September 16, 2024
I'm Actually Between Weekends At The Moment
friends! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Mine was okay!
Started the Jimi Hendrix book. First things first, his name is Buster!
That's what folks apparently called him. Seemed like an okay dude.
Kinda quiet kid. Real poorlike. Grew up in the 1950's decade!
Parents had a dysfunctional relationship. He had a bunch of disabled
"Give Six Random Facts About Jimi Hendrix as a child." I'm passing
the class Am I Not? Jimi Hendrix was an okay student until he
wasn't. Over time he started performing to Less Than His Ability!
yet! He's only around 14 or 15 right now! I started giving Jimi
Hendrix Music a chance on some walks lately and it's pretty good! I'm
starting to get it! Not 100% but certainly 70%! Sounds good
to me. I can see my Jimi Hendrix Experience Enjoyment only grow
over time! Wouldn't wanna enjoy it 100% Though. That sounds
like Too Much. Let's peak at 82%-92%! What could
possibly be wrong about enjoying The Jimmy Hendrix Experiment at 95%?
Well I can think of several things wrong off the top of my head.
Okay. Watched some sort of horror movie I think.
I couldn't tell you what it was, though! Maybe one day in the near
future it will Very Quickly Occur To Me but I can't pull it right now!
Let me check my history. Oh. It might have just been Some
Of Poltergeist II. There is a healthy debate amongst moviegoers
whether Poltergeist II is good or bad. You could use Poltergeist
II as a stand in FOR LIFE. IS LIFE Good or bad? I SAY LIFE IS
GOOD. Also I rewatched LIFE on Saturday. The Eddie Murphy Martin
Lawrence Comedy(/Drama). I LOVE that movie. I'd like to meet
likeminded peeps who got LIFE in their Top Twenty favorite movies. I
HAVE IT in my Top Ten but I only wanna meet Other People who have it in
their Top Twenty. LET'S GET SPECIFIC. Why would I wanna meet
someone who likes it as much as me. We'd just be in Constant
Competition for Who Likes It The Most! Nope! But Anyway.
My brother came over for a few hours yesterday. He seems to be doing
fine. He was wearing a shirt with a Tabasco bottle pictured on it.
We are all in good spirits!
Third paragraph. Tell Dad. Mom's Not Done.
Don't put the vacuum cleaner away. She has to change the filter.
These are words Spoke Unto Me by my Mom just now! Unless I wrote those
words out here right now I'd Probably Forget. I'm not the most
mentally equipped person in the world! Relatively Handi-capable.
And I mean it in the nicest way possible! What do the words I gotta
remember mean. Something to do with the vacuum cleaner. My
Mom still needs to change the filter on it. And My Dad is prone to
putting it away apparently. It's on me now to act to make sure he
doesn't! I knew one day I'd Have To Do SOMETHING. Ugh.
WHY ME. Luckily when this is over I might get MONTHS before I have
to do anything else. Just lay in bed with nary a soul to rely on
me. Forever. Okay. Is that really what I want out of
life? Sounds like the most straight forward way to go about things,
yeah. Also WAIT A SECOND I'm not Disabled. I don't wanna put
that message out in the world! I WAS GETTING BY JUST FINE being a
Crazy Sane Person. I'm not gonna be a Sane Crazy Person now!
That's not something I'm comfortable with.
Fourth paragraph! Change the filter. What the
Hell is a filter. HOW DOES THIS MACHINE WORK? This Machine Kills
FascDusts. Cool. But that doesn't really explain much of
anything really. Anyway. Down to four spots left for my UCB
Writing For Late Nite class which starts a week from Thursday! Oh.
Right. That Thing. Am I gonna shape my Identity around that
now? That's how it's worked for previous UCB Classes! I really
do go out of my way to pretend I'M GONNA BE THAT THING WHICH I'M STUDENTING
FOR. It's definitely a plus to go into things and Commit To The Bit!
So maybe I do. On the other hand, part of me has to use the washroom
right now and that's making my thoughts on any other subject clouded and
imprecise. Alright that urge has subsided. Didn't even have to
entertain it! Just went away on its own! What the Hell is
wrong with me. Short answer, a lot is wrong with me, not sure
where to start! Thanks for your concern though and if you would like
constant updates on what's wrong with me, leave me your address and I will
keep up a correspondence!
Fifth paragraph. Got an all out Doctor's
Appointment tomorrow! Endocrinologist! Hey, got an Official
Weigh In coming up! Hey, the last year or two I stopped caring so much
about my weight! I reached a healthy relationship with Food And The
Scale! BUT AT WHAT COST. Not sure there was a
cost. Surely I expended some sort of Personal Capital to win this
Psychic Battle. Hmm. There's a trade-off to everything.
Got my Harris/Walz shirt. There's no Slash in the t-shirt. I
think it got the job done! Wait a minute. Slash. Guns n
Roses. Don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Slash. Like
with a knife. Wonder what's going on there exactly.
Possibly merits more attention. If there was a band called The
Knifes it'd make me laugh. The Knives wouldn't be as funny, no.
The Knifes is! Probably not in real life though. But my first
instinct is to be amused by myself. VERY EASY for me to be amused by
myself. Some people are their own toughest critic. I am my own
easiest mark! Who are you people.
Halfway through the entry! AW MAN, not only do
I have to write 5 more paragraphs now, but I'll have to write even more
paragraphs in life Afterwards! WONDERFUL. LIFE MOVES ON.
I've been smoking marijuana with today's entry again! Probably pretty
obvious. Just one of those days! Totally! Feels like I
don't know what to write about anymore. I know the quantity of what I
have to write! Seems pretty daunting. Stopping me from even
starting to write. How does anyone ever write anything.
Whatever. Is Slash an onomatopoeia. My guess?
Yes. Poltergeist II is scaring me right now. I
haven't watched it since Friday or Saturday night but I get the gist of it
right now and I don't like it! Actually what I'm getting the gist
of Right Now is A Totally Different movie in Poltergeist II SKIN.
But either way it's spooking me out! Maybe I should watch Poltergeist
III to soothe my nerves. I know a good idea when I hear one.
What about this website. Terrible Idea. Who the Hell came
up with this shit. I hope Bad Stuff Happens To Them and their lives
Seventh Paragraph! FOUR MORE PARAGRAPHS.
Just try and stop me! Anyway if I start smoking with each entry then
I'm gonna be going through my marijuana a lot quicker. BUT then I'll
presumably have no need to be buying beer. So I could sell that to my
parents! Buying more weed but not buying beer. It works
out I guess! Probably UNHEALTHY to be smoking with each entry! I
CAN FEEL my ability to construct multi-paragraph narratives starting to rot.
That's not good! But I have to make Tough Executive Decisions like
this all the time! THIS MIGHT BE THE RIGHT MOVE FOR NOW. Also maybe I
rebuild a NEW WAY of forming multi-paragraph narratives WITH weed.
marijuana. Oh Okay That Actually Makes Sense. OK. THE
AYES HAVE IT. FOR NOW. Wonderful. Moving ON! Why do
I share my Private Mental Health Life with Strangers. I DON'T KNOW.
Not sure why the conundrum is being thrust upon me! REALLY YOUR FAULT
50/50 I Guess! A Full 1! Whatever! No one's to
blame for Life's Absurdities! Or maybe we're all equally at fault!
I forget! Anyway. Not a fan of today's entry. I appreciate
that I'm Tripping Lightly and GOOD FOR ME but WHAT DOES TAHT ACCOMPLISH FOR
ANYONE ELSE. Hmm. I don't know anyone else! Other
people are a big mystery to me! "Another Person?" You're gonna
have to explain yourself on that one! Also? "Yourself?"
You're gonna have to explain yourself on that one, too! I don't know
who You are, either! Surely there are other people out there.
But WHAT OF THEM. Huh. I don't know! YOU.
Your Undivided Attention. The main thing I ask from you!
WHICH IS A LOT. I get it! It's not nothing! I've
never asked for more attention than you offered, though! Not
consciously at least! Hmm. Anyway what was I talking about.
I'll take whatever you can give! Attention, spare change, PITY!
Any little bit you wanna offer! I'll take what I can get!
Penultimate paragraph. Wonderful! Gotta get up early
tomorrow for the Endocrine Appointment. That's WORK.
Shouldn't be too difficult. I guess not. But it's the
principle of the thing! I shouldn't have to have any hardships!
Should be smooth sailing 100 percentwise in life! Hmm.
Life is just Doing Stuff I guess! Some of the stuff is WORK stuff and
some of the stuff is PERSONAL PLEASURE stuff. Oh this thing I Have
To For For Responsibility Reasons OR Oh this thing I get to do For No
Specific Reason At All. Wow! Both! So that's
good. NO ONE CARES. Sucks to be them! Sucks to be
Everyone! Is there a group of people out there, some subset of
demographics, that IS LOVIN LIFE right now? Are there people who are
just HAPPY? I think they exist! I don't know WHO THEY ARE.
But THEY'RE SOMEWHERE. Weird. How can I be like them.
Learn their attributes and Mimic Them. That doesn't sound right.
Not mimicking them well enough then. MIMICRY WILL NEVER ACHIEVE
PERFECT REPLICATION. Not with that attitude it won't.
Last paragraph. Great. I guess there's
always tomorrow! It will be DIFFERENT from today! Probably will
be Not Great but at least it won't be The Same Thing As Today! MAYBE
IT WILL BE. To me it'll be a Relatively Unique Nonsensical Experience!
MAYBE to you it's all the same nonsense. In which case I envy you.
Sounds like you live your life strongly rooted in SENSE. Wow.
That sounds nice. What's it like. Sensical, probably.
Anyway. Monday.
Won't be the weekend until Thursday night. That's... one, two...
THREE, wait, no, wait, yep, THREE DAYS FROM NOW. Then I'll be able to
Relax for a moment! R & R. Oh. REST. Rest and
relaxation! What's RESTING. I don't even know what that
word means. I SLEEP half the time but I dunno if I ever truly REST.
I'm on edge all the time more or less. When I'm dead I can Rest In
Peace. But I'll be Dead. So I won't be resting. I'll be
dead. Nothin. OR SOMETHIN. I Don't know what
happens after death! Not off the top of my head at least.
Guess we'll find out eventually. Not TOGETHER. SEPARATELY.
Anyway time for a break from the website. I'll see ya tomorrow.
-4:42 P.M.
September 12, 2024
Time To Think Of A New Title
Just took two drags of marijuana! I hope that helps me with the entry!
I didn't wanna do an all out smoke! Let's see what two puffs'll get
me! Today is Thursday, that gatekeeper to the weekend. Weekends
are a blast! Get to run around and not have any work or or health
responsibilities! No Entries or Doctors Appointments! Sometimes
I need to see Movies but that's healfway pleasurable! Halfway it's
Keeping Up With Society. That's a fulltime job itself.
Right now I'm trying to close the Weather and Stock Ticker on my Computer
Screen. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS. A few months ago on my StartBar
where all the icons are, suddenly it just started updating me on the
weather, and being a stock ticker, and other crap I DON'T WANNA KNOW.
I can't figure out how to get rid of this! TMI. I guess I
can learn to ignore it. It's hard, though! They certainly knew
what they were doing when they designed this Splidget because my eye goes
STRAIGHT TO IT every time I look at my computer screen! Huge
distraction! I could put black masking tape up over that part of
the screen. Okay. It'd get messed up every time I open and
shut the laptop, though. Other than that That's Good Thinking.
Anyway. Watched about a third of the VMAS last night.
I think it was pretty good! It's hard to chart a Halfway Fun Way in
taking in a VMA. Either you're a preteenager enjoying it on that
want to get into it on a primal, naive level, too! But also still keep
my cool about it! Hmm. I GUESS IT'S POSSIBLE. Not
sure why I care to! Why does me getting the most out of The
VMAS matter. Because that's what was on The TV yesterday.
Also, gotta prepare for it being on the TV in 364 days again! Get a
Head Start and everything. Also maybe one day I'll be forced to
play at the VMAs and I need to know What I'm Dealing With Exactly.
