explantion of pain ain't so bad. You don't
need all your ribs! That's the assumption I've been operating under!
My Dad was upset I DENIED the offer of putting 2 Icy
Hot Boxes in a plastic bag for 5 cents. Look it's not the 5 cents it's
the five cents cumulative impact on ENVIRONMENT. Boxes survived just
fine while being held in my hand! So I got that going for me is
the point! Also the CVS was right across from White Castle: The Place
I used to get White Castle From. ALSO TWO Halal Carts out past the CVS
mini parkinglot running parallel to Regular Street. And I'm all like
I'll See YOU in a little bit! It'sa comin'! Maybe a month, maybe
two. But I'm gonna eat all your White Castles &/Or Halal Cart Foods
Enterprise. Anyway what kind of food could I drink for lunch that
will get me high. Bagel + Egg? I've been teasing myself with
that ALL WEEK and its about time I follow through! Not a lot of other
options! Other than Turkey Burgers. Which I've been INDULGING in
NOT EATING day after day. Doesn't look quite right. Put it
off another day! Maybe it'll look better!
That sort of thing. I also Denied Plastic Bag
because that's a Suffocation Hazard. I know I'd probably be ok but
there is that 1/100 chance I end up suffocated myself (OR SOMEONE ELSE) with
a plastic bag ACCIDENTALLY. I ain't suicidal you idiots! But
we've proven I'm A Clumsy this last couple of weeks. I can see myself
cutting off my air circulation AS A GOOF. Goof either meaning As An
Whoospie Daisy, OR As In a Joke. Goof could mean either one.
THUS I CAN MEAN EITHER ONE. Wonderful! I dunno what else
is going on. Got COFFEE going for me today. Wonderful!
Thinking when I can Tae ALL The Walks in a month or two, probably go for
FOUR walks a day. I'd been at FIVE before Quarantine Pandemic but
that's too much! Four! That's the sweet spot! One when I
get up, one after dinner. One Mid Entry, one after entry pre dinner.
There That's Settled. Hopefully I KNOW to check back here on this entry
So I Remember What I'm Supposed To Do.
What do Rib Cages do Practically anyway? Keep
your organs in place? Is it like, without ribs, all your organs would
get mixed up and your kidney is where your small intestine is supposed to be
and your gullet is down near your abdomen. Best Guess I Can Conjure On
Such Short Notice! Maybe for aesthetic! Maybe that's the Mystery
of why we have Appendix. Aesthetic Purposes! That's all there is
to it! Anyway, somethin about you have to do an Appendix in English
class or any kind of class where you have to write a paper with sources and
APPENDIXES. I think they HAVE to give you full credit because you
got them good there what else can they do. Anyway what else is going
on. Almost time for Break #1 of 2!
Cool! Great News/Bad News! 1) Realized I
had NOODLES to eat and could pair that with a UnFrozen Burrito. 2)
Wouldn't have to eat Bagel + Egg, but MAYBE FOR DINNER. I'm not
sure which of those is the great news and which of those is the bad news.
YOU probably do, though. You're a much more intuitive reader than
I Am A Writer. Prove me wrong! Wasn't there a thing where
Russia hacked into the power grid to shut stuff down. Not the Die
Hard Movie But The Real Life Story from a few weeks ago. Anyway have
they considered that Russia might just want a Vaccine Slot and wanted to
hinder EVERYONE ELSE from getting their spot? Seems as good a
possibility as any. Also solid 60, 70% sure this is based on a real
NewsStory. Anyway what else is going on. Hey it's break
time! I'll see ya in a little bit.
Sorry To Bother You
guess. Hey Lookin' Forward to Act III lunch! But in the mean
time lets write some more paragraphs. White Castle is Where Society
LIVES. I was IN THE THICK OF IT (from Safety of Inside My Car).
The LIGHTS the BUZZ the FOODSTUFFS. Anyway man oh man Life Will Be A
Blast & A Half when Pandemic Quarantine 2020-2012 is over for Me
Specifically. Also if you've been double vaccinated I ASSUME we still
have to wear masks just to not upset people? They don't know if I've
been vaccinated! I'm not trying to cause anyone any unneeded stress!
I dunno about GLOVES though. Same situation but most of the
time They Ain't Seein My Hands Or Nothin! Certainly not touching them!
People touching my hands on purpose what is this some sort of FANTASY WORLD?
Probably not. I hope not. Fantasy could be bad! Usually
fantasy is good. Doesn't have to be!
Cool. Lost my Nail Clipper. WHAT IS
THIS SOME SORT OF DYSTOPIA WORLD? Anyway finished Coffee Cold but
was interested in MICROWAVING coffee (to make it hotter) but wasn't sure if
Coffee Mug was Microwave Ready. Turns out I looked at Bottom of Mug
and it SAYS MICROWAVE SAFE. Yes I know Microwave is safe under
normal circumstances but WHAT ABOUT THIS MUG IN PARTICULAR. "Microwave
Safe," isn't telling me Any New Information! C'mon! Anyway
back to #TheDeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready with Break #2 of 2! I like
it because LOOK AT ALL THAT NUDITY. I can, "Dig," nudity EVEN IF its
presented in such a way that doesn't particularly sexualize nudity.
Nudity is sexualized In General and In Always I feel relatively 40% strong
about this. ICYHOT HMM? So basically you're saying It Feels
Like Nothing. Icy and Hot presumably cancel each other out! I
can't think of any MORE REASONABLE theory.
This is where THE ACTION IS! LIRR stop was a mere SEVERAL BLOCKS AWAY.
And that gets you into the city! Which is a Real Place where Even MORE
The Action Is! I'm all for High Speed Rail across the land ON THE
CONDITION that AT LEAST HALF of the seats are facing the opposite direction
as where the train is going. I feel 70% strong about this! 30%
sure it means absolutely nothing. But 70% MAN RIDING TRAIN BACKWARDS
IS A BLAST AND A HALF. Also taking a Train is A BLAST. It's like
Blasting Off from A Train Station UNTIL ALMOST REACHING NEXT Train Station
at which point its time to start slowing down. And then DO IT ALL OVER
Wonderful! Also YES if you want to be safe from
Covid, Best method to avoid it is wrapping a Plastic Bag over your head.
But be careful with it, that's all I'm saying it. I haven't had an
UnFrozen Burrito in a Dog's Age! UGHHHH WHERE'S THAT FIRST CAT.
Better LTURQ. Nothin! Absolutely NOTHIN! Oh well such is
life at some point its time to move on. There's a band called Bayside.
Where I live! Well where I live Adjacently! Sometimes its called
Bayside sometimes not! And anyway this band Bayside, they're from My
Bayside! And I was always like band named Bayside? From where
I live? That doesn't sound Good AT ALL. I'm gonna not even give
this band a shot that's how skeptical I am of this band named, "Bayside."
Prove me wrong! I BELIEVE they're light pop punk. Off the top of
my head! And off the top of I probably looked em up on Youtube a few
times over the years.
Wonderful! I've been regularly putting Frozen
Burritos in oven but there's even the term MICROWAVABLE BURRITO so I've been
going about it all wrong! Not this time! This time it's
MICROWAVE SAFE TIME. Dip that burrito into noodles. Soak up some
WATER. Now we're talkin! No we're not. THat doesn't
sound good. Dunking SOUNDS like fun but the taste doesn't add up!
Anyway I know it says Microwave Safe on Coffee Mug but I bet if I put it in
the microwave for four hours SOMETHIN Bad Would Happen! Hmm.
Kind of wanna try. Doesn't have to be 4 hours. Just try
indefinitely until SOMETHIN happens. Maybe after around 20 minutes
somethin' would happen. What else is going on. Oh, right.
BReak time! I'll see you guys in a little bit!!!
What's That All About
Probably Nothing. Got lunch I predicted! Burrito + Noodles.
Lookin' forward to Re-Up with Super Market Delivery and eat them
individual pasta meals all over again! Lookin' forward to being done
with this entry! Finally get back into the #DeuceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready!
HMM this soup tastes A BIT spicier than usual. I guess that packet of
Spices really got into this soup. Maybe I normally leave about 10%
over and this time it's All The Spice. One of the 2 Main PPV Porn
channels when I was a kid was called The Spice Channel. ANd their
slogan was Spice Is The Variety Of Life. Either that or some
sort of DUNE pun I believe is acceptable. I don't know about that.
Never read that movie!
Hey great just great. One of my greatest memories
as a child was sitting backwards in one of my friends family's cars.
They had back seat lookin' the other way! I LIKE those odds. I
dunno why I was made privy to it, but I learned this car was a Station Wagen,
so I just thought Ah Station Wagons, they're the cars with the
backseat facing the wrong direction. Upon furhter introspection I
think backward seats MAY be a Station Wagon thing exclusively, BUT most
station wagons Don't Have tHat Feature. Oh well such is life!
The piont is I like looking behind me for some reason on one is really sure
of. Maybe it's because Variety Is The Spice Of Life. ANd 95% of
the time you're facing forward. So CHERISH that other 5% of the time!
That's all I'm sayin'!
Cool. This time REALLY I REALLY
can't wait until Bagel + Egg for Next Meal. I feel 65% strongly about
this. When I get Bagels Individual from DeliBodegas once again I can
get a nice bagel and EGG. Bagel and Lox. Bagel with Loads of
Butter &/or Cream Cheese It's an abundance of riches! I can't
event for all of us! This year ain't goin away and ALL THE FRIENDS
WE'VE MADE isn't going away. We made friends. Right?
Well I stopped being around people I Don't Like. Minus Some Enemies is
equivalent to Plus Some Friends. That's just Life. Math.
It's Math Life! I can get an EVERYTHING bagel. I can get a
Penultimate paragraph! That burrito wasn't so
different than when it's Oven'd. Shell isn't as crispy but overall
about 85% strongly the same. Also is it a thing where you push an egg
through the opening up the bagel and that's what sex is like. Gotta
get my egg into this bagel hole. Possibly the worst euphemism for
sex ever discovered! Just finished my lunch. That's bound to
happen roughly once every day. YES It's On My Mind when I get Chipotle
next do I splurge and eat BURRITO and not just Burrito Bowl? I dunno I
can't say its too early! I ain't even thinking that far ahead!
Yes I am. We've gone through this. Every time I say that, I AM
thinking that far ahead. Oh What Wonderful Call Backs We Weave.
Nah I didn't like it either.
Last paragraph! The point is GOOD RICE is in
the cards for many meals! Halal Food. Chinese Food.
Mexican Food. Alllll the foods. Everyone likes them some
rice! SUSHI FOOD. Rice is The Gift That Just Keeps Giving!
Now if only I can always get Super Market DELIVERED and not
It's about time I've been waiting ALL YEAR For this. YOU KNOW SIX
WEEKS? Gottem. Met OG. You know like BOBBY
BONILLA. Anyway hey the entry is just about over. Maybe stick
with some #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready for one to THREE episodes and
then onto The Deuce: The Show About The Deuce Presumably. What else is
going on. Gonna have to start ANEW with Episodes whatever I'm watchin!
Wow. It's a real abundances of the varieties of lives. I'll
see you tomorrow.
-12:47 P.M.
February 15, 2021
Look At It This Way
friends and aqauntences and people who don't know me. Internet know
me. That sort of thing. HEY I found a nice good ol Series to
watch WHy It's Only #TheDueceWatchPartyFebruaryAlready. I've seen
roughly 75% of it in the past! Nows the time to watch it again!
what a watch party is. 1) people who wear nice watches all get
together and pass their watches to the person to the left of them several
times and try on and enjoy other peoples' watches. 2) someone who
watches parties goin on and gets a real kick (sexual?) out of that. 3)
I dunno I don't wanna come up with a THIRD thing. What do you mean
comedy is rule of threes. That doesn't sound right. You're making that
up I Feel!
Anyway great just great. Thinkin about having
a nice Bagel + Egg for Lunch Today! Got enough beer to comfortably
last me the day! Wonderful! Look I don't wanna get ahead of
myself but PRETTY SURE everything tastes worse out of Plastic Coffee Mug.
'Specially cold drinks! Soda &/Or WATER? Not Great!
Coffee? Gettin' used to it! Other kinds of drink? I dunno
haven't tried that yet. Some sort of FOOD? I dunno how that
would work. ASTRONAUT ICE CREAM? Yep that checks out.
Also 3) I assume a watch party is when you watch something with other
people. Either in person or remotely. That's the OBVIOUS
explanation but sometimes Anti- Occam's Razor. It's so obvious that
the right answer is the most obvious one HOWEVER I'll Take The OVER ON THAT.
Over 50% chance it's ANYTHING but the Obvious Answer. Not a single
potentially wrong answer-- in that scenario obviously go with the Simplest
Answer. But when there's Let's Say TWENTY answers and one of the most
Wonderful. Maybe THAT ANTI-Occam's Razor
IS AN Occam's Razor. To ME At Least, taking 19 over the 1, that's
the simplest Odds Way To Go When Contemplating Odds. DAMNIT TRAPPED
AGAIN IN PHILOSOPHY SCIENCE. I get dizzy watching #TheDueceWAtchPartyFebruaryAlready
scenes with James Franco talking to himself. It confused the instincts I
have while watching &/Or Listening To TV &/OR FILM. Hmm looking at
this guy playing a character, WTH same guy from the other direction whose
the same guy playing a different character, BACK TO THE FIRST GU... I
don't like it! Confuses me! Not to mention I have a hard time
while paying half attention realizing which James Franco is which. I
mean most of the time you get it from Dialogue And Action Context but NOT
IMMEDIATELY. Could they really not find ONE OTHER PERSON to
play James Franco's brother? Also even if they HAVE to be twins Why
It's Only Have You Ever Heard of Fraternal Twins???
Cool! I like Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Only ONE of her! As far as I can tell based on the first few
episodes. Maybe another pops up later in the series I haven't seen it
all yet and the parts I have I Don't Necessarily Recall one way or the other
re: Another Maggie Gyllenhaal coming up. There was a brief but
significant period of time, maybe about a month, when I was in NYU that I
SERIOUSLY considered finding a lady on Craigslist or something to have sex
with. I was FRUSTRATED with my LACK OF SUCCESS achieving SEX from my
peers and acquaintances. Might as well go with people who don't know
me! And they may ask for money WHO CARES I can afford a one time Pop!
Ended up not doing that but it was a memory that will never escape me
especially now that it's recorded on the internet for all posterity.
Sure I was probably originally on Craigslist looking for ways to get
marijuana but when that search yielded no fruits I went on to Prostitutes!
Cool! Nothin' that shameful about that.
Wanted sex! They would have given me sex NO PROBLEM. Wouldn't
even think twice about it! And they get reimbursed for their efforts!
What's the problem! I'm not using them. They're using ME.
They want to get my sweet sweety fifty dollars or so or whatever!
So in a way I'm Prostituting MYSELF... wa... not sure about that conclusion.
Either way time to move on! Also this was a semester of college I was
very much alone. Even more so than other semesters! That's
probably a worthwhile detail to this epic tale of GREED And LUST!
Mostly greed. On THEIR part. That's how I feel. Still
only about 90% sure I'm supposed to be using this Travel Mug for Hot Coffee.
So far it hasn't melted the plastic yet AS FAR AS I CAN TELL but there's
still time for that to play out. I think MUG is a good brand of soda.
Rooted Beeres and Cream Sodaes and whatnot. With a dog in its logo!
We all know how much Dogs Like Root Beer. I woulda pegged CATS for
cream'd soda, thuogh. Cats eat milk. Cream is milk!
I'll be back in a bit.
Where Did I Get That
You Idiots I'm GONNA SURVIE QUARENTINE PANDEMIC 2020-2021!!! I am 3-5
pounds OBESE which gets me in to this next round of people in NYC!
Gotta imagine I'm up against every other person in NYC though! We all
eats a lots not just in the city but across the country! But the point
is ALRIGHT GONNA LIVE. I'll miss all the memories That I've Made.
No I won't. Yeah that sounds accurate. First time I was
happy to see I gained weight on scale! Wonderful. DAMNIT now
that ONE of you who lives in NYC AND is obese to some extent AND didn't know
about this until I said it... YOU AIN'T GETTIN THAT SPOT I'M AFTER.
know that sort of thing. Cool! I knew my drinking over the last
year would pay off! Without that I'd be 5-10 pounds lighter EASILY.
What else is going on and crap. Man oh man I
could be Double Vaccinated ALONG WITH ALL HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS by Oh I Don't
Know Beginning of April? We're talkin very possibly 4-8 weeks from
now. THEN you guessed it ALL THE WALKINGS and LUNCHES and DINNERS MY
LITTLE HEART DESIRES. Mainly those three things. 50% Walking is great.
30% dinner is great. 20% lunch is great! I dunno if those
numbers check out but they're OCCAM'S RAZOR that they check out!
Because otherwise I would have guessed something else. It All Checks
Out is the point. Wonderful. The point is How Far Does One Go To
Sabotage Other People's Chances of Getting Covid Vaccine Before One Gets It.
I'll have to think about that one. Also getting vaccinated and
YOUR life returning to normal knowing other people WON'T have the vaccine
and will still be at risk AND have to Super Quarantine... kinda some guilt
in it? I'm feeling pangs of GUILT. Oh well at least I'm not
At Risk Healthwise presumably in 4-8 weeks! SUCK ON THAT.
Also I feel like I'm getting away something that I get
vaccine just by being literally just a few pounds overweight? I'll
TAKE IT but I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT. Well I am happy about it But
You Get The Idea. Anyway my Dad is on board with driving me to
Vaccine! We mutually seemed to settle on the point that Pretty Much
anything in Queens I will take and probably not take other boroughs.
I'm okay with that! I'm okay with lots of things! HMM in
the Deuce they were eating PIZZA and it looked delicious. In another
scene they were eating CHINESE FOOD and THAT looked delicious! The
TALKED about Middle Eastern &/Or Indian food WONDERFUL. They live in a
diner once or twice an episode and they eat REAL DINER and OFTEN BREAKFAST
food. I can cover ALL THEM BASES no later than APRIL MAYBE EVEN.
Really get a real, "The Deuce," experience. Eat similar foods.
Sounds fair to me!
If I was a street walker in this day and age gotta
imagine I'd be eating a lot of Halal Food From Cart, right? In which
case SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. Also I'm There For The LADIES. Sorry
fellas! Either convince me you're a lady, or MOVE ON! Street
walkin. I Do That all The time! Well... I Used To. ANd
will once again! I used to street walk ESPECIALLY during NYU
semesters where I was very lonely. I'd often spend my days just
walking around listening to music and sometimes sitting on a bench somewhere
in a park someplace and write NOTES. Song notes. OTHER KINDA
creatives notes. Then Why It's Only Right Back To Street Walking
Around Listening To Music. Whatta wonderful life.
Last paragraph without lunch. Man oh man.
I've been thinking now and then HOW MONUMENTALLY SHITTY it would be if
there's a new strain of covid, or a completely new thing, that vaccines
don't work against. And we're FUCKIN' RIGHT BACK WHERE WE STARTED.
Covid 20 is happening. Let's not fool ourselves! Or maybe its
not what the Hell do I know, am I some sort of scientist expert?
Hardly! Do they give you a sticker with Vaccine. Seems like I
should get some sort of sticker to commemorate the time I got vaccine.
That's just my opinion, though. If producing and distributing Stickers
makes it any more difficult or prolonged to produce and distribute vaccine
then I Don't Know PROBABLY Not Worth It! Maybe if there's Covid 20 we
actually get our shit together and do it right and work that shit out in a
matter of several months. It's POSSIBLE per my limited understanding!
I'll be back in a bit!
This Is Wonderful News
I got lunch going on. Frozen MEal + 2 SMALLISH Potato Pancakes.
Maybe have the bagel + egg for dinner! WHich came first, the bagel
or the egg. Well that's a tough one. Could easily go either
way depending on the bagel &/or egg you have in front of you. Anyway.
My Mom is in PAIN. Somethin with SHARPNESS in her body somewhere.
It's never easy! Never time to relax. Well I can relax.
She can't, though! Which weighs heavily on me! Weighs on me
about 10% of the weight on her! Luckily the weight on me is large
enough that I qualify for Vaccines because NYC is VERY Pessimistic about my
ability to be healthy for myself.
Cool! Well this is delicious! I don't have
a problem with how lunch has turned out. Mom can't go to Emergency
Room! Not when Vaccine is SO CLOSE within reach! Also, that's
part of a running joke we have in our family. Mom goes whatever
happens I don't want to be in a hospital. And we all laugh and
laugh and laugh knowing that my Mom will sacrifice her health AND/OR LIFE to
the idea of being hospitalized. Man is that a Laff & A Half.
Anyway my Mom tried a Frozen Meal per my encouragement a week or two ago and
she didn't like it! I should have known something was wrong then.
against several hundred thousand Really Fat New Yorkers in a Quick Click
Challenge To The Death. Finally I have cohorts! It's about time.
My Mom Is ASLEEP. That's great! You can't
be in pain while you're a sleep! Too Busy Being Asleep! So
that's a quarter of a half a relief. Whattado with the rest of the
day. The Deuce SURE I can watch some of that. What does Internet
have in terms of DocuSeries. Better LTURQ. Probably
possibly a slight chance something new and/or something I'd be interested in
watching is out there waiting for me. A DocuSeries. That sort of
thing! Anyway WHEN I get vaccine I'm gonna be like Why Wait just
gimme that 2nd shot NOW I can take it! What else is going on and
crap. Is TRAINING DAY a documentary. I can buy Denzel
Washington moonlighting as a corrupt cop and Ethan Hawke wants to do that
too without the corrupt part so he goes to Denzel to learn the ropes.
Penultimate Paragraph. I try sometimes to
watch British Docu Series but The Culture Gap is too big! That
settles that. THAT'S RIGHT in POSSIBLY JUST A MONTH I'll be able
luck! I can eat all the sandwiches I want without having to get the
deli meat a week before time and also having to eat half a pound over that
week and NONE OF THE FIXIN'S. And that's But ONE of the benefits My
Sandwiches might... benefit... from. Yeah. We're talkin
Oh I Don't know A COLD CUT TRIO??? Perhaps the STANDARD Roast Chicken
Patty. Maybe some sort of INDULGENT Subway Sandwich I dunno I ain't
even thinking that far ahead! I very clearly AM. Yeah
when you put it THAT way I guess you're right! One more paragraph. I
dunno. What Subway Sandwich would be good for My Mom's acute pain.
Their Seasonal Rib Sandwich? Off the top of my head that'll probably
do it.
Wow! I'm listening for the front door like a
chump when I SHOULD be preparing to shower &/or bathe Any Time I want To.
Can't be doin that while doorbell rings. I'd be UNAVAILABLE to answer
the door and accept whatever presents the Door Bell Man will be bringing me.
I feel bad for The Forty in the TV show The Deuce. Feels
like Forty is just as IF NOT MORE important than The Deuce! Just
finished my beer for the week. That worked out fine I guess.
I can survive a Tuesday/Wednesday Combo without Alcohol! I've done it
PLENTY of times before. Anyway. Closing in on a full year of
Quarantine Pandemic Website Enterprise except for a week between Computers.
Every day an entry! For a year! Minus one week with consecutive
days not 7 days overall and mixed up no ONE CONSECUTIVE WHOLE WEEK.
Well I'm glad I settled that EMPHATICALLY. I'll see you guys
-2:35 P.M.
February 14, 2021
That's Fine, Just Fine
Alright lets just get this out of the way. YES I broke a third glass
an YES I'm sure this comes as no surprise to you! I'm sure you saw
this coming A MILE AWAY. But the point is Yes it's definitely in The
Story Of Everest Territory. Easily! Hmm in that Mr. Show
sketch, for the 3rd time he knocks things over, they're still KIND OF not
worried for him? Still kinda see it as a joke. So the point
is NO MORE GLASS GLASSES and I am able to make it through this entire ordeal
With It Being Funny! I dunno. It's probably a physical &/or
Physical-Mental thing. I got steady hands, though. I put my
hands out Like A Little Plateau and NOTHIN NO SHAKIN. I'm just easily
distracted or something. Yeah I'm holding a glass but WHAT ELSE IS
Wonderful. No more glass glasses!
Got a nice Plastic Coffee Mug that I assume can also be used to Hot Coffee.
Well that goes without saying. It's called a Coffee Mug.
Ok Mr. Smart Pants I assume it can also be used for Cold Drinks.
Yep that seems to check out based on experience. Experience of the
last couple of hours! Also Re: Beer well this is easy drink from can.
Not IDEAL but That Solves That Problem. The point is I dropped last
glass in kitchen and Mucked up Me and My Dads night with me picking up and
sweeping up All The Glasses and him surprising me. We're not talkin me
dropping it in my room and cleaning up 90% of the glass and being like
well this is good enough what more can ya do. Anyway I feel
confident if I drop Coffee Mug in MY ROOM with Relatively-Hard-Carpeting it
would be okay. but if I drop it on KITCHEN floor, with hard wood-substitute
it may break anyway. Oh well such is life.