What is the Reality behind the VMA's? Reality, huh? Not
sure I like the sound of that. What's going on again? Lost
track! Either way, I feel like I'm gonna enjoy being done with this
entry. And how does that make me feel. That Was A
Feeling. Having a feeling doesn't make me feel another feeling.
Where did I learn Therapy. MOBILE ALABAMA. Oh that's a
good school.
Anyway. Eight paragraphs to go! What should I
write about. I talk about My Life a lot. But there's nothing
left! I've covered everything! Good incentive for Anyone Out
There Who Can Improve My Life. Come on over, improve my life, and
then I can talk about my improved life As More And Better Material!
How can you improve my life. I'd like to live alone.
That's number one! Don't wanna live with my parents anymore!
Would like to be able to support myself enuogh to have my own place!
HOW ELSE can you improve my life? WELL if I have my own place,
stands to reason I'd also be able to support myself financially otherwise!
Be able to pay for WHATEVER. Whether it's a Starbucks or a New Phone!
So basically YOU WANNA SEE MORE NEW MATERIAL? Set me up with a
JOB. Makes sense! Might even make sense if the job I'm
getting paid for is The New Material I'm Putting Out There!
Cosmically that would seem to align! I don't know WHAT I SHOULD DO.
Writing. Music. Performing. I CAN DO IT ALL! I'm a
Alright. Whose to say WHO is Good Enough At Anything To Be
Passable At Being A Decent Hobbyist. Anyway. Seven paragraphs to
go! Not sure I like this new movie The Wild Robot. Just
seems like propaganda for AI. This Wild Robot gonna take care of
some sort of furry animal or something per The Trailer. Just
trying to make us like computers! PASS. Then again maybe I
HAVE to like this movie because Computers Are The Future. In which
case PASS. In the sense that they've Passed the Test. Fine.
Main thing I don't like about Computers taking over is WHERE IS THE LOVE.
I don't like it. One day they might be able to program robots
to feel love. Certainly IF I can feel love they can get a computer to
feel love! What does that mean. Sounds like some sort of
DIG at myself. Why would I insult my capacity for feeling?
What's going on there? Probably some sort of buried trauma that
took place in Mobile Alabama.
Okay. Fifth paragraph! Yes! I guess I gotta write
a six more paragraphs now! The Who wrote a song Going Mobile.
I can't tell you how it goes because where would I even begin. Writing
in paragraph format. I dunno! ALSO I forget how it goes! I
can tell you The Title! It's a good one! Hmm.
La-la-la-la-la Goin' MOBILE. I assume that's part of the
lyrics. But syllables of words instead of, "La's." So that's how
that goes. Almost halfway through the entry. My high might be
starting to wear off. It's admirable that it lasted this long! I
guess after this paragraph I might take another two hits. So that's
good. The Who says they Won't Get Fooled Again but I bet they will.
Something about that song makes me SURE they're gonna get fooled again.
In fact they might be in the process of Getting Fooled WHILE the song is
going on! I WORRY for them, that's all! Worry for who.
YES. Why would anyone EVER pay me to write anything. I was
being ironic. I'm a good writer because I was ironically writing WORSE
and comer writer might do!
Halfway through the entry! I guess I can do this now. I
just took two more hits of marijuana smoke! Guess I'll have Old
Super Market Meal for dinner tonight. From like two weeks ago.
It'll be okay to eat healthwise. But it's flavor may be corrupted.
It'll taste crappy! BUT IT MUST BE TAKEN CARE OF. Maybe I can't
be a professional creative person! I have some latent skills within
me, but IS IT ENOUGH? Of course it is. Lots of people
with presumably less talent than my currently indeterminable amount of
talent get professional creative jobs! I supposedly have more talent
than some of these people! Why Not! Oh okay sounds
fair. I don't think of people that way. Talent or no talent.
I think it's talented enough for people to be ALIVE. "WHAT THE HELL?
YOU EXIST? GOOD JOB ON THAT. I'm having a hard time Myself
With Being Myself. I can only imagine the difficulties you face!"
So that's good. Anyway. I don't put things in quotation marks
very often! Kind of a big occasion for me! I think it was the
right decision. I read it and I can make sense of the words I think!
More or less. I don't get them Perfectly but I don't get them The
Wrong Way either. I get them A wrong way. Not THE wrong way.
Jeez. So much terribleness. When do I get to some
something is QUALITY or it is CRAP. Quality Crap is an Urban Myth
made up by Idiots who don't understand The Way The World Really Works.
The World really works by nonstop spontaneous combustion.
Geothermally, I mean. What does that have to do with Quality Crap!
Exactly NOTHING. I guess I got my mind set on The End Of This Entry.
Looking forward to the Recreation and Joy of the Weekend. Gotta look
forward to Something. That MAKES SENSE. What makes sense?
I lost track. Nevermind. My bad. Nothing makes sense.
Anyway. Three and a half more paragraphs to go! Well, that's
good, I guess. I still have it in me to write Unique Sentences.
Let's see what I come up with! Darth Vader's Voice is dead. It
just hit me. I don't see how we'll ever come back from this.
We'll never get His Authentic Voice To Say New Things. We probably
would never have got that anyway. I don't think James Earl Jones would
have done it! But now it's for sure.
Eighth paragraph! Not sure I like today's date.
9/12. It's almost like it's taunting us To Forget 9/11! Of all
the days in the year, it's the one making it the most clear that It's Not
THE DAYS I WANNA REMEMBER. Okay. What other days would I
like to remember. I FORGET. That's why I wanna remember
them so much! AW SHUCKS. Anyway. I'm Turning Old
this year. On my birthday. When my age changes. Going
from 35 to 36. What kind of person should I be at age 36. I
think I learnt from some rookie age 35 mistakes this year. First
things first, Just DON'T. Easy! That's First Things
First. That's all I got for now. Also Can I Sometimes?
Only Fair I guess. Whatever. Hey birthday is a clean three
months from today. Get your cards in the mail soon cause I don't trust
the post office! Friends Happy Birthday Friends. That's
Society's Golden Rule! It's what makes the world go round After
Constant Spontaneous Combustion. I don't know any of your
birthdays. I've been breaking the golden rule? NO WONDER
SOCIETY IS IN TROUBLE. This is all my fault.
Penultimate paragraph! Should I continue utilizing
small amounts of marijuana for entries moving forward? WELL it worked
okay today! Wasn't great! Wasn't horrible! We'll have take
a wait and see attitude moving forward! That's how I feel!
Anyway the good news is that we're creeping towards the end of the entry!
Creeping is not my favorite word! Find it kind of Creepy.
Just don't like SAYING it. Now it's on the website! Get it off!
I can't delete it then you wouldn't know what I was referring to when I was
saying to get rid of it! I guess I'll just have to move on with
the entry as if none of this ever happened! They say that Thom Yorke
made bad distorted guitarwork for the song Creep because he didn't like it
and wanted to sabotage it. But has he considered just setting it on
fire and making sure nobody ever listened to it that way? Or possibly
cutting up all the reels of it with scissors and throwing it up like
confetti. What if he just molded it all into a football and threw it
out of airplane and then it explodes midair. Because it was also
filled with explosives?
Last paragraph! Awesome! My entire life has led
me to this paragraph! Oh I was planning on Not Doing Much with it.
WRONG. Also I RESCIND that lifelong statement. This paragraph
might be important, but it's not The End All Be All. That comes when
I'm SIXTY SEVEN. That's good I guess. I wonder what that
paragraph will be about. Probably PERSONAL stuff. None of your
business, really! So personal it probably isn't even any of my
business! Well is it PERSONAL TO ME or is it MY BUSINESS.
Gotta pick one! And they're antonyms! Whatever.
Dumb website. Sometimes I start reading the website in different
voices. Sucky way to do it! Can't there just be one consistent
voice that comes out of me! And it's ME. Okay that makes
sense we'll keep that in mind. Anyway. Great. I guess
that I got that dumb supper tonight. That's what Judas said. HE
HAD TO GO or else Jesus would know something was up! But it's also
what I'm saying. In reference to the thing I have to eat. That
is two weeks old. And will taste gross. But will be healthy.
So that's good! If I don't eat it who will. I'll see ya
next week!
-4:59 P.M.
September 11, 2024
Hey, I Know You!
okay. Hey, friends! Time for Part II of The Week.
Wednesday/Thursday! GOOD. Harris cleaned Trump's clock yesterday
AND THEN KEPT IT FOR HERSELF. She was a competent smart extraordinary
normal person! He was a crazy stupid deranged fascist person!
THERE YA GO. JUST AS Who They Clearly Already Were Foretold! DID
Kamala rise to the occasion or was she already always At That Level?
That's for the courts to decide! Probably always could do it!
But if she can maintain that level of Quality Job Performance WE'LL BE
ALRIGHT. So that's great. The MTV Music Video Awards are
tonight! I like watching what the young people are up to music
videowise. Especially after reading all these memoirs of Musicians.
I'm rooting for I Assume Pearl Jam to win. Per my Nirvana book they're
perennial contenders. POSSIBLE Sonic Youth might give them a run for
their money. I don't know if I know ONE Pearl Jam song.
Should have come up with a better band name! Gotta place blame
somewhere! Titles are the first place to point fingers! What is
Pearl Jam. Huh. What do you mean. Nevermind.
Forget it. Not important!
Looks like Taylor Swift is endorsing... wait, lemme get my
pencil and pad out... KAMALA HARRIS? GREAT. So I will
vote for Kamala I guess! VERY WELL. It's good for celebrities
to endorse Kamala. I'M not even a celebrity AND I'VE endorsed
Kamala! There should be a website where people can just sign their
names endorsing candidates. People of all levels of Fame, from 0% to
100%. And you can just check out databases and go Hmm, turns out MY
FIGURE. I'm not sure what the point of the website is BUT IT'D BE
AN INTERESTING ONE. People would visit it, that's for sure!
Anyway. Dentists are on the Fame Spectrum! LOTS of people know
them! So many patients. VERY respected members of the
community. So that's good. I dunno. I wouldn't trust A
Dentist with guiding my presidential vote. FOR SOME REASON I'd trust
ANY OTHER DOCTOR over a dentist. Can't say why! Somethin' about
working with teeth just makes them seem like perverts or something!
Huh. That's life I guess! I wanna see the new
Kevin Smith movie about teenagers who go to the movies BUT it doesn't seem
to be playing in either of the two Theaters easily accessible to me!
AH well. Maybe if I complain about it someone will add A SHOWING
OF IT to one of those theaters. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!
I've never seen Grease. Why would I want to! It's about Kids who
Dance or something, right? 70's Kids? They just walk around and
dance and sing Discowise, right? What in the world would make me want
to watch that? THAT REMINDS ME of a similar story of Why Would Anyone
Want TO Read This. It's just about some '20's Kid Who Sits Around And
Writes Dumbwise. But you're already committed to See What Happens.
REALLY INVESTED. I can see how you might wanna see PLOTWISE how it all
turns out! JUST LIKE GREASE. This website IS Grease! I
assume. Again. I've never seen the film. I know it
takes place on The Sidewalk a lot. When I picture the movie it's kids
Dancewalking On The Sidewalk. I might be confusing it with
No. Of Course Not. I ACCOMPLISHED NOTHING. Probably
should draft articles of impeachment against me.
Really more of a Cry For Help than anything else. I'm
That's one way to go about things. Not sure I want all out SUICIDE.
I'd like to continue LIVING. I just don't wanna do THIS WEBSITE
exactly! Anyway. Using too many CAPS lately. The last few
days. I gotta keep that in mind going forward. You can't use
Too Few Caps but you can definitely use Too Many Caps. Hmm.
HEY I just realized, we may not get to see another Harris/Trump debeat but
WE WILL get to see Walz/Vance! Walz gonna Whipe the floor with Vance,
too, probably! When's that. I wanna say October 100th.
Nope October 1st. Wow! Here's a good line for Walz-- His
name is VANCE, but he can't Con-VANCE me OF ANYTHING! Feel free to
use that one at no cost! First taste is on the house! Any other
puns, I'm on retainer! I don't know what that means. I
assume it's an Orthodontistry reference. EXCUSE ME but this paragraph
is no better than the last one! I didn't spend the whole time talking
about I DON'T KNOW WHAT GREASE IS ABOUT but STILL nothing happened!