What else is going on. Carpet, huh? I'm gonna
use this opportunity to LURQ what Carpet Baggers were &/Or are. I
think its a Political People thing. LMLTURQ. A political
person who runs for &/OR holds office in a place they're not from.
Often specifically referring to people from North who came down after Civil
War to South and hold Some Real Good Political Offices. Well close
enough. That's about 75% accurate description. I can't specify
what it means re: After Civil War I'VE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO.
FINE. In that context it was people coming from North to South not
necessary to get some Political Power but to benefit FINANCIALLY somehow!
Go figure! Hey we all learned something. Well maybe around
60% of us learned something. See it all pays off in the end!
I've got BETTER THINGS to do than Not Drop Things I'm
Holding. Sure it means 2% of the time I'm holding a glass glass I'll
drop it. We all have to make sacrifices! Anyway the glass is
half broken get a load of that. Anyway thinking about some
delicious chicken parm for lunch. Maybe finish the whole thing OR
have half of it with Oh I Don't Know TWO BUFFALO WINGS? I'll keep you
updated on this situation as it progresses. Not sure what Carpet
Bagging means literally. Oh they're coming from somewhere else and
They're Bringing Their Carpet With Them! In a Bag! If you know a
better way to bring your carpet with you to some distant land for either
political or financial profit I'd Like To Hear It!
Wonderful. Break after this paragraph!
Prove me wrong! Man oh man did I felt Stupid &/Or Scared For Myself
last night. That lasted HOURS. Then I woke up today and was
of the rest of my life! Yesterday was the last day of the past
of my life! Anyway hey great what else is going on. The point
is I learned how to sweep the floor with the kind of foam at the end of the
sweeper that just makes everything STICK to it and this goes on for MINUTES
of Sweepings! This ain't your Mamas way to use broom and dust pan.
When did this new technology come about? In the last 20 years
That's All I Know For Sure! Hey I'll be back in a little bit!
How Lucky Can Ya Get
I'm thinking about that cliché in movies where they're shocked by something
game changing and serious and they drop their coffee mug on the floor and it
shatters. Except for the fact that it keeps happening over and over
again. Hmm that's a good sketch idea. YES WE
ESTABLISHED IT WAS A MR. SHOW SKETCH. Oh yeah that checks out I
guess. Anyway. Part II, lets go! What do I got coming
up in life. Some DOCUSERIES for today. Some DOCUSERIES for
tomorrow. One's gotta imagine that something new'll come up by 2
days from now. That's AMPLE time for something new to materialize.
I dunno there's a TWO PART documentary on George Harrinsonson that I'd say
its a 50% chance I've seen it before but even so might as well watch it
again. Directed by Martin Scorsese! You nkow what that means!
At dramatic montages showing and celebrating the Beatles, they're playing
The Rolling Stones: Gimme Shelter in the background. NAILED IT.
Shipping Up To Boston. In a world where I
suddenly Don't Know Anything, I'd BUY that Shipping Up To Boston was an
English thing. Boston sounds like it could be on the Upper Side of
Britain. I'm shipping up to Boston to use the loo. I
dunno why you'd need to go to British Boston just to use the loo.
Gonna have to look into that one I'll keep you updated on this situation as
it progresses. Right now thinking about 1/2 Chicken Parm and 2 OR
3 Wings. Prove me wrong! Also this collection of wings the wings
are on the small side? I dunno if it by chance or if They're Just
Making Smaller Buffalo Wings These Days. Wings is a Paul McCartney
thing. So I've been told. Reminds of Buffalo Wings.
Middle paragraph of ACT II and PRESUMABLY Entry.
Anyway so far the coffee mug isn't melting under the pressure of hot coffee.
BUT for some reason it kinda makes hot coffee colder? I'm
pourin in regular hot coffee and it tastes UNDER the amount of HOTNESS as it
should be! Such is life! Also I'm not out of my mind drunk or
anything when dropping glasses. Yesterday I hadn't drank in 3 or 4
hours and even then it was only one beer after several 3 or 4 hours before
that. So you can get THAT theory Straight The Fuck Out Of Your Mind!
Anyway watched the Judas &/Or The Black Messiah yesterday! It was okay
as far as I can tell! Wasn't paying attention that much! SEEMED
pretty good. I liked the use of CAMERAWORK and AUDIO/VISUALS.
Presumably! Paid more attention than High School Football but Less
Attention than Tales From The Crypt. That's the unfortunate sweet spot
that's the Uncanny Valley of paying attention to TV. Not an ideal
position to be in when watching TV &/Or The Films!
Cool! I can re-watch the SCREAM franchise MINUS
the TV Series PLUS the Scream IV MINUS the Scream II PLUS the Scream II is
right back in the picture. I dunno I'll think about it. Keep
myself updated on this situation as it progresses. Maybe watch
some #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready all the time left over. I don't
get tired of this at all! Anyway happy birthday to Saint
Valentine. And presumably his &/or her lover &/or lovers. Saint
Valentine, presumably a Saint Named Valentine, was GETTING IT ON.
That's why he's a saint! So many satisfied lovers! Yep that
seems to check out pretty well. We're talking 3 and a quarter
hours of Paul McCartney's Best Friend: George Harrison Documentary! I
think the pairing of McCartney and Starr in Regular Life and of Lennon and
Harrison in After life is an interesting way to go. How do those sets
of 2 get along compared to other permutations! I'm no Beatles Buff
I dunno. Beatles Buff ALO maybe. Buffalo Wings! See!
That's why Paul McCartney: The Beatles Guy likes Wings!
Anyway 1 more paragraph then Break then LUNCH with
ACT III! Anyway I blame the Beatles for being into music, and I never
really even liked the Beatles THAT much (to a reasonable extent, though! and
more as I got/get older!). My brother had a girlfriend in high school
who was super into the Beatles. And I was a pre-teen at the time!
So I pretty much absorbed Being Into Music (as a fan AND LATER AS A
COMPOSER) is a thing to aspire towards if I wanna get me some of that sweet
sweet Saint Valentines Day Activity. It wasn't CONSCIOUS. But I
wouldn't put it past me for that to be a reasonable legit factor in How My
Life Has Turned Out! Anyway I'll be back in a bit!
Thanks For Sharing
I'm back! Took a nice solid break figuring out there's no TV I really
wanna watch as of this moment. Also thinking about how I should delay
having lunch every five minutes for about half an hour. Now I'm here
with lunch! 1/2 Chicken Parm with 3 SMALLISH WINGS. Maybe an
HOUR DESERVES party for tonight I ain't even thinking that far ahead!
Well Apparently I Am! But not extensively! I guess a little bit.
It! Anyway I made SURE it's only 1/2 chicken parm. I removed
half the contents from the microwavable dish! Wonderful! I can
see myself watching some more TV on the Computer today. I don't wanna
do anything else! Pretty much Pot Committed to Not Doing Anything
Watching an HBO Documentary Movie specifically about
Anorexia Addicts. I've seen this STAT before during Interventions, but
apparently Anorexia is the deadliest mental disease of em all! Which
is upsetting because its just like WHAT ARE YOU STUPID EAT SOME MORE HOW
HARD IS THAT C'MON. ANd I GET it's hard but I'm a firm believer of
the camp that says it SHOULDN'T BE. You look DUMB so skinny
everyone is talking behind your back about How Dumb You Are! Then
again I'm also like what you're depressed? How Dumb Are You.
Just be happy! Or at least neutral. C'mon you're really showing
off your Dumb Stripes being depressed. Anyway I finished lunch.
I'd continue eating on account of being hungry but I fear I'm too
overweight. Well, I am. That's EXACTLY what an Anorexic
would think. GOTTEM.
Also my Dad's nurse is here for his monthly INFUSION.
Gotta imagine havin a nice lady in my kitchen who MAY OR MAY NOT BE Judging
My Every Move is in my head on whether I'm eatin Meals &/Or Snacks.
Also the glass all over the floor. Gotta imagine that might work its
way into my Snack Foods. Also what else is going on. What kinda
snack do I have in store. Not 100% fan of the Pop Chip I get every now
and then for some reason. Runnin low on the It's Ruffles: It's The
Standard Ridged Potato Chip and those aren't even mine! When I was a
CHILD I thought as a child and when I thought as a CHILD the kind of potato
chips we had standard was Pringles! We're talkin 0-18 most of the time
if we had potato chips in stock odds are it was a nice can of Pringles.
I don't know WHY. I don't know WHO DECIDED this. It's just how
things worked out! GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
Wonderful! I remember pretzels LOW KEY disgusted
me. When I went to other house and they were like here's some
pretzels as a snack kids! I was like WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT
Now I'm old enough to realize Pretzels are fine. Wonderful!
I think I have enough coffee for another coup when I'm done with this entry!
Sounds about right. What's going on in Politics. Maybe I'd
rather not know. Not THAT bad is it. I dunno I'd rather
not know! Yep SEEMS to check out. Just imagine it's going about
60% well. I feel that's not asking too much BUT not quite settling
either! Sweet spot that 3 out of 5 is going well enough. Anyway,
Pringle are CONVENIENT because You Can STACK them. You can't
STACK many other foodstuffs! Maybe JENGA but you'd have to be eating
the JENGA. You can stack a lot of things. Why is Jenga The
One. If anything it's the UNStacking of things presumably per my
limited understanding. Also Pringle are convenient because NO RIDGES.
Ridges just gives your mouth and teeth All That Much More Work To Do.
I need a nice SMOOTH potato chip because it's EASIER on my teeth and EASIER
going down my gullet! Anyway that'll about do it. Maybe one
more, "Joke." Hmm. Have you heard the good news about what's
going on in the wide world of sports. THAT COUNTS!!! See
ya later!
-1:42 P.M.
February 13, 2021
All Them Titles
bad news is its Very Warm in my room. Good news is I can anticpate a
future maybe a couple weeks down the line where the temperature in my room
will be more appropriate for A PERSON to LIVE IN. Maybe cause I
just chugged some coffee. I dunno about YOU GUYS but I drink hot
coffee a lot quicker when I get it from Store than I do when I pour it
myself from coffee machine. Dunno why! In store I chug that
thing 8 or 10 sips and Boom Coffeefied. Home I'm taking SMALL SIPS.
Except for today. So basically this whole premise is falling apart.
You know, that sort of thing. ALSO when you're doing coffee outside as
a social event you WILL make it last a bit longer! I'm just NOT USED
to social events. I am USED to buying coffee off the street (or a
store running parallel to the street) and just finishing it WHILE walking
&/OR While Performing Other Appropriate Activities.
Anyway found a Sequel to that High School Football
Documentary. Takes place 8 years later. Similar premise. I
guess the producers had a lot of success with the first one but not too much
success that they'd re-up with this production IMMEDIATELY. Gathered
dust for 7 or 8 years then SUDDENLY back in action? Oh well what
can ya do. What else is going on and crap. Very strongly
considering Al Fredo Dish for lunch today! Prove me wrong! Ya
can't can ya. That settles that. Democrats are gonna be
calling WITNESSES. I don't know how the Jehovah's Witnesses: The
Church is wrapped up in this but I Look Forward To Finding Out! Graham
voted for witnesses because he'll be like now I wanna see OUR WITNESSES.
Coy Boy! Lindsay Graham is a Real Coy Boy. Who wouldn't
wanna be a Coy Boy. Sounds like fun! Hey what else is going on and
crap. Are you allowed to bring Beverages into Senate &/Or House
Deliberating Chambers? Seems like people wuld wanna set up their work
station with a nice coffee and bottle of water, maybe a Breakfast Pastry IF
IT'S ALLOWED. That's MY Hot Take. Maybe just no Hot
refreshments. Only Cold Refreshments! Dunno why that'd be an
important distinction. They Do, Though!
Hey great just great. I accidentally took a
Ritalin early afternoon yesterday and it Mucked My Whole Day Up. I
ain't falling for that again! Maybe I can binge some #MrSHowLetsSayAroundMarch
soon. Lets say around March! I'm just worried that I'd be
physically deflating from all the Laffs Leaving My Body. Can be
dangerous! I know they say laughter is the best medicine but have
you considered that It's The Worst Medicine because it masquerades as
Medicine (See: Patch Adams) when actually does NOTHING for you. Maybe
even HURTS you. You got respitory problems Laffs are gonna WEAR YOU
DOWN. Anyway that's a new thing to riff on. The part where I
used the words "(See: Patch Adams)" with EXACTLY THOSE PUNCTUATIONS has
NEVER been done before. As far as I know.
Cool! Got a nice movie lined up for today.
Some sort of African American Culture movie (A movie made by AND FOR African
American Cultures) and I read a nice tweet someone wrote about it and I was
like well I'M convinced. It would be irresponsible for this tweet
to not convey an accurate sentiment of the movie so I'm just gonna give this
tweeter the benefit of the doubt and watch this movie! BLACK MOVIES
MATTER! All Movies Matter. Wait A Second. ...Upon
Further Introspection That Is Very Inaccurate. I'm BENDING the
meaning of Black Lives Mattering so I can write these last few sentences for
my own twisted purposes. Oh well what can ya do. Watch
African American Made Presumably Movie. Yep that sounds about
right. I am a White Savior by Watching Black Movies. If not me
WHO? You can! Pay it forward! Premise of that tweet
I read. Good, "Viral," Marketing Campaign. Getting people to
tweet nice things about the movie's quality. Sounds like a perfect
scam. Just make a good movie and go, "Viral," by people reiterating
the movie is good. Cracked that code.
Last paragraph of The Act I! Hey I went
viral. Don't worry that'll clear up in a few weeks or months.
Because of VD. No one made that joke before! I'm writing ALL the
jokes this Act! Still no Vaccine Slot for my Caucasian Mother.
That settles that. I think its great that they keep expanding the
parameters of who qualifies for vaccines when its damn near impossible for
the current people eligible can actually get a vaccine. Really makes a
lot of sense! Well done You ASSHOLES. I think I've pointed that
out once or twice before lately. But hey out of all the things I can
say For The Benefit of Peoples & Specifically Peoples I Know Myself
Because They're My Parents, this is that one thing I SHOULD be
repeating! You ASSHOLES is the point I'm trying to make! I'll
be back with Act II in a bit.
I Don't Have To Tell
have a delicious lunch coming up in about an hour! Maybe already into
Act III when I start lunch! Don't wanna have lunch Too Early!
That would be a Fool's Errand. I feel like its a generational thing on
how high esteem people hold for Robin Williams. I can recognize how
good he is at his best, but more than half the times us Generation Y'ers are
exposed to him we're not seeing him at his best! Patch Adams. If
that's all you knew about ROGER WILLIAMS you'd be like well this guy
isn't so great at all in this. He's OKAY I Guess. Maybe even
THIS GUY IS CLEARLY THE SON OF GOD. So he wins you over in the end
eventually. Also when Christian Messiah comes is it Just Jesus
coming back after being gone for a while, or is it like Jesus's step
brother. Half brother. I dunno that's why I'm asking you!
What else is going on and crap. Also Generation Y LIKES ROGER
Williams. He's PLEASANT and WARM. But it's not like The-Laff-A-Minute-At-A-High-Rate
that other OLDER people might be thinking.
Cool! Kind of crazy that Al Fredo Dish is but 20
calories more than Instant Noodles Dish. Sounds kind of SUSPICIOUS.
I don't know who to trust! Well this is easy trust Noodles and not
Al Fredo that seems accurate. You know that sort of thing.
If Jesus had a brother, that would make God his uncle? No that
would just make him The OTHER Son Of God. Unless it was the product of
Mary + Joseph. In which case kinda a STEP UNCLE? Either way
God is giving him gifts every year for his birthday (Not Christmas!
That's JESUSES Big Day!). So a more special relationship with God than
most is the point. I'd like to read Jesuses Brothers Tell All Books
About His Step Uncle GOD. I dunno that sort of thing. Lunch
is relatively imminent. Very close! DANGIT 3 slots opened up at
Citified: The Vaccine Place but I WAS TOO SLOW. Good news is All The
Fast People are getting their slots in. We're competing with Slower
People every day that passes! Except for how they are now
increasing the parameters for people who can get it. That's a Net
Negative overall.
Such is life! Survival of the Quickest!
COMPUTER Quickest! Watching some more of the #FootballShowSpinOffFebruaryAlready.
I like it! I don't need to pay attention to it at all because I have a
very little vested interest in Foot'd Ball. Who came up with
Footballs. What SPORTS ENGINEER came up with that one! Not very
intuitive at all! ALL sports' Balls must have been the result of some
great Sports Physicists Engineers hard work. Why isn't there a shrine
in Baseball Hall of Game for Guy Who Invented Baseball. I
believe his name was Dr. Baseball. Makes sense to me. Also
where do BASES come from. Hey we got this game we play with a ball
and a stick... got some BASES OUT BACK YONDER, maybe I should get them to
add to this game! Not 100% happy with how this riff is going.
What else is going on and crap. Now My Mom is crying because she
can't get a vaccine appointment. YOU SEE WHAT YOU DID?
I'm trying to keep a positive balance because What
Else Am I Supposed To Do. You know that sort of thing.
Football Part II. Black Messiah Parts I, II, and III (Acts I, II, and
III in single film)... some #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready... lots of
good stuff in store for today! Just took a break! Twitter break!
Which pads out time before lunch so that I can essentially have lunch
essentially when Act III essentially starts. The point is when we do
support. Maybe they need help getting out of the car I Don't Know and
frankly I Don't Want To Know! They want me there that's enough for me!
Today's SATURDAY the 13th! Creepy!
Hey one last paragraph before Lunch. I can,
"Dig," that! I can watch other Meh Docu-Series today and FUTURE DAYS.
I can, "Dig," that! Pretty sure new African American film was supposed
to be released in theaters. Which really makes me on board with it.
In theaters? This was MEANT to be a Communal Movie Theater movie?
Must be GREAT! Also I just double checked that and YUP!!!
Then again it was originally supposed to be released last August so
basically culturally PER ITS ORIGINAL RELEASE INTENTION, it should be a
Blast-From-The-Past! Yep that checks out pretty well. I
saw there's a new M NIGHT SHAYMALAN film! I wonder if there's a
normal twist or if there's a twist that there is no twist. I'd say
solid 35, 40% chance that the twist is There's No Twist Just A Regular
Movie. But YEAH if it/s 1:1 odds, I'm taking THE OVER and guessing
SOME REAL SORTA TWIST GONNA HAPPEN! Ya know that sort of thing.
Hey I'll be back in a little bit!
You Know What I'm Sayin'
what's up! Got lunch going on. Al Fredo + Buffalo Wing + Dinner
ROll! Amazing. I saw they aren't calling witnesses! I'm
sure they have their reasons! Possibly even GOOD reasons! That's
my inductive reasoning. I disagree with it but what do I know.
They appear dumb pathetic and weak but what do I know. Gotta roll with
the punches! Who knows the Democatic House & Senate MAY REDEEM
THEMSELVES within WEEKS. Now it's on them to do somethin' really good
to make up for this! HEY YOU IDIOTS I just registered a shot for my
Mom at CITIFIED: The Vaccine Spot Enterprise. Now's the time to get
it! They dumped all their slots for the week and they filled up within
15 minutes. EVEN THE 2 AMS ETC. I happened to get it and got a
SEMI-Reasonable time. We're talking 9:45 PM! WHERE, though?
For me to know and you not ti find out! Need some privacy!
WAIT you know its Citified. But you don't know WHAT DAY.
You don't know that! That shuttemup.
Cool! Good news for my FAMILY. Good
news for My MOM. Good news for ME. Good news for society as a
whole? I dunno something like that. That's some sort of load
off my back more or less. Now I can CERTAINLY sit back and enjoy
the Black Panthers Movie. No not THAT Black Panther. The
other Black Panthers. No not THOSE Black Panthers. The other
Black Panthers! HMM 9:45? At Citified? During a Relatively
(OR MORE) Weekend Night? Sounds like A BLAST AND A HALF.
It's good for HEALTH but its good to GE TOUT OF THE HOUSE AND DO SOMETHING
might even be playing baseball there. Who knows how much baseball goes
on at stadiums &/Or Arenas when we're not watching! Nobody knows for
Wonderful. You idiots said it couldn't be
done. My mom would never get a vaccine. I was living in a
fantasy world. Well NOW WHOSE THE IDIOTS? Maybe they're
playing Black Panther Movie on the jumbo-tron. That would save me the
hard work of loading it up on HBOMax. Hmm. Just checked
MetsBlog.com. So far nothing about My Mom getting a vaccine at 9:45 PM
this week. Better keep hitting refresh. Maybe FINALLY
having Turkey Burger Meal that I've been so enthusiastic about lo these many
days. I dunno keep hitting refresh on metsblog.com and so far
NOTHIN' about what I'm having for dinner tonight. Is Jumbo-Tron a
BRAND of Very Big Stadium TVs? Is it a generic term that applies to
all? I dunno MAYBE METSBLOG.COM KNOWS. They gotta, right?
They're the first on the scene! Any scene! Baseball scenes at
Great! Just great! Both parents should be
Double Vaccinated by MID MARCH. Which works out PERFECTLY that's when
Quarantine Pandemic started! And its not 100% over for me. But
it WILL BE 40% over for me! We're talkin loosening up SOME
restrictions! Like for example taking walks. Outside walks.
Socially Distance Outside Walks! As of now that's the only thing I'm
committing to feeling okay doing that I haven't felt okay doing Lo these
past months. Maybe more I DUNNO. We'll have to see how things
work out! Anyway what else is going on for today. Docu Series
Well That's A Given. Lo How These Many Months Has That Been A Given.
The point is Yes It'd Be Great To Take A Train To The Game (Citifield) but
not responsible due to Deadly Pandemic going on!
Last paragraph! Wonderful. Maybe Hour
Deserves party for dinner tonight. Eight Chicken Nuggets Can't Be
Wrong! Anyway. That should be a standard Hour Deserves at
a fancy wedding &/or BAR MITZVAH. Some nice Children's Chicken
Nuggets. Chicken nuggets in the shapes of dinosaurs. It'll get
people PUMPED UP to do some celebrating whatever they're there to celebrate.
Man oh man just imagine a tooth pick on your standard children's chicken
That settles that. Maybe 2 wings with Noodles. Yeah I had
pasta for lunch I'll have it again for dinner it's called SOUP OFFICIALLY!
Not PASTA get with the times Why do I bother with buffalo wings when I
can just make chicken nuggets. I dunno gonna have to table that
one for now because website is about to go into 21 hour recess. I'd
like to get to the bottom of this But What Can Ya Do! You know, that
sort of thing. I'll see you guys tomorrow!
-2:11 P.M.
February 12, 2021
Let Me Try Something
Lincoln is the Birthday Boy today! If Lincoln was still alive today
he'd be ONLY 212! That's not much more elderly than people
alive right now! I can definitely imagine a 212 year old Lincoln today.
Oh well, We lost him too soon. No One Is Arguing That! Well
John Wilkes Booth. But MOST people aren't arguing that.
He Dead Too. Can't Argue But A Lick. What else is going on
and crap. Another wonderful Friday Noonish Period. What do
you call the general area of time that's late morning and early afternoon.
Around 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. It's slight enough that it merits Its Own
Word. But Nothing Is Jumping Out AT Me! Noonish. I don't
like that one lick! Sounds like I mean 11:30-12:30. I need WIDER
PARAMETERS OKAY? Anyway woke up with my Dad telling me Heat wasn't
working. Went back to sleep. Woke up and Heat People Were Here.
Continued Being Awoke. Eventually Heat People Exited! Now we're
back to Square 1.
Hey what's the deal with Square one. Is there
being Multiple Squares a thing. LOOK WE THOUGHT WE HAD CONQUERED
TO THE FIRST SQUARE. I don't get it! What does square mean in
this context! Why Squares! Don't Get It! Don't LIKE IT!
Likely goin' with the Lobsterish Ravioli'd Dish for lunch today. Feels
right! With maybe a single wing &/OR a single dinner roll.
Probably the Both option. Sounds about right! I LOOKED at the
dish uncooked. That settles that. Square ONE? I WAS ALL
THE WAY UP TO SQUARE NINE! Hardly seems fair! Anyway what is
this Covid Vaccination Schedule Website DUMB OR SOMETHING? Lots of
Brooklyns and Bronxes. The rare Staten Island and rarer Manhattan.
What else is going on and crap. Gotta figure out
a new #SomethingToWatchFebruaryAlready. As of now I'm just back to #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready.
I'll keep me updated as your situation progresses. I'm not 100% sure
what kinda SAUCE this Lobster Ravioli is in. Reading the components it
seems like both elements of a Tomato Based Sauce AND a Cream Based Sauce.
I guess it's the best of both worlds! One would assume. Anyway I
dunno when I'm gettin' my shot. Based on all the information available
to you, you (Me) could get a shot anywhere from Early March to Late Oh I
Don't Know JULY THEY'RE SAYING??? That's a lot of months? So
basically MAYISH? If we're saying 10-2 is Noonish WE'RE SAYING
Hmm. Makes ya think.
It's kind of like a POSITIVE would you want to
know when you're going to die scenario. Well in this
case... not really. I dunno WHO would be like yeah I don't wanna
know when I can get vaccine! Keeps me on the edge of my seat! I
ENJOY this for some reason no one is really sure of. But the point
is Hmm Makes ya think. I think the reason I can imagine Lincoln being
every inch in extra height is an extra decade of life. It Just Makes
Sense! Remember when politicians used to be SMART. No, we
don't WE'RE not 212. Oh yeah that seems to check out.
There's some smart people in politics! A WHOLE LOT of dumb people,
though. And when I say Dumb, I don't mean oh they're dumb for
Prove me wrong! AND I DON'T EVEN KNOW THE HALF OF IT!!! Prove
me dumb!
Last paragraph of Act I! I DON'T know the
half of it! This is based on information and impressions that have
been filtered down to me through various mediums! But it FEELS
accurate! They could be smart at politics and dumb on many other
things! Such is life! I'm not judging! I'm smart in some
things and dumb in a whole lot of other things! Wish I Wasn't!
HEY Also I got re-up with Jalepeno'd Peppers! A whole lot of 'em in
Pickl'd Jar! I can pretty much add these to MORE than every other meal
at my leisure! Over the course of a week! Such is life!
Anyway In Life I have developed an unexpected Finger Food its called Them
Frozen Meals I get. Despite all effort to avoid it, there's some
leftover sauce in tray. CAn't pick up sauce with a fork! Run
over it with my fingers and sink my face to the tray and suck it up down my
gullet. It's called CONSERVATION. Let no part of the Frozen Meal
go to waste! Except for the plastic container! Which in further
introspection would be the most important remnant of Meal! But I can't do
nothin' about that! For Now! I'll be back in a bit.
Who Died & Made Me Boss
Lincoln. What else is going on. Here come some Act II!
What's going on in the Wide World Of My Life. Anyway.
Temperature up to 79! Now its TOO HOT. Just Like Me!
People say I'm too hot! They say I look like a Short Lincoln!
Ain't that the Sweet Spot. A short Lincoln would be a regular height
person. I'm like a Dwarf Lincoln. All things considered. I
Don't Like The Sound OF That! Anyway looks like Cuomo was doing a
Scam and underreporting Nursing Home Deaths & Whatnot for NEFARIOUS REASONS.
Sounds like he should resign! Get a Pro-Legalization governor in
that's the FIRST priority. Look if he really wanted to make it up
towards Nursing Home Survivors he'd give them marijuana. I don't feel
like this is a contentious statement.
What else is giong on and crap. Lookin'
to have Beer 5/7 days this week. I could Probably Relatively Easily
make it last 6 days-- but I don't want to! That would HINDER my beer
drinking experience during those days AND FOR WHAT. One day of
sobriety per week? Not worth it! Hey get a load of this
laughemup... Remember how there were coinciding amendments that allowed
women to vote and to prohibit alcohol... and the premise was the women
voting made it possible to prohibit alcohol... what if INSTEAD of repealing
the alcohol prohibition 10 years later they were like well clearly the
solution here is to take away the right to vote from women. Problem
solved! Makes me laugh! If only I spent 2 more minutes
phrasing it better! I don't have 2 minutes! You can't OWN Time,
Man! You can own a clock but that's just observing time.
Dangit. Found a good Vaccine Slot for this evening in
Queens but We Hesitated JUST TOO MUCH. Tryin' to convince My Mom this
was the slot to take! WE HESITATED FOR 2 MINUTES AND LOST IT.
Gotta imagine that'll lead directly to All Of Our Deaths. Dangit!
What else is going on. More #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready.
Hey get aload of this one what if GameStop started offering Vaccine Shots
I'd buy stock in that!!! Stop Shot Stock. Lots of slant
rhymes ALL STARTING WITH, "S!" So you KNOW it means something!
I need something else to watch Today! Better LTURQ. OH HEY.
I was watching a Horrorific Film that I stopped watching. I can finish
watching that! It's called My Bloody Valentine 3D: The Remake Of The
Film I Watched Oh I Don't Know A YEAR AGO? Hmm very oddly specific
title. Not just only referring to ME but also to a specific Point In
TIME for me. Does seem to add up, though!
Cool. Full Frontal Nudity! Women!
Haven't seen that in a movie with this relatively high production value
before! Not to my knowledge! Maybe here and there! But not
for such a prolonged shot. Full Frontal Nudity means Love Glove,
right? Was trying to think about what word to use for Vagina.
First thing that came to mind was Love Glove. Probably because
There's Certain Things Wrong With Me. What else is going on and
crap. Maybe that's more accurate as a euphemism for condom.
Either one works relatively logically! Why does condom need a
euphemism. Why does VAGINA need a euphemism. I dunno I hope
to get to the bottom of those two things at some point in the near future.
Cool! I don't want this to get to anyone's head
but I'm Very Happy with the dozen or two Twitter Personality Mostly
Journalist Analysts I've whittled down my feed to. I'm TRUSTING these
people to an extent I hadn't in the past. They Haven't Burned Me Yet
is the point! Some people have! Stopped following them!
Such is life! I like how on Twitter you can read one person and be
like well obviously of course this tweet is accurate and then realize
well 80% of tweets on the same subject would disagree (either completely or
to a significant extent) with this one point. And the point is it
makes ya feel well who really knows anything it turns out.
That's what they want, though! Some people know things! The goal
is to whittle down your feed! Based on who has or hasn't burned
you! Anyway hey end of Act II!!! I'll be back with Lobsterish
Ravioli: The Lunch Experience in a little bit!
That Just Won't Cut It
I got lunch going on. Lobster Ravioli + 1 Wing. That's it!
Delicious! What else is going on in the wide world of sports.
Trying to avoid Trump Defense: The Defense of Trump Enterprise. I get
the sense there's some theme of them showing other people use the word,
"Fight." Well I'm sold. People have used that word before!
In relatively almost sort of similar contexts! Is the premise that
yes Trump encouraged people to Fight but so did Democrats, but... so did the
Democrats?... where no one followed through... I guess because Democrats are
too timid to commit political violence... the people do who did for Trump
are the TRUE PATRIOTS. I dunno. The good news is What Else
is Going On For Some Reason! HMM had a bite of Lobster Ravioli after
leaving it alone for 2 or 3 minutes and now that its cooled down You Can
Taste The Lobster Better! Isn't Lobster supposed to be served room
temperature or perhaps EVEN COOLER? Makes sense based in this last
bite of food I had myself!
I read somewhere Lobster used to be peasant food but
they successfully rebranded, not unlike Trump during the last decade.
Still kinda peasant food but Man Oh Man hose peasants We Gotta Watch Out
For! They'll Try To Kills Us! That settles that. What
kind of delicious dinner do I have in store for tonight. POSSIBLY
MEat'd Loaf. Depends on what my Commune wants! Either Communal
Meat'd Loaf OR we each doin' our own thing. I like meatloaf its
great. Not filling but Taste Wise you can't beat it as a once a week
meal. Well you could but I don't know what you'd want to!
What do you have against Meatloaf? Seems like that's on YOUR end and
not Meat'd Loafs Fault!
Okay but if I Didn't Have Meatloaf This Is How I'd Do
It... hmm. Hour Deserves party? Not really into that.
Noodles + Wings? Maybe but that's kinda doubling up on pasta for the
day. No more FROZEN PIZZA. Is the etymology of Political
Party basically hey lets get together and vote the same way it'll be
FUN like a PARTY. One would imagine lets hope so that's kinda
fun way to think about it. No sandwich meat. Hmm. This
is a tough one! OH RIGHT. The Turkish Burgers! That was a
contender for last night's dinner but ultimately lost. Tonight?
As good an option as I've heard yet! I like the Young Terks both
because I aspire to be 85% on board politically with them, but EVEN MORE
because It Makes Ya Think. Young Turks. What does it mean?
IS it a reference to Turkey: The Country.
I get the young part. The Turks though I'd like to see a
detailed explanation of how they chose AND KEPT that name.
I'd look it up but ya know whatever. I'll look
it up at some point. Maybe even right now!... not right now.
Very soon, though! What else is going on and crap. The 2nd time
I did mushrooms, I did it with 2 close friends and 2 strangers... one of the
strangers went by Turk. I got the impression it was just a
STREET NAME (what you call Nicknames for people who do drugs) and not his
real name. Still, though, it's a memory that I will remember for the
rest of my life for some reason. So, yeah, is this media enterprise
related to this person? I dunno! I don't have all the details in
front of me! Is Turkey where Istanbul is. Because Istanbul is
what used to be Constantinople. Against Constantinople always was
interesting to me! I've talked about this before! It was a Huge
Major Player FOR A THOUSAND YEARS. Pretty good track record of being a
major player! Anyway, oh, right. Istanbul in Turkey? LEMME
5th paragraph of Act III! Might finish that pasta
during this entry. Might not! I did A Real Responsible and put
it to the side so I could focus on entry! Also feel like writing a
bonus 6th paragraph JUST FOR FUN. ANYWAY when I say I've whittled it
down to 2 dozen twitter accounts that haven't really burn't me yet, I mean
OF POLITIC &/OR JOURNALISM accounts. General Entertainment Accounts
aren't included in this equation although they make up a significant amount
of people I read on The Twitter! Anyway. 2 Lunches in a row
since Re-UP with Super Market which are Pasta Prepared Meals.
Got 2 more! Chicken Parm and a Bonus Al Fredos! Wonderful!
I finished the High School Football HBO 1 season docu series yesterday.
Gotta imagine there's another one on either HBO or Another Of The Streams I
can watch now. Hmm Friday Night Lights. Is that a show I
should watch. Maybe! I'll have to look into that one I
Bonus paragraph! I haven't even finished lunch
just finished it. That settles that! Remember that time
Trump almost had a war with Iran? Very similar situation to when I was
8 years old and on one occasion played the simple-for-kids card game War
with my friend. Yet for some reason when Trump does it its a potential
International Clusterfuck Catastrophe? Doesn't Add Up! Anyway
hey lets finish this entry. Anyway I didn't put Jalepeno'd Peppers
into lunch today. Great! All the more I can add to Turkish
Burgers. Anyway. I think when Pandemic Quarantine is over I'm
gonna get back into open mics. To FORCE peple to pay attention to me.
And FORCE myself to think I'm doing something RELATIVELY productive.
That's how life will go at some point in Oh I Don't Know SIX MONTHS?
That might pan out. Or maybe I'll do nothing! I have a
pretty good track record of Doing Nothing! I'll see you guys tomorrow!
-2:18 P.M.
February 11, 2021
Fine Let Me Do It
GREAT NEWS I get to check every 10 minutes if an NYC Vaccination Enterprise
has opened up a slot for my Mom! We're talking in RE-ENTERING A LITTLE
BIT OF INFO EACH TIME. We're talkin doin 1 website as of now but
possibly I need to be doing 2 or 3 At The Same Time? So I got that
going for me is the point. Look if I could reload 538 every 2
minutes for over a year I can Get My Mom Safe & Sound every 10 minutes for a
few weeks. You'd think so, right? Seems right! Just
about right. Anyway Wonderful Super Market Delivery came!
I got ALL the Prepared Meals. We're talking a Al Fredo dish.
Chicken Parm. A 2nd Al Fredo dish (same dish). Lobster
Ravioli. TWO (SMALLISH?) Turkey Burgers. Better LTURQ. How
big these turkey burgers are? In Conclusion I insist on dividing
Alfredo into two words. Prove me wrong! Muslim Godfather.
Somethin' Al Fredo. Al is used in names in Muslim. Prove me
wrong! It's also the first name of an actor in that major motion
picture franchise! Wonderful, just wonderful! In conclusion,
next paragraph will be The Tops.
Anyway. If someones Sellin Shots what are
they going for. Couple hundred dollars? Hard to figure out a
price. If you're an 80 year old billionaire who likes Goin' Out And
Partyin, a shot could be worth A BILLION DOLLARS to him. But most of
us aren't billionaires. Not MULTI-Billionaires, at least. Then
again the supply is a little bit more. Shot Sellers are competing with
each other for the Multi Billionaire Market. So that'll make it
significantly cheaper ultimately One Would Imagine. Anyway. Mom
wanted me to get her Regular Ruffle Potatoe Chips: The Actual Potato Chips
with Actual Ridges, and I Was like fine you can get it But That's Yours.
I'll stick with POP CHIPS thank you very much. So basically this
morning I've had A SOLID 10 or 12 RUFFLES. GIVE EM HERE THEY'RE
MINE I NEED MORE. Ya know that sort of thing. Gonna try
to Cut It Out, though. Wonderful. Cool! I figure
sometimes I'll be checking every 5 minutes for Vaccine Shots, but sometimes
go about 20 or 30 minutes without it. Averages out to about A SOLID 10
OR 12 MINUTE INTERVAL between Shot Application!
What else is going great. I know they said
yesterday they were showing never before seen footage of Capitol Riot
Insurrection, but I've Got To Believe SOMEONE was watching it while putting
it together in preparation for this demonstration. Unless this is a
The Ring scenario and they blindly edited this video without looking at
it at all for their own safety. That's not Real World, though!
Can't happen! So yes the point is it's been seen. Unless a
computer Al Gorithm edited it. I wouldn't it put it past computers
to be able to do that to a reasonable quality. HEY After 45
minutes of Checking FOr Vaccine Appointment, an Appointment of Vaccine Came
Up! In Brooklyn! Mom doesn't wanna go to Brooklyn! But at
this rate we could find something in Queens by Oh I Don't Know 45 minutes
from now?!?
WOW! Also now I know I'm checking the right
website. And filling in Relatively Correct Information! PUN!
I'm putting in this information for a Relative! AND its correct!
Not my INFO at all keep that hush hush okay? Speaking of Hush Hush
probably gonna have an Al Fredo dish WITH A Buffalo'd Wing OR TWO for lunch
IN A BIT During Act THREE. If my Mom gets a vaccination over the next
week or two, could be looking at A MONTH until I CAN FINALLY RELAX...
personal covid pandemic restrictions. You thought I'd be able to
relax that my Parents won't get it and die! Which is ACCURATE!
But also More Accurately I would use another definition of Relax to Do
Something Else Pertaining To This Brand New Definition! Anyway I'll be
back in a jiffy!
Give It Here
GREAT NEWS what else is going on. Probably BAD NEWS. That
doesn't sound great. Not great at all! It may not seem like a
BIG deal to you guys but I re-upped with soda today, as well! Went an
entire TWELVE WAKING HOURS without any soda! And for the Day Before
That, only intermittent soda! Not quite soda till my hearts' content!
I WAS RATIONING SODA OK? Get off my BACK about it. Been watching
Yet Another Docu Series abuot High School Football. For some reason
the formula for Docu Series is Half High School Football, and Half Prison
Jails. Look its only about 20% each. But A SIGNIFICANT
PLURALITY is the point over Other Kinds of Docu Series/Reality Show
enterprises. Also, this isn't a joke, I Swear-- there was a Docu
Series I saw a year or two ago ABOUT KIDS IN JUVENILE JAIL WHO FORM A,
"High School," Football team to compete against real regular school high
school football teams. It's... I... It really happened!!!!
That paragraph was a Great Success. Not in terms
of laugh-em-ups but in terms of makes-ya-think-em-ups. WAIT A
SECOND was that a THE ROCK movie. DAMNIT. Better LTURQ.
YEP. A The Rock movie! BUT it was based on a true story.
And it just makes the point more generally. ALL ENTERTAINMENT
ITSELF is just 20% Prison 20% High School Football. Yep that seems
to check out pretty well. ALSO about a 25% chance I saw a
documentary with the same premise. Maybe even same exact case which
inspired film. It's RELATIVELY possible! Hmm I should have
just committed to the premise even more once I found it it was A The Rock
Dramatic Movie. Like as if I was calling it a documentary For Laffs.
What else is going on. I feel like The Rock
probably had a lot of friends in the XFL: The Extreme Football League.
It's run by the Wrestling Mcmahon Folks (high time we cancelled them!) so
its a combo of people he knew from college football and people he knew as
potential wrestlers and all those that come between both categories!
Hmm really makes you think. HEY FOOTBALL when you kck field
goal and it succeeds and they go IT'S GOOD!!!!.... not for the OTHER
HALF of players. A solid 50% of people involved in this game has a
HUGE difference of opinion on whether this was good or not!!!
Gottem. Also lets be honest, for the Extra Point, It's Good
is kind of overselling it. It's OKAY!!!! maybe makes more sense to
go. The point is we kind of expect you to make these field goals
so we're adjusting our expectations of what would be good or bad or just
Cool! The point is when the WWF: World Wild Life
Fund successfully sued the WWF: World Wrestling Federation and was awarded
sole ownership of the WWF brand... kinda wonder what percent of wrestling
fans decided it was easiest to just stay with WWF and became World Wildlife
Fund Fans. I'm okay with that yuk-em-up. It makes ya think.
Imagine! A wrestling fan whose like GUESS I LIKE Wild Life Enterprises
NOW! Because of WWF Different Meanings Ya Heard What ELSE Is Going On!
Also, Yes, THEY are saying What ELSE Is Going On! That was in THEIR Voice
not ME trying to move on! LOTS of spots of Vaccination Shots showing
up Relatively! No Queens yet! Queens or bust! Or specific
other places. That AREN'T Bust. OR Queens. So basically
what else is going on. DangIt, gotta do some Snow Shovelling when Act
II is over. Not a lot! Maybe not! But maybe a little bit!
I can't wait to find out!
Cool. What else is going on in wide world of
sport that I can cover within 10 minutes. Wide World of Wildlife.
Sports. Wrestling could be a sport. Presumably! Presumably
have lunch after Shovelling &/or During Act III! We're talkin' same
lunch I described earlier in the entry presumably who can remember but I
feel like there's a very high probability that I covered it way back in Act
I! Cool. If I knew I was gonna be shovellin some snow I
might have had not 1.5 Units of Beer but maybe only 1 Unit of Beer.
It's called Not Being Drunk On The Job C'MON! Unless writing Is The
Job. Then it's called.. well.. Being Drunk On The Job. FOR
ALTRUISM. ALTRUISM IS one of my favorite words! C'MON!
Be back in a little bit.
This Thing's Broke
Did some LIGHT Shovelling. Did some Heat'd Up Lunch in Microwave.
Doin' some eating it! I can't wait for dinner where I'll presumably
have a real great kinda meal. Got TURKEY BURGERS. FIrst time
ever! From This Super Market! Have them for dinner.
Kinda halfway between Regular Beef Patty and Slider Beef Patty. But
it's turkey so it equates to slider beef patty! Put them on BREAD.
Have some residual half spheres of potatoe from last week. Anyway.
Is Remember The Titans known as one of the top 2 Disneyfied movie to tackle
Racial ISSUES in post Civil Wrights era South? What state were they
in. VIRGINA!!! Also GREAT NEWS when I googled Remember The
Titans Apparently they're showing that in some AMC theaters TODAY.
I don't believe it! Maybe they were like well people have been
quarantine for a year we've forgotten what it means to COME TOGETHER.
That sort of thing!
Cool! Good 50% I have turkey burger(s) for
dinner, another good shot I eat SOME OTHER Prepared Pasta Meal. Which
would mean either Lobster Ravioli OR Chicken Parm OR another Al Fredo.
Who plays Fredo in GodFatherFranchiseToRemember. I know it's NOT Al
Or that he played Young Godfather. That sounds right, too!
Full disclosure-- to googld this, I almost typed in Young Godfather
to find answers. Actually that sounds kinda accurate. I'm
ROBERTS DE NIRO IS YOUNG GODFATHER. And the person who plays Al Fredo
is... JOHN CAZALI?!? Well his career clearly took off due to
this franchise to remember. Also, when googling Godfather, the Top
Question that people had was, "Why is Godfather three so bad?". Watch
it for yourself! RESEARCH. You can't have google answering all
your INCONSIDERATE questions. People who worked on Godfather III MIGHT
Yeah! Finished lunch. Delicious!
There's a not insignificant part of me that's like well clearly I should
just keep eating Al Fredo Pasta every meal until I get sick of it.
Anyway just took a short break. I'm entitled to breaks! What you
think you're the only person in the world who gets to take breaks?
Doesn't seem right! What kind of dinner can I have that isn't Prepared
Pasta OR Turkey Burgers. Hmm this is a tough one. OH I Know
Still have 1/3rd of RICE. Pair that with a Frozen Meal. It's
responsible because Someone Gotta Eat That Week Old Rice! Alright now
I'm happy. Indulgent delicious low calorie dinner! GET OFF MY
Cool! Anyway how many of people in America have
had covid? FIFTY Million? SIXTY Million? BETTER LTURQ.
ONLY 28 MILLION. Lets throw a party. Gotta imagine there's gonna
be a lot of sick people over the next few decades! Them survivors
ain't gettin' away scott free! Scotland hmm is that part of the
United Kingdom. One would imagine they are based on Past Research I've
Conducted. I wish I could Conduct Research. I would be
giving guidance to a symphony of 120 people Doing Research For Me All At The
Same Time. Imagine what one could accomplish! One could
accomplish ANYTHING! That's my evil genius master plan. 120
Last paragraph! I dunno. I dunno about
anything! Ya only do 2 days of Pandemic Quarantine. The day you
get in and the day you get out! Wait a second that sounds wrong.
What about all the days in-between? HUNDREDS Of DAYS
IN-BETWEEN!?! Certainly more representative of the experience than The
Day You Go In &/Or The Day You Get Out. This whole premise is
FAULTY. FAULTY I SAY! What else is Wide World of Wild
Wildlife. Wildlife, hmm. When I was a kid, we had JUNGLES.
Remember Jungles? Now, oh, you can't say Jungle. They're Rain
Forests Now. Jungle, that's a dirty word. Can you believe that?
What else is going on and crap. I'm okay with never saying jungle
again. I have very little vested interest in using the word jungle.
Except specifically in THIS EXACT SCENARIO. Making a point of the
whole deal, that's okay. I have no vested interest in calling Rain
Forests, "Jungles," in general! Anyway I'll see you guys tomorrow.
-2:25 P.M.
February 10, 2021
Look What I Wrote
Job, Three Gold Stars. Two silver stars. Three bronze.
Seven ALUMINUM. Anyway lets get started. Last day of The
Working Week. And by Working Week, I mean The Week That
Revolves Around Super Market Delivery. The good news is who
cares I still have beer for today! If I had any amount of beer or
liquor I wanted then I wouldn't care about Weeks At All! Maybe about
25%! Significantly less, though! Lets get started.
Impeachment Round I of Impeachment II is in the books! I liked the
part where the guy for Trump was the biggest dummy you could ever try to
imagine. I think they did it on purpose! Lower the temperature!
Yes Trump incited a insurrection violent coup but LETS TAKE A BREAK and Just
Laugh At This Guy! In which cause kind of altruistic, but now is
not the time for altruism! Now is the time for CONSEQUENCES.
Presumably. In an ideal world.
Cool. Anyway. Stomach Pains
&/or Respitory Pains ON THE DECLINE. For me. I can't speak for
you. I can but it'd be wrong. Anyway. I think it's a HUGE
problem that 35% of Americans seem reluctant, to put it nicely, to take a
Vaccination Shot. Which I'M ON BOARD WITH UP UNTIL I GET MY
SHOT. Then its time to address This Extremely Important Problem that
will cause Mass Death and make it so ALL of our lives can't return to
normal. But lets put off addressing this for a couple months until
INDIVIDUALLY AS WELL. Very few choices for Meals Today.
Don't worry I got plans! I got SOME options. Worst option that I
may do-- I have a small amount of Frozen Pizza left. I have one
relatively healthy breakfast sandwich. Put those suckers together!
On the same plate! It's called Being RESOURCEFUL. What
else is going on. No snow or Extremely light snow today! NO
SHOVELLING TODAY. Probably light snow tomorrow. PROBABLY NO
Something that i Found that borders on AMUSING is I added
Shovelling to the Microsoft FrontPage Dictionary for some reason (because
I'm dumb), BUT I added it with capitalizing the S. Even though 90% of
the time it should be lowercase. Shovelling, there, that's right.