Ah well. Better luck next time.
Okay! SNL announced their new cast members for upcoming
season. Looks like I didn't make the cut! Makes sense. As
far as I know I Wasn't In The Running! STILL STINGS A BIT. I
don't wanna be an actor. I also Cannot be an actor. I also
SHOULD NOT be an actor! Still though nobody likes being Rejected!
What other shows rejected me this year. ALL OF THEM.
LITERALLY EVERY SHOW AND MOVIE. They all specifically decided not to
include me! Ugh. HMM. I don't want to have a real
ELSE... and maybe THAT PERSON Is Okay With Having A Real Job... HMM...
Whatevers. If I were on SNL what celebs could I play. Gotta be A
COUPLE people I'm the right body type or face type for. Lemme look
in teh mirror to see what I look like. You'd think I'd know what I
look like at this point in my life. Nope! Hmm. If
Kevin Hart Was White And Also Looked Completely Different And Also I Knew
How To Do Kevin Hart Voice and Mannerisms. That sounds good. I'm
laughing already! THAT'S GOING IN TE REEL when I apply to SNL next
Is it wrong to do black people in whiteface. I'm not
sure that's a thing! Not YET it isn't! Woody Allen. It's
not the most culturally relevant in 2024 but he's pretty short! I'D DO
WOODY ALLEN. Seth Green. Look the point is there's celebs on
the shorter side that I could do. IF that's what I wanted my life
Supply Or Demand for Me To Do Impressions Of People other than my own true
self. Gotta try to Impersonate Myself AND THAT'S PRETTY MUCH IT.
Anyway. One day I'd like to Just Be Myself. I think for now
I'm stuck Attempting Impersonating Myself. Hmm. I want to
just Be Myself. HOW can you just BE YOURSELF. WHAT EVEN IS A
PERSON LET ALONE YOURSELVE. I don't have time to explain things
to myself right now-- I'M WRITING A WEBLOG ENTRY. Oh okay I can see
I'm busy I'll come back later. That's great, just great.
Torso. NO THERE'S MORE TO IT THAN THAT. I dunno, then!
You asked me my opinion and I gave it to you! If you don't like what I
have to say then THERE'S THE DOOR. Where. Plenty of ways
to stop reading! Just LEAVE.
FOR THE BEST. Good riddance to bad rubbish. FOR
SURE. Anyway when was the last good entry. August?
Waht's it now? September? When's the next month?
October? What's the year? 2020's? Where are we? The
Solar System? OK. When I was a kid we didn't know what 9/11 was.
I'm tired of this joke. I'm gonna discontinue it before I even
follow it through to completion. A good gambler knows to quit when
he's on top! That's not relevant in this situation. I am
neither a good gambler nor am I on top! STILL THOUGH.
WHEN I WAS A KID closest thing we had to 9/11 was Pearl Harbor. AND NO
ONE gave a fuck about Pearl Harbor! Maybe Pearl Jam! Maybe
THAT'S what Pearl Jam is a reference to! They jam every performance
to raise money for the survivors of Pearl Harbor. I have the film
Pearl Harbor on DVD. BEN AFFLECK is in it. It was a huge big
budget feature film! I wanna say the operating budget was FOUR HUNDRED
MILLION DOLLARS. Must have been pretty good! Woulda been better
if they just gave Every American a dollar twenty five. PEOPLE WOULDA
WHAT? A movie studio just GAVE EACH OF US some pocket
change? HOW GENEROUS! How is that A Movie. Well it's
not a movie persay. But it's still A COOL THING TO DO.
UGH. What crap! NOT ME. I'm just impersonating me.
Can't Blame The Real Me WHEREVER, WHOEVER HE IS. Anyway three
paragraphs to go. Guess I got one more entry left in the week!
SHIT this week. What can I do to improve. Hmm.
Maybe there's a book I can read that will make me write better. I'll
look into that. IN THE MEANTIME though this weekend I start reading
about This Jimi Hendrix Person. He had a Black Job! Guitar
player! But when he did it, it was a black job! Topical.
I liked the part of the debate where Trump said that of the many (inflated)
millions of illegal immigrants in the country, they don't even know
what country they're in. I forget what the implication was.
They're stupid, or insane, or on drugs, or what? Or maybe he was just
malfunctioning while he was talking. But while he was fear mongering
that there was an absurdly high amount of illegal immigrants, he said
Penultimate paragraph! HOW WOULD A PERSON NOT KNOW WHAT
COUNTRY THEY'RE LIVING IN. I guess for Offensive Reasons!
Anyway. Almost done with the entry today! Man. I just
realized... you had to read this. It wasn't THAT bad. I
mean, it wasn't GREAT. I didn't do anything that was GOOD.
But it was OKAY? In TODAY'S WORLD Okay Is Good Enough!
UNFORTUNATELY. Standards are really low in today's world now that
I think about it! That sucks but I guess it works to my benefit
in this case! I DON'T LIKE IT. Maybe that's why the world sucks
so much! Everyone wants to Do Mediocre With Their Own Selves And Have
DO BETTER. Ok. Only one mediocre right now IS ME.
Can't blame anyone else. Lots of things are good in the world
right now. Kamala knocking her presidential campaign out of the park
for example! Beetle Juice Beetle Juice was good! I like lots of
Better figure out how to do better. I know. SWITCH THINGS UP.
That's a start I guess.
just gotta have different things On My Mind! If I had stuff to think
about, I'd write about the stuff I was thinking about! Hmm sounds
Philosophies. Sciences. History, maybe. All the stuff any
Thinking Man is gonna wanna go over! Should get started thinking about
them TONIGHT so it's already percolating! What philosophy.
Maybe some Kierkegaard, that's always fresh. I know of a couple of
titles to the books he's written, so I'm covered there. Sciences.
Not a huge fan of science. It stays out of my business, I stay out
of its business! History. More like Herstory.
That's how I feel! Let's make HERSTORY in November by electing Kamala
Harris, that's how I feel! Ugh. Where am I. Is it
the end of the entry? WOW, ALMOST! Maybe I'm NOT MEANT to write
this website for the rest of my life. Maybe there's Something Else for
me. Like what. I dunno. SOMETHING. Either way
I'll be back tomorrow and it'll be better than today, at a minimum!
See ya soon!
-4:30 P.M.
September 10, 2024
What Did I Do This Time
Sounds like Tuesday! Great! They pushed back my Writing For Late
Night Class two weeks! OH NO. Now it goes PAST THE ELECTION.
Not sure I'ma be motivated to Take Classes During The Apocalypse.
If The Candidate I Don't Support Wins What's The Point OF ANYTHING.
Hmm. I dunno! Meet a lady! Have some babies! FAMILY.
Get to work. Put in the work! CAREER. Read
books. Get involved in the arts. CULTURE. I can't do
any of those things. I'M NOT MENTALLY CAPABLE. I'm a
Disability Person! So I got that going for me! I dunno.
I'll be OKAY. Somehow Magically It'll Work Out. One day I'll go
from Hopeless to Having It Made overnight. I don't know how but I feel
very strongly about this! But if The Candidate I Don't Support Wins
TEH WORLD will be fucked is the point. Pretty straightforward.
Hmm. Got two months to do whatever I can to support Kamala. I
got an e-mail yesterday saying THEY SHIPPED MY SHIRT. ALRIGHT.
STEP ONE IS IN MOTION. The t-shirt is on the way! Hmm.
The Big Debate is tonight! They've been looking forward to it for
weeks! I hope everyone sees Kamala demolish because She is the only
one of the two of them qualified to be president. She is qualified to
be president 9 out of 10. Trump is qualified to be president 0 out of
10! Those numbers ARE CLEAN. I haven't doctored them AT ALL!
Anyway. This isn't remotely close! Also, I should keep
my remote close in case I wanna adjust the volume! Might get too quiet
OR TOO LOUD. Looks like they're spreading rumours that Haitian
immigrants are eating cats. QUIT HAITIN. HATING HAITIANS.
Also it's the clearest case of projection I've ever seen! Anyone
talking about eating cats OBVIOUSLY THEY THEMSELVES have been thinking about
eating cats before! YOU'RE JUST TELLING ON YOURSELVES by spreading
these lies! YOU LOOK FOOLISH. Hmm. What's FUN about this
meme. HEY. There's a group of people who aren't me.
did Haitians ever do to you? They musta done SOMETHIN. OUT WITH
IT. Fuck your sister? Steal your girlfriend? Eat your cat?
C'MON I WANNA HEAR IT. Hmm. Whatever! It's a distraction!
I don't give fucks! Well easy for me to say, I'm not
Haitian. Or feline. Probably not, at least! I assume
the odds are I wouldn't give a fuck if I were them either! HMM.
Eat The Cat means oral sex on female. Eating pussy. No one
is acknowledging this very simple fact! Republican are trying to
DEMONIZE THIS ACT through second hand euphemisms? WHAT ARE THEY REALLY
Third paragraph. If I see a film in the Theatres this
weekend I guess it's Speak No Evil. That's interesting! Maybe
you'd like to join me! It'll be a real Speak No Evil weekend.
We're still allowed to Speak about other things, right? Just Not Evil?
SOUNDS FAIR. Are we allowed to Sign Evil? Write Evil?
Sounds like a gray area. Maybe the title of the movie I see The
Week After will help clarify. It's not a perfect system but it's
the best one we have! Anyway, James Earl Jones died. I guess
he's in his own Field Of Dreams now! I guess he's in his own Star
Wars now! That's how that goes. When someone with The Force
dies, they never really are gone! They're still with us as part of The
Force. What if we aren't one with the Force. Oh.
Then YOU'RE MISSING OUT. But for Those Of Us WITH The Force, it's a
party! Hmm. I HAVE THE FORCE? Yeah! Barely!
A little bit! Just got a little bit on me that I can't get it off!
I've tried to wash it off but it's like Venom! Just can't get rid of
it! Maybe I should make better use of it. Oh. So
now I KNOW BETTER THAN ME, do I? Hmm. I'll think about what I
should do with My Force in my free time. During recess. Right
now I got an entry to write!
OK. I just happened to be up to one of The Simpsons episodes
with James Earl Jokes last night! What serendipity. Also
Serendipity is such a pretty word but such a horrifying concept. OH
Stuff. Why is it happening. That's my official position.
COLLIDING or COLLUDING?? Oh No! Hmm. What if Luke
Skywalker just shrugged his shoulders and didn't do anything about fighting
Darth Vader. THEN MAYBE JAMES EARL JONES would be alive today.
I may be making some continuity errors there. Anyway. They
should make some NEW Star Wars movies but that are ORIGINAL and NOT IN TEH
STAR WARS UNIVERSE. Just totally original ideas that are in their own
unique worlds! Don't even need to be Science Fiction! WHAT'S
STOPPING THEM. That's great, just great. I know Kamala gonna
knock it out of the park tonight but HOW is she gonna knock it out of the
park. WHAT KINDA WAY is she gonna present herself to the voters.
I'm ready to endorse her performance but I dunno yet what performance I'm
gonna be endorsing! Lots of different positive flavors she can
give. Hmm. Should be fun to watch WHO IS THIS KAMALA HARRIS
Fifth paragraph! I don't think enough people are appreciating
that DARTH VADER IS FINALLY DEAD. We can all go about our lives a
little bit more freely now! Whew. Darth Vader was GOOD
the last I saw him. Threw the evil emperor down a well or something.
A Hall. I dunno what you call it. He threw him down a big hole.
Great! If they ever get George W Bush to be the lead singer of
Courtney Love's band Hole I assume they'd rename the band Whole.
But the odds of that happening are basically zero. ANYWAY I
watched the Sopranos finale scene with Smells Like Teen Spirit in the
foreground and it wasn't that great! Maybe if I synced it up better by
a second it would have made all the difference. BUT PROBABLY NOT.
Maybe if I had the music and TV coming from the same speakers it might have
helped. Probably just wasn't that great pick of a song! The GAME
PREMISE is still solid, though. Pick random songs to play over the
Final Scene In the Diner. See how it plays out! I'M CONTRIBUTING
TO SOCIETY. You have to listen to Don't Stop Believing AS WELL,
though. You gotta listen to The DIALOGUE and SOUND EFFECTS. Ya
can't MUTE the TV. So you're gonna have to keep The Journey as well.
So you're gonna have to double up on Song. IT'S AN IMPERFECT GAME.
Halfway through the entry! I guess! DEBATE TONIGHT.
How can I debate tonight. Should I take sides with The Morning and
Afternoon? I'm not SURE whose side I'm on! Hmm. WHY
are we treating Trump like a normal candidate. How many times do we
have to wonder this! Unlimited. Until it's over!
IT NEVER ENDS. It might one day! Hmm. Maybe it ends
TONIGHT. I guess we'll have to wait and see! THUS FAR too
often do they tend to treat Trump, the fascist psychopath, with kid gloves.
And Harris, the competent one with bipartisan support, with skepticism.
Will tonight's moderating be MORE OF THE SAME? We'll see! It'll
be on the spectrum! It'll be somewhat disappointing and somewhat not
the most horrible it could be! Will it register as HEY IT COULD
HAVE BEEN WORSE! or as HEY... it could have been worse... I guess...
I dunno! Maybe it MIGHT register as THIS WAS THE WORST or
THIS WAS GREAT. Who knows! I can't narrow down what the
future might be. I don't even know what THE PRESENT is. I know
I'm sitting at my computer writing SOMETHING. Can't really say
Seventh paragraph! Four more paragraphs to go.
Probably gonna get Oh I Don't Know a VEAL CUTLET HERO for tonight.
Parents want Italian Restaurant. I think that's the way to go.
Sans cheese and tomato sauce! Just plain fried veal cutlet!
Could be good! That's my premise going in! OH NO scandalous
details from Dave Grohl's life! He had a baby OUT OF WEDLOCK.
He's LOCKED IN WED to someone. He had a baby OUTSIDE OF THAT
CUSTOM. Anyway. I'll always cherish my memories from When
I Read His Book. Made me feel good. The way he related not just
to music but to people. Was just really inspiring on both ends.
This doesn't disappoint me or anything. Obviously it's a Social
Negative Thing To Do but who cares. Doesn't effect ME. I just
wish him the best moving forward no different than I did yesterday! I
particularly the ones who made me feel good about myself. They get
BONUS luck. I'm sure they appreciate it. And if they
don't want my Good Luck Offering, I rescind my offer! Take it back!
Save it for someone who wants it. That's how that goes.
Three paragraphs to go. Amazing! What's Dave Grohl's
New Daughter's name. If it's not an Official Daughter, does that mean
she doesn't get An Interesting Celebrity Name? Hmm. Also was she
just born or is this story backdated and she's actually 25? WHO KNOWS.
No way to find out! I can't do more research on this story! I'm
busy! Anyway. Tomorrow is 9/11. Or as I like to call it
.818181818... You use fractions, I use decimals! Different
people see the world different ways! Some people don't see the world
at all! They're called Blinds! They use other senses to feel the
world! I feel like I would adjust to being blind pretty quickly.
If I lost my sight when I was younger I'd take it pretty personally.
And be really upset. But these days? MEH. What do I really
need to see that much! I GET IT. I'd miss The Womanly Body, I
guess. Still get to feel it if I ever find a mate. Get to
SCRATCH AND SNIFF. Huh. They say that Justice Is Blind.
That way it can tell if you're being JUST OR NOT! Justice BETTER have
Great Eye Sight. That's the whole premise of making sure Everyone In
Society Is Being Just! If Justice Is Blind then EVERYONE GONNA GO
Penultimate paragraph. Justice Is Blind means that
Justice Applies to All Shapes And Sizes uniformly. It doesn't care
WHAT YOU LOOK LIKE. Justice Gonna Apply To ALL OF US The Same!
Oh. I Guess! Let's See If That Holds True! CAUSE I DON'T
KNOW. Anyway. Justice applies to Just Us. How about
THAT as a BITING REMARK. I'm not sure what it means but HOLY COW.
Anyway. If Justice Is Blind it means that it's other senses are
heightened. So Justice can HEAR Really Well! Whatever. Why
do blind people wear sunglasses. Do they really care SO MUCH that They
Look Cool? Of all subsets of people to be concerned That They Look
Hip! C'mon! Anyway. Sunglasses are what Awesome People Wear.
And it's what blind people wear. Blind people I guess are compensating
for being blind by trying to seem like they're Cool! I feel like I
made that joke before. Of all the jokes I could repeat! I
HAD to repeat THAT ONE. I DON'T LIKE IT. Then again what can
ya do. This is the world that we live in! Anyway. Dave
Grohl must have had sex in order to have that daughter. I feel like
that must have been really great for him! I got nothin.
Last paragraph! He probably likes having the
daughter, too! He likes having family type friends! Real People
Person this guy! Whatever. ARE Foo Fighters playing the debate?
I haven't seen any confirmation one way or the other. Is that a
joke. No. But it's also not NOT A JOKE. Not sure
WHAT you would call it. IS THERE A WORD FOR WHAT IT IS.
Not sure. We may have to invent a word for What That Is. Or
just Ignore It! ANYWAY. Moving on! Got another shot at
writing a good entry tomorrow. I DID NOT succeed today. But I at
least get another chance! That's a relief! More opportunities to
fail! Amazing! I don't even know Who I'm Writing To. That'
part of my problem. If I had a better sense of my Audience then I'd
know What To Write. I mean, yea, my audience Is ME. But
DEEPER than that! Cause in reality the audience is YOU and I want to
DO YOU RIGHT. It's true! Hmm. In the meantime though I
guess I'll wrap this crap up. See ya tomorrow!
-4:28 P.M.
September 9, 2024
We Have The Entire Entry In Front Of Us
friends! Gotta do this now... Just had some White Castle. It was
not Fresh! It was the second half of what I ordered from last night!
You're Welcome! I guess it's not a clean Halve.
Still got some fries and a chicken ring left over. Great! I had
a fun weekend! I accomplished so much that I never will get to
experience again! BeetlejuiceBeetlejuice. Finished Kurt
Cobain Book. Watched Sopranos documentary. WROTE some phrases.
READ generic news personalities social media. Now that I think
about it It Kind Of Sucked. Kurt Cobain's life kinda sucked almost
the entire time! The book didn't really do a good job conveying that
He LIKED Music Or ANYTHING. Kind of a BUMMER all the way through!
Now I gotta read another book BY THE SAME GUY next? On Jimi Hendrix?
Maybe Jimi Hendrix specifically had a lust for life! I dunno
that sounds more like Iggy Pop. Hmm. Iggy Pop sounds more like
the name a musician would adopt TODAY in 2024 than one they would take in
the 1960's or whenever Iggy Pop is from. I GUESS IT'S TIMELESS.
Good Name! I don't like it. I dislike most popular music
artist names! That's how you know it's a good name! If I don't
like it!
It steals the first name from musician Iggy Azalea and steals the
last name from A Genre And Otherwise Many Faceted Word. PEOPLE LIKE
Fun! Anyway. The nice low-end-of-mid-shelf headphones I got for
my 8 track fuckin' stopped working at some point. OR my guitar cable
stopped working. NOT SURE. For some reason I'm being stopped
from recording new music BESIDES lack of inspiration. On the technical
side I'm facing difficultities! JUST LETTING YOU KNOW why you haven't
heard any new hit singles lately from me! Also Lack Of
Distribution. Also how can you hear multiple hit singles from someone.
Sounds like it would just be a single double or triple or quadruple.
TWO OR THREE HIT SINGLES isn't how the word, "Single," works! You
need to work on your English Skills please. Looks like Linkin Park
got themselves a new singer. FEMALE! They're the ones with
Linkin Park because sometimes you need some Dumb Music to get ya going.
What, am I above Dumb Music? No! I'm not! I don't know
their entire discogrophy but I DON'T HOLD HATE IN MY HART for you if you do.
What's dumb about them. Why am I putting them down on
ANY level. Exploitative. They take advantage of People, often
YOUNGPEPLE, Feeling Things and force them to ListenGroove To The Songs as a
way of Coping With Those Feeligns. Isn't that how all music works.
ANGER, though. DEPRESSION. They take advantage of NEGATIVE
FEELIGNS. Hmm. I don't know what points I'm making. It's
called Free Association! I ASSUMED I had points to make and then just
let My Fingers Fly! Either way Young People gonna be Angry And
Depressed at some point, right? Might as well have Linkin Park TAP
DISCUSSION. A winner. Huh. How?
Because I'm done with it!
Hmm. Nirvana could be Angry and Depressing. Yeah but he was
Sarcastic and Ironic about it. He had a sense of humor with it!
Felt more Inwardlooking and Authentic, too! Whatever. It doesn't
matter. HMM. Just had a good idea to edit the final scene of The
Sopranos with the Soprano Family in the diner but instead of Tony putting on
Don't Stop Believing he puts on Smells Like Teen Spirit. That
would be a FUN SOCIAL MEDIA GAME where people edit it WITH ANY SONG UNDER
THE RAINBOW. It's HILARIOUS for thousands and thousands of songs!
But off the top of my head Smells Like Teen Spirit sounds like a funny one
to watch!
Man. I can do that just from the confines of my own
home. Without doing committing it to Video. Just watch the scene
on my TV and play music on my phone. And laugh myself silly.
I think I just figured out how to spend my next few months.
Anyway. What else is up. SOUNDS DUMB when you think about it,
huh? MAYBE I'M DUMB when you think about me, huh? Could
be! Hmm. Anyway. Fourth Paragraph! Still lots of
slots open for Thursday Late Night Comedy Writing Class! UGH IT MIGHT
BE CANCELED AT THIS POINT UGH. Anyway. If I'm not taking
a UCB Late Night Comedy Writing Class Taker WHO AM I? I DUNNO. I
It is our actions that define us! OR possibly what we say. OR
PERHAPS our Name and DNA COMBO. Hmm. HEY I got a haircut this
weekend, too! Shaved myself beforehand! Saved a few dollars that
way. The haircut is okay! Cut real short! Nothing fnacy!
Just Real Short Short Haircut! I dunno if you can even CALL IT A
HAIRCUT. It's just NOT A LOT OF HAIR THERE. That's how I
would describe it! Anyway. WHAT ELSE IS GOING ON? GOOD
Big split between Men and Women for whose voting for Harris and
Trump. HMM. AS A MAN maybe I can help convince OTHER MEN to
vote for Harris! I AM UNIQUELY SITUATED to convince MY FELLOW MAN to
PROOF I CAN RELATE. Now that that's out of the way, Harris is a
HERO and Trump is a DISASTER. She's got all the policies and
qualities you want as a Man and he's got NONE of them. She is a
competent person and DOES GOOD THINGS. While he is a demented fascist
who will do literally nothing to help you. Also maybe YOU WILL get
more sex ultimately if you're a Harris supporter! I DON'T KNOW THE
MIGHT JUST FEEL A BIT MORE SEXY. That may just be the way things
shake out! So that's good! Anyway. WHY DIDN'T I SAVE
TEH WORLD WITH THIS PARAGRAPH. I'm not convinced I changed quite
enough minds with these sentences. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME.
Everyone knows Kamala gonna usher in an era of Nonstop Sex! If you
don't wanna believe me that's ON YOU.
Halfway through the entry. WHAT IF I'M THE
Makes sense! But Kamala Harris is ALSO GOOD FOR DEMOCRACY AND THE
Did Dick Cheney REALLY say he's not gonna vote for someone because they
tried to steal a presidential election? I Mean, that's CORRECT, it's A
WRONG THING TO DO. But you do realize YOU DID THAT AS WELL, right?
SUCCESSFULLY. I'm not sure you realize it or not! You might have
ELECTION YOURSELF, in case you don't know! Anyway. I
dunno. Let's see. If it gets more votes for Harris, fine, take
the endorsement! Maybe it takes away votes from Harris!