But now if I say shovelling WAVEY RED LINES. Damnit! I
could add it to the dictionary Now. Or I can just stick with ALWAYS
GOING WITH CAPITAL FIRST LETTER. I've given myself a lot to think
about. Or I can just ignore Wavey Red Lines. Lots of
options! Plenty of options to think about! Best idea for
lunch is Frozen Meal + Bonus Rice. I had that for dinner last
night! I'm thinking about consecutive meals that are the same but
frozen meal is different combination of foodstuffs! I can live with
Hey, great, just great. Anyway. If
Trump is acquitted, what are the odds he will ghostwrote a book that's like
If I Did It, Here's How I Would Have Done It. Like OJ Simpson
Autobiography (he takes does a few liberties with the truth, though,
especially the part where he says He Didn't Do It). I don't know
but 5 or 6 at the time! I'm under the impression he was guilty but was
found not guilty. That's as much as I know! Who am I to make any
comment on it other than yeah he probably did it that's the impression
I'm under I guess. What else is going on and crap. I'm
trying new Prepared Meal from Super Market. Fuckin LOBSTER
Ravioli. What the hell I haven't had non salmon seafood in A DOGS
AGE ( a year. That's a very plausible age for a dog. )
Sure, great, what else Also the lobster lives
in the ravioli! That sounds like a blast and a half. Added
French'd Fries instead of Tater Tots for first time in MONTHS.
I think if Trump's first lawyer, BRUCE CASTOR, had said something along the
lines of There's No Rule That Says A Dog Can't Play Basketball it
would have made about 10-20% more sense than whatever he was talking about.
The point is If a dog is on the high school basketball team shouldn't he
be forced to take classes, too? Can't play basketball unless he
achieves AT LEAST a 2.0 GPA. It's for his own good! He wants to
go to college, doesn't he? I dunno I'm not 100% on board with this
riff. The point is Hey Act I is over! Be back in a bit.
Its Too Late
you heat up ravioli, you put the ravioli in WHILE STILL ALIVE and then it
slowly heats up until the Ravioli doesn't know what hit 'em! Also, In
Real Life, that kinda seems like cruel and unusual punishment to Lobsters In
Real Life. OR, The Other Way You Can Go With It, Is what other
foods should we be burning alive and eat them immediately after. I
get for lobsters its less cruel because they presumably don't feel the pain.
But maybe if you put a chicken in a tank of water and heat it up while its
still alive, the resulting chickenmeat would be Delicious! Lets get
some people looking into that one. Anyway looking forward to having
Lobster Ravioli for lunch in about 25, 26 hours. Prove me wrong!
Can you put the hot water that killed the lobster into soup. Nice
basis for a soup. Gotta imagine the lobster will impart SOMETHING on
the soup water!!!
At this point we HAVE to imagine it. No
one is putting in the work to test these theories out! What else is
going on an crap. Saw there was some Newsworth in twitter doubting
Congress will legalize marijuana this year. Damnit I hate it when
that happens! Now all of my hopes rest upon the heavy shoulders of one
Andrew T. Cuomo. The T stands for, "Terrific Governor!"
Tryin' to get on his good side. Ya never know congress &/or Biden
can still do it. It still seems relatively plausible it could
happen! I hate seeing people in docu series &/or real life where
they're like, wherever you live, if you want drugs its no problem to get
them just wait. Whereas my experience in the 2 or 3 years I
loved marijuana was overwhelmingly GOTTA MAKE THESE DRUGS LAST BECAUSE
the point is I Guess I Look And Act Like A Narc Presumably. It's
plausible I guess that I was a Narc.
Wonderful! Ended up NOT having pasta for
dinner last night! So if you had stock in me having pasta for dinner
NOPE YOU LOSE GAME OVER. Congratulations to the people who bet
against me having pasta for dinner last night. Well done! You
made them other people look Real Stupid! Having rice is KIND OF
like pasta. They're Both Made Out Of Food! The point is what
else is going on. I may not have to do Shovelling today but I am
expecting SEVERAL deliveries today. So I gotta leave the door to my
room open! So I could hear Door Bell &/Or Door Knocks. The point
is how am I supposed to take a shower &/or bath while waiting for Delivery
Acceptance Activity? I Can't That's Who! What else is going
on. What kinda Docu Series can I watch today! I can't wait
to find out!
Hmm. Gotta write about half the entry. 100%
TOWARDS LESS. On a Paragraph by Paragraph basis NOT specifically on
words or sentences! The good news is I no longer have to wipe down
Super Market Delivery every week. Just put them suckers away
where they belong. It's A New Day! I do have a recurring dream,
maybe once a week, where part of the dream is just me walking around NYC
trying to find people with drugs who are interested in selling them. I
feel like a lot of it happens in a vaguely fictionalized Washington Square
Park. And I'm on the look out but this time around I Feel Like I Can
Identify Drug Dealers and Know How To Approach Them. I never get that
far. But I get far enough that I'm like Well This Is Something I
CAN Accomplish IF ONLY This Weren't A Dream.
Wonderful! Can't get Wanting To Eat Lobster
Ravioli out of my mind. Gotta find something else to focus on.
Hmm this is a tough one. I'll keep me updated on this situation as
it develops. NUTS! Having to have my door open means I can
hear Downstairs TV. And they're doing Stressful Video & Audio. I
never signed up for this! And if I did IT'D BE NONE OF YOUR
BUSINESS ANYWAY. Anyway did some research into Is Sound a Dimension
and YES sound includes Time which would make 3D Movies FOUR DIMENSIONS
ALONE. Sound is kind of redundant, though! Just width length and
depth PLUS THE TIME IT TAKES TO WATCH FILM makes it 4 Dimensions!
Seeing it unfold &/or Hearing it unfold, either way IS ENOUGH for 4D!
Anyway the good news is Act II is almost over. And I will have
Delicious Lunch with Act III! I'll see you in a bit.
Now Its Your Turn
having lunch now! Just as I predicted! What else is going on in
Wide World of Sport! Good news is after Impeachment Goes However it
goes, We wake up in a world where Biden is still president, the house and
senate is still Democrat, and a clear majority of voters support pretty much
most of the likely issues that are coming up these days. The bad news
is hmm if Republicans main motivation for voting against
impeachment/conviction is that they fear for their own safety, kinda implies
that there may be more violence coming up... exclusively against Democrats
so to them they guess its not as bad... but still not an ideal situation!
The good news is I CAN, "DIG," having Pizza + Breakfast Sandwich for dinner!
The other good news is I Can Have Lobster Ravioli tomorrow! The
Other good news is I just had lunch and it filled my tummy up to a
reasonable extent!
What else is going on and crap. Maybe Pizza +
Ribs. That obviously makes a whole lot more sense. Anyway
finishing up the beer I had for the week. With the bonus 2 Double
Beers, I managed to make it 7 days PRETTY well! Anyway. Was just
thinking about how my parents' birthdays are coming up in February, and they
were born only 2 days apart, on the same year! So naturally I was
thinking about lets say twins have a baby together... is there ANY chance
it'll work IN THEIR FAVOR? I know genetically the closer you are
in family TRADITIONALLY you're gonna get some negative inbred DNA
characteristics. But gotta imagine SOMETIMES it goes the other way and
the result of inbreeding is AMAZINGLY POSITIVE! Not too much clinical
research on this subject! I'd like to see some studies based on this
hypothesis! Hmm that's one way to write a paragraph. Look
PERSONALLY I don't wanna fuck any member of my family. I'm not
volunteering myself! I Just don't find them anyone in my family
particularly attractive!
Eh. Anyway what else is going on and crap.
HMM just realized I have delicious chicken nuggets in the freezer. Man
Oh Man that paired with some pizza? I'm KIND OF enthusiastic about
that as of now! Probably would be around 7 or 8 nuggets All Told.
All Said And Done. A sixth of Frozen Pizza and 7 or 8 Nuggers.
Wait. That's not a good way to talk about Nuggets as a laugh.
Brings up too much Bad Stuff You don't wanna associate with Chicken Nuggets:
The Enterprise. I was browsing DOCUMENTARIES on HBOMax and there's
a couple hundred there but my favorite out of all of them was TENACIOUS
D: THE PICK OF DESTINY. GOtta imagine someone at HBOMax (or more
likely SEVERAL PEOPLE) thought it would Be A Laugh to put that in that
genre. I mean, there's no other HBO Max: Documentary Section that is
clearly not a documentary. So basically wonderful I think its great
well done.
Keep telling myself every week before Super
Market Delivery I'm gonna try to stop eating snacks. I can eat
same meals and drink same coffee and drink same alcohol and eat A BIT of
snacks and start losing weight. Its the Too Many Snacks that's holding
me back! And WHO NEEDS EM. I can go 5 hours without meals C'MON
EASY. EASY!!! LOLOL Biden is talking live about coup in Burma
interrupting us from the channel where they were showing The Senate
Hearing On Coup Attempt In America! NAILED IT NO ONE ELSE WOULD
EVER MAKE THAT CONNECTION. Maybe its just me but I would feel okay
with Biden starting every speech he makes with Yes It's Me. I'm
Still Joe Biden, And I'm Still Alive. Just so everyone is still on
the same page.
He doesn't HAVE to. Just a thought!
Apparently NY is doing One Of The Best States in terms of less Covid Deaths
Lately POST winter than Originally PRE winter. I LIKE those odds!
I'm proud to be a New Yorker where at least I know I'm free. Anyway
what else is going on to close up the entry. Do I have enough
chicken nuggets where I could just have chicken nuggets for dinner?
Figure that would be like 15-20 nuggets as a stand alone meal.
Denver Nuggets. Nuggets of marijuana. Denver is a pro High state
in my head for some reason. Songs or something. In CULTURE.
Plus marijuana legalizing. In POLICY. Hmm 7-8 nuggets and
some pizza, I'm okay with that! Also put those suckers in the
microwave. Wonderful! Anyway. Having a white guy
who tried to overthrow the government get off scott free is maybe the
culmination of the white privilege theme that has persisted and ESCALATED
the entire presidency. Maybe! Sounds about right! I
wonder if OJ's book was like If I did it, I wuolda been white, easier to
get off even though I apparently got off anyway. Oh well you win some
you lose some. What else is going on.
One last bonus paragraph! Anyway.
Jerking off people in Scotland who want to succeed from United Kingdom.
Getting off Scott Free. That'll learn em that'll learn all of
them. Scotland is still part of Great Britain, right? But its
not like an Ireland scenario where they really wanna get off. Scotland
I THINK is like ya know what we're cool with being Great Britain!
All things considered Not So Bad! Hmm looked it up and YEP
Scotland is still part of UK. Scotland, England, Northern Ireland, and
WALES. One day I hope to get to the bottom WHAT THE HELL EACTLY IS
WALES. I just thought of it as more or less England.
Like if you say I'm from Wales! I'm like cool what part of England
is that in? NORTHERN ENGLAND? A DIFFERENT Part of England?
I dunno. Entry just about over. I'll see you guys tomorrow
-2:03 P.M.
February 9, 2021
I Got This Going For Me
I CAME UP WITH--- Tampa Bay Buccaneers are Highest Achieving Football NFL
BUCKS TOPS HERE. Well I feel that's worth something slightly more
than nothing. Or slightly LESS than nothing. Actually that
sounds right. Worse Than Nothin'! LOL THE BUCK STOPS HERE.
Isn't that a Nixon idiom. NOPE TRUMAN. I KNEW IT WAS
TRUMAN. Even when I said Nixon I KNEW it was Truman. Anyway
Trump is opposite of BuckStops he's UnresponsbleForAnythingAtAll. Get
a load of THAT riff! Buckstophere. BUCK STRATOSPHERE.
This paragraph makes a lot of sense to about 20% of you. I am so
sorry. HEY My Dad got a slot for Vaccine Part II: The Vaccining in
3 weeks! Citifield is Opening up this Wednesday! Mom can
probably get it within a matter of weeks! Also maybe I am obese enough
to get it! Gotta assume if Obese is a way to get it people are
Packin' On The Pounds at a Rapid Pace! Anyway. I saw in some
cases you CAN transfer Vaccination Slots that you have to someone else who
is qualified but didn't reserve the spot themselves. MONEY MAKING
OPERATION. Just keep registering slots and sellin' em off. I
demand royalties every time someone sells their shots.
Anyway, what else is going on. Impeachment
Senate Conviction Trial Of The Century Begins today! I'm rooting for
the people who are against violent insurrection spurred on by Trump.
Feels like we should hold Trump accountable for Those Things We All Saw Him
Do In Real Time. Gonna have to do some Shovelling In Real Time in a
few hours. Not too much! Will be slightly buzzed though which is
No Bueno for manual labor. Oh well what can ya do. If I didn't
want to drink I shouldn't have committed myself to writing 15 paragraphs
Early In The Day. Anyway. I was reading the news, and Biden doesn't
have a cat yet, BUT his granddaughter has a cat, and We're Supposed To
Settle For That? I'm not INTO that, "Compromise." GET A CAT OR
BUST. Also if you own a cat and a dog, what are the odds that at some
point they would try to mate? Gotta figure SOMETIMES it happens.
Maybe 1 in 10,000. VERY rare but It'll Happen! Look I'm just
telling the truth. If you can't HANDLE dogs and cats sleeping together
then I Dunno What To Tell You!
What else is going on and crap. One thing I
don't like about pets is that they don't wear any clothes. HIDE
YOUR SHAME. That'd be my instinct. I know its a thing now
that you have your dogs wear a sweater outside, particularly in the cold.
But, like Interspecies Mating for house hold pets, gotta imagine there's a
1/10,000 situation where Owner of Pets Make Pets Wear Clothes All The Time
Inside The House. Presumably on account of HIDE YOUR SHAME.
Other possible reasons, though! Maybe the owner thinks it looks cute.
Maybe the owner thinks the Pets Are People. Maybe its very cold in the
house for some reason! Maybe the dog has disease or medical affliction
where it needs to be covered up and Hey if you're covering up might as well
wear people clothes! I don't have all the details in front of me.
Cool! Last Saw I Saw was Saw
3D. I must have made this observation before, and if not me, someone
else, but 3D movies are 4D. Length and Width like regular Movie.
3D because Movie Picture Is COMIN AT YA. 4D because of Why It's Only
Sound. Sound is kind of a dimension. It's a SENSE. Makes
sense that some people would be like sure we consider sound a dimension.
If only to make This Paragraph's Premise more accurate and clever.
Because if we don't consider sound a dimension this paragraph betrays the
writer's Dumbness. So I got that going for me is the point.
Hey by the time next act starts WE'RE INTO IMPEACHMENT PREGAME or something.
I think it starts at 1:00. But pregame starts at 12:00! That's
what I've been led to believe by those closest to me. (parents & Tv).
I think Citi Field is you just drive up onto the field. Maybe I can't
get it yet but when I CAN get Vaccine that's the way to go! I can't
wait. I'm Part Of Sports Now! I dunno. Even just putting
your Arm Out Of Car for shot is Dangerous. GREAT NOW MY ARM HAS
COVID. And I was SO CLOSE to getting through Covid without Covid.
Oh well live and learn. Presumably. Anyway, huh?
I don't know why it's called Citi Field and not CitiField. I don't
know a lot of things and this is but one example of something I don't know!
Oh. Citi. Like Citi Bank. HMM. Kinda wanna use Citibank
now! So it looks like their investment is paying off based on MY
personal experience. Alright Break Time!
Don't Remind Me
Gonna easily get three Acts before THE ACT of Snow Shovelling: The Big Man
Enterprise. Lunch with Act III! Presumably Frozen Meal + Bonus
Rice! Solid 75% chance Pasta For Dinner BUT no one wants to commit to
the Big Man Experience of Cleaning up Pots and Whatnots after Food is
AS IT IS. Great now my arm has covid. A joke we'll never
forget! Put it in a time capsule! Anyway my Dad got one of the
BEST Vaccines. We're talkin EASILY top 2! It's great just great.
Also the best news I think from this whole Big Man Situation Covid Pandemic
Year To Remember is that 75 and up is elderly. My parents both
turn 73 THIS MONTH. We're talking they have OVER 2 YEARS to Not Be
Elderly. Then they get another 3-5 years of BARELY being elderly.
Then a decade or so of yep pretty old but Let's See How Long We Can Run
With This. Then a decade or so of Hmm dying at this point seems
pretty imminent. Oh well what can ya do. Then a decade or
So the point is a lot of time left! What else
is going on and crap. Hmm. 73 makes me think of 72. Which
is the number of virgins you get in Jihad Martyrdom. Kinda seems
superfluous to have Virgins. After a month or two of enjoying
them, guess what, not virgins anymore! And a month or two is NOTHING
in terms of eternity. So that's something to consider re: thinking
about doing jihad martyrdoms. Also you're kinda telling on yourself
with that concept in Islam. Hmm obviously sexual urges are bad, you
should only be with the person you're married to.. but once you reach after
life... ALL BETS ARE OFF!! GO NUTS!! Good stuff. This
is good stuff! You die in Jihad Martyrdoms and then 30 years later
your LifeWife dies and she's like IT'S WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU AGAIN and you're
like Well sorry kinda pot committed to these new 72 women now in after
life. Best of luck! Ya know that sort of thing.
Cool. Hey if I'm having lunch with Act III that
might be but an hour away! Maybe a little bit more! Probably not
too much less! Possibly less slightly! What else is going on!
I dunno. I mean, in Wedding, they CLEARLY say, "Till Death Do Us
Part." And that's presumably a Christian Religious Ceremony Boiler
Plate. So basically they're saying UPFRONT once you're dead ALL
BETS ARE OFF. Cracked that code! Maybe I'm misinterpreting
phrases &/or words! Maybe lots of things! Hey halfway through
Act II! Chances for pasta has DROPPED TO 10%! So if you Sold
your Stock in will I have pasta tonight? at a high from last Act then
SORRY YOU BLEW IT. Anyway. Wait. That math isn't
right. Anyway. What can I have for dinner instead?
I dunno! I'll figure something out! Kinda feel like Googling,
"What Can I Eat For Dinner." VERY sure that I wouldn't get the
answers I'm looking for. So why bother?
Cool. HEY I think I've got enough Pastrami for a
2nd sandwich of the week! That'll do the trick. Patrick Leahy is
Presiding over Impeachment Conviction Trial! You might know Patrick
Leahy as the person who almost died on the same night I last made pasta!
Two things weren't causation one way or another, just correlated. As
Far As I Know! Anyway If I WERE doing Impeachment Trial I'd
be like Okay Part I is pre January 6th. Part II is January 6th.
Part III I Dunno Remains to be seen What Will We Uncover during the time it
takes to cover the first Parts I and II! WILL I HAVE LAMB MEAL OR WILL
I HAVE CHICKEN MEAL. I dunno remains to be seen! Watchin
random Documentaries available on HBO II The MAX. Its like watching a
docu series but not divided up into segments. And shorter over all.
Oh well ya take what you can get.
Jeez. Last paragraph! Of Act II!
Not of my life! Halfway through one of my favorite #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready.
Which one is it? No Spoilers!!! I feel like there should be a
space halfway into half way. But I'd be feeling wrong! Now
you know my secret shame. Don't think compound words should be words!
Just Feels Wrong! I mean it makes things more CONVENIENT but also
kinda CHEAP. Low class. That's my hot take. Maybe Lamb.
That's the better of the 2 Frozen Meals! But its close! And if I
eat the lamb now all it means is I'd have to eat the chicken at a later
date! So it really comes down to what do I want more right now.
Lamb! I've made my decision. Lamb. We're going with Lamb!
I saw a commercial for a film where King Kong fights Godzilla. And I
believe the commercial made it clear King Kong is on our (Humans) side for
some reason. I don't buy it! There might be some twists and
turns that makes it clear we can't trust King Kong and maybe GODZILLA is for
the best! Either way sure I miss seeing movies in theaters.
ya do. Wait a while. And hope they don't close down theaters
completely. While I'm waiting. Yep that checks out.
I'll be back in a little bit.
I've Got Something To
guess. Got SnowChore coming up in about 2 hours. That worked out
pretty well. Should be coming Off Buzz around then hopefully.
Lamb Saag! Maybe I should figure out once and for all how its
pronounced. I wanna say SOG. As in SOGGY. Better
LTURQ. YEP NAILED IT! Maybe make some Macaroni tonight like I
wanted to! That's Half The Clean up Chore, right? No sauce or meat'd
balls. Better run that by my parents. Anyway is Trump
impeached yet. I feel like his trial was supposed to start a half
hour ago. If I were on Jury I'd already know he was guilty! I've
Seen Enough As Of January 6th At The Latest! Isn't a thing where you
want to get a jury who has seen no previous mention or evidence of the case?
We all saw the evidence of the case! The entire jury WAS FUCKIN'
THERE. Yet more than 1/3rd of them will vote in contradiction to
their experience. Such is life! They can have experienced
it without believing Trump called it. Except for the fact that
they went directly from Trump Speech to the Capitol. And that many
people involved SAID they were acting under the impression Trump wanted
this. So you know that sort of thing.
Four more paragraphs to go. I'm okay with
Macaroni for tonight. It's worth the Standing In The Same Place for 30
minutes and Stirring For Half Of That. I'll add a lot of butter to
LETS INDULGE OURSELVES. I just had lunch but if you put before me
a plate of Buttered and Salted Macaroni... I DUNNO WHAT I WOULD DO!
It'd be a real Sophie's Choice. Which is an expression which means...
Choice. Any time someone says its a Sophie's Choice they pretty
much could accomplish the same thing as just saying Choice.
YEAH I get it means A Particularly Significant and Consequential Choice.
I've made my Sophie's Choice to write this riff so get off my back about it
is all I'm trying to say!
Cool. HEY if you stuck with your Pasta Stock
after I said it was down ro 10%-- WELL DONE IT'S UP TO NINETY PERCENT
NOW. Dad still doesn't wanna clean up stuff, that was the main
sticking point. And he is against EATING Macaroni with Butter and
Salt. But my Mom is ON BOARD and my Dad is OKAY WITH cleaning up non-sauce
&/or meat ball'd situation. So we got that going for us is the point!
Today's lunch couldn't have turned out any better! Get to eat Butter
Vehicles in the substance of pasta and in the shapes of elbow macaroni!
Anyway I dunno how they came up with Creepy Pasta but job well done,
that's a creepy name. We don't know WHY. Maybe you, who came up
with it, knows why. But it works! Also if I was born 10
years later I'd probably like Creepy Pasta! When I was a pre-teen we
had SNOPES. Which is a Debunking (&/OR CONFIRMING) Things website.
That now is pretty much just to confirm or deny Political Statements in the
time of Trump. But back then it was mostly about Scary Urban Legends &
other Urban Legends and Stuff Like That and stuff like that. SOME
And even if they're not, Fun TO Read About!
Anyway the best thing about making pasta is that pasta is still around for
tomorrow. I'll eat pasta for 2 out of my 3 next meals! POSSIBLY 3 out
of next 5 or EVEN 3 out of next 4. I AM strongly considering getting
TWO Wide Fettuccini Al Fredos. Whose gonna stop me, YOU? I don't
think you have it in ya! I dunno maybe just put in a real
irresponsible amount of butter. Whose gonna stop me YOU I Don't Think
Ya Will! Insurrection Riot going on on downstairs TV. Pre-taped!
There's not New Insurrection Riot going on right now AS FAR AS WE KNOW.
Don't wanna jinx it. Oh well too late on whether I'm gonna jinx it or
Cool. Is it a thing where 1/10,000 people
eat pastas a SINGLE PASTA AT A TIME. Whether its SPAGHETTI or ELBOWS
or ANYTHING. Single piece at a time! Otherwise You're Stuffing
Yourself! I would love to try that tonight. See how far I
can make it. Pretty much immediately go to 3 pieces. Then
immediately to 10 pieces. Then I'm just gonna slurp the entire bowl
down my gullet in one slurp. You know, that sort of thing. I
think the name SNOPES came from they're SNOOPING IN TO WHETHER
to me. Gotta keep my door open because I'm listening for doorbell.
Insurrection Live Video playing on TV because of Broadcast of Senate Trial.
It's not a joke! I mean, it is a joke. Because there's
lots of people in that room who would be triggered by it exponentially more!
I don't envy them! But even just a guy who was READING IT in real
time, to now re-see it happen all over again is unpleasant! Hmm
better write a Bonus Paragraph!
You know, that sort of thing! The point is do
I make AN ENTIRE BOX of Macroni for essentially 3 meals. My Mom once
and me twice? That might be enough for FOUR meals. I can do that
actually! NO reason I can't have a Meal Of Macaroni sitting in fridge
for up to 5-7 days. That'd be my Educated Guesstimate. Who
decided King Kong is on our side. Is it because genetically we are
presumably a lot closer to Giant Gorilla than Giant Some Sort Of LIZARD I
WANNA SAY? I guess that makes a bit of sense. Then again maybe
Godzilla would be favored to win this fight so we should get on Godzilla's
good side now rather than suffer his wrath once King Kong is formally
defeated. That's what I would advocate for. In this trailer
kinda implies that Godzilla may have the upper hand in terms of Fighting
than King Kong. So that's something to take into account.
I'll see you guys tomorrow.
-2:11 P.M.