Everytime I associate Cheney(s) For Harris is a moment I'M NOT associating
Someone/Something GOOD OR POSITIVE for Harris! Hmm.
What an Asshole! Biggest douchebag of the millenium! Hmm.
I remember when I was a kid, the show BIOGRAPHY on A & E was counting down
The Top People of the millenium. In the year 2000. And I was
like, When They're Celebrating How Great I am, In 3000, They'll Be Like,
Hmm. What can I do in my life to ensure I'll be on those
lists. Write some plays. BE SHAKESPEARE. Off the
top of my head I can't very well INVENT things or something! I DON'T
KNOW WHAT TO INVENT. I can sure as shit WRITE SOME PLAYS, though,
I can't do that either if we're being honest with myself. Hmm.
Easy, then, Let's Not Be Honest With Myself! ALRIGHT.
ANYWAY. Maybe it WOULD be easier to invent something. Huh.
Something that flies. What if I invent something that DIDN'T FLY
but NOW IT FLIES. Ok that's a start. Lemme workshop that in
private. Anyway. I DUNNO. I dislike this entry a lot
now that I think about it! But the good news is I ALREADY WROTE IT so
But the good news is I SHOW REMOURSE RIGHT NOW. But the bad news
ACTIONS are what count! Also COUNTING IS WHAT COUNTS. When you
count. Numbers! Counting is what counts!
Three paragraphs to go. What if they fact checked Chump at
the debate tomorrow night. People would love it! They'd go out of
their minds! Something so simple would bring so many people such joy.
Hmm. Anyway. Let's see. I dunno. I liked
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice a lot! I don't know if there's many films
coming up in the next couple months that I'm looking forward to that much,
though! Joker II should be okay. I'm looking forward to that at
about a 7.5 out of 10! THAT'S MOSTLY IT. Most films coming up
BOTH WORLDS. I may be misusing that phrase. There are two
possible cinematic worlds we can live in For Some Reason. The filmic
world I'm in ISN'T THE BEST OF THEM. I'm surely gonna get
SOMETHING out of a lot of these movies that are gonna be released but NOT
THE MOST. AH WELL. These things come and go IN PHASES.
Maybe 2026-2028 we get a nice stretch of HOLY SHIT SOME NICE ASS FILMS.
Probably will! WE GOT NOTHING BETTER TO DO. That's how I
Penultimate paragraph. ANYWAY. MAYBE I write a bunch of
films. I'm FILM SHAKESPEARE. I can do that! Probably.
Seems pretty striaghtforward. Come up with some titles RIGHT NOW off
the top of my head. Machead. Titlead. Henry The Sixteenth.
Jaunter. Alright that's enough it'll take me a decade to write all
those films I'm covered for now. HMM. Writing those titles
of those Moments Of Self Realizations. I've Been Full Of Shit FOR
VERGE of A Good Epoch. I'm ABOUT to Start Writing Well. So
what, who cares, either WRITE GOOD OR DON'T. Huh. Well, when you
put it that way, I seem like an asshole for This Entire Entry! Huh.
Start Writing Rosily! You don't know how it works! You can't
PROVE it doesn't work that way! ANYWAY. Hmm.
Tomorrow Will Be A Good Entry. I'M CALLING IT. Right now!
And Next paragraph will be a 5 out of 10! I'm calling it. Right
Okay. We'll see. Sick of seeing POLLS of the
presidential race. I don't know what they MEAN. I don't know
guess I should stop looking at things that confuse me. Okay.
What should I look at. I dunno. Really not that much out
there that makes me happy. Most things I don't like. I guess
I could read books instead of look at my phone and idlewatch TV. I
like books! That sounds too much like a Good Idea. Not sure I
like the sound of that. Suspiciously Smart! Makes sense,
though! Maybe I should try to remember that going forward! HMM.
BOOKS. What if I'm the Johnny Appleseed of Books. IF I GET
PEOPLE TO READ BOOKS I could be the biggest hero not just of the 2000's but
OF ALL TIME. They said Gutenberg was the biggest hero of the 1000's!
Because of the Printing Press! HE WAS RANKED #1! THUS if I
propagate Books I'll be #1, too! ALRIGHT. NOW WE'RE TALKING.
Anyway. You Guys Wanna Read Some Books? I'M JUST GETTING
STARTED. I remember in elementary school they sold you special things
to be book marks and now as an adult I realize Anything Can Be A Book Mark.
HMM. What do YOU use as a book mark? Let's get a discussion
going! OR NOT. In the spirit of books DO
NOT RESPOND TO ME. I'll see ya later!
-4:17 P.M.
September 5, 2024
You'll Like The Next Thing I Write
Entry! No beer, Vodka! Got three shot bottles, not two.
That's 50% more alcohol than usual with the entry! Figured I might as
well have a party! ANYWAY Party Time. Gonna go see
Beetlejuice x 2 tomorrow. Gonna get a haircut on Saturday or Sunday.
Whichever day they're open! I know barbers traditionally close one
day during the weekend. I forgetville which! Anyways!
If they make a third movie in the Beetlejuice franchise, they have to be
Very Careful not to summon Beetlejuice in the title of the film. Cause
if they keep going on the track they're on THEY ARE GOING TO.
Cracked that code. Is it just me or is the entire cast of that
film awesome. Maybe it's just me That's Awesome. I think I
misunderstood the question. Got a hamburger and cajun fries for
dinner. It's already here! There's nothing else TO that story.
I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO TELL YOU. I could elaborate on Where It Came From
but do you really wanna know? It's not very interesting! Looks
like Russia is back at its old tricks! I guess it just never
stopped. Paying people to spread Dis or Mis or Anti or Quasi or
Fanta Information to influence elections! For Shame. Let
America fuck with itself! We already are doing a pretty good job.
We don't NEED help!
Hmm. Is it possible I AM a Useful Idiot for Russia?
YES. VERY POSSIBLE. But what are ya gonna do. Live your
life. FOMO! YOLO. WWLAD. Lance Armstrong.
Don't people wear that bracelet on their wrists or something? What Would
Lance Armstrong Do? Anyway. Russia isn't paying me a dime.
But Russianesque people have GOTTEN ME HIGH before! That's one way to
go about getting someone to Think And Eventually Speak your way! I had
a roommate who was of Probable Russian background who dealt me weed for a
few months! If I'm a longterm Manchurian Website Writer we can go back
to that moment in life and BLAME IT ON THE RUSSIANS. Why not.
America has no agency. ONLY RUSSIA! I dunno. Maybe he was
a secret CIA agent designed to look like a Russian. Or Maybe he was a
secret CGI agent and he didn't even exist at all. COULDA BEEN COMPUTER
ANIMATED THIS ENTIRE TIME. The important thing is that I probably
wouldn't have ever had sex in life without him. He invited girl up to
our dorm to smoke weed and that's whom I eventually lost my virginity to!
Hmm. Sure sounds like a set-up. He got me sex and weed.
OF COURSE it was transactional somehow. So what did he get.
that makes sense.
He got to LAUGH. Third paragraph. I may have paid
for the weed some of the time! Some of the time he shared, some of the
time I paid! THAT'S NORMAL. He also had sex with the girl
himself after she was done with me! THAT'S NORMAL. I really
don't like you jumping to conclusions about My Friend. Anyway.
He's the one who sold me the Bad Weed. That was laced with something.
That ended up making me crazy and I had to drop out of school. Ruined
my life! Hey, sounds like an asshole. May not have been a
Russian Asset but he DID Fuck My Shit Up. Then again I got high a
bunch and had sex. So I can't help but think back fondly on those
times! I woulda gone crazy eventually! If you're predisposed to
mental illness, you're predisposed! WHO CARES what eventually pushed
me over the edge! Anyway. It's possible he wanted my Room.
He was my suitemate and I had a single room by myself. And when I
eventually dropped out, I heard later that he had moved himself into my
room. Hmm. Might have been just making the most of a bad
situation. Or might have been part of the plan!
Hmm. Anyway. I've definitely been
brainwashed by America 100x more than this guy! DON'T WORRY
Anyway. Fourth paragraph. I don't wanna take the next week
off from the website! Gonna try to power through! So that's
good! Anyway. What's so wrong with, "Useful Idiots."
Idiots are usually, in general, not useful! That's why they're idiots!
FINALLY someone is utilizing them! But it's for Malevolent Reasons.
RUSSIAN reasons. Russia is a country that's up to no good!
They're authoritarian and whatknot! I don't like the way they do
things! On the other hand, Useful Idiot could be the title of
my autobiography. IF I EVER GET an autobiography book deal. IF
I DO then obviously I've led a Useful Enough Life so it's accurate.
What's Going On Again? Hmm. Ballsack is in pain right
now. I'm sitting on it. I'M GOING THERE. TOUCHING ON
THE SUBJECTS NO ONE ELSE DARE TOUCH ON. Ok it's loosening up now.
On it's own! Somehow the scrotum figured out how to alleviate itself
from the pressure that I was putting it under! Look my body is very
resilient it knows how to adjust to difficult circumstances is the point.
Fifth paragraph! What else is up. I really don't
think I'm the Russian Asset you need to worry about! I'm the
Russian Asset YOU DON'T need to worry about. Let's MOVE ON.
About halfway through my vodka supply. It's been fun! But I wish
I had more left compared to how much I already drank! So that's good.
Russiany Roommate specifically enjoyed Whiskey! Which I did, too!
It was a bonding experience between us both! So that's good.
Anyway. VODKA even LOOKS like it's in Russian. The sequence of
letters. V-O-D-K-A. VODKA. It's like I'm reading
Internet says Vodka is either from Poland or Vodka or possibly Sweden.
That would explain that! Yeah! Anyway AM I RIGHT that in a few
months we'll be closer to the early 2030's than the late 2010's? Lemme
crunch those numbers. I THINK SO. Lemme crunch those numbers
again. YEAH. Lemme crunch those numbers again.
What the hell. I'm gonna be like in my FIFTIES by the
time it's the 30's. No. I'll be 41 when The Ball Drops.
That's still Too Old. I dunno. The older I get, the less
old it seems! That's Cool. WHAT ELSE is going on. I
still feel pretty young at heart. I'm OLD at body and mind and soul.
Those are pretty much the main important things and they're all pretty
weathered and beaten down. HEART IS OKAY THOUGH. One out
of four things ain't bad! ANYWAY it's good to have an Old Soul.
What does that mean. You're Sensitive Like An Old Person.
Something like that! Young people don't take things seriously like
the elderly. Old Souls DO. ANYWAY. Sixth
paragraph. Not supposed to be taking walks in the park. There's
TICS abound. My mom warned me. Also, they're SPRAYING for tics!
I should be weary of that, too! EITHER WAY still taking Park Walks.
I don't play by Society's Rules. I'm a rebel! I still see
everyone else taking walks in the park. I'm not the only one Risking
It All! TICS ARE TOO. If they were smart they'd get the Hell out
of Dodge! Where is Dodge. I assume there IS A DODGE
somewhere. Montana? Indiana? California? LET'S SEE.
Kansas. That would have been my first guess if I were guessing
Wow! Four paragraphs to go! Then we're taking weekend
time! Which I may try to Live Rightly! HOW DO I DO THAT.
Masturbate to the right things! That's my main thing. I'm gonna
see the movie, get a haircut, finish Kurt Cobain book, ALL THAT IS VERY
IMPORTANT. But equally important is Masturbate To The Best Of My
Ability. AND THEN AND ONLY THEN can I claim I Weekended Right!
AMAZING. That's Life For Ya! The best way to masturbate
may be to Not Do It At All! But I don't think that's in the cards.
So let's see, how can I do it to Maximize My Benefits. Not just
momentary pleasure. That's Chump Change. How can I SPIRITUALLY
RISE ABOVE by masturbating to the right things Session To Session.
Hmm. We'll See! Anyway. I've gotten used to Kurt
Cobain over the last few weeks! Hard to accept that after this weekend
He'll Be Gone! Now I know how his friends and loved ones felt!
Not really. The impression I got of him is different than how he
really is. Now I know how people who read the same book as I did
at the same pace as I did felt! YEAH. I GUESS. Hmm.