February 8, 2021
Idiot For Sale
PERCENT OFF. That should get the job done. Just watched
Irresistible: The Jon Stewart/Steve Carrell Vehicle and SPOILER
ALERT!!!!--- Not bad. I found it Entertaining! Speaking
of Jon Stewards-- THE METS-- Vaccines Coming to CITI FIELD-- Where THe Mets
Play Under Normal Circumstances! Dad is getting vaccine Somewhere Else
today. That might be a good place for My MOTHER to ge a vaccine.
Maybe they can EACH get Supplemental Vaccines there. It's all coming
together. I've seen about 2 dozen reasonable Takes from somewhat
trustworthy people of when I might be able to get vaccine. TODAY the
story is hmm maybe by the end of March. Cause I'm an adult & WANT
IT. That estimation not only is the LATEST ONE I'VE HEARD but also
basically one of the best approximations that I've seen since Vaccine
Did Jon Stewart WRITE this movie. Did he DIRECT
IT. Did he do BOTH. Did he do neither and MY FACTS ARE WRONG?
Anyway what else is going on. I'm not 100% what Drive Thru Testing
means. Does it meal LITERALLY you just stick your arm out of the car
window? That's what my parents think. That can't be it, right?
That's just nonsense! Better LTURQ. Hmm looks like it's
accurate. Still sounds like nonsense. I CHOOSE Not To
Believe In It. Anyway what else is going on and crap. I
like the hours for Citifield Testing. Wednesday Thru Saturday 24 hours
a day. How about maybe 1 or 2 days 44 hours a day and for the rest
its Every Day during Reasonable Hours. I GET some people need it
done at night because they have good reasons presumably! Seems like
you could get more done My Way, though. I demand royalties on if
they expand testings to 7 days a week. Royalties of Shots. I
get All The Shots.
Wonderful. Is it a thing where you can have a
Fake ID but one that said you're 80 years old so you can get a shot.
Presumably. I just suggested it. And it sounds reasonable.
What Proof do you need for your age. Drivers License, that's it!
Maybe you can. I don't have all the answers! Also you can't be
an elderly version of McLovin from Hawaii because you were apparently were
born before Hawaii was a state. THINK! You can Live In a
place after you were born. I dunno I'm gonna have to look into
that one. Citifield isn't a word. That's no shock.
Citified IS a word. Which I'm guessing means to make something More
City. Better LTURQ. Yep that's about right. Wonderful!
Cool. No Shovelling today! Probably
Shovelling tomorrow! Hopefully it's WARM over the next 26 hours so
that does the bulk of the job for me! Apparently there was some sort
of Super Bowl yesterday. Good for them. What kinda
delicious lunch do I have in store for today. I dunno. I'll keep
myself updated on this situation as it progresses. I wouldn't be
surprised if at some point over the next few months I am able to watch
Interventions. At this point might just figure it's more likely (and
easier!) to just get a TV. A smart TV! Smart enough to Show Me
More Interventions, All The Time. But then again I've gotten
acclimated to be a Guy Who Doesn't Own a TV. I can watch all the TV I
want on Computer-- and Nothing More! It's a best of some worlds
I dunno. At this point lunch'll be either Frozen
Meal + Rice OR Bagel + Egg. Good shot for either one! Also maybe
tomorrow night is good for Oh I Don't Know COMMUNAL PASTA? Anyway no
Shovelling BUT I have to listen for the doorbell to accept some sort of
deliveries. So basically My Day Is Packed. Two deliveries!
Not even just one. 100% more than just one! You can't get a
higher percent of something. Unless if its 120%. Also Yes you
can have 120% of one it's called 1.2. GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT.
The point is if we're getting Drive Thru tests can I get a sack of Jalapeño
Cheeseburger Sliders. What if I smoehow finagled that.
Convince my parents that hey if we're already Driving Thru places MIGHT AS
WELL get some White Castle. No. That wouldn't work... but if
I get Vaccine by end of March... ONLY LESS THAN 2 MONTHS AWAY FROM A
in a bit!
Give Me A Second
googled How Do People Without Arms Get Shots. NOTHIN'. NO
one cares apparently about The Armless. My guess is LEGS.
But maybe that's too obvious. Could be something else. What
about The No Limb'd. Neck? The point is The Limbless need
shots and blood work and all that nice stuff and they gotta have some avenue
for all that nice stuff. Anyway at this point leaning pretty heavily
towards having a Bagel + Eggs for lunch. WIth Act III! Also ONE
DELIVERY ALREADY CAME. The 2nd one MAY OR MAY NOT come. 1) may
not come today at all 2) may come in mail. But then there's 3) it will
come today by front door and I gotta be prepared for that! Started
watching a mini docu series about a High School Footballs. I can
see me finishing this. Its VERY POSSIBLE I already watched & Finished
this before. But none of it registered AT ALL.
What else is wonderful. LOOK all this could
be solved if my Mom was comfortable hitting Forget Password and then
they email a temporary password I can Use!! Or they e-mail a temporary
password, my Mom picks a new password, she makes me PRIVY to the new
password... PROBLEM SOLVED. I think My mom is worried this would reset
the password for 3 dozen things so It'd be a hassle and a half to get
everything back on board. Maybe half a dozen at most things! I
can SEE her point but also NOT AS BAD AS SHE THINKS. Also if you're
getting Drive Thru vaccines at Citifield are you literally driving up On The
Field to get it. What's the point of having it At Arena if its just to
drive around the periphery. No, you wanna be part of the game!
That's My Hot Take. So far I'm registering High School Football Show A
LITTLE bit. Vaguely registering it to SOME degree.
Cool! I could always go back to some #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready.
I can think of Oh I Don't Know HALF A DOZEN episodes I'd watch Right Away!
Brought up Communal Pasta with my Family Members for tomorrow night.
They seem to be On Board! Have been using Glass Glasses the last few
days even WITH my Recent Troubles. So far no problem! Since the
last problem! Which was the 2nd problem! At this point maybe 3
strikes you're out. IF I Drop another glass glass and it breaks then
MANDATORY LIFE IMPRISONMENT. Anyway. Had a dream a week or two
ago that I found an Exact Replica of the pipe I used to use to smoke
marijuana. My main weapon of choice! Water Pipe! Nice
Corkscrew action for the pipe, too. And I Was like well this is
wonderful I couldn't have asked for a better instrument to smoke marijuana
from Here on Out. It Was A Good Dream.
Penultimate paragraph for act II. Are there ANY
instances of someone some how getting themselves a dozen shots for
themselves and are like I DON'T CARE WHAT ANYLONE SAYS OR THINKS I'M
Hope Not! Probably has an adverse effect! I'm under the
impression Vaccine is a lower strength dose of Disease so that you build
immunity to it. Logically that means if you take half a dozen shots at
once You're just getting the disease. I dunno seems logical to
me. It's like a a Saw Jigsaw type game. You have spent your
whole life being vaccination greedy. One dose of this will prevent you
from getting sick. Especially if you save a 2nd dose for 2 weeks
later. Before You, You have a dozen vaccines. Will you continue
to do too many vaccines? The choice is yours. And then they
kill themselves with too much vaccines.
Wonderful! The point is there's one more #SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready
film I haven't seen but it's not immediately available to me per my
understanding. I feel like I saw a Saw movie a year or two ago, MAYBE
the movie JOHN Q. Which is a relatively very different movie?
But that's what is in mny head for a Saw Sequel for some reason? Still
a solid 40, 50% chance unseen Saw movie is Kind Of a John Q scenario.
I dunno what else is going on and crap. Also is it possible by
John Q I just mean a movie with a hostage negotiation. Upon
great news Act II: The Second Act Of Entry is over. Be back in a bit!
Titles For Sale
good news is I have my bagel and eggs, bagel is only slightly toasted, and
it's delicious. BAD NEWS is that I burnt my thumb. I forget on
what. Did I touch actual Hot Pan for some reason? I dunno.
Did I touch Egg In Pan? Seems plausible but that wouldn't have burnt
me. In the end its a MIXTURE. I touched the Hot Pan with my
thumb TO BETTER ACCESS touching the Eggs in the pan. But anyway the
bagel is toasted perfectly in that its toasted BUT I can still Taste The
Everything. Anyway did The Good Guys win Football last night?
I'm asking because I'm watching High School Football from a decade ago on
HBOMAX. Figure each one is relevant to the other.
Anyway like I Think I Said 1 delivery down, 1 to go!
Anyway, there's gotta be SOME Scripted Series Show that I can watch.
First thing off the top of my head was ASH VS THE EVIL DEAD. I saw the
first series (In British talk!-- you might call it a season) and
liked it well enough! Also a week after Wednesday is when we celebrate
Ash Of The Evil Dead Franchise. ALso I think I have the same problem
as I have with A & E. Same deal. So what can I watch now.
I don't know I'll keep myself updated on this situation as it progresses.
Anyway most responsible dinner for tonight is Salmon + Noodles. If I'm
having COmmunal Pasta tomorrow night, then I'd have to finish to the next
day, so if I wanna finish off Salmon By Combining It With Noodles, and I
don't wanna double up on Pasta (Pasta = Noodles) on the same day, gotta have
it tonight! That's cool I can live with that.
Not 100% on how they manage to make Everything Bagels
at 380 calories while Plain Bagels are 370 calories. What you
trying to say? EVERYTHING is only 10 Calories? Most logical
explanation is they take some calories out of Plain Bagels to make the
everything bagels. I don't know WHAT. Maybe sugar or starch or
flour or something. I don't have all the details! Either way its
delicious. Before Pandemic Quarantine, I was in the habit of gettin
Cinnamon Raisin bagels IF and ONLY IF I was gonna get a bagel.
These are the important issues of the day. Figure I'll keep on
with this High School Football Single Series Docu Series. The
important thing is I can never convince my parents to just have regular
elbow macaroni. What are they dumb or something? You put BONUS
BUTTER on that sucker to make up for Lack of Sauce. Buttery Goodness
re: Pasta!
Whatever. Such is life! There's a SINGLE
episode of #TalesFromTheCryptFebruaryAlready that I'm interested in for
right now. I don't think its a particularly great one! No
EXPLICIT reason who I'd be into it Right Now. But all things the same,
for whatever reason, I AM, "Into," IT! Anyway HOLY MOLY parents
getting Double Vaccinated is IN THE CARDS over the next few weeks hopefully.
And hopefully I'm not too far behind! And then FINALLY I can get
Jalapeño Cheeseburger Sliders from White'd Castle. Better LTURQ to
make sure they weren't just a promotional item that they've discarded.
END IS IN SIGHT. And by The End I mean triple bypass surgery.
I could have said quadruple. I don't think it'll be that bad,
though! Maybe if they weren't Sliders!
Last paragraph! Obviously main White Castle
Memory was getting it on the way home from High School. Only a few
blocks away from Train Station, my Mom would pick me up, drive me thru Drive
Thru White Castle! I also recently thought of the once a week I would
hang out with friends At Friends House and then the Friendship Enterprise
Occasion would end around 10 or 11 and I'd convince my Mom or Dad whose
MAKE ME GAIN WEIGHT SOMEHOW. Ahh, memories. The point is
what else is going on. The point is I had A LOT of WONDERFUL Late Late
Lunch Opportunities for when I was getting home from school. White
Castle, Burger King, Wendys, Quiznos in later years, Hot Dog Cart, Dunkin
Donuts/ToGos in later years... IS THAT NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU.
One more bonus paragraph! Well, One More
Paragraph. And/OR One bonus Paragraph. That sort of thing.
In further introspection maybe should have gotten Pizza sometimes.
A Good pizzeria near Train station (VERY IMPORTANT PIZZA). But I would
have had to get out of the car. I'm not, "On Board," with that!
Oh well I ruined my previous life in retrospect. I can, "Dig," eating
Salmon + Noodles for tonight. I can, "Dig," it real good!
All things considered, though, White Castle was probably Most Prominent of
Those Late Late Lunches. Also they're not BONUS lunches. I eat
no lunch during school time! This be my lunch! GET OFF MY BACK
ABOUT IT. Whatever. I'll see you guys tomorrow for some reason
no one is really sure of.
-2:27 P.M.
February 7, 2021
Here Take All My Titles
what's going on in Wide World of Sport &/or Sports. Gotta do some Wipe
Off Snow From Car today. MAYBE some Shovelling but snow is so soft it
may be unnecessary! So I gotta do SOMETHIN' but in the end it might
not be THAT MUC'. Anyway BREAKING NEWS from my Dad, "Now its
starting to snow heavier." Well great just great. Is it
because I said, "Sport &/or Sports?" I assume its my fault in some
way. Anyway a new Issue Around The House is that I use the same
coffee mug for 2 or 3 days in a row. Coffee leaves Coffee Ring around
Mug Inside that you need to wipe down MANUALLY with SOAP and SPONGE.
And ya know what They Have A Point! So I'll try to keep that in mind
for the rest of my life. Anyway way, either way about a 60% chance I
finish II Acts before SnowChores. 30% Chance I finish ALL III ACTS.
30% chance I get into Act III and not finish it.
So I got that going for me is the point. The
point is having 1% leftover coffee from Yesterday makes it BETTER.
Coffee is like a fine wine it gets better with Being Out In Room Temperature
for 24-48 hours. Prove me wrong! I don't get WINE: The
Business. Okay well lets make all this wine and sell it in about 40
years. NOW WE PLAY THE WAITING GAME. Doesn't seem
sustainable, especially considering this has been going for CENTURIES?
like ok well NOW we can sell the wine we started 40 years ago.
But how did this business enterprise START. They had to start at SOME
POINT waiting 40 years for this to start paying off. I dunno maybe
it was more like a Hobby. A recreational activity. Some sort of
Thing To Do As A Bonus Fun Activity Over Your Entire Epoch.
What else is going on and crap. Hey good news
his chance to schedule a 2nd dose so I dunno What's Gonna Happen With That!
Anything is better than nothing! Also Bonus Bad News--- NO Vaccine for
my Mom. Hardly seems fair! But even just him getting vaccine is
good for my mom. Now HE can't spread it to HER. Problem Solved!
Problem about 25, 33% solved! The problem isn't solved but it's been
confronted and assuaged by a non insignificant percent. What else
is going on. Is it possible My Dad takes HALF the vaccine and
saves the other half for 2 weeks from now? Would that work? My
guess is problem won't be solved but it will be confronted and assuaged
by a non insignificant percent.
Anyway. What kinda lunch do I have in store
for today. Possibly some sort of Bagel + Egg. Feels right for
right now! And by right now I mean in 2 or 3 hours. AFTER
SNOWCHORES. Anyway tonight is some kind of Super Bowl. Which I
believe is the Wrestlemania of Foot Ball. Wrestlemania I think means,
PEOPLE CRAZY. That's what Mania means in English. Gotta
imagine that comes from Latin. SOUNDS like a Latin phrase. Oh
we're suffering Manias. Things of Craziness. Also I just did
some Research on Google, and it's not just Any Craziness, but a KIND OF
EXCITEMENT EUPHORIA. So Positive Craziness, then. We
should all be so lucky as to suffer from Wrestle Mania. Anyway I was
Doing Some Research a few days ago and I found that we have 10 pints of
blood in Our Human Bodies. Individually. And I was all
like, GET THIS, that seems KIND OF LOW. Then I saw when you
donate blood it's traditionally 1 pint. That seems VERY HIGH.
THAT DOESN'T SOUND GOOD. They give you Walking Around Money and
Cool! I was looking forward to doing an
EASY Snowchore. Easy, QUICK. Now it looks like SHOVELLING WILL
BE NECESSARY. DAMNIT. Also YES I added, "Shovelling," to the
Microsoft FrontPage Dictionary. I don't know WHY. I guess I was
just very enthusiastic about it at one point over the last few days.
Anyway how's #SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready going. Well so far
each film is worse than the last film. More or less. So I
got that going for me. The point is if Wrestlemania was broadcast live
on Regular Analog Channel would people pay attention to that Like The
Superbowl? I feel I'd Like It BETTER. So basically get Vince
McMahon on the phone I've got a BILLION DOLLAR IDEA! Also 50% of
all profits Go To Me for coming up with this BILLION DOLLAR IDEA!
THAT'S ONLY FAIR. Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.
Just Don't Hurt Me
I'm back. It's been a solid Oh I Don't Know FIFTEEN MINUTES?
Into It (as quickly as possible so we can Let's Get Out Of It) possible
lunches are Bagel + Egg, Chicken Parm, HorDourves Party, Frozen Meal + Rice.
Those are my TOP FOUR OPTIONS. If I can't figure out one of those four
to have for lunch today then I'M BEYOND REDEMPTION. SURE I could have
1/6th of It's Dijoirnio: Get Off My Back About It with 1 or 2 Ribs.
But I WON'T. I feel very strongly about this. Anyway. Been
seeing commercials all over the place about Dijuornio Hyping a new flavor:
Croissant. Look Pizza is great. Crossing is delicious!
Croissant pizza, You're Just Trying Too Hard! Doesn't sound good at
all. Get Of My Back About It is the point.
Great! Looks POSSIBLE I'll have Entry finished
before SnowChores. That's how I feel. Anyway haven't Broken Any
Glasses today. I'm trying In Earnest to think what can I do moving
forward to decrease the odds and chances I will continue to break Glass
Glasses. I mean to be honest, now that I'm in my head about it,
it's now only MORE likely I overthink it and end up dropping the glass.
I dunno whattado about it! Anyway. I was telling my
DRUGS. I'm discombobulated for some reason! And I didn't
really FEEL like I was discombobulated. I was just saying that to
please my parents with some explanation. It implies I have some sort
of DISEASE or CONDITION where I'm prone to Not Being Able To Hold Onto
Glasses Sufficiently. Now I'm in my head about it and WHAT IF I DO
Entire Life. Who came up with the word, "Discombobulate." I
wanna know what THEY were smoking!
What else is going on and crap. Anyway OVERALL
the meal I'm looking forward to the most before Thursday's Re-Upping with
Super Market Delivery is Chicken Parm. BUT I don't particularly
feel like I'd utilize it best as today's lunch. So I got that going
for me is the point. Maybe HourDerves Party. I LIKE those
odds. Huh? Oh, right. Hey we're halfway
through Act II! I LIKE those odds. Oh I get it. The
great thing about an HourDourves Party is you can't even pinpoint the best
Party Contained Within. Chicken nuggets are wonderful. Tater
Tots are great. Cocktail Franks are The Star Of The Show. I
didn't say they were THE BEST. They're THE STAR. They're GOOD
but maybe the supporting cast is doing a better job overall! I don't
feel comfortable proclaiming things either way!
Great, just great. At this rate I will
solidly not miss a day before Super Market Re- Upping. My
favorite part about Twitter lately is, I dunno if its just for me or
universal, but the NEWS &/or Current Events Being Tweeted About
section is just random stuff over the last 4 years. I mean--
relatively big events. Bigger than your random selection. But I
dunno why that they're suddenly like hmm the big news that we must alert
you to is the time where Trump said we should drink bleach or something and
then They Denied It, The Bleach Companies, and that's what the story is.
Look that's an important story to drive home What The Hell We Had To Live
With That For FOUR YEARS?, but not an especially important story for NOW
specifically! And its not just that. ALL OF IT, for me, is just
random stuff. Oh there was a revolution or coup or new election
somewhere in Venesylvania. Two or three years ago. Now We're
Finally Getting Around to Alerting You.
Cool. EASY to finish Entry before SnowChores.
Made a PACT with my Dad it'd be done between 2 and 3 PM. Right now
just past 1 PM. I can do this EASY assuming my Dad doesn't yell up to
me at 2 and INSISTS that I gotta do it then! So I got that going for
me is the point. Anyway Day Is Scheduled A Lot Better finishing entry
around 1-3 PM instead of 3-5 PM. A LOT BETTER. So basically I
got that going for me is the point. I feel like I'd TRY Croissant
Dijoirno because its 2 Indulgents at 1ce but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna
like it! Sure though send me some of it and I'll stuff it down my
gullet. I got nothin' better to do! Anyway whatta do with the
rest of the day. I feel like I'm somewhere into Episode V of #SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready.
YEP halfway through five. I might need to read the plots on Wikipedia
because I lost track of what dumb shit is goin on over the course of this
franchise. Anyway I'll be back in a little bit!
Now Where Do I Go
I'll just stay at home. That's been working out pretty well for me
the last Oh I Don't Know A YEAR. There was a 2 or so weeks where I
was talking 2 walks a day. I remember because it included ELECTION
DAY: THE DAY WE DUMPTED THE TRUMP. Oh well such is life.
Anyway pushing back SnowChores an hour &/or half an hour, so I will eat
lunch before then. But after entry! Funny how things work out.
Also it will be an Hor Douerves Party. Funny how things worked out!
Hmm Finger Food. I'M LAUGHING ALREADY! Cocktail Franks.
Small Dicks. Is Foreskin essentially a Cock Tail? I'm asking
because I don't know! I'm not 100% sure what foreskin is or what it
does! But I feel like a solid 40% chance that Cock Tail =
Foreskin means something. Funny how things work out.
Foreskin isn't Kosher. I know THAT much.
Four more paragraphs to go. Put Party Food in
the oven in about 10 minutes. I got that going for me is the point.
What if I DON'T put Nuggets in the oven. And put them in the
microwave. Two minutes before I would take Party Food out of oven!
That way I'm not SETTLING for WORSE CHICKEN NUGGETS. I can have THE
BEST OF ALL WORLDS and I'd be a DAMN FOOL to not microwave them nuggets!
Also I dunno abuot my Dad getting vaccine. Who would I rather Survive,
Dad or Mom. That's a tough one! I AM leaning one way but I don't
wanna say. It'd be INCONSIDERATE on the .5% chance either of them ever
reads this Act Of Entry. Also that's just a FIRST Impression of the
top of my head. The OTHER parent surely has a lot going for them as
well! In the end I'm SURE I'd come to the conclusion they're both
about equal in terms of WHOM I Want To Live.
Great, just great. I don't get the movie SAW.
I was about to make a Laugh Em Up Observation That's Accurate but I
realized you'd need to see The Original #SawTheFranchiseToFebruaryAlready to
conclusion. I ain't here to fuck with your #SawTheFranchiseToFebruaryAlready
experience! So lets move on. Good thing I devoted 3 or so
sentences to Explicitly NOT ruin your #SawTheFranchiseToFebruaryAlready.
Now we're all on the same page! Anyway. Wearing my 2008 Biden
T-Shirt. Also got some kind of person named Obama advertised on the
shirt. I guess he was an early endorser of Biden/Harris 2020?
Something along those lines. When Obama picked Biden was he THINKING
oh I'm settin' this dude up to be next President. My guess? SURE
IT CROSSED HIS MIND. Cracked THAT Code Once and For All.
Penultimate paragraph! Put Party Food in
oven! Whatta do with rest of the day. After Snowchore whole lot
of ComputerTV to watch. We're talking finish Saw V. We're talkin
#CNNToDocuSeriesFebruaryAlready. That's about it, that's what we're
talkin' about. Is it just me or is every Stanley Kubrick movie
horrifying? The Shining? Obviously the most obvious Horror
movie. 2001? HORRIFYING. Clockwork Orange?
HORRIFYING. Full Metal Jacket? HORRIFYING. Eyes Wide Shut?
HORRIFYING. Dr Strangelove? HORRIFYING. Lolita?
HORRIFYING. When I Was a kid I just thought these were all great,
wonderful movies of differing genres. Now I REALIZE 100% OF THESE
thinking of Kubrick because I was trying to imagine WHAT ELSE ON HBOMAX can
I Watch and it included me thinking about the 3 Kubrick Movies I explicitly
remember available! Also, Barry Lyndon? NOT HORRIFYING.
Maybe when I' a little bit older I'd fine the Horror In That Movie, Too.
Last paragraph. My first thought when Twitter
started advertising Old News to me was oh they're doing a Best Of Trump's
Presidency Years. A reminder of all the emblematic &/or top stories
over the past four years. But now we're weeks into this and I'm
starting to get the impression that isn't the correct explanation. A
week from Tuesday, Calendar says, is, "SHROVE TOESDAY." What the hell.
SHROVE must mean something! Especially because Microsoft FrontPage
RECOGNIZED, "Shrove," as a word! LEMME LTURQ! Apparently the
only meaning is IN Shrove Tuesday &/or Christianity in general. But,
yes, Strove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday. Which I'm
guessing is a "Nightmare Before Christmas," type scenario but for ASH
Wednesday. Which is a thing presumably has to do with Jesus?
Better LTURQ. You're supposed to eat Pancakes on Strove Tuesday.
Well I'm on board for that! Sure. Why not. I'll see
you guys tomorrow.
-1:53 P.M.
February 6, 2021
I Feel Like I've
Written This Before
what's the word for Physically Dumb. I'm the most Physically
Dumb Person In The World! Dropped &/Or Broke ANOTHER GLASS this
morning. You'd think I'd have learn't my lesson. Right?
Wouldn't You? You wouldn't. Hmm. Well You Give Me Very
Little Credit Apparently. But anyway I hadn't been drinking either
time! No drugs other than usual morning medications. I just
REACH FOR GLASS and IT ALL GOES HAYWIRE and before you know it It's
SHUTTERING on the floor! Such is life. Althuogh it may
lead to a Revolution In Drinking Technology for me-- using a water bottle
over and over again even with soda and/or Other Non Alcoholic &/or
Coffee-Related beverages. This is what I would do when I was dorming
in colleges all except one or so terms. I have NO GLASSES. I had
to re-use Soda &/or Water Bottles ALL DAY. Which is not so bad because
I'm constnatly re-upping with them, right? YEAH PARTIAL CREDIT.
I'd have to re-fill them with water for the rest of the day. I"m not
getting a new soda before I go to sleep. But I may need WATER in that
What else is going on and crap. FINALLY FINISHED
There's More Snow Coming Tomorrow. WELL THAT HARDLY SEEMS FAIR NOW
DOES IT. Got some Fried Chicken in oven for a little bit later.
wide world of sporting enterprises. I looked at Calendar and Crunched The
Numbers and it's about 5 weeks until QuarantineYearAnniversary. I
should celebrate by Hibernating for another year. Hey HOw About This
Bit wha groundhog is gonna hibernate another 6 weeks if it sees its
shadow what about US am I right we all hibernating except for half of us Get
A Load Of That! I assume it's a Will He/Won't He Hibernate
Situation re: Ground hogs. They have no vested interest otherwise
whether More Winter is coming or not. Better LTURQ. YEP
its a Hibernation Thing. You heard it here... second or third.
You probably heard it at one point. But very possibly not again.
Until now!
Cool. Am watching the #SawFranchiseToFebruaryAlready.
Already halfway through SAW III: I SAW THIS ONE ALREADY. I'm sure
there's 100 dozen things you can be like oh cracked the code of this
film/script with Saw, but I like the most obvious and immediate one to
me where it's like Hey Saw Backwards is WAS. I SAW this film.
Now its a WAS in my memory. I dunno if I explained that, "Pun,"
100% To Its Fullest Accuracy. Oh well what can ya do move on with
our lives that's all we CAN do. Anyway if I was in a SAW type
scenario Death Trap, Why This Is Easy Just Do the Painful Thing To Stay
Alive. Duh! Problem Solved! All these people are IDIOTS.
But Mike some things aren't physically painful they're emotional or
morally painful. Hey ASSHOLE LIKE I SAID do the painful
The main problem I'd have is the rote
literally mechanical work of surviving. Like if there's a cage around
my head that'll snap it in two, and I need to get the key in acid or
something to unlock it (this was more or less a real case in one of the ones
I saw), basically, yeah, EASY. Get that key in the acid! Save
your life by sacrificing your hand to acid! BUT the problem would be
I'd be like ok the key goes into this key hole in the back of my head,
trying to get it in, twist it rig... FUCK I DROPPED THE KEY, where is it..
And That's How I'd Die. Anyway. Alternative to
Drinking Soda from Water Bottles-- coat my entire floor with Towels.
Real Rubber Room type energy for my bedroom. It's called Playing It
Safe alright I don't see a problem with that premise! Been drinking
beer by pouring it into a glass in intervals. Can't do that anymore!
Not safe! Gotta drink directly from aluminum cans!
Wonderful. The point is this time around I
pricked my thumb picking up glass. Put a bandaid on that sucker for an
hour or so. Took it off! All healed! Can still see A Dot
Of Red but that's it nothing's flowin' out even if I put pressure on the
surrounding areas! Problem solved! Yep lunch'll correspond with
Act II just about right. Startin' both at the same time That's What
I'm Anticipating! Starting to Make My Own Presets for Guitar
Amplification System. Get to have 30 at a time. I'm having A
BLAST I totally have THREE 75% Done. And I get to TITLE them.
Three Preset Titles are WONDERFUL I can totally encourage myself to play
these presets by the amazing titles to the presumed guitar sound FOUND in
each preset. I hope to get to a full 30 Presets that I made myself.
And more importantly TITLED myself. And least importantly are a
great baseline to a guitar sound that I Can Do Somethin' With.
I'll be back in a bit!
Titles Am I Right
Talkin Fried Chicken + Some Half Sphere Potatoes. We're talkin' I had
Fried Chicken In Oven at the APPROPRIATE AMOUNT as compared to getting it
wrong in the past. Presumably too burn't! If I got it wrong the
other way I could just leave it in! Oh well such is life.
Anyway. #SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready often (so far) revolves around
plots/characters in both Law Enforcement And/Or Hospitals. HMM SOUNDS
I knew these two CNN/HBO shows were related somehow. They're both
reasonably affiliated with SAW TYPE SITUATIONS. Anyway this Lunch
is Better Than I Anticipated! It's solidly Pretty Great. Anyway
there's a little Clown Type Doll who taunts people in Saw and I used to
think oh this is the killer. He's half human half mechanical Clown
Type Doll Who Rides A Bike whose killing people. I dunno what the
point of him IS though, if not that! Maybe to help market the movie.
REALLY SURE OF! Ya know that sort of thing.
Woke up late AND had to deal with Broken Glass AND had
to do some Shovelling. That's why Lunch is with Act II and not Act
III. Act III is too little space between Lunch and Presumptive Dinner!
The worst part of Fried Chicken Lunch is I'm eating a lot of bones.
You're supposed to eat AROUND the bones. Yeah oh well what are
ya gonna do. That's too much work. EASIER to take Big Ol
Bites and then if I feel bones just spit out EVERYTHING IN MY MOUTH.
It's EASY and its PRODUCTIVE. I mean, I dunno if a Crunch is a Bone or
a Solid Piece of Fried. It's called Fried Chicken over all.
There's bites that are just of the Fried Exterior with absolutely no
chicken. That's called Just Eating Fried. Anyway figure I'll
finish #SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready Around Oh I Don't Know tomorrow?
Cool. I think its great that my parents have
been able to get a vaccination FOR WEEKS but they can't get a slot so
logically New York's solution to this problem is to Bring Down The Limits of
who can get a vaccine to include more people. WAY TO GO YOU FUCKIN'
Also it affects my life but I Ain't Even Thinking About That!
Apparently I AM! Otherwise It Wouldn't Occur To Me To Say It! Oh
Well! SOLID over 50% chance I'll be having Meat'd Loaf Tonight.
APPARENTLY February 12th (A WEEK FROM YESTERDAY) is Chinese New York.
I MEAN Chinese New Year. Also Lincoln's Birthday. Which means
that if Lincoln was in the Republican Party today the other Republicans
would Smear Him by connecting him to China. SOUNDS ABOUT RIGHT.
When Republicans STILL say they're the Party of Lincoln... feels like you
should press them to name ONE WAY you're the party of Lincoln. You
already seem to be on the side of the Confederacy so Right Off The Bat it
doesn't look accurate.
Anyway what else is going on and crap. I
don't get why Lincoln wore a top hat. Wasn't he tall enough? He
really needed to compensate for SOMTHIN' SO MUCH that he had to appear EVEN
TALLER? How tall was Lincoln. Maybe he wasn't that tall and
the reason I THINK he's tall is the hat. Better LTURQ. YEP HE
I'm estimating the hat adds about 6 feet. Prove Me Wrong!
Lincoln INDEED was the tallest president. Shortest president was James
Madison. At 5'4! And presumably he padded that by an inch or two.
So basically if I were president I could Solidly TIE for shortest president!
That's not so bad! At least I got Madison here in my boat to keep me
company. James Madison huh. We know him as the president
who.. uhh... seems like a SOLID president per my memorance. One of the
first presidents. Third or Fourth or Somethin. YEP FOURTH.
That settles that! It Settles NOTHING! That settles that!
NOTHINGS BEEN SETTLED. That settles that!
Last paragraph of Act II. Already finished
lunch. I LIKE those odds. Also I said something about ANY TWO
TIMES TWO: THE EVENING. You can't have An Even becoming Even MORE
WORD CHOICE IN MIND it is WRONG. Not looking forward to an Act III
latish in the afternoon without lunch. It'll be OKAY because at least
I have Good Ol Friend Alcohol and I'll Get Through It Okay. But as of
now Not Anticipating A Great Time! Maybe all that'll change after I've
had a Nice Act Break. Decompress. Or Re-compress.
Un-compress? Supra-Compress? Look compression is a key component
of Upcoming Act Break but I haven't crunched the numbers to crack the code
of HOW its involved. I'll be back in a bit.
Website Huh Who Needs
me! Wait. Yes I do. Especially me! Yep.
Anyway took a Nice Big Ol Break. We're talkin I took a Bath WIth
Myself. We're talkin I finished Saw II. Anyway what's the
lowest Roman Numeral Number that is a word if you count each symbol as a
letter and not a number. And, "I," doesn't count. Hmm this is a
good one. Why should I figure it out when YOU can crack the code!
E-mail lowest Roman Numeral that is a word IN THE ENGLISH language and
e-mail it to mankindguy at gmail dot com. If you get it right WAY
TO GO YOU'RE MY NEW HERO. If you get it wrong how did you
manage to get it wrong? I can see you giving up before you get it
right. I guess you can come up with something that's like in The
Thousands and don't wanna crunch the numbers to find something before it.
But if you're LIKE ME and your way of figuring it out is from Bottom Up...
what's going on again? Oh, right. Paragraph is over.
Cool. I think its interesting that there's a Real
Superbowl tomorrow because by my estimations we've lost about Seven or Eight
Superbowls of People to Coronavirus: The Virus That Won't Stop Killing
People. Anyway these Saw movies are fine. Alternates between
Very Meh to Hey Not Bad. And spends A LOT of time In The Middle.
SO its got that going for it is the point. I dunno about you guys but
I think NOW is the time to buy stock in Gamestop: The Organization That
Exists For Trading On Wall Street Enterprises. I feel like that should
have been part of the Coronavirus Stimulus Relief Package. Everyone
gets stock in GME (Game Stop Stock Enterprise). It's good because IT'S
Toy's R Us. What the hell does that name even mean. Whose
I'll get to the bottom of that one day presumably. I've
got lots of days left. Certainly plausible at some point I'll come
back around on this thought and work it out more extensively. Anyway.
Mayb watch some DOCU SERIES before going back to #SawTheEnterpriseFebruaryAlready.
Feels like I could use a nice break! The point is I stepped on some
residual glass an hour ago but I could trace it down so I Guess That's What
Life Is Now. Life is a lot like my room: Lots of tiny pieces of
glass on the floor. Can't even grasp it between two fingers.
Can't even see it! But it'll stab you with itself all the same!
This is the life we chose. Work on some Guitar Amplification System
presets. That'd be a Blast &/or A Half. I CAN HAVE 2 FULL TINY
Let The Games Begin! What else is going on
and crap. All things being equal, maybe I go with Re-Watching #MarvelSummerToRemember
for THIS Summer... To remember... Presumably! That's the thing that
Kicked Off #AllTheHashtags! Ugh. Two more paragraphs to
go is the point. Solidly finish the entry before Sundown Commences. Better
LTURQ. YEAH I'M SAFE. Sunset isn't for another Oh I Don't
Know 49 Minutes? Also, I do know. I JUST CHECKED.
That's the entire premise of the last 3 or 4 sentences. 48
Minutes! I just thought saying Oh I Didn't Know would make me seem
like A Big Man. Anyway. I saw Virginia is Latest State to
legalize marijuana presumably! Is Marijuana GOOD for lungh problems?
BAD for lung problems? All of the above? None of the above?
I forget what the question was? I can see the answer being ANY &/OR
SLIP! I meant Lung problems but Marijuana would have some SERIOUS
IMPLICATIONS on Lunch Problems. Boy oh boy what odd and strange
webs we weave.
Last paragraph. Lets close it out strong!
That'd be a nice change of pace. Man at this point I'd be putting food
in oven in But An Hour And A Half after entry is over! That ain't but
a thing! Well, great, just great. Calendar says February 15 is
not just, "President's Day," [which checks out], but ALSO, "Family Day."
What the hell is that bullshit. I never heard of no FAMILY DAY.
I better LTURQ. HMM its real and its a CANADIAN THING. Perfect.
Family Day. Canadian. PERFECT. Canada. Familial.
Days. Perfect! Country. Day. Perfect! I Can't Get
Enough of it. Well that's about it for today. ...we've
established that the theme of this calendar is Patriotic USA. Now
they're telling me about a CANADA DAY THING? Something FISHY is
going on and I'll get to the bottom of it at some point presumably. Is
it a COINCIDENCE its on Presidents day? Or is that a FEATURE not a Bug
to Canada's Family Day. They can't celebrate Presidents Day for
obvious reasons so they had to figure somethin' out for themselves. I
dunno! I don't wanna know! I'll see you guys tomorrow!
-4:42 P.M.
February 5, 2021
It's A Good Thing
You're Here
going on in Wide World of Sport. Lower back hurts!
Presumably because all that Big Man ShoveLLing. But its fun! Now
that lower back hurts, I can appreciate all the other parts of my body tha
DON'T hurt. So I'm comin' out on top either way! Gotta do more
Shovelling in an hour or two and that should do it! Got Blood Work
done this morning and I WAS NUMBER ONE. They give you a number for
where you are in line for blood work. They open at 9:00 AM!
Usually I get there at 9:15 and am like Oh I Don't Know NUMBER EIGHT?
With it being on Number Three? This time around I got there at 8:55 AM
but its nice to see it confirmed explicitly. Gained three pounds
since last month! Oh well what can ya do! Eat less?
Nah I Ain't Gonna Do That.
Wonderful. I don't get why Stripping Someone Of
Commitee Work is a bad thing. Look she's getting paid the same
amount! For less work! So it-- WAIT A SECOND I CRACKED THE
CODE. She WILL be getting paid less! Instead of Corporations
and Wealthy Stoking Her Coffers with money so she can vote in their best
interest In Committee... Nothin! Hmm so what I'm trying to say is
are technically called, "GRAND VOTES." No one that's why!
I believe she is a multi-millionaire In Real Life. Congress is
Keyfabe life. Real life is Real Life. Where she is a multi
millionaire. Anyway great what else is going on. Watched a
OTHER HOST JOBS about RABIES. Kids gettin' RABIES. One from
playing with a Bat. The other one I forget I wasn't Paying Close
Enough Attention. Rabies is more serious than I thought? Once
you start showing symptoms MAY BE TOO LATE to prevent death! So
kids don't get rabies. You Heard It Here First!
What else is going on and crap. Lots of good
options for lunch today! I'm thinkin about a nice PASTRAMI SANDWICH.
With a side of Oh I Don't Know That's Accurate I Really Don't Know.
RICE? I got some Yellow "Spanish" Rice left that I could AND SHOULD
finish. Anyway will I have Act II written before Shovelling Show
Enterprise or After? I dunno yet as of this point! You'd think
people in congress would be happy on committees where they can do the most
good. WRONG! They want to be on committees which Corporations
and Wealthy are most invested in so they will receive the most donation
SOUNDS right. You read that sentence and you're like Well That Makes A
Lot Of Sense Pot Committed To Believing It At This Point. Anyway.
HMM State Of The Union coming up in a couple of weeks.
I can't wait to find out what the state of the union is. I Bet It's
STRONG! Also if the state of the union is strong, Three More
Weeks Of Winter. Nailed It! I don't get the state of the
union. There's lots of states in the union. Why is this one any
more important. Did NOT Nail that one. Oh well such is
Show Snow even without Shovel. Hmm I enjoyed the Wide Fettuccini
Alfredo Pasta so much next week might get SEVENTEEN orders of it.
That's THREE MORE MEALS than I'd eat over a week BUT if for some reason I
can't get ANY meals the week AFTER This Upcoming Week then at least I have
Three Meals of Wide Fettuccini Alfredo Waiting In The Wings. ALT
IDEA-- DOUBLE UP Fettuccini Alfredos and make 8 or 9 meals of what THEY say
You know, that sort of thing. At this point
certainly looks like I can work in an Act II before Big Man Experience of
Shovelling. At this point certainly looks like Best Alternative to
Sandwich Lunch is Noodle + Salmon lunch. I can see it going either
way! I'll see how I feel after Big Man Experience: The Shovelling Snow
Enterprise. Yesterday it effected my hunger and what I was hungry for.
It could have an impact on What I Wanna Do For Lunch again today! SURE
I probably would have gotten Corn't Beef instead of Pastrami but They Didn't
Have My Brand! And maybe it works out for the best I Don't Know I
Don't Have All The Details In Front Of Me. Anyway wore a Heavy Duty
mask today. We're talkin actually TWO masks. Your regular run of
These are the days of my lives. I'll be back in a little bit.
So I've Read
remember The Joke I made during Act I? Three more weeks of winter.
I don't think we'll EVER forget that one. Top 10 Jokes Of All Time!
Anyway certianly leaning towards Sandwich for lunch. But it's TWO Mini
Sandwiches. We don't have Regular ROll which would be a hearty roll
for a sandwich. Only dinner rolls! Two of em with some Pastrami
(SPANISH) RICE? I'm leaning heavily towards this lunch Because
Might As Well Gotta Eat Something For Lunch This Seems Like It'll Do The
Trick. Anyway got my Bonus Beer today even though I'm not running
out of Regular NonBonusBeer for a few days. Pretty Relatively Easily
will I have enough beer to last me until next Super Market Re-Up
Order. And then another 4 or 5 days after that! Then I have to
take 2 or so days off. SUCH IS LIFE.
What else. I can't wait to lose weight starting
some time this year! 1) WHen I can take 5 OutsideWalks A day not only
do I burn more calories, but if I'm structuring day around 5 walks, kinda
lessens the idea that I'd be having Snacks in between meals. Too busy
walking! And thinking about walking! Snacks are an after
thought! Also 2) IF they ever legalize marijuana, that'll help me
diet. YES I know it makes food Super Great BUT I can smoke instead of
drink so if I don't eat more I'm consuming HALF A POUNDSWORTH LESS each
week! 3) Kinda due for some Restraint of Eating either way, right?
Seems like I would be. The point is 1) will probably happen over
the next few months. 2) Decent shot it'll happen sometime but in no
way is it a, "Slam Dunk," Prediction. 3) I dunno that's giving me
too much credit.
I think they should set up Home Privately Owned
Basketball Hoops that are ~2 or 3 feet lower than usual so I can Slam Dunk
Til My Hearts' Content. Myanmar. Is that near Siam.
Better LTURQ. Thailand is Siam. What used to be Siam.
Shares Borders HEAVILY with Myanmar. So the point is this
paragraph is VERY relevant to Current Events now! "Thai Land is
your land, Thai Land Was Siam..." That sort of nursery folk song
America Song Rhyme. Hey I'm halfway through Act II. I LIKE those
odds. Anyway. Watched Gremlins II for the first time in years.
I had that on VHS (and NOT the original) when I was But A Child and watched
it a bunch! And watching it again C'MON THIS IS GREAT. I'm
LAUGHING A LOT. And it MEANS things. Good for kids, good for adults,
TOP 20 FAVORITE MOVIE FOR ME. Until I forget all about Gremlins II.
Then BACK AT IT when I Remember Gremlins II All Over Again about a year
or two After I Forget It. Huh? Wha? I dunno.
Cool! I know raising the minimum wage is All The
Rage but have you heard the good news about a MAXIMUM WAGE? NO?
YEP THAT SEEMS TO CHECK OUT. If there WAS a Maximum Wage, what would
it be. Better get some people looking into this one. We gotta
remain One Step Ahead of Theoretical, "Maximum Wage Insisting," Socialists!
If it were me, I'd just be like ok three trillion dollars an hour is
Maximum Wage. Because then essentially there is no maximum wage.
And that's what I'D Support Off The Top Of My Head! I've given us
a lot to think about! Probably. I forget what I was thinking
about &/or what I was supposedly making YOU think about. Something to
do with Wages and Rages. I remember specifically because of the
rhyming involved. What else is going on.
Last paragraph of Act II! Last paragraph of PRE
Big Man Enterprise and Lunch Enterprise. Hmm making your own lunch is
KIND OF a, "Big Man," move. I ain't waiting for my Mom to make me
a sandwich. I'm doing it All By My Ownself! Then again making
a Noodles with salmon all by my ownself would be a big, "FLEX."
You know that sort of thing. Shovellin' in about 30, 45 minutes!
I LIKE those odds. What's today. Friday. Feels like a
solid WEEK since the last time it was Friday. That's how it feels
at least. The science is still out on when exactly was the last friday.
As well as what exactly WAS the day 7 days ago. The good news is I
dunno. I'll be back in a bit!
We're All Adults Here
Did my Snow Shovelling for today. CHANCE I may have to do more
tomorrow! Better chance I Won't! So I got that going for me is
the point. Lunch is Noodles + Salmon. Anyway. Had a dream I was Making
New Music with SOME sort of Celebrity &/or Artist. I forget who it
was. It was a MALE. Oh wait just cracked the code.
Wasn't a Celebrity &/Or Artist. Was a guy I know. I know very
few people so you can see why I assumed it was someone I've Seen On The TV.
ALSO I feel like PART I of the dream WAS a celebrity &/or Well Known
Arist. And then PArt II it became Guy I Know. If only I could
put the pieces together. I can't though! Puttin pieces together,
sounds like a jig saw puzzle. Is there ANYONE who enjoys Jigsaw
puzzles? I mean, if I had to guess, maybe 10% of people? 1 in
10 people are like hey jig saw puzzles this is great what else is
going on.
Anyway I was picturing eating soup yesterday after
not having Restuarant Soup in a year and it was gross! Wait a
second most of this is just taking sips of WATER? I mean that's OKAY I
guess but kind of a Snooze if not Gross. More of a snooze. I
got ahead of myself when I siad gross. Soup may be a snooze or gross
on a soup-by-soup basis. Speaking of Jigsaw Puzzles I CAN binge watch
#SawTheFranchiseFebruaryAlready. I've binge watched them completely
around a year or two ago. And based on Memory I dunno I can live
without this. But I can ALSO Live WITH it. So you can see
what my dilemma is. I got a Dilemma from Queens College. A
dilemma in English! Good for me.
Wonderful. Isn't there like a trick where they
saw Jigsaw Puzzles are easier if you flip them over and Not Look At Overall
Picture but just go by shapes? I feel like that's been proposed to me
either through People &/Or TV & Major Motion Pictures. I dunno if
you can't look at a Pretty Picture what's the point of the entire
That's My Main Motivation For Living The Next Five Hours! Saw my Dad
eating a bagel with cream cheese. I was like HEY THAT LOOKS
Penultimate paragraph! Still in the cards for
Stimulus Relief Package Bill (SRPB FOR SHORT) that they give Relief Checks
to Middle Class people instead of cuttin' a wide SWATH of them off.
Sure it's the first time I've ever used the word, "Swath." I'll use it
again! SEE I JUST DID. Anyway Yeah good that's still in the
cards! UGH was just slurping noodles to finish the noodles off and I let
too many noodles go down my gullet at a time and I was able resist spitting
them back up but it felt uncomfortable all the same. Didn't even get
to ENJOY this last bit of noodles. Supposed to cap off the meal Real
Nice Like. Now It's Ruined ENTIRELY.
Last paragraph! Maybe go directly to some #DeathRowStoriesFebruaryAlready
when this entry is over. One negative thing about Quarantine is that
Super Market Delivery is from a place that doesn't sell Indulgent
Breakfast Sandwiches. I mean, I haven't been eating breakfast at all.
But I could have an indulgent Frozen BreakFast Sandwich (IFBFS) for lunch.
It being held together by either BISCUIT or CROISSANT is what makes it
indulgent. Also REAL BREAKFAST MEAT none of this Fake Breakfast Meat
that you hear so much about in the news these days. The point is the
entry is over. I'll see you guys tomorrow!
-2:09 P.M.
February 4, 2021
This'll Be a Good Time
Maybe not! I don't have all the Details In Front Of Me. Anyway
Lotsa LIFE UPDATES. One-- Broke Glass! Glass Glass! Glass
Drinking Glass! Tall Glass Drinking Glass! We're talkin It Had
SOda, I tried to Get A Grip, I FAILED, and that sucker fell to the ground
WRONG! Glass broke anyway. Picked up as much as I could.
Still some dots of Bright SHiny Light but I can't even pinch my fingers on
it to pick it up. Now I just have to live with a Shiny Floor in that
area! Presumably I'll drop food several times a day and pick it up
and eat it and eventually eat all the glass. See, It All Works
Itself Out!
Paragraph II of NOTHING-- just accepted Super
Market Delivery! We're talkin It Had Just About Everything.