Good chance I'll get to know and like Jimi Hendrix. I don't know
THING ONE about him. Must be a relatable person, too! He's a
Lefty as well. When it comes to guitar players, WHAT MORE DO YOU
NEED. We're all lefties. WE'RE ALL TEH SAME.
Three paragraphs to go. Amazing! I don't like
today or this week or this month! This month is only this week so
Anyway. I'm a big Tim Burton fan in the sense that I hear the name Tim
Burton and I go hey that's a respected name in the multimedia business
and I can point to a few films I've enjoyed that he's been involved in.
So that's pretty good. Batmen! Big Fish! Sleepy Hollow!
He's Fine! They don't make em like they used to. You couldn't
make Sleepy Hollow today! ...They already made it! Hmm. Did I
like Mars Attacks as a kid or did I just watch it 3 dozen times out of
boredom. Hard to say! I like the ensemble nature of it.
Don't get bogged down on one character! Always switching over to some
other people! I like that! Also the ultimate fate of a lot of
Main Characters is BAD. That doesn't happen in a lot of main stream
movies. Bad Stuff Happens to likable main characters! I
respect that! Hmm. I'LL NEVER SEE DUMBO THOUGH. Why would I
watch a movie that's INSULTING ME right in the title!
That's one way to finish a paragraph. Two more paragraphs
to go! Let's see. I like the new marijuana I got. The
EFFECTS are good. They only last 75% the amount of time as previous
marijuana, though! I guess I'll adjust! THE GOOD NEWS IS the
store I get marijuana from isn't gonna start sleeping with the girl I was
having sex with and then move into my room once I'm gone. Probably
not at least. I can't leave this room. I've got nowhere else
to go! And I'm not sleeping with any girl at the moment! No one
to steal! Hmm. Also it's A STORE. Not A PERSON.
Multi-peopled organization! Totally different set-up. Whatever.
Can't be a useful idiot for Recreational Dispensaries is the point which is
EXACTLY WHY I'm for Legalized Marijuana! Anyway. I believe I saw
Trump said a few days ago he's for legalized marijuana. YOUR MOVE,
KAMALA. P.S. the move is to also be for Legalized Marijuana.
Even Outflank Him. MANDATORY MARIJUANA. Seriously, though!
You can't let him get the marijuana vote! C'MON, MAN.
Last paragraph. The week is just about over. What
fun was had. I can't remember. I guess No Fun Was Had.
If we can't remember. Then it equals NONE. Oh. That's
too bad. YEP. THEM'S TEH BREAKS. Whatever! Let's
see. Main thing giving me structure in life is Upcoming Election.
I don't like it. I should have other things to focus on and give
me inspiration. Being on the Kamala Train though IS FOREVER.
That's Just The Direction The Country Is Going In. That's one way
to look at it. Kinda dumb, thuogh! Either way my life gonna
continue on past the election and I gotta start thinking about What Can I Do
For Myself To Get Stuff Going On. Hmm. I enjoyed drinking vodka today.
Is that something I can incorporate into my regular life? Sure.
Why not. Anyway. I don't DESERVE a good weekend. I
wrote a shitty four entries for the website this week. AH WELL.
If I were him I'd come back to life and sue Elon Musk. First he has to
deal with Edison stealing his shit. Then Musk steals his name.
WHERE DOES IT END. Alright. That's it. I'll see ya next week!
A WHOLE NEW WEEK! Amazing! See ya then!
-4:04 P.M.
September 4, 2024
Maybe I Should Try Harder
friends! Gotta write an entry now! I don't know how that's
supposed to happen! Just take it one sentence at a time.
I could break the entry up by many units. Paragraphs, sentences,
words, letters. Gonna go with ONE SENTENCE AT A TIME.
It's not The Best but it's The Easiest For Me! Anyway I ordered
Peacock. I started watching Life: Homicide On The Streets! I
don't pay that much attention so I'm not sure IF THERE EVEN IS A PLOT but
I'm definitely enjoying it anyway!
ALSO they got Mr. Monk's Big Movie on
Peacock! I started watching that! OKAY now we're all caught
up. I might take next week off from the website. Because I'm
running on fumes! I can't spell Fumes without me saying F U to ME.
And then there's an, "S," in there for good measure. I think I
should go Paragraph by Paragraph. Not sentence by sentence.
Okay. Fine. I Should Do Lots Of Things. ANYWAY School
Shooting in Georgia. Gotta wonder, what, was the kid waiting all
Summer to do this? School just started! Seems strange, there
hasn't been enough time during the semester for School to piss him off yet!
I SENSE A FALSE FLAG AFOOT. What do you expect when Real Guns are
CHEAPER than Super Soakers! Guy wanted to waterfight all summer but
couldn't afford the water guns so he waited until September and shot up his
Yeah! School Shooting in the news means once again we
get to Shrug Our Shoulders and Not Do Anything About Guns because WHY AGAIN?
I DUNNO. Just don't FEEL LIKE IT. Get around to it LATER.
I'm starting to suspect I HAVE THE POWER to control the lightbulb that goes
on and off in my room. I notice it goes on and off at INTERESTING
moments throughout my thought process. No, it's not like I consciously
think AND LET THERE BE LIGHT and then the bulb starts working again.
But I feel like there's some crossover between What's On My Mind and
Hey The Bulb Is Going Back On Or Going Back Off. And I'm
building my skills MORE AND MORE such that EVENTUALLY I'll be able to
control it completely. YEAH. Super Hero Powers!
Didn't see that one coming! Practice makes perfect I guess!
Okay. If I had Complete Control I'd just say TURN ON and STAY ON.
Boom WE'RE DONE. Can I apply my powers to Help Society?? I
dunno, I don't wanna PRESS. If I start doing too much that's gonna
make it seem like I'm unappreciative of the Gifts Been Given To Me!
I think I'll just Mostly Do Things That Help Me Specifically Mostly For The
Most Part. That's the noble thing to do! I help society a
lot when I'm helping myself. SEE? The light is on in my room!
If anyone else wants to come into my room THEY WILL BE IN THE LIGHT AS WELL!
Sure. I dunno. I like it when Society Succeeds
because I AM IN SOCIETY. ALSO, what if I get confused and forget Which
One I Am. So I wanna help All of Society! MIGHT AS WELL use my
powers to Raise All Sinking Ships just in case one day I forget Which One I
Am! I wanna make sure I benefit in the end! Oh okay
that makes sense. Sounds like I'm getting pizza tonight.
Looks like Barron Von Trump is going to NYU. NOT A FAN. I WENT
THERE. AND I WANT TO GO THERE. I'm not a fan of him going there!
He better get the most out of that wonderful experience and appreciate it OR
ELSE. I suggest he picks up guitar and writes a dozen or two songs
over his freshman year. He may not have the most sex but it's tons of
fun regardless! In fact he may have the least sex but at least he'll
be doing what God put him on this Earth to do! Hmm. He gets to
eat at CAFETERIAS. What do they call them. MESS HALLS. No they
don't. Hmm. DINING HALLS. WOW! You can get your
hamburger with fries AND onion rings. That's dumb. Now that I
think about it I HATE THAT. Because of that specifically, 'm glad
I'm done with that part of my life. TIME TO GROW UP.
Fourth paragraph! I remember being perplexed by the
Dessert Station at the Serve-Yourself-All-You-Can-Eat Dining Hall.
Hmm. I just ate an entire meal. More than I needed. Now I can
just have SOME CAKE AS WELL. Go Figure! It's not that
confusing when I type it out. Anyway. MAYBE I was confused
Why isn't EVERYONE having cake? That might have been it. I
might have been returning to the table and been like Hey guys why aren't
you all eating cake, too? But only Privately In My Head.
Hmm. Anyway. Also, Baron Trump, don't neglect your studies!
What you hear outside your dormitory window might be the most valuable life
lessons you'll learn! THE CITY is your campus and KNOWLEDGE is all
around! I lived on the tenth floor my Freshman year and I managed to
hear all sorts of interesting stuff from out on the street. That
doesn't sound possible. DON'T TELL ME HOW MY LIFE GOES. Huh.
Church Bell Rang. That's for sure! I HEARD THAT outside my window!
Maybe it was a clock. What sounds does a clock make.
Ticking. No I didn't hear ticking. Definitely was A
Church Clock Bell. Oh. Okay. Is this over yet.
Not quite. Got a few decades of life left to go. Oh.
WELL Lemme know when we're almost over!
I guess. SIX Paragraphs to go! Looking forward to Joker
II! I liked Joker I okay! It's a pretty polarizing movie!
I wasn't that polarized! I thought it was GOOD. I guess I'm
on the Positive Pole. But I didn't think it was the greatest thing
since sliced bread. ANYWAY. I wanna make a movie called COMIC.
But it's about the life of a REAL Stand Up Comedian. It has nothing to
do with JOKER except a very real similarity in Title. And I guess a
small similarity in plot. ALSO how am I qualified to write a movie
about a Stand Up Comedian. By the time I write the movie I'll have
been a stand up comedian for several years. I won't write this
movie UNLESS That's Been My Life! It's that kind of idea. ANYWAY
Pizza is no longer a Definite for tonight! My parents WERE gonna get
Italian tonight. Now they're gonna get NOTHING. What should I
do. I could get ANYTHING for myself! WOW. ANYWAY.
Would NOW be a good time for Kamala to make Gun Control an issue?
Probably! I think she could tap into a real groundswell of enthusiasm
at this precise moment to rally for gun control! Oh okay PLUS
saying that helped me finish this paragraph so it's Even More Good!
Five paragraphs to go. Might get Halal Food for dinner.
Baron Von Trump should definitely be experimenting with Halal Food while
he's at NYU. What's there to experiment. It's chicken and
lamb over rice. White and hot sauce. There's not much
complicated about it. Okay. Well, just DO IT then.
PLENTY of carts all around! HMM. What's he gonna major in.
Off the top of my head I assume business. Oh. I was gonna
make a joke answer. Business is probably the most accurate answer.
GREAT. Anyway. I read a headline earlier that Cooper Union
was re-starting a program they used to have where they gave free tuition to
Seniors. And I was like... Really? If someone is 70 years old
and gets admitted they can attend for free? Then I realized Oh,
it's after someone pays for college for three years, they get to attend for
the final year for free. Anyway. Fire Drills! Don't
discount a Dormitory Fire Drill as the potential Social Event Of The Season!
I got nothin.
Seventh paragraph! Oh No I'm going on the
generic version of a drug I was previously taking the brand name of.
Internet says they have the exact same ingredients and work the same.
Oh. THE INTERNET says it. If the internet told me to jump
off a bridge, would I do it? The internet isn't telling me TO DO
things. It's just telling me THE WAY THINGS ARE. If the
internet told me A Bridge Was Jump Offable, Would I Believe It?
POSSIBLY. I probably wouldn't do it out of an abundance of caution,
though! Unless I thought there was a bouncy castle below the bridge!
Or something else fun to hit as I land! I'd jump off a bridge if the
internet said it was safe, if I could see with my eyes it was probably okay,
and there was real incentive that I was gonna hit something fun and not
hard! Okay. Hmm. Ran out of my Super market supply
of beer for Tomorrow's Entry. Maybe I buy 2 shot bottles of liquor
instead of beer for tomorrow! If I'm gonna go out of my way to buy
alcohol maybe I treat myself with a unique experience and have some vodka or
whiskey or something. Equivalent alcohol amount of normal beer intake!
THREE paragraphs to go! Great! Today sucked but I'm
gonna look back at it tonight and figure out a way to trick myself into
thinking it was good enough. ALRIGHT! That'll do.
MAKE USE OF THE R.A.'s. They're residential assistants. They're
there to help you RESIDE. If you need any help Living In Your Room
that's what they're there for! Hmm. Maybe they'll lay in your
bed to show you an example of what it is you should be doing correctly.
BONUS POINTS FOR YOU if its a sweet, sexy lady! Hmm. What else
is going on. Gotta write an entry TOMORROW. Then I got at LEAST
a 3 day weekend and possibly AN ENTIRE WEEK OFF! ALSO I BET when I
return to writing I WILL BE GOOD AGAIN. Imagine that.