Maybe Exactly Just About Everything. A Bonus Frozen Meal than what I
wanted but That's Probably On Me. Anyway. WILL have to A SMALL
amount of shoveling in a little bit. Very small. We're talkin
maybe four or five minutes worth. I can do that, "BUZZED," why not.
I mopped up the soda. No harm no foul. My Mom made SOME effort
to get me Password for A & E: The Intervention Channel. She gave me a
possible password that I had remembered and already tried. But I tried
it again! Still didn't work! She threw her hands up in the air
Also I'm multiple children in this scenario. Sounds right.
I'm 32 years old, so I might as well be Multiple Children as an analogous
approximation. I'm a six year old standing on a ten year olds
shoulders standing on a 16 year olds shoulders. Prove Me Wrong!
Wonderful. Got some nice AL FREDO'D Pasta.
First time! Haven't had no Al Fredo in a year or so. Had it once
at beginning of pandemic lockdown! Tastes Not Quite Right At All!
Doesn't count! Eat lunch after Shoveling Enterprise. That makes
sense. Anyway I Damaged The Environment Last Night. Threw out my
garbage from the last Oh I Don't Know TWO OR THREE DAYS? And was gonna
throw out a Bag of Recyclables: The Recycling Enterprise, but that there
recycle bin was COVERED in snow. Not just Topped Off with some snow.
It was BURIED under WEEKS and MONTHS of snow. Wait. Nope.
Wrong calculations. It was BURIED under FEET of snow. Yep
that's right there we go. So anyway Dad said just throw it out.
So I did! I would have held on to it until next time I can recycle it!
So direct all your hate mail death threats to my DAD not me. W ell I
guess I'm just as guilty. I WENT ALONG with this Crime Against
Humanity so I am still just as culpable. DAMNIT I hate it when
that happens!
Anyway. One of my go-to phrases when I get a
delivery or some such similar thing is when they leave the delivery stuff
and we make eye contact I say Thanks A Lot! And I think my
intonation makes it clear I mean it. But the words themselves sort of
imply a Sarcastic way. Yeah THANKS A LOT YOU FUCKIN' ASSHOLE
MAY be what they are hearing. Oh well pot committed to saying it
now, no going back. Either eat Delicious Al Fredo'd meal or Delicious
Chicken Parm'd Meal. So many great choices! Two! Then lots
of mediocre choices. Lots! Anyway. Democrats negotiating
with themselves down to considering less Stimulus checks. Up to 50 K
yearly salary where they get the checks instead of 75K as THEY PROMISED.
WHY? Didn't Joe Biden campaign on MIDDLE CLASS? THIS THE MIDDLE
ALSO this MAY effect ME SPECIFICALLY. I don't KNOW the details of my
household's finances but it's POSSIBLE that this affects me! In a
Negative Way! So great well done. Go ahead with doing
something yourself for the greater good and just be like well its PRETTY
good, but we might as well just make it less good, just for fun. See
how that goes. Well done.
That's MY hot take. Took a day or
two off from #TalesFromTheCryptWinterToStartYourYear. Then got Right
Back Into It and Hey It's All Fresh Again! Wonderful. I'm
starting to think its a feature, not a bug, of episodes just not making
sense plotwise. There's just glaring plot holes that make it so half
the episode Just Don't Make Sense Over All. Sounds pretty CREEPY to
me! We're in a universe where A Lot Makes No Sense and Things Aren't
Quite As They Seem. Anyway what else is going on for the rest of
the day. More WHAT'S KILLING ME?: The Docu B.D. Wong Vehicle Series.
Can watch Death Row Stories: I Believe It Said It Was Narrated By Susan
Sarandon: Presumably the Susan Sarandon We Know From Films &/or Major Motion
Pictures! I'm not 100% sure why so many people like the death penalty.
HEY you know what We Should Do as a Society? KILL PEOPLE!
That settles that once and for all. No More Death Penalty! I
Shamed Them Into Submission and now the world is all the better Thanks To
This Act Of Entry! I'll be back in a bit.
Help Yourself
talked to my Dad. Would going from 75 K --> 50 K maximum salary
stimulus effect me? Survey Says... No. I ain't
gettin into any other Survey Says about how My Family Be Doin' NONE OF
YOUR BUSINESS. I dunno maybe it IS your business. I've built up a
rapport with Imaginary Website Reader where if I DON'T say stuff I know it's
like I'm trying to HIDE something. I'm not trying to hide
anything! That's MY Hot Take! Also that's my Family. For
ME its just I get to eat and drink whatever I want and live in this house
til my hearts content and recreational funds here and there AS NEEDED.
All works out in the end For ME! I'd like to do a Survey Says
about at what point do most people Stop Eating a bag of chips. How
many people eat it all down to the tiniest grain of piece? How many
people throw out the bag when it's down to 1/2 full but no more great full
sized pieces. How many people INBETWEEN. Like I said I want to
do a Survey Says. Go Fund Me with my Survey Says! I'll repay you
with a CAMEO. Also with the information borne from the Survey Says.
That belongs to Everyone.
Can two people who do cameos set up buying a cameo from
each other and it's just called Two Friends Having a Phone Conversation?
My guess is YES. Is there more coffee I could be drinking? Only
one way to find out. DO A SURVEY SAYS! Nope it's Go DownStairs
and Check. BRB! Nope no more coffee. Also More Bad
News Adventureland ISN'T in Amityville. Very close! Neighboring
on neighboring neighborhoods! So get off my back about it is the
point! Got some FRIED CHICKEN from Super Market Delivery.
We're talkin FOUR pieces. THat's a Mealworth. Maybe 3 is a
Mealsworth. One is a Snacksworth. Snackwell is a kind of cookie.
Oreo type cookie but different shape and outside is vanilla flavored not
chocolate. Sense memory of Snackwells is that's the cookie they give
you at Hospital. You gettin' a dessert with lunch or dinner? Why
It's Only A Single Portion Snackwells a solid half the time. Live Well,
Snack Well. That's MY Motto!
Haven't been hospitalized in closing in on 9 years.
KIND OF miss it? There's plusses and minuses. I can't
think of any Plusses EXPLICITLY but I KNOW they were there! Oh
right. Gives you time to rebound from Mental Episodes.
Presumably that's the Whole Idea! Yep seems to check out. I
don't think it ever really WORKS that way. But that IS the premise
according to Them. Anyway looks like my Dad and my Mom getting a
Vaccine: The Coronavirus Vaccine is CLOSING IN. Which means a lot.
Outside walking for me! Presumably that's it. Hey maybe getting
FOOD DELIVERED. Wha.. huh... WHAT THE HELL? I can't even
imagine! I can try! But I keep failing at the attempt to
imagine! I feel like it's GOOD but that's as far as I can get!
Well that settles that FOR GOOD. What if I had Al Fredo Pasta,
SMALLEST Fried Chicken: The Fried Chicken Experience, AND a DInner ROll?
I dunno what if. EXACTLY.
Cool. Also Al Fredo Pasta is half as big as
Chicken Parmesan: The Chicken Parmesan Experience. That's why ya need
more to pad it it out! I was watching a Death Row Stories about a guy
who the police planted evidence on because it was really a drug cartel and
the police were in bed with the drug cartels. Also this is all in
Miami. In the 1980's. And for context, this CNN (I think?)
series showed an 8 second clip of Scarface so we could have more context of
what that time was like. I believe, honestly, it was when he goes
SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND and then machine guns people. For 7
or 8 seconds! NOW WE HAVE CONTEXT for this innocent man on death row!
I feel like I can say Life's Too Short should have been called Say Hello
To My Little Friend but around 75% sure I've not only made a similar
joke with a similar reference, but that I made that EXACT joke with that
EXACT reference. Also all the titles for today are repeats.
That's MY Educated Hypothesis!
Great, just great. I'll eat some Fried Chicken
sure. Maybe eat it cold. Don't wanna put it in oven for now for
some reason. Not gonna MICROWAVE it. Just eat it cold! Get
Off My Back About It Is The Point. Have Cannibals ever dabbled in
Fried Human. I feel like if you're gonna eat people Fried is one way
to go. Haven't seen that yet, though! Hmm that's a good
Google Research Project. Famous Cannibals How Did They Prepare Their
Food. I'll try to remember to look into that at some point.
No I won't. I wish I could. I'll try to try to remember.
Sounds about right. If I was in charge of Hannibal Lector I'd be
like well if you're so smart why do you eat people and he'd be like
hmm good point. I'm CURED! and I'd be like yeah that's all well
and good but too late you already ate people! and he'd be like
dam. The point is I'm gonna write a bonus paragraph for this, Act
II of Website.
Great. What's the name of this pasta.
LMLTURQ. PAPPARDELLE! It's like Fettuccini but BIGGER.
We're talkin WIDER definitely. Possibly LONGER. We're talkin
SAME SHAPE MORE OR LESS. BD Wong is trying too hard to add like 25%
more Gravitas and Gravity to narrating these episodes of Something's Killing
Me: The Medical Mystery Docu Series. And it sounds weird! I
don't blame HIM. I'm sure he's acting that way under DIRECTION.
Or maybe HE CAME UP WITH IT and IS to blame. What do BD stand for.
Now I Gotta Know! Bradley Darryl. Those are GOOD names.
Either one of those names would be better than initials. HOWEVER the
COMBINATION of those two specific names, I get it, not a great Combo.
Bradley Wong and Darryl Wong are best. About equal to each other in
Quality. Then BD Wong. THEN Bradley Darryl Wong. I
cracked this code for BD Wong and now it's all that's all well and good
but too late you already ate people! One would imagine.
I'll be back a litle bit later after Shoveling and during lunch.
Now I've Gone Too Far
got lunch going on! Had to do more Shovelling Snow: The Big Man
Experience than I anticipated! AND it's still not done! More
tomorrow! But the good news is Hey this Wide Fettuccini Alfredo
ain't so bad. I can totally Taste what I Think They Were Going
For! Anyway slightly into 2nd beer for today. I like those odds
re: the odds are how that will translate into Beer Consumption Allocations
for this, the upcoming WeekEndWeek. The good news is I'm Shoveling
Ambidextrous! Was shoveling Main Way For Me and then Circumstances
Changed and had to shovel Other Way and I acclimated to that pretty well!
ONe day I hope to learn that Shoveling doesn't have 2, "L's," in it.
Not today. Maybe are you free some time next week?
Cool! One thing I like about following news
now is Yes there's a lot of news to outrage us, but we can make a choice to
only pay attention to the entire 75% of news that Exists In The Real World.
That isn't entirely existentially taxing on us! Oh Marjoie LUIS
Greene! Will she be held accountable for VIOLENCE INCITING???
OOP ACTUALLY, knowing and guesstimating how this'll all play out
off the top of my head... WELL IT TURNS OUT I DON'T NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT
ANYMORE! INCONSEQUENTIAL. Bigger Stories to think about!
Actually BAD EXAMPLE. It's been mostly framed like will she be
held accountable for awful things she's said and done. And NOT
explicitly recognizing the Violence Encouragement. Because THAT'S
serious. I'd Care About That! But if its just being framed as
oop conspiracy theorist in congress I'm like lol go nuts pun intended
we got power to do real politics stuff and normal news who cares.
But the violence thing that's hard to ignore!
The point is Wide Fettuccini Al Fredo from Super
Market is very good! Making it hard to ignore! I'm gonna
remember this when Next Week Comes Around! Also Let's Talk PortionWise
NICE BIG PORTION. Gonna wanna pair it with a dinner roll and perhaps
even a Snacksworth of Fried Chicken but VERY HEARTY. And not too many
calories all things considered! Unless they're lying about the
calories! Or lying about how hearty it is. How is that
possible. FINE if they're lying its about the calories. Glad we
settled that! The point is which Docu Series do I load up after this
Act. BD WONG or Susan Sarandon. I'm not sure if we're supposed
to know who B D Wong is. I mean, clearly I do. But its like
here's B D Wong! Everyone knows and loves this guy! He's the
guy with 2 lines of dialogue in Jurassic Park and is a legit full fledged
member of the 20 full fledged members of Oz Ensemble. But he's clearly
made an impression on me so I Dunno! Do YOU know who B D Wong is.
Did you NOT know but you do now? Do you STILL not know? E-mail
me your answers at @ crazysheet net dot. lots of stuff wrong with
that e-mail address.
Anyway. Very happy with the lunch I just had.
VERY happy. BD Wong is Asian but he's like a WHITEISH Asian. I
can RELATE To this kind of Asian. When I was in schools K-12 about an
even split between All Out Asians and Whitish Asian. Not trying to
JUDGE them either way. It's mostly how they were/are raised
presumably! What generation they are! A THIRD variable.
And sometimes White Asians hold the upper hand in life and sometimes ASIAN
Asians have got more going for them. Its not my place to judge &/Or
draw conclusions! Is Hawaii Asian. Better LTURQ. NOPE
USA USA USA! It's not really any continent, though. Just
some Land Volcanoes per my understanding. Which is very limited.
VERY limited.
Last paragraph of the day! Whatta do for
dinner tonight. I dunno UnFrozen Pizza or something. That
seems to check out. Still got A Lot of Frozen'd Kansas City BBQ Ribs:
The Kansas City Experience. Got a whole rack like 3 months ago and had
one portion of it. Maybe have some of those suckers I dunno I don't
have all the details in front of me. Maybe cut Frozen'd Pizza in TWO
and have ONE MEGASIZED rib of Kansas City BBQ. I dunno why Kasnas CIty
BBQ is supposed to sound good. Kansas City excells at NOTHING.
No one ever excited about Kansas City in any way. That's why it
sounds good. Hmm KANSAS CITY BBQ? It must be GREAT
because Kansas City is always a real snooze so if its we're going with
Kansas City in its name it must be REAL good that IT JUST DON'T CARE LET THE
BBQ SPEAK FOR ITSELF. Well see how that plays out over the rest
of the evening. Anyway. ANY NUMBER TIMES TWO: THE
EVENING. Nailed it. See ya tomorrow.
-2:04 P.M.
February 3, 2021
I Write For The People
the people write for me. Makes sense! Good Reciprocal
Relationship I have with People As A Whole. Anyway, gotta do some Snow
Shovelin' in about an hour. Figured I'll get through Act I: Act I of
The Website before that. Can I Start a petition to call Marjorie
Taylor Greene just MARJORIE GREENE. It takes away her POWER.
People with three names is a POWER Move. Read all about it in my
upcoming book Don't Take Away Your Power: People With Three Names Is A
POWER MOVE. Anyway. Not a lot of Book Titles are
EXPLICITLY all caps. I feel like you can see a cover of a book and
it's In All Caps but then if you were going to cite it for an Academic
Scholarly Paper (as you might with my Three Name Power Book) you would just
cite it with Regular Capitalization. Someone's really gotta look
into this People Are Getting Confused.
Anyway. No beer today! Beer tomorrow!
Beer Today Bong Tomorrow. Lol nice Phrase well done. I
Feel Like You're Being Sarcastic. Lol ya got me. That
Settles That. I've got plenty of names. I've got three English
names. I've got two Hebrew names. I've got music monikers.
I've got names for TV and Films that I'm IN that don't exist. I've got
all the names a person could ask for! Presumably in Hebrew I have 3
names but the last name is just my regular last name. Maybe with a
Jewish Spin. CHORNBLUM. Something like that maybe, off the top
of my head. So it either sounds like, "Chore," or it sounds like,
"Whore" with a Heavy H. Either way makes sense I guess! Goin
through Death Row Stories. Goin through WHAT'S KILLING ME? Those
are but Two Things I'm Goin' Through.
Whattado for lunch today. Maybe Frozen Meal +
Rice. Maybe Frozen Pizza + Nothin' Else You Should Just Be Happy With
The Frozen Pizza: It's Dijoirno. DEATH ROW STORIES IMPLIES IT'S
STORIES ABOUT and FROM DEATH ROW! Those stories are An
AFTERTHOUGHT to this series. All court cases and crime scene
descriptions. I feel lied to and betrayed! Still gonna watch
it here and there NOT SO MANY GREAT ALTERNATIVES. Anyway this car
has More Snow To Be Shoveled than last car. HOWEVER while shoveling
last car's snow, it was parked with 2 cars on either side of it, so I
couldn't just shovel the snow To Attack Periphery Cars. Now I can
shovel the sides of the car spot til my heart's content! Just started
coffee. Was anticipating Shovel Snow Enterprise to be Right Now but
instead Father pushed it back an hour or so. 45 minutes. We'll
have to wait and see!
Great, just great. Had some garlicked bread just
now. In further introspection, not 100% sure this bread has garlic.
I know it has CHEESE on it. And I think the CHEESE is GARLIC FLAVORED.
So it's a scam is the poitn I'm trying to make. It's like when I got
White Castle before I grew to enjoy cheeseburgers and would get the SPICY
JALAPEÑO SLIDER which derives ALL its spiciness and jalepenoness from
Also it's not kind of like that. Exact same situation.
Well, as close as you can get. So that's good.
Anyway, great, just great. Gonna have a solid few
minutes after Act I and before Snow Shoveling: The Big Man Experience.
Anyway that should probably take around Oh I Don't Know Half an Hour?
Forty Five minutes? Some Other Measurement Of Time? Look at this
point I need to give my Mom an Ultimatum: Either Figure out the
Verizon Password so I can watch A & E: Interventions OR... uh... No more...
Ya gotta make it yourself! And I know how hard it is for you to stand
at a coffee maker station for 4 minutes and do some remedial chores engaging
BOTH of your hands. So basically SHIP UP OR SHIP OUT. Not
sure what that means. Ships can't UP or Out.
Not sure if its a verb or a noun. Either way, Don't Like It!
I'll be back in a little while.
What's A Wednesday
between Tuesday and Thursday. That seems to check out pretty well.
Anyway. Did SOME Shoveling but not a lot! May have to do
more tomorrow! Thems the breaks! Lookin' forward to some lunch
with Act III. We're talkin ALMOST DEFINITELY Frozen Chicken Tikka
SPANISH (YELLOW) RICE. We're talkin it comes with Whitish (my
tangentially related sohw to Blackish) Rice, adding Yellow Rice, MULTIPLE
KINDS OF RICE AT ONCE. This culinary idea is just Waiting To Pop!
Also got to wave to The Plow Man. All that shoveling' yesterday made
it so we could Relieve our parking spot Of Our Car, so Plow People can plow
it properly. DONE. They're gonna plow other car tomorrow.
DONE. May need to shovel more tomorrow because Plow Can't Get All of
it. DONE. Wait that part isn't done yet. Ya got me.
What else is going on and crap. Got some
coffee going on. I wouldn't lie to you! Not on something as
inconsequential as this. I'd have no MOTIVE. What else do I have
going for the rest of the Week Days. The working week. The non
week-end. Also Sunday ain't no Week End it's Week Begin. For Us
Christian folk at least. Tryin' to pass as Christian. Seems
like its safer. The point is I've only used Mint Flavored Pepsid
Compltee TWICE in the last two weeks. Maybe three times. Maybe
four! PROBABLY NO MORE THAN FOUR. On the other hand I have
on-and-off Respitory Discomfort. Which is more troubling on account of
Covid: The Disease That Causes Respitory Discomfort. Yeah.
Reminds me of a feeling I'd get now and then while smoking: Smoking
Cigarettes Where Their Primary Function Is Tobacco Ingestion. But I
haven't been smoking at all! Except in my dreams! A solid ON
AVERAGE 2 days a week do I dream about smoking cigarettes. ANd now I'm
bringing that into my waking life. Like how they relize they can kill
Freddy Krueger in about 3/4ths of the #NightMareOnElmStreetWinterToStartYourYear.
Sure, great, what else is going on. Also
Freddy could probably kill these teens in Real Life too. I mean if
they all gang up on him, 4 or 6 teens could overpower him. But one on
one? Freddy'll make MINCEMEAT of this teenager and YES THAT PUN IS
100% INTENDED. Because he has sharp fingers or something. Easy
to make mincemeat. Hmm now I kinda want some Mincemeat.
No foolin, Mincemeat sounds DELICIOUS. Better LTURQ What Is Mincemeat.
It CAN have meat--
probably usually does!-- but its mainly Other Dumb Stuff. No Thank
You! I have enough in my diet Composed Of Other Dumb Stuff!
Mincemeat made mincemeat out of me thinking I knew what mincemeat meant.
Clearly still don't. That sentence still betrays the fact that I Still
Don't Know What Mincemeat Is!
Hey great just great. Had ZOOM appointment with
Psychiatrist Type Therapy Social Worker. I resisted the urge to JUst
Stare At Myself the entire phone call. Gotta iamgine that's pretty
universal. We all WANT to see ourselves talking (and listening!) but
we only glance 2% of the time. We don't want to appear VAIN or OVERLY
SELF INVOLVED. Sure this is a universal experience it's something
I've experienced. So odds are its universal! Totally
1:1 correlation between Me Doing/Feeling something and Everybody
Doing/Feeling something. As far as I know! I think part of the
appeal of Mincemeat is it sounds like something they'd eat in the
1700s or 1800's. Which is good? It's like Nice Classic
Home-style PEASANT FOOD. But PLUS MEAT. It's peasant food
made up to taste delicious BUT WE CAN AFFORD MEAT to make it Just Right!
In the 1700's just HAVING FOOD was DELICIOUS. Hey no guarantee I'd
have 3 meals today. BUT IT APPEARS I DO TODAY! MAN OH MAN AM
Great, just great. Three Bears can't be
wrong! Also when One Is Too Hot, One Is TOo Cold, and One Is Just
Right-- did the Bears who made it (who the hell makes porridge and then
LEAVES THE HOUSE?) make it differently on purpose? Papa Bear LIKES it
hot. Mama Bear likes it COLD. Baby Bear likes it ROOM
TEMPERATURE. Or was it just a matter of chance. Well there's
no new ground here. We all know WHY DID THEY MAKE PORRIDGE AND THEN
LEAVE THE HOUSE. That can't be an original Bit. Also before
Fairy Tales were there girls just roaming around BREAKING AND ENTERING?
Forget sleeping, even forget eating. WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE DOING THERE
IN THE FIRST PLACE. I'd like to get to the bottom of this one day
but like I said not original enough to pursue! All been done!
I'll be back in a little bit.
Is It Over Yet
could either think of as much yukk-em-ups about Goldilocks & Her Favorite
Bears or I could just be like nah I'm sure its all been done before.
And the first one is RELATIVELY EASIER! So lets go with that.
Why am I even bothering Being Alive, so many have already done it, many Much
Better Than I Am Doing It! Interesting counter-point. Which
is the same point. But sarcastic! Better LURQ how many people
Ever Existed. 107 BILLION PEOPLE?!?! That's way more than I
thought! There was always that Pseudo Claim you hear here and there
that oh there's more people alive right now than have ever existed...
assuming you don't count the people alive right now... because if you did
that's empirically impossible... But NOPE 107 Billion People!
So says Google. Gotta nice lunch. Frozen Meal + Bonus Rice.
Real nice lunch. So says Google.
What else is going on and crap. Gettin' into
these Dueling Docu Series about Medical Mysteries & Death Row People.
You hear a lot of cases where its like some guy put to death and then in
the 11th (23rd?) hour something new develops and they're completely
exonerated. I, HEY, get this buds, wanna know if it ever happens
in the opposite! It'll be like, dude declared innocent of all
charges, but when he's 73 years old, NEW EVIDENCE COMES UP and they send him
to death. Which would happen anyway. He's near death.
73 years old! I spent a solid 1.5 seconds coming up with that number!
Anyway just finished lunch. Gotta write another 3+ more paragraphs,
though! Doesn't seem right. Lots of good options for dinner.
Finish Beef Sirloin. Have an Eggs + Bagel Combination. Two
good options for dinner.
Anyway. If only I could combine these two
Docu Series and it's a Medical Mystery About Why Someone Went To Death Row
and Is Presumably Innocent. Medically! So far all episodes of
Death Row Stories are people who are eventually exonerated. Maybe
there's some episodes where its just like yep he probably did it.
Can't say for SURE but all evidence is this guy is guilty! The
point is tomorrow is the start of another week of Super Market
Supplies. We're talkin BEER. We're talkin MEALS. We're
talkin SNACKS. We're talkin SODAS. We're talkin GUM. We're
We're talkin RECEIPTS. Actually don't get receipts that often with
this enterprise. Can't picture getting receipts at all!
Penultimate paragraph! My THerapy Friend got HER
shot. What just because she works in a hospital? Doesn't seem
We have no recourse to stop them! They're Calling The Shots!
show what can us regular folks do about it Nothing! That's why
Prominent Politicians get it, too. Hey didn't realize you were
considered essential workers. We're not. So how
you jumping the line. Because we can. Oh right
that seems to check out. Look PRESIDENT is an essential worker.
Congress Person? We can survive without a congressperson! I
mean, as much as we can survive withuot a Real Essential Worker! Also,
especially a congressperson who is ANTI MASK and everything. THEY GET
Nah lets not do that. Sounds like its been
done before. And done BETTER before. So why do it again?
That settles that. Mincemeat Pie. Chicken Pot Pie. I've
had Meat'd Pies before. Not in a long time, though. Good chance
I'm gettin' blood work done on Friday! Such is life! Won't have
an excuse to get Bonus Beer even though it would be good to save it for
later on next week! Such is life! I can get cigarettes!
Maybe if I smoke in real life it would cancel out all the smoking I'm doing
in my dreams! That's a logical hypothesis to propose. I like it
in February when you make an appointment for A Month From Now it's THE EXACT
SAME DAY OF THE MONTH IN MARCH. Well 3/4th of the Februaries.
Including this year! It's a blast and a half, anyway. I'll
see you guys tomorrow.
February 2, 2021
I'm Going To Want To
Sit Down For This
true! I was just doing Strenuous Work. I never have to do that!
Even just typing the word strenuous and figuring out how to spell it
WAY too strenuous for me. But anyway, yeah, we're talking SHOVELING
SNOW. From Back and sides of car. Shoveling the snow slightly
further away, so we can drive car away. Is the snow mucking up the
cars parked next to ours? Maybe I Stay Out Of Their Business and
They Stay Out Of Mine. Bad news is THERE'S A SECOND CAR TO BE DONE
later today or tomorrow. I had to take a break after half an hour.
I COMPLETED one car that's a nice place to take a break! The point is
I Don't even LIKE cars. But doing shoveling snow makes me feel
like A Big Man. And then taking a break makes me feel like an Averaged
Size Man. Average Sized Men need to take breaks! Also I am
empirically a Little Sized Man. So basically we got all the bases
I was reading the last entry over and the title to one act
was, "It's On The House." Then I was listening to a song from Fiddler
On The Roof for some reason no one is really sure of later on and I just
imagined a scenario where a Jewish person was actually fiddling on a roof,
and then one gentile household member goes to another, "It's On The
House." Couldn't stop laughing! I had a SOLID half dozen
Mini-Fits of Laughing. Anyway I will figure out soon whether I'm gonna
do Second Car Snow Shoveling later today or tomorrow. That will
determine when I want to have my 2 Leftover Beers. Today or tomorrow.
To line up with NOT Being a third drunk while doing STRENUOUS labor.
Not so that they coincide. What kinda person you take me for?
I was listening to the Main Theme Introduction. STILL
don't 100% get why they settled on Fiddler On The Roof as a metaphor
for Jewish People in that point in history in that area of the world.
The lyrics go in a way we are ALL like Fiddlers on the rooves.
Also YES the plural of Roof is Rooves. But anyway 115% NOT
What kinda delicious lunch is in store. Probably finish chili and
eat half of rice leftover which equates to one third of rice in Super
Market Portion. HEY just found out I'm doing Next Car: The
Shoveling Snow Enterprise Experience tomorrow, not later today! So I'm
pot committed to drinking my 2 beers today! I LIKE those odds.
Also, I always imagined the protagonist, Tevye, to be THE Fiddler On The
Roof. Now I notice, according to Main Theme Introduction lyrics, he
goes all of us in this village you might say are fiddlers on rooves.
EVERYONE here is a Fiddler On Roof and not just this guy. TOTALLY
Great! Started a new Binge The TV Show Series
DEATH ROW STORIES. So far it's about the crime case and the court
cases and whatnot, and not about Hey Watch These People In Jail Go, which I
don't like. I wanna see them IN jail not what LED to them being in
jail whether they're innocent or not! SHOW ME SOME GUY EATIN OH I
CONFUSING JAIL WITH SIXTH GRADE. I dunno what else is going on
and crap. Just asked My Mom for the 16th time in 2 weeks to figure
out what the password is for Verizon TV Account that would enable me to
I CAN INDULGE IN #InterventionWinterToStartYourYear. I've EARNED It.
So we're still doing WinterToStartYourYears in
February? AS FAR AS YOU KNOW! Wearin a nice T SHIRT. We're
talkin BLUE. Nice BLUE shirt. Do non Jews think Fiddler On
Rooves is what Jewish people are like. Also, do JEWS think Fiddler On
Rooves is what Jewish people are like. Also How About ACTUAL Fiddlers
On Rooves? Are they pleased with this cinematic (&/Or Broadwaymatic)
representation of themselves. We just covered this NO ONE FIDDLES
Some people fiddle--usually on the ground. Some people work on
rooves-- very rarely fiddling! Why am I pot committed to saying, "Rooves."
I got nothin' better to do! Anyway I'll be back in a little bit.
Work on a different documentary series, not this Death Row Cases snooze.
It Just Occurred To Me
left over chili + .33 of Rice isn't enough, I CAN ADD SOME GARLICKED BREAD
TO THAT SUCKER OF A MEAL. So that's good news. Also I found a
replacement for Death Row Stories-- Medical Mysteries: Fact Or Fiction?
In which they give us a case of a Medical Mystery and we have to guess
whether this Medical Mystery was Fact Or Fiction. Coulda been conjured
from nothing! Good have some basis in a REAL Medical Mystery.
The point is that'll do for now. Can't wait for #InterventionFactOrFictionWinterToStartYourYear.
Is this a REAL case of someone who needs an intervention? Or is it
just made up to SEEM like a real case. Probably about halfway
between. Maybe 3/4ths erring on the side of its real. For every
episode. So you're saying its a 25% Scam? More or less
What else is going on and crap. Gonna have
some Delicious Beef Sirloin for dinner tonight. I can, "Dig," that.
Anyway I was, "DIGGING," snow earlier. And then 5 minutes after
entering the house I was making coffee and was, "DIGGING," into the coffee
grounds container for coffee grounds to pour into Filter in Coffee Machine.
The digging never stops is the point I'm trying to make. Can't they
design cars somehow that structurally they can Dig THEMSELVES out of tight
situations? Seems like it could be done off the top of my head.
People would BUY those cars because it's VERY CONVENIENT. Also
seeing as how much cars cost, I demand ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS each time a new
car is sold which can Dig Itself Up Out Of Trouble. TAKE IT OR
LEAVE IT!!! I hope I CAN get a Super Market Delivery on
Thursday. They might just be like yeah actually kinda snowy I THINK
WE'LL PASS. Then what would I do. OUT OF OPTIONS.
Well there's enough Food Supplies that we can last a week. Yeah
but that'd force me to eat DISGUSTING SOUP. I'm not, "ON BOARD," with
I watched an entire episode of The Simpsons earlier
today. It was fine! I dunno why I stopped! It's Fine!
And presumably on occasion MORE than fine. Even from 12th season
onward! Which is where I'm at! I watched First Episode of 12
FINE OKAY GET OFF MY BACK ABOUT IT. Still not comfortable with
seeing, "The White House said/did this..." stories in the news without being
Which IS a legit concern. That's not great, either! I'd err on
Do The Right Thing instead of Bargain yourself down to Not Doing The Right
Thing! One man's opinion! Shared by many men! Many women,
too! Anyway. It just occurred to me that we're all talking about
Unity but no one has brought up the Dave Chappelle Sketch where Charlie
Murphy gets hit on the forehead by Rick James wearing a Unity Ring
and it imprinted into his head and Rick James is taunting him by repeating
UNITY!!! to the amusement of all observers. So that's a thing
we need to keep in mind is the point. About as much a thing as a
Fiddler on Some Roof. It makes sense and is relevant to about the
same degree is the point.
Wonderful. I'm having a blast replaying that
moment from The Chappelle's Show in my mind over and over. Time to
move on, though. What else is going on and crap. Turns out
I'm drinking all the beer over all the days possible this week. No
beer before Shoveling, that's just common sense. Also the sixth sense
is an UNCOMMON sense. What exactly is the 6th sense that Haley Joel
Osment has in that movie. I mean, I know-- Ghosts. But There
Being Ghosts and Recognizing that fact ISN'T A SENSE. SIGHT, now
THAT'S a Sense. SEEING GHOSTS, that's augmented SIGHT. Good for
him! He hears ghosts, that's augmented Hearing. FEELING GHOSTS?
Sure! The point is He Has The Same Five Senses We All Got PLUS
EXPERIENCING GHOSTS THROUGH THEM. This is very important to me and
I hope to get to the bottom of it some day.
Cool! Just put Bread in oven. Should
line up pretty well with having lunch with Start Of Act III! Also B.D.
Wong hosts this Medical Mystery show. You can't go WRONG
with B.D. WONG. That's my slogan. We know him as
Jurassic Park Scientist AND as being priest in Oz: The HBO Programme.
And apparently now as host of, "SOMETHING'S KILLING ME: THE MEDICAL MYSTERY
PROGRAM!" which is half accurate in regards to Half Of It Is The Real
Title. Anyway what else is going on that I can write half a paragraph
about. In school they teach you that each paragraph should revolve
around one thing-- the topic sentence. I say They're Wrong! I
say each paragraph is about TWO Things AND ALSO You Don't Need A Topic
Sentence FOR EITHER. Also there's 120 other rules to Website Writing
as opposed to Scholarly Academic Writing that I can't get bogged down with
right now because who cares lord knows I don't. I'll be back in a
Get Your Act Together
Got lunch going on. Just as I predicted! Figured out a way to
Listen To Myself on my phone! Go to non-bandcamp websites where my
music is up. Why the best one is only Why It's Only YouTube!
I've got 2 or 3 Tensworth of my own songs up on there! Anyway over 1/2
way through lunch and I've written a Poultry 4 or so sentences. Anyway
looks like they're gonna try to do Marijuana Authorization in SENATE and not
Executive Order. One can only imagine there was a heated debate with
both sides INSISTING THEY'RE the ones who get to legalize it.
Between President and Senators and State by State leaders. It's a Race
To Legalize Marijuana and right now SENATE IS IN THE LEAD!
Cool! Except for those dozen or two states
which have legalized it. THEY'RE in the lead. Good for them!
Man if I could smoke some weed I'd FIDDLE on ALL The Rooves.
Re-watched Original The Amityville Horror House Film Franchise and NOT SO
GREAT. Best part is the theme music. The LA LA LA LA children
laughing and singing song. THAT was pretty visionary. But
the point is I dunno what else is going on and crap. Almost done with
the entry! Almost done with beer! Maybe drink the rest of that
sucker right about now! Bring down plate which Housed Lunch first!
Then re-up with some Soda. Then MAYBE have a few #JoeBidenKettleChipsWinterToStartYourYear.
Then WAIT A FEW HOURS and eat again. Oh, right. Lets get
started on at least SOME of that stuff. Figure I could accomplish ALL
OF IT in no more than 3 or 4 days. HERE I GO!
Alright did all that stuff. Except for Re-Upping
with soda. FIgure I could finish what I got right now completely
before re-upping. So great I can continue watching B.D. Wong's Medical
Mystery Hour OR I can figure out some movies to watch. Or both!
There's a whole day ahead of me of Watching Stuff! The point is YES my
tummy hurts A LITTLE after eating that chili. I wasn't gonna say
anything. And its not as bad as a few days ago. But YEAH I guess
I'm operating at 95% Not Painful Tummy Capacity. I don't get people
who get the gastric bypass surgery that makes their stomach smaller so it
hurts if they eat too much. That just sounds like you're gonna be
in pain constantly. Look who are we kidding You're A Fat Tub Of
Lard and you're gonna keep eating too much. Now you'll just be in pain
to correspond with it! Sounds like a Fool's Errand that's the only
point I'm trying to make!
Cool. Doing physically strenuous work made me
think about people who just do Regular Work 8 hours a day. And I was
like well its not PHYSICAL but they're putting in 16 times as much work
as I just did. Five days a week! That's the Beatles song
about their part time mistresses. Five days a week. That
still sounds too high for mistresses. Look your REGULAR significant
other is 5 days a week loved. Mistresses get 2 days a week.
Also what else is going on and crap. Only 1.5 paragraphs to go.
Definitely gonna finish this Medical Mystery episode that I'm most of the
way through. Then Re-assess where I'm At In Life. Also this
Last paragraph let's get through it together. Alt
idea to replace shoveling snow-- some sort of Heat Ray. Look I'm sure
the technology is there. Use microwave power but put it into a gun and
then you melt the snow by pointing Heat Ray at it. Sure this could
be used for evil but I ain't even thinking that far ahead. Just use it
to melt snow QUICKLY and CONVENIENTLY. I mean we already have
FLAME THROWERS. This is just a more responsible slightly less
dangerous version! Also you can buy it in HARDWARE STORE. You
can't get a flame thrower... anywhere! Who the hell DOES have
flame throwers. Other than in Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.
Does THE ARMY have them? I feel like I've seen films about Boot Camps
and its never like ok everyone take your flame throwers out we're gonna
do some flame throwing practice. Police don't have em.
Someone's buying the flame throwers! But WHOM? Anyway I'll
see you guys tomorrow.
-2:58 P.M.
February 1, 2021
I Got To Tell You
keep you updated on this situation AS IT PROGRESSES! Playin ALL The
Hits this entry. Updated on situation as it progresses. It's
Dijjourno: How About That. Hashtags aplenty! Gotta imagine
there's roughly 40 or 50 phrases I use every entry, overall. I
don't have time for that! I don't have MEMORY for that. I don't
have NEED for that. None of us have WANT for that. Waste Not
Want Not, that's MY Motto! I think from now on I'm pronouncing the
word Knot as, "KA NOT." So people aren't getting confused! I
think I'll bend English To My Will whenever possible so people aren't
getting confused! Ancient Israel was called Canaan. OR maybe
they were Ancient Israel's neighbors. Or it was a COMBO of Ancient
Israel & Some Other Nearby Places. The point is Relatively
Certain that's what, "CANADA," was going for but they tripped up.
We all know America was named for Famed
Cartographer &/Or Explorer Vessuchi Americana. Who, besides us
using his name, DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING as far as I'm concerned.
American Exceptionalism is premised on A LIE. WE'RE NAMED AFTER NO
ONE SPECIAL. Anyway, time to look up what CANADA
means. Sounds dumb. Let's find out! IT COMES FROM AN
HURON-IROQUOIS word. "kanata" meaning, "Village," or, "Settlement.
The point is Well ALREADY FROM THE VERY START Canada is way more
Was watchin some IKIRU for the half dozenth time yesterday. It
occurred to me man this movie must have a much different impact if you
spoke Japanese. Instead of starting at subtitles YOU'RE LOOKIN AT THIS
know, that sort of thing. Also if we learned anything from Lost In
Translation: The Major Motion Film Enterprise, it's that between Japanese
and American (English) stuff gets LOST IN TRANSLATION. So basically
this movie was a HUGE BUST.
Oh well what can ya do. I bet Amerrigo
Vespushi could beat up the HURON-IROQUOIS people ALL BY HIMSELF.
That's America for ya. Lookin' forward to a nice Salmon + Noodles for
lunch today. I can, "DIG," that. But that's not until Act III.
Still got some Paragraphs To Kill in the meantime. GREAT NEWS new
calendar page. This month's theme is, "For Purple Mountain Majesties."
Hmm really makes ya think. What does it mean. Where does it come
KEY? WAS IT THAT BASTARD? NOPE that was some other song.
GET A LOAD OF THIS, THOUGH-- from Wikipedia, "the lyrics were written by
AMAZING. Well, using the word, "Tune," in the abstract.
Someone else came up with the musical tune. She wrote the words To
This Tune.
Is there someone named Kathy Bates. She's the
Misery lady. Waterboy. I feel like this is a no brainer slam
dunk that this is indeed a person. Better LTURQ. YEP IT
ALL CHECKS OUT. Anyway just realized I Still Have JARRED Jalepeno
Peppers in fridge! How can I incorporate this into my lunch.
Just dump half a dozen into Noodle Soup? Oh so suddenly we're back
JALEPENO PEPPERS ITS SOUP?!? I dunno you can add jalepeno peppers
to just noodles. Makes more sense if you think of it as adding it to
soup. THAT'S MY, "HOT," TAKE NO PUN INTENDED. Man oh man it
IS a great pun though. If only I could go back in time and INTEND that
pun. OH well such is life no lookin' back only forward lets move on
with our lives. I have a STRONG feeling that maybe half the time
someone says No Pun Intended! THEY INTENDED THAT PUN FROM THE VERY
Oh well. Last paragraph of Act I!
Anyway I'm not gonna get blood work done this week so I will have to go
Tomorrow and Tomorrow's Tomorrow without beer! Such is life!
Anyway here's a bit! People are always like whatta shame The
settlers moving west practically wiped out ALL THE BUFFALO. And
I'm all like, get this, YEAH, But No One Seems To Care about us
practically wiping out almost ALL THE NATIVE AMERICANS. It's
TOPICAL. It MAKES YOU THINK. I dunno, what else is going on and
crap. Had COMMUNAL ROAST'D CHICKEN last night. Will finish it
for To Night! Delicious! Was telling my Dad I may use boiling
water for y lunch and he said sounds delicious and I was like HEY
And I've never heard it from him before! I don't think so! So
either I got it from him or he got it from me somehow. He don't
read this website, though. Must have just been some psychic energy.
In the end its not important whats important is that bond we have now.
I'll be back in a bit.
That Doesn't Sound
dunno I forget. The good news is while I may not have Beer for
Tuesday &/Or Wednesday-- I WILL have FOUR full fledged meals. I can
only imagine what kind of Greatness that'll be. Soon I'll be able
to do MUCH MORE than imagine it-- I will be able to EXPERIENCE it.
The point is it turns out I have a Kathy Bates Monthly Calendar.
Which somehow ISN'T a swimsuit type deal with Kathy Bates showing some skin
on every page. Wait, maybe it is. I haven't browsed each
month yet! So I don't KNOW. Better LTUR... LOOK the point
is that's nonsense but to FOLLOW THROUGH I was just about prepared to
THROUGH TME CALENDAR. But there was a part of me that was like
then I'm not doing it. Finished the paragraph This Way Instead.
Anyway, hey, great. Hmm possible I have 2
beers today, 2 tomorrow. Then only WEDNESDAY with no beer. I
feel like that's doable. I like the doable cheeseburgers from
Any Fast Food Operation. Really fills ya up by doabling up with The
Patties Of Meat. Anyway Lunch keeps creeping closer and closer.
I can, "Dig," that. What is the sexiest Kathy Bates. I'd say
either MISERY or American Horrorific Stories. Misery, she's younger
and charming and also she helps inspire someone creatively. That's
Sexy to me! I WISH I had Kathy Bates to read my stuff and tell me how
great it is. I dunno there's a lot of it where she's complaining
its is not great enough. I can DO WITHOUT that part. Just a
Kathy Bates that holds me hostage BUT lets me type up stuff AND is being
Very Supportive? That's something I could get used to! Get used
What else is going on and crap. The point is this
blue is JUST light enough that its not a huge difference than Just White BUT
its BLUE enough that it feels like We're Gettin' Something Different.
I PAINSTAKINGLY figured out this color myself over the course of Seven
Seconds. How can you have Seven Seconds. You can have ONE
second. Then a third. Then a fourth and so on.
focusing on that Fat Tub Of Lard Who Ate Himself To Death Under Coercion by
Seven Villain. I think the SEVEN villain is a good metaphor for
Trump & Insurrection Coup. Hey HE was the one who ate himself to
HIS GULLET. But I never thought He Would Actually DIE! ALTHOUGH
it does coincide with me killing six other people. But THAT'S A STORY
FOR ANOTHER SENATE CONVICTION TRIAL. That's how that defense might
Cool! The point is I've had TWO POINT
SEVENTY FIVE cups of coffee and I'm OKAY With That. No more!
Well there is more. But not for me! Not today! HEY WHAT THE HELL
the Main Two Amityville Horrorifics are available on Streams I'll rewatch
them suckers Like It Was Nothin! I WONDER if they have any other New
Horrorific Selections now that It's A Brand New Week. LMLTURQ.
HEY LOTS OF GOOD UNS. Some DECENT Uns. Some that are less than
decent but VERY CLOSE TO ALMOST BEING DECENT. Anyway watched The
Staten King of Island yesterday. Pretty good! I liked the part
where Hey it's Pete Davidson look at him go! I also liked the
part where We Looked AT How Bill Burr went. MAIN two favorite parts of
the movie! Just googled, "Bill Burr," to doable check JUST FOR
SAFETY if he was the guy in the movie and THE FIRST 'People Also Ask' was, "WHAT
Anyway one more paragraph then some sort of Act
Break then Lunch! Staten Island is All Well And Good but have you
heard the good news about Queens? That's what I was thinking of
The Entire Movie. Queens isn't uniformly great. I dunno if I
even consider MY neighborhood &/Or immediate surrounding neighborhoods
(CANAAN-esque situation) that great. But I'm Pot Committed To It At
This Point. Myanmar's military Doing a Coup. Gotta imagine its
to install BillMarr as Glorious Leader. Maybe JohnnyMarr. I feel
like he's a musician either in Oh I Don't Know THE CURE &/Or Oh I Don't Know
find surprising because I was led to believe this band was made up of people
all named Smith. False advertising that's all I'm trying to say.
What else. I'll be back in a little bit!
Its On The House
I just got lunch prepared. I saw that coming a mile away.
A mile IN TIME. Usually when you're saying You Saw Something A Mile
Away, you mean I Saw That Ahead Of Time. Instead of PHYSICALLY
seeing something a mile way. It COULD happen but lets be honest more
of a Time Phrase then a Distance Phrase. The point is No Jalepeno
Peppers! Soup is, "Hot," &/Or, "Spicy," enough as it is! The
point is Thanks To Snow I don't have to get blood work done this week.
Dumb Snow doesn't it know if I got blood work done I cold get Bonus Beer?
WEll the other side to that story is I get Bonus Beer NEXT WEEK instead ot
This Week. WONDERFUL. It's called PLANNING AHEAD with
alcohol and IT'S ALL THE RAGE.
Cool! Gonna crunch some numbers, see how far away
I am from Amityville House of Horrors. I dunno those numbers are
hard to crunch. Not too far away, though! The piont is IS IT
POSSIBLE Amityville Horror House Ghosts left their house and traveled 20 or
so miles to my house? YES it's POSSIBLE but I wouldn't say PLAUSIBLE.
There was a relatively-mini amusement park in Amityville I used to go to.
Star Attraction? HAUNTED HOUSE. At least for me that was the
attraction I liked best. And it wasn't made up to be like the
Amityville Horror. Just generic spook house. ALL THE PIECES ARE
STARTING TO COME TOGETHER. There's a TREE that talks to you at the
front of the Spook Ride. Creepy Old Tree! Bellows at you and
whatnot. A Creepy Big Ol' Tree would Strike FEAR into the Heart of
even the BRAVEST MAN
Cool! Last 2 or 3 times I've microwaved salmon
I've left it in the microwave too long. Becomes kinda rubbery.
High Way Rubbery! You might know this mini-amusement park frmo the
major motion picture ADVENTURELAND: Because That's WHat It Was Called ANd
Presumably It's Based On The Real Life One. Never seen the movie!
I can only guess! Hmm the movie Adventure Land is in Pennsylvania.
I SMELL A SCAM A BREWIN'! I can smell a scam from a mile away.
Hmm that is kind of Distancey. THERE GOES MY ENTIRE PREMISE OF ACT
III! The point is SOMETIMES its an accurate phrase and sometimes its
only 80% accurate. So you could see why I had to make a stand and
declare it Wrong Completely.
Jeez. Finished Beer #2. Have 2 beers
for tomorrow! I LIKE those odds. Also Haunted House at Mini
Amusement Park played that MOZART tune thats creepy. And NOT The
Lacrimosa Song. Maybe it was another composer. If you heard it
you'd recognize it! But I CAN'T CONVEY IT WITH WORDS. I took a
required, "Music Appreciation," class in 9th grade and the main thing I
remembered is hey all classical music isn't classical music. There
WAS a significant amount of it in The Classical Mileu. But there's
also Baroque music and Romantic music and whatnot. Where NORMAL
PEOPLE would just be like hey classical music. But SOME OF IT
IS BAROQUE I'VE ALREADY TOLD YOU! Having that knowledge Makes Me
Feel Like A Big Man. Also lets be honest Classical Can LICK
Last paragraph! According To Movies I assumed
that in Musical Appreciation we'd learn LOUIE, LOUIE (pun with Marjorie Luis
Greene*) and also one of us becomes a governor and also you break through to
one of us with drums which changes our lives for the better. Anyway
just finished lunch. That's another good thing about Noodles + Salmon.
Lasts me just about a solid 4 paragraphs which gets me to the end satiated.
The good news If Only I had Sandwich Meat I could make a sandwich with some
Jalepeno Peppers on it. Oh well I can always re-up with Corn't Beef
on Thursday. Well, not always. Probably a one in five
chance they're all sold out! IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE people are gonna be
snatching up all the deli meats they can get their grubby little hands on!
That'll about do it for the day. See ya tomorrow!
-2:21 P.M.
* that is not that person's name