Quality Crap Coming Out Of My... Holes. Not sure what holes.
I'm not SPEAKING. I guess what I write is coming out of my Fingers
Extremities most accurately physically. Then into the keyboard.
Then into the computer. And then onto the internet. Then into
YOUR computer or phone. Then into your eyes. Then into your
brain. And that's how the website works. Hmm. When
I put it that way!
WHAT WAY. Anyway. I guess I could
always go back to NYU for Grad School if I had half a million dollars and
got accepted into one of their exclusive elusive programs. I'm
learning just fine by taking UCB classes One Pop At A Time!
MAYBE I'm getting dumber each class, I dunno, I'm not sure! We'll see
what happens eventually. At some point Me and UCB are gonna saturate
each other's market or something! One day I'll be like Hmm I've
taken 60 UCB Classes And I'm Still Terrible At This WHAT'S GOING ON.
And the UCB will be like What the Hell this guy has taken more classes
than anyone else ever and he's still terrible at this WHAT'S GOING ON.
So I dunno! We'll see what happens! Hmm. What else is up.
I guess we're almost done with the entry! WHY do I chew gum on walks.
And not any other time. What is it about walking that makes me think Well
if I'm gonna be outside, walking, I BETTER BE CHEWING SOME GUM FOR IT.
I dunno. Is it that I need to REWARD myself for the CHORE of walking?
Is it that it helps take my mind off the HASSLE of walking? Does the
gum give me ENERGY to walk? Hmm. Either way! Taking a walk
means a stick of gum!
Last paragraph! Wonderful! I should have tried getting high
today for the entry. I'd have written better! I dunno.
I don't like it. Too risky. I'd probably write better but
then I also risk Being Out Of My Mind. Maybe you need to be out of
your mind a little bit to write well. I DUNNO IF I LIKE THAT.
I don't wanna be Consciously Out OF My Mind when I'm writing!
UNCONSCIOUSLY, SURE. Consciously, though? Not my ideal way to
write! Hmm. Anyway. Everything I'm thinking and feeling
now is irrelevant! I'm gonna read back this entry tonight when I'm
high and I'm gonna be like WHO EVEN WAS THIS PERSON. So what's
the point in the end. I'm doing the best with what I have available
to me! I'm The Most Me I Can Be Right Now! Which is PRETTY
FAR OFF but I guess In Some Sense Relatively Close! So that's good.
How would I define myself. Go.... Uh... I DON'T KNOW. Not
who I am right now. Who I am right now is some sort of TYPIST OF
LESS-THAN-MEDIOCRITY. Ultimate Me is some sort of Slightly Better
Person! I dunno! No Spoilers! Anyway! I guess that's it
for today. Gonna just live a better life over the next 21 hours.
Play my cards right and I approach the entry tomorrow from the point of A
Solider Me! WOW. I'll see ya soon!
-5:19 P.M.
September 3, 2024
Is This Really Necessary
up my friends! You never consented to being my friend. Oh.
Lemme try again. What's Up Universe! You never
consented to being An Entity In The Universe. Oh. Lemme try
Just got back from a very combative Psychiatry appointment! I don't
need to get into all the details, but suffice to say I'm gonna start seeing
a new psychiatrist! This one was being a dick! Why don't
I need to get into all the details. I dunno. I typed em out but
then I felt it was too clunky! Either way gonna see this one one
more time and then she's transferring me to a new one! GREAT.
I'd say there's a 75% chance there's no real problems caused by Starting New
Psychiatrist. And maybe there'll be some benefits! I dunno!
HMM. I signed up for Writing 4 Late N4ght Television Class that starts
a week from Thursday!
Man. I have a head ache from
that Confrontation I had with Psychiatrist. We weren't yelling at each
other but there was definitely some Two Way Low Key Hostility in the
interaction! I don't love Hostility! I really went out of my way
to be nice! But she was really being offensive as a person and
completely unreasonable as a doctor. Hmm. I wonder what the
fight was about. Wow all I had to do was delete the paragraph I
wrote about it and now I half forgot! WHEW. I feel better
Anyway. JOKES. A guy, a person, and an asshole
walk into a bar. The guy says pour me a beer. The person
says I'd like a shot! The asshole says Nothing for me!
The bartender does what's expected of him. The guy drinks his
beer. The person drinks his shot. The asshole goes
WHAT, WHERE'S MY DRINK? The bartender goes But you didn't want
anything? The asshole goes No, I wanted a Nothing! YOU
KNOW, THE DRINK? A, "NOTHING?" Anyway. And that's just
off the top of my head! Okay. Let's see. A priest and a
rabbi are sitting at the baseball game. The Priest goes this team
wins every time I come. The Rabbi goes why do you think that
is? The Priest goes Because I get sexually excited when the
team wins. Hey that's not half bad! Could use some Punching
Up BUT IT'S GOT POTENTIAL. Hmm. A rabbi and a rabbit are locked
in an escape room together. They have thirty minutes to get out or
they'll both suffocate to death. The Rabbi says to the Rabbit, I'll
do all the work, you're just a rabbit. The rabbit says, WHAT
Anyway. Two paragraphs down! Is it possible
the Lite Nite Television Class will end up being cancelled? Right now
there's lots of spots left open! We'll see I guess! HMM. I
haven't had lunch in several days! We're talkin like four or five
days! I LIKE IT. Maybe I had one lunch in the last four or five
days. But for the most part-- No! ANYWAY. I don't need to
find myself a new psychiatrist or anything. I still see the same
General Hospital! They got a whole team of people! They'll find a new
person! Maybe they'll even transfer me back to an old person I used to
see! WOW. Maybe they'll put me back with the Doctor who
looked like Jane Lynch of Glee. She was alright! HEY I just
absorbed an ad for State Farm and YA KNOW WHAT? "Like a good neighbor
State Farm is there." I don't like it! GOOD NEIGHBORS ARE SEEN
AND NOT HEARD. I don't want to deal with neighbords. If
you really wanna be Like A Good Neighbor YOU'D LEAVE ME ALONE and STAY
OUT OF MY BUSINESS. Is that a joke or something. Sure sounds
like one! What's other commercials that are wrong. Burger King's
slogan is, "Have It Your Way." PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE. Might work
on TV usually but not in print.
Should I continue that riff. It's been fun so
far! Hmm. NYTimes is "All The News That's Fit To Print."
Gotta wonder... what of the news that's UNFIT To Print! I don't
like it. That one wasn't necessary. But I DO WONDER.
What qualifies as news but is unfit to print. Pornography News.
Oh I get it. Either that or news that challenges existing power
structures. Oh I get it. Hmm. How come I
don't have an official slogan. I don't need to. I don't
have anything I'm trying to distract from! Slogans are for GUILTY
organizations with something to hide! Anyway. I don't
think I'm gonna continue watching Better Call Saul. I'm about eight
episodes in and I'm not 100% sure what's happening. I LIKE IT.
It's pleasant to watch. But I don't know what the plot is! I'm
not absorbing it! Kinda good sign I should check out something else
instead! YEAH. I know the guy is some sort of lawyer.
And his actual name is Bob Odenkirk in what most of us consider real life.
I get that much. So That's Good! Anyway. You're In Good
Hands With All State. Gross. Hands are gross. I MAY
be grossed out by hands. I never thought about it before but it sounds
right off the top of my head.
Fifth paragraph. Hey maybe I get a haircut this
weekend. Been a while! Sounds about right. Plus, then my
head will be more attractive potentially! Possibly LESS attractive!
That's the gamble we take when we get haircuts! Anyway. Gotta go
into the haircut with a good attitude. The way I present myself
influences the haircut they give me! If I go in there with a positive
sense of self they'll be like this guy knows what he's doing, he's gonna
get the A+ Haircut Royale. But if I go in there like a jerk
they're gonna be like fuck this guy, I'm gonna make him look stupid.
So it's really on me to prepare! This is gonna be tough!
Probably gonna reinforce negative feelings and end up Feeling And Looking
Dumb and then I'll get a bad hair cut. Maybe I can just be HONEST with
the barber. Look, you and I both can tell I'm a jerk.
Just give me the haircut You'd Give A Successful Smart Attractive Positive
Person. Why Not What's The Harm. They'd do it if I were just
open with them! The point is the haircut you get just reinforces who
you were when you entered the barber shop? THAT SOUNDS FAIR.
Halfway through the entry. Huh! What else is up.
I musta made Similar Haircut Jokes before. WHAT? REPEATS?
Get out of town! Must be very jarring for the reader. It's
straight up OFFENSIVE to me, the writer, when I realize something I just
wrote is something I'm Pretty Sure I Wrote For The Website Before.
I'M OFFENDED by myself that I'd repeat jokes. SO that's good!
Anyway. Why can't I think of more things. Cause I don't have
anything going on in my mind. I'm really one of the dumbest people
there are. I'm the least qualified person in the world to write this
shit. Ah well. Maybe that makes me JUST THE RIGHT person to do
it. People who would be better at it IN FACT are actually
OVERQUALFIED. And who would want that! Possibly The Audience.
Oh. Right. Those Guys. Forgot about you. OK
time to get back into Jokes. TOMORROW. I GIVE UP. I
admit defeat for now. WAITNO. I admit defeat for the
paragraph. Not the day! I'm gonna give it the good ol' College
Try in a minute. Here we go.
I can't FORCE my brain to be entertaining. Well not with
that attitude I can't. Huh. The Hair Cut is is what FRAMES
the Brain. Yes there's skin and skull between as well. But the
hair is ultimately what covers the brain to other people! I'm not
sure that's accurate. Hmm. I was as polite as possible to
Pshyatrist today! I hope I don't get a reputation for being a jerk!
Future pshyatrist ideally isn't gonna go into the relationship thinking I'm
a Troublemaker! Because I'm not! I'm a Good Guy! REALLY.
Wonderful. SHE WAS BEING A DICK though! I don't think we need to
get into specifics! Anyway. What am I gonna do with the rest of
my life Today. I should read a quick chapter of Kurt Cobain book.
I'd enjoy it AND I've got the time! Only takes half an hour! But
I probably won't! Maybe I'll finally subscribe to Peacock so I can
watch HOMO-cide life on the STRAIGHTS. Sounds plausible. I
wonder if there are any actors-- teh folks who pretend to be characters--
that I'd recognize in it! Lemme LTURQ. They've. Got.
Three paragraphs to go. Whatever. I think I
like the new Marijuana. OG Kush. The effects MAY not last a long
time, though. It hits hard enough! But it MAY fizzle out
relatively quickly. OR I may not have been paying close enough
attention and that impression is faulty! Either way the exact feeling
was interesting and decent and pretty good! I guess I get to see
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice this weekend! That shuold be fun. PLEASE
let it be fun. How do I prepare properly to get the most out of it.
DON'T DO ANYTHING for 96 hours beforehand. Lay in bed hooked up to
an IV. No TV, no reading, no Food, Nothing! Well that's
one way to go about it. Couldn't HURT. I definitely WOULD
like the film that way. Still would like it The Other Way, too,
though! Oh no we're already close to 96 hour territory. Gonna
see it SOMETIME this weekend at least. Anyway. If they made a
sequel to 48 Hours what would it be called. I made that joke already
here. Almost deifnitely. But, in case I didn't, WHAT WOULD IT BE
CALLED. 96 Hours? 72 Hours? HMM. This is a tough
Penultimate paragraph. They did make a sequel.
It was called, "Another 48 Hours." Shows how much I know! I KNOW
YES. Hmm. I've been writing like shit forever. This
has been my entire life it feels like. There've been pockets of
quality over the course of time. Oh So You're Saying I Should Give
Myself Another Shot Tomorrow? I WOULDN'T GO THAT FAR.
Sound Like Good Advice. THAT'S RIGHT I'M A BAD ADVICE MAN.
Anyway. At least I'm giving myself the best bad advice I have at
my disposal! This is what I have available to me at the moment!
As soon as I get better information or intuition I'll update myself
appropriately! Whatever. People are READING THIS. And
CORRECTLY THINKING IT'S BAD. What the hell. That's going on.
RIGHT NOW. Amazing. So what else is up. Maybe no one
is reading this. No. People are reading it! Maybe
it's not bad. No. It's definitely bad!
Last paragraph! I never wanna write this shitty again.
Well then just don't enter the barbershop in this kinda attitude again.
We covered this! You get the haircut you deserve/earn/need/believe
in/want/make sense in! SO that's good. What should I Do In Life
to arrive at the website tomorrow in a good attitude? Hmm. Do
normal stuff. But in my head, be like, I'ma Write Well Or Somethin, I
Dunno. That might be good enough! Off the top of my head
THAT'S ALL I GOT. We'll see if it's enough! It might come
down to WHAT SONGS I listen to while walking. I dunno. Maybe
I should listen to music from the 1960's-1970's. WHY. I
was looking around in my room and the first thing I saw was my box of
MONOPOLY in my closet and that made me think of MONO VS STEREO which made me
think of Old Time Music. Feels like they don't have too much of a mono
vs stereo debate with Newer Music. REALLY ONLY A PROBLEM when
you're talking about The Beatles or The Kinks or something. Anyway
I guess that's it! I think we're ready to put today behind us!
I'll see ya tomorrow!
-5:11 P.M.
September 2, 2024
Hey You'll Appreciate This
Friends! Nice to see you again! Happy Labour Day! Today is
the day we celebrate labor by Not Doing It. Why should we! It's a
chore and a hassle! I'm doing labor right now. That's
cause I happen to have an essential job. I'm a first responder and
whatknot. Read more Kurt Cobain book! At this point it's mostly
about Heroin! What an idiot. Imagine how good a life he could
have had if he just never did heroin! ALSO imagine how good a life
I could have had if I just never had mental illness, was a foot taller,
and also had Super Powers! Why did I choose to forgo all that!
Hmm. Started Better Caul Saul. It's an okay show so far!
Part of me likes it, part of me thinks my time would be better spent
elsewhere. Oh so I should be watching St. Elsewhere. That
SOUNDS like a TV Show At Least! It took place Some St. Other
Location. What else is important to touch on in the INTRODUCTORY
PARAGRAPH. Added Beyonce -- Freedom to my presumable playlist.
By which I mean I started listening to it now and then. It pumps me
up! Give it a shot yourself, I say! THERE. Next paragraph
it's time for some CONTENT.
Man. I accomplished SO MUCH this weekend. The stuff I
just said. I wrote a few dozen phrases that could be Generic Titles.
And, if not, at least now I have Phrases In My Notebook. I can LOOK AT
THEM. WHAT DO THEY MEAN? They must mean something! HMM.
Where does my inspiration COME FROM. What divine source GAVE ME
Today's Title. And are they putting me on the right track or
leading me astray! I think I'm on the right track. Plus,
I got titles for miles! Most Or All of my upcoming titles will
probably be Currently Unwritten Ones but I have plenty to pick from if I
can't come up with any! Hmm. I just wanna say things that don't
not make sense. God, if you're up there, give me some phrases that
people can read and understand! God's gonna grant that request
because why not. If you pray to God asking for very little
SOMETIMES HE'LL SAY YES! Anyway GOOD NEWS suddenly my For You Feed in
Twitter is full of Polish Tweets! Pretty sure Twitter just decided I
was being too engaged with Democratic Politics and was like That's not
good Let's just give him some hits with a language he doesn't understand.
How many Poles does it take to screw in a light bulb. TWO. One
to screw it in and The Other To Be Dumb About It! Hmm. How many
Americans does it take to be RUDE. ONE. AND HOW DARE THEM.
I highly doubt Polish people are any stupider than the rest
of us. Unfortunately for them The Rest Of Us are pretty stupid!
We're all terrible with light bulbs is the point. Anyway. One of
my two Room Lightbulbs keeps going on and off for like the last 3 weeks.
This is ridiculous. Pick a side at some point! On or off!
I'm always reading my book and then all of a sudden it gets darker and I'm
like OK I guess my eyes gonna have to focus a bit harder now.
Thanks for nothing Light Bulb. How many Americans does it take to
figure out to replace the lightbulb that isn't consistently working.
I dunno! If it still is light half the time maybe I wanna milk it as
much as possible! Maybe I'm being CONSERVATORY you idiot!
Anyway. How many Poles does it take to be on the Earth. Two.
North and South! Seems like there might be an unofficial East and
West Pole? Hmm. Probably not! Lemme LTURQ. NOPE.
Nothin' like that. Anyway. I should shave soon. I
dunno. Shaving is more of a Weekend activity. That's
THE DEVIL talking. I watched that Lee Daniels Exorcist-type movie.
That was okay! I watched Adam Sandler's concert show movie! That
was alright! Half of it I enjoyed a lot and half of it felt a little
off! Hmm.
Fourth paragraph. How many Polish Posts do I have
to click Not Interested In for the algorithm to realize OH
can start to learn Polish. If I really put the work in, This Might Be
The First Day Of The Rest Of My Life! POLISH POSTS ARE TEH FUTURE.
Anyway. Better Polandcentric content than lots of other countries!
Like what. I dunno of the top of my heat Lichtenstein. I
That island made out of garbage that they legally declared a country that
floats across the oceans. NOT MY PROBLEM. Anyway. I
enjoyed Kamala's interview last Thursday! Interviewer was giving her
shitty question prompts but Kamala gave solid answers one after another!
WOW. Starting to get the sense that Harris is just a straight up
COMPETENT person! WOW. I'd like to be competent one day.
Maybe in an alternative universe! Anyway. Polish. It's
a verb as well as a people. How many Polish people REALIZE THAT.
Okay. That's how that goes. It's possible I'm Part
Polish. The town two grand parents Are From has been traded between
Two Countries over and over so it's hard to say what country it is in the
end. IS one of those Two Countries Poland? Well I'd have
to guess so based on the way that story was framed! Ya never can
know for sure though! Anyway. If I ever became a history
teacher IS IT POSSIBLE one day the class would walk into the room to find on
Probably not! Because I wouldn't wanna lose my job! I probably
wouldn't lose my job from that. But I might get some rightful
pushback! Artificial Intelligence Google says 5.5-6 Million! Of
which 3 Million were Jews. Wow. I've always heard 6
Million Jews died in the Holocaust. I guess a full HALF OF EM were
Poles! I wonder if they were Dumb Jews. Interesting to
think about! I guess we'll never know because They're Gone Now.
Ethnically Cleansed! Also Polish people are not actually inferior.
Jewish, Not Jewish! Shouldn't be Ethnically Cleansed! I feel
very strongly about this!
Bought new marijuana yesterday! OG Kush.
Sounds like a classical strain. Tried it last night! Went pretty
good. Gonna refrain from giving it a review until I try it once or
twice more but I THINK I like it. ANYWAY WHAT'S UP. This entry
sucks so far. That makes sense. MY LIFE sucks so far.
That's okay! TIME HAS COME TO START ANEW! Great. Here We
GO. Got a Micro Psychiatry Appointment tomorrow. Not gonna tell
her how I really feel! It's really none of her business when you think
about it! Also, I don't know how I really feel. I
sometimes can accurately identify What I'm Thinking While I'm Thinking It
but I can't really track the long term trends and whatknot of What Goes On
In My Mind. Let's just LET MY BRAIN BE. It's not hurting
anybody! I stay out of it's way, it stays out of my way! I
dunno. I think sometimes my brain IS ALL UP IN MY SHIT. Hmm.
Even still. Let's try to not engage with my brain at all! I can
only imagine bad coming of it! Hmm. What's going on in my
brain right now. I THINK it knows I'm talking about it right now.
Seventh paragraph. At least I can identify Polish when I see
it! That's halfway there to understanding it I feel! Hmm.
I wish I could believe that this entry was entertaining and clever despite
being Terrible On Both Fronts. MAYBE I'm just So Great that even when
Wow that's cool that I get to self delude like that. IN SOME WAYS
It'll do for now, though! What else is going on! This is just
the start of the month! I'm FEELING THINGS OUT. Tomorrow will be
a lot better most likely! Alright! Hmm. Gotta write 3.5
more paragraphs NOW though. Great. What's going on in the
wide world of sports. The METS got a few weeks left of Regular Season.
They are competing for a Playoff Spot! I wish them well! Gotta
imagine I'd watch some games if its the last game of the season with a
playoff spot on the line or something! OR if its IN the playoffs!
I don't watch the games at all this year but I follow the scores online
sometimes. SPORTS are important for some reason. One day we
might all collectively, at the same time, decide they're not important.
Three paragraphs to go. Just as entertaining as
anything else. Comedy or music or TV or movies. Certainly could
make as much a case for sports as any of that bullshit. What if I
were to tell you NONE OF THIS MATTERS. Oh. Then I'd say I
I'm not making a good case for Everything Matters by writing A Website Entry
ME. Oh. Sorry. But it's only because I'M BUILDING UP TO
BETTER. Right? Possibly! Maybe. Maybe not!
I guess we'll have to just Keep Reading To See! GREAT.
What's so bad about heroin anyway. Just let people do it! So the
guy does Heroin. What's the big deal. Some people don't do
heroin, some people do do heroin. 31 Flavors Of Iced Cream!
Anyway. I dunno. I've probably done worse drugs than the regular
ones that I'm totally conscious of. Definitely smoked some Weed Spiked
With SOMETHIN. I dunno WHAT. But there was SOMETHIN to it, this
weed I was smoking for a Couple Month Period Of My Life a good while back!
Not heroin. I'm leaning towards thinking it was a stimulant.
MAYBE CRACK. Hard to say exactly!
Penultimate paragraph. Whatever it was, I felt
like SHIT during periods of time I Wasn't Smoking It. So there's that!
Anyway. The point is I've led a charmed life! Getting
Bonuses! Lucky Me! I don't know. It wasn't good in the
end! That was possibly the impetus for my mental illness! That
shit pushed me over the edge! Anyway. Keep thinking a little bit
about returning to Tobacco Cigarettes. It'd make my life better!
I WON'T do it because it's stupid. But I'd be happier!
Sometimes life requires you to Be Stupid. Either for yourself or
for the Universe around you. SO I DUNNO. Let's See.
Entry, huh. I can handle that! I already did. IT SUCKED
but IT HAPPENED. Great. Is it possible YOU DON'T DESERVE a good
entry? And that's why I wrote poorly today? Here I thought I
was doing incorrectly but it might be possible YOU'RE in the wrong!
That sounds pretty plausible. I dunno. Everyone deserves
some light hearted laughs! I dunno what anyone could have done to Not
Earn This Website At Its Best. Surely SOME people Do Wrong.
That's true. But how can I PUNISH THEM and REWARD OTHERS at the same
time. Hmm that's a tough one.
Last paragraph! Amazing. I don't know
anything about Jimi Hendrix's life! I guess I'll start finding out
about that Relatively Soon! I know he died of a drug overdose when he
was 27. Presumably his death was a small fraction of his life!
Anyway. I Like this author okay. Who also wrote the Kraut Cobain
boook. I don't feel the strong personal connection I felt when I read
Kathleen Hanna or Dave Grohl's or Some Others Autobiographies. But I
still get into the narrative of Kurt Cobain's life a good amount! He
paints an interesting picture of Kurt Cobain! But it's more of AN
I MIGHT BE AN OTHER MYSELF. Interesting. Anyway.
What else is up. Sometimes I feel like Man I Just Wrote The
Shittiest Entry Of All Time Plus This Might Be The New Normal but then I
realize I Feel Like That 1/6 Times And I Always Bounce Back. So
it's all good! What else is up. It's a Holiday! In
the words of The Clerks Guy I shouldn't even be here today!
Wonderful. Uh oh. 1/6 Times? JANUARY SIXTH?
Yep they're letting that guy run for president again! He Might Win.
THE GUY WHO DID JANUARY SIXTH. Lots of people in power are okay with
WEBSITE. No one gets their news from this website. THEY
WOULD IF THEY COULD. Anyway. I'll see ya tomorrow!
-3:52 P.M